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r;:411ffia-'1777.714 34.0,1461i1Y5Prdt."' Xstte2a1Z4-,.. ??(' ,:gq.,?Mitija.,:-(4,_i;'.14,,; ? .14,i'e.f..;;;r-..: ,?_-11sroe,*'..vrAa s7,54A14-1, Vir*Cr-41. 031"11/ 9j'El qi.147-- :i1rX " ?Zaglk=tgir4figt.-. Declassified and Approved For Release -20r3/r97247:LT2v-ig*13X0000-1r1I0141V20-44-01-003417r4W 44; L v La, "MR4,47;:r7j frrAttliTo.i.? ' ; Nf?Fir " - ? . rrlrir 111.1?1!iyn ? ?? ? . ? ? "77 ;, .4?, ? ,o, .4?-? ? ? ,L .. ? , ???-tk. /: ? ??t. .41-4?????'$,?$-$-?.- ? ? - , .`,. V,,$,',,4,1$er-.4y..-7.s$7:, ..1 .. , .. *i. .1 . 64:vat -..',- 11'? WV*1117.,t, Atilt_ .*!:;" V 4 ?,...,..).^40...0 $ e.g., 'am ,.? . ? ??' "- ' ? ' '? . 'w I ''''? ' ?? w , ??'. .0. ,P.wle? w 1 4 r . VP .' c,,$, ..? , ?_, , I.; S ?,..teL4... , .-- ...I. .. - .1, ?4, ? ....1-.. , ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? 1 4,-:14----.-4 ? 1-? ,,., . - , _....-, ?,?,,,b,,,,,,,,,, ,.. , ? .. -r.l..e. ....,;*?...-.: ... ?1'.. ? Y...? -1 . ki 1 ?r .' ? , .1 ? . 411.7 . ? .2. .. t ? ? I. . L"Ii1;.? - '.. .. ...;,1 / 47?41 i ? .. r ? ? ? Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ?SMPRIV..,MITIMEMMISIENSKONE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ORtr EC!. 11 f IN slig Oriole Disbur Mont Mot 5 I. 0. Weal AA enelomed Treasury Departiont pont Not gmulov rfttewim Seedfilloset Cashier. exeoutad by the Maryslund Oasuany ()calmly Parilgro at behalf of Lieutenant Luther Ns Mien ( ag vrta d heOpttiee of Strategic Services) as prinoipal tor the pur- at staking Agentmeeashier fun4s available to Lioutonant Aloodiag the execution of a regular Agent?Cashier bond, PA tit i requisated that there be made available to Lieutenant Julian the susi of 410.000 through the facilities of )eur Dinburo- tug Aloat in Catungking, Chinas Inasavaoh an there is an urgent seed. for these funds for use by this Agent-Cadhier, your aimuist- sic. tit expediting this transaotion mt the earliest possible date will be appreciated. Limitation appropriation ,002 will be utilized by /lieutenant Julian in all cases whore it Kay be nooeccary to eapona cash *tout first having prepsred a regular voucher for signed by *Mk AmAbortsed Certifying Officer. tille MOW bead fora has been transmitted to Lieutenant Julia ter' ca*plenion and will be formirded to your ?trio* geter It bema piropswly executodo Very truly yours, 41, Donovan Director _ 4.1 , f0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ?, BEIME1111 ? l?le J-W Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 . t a ? . F 2 4f- ?.1' 7 - if4eLatatiT T., a taliaLLE YAW PIORIIIMMT ,siti,r15.04, - 1- SSG:JK zwitinsunt 0 it PO3TAL *ON IC 13 Brig. General John Magruier,U.S.A. Acting Director, Office of Strategic Services, Washington 25, D. C. Dear General Magruder: August, .15:, 1945. C14ARLE9 C, 01.0VER -I VC( c1AtnEtA4 Of Ti IVIOAP We shall be glad to open an account for Lt. (j .g.) R. L. Covington as directed in your letter of hugust 8th, 1945. It is understood that the initial deposit will be received by LIB within a few days. Lt. Covington has supplemented your letter with on signed by himself and we have returned one copy of his letter to Mr. G. F. Allen, Chief Disburs- ing Officer, U.S. Treasury Department, Troasury Annex No.1, ftshington, D. C., and the other to Lt. R. L. Covington shoring our agreement to the terms specified therein. You maybe assured that we will extend every cooperation to Lt. Covington and that we welcome this opportunity to be of service to your office. ;re; ? 5' -5 5,2 ;57,611. e ' 1 Lfr ? Very truly yours, 7 .5* '59?, ? _ - ;. ? ,,,, E 1 ! 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 -1 iliggannirOMMERSE1011.101111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 41F! ,CL2 ,s " V:. ? .,1,,,,, '! 1 4.r. ' , '-' ' - , ; ? j - 2tki following information is submitted with resat , Co te-lt? - ,. vington whom ;Pau bay. ii - OW- X1 _._ lc* . - , . clue* ed the pertment to appoint as AgenteCasider 14 commotion ...:, ,.. ? ._?.,.., Uri* the disbursing ot'fteeial /Undo for this Agency? LA* Covington graduated from 41400Na Hi*h aohool ,1n 1$19 end Ina the University of North Carolina in 1943. Re subsequently **tended and grAduated from the kost aoadunte ?Bohol of Bankian# at Rutgers University (ammo owls)* Lt. Covington** Mot business overlong* W48 14 1934 when he worked for a short while for the Norfolk Natiorml &Ink At Norfolk, rirginia. Alter a short 'service there he Joined the Waieovia Bank 644 Trust Company sad has waked for thot institution wirer 1444411 both in Winston salem ond Raleigh, Mott present holds the title of Asmiatant Vise Pres:Wont', Thia man joined the Opeoial Yundo Division of OW oa 10 NibruerY 1944 end was commissioned in the Unitod States Msvial *serve 04 13 April 1944i lots Covington served oversees in the MidAtorrenean Theater ?from A3 November 1944 to R August 11400 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ttaatiliMliglak Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Piluls"""111157165,,r1v#? .4- 441k4gef% ' ? ??;.. , 4 .41 ,c31, ? El " - g 7tr. 1, t -1 ',-._ -- ,..; Jr- .. ? -i, ,i--, :-,,, ., .-t-i,:-. ..., , .,, ?,..,-.)..-., ,,, , ? , :-??,; .? ? 1 ? 4 4'?.-n: ;' - -f?r. ? . . , ; z,it - . ? ,----- ,i'.,,.a, :,,-- 0, ':- -..,.. , j - il.? tit- i?",.?,. ??,,-x, r4,..? i: 1,;-....?5,- ?, .,:?s," .1,- . ; :','''f,:tc.:1 f F-: t '-i,fk-', ? j';..... .,? I il, . - - ' - _ .....cf? ..., .. .,.... ,..., 0 #? 4 , . 7.. 444:7 I -. ', ' e , ? t... ,-., i 4 " 410140041111kt IA ( A10 io 4 031 lovAvato,, 204,7110)ffit* trfaia Not. 1444 oritiloii34.4 stAtIVOItY bit ifikx lie tom V.7100 Imo loft Atm orimilwAta 4,4* .mium5114 ,Xtit volloo 4t,e4 41,boci*,,i 4 LI Ai* Ot04/4 bg 1441101itsylookai ropmettri4A8m?. tosItit 1400 giodloaso tAio fo-Wrifo 04:40 cglpe-,,-4 11414.14 or044:04 ty Covington ON 1'10004 3-1.4 #1,1410filit VA 134.10. /WOG* Oltonti)i I(Pet 14*-1 1*1111141010 60041011.# octet itv$,N4 (-grit poi:. I!, INNP 411 bt tYcll,o-JA*41; ? . 4*:t 04104614-0@ti MON AzatiteFtratil no 40 1441,44-4-tu *kW Of Pio, toh4 wit; tfl ?OMAN 110011?4$ OW Pt44t Or trio 4100 Ifid A440,16 ot %Imp 04.-sti!43 wkatiii. avytm4? #1411MIL*Aroto wen oittii0 imoictolt tiosaigiot ii tiK imotttlip mad dote tuagtail tho 1; W1401 it4pAbitiat 3 mote t 44 44.1- 1,41 t olotoeXAmg gdwati4v 410 !fopmeardttg Ulm VW* ? 1144/411WVO Art14 proporly 0,4ririroi4Wait fir) 44110 ma; ciatiloP4144 41-4,141V t / 11, Shia "44# 11141r Pigat LIM tem mot i.,(Aturroolmt, Atm ,;utoilL44 410 i u4ivhe toting', as Vta Lot 140.1 /Oth into f,404witia, f.41 tor* vistLttiitotlaed. horigi 400:0* Mot 440.00-0k.6 741,44 aftWolt***0 b414 11648 ton* r " ? - ..- ... ';',.,.: '. ' ,,,, ..,I. r.,".2S. .. a ' , ... '? ' ...; 44 ' 'T' ? ' ? ..,',7 I, , P : , - : ' ? '-; ' .. i?; ?il:. .. - cv;Prz.1. L,.. .. .?..,.-,,; . - 1 ' '' ,-, ,,k nb .. . ' , ? - ??: :S '? c.e.T.`, ,I.,., ?--,..,e.,- ti,p',.".. :., ?-- ' ? .,,14....,:,-? , .1,15' : ,. 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I I, ., ? . - 4 f ft:IP 4:1 tt, r 4011 FOR AN Aitvitticlq, 130;r:Knos ,ipp*e-I -4 -OF sTRANZIC SERVICkB ,,,=i-i -.) t ,4, .4 :-.4 1 ;?.?1 ? ? ". ? - li- --_-----",, z",,,=?.--,-' ;,...? -!-; , .r.7.t,,? .. _ , ?,:::: _,..: ,, ,i...i.;,5p 3 4,..;!.A, :"4; i-, : ' ,- ? '' 'ir--'? 4N. '1 fm, . . ' , ... '-'4- ' ''....-':"' - ?-??',".' 4 ';'. ..- -4.,_- ? .4.' 4.71.4- -4; .--? - ( 11` .... :, ??,t;- " flf.*--, ,..., ., .. _ 'fi ,-, -..id..' ',,,,,T;Ii'' ? .- - .14......, - i ? 1. :. ;1.4.-, '117'i? ., L.,. _ ? a, F - 't?14:1,SP, 1 -,I,,..- ?.'- ',.. ,,.?,-:. -. . ?: ? .." / ".44.2. - - h t .. . ,, f? f i 4''' l'....-It'F'11 s41': TO if It DIRECTO' OP STRATEGWC SERVIcest 74." : 144-4,4 4'4 ,T , 441itetion isv aertby made for an advan(e of to ht chirge4416 to mt as agent-cathier J- ffcr,,4,161Wft Dittlisoment, Treasury Departmcnt, and for use by me incident a e 46 tp11,ogyitroffid anslyt4 0 confitiontlal informatior. snd data beara,ng upon ttie ostionalzeceu4ity of the nited States. ; Whabi44t011 Do C. Platt a....l?rts.".?-?pe.r r DA to Jugast.t.,? ? 5' fun d te in the amount of of Chief Diebureing - _ ,*c rS4 s'? - - : ? - ? _ - -- ? 1- - ? ,? P . k . ? / 4 ? It is req that these funds be forwarded to me in checkh oi the follolesAig om?unte: $ . 4111.11.1nR,IIMPOI....fAnt?mtv....volVi..POIN* (114nAture or hfiont-Coahior) 941H.Pmeiminwpoi iiale.morsoMORVIA.0.11111/10*.ROMMIllee.111,...515..N. (Or tit i.%1 ?tti. o Age n t -rain h d 1.41?41.4?01?Ome/711,04.3~ININVIIIIIDON1411111?461114.01?4?0?11,110101,1010,061.99101?61/PIIIICP?PollnIMMIIIIMMIIIRIN TIMpopPWENINI spmer?ownitomoreiggipn,priliclosvfo-lemen.serowlar e ? - ~ffiswalboompvimiepoggimaiimintiogfigmoNimagaimmigNIffiltlapoillsonftieniftompolpiompapvisigigorieS140,4PILIWWWWWWK. 454?04?013?1??????,...WINAmorems??????????????????????? ? THE CHIEF rf 1 SOURS !NG OFF :I C:ER : August a. Pursuant to the authority cortained in dim act: ti f ma4t f r* *i notice ovialabtt to the Office *f Sr ie Sorvicos to be expended gos systevicit )s hereby requested thal: you advance to te. (42 .111P6.....t.43.4~4/11.~1101.41.0~10031MeM11.4.51i4.~.9. (Nalle 6114 ?MO /al ?t LI 4101t0C**h1.Crp the 44114 Of AniMilt., for net in collecting and analyzing coo- imformistion snd dews beariog upon the national security of the (Jnitc,i Sts.t461. It ...... br forwarded to the agent-cashier in ..i -.- is requeste4 chat th 0 -chAttAls of the, followimg astouata 1 WNW I * 4?1?40104?0 ??????????????????4.4NP ? ;-*-n'': - ? - ? . 4?111VPM1.,481.111,????41...1...... e?ev.....n....t 4140.?,01t!'1444000),9!".-41***40. 1t a. &Otte*: 1444.141-4e4.61,4,111....410.400.7-31.?????#1,11?FORP,. ye brfeetteedlete0......~1~On... Ai I ? .11,, : t ? .441.94,14?100?0110:0Plootlegkpo?VmrlP-Nrintirzemmo?.4.???~14eellrenhwvil.414?444,44,411.00104p.poorra?l--.w.a...1, Jig teiroAtor or ntlifikkacto etervitio$41 .141rgik#1014 '111100,1044=a0470=IMIW=Vi=1=4.1=4-,====ror.=;?=:-_7_-: _ 4.4.4 MR-fikit.rdi:*614406,1 and I copy* to the Ch f 1)4 tf - *OW 04'04 -6* lrieg*Imeti by thie Director of Stfat,c8ic ivittkoirio ' 4' ? ? _ , ? , 44 -- ? , 7 , - 3 4. ?, t ? 1 Ii 11 I r , ? ?? _ 114 ? , - ?62flii!--*. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 E?gt,: illiMIMAMETRIMENDARDAMMIUSINVARIAT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 I " ? - t. ? - , ? a - e, 6 4, ? 1j. . .. ?,,....1,,,,'S:-? ...t ',,44.1. tjj:: ,4; I--''. 4'.. :, - ':?,...' 41.' 4.' -. ''' ' s' ' I. 't, 1.1i-,?-.,. ?'p',;., it: ? 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Coringtonse eipitare wan; be:Low. insicoarta,7 yotrap II , IC - . ,,, ' ;'; ' iti ".?,-if:' t. : ,'-, , ?-, , ?::: . - .i;_e. - - , - - ? ... . -, i-,.? , .f,, ?.- .-, t -1..- r . `:1:i? -?, -,z -,vift- v.', , - -, .si ,,-,, , t. -i-,,, : ei ,,.?-?-? le '? et i _ - i,i. - # ,',_'",- ., !' , # . , . , ? .... - i ,.e ''' tic: X r',, ., :,4?i''''''-it.,C1 gl 1 '---- :'' ' .; .itr-'-`, ;23 .t. .' ' "0 . ". Corteral* a/miter ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 r#, arigaLkaggiatarant**re, r:'t_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ??;?4-!. ,? ? " 4f-51.41;1;1 ' ? ? ? t ? ' ' ? ??? . ? ;:.? ? F - ?-8 _ ? 1,?? ? ,;,,"1?1 - ?- ; ? ? r5..? Pr.";r! 4?74.1 , 5 -;;.? f ? 0. ?: , 1046 - AMON' t,gopt-4:: $1:413,..Ler ossio*tty 040vorir gro ntr tIO thi 9 SA-4-iw perg:N tallier Mao)* OW Up) v.4441 goral,),4,,, .91! pitour Dia" a raw etttnicild u- fintpriodating tht Iwo wit% 41 ti:Pr tit* Otolv.tha..? a MAP% glr VOW? 31,1i 40:4 10Prirtrit.-4 .tvnt ?-. Pirm. , *do* 404 clitute0A.: 0 irrtOro Itrtipiw - vgittio tooly yoxtvit +7 , ?, t? , , , '. r.: 4 .., .. I, ' 1 '5?5 ; ;:, , ..4! -4,,2 i ''' V, ; :'-)"L_._? . ? ..r.i ! ' ' 1 ? ?;'''C.,-, ' ': 4 '".?'. ' :4 `1.: -' lc ':- ".. 1 ?..s. :-/....,,- ? ., .>-. 4,, ..! ' .1; ; j' ? `4,? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 LIMIMMINNUEIMILMIERNMIHIMINI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 '14C...14 44, 3 5 4 1.-4!:e r ? , '4;4 7'314' ? 4: 3 r ; 44, 1 t?Pek. ; ? - Site "?671,fiJ,?4? OSS Forp JIMA) -2,- 5 ,ree D ATE 0 . 3t TO: t, J1_, 121 AdmirAstration 21drr, 41?0000.11 .1 k, ' =1,z; ? 4, In accordance with your re- quest, the attached has been re- typed for the General's sicnature. K4nd1y return to noom 120 Colisem for nailing with the boad forms. FROP: Thank yo'l. CONFIDENIEM (VrelirrilrTr.?I?????????.?:??w ? m????????????????460????????? 3 - Nettng atter, 111.9cal Div. EXT. ".F1104+':++r,.ev.,09+i+e?e+ rev:. 3 Zr?:', :3 :A' ?!.0*33 r 4 . 14e' ti rkl ti.???????????????????? - ,..1..t,?il I; v..r: ? -fx - ? , = ,4 + ' ++ 3 'e! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00019044000373 1 ?1 RIMEMAIMBEI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 The attached letter has boon pre.. pared tn accordance with a eablod request from Lt, K. Bo Weedrtnr? The indivLduals will operate in the China Monter, Kindly have the 1444.4mA Director elm thts letter and return to this offtce for forwardtrW to the Troaourty 1j)n7rtrLTIont WIth thn TriLorim Undo, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 palafea , , , 3,;:taft littAN 0-07:1,,,n t MTV, 1.,a, AN iii."rezrArozw.sairm-irtc "S. r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 r ., ? . , , . . ? ,., gi'-',IHJ- .-r,? ,,, , :,2..,...' ? '4"lc.i'r, , .1,?,t?t4 t7. --y,g,' . t . i-.4%-r, ? 0 r. ,s- - . ' :ro.t , Di 4.1eiret enshier Ocattaso S the 04,Ail f.,,t Androw a 4* Divide tor ti nAVP1.11303,0 Walk tO thoata indiv 'dupla tmOdualier bondos 11 a * trOe mule avai01e!) vcil or thiroligla relit 11 /' tin Agent in Gimaaktri.t.t.i, * SO it 11, NT thus fundm to be Civrw, M 7VWrOistestos in ovettit irir? t Vil Verstitai vpritot %tote ISb ip*l*Wy to *242110ad 14 Ail h 'rg I. tilk" t. 11004 .0 - 100210160. ova mignot by an ft Igiiiirt MO Au: linite Iva ?,.. jolz. % ?!., Ale, 1 AV00 ... _., Jk..t 'dr I ?-.. ' l' I 1 ? 1 1,.... . . I t = t L. ?.....;?' : i?-?-, ?? , .? , .4 - .1.- ' i 4 ? - 41 ..... 1 ,, : ? -, - - U;...! t er. - r. ' a - t - ? 4 I '.? , I ?E' , ! r. ., ..,.? ...4 ....9: 1:4 ? - .,.. , , ,,., 4. ?4 r k;1 , ,, ,,. 1,,,,..,..,, ...,- ._, . ... term ilt44Lh armist,,43:46 tleguiwitiAba 10.1 orgairigoki two yonst Oillett titter 1.--qtolm'a:;t tAleallf plinara 4 4. ,IkPPACIli ICA 4 : !EL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ALINIINNERM Weliaraffeffa Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Woo DATE..-1 Mr, L. M. Hoax AMNON= A attuned lettor 40,0 been pro. P21 ed in romponno to a oable from Lt. Woodrtne, requentIng that Holon mo Loonardp Finanne repro' entative In flaleutta, be advnnoed agont-eaohter funda in tha amount 011 $5,00U0 Ktndly have tne Mreot,or'n ot7pn. tura affixed to tian lottor anl COWPII to t4o Ptnanao !ipanoll tranamittal_ to Treaaury wttli tho Ihtertm isend. k you. ytti' ,F4 . 14.4 t-0411 1: ? ? 4-11:4,01Cip*, erk'-ii4,--1144 OH rel-r- Cs. 5r, Borneurct ti do :I co mon tixtfr4at Ux T , a ? ..:A? . r ; r - ; ' ; r - t= -.44* ^ .1 - ' , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1 V l :-3U Declassified ACY' ? , ? leir z, ??? t Declassified and Approved For Release 20-1320-9/26 : CIA:R"DP-13A-0001R(310-010'0-4"4-0- 003-3 rif r,'76 A .6,466 ?-t - ? ? ,r1 :24147t(1,: 1;4i ? ,? ? - ? - "' , - .; r? " , ? A.4,1,1; ? - -4- ,, 44j- - ';? ? 14, 7 fit; '1 ?,411- 1;4 7- sci t _h. ? , ? .4 , 111 iirriaosed Troasury Depalltmnt. Po= 1-14 .10 tionikoolitakt Cashiorp azehnutt4 by the ilery,11.17,0-ko, arnr as surety lirk Wulf of Misv in1:71.6 ;Alonia-FEJ Mit Awn* lid A:021404ml tor the pursperae !Aar tunas available to nes Lacinardt pew:anc at a replier avotiworathier bonds Is requmitiod thora ba mA40 avallebIe to the mar ir5oOc thmtek the faoilltieonil7our 40 144 Caloutt44 DIA** More is tut urgent razd C*141134, Ifito have the IWO of these rt du mt thic ibl* date tn ordiftr to ;mid glelay in uar opera- 14111ditotit* in expaditling -the handling of 1111, b graatly oqiprootateehs ttiblattort -092 win be trtiliatka by Mitts Leonard flyt 4.7? *Ara 11$ law bo Apcsessan t etpeatd cash without firrait 11104$4 it regular', vouchar tom itizrod, by ara Authorized Cor- Ise Otrialisr. 'bond is 14.41As forwarded to ItTino Loorirad am- 141.1 bs thagatzted to 'your offico etc. propm, ; ? 4 P ' or- / 4/ / -II :L.,y4, =,-.,!'1'4.. , . I . c ?; . -4 ? , ? . .- ,.. '1"..? -3 -.:Ii??- - 4., .41_ hh,h, r,1,,, :...1,-:.,.., -3i - , --.. ' '::" ,-?-__ 4,, '45! _k f..?i? ..? -4-. ? ?,4--,.. _ _ - ? ?,? , ,! ? 4 .. , ,g? IF ,.., -41.t d ? , A :',:tir r-* ?,.1... , ..... r,? , : , ,..;1: ., 444, r,- ,--.---, .'"i 1'...".,,0 vk 4? ? -- - o ...161.6*. - '... fl"...'.!'".-. '11**1 ---.4t * 7 ' ' .:." -, ?':I a7. -,..1.4,-; _ -..-: .. jilt...v:43,7. :L?_ff?4 ??-?7,.. 4 V- ray rtours$3, VW, wit Jo Ponovan, Mrectior 3 '4 ? 40, - '?? , t k ii;?1 444 '4410 !, AP tC.C?';'4. .14 ( .1 .0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 11FRIMINMENEINEEMEN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 F, 1 ' .? ",; 5. Direotor The attached covers the designation of 00. Sane B. Hiatt as an Agent Cashier to assist Mr. Paul Ss Butler, Jr., ?twos representative leagted in China. W. 5utler's agentwoashier funds havc recently boon increased from $5000 to 010,000, *4 it is felt that with the bonding of M/Setsc- nett, *ancient funds will be available for operations in that area. 9 F ? Inassush as this trensaotion is being handled by *OILAS of an Ituterist fond and no , advanos applioation has boon exeouted, it is requested that the sligneturo or the Director be affixed to the attaohed letters 0 boroard Us deHosvon ,o,imr,?r.1,, aa--11.171VMWTH,Ki. Acting Chief, ?Iwo. Branch r 532 t4 r...11.01100,10 .02 Orr agar.. rocorsineeradroisrs t. - ;VOA. .? ? 10.1V.!,:;ttri Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 rilkiltl-Z-111.1MANNIMMINADANiflitifffigaitin Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 tral ? ; - ;;;? ' f =0 It`, ? , ? ? 1:1'.???*, ???????I . ? ??? ???"11 -WV 0000414M hAl WoOrf 411451,140 1117 tr14 ti#iibetwair Wootg3r tho orx104 tho purpoatt a -11,0,,k10AA * Biatt pondlnl D bond* reft :'-'1314101,4-4V -11[ nA voitlo mtdo 4I411,41o40 thIwOh tho 1ITht .gp, 01111-44?4, ).naanAicth Owato fund* Vor talv,1 Ul In oxpoditAnR poottAblo Tyl4to will ho ..opk +001:iLi.44tht00 .boro It awl vi*411414Arjr AA pretparo 4 mIgular ,,i,e1031-14A1 Ltt tva01,01ttoti h* VoIimav404 tio 4914Wvt 044. - '"..11..e.11- - ' ' ' ? : s,-.:' ' t-'4.1 ''I '4" '- ' ? *r?'...'' 41,F' - 5,1-j ? . . -.,,i ---' ..,--''' ' ,. t.i.i,,;4 ,.- : .4. ,..1'1! :. - A . .. :.^ , , . ..;? . ? .fri , ..F.,...: ;! . '!:2;. ;. 1:: .: , , ? ,,? ,....,' 7. ....1,... 1.'..t! :: ; v. 4 ,., , r; , ,, .., J,.. .. , i ? ..-!.?.. ?;,9 C :''', ? ''''s 4, - , .:: '',,.? ,;?, +4,-.; _.! , . ? ?,,t, -- ''--&[1-;..,;-:,:. ;2;i14.-,I.,,, . _ . ?-..7 :',..5%1 "..?,!' i',is ".' .......,.".!,,,, , ; ,. C''' V c' ' ? .! ' ? Al, , . -i,4.1. i. 1 ?12?'?;-::;',...: .. .sr,..C?. .ai 'IV' ?', f ...,? : ,it ? ' ' t .; - ' - ,toyk I ' et; ?-tl-J, r, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 055 NM 1004D 3., Director FOR 810WATVIS Is acoordence with arrangements made with Ltd Kilgouri An Interim pond hes recently been executed for the purpose ot providing Ltd John 41* D. Ashoraft, IDO representative in Paris, with agentwoashisr funds in the amount ot $5,000. U34er this arrangement it is understood that Lt. Ashoraft will maks use ot his agentimeashisr fund* only in oases Where activitien oannot be properly conduoted by regular moans through Mr* Bishop, i oe. 4 ffie 40e/' 0,41e , 1)19 . moll, wile .0 ikkv OW M...e 7.-de, ? 4.74tt,.trre,-...--r_,-nK,t,aret: r.-d XJ 1 r,90 =.s;son i ,,,,, .r er As -....7.s,,,, ? , hatifit Chitito rtnenoe ersnoh Iv 652 I-.?:,,,. i e-naSCOMM IP, 3111 APC, C.CPM.SsWerVVIr. ..-.,......6,, ....e,Iltei,,,,o e , - ? r ,, --.0- T ?,,,I1 V....,.r. 1 aCi %:." ._? ..; a !A ' I .1 .,,,, " .* , r.7.7f0i=,,,';-3 ), , ? , - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 'MUM 0.14MEMPRINVitatgagtnna' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ; *It ,` Ce? 1S/e/:-.1i '1 - 70,471%144 9-somit.rt tiore htlia b a.riLke V 04704%qtlivitil 400 ZaigOrdi I* eat ii.;b4ent-oc 64111q1 1411:144: asitivkgisql, 1,441ted tx hal t 110fr. tat Si aril and- to ha Marry 1 kitr.x.i as *km. algid th t rim attcrar0 tbc_rolu tb t1It.; ciC r rtiR Patriot eliterco ardi &t .p.13 To r s.,, tobnel, app rePplyi 1;4 CM bo i-104 in them) 1 up timcria iii$Arjr for 44 Arsheriaier. expezid 0149ti 101.1.,: 4, ? , 40, VO ,y 1;:' tag tri a:9r* 141WIF.00h. 'Mott* I a. art ursent. mood l'or 4.40 tio this Affetit tullivr.r, -At the it*tio ynxtr) eta 143 tote IA 4flo,30 1, t f,f, trii14-0.044111.' 714113, 114 er,424tt1i aptr,V0q,"; lital Arm To,:t zivator -.3 itr Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 r , . MOWN EMINIMMENIENTIMMIUMNAN . , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - - ; -!r .?_???? 3 ' " ? ? ' ; ? ? ' , t ), ? - ? --;','' ' ' - 4--,!, 7, - - ,,.., !- -.,,-*4-,Ii. :?::::1!: ,33 , ?.7...?... ? ? '33r;:3! "3: ' 4 fz 14,, ....:1:;,,;". ? ,, .z ; ,- , it t ;.1; :Ix ?:.1 , -',1,"1?i?::- , IZ; ? 11 i; ;:' , l'z' ."' .r'z,r, -; ;. ?..,.. :! !...-::.-,:',.--,: -..,.!?., i'i f,i',.,..,-, - I. :4,,, ??.:,:i 13" 'CZ I , ''',.:,;,: 3 - 3';Z:,: 3, . 3.1. ' ' 3, ' .3 3'3' 13 r ' '' 3' 3 .3: A ? . : ' , r'. 1 ''' I ' :: 4''''' ..'?c7-.,-:-`0- '' -,';',':::.fl , -'1;i., '3,Vi'. ,r.t.?,?"- , ! .,,, ? .1 ; t 4,1t If ???? (it-?934} riA Tit 17 3* ausekimiftm.2144...Litta loogimmusomminisseruninasuim,swerimigrommems: The attached fox' papers are r your files,' AWA Office of the General Counsel A pr, e $ i; 1.?, , ,'74-,,,:z, 1 ?' '?4:',9, Y , ,. . ?i!P.'ef (431 7','3, .3: .- 1;11 -;:t.61, 13'.? ,. 3 11, , ? it:IY, '.?k.. ,*;!%1',.4, '''-' I. ,,,,,Q.... t, i 4: ? 4,4 ?.:, ....,... , 1:,...t-,4 , .,.!4iL '4".4`ti ' -,11.,';'',41?1 ,,,'-ii -4- S' "(sr r' . ? ''' % : '?,, , '''',.' i 3.' ? :33 ' fez,,,,,, ,,t,:'.. ' , . , - ? ? i ? t , i fit.-.,.1 -1 , ?'''-1.' .' .3 ? - -- r ??;;,_ - ,, A ilA i, k 1 i - _';?? .? ? ;,.., ...',1"' . i.-lt?:i1; 1 4;11- '''' ' I:- dr ;, , :,,, ., 4 7?, 1 ir,f,--.. ? i kF ? ' i ' '' ?-? (F;ie ' r z-, FL- , .1f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 glIONNAJIM211110112NNIRIBMINI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 0164411111 -'????? , -?-? , ! "'Jr"' " ? p ?,11r, 7 " ?".? ? 4- "t ' ' 1 _ 4.-? 5 4 Or AraCOUNT Or, A.OBNT4,0431iItit - -orna .sEfivxori. ' Wirmt or STMEGIC SWIM; 0 ? 11 J4 r 4,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,I14.4,1 444.24.-4?Id?W4 44_14 %. -04 ,???,....,...04 . Exhibit E' Page 1 x re, Place1.2Lailinirall-A.ZSL?.... Date ....1.113tOlz.LIPT,..lati, The following atatement of funds advanced to me ror uno in nolleatinp, and catalysing confidential information and data bearing upon tho rintionfti menu- rity of the United States, ie for the period from to ..126A.V. 104. 5 viiimesinesgsseemist FUNDS ON NAND AT 8G 'N OP PSR100: Amount in possession of Agent-Caohier $ 247,120472 Amount in possession or Subordinnton: Nam, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount Doekory, Falcon A,' Total fund in posnonnion of nubordinnton . , TORTAI FUNDS TO lit ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF MTN Lb ,000.00 .I 200,120,72 0.01101111MISP*101/0.011M.W.10,1460.1.414151401.4. 4411=4/,....v4.44,14.,..4^flCJ annL, rC.'. 04.4 it,g64041001541ead*V. 44114W.4..... .4 cr,44.1.0 , MIMS DUR1NG PSR IOD Advancts r4la4med from Dtcburging Officer Nmarks tto 1'4 4.41 1?? acrisibursomant tor BuOte424$47 ft. ipt$ during period . AXCOUNTXDPOR,pURINGPini) . 5 , AI It ' xi Amouni $ 247,670.20 1 It : , 444 :re $.21hZADA0,,, $J,12,14.0%49.1. 4,444.4?4444.4., "1 ?-?1 A0444.4-1. j Pfr. t - ? , 1. ZS , ? _ -lily" 4,1 - ??? ' ? ? - ? .?..41!:,. ?4 ? IL ? - "." ? ? F. . ? ? ,?11.3 ? trritt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 IlleWINUM1116111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? --ft -4. " - : IN" ? =".' , ? 9 ift.1 i'?-?' ? l'. 1:. 5 A ?:''' '?' .1. 'k.it4,' f ? '' .. 'C ' lti Bi,AOENT*.' CASIIIER AND SUBORDMITH OFFIVIRS OUR ISO IIM :OD 4mount i- 810voucher invelope Number j- Paid by t;. ??:,?!.?,? ' ; "????0;.- flzbib It 61 rotAo 2 'Oft AO6OUNT OF halt1-CM3H311 - 011Ma4raWaimallimeamaamemaiasarameoptiaspipmenimaarrapseammeaa' extzgamartaterostse (Note; Oubvoucher Envelope shall contain receipts ror payment and/or statements explainin& pftymonts for which recoipte could not bo obtsinodi) TOM MONTS BY AUENT7CASIM1 101D summifimumq PERIOD ; IS ta Galata, a a a a a s a a$ 32102:!?07 PODS OR HAND AT SAID OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of A-font-Cashier ...sums, . 0 17t4,177?9 Amount in po4444mion of 2ubo4inoto4; Nam.. Tstito and Addrope of Subordinato Total Funds in polog000ton or oubovd1noton TOTAL WITOS To IR ACCOUNTO 1 AT NND OP Tunon ??? a al all IP $ .auttaatact,?,, Cif fer IP 1i'4 1K ---mt-rzromonto I ()Wiry that tho elbow) to 4 oorroot c000untinm of 411 runda advnrood rot, tho purpose of oellectiog and 4noloing oonfidnntiol Inform4t1on nnd e1nt4 bmHrif.:t UV-41 astionil security of the United elatoos in my po440ontun 4n4 undor my oontrol diving r od statsd. A4iIINT-040HIHR F!' ? MAI4R1i4-- *744 rat* 14 Servtoent manth1y, in dulategtto ond mubmit? not 01-0 nth tolloorinft tho poriod tiovmrod by the roport. ...1:1 - I; ..; ' .."4 - ' f Z'? t,ft: :i.?:. , .,,,, ?; , , _ .".! ;.'-",;.?S4 2? -.?'; .., t9 ..,:ip,4- ? i 1}..' C;" .s..,. :..i...,t1.1:._ t.1"a ,' '::, -,??,.... 4--, --.7 J''',9- ' ,:....'.,-.; ' ? ..,-,c`i::,_, ',i, in Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 r r?.1?4 ctt 1 - ? . -44" : ,,7'.1?'" 3 "Th.! ;ref: 1 ',-,'?tt,J s -; st -% ".?; tt 14 ? ? 41 tie .t1.4' t t . I( 4 -' SIVIIMENT O A,CCOIlle AGENT-CASITIBIt rt, t 911111010$1,47$13; e?ML.,P$3113103V3elOrealsitt WM OF OTRATEGIC BERVICE0 -01' STRATEGIC SRRVICE81 04b1 -7411.so Ina OD ?,210:41115434-31Alfilta DO to _.7,?,71,9_ ntAVAftr ti, 'following atatoment of fund@ 44igatoott to mo for lige in enitentiu , lipOrging confidential informotion ud d4ta bearing upon tho nfttiontil f. theUbitod 3tatoo, to for the portod from .1..4-AUDIELt_ 1044 6 ",? ' POW ON 114 ND AT EGINNING OP PERIOD: Amount in poonoonion of AgontmCaehier a, &mount in poosoacion of Subordinntoa: 4414$ ritte and Address of Subordlnato Amount Totia fundo in ponoontiton or milhordinmtoo a ? lit YUNDO TO UR AnCOUNTMD FOR AT SMOMMO OF Man . $ itmissemits?rtierrorntr,togyzapierm*-,-rt-,..5-0 ?,(-1/74--Sr -r-r-4, 4. -1..,'AirAtttlf..rt13. tt-? xt, -- "Mira DURING PRfflOP Advanoos eacetvoa frolt burning Off$oor Da to Ro r t**+ 44' 4 Trolisury ohook (Acofitl CAuhitor t4/Knoci) f141411 rotaelpts daring poi. old ???14 ? ACCOUNTO YOR:DURrNa FOTRIOD 4 1 11 Amoung 4 2000000,00 Pee - 0 $ e ii.1-JSKLia= 4?090 P e $ ,.airiOSS14#40110111011 tgrOgaii**;. " '? c ; - ? ?:? Y.-- -; 31 47 ? " tt,,1 ; 1 , ? t.t, t?.::Pz: I ??? Fit Th - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1---4114 st . '144;?4 4r- 11:1111111Mail" 1/1=1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 40- ? ? 1..,;:!il.:. ? 7 ' 1.', ^; 1 .--, ri; t.r.r: ? - 't-'11---3`- i -? / !;s1'-? 11 1*, ,-,?^ ?- ?, ? 14 ? . .4 ..? . ..i 1141 - . - ? d(lifre or. AGIIINT-CABlitER 'CS:. qt-,???::, ; ; -.; . ,.3?.-33...:.,, i:;?"..;;- 4 7,r4 .4.i1 '' 1... - '''? ?? ' " ' .? 4. IreaPPNIV?.. 94001010111101.000CHIWOMMAIMMINIO ki0{4441fillM01 7'? :--1 ? '21'Sjiff.-!ii .: 7 e?,?. : - ? - -...,. .. .,,11 .:'??? `.,,,,i 42' o*: ?,,,r,--' -0 ''? :,*'? . . - ;;-r?'.:,...4% "1"' 1,1,1-' GUI ,., .4ASOilf*::::-,i.it**4::UPORDINATIV OFFICERS DURING psProp 14ffiottoher InvoilopiiHN%thibtir ?... ....: Ibild by '11 r!",-?-.:;2.4.: ;41 ;1;a ; ; ? , !?)???? ? . * ? ? 4 '.0-.00-?-??????-....- ? ? ? ? ? Z 5; s J; 4 ??.t 940vouohlr Envelope shall oontain reoeipts for ;Aslant and/or statements explaining paymente tor which reosipts oould not be obtained) BY AGRNT-CASHIER &ND SUBORDINITE MIMS - S 11 9505011Siiii Seliefiselit S 11 FUNAS ON Amount Amount Name 7 Amount . I$ 68,653.78 SIMPMICEM1M1EMbembffl-stetalt;ERPIWW61411Miag*Mi HAND AT END OP PERM: iA poosession of Agent-Cashier Mite I . in possession of Subordinatos! p and Addross of Sutiordsnote Total FuAds in possession of eutlordinatee . Amount 'TOM, MOS TO DE ACCOUNTIM r)R AT END OF !IMOD ?. as . S $131,446.22 ? $ IMINOMMOriaMWMPOOMIMOOMMIPIEMMIEMIIMIIWO OVIONICAMMIWIGANWININNWPFMNINRIVI3i.m4wc--i_ somilagsaigogirwo4 csrplpeR I stonily tha% the above is a oorreot ao*nunting, of all fund dimnood for the woo* of aoUttattas *ad analysing oonfidential information and data boaring upon Aikti01041 urity of the United Staten, in my poamesaloa and undar my oontrol ftc ked stated. caorr-citsn'T R 0 vatur* of bona miler) "ioss,(m00,444r,? in! dapilLoste and aubmit not 11611144 onve rod by the report. ? N , J ir0Vo.? . ZIS . ' - ? -i .? ; 2 'i : - .41 2.--- . I. 'a _I' . 1 ? -. ci-i-.7.C.:11'fi s 4.3- : L Z ' --I f ' ? - - ? i - 4 ' s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 7 11116112.1.- 2111,EFEJWMFAMMIRSAIMINIffir L-Xr. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 (; - FOrift 400 ib ; . .. ?? r . . ? - S%. .'1.''. -i. :I . , ,4:73r r?1 !I , . . 1 ,.,.,. , _ , f?C .5' 'eV) ?`. .4?1 ; "2. ct?J Fe", f ?"??? ?'" ."?.? '? ? MS.'', ? At; ; ? ' .; 'II ? .? tt. t 4 r.??;. r ? r ? r 7 J. ? f ?" t-G " .! - ' 1,4"Oj. :- , r ?'. - !.- !: '' 1.,, ,--? ?- s.. , ii. ..,,.: '-' k:', 4 ti "?? ' '4 r:i l'..":,,i; fl, 'r:?"-? - 4.12 ' ' 1"'"i*, , -11 ,s ---?:...L' .? 4 14?, ' " -ir.,`,-,',,,??? '-, , ' , - ,i ,i.- . ,l'' "4 ir',"?:: . ? ::: -4 ! ttr ,,,-, ?4',,, "4, _ : ":. : .1 ?,..,-; ;-, ",,? 2 - , 1 ? ';',.?'M-4s- ? ??? -? ?? ? :=',? - 1* ????? 1.r`, ", ' ?,??? ,r 4 aii;i-eilleit:C-.47..tvitstmetkoigualavraitasigiteincyrers.kus tavaust.wordo , DAT lit 4odgiwgmusqwmwwpoomeim.s.o?ft?ow.F.,..4 MPO ? O')11.10.1 famme~inwsimmemsommespeowswompsomaftieno.mimswa.milomogwas..0.* 1,110 t !w(t .4) tin II lit) ror* :four Mori ti tie t ho t;tiatIrn I ennit4est 1?11 ??? Aez..t7-71' "?- ?-; - r. It ? v ???? 4,4 .4????? ? ; ? r 4 1, 1.1 1.1 ' ? ? . ? ? ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? - -'?"; - ; . ' "41 71.3-eq,;. - ? _ ? --- "k. 47 - - rsr: v r? " V , C ? i ? r -3141MailliERMINERMOVElaillall Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , 'AMAMI! ACCOUNT : OF Orprp-CASHIEit ibE OF, STRATEGIC "SERVICES OF ,STRATEGIC SIRVICES: a walalcalootw.awafaskaaaw..14.-A,-..- It4 Exhibit E Rego 1 Placertithiliaanzdtit.11._ Date...?_gmatmkgrAla__ f0,11okving statement of funds advanced to me for use in coLlecting yiingconfidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- of the United States, is for the period from 20 , 1940 sl logialmoism= FUNDS ON BAND AT BEGINNIArG aP PERIOD: ????.????????.? ? amael???? ???111111.01.0. ???????? Amount in possessiou oT Agent-Cashier S 110,912.69 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Nast, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount Total funds in possession of subordinates $ AL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . demall????????%. OWING PERIOD Adinistes received from Disbursing Officer Remarks. Amount Wabursoment for Bu4Vo4489.00 $89,087.31 ?? ???????.1??????????????,..?????AMS . ? $ 110,912.69 GOMM* 4/./.0???????????????????? ? Wane. s1tflperiod . ? ? ? ? $ tip- POE DURING PtRIOP . ? $ 22409499_ 7 .r y - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 RERNMMOW,CIMMIMankki Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - ' g ? F-1-. ? - ; ? ?"' . .k. ?:?? .r? jr? - ??'/I ' - " ti)thit t hat) 8 OTAXIMPNT OF A6661INT DV AMINT-OhOWAR 11100,1111100010101 Itt51===t1TINIM:41 =MAL BY:440'4MM 40$400111108 WHOM DUR1NO PURIOD 14 atit'iroughor flV O4 iIi bl Amount ?;!. ? Obt.41; ;1?1 Subvotoluor Dinvellip@ oontitin roo@ipto Voir paymont and/or oltfatornto oxplEaning pAymontg far which reogiptio oould not bo.4 obtiOnod., TOT, PikiliStril BY AA_ AND OUTIORDINANI1. (ammo ? 1 0 I 0 0 11 $ 3 I iiii 1:.191:5Z4:1.or ".???=1"1=.^..if.' ...?-?-???? - Oiv HAND AT NNP OP PRI? 100 Amount in poog000lon of Amont-Whior MountInporuifigis on of 8o ova infttoel Nam, nett ant/ 4ddr#s4 of Suberchnato Amount 4 , 4 71)0614..U7 Totill Folio in pogohooteln or outiordinatoo ... (rout UNTI TO F1 40(3,01)N11411 fvfoi AT Kg) Cife KilfIT1)(.) , ? ? C-14a114. 14,41::a4Fxr- .47Tfi.rn.,-- 47- Fr.,r,r.--7. - - oorttfy th4t the#'440,0 144 4 oorroot 4unoonttnm or 411 runlg advittooll ror iho Pirpt0.0 of oollttotiaK 406 5nilyting oonfident141 1ntopm4tolt and dhLit hogeklio, " iiwimttoo41 ofmitri4' sthIll UMW attitea, in my remao4o1on fiva upabr tn, timarril dtitintit Me period tot4 ? ',. , r I ?*-Palt: ? r?,, -?r., A moat ,0A,t1ii . . _ 06414111/ 4le Aatint-Co4hrer) ;744' 1"...Fr.,....7144'14.? Ortia* IT_Ektuto 1144114001! mottftly, f4 d4pl1q1tei hno nubmit net 1, 400 glitYt 14. .?011favi t ott al 0 olio pord by 1.h Pel poll , . . , J"--? ' , , ,' 2 ? , 7.? 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 SIIIMINEMIEVINE1111ffil ,F,rr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 " ? ? Le, - ? - , 4 ? ,r- ?2? ?-? T74-17,- , k ACCOUNT OF 4onrr.cAstat1k 4.1.9V 'F?410:1?A'45.- Exhibit E ' Page 1 STRATEGIC SERVICES oFFICR OF STRATEGIC SNIVICES: _ The following stEr4oment of funds advanced to mo for use in collecting Date15 Ausust 19413 1??."91P ?Mr3OMPadt-1.1.1NI. analyzing confidAntial information and data bearing upon the nation:el secu- . : rity of the United States, is for the period from r.prlae.? Isone*mOf 5? , 10/110011117=Zalgal2n;=""..47,..16Wag ?,??? n.....?????7.4 =1-m es ????,-,TCP1,,an,17. P?oe Evg. ....190aMen PODS ON RAND AT BEGISNING OF PERIOD; 790 Amount in possession of hgent-Cashier 002048 ? 4 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Amoura Total funds in possession of subordinates 0,11.1, 1?11,1."1.???11111100 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR tT BEGINNING OF PERIOD $ 791028,40 ' 44444444044444444,47041.44004.44.4 Rsabors mac PERIOD Advances received from Disbursing/ Officer Remarks ikt tit M.isibwassioat for Btu Vaseline No. 492 ./.040.0.410.0? .??????????,?41E?011#11. Amount $ 30,076.51 to? receipts durtng vegioci . . . ACCOVNTSD YO8 WRING WAZOD 40 I ? ; ? ' , ? ' M 60p076 51 CO MIA J., A vs. ; i?ge -44,;141, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ERAMIESTIMINEEMINIMINIANSEI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 " itiLTE1AR4T'a ACCOUNT - r fAGiNT-OISAIER.AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DORIC PERIOD Tpucher Envelope Number iaid by Amount 1111.1041? or- Sublioucher Envelope shall cuntain receipts for payment and/or statements explaining payments f,or which receipts could not be obtained.) OTAL PILYMENTS BY A.GENT-CASHIER AND SUBORDINATE OFF ECERS. DURING ICRIOD Eihibit E Rip 2 $ 109,105000* V".1111I 41011111/ 'FUNDS ON' HAND AT END OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier 8 Amount in pos8e3sion of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordtnate Amount Total Funds in possession of subordinates TOTAL FONDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT END OF PERIOD SPOINIMMINIC=.11 ======1 None NO110 CERTIFICAT? X certify that the above i a correct accounting of all funds advanced for the purpose of collecting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon a national security of the United States in my possession and under my control i flu, period stated. , _ 7.011:0 00 ofStratsigic Service's, monthly, In duplicate and eubmit not Month'1,04pwIng the period covered by the report. - ;.., - AGENT-CASHIER SignAture of Agent?Ctishier) it?MII.,0110M.M.O.ThaMM..????,m?tilb.010.M..????M?Med YON. YOMe.???....., a?I? , She Vbited, States in ; 2 - a . - - " ? ? - ? 1"%maf.: '? ? '; ? - - Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? ,*.p,'r hi i;t:11171NMfif?-1.4%1' MINA UNE 4:07.1e4AUF., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ii LII 0 , . , :.,?,; ..:,..4. 7 , ;.4. *St'4.,rtiti" S '''''' Fi 41, f? ' ' -, C'':.; - -t :, c l'_-, l'i; , r 40 . ' . .., ?i '--7 4i:f' ?? -'''' ? ; t -;T ? ?,:tf T_ ; , ?:( ' ' r ? 1 ?i , i Nrafft 40010 e **0?006corkommearaulto.f?04?44.K,44.44,44?019,,,., imee4,14 &kw-woo-al seIreF? PA T% :$ Att6tt t. I )4 TrrfMral ? Ma Dorm 1 1 4: I 4"1"111"114111111161.11114.111.464111"."611";""4"11111"11411.41"r4"4"1""1.1"6"."11"1""""""ai. ? Th0 fit t401?1041 1)411011U 1.4 :1-.1 yoli r t ? ,?7, 4?1` ? ? - , - , ..f. ...'.: ? 4 i';'..-, : 1 -.: ''- N -'' - : . ' :... 1-,.:-. ---, -,,, - :":- ? li .rj,.:-...;% .h 1.?,...1',%,,,:' 7. ,:. itt.i., .., 041, t , Lit r. r. ? taa -T ,11V.5.4'o A NA ? 'J?? 4 1 . - _II'?'-' i'l V. h? ? k ...,,,t4,, - 1;?:!..7.:.: ! ' 4 ' n ' "r 1; ..... :AV' 3i= i i'' ri-F'I, 41 ; t.-- ;kt'-?!"01"'..'s ? . '''.:.":4.b7..4:-.7 :- 'I''!. ..-!:-..1(.:- ."-.,ii ? ;.' ..'-'14 7: '.....1 -?.Xt ' b' ? :?).,''''''''' ' '- '1c . .....".t .!...-41.,,,,....r ............,?. ...? .,,,..? , ' ? : : .. ,..';'''i ? , . 0, . - -' :4:1044.1.,i., .4.i., t,.. ,. 4.--3i !: , ' >..'ite,t,'...t.r?;-.? A,, 1 , '...' ? ',...i:...- " ? . ;? .h';'1.,-,??,:,. ?t, ?.` ' f'i-1::k ? .4' ..-4'.- . ? 7' .;1-.7? 7 . r. 4 ;Etz: ? ??????:..,;-4.4 ? ". ??;i .?itt ? - c tte I LI; 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ,,??_.r _ MENEWIAtilliMMLAVISIMISTIVAIKA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , .1154V .? - .. Jr 't,.;'''' ...!. ii,.; `'. .. ..1. M1'1 -''''.1 ? t j . , '. .I. , -..:. .. . . ' :r'; 1-r"-::",- ? ''''' f '` . ''.--,- ,- ,?i'? 1' ,,? ,.-- ? 0, ? . `,. 0 Atitiast ? r't fr ? , ? T- .DttO- .? litontoesshter flee Voucher Nn tnoii00) .! . ,: Y6'*r icutfl of the subject voucher in recommooded ,f,!Ii.,nd f:sr ii,is i,ed . ): . z__, I t' . T,''" tify Aht o net disbur n sements were etually made 7:,i il MAU ii t on t he sub j @c t v ou c he r , pur s U A 11 t t ft pir!)0*iithori7otion within the Offive of 8trotegic Soriv. .... tiOonditures ere proporly vivitgotible to the now. printii41 lodicated in the subject voucher. Ilnasll (Unusuol IONpOltitttif@NI Of either iipmo for informition of Diroetor) t ' olleillatelgieliMileMe~diliallsitisi*M311104.1EMPitirWav4SIMIMORWSWEnstioNledorieszlitca,=422:,,z, s-r,t-zro fittiNgaVISIPOWNETIraut*all..15Mt-san,auttx Itar41:330=-40-,-1,0S2L.&-.7-.A 'r-7.1:trnattattotazumol"Ctelk,?,nrsi.nr.u=5:,,-.. tacm0011011101061.-a,zrAtmaot,umne,wa. simczo-scrwas.,La arc,amer=t-pte-=. cc, sta= rsevors,c:rratum1/40403-11:, 1900441=Utz=t311.2,1=3"-,,Pr: tEl: fir-,t t's 1;>"-/s r ;Jf. Agent .Cmohior 11 It? u hOrtv0 rtfttM I rtrotolog Itot t)pon otintit04t rtiit Ivo ly coy lowod tittil itpettov#4. for tiot oft in fit the, bovte hattf orneitlt r 1? *JO to t1:444 kidri t tt y Stot ti tt.* ot 8001,0 let! B, t ,?, 94 iL ? ";-?: 4' r;.? ;'? 1 r:c?-`1;:itik , ? , - ? Z \? '41 I r , . 'T mo=03-0,11 - e MAW' S ' ei rethch , YiNAN:3 , .i. ,....-. . . ., 1,1no .....t ,, ... ,. :?4,...1 ; , .?,.. . ., ..,... -?-8,,.Ff.;.'..;)!,,iilv.!:,, , u.,.. . ,,w,,, f r4;!;iir=5,7- _11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : C IA-R DP 13X00001R000100440003-3_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Eviins: OF STRATEGIC SYRVICES: The -following statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rity of the United States, is for the period from to is , 194 FUNDS ON BAND AT BEGIMING OP PERIOD: Amount in plssession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordtmate Total funds in possession of subordinates TOM FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD , . . $206,99Z.69 RECEIPTS aoRrsG PERIOD Advances received from Disbursing Officer Remarks. imbarsiment for Bu1Vo4491 ipts during period . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , r, . I ?' : - ? 4 :.'= i "?,.. ' ;;.: ? 'I'S," ? C '7!" -ill IJ :..0.:i't A,. T v ,... ,, ? .. ,.. ,.. ?? .., ; I ; posiNvir pie Accowr or AQINT-CASEITHIR , sairermeumirogi4;po,itoorismimmummosimisotertmorwispredorsergrapow. , 4071a-mmisR AO ,?BORDINATE OFFICERS DURiWO PERIOD 'ioucLer Envelope Number Ttid by ?.! ? Subvoucher Envelope shall contain receipts for payment and/or statements explaining payments tor which teseipts could not be obtained.) TOTAL;i*YMENTS BY AGENT-CAStAIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS Dilfrr''Cr"11121/0D. 4 t II I i I 4 4 1 I I **silt I $$ 11111101111110111111.111111,111111111111.11111111wirmilluimillminiii1 FUNDS OJV REIND AT END OF PERIOD: _Amount in posseession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate &Wort O. Johnson Robert C. Ellis 'rota!, Funs in possession of subordinates . TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT END OF PERIOD ? ? 4 tEX0ittlit ?3 Pag6-2 _ Amount .. $ 120,50a5 Mill==W=411.4WW=MMUMMWMMWM===MWire4=6 Amount $ 75,000.00 $ 20,0(J0000 I I I 284,464.87 . $ 9Es0000c0 palAS00000 10111.101101001101000101111M1110111011001.111111111611181,1111111ININWORowilesenil *FAXIssasiagainasweitsimaremonsimiainasimesuxoulammilmaiwmpwrignaws..r cERTIFICATE . I e-Ufy that the above is a correct accounting of all fundn advanco4 for tho -of' collecting and Analyzing confidential information and data botwing upon ecurity of the United States, la my poesconion and under my control tbd stevted, ? to.o.m /0, P _ /' 11.41 " A GENT-CAS1-11 ure of Agont -Cash ler) tee? Sorvioast monthly, in duplicate and submit not * month foll*wt0,6 the period covered by the report. ;- 4P,,--', :. ? .., _ ? , ,J,,,-11-?,i,?,,,,,,, .,..,?:?...,,, , , , r, ?,,, . ..,,, ,,., , . . ,,...: ., . - ,. .. ,., ,,, '1_ , G ,, is: .7; , ''.i.l'??: 41) i .-J ,,,: ? ,.:.- , k '4..; . . ., ,,:,. ?-: r, ?, 1 , ,, Pi.., i t?'.,;'. -, !..1 f-,,,-.: ' ' ,,,,t :',.,.' r.',....'; 1 ;4,-, _. ' ? ' ':,i':"., : r44,?.':"F.O.,-v -;4,,,,'?,e0.,..341? ; 11 4 Tr!" 41- ?rE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - _ ? ??0.1 ? I 4.t- ? -??4114_ , The following statement of funds advanced to 'ie for use in collecting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rity of the United States, is for the period from _all' 1 , 1942. Amonnt In possession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Total funds in possession of subordinates TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . . I 180,831044 MUM DURING PERIOD Mvances recemed from Dtsbursing Officer ;1!!' . Tottia. reoeipta during period . . ACCOUNTO FOR rtURINO PERIOD Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 _ -? ? ? 1, , s ? -? OUNr,OF &GENT -CASEIER - , , "1. . - Iliti.miPplEM010100111.110111.1* g#T4ASFIEi AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD ,*pielaer'itnreloPe Number :Paid by Subveucher Envelope shall contain receipts for , Spent and/or statements explaining payments for which receipts could not be obtained.) ..11` t-t,0141,PAYKENTS BY AGENT-CASHUR AND SUBMRDINATE OFFICERS ' PERIOD Amount Itchib B RI go $ 275051305 =" net, FaVS ON NAND AT ShV OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier $ 224436025 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Kant, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount Total Funds in possession of wbordinates . TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT END OF PERIOD . . MINOMUMIIIIINNOMMIRIPMMCOMMINIMMINUMMtir CERTIFICATE a $ 500i000000 ?....apixam? ? IMO 111=11111=MMM=====n1===M====LPIMMWM=Msam=cm*vor, I. crify that the above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for the purpose of collecting &r4 analyzing confidential information and data bearing upol the national security of the United States, in my possession and under my contro! during the period stated. - c)h& 4s:t4.09 --e44.04 . ER (3 g nature of Agent-cash ler) ==========7*---14=--.. of Str64004.po.'rqces,'moAt411, InAuplicate and submit not ii dor t tholtwaNiTolloOng .tilleptricid covered by the report. rill ? !It . 1, 4, liN':-'-!1, :,, 1')';:r - ,1.$.;i ,J i,:.1,!, - ilifi,c - "F. . , r I F 7' i . ? tt , , , .F...3. , ' V .Y1,...,' . * j.t s ..- , . . , . . ? 0 ; " ? Sr-; 1,rftf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 iA4 A _ , NOW at 1 U rAT ACtina DIPOW1014 Roi DU. voui no, gol7 Tilt) uttnohod vouolor lo An propor Iogal POPM for your algnaturo* 2* Two (0) ill*Inbuiboa rimultiods 4 P1 Ai Willtam Atimuth;1 dr* ?Moo of clonortu Counatu 6 el ChM 111111664,1461 VilliFs+4,01c*mthui. ? Ar ?Frio? tv f Eh, thitier=kr :74'01140A ? .3eX: ".3 11'7" '.1riiNtl" ,..!???? fe--31, ? r? " = ? ..... 1 A ? I. _^.- I+ g .. 1 v ? .: 1 - 04,. ? - r , .. ' ' 1 i t rii;, i ? `i ; ,,,T., ".,,,, ),, ; , .,., .? , '.1 3 : : . ' .7. -, -, ..!`...L. '3?A t. , , ..7 . .,, ,:11 ' ... -. ..1 (' 6 : . 1 k '..','' ."'-", :1','?,i: ., ? 7-'.i.-3 r- 1.. :-.,1-,4", 4 ? :1 . i;e1 . :. lir ' 1 3 r5' ill:t, -1',...:' I- iL . ty,1 F., .... 1,r, ir 1 1 ' ,.... : a ? ki i --,41t .. , -.c=.:, ? . i i ..k. r -1:-, .. I,.,,-, ;:E ..r.....,- : .; L z : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP1_3X00001R000100440003-3 ? ?- NIElifilial-SNMAIRMOR.FIRRIARIMErairaWir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? ? 7- 4 ' =??? - '- 4 ? 1 4,1 ? ali, I ? ? , t - 1 ,.t , _ ? ?ZP - ? I i ? 1.?:.,',......? ..-:,,,?1.. .., .. I ? ? ...?,4,ii.:, , . `, i . 1 S. ' . : - ? ' - .'..' ; ".. ....: .? .... , ? ' ';'. , ?,; ' !;?????? ? -6 --!....i ,-y. , 1.2 ? -:,1..:-"? .? :' ?:'_. t ? - - ;.... e , 4,-. i '1 II 2, C: .7',,r,-,.1::' ; !? , r '--..'.;.. .. .:::--1- .c1:*??;--, i,- ? 't4 i ..- t. ", mit el Z Avgt).04 , ,:?? t, ,. - _ 7 ,trolz t - ' Vogviter -14-- _?,?40, ..,... . , .11 , ., It, 7 ?? -? ? --r .., ,.. 1 ? ?-,,, 7 i .1.? i-- 1 i-:'?': . ... , : ?....., ; ! ? :. ., ; I...h . ?'., 1. : ' ''...A-.- ' i?pi*,: ' ?Ar..,, T.4 lit ' . -',".z ? !'I.13 -.' L.,. '; . I ? -L.., r - -- ? ? ; - - ..:, -.-4.... ?-?.: ; ; , 0::If.i...4,.4-,5 ,,;,-.... , I.. g : Itg.s? ? ? ; ' ,?.K.-. ?=it.?T ., __.* ; ..? ' .1 '''''' ', ? '...`.. 11'4 .. '1 1.1-4';?.' ? \ Aa . . r ,? ? *.-- I ? 41' ' ,4.. ??? ? ? - - ;.- ?.? , - A 1 iv, . ,_'.. \ ?r '?' '7 I? A? .; I : ....... , 4. 4. !....,, , ? . 7 ? ...? , ; 4? .?- l',--.; ... "-, 1.., . :.;; . . '..-,' '-i '1 ... r.- . It .. ..4.1.: ..v12. _ ., - i i -' . . i.. . ,.. ?... .. ,... .- , .. .01.(..! Ar'r ?fre-' r ? - 7- Agent -Cashier Nntj1=144.04W~impoll4.000.01b400014001.450000?00.00.0.. 1:-Ydifr execution of the subject voucher regvested. ,I certify thet net disbuteements xere actually rowle ",me in tha amount on the subject voucher, puritiont. to TOpor authorisation within the Office of Strategic S4-T-v- :cps. Ittpenditures nre properly chnrw!ribie tn the oppro. Prilstinn indicated in the subject vouc'eler. 0 - 1194 h tnched) I 3 recominuoded Remnrks (Unu$:ual expenditures, or other itcms for informntion of Director) WOMMIWIIIMPIIIII.C?IaralMOrdat41.0.41100.11.60.ft???41.461.........".?110011..01...~.0111...??? 1????????????????,????????????? Pri??????????????????? 1.00119000,0111?1111.10?0011114~1?1.011.111?1001110111i1?11?1411?011011111?01111?011.0?1??????.1-4?????? am?????????????????Wd??????.*? ???401~41111?????4100.11141?11?0?01401041?1101W410.1001?11100?00N0e111~11111....MIKOMINIPPOOMMOnfilini?????.?????????? 1.0,0????????????????????? oft? ?????????? orow.e. 6??????????????????-- ..*????????? -? co..4,001 i20044.00 u-4-4-0-0. ? 0.6???????????????????? Inona*.M.P???????????????????.???????????????????????????????? 11.0A,006.0iir?SIA."0"16"4,1.items.. Agent.ennhivr Doutf;ltis !fo D tno rie; 7 2iG@agoin1r 'nes boen ndmini%trnivoiy revHwed end firrivrOve4i4 FrIpt dotoile mf the ohova eisburp.cmonr-4;, refer- _enroll= lot ekielfe tO the Monthly Stetemtnt of Spe' iI Fund orich, dftto - I - , ? 1 ; ? f;:' t " ? .064PAilEvo.14"Aistrit,- 46#40.ft P?i?M^ ???? .01:111t4.1..../..,????.~414.01401Sa? ? ? ? ????11141.-11.* " f t 1111MAX I c' kaltMa5 x.160.0trAith Ifir414(2 111"111?:,li ? - 4,1 . I. :1 , - ;.? L Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010044000373 - aL6 /6;44', , - 11111113111N JIM= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 V7-- ? 41. - - _ ? - tr,? ? I J 4 ? ...5C ? t ? ' 001 , F:::":. ? , ? ; ...,,. ,.? -....?... p?. ,...,,, . - - -.' STA WENT 'OF ACCODNT- OF AGINT-CA5HIER ? , k;i1 Mormemb.?????????? OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SKRVICES to Ta OFFICE' OF STRATEGIC SERVICES: - The following statement of funds advanced to me and analyzing confidential rAty of the United States, to 30 June- lagrObit,404.40417COC-414..4evedievry,--.1.,, ? Exhibit E Page 1 Place _10.411.114,smu.aelle Date_Q.,_shalx_411A5? 441.111111116 for use in collecting information and data bearing upon the national secu- is for the period from __ 1 hang_ , 1945 FOOS Off BAND AT BEGINNING OF PER IOD: Amount in possession of Agent.-Cashier t 89,258.49 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount Total funds in possession of subordinates TOTAL FUNI6 TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . . $ 89253.49 .101166. RECEPTS DORM PERIOD Advances received from DI4bursing Wicer Remarks. ikoirburiErinent for Rug 'No42484940 ; 1.11) ?,q, '1' r!.;'?'!?. ? r -; ? 0.-1?7.? , ww......41.1.1101.0061111mmle - 1, raid pts during period ?, 'O..... ? ? _ ' ;?? ?: Big -ACCOUNTED !OR DIMING numb I t;zs, Amount j110,741.51 . . $ 1).0971.,51 " , I ?? _ 1?,;:- ? ' .1?2:-?71 4tql Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ECZNMEitillintMENIEMININIEW Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Exhibit Pligs 2 eiriWansimeasiiiiiiipidisisinsomPawasiwrommi sromeanassoisautormel 3141~111 ' 47141401NR AND id8ORDINOT OFFICRRS DURING PERIOD Stibikitiotittr Involopts Number %id by voucher lnvelope shall contain rootiipto For **ant andfor statemonts explaining pay/lents fo0ohich receipts could not be obtained.) TOTAL PAYMEITS BY AglINT-CASKEER MID tlyMarltikl$1, DINITNRIOD ? , , . ..... IMININIONNININMEMEINEIMEESEMEIMMelffEifri FUNDS ON IIAND At SND OP MUM: Amount in possossion of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Naos, ?iii and Address of Subordinate Total Yuada in ponesseion or oubordInntoo TOTAL ruuDs TO. Ott ACCOUtrrigD tfl AT MD OF Ptilit/01) -f.`.-r.fo*E6gmoetAhsiiti4bittltmiti, CARTIPICAM , I c.rtiry that Om dbovo In 4 onrraot ftoonuntAnK or 01 rundo qdvnnood For Wm pas* of **Hooting and analyzing conridontiAl intormatiqn and dnta hon ripe, upon -APIs national security of the Unitod Stfttan, la my potimottalnn and umlor my 0.3fitrol - titt, pit V' etated. -- 44-, OMIT.- !A PI I i r I Ationt t,n4h ) nktuoit , os-44'94fttegle &trifles ?-sonthly, in 4Eit i tm I!wa 0110'41hth folio* The portod 14.1vqrod by Wig) roport. " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 MIELTIMININCEMMEEtil tE:= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ...,, , ., .tvr? ,., or '-o4.11itilla - , .....:, ,:?. ,....,-,.,-, ,, ;,.-, . . '....: J ' '; -.- '1 , . '''' -?" iiimaiimminvioarilisopissempavssireresaw;nervitNiftwi' ' ' ' wariewermaomi$1 7. ? ' , , ' i ?.! . 1 ., 'F , ?I ; , - . I ,,' ? ?? 041/113 ciFsmanto SIMVICES INchibit Ptige 1 44, - ". ? ? ! Moo Data OFFICCOr STRATSGM SERVICEEN The ;following etatoment of fund advanood to me for uoo in oollootilq, tnalysing,00nfidontial information and data bearing upon tho nationaltpaoa- ft'it y of the Vatted States, is for the Nriod from ' 10q46 fittilklaMiMisiainessmeameesa .F6 .4iniiisi_weaErAzitteac=.-,.vo,..i.,r;;.z-. -,.;:--4;i?,:;-;-7----,..2.-0?4i.iFkii-la?VE FUNDS ON HAsa AT ORGINYING OF PER1OD: Amcrant in poonoeeioo of Agont.Caohier , 4 0 0 t e t 163,00.14 AmoUnt in poeeoesion of Vubordinatea: RIM. r%tl# and Addrtps of Subordtnate Amount 110 VO Connoly 411624. L. Dou 31 Tototl fundm in pommanion of eubord.natoe $ 120000.00 TOTAL FUNDS T4 P13, ACCOUNISD FOR AT !MINIM? OF PRIM ?. $ 283,076,14 t-,gag,:g rp13 t ? ? Is a I. wirepri Ick 2. a 1,144 Sh0 4-0,6,40 0 re '? -'1$C1,,tra pariva lam Ailvances. rociivEt from 00burrne 0/hoar Darr hr./arts. imbursomost for M201442400 10# awing period ;?4 . -. ,...i.,..,_ .;..... :., ,?-??:.z , ,., ,..,,, ,?'.. .. ,,,.$, -. ?, ,??,.:,':,? : ,,,d, ... - ;t--, ?,.;--;,1-,:ii. il' ? ' -.,'-_. ; 1!:::!..!..,-,- 1 :?;:,' - ?Ir.!!, ,L ?-,., - . - , t ., ,......,: ; ..,,, _ .,, ,;,,,,,.., ....; :.,:-.,;? 0,- ..!.!-?.:: ?-??"'"!::": ?.:,li,-7.," :.'7'?'-', ---? 4,".;.--!- ..,1 ' :. ?-?., '.?_ .:?-,....-. . - .'?;,'?-??.i.'... ? - ? ..,k, ...4 ,,:: l .4,.-,-.. .. ? ?? 1/.0 ./.1.1,e,P.P.44..orrarer.eem. ?? ?????????? est ? Arnow 216#023e86 - 0 $ otailSigi! a.-14 .fi+Gs, :",..'.':ai?- L;?';,:_,, I` ? ,...., , - .. , s. j, - ' , ..:E'?_-` 4 ' r: ilw_01-0'Aik 7,,E0Mk--itok ,- iii!,.,.._....,4-1.1,1, :- W...1 DI -.I ?,? 1:?:. ..:?-- ':',.-?,,,:i '-'i!.-!5:11,-.'3,?:[?'- ;?7; - i-.;;!-i-' 1 - 1...... .v . fii ".j-:?.. , -1Ati 4.!?vr.7; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 adoutir Or' ACIVIT.CIMITI:ER ftoiSRER Ab SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PNRIOP Youehelp levolope Number Peld by Amoun4 (Note; Subvoueher EnYelopo shall contain reoeipto for pernent end/or etatemento expl*inIng paymento for which roeuipte could not be obtained.) PAYMENTS BY ACENT4hERTER 4SLAUSRDTRO WICEIT girgrilliCtW774trisissIssiirs rigs a I 203#000aL fthtbit Ikti40 wimoompoiimotewimmesnommingawswiti $#NDS ON HAND AT 8N1) OP PERIOD: . ,U Amount in ponmeeelon of Agont,-Cw1hier . 41.? sr a . g 04WA Mount in popleopoion of Hubordinatool Titld and AddrolJa of Subordinate i.? Coasely James 1.? Dcugell Amoitnt $100,000600 $ L3?444021 Total Vund# in ponoonoton of oubordinfiton It 8 LI ',444.1 row. FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNT101 FI)ift AT END or frifiTOD *II $ 40410101,MOMOMKOWM.N40 .7 IILI 'd I certify that the ftboiro 10 0 oorpont ancountint4 a ot rundri ndvfmomd !hr purpome a 0011a*ting mad knalyainA 0onfidontin) inrommtinn tind uLtt nritivlua tivn Viol) geourity of tho Wtod Bt0too, in my poononton 4nd ondr?. my onntr,e1 dUTIA# the prio4 otittod U - Vi rx,..,,xtxdb-.14outtpdA(110f11 CA:1 i -revm ler) 1;- 4=c; ?'-';r???7?,??';?;=!'r? of Strotegto kiervietion, miltnthly, In eupIteete 4nd tiuhmiL not of tIr* mouth roilOsifit tho poitiod novorod by Win roporL. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1:4?F. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 OiTICE OF STRATEGIC SiRVICES TheJollowing statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting ana analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rity of the United States, is for the period ftom 30 Zunis , 1944.5? FMDS ON BAND AT BEGINNING OP PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate 4PTS DORM PERIM Advances received from Disbursing Officer Remarks. t for Btu Toucher No, 25024 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ED, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ?-s Exhibit E Page 2 ATEOCNT OF'A(POUNT OF AGENT-CASHIER Ii BtAGENT-CASSIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD SOioucher envelope Number Paid by Amount .ttioteq, Sitibvoucher Envelope shall contain receipts for payment and/or statements explaining paynents for which receipts could not be obtained.) 1! '11C,TAL MONTS BY AGENT-CASSIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS OUNTWG SZRIOD $ 300076.5/ c. FONDS ON BAND AT END OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier Mount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Total Funds in possession of subordinates cERTIFTCATE certify that the above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for tie s_plporpose of colIeating and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon .tinie national security of the United States, in my.possession and under my contro) &Iraq: tb p.riod stated. tieo *fStrategic Services, monthly, in duplicate and aubmiA no 111 d*y Of titt mOnth following the period covered by the report, 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 F 512112111MIMIMMIRMISENI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ' ' ?ot . . ? . ? II f-?; ? , J Tor 0 1 OATS hamalL04:2413,. Mrss O'Donnell mramompowmuummamove Th* attaellied morn are for your filosa Offl$ Cie the lieoer41 t14.1tineet , , -t $ a# ????-: .4.7.! `-' " 4?4:, ? ?r, is' ? " - = , 4 1 , ?t ? fi-9 ; 7.: 14,-41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ;44 iMiNtlentalMaginanglanlignig Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 .1 poi O A.cooirr c?vw ,A.CattiT-pASfinfit OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Exhibit Page 1 Plaoeittailita=o?D.p.S Datil ....3431,y_04.1901......._ ins ornat OF STMTEGIC SERVICES: Tt following statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting Atd analpging confidential information argi data bearing upon the national tecu rityQt the "United States, le for the period from 4usi,41...2?.._ , 1012, '1111.4111111MENEWittwirm .444PwrifiSMSAISPOW:004.14StizZA =4;=;,r, Pumas ON HAND e BEGINNING OF PERIOD: Amount in possession or Agent.Cashisr 71,606.1a Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, ntle and Address of Subordinate Amouat Total funds in poison of twbordinates . form FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT nEOTWING OF PERIOD *140.4?0~0110601111Y14",01.140.01%Miike.W.W.011.101.4.A....1....t.....,*WOMORPONWSWIgi.....40,..1, 1.0,1.42-4.114*.e.1111.11.44 moms D !SG PER ZOP Aavonces recelved from Dilburx;ng Off1c4r ONO Remarks rece'It dtrIng period . ACCOUNTED MR DURTNO PV.RIOD . ? ? . . $ 71,006.N Amount 4 4 4 19crIneamorrw... it V. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 IMEMINIESEMMINIETAMMINE21111111, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 N ; , ? A$?e? kATEMOT 07ACC9LINT pp AGBNT-CASHIER 11?1?1,10811001,1d1WIPSI.SM I 1111,41.,,M119, ENT-7CASHIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD oucher Envelope Number Paid by Amount Algiote; Sabvoucher Envelope shall contain receipts for payment and/or .4-Itemeats explaining payments for which receivv4 could not be obtained.) - Irti` Exhibit E Ngo 2 TOTAL PAYMINTS BY AGENT-CASE:MR AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD 8 519,168.5e , moms FUNDS ON RAND AT END OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier ." Essaarsion="saimazgar=r= Amount in possession of Subordinates Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Tai runds in possession of subordinates T1TAL ANDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FDR AT FM OF PERIOD 1001110.019410=01;:staiiiellwalionusim=amommos Amount 4 t 180,831A44 $ 500 000 00 101=0;$40,=USPZINIMURIIIMMInringnarSPOISWineraigaigiVroffIPSOriat ditS CERTIFICATE I aertlfy that the above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for tau J, purpose of ctoUedting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing uvn the, notional security of the United States, in my possession and under my control _durina:tbe parlor' etatod. , Araur-ctismi ig:11 (SiOnature of Agont?Cashler) -V001.....1.../.11.14.1* aim 01 *ice of $tretegi4 Servioest monthly, in duplicate and submit not dey of 010 Oonth taloOng the period aolfored by the report. 4 ? ., ,4-? i', '; ' ? , ,,?,-.-l . . ?Igi!,,m?4.1? 4. g." ? 77 :211, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100440003-3 - 1: _ Declassified and Approill'Or7R.Le'rg4013/0P/216-CIA-RD"P13X00001R000100440003-3 si r etaglirtanigraktrairM" ' 111 k??? tte giv.tt7 _ N t.4"Piht , !...Fitri,X,?...triltt rt. ? - ? ? 1; ? 1 '71.4..1 -. 1 Lt. ;1.- ? 4001D 4.-Alfk. . L ? " ?:" _ 'I ? q?.4 mommommmilemmommovoimmommwoilletisktultalMsbilatekialn ..11 ?,? tv? , 4.????? .1: ??? t ? ' t a,: ? `?:\.. 'z -3?41'.4 ' .040'4 DATE 4 June 1945 , 4.11MMISIIIMISHMINIIMMIIIIMMIWIICAI Cal TC: The AcIlmanotor 411111111111?1116111111111111111111MICININIMIONNIIIIIIMININIIIONININP Re lo Bu. You. Nos. 24847, 24848, 24849, and 24850 10 The attached vouchers are in proper legal .form for your signature. 2. .1110.2 (8) signatures are required. ?Tanrs AZ ? Donovan Office of the General Counsel -Z, lc -:-.. X.' " ! : . ....,.. .' ' T ,. . . ) 4. , ? 0., ? 'I ? '' ' ::t.,-? : - , ': ' , - 4 ,t. . -'? ' -,c7- ..? ,. -: , :' . , ?J., k, - . 0 ???,- ;-T t,r, ,r, ? ,...- , ?f'?,::: ,,.. ,2?4?... , , .4 .?:_ : ...c : ,t-_:.,': 1 i, :, .-.,-.E,,L71::::4.ri, '' C . ''''''''' ?: . , ;',.... 't.. 1 * :,- ... i. : ? - ? - _ ,...;,.. ....,... ' "._ ",.1....:- ,,, _ A ? '-"O.Si' ? ,,,?, . .: : ,.,,,,..1. v,,i,, ,.: 1 4''''' ,,,?. __,,.., 741 ','?.: _. ',...:.], ,..4.111'";....71,? t't gPt i? 7, irt.b5 - I?TFq _ 1:,7?????-- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Aii'Algli1;571. AC' latitteMagignardialiMME' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 -tree H :r r. .1..t.,,.?''c, C. .4. ..1.., i ,,4?; , . ., .yee, ye:,i,1,..,, ? l''i 1,' ,' .., ''' , 'r ,-.., . ..- .r. --,Oil'? ' ''" it' '' ' :.:-:''''..e "' t 7. ;;'.'?-? ,- ..! , e ? , v....f, -?..,.;.,..jfi:,12:1 rt...4 ,e,.? ',1;,-:4 .. ..;. ' ' i ; ';',-.; 1 :., ,,,, . _ v.,. ? ? 47 1_ . ,_ :: --.:, ?1::'.,,- .e ,..1. ...;ailt e , . .%.,,,, t" , ?;- . ::' i i , Dtle: 2 June , ... _. Diractoe , ?? - 1,) - Atioust - 1.41.7": It-Office Voucher Nn. , Agent -Cashier 24847 (attached) our execution of the subject voucher is recommended 'rieluested. ,4,11 certify that net disbursements were ectually made - the amount on the subject voucher, pursuant to 4 pgoper authorization within the Office of Strategic Serv- - ,a4es. Expenditures are properly chargeAble to the apprn. pristion indir'sted in the subject voucher, ro, Remarks , (Unusual expenditures, or other items for information of Director) ? , _ -1 - _lr.he f o,reKo i ng halt been advinistratively reviewed and peolitia. ray, de-tails of the Above disbursements, refar. ik *Ade to .,t he giont h 1 y Statement of Special Fund fe da t ed ..144..................................,?, . , 194 5 .. 114,.. " ,.,.. 7 leire10116111.11111111.01.111.10111.0.10101.01?WOON3WPIMOMOMPOPMP. ? 06.11100.01...... :W4 /1"0"0"."........"..0.01...................... 00111.141.011101.1101011.111121.10.11116.11.1....00.000?101.M.M.I.F.-IMMIMAPOINIMIN.010.*??? .11.1141 . Agent -Cashier Lm Rehm v. otkrvr. ii..01000,14.0=1,0F,M111e,WWW4.00/014.0.4118,0~1.1,0,,Irt, Chit, Special runds 13r ch ' ? ? '; F. . 4 3 11:47 t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 err WV' 7,4 . I -r. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3.J4 ith $-ji . e r r". ' ? I ? !' _ ? f VI; -AlpionteCgghior tki* 1-04 5 ouch#1142114L..... (Attnotied) 'Our ewtoution of th@ oubjeot vnuohor 1=-4 ravommandod ciu@mte4. 4 octrtily thot n@t 'Omar ficimontm waro aototi I y made piuunt to ?byfrolo In tho smount on tho qubjoet vemphor, : propot muthor4lAtion withIn this Offieo of Ir PM 56rv, iron. 110@ndituro# Aro proporly @hnrgotiblo to the gppro- , priotion indicoto4 in tllo @mbj@et vonohor. et, &Lull% (Unusuoi @mponditurogi, or nthoz for information (If Dirovtili) PrilirsaatemtletsocsocaftaMILK=tz=='!=m-5$ _ - 1102=0,, ????AtttlritS. ct:IIVW nrreVnitlort.'?=.. 84. P,C3PrMeraMMIMMTVIRSIZMA:M=1101111.5tAlreflerr.,V.,trtir."nr.gr -.^???????????? 041 . ? it. 4 CV ?41-4441tte +men tr*M-.1,1Trtrgt?MI g@nt-CmNhior Dou144* ft. krtihorne *HtAttgoing tlfvon 'Om in! r t tuft i v otivoti anti orgivotti fey dot.4110 of Choi ftbovA diaburlowolitN, frfof lit *Alto tel tto. Monthly Statomont bpot, 4,,,,smoemorgmft.ftti....., 941, , ,.? :4 -4; , A r:/,:c.,'" ' t.- t? -?"'"' '? ''' & 3 ' - i ' t- ' 4' ''' i - ' ' -1 ,170- t r ?;.1.? . , . L, - '4 . 7 ? '14 ' 17.,...-,..., l' ' ' ' ? "..-":1,.. ',...tk z`..;,,,. , 5 ,71. ..-:::..?..,:-,tv..1,-.1 '- n . -:-;-,.....n ?,4.. t, r.?; ,. V' , 4 ., ?,.7;1,...:.r....,,A-k:.'i,TZ.4,,' . , ?,, , , . 1)H . ..: . t'" ,W-tr,t 7, :. '' "14 ? -11 4# - ' '&11. 4''''.E..--- -;:ti,', ..s. ,,,.. 70 :1?... : ' 1, 11: .1 litfix,4. i- I* 'i. . e?T,tx:t-:4",,t,4 '..IF ...,,. "t:ep?, Art. ': ttt 1-: , r/m ?.M, - - _ _ ? . - 111: ii_O?t67 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26h: CIA'l-kb-P-43X00001R000100440003-3 -"47ft".igife* "111$84.4ta 4000,1 afitiVg*INF .4 Direct*r G. 1111..te AGent-Ceshier 5139J Office Voucher ximosluleishir.acma (Attnehed) Date:2 June - 1, Your execution of the subject voucher is recommended snd requested. 2.I certify that net :71isbursements were nctunlly made by me in the amount oi he subject vouchec, pursuant to proper authorization within the Office of STrAtegic Serv. ices. Expenditures nre properly chnrgenble to the ippro prietion indicated in the subject voucher. Remnrks (Unusual expenditures, or other items for informntion of Director) .1600011..0 ???? 011111101004911}1111511111MOM~.""~nalPiemembschnoMpalpeNNOMMWPONOWIRMIlipielONFOIONVOINWHIMPAIIMIIIPORMIPIONC?6110111?10...~010A11.~.01.51000.0...............arm 01.1.11011..0011001111110;0000MSIetrer.00.0~~rwool Vitioaepe.ffama in.........1101......~ser000ma...014.31...01????????010.11?10.00.10.....MMIOWOINN .0.0111.? M.N.e?we 1INTTNI ???ff.. ? AgentCHShier 111V.te Thc-. foregoing hns been AdministrAtive:y rev.ewe(! nfld Approved. Sor detsiAls of the above dltbursements, ence is mode to thef Monthly StAtement nf Speeinl Fflnd,i r 411 ch, doted 19 1 7,0K11 Fl ti r, , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1i) 1t41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? f!tiv ? _,. ? - let * , .7, ?-.) - 1, l'-.Yiki 'it' Ni gq,riP34 H.W.1.,. r , , L'rit0104-4--- ,4,4 -1, .,..? _-. ' :? 4 Slifilltett , - ?'. A, .:.... 1 , -.,--.:!:: :,:: 'v.?. ;le' .4 ,? -1 ''...',','..71? -"-!.t:',4, , ,' ,._ .?,]?? - -7, - ,-.., -It , _. ;?-? .! ''.- 4 :.,,i4', ,,-, i.-', ', ' ;I' ' " i'' rl-i!, ''. '' ; i ' ? '''. ;4,' , .; - ; ', 't.'A 1. I . , .. ine-:',., ? ..,-,.,-. -,, e; L ';'. ? r. H 't ,'..4.!?,' - ' , . ? i ii- i, .:", 4 ,.:,(e',;?,?.-., -;'," .,.,. iiector fl Office Voucher AgentsCitshier 24660 t t e it ) ,z 1. Your exaoution of the subject voucher In recommolidod -.,. end re-questtql, , 24 certify thst net disbursement% wore qually tiladf4 by me in the 'mount on the subltict vouchor, purtiiivrit to proper outhoriration within the Offlop nf Strategic tArrv. loos? txpenditures prooerly ehfirEoftblo to tills-, nppcn. Olistino indiested in the subject. vouchor, 2=111 (unuttoml txWIditur4s, or othoe for information of Dirortot) iftlimpostaiteassiimanasogowatkomumpireasiesemzelloniarerecaormortessoaxsar.mmeArgrame,s,,,,,,,,,, . - _-_,:opeouSeensierstarecotxtrimormanximeicroemmenacKaair-nrstw-^-,---e.--,. tepplagoinsgrelvpilipzzlplirkWilArnIpprrievire itvtinvenegag ?11 rff411411.1V e toSLitahliNeret,,tv?? 3.*:**,:arVI,,= e24 . ?? ? If it44,10 ClvihioF k4'10010 The fora%ming hei4 hobo sidwiniftrrativol,! irvicAJcii oporovoti. Fru. dv-tailb mf the, i I tonne 14 made t* th Ibtatomoto nr imo, f.411g1ht 14 t ti?' . , - 2-0-Mellietex,7412,ey. ? AA/1o!f,LreF.-72w,r-,e,1 )1443.0 ti Olt le tlf I, 16 rl A il(;11', Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 2 ft;110 e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100446003-3 ; ? ? :74 ? - P4' -.61 40 10 "I? PAT* 1111114111101111111MOMIIMMINIMIS11100.111Mi I Toi 101011101411eIROPOIAMPSOMPOOMNIMMilawa4wwfWala (4Z9141 WPWAvo \Nbst 4!,t1c. 041 v. (41?(1 (LYN VI NoNALk.i...,1?4 ;.;feicn of thc CitsAarAl Counsel ? si 44e , , , ;J.; ?41 ' " k o- " It' Jr; ,.. , .- .1?,?r .:-,...,..."4..r 4 li ' - 4 ,?, t'er,, rl ,-- -i , ?1 .... .:..:4:,;1, + 1,, .. ; '....',' .."1, '' ? l'": ;'57." '. .1' ..? . ' ? .I. I ... , . :4' :r ,,ft".:rt-i - 1.,: , .',.... Pi :17, t..4 4 ,14 , ?,t,!4?11,4 - - ; - ? ,?I , ? -3.' : i .2.4,..t. ,i,,,, 1;,%; ',". ,.. ' ' ,1` --,4! ,..: ' r -:'-i''?',11 s? tt)'? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , p- - t f 4 r h&-%.ALMEARNMENNVOLI NW 1 &"''' ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? 4; Exhibit E Page 1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES The following statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rity of the United States, is for the period from _PLAPril to_211-11. 1942. FUNDS Off HAND AT BEGIN//PIG OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier t 9305714)95 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount $153000,00 TOTAL FUMS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOP AT 8EGINNING OF PER] OD . . . $ 1082571?95 MUMS DiRIFIG PERKO Advances received from Disbursing Offleer Date Remarks. Amount 4-045 ell ? Vo 02M $394 428 45 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Y-% 'At:Whir-A ININCELVAIWIE -; 'AM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 STATEMENT OP ACCOUNT OF A.GENT-CASHIER FS 34Gt4sR.tR AND SusourNATE OFFICSRS OUR ING PER TOO e Subvpuotter 111V elope Number Fhid by Amount (Note; St?bvouoher Envelope shall contain receipts for payment and/or statements explain:Int; paymonts for which receipts could not be obtainod. ) $ 237,879.28 FUNDS Off HAND AT Eat OF Pe R OD : Amo. unt in possession of Agent-Cashier Amount in pos3e8sion of Subordinates: *isle, Title and Address of Subord%nate Amount Dodkory, Ulm A. t)15, 000 ?00 Total Rands in possession of subordinatea TOM. FUNDS TO BB, ACCOUNTED F)R AT END OF PERIOD $ 247,3.20.72 SOO aiiiliMMINICIIIMMENMMIagaganalsarmissimag===woostz=2 aranza.an=saszwirawrionadassesanomarg CERTJF 1CA TE ertit that tha above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced or thpupo OM of oolleoting and analyzing confidential information and data beariag upon Ui Tattoos' security of t United Staten, in my posaeaslon and under my control ins the period stated. .AGENT-CAMIT EH logic Services, monthly, in duplicate/ and submit not fkiiita-tollchfing the priod covared by the report. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? iThitfollowing statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting 3 fiaa analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national aecu- rity of the Milted States, Ls for the period from 19414.5 vimemoutemmmtmimsgenacre2= FM% ON BAND AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD: Amount in possessiol, of Agent-Cashier 1f i97,3 Amount in possession of Subordinaten: hme, VitLe and Address of Subordinate Total funds Ln ponsossion of subordinates TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUVTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . . . $ 31718W5faa 11 ISO PERIOD Advances recevuod from Disburstne Officer Rvmarks Reimbursmvent for Bu?Vo423099 rogeipts daring portod "-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 MUOVEggiMMONNYWNIMARMINI51 4 "I ' 3 a, a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 R.4f;- 41.1rit - :Exhibit E Pa E : , , ,,. , , z.:?., P...4 ..,, ?,..,,,,?.., erierSORM OF ACC4)UI4T OF AGINT-C48111311. ,r, ,, . :., tf,......f.?. . ,i- ,,,. ; _-:. . s. -1. imporIPPOOMPlin",10411AinftegimPt411101.0.101mioeConwiniftwiamintsw...0111~Orgmereproommuncii?alleMpiegm, ti?.' ? ' 0 ?; . ; ,- o ', - , : ? t:.1 -, , '. t- - .- r4,664474ASSIER AND $UBOMNATE OFFICERS DURING PSRI0D .'votio4er, lave lope %usher Paid by , t T Ukit1 S. el SOvougher lnvelope shall eontain receipts for t payeent andlor statements explaining payments for which Teoeipts ?mid not be obtained.) Amoum TOTAL 170411021143 BY MOINT-CAS111:31R qupomm:NATE_ OFFSICKRS MiarrellOD%%%%%%% ? le it ? ? RIDS OY RAND AT END 01.' PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashinr Amount in possession of Subordinates: km, Title and Addrtss of Subordinate 4=10 y OcuS*11# Jamas L. $ 165,976.14 Amount $100?000.,)0 $ 20.00000 Total RAnd4 th pcnisoesian, attbordity?Las TOTAJ. FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED MR AT END OF PRRInD laminimutomm=mmewaggammimalmazosm=p4...w CERTIPICATR *L'ttt7it the above la A oorroot soaounting of all funds nav:tfood fol- the gutposo of a oattug and analysing onnfidontiAl information ftnd 4ntA boaring upon Atittsonl security, of the United Staten, in my posilassim and unaor my t'ontrol - dui1 the perio4 *tato& 44:=7011t=g4===-2? ALANT..citslAi OC?4 AgnA.40* 0 0 At?CA.Witt) to.t.S41c40 .o4; to So 10140.1 it, 01000U, iu du plica t tui Du t no t ior or tho *4414 rolla414$ 00 rtrAdii covarod by tho rtvort, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ISIVEINgfariMillett Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ' ? - a ? ? g P4R4 plsoututm WWI OF STRATION OVIVIGNOI , The following otatom@nt or fund@ advantud to m@ for UP@ in oolloottm aM antlysing oonfidontial information tAnd h@Aring upon Gho n@tiormi gaow, rit4,of tho Wit@d Bt@tc3, 0 for th@ ortod rPOM t irownolUAL-W-9-49.1AY"..-,-..r= 0 1 0 403 '-,P4P8 ON RANO AT 11601000 OP POW Amount in potci rAtont.Oallhitlp Amount in po@w@ion oV Mubordin4tiom: Now, ?W. and Aridrou of Stitiordinisto -TOTAL AIWA TO i ACCOttNEV) ran 4.t. rimorNi\IINCi 0111 NOMA) lial=getrartatei rgb.i=gratitgrOtrtr=t1 7.7!77,7,774-WIMP77'' -.7.7721.7e.tV -?=7; ARCMS DI/NM 110100 44vonoct rieggliod from Piliburvinff Offloor Ashi Rowris Af110140 # tailitrarootot tor MuliVo4# Z010 111 U4$ 17t) on DUNIR4 ?.7"'Vlirr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1111111111111LIONINIMWOWINT littlini21, -e4'4'' '" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? , 4,4.; ?-,'' ,' ? . IQt -';.?-?,,,! :., ' ,fs.'. . ? 0 ;bvtu,oher Envslope shall contain reosipto tor ., yrsent andfor etstements exp3aining payments forr. whieh reosipts 0ou1d not be obtained.) _ , jc.-. ,:i? ' - 1 , .., , ?,c'?'1--- 4E- ',-. -4, .,,,,,,,,'?, ??,:': -,,` ,A 1, ?i". ?,, , '',-,7 .. '..'..., .. ,,,,, ..,. t 2 . I.:, -,?,:,,, . '`..i., r,.:-.:;,71::: .5..,,; ft.... .. li-'''Lla:'11'Di.11-,::: --, -:--4,r , i' ::,..!',....--,., , : _ z ? ,':' 4. '' ! r' , ? ,-.. ., _ L .. 2 : -.e ' ,!.,:?,-,.,, %,:ri,',:. ,2:0 .., ,,. I. ' r , .4..1 ? . t ., .. . ' -. , ? , ?1. . , ? ATIMINT al! ACCOIAT or ACatta-CitSiilitli -1-t ??,' ' .. "..''; ,' ,,.L' , !:' ` ... ' .. - I -11' tr '' ...:.. .,.:!.3 .i:.1,;:i t" - i , : i , , A. q . ...-4 , ' '''i 3 rir ' illrIMINNOMMOIlligintielft.ateNtiWa tr31. 00011111t r , -- At,....,,, IL. e= :40Cirt?,CASItiltitt il. ND i vitoR,D r KA rs OP IP 1Z,1 6 R S DURING PR R I 00 ,.,-, ikti. , , z:i2 'votio4er- *nye:lope Number' .., Faid by .,.t.t.::.1.?,..:-?,,,,,_,, t . ? r, MAWS BYAGENT-CASIgp A,ND SUBORD/NANR OFF;TCPS 17r3, r.rr-rr-r-rr_ . rrgiR ? I ? Sip ei?a t a I 1114 fraimimmemomomiPammtessamilasolinumammaimemsatir w.swwzgingtar,.. PUNA 011* BA AT SNP OP PER M: - Amount in possession of Agent-Caohier AMOUnt in posomion of Subordinates: Mame, ?dig and Address of Subord;nato Totwl Fun4e in possession of subordinatos . 4 am 0 lupe To Dt ACCOUNTED EIN AT END OF PERIOD . mommommompommiagappipaagiw.7277-17-4009FP,.;.7 77.7-CD1PRIC:7=1,111arcArigle9:1*ffig CRRTJFICATE 4mount r ; i'? ? 11501ibit itige 8 $ 110b741.61 . g 69025a.40 t the above is a oorroct aaeounIing of all fundq ad wilitind for thee taoligeting tind analyzing aoatideatial information and. data boa ring upon a-Osourity of the United Stotemt in my pounovolon and under my control fitOtt*4 ? ..... .=..,- . . . ,. ?-; " , r. :.,.: ,::' ., is- -,,,,??,,,..., 1 ;:, 1 ,'",:,C"; - ,I 1 .' .: ' '? 2 r, . A1ENT.-CA31-111q4. nittkir. of Agent-Caph ===lria,==113 =iirPiX= 1 el L.1-4=========...=, ? oli mivahlyi in duplieste and submit not tooriod uovored by the ropoet. Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - .;"1!".?-?"":". EMMEWENIMEMM6.L IMM RIME 4-4 NI 3. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 4 4'1a , t NT:2 . - ? 4 -- f7; 1.7 .fArni 4001b 7 Jtne 1945 DApreibillgrairiasavsiarmaressismrli TO: Bu. Vou. No. 25024 1. The attached voucher is in proper Legal form for your signature. 2. Two (2) signatures are required. James B. Donovan ()Meg, of the General rounvol , 1,:ra-I'vsir,; -??*? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Witannal infrOM AlENTSTZMA kal Nara MOM" I.: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 tlry -4 - ?fe"- ? Tv''.4,-T r 44T-. ?-??? ,4".?0 ? ? I t, ? ? ' ?*, I , Yopr execution sbd reitutsted? ? 1. Agent -Cashier .cirqe-" fl rectbr ? ? ? ??:_s ? ?=?,t V.4.1.t. 4-1;.= -,' T'?4 0,1'4 ;'1' "--,A. ) ? -t,' - ..1 - - 0 - 1 4 ? ; ? , ? ? Office Voucher Nn....25S91... IN , lattached, of the subject voucher is reco1nmE,nde0 , 12. T certify that net disbursements were ii-tuiltiv mnde by me in the amount on the subject voucher, pursuant to proper authorization within the Office of Strategic SPrv- ices. Expenditures are properly chargeable io the vrn-o- pristi4m indicated in the subject voucher. Remarks (Unusual expenditures, or other items for information of Director) 1107',40 4mommormiwour~goommtwomomomonwmoram.44~.0.?~ ~gpar 11?1?1...01110, MONIKOMosloarou. Midel.......PAIMPOWINNIFORINIPAN ????....*1?Mas aalle.eatfimioftgro Aroommorsta....s.... rays fg...amor,.....ormosam........"`"...... ? /? 0? 4144400?CA .41.40111.0.mmeraMpopipt. m? r4i411$11......041.01r2Malmra. ??????1,114Maa-41.* asnisr.00,3*...........ma 4-.4 .4.? Ec.K? Morrill, Agent -Ckier The foregoing hs been ndrinistratively reviewed it tit'PrOvtd. For dltOilS of the above digbufstments, rofr is MS40 to the Monthly Statement of porial Furt0-1 0/0[04 , 194 A...? ?. r'0":1-a? t-ai! :44 ' r ; 1), 4 ? N.? Ift " " .11er , ?''S 4''I ? I ; ? tird' .3';*': 4, ? .1 '7'1! 17is 4 L4 r kl'a 1,-\;:. r 4 ? ? , 01).??i4.:? ? 11 r rnt 7 El Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3_ iffillnitiglatiMIIMIEFIRil 411/1111111111,. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 a ? ' I"; ? ? ; ? '? " . ? [ " ?r.. ? '3;1 , 07-01P IkOWT-CASIIIER ? fracr;iaerapseitairapearaamoialaaamastearaava=apprees. STRATEGIC amen . OT 5TRA1IRGIC ENVICES ExhibAt Pap 2 'IA VI9 ;32 p 31 DE May 1V40 1 t ? Th* following otstomont or fund@ Etdmlood to ma fn.'. vino in aollootine, emalping confidential infqrmation and data bearing upon Um nfttiowl moou- riV of-the Uhtted Statoat iv for the) period from ' 9 I. PIMPS ON IM Al' again" %AV or PRP TOD: 4 Amount in pootiongion of Agent.riasthier I $ $ ? $ Amount tr po@negision of Subordinate@ Nemo, Tstie and Addross of Sucordsnato Amount Totol fundti in pom000dion of aabordinntoo Tour. IWO TO Lig ACeeOUNTTiti FOR 13FiGINNINO OF Pfai3101) I insoq.,00$0.olm trona r00011/ - - , rarirtr0.0=0,3,0071-,,..-Isrev=r-rz-yrsory rt kgalers OVRIA4 KRIM AdV0A4*.# r'lifolvid from DtNburvinV tg Thula Pk* Rvimiamaiont tor Du Voucher Noy 22896 Tow ro.r,to plff dux. to* porlod ; ?-?.1 ' ; ? ? 4" .1. 3 ? .." 4CMJIM itiVkt DIMING AIM 0. 0 a$ dmouht to ddit ot$ 4,11114I t1 ."--'-, 4-?,",t1; '1919c):-.1404k t1:13. t $ at+ 4:-.--t-m tr0,--0r.-- ,--,-- iOitIOD.100 11.4344 -4;Ffi ? r'L 33, _ ?. , ? I. _ 4-.);,:'? rt -2i 7:.!-q4;r4r21 /-4 tf--n? 771zi,; r r _ Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3_ HIMINEMISVIECAMOTED Nam Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 - ; - - ?4 ' . 4. 4 41 411 114,71MINT OF ACCOUNT OF AIHNT-CAMITM ? ? 1 I illeNkINEIMMOINIMP~MraireilmuernatzimesoMmotimaiarroMmrsomms tNN044470 AND SOWORDINAU (MMUS DURJNO IMOD 4,ouoher ltwolopo Number Aid by Amount *Ito; 'Etubirouctior Snvolopo MICA oorftgin wottipt fl for payment, and/or @tatothentm @xple,ining opriont,? for whit% roofdtipto oould not bo - tichitAt g Nom 2 Tom pkymim ay_.:_katficsomunismpti,,DI j)Mcitfii;) 5NESTrnt ? ? ? , . # :44940038 FUNDS ON RAND AT 8ND OP PNRrOP: . 0 000104p0g Amount in poi-ion or 4pnt-C4Otior ? Amount in poottoobion of Subordingutot '4 Yam, ritif and Addrenm of Subordinago A rnOti 4 Total 'Iwo* LA ponaotiaton of outiordin4ton 4 4 4 4 0 0 TOT L FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNINO 1Th &T ENV OF MUM . 6 $ $ * 1090100000 tcrimara -L,101%. Vi"Vt`nr, ..4-Frr.+.44244*-16111.4" ,4i4_,`+,4-i.4;_.Fizii7441g.0.AVR 7 AV:3, . ts$ 4,3 esIttry that th* abovo to a oorroot &mounting of ftli hind@ 4dv4nott4 roe tho - 010000 et (1011?tinte And 4111000,18 oonftdonttal Informattoo; anet 44t4 btotoinfo? tifmn " ithsvmatorial osettrity of thsi Uttatod, fitiatatti A my pm:m(4(400n 4n1 undoP my oantrol 40104 thit riod etta.di - Oforisttirit or Au irri tillingAgESPAPaiNftgairtiggiMeiUn3TiraM?Te..-..coLl. 7, ?;? 14: Mkt ottio "flit rrioi111lY4 tn dur#1104 tt) ttrid outgo, t mot, ? HOltit 000th 010wing hho toPtod 0401110d 14 t,104 repoPti, ' ? ?44._ y ? ? . ; t'- a ??14-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and ApprtivtiTor.arialmse2013;t6:.CI4A-R1 DP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? 33 POW 40010 t -4?11,^3,fidib 111.1241.4171 OAT* 2 Juno 11046 60111111.111111111MMIIMMIPPOWNIMINEWM~4100 Tot The Dilfrimmmimimpreattestimimowir MININNOWININIMMIIIIIMPLOPOIMPAIMPIRMONIMAIPAIN w Sus Vous Not 248$3 ls Tbe attached voucher is in proper legal form for your signatures 2s Two (2) signatures are required. :mess B.' Donovan 1. ttlefluo of the (hquortsi 00044;1 - f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP1 3X00001 R0001 00440003-3 I 2 jr L . iT - 1 L k execution res ted it Ag-?.Cshier ffce Vuiher Nn / 5 ?;9' ' ?- ?i- ? i t t r* c h d) of the subject vouchei is recomrnendd I ctertify thnt nt diburqetnents were actui iy 'ud 'Ybe the nount on the ubject voucher, pursuant tc ? - ft Serv ?ettuthT1Zt10fl within thm Office of Strnteg jp Expenditure'; are proprLy chnrgeb1e to tiw appro pr-ti*p Indiceted it the subjct voucher. ? - - 1 Remar);a (Unusual xpenditure!I or other items for informMtion of Director) i11e1nLTh Tj .- t -,_1.I flt ?.?.?----- ULJ - - - n,..-na'nr __I-L-_ 1 -A- .Q&-3 ?A1 tertt Cshir h been iflitrfttivflY reVLtW((l arid F4 V eVt1I% nf tht nbve di brementR- rcf .*(t t' th Mnthy StnteflCUt If Sptc iI VL4udS dtid j I 94i ?-, 'r- - - , ?t' - j:- -- it ? ,??_4--i?.?_ - ??._1 -.-- - ??-?-- -- - - I ? . - r 4 I- t4UI4 U I i fl - AG Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP1 3X00001 R00Oi00440003-3 IRTAIBROMEMINEMINVEllii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Exhi-bit E Page ollowing statement of funds advanced to me for UGO in collecting _confidential information and data 'bearing upon the national se eu- rit)i-Of the United States is for the period from :,,AktiLSILIL.3419.14.......2., 1942. Amount in possession of Agent...Cashier Amount in possess i on of Subord inates : Mame, Title ani Address of Subordinate ? 4:411 OJP., Total funds $.n possossion nf subordinates . In'S OVLTHG PER 100 Advances received fro* Dis burs ing Officer -Art( Remarks. it 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ,r14.43 EIIEEEHIIIEIZIIIIS MEWL, " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? ,7?-L 011.teci,*-441:4-1q,,: 440. v.. r - ? '-.-?,,,?; '4 '; 5-: ,......,4-56'.7 Ittli, 9 1: Zi,-.66!i',,,".:5;i:,,,/6?,....2,4 , ? ,i ,-, ; ;%, r* Ei'i ? n- t_,. , , , .1, ,0;?? : , ..,,- ,?i% ",i'''''S' . ; - ''''' rt. ? , ... , Lii!:;e:P. ..-? J, -, - -- 1.4..; r. , `7, ? r '....,' '': , ' ..c- ' ' :? ; + fi i '; I ., ? - ,,, , ; .".". tt..! t57.1.r,.V..._ ? c - 5 ; -?? 4 , ? - 4 ' ? , 0 6566, , sTimmor :or opoinfrO Lclarr-casanim iiriwal,???,????m?siplatigsislikeal2owas 4P, ? alAorsr.caslireR AND SVBORDISATE OFFICERS DO ISO PER tOD ,S-iironoher Save lope NUrriber 11d by Amount Subvoucher knvelope shall contain receipls for payment and/or statements explaining payments for which receipts could not be obtained. ) IVOLL PhYMENTS BY AGENT-CAS gERANDSUBORDXNATE OFF ECM. MINGPERIM . . . ........ ......... ? e FUNDS OS RASO AT 6ND OP PR OD : Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier Amomnt in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate thhit h1 Page 2 ? ? ? $ 44 -19...1/..ieti '10') Amount If, Total Funds in possession of subordinates TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTTD FOR AT END OF PERIOD ...LLIA:......-- 11MWOONNMS=2=eiliniCant=erinifteafidnatiOnweieltialitalibiZOINIMIGNICONOWNSWIMMINItateetts:tatte-axs J..1111a.eittSWOMISEEEnSILA3 CERT IF 1Q1TE 1 certify that the above is a correct accounting ot all funds advanced f or tlo? purpose of collecting and analyzing confidential ineormation and data bearing upon tha national security of the United States, in my possession and under my control Motu ti prLod stated. C.:54400445foluipi, 1404 , ".4".#14 w ? AGM -CA F P (5 ilntiture Apnt-Cash ler ) n:3====zotato=r,a teittg$0 Servieet filanthly, in du pl lea te and e ubmit.TIO 1ii1001$1,it following the p?r1kd covirtd by tbr rorpor. , ? , ;,. ,? c , , , r. ;:f 4 t.'46666 1E: ;7?:?; , ' 1; L'6.56Ci PLI 6,6 5; Cr i " ' ?!. 1 ?.? 00,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 INWASMINATIA '11MISSFORINEnt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ji'4Leansiva4Lorme orroob or t a Nono1'41 raonatil and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ffei Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? ?. 1. Th? attached voucher ie Ii. proper legal for* for your elgaeture? Office of the Gone-rti Counsol ? ? '[ ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 : itiliMak.41?161114-40144441._460.WAtif#M4ftfif-51.4*-P,Iftibl. ..?f".90--,*W7j41441444:4`5*1?Pg:417,:i.7.",....:, ."''._ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ,'_' :':'-: '. -- r..-.4,,I.,}p,. i_.,.?,...?.?,?....?.,_ . r4 ? ? . ? c r T-'7"C-; .1?4' 'A- '-f. A ki' t; ',_ , fil:,....; ; I. , :c ' : 1,. ;1 1 t " 1.,.,i1,16 ',..4 i' -'1. i'.'. ?kr..r ? ' ... , ,? ;,p; li '.;-.,',1 ?,,,,?'.. ,--,;...-_ , . a f. i -, .1 4 ? . 1q4 ..' ; a: Wi IC 416 ! ,. , ., .t- .,. . .? . , ':,- :I 'rj;". , 3 ' 33 31 3,3'3 ' e " ... 4 i .. ? ? .. ! g?-.."rr.:-.!.. '1,1. ?--.... , - t'. "": - -1 't ^,:' ? ??? ...,,P ' k',...i.' ,fir';" '...i. :: ' . .. - ! ? . , ,s r . ? .? I , .. ? ? It.".. . T. -1,1-1. i - . -',;:??,% .r.. - .-:- .i?-? 'At; - ... ? . - ? i.'.. 4 ".11"401 11 ....1:'''..?,.--V` !i tl - -.... X. 'r it,111;?-;-?-. .'''''', 1 - -..-? ai. - - .. :?.,-,......,-. . ? ? ..--14,'? , -- ? ''' - -? ? 4. 4,,.?'-,-1... -41 ..- , ., ,, ' rri .. tt?,- ? .. ',. Ir. ? - ... .t.,,. ',L.; '" .;-- , ? Ito, ?Urtigheettne Agent -Cashier Office "Voucher No. ME9.....? YO4r execution of the subject vouchor I omweiled -end riquested. / certify that net, disbursements were octlinilv ,tty me in the amount on the subject voucher, porsonnt to ?pr*per authorization within the Office of Strategic Srv- kceq. Expenditures are properly chargenblt to #he Nription indicated in the subject voucher. P Remarks (Unusual expenditures, nr other itemi for information of Director) ea:AkagitIMPOOAreillOOPIllifliMMIN.4111111.4POONVOMMP10....MainlitIPOWlin.IPOWEVINIVIMPAILX.V.../.1laNWSIMIl1164110WVAMOIMORIMOMPRIMMW.OKIMAYNX?115111.......04.iie...e..., -? ? 411, WON/WifeihreJr,~,.....9??? ?Iroe...???? INRIMVESP.P.101107~11.01:314......PPROL,B114111.1.04111,42? f(41~C-WW.,,,? rerelaram????.? ? or?-roararse? ?-? ??????????? rrr, r- 7? 01, , r; ?rr ??????????., ? . /.1.01:444 40:41 z ? ers...cano? ?;411.1- h1 " r cl,,;1 ri A ? : r4 Thlt foreqming hos bten ;stimInigtrotivpiN Icvi,w 1 apprOV ed. For iittnilv of tht nbrIve 1imr,%41.4t-ments, r encft is made to ei,e Monthly SrriteaHnt of 0 i iirtCh , d.4 ;:to (1 ...Ilya__ _-,/ .....................,?,..........-.. .13..1.? ? .....??.. /*'-' / / % l'tz,41, :1 41J14140,i, ?, -....- , , . . ., '''i ,?,41i ? ' ' ?,. ?ill lki... 4- i4-1.0.4.. ; I ' I. . , _ _ - i ? ' ' ???4 4, 13 See IMIellOare ?:;'; ',PC: ? _Asitet: ? 0?!..71. -1.633.? Uffir.c!; 44, r ? r-pvi- a 4 41 `e. ; rt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 OFkICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES The following statomnt of funds advanced to me for use in collecting and analyzing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rAty of the United States, is for the period from ____La4 194.6 Amount in posaession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: ShIME, Title and Address of Subordvnatetirnount 414,, $100,000.00 $ 20,0t:.0,00 .:???": mum DURING PERIOD Advancers recanted from D;sbursing Officer Remarks. kimbursevent for Ru,v0422580 recoipts- dialing period ? -jc.1.1.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 IfiattegraMINEEMMEHMEMEMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 P' OF .A.rec - ,,!yzA.0.I.CtiT-wP4SlitER ? 6ei ????????????????????????????sepostilisessoNsits? .A*'00611MIATE OFFICERS MING PERIOD "iimOherleliveiloliti Number ? 1...7t?' ...4f , r- ? , te; BUD-voucher Envelope shall contain receipts for ?paffment and/or statements explaining payments for which receipts could not be obtained.) PAYMENTS BY AGENT-CADDLER AND SUBCaglINATE OFFFERS .10.1?0101, :MVO TERM : ?111111111101, 11111111111141 , MODS at ND AT E ND . *mut in possess Moan.% in possess Same, Title and - cutely', Ea. ;,?-?.:h ? "..t5. Exhibit E ''t6ge 2 Amount . . $ 182;146.47 OF PE R I OD : ion of Agent-Cashier . ? ? ? ion of Subordinates: Address of Subordinate Dougall, James L. Total Funds in possession of subordinates . ' * ? s Amount $300,000.00 $ 200000.00 0 ? ? ' FUNDS TO 13Z ACCOUNTED FOR AT END OF PERIOD . . ? 4t=2311a== . 197,853.53 . $ 1200000*00 $ 5001_0_00.00 miumisreminwg=mallmollossiga imilittamiiiimissinetistara=msw=enaz===zurrasionsivapiesznatrwas. CERTIFICATE C* tLfy that the above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for the c.of collecting and xnalyzing confidential information and data bearing upon -vE ?mL1 wscur4uy of the United States, in my possession and under my control that psriod stated. tr. - 'Stritlgiei. 3 levici01- tit4initialir in duplicate and submit not VOT ted covered by the report. A ? attire of itgen .:ashier) GENT-CASHIER =====:- _=;==== - tWi,t - 1. .11?,;L:1, ? fl -St '\ _ 794"7-74-0:?, ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ,T44 WOlb ?,# 44 j.94m Al It - The Director TO:..........41~Nollmi4Sithstormarafgrusermelboink.baliiikeilli~` Mes.teliaspriallmNOMONIMINVIsiriv,Walp Re: Bu. Vou. No. 22896 1. The attached voucher is in proper legal form for your signature. 2. Two (2) signatures are required. , James B. Donovan ? Office of the Generni Coulsel : .? tz. ;-? , ?? :24-?" ? ? 4, = LA; ?? ! ?.-'.. .-v.;:: s -. .. '' -' ", ? ,. ;.: . ; ? '"I'3?? lorpt:rrl r ?,,,,!- 4 .,?41,tf ,1?.:.1...r. e.r.,, , , ''''' ' il l''':?11 ' i ,...:: ....i: " , , i ...,,.,_,.. :- tr?.14.;?:: ' '''": ; ,ii-:';,,, ... :.::' r ,, ! , v 4 ', ' I d'.i'V ...f ,?,, ,,,. , , r.--, , rt.... ,, J,.. ;-. : ?? .:. F ; ,. ,i ' -; "4 1,1 ' ' .s!'" ' . 1:*;';',-ii'-'-? '4,'" (-,.. i '; .. ; ? 1 -?- ?? .,,,,, - r ? , ? ft, ?-? .,'. -? 4 ' ''- , -- 4'1 r ... 1 T.. ., ? T ' - 4,... VI': -..,, ti _Vt. 47 ?.`,Iii, 1 ? ., z ..., .' -'? ;V4 41 1.? ? ;:":, ? ;. ; ; t 0174'!"- - t a., 44; If , ; ? - 4'?'4V?4; ; ? r ,- i..- ? , ...? , 11*ATI." ..,?.;', . ?.. I ,1 I ' .' .4 .',.1. , ???TZI'i ,41-0,....,...:,z,r ... _ -,,?....VVV - -!- 4',,44 !::?::?....,',..ll',,.::-.21:-',..1.:'',:,r-,i.._,...?-., ? 46..1; -i, -,.., ,,- ".,- 4. _-,- r,..... . --.,kp.....,,,,.., -,:_.?:-,-....:?..,.....?-- -....?. ..1-..i.,...1...t.2 ....-.........m.2,.:--ri...i.: (...,...._17,:-......_'-'irl:7._,"? -,F., ..,;..-.. , _-_,4 _ _, si-...i.?4-ipwi --,,.--r....F.30.74,...---7, ,-. , .I?4 .,,:;.....,..-::,?,..,:aii.4:F..;,,.,.. ., -...,- !:',4:,.,..,. - . ,,.:-..j-,,-r: ;lc ,=.? , ' -, A ' ? ' 3: 41,...:'-:!. T'. _ x I ' ' .U. ' trz't , , ?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ,T44 WOlb ?,# 44 j.94m Al It - The Director TO:..........41~Nollmi4Sithstormarafgrusermelboink.baliiikeilli~` Mes.teliaspriallmNOMONIMINVIsiriv,Walp Re: Bu. Vou. No. 22896 1. The attached voucher is in proper legal form for your signature. 2. Two (2) signatures are required. , James B. Donovan ? Office of the Generni Coulsel : .? tz. ;-? , ?? :24-?" ? ? 4, = LA; ?? ! ?.-'.. .-v.;:: s -. .. '' -' ", ? ,. ;.: . ; ? '"I'3?? lorpt:rrl r ?,,,,!- 4 .,?41,tf ,1?.:.1...r. e.r.,, , , ''''' ' il l''':?11 ' i ,...:: ....i: " , , i ...,,.,_,.. :- tr?.14.;?:: ' '''": ; ,ii-:';,,, ... :.::' r ,, ! , v 4 ', ' I d'.i'V ...f ,?,, ,,,. , , r.--, , rt.... ,, J,.. ;-. : ?? .:. F ; ,. ,i ' -; "4 1,1 ' ' .s!'" ' . 1:*;';',-ii'-'-? '4,'" (-,.. i '; .. ; ? 1 -?- ?? .,,,,, - r ? , ? ft, ?-? .,'. -? 4 ' ''- , -- 4'1 r ... 1 T.. ., ? T ' - 4,... VI': -..,, ti _Vt. 47 ?.`,Iii, 1 ? ., z ..., .' -'? ;V4 41 1.? ? ;:":, ? ;. ; ; t 0174'!"- - t a., 44; If , ; ? - 4'?'4V?4; ; ? r ,- i..- ? , ...? , 11*ATI." ..,?.;', . ?.. I ,1 I ' .' .4 .',.1. , ???TZI'i ,41-0,....,...:,z,r ... _ -,,?....VVV - -!- 4',,44 !::?::?....,',..ll',,.::-.21:-',..1.:'',:,r-,i.._,...?-., ? 46..1; -i, -,.., ,,- ".,- 4. _-,- r,..... . --.,kp.....,,,,.., -,:_.?:-,-....:?..,.....?-- -....?. ..1-..i.,...1...t.2 ....-.........m.2,.:--ri...i.: (...,...._17,:-......_'-'irl:7._,"? -,F., ..,;..-.. , _-_,4 _ _, si-...i.?4-ipwi --,,.--r....F.30.74,...---7, ,-. , .I?4 .,,:;.....,..-::,?,..,:aii.4:F..;,,.,.. ., -...,- !:',4:,.,..,. - . ,,.:-..j-,,-r: ;lc ,=.? , ' -, A ' ? ' 3: 41,...:'-:!. T'. _ x I ' ' .U. ' trz't , , ?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 IMINNELMENNEEMMIT'ean21111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ..? ;,." ,' I ? j; The following statement of funds ariasnikiyzing confidontial information arid rity, a the United States, is for the peri to, irdill1611:110:11111.14211/Animiloilleoll 1145 ? r u'r . ".? ?;=.i ? r14 ' C.ICVN't ,ot AGNNT-CASIIIER - ' ?ICED? STRATEGIC SERVICES pncs OF STRATEGIC: SERVICES: ? PiNDS ilit ND AP BeG INN PIG Cr MR IC!): - ;"- Exhibit R , Page 1 .4,1Sie?0111.4, Place Date 1945 advanced to me for use in coIleoting data bearing upon the national secu- od from Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier ih 91,075.88 Amount in possession of Subordinates: ffim, title and Addrets of Subordinate Amount $ JI Total runds in possession of subordinates Tout 1UNIX3 TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNTNG OF PErtiOD . 44,110106011,00040#4410.4.011111111116101.14, 101~1.1,0?????,....? oi liorrwma gloms DURING PgR zoo Adininces rece sued from Disbursing Officer lo r k or :11.3.14buirsersext for Bu? Ircaolter No* WIZ worpipts Miring poriod ? . it I A 'PrOft-frOCCHO 111111101) r".? r?? 1 ? ;.;- * - 5 fOrigiltitlfROVS44.01404/ririNIONOIOMIVA 44W84,0**WiMitankFAVILIO 1 t I $ 91,0751881 Amount $23,029012 p OM9411 1.C.0....~8*.agmnoupote.-srrarg? 16:0,1111014-rirr,...r4.01, I $ 314 105?00 " 10151-e-' Tni,777 t ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ' .; - ' 7"'AcOptrror eactiz,CASIMBli ej ? momilierswassoolowienowiwiewlesomerroolictimenimare0. 4romerw mations* A,44UtiRAND'S OND1114211` OFF IC8 RS DIM IRG PER I OD voitchititnv/loWs 'Sumborr, Blidb Amount - . , hibit E Bygei I _ r?ri Z T . r ? - : ? 1 7.!! r . ? ' -? - ? :?? ' -- jubvolicher Enve lope shall c WA in- -rocs tpts tor payment and/or statements explaining payola n to ? , for which, receipts could not be obtained.) s.-TOTAINPAItillffra AGINT-CA011110.1,i,. AND 8111301IDINAP Qyzytcmg, 11110-Ms0"71 ?Com ? ? 11?0**I 11 ? IIIS If I ?? I I I 8 341.1,11.96 11011.011111?10.0401101MiliesiNsollallOPOINNONNIMOPIMINNWIRINVINIMmanspamisairamorazawsarommi omm,FilswmonwEgnw,limmio.41,1,4 PM; oil HAND 447` ND OF PM 00 Amount IA possoosion of Agent-Caehier ? I ? ? s Amount In poasesoion of Subordinates; how, rate el ad Addroils of Subordonat4 Total ?undo in pooseseion of eubordiriatoti Amvint ? Tom rms TO Olt ACCOUNTED ER AT END Or PERIOD . 'Mtn:3004 11,4,106000 41.0.11KILK9 MO Me. ?r, t141400010001110110111000PAIDSOMMINNIINesiggioN .15:***Moilrprionwarrso.544iso+4yore=w-vieRiffairewaiiiiir.A.?tifo?-wiw ceRri,Prcer; o. mut tho &boy si is a oorrect tioncluntin,g of all t'md a1vtrufd or 'Aira I OttliMlaG colleltitog and oirmlysing confidential information and df-sta bring uptw, OW.; ?MAO:J*1111 oecoulty of tins Unit4d States, in my potssesii ion and untior my oorkt.po!, 411-11.Y4 the period, to:toted. ,--? ee- of !lk,rs fir A ign4ttr of Acont.r,woott 041101014214=mrammavagavx,;,,,,,,AIP..vor.o,:gwAynagm;,-.77.4.wzfrr;T:-...17- 04' 11411:114.0 n dup), Ica tio to nd uihmi I., not, morkvx_ Itik, the Voriod covered by tM report. kiv-14 in Oita NM " ' ; ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 t: Declassified and Approved For Release 4!' ? . ? ?.' ? 4c, DAVI is1.00mirrowimir.mordiromessivok s 'ss? . se , ; rec.cir - ? 4 7 ? .24.043A4ZWITELINSIVIMT 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 irrk , - ? .stessf AIS 'is t's 'r.? 9. ? ".,1,4";st's:sf,." , -g z r 0 .rt,ss? - of a .mmumissmiftwompromemmorsoir 2u.? Vou. Nos. 22579 and 22680 I. The .attached vouchers ar_e in proper legal form for your signature. 2. Four (4) signatures are required. ,4( James B. Donovan ,76:1MJE Office of the General. Conneel ? 1 S. , ? 1 I , 1 i'? ' f ..,.. '?". ..".??.; Ft i,. .. ;??? ,....1 .#",4 4 .,. ?. 7-i- !--.- :.,,;.", 1-.1/ '; ..'' ''';,?:-%'i? i_z,,c.,t -..'. ..,-.. -iri, .? i '- -f- '1?; s?--.; - :'s i r. '...,;?,-;: - 4,p; ' .. ,+,-..4 i' -- Ifs'.; ef i?ss rsss ,,..ss P,I' ?Ki: '-'"1: .?......, ,:' .... : s. .1.s. ? ,:. ...,..1 .., : 4: ;.?, : .t "s- .:::1 -:s - s., r ''' ? -"'-,:' -, ,I :tie'. , ,, , ..,,,,?,-,:j1. 1.; r:...?. ;ss. ..e.::':,..1';'!. -;; ?Ss':', . ., -. S.:-'. E ' - i.'2 ? ' ::::' .0 ..cs ? ,... ,.. ' , sif .. : i : ' ' ',Ss '-- -fsss... .1 ???,*- s s-s ' t tt ;Itt ? je.604al.t) , 7 ; r"-? t?? ??4 si- s''s ,Ls s?E' - 1' ? , ; ." ? ss-t- s'"IS s - ss.. I.. . ,.. 0 ' "f ;a.; 4. il:;',...,;.:. ?1 ,- .....- ... . f ,r. ''?? i. ,. :?`- 1:, 4,414i1":4-1 '-- ? li: , : Si: ? .. -sss.. ,,,, 441: !...."ej,-,,, ,:,,, , . , i .': 1 '. t' 6?:r:-J..,e fr., ,e:, ., _ '-- , , e? 1,- f, . ??,t ? ,,-...,,,t , ? ; . .1 . - 1:s _ ? ? 3 ist:",' " jstil 4:so ,0 ,4 ils *C, r . ? ,???? -? 0' Co '1 ss:r sp.,sts? ssf!' ? - ? ? ? i7?;',. vf? - ....LI. ; ,t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 "5 s's. ' , sit _ ,10*-41:tif - ?-? ? r wrizeigagannitv :es .11.1fItIMMEINELIUt.7...:_i- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010-0440003?-3 i,,,- . L. i /, 4 ?... - 'L-, '-?'; ' -.?1 Y ,L . 0 A / ' - '-''1-:?0 f', .',,,46,?io 11'4,4 : --I:. ' .??fir,4,,_,??; 4, .-",t.:.,r''' : ,j, _ w.....,.4;,1..40"..04,,,cgiv,,,t11?434,ii?47.-?-?14i-,-, .1,41r K. ";'-'7,'",?, :.? : 441t ?? ? ..1 o , ' t- 3 ? t14, .."7:.) PL.' ; ; t '1'; ? ! . 1.? f 5 , 1 hippr Cai*Ille-r .,. If:011c hr -No 4 228419 ?, ; ???,. , . .:,..., -,.. 1. .......XattrNched) ...............,:.....,.....i... 1.?? , ' , -- ' ;' f^ , ' ' ' '7 ,:64! 0:c.5uti3Oplfi ft,he, subject voucher is recommended ',. *Pied:. , .-11i,.-..t 10,1 net' disbursements were actually made r ''Ith10- ms.iinCon the sUbject voucher, pursuant to ,.? -. . - . iit',?'-'1 , '!, a ? . - '4 i , ''' 4, Ilt-Yr4KrIA'Allt: .0, 'r's0tholirsttjon within tho? Office of Stretegic Serv- y,r,.:;-: ,'Ititten4Ituiel ate property chargeable to the appro- .,--,,i-,J:,F;t1,- ,,,,.;-,. ?_ , ices, .i:.,_ , -OfiiittToorit' Indhated in the subject voucher. ,....s.. ? ,,,;1 , 4 . 194 ill ??":- ? !,.. - ' 5??? ? Remarys (iofnususl expendituria, or other items for information of Director) tk.IPWNIMNNIIftl1~IIIMN101111*./NM/SPW*Ea~PelrNNIPI?M/WNMPINI/0/./MP4*a?lPIONWIOMOMIMN?VmMIPMW.????O??????? mum mow+. .?????*.i. -ww-sna?row.naors. ?? - IIPOPOPIRWORINNOIRMIlel. 10218,4001/441.1.0 4111111.11? inl..0.00?41010.0.?????????????????? empoommammo. 01/.4.00, ??????? erV , ? .10:11.1.01:011MprOrivip#0?????11ISONEONIMMID4111?401.1010,10.1M0P,Mour.0101.-181.11?10.00~4~0.0.1.???????00?9.01?0?01.........401......toesimanowsom......met~~0/0,.. Misll..1..M..M.....m.yormagron. Ineotomo. rej '5 2. ' '1,;; s ' 44. s.4.? % ' - ;. 9, 11.041roorsomposame...??? Agent -Cashier R. (I. whitcl -4?, .The foregning. hms been admiLnistretively ieviewed 9nd i., _ . r-r . opprod, ?or details of the above disbursements, refer- :. *lade to the Month ri ly Statement of Specil Funds ' e 0 t14! ... da?ted?.,,,c3,,,a2 ra_.,,,.....? , 194 .., . - 5,..--.....',-,, ::_, -, .? - ,, ? ?L J,' , , .'Y ? .? ???? ;0?,*?? .? ., - ,ri?? f '?.? ??? -, *2-rr-..-? L ' ': - V' -1' ' 4-sA , ..' , ,'. ,.. .!, '? ??.... :. ,J' ?;7,,:?,....,,5, ?,, t, . 5i?:. ? , ,t ,-e,' ? l ': 6 : ??,- ..,."4?i'-i,54:4.?:?,.,? ,,;19/2,-;:-., ' ? ? ? --? ..1.?,11,17/A... 4,, :1; , . I 4- ?n, 44,44.447444,444544447--... 6,81 Funds Bronch 4 , , ? '14A.4 zi.FeAL?q; -Pr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ii1 " ' ? s .9; d: 4 F44-13.. ? 01` F7-7.,r , WillillinbaltEME1161214113 3, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 44;0 ...:. 3 .k,?-; -1 51 .T.- 1;.P.I.:: ' --'''' 4, ' ...1, ? S '- ,,.;? ,.. , I'.. :.'1:' ? - , ? , ? 1"0:17111t OFFICE 03? STRATEGIC SERVICES: ,.? , n!..?1 t ? t?r - ? _ - t?V p ExhnIT'Ver- Pass 1 ' C,COMTr.,:.OF iGENT-4-SAIER teliIdkOF STRATEGIC SERVICES place jlashing_t_sst_k: Date_ 2 May 3.145,_ The following statement of funds advanced to me for use in collecting and ana.g.ixing confidential information and data bearing upon the national secu- rity of the United States, is for the period from _ to , 1942. FUNDS ON BAND AT BEG:WING OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount atma...???????? g 41,389.26 Total funds in possession of subordinates ? ? ? 1 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . . . t - OWNS D DR I NO PE R 100 Advamets received from Disburs in" Officer Remarks. Amount H.imbursecont for Bue Vo #20743 $158,610.74 011??????????? ZIOSMI. 41,385!.26 ,qt,a&recelpte during period $10.11,2221 ,-..L4?? ? :14fircf13F ACCOUN713) lilat _DEMING PERIOD , ? ? ? $ 2.QQ4a6120.?-___ _ , ? Ai,t; ' kig**11140406;**:=124z!erszblotistmitaltsztr=========== _ ' r:???? ? ' ? ^ tfi,ktn .1,k Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: 74703-3 t ? Vr;r9 Exhibit E RA.130 2 - -:ST4TE*14T oY:ACCOUiT OF AGENT-CASH:1MR .01.001.?????????10.111?????110.1114.1.M.01111.???????11440 BrAGE1f7t-CASHIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD Paid by Amount e Sdbvoucher Envelope Number (Note; Subvoueher Envelope shall contain receipts for payment and/or statements explaining payments for whieh receipts could not be obtained.) NET PAIMENTS BY AGENT-CASHIER AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS DURING PERIOD $ 166,825.79 =1=111111=1.11111mmousw DIM?1?11. FUNDS ON RAND AT END OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier $ 33,174.21 Amount in possession of Subordinates: Name, Title and Address of Subordinate Amount Total Funds in possession of subordinates TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT END OF PERIOD $ 200,000.00 CERTIFICATE certify that the above is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for the purpose of collecting and analyzing confidential inn:motion and data bearing upon the national security of tha United States, in my possession and under my control during the period stated. AGEN'T-CASHIER tura ot Agent?Cashier) .Aw...???.????????ft.a.?.???? .....?????arr.a*r?-????.**??... r.mmmowosaw.. Ort..fi , of Strmtogic Service*, monthly, in duplicate and submit not Wther-101th day of the smith following the period covered by the report. 70'1,5'11 L y : - , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 r- .atailla2M111.1143411M - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003--3 =1! our omooution At tho oubjoct volulhoT to roPommondod ertUy thot not diaburnmonto woro oPttifilly mAd@ *mount on tho oubjoot vomohor, purguont tn 4-40trl'ilOotiwetion within th@ Offipi? of titrfolpgio fiovyv xffitindtturog mro,ProPorlY ohnfit00111@ tn thP gOProA -1-ndjottod in tho oubjoot vouohor .-'(Unv(kuol oupondlturom, or other It@miii fQr Informfttinn rIP Dico@tor) lerY.SrMegnfitMecrIvigs019," 102t;-= Ci'te4) i c.Fdls, 1 / ''oriekr ti (.7 i A 1 i ? i," 4 ,c -Trrt ?I:4*T---- ii AU00.1( i e I' ?e.' 1)014C1-& P tho his riAllw4 elm 10'1'011040in% 4:400 tt4Aln tiAtittnlotratively rovlowod movold, VOf 1et41.14 nf the oldovo 1 tri1r s$ i4 Theo t4.m4det to thp Monthly Wratomalit of hpocial 4-0-et itg'U,Irvm".,o4Aoot,r-?,,,..ot5,rptsv,rac,"", Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1/11111111MIIINZIESIMENNIMILIARIERNI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 , - ? 'It STATIWAT OF-ACCOUNT OY AGENT-CASHIER Amommu...nwomo mmoramoN,Kemmoomot. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Exhibit E Page 1 ilDiFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES: The following statement of funds analyzing confidential information and 'rtity of the United States is for t. e pen 0 ----EL14442-131a.blaiX2----- p 1944 5 11??????????.......????\ advalced to me for use in collecting data bearing upon the bational secu- ct from FUNDS ON BARD AT BEGINKING OF PERIOD: Amount in possession of Agent-Cashier Amount in possession of Subordinates: tiaMt, Title and Address of Subordinate rFti g 50,317.89 Amount Connely, E.F. DaugaIl? James L. Total funds in posse3sion o:! subordinates $ 90,00n.co $ 20,000.00 . . . $ lio,000.00 .0011,??????.? TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD . , Arialn5 DORING AERIOD ? . t 160,317.89 Advances received from Dizibursing Officer RemarAs. WouTiamiont for Bu.W.420744 Amount $ 339,682.11 t during period rL Mk-NO PritICID * 1, *I 4 if ? $ ? gi.QQ.SMAOCL........ 141=001MmemWmcitamttlittr-r, and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1111101111111EMEIROMMIBIERIffilli Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 ? ? " ' ,t ? , I ? - 10:rtibit 1Page '2 r ASIIKU AND- VISORDrNATVOPF MRS OUR PIG PER IOD *CH*,,tiat'llnyal.cipiaNtunber- id by Amount ) P'IOENT-CitSHIER "?"-: ? r " s ? (tc1,4404 90nrotiatier tape taL1 contain receipts for pi4rent .andior statOoents explaining payments ? fqr which receipts Could not be obtained.) , ?," . ...:.!:.-. '--,..10.pgkiyilLigtalBY AGEST-CASJOR A.N.?1UVIAXIDINkTE OFFICERS immio. Inlet , . - ' 110 Jr1r4w~. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? o OOOO ? I. ";- -' ': C Illk'rllPMIPOMMMIBIOPIMIOMII"lgMOPNMISICUIIIMagll.NINIMMMIIPIPggeggaNIMI:=o"="Ziirjiatg , Alnaant in P oss es s i on of 1$43ent-Cashier . . . ., . . ...... $ 24,:j09.06 .-.- 144DS 04 RANO AT END OF PHR ND: _.441.Quut tit poosession of Subordinates: ..'H 'Oboe, Title arid Addrtss of Subordinate Amount $100,000300 t Dmigalli, James L.$ 20,000.00 $ $ $ $ 3155,090?32 Comely, B. F. Total Pd tu poseeseion of subordinates . 'rout FUNDS TO 13Z ACCOUNTED MR tiT END OF PERIOD ? ? a 111111011110, lialiiirsipalit=011100.1060 =SIONNOSIWOMXINARAP#1111111111101011WalgaPiallillifilleMININOIMIMMINCNI .410MigrASIMMIWaintiMaronge.Wzmriidetssrxmluzgodsiaggrisinsm?ow CERT wrcitTE . . , it 1.20 000 000 ? . jig a ?pi) o .99 certify that the ab purpose of,.eollLectin.$ and tito tuitional, svourity of diving the period eterted. ova is a correct accounting of all funds advanced for Ow analyzing confidential information and data beKring upoa the United Statea, tn )Y poeaaelsion an,d under my control 4f7 (,ignatiore of Agent?Cuahler) ; 1., ?? ., -,,, ..? 7 4:.,.-.,;- , i. ' %P,.. ',- ..,;!;,;_,?,.., I .....,1 ?I, :.. ,..., .,. _ ',.',...! .- :* i'll'' ?:'' ...7.? ' . The% L'Ci '..f ,t't>, - ? - r; ,,' ?::',`? .v?.?i,l; 0.7. ' .?'' ')e-?,. v ?-ii-., , i" ''.?:1 A0IgNT-CA_SH?11,111 iorelmeira....r.o.retrr.7.0. ogf vt.oi, monthly, in duplicate and submit not fOLIO9r1ng the period cove ret1 by the report st ? ?et? . ;MI ' 1 . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 44-?..".4r-i=-Af, ? lEtki Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 1-31fr ? 17, 4041 *4," ;1st* , ? 1141!1:i11014641'"1.;v1 1:041::;" DALI A 411. ?" ?????? .7,? ' ???? " t t itpril 1945 '? ? 11101011.10101101." I ,'??. ? - - ?13 ' ? ; 4, 4 , ? ;'? - . .?,..? .1. ,,,? . - 1 ,.. , ,..e. ? ? , -Li, A r 1 - ' 0 ... ,z...?? .rtL y, 1 ? : - .. --._ 'F,,P4'. ez, : .... . ? ',?:,(2,. .! i / - :k.--r.441;1-1'1'.? Lc,,,,,,? _ , ,, : - ' - ? - 4?? , ,t, ?1:1# .,,,N,-.W a II ? . '.... ;,,??",,.t, 1/21t.51 I r ''' - .?:6f-t:A-1 ..;..,..-4-,s7_,. ,-. _ t,.. r??.,-,- ,:...,..;:- 2 ', '1,1 ,41- f" ?-' ', ,. ? .'"4-,i..; "F '.'..... . I ' ? ,_ii4,:fir,..--- .. ...,., ;?".0'. fl. :."'?1:-..i.15'.' 'I ' ' I' a tr,i,,?:, 'Ll. i .? ' -5.%' I" ' t'l, ,,,";'z'l -' "'"?,:,?>I? : ."`f-t^,zit,-. a -. il - ?? -.., I ,111;:?,,', . I. 4 ' C '' .- I ... -.-'''Iv "-I,' t .?,..?,?.;=, . I ',..r?: it,,, - '?' -I?I 'I. ? :1 4i.:?T ' .,.'''',i,,,,,.51 e? f I, 1' i L 'IP 1 ?? , - Re: Bus 'lou. No. 2244U Th o attached vouchar is ia proper legal form for your signature. 2. Two (2) signatures are required. irp,) ""? James B. Donovan offtce of the General Cotsneel ? ; ; 4.VCF ???-? ,,,t;;;,, ,!?'? ' s, , , ' ?!iqi , .1 ,1?;. ,???-`,? ? 41 - ' , ? ? r , ,17 t %fir 4",,et t1;7''' : ? ."1 ' f,r ???=1;k1 - _t ' * 'Ffitj t:'214; ,,11;:1-:??,. ? r ? - - ti? ' , e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100.440003-3-.' s- c ??? t": z - ? 1/.7- "?-? .... ...., , .:...., , _.. ,..-.. ...w..t: .2 1 , ' _1 . -_1,!,',..1...a '.14i6.' . . 11.? fti.,'k L. ,!?,14r.sLk:-,.., ,..4.,.:,-., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440003-3 I :10: FROM: SUBJECT: Director Office Voucher 'Date: 1aq 2. 94 ? 41.1?1111110..11 Agent ..Cashier 22440 _______(attached) 1. Your execution of the subject voucher .s recomTendei and requested. 2. I certify that net disbursements were actually wade by me in the amount on the subject vouche-, pursuant to proper authorizatkon within the Office of Strategic Serv- ices. Expenditures are properly chargeable to the spprn- ptiation indicated in the subject voucher. Remarks 41?10211010111? (Unusual expenditures, or other items for informaton of Director) of p41111611011CT.01101040. ellP.I.P.1.10...1.10.11111111111 Ita:tachnt - B. Theater 200 0 0 laASIS AIM 110........../...0.1..iMMOMOMMOMMP....W ?111???????????????????????/.....C.Fil?P ????????????..? ???? ? ; iq" e ; .? r ; ' _ Zerril.X "t) ,? ? 20 Ifeba."Ltary Agent -Cashier A J ??, II 94 5 Office Voucher No..._1=2 .(attarhed) ?.' , i --$:??? " t 1 . ,. - ... q?.., ' f ? ' . ,?1.4......,..: *. ) N.,..?..1:', ...51 _ ? I r ? ? _ *. ? N'or execution 7ivond .requested. - " ? 1 -..., I ,.???: F ? 4i-',1-......? , -? ' I ..! ,,;I: a .- ;?' ... P T9. '4,,i - .., ? . -? l? 0...) ,t,ii.::,?r.,..... ???,11- I ? . ?.? , ? , :. N..:i..44;': 1.... t.4. ,, 4rof .0 11....f?. t :. , 14. k b. 11'441 ' '.. - . 1 L'illY I. 4111' ' 1 , / ;''. 1,11 . -1.? ? . , ef, 1 Hil , - ? . I f , : ' Mi?'`: * ._ - . ? - 1`14?,- ? ? , 1,1 , ?:- ' 34, * ??? A . ;? 11. it . .I. t 1 .1 "I., ? - '? .1' .' tfi ... - ? : - 1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ; - ? of the subject voucher i5 recormend,!(1 certify thst net disbursements were actually made liy* in the amount on the subject voucher, pursuant to prorier authorization within the Office of Strategic Serv- ices. Expenditures are properly chargeable to the appro.. priertion indicated in the subject voucher. Reparks (Unusual expeaditures, or other item., for information of Director) one 4131.0111~1011104./14M1?0111.....~1.410?401MIIMIP.M.0.1.110.~..11144?11PoinlosOINININNIII.I4Nia/.010/~mainir. elm onomomme..????aa????,??????,. 419??????01.....1.1.... .....1?11111?1????w? m????????.... ???????????? ibl.......1.11.0~1011......M.10.1~111P 10 lie, 111.101111111. pm?Immolosommouba mom oldmommomorommosnrmookuma ??????emorarlue. &wawa. ?????????.? 01 .011011.10.10,61.14teMlbalOwle MI.1119?012/0/MWORMellIANOMMIOI???0.040.0?1410?1somm?do --a?,,--?????????-? E. IL Marri.1.11,Agent -Costlier The fo'regoing has been administratively reviewed end ,,appr(ived. For detail* of the above disbursements, refpl-. ,eriglCit _made to the Monthly Statement of Special Fundc "' 141.14:11, fed? 1 94 t fi CLd Spcti. Funds Branch c.?????..... i ,,.? ...., 1 .i ' '"I'-': -,- , ., f, 5w- , , -; i ? .> ..11'..i.::;.-1,34* --.--Ii.-,.-1-1',. ,!,,-.-_*- ----.-?,..,? 1 -,"i. , ??? 31. :,-. F---L- .., -,, .:-,A, , -- , ; ,, . ,, t ? .- ,-,i .4.- :- . , !: ,. , !?.'.., , A t, F..: ; i-:,-- ,? --- 4 ..?-?