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15 October 1976
CJacscfi^d by A= ZOK NR: CIP76004742, dtd 21 Sep 76
immm DYED
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(U) Paraphysics research includes investigations into paranormal functioning,
or abilities, of the human brain and explores phenomena commwr}ly referred to as
extrasensory perception (ESP), telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. There
have been increasing investigations and experiments at leading medical centers,
universities and scientific institutes over the past few years that demonstrate
such phenomena are valid; the major difficulty being in their control and re-
peatability. The significance, or importance, of this research is in the unique
application potential of this phenomena. Some significant applications are:
1. Information Access:
(U) This may be the easiest application to pursue, particularly i:jlthe
mode termed "remote viewing" as described in a recent US technical journal
"Remote Viewing" refers to data about secure or remote areas perceived by indi-
viduals using unknown mental processes.
(U) Several examples of "secure" data could be US strategic plans and
capabilities, US intelligence activities, classigied R/D objectives, and a host
of others. Data from, or about, remote areas would be important in a tactical
environment and could include information on troop movements, tactics, submarine
locations, and location of clandestine operations. Such information (assuming
reliability. has been demonstrated for people involved) on a real time basis could
be considered a breakthrough development.
2. Communications:
(U) Should people with a high degree of paranormal functioning be develop
(or located), it would be possible for them to employ some form of communication
between widely dispersed areas, since distances have not been observed to degrade
paranormal func-tion_ing. Although the communication would be non-verbal, various
"codes" could be employed by mental transmission of simple imagery (2), or by
monitoring various physiological parameters in a "receiver." Electroencephalogram
(EEG) measurements have already shown that3,rain wave correlations occur between
"sender" and "receiver" in some instances l( . It therefore appears a basic type
of communication link could be possible to submarine, space, or other remote
3. Direct Interaction with Sensitive Equipment:
(U Some experiments (4) have been conducted which indicate unknown mental
processes can interact with quantum-level physical mechanisms (psychokinesis). Su
mental processes could be applied in remote switching operations, or possibly in
interaction with sensitive equipment (computers,etc.).
Classffied by l $$IQl-NR:.CZP_Z,6004742,dtdl
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(1) See ref 1 and Appendix A SCHEDULE CF ~~?=~ -- ""ROE .-al 11552
?(2) See ref 6 and 7 EXEMPTICU 2
(4) See ref 2 and 3
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J I, .) ~.^'Ii'k 3 i.~ ~y:'?-=:i 3 Soi1RCES A!
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UI .U.1%
4. Subconscious Influences:
(U) Since information can apparently be obtained from remote mental
sources by someone employing mental means, it is possible some type of quantum
level interaction occurs at the subneural level in human brains similar to
phenomena associated with psychokinesis. Such a process could-impact, or be
made to impact, on the person from which information is obtained (or on a
"target" individual). This may be in the form of subconscious suggestions, or
with "mental imagery" that confuses rational thinking. Although little is known
about such a process, it should be considered as a possible application along
with all the other areas of paraphysics investigations.
(U) other applications may become apparent as research evolves. Para-
physics in general encompasses a wider range of interactions than discussed here
and in some areas of research overlaps into biophysics and quantum physics.
However, for this review, attention is kept on human paranormal functioning.
In. addition to examination of various unique applications, this research could
also be significant for fundamental issues, and could contribute to:
Q. (U) Development of modified or new models of physical reality,
perhaps based on more complete interpretations of quantum physics;
~. '(D) Improve understanding of basic human perception modes, which
could impact ozjlresearch in neurophysiology, biology, psychology and other
related areas
(1) As examples,see refs 10 and 13
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1. (C) There are indications the Sov{g~s are pursuing applications-oriented
research in several aspects of paraphysics . This research is.believid to have
military support, is multi-disciplinary in nature, and may be headed by I.M. Kogan
(a leading researcher who ceased open publication in 1969).' Although some researc?
appears in the open literature, that receiving military support would no doubt-be
highly classified. There is some research by workers who do ndt appear to be
involved in classified projects; however, this research appears to be of a part-
time nature and not clearly applications-oriented.
2. (U) The nature of the military funded effort would probably draw on the
research base established in the early 1920's by V.M. Bekhterev pnd subsequently
by L.L. Vasil'yev, and the later interdisciplinary approach of researchers like
G. Sergeyev, A. Roman, and I.M. Kogan. These researchers have shown strong
interest in both theoretical aspects and applications of paraphysics, and have
also worked with people who have demonstrated paranormiLl phenomena under laborator
conditions. There is also evidence suggesting leading neurophysiologists (such as
A. Luria at Moscow State University) and B. Lomov (head of new Institute of
Psychology under the USSR academy of Sciences) are interested in this research.
3. .(C) There is some evidence that indicates the following specific appli-
cations are being investigated at this time by Soviet researchers:
a. Experiments in "Telepathic Suggestion".
(C) These experiments are reported to be associated with the USSR
space program, and may also involve remote bases (Antarctic locations) as well.
The term "telepathic suggestion" may be a carry-over from the early research of
Vasil'yev (2) and may actually refer to "telepathic communication." Specific
details, scope-of effort, or institute associations are as yet unknown.
b. Experiments Similar to "Remote Viewing".
(C) Such experiments are reported to be conducted by researchers in
the Leningrad area. The mode for achieving this application is via hypnosis,
perhaps using methods similar to those developed by Dr. M. Ryzl(3) (a leading
Czecheslovokia researcher who defected to US in 1967). Although research affili-
ation is not known, this may be associated with research at Leningrad University
where Vasil'yev officially began research in 1960, or possibly with Sergeyev at
the Ukhtomskii Physiological Institute.
4. (U) People who have demonstrated a psychokinetic ability have been studie
by leading USSR researchers. Although no specific application is known to be
pursued, at least the phenomena are acknowledged by these researchers. In additic
the work of Czecheslovakia researchers (F. Kahuda and R. Pavlita) focus on these
phenomenal their results are no doubt available to Soviet researchers.
e -
(1) Also referred to as Psychoenergetics, or Bioinformation by USSR researchers.
(2) See ref 4
(3) See ref 5
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(U) Early Soviet research in paraphysics(1) began in the 1920's at Leningrad
University by the physiologist, V.M. Bekhterev, and his student,'L.L. Vasil'yev.
Vasil'yev continued this work,-emphasizing mental telepathy. phenomena research,
until his death in 1966. Perhaps due to highly unfavorable attitudes toward this
research during the Stalin regime, and shortly after, Vasil'yev did not openly
report his work until 1959 when his book, Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche
was published, and in 1962-when Experimental Studies in Mental Suggestion appeared
In 1960, Vasil'yev established a laboratory to study telepathic phenomena at the
Physiology and Biology Department at Leningrad University. Later, in 1965, addi-
tional institutional support surfaced and the Bioinformation Department was formed
as part of the Scientific and-Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Telecom-
munication in Moscow. I.M. Kogan was the first director of this department.
(U) Recent USSR research has been pursued by researchers such as B. Kazhinski,
I.M. Kogan, E.*'. Naumov, V. Adamenko, G. Sergeyev, V. Pushkin, and A.S. Raman.
They have backgrounds in various scientific disciplines including medicine, physic:
mathematics and engineering. Their research interests are the specific theoretica:
implications of psychic phenomena, and people who demonstrate repeatable paranorma:
phenomena (usually referred to as "psychics"). The most carefully studied USSR
psychics are probably Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova, both of whom appear to
possess psychokinetic abilities. Others, N. Kamenskiy and K. Nikolayev, who were
researched by I.M. Kogan, demonstrated telepathic abilities at great distances
(Moscow - Novosibirsk; Leningrad - Moscow). These tests involved simple tgery
and had results which were evaluated as significantly greater than chance
(U) Perhaps the most significant research is that of G. Sergeyev, a mathe-
matician, physicist, and computer specialist who has also performed research with
Nina Kulagina. Some of Sergeyev's work is believed to be associated with a milita:
scientific institute, suggesting a military interest in paranormal phenomena.
Sergeyev has also conducted lony4?istance telepathy experiments, using both mental
imagery and EEG data as "codes" . Other credible work was pursued by I.M. Kogan,
who ceased open publication on paraphysics topics in 1969. Prior to this time,
Kogan was openly active in promoting potential of this research as a military
(U) The first indication of wider interdisciplinary interests in paraphysics
surfaced in 1973, when an ?icle, "Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality?" appeared
in Questions of Philosophy, 0 , an official publication of the Soviet Academy of
Pedogogical Sciences. Authors of this article included leading neurophysiologists
and psychologists (A. Luria, B. Lomov, V. Zinchenko, Z. Leont'Yev). This article
admitted to the reality of some "so-called parapsychological phenomena", called fox
(1) Older term for paraphysics is psychic research. Also known as parapsychology
by some researchers.
(2) See refs 4 and 9
(3) See ref 6
(4) See ref 7
(5) See ref 8
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? vvi i iL t (f L
removal of ignorance as to how the phenomena operates, and urged a multi-disciplinE
research approach. This article also recommended that individuals with strong
paranormal abilities be.studies in scientific laboratories. It is significant
to note that A. Luria is an internationally known neurophysiologist, and that
8. Lomov, in 1971 was appointed head of a new Institute of Psychology, in Moscow,
under the USSR Academy of Sciences. Lomov has also had a long association with
military research programs in human engineering topics.
(U) It is unusual that the Soviets, with their official philosophy of
dialectic and historical materialism are willing to publish, in an officially
recognized scientific journal, such open views on paranormal phenomena. Official}
the Soviets have vigorously attacked anything that is remotely connected with
mysticism, religion or the occult. Such recognition in the USSR, although guarded
in the language of known physical mechanisms, or "about to be discovered" physical
mechanisms, may suggest that government support for this research has already
occurred. This article may also provide-the theoretical basis for accepting some
paraphysicephenomena into Marxist ideological concepts.
(U) In terms of the development of theoretical models which explain the para-
normal phenomena, Soviet researchers advance theories based on classical electro-
magnetic theory, quantum physics (including neutrino hypotheses, gravitational
interactions, and wave functions),. or simply on modes of physical energy inter-
action not yet discovered (termed psychoenergetics, bioenergetics, "additiona
(1) See ref 11.
(2) See ref 12.
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state of matter"). Whatever model is used, the assumption is that the paranormal
processes can be modeled on the basis of "real world" mechanisms even if these
mechanisms have not yet been discovered, thus avoiding idealogical conflict with
religious, mystical, or occult concepts that are sometimes associated with these
(U) There is also some recent research from Novosibirsk that indicates a bass
cell-to-cell communication mechanism involving UV radiation has been isolated; thi
? research may impact on electromagnetic wave models which have been considered to
explain paranormal functioning.
(C) Although there is no direct evidence, the publication by Luria, et al, in
Questions of Philosophy, the statements by symposium attendees indicating Soviet
research is Paraphysics, and high interest shown by USSR researchers in recent US
research are strongly suggestive that the Soviets are pursuing a multi-disciplinar-
research effort into paraphysics issues. This research is probably military funde
highly classified, and very likely military applications-oriented. This effort ma?
also be headed by I.M. Kogan. There is also a possibility some of this research is
associated with a new Institute of Psychology in Moscow, and possibly with basic
research at Science City, Novosibirsk.
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UU1lf6 ''1!h-L
(U)? There is evidence a wide variety of paraphysics phenomena have been
demonstrated and investigated under controlled conditions in the USSR. These
investigations have been conducted by credible researchers, and it is likely
additional classified work of a multi-disciplinary nature has peen underway
since 1969. This research is expected to continue, probably with greater inten-
sity than in the past as a result of increasing acceptance of the phenomena and
evolving recognition of the variety of applications.
(U) These applications do not require any breakthrough developments; merely
the recognition of their possibility and the willingness to find ways to improve
reliability and repeatability. People who already have demonstrated various
paranormal abilities would probably be initially selected for specific appli-
cations; however, programs for development of such abilities in others would,
no doubt, be also pursued.
(C) The following are preliminary estimates of timing for various applica-
tions; actual accomplishments could occur at earlier dates depending on level of
research and availability of people with proven abilities:
1. (C) By 1980, the Soviets should have sufficient confidence to at
least consider use of paranormal communications as a backup role for space mission:
to submarines, and to appropriate clandestine activities.
2.. (C) By 1980, sufficient understanding and reliability should be
achieved to permit some level of application in an information gathering role-
(locating people, obtaining data on secure plans and strategies, on technical
data, in interrogation, etc.).
3. (C)" By 1990, psychokinetic phenomena should be sufficiently under-
stood to permit reliable application in remote switching, and possibly for
interactions with other sensitive equipment (computer, guidance systems, etc.).
4. (C) By 1990, intentional subconscious influences to minimize per-
sonnel effectiveness may also reach an elementary application status.
(U) In all these applications, there is at present no known'means to reliably
know when such applications occurred, and furthermore, there is no known counter-
measure to prevent such applications.
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1. Puthoff, H.E., and Targ, R; "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer
over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and Recent Research";
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Joifrnal, March 1976.
2. Kahuda, F.; "Theory and Measurements of Experimentation in Psychotronics",
and "Measurements of the Action of Mental Energy", reprinted in Parapsychology
Experiments in Czechoslovakia, JPRS L/6420, 13 Sep 76.
3. Puthoff, H.E., and Targ R; "Physics, Entropy and Psychokinesis", Quantum
Physics and Parapsychology, Proceedings of an International Conference held in
Geneva, Switzerland, August 26-27, 1974.
4. Vasil'yev, L.L, "Experimental Studies of Mental Suggestion"; JPRS 59, 163;
3 May 1973.
5. Ryzl, M.; "Training the PSI Facility by Hypnosis", Journal of Society for
Psychical Research, Vol 41, No. 711, March 1962.
6. Mutschall, V.; "The Present Status of Research in Telepathy in the Soviet
Union", and Velinov, I., "Recent Soviet Experiments in Telepathic Communication",
Foreign Science Bulletin, Vol 4, No. 8, Aug 1968.
7. Sergeyev, G.; "Some Methodological Problems of Parapsychology", JSPR L/4922,
3 June 1974.
8. Zinchenko, Leontiev , Lomov, and Luria; "Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality?",
Questions of Philosophy, Vol 9, pp 128-136, 1973.
9. Vasil'yev, L.L. "Mysterious-Phenomena of the Human Psyche", Moscow, Gospolitizda
10. Ehrenwald, J.; "Cerebral Localization and the PSI Syndrome", The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol 161, No. 6, 1975.
13. Kazhimskiy, B.; "Biological Radio Commainications", dydatel'stvo Akademii
Nauk Vkrainskoy SSR, Kiev 1962 (FTD Translation: FTD-TT-62-1923).
11% 1 F's A
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(U) This appendix includes two remote viewing experiments that
were performed recently. These were part of a feasibility investi-
gation conducted by researchers at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
as follow-on to their earlier work (see ref 1). These particular
.experiments were under the monitorship of government observers, and
are included here as examples of the type of data that is "reported"
by gifted subjects.
(U) One of these was a long distance experiment (4000km) with the
subject in Menlo Park (under careful observation), and with the
intended "target" in Louisiana. The target (Louisiana Superdome)
was selected by an SRI researcher during a visit to that state. The
subject's sketches (figure 1) show a marked resemblance to the actual
scene. This sketch was produced during a pre-selected time period
when the SRI researcher was present at the target site. The. subject
had no knowledge that the SRI researcher had chosen the Superdome as
the target.
(U) Another long distance experiment (1000km) was conducted with a
subject in New York City, and a target selected in a midwestern state. The
experimenters had no prior knowledge of the intended target. This
entire test was under the direction and control of the government'
monitor. Following is a verbatim description of the experiment
as actually conducted and as reported by the SRI researchers:
"Under the observation of the government monitor, we telephoned
subject Hl in New York City and requested that she participate in a
remote viewing experiment. She was told only that we were located
somewhere between New York City and our Menlo Park, California,
laboratory and shortly would be going to a target that we would
like her to describe. She agreed to do the experiment, set.for 2:00
p.m., and we agreed to call her back at 3:00p.m. to obtain her
impressions and to give her feedback as to the actual target.
The government monitor took us directly to' the
underground target site which he had chosen as the target location
(see Figure 2). Orin enters the ground through an entrance arch,
which opens onto an enormous expanse of lawn,. perhaps twenty
acres. The caves themselves, which are located at a depth of 150 ft.
are entered through a small building inside of which is a long
flight of steep stairs. Once underground, one walks through a
maze of rock-lined tunnels that lead eventually into a series of
rooms lined with calcite stalagtites and stalagmites, frosty white
and beige crystals formed like icicles. The entire cavern is
illuminated by small electric light bulbs attached to the walls.
After a forty-five minute walk, one exits the caves through
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a large metal door giving access to the square cross section shaft
with stairs leading to the surface.
(U) Following the experimental period, the government observer
called the subject in New York, forty-five minutes after we.left the
caves. The opening statements of the subject's transcript as
dictated over the phone, and posted to the SRI experimenters; is?as
"1:50 PM before starting -
Flat semi-industrial countryside with mountain range in back-
ground and something to do with underground caves or mines
or deep shafts-half man made, half natural--some electric
humming going on--throbbing, inner throbbing. Nuclear or
some very far out and possibly secret installation--
corridor--mazes of them--whole underground city almost--
Don't like it at all--long for outdoors and nature. 2:00 PM
(Experimenters) R and H walking along sunny road--entering
into arbor-like shaft--again looks like man helped nature--
vines (wisteria) growing in arch at entrance like to a wine
cellar--leading into underground world. Darker earth-smelling
cool moist passage with something grey and of interest on
left of them--musty--sudden change to bank of elevators--
a very man-made steel wall--and shaft-like inverted silo
going deep below earth--brightly lit..."
"I see a lot of gold and metal add silver-gold glow all
over--not much sound--very silent factory--scary--few
people--very special."
As is often the case, one observes that the basic gestalt of the
target site is cognized, while specifics are misinterpreted.
(U) It is results of this type that encourage continuation of
investigations into feasibility of paranormal perception. Such
investigations also provide insight useful for threat assessment.
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SUPERDOME. Subject described large circular building with a white dome. 31 October 1976.
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