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Publication Date:
November 18, 1974
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I.? purr /,/! 11.010,....74226 Va.1..b... N., . I i ; Al 214,1?Ll . ? . 4 ......, ... - ., , .. ?.
i r I "fe.c article: Solzhenitsyn. said :II sort of life will the 250 million- 1.-committed in a drunken state
?ti Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010076-
i non-icussian petrinus: n 2.'1,1 1-.3;:vvy ?zi??..? . ? ... - 2...-------_,
. . in Ll.c ilaxatav.... ,N., .,,...? ? j ?-?%,??? -...---..-:
" ? .--Retiter. -? ? "
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18 November 19711-
..:Paiapsytholpgy in Russia
Front Dr John Beloff and others
Sir; We are gravely disquieted. by
the treatment apparently meted out Mr Eduard IC Naumov, formerly
of the All-Union Scientific Research
? Institute of Medical Technology,
? who was sentenced to two .years'
,-hard labour on. March.26, 1974, and
to his former Collaborators some of
Whom are reported to have lost
their posts and to have been sub-
jected to- various forms of harass-
? !tient.
Naurnov'S tiame is well known in? ?
the West as one who has worked-
? tirelessly for East-West collabora-
? tion in the field Of parapsychology.
We do not wish to imply either a
belief in any particular parapsycho,
?logical phenomena, Or to endorse
any opinion on this controversial
subject that Mr Naumov or his
. colleagues may have expressed.
However, we are concerned at
?reports that he may have been per-
secuted because of his cordial and
nutherous contacts with Western
scientists, and because of the fact
that he has -publicly encouraged
'research into parapsychological
phenomena at a time when; for
political reasons, the Soviet authori-
ties have decided to concentrate
research and publication in the
hands of officially sanctioned and
compliant protagonists. Recent
. events and pronouncements suggest
that such a study will only be
tolerated under psychiatric and
psychological auspices, and that an
end will be put to the activities of
any Russian amateur venturing into
." paranormal " territory without
official sanction.
Reports have reached us suggest-
ing that, while Naumov has been
sentenced for illegally taking fees
for lecturing at a Moscow club, this
? money was in fact collected by the
club's director and his assistant ;
that these two gentlemen have been
certified as schizophrenic and sub-
jected to involuntary treatment at
? the Serbsky Institute for Forensic
? , Psychological Expertise under the
Directorship . of Academician
? .?
? Thus, 'the only -0%ritriees-' 'who
could .haVe. cleared Natimov of the
Charge of illegally taking lecture
fees have been hospitalized ; the
expert witness at Nauttiov'S trial
was . none other than .Dr
nevsky Who ..reiterated his Well-
known- Conviction that para-
psychology ? is a ? pseudo-science
based on- idealism and mYsticism ;
and it *would appear that the
Immerous,withesses -,testified
to the 'face that they had 'bought.
the tickets. fpr Nautnov's? lectureS
from the ,club's director .oe. ? his
assistant were Ignored. ? .
All these eirr!?,--e-t-t?,-s sitgriest
that there may have- been-rilis-?
carriage of. justice. ? It is also.
reported that Naumov, who is no -
longer young, and is in poor health,
has been subjected to very harsh
treatment, that he has been beaten,
and that he was interrogated while
suffering from pneumonia and a
temperature of 40C. 'We very
much hope that, there will- be .an
official investigatinn ? into the cir-
curristances under Which ' Mr
Naurnov was accused and sentenced,
and that any harassment of his
former collaborators ? will cease. ?
Yours faithfully.
JOHN BELOFF, -"" of Edin-
burgh, President of the Society for
Psychical Research, '
D. M. A. LEGGETT, Vice Chan-
cellor, The University of Surrey,
B..R. DODDS, Oxford,
Cambridge, .
D. J. WEST, Cambridge, -
TED BASTIN, Cambridge,
NORMAN COHN, University of
JOSEF SCHUBERT, University of
Sussex, University of Saskatchewan,
C. W. K. MUNDLE, University
College of North Wales,
A. J. ELLISON, City University,
ANITA GREGORY, Polytechnic of
North London,
As from Society for ? Psychical
Adam .and Eve Mew, W8,
November 5.
15 Noirember 19714
BY:. Our Communist- Affairs.
i ? ?.
Correspondent . .
The .publi cation of . a collection
of 6ss63-t On'the futirreotRirs.sia
.Compiled ' jointly by the exiled.
author... Alexander Solzhenitsyn
and a: Moscow University pro-
fessor was announced :at -81' Press..
Conference in -Moscow .? yester-
day. -
, , ?
The -professor, the mathema-
tician Igo Shafarevich, said the
main purpose ? of the book was
'to start a 'debate on the -future
developnient of Soviet society
in-dependently of ' ?the official
ideology of Marxism.. c.:
! "In Russia today . Marxism
iri- no ? Move any-
body or anything," he said. "But
-Marxism's ideological monopoly
prevents the' -majority of people.
from--thinking- -a bout - funda-
mental questions."
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010076-2
Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010076-2
11- ?Using. more than $1 billion worth
of Western technology and equipment, -,
the'Soviet Union is building the world's
largest heavy-duty automotive works on
the snow-covered Russian steppes.
By any measure, the project is Im-
mense. About 130,000 people are here
working on 150 buildings spread across
a site that is 40 miles square. A com-
pletely new city has been erected, and
its population grows by thousands ev-
eyy month.
Some time 'in 1976, it is hoped, the
first truck will come off the assembly
lino. At full capacity the plant will
turn out 150,000 trucks and 250,000 die-
r1-engines -a year. .In otter words, 'in
this single project the Soviet ? Union
will add about. 25 per cent to its cur-. ?
rent annual production of heavy trans-
port?a major boost to the economy.
The Soviets call the project KamAZ,
'after the Russian words fort Kama
River Automotive . Factory,' and the
name has ? become symonymous here
With grand?some would say grandiose
-.-planning in the modern age. Perhaps
rnore ithportant, KamAZ is the most ?
elaborate example to date of Post-Cold
War cooperation between the Kremlin
and Western industry.
"KamAZ?The Billion Dollar. Begin-
ning," is Show the Chase Manhattan.
Bank titled a thick book it prepared
this year for prospective Western .
contractors. The bank is financing $86.4
million of the plant, a substanti- 'rst-
ment in the -prospects for nned
trade with the Soviets.
1.1.;?-/ De_cJa!_si_fie.cl_and Approved
By' Peter* ,Osnos
The Washington, Poses Moscow coirespondent
Haberethriye ?
. 0???????
terns are not in place by'therd of the
? Inonth.
The delays may prove costly to the
Soviets, and they have 'already been.
embarrassing. '
Western visitors to KamAZ, Mostly
? governMent officials and politicans
like Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn),
. who was recently here, get a tightly"
controlled tour and a cautiously up- -
beat appraisal of the situation from
Lev Borisovich Vasilyev, deputy minis-
ter of the automobile industry, who is ,
?KamAZ'S director.
Representatives of the contracting
firms, complain that they cannot get
access to the site for the detailed in-
kiections-they-needto -make for instal-
lation of machinery. Even the U.S. em-
bassy wes..twice refused permission to
send: !diplomats to KaMAZ in the first
fotir months of this year. Since then
two,fshort -and_ largely ceremonial 'Visits
have been allowed. ?
? 'Plans. call for as' manyas 1,000 West-
ern engineers and specialists to live at
KamAZ for months at a time. Few, if
any, have arrived.
_ ,_ ? . ?
? ..." ' "Tolerance on Both .Sides"
Aistiatc IllastrayeeloThe:Wittbin.gttrAvRott:
? WHILE KEEPING outsiders at a (Es-
- !V. lance, the Soviets make .no secret
: many foreign interests have ?? Diadi''
Ka/11AZ even more-of a challenge-toAlie, of their own concern.-over the prob-
leins:. Long articles in .the industrial
Soviets than they apparently -realited?
when work began nearly five years ago.
.press cite specific shortcomings in con-
At the start, the vision was simple?and., struction and productivity. One recent
article told. of 'an incident in which
appealing: a joining of Soviet needs and,..
equipment operators were idle for 24
manpower with foreign skills. But trol---ii\
ble soon came. The Soviets and th( , 'shifts in; a row 'because no, one had
Western clients disagreed. about.desiin.,/ ? given them orders;
For Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010076-2 dif-.