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Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 CLASSIFICATION FC 'IT COUNTRY. TOPIC. EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENIt DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES 9 lovember 1954 PAGES 3 _-_E 1CLOSt $ NO. & TYPE) REMARKS_. This is UNEVALUATED Information 1, On 10 October 1954, a Soviet major ordered the spur track at Doeberitz airfield to be inspected by an expert to determine whether the loading width could be exceeded. It was not clear whether the track leading to the field or that the field was concerned. 1 2. The unit of auditor Senoir Lieutenant Panfilov, chief of which was Colonel Vasilyev (fnu), was quartered in the barracks buildings of the 25X1 former motor vehicle instruction battalion, the NSKK Kaserne and in the eastern part of Richthofen Kaserne. The office of Senior Lieutenant Panfilov (fnu) was housed in headquarters building To 59. 25X1 3,. On 16 October, auditor Lieutenant Colonel Ivanov (fnu) was seen in headquarters building No 19. A total of 135 soldiers who carried books and wore blac?--bordered blue epaulets were seen marching in three groups toward building 'Jo 21. 4, On 16 October, the chief of the repair shops Major Kraiyevoi (.fnu) was again seen. Deputy chief of the shops was Major Bobrov (fnu) who wore black- -bordered blue.epaulets. ItlCould not be determined where Major Kraiyevoi had been in the meantime. A train of 11 flatcars loaded with 6 engine crates each was seen on the spur track. the crates measured 180 x 150 x 230 or 250 PLACE OBTAINED, 25X1 REPORT hDATE PREPARED- ck coatings, and lifting lugs at the corners. the quartering buildings so'th of the 25X1 Herodsnlatz still belonged to 'the repair shops. 5. Chief of the artillery equipment park was Lieutenant Colonel Besvershi (fnu) and the auditor of the installation was Captain iiuzhikh. Both of these officers wore black-bordered blue epaulets. There was intensive activity at the installation. Sieeable numbers of trucks which were loaded with crated ta:]l units and airframe sections, and roode crates of various sizes were seen in front of the garages. 'lone of these were egine crates. 6. Auditor Panfilov was still in charge of the quartering buildings on Thaelmann Platz. This arrangement allegedly was ..ot to' be changed. 2 7. At 09CO on 16 October, the AA gun emplacement near the hangars were occupied by 6 x 37-mm :1A guns. Underground bunkers were seen next to the emplacements. 3. CLASSIFICATION SECRET - U. S. OFFICIALS. ONLY Approved For Release 2007/10/22: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 8. The fuel dump in the northwestern corner of the field was still subordinate to the army units stationed at Doeberitz. On 16 October, the two watchtowers were occupied by one sentry each who wore red-bordered black epaulets. 4 9. A single-story brick building with tarpaper roof was seen next to the long building in the western part at the northern edge of the field. The building was locked. On 16 October, empty ammunition bgxes :end empty cartridges of 20 to 4C mm caliber were seen in front of the building. It could not be de"ermined whether ammunition was stored in the building or not. 5 10. About 1630 on October, more than 18 I1-10s with yellow propeller 25X1 hubs were parked at the northern ede of the.field. Between 1 and 16 October, I1-10s practiced formation flying. On the afternoon of 16 October, the aircraft had departed. 6 11, Between 11 and 14 October, 12 gondola cars loaded with one crate each about 7 x 2 x 2 meters and fitted with hoop irons, were seen on the spur track leading to the field. It is not believed that they were P.ZiG-15 crates. On the morni of 15 October, the railroad cars had left for an undetermined destination- I 12,. Prior to 13 0tober, there was no change in the occupation of Richthofen gaserne. About 340 new bedsteads wh,ch were not yet occupied were. Been in the converted attics of building No 16. Activities at the barracks installation included instructions, manual training and athletics. About 400 meters soldiers were repeatedly seen doing close-order drill with carbines. Smaller groups marched to the training grounds south of the Hamburger Chaussee for firing practices with carbines. On 20 and 22 October, 700 and 200 recruits respectively arrived at Richthofen Kaserne. These soldiers were very young and had closely cropped hair. Since they arrived Prom the westerly direction on Fk:_rburger Chaussee it was believed that they Yad been detrained at the `,''usterrnark riarsheling yard. All of them wore -ullted jackets so that their service colo- and insignia could not be seen. .::ost of tem r.?e.ce uartered in the converted attics building No 16.and rooms of building :`o 34. Soldiers preva;rusly st;tioned there told workers that :hey would soca returr to the USSR. Mirirt; the reported period, many double, dec::cr ; ;. i;s wh ch presviaurly had been stored at the installation were put up in Therc ^-as tr._!ini.rtg aim( st daily by 370 men. A, inspection a.pp::..?t:nti i to be h: l Athletics seer also indicated that the perso :eel z:e:"e ~?i ti+ use of ,ye,_~._ j'!1 fur ;;,.n nspoc.ti,on.. t Pyrt.mides" were made with the - ?n7 ^ ?' ?t and , c ~! ?, r?~. t12~.~ -r .... ,s Z-zg.~raci ,,.ans ,, sranual training confiinued~ On 22 October, 170 soiaiei. -,-,,,pntly iii-l-, arri" ed recruits who wore quilted jackets .had fallen in in the yard ox' .. :,,uthern part of the barracks area. 6 Comment. The reason for this order is unknown. So far no goods 25X1 exc?eding normal measurements have been shipped there. Comment. The information on the units in Doi-beritz confirm previous 25X1 information. 3 .> Comment. This AA gun emplacement was reported previously in addition 25X1 to an emplacement occupied by 6 x 37-mm AA guns in the northwestern part of the field. Comment. Chief of this fuel dump is army r"ajor Dubinka (fnu). 25X1 SEC E" - U.'_!,, of^I^'':lLS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 SEC1ET -3- omment. It is believed possible that this building is used for the 5. storage of AAA ammunition. 25X1 25X1 Comment. The presence at Doeberitz airfield of the 11.-10s which -resumably belong to the ground attack regiment at Brandenburg-Briest was probably connected with the fall maneuvers. Comment. There are no indications of the contents tLe crates, It is 7. believes, however, that they contained no engines or machine tools,. Comment. The newly recruits were probably to replace soldiers scheduled for discharge. An inspection and sports festival is probably to be held prior to the departure of the old soldiers to the USSR. Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA -RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICI COUNTRY. TOPIC Doeberitz Airfield EVALUATION, PL ACE OBTAINED__J DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED- REFERENCES PAGES 3 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS DATE PREPARED 29 November 1954 This is UNEVALUATED Information 1. On 10 October 1954, a Soviet major ordered the spur track at Doeberitz airfield to be inspected by an expert to determine whether the loading width could be exceeded. It was not clear whether the track leading to the field or that the field was concerned. 1 2. The unit of auditor Senoir Lieutenant Panfilov, chief of which was Colonel Vasilyev (fnu), was quartered in the barracks buildings of the former motor vehicle instruction battalion, the NSKK Kaserne and in the eastern part of Richthofen Kaserne. The office of Sensor Lieutenant Panfilov (fnu) was housed in headquarters building No 59. 3. On 16 October, auditor Lieutenant Colonel Ivanov (fnu) was seen in headquarters building No 19. A total of 135 soldiers who carried books and wore black-bordered blue epaulets were seen marching in three groups toward building No 21. 4. On 16 October, the chief of the repair shops Major Kraiyevoi (fnu) was rA seen. Deputy chief of the shops was Major Bobrov (fnu) who wore black- -bordered blue epaulets. I*ould not be determined where Major Kraiyevoi had been in the meantime. A train of 11 flatcars loaded with 6 engine crates t he crates measured 180 x 150 x 230 or 250 each was seen on the spur track. cm, were painted gray, had black coatings, and lifting lugs at the corners. the quartering buildings south of the Herodsplatz still belonged to the repair shops. 3. Chief pf the artillery equipment park was Lieutenant Colonel Besvershi (fnu and the auditor of the installation was Captain Nuzhikh. Both of these officers wore black-bordered blue epaulets. There was intensive activity at the installation. Sizeable numbers of trucks which were loaded with crated tail units and airframe sections, and woods crates of various sizes were seen in front of the garages. None of these were egine crates. 6. Auditor Panfilov was still in charge of the quartering buildings on Thaelmann Platz. This arrangement allegedly was not to be changed. 2 7. At 0900 on 16 October, the AA gun emplacement near the hangars were occupied by 6 x 37-mm AA guns. Underground bunkers were seen next to the emplacements. 3 7 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROI - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY REPORT Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS OILY 8,. The fuel dump in the northwestern corner of the field was still subordinate to the arm at Doeberitz. On 16 October, the two watchtowers we sentry each who wore red-bordered black epa 9. A single-story brick building with tartaper roof was seen next to the long building in the western part at the northern edge of the field. The building was locked. On 16 October, empty ammunition boxes and empty cartridges of 20 to 40 mm caliber were seen in front of the building. It could not be determined whether ammunition was stored in the building or note 5 10. About 1630 on 13 October, more than 18 I1-10s with yellow propeller hubs were parked at the northern edge of the field. Between 14 and 16 October, Il-10s practiced formation flying. On the afternoon of 16 October, the aircraft had departed. 11. Between 11 and 14 October, 12 gondola cars loaded with one crate each about 7 x 2 x 2 meters and fitted with hoop irons, were seen on the spur track leading to the field. It is not believed that they were MiG-15 crates. On the morning of 15 October, the railroad cars had left for an undetermined destination. 12. Prior tt 13 October, there was no change in the occupation of R S a Kaserne. About 340 new bedsteads which were not yet occupied w to t converted attics of building No 16. Activities at the barracks included instructions, manual training and athletics. About 400 meters soldiers were repeatedly seen doing close-order drill with carbines. Smaller groups marched to the training grounds south of the Hamburger Chaussee for firing practices with carbines. On 20 and 22 October, 700 and 200 recruits respectively arrived at Hichthofen Kaserne. These soldiers were very young and had closely cropped hair. Since they arrived from the westerly direction on Hamburger Chaussee it was believed that they had been detrained at the Wustermark marshaling yard. All of them wore quilted jackets so that their service color and insignia could not be seen. Most of tem were quartered in the converted attics building No 16 and rooms of building No 34. Soldiers previously stationed there told workers that they would soon return to the USSR. During the reported period, many double-decker bunks which previously had been stored at the installation were put up in various buildings. There was training almost daily by 370 men. An inspection was apparently to be held. Athletics seen also indicated that the the personnel were prepared for an inspection. "Pyramides" were made with the use of yellow-blue striped flags. Instructions and manual training continued. 13. On 22 October, 170 soldiers, apparently newly arrived recruits who wore quilted jackets Be fallen in in the yard of the southern part of the barracks area. 68 Comment. The reason for this order is unknown. So far no goods exceeding normal measurements have been shipped there. 2. F---]Comment. The information on the units in Doeberitz confirm previous -]comment. This kA gun emplacement was reported previously in addition 25X1 to an emplacement occupied by 6 x 37-mm AA guns in the northwestern part of the field. Comment. Chief of this fuel dump is army Major Dubinka (fnu). Cempent_ The presence at Doeberits airfield of the I1-10s which presumably belong to the ground attack regiment at Rrandonburgtlriest was SECRET/CONTOO'L - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1 SECRET/CON' A - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 5. OComment. It is believe $ is building is used for the 25X1 storage of AAA ammunition. 6. 0 Comment. The presence at Doeberitz airfield of the Il-10s which -)resumab25Xl belong to the ground attack regiment at Brandenburg-Briest was probably connected with the fall maneuvers. 7. LComment. There are no indications of the contents the crates. It is believed, however, that teythey contained no engines or machine tools. Comment. The newly recruits were probably to replace soldiers sc eduled for discharge. An inspection and sports festival is probably to be held prior to the departure of the old soldiers to the USSR. SECRET/CONTROL ~ U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600240006-1