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.~---~ .~AkiDF'ORMNu.ApprOVed For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 0 ce Memo~^andum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To Chief, Services Division FROM Chlef, Number of persons on duty-------- susJ$cT: Report of Operations for the Period 2 through 31 October 19 1. ~tatus of Personnel: a. Number of persons authorized-----~ 3. udit: p ~ u v a. The following information is furnished relative to E arch Accounts auditedr Acco t No. No. of Vouchers Audited No. of Rooms Inventoried 2oA ~ ~ ~~ (12 ) items listed., orb P~`c~erty Turn Ins for which replacement '. s. . wa3 requ~a , i~ was determined that same should be retained wit in the us' ng ~i,ty~, b Relative to ten (10) of the one hundred twenty-four a. y wer conducted which included. one hundred twenty-four (12lt) it s of non-expendable property listed on Property 'T'urn Ins, For No. 36..2. A tag was attached to each item being ret ed to the warehouse indicating recommended disposition. Thirt {30) separate inspections of F`GVT property is progress and is approximately 65~ complete. It is est' ated that the equivalent of 2,560 vouchers have been au 'ted during this period. The audit is being conducted as out fined in paragraph 3b of the Report of Operations for the period 1 through 31 August 1950, dated 1 September 1950. !~. Property Inspection and Utilization: 139 289 111 nATB: 1 November 1950 60 200 60 b An audit of Supply Account No, 3 (Office Equipment) Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~ ~ ~ .~ 6 A I Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Six {6) investigations were conducted, and findings submit ed to Chief, Services Division, relative to requests for Cl ss -~A4t and ~BK equipment. 5? Survey Reports and R?ports_of Inventory Adjustments: Two (2) S~,irvey Reports (00175 and 00177) were inves- tigate~and submitted to the Chief, Services Division for approv , Three (3) Survey Reports were submitted to the y Survey Board at their meeting held on 6 October 1950. d follow up correspondence was prepared and distribution e? Seven (7) Reports of Inventory Adjustment were pro- cesse and submitted to the Chief, Services Division for appr o al. d. One (1) motor vehicle was investigated and Inves- tigat on Report prepared. Same will be presented to the Prape ty Survey Board at their next meeting. 6. M~.scellaneous: a. The necessary preliminary action has been taken to effec the separation of Special Support Staff from the Office of Sp cial Operations xith regards to property accountability. The C ief, Special Support Staff was requested to appoint an indi 'dual vrithin the activity to the position of Accountable Offi er for French Account No. 250. An inventory of all property now f Speci;~. Support Staff will be conducted by the The results of tree inventory ~i.ll be listed in t e orm o a credit voucher to Branch ,~eeount No. 70 (OSO) and debit voucher to Branch Account No. 250 (SSS}. b. An investigation relative to the ratio of accidents bet en CIA Chauffeurs and Couriers was made, and findings subm tted to the Chief, Services Division. c. The monthly monetary value report for all non- expe dable property charged to National Security Council was prep ed and forwarded to the Chief, :Sapp y Branch? Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~AHr :ROFO Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 O~lce ~VIe~YG0YGL~ZdZL~12;/ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I To ~ Chief, Se~vices Division nAT$: 2 October 1950 FROM Chief, SusJECT: Report of Operations for the Period 1 through 29 September 1950 to Bra ch ccounts audited; eyed on duty on 12 September 1950 entered on duty on 25 September 1950 1. Status of Personnel; a. Number of persons authorized................. b. Number of persons on duty.....,............... 2, Leave; a, Number of hours of annual leave taken.........46 b. Number of hours of sick leave taken....,......l~6 c. Number of holidays............. ............... 1 d. Number of hours of overtime used .............. 0 ~ ~ I a. The folloRing information is furnished relative .. a~ Account No. No. of Vouchers Audited 180 g5 b, An audit of Supply Account No. 3 (Office Equipment) is iri prog ess and is approximately 37~ complete, which involves some 3,000 voue ers. The audit is being conducted as outlined in para- graph 3b o the Report of Operations for the Period 1 through 31 August 19S , dated 1 September 1950. Property Inspection and Utilization: a. Seven~..een (17) separate inspections of FWT property Were condo ted which included forty-three (!~3) items of non-expendable property 1 sted on Property Turn Ins, Form No. 36-2I~. A tag was attached t each item being returned to the warehouse indicating recomarende disposition, Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~U~~iD~~' ~ ~ b, Relative to sight (8) items listed on Property Turn Ins for which replacement was requested, it was determ3.ned that same was not justified and items remained within the using activity. 5? Survey Reports and Reports of Inventory Adjustments: a. Three (3) Survey Reports were investigated and pre- pared for the approval of the Chief, Services Division. b, Fite (5) Reports of Inventory Adjustment were pro- cessed and submitted to the Chief, Services Division for approval. c. Two {2) accidents were investigated and Investigate. tors Report prepared for each. Same will be presented to the Property Survey Board at their next meeting. within the next month. 6. Miscellaneous: a. Limitations on thirty-six (36) -#common usef+ items of non-expendable property have been established for all Branch. Accounts with the exception of Nos. 110 (Administration Building) and 220 (Office of Collection and Dissemination). Limitations for these two accounts plus will be established 25X1 b. Survey and recommendation was made to Security Division to have two rooms in "M" Building secured in order that ordinary key lock cabinets could be utilized rather than insulated combination lock cabinets. It was estimated that this action would .result in a saving of approximately nine thousand dollars {9,000.00) based on the difference in price of two types of filing cabinets in- volved. Final action depends on results of survey which will be conducted by Security relative to classification of material involved. c? Necessary action was taken to have the accountability for all non-ex endable roperty charged to the Depository, transferred to Mr. d. The monthly monetary value report for all non- expendable property charged to National Securit Council was prepared and forwarded to the Chief, Supply Branch. 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~ , DTAf,,DAROP Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 O~ce Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Services Division F&OM s~ctin~ Chief, DATE: 1 September 190 SUBJECT: .:~NOrt of Operatio.ZS for the Period 1 through 31 ~?.ugust 190 ,, .y ~~ 1. Status of Personnel: a. Number of Uersons authorized ..............,,. b. h,umber of per sons on duty . ...... . ........... . a. dumber Of 110urS Of annuc.l leave USed, . , , . , ? e , , 192 b. ,Nmber of Hours of sick leave used.,.......... 33 c. Iaumber of hours of overtime used .............. 2~t ~. Leave: a, The follotiving in.~?ormation is furnished relative to !ranch Accounts audited: b. An audit of Supply Account No. 3 rds been started. Iris audit will consist of approximately 8,000 vouchers and vri11 cover a -period of 18 months. Supply Account Pdo. 3 is no longer maintained on a separate set of caxds, but is maintained an a card in conjunction ~~?th the Branch Accounts; therefore it will be necessary to audit not onl~T the posting to Supply Account No. 3, but also the posting: to the related Branch Account including the extensions of tree monetary value. It is deemed advisable to conduct the audit in this manner considerins? t?-iat while more title will be consumed in the audit of Supply 1'ccount i~o. 3, a greater amount of time grill be saved in future audits ci iranch Accounts, ?~. Property Inspection and Utilization: T ~ 5 a: 'T1'i~!'ty-seven (37) separate inspections of N4VT property z~rere conducted wY~ich ir_clude forty-eight (!~8) items of non-expendable property... -, :~..t~ was :,~~t~cr.~d to each item being returned to ,the ti~rase- house indicatl~; recomr~~end~`d' disposition. ?~~onetary value of all items inspected --w~2,309..33 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 b. Relative to eighteen (18) of said inspections, it eras determined that property concerned could be repaired within the using act-i.vity, thus eliminating pick-up and delivery of like item. `iotal monetary saving accomplished -- X960.78 J ? '= Survey Reports land Reports of Inventory ~~_d justment: a. T~nro (2) Survey Reports ::*ere investigated and sub- rnitted to t're Chief, Services Livision for approval. b. Tyro (2} Survey p.eports were investigated and will be subiiii.tted to the Property Survey Board for approval at their r_e_y-t zac:eting. c. ~;leven (11) Reports of Inventory Adjustment were processed and submitted to the Chief, Services Divisicn, for ~:t~prova_l. d. Three (3) accidents were investigated and Investi- ator's Report prepared for each. 6. ~?7iscellaneous: a. Ir_ compliance with memorandum from Chief, Services Division, dated 1 August 1950, Subject: 'TI^uditina procedure", a procedure was prepared outlining the most feasible and efficient means of auditing all purchase orders and other acquisition documents prior to the audit of Supply Accounts. b. yn coTn?~li~ nee with memorandum from Chief, Services Division, dated 1 August 1950, Subject: ~'stablishment of a Ser~rices Officer for xjach CIA Building", tlvo memorand~~*ns ~uere prepared, one dealing with the advantages of such a procedure and the other outlining the details involved in the establishment of a Services Officer for CIA buildings. c. The necessary personnel figures for the establishment of li ~-~ fzcommon use'+ items of property were received from l~?(r. on 22 August 1950. Limitations have been established or ee Branch Accounts to date. c~. A survey eras taken of Branch Account: Pdo. 10 for surplus property of which approximately seven hundred fifty dollars 0750) worth ivas found s.nd returned to stock. e. The month~,y monetary value report for X11 non- expendable property charged to-National Securi '1 was prepared and forwarded to the Chief, Supply Branch. Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 3TANDARDi Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 0 TO Chief, Services Division ce Memo~~ndum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: 1 August 1950 FROM Acting Cizief, suBJECT: Report of Operations for the Period 3 through 31 July 1950 a. Number of hours of annual leave used..........68 b. Number of hours of sick leave used............5~. c. Number of holidays,....,... ....................1 d. Number of hours overtime worked ................0 3, Audits: a. The falloVring information is furnished relative to Branch Accounts audited: 1. Status of Personnel: a. Number of persons authorized.... ............. b. Number of persons on duty.........??.?.?????? 2, Leave: Account No. No. of Vouchers Audited No. of Rooms Inv. 160 79 20 220 868 190 125 Inv, not completed to date . Inv. not comr~leted to date . b. One member of the utilized the entire STAT period checking on shortages a.nd overages in ranch Account No. 70 and assisted the new Accountable Officer in the various phases of his assignment. A detailed report gill be prepared and forwarded to the Chief, services Division, in the near future. 25X1 c. TheryFu~ls and Lubricants Account (No. 9) located at the Garage was audited which consisted of seventy-one (71) vouchers, and an inventory was conducted;Qf the gasoline, lubricating oil, and anti-freeze on hand. The results of the audit and inventory were noted on Certificate of Audit No. 1-9-51, dated 11 July 1950? Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 d. The Fuels and Lubricants Account (No. 9A) located was audited which consisted of seven (7) vouchers. Inasmuch as the ~~ccountable Officer did not have an accurate measuring stick, ro inventory was conducted. The results of the audit were noted on Certificate of Audit No. 1-9A-51, dated 13 July 1950? 25X1 e. A final audit was conducted of This consisted of checking s' y- vouc ers agalns the corresponding Stock Control Cards. 1Vo physical inventory was conducted inasmuch as all of the non-expendable property had either been transferred or disposed of locally in accordance with procedure effective at that time.' The results of the audit were noted on Certificate of Audit No. 1-600-51, dated 27 July 1950. 1~. Property Inspection and Utilization: a. Seventeen (17) separate inspections of r~`6'T property ti~Tere conducted which included twenty-three (23) items of non-expendable property. A tag was attached to each item being returned to the-~Tare- house indicating disposition recommended. ?~ROnetary Value of a.ll items inspected - X7.,683.60 b. '.kith regards to seven (7} of said inspections, it was determined teat property concerned could be repaired within the using activity, thus eliminating a pick-up and delivery of like item. Total Monetary Saving Accomplished - X1,183.35 5. Survey Reports and Reports of Inventory Fdjustment: a.. Two (2) Survey Reports were investigated and submitted to the Chief, Services Division, for approval. b. Six (6) Survey Reports were investigated and will be submitted to the Property Survey Board for approval at their next meeting. c. Six (6) Report of Inventory Adjustment were processed and subr.:itted to the Chief, Services Division, for approval. 6, Miscellaneous: a, Form Tdo. 00-7~., Files Inventory Report, tivas prepared for all files within the liudit Section. f?~t ~~~ b. An audit report for the period 1 January through 30 June and an audit schedule for the period 3 July 1950 through 18 January 1951 z~ras prepared and submitted tQ ,the Chief, Services Division. Said. audit schedule was set vp for four (4) auditors and ,inasmuch as there are only three (3} auditors presently in the Audit Section, it is possible Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ghat the schedule will have to be revised; however, every attempt will be made to keep the schedule current. c. In the absence of the Accountable Officer for3ranch Account No. 60, an inventory was conducted and a Property Turn-In prepared for items located in Room 209 North Building whirr. were chared to said account. d. Arrangements have been made with dir. of OCD to secure the necessary breakdown of personnel by property account in order that a ratio and limitation for'bommon use" items may be established. 'this information is expected on 1 August and immediate action will be taken to accomplish this phase of the property utilization program. e. The regular monetary value report for all non-expendable property charged to National Security Council was prepared and forwarded to the Chief, Storage & Issue Section Supply Brancr. Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 STJINDARD FC Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 -~ ?~ice Meyno~~a~du~ ? UNITED ST~.TES GOVERNMENT To Chief, Services Division FROM Acting Chief, Ar~dit Crroup DATE: 3 July 1950 SUBJECT: Report of Operations for the Period 1 through 30 June 1950 1. Status of Personnel: a, Number of persons authorized . b. Number of persons on duty. ? 2. Leave: a, Number of hours of annual leave taken. b. Plumber of hours of sick leave taken. . c. Plumber of hours of overtime worked 0 3. Audits: a `t'he following information is furnished relative to Branch ~.nd~ Accounts audited: Account No. ItiTo. of Vouchers Audited No. of Rooms Inventoried ~.0 116 39 180 90 Ali property charged STAT 7p 300 236 b, 570 Vouchers were audited for Supply Account No. 2. In addition. to this a complete recheck of the vouchers, Stock Record Cards, and physical count was made relati~,e to each item for which a shortage or an unusual overage appeared in the recent physical inventory. A Report of Inventory Adjustmer_t indicating shortages ar:d offsetting overages and overages of previously unaccounted for property tivas prepared and is now being typed. A list of items for which shortages existed as a result of the recent physical -inventory was submitted to the Chief, for necessary action ir_ the form of preparation o a urvey rcepor~ Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~.. Property Inspection anci Utilization a. Eighteen (18) separate inspections of F'4'4~ property were conducted ~,~rh.ich included twenty-one (21} items of non-expendable t~ronerty. A ta?! was attached to each item vrhich indicated to the Chief, disposition recommended for each item. Total monetary value of all items inspected --- 5~1,692.1l~. b. relative to seven (7) of the inspections, it was determined that the property listed on the Turn-Ins could be repaired within the using activity, thus saving pick-up and delivery of like items. Total monetary value of items repaired within the using activity --- ~v1,001.37. ~. Slzrvey Reports and Reports of Inventory Adjustment: a. Five (5) Survey Reports were investigated and submitted to the Chief, Services Division, for approval, b. Four (ti) Survey Reports were investigated and will be submitted to the Property aurvey Board for approval. c. Seven (7) Reports of Inventory Adjustment were processed and submitted to the Chief, services Division, for approval. b. iE.iscellaneous a. A memorandum was prepared and distributed to all Accountable Officers relative to changing Voucher Dumber sequence as of 3 July 1y50. b. A memorandum was prepared and distributed to all Accountable Officers and Responsible Officers regarding the procedure to follow in turning in and requisitioning of like items of non-expendable property. c. A form was devised to be used in connection with the inspection and repair of non-Pxr~en~At~l P nrnnPrty by typewriter and furniture repairmen of the d. The re~.zlar monetar~T value report for all non-expendable property on hand in the Alational Security Council was prepared and forwarded to the Acting Chief, Supply Branch. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 srr,wo?9D1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 D jce Meyno~undu~n ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT JJ' To Chief, Services Division FROM Acting Chief, Audit (h'oup DATE: 31 day 1950 SUBJECT: Report of Operations for the period 3 April through 31 a~ay 1950 1. Status of Personnels a. b. Number of persons authorized . Number of persons now on duty. . 2. Leave= a. Number of hours of annual leave tak?n. 236 b. Number of hours of sio~c leave taken. .49 c. Number of hours of overtime worked . . .37 3. Audits t a. An audit and inventory was conducted for Branch Account No. 230 (OPC) and Aooount No. 90, Services Division. 616 vouchers were audited in Account No. 230 and .168 rooms inventoried. 156 vouchers audited in Account No. 90 and 20 rooms inventoried. b. A complete physical inventory was conducted of Supply Account No. 2 which consisted of 1132 items. This was accomplished in six days. In order to bring the audit of the vouchers up to date, it was necessary to audit 1140 vouchers for said Supply Aaoount. This has been 50f completed. Property Ines actions and Utilization: a. Thirty-one (31) separate inspections of FfRT property were oonduoted which included 60 items of non-expendable property. A tag was attached to said property which indicated to the Chief, Storage disposition to be made of each item. b. In ten (10) o';~ki~~'inspactions it was determined that the property listed on Property Turn-ins could be repaired on the spot, thus saving pick up and redelivery of .~a~d. items . It is estimated that the actual monetary savi~,geffeoted by th~Property Inspection Program is approximately one thousand dollars 0 1,000.00) per month. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 c. Upon request of Mr. Acting Chief, Supply Branoh, an inspection was made of the Kano Office Machine Stand. It was determined that the Kano stand was not as desirable for use with Adding and Calculating Maohinos as the Tiffany Stand, whioh was in- spected by the Audit Group during March. It has bean recommended that 24 of the Tiffany Stands be purchased for issue to the Branch Accounts to replace inadequate stands or where ocnsolidation of Caloulating Machines or long carriage typewriters can be accomplished. Survey Reports and Reports of Inver}orv Adiustmegiis a. Si.x (6) Survey Reports were investigated and sub- witted to the Chief, Services Divi,sion,~for approval. b. Four (4} Survey Reports were investigated and will be submitted to the Property Survey Board for approval. c. Siu (6) vehicle acoidents were investigated, five of which will be presented to the Survey Board inasmuch as damage to CIA vehivles was involved, and one (1} which did not involve damage to CIA vehicle was sent to General Counsel for neoessary action. d. Eight (6) Reports of Inventory Adjustments were processed and submitted to the Chief, Services Division, for approval. 6. Miscellaneous: a. A memorandum was prepared and distributed to all Accountable and Responsible Officers relative to reporting missing property. b. Inventory submitted by the Property Officer o. Tajo da were s aA,t with Miss Account No. 700, was compared with the records maintai red in e Supply Branoh. Necessary ad- ~us en s were ma a an a es were reconciled. 25X1 Property Offioer for Aooount No. 1100, disoussing problems relative to the maintenance Qf property records and other problems in- volving aiomenolature, expendability and installed property. d. The regular monetary value report for all non- expendable items on hand in National Security Counoil was prepared and forwarded to the Acting Ch~Q~'t_~upply Branoh. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 1 - ~1'ANDARA:~ Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ~ ~ ce Menzo~~nduan ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT JJ " : Chief, Services Division DATE: 4 April 1950 FROM :Acting Chief, Audit Group SUBJECT;Report of Operations for the period 1 February thru 31 March 1950 ~rdith referents to proposed program submitted to Chief, Services Division, on 3t7 January 19~~0, the following has been accomplished; 1. Revise property accounting procedure for property accounts. a. Administrative Instruction (Subject: Revision of Property Accountability Records has been prepared, concurred ia7 by the Acting Chief, Supply Branch, approved by Chief, Services Division and forv~rarded to Mana~,ement Branch for review. b. Form No. 36-99, Employee Property Issue Racord has been drafted and approved by Forms Control. A sufficient supply for all accourit- able officers is on hand in the Audit rou ending publication of the revised Administrative Instruction c. Instructions pertaining, to the preparation of Form No. 36-99 have been prepared, concurred in by the Acting Chief, Supply Branch, and approved by the Chief, Services Division. A suf:t'icient supply _for all aceous~.table officers is on hand in the Audit Group pending issuance of Form No. 36-99. 2. Establish rocedure for accountin= for ex endaale items ttilized by the Su ply Branch AS and the L2otor Pool Garage, Trans ortation Branch AS . Procedure is r_ w in effect for the accounting for expendable items utilized by the yff,~arehouse and the Motor Pool Garage. 3. Make reconu:iendations relative to utilization of stands for office machines . _____ a. An inspection of the various types of stands for office machines has been conducted ana it was deterrnined that the stand, TJlodel S, manufactured by the Tiffany Stand Company was the most desirable from the standpoint of safety, durability, and economy. b. A survey of the Branch Accounts which utilize,o~fice machines such as calculators, adding machines and long carriage typewriters discloses that this stand would be acceptable. e. It is contemplated teat the issuance of above described stands will make the roturn of several office machines to stock possible by better utilization. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 -~- d. It is the opinion of the undersigned that t~Le use of subject stands will materially reduce t~Le number of accidents r?esultin~: ir_ ~:~amage to office machines throughout tie using; activities. 4. P~Ia~e a survey o~ property accounts ,with regard Vto~prol~erty utilization ar.~.d excess property. This will be accornplis.~ed irx conjunction vritli the reJular periodic auuits of the various using; activities. Js Streamline tsxe audit .of property records f'or Supply ,~.ccount IVo. 2 ~i revised procedure for ~azditing Supply Account No. 2 was dra"ted and forwarded to the Ctlief, services Division on 14 I;Iarch. A,s a result of a ~Ziscussion between the Chief, Services Division az_d the Actin; ~hiei', Audit Group, it was agreed that, although "short cuts" in the audit procedure were desireable from a time saving sta:xdpoint, these suF;gested in the revised procedure L'or Supply Account No. 2 ti^rere impractical from the stax~.dpoint of a complete and accurate audit of said account. 6. In addition. to the above t~1e f'olloi'~in~; ~~as been accomplished by file Audit Group during the period 1 February thru al Iiarch: a. Anew property account xas been esta=blished for General :division Branch Account 1tio. 240 with P~Zr. s accountable oi'i'icer. b. r; :;oml~lete physical inventory vvas conduc ed of Supply Account 1,0. 2. The audit of the records for t',~is account is .r~earixi~ comple- tion ai'ter v~?~iicr an au~a.t and inventory of Supply Account gib. 3 will ue cor_ducted. c. An~audi~t and inventory of Branch Account r~1o. 140--r1. (I3uilding m` s ti_d`~as been completed. A detailed report covering tine proble a:. action tra:._en relative to this account will be 'urnished to the Chief, Services Division in the near future. #~n audit of the records for Branch Account IVo. 230 (C;fC} Yia.s been started. d. AYx audit and inventory cf' Branch Account I~ro. 60 tiva:; :~oncucted. e. }.'rocedure for establishin. accountability for xouseheepin ec,_uipment and hand tools in -the has been drafted 25X1 ar~d concurred in t;y th.e Chief', Supp y rant , SSS. T}?is procedure will be effected in the near future. w.r~*'g i'. Procedure has been rira~'ted ar~d e~'fected to establish accountability for typevrriter repair p~~rts,' rn~iintained izt"'tea typewriter repair shop at t.~e ~~'JVarehouse. ?,. Procedure has been ,Iraf'ted and effected to establish acc;ouxxtability for gasoline at the Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 ? Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP54-00177A000100120015-3 h. As a result of a study made of the various types of seat covers available, a recozn~~en~~ation tiv,;s made azzd app roved by the Ciie', Services llivision -ti~e.t plastic type seat covers be used on all i;IA cars in the future. i. An audit and inventory vvas conducted of tthe 25X1 Eleven (11) Survey Reports were investigated s.nd submitted to Crzief, Services llivision for approval. k. Three (3) Reports of Accidents were investi_ated and presented to tt~e 1'ro,c;rty Survey Board .i'or approval. 1. Five (d) Survey i~epcrts euere investigated and submitted ~:o the Property Survey Board for approval. rn. Approximately ten (10) Reports oi' Inventory Adjz.zstments t~Jere processed ar?d submitted to the Chief, Services Division for approval. n. In cooperation v~ith the Aotin, Chief, Supply Branch, a ~~roceciure has been prepared and forwarued to all Accountable Officers relative to t%~? processing; of Property Turn Ins listing uns~;rviceable property. Five (5) such turn iris have been processed to date. o. A 11 Branch Acco~..nt~.ble Officers vaere norsonali-y contacted rel~i_tive to a list cf foi.irteen {14) critical items, purpose of which tivas to effect t_ze r