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#*", Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A005200840002-3 25X1 CLASSIFICATION M 2-REM COUNTRY Fast Germany 'TOPIC -_.REPORT Fall &ereisos of the Reinforced U Fitz Rifle Corps. 25X1 25X1 E=VALUATION FATE OF CONT DATE OBTAINS REFERENCES-- PAGES ATE PREPARED 12 October 122 14 ...~. ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE). REMARKS Information 1? At 1700 on 24 September 1954 2 x 76U 2--mm AT guns,, 3 x 120--ma niorta~,.-s and 10 trucks with 150 soldiers wearin black-bordered crimson epaulets left the Adolf Hitler Kaserne it Schwerin and want 7 x 122- mm field howitzers and approximately 30 -trucks with approximately 4.00 soldiers wearing red-bordered black e . aiiletsincluding movers some with artillery insignia left the Krueger Kaserne to Schwerin for the freight station, 3. Soldiers and materiel from the Fliegerhorst Kaserne ~ in Hager-ow entrained at the Hagenow--Land railroad station,, included-..4 x 57--mm AT gtiins, 6 x 160-=inm mortars, 3 field kitchens and 50 trucks with soldier;> wearing black-bordered crimson epaulets on 25 September; and 9 x 85-mm AT guns, 3 field kitchens and 52 trucks with soldiers wearing red-abordered black epaulets on. 26 September. 4. After 1700 on 25 September and after 1900 on 26 September, several columns passed through Ferleberg. They came from the direction of Ludi;ri.gslust, proceeded toward Pritzwalk and consisted of the following vehicles and w eapons-. 71 x 37- mm AA guns, 35 x 85-mw- AA guns, 40 x 57-min AT guns, 42 x 85-mr`n AT guns,, 26 field howitzers, 12 x 120-mm mortars, 12 searchlights, 17 tank trucks, radio trucks and field kitchens and approximately 310 other trucks, most of which w ere obeun ed b soldiers CLASSIFICATION SECRET 25X1 25X1 2bA11 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2bA11 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A005200840002-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200840002-3 25X1 5. On 26 Ssp ,ambsre loadings began at the Wittstock railroad station. All trainn seen went toward Pritzwalk0 6. In late ti 4 pte nbsr 9 the Ui ttetock training grounds had apparently not yet bron completely vacated. Several loadings were observed prior tc 27 Sep 7. At 1100 on 26 Septembbr, the following units from the Delius Kaserrn?A22 ) in Potsdam were entrained: U, ld r.a ;laeo .d station; 17 x 122-m field guns., 17 Z-65 prima movers, 1 YA-12 prime mover ; approximately 20 trucks and 200 to 300 soldiers z:earis g red-bordered black opaulets. Pot,Ldam cad station: 20 z 122-am field 22 Z-65 prime mover s, about 15 trucks gad approximately 400 soldiers wearing reel-bordered black epaulets. Loadings were completed at about 1.500.4 bo On 2 e ,epteaLi d , an increased number of traffic control posts and signboards ;narking the, area as restricted were observed in the *g -T'ang,oAauende training area, particularly west of the Elbe River noax- Rogaetz, on the road to Mahlwinkel and the branch-off to Anger n on the road to Br Test and east of the Elba Rivers at the Fu " c rgoanstalt north. of Burg and on the g & agdeb,urg roads at the brrnch-off to Detershagen and the autobahn entrance at Schermen. Many motor vehicles were assembled in the wood patches south of Mahltri el., west of the Elbe River, and south of the 1h1ebur'g--Parchau road, east of the Elba .fiver. A command post was prseus .bl loca'sod near Kohb 1,, 6 km southeast of Tangerhuette. Sedan was seen nearby. The Weissevarthe Forest, northeast of Tangerhuette, was not occupied by Soviet troops. 1. Co ient, Units of the 286th Ods #fttz Rifle Regt, the 283d Cde if Jle Begt and the 132d Bow Arty Begs of the 94th Cde ttz Pi fle Corps, and major elements, of the th Ode Arty Brig of the IX Satz Rif'la Corps were entrainod. these ship:.cynts went to the UiesenburggBelxiggBrueck, area. where the reinforced corps assembled for fall exercises. probably belonged to the I Mt z Ai 'le Corps and it is assumed that Major units of the corps had been observed in Magdeburg an route toward the east betWen 1850 and midnight on 25 Septembers The columns may have beam identical. For information on the assommV area of these units, geq~~ o 1st 5. 3. Com - pt. According to other information,, major elements of the 18th Mecz Div transf rred the senburg- g Brueck area on 25 and 26 Soptembesr, 0 ~l 3JT r. in ~('R~ 25X1 25X1 2bA11 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200840002-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200840002-3 Coxuant. The units on the trains belonged to the 34th Arty Div and moved from Potsdam,, to the abovemmentionsd assembly area of the Ritz Rifle Corps in 4 shipments. 0 The waits which were assembled in the Durg'Genthin angor auet a area may have been elements of the Mts Rifle Corps which ware to represent the enemy force in exerciseb of the division and had probably moved there by road,, See Paragraph 4. .G. E:c>:a>?~:aat@ Su sizing this and previous observations the followi.,ig information is available on the exercises of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps: The bulk of the corps, reinforced by elements of the 34th Arty Div from Potsdam assembled in the Wiesenburg.Belzi.g- aaek cream In Connection with this movement, more than. 40 shipments uere observed between 25 and 27 September, Elements of the 3d Gde AT Arty Brig,, and probably elements of the 25th Glide RL Brig joined this group which advanced by road. Shipments from Vinzelbsrg southwest of Stendal tend to indicate that army units of the Third ' Shock Army also participated. The preparation of a fuel supply base in Stuelper Forst east of Jueter?bog between 12 and 22 September furnishod the first indication of the possible direction of attack. The observation of an enemy group in the Sting :enthinn -Tangerhuatte area suggests that the exercise will develop in a north o terly diroction. This assumption is supported by the observation in ' the . Ferchla,nd-Guesen4erichow area of engineer salts of the U/$ engr rest of the GSFG; the 88th Engr Regt (?) of the Second Gds l4ecs Army, the U/i engr bn of the U Mtz Rifle Corps a.s).d the Fourth Gds Mecz Army,, which have been assembled there since mid-September',, The assembling of these engineer units indicated that special stress will be laid on the crossing of the Elbe river during the exercises. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200840002-3