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February 13, 1980
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
k =-, rJU11 I?
SUBJECT: Parapsychology Increasing Academic Legitimacy. Evidence
of the Increased Legitimacy and Acceptability of the PSI
Field in Academia.
1. In the November Issue of OMNI Magazine, is an interview
with Cambridge University's first Ph.D. in parapsychology, Dr. Carl
Sargent. Of considerable interest is the fact that the interview
was conducted by Dr. Christopher Evans, a well-known British
skeptic. Some aspects of the interview are significant. Beginning
with an editorial comment on page 82, "In a field as controversial
as parapsychology, test methods must be tight enough to eliminate
any chance of fraud or of misinterpretating results. Few are -
which is why it is so significant that Sargent's repeated experiments
passed the strict Cambridge examiners." In the experiments, two
series gave 45% correct answers. A fourth yielded 44%, and all
subjects scored better than chance. The principal method used
which yielded such results was the Ganzfeld method, which uses
white noise to cause sensory deprevation and focus the mind on
internal processes. The repeatability rate Sargent reports (on
page 82) is higher with Ganzfeld "then anything in parapsychology -
almost 60 percent." On repeatability Sargent states (page 106),
after observing that repeatability is important, that "high
repeatability is only typical of certain areas of the physical
sciences. It's not characteristic of anything but the tiniest
areas of human sciences. The only areas of psychology that have
high replicability are certain areas of psychophysics and classical
conditioning. In both, you are dealing with ludicrously oversim-
plified environments. You say parapsychology has been in action
for fifty years and hasn't achieved much. That may be true.
But experimental psychology has been going for about a hundred
years, and what has it achieved? Sorry to keep sniping at
psychology, but my arguement is that the only realistic data base
against which to examine the achievements of parapsychology is
psychology. Remember the sheer complexity of one's subject matter
in both cases....when physics starts playing around with complex
systems it soon gets into trouble."
2. Noted in the S-1 Press clipping of 8 January 1980, is
that the Nobel Prize winner Brian Josephson, of the Josephson-effect
computer fame, is leaving physics to study parapsychology. This
is the same Josephson who endorsed the Icelandic (parapsychology)
papers. He is, of course, not really leaving physics but entering
the new field of consciousness/physics which includes portions of
Mr: - -Ber-nard -4ax
_Cambridge. It --is---intri-guing.. that- -other -Nobel -i~3rea es sucIias
-at-the--Asa i
parapsychology. !zack r?at t rL ~., s
i Research-Group i C'alt Tosephsorr n "-M& ri1g- student
r --te
ell-Mann---awe- ; ^ } e Yew
i d. It may and probably will eventually contain
the main thrust for future physics.* It has great promises and
some awful possibilities. The occult power-hungry orientation
of some of the groups reminds us too much of the Nazi horror.
We ought not make the same mistake that we did with the Nazi's.
- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
Just because someone is making insane use of principles and mixes
truth with nonsense, does not mean that the principles are incorrect
or without power to affect history.
3. It should be noted from a sociological point of view
that in Western Society during the 60's and 70's, the acceptance
level concerning PSI among large segments of the population rose
significantly. Willingness to use such power also rose dramatically.
These twin surges are evidenced by:
a. The rise in the number of popular publications about
b. The number of new power oriented cults which arose
(Silva mind control, Covens, Satanists, Jonestown, etc.)
c. The number and impact of new motion pictures
containing PSI material.
d. The fact that all major Chirstian denominations
representing over 1 billion people have endorsed the view that
the gifts of the Holy Spirit (many of which are PSI powers**)
are for the average Christian to use. Over 30 million persons
of various denominations have been trained in their use.
e. The Hasidic movement within Judaism indicates
the use of such powers. Certain aspects of Hasidism are enjoying
a renaissance.
f. Studies of peak experience by Dr. Andrew Greely
have shown that as much as 30% of the U.S. population has had
transcendent experiences.
* NOTE: We find substantial support for these positions in the
Gifford lectures of Werner Heisenberg, the Erangs Conference
(1946) paper of physicist Friedrich Dessauer, in an article
by the mathematician, Kurt Godel, entitled "Russel's
Mathematical Logic", and finally in the 1929 Swarthmore lectures
of Arthur Stanley Eddington.
See the works of Pierre Teilhand de Chardin and Dr. Morton
Kelsey of Notre Dame for a more complete treatment.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
.1.y a4.'~'i:e.F~dl1.? ..` /w/.VI.A ~? 1~'1 ~.; ' }, .1.:r -n.-r i-~'"r \dKtii*y...~.~.'.?/!
SUBJECT:,;:. ar,apsy hology. Iris=easing.. Academic ' Legitimacy Evidence
.1:. . i? * 'ofd the Ii areased?? Legitimacy and Acceptability. of.. the PSI
~.:. Field.. in-:.Academia.' :I~i::k..~ ..... ? ... :i
-t t t h':: }:? . ...' 11. i t' r c 1 i .. w+:
~?- .i-< 1. ,:. Ink the November Issue of OMNI Magazine, is an interview
with Cambridge University's first Ph.D. in parapsychology, Dr. Carl
Sargent. Of-.considerable..-interest is the fact that;thei_interview
was 'conducted by: Dr:.. Christophert Evans, a. well-known..British
skeptic.-.. Some; aspects..of.. the: interview .are significantd_;...Beginning
with an.editoria}.comment.on page:82,..."In a.fieid;as controversial
as4parapsychology,~test?.methods must be tight enough to eliminate
any chance of fraud or of misinterpretating results. Few are -
which is why significant that Sargent's repeated; experiments
passed the strict Cambridge examiners." In the experiments, two
series gave 45% correct answers. A fourth yielded 44%, and all
subjects scored better:than chance.,- The. principal.metho4 used;.
which yielded ( such' results. was .thee_Ganzfeld. method, ..which uses
white noise to cause sensory deprevation and focus the mind on
internal processes The repeatability. rate. Sargent1Lreports (on
page 82) is:higher,with.Ganzfeld "then anything in parapsychology -
almost 60 percent." On repeatability Sargent states (page 106),
after observing.- that ; repeatabilityc is( Important,; F i ;, thati~ high We
repeatability( is: only. typical,,of ;certain,areap. of ..the . physical
sciences. It'sr.not:characteristic of anything... but.the,,tiaiest
areas: of - human' sciences: s : The only: areas of psychology that: haveCL,ais,44
high replicability.arercertain-areas of psycho d e1oaica4?n
conditioning. In both, you are dealing with MKO y oversim-
plified environments. ::.. Your say.: parapsychology has been i action
for fifty. years and.hasn't achieved much. That may be.true. ,?.
But experimental psychology has been going for about a hundred
years, and what has ? it? achieved?v: Sorry to keep; sniping. at 1 y
psychology, but my arguementt is.. that the. only: realistio;,; base
against, which-to:examine.the achievements of parapsychology is
psychology. Remember the sheer complexity of one's subject matter
in both' cases ::.when' physics starts ;playing around; with. complex
systemsr it soon:..gets, intox trouble: "nbers? til't' Era nt4s ?.,entw"' i -nc
I 46 r$;? ~v ? t ~ ~ siCist f'?' ..edr'. ^.h L) ssaWicr, in a..
:* Noted~r in.,the : S ~ 1i Press..clipping , of,,; 8 January';1,980, is
that:: they Nobel; Prizes ginner Brian; Josephson; S of then Josephson-effect
computersfame;;isileaftirng_physics' to study parapsychology. This
is the same Josephson . who`'endorsed - thei-'Icelandic (parapsychology)
papers. q.tBejris- of course)notwreallycleavingtphysics but gnteripg;,
the new;field? f consciousness/physics which includes portions of
parapsychology. Dr. Jack Sarfatti of the Physics/Consciousness
Research Group in California met Josephson, a Cambridge student,
at the Associat~'j.on for Psychical Research Symposium headed by
Mr. Bernard Car& of f r Theo etical Astronomy at
Cambridge. It is 1 n 1 1 reates such s
Richard P. F y D. Lee, and Munnay - a rested
in this new It may and probably will eventually contain
the main thrust for future physics.* It has great promises and\;
some awful possibilities.' The occult power-hungry orientation
of some of the groups reminds us too much of the Nazi horror.
We ought not make the same mistake that we did with the Nazi 's>/
.??)I %W~ r1 .4.ffA'
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8
u posse i i ies. Tile occul-rJ7.V......U
Just because someone is making `.~
insane use of principles and mixes truth with nonsense, does
not mean that the principles are-incorrect or without power to
affect history.
3. It should be noted from a sociological point of view
that in Western Society during the 60's and 70's, the acceptance
level concerning PSI among large segments of the population rose
significantly. Willingness to use such power also rose dramatically.
These twin surges are evidenced by:
a. The rise in the number of popular publications about
b. The number of new power oriented cults which arose
(Silva mind control, Covens, Satanists, Jonestown, etc.)
c. The number and impact of new motion pictures
containing PSI material.
d. The fact that all major Chirstian denominations
representing over 1 billion people have endorsed the view that
the gifts of the Holy Spirit (many of which are PSI powers**)
are for the average Christian to use. Over 30 million persons
of various denominations have been trained in their use.
e. The Hasidic movement within Judaism indicates
the use of such powers. CedrAlM As,.eas$ #,q e,t1~/y1N',4 ,~tNAstsdlillt=
f. Studie44 of peak experience by Dr. Andrew Gre ~..
have shown that as Wuch as 30% of the U.S. population hai
transcendent experiences.
* NOTE: We find substantial support for these positions'in the
Gifford lectures of Werner Heisenberg, th Erangs Conference
(1946) paper of physicist Friedrich Dessa er, in an article 1i
by the mathematician, Kurt Godel,.entitled "Russels1dW
Mathematical Logic", and finally in the 1929 Swarthmore lectures
of Arthur Stanley Eddingtqn.
Ap:eAAe fic:LJ:Atd eLCA&AI,v &14 - ?N,,- .
** See the works of Dr..Morton kelsey of Notre Dame for aAcomplete
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030043-8