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Document Release Date: 
December 1, 2011
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Publication Date: 
October 1, 1970
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3 \b)(3) ~ /r/ :ill c~--ther 'hreat -9ifrIH T - -R m ~.} ~, ~ ~ ~ LT COL was a aan of much experience in the SIGIPiT .comtYUnity. When I started ~Y research into the field of Para of a personal experience which had occurred many years ago. COL n and to advocate looking into the subject. His interest was aroused because subject. He told me that, as far as he knew, he himself was one of the fir he was oi~e of the first people I questioned about Agency interest in the an-Agency colleague were on a TDY trip at the time and were sharing a room for the night. It had been a busy day and they were still engaged in an animated discussion, at a late hour. COL /~Daitr6.v4L ~?rrp~r- '~" ~~~ was giving his roommate a seven digit nuiaerical sequence as an example, when the rooruaate sudden],y exclaimed that it was a precise number he was just then thinking about, a phone nuriber he had to czll. The roorrate being a man of mathematical background was impressed with the odds that such a coincidence it should be due~to chance aloae.# COL 0 was still thinking about the incident when he returned to the Agency. He felt stroroly ei:ough about the implicatior_s of the question to pay a visit to I?ir. William ~-iedman. When he related the incident to bs. F??iedna-~, he closed with a recoaaaer-dation that the Agency look into research on Extrasensory Perception (ESP~'~and its relevance to the SIGIVT comr~ur~ity. R _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3 I~lot .I-a.cwi_~~g what i~:r . Fx?ied.+naz ~ s reaction to his suggestion had been, COL was pleasantly surprised when he cht~?~ced upon t~s. Friedtaan in the halls and was ir~vited?into his offices. 1:z? . ~4?ied~~.n happily displayed to COL ~ a list he had composed of reco~unend research subjects for the Agency. Tha:?e amo~:g them was ESP. Since these early days, research has slowly progressed into the possible relationships betrreeii FarGpsychologjr and the Intelligence community. Experirients have been designed to test the effects of the Telepathic# and Clairvoyant# phenomer:a or: the cryptosccurity of the U.S. codes and ciphers; Intelligence corsaunity irfoi?mation is periodically scanned for developmer_ts in Free World or SIPIO/SOVIET Bloc research which L~ignt constitute an i?~creased threat _to our Comrcunications Security. The search for Agency Psychic talent is actively, if informally persued whenever possibin. Ore of the difficulties ir~voived in testing for F,SP within a laboratory er?vironr?ert is that the laboratory can rarely dupli- cate the extreme, End often. tragic stiriulus found in spontaneous cases. Lacking such strong motivation, FSI' raroly provides spectaculr.rly positive results in the laboratory. One apparent exception to this frustrating parapsychological testing situation occurs ~rher. the so called ~~Pollergeist~~ phenomara is under study. "This appears to be the case because the pheroaena is spparar_tly a psycho- pathological cor:dition,? sor.:ewhat like ulcers a:.d seeps to be caused by Poltergeist (PK The ability of the mind to irfluer.ce matter usually by . motion.. ~'!'elepathy: Afind to mir_d con.~ur.ication. #Clairvoya-ice: Aware:ess of a physical object bzyord ro:~!al se:~.sory x?a^.oa. 4s;.' ~.:~.~ '`::sue ;1 1-~. ~a _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3 racy or lo~:g terra e~otior~al stress. llhen the person has stored up enough to causo objects to :-,ove around a room the sto=~d up energy seeas to t~~.e so:.~e time to dissi~_.ate; this ~torr,oe n ., ' ~ co ditio_~ occassiorally per:~its the scientist to ??et the o subjec~ i?.to ~. laboratory or into a reaso:~4bly controlled si.tuati o.:, i n which he can subject the strange efi?ects and their perp~tr?~tor to care~ul study. Havi:7g finished with this u_nderiu.r~dec; introduction to the su'oject, I would lil~:e to consider two excellent questions: . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030057-3