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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09:
Dec. 15, 1973
vol. 104, no. 24, 369-384
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
I v INUN 17 1 J, v.,
$19.50. Comprehensive reference, reviews the
historical development and all that has be-
come known about the imprinting phenom-
enon, explores future prospects and tech-
niques in imprinting research. TEXTBOOKS
Books of the Week is an editorial service for
readers' information. To order any book listed,
or any U.S. book in print, please remit retail
price, plus 25f handling charge for each book
to Book Order Service, Science News, 1719 N
St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. All books
sent postpaid.
of Mind Research-Marilyn Ferguson-Tap-
linger, 1973, 380 p., $9.95. Presents for the
general reader an overview of breakthroughs
in research concerning altered states of con-
sciousness, the brain, and scientific interest in
psychic phenomena.
Compendium-John W. Conrad-Macmillan,
1973, 309 p., color chart, $10.95. Sourcebook
for students and professional ceramists, a
guide to clay, glaze, enamel, glass, and colors.
An Atlas of Natural Resources-Alice Jane
Lippson, Ed.-Johns Hopkins, 1973, 111/2x
111/2, 64 p., illus. by editor, 26 maps, $8.95;
paper, $3.95. Documents handsomely a tide-
water region rich in oysters, clams and crabs.
spawning grounds for valuable fish species,
and home to wintering waterfowl.
lege Education-Carl Kaysen, Ed.-McGraw,
1973, 565 p., $12.95. Report prepared for The
Carnegie Commission on Higher Education,
traces the history of the undergraduate curric-
ulum itself, and subjects some of the major
divisions to careful scrutiny.
pard, Ed.-Wiley, 1973, 454 p., diagrams,
tables, $24.95. Covers in depth developments
in metalloprotein redox reactions, chemis-
try, alkali metal ion transport, and lanthanide
ion NMR probes.
Richard S. Lewis, Ed.-Science & Public Af-
fairs Bk, 1973, 164 p., illus., paper, $3.50.
Collection of important articles that appeared
in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in the last
four years.
of Collaboration-Roger Williams-Wiley,
1973, 214 p., $13. An assessment of the rea-
sons behind the commitment to collaborate,
the process of collaboration, its control and
THE FIRST CITIES-Dora Jane Hamblin
and Editors of Time-Life Books-Time-Life,
1973, 160 p., color-plates, photographs, draw-
ings, map, $7.95. Deals with the emergence of
the earliest centers of civilization that flour-
ished between 8000 to 1500 B.C. in the land
mass between the eastern Mediterranean and
THE GENETIC FIX-Amitai Etzioni-Mac-
millan, 1973, 276 p., $7.95. Both scholarly
and controversial, sociologist presents a time-
ly examination of the broad implications and
complexity of issues society must face as
technological knowledge advances.
GHAR PARAU-David Judson-Macmillan,
1973, 216 p., colorplates, photographs, maps,
$10. Detailed account of a major cavers' ex-
pedition in the deep limestone caverns of the
Zagros mountains in Iran.
Jhan Robbins and Dave Fisher-Wyden, 1973,
214 p., $5.95. Systematic attempt to show the
reader how to go about applying behavior
modification techniques to stop overeating,
smoking and other undesirable habits.
IMPRINTING: Early Experience and the De-
velopmental Psycho-biology of Attachment-
Eckhard H. Hess, foreword by Konrad Lo-
iti. 1,111,1 1973,
24114,15., drawings, $7.95. Breezily written, very
practical handyperson's guide for both sexes.
Parkinson, Ed.-Leviathan Hse (Hippo-
crene), 1973, 181 p., illus. by Fran Woy, $9.
Probes with a team of experts the question
of why modern society is so frequently dis-
rupted by industrial disputes.
Macmillan, 1973, 196 p., photographs, map,
$5.95. Examines the personalities and con-
tributions of Russian scientists, from Lomon-
osov in the 18th century, to Kapitsa and
for Parents of Preschool Children Based on
the Works of Dr. A. A. Berle, Sr.-Thomas
W. Evans-Har-Row, 1973, 195 p., $6.95.
Based on the premise that the home is the
natural and best place for encouraging a
happy intellectual curiosity, fed by questions
and answers, the book describes one time-
proven method and its application today.
-Columbia U Pr, 1973, 181 p., illus., $10;
paper, $2.95. Precise in meaning, with style
and wit, microbiologist tells in layman's terms
about current developments in the exploration
of cell growth and differentiation.
Sears and S. Shirley Feldman, Eds.-Wm.
Kaufmann, 1973, 145 p., illus., $7.95; paper,
$2.95. A readable survey of human biological
and psychological development, originally pub-
lished as a series in New Society.
Study of the Behavior of Wild Lions (Pan-
thera leo massaica [Newmann]) in the Nairobi
National Park, Kenya-Judith A. Rudnai-
Wash Sq E (Univ. Park), 1973 8x12, 120 p.,
photographs, diagrams, maps, $14.50. Field
observations on ranges, activity patterns, in-
dividual activity, social behavior, reproduction,
and predation.
Woodrilff-Cambridge U Pr, 1973, 182 p.,
photographs, diagrams, tables, $10.95. Dis-
cusses the state of our knowledge of the solid-
melt interface, from basic physical processes
underlying all melt growth techniques, to spe-
cial problems of dendritic, eutectic and crystal
STONE: Properties, Durability in Man's En-
vironment-E. M. Winkler-Springer-Verlag,
1973, 230 p., photographs, diagrams, tables,
$33.70. Reference work appraises the stability
and durability of stone, the weathering of
monumental stone through moisture, salts and
rust, fire resistance, frost action, and silicosis.
Discusses stone preservatives.
Future of Education-Jean Piaget-Grossman,
1973, 148 p., $7.50. Written for the general
public, book explains the author's concepts of
genetic psychology and the stages of learning
through which each child must pass.
WHO'S LISTENING? A Handbook of the
Transactional Analysis of the Listening Activ-
ity-Franklin H. Ernst Jr., M.D.-Addresso'set
1973, 3rd ed., 223 p., diagrams, $5.95. Synop-
sis of TA and summary of the activity of lis-
tening and hearing, followed by clinical ex-
amples of TA applied in treatment.
ers-Wiley-Interscience, 1973, 585 p., photo-
graphs, tables, $14.95. A digest of up-to-date
and comparable statistical information about
250 countries, 1600 cities, 2000 other geo-
graphical and cultural features, completely
cross-referenced and indexed.
IT BOOK: The Woman's Guide to Confident
Home Repair-Jim Webb and Bart Housman,
BIOLOGY-James D. Ebert, Ariel G. Loewy,
Richard S. Miller and Howard A. Schneider-
man-HR&W, 1973, 798 p., photographs,
drawings, two-color diagrams, tables, $12.50.
Outstanding text, for both student and lay-
man, presents within a comprehensive frame-
work, in depth and with accuracy, a full
survey of the life sciences, together with ex-
cellent visual material.
D. J. Bennet-Wiley, 1973, 220 p., diagrams,
$15. Introductory text, deals with the prin-
ciples of power generation from nuclear
fission, discusses theory of nuclear reactors,
heat transfer and fluid flow, thermodynamic
aspects, and operating characteristics of nu-
clear reactors.
man-Little, 1973, 478 p., photographs,
drawings, diagrams, tables, $12.95. Intended
to acquaint the general reader or liberal arts
student with the role and relevance of astron-
omy, the history of cosmology, celestial dadia-
tion, earth, moon, solar system, sun, galaxies,
stellar evolution, and space astronomy.
CHEMISTRY-Revised and edited by B. P.
Levitt-Halsted Pr, 1973, 9th ed., 442 p.,
photographs, diagrams, $11.75. Modernized
throughout, with new chapter on electrical
measurements and transducers; new experi-
ments range from thermistor, and molecular
spectroscopy to homogeneous catalysis, ? and
rotational viscometer.
Text-Manual-Joe H. Cherry-Columbia U
Pr, 1973, 204 p., illus., $12. Designed to
provide students with a wide range of pro-
cedures in areas of research, from experi-
ments on enzyme purification, mitochondria
isolation, nucleotide identification, to protein
synthesis, and bio-assay of plant hormones.
THE PERIODIC TABLE: Experiment and
Theory-J. S. F. Pode-Halsted Pr, 1973,
180 p., illus., paper, $3.75. Short text shows
how Mendeleev's ideas correlate the diverse
facts of chemistry, then shows how this
framework can be accounted for in terms
of modern ideas of structure and bonding.
thony Deutsch and Diana Deutsch-Dorsey
Pr, 1973, rev. ed., 732 p., illus., $15. Text
organizes experimental findings around ques-
tions which arise from the study of behavior,
while theories are used to organize and
sharpen the basic issues presented.
CELLS-James A. Goss-Pergamon, 1973;
457 p., photographs, diagrams, tables, $15.
Introductory text, also useful as general ref-
erence to the subject.
Vol. 1-Harish D. Merchant, Ed.-Gordon
& Breach, 1973, 476 p., diagrams, tables,
$29.50. Advanced text, presents mathematical
framework to enable the student to solve by
himself the analytical problems and calcula-
tions at the end of each chapter.
VIRONMENT: Energy, Transportation, Pol-
lution-Joseph Priest-A-W, 1973, 389 p.,
photographs, diagrams, tables, $10.95. In-
tended to teach physical principles using the
environment as motivation.
tion to Climate and the Eco-Physiological
Conditions-Heinrich Walter, transl. from
2nd German ed. by Joy Wieser-Springer-
Verlag, 1973, 237 p., photographs, diagrams,
maps, paper, $5.90. Text gives an overview
of the factors responsible in nature for pre-
serving the physiological integrity of the
plant world. An abridged form of the au-
thor's original two-volume study (1964, 1948).
370 science news, vol. 104
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09:
science news
A Science Service Publication
Vol. 104/Dec. 15, 1973/No. 24
Incorporating Science News Letter
jupiter gets curioser and curioser 372
correcting deficient genetics 373
a ferromagnetic organic compound 373
science at the south pole 374
when the doctor should pull
the plug
through space with mariner 375
science and society
physical sciences
behavioral sciences
meditating toward inner peace 376
city lights, astronomers' nights 381
COVER: The growing popularity of meditation
has prompted Western scientists to investigate
the workings of this ancient Eastern tradition.
The lotus position helps meditators sit perfectly
still and breathe freely. See p. 378. (Photo: R.
J. Trotter)
Publisher E. G. Sherburne Jr.
Editor Kendrick Frazier
Senior Editor and
Physical Sciences Dietrick E. Thomsen
Senior Editor and
Behavioral Sciences Robert J. Trotter
Biological Sciences Joan Arehart-Treichel
Science and Society John H. Douglas
Space Sciences Jonathan Eberhart
Writer/Copy Editor Lisa J. Shawver
Assistant to the Editor Esther G ilgoff
Production Manager Davide Daemon
Books Margit Friedrich
Circulation Manager Lawrence Cope
Advertising Scherago Associates, Inc.
11 W. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036
Fred W. Dieffenbach
Sales Director
Copyright (L, 1973 by Science Service, Inc.,
1719 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
Republication of any portion of SCIENCE NEWS
is strictly prohibited.
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Published every Saturday by SCIENCE SER-
VICE, Inc., 1719 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
20036. (202-785-2255). Cable SCIENSERV.
to the editor
ESP or magic
Robert J. Trotter's article on ESP and
ASC (SN: 11/10/73, P. 298) is a superb
piece of reporting on the challenging new
development in parapsychology at Maimo-
nides Medical Center in Brooklyn. I espe-
cially like the example of the writer (a
senior editor himself) serving as a demon-
stration subject; that would be hard to
beat. Also the place and space you gave
the article impress me greatly. May this
fine piece help these men at Maimonides
to support their promising but precarious
J. B. Rhine, Ph.D.
Durham, N.C.
I was almost ashamed to find an article
about ESP featured in your fine magazine.
As an amateur magician with a fair back-
ground in science I am disgusted.
I ?know enough about this subject to
know as "researchers" are being taken in.
P. M. deLaubenfels
Corvallis, Ore.
Your article on ESP is most informative.
It is my belief, however, that people are
attracted to this science more by the wish
it were true, rather than by convincing
G. A. Baker
Dept. of Psychiatry
New Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Ontario
In regard to the article on "ESP and
ASC" by Robert Trotter, Charles Honor-
ton states that "We will have to adopt the
strategies of science rather than the men-
tality of magicians," in relation to the
study of "psychophysical problems." Being
a young scientist and amateur magician,
I must object to this statement. Profes-
sional magicians make their living from
their trade and know magic inside and
out. Professional psychophysicists are in
the same category, but one cannot do the
work of another. A good sleight-of-hand
man can fool anybody but another sleight-
of-hand man. So, the mentality of a magi-
cian is not something to be looked down
upon since they may be the only people
who can pick the psychic fraud from the
genuine article and save the researchers
much of their valuable time and money.
Also, may I remind Trotter that he is a
er and not a magician ana tneretore
is in no position to judge whether Uri
Geller has used magical means to accom-
plish his feats.
Steven Okulewicz
Staten Island, N.Y.
Science and technology
Suggesting that the Opinion Research
Corp. poll was flawed by leading ques-
tions, Richard W. Lasher (SN: 10/6/73,
p. 211) takes exception to the finding
that ". . . the general public feels that
science has changed the quality of life."
Then, without citing chapter, verse, or
other authority, reader Lasher decrees that
. . . it is not the function of science
to change the quality of life." Good
Grief! Mr. Lasher would do well to buy
some new glasses and some post-Renais-
sance dictionaries.
First, "science," as a held, is not once
referred to in the poll: Every one of
the five quetsions is phrased in terms of
"Science and Technology" (emphasis mine).
Your article reporting the poll (SN: 9/8/
73, p. 151) clearly concerns science and
technology, those three words appearing
together ten times. The word "science"
appears alone four times but, within the
context, it is obviously interchangeably
used with "science and technology." Only
once, and quite incidentally, is there even
a hinted differentiation ("opinion . . . de-
pends on the particular field of science
or technology . . .").
Second, "science," as the word is un-
derstood and used today, most certainly
affects the "quality of life." One need
mention only the social sciences, political
science, or (for heaven's sake!) even mil-
itary science. Mr. Lasher may have in-
tended to address himself to "pure" sci-
ence (defined, not altogether facetiously,
as study having no known application to
society), but, even there, an attempt to
argue that there is no effect on the qual-
ity of life is folly, or, at best, an ex-
ercise in pedantry. Yesterday's "pure"
science is today's way of living: One can
trace a direct path from the failure of
Michelson and Morley's ether drift ex-
periment to the atomic destruction of Hir-
oshima. And who, watching a delayed
telecast, in color, via satellite, would ar-
gue that the semiconductor work of Bar-
deen, Brattain and Shockley was not sci-
entific, on the one hand, or that it had
no effect on the quality of life, on the
Lawson E. Richtmyer
Potomac, Md.
Institution for the Popularization of Science founded 1921; a nonprofit corporation
SCIENCE: Athelstan Spilhaus, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Deborah
Partridge Wolfe, Queens College of City University of New York; Bowen C. Dees, The Franklil
Institute. Nominated by the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: Frederick Seitz, Rockefeller
University; Gerald F. Tape, Associated Universities; Allen V. Astin, National Academy of Sciences.
Nominated by the NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL: Glenn T. Seaborg (President), University
of California, Berkeley; Gerald Holton, Harvard University; Joseph W. Berg Jr., National Research
Council. Nominated by the JOURNALISTIC PROFESSION: 0. W. Riegel (Secretary), Washington
and Lee University; Norman Cousins, "World"; Julius Duscha, Washington Journalism Center.
Nominated by the E. W. SCRIPPS TRUST: John Troan, Pittsburgh Press; Milton Harris (Treas-
urer), Washington, D.C.; Edward W. Scripps II (Vice President and Chairman of the Executive
Committee), Edward W. Scripps Trust.
Director: E. G. Sherburne Jr.; Assistant Director: Dorothy Schriver; Business Manager: Donad R.
Harless; Things of Science: Ruby Yoshioka.
december 15, 1973 371
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
science news-
the data
on Jupiter
its moons
Permanently cloaked in impenetrable
clouds, Venus has a popular reputation
as the solar system's planet of mystery.
But for the teams of scientists now
poring over data from the Pioneer 10
spacecraft's flight past Jupiter last week,
the giant planet might well assume the
Even a quick look at the incoming
storehouse of information shows a truly
alien world (SN: 12/8/73, p. 356).
As the researchers begin their months
of painstaking analysis, their early im-
pressions are only confirmed.
A heat map of the planet, compiled
by the spacecraft's infrared radiometer
and impossible to make from earth,
verified what is still one of Jupiter's
most conspicuous curiosities: that it
gives off about two and a half times
as much heat as it gets from the sun.
Despite the planet's frigid temperatures,
says infrared experimenter Guido
Munch Of California Institute of Tech-
nology, if the sun were somehow cut
off it would take a week to lose all the
heat trapped in the dense atmosphere.
The controversial giant red spot,
Jupiter's most prominently visible fea-
ture, is still an enigma, but Pioneer- 10
has provided more food for thought,
thanks largely to remarkable images
provided by the photopolarimeter of
Tom Gehrels of the University of Ari-
zona as well as to the temperature
mapping. The spot, says Munch, may
well turn out to be a free-floating vor-
tex born in some Hadean thermal dis-
turbance below. Future investigators
may discover that it looks like a giant
tower of russet cloud, reaching, says
Gehrels, perhaps five kilometers above
the rest of the cloud tops. Laborious,
computer-assisted efforts by Arizona's
William Swindell to refine the pictures
may, in fact, reveal that Pioneer man-
aged to record a special prize: an im-
age made at such a low sunlight angle
that the red spot is casting a long
A thick-centered disc of dense, energetic particles rings Van Allen's Jupiter.
shadow, which could reveal the height
of its bulge. So great are Jupiter's at-
mospheric pressure and gravity, and so
low its temperature, according to
Munch, that such atmospheric "cells,"
if such they are, probably take hun-
dreds of years to ? rise to the cloudy
Ultraviolet measurements from Pi-
oneer, again impossible through the
blanket of earth's atmosphere, confirm
that primeval hydrogen is still in Jupi-
ter's atmosphere, glowing, as expected,
about 100 times more brightly than the
helium that is also present. The relative
amounts of the two gases, however,
must be determined from months of
detailed computer study by Darrell
Judge of the University of Southern
California, who also hopes to compare
his results with current estimates 'Of the
gases' relative abundances in the uni-
The vast magnetic and particle fields
surrounding Jupiter' are as confusing as
the planet itself. An early consensuS
seems' to he that the magnetic field
bulges out into what Pioneer project
scientist John H. Wolfe of A SA de-
scribes as a "soggy doughnut," almost
10 million miles in diameter. The great-
est concentrations of the energetic pro-
tons and electrons trapped by the field
are in a sort of disc that is thicker the
nearer it is to the planet's surface, says
James A. Van Allen of the University
of Iowa, finally expanding to follow the
strong inner part of the magnetic lines
of force. In this inner section, adds
John A. Simpson of the University of
Chicago, the particles are strongly
bound to the 'field lines; it is the weaker
grip of the outer field that may be
letting them break loose, perhaps ac-
counting for ?some of the turbulence
recorded by Pioneer's instruments on
the edge of Jupiter's influence.
Jupiter was not the spacecraft's only
target, however. Four of its dozen
moons also received their first close
? lo, nearest to the planet, is also
so dense, says John Anderson of Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, that it is "far
out of line" with the rest of ?Jupiter's
satellites. It may have condensed in an
anomalously heavy part of the gaseous
cloud ,that formed the solar system or,
suggests Andersen, it may even' have
been born elsewhere and -captured by
Jupiter's gravitational field (possibly
from among the inner planets since its
density resembles that of Mars). More
important, however, was the discovery
that Io has an atmosphere of sorts. It
is so rarified, theorizes Arvydas* Kliore
of JP L, that it may be an on-again off-
again feature composed of surface par-
ticles that only occasionally get warm
enough to evaporate; another possibility
is that it is the remainder of an ancient,
thicker atmosphere which got so cold
in eons past that most of it simply
snowed out.
? Europa, second of the four moons
discovered by Galileo, was the only
one to show an appreciable "sweepiiig"
effect in clearing the energetic protons
and electrons from part of Pioneer's
path,. perhaps because the spacecraft
passed closest behind Europa's wake.
The effect seemed to occur at all energy
levels, at least for the electrons, al-
though its effectiveness in helping pi-
oneer survive is not yet known. Europa
was also found to be slightly 'denser
than earth-based predictions suggested
?3.07 grams per cubic centimeter,
compared to about 3.00.
? Ganymede was just the opposite-
1.93 instead of an expected 2.03?a
difference Of about a tenth the mass of
earth's moon, yet . . .
? Callisto, like Europa, turned out to
be denser than anticipated-1.65 grams
per cubic centimeter versus 1.3.
And still the decision awaits for
Pioneer 11": will it go to Saturn? El
science news, vcil. 104
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Declassified and Approv
Genetic repair
in Mainrnak
? In the l0?0's Henry Harris of OX-
ford University came up with an elabo-
rate scheme for fusiiig different kinds
of cells cOnsisted of putting
a. particular virus with a particular en-
zyine on its,. surface in the presence of
two kinds Of dells to be fused. The viral
enzyme fused the two kinds of cells
so that the hybrid Cell contained the
genetic material and the cytoplasmic
material from both.
Using this technique, a, team of re-
searchers at Duke University Medical
Center, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research and the Natibnal Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases has
managed to correct genetically deficient
cells in tissue culture, then return the
corrected cells to living mammal,
where they function normally. This is
the first time that such an achievement
has been made. It offers a potential
course for correcting a number of
human genetic abnormalities.
The researchers are Nelson L. Levy
and Ralph Synderman of Duke Uni-
versity, Roger L. Ladda of Walter Reed
and Rose Lieberman of the NIAID. They
report .their findings in the latest PRO-
They corrected a genetic deficiency
in a strain of mice that does not
make one kind of protein. .The pro-
tein is the fifth in a series of .11 pro-
teins known as "complement." Com-
plement proteins provide the punch
behind antibody reactions. When an
antibody recognizes a foreign Cell it ac-
tivates the first protein in the comple-
ment serf& That protein activates the
next proteill in the series, and so oh.
A protein toward the end of the series
destroys the foreign bell.
To correct the ?nonproduCtiori of the
fifth complement protein in the Mice,
the investigators had to first determine
which cells, in mice usually make. the
protein. They took variotis cells ffem
normal mice, cultured the cells, then
assayed them to see which made the
protein. It turned out to be macro-
phages from the spleen. They then took
spleenic Macrophages from the intiFe
deficient in the protein and showed that
the .macrOPhages were indeed not able
to make the protein. The macrophages,
then, were the genetically deficient
(protein deficient) cells to deal with.
They set about trying to correet the
deficiency in. the macrophhges. Using
Harris's cell-fusion technique, they
fused kidney cells from normal,, mice
with the protein-deficient maerophages.
The kidney cells did riot make the pro-
tein tWat the macrophages laeked, but
they did 'have the chromosome that
makes the proteih. So when the kidney
december 15, 1473
cells fused with the macrophages, cyto-
plasmic influences in the deficient mac-
rophages were able to turn on the
usually silent chromosome from the
kidney cells. Once the chromosOme
was activated, the hybrid cells started
making the protein that the macro-
phages lacked.
The team took the hybrid cells, now
making the desired protein, and in-
jected them into mice lacking the pro-
tein. The mice continued to make the
protein, and it had all the right proper-
ties,. including complement activity.
The technique that Harris devised
and that the researcher's have elabo-
rated "is a potential way to correct
human genetic abnormalities?" Levy
told SCIENCE NEWS. "It could be ac-
complished in the same way that we
did in the mouse, except that in man
We would have a problem that we did
not have in the mouse, on one hand,
and we would lack a problem that we
did have in the mouse, On the other."
The problem they didn't have was
rejection by the mice that received the
hybrid cells. The reason that the mice
did not consider the hybrid cells for-
eign is that the kidney cells iricorpo
rated into the hybrid cells came from
mice closely related to the recipient
mice. If cells from two persons were
For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
and then injected into one of
persons, the recipient would prob-
ably reject the hybrid cells as foreign.
This is because the two individuals are
not related. There is a way around
the problem, though. "What you do,"
Levy says, "is select out populations
of cells that are normal, because they
make the right protein, but are com-
patible with the person to whorn you
want to give them back." When asked
whether such selection would be pos-
sible, Levy replied, "Oh yes. In fact,
experiments like these have been re-
ported from several laboratories."
The advantage Levy said they would
have over their mice experiments is
that most human genetic deficiencies
(protein deficiencies) are partial rather
than absolute. Because the complement
protein was new to the recipient mice,
they made antibodies against it. But
if a protein that an individual is par-
tially deficient in is injected into him,
he would probably not make antibodies
to it because his body is used to it.
A number of protein-deficiency con-
ditions might be corrected by their
technique, Levy believes?hemophilia,
immunoglobulin diseases, enzyme de-
ficiencies. Ladda and some investiga-
tors at Duke University hope to use the
technique to correct some of them.
An organic free-radical ferromagnet
Ferromagnetism is a condition, in
which all of the elemental microscopic
magnets in a sample of a given sub
stance line up in the same direction
so that there is a large overall field
in the substance. Ferromagnetism is
the basis of permanent large-scale mag-
nets. As its name, which contains the
Latin word for. iron, indicates, it, is
found mainly in certain metals and
A long-standing ambition. of physi-
cists and chemists has been the dis-
covery of a Artie organic ferromagnet.
Up to now they have found some cases
in which the elemental Magnets of a
substance may line up in pairs or in
a one-dimensional line, but a stibstance
with the true three-dimensional,, long-
range order of true ferromagnetism
has eluded them. Now it appears that
such a truly ferromagnetic organic sub-
stance has been found. The report is
- by M. Saint-Paul and Cl. Veyret of
the organic physical chemistry labora-
tory of the Center for Nutlear Studies
at Grenoble, France.
The substance involved is the crystal
of the suberate of bi (2;2,6,6-tetra-
methyl-4-piperidino1-1 -oxyl). In metal-
lic or mineral ferromagnetism the ele-
mental magnets that have to be lined
up are either atoms or ions; in the
organic case the elemental magnets are
free radical, molecules with an odd
number of electrons. The substance in
question contains the nitroxide group,
a particular combination of carbon
nitrogen and oxygen that lends great
stability to molecules that contain it.
A whole chemistry of such substances
has been developed over the last 15
years, but their physical properties are
just beginning to be studied: It appears
that the process that causes the ele-
mental magnets to line up may proceed
by a direct relation. between the ni-
troxide groups rather than by various
intermediaries as occurs in other cases.
Calculating the mathematical relation
involved will give specialists in theo-
retical chemistry a fine problem to
Work Out, remarks LA RECHERCHE.
The Curie point for this suberate,
the temperature below which ferip-
niagrietism appears spontaneously, is
no more than 0.38 degrees K.,. about
a third of a degree above absolute
zero. Therefore as LA RECHERCHE re-
marks, it is hardly a suitable substance
for making permanent magnets. How-
ever the lowness of the Curie point
is something of a benefit to pure scien-
tists studying ferromagnetism since at
that level many activities of the crystal
that affect magnetism are suppressed
so that the study of pure magnetism is
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Science at the bottom of the world
Science News Editor Kendrick Frazier is on a report-
ing trip to Antarctica. These are some of his preliminary
impressions after two days there, which included a visit
to the South Pole. The story was filed from McMurdo
Station, Antarctica, headquarters of the U.S. scientific re-
search efiort on the continent. He will report on several
of the science programs in detail after his return.
this is the busy season at McMurdo. It is the Antarctic
surnmer, a time of continuous daylight, and scientists pass
through almost daily on their way to and from outpost
stations or temporary field research sites. The main, and
virtually only, activity in Antarctica is scientific research.
Sixty-five projects involving 175 U.S. scientists are under
way during the 1973-74 summer. They range from studies
of how a protein in fish living in Antarctic waters keeps
them from freezing to observations of trace elements and
possible global air pollutants at the South Pole, from
penguin biology to historical glaciology, from drilling into
the continent to triggering electron showers in the at-
They are being performed not just to better understand
Antarctica but also to learn how it affects the global en-
vironment and to make special use of the continent's
unique capabilities as a natural scientific laboratory. The
National Science Foundation funds the U.S. Antarctic
Research Program.
McMurdo, the main U.S. station in support of such
efforts, is a strange mixture of mundane civilization and
raw and beautiful nature. Looking out from any promon-
tory, one can see in the foreground power lines, water
pipes, muddy roadways, dirt-covered piles of snow, and
a trash dump. But to the west, across miles of glistening
sea ice, looms a range of majestic mountains, cold, lonely
and formidable, part of the Transantarctic Mountain Range
that traverses a large portion of the continent. Beyond
them begin the vast expanses of the Antarctic ice cap.
Twenty miles to the north of McMurdo, rises snow-
covered Mt. Erebus, a 12,400-foot-high volcano, a cloud
of smoke hovering over its summit.
The December temperatures at McMurdo seem un-
expectedly mild. It reached a pleasant 33 degrees F. on
the day of our arrival. By early January icebreakers will
have broken through to McMurdo, and the continent will
then soon have its first delivery by ship of cargo and fuel.
Until then all supplies and fuel are delivered by air.
For the past decade, the station hag had a nuclear gen-
erating plant but it has been shut down since last year,
when it was discovered that insulation containing chlo-
rides around the reactor .pipes had become wet, a condi-
tion that could lead to widespread corrosion. The problem
is considered too costly to repair. The small, 1,800 kilo-
watt plant is considered obsolete, and is being painstaken-
ly dismantled and taken away. Under She terms of the
Antarctic treaty, all radioactive materials have to be re-
moved from the continent. A conventional power facility is
being expanded by addition of two new diesel generators.
In contrast to the diverse natural setting at McMurdo,
the South Pole station, 840 miles inland, sits amid a broad,
flat, featureless sheet of snow and ice. The elevation is
9,186 feet. Some 8,850 feet of that is ice.
During our visit there this week, the temperature was
minus 26 degrees F. but there was practically no wind.
That, and the relatively bright sunlight, made conditions
more pleasant than bitter.
The United States has operated the station at the South
Pole since 1957, but the accumulation of blown snow is
gradually crushing it, so a new station is being built about
a half mile away. Its main feature is a 52-foot-high, 164-
foot-diameter geodesic dome, housing three individual
buildings for scientific laboratories, living quarters, dining
hall, meeting hall, post office and other facilities for about
50 persons.
The geodesic dome, built of aluminum struts covered
by triangular aluminum panels, is completed. One can
climb up the exterior ladder to the top and get a remark-
able view of the South Pole ice cover, the telltale signs of
the present research station buried beneath the snow, and
the construction activity at the new site. The new pole
station is being constructed by a 165-man Navy Seabee
detachment with additional assistance from a private con-
struction firm that will have the task of getting the new
station into shape for occupancy in the 1974-75 season.
Twenty-two men, including nine scientists and techni-
cians and thirteen Navy support personnel, spent the en-
tire 1973 winter at the South Pole station. What's it like?
One of the two winter residents still not relieved of duty
is Gary Adair, a young seismology technician operating
a seismic station that records earthquakes around the
world. Since the pole is at the convergence of all lines of
longitude, the data help especially to identify their lati-
tude. Adair has been at the subsurface pole station con-
tinuously since Christmas Eve of 1972.
"We didn't have a whole lot of problems," .he says, "but
there's so little variety of where to go and what to do."
It was too cold, he discovered (often around minus 100
degrees) to go outside "just for pleasure." Would he do
it again? Not doing the same job, and "not for the next
four or five years."
The people at the South Pole station are obviously not
working in ideal conditions. But they are well-fed and
well-clothed, their quarters and living areas are com-
fortably warm, and they are supported by modern com-
munications and a massive air logistics effort.
This is the age of systematic scientific study in the
Antarctica. One cannot help thinking back almost 62
years to the lonely tribulations of Amundsen and his men,
the first to reach the pole, and Scott and his men, who
lost their lives after reaching it a month later. One gains
an awesome respect.
science news, vol. 104
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AMA passes 'death Wirth
dignity' resolution
"I request that I be allowed to die
and not be kept alive by artificial means
or heroic measures. I ask also that drugs
be mercifully administered to me for
terminal suffering even if . . . they may
hasten the moment of death."
At its annual meeting in Anaheim.
Calif., last week, the American Medical
Association cleared the way for such
statements as this to be used in provid-
ing "death with dignity" to terminally
ill patients. By signing such a statement.
the patient, or his family if he is un-
conscious, can have himself removed
from such devices as artificial respira-
tors or kidney machines and allow doc-
tors to administer heavy doses of pain-
killing drugs, thus easing and probably
speeding his death.
An AMA survey of various churches
revealed strong support for allowing a
patient to choose his own fate, once a
doctor has carefully explained the op-
tions, but most rejected the idea of
euthanasia and the AMA made no fur-
ther mention of the subject.
The convention also turned away
from a controversial motion by some of
its own members urging a legislative
definition of death. Again the issue cen-
ters around life-prolonging machines
that can keep some vital signs going
even after the "death" of the brain.
Many doctors are eager to have some
legislative protection so they cannot be
sued for taking an organ for transplant
out of a person whose brain has ceased
to function but whose heart did not
stop until the machines were turned off.
The current AMA position is that any
legalistic definition of death, such as
cessation of brain waves, is "inflexible"
and that individual doctors should re-
main free to define death using "cur-
rently accepted criteria."
The AMA resolution marks the first
time that the AMA has really faced up
to the moral and legal implications of
artificial prolongation of life, or tried
to establish a uniform policy concern-
ing death. At present, acceptable prac-
tice varies widely from "blue-starring"
patients beyond help (signifying that
"heroic" efforts are not to be made to
prolong their lives) to instances of
callously keeping the bodies of "gorked"
patients functioning until a suitable re-
cipient can be found for organ trans-
plant. Much more discussion like that
in Anaheim will have to come before
the profession has fully worked out an
ethical approach to the challenges of
life-prolonging medical technology, or
the public has fully understood the tech-
nology's implications for the ever-
widening region of uncertainty between
life and death. CI
december 15, 1973
Composite lunar photos from Mercury-bound Mariner will aid moon-mapping.
With Mariner 10 en route to Mercury
On its way to Mercury, Mariner 10
has noticed a nebula. A nebula, in
fact, which ought to be invisible.
The result, says Bruce Murray of
California Institute of Technology, head
of Mariner's scientist team, may be
"the start of a whole new field of as-
Launched Nov. 3, Mariner 10 was
quietly cruising toward its double goal
of close passes by Venus and Mercury
early next year, when a peak appeared
in the data from one of its instruments,
a far ultraviolet spectrometer designed
primarily to look for traces of an atmos-
phere on Mercury. The instrument was
turned on because it was being used to
chart hydrogen and helium distribution
in the solar system, measurable by their
ultraviolet glow.
The peak, says A. Lyle Broadfoot of
Kitt Peak National Observatory in
Arizona, represented "tremendously in-
tense- radiations from the Gum Neb-
ula, a gaseous cloud left by the ex-
plosion of a star, some 128 light years
away. The radiations indicated tempera-
tures ranging from 50,000 to 100,000
degrees F., 10 times the surface tem-
perature of the sun and about twice as
hot as any stellar objects seen by ultra-
violet light from earth or even the Or-
biting Astronomical Observatory satel-
lite. The hottest point was the star
Gamma Velorum.
Yet some astronomers wonder why
the Gum Nebula was visible at all to
the unmanned space probe, let alone at
such blazing temperatures. This partic-
ular nebula was thought to be a virtual
antique, a cosmic relic so far past its
prime that one scientist wondered that
it would still be emitting any detectable
heat whatsoever.
Mariner's unexpected finding may
oblige astronomers to revise their views
on the decay of nebulas, as well as on
the violence with which a star's internal
cycle-of fire can keep it going.
Finding the life in the spry, old neb-
ula has not been Mariner's only accom-
plishment of its journey. Its two tele-
vision cameras, in test runs to check
them out for their Venus and Mercury
roles, have provided about 1,000 sur-
prisingly sharp photos of the earth,
moon and stars.
Some of the lunar photos will be
used to help pin down surface features
on moon maps presently being refined
from Apollo and other data. In addi-
tion, the views of the moon's virtually
airless wastes have given the Mariner
experimenters an idea of what they can
expect during the Mercury flyby. where
fine detail is important to such tasks
as crater-counting.
The photos of earth, which show fea-
tures down to tiny, individual storms.
are similarly valuable for comparison
with the planned pictures of the cloud
structure of Venus.
Mechanically, Mariner seems to be
doing well. The two camera heaters
which failed to con-ie .on after launch
are still off, but the camera tempera-
tures have stabilized, and there seems
to be no distortion from any tempera-
ture differentials in the optical systems.
Scientists at Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory, from which the mission is being
controlled, are, however, studying one
seemingly small but puzzling irregular-
ity. On Nov. 21. when they commanded
the spacecraft's gyros to turn on in
preparation for a rolling scan of the
ultraviolet sky, a small drop in power
appeared in Mariner's data-processing
system, then corrected itself. The roll
maneuver was cancelled for the time
being, but then when the same gyros
were commanded again on Dec. 7, this
time with more telemetry channels open
to report whether there might be un-
wanted power surges in some electronic
systems, the same thing happened. Now
the search is on for a possible short cir-
cuit or other "glitch." CI
The Dec. 22 and Dec. 29 issues of
SCIENCE NEWS will be combined into
a single, expanded year-end issue that
will carry a review of the important
science stories of 1973.
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(nE BiGnGie.)
by Robert J. Trotter
The work ethic was having trouble
recruiting jobbers. There were rumors
that God was dead. Sancrosanct insti-
tutions (big government, big business,
higher education, the nuclear family,
etc.) were under attack from within
and without.
Such was the setting of the sixties
that left many young people ideologi-
cally aimless and confused. With what
were they to fill their time ,and their
heads? Many of these searchers turned
to a practice that has been the opiate
of the Eastern masses for several mil-
Fdr years, meditation has remained
a mysterious, cultist, semi-religious type
of experience that had no meaning for
the .rational Western mind. But medi-
tation is not all that mysterious, and
techniques have been developed that
can be communicated and learned by
anyone. Consequently, in the past few
decades, literally hundreds of thousands
of Westerners have learned and are
using some of the many methods of
meditation. The techniques differ but
most of them aim at the same goal:
achievement of a profound state of rest
while maintaining a relaxed alertness.
Some attain the goal through physical
excesses, as in "hatha yoga"; others
concentrate on a particular overt func-
tion, such as the respiratory rate; still
others require rigorous concentration
on a single object or concept as a
means of eliminating all contact and
flow from conscious experience.
This rather ill-defined and vague
"profotind state of rest" is not as ob-
scure as it sounds. Everyone experi-
ences a similar state of relaxed aware-
ness during the tfew moments immedi-
ately before going to sleep. With a little
training and practice, such a state can
be prolonged and reached at will--in a
quiet room or even in the midst of a
noisy crowd. People who meditate reg-
ularly report that it has altered their
Meditation is becoming a popular relaxer and
escape mechanism in Western societies. Researchers
are finding that many of the claims for meditation
seem to have physiological correlates.
lives in a variety of ways. They say
they experience greater serenity and
inner peace; they frequently mention
having more energy and greater steadi-
ness in pursuing goals, and greater effi-
-...iency in ordering priorities so that less
effort is wasted. They report that anxi-
ety, aggression and hostility are re-
But these reports are all subjective,
says Edward Taub of the Institute for
Behavioral Research in Silver Spring,
Md. In many areas of study, he notes,
such subjective reports have been found
to have little correspondence with out-
ward reality as perceived by others.
"Our traditions of thought, then, com-
pel us to seek verification of the self-
reports through more objective meas-
ures," said Taub as chairman of a
symposium on the psychobiology of
meditation at this year's meeting of the
science news, vol. 104
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yid C.)
American Psychological Association.
The physiological effects of medita-
tion have always been of some interest
to researchers. In 1935 a French cardi-
ologist took a portable electrocardio-
graph to India in order to check out
Yogis who claimed to be able to volun-
tarily stop their heart beat. One Yogi
was apparently able to, but subsequent
studies were inconclusive. In recent
years more extensive studies have been
performed in the United States.
One of the first of a spate of recent
papers was published by Robert Kieth
Wallace in SCIENCE in 1970 (SN:
4/11/70, p. 370). He found that medi-
tation is accompanied by a number of
physiological changes?decreases in
heart rate and oxygen consumption.
Wallace, Herbert Benson and Archie
F. Wilson of Harvard Medical School
followed up in the AMERICAN JOURNAL
RErt ritcrt M
3A-trzu ig-r4 ktsrPogrd4 It t It
vidyarit ciividyarh ca yas
tad vedobhayam saha
avidyayci mrtyuth tirtvii
vidyayamrtam agnate.
vidyam?knowledge in fact; ca?and; avidytim?nescience; ca?and; yalt?a
person; tad?that; veda?knows: ubhayam?both; saha?simultaneously;
avidyayii?by culture of nescience; mrtyum?repeated death; tirtvii?
transcending; vidyari?by culture of knowledge; amrtam?deathlessness;
Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of
transcendental knowledge side by side can transcend the influence
of repeated birth and death, and enjoy the full blessings of im-
Mandalas, such as the one at the left,
are often used as objects for medita-
tion. Concentration on increasingly
complex designs is said to prolong
one's experience of time. Mandalas
are usually round and, according to
Carl G. Jung, represent the unity of
the self.
Drawing: M. C. Escher, Escher Foundation,
Haags Gemeentemuseum?The Hague
december 15, 1973
Mantras, such as the one above trans-
lated from Sanskrit, are also used a..
aids to meditation. A tnantra can be a
complete thought or a single sonorous
sound or word (Ommm) that is re-
peated over and over. Mantras are
supposedly assigned according to the
user's personality.
Sri is6panisad by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
OF PHYSIOLOGY in 1971 with the first
Major study of the physiological effects
of meditation.
. In 'this study and in subsequent ones,
Wallace and Benson ?(and many other
researchers) have worked with one
particular type of meditation?TransL
cendental Meditation, or TM. They
chos'e TM because cOnsistent physio-
logic changes ,were nOted during its
practice, because subjects found little
difficulty, in meditating during experi-
mental measurements and because a
large number of subjects were available
who had received uniform instruction
froth an organization specializing in
teaching TM (student's international
Meditation Society, which teaches TM
aceording to a Method popularized in
this country by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).
Taub agrees with the choice of TM. He
explains: TM is said to be an entirely
mechanical process which attains its
goals automatically with constant prac-
tice. It requires no faith or belief and
does not involve intense cOncentration
or control of the content of conscious-
ness. TM's practice requires no intel-
lectual analyses and can be learned by
people of all 'backgrounds, ages and
education. It does not call, for recourse
to a reclusive style of living, but inte-
grates well with a normal active life
The basic technique of TM can be
learned in the course of a 90-minute
session of individual instruction. It is
then 'practiced for 20 minutes, twice .a
day, during which the Meditator sits in
a comfortable position with eyes closed.
The subject has been assigned a suitable
sound. Or thought (mantra). Without
attempting to concentrate specifically
on this cue, the meditator Merely per-
ceives the mantra and experiences it
freely. As other thoughts enter the
mind, they may be examined and dis-
carded?they are not to be ?followed
logically and allowed to lead to other
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a; Declassified and Approved For
meditators report, leads to a finer
more creative level of thinking. The
total experience is pleasant and is sup-
posed to produce a state of relaiation
that gives rise to dramatic short-term
and long-term effects on behavior.
Presuming a physical rather than a
spiritual cause for these effects, Benson
and Wallace examined meditators on a
variety of physiological scales. Results
with 36 subjects revealed: blood flow
in the arm increases during TM by
about 32 percent, oxygen consumption
decreases during TM by about 17 per-
cent, electrical resistance of the skin
inereases by an average of about 200
percent, brain wave patterns indicate an
alert wakefulness and carbon dioxide
elimination decreases. This seeming
"quiescence of the sympathetic nervotis
system," the researchers note, iS the
opposite of the fight-or-flight reflex. It
is overstimulation of this fight-or-flight
reflex by the stresses of modern life
that is thought to be a cause of hyper-
tension and some psychosomatic dis-
eases. kit should be well worthwhile,"
Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
LI %.,111.1',1 alt.,' in Los
tivity and greatly decreased hours of Aiteles studied the effects of TM on
narcotics addicts in a Federal prison
in New Mexico. He found that pris-
oners become less compulsive and more
sociable in their behavior after two
months of regular meditation (SN:
9/8/73, p. 152). Orme-Johnson also
studied staff members at the Drug and
Alcohol Abuse Control and Prevention
Center in Fort Bliss, Texas. MMPI
tests before and after 10 weeks of medi-
tation indicated that subjects practicing
TM achieve a reduction in symptoms
of anxiety, more maturity and more or-
ganized thought and behavior.
The results of these and other studies
indicate that TM may be a useful tool,
but there are some drawbacks. In al-
most every case, the subjects have been
persons who elected to become medita-
tors. This fact alone sets meditators
apart from other hypertensives, drug
users, neurotics and searchers. Those
who decided to become meditators and
who followed through had already dis-
played the will power that is sometimes
enough to change a habit or a complete
life style. Subjects who did not follow
through with TM (even though they
originally intended to do so) received
none of its benefits. Perhaps they did
not really believe in or want the
changes that TM is supposed to produce.
Perhaps they need another kind of help
if some sort of change is really neces-
sary. No one can be forced to medi-
tate. Meditation is not a shot-in-the-arm
cure all. For instance, Arthur Vassi-
liadis of the Stanford Research Institute
has found that three months of TM
does not produce a statistically im-
portant change in a meditators heart
beat. Only after nine months of con-
scientiously practiced TM is there a
significant reduction in heart rate.
A While meditation does seem to pro-
duce beneficial effects in certain sub-
jects, researchers are still not agreed on
how these effects are produced. The
original work of Wallace and Benson
indicated which physiological processes
might be involved but, says Taub, there
is no clear interpretation of the data
yet. More recent ?work by Gary E.
Schwartz at Harvard, for instance, in-
dicates that Wallace and Benson's find-
ings are not as clear-cut as they seemed.
Schwartz points out that the personality
of the tester, as well as that of the sub-
ject, might be an important variable.
(Wallace, an easy-going and interested
experimenter, gets somewhat different
results than a less sympathetic person
The work of Wallace and Benson is
still valid, says Taub, even though
newer data are providing a different
interpretation. But even without a co-
herent interpretation, he concludes, the
data on TM are "suggestive and excit-
psychotherapy. Another therapist has
reported success in treating cases of
claustrophobia and perfuse perspira-
tion. And another report claims that
TM can lead to a better marriage by
releasing the tensions of daily life.
Many of these claiins are related to
the reduction in anxiety that TM sup-
posedly produces in regular practition-
A similar lessening of anxiety is
often achieved through drugs, so some
researchers have investigated the effects
of meditation on drug users. One thing
they have found is that meditation, un-
like drugs, does not require increased
doses as the user becomes habituated.
In fact, most steady meditators usually
stop drug use. Benson and Wallace con-
ducted a studY with I*2 subjects.
They fouhd that after about 21 months
of practicing TM, almost 96 percent of
those who had been trafficking in drugs
had ceased doing so. More than 95
percent of the subjects who used drugs
illegally since starting TM had tried to
Wallace and Benson concluded, "to in-
vestigate the possibilities for clinical
application of this state of wakeful rest
and relaxation."
Such possibilities have since been in-
vestigated. Benson and Wallace worked
with 22 hypertensive subjects and re-
ported that regular practice of TM
resulted in reduced blood pressure.
Other researchers have reported that
TM appears to be beneficial in the
treatment of bronchial asthma and dis-
eases involving inflammation such as
swollen gums. TM has even been
found to increase auditory ability.
Psychological as well as physiological
conditions respond to the practice of
TM. On psychological tests, meditators
display significantly less verbal hostility
than nonmeditators. One psychiatrist
has reported that patients who practice
TM show a fastef-than-average rate of
improvement in the course of psycho-
therapy. With some patients TM has
discourage others from non-medical use
of drugs. Prior to TM, 78.3 percent had
'used marijuana and hashish and 22.4
percept were heavy users. After 22
months of meditation, the number of
users of these drugs had fallen off to
12.2 And 0.1 percent respectively. Simi-
lar results were reported for LSD, opi-
ates (heroin, etc.), amphetamines, bar-
biturates, alcohol and tobacco. W. T.
Winquist of the University of California
at Los Angeles has also examined the
relationship between TM and drug use.
He found that after at least three
months of TM, 84 percent of those who
were regular users of marijuana had
stopped, 14.5 peicent had substantially
decreased and only about 1.5 percent
increased use of the drug. According
to Winquist, 49 percent of the users
stated that their use of drugs decreased
because life became more fulfilling after
starting meditation.
David Orme-Johnson of the Maha-
science news, vol. 104
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aerospace ?? sciencvana society
Whither the aimless astronauts?
With only a single team of U. S. astronauts scheduled to
see space in the next six years, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration is tightening its belt, reorganizing
and consolidating its manned spaceflight activities.
There are 37 astronauts left on active flight status, but
only 10 currently have a mission, the prime, backup and
support crews for the three-man Apollo-Soyuz rendezvous
plus Apollo Soyuz Test Project Special Assistant Eugene
Cernan?and that will begin and end in. 1975. Not until
the planned space shuttle gets going, in 1979 at the earliest,
will any more Space berths be open.
As a result, NASA is absorbing its present Flight Crew Op-
erations Directorate, in charge Of training, scheduling and
other activities, into Flight Operations Directorate, which
was formerly concerned only with planning .the missions
themselves and related procedures. The enlarged FOD will be
directed by Kenneth S. Kleinecht, now manager of the
Skylab program.
The 11 scientist-astronauts will be assigned to offices in
the Science and Applications and Life Sciences Directorates,
working on crew aspects of various potential jobs for the
space shuttle. Of the 16 pilot-astronauts not working on
the Apollo-Soyuz project, 15 will be assigned other shuttle-
related jobs by the end of Skylab. The 37th man is Charles
Conrad, veteran of Gemini 6 and 11, Apollo 12 and Sky-
lab 1, who is resigning Feb. 1 for a job with a Denver cable
television company.
Venus drops acid
Droplets of sulfuric acid more concentrated than the
acid in a car battery have been identified in the cloud tops
of Venus.
The discovery was made using spectra bbtained through
a 30-centimeter telescope aboard a jet? flying at 45,000
feet. Compared with laboratory spectra of clouds contain-
ing such materials as iron chloride, liquid water, ice, mer-
cury, ammonium chloride and hydrochloric acid, the Venus
clouds best matched sulfuric acid concentrations of more
than 75 percent.
James B. Pollack, who headed a nine-person research
team from the NASA Ames Research Center in the project,
says that the droplets probably lie in the top 10 kilometers
of a 33-kilometer-thick cloud layer that extends down to
about 32 kilometers above the veiled planet's surface. The
'brilliance of Venus' cloud tops could be largely due to the
fact that the acid droplets seem to be in the highly reflec-
tive one-micron size range.
Some theorists have previously pointed out that the
presence of sulfuric acid, an effective drying agent, could
account for the surprising lack of water vapor in Venus'
predominantly carbon-dioxide clouds.
Will Pioneer 10 be found?
The starbound Pioneer 10 spacecraft, already millions
of miles beyond Jupiter, carries a message-bearing plaque
in case some alien civilization should find it. A 17-year-old
student is now working out the chances.
Bruce Allen, of Los Alamitos High School in California,
is preparing a series of computer programs to tell him what
stars are near Pioneer's path (Aldebaran in Taurus is first),
whether they could have life-supporting planets, and even
whether the light angles will be right to let strong tele-
scopes see the probe coming.
The chances, he acknowledges, are small.
december 15, 1973
A warning on disasters . . .
Just before Christmas a year ago, at midnight on the
23rd of December, Managua, Nicaragua was destroyed by
an earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale. By
sunrise, one percent of the 420,000 inhabitants were dead,
another four percent were injured, 60 percent were fleeing
the city and 70 percent were homeless. Among reScue work-
ers from many nations was a group of scientists, *hose
task was to determine the human impact of the quake and
recommend ways of reducing the impact of future dis-
asters. The Dec. 7 SCIENCE has their report.
Though civil order broke down almost immediately, re-
sulting in widespread looting, and two full days passed be-
fore successful mobilization of local emergency organiza-
tions, Managuans were lucky in many ways. Nearly 75 per-
cent of the homeless were able to find shelter with relatives
because of an extended family system. The absence of pri-
vate cars and a large pool of public transportation facili-
tated rapid evacuation. The international comMunity re-.
spOnded quickly and efficiently, with U. S. Army engi-
neers working alongside a Cuban relief team.
The authors reach some- sober . conclusions abotit the
implication of the Managuan experience to potential dis-
asters in industrialized countries. So-called "seismic re-
sistant" buildingS may not collapse but still become un-
functional, as did the major Managuan hospitals. A break-
down of public, order, they say, could easily occur in
American central cities. Extended families are not the
norm here and large numbers of refugees would have to
be , evacuated and cared for?a task greatly hampered by
a transportation system based on private cars and rela-
tively delicate freeway overpasses.
The Managua earthquake was relatively low-energy, they
recall, and another "perhaps 1000 times greater, can be
expected on the West Coast of the United States within the
lifetime of most readers of this article."
. . . and weapons
In his addreSs accepting the 1973 Charles Lathrop Par-
sorts Award of the American Chemical Society, Charles C.
Price warned that as public attention on scientific Matters
has shifted to concern with energy and the environment,
nuclear weapons have greatly proliferated and pose an
even greater threat. Price, a past president of the society,
said that in just the last three years, U.S. nuclear warheads
have increased from 4,000 to 10,000, despite ,SALT talks.
Particularly objectionable, he said, was the absence of
any Government employee with even part4irrie responsi-
bility for planning total disarmarrient. "Under President
Eisenhower and President Kennedy, the U.S. Government
supported a top-level civilian effort devoted t6 planning for
and negotiating the revolutionary Dial of general and com-
plete disarmament. . . . After President Kennedy's assassi-
nation, planning and negOtiation for this goal were aban-
* *
they have been inquiring among knowledgeable people
about the probability that nuclear weapons exist in the
Mideast, following the revelation by a highly placed Egyp-
tian spokesman that his country has attempted to become
a nuclear power. They conclude that Israel has locally pro-
duced enough plutonium to build a bomb more or less
anytime they want, while recent efforts to bring home
Egyptian scientists working abroad, perhaps to staff the
secret Egyptian nuclear research center, look suspicious.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
physical sciences' behavioral sciences
A new solar cycle begins
Down near the, sun's south pole evidence of the begin-
ning of a new 11-year cycle of solar activity has been seen.
The evidence Consists of new sunspots and is reported in
GilleSpie, Jack W. Harvey and William C. Livingston of
Kitt Peak National Observatory and Karen Harvey of the
Lockheed Solar Observatory in Burbank, Calif. The obE:er-
vations were done with Kitt Peak's McMath Solar Telescope.
The new cycle will be the 21st since astronomers began
recording these :things in 1755. As uSual, the first evidence
for the new cycle appears about a year before the_minimum
activity point Of the previous cycle, Which is expected in
1975. Activity belonging to the new cycle begins to appear
in the polar regions of the sun, while that of the dying old
cycle draws near the solar equator. The cycles thus overlap
in time but not in space. The peak of the new cycle is
expected about 1980.
Alcator at 100,000 gauss
Alcator, the thermonuclear fuSion niachine at the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, has achieved a magnetic
field of 100,000 gauss according to art anhouncement by
the institute, ?Alcator is a deviee of the class called tokamak,
in which the Magnetic field is used to confine a plasma of
ions and electrons in a toroidal spade in the hope of in-
ducing energy.yielding fusions among the nuclei of the
plasma. ? . .
, The field Of 100,000 gauss, a very high field fer any kind
Of magnetic application, iS the highest ever achieved in a
fusion device. The previous record was 60,000 gauss, which
was reached in a French experiment at Fontenay-adx-Roses
near Paris.
:It is not expected that a field of such great, strength will
be .needed for the operation Of a fusion reactor, if and
when one comes to be. Fifty thousand ganss is believed
sufficient. The higher fields are being stUdied to gain an
understanding of how plasma confinement varies with in-
creasing magnetic field, information that Will be important
for the design of eventual fusicin reactors. The rettird field
was produced by cooling Alcator'g electromagnets to a
temperature of 71 degrees K., lessening their electrical re-
sistance and allowing them to carry higher currents and
produce the strong field.
A europium gas laser
Efficient and powerful lasers that emit frequencies in the
visible part of the spectrum have developed from -the, use
of metal vapors as the active material. Yet, as P. A. Bokhan,
V. M. Klirrikim and V. E. Prokop'eV Of the. Institute of
AtmOSpheriC Physics of the Siberia; Division of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, point Out in JETP LETTE4S (Vol. 18,
No. 2), there remains quite a number of metals whose
possible lasing properties have not been investigated, espe-
eially 'the rare earths.
To fill some of the gaps the three Siberian physicists have
been experimenting with the? laSing :possibilities of rAre
earths. So far they have succeeded in producing a laser that
uses ionized europium vapbr. The europium is mixed with
helium and energized by an electrieal discharge. The lasing
comes in pulses of between 3 and 150 microsecond with a
maxium pOwer of 50 watts. Radiation at a wavelength of
1.361 microns appears at low helium pressure. At higher
helium pressures the spectral lines at 1.002 microns and at
1.017 microns also appear.
An antique toolkit
Crudely chipped pieces 9f volcanic nick have been identi-
fied as the earliest "tool kit" used by humans. Anthropolo-
gist Glynn Isaac of the University of California in Berkeley
has found nearly 600 Such tools during four years of field
work in Kenya. Last week at the second annual Louis
Leakey Memorial Symposium in San Francisco, Isaac ex-
plained that the stones, found in patches among groups of
broken animal bones, have been dated at 2.5 million years
of age.
Isaac, co-leader With Richard Leakey of the Kenya expe-
dition, saYS the "simple stone implements which took about
five or six blows to produce" are, very important because
they provide infornAtkcin about the origins and life-styles of
early humans. Finding the stones ambng broken bones, for
instance, indicates that the primitive tool users were meat
eaters whO. liked ,tb:,establish central bases of operation and
food-sharing :collectives. Gazelle, waterbuck, pig, porcu-
pine and hippopotamus may have- been part of the meat
diet. Bones of all of these animals were found with the
stones. Although it is difficult to determine ? the func-
tion of the tools with certainty, Isaac noted that humans
have always ?hact difficulties in breaking up animal car-
casseS without implements.
In additiOn to the 2.5 million-year-old tools, Isaac has un-
earthed thouSands of tools estimated to be 1.3 million years
old. The later implements varied considerably from the
early tools in numbers as well as sophistication. Comparing
them to the older ones yields more infOrrhation. The later
toolS,,says Isaac; were made with a definite purpose in mind
and took 15 or 20 blows to produce. They also included
much larger specimens, which indicate that they were made
by a "muscular, beefy character." During the one' million
years separating the early site from the. later one, Isaac says,
our ancestors obviously "became quite slaphappy about
inaking tools:"
Suieide: An occupational hazard?
Suicide rates are highest among job holders who have
the least opportunity for Significant social contact, says
Leonard L. Linden of the University of Georgia's Institute
for Behavioral Research. He examined national death rates
and found that professionals with opportunity for deep,
meaningful relationships, in the course of their work, such
as doctors and lawyers, were less suicide prone than others,
stich as farmers, who ladked these social opportunities and
had the highest suicide rates. "The most important
factor," he stresses, "is not occupation per se, but how the
work affects individual social contacts."
Tackling football fever
Just in time fbr the Super Bowl, the American Medical
Association has published Comments in Sports Medicine.
The volume, edited by Timothy T. Craig, warns coaches to
take it easy on their teams during halftime. Stimulating an
athlete, it says, is one thing, but when the excitement reaches
an anxiety. level, player performance is likely to be ad-
versely affected. The event itself and the spectators will
usually create enough psychological arousal for any athlete,
says the AMA.
In addition to supplying psychological, nutritional and
physical fitness facts for coaches and players, the book
urges that sports arenas have facilities available to cope
with the spectator who becomes overexcited and suffers a
heart attack.
science news, vol. 104
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? Sueone
?Okmbetmile ?Aed
? P.P., .
A Mt Anil,
Shoshone ?
eon,. ?? ?
Paso Robles
City lights
rule out large
areas of California as
pO:ssible observatory sites.
Walker/Proc. Ast.ron. Soc. Pao.
? Bo?e?
BOW., ?
? ;Crowe,.
Optical astronomy is a science that
is done in the dark. Astronomers would
like to foregather on?mountaintops. with
the inky black night that gives them the
hest view of the Celestial bodies they
wish to studly. '
? But their researches are bedeviled
by an age-old problem that is now
becoming 'acute: city lights. Several
of our largest observatories are find-
ing that their monntains- are no longer
isolated. Urban 'sprawl laps " around
their bases, and in the telescopes the
Great White Way competes with the
Milky Way.
- For centuries people have tried to
turn night into day .and have instinc-
tively, sought the light that astronomers
wish would go away. Witness A. A.
Hoag, W. B. 5choening and M. Coucke
of Kitt Peak National Observatory writ-
'Hu'mans ingfinctively shield thernselveS
from the Wonderful awe' Of the universe.
The trend fro_ni campfire to lighted
megalopolis has been a one-way demon-
itration of increased skill in this art.''
Lighted-Megalopolis may attract those
down ?on the farm, but, astionorpers
haye a history of running from it. The'
problem is now more acute than evei'
because urban growth May leave them
december 15, 1973
with no place to run. Back in the
1930's, when the 200-inch telescope was
being planned, it waS determined that
the Mt. Wilson ObservatorY Was not the
place to put it. Mt. Wilson stands' just
above downtown pa?0eriai and the
competition from the lights of LOs An-
geles was deemed fCtO strOng for the
faint objects (disthitt galaxies) the
telescope was intended to 'study. The
inbre isolated Palomar Mountain was
chosen as the site. Today PalOmar is
beginning' to feel the lights of Los An-
gees and San Oleg?. Where to run
The experience of the University of
California's Lick Observatory illustrates
the tightness of the bind. When Mt.
Hamilton was selected as the Observa-
tory's site in 1875, San Jose was a small
toWn. (The ciey's pppulation in 1900 is
listed at 4590.) Today Sari Joe is a'
metropolis of 445,779, (19.70 census).
The results of that growth have been
.Variously, detrimental to the observa,
tory; according to a study made by
Merle F. 'Walker Of Lick.
'The sky over Mt. Hamilton has
brightened measurably over the last 20
years (the period -Of the greatest popu-
lation influx to the Santa Clara Valley
below Mt. Hamilton). Looking toward
the zenith the faintest objects that can
by Dietrick E, Thomsen
be detected with photographic plates or
image tubes are now about one magni-
tude brighter than would be possible at a
completely dark location. Looking 45
degrees above the horizon in the' direc-
tion of San Jose, the faintest observable
object is 1.5 magnitudes brighter than
could be seen at a dark location.
Putting all that in a slightly different
way, for observations with photographic
plates or image tubes the 120-inch tele-
scope at Lick (one of the world's
largest) is only about as effective as a
telescope of 60- to 76-inch aperture lo-
cated at a dark site. At Mt. Hamilton
it now takes between 2.5 and 4 times
as long to achieve a given photometric
Ecision for an object of a given mag-
nitude as it Would at a completely dark
In addition, the spectral character-
istics of the city light interfere with the
spectra' of celestial objects. Lines char-
acteristic ot mercury from the mercury
vapor street lamps of San Jqse appear
on the spectra of celestial objects taken
at Mt. Hamilton, and they become
darker and darker as time goes on.
, For these reasons Lick's managers
have decided that any new large capital
equipment that the observatOrY may
build should not be set un on Mt.
Hamilton. Looking for possible new
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Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
sites Walker prepared maps of Cali-
fornia and Arizona on which he drew
exclusionary circles around regions
where urban light pollution was too
strong for good observatgry siting. The
limits he used for sky illumination were
those?still tolerable?found at Palo-
mar: a sky brightness of 0.1 magnitude
at the zenith and 0.2 magnitude at 45
degrees above the horizon in the direc-
tion of the nearest city. The resulting
maps exclude vast segments of terri-
tory, and when they are combined with
the other criteria for a goofl astro-
nomical siting?lots of clear weather
and low atmospheric turbulence?very
few places remain. That is why Walker
urges a program to identify good sites
and preserve them from light pollution.
Both the American Astronomical So-
ciety and the International Astronom-
ical Union have appointed committees
for this purpose.
The place the Lick people favor most
as an escape hatch is Junipero Serra
Peak in the Santa Lucia Mountains,
somewhat south of Lick's present loca-
tion. Junipero Serra lies between the
3650-62 4047 4078 4358
Ii ft 11n1 1 11 111 if '11l 1 1 1
II I 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1
t1 11 11 11 11 14 J r 1 11 1
?tltllI ii II I I 1
11111111 11 111 1 1 ."
; II 1 1 11 1 1 Li.
11 1
11 1
A...11 1
1960 Sep.19
1967 Oct. 4
1972 Aug. 12
USAF DATA Acquisi-
tion and Processing
Above: The
United States lit
up at night as
seen by an Air
Force satellite.
Left: Spectral
lines of mercury
vapor (numbered)
from the street-
lights of San Jose
appear in the
spectrum of the
nebula at FG Sge
taken with the
Lick Observa-
tory's Crossley
reflector. The
intruding lines get
darker as time
goes on.
Walker/Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pac.
So. .ern California and the San Fran-
cisco Bay Area conurbations, both of
which are reaching toward it. At the
moment the observatory has no money
and no plans to build anything there,
and thus is in a bad situation to try to
affect what happens there. There are
also potential problems because the lo-
cation is in a national forest and there
are conservationist groups that would
like to see nothing at all built there,
not even an observatory.
To preserve Junipero Serra would
require control of lighting in the Salinas
Valley. That might be achieved by legis-
lation on lighting similar to that adopted
in Tucson, where, as Hoag, Schoening
and Coucke point out: ". . . astron-
omers have taken the perhaps quixotic
view that something can be done about
the lighting situation."
Tucson is surrounded by observa-
tories (including Kitt Peak, the Smith-
sonian Astrophysical Observatory's
southern station and the Steward Ob-
servatory of the University of Arizona),
and it takes its "astronomy industry'
seriously. The Tucson astronomers suc-
ceeded in getting the city to require the
shielding of outdoor lighting so that it
shines down but not up and to require
that the spectral characteristics of out-
door lighting be such that emission of
wavelengths shorter than 4,400 ang-
stroms is curtailed. (Ultraviolet light is
particularly bad for astronomers.) Late-
ly the Arizona astronomers have per-
suaded the state legislature to pass
enabling legislation so that Counties and
unchartered municipalities could enact
similar ordinances. Now they are trying
to get Pima County to pass such an
ordinance. A county regulation would
cover suburbs outside the city's cor-
porate limits and the territory immedi-
ately adjacent to the observatory moun-
tains themselves. "The ordinance won't
reduce the light," says Hoag, and the
light will continue to increase as a
function of time. What the ordinance
will do is reduce the slope of the in-
crease. With this, good conditions can
be preserved at Kitt Peak "not indefi-
nitely" but for some time to come. The
brightening at the zenith over Kitt Peak
is now about 0.1 magnitude and more
subtle features such as the gegenschein
and the zodiacal band are easily seen
at appropriate times, which means that
the environment is quite acceptable for
In places that are not as lucky and
that have no controlling legislation, the
situation will probably deteriorate even
if the energy crisis shuts off a few lights
and urban growth slows. Municipalities
are moving from incandescent lamps
to the brighter mercury-vapor lamps
and the even brighter sodium-vapor
ones. If something isn't done, American
astronomers may wind up without a
place to stand. 0
382 science news, vol. 104
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For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010091-5
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Eilfririfffl:(1 :
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