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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 IIIIIIIIIIIMENEMITIIMMILEMEM111111M1111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 SE...RV:10E11' AND ',iXPENDITI.IiRES ?r 7:TOBJECT CLASSES , , . .* I -? ,- 1101r)114. 1/11714014: I OD Et DE I) Ilinels?010 1.10.1?111.????????411.4.4?ImmonWo kowraomesuerrommo. AUG 4f5 _ ' UNLIQUIDATED TOTAL OBLIEGATIONS 3XPENDITTIRES OBLIGATIONS eilif 10,31922 60 005.78 16,3 25.00 r t65; 41..11/1.......1101011101.11.104..... ?trsoial Services Travel Transport?tiot of Thitgs Communication* Rents and Utilities Printiv and Binding Other Contractual Services Suppliegs and Mater a, 1 a quzpsnettt K.1,4,41;144411.- olt i';',1 .- 1,7.?-? , 505.00 .K 69.32 * 150.00 4rrl 11,0 45.54 6,005.7S 17 0 49 .32! 41% 1:1111=1?7011=111r=1112==.........4:=C=Zwr=ra?""r4=== =I:P":"".w...?=4.444..."'"'"71=L:=4444. ,;3 lai?Orarn? t-' ,Vsti ? , Total Allotm.,nt 20 2 35? 00 Leen Total ,)1.) igtt lona Unobligatt-d Bftlftaoc 3,1 85.68 *414 Apwroprist onbylorwili.PV0~.0.S.W.SINW AJleteent Act. 14 t?.21MtiIllL..... '-' .400.weadfnissadwm. tia "..64:412d.4.4 04:erommenntruninzeww s r: K. P. WOMING Finctl etVeWnii+ONAMMInliFFesflaWrAmpailiVe.lia01104111.1/MbaNfri.0111.6.10111nualot.rtamsoww0.~....e.... 7_1\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 L.+ ---. V. \t- - I 2- V. tfllrf s- -41,f4 645 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 j4JIMT UnIQUIDATHV ToTAL OLAMM OnrOATION11 KXPRNDITIIHRi Tr4noportAtton of Thtags Total Allolmout Lania Total obligation* it 0 b I1 0 it 11 *l a lis 43.0 W.VgaMigNitifir.901114.010.64Mtr9111.44AVR610M4MI1Vklit11111L3Mtsti,1.11,... TLTIt1., Twv,- .evrar,z , . Por, K. It. WoOPPINti Divinioa Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ISONSWOL,MgarrilLtratiglini.7 lenWillatagradINIMArliFilirti Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 !. ? .APPOSISMIlligoingtaiiagerwaimasscras 1.... ..4:fi . ? .:. r ,?,:ttt 1 '-.11. ;" , ?-? , l'AZ -_?s=4:,,;' , ? 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Oi&.K.44: - ? ?,1):41 4V.S 1: 1:1027""trIdg= 7= ? rex 1,r? ???? 2.O #.76 61'150 77.66 2032 'co 05.7e 4; f, 0.41,1111.M.111 Agri0 ? ,??? -4' le.: ? a ' 44;740 . *0040 400600 6.51740A ra,0020 188.16 26130 7.717.6611 - 6'3 : L I Ete630.004, I 8,630404 '? . 28.12 7.805 :78A ;7 18.630.00A ? : ? , . _1.,,,,, 1 ', +- ...,,,';.,, - ?.,_ .?'''''',7 ';,:?2-1,1 t.'...t.,-it.` ,Ve.i., , -j'.1',:. ,....?, ? 7?",11S, : '',.,?.,.1+2.?' ' . ':" t., - s '111;;CV' LiT.;.;t4 -? ,:, _.-,,,,,.'ici. , ,..f-J., .1.!.. ? '''''''Y'As,-..!.?,-0,i! ;T.,,,','",. Af I CC ON I 11AFR t8 PERIOD ) 2r? - 0130, CLASSES UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS EXPENDITURES MIMIMEMPINIMMe?Pm.nowie????????....,,,- TOTAL OBLIGATIONS 1 . . Per sossa Services Travel , Transportation of Thisga Communicatioas Rents aid Utilities Printing and Binding Other Contractual 1 Services SuppLienandMaterials Equipment 4.1 615.00 , , 4. i 66.0(11 I 1 1 ??.???Ww.?????mpsw?inn........e? TOTAL mideintem=mrssza==== ???0?61m.???0.a?VM 4.1 MOO - .00 4,1 68O0 = 3 MINIM 7ProPrierrtioa 1161:140? Total .Allotment Leas Total Obligations LLQQ Unobligated Balance .00 414* $ ALI 68.00 4 10011?46 :Allots.** AgOt. 41444. riel~~..s4c4,tirshmewarm ? 40646_01.4haNitairiikOW.4~.1.14......1.eddl.414.1.ftworowevmp etawneramaimia~nefte pa16.1.41.0 irMaIMS..ime~efeamet.olVOINenem. 'Or K. E. 11,a0D1ING Chitf, FiA&W'e Branch .10.1116.0????00i...misma. coareasdaima Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 46, ut.,? Pfit- Is; ? ?? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 rNr.774' ' SALM 1E5' to EXPENSES 0 S S 1945 t ORM DESCMPTION r 01 864 281-45 Irjr" ? '1 1, ? ." ? - r- ? 4: ? ` ? , .1:14 z. ? - , - 4J K - k.: Q. , 1?.1' I t ? 1-? .tr- e"'??-, ? 2-4 ADVICE or ALLOTMENT PAYROLL INCREASE FOR I SCAL Y14. 1945 SI?soi? Syn.. r1,61641. 11.1.4 Annes6411.6?41?4 ono**. 4. *P.*. ..? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-R?DP13X00001R0001004400 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ,mmfflrj/77. ,.9. .. _ f, ?-, ? ? 1.::, . ,? , 4 t""mt",d.,...17,7""r4witi,"tit414 ._,..:'''''71,4??i',1`111"??*=,!rst7:9,smaztra. '',-,-7,4rrrrtrFIT*,?,w?wn'T-1 ,;,,', , - ?-?,' , ! _ '..? ??? .,.: :, UISK)311rin 0 i t -ALLATMIINTSI rt...A, rat:, , i , , woe4111 -- EVIPS:2724nt....) .46-6,t%,ad 111r9123.,1=41il C. 107 7 - Et, .- ? ????? ? ? -,13\-:;..?-s3 Vt. ? , - ???,' 4.1 6400 4.1 II 41.0*4 Malta O. i:Aft .0' , ?,- '.' ---? 't: ' ,......,,,....c*.w,,.,;"6:- .0.,,,,,,,t,IrititAgy,tu,?=.0t::::.,- - ' ? ' ? -2,$ ' '3;0,11'4 ..... ;?; ....., 1 : ..), ,,, ;',::,:i.. ,. , ,, I, .? ? io. .. ':: ;5 .6 41-4,tf.4., ? " I ? 7,, 7 4 Vacitailatat=11.1**311digaMID 4.1 68.00 4.1 61E00 4 ErfaaaaMOSPI,Paililt. oaaRlaataalaMalliala.artla,,,, er, AO* .00 lr - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA:RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 *Os. - ; - Otittilq,,OtAvtoki , isipoiwrificts s ocitc-1:0Laisa- LERviOes 1150111:113090111141 Omigeolmirmosimi untoutDATip WilizonioNs xxvxm iiuim; OBLIOATI(ThM MAY Id 45 PIN100t ELmudirmicilawnatrocranolastoramonst,rorr*isio TOTA1.4 1001111101611311114 ASPICItift=ttlte3==ttl=tatflit3tteati t=t?tlititxteltent-SYSIIIMItfellgitztiottweriata 5.7 ILO 7 3 69,93 4, 1 68.00 .14 --?,???? TroRopet-tikt ibn Or Thisito ?.1 Iiitt,04/0113teltrttlai7CIECOVEZttOttArtaltnte trAtrIlkt, 10000.101. -rtnifoonnoutr?M*141110#4111206:1,36c :?125114-. 7 9 8,0 7 3 69 5 3??? t ? ? , = MOD I 16 1:300 lot *t 1 Eke 44444.*** A*6*Vd N6s,orscratamscca,wsltrwg.isims,,,,,w, P.,k*APPr l'ototi At lot siotil Lamo Totoi OhicgotioAq tiiib tts4 )141,411,.0 i0011,46 r ? ,?'3?Li.'. ? ; .,-; ?, .ff? r 43:71;atA, eit4 ?IMN't it-meu,r41144,9**agerespatirovt coon*, Si firrirairliESItitigiSigii 6o.00 .00 Poet Mt Mt WOODOINO it PP it It Hr tt tl It3tWittelltillltriMMWIP7P012sPDV?tit-cttartlittea5igtr.VErrirottr4+wet~. t ri Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 11111rAi:.' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 PI"Mow , r_"?:? ; ??? "T.,,?"),! s? .71111, - ? C. ? ??, ? "r-; #i -11C!1 leLt4ATIONV. 10t#01TURES _ , :rny OLIECT ti, , -? .? _ - . ? : CU" PF 00 Et4 DEL, r 1111015Z110.451?011.1011811101111.11151110111 ? .,1160111111019:555-1151111g.104.5150110 154,5761455:051554.`fe05. *V at 45 - iaproporeviempoimpioshasstmomiaKerns TOTAL OBLIGATIONS , '1,104priattiorIls 1161300 Aiiiitt***t Aocii t . 1 ??? ? ? - '41 , * , - :it"' ? t , 10e1155.1556.515,590.51,110511955APPPIIIIIel 4,t 68.00 4.1 6L00 1+ ======J Total Allotmont Laos Total Obligation% Unobligated 1311,1ff-11C? 15;51.1111111P005.1850.545, 410011?45 P1154255151110211111111rIMMASSio~61015?50551141 * 4,160400 4 1 68 00 A- 11; ..515.11111 115150tand550?1.**5*~MPPORPOP?55.51015.5..5,515.0.140 ? WOW 1.411,04.5t...45=.615,?151.5a.ou.olwesa? Pori K. X, WOOD2IN4 CM 'iflA,11Gi ""1" MCSPUINIIMPF IMICIM54.51155.505.4.46TIFerifte.5.9 ' ? '''?f;'? ? ;? Vj 1":',- ??.' !!- ?i?:i. :?_d - tt_ty WAt. 5 02:1 77i?1/ ?tk 41. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 MIENMENEMEAREIEMI r t. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 . ? k- - "." "." 11, ? ? 4 - 1, , ' r, ' - - IIALMUrs 8. rxrrNsrs -P",/,,,g41==t19g$114101111=tetra=r1=66111=Mpt.41.0t.r-.19"111r=0!*-1, 1. ? Wee-14.6 minstne?=?...40110R444019004 I 1111Y MOM -.111 "16 '1,rre . 1 DATicI Noma otoctlirri ON PA ";,AMIRINIelto=tuarizsg t =SIM 115=1=2.-"="r=4-- _ --r. 4 AO 01 MAY 3123914 PAYROLL. 281 454 Ce. 1 t. t - v." ?, ? -44 -' , -.?,-.I..--4, -- ??,,,1 01:-': ' '.,,'? ,--.f,l1:,,,f?;?;'ff*:,,K-..M1V.Virliiirf:017i-5: 4-4 -. ? 7 ' ".? ' - ' 7 % :' -' .---- - ---' , ':'-i S.- .4.=7 ?'-4iki A . . ?-? 4, 14' -4. ,is!:. ,,, ,-, ic- - .MiiiiiiManiiiiiiiiiliiiiiilkaiiiiiiigaiiiici4.iiiaiiialko4,244,-...,-4.....4...1z4u.,....,.4...c...4,.........4.7.-.?-, ? ' -.4,i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ilitt2, . 111110111111111111121ELIEEMEN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 t ? 11'1, - " "`? ; , , i i ^ 41?- V UN ! 1 008 45 U. elt410,,,i6i041=10100.1[1.11.4,11291.,. dlu e..-a wft- ,, ? " -" ? ? 1%.eur.fte SKR...1...g.t0.....1.1-4.0?,14e01.4.WAS160141141.0.414P014. a 4e r ? ? ? OBLIGATION*, 10101.31-1CfATRD Otestill~ftleriMilarmemalam Mom ellomne Mangialia ALL,OTIVIENTs DALANCM t.)r ALLOW-4CW ,,,t?*"..1,1?"., kr: ilHattrr 16: 349.93 3419.5034 4.1 603,40 ti WILIPMED PC0111111100?03.101 , ? 4: MUMMY% 4010111.TIMemel.6111.6.?01?67.E4rils ,r11 , ?.? 1 .43.M. " L. 0110.1.911.111..21.111110.........?.?1=1111.111:0111.1. ar.? J.; 6800 4 ..4/1116.104....1.11?611:6111*.t9440. .00* .00* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? -.41Miter!,t181111111111111MIESMMINEMEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 , 1/01,11117111"4. r 431 - ,,, ' :: 4... r . .: . f,l, .,.. -`7.,-;-*.7. .... ? -.-17 . , ,? - . 0., - -..,,:-: , . . -v.,,,:,-,-,,-....,:',- ;.,,,:1:-..,.? ,i'f-, -_,- .., -;',' l'-'..-''-?.?2,,,,,,",;Jit'l:, :-.''''''''..-.:..?''' - -',....,:i,:.# - ' ? l' n.1---..-.. ... ..., .?;1:, c.,:?...,... t,,.? .. .7: '''''1'::11.1.:,1:-:'-c--;-- ''''-i:c.:-.'' ..,:- ' 't ,,--;-. OFFICI _OP: IIIRATEG 1 6 RV LC _ -... -.? , ..,-, ? !..,,. --,e46, ,? ..,...., , . - ,,,,,,. ,L...,2,pti i ?-_::?' .-.4;,..: ?,-, ,, -,---?:4,, ,, ,,,4,,i..1:-,?f. ; ..--?'.., --,7-??,.'''RIEPOIl., P 01011 SO I 0-1( 1/ AND? EXPENDITURES .... ... . ? TOP. ...,,, rat- ?,,,...? ,- ,,,,,---.:. 4... .:, OFFICE . , 1,01:UT MASSIS Persotal Services Travel Tr4401Ortht LOA of 'nano Commaicatioas lost* and Mill:tilos Pr isti,si ad biadiag Other Cestractusl Services Supplies Lao ibia,teriaia tquipsteat 01,111111111111111110AsseMINPOI kikliottoisiyt Acta OY OLJECT CLAMS MAY le 45 MOM WW PERIOD EN 0? LINIEWWPIPIMPIPMpsisirriamionliraWiloWIPM1111110110109/1411.114311011,10KV..0=1,11M. WMISMINIMMOIPMMAIW 1ll.11101011010.10111014 UnIQUIDATID OBLIGATIORS P.M.P7.111111NNIPPORI*11617 INNIBI1101?7 14,2 26.86 17,879.45 111, 32.1 06.3 1 BXPRNDITURRS 62,6 48.1 2 2.69 1.34 ? TOTAL OBLIGAT IONS 76,3 74.98 '20,570.79 X 65,39.46 97, 4 ,7 m==============1 Is' Nis, 1001045 -1" ro_ ? -t . 747,14 Total Allotment Loom Tot41 ObitolLtions Vuobligated Balance $ 97,5 49.0 0 1 03.23 " ; K. B. WOODRXNG Chiof, Vioanoe Fir$Ittch Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 INNEN 1.7 0:3 Pt, ?fX!!, B?; :11 kr,' sr 111.11111111101MMAIMMUNEMEMIffealling Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ,;? I.) t" ri ,,,t;?0? I r'?' tkr'i; . ,V; t3.- , ? 4I '40 "I- ? I. t,P '011111,400 IXPESPiTUN,E$ IV ELCTILASSES ,:re? trif - ; .4;4." ? ti,-.!;`. - 1 OD ENDEC, wormsorratoptommouttwavalasisoomimeastaammoarssiameetekomai ." ? - " ..!!1 7?_(.;'? - 19990,604111111011 biluiPenniemilinerstomaniumst VNLIQVIDATBD TOTAL OgLIGATIORS IMENDITURNS OBLIOATrons _Jr 9016AlitiliMuiffilse10411 1,/~94/41~.0401114a41141.11111rt40.1*Sovs1116 1 4.11446 62,6 48.1 a 76,874,U3 1 7.8 7i0.45 469 1 .34 ? Trimpoitiktios of Tking* Otkor Costraotlaal Servilos 110100,1^1?1010[4.14.191,11,61?11101 541 06.31 t`? failaa.P.mminrrottargliregta 65,3 39.46 4 97,445.77 'g 1011112111.2112222MIt= =2=3:ba... Total Allosmobt Los* Total Obligmtionki Unobligft2od Haldnoo 11911100 41.1069WOMIlettomwenorwrosrestrominolo~ammesleimi ? A not a** t /Lc to? "CI146 " 011111Piii04111092.119hillq1c01W100.9090~144.11*M , :11 tr * 97 549,00 4 $ '?',77,7145777-11;; 1,0323 -" 10,40.50489114141&WMAIN4101,1..~-f4.2.. WOODR nittroo tiroAtott Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 1 MIERAMIKIN ? t? "...ter ? - 4 1 ERNI 11 JIM -44 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CiA-RDP13X00001 R000100440002-4 - _ ? r t "1: II 114 I , ? _ , , r 4 - u151300 .4 Ara PI, ..1,14.1Ti$1,1 ? 11,12 *tie* '2) 10".3048 ? ? A-? ? r? CATE 1, OrTF? 11,11711I.M.1411.1111.1 ? 1' ." ' , SALARIES E XPi rNSES r? 1101101INCE 134. 01 01 5044 is 02 .?????.0.NO ory...1??? r . :,. CIESCR II PT I ON ... Ma V' 23030 21:j 14834 M22 23911 23914 2283-4 I PAYROLL, 90-450 p 'PAYROLL 90.450 5-1 5-1S 4 1.4Asi ? HAROLD JONES ? 01E4 RE ASE Ogt PAYROLL. 90.45, 5.19 PA ?ROLL 90-45, 5-10 SHELDON GLUE CK? 'TRAVEL 5-15 5.1 5 , :11 ? fi ?......,11.3,7 .- ? _._ r.","?:?--., .. ._ 5-'.-- !:111r):::::111":;1- f?':::::?-,-.40 ??...- l' i .., .117.--t to - -4t'l ti-?111.5.? 4:Itt 4 triAirg?,72.F"q* 14,104 -20,1 2-fik jjeti . 4=i ? i-,111.11-f&e k," ? SX:r ? _ and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 al : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 4411.11MT... w?Em.w. P I:-.434f; ? I ky '01111.3411STIONII., iO3.474%, 7 I 2 .44$4 ; 39A6 9,14 3662 ?110144 i 46.906,90 tit 100.1 1199 1 2239 67.02 94494 1 000 1 1.99A 452.17 594.02 , 48.075.6841 1 04,1 1 1.994 1715.00 68.075.6a A t 00,1 8 1.99A 10, , 1 1 ? '( ? " 44.4"4 let'?7?. 7 . , H No:_ 144 11 4I 001 45 ; ,n4.4. +.1.46,1**.F. F.F.F iMaw 00111100AUD 11.9.-40Tril limns I11114.ANClit OP Luermsakfr ' r ; b egli -it rd,i?tet IINCUKIMICO I 0 Ott 1 1.99 1 - 7,.4 9.00 9 7.5 4 9.00 A 7.5 4 9,00 A 9 7.54 9.00A 9 7.5 4 9.00 A ?????st 5 0.64 50.64 * 1 7323* 1 7323* 1 73231( 1 7323* 10323* 1 0323 er .44r4ij f,} Iteri t Rtz7.1 7'4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 3:f17 f?V-1. `-. ? gansitAlk ^ 0/4 ' 1151300 4 Cet..11.0,0????ammissywnw-ma1v Ir.*. - k.... , , .-........... ? teffl.P..leorrobto rtitta iir-1/044 1.6.1.????????PRI*0"10.1?????????????MMEMMIlim.?0116.04 MOS ? - . ' ....""' '44447=44447,4r"..,,,,,,, . fategi-ine* 1Z: . - liY11.1160L ??????? of.....a.00W1???? DATE I -a ? Mir, - 6 I a . 1.469.0! 1-.4 76.97 1.1 76.97 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 N 02 # 01 02 01 02 02 02 02 tot 76.97r 1.2 74.4 la 74.4 141$0.14, 04434 - 510.140 02 01 01 02 01 02 02 lAY flAY MAY "tAY HAY MAY 'ILAY MAY ',44CY PRY MAY 208464 22403 22367 21316 14572 14659 22368 11969 11416 10359 9781 9772 9406 Y.4 22020.4 MO?Y MAY 22988 22979 22980 * 5820 S 10830 * 10830 * 10109 110830 p 22991 9 23084 4 02 NAY 1 21963 KAY i 23428 15 AN 397 NAY f 1749 itiFf IS 10108 :1YI 216 ? 2 _LI _ t neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001Ku001004400021. SALWES al EXPENSES 0 S 3 114 ?????,??????.0.2.1. DFSICIlt iPT PON SPELEON GLUM, 4.15, CARLETON COON* 1923'4 HAROLD jONES AN 2108 CARLETON COON* 19534104 TRANSCONTINENTAL AIRL If re 'PI ' 3.14 3.17 NE AN V.75R2 Pi cv HAROLD JONES* AN 37731.45, 4.23 N,Y3CEMMIAL R,R, AM 3772w45, 41, CHIAESTERN 11,110 AN 3772=45, PENN.R.R* AN 3772.*45, 4.,23 PENN,R,R, AN 3772.45, 4.23 PENN,R,R, AN 3772.45,'4.23 1 PENN*CENTRAL AIRLI1NE, AN 3774160,4!:4 WILLIAM MOSS, TRAVEL PAYROLL, PAYROLL, PAYROLL* 4.16, 4.30, 90.45, 4.16, 90.45, 4.16 ARMY scrvia FORCES, AR:il SERVICE FORCES, ARMY SERVICE FOaCE50 AMMY SERVICE FORCES, APMY SERVICE FORCES, 90.4(.30 4.30 4.40 AN 239.45m P9 AN 844.45, 497 AN 1018.450 1 AN 1846.45, AN 1847.4!;10 PAYROLL, 90.45, 4.16, 4..30 PAYROLL, 90,045, 4.16, 4.30 EsCASHELL, 204.545, 46 PAYROLL, 90.45, 4. 4.30 1145 MAJINO4IGAN0 TRAVEL, ARMY SERVICE FoRass ./kI4 671.450 ARMY SERVICE FORCES, AI,V0ONLY FRANCIS MAHONEY TRAV L. '77:w ts3. 1111111~11111MIMME11111111111?311 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 r, _ ? ot = leg " . . - ? ' ?T ? - ?- "ALLOTMUNTS 98,454.99 574)0 98,511.19 Jr- _ rf 20.92 - 87.35 17 4Z " 138.115 18.63 74,54 j7.38 . 73.18 7.36 ?" 7.36 7.36 ; 20.70 41.142.46A 61.142,46A 452.17 801.14 -.1.269.13 63.664.90A' Vt 1750 41.00 100;00 6.02 1 1\ 58 \ 6.3.a zs? S 9440 102.42 64.516,414 dk , 55.85 1,4458229A 98,811.99A `j,P.;-' 11145 _t' 14,14A 98.811.99A 111 441 4 A 100.00 99,6111.99 99,6111.99A 4 99,6 11.99 5 00,00 10,001 t 98,511.99A 300.00 98,811.99d 9 8,8 1 1:39 9 8,13 1 1 .5911 j 98.81111.99A, 75.00 t714 C , / 9-4549.00 I 97549.00A 97,549.00A 97,549.00d UNOISLI MATED 1 SALM CE Or AIM MINT //d/I/MiYMMV.../0.41?/.../1 1,526.05 IC 1,469O5* 1.46-9605* 1.4 7 6.5,7* 1,416.97* 1?1 76.97* 1,176.97* 1176.97* 97,54.9.00 ani 1.176,97* 97,549.00A 1 97.549.013IN !, 97.549.00A 97,54%00 Ai i I 97,549.00 & i 1 91549.00 ,C)? 1 97.54 9,0ID A 1.274A9* 1.274.49* 1.27449* \ 1,274.49* 1.310.14*1 1,310.14 st 1,310.14 1.310.14* 510.14 \ 510.14 .1! 567.64- 56741 550.6 50.6 5O' :1- , 154-_1? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 -1 ? ; ? ; ."4 4'S 711.4'? r- 47 ? I ;,.?? -; ;, ?i. ',. 1- :-F k,:il 2 t $ ? . '2. - ?,_?32;4'67.. t ?Fri''' _.--1.-0.,-;. . -e -- ...' .:; .. 2 1....' t'j ? 't!, It t?i '; t. .? 1::Itr'74., 1."'", -4- ' ..T":".'.:- .!.. , . . 4.? ? ,- Ki.,i,!. "'' .0, .0 ,4 . , / it, .. ., t," 1 : ' , -7 ' ?ri!,::i, - TORS:OFFICEOMR 18 4$ O,, p LUJ PERIOD END F; kalfail2.1190iltilM3If&S=r4ti'l 111=241.101P4M1110 IVIM41051400114t40010,4,aingieks: ? 1 . . . " -. ? . .1.'' . 1. ... \ tr ???7r (:- . .t.',..41.41.. . _ OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES REPORT OF OILIGATIONS ANO EXPENDITURES RY 01JEOT CLAMS P - _ 1 ?- ' 7 ..? ' 101411011111.1411110M14141** 013 CT wo-0.0?P0-0.41-4.--? sos41 Borv toes Tr ovta Tr4moporl4t ton or ?kiss* 0 0 istusioxt tons R#nto and UttiLt tat, Pr klitOug 604 knd nig Ot %or Cestretotup. 1 Rory tap* ft Sppi ill Mid Mktitr L414 Potpommt jellpteM12,17.11.17,11,7?90 TOTAL NIMINISERMIN Am! opt1i. Lft$ Aiti0064t 0411q g N44 ,t :?? ?? ' -Z1 1;4.- .. . - ? " " ; ? - 0'3 ? 4 ? 't , ' UNIAQUIDATBD TGATTONR AMMON feeks...,...u.A.a+.4111 20.033.52 14.078.39 .v4ttir 2 ,4 - lb Vii8101166,11,91111 illit9P11011,10WattEdeibil;Citeil TO1AL EXPRNO1TURNS On/OAT-MO 1171.7101=172WMPlIalerIPPROZ11110921rete.ae7.7f2=1=1 48.01529 2.570.11 ...t.ift.Prett,_.*Vw=lter.21.47-3.70tara , .40IrfltWOU Totitt AlIntmoBt Loldh Ol1tiot404103 Motaimotod 04.thnoo 15J Qaa 1001 4S i e ? t '-???? g , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ; da,?:44-;t;..,??' ? ?? 11110fr :ftreitmr4615-0.01.4, . 41..1.71,77.1,4.1417:17?717-011q0.,. .11601410:11141171:041a Pr1191111=teStraPitMietallif 68,049.61 16,648.50 41 09.556.00 444.4 4.858,89 X. R. WOODVNG Oht.of PO4444141 Urnntitt trereimoritaramm9orAnnmar. osifroitotavIveorti 7i f7,1'541f-'1117' 0131 Ak,s4 x'40!,11 rt$ -414,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ragmezionmeammatismannivimm. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ?4-7R I Mv1M .1E2, * a .E" SOT SS-1131' ,?4;;`L ? -7 4 **east.$ervicise r T-rs*e UnXQU/DATSD: .0WGATIONS , limmemorftwareone prow.; ? ; , ' , ? r.--Tr-Lespertatios of Ti. -? 4 , URE$ EN DE wermuntommeowelgowirlflamfesemse te.M.P.whorprowet...toom...m. Mt Mt 4$ MIMONMMIIMIMMWOM1 MIONOMPIUMMIPPOW 1014WarAPDOW IXPENDITURES di Ornil 1.1111,060.0.1101.11001.ir...14,00..? ISM 4403sza 46.01529 14071439 457031 TiVAL OBLIGATTOWS _ Pr:toting d Bisdiag Coomusieatioss 1 Rents -sad Utilities r?Other Ostrsetual Sartioes Septlioessd Materials Itimirstat imktommilierttokort~posoMmoimworno TOTAL 01100.11100111111011101100 ..10.0.4?NMO.W.OS-11...,11..04911, 1 41?101.0111. ......110-011. ? ....????11.10.14?1111.?????.4 11,7134,1 4 ..asmcj3,114 Total Allotmont Less Total. Obligations VzobLigated Balt.nee 1 151300 '100104f -A140t****,.,Aoet. ? 4), ?fitt?eti?oeoz.orfflempar ,L?.? ? ?? t, t?-; ? 4 N ? e ?-?'!-?? ? ????? = . , fi ? '.. ??.?.1 lc se ?1 't ? .- ? ?,'1-?? ? ?,??.. ? 0- $ 89,5545.00 4,3 515.89 *i' .1.1000.1000.143A401~1101.^914~0/1911~ It.~.11MW N. OralICINNOW.M.1.111111 .11 um NOM.. IMMO/ ro.? for: X. S. WOODRING Finaue.e 8r4arb 1?1611"..."6"OlealsPIP,InediC , r?ret _ ?4?4Ai Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 awl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 miliminouwwwwwwwwwiP":7777-7-777-7"--T-17 -1?:?tv, ? -I' - ? " 02 i. 7,0011,391. 70066.3111 .3, ? 51341.391N 1 -- 5.721,39 5,7? 54141.39i. 5.66E4 I 05 4104 e 02 02 02 01 01 01 02 01 02 02 02 7952 AN 300 9403 11915 13634 18186 18306 18284 9884 .ALAXPEIN4E a 'V,. OCtilertiPlall ON ? 0. 4,?. kas144 IL.Par.04.011/itgiVal THE PULLMAN CO 4., 90.4. 4 ? 12.*7 45 M*J GEN VIIM J. 0c)OAN TRAVF34 THE PENN !LEI, CO, 45, THE PULLMAN CO. 41012.45 THE PULLMAN CO, 101.;10?45 PAYROLL, 90.45, 2.16 1 28 2.16 t.28 if n 774,..4it 0 1.25 PAYROLL , 90.45, PAYROLL, 90.45, THE PULLMAN CO. 18388 PAYROLL ? 90.445, 2.11 t..28 MAR 41. AN 3Q745 COL J. To %HI TAKER TRAVEL MAR ab, AN 304 " liAR 1 AN 3021-45 LT COL Rs So WI NN't TRAVEL, 0,01 .45 COL 1/4.1s F?HASKELL , tI r A vrt. CARLESON S . MON, 'PAVEL 02 MAR 1 4' , 3.4 1922 4 02 1923 4 02 MAR14166 02 MAR t g 12601 01 02 02 MR 1 likit AR rToN 3 CUON TAyEL, 31I' , SI! UNITED AIRLINES, 1367445, 2.4 VENN Poll. cu, 1012.?,0 31.5 19115 1 PAYROLL, 90..45 ? 2.1 2+28 1953 45 CARLETON 5,, COON, AM/ELI, 30 Aft I 10784 THE PULLMAN $.10, 1012..iI5 ? 3.16 01 NAN a 19734 PKYROLL ? 90.4,4(/0 3-1 3 35 02 NW AN 323 .645 COL T ? G? EARLY , 'NAVEL, 3+, 01 Ardi tiAl 19760 PAYRiLL ? 90..45;3 371 3i-15 01 Mit 01 19332 PAYROLL , 90.45, " I 01 MAR it/ 19836 1 AYROLL , oot?45, " 02At l I' AN rIE %) 3291-46 BR I G N ,fitV . LIONVVANI 5,4 hl , oft ton: i 14210 ARMY 5ERV, FOR I:50 Atv11551 41:St i eiP 1: t, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 '4439:46 :it'll* ILA " AY& vigor ar 15.75, i$471 .9I14 92.84 ' 14064.83A , . IM111111111EitiiiiiiMilAkiliffillitIONINPIERNIMIlli Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 7:111.11111,..111.11-, 71111, - -t? - - :::'?? ' :, - e-c'ff,',:ti.,...: ',Si` , .z"-'-: 1 2- '-' "' - , ,.!.' :- i ?-? "'"' ?L, - -', - --,,..ii ;---,.. ?, ?'": . : ? , ,'( 0111012- ATIONS ? 44.1414'41t,' ,, ? INCUR14;;Or 40:1 4 goii I 5040 1.50 654).00 61:64A 34,8O8C0A 14.45 = 4.45 4.45 46. t 81.9"A 84,80840 A '9-84.64 47,1 69.63A 04.8 08.00 A 509.61 1.427.39 23.75 49.1 30.38A' 192.84 49.32322 A 4434 432322A 2.81) 1 3 2,80 4415 14.45 44141A3 49,4 70A7A: 1440 _ 1516 1 75.96 8 4.80840 A 15.00 650.00 50000 85,9 73.00 A 60.00 60.00 86,093.00 A 86.093.00A 60.00 ?o 44t 49,64 6.432ii 86.1 53.00 A 4.50 130 309344 4%64 7.934 86,1 53.00 A, 0,32 90252 50655 0.45 454 .39 t. I,427.39 ; 103065 444440 , 629 41 35.00 41-i.249 420.0C 15 6,57 3.00 tt 4I000 156,97 ;5400 0609730004 , ' " 1001 45 .944.0TM ENTS ormadersidamo.... UNC suo*TEo EA -AN= OF ALLOTMENT I ...r.??????....a.. 8-9.556.00 56.39 89.5 56.00 A 89556,00 A 8 9.556.00A 89.5 5 640 A 8 9,5 5fi?oo 89.55640 89.5 6.00 A 89.5 5 640 A 89,5 5 640 8 9.55 640 Al 8 9,55 6.00 A 8 9.55640 7,006.39* 7,006.39 7,006.39* 7,0O69 74006.39* 7,00639 * 7?0 06.39 * 7?0 06.39 * 5,8 4. 1 .39 *I 5,84 1.39* I 5,721.39*1 5321.39* 5,721.39* 5,72 1.39* 5.661.39* 5,561.39* 5.&6139* 50561.39* 5.2! 4 1.39 * 5,2! 4 1.39 * 4,84 1.39 * 1 4,114 1,39 * 4,65 8.9 4.11 58489* If et!, rC".. f $1411F';44- " I., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100440002-4 IMI=1,41.1.471' 1,, A TM, IA 14U-:.-arro ? , ? 4. f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ,- 7:17, k-4 , ?? .:.? ? s '' ? . '? ??1'5;?7....,i. ,-?,- 7---_- ? , ,, MI . liz"f"iti'-:'; 1 .121tECTO,R$ OFITI CE , 0.--.....,-_,..... PER 140 E$ DED 1.0???....Ne11141?01.000.0?0.1.11111?11.0?11 111.1.2???????41.11MIVAIIIMOSIIIRMARIZ. I. 411 ,t!... i,V-Iri: OFF I CP OF $TRATEM C.:*: SERV I cES, REPORT OF 0414ATIt*S iND EXPEMOITURES iX-OBJ,ECT,CLASSES ;-?1c1 - T:il'??"; ? ? 1, ' --? _ ? 2 ? 1.10111MMIWOMMMINOIIMO11102.0m511000.6MMUSIIMPIUMMIN a. OBJECT CLA?SEp UNLIQUIDATE-D -0ALIGATIONS EXPENDITURES TOTAL OBLIGATIONS 111???????????????? 11.101M?80 Personal Services ,Trairtl Transportation of Things Comsuaicatioass Rests and Utilities Printing and Binding Other Contractual :Services Stipp Lies and Materials !qui pneat ? , -,,/:. -- lt --0-..7ii-4i ,.1 -- .. , ,Allotoont'Aeott. --, -, .., , ?, ,??, ?'' .------dix ';-:". i'' , ? ,c, fr!;;.7'!: _ ' i ,,,_-? 1 '?: , ,. T OTA MaalIMIIIIIIIIM=181======= 1111.???? . 26.5 02.1 2 11,495.74 41,546.49 2,3 55.26 37,997.86 A 43,9 01.75 r?M.Ipfld*91fflpiO1l?I.Y...p?.? iS11100 -Appropriat i on ? ???? ....vow ? A Total. Allotment Less Total Obligations Uneblxgated Balance emaim.m**14.****0.60..41.111,100.14Foonslowsnows TO 014?41i to..1401~1.1m9PNG4400.,!..1..110~.? $ 8C.1,5 56.00 81,0999.61 0,9 7,656.39 4"'X rs, X. X, WOODRIAG PiUSABIA Orateh P074 ?."?,..a . :, ,2.1:1,,,,,..vil "L:i':.:?41;14:14,4_:?:_'' ? .-tt, 4i.-. ?, 1-....;: i ,,,,,--, .t" ....:::: :). - '11'11'ifi's-'"17'::'''11? ., .-!- tf.i.'?-?; ' ac- ? ? 't? ??! .?:?;?".? ,?? ? . '? , , 5 r 1"1 .?! . '? 3 ??_ : ? ? ? , _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 SIBEENTMIENNATANIMBISMININIC1161111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 2 J)14k)i ' - - 1 ? ? OFFiCr-OF 11RAlEett -SERVICES ? r?y,s, 0 it tl*F"H41 6144A t 60 AMDi EXPENDITURES qt.ASSES ? .,-i?A; ? ? 'FAME, PERIOD ENDED FEB m 18 4 trarrrotoors.fiwarirar torresor siditrorrieritlfir 14..OrmarVEIrr ftwierr. ? ? . . Ar111,01/;~11118101,11111161?1111~1111~11118118101011100100111/11A OBJICT CIASSBS UNLIQUIDATBD OBLIGATIONS 1111111.11111 Peraossl Sarvioas TravelH., t o ;LIP t.22. Trusportatios of Things Commusiestioss Rests aid Utilition Printing sad Bisding Other CastractssI Services Uppli*sastrMateriAts Itquipsisst 1111131111wdrOrr.1111116111818aral TOTAL OBLLGATIONS relaralirrONIM.01?14 111.1100.1.610.11110 .1t41,502,3 411.546.49 '11144,5,74 2,355.26 IrdirrorrerablarrirIMOMMOMMOrrIMOINWMPISMOI 00.4.0 11.41140101.1rillirblrirrrrreIrr TOTAL 68,046.61 1 3485i .00 rearrararrererrrorrerldraterrkrirorrrrreNar. MON Iiiirnalreeorreoramorel onallior a.morrorrreffrormtoor 5.70? 97 46 41 43,901.75 MASON 1111300 1001 at Ro d? ?? . ::,--`,..., it t, '?'.-: I ', - '..: i,, .? - - ?' '',.': ' r ;1`,. i,',?-,,1 c?-?,'', ,? C ? ? 14%., . .?'/,"?.:' .1, B11899.61 ranoterer ? rt morrow ? otrokororm arri*orebrarire? rararrrIdare Wort ormelN ? Total Allotment Loss Total Obligations Unobligated Balance ; ? , 1B9, 5 56.00 811,899.61 ? $ ?7,760-11"4?1( 1100111~1?11Arriihrlf 01111001~irlarriMaMMI Pirrirt4 roe 46.0 safweeiAmmw..001646~....kiannie" Fort t. X. WOODROG .m.oitirsomatiewo FifteLA00 Brtblat Ifeit~4414111( iarifirOverrririOrarrirrrokr ? 2 t7, %( r OFt71- 4:1e-4:i ? .-1 t? r 4 2; ? c7,4' 14:1 2 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 111111EIBUYIBUSEIESM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 7 , SYMBOL CIATR 11=64=3=144;3=411:341=3, , ; Str ? ??? a s 111R2131,94 itfr 02 02 02 40,23/41010 02 01 01 4 ? -1X4:01CTIr5Itre=nr kiro,1440 8;35 a*941# 7,9/2,94 ito 7447.94 02 I 02 7471E91 fi 01 01 7.47431 iv 01 02 74706.39 IM1 01 01 174412: 40 02 Al 0649 01 01 02 02 9142 9885 13659 16166 16226 16144 1630$ 16218 02 r1w1 136704 02 1$"A4 249 02 is me AN 248 02 02 02 rca', AN 260 Mil AN 259 re 101'83 10590 15119 629 904045 16714 10080 17171 17172 it 15715 111 17193 11J 17266 II: AN 203 121115714 lef . ? 6. EXPENSES 0 v. ? ..11.=?,.=.,1= ...3.,avs* -4" ,....4roao......tavror...42 ? .4 4 7 rtr 10:14M4 1 ? 1 TM PULLMAN OU. 101 Wm 50 11,4410 THE PULLMAN CO, 10124m, 5 DR6 06 RE A00 1421 CA) : 1 2.9,1 1 PAYROLL 10445, PAYROLL, 90..450 PAYROLL, 9u..4fi 1.16 1.031 II ft Vt PAYROLL, 90m456 1.16 Im31 PAYROLL 90,..456 Is CHARLES S. ctiEtiluN, IttAv110 11.413 45 COL C 5 ? VAN t" it3LOE 44 IT CUL r* ? irAvirLa 144,4 1 45 COL C0 Se VAN, LML 451 COL re Co "Utla INCA THE PENN R ER ? oD, 1014 irs Vt" No 1.;4 ,045 2 0 ,?6 APO( $1 RV, (AC; So AN 1847.01 CLN1rCR3 Pt Ari,, 1035.45 p 1,13 *DV ICE or ALI UPANT, OECPC Aa: PANNOLL A Cr CA,A: rw r PAYROLL 510-4S6 -1 10:11 my SERV, 1011(14, AN 1846**4t PAYROLL ? 2445 vAYRULL, 90,0fit), " " 0 9 E. DUX T 1012f,4 PAYMAI ? 90m45, 2.15 PAYROLL, 90,*45, 45 COL OHM C:4 ;a m vAKE EMU 0* MARD 1UXTO1 1012d45, ale.? : .7:.i t.:_:,..:, ',?.f..,:10.:.:i.i1;i1..:,..c..!-- 4-4'1'''',i4i?-.1:',2--'6:'-' '? ? :::,-1?4';',ii. ,..'?:: a ,, ,ca ,-..* , s:-- ? 1 P' 644,41-i ? .0; e P3'34 I kt.07;-1- . 444! 11.11,;-.k t".3. ?,,!`" Jr`!er4i 1, , - - '11001 " (7'04'1 r.17 7-trr-r7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 18111111=11111111561111111110111MIN111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 HICIPT NiD ssio 1.10 MI 17357 30,92144 350.79 1404E7.39 0.4 99,22 40A 119.2- 1 4.45 40,7 3.67A 5 540 11.00 400724.67A 4726.67 710.? 4.50 '448 I 0,72: 91444 j1.39 11.7 144 0 125 7 3 ; 130 1,50 12,35 483.38 192.114 .1.02539 = 7.57 itt4 I 0.9 8 A 3 5 0,711 1,427.39 41,197.16 A 41.19116 g'S 1.211 1.4:1: 24.4' 17.5t5 41,253.58 4 t,7021.00 42.955.514 79.55 33.98 434069.11 a INCUOSIWO 10,0141wmoimillWait 83.42340 83,4234 A 83,A 23.40 R*VIC.WWINC2**11.#4,1141: 83.4 2340 4 250.00. 12500 35.00 83,833.00 11040 165.00 841 08000 A 84,108,004 84,108.004 84,10800045 914.64 14,427.39 451,4 81.14 AI 84,100.004 114.1 01,400A 50400 - 1 t,5 5.50044A 452,17 $2.114 I4,4 1604.14 4,11400 A , : a r /MO idion. umaili.f6A1to 1414,011/1.647111 Mr= 1 144.011.44~ 91.258.00 91.25840 A 9 1.2 511.00 A 9 1,258.00 A 9 1.254,00 A 91.25114046 9 1+2 58.00 A 1,702,00 89.5545.00 A 8 9,556.00 89,556,004 9.556,00 a 396a004 8,352 8,3.32.5'4 -A: 8,332.94 * 8,332.94* 6,332.94 tr 8.332.94* 7,922.94* 7,922.94* 7,647094* 7,647.94* 7,676.91 * 4:4676.91 * 7,676.91 * 7,676.91 1,706.39 * 1,706.39* 7,706.39* 1,7 06.59* 7,706.39 * 7,706.3,9 el. 7.6569* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 T.2 19 - Cl -- Declassified and Apprtirel7i Cl 71,r1Fr17:e;a7 20;73. 2- 14 t. *- ' ? JC ) _ ? OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES REPORT Of OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CLASSES OFFICE DIRECTORS OFFICE OBJECT CLASSES UNLIQUIDATED OBIAGATIONS AIR .Z3 45 PERIOD ENDED . 911111.1410.401.1101?11011111116iandefOMMINIMPONONIMONM4 EXPENDITURES ??????1114.0.????????????0".1????MINM.. TOTAL .OBLIGATIONS 1101.1?1111,..0110.10.1.1?111111 Personal Service, Travel Transportation of Things Communication* Rents and Utilities Printing and Binding Other Contractual Services SuppliesandMaterials Equipment 34,3 54.49 1 10,9 00.68 35,396.1 2 2,2 81.82 69,750.61 13,1 82.50 INIMS.?????11????????Ta? r?????????... TOTAL .45,2 55.1 7 *;"-? . - . 37,6 77.94 , 82,9 33.11 ???????????:110.1???011.11000?441.1 Total Allotment Less Total ObligatIons Unobligatod Blanc 11513D0 Applropriation Allotment Acc't. No. tocrt.46 , - lt 91,2 58.00 $ 8.3 24 89 *.x 1:1C11.1110101,????tdie?i? 0011r E. WOODRING Chief n.1044200 Brasich Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 191 A;E-1 tRIEVICINSIBMVPIEMEMIBM111111181111=1111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 .mtmly4170Fala/1111.11.17:77177: - 'OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES REPORT OF OBLIGATIONS ARO EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CLASSES UFIcE cow* orr I CE ' JAN VI 45 PERIODENDED .01........????????????.....ewroariOormaxasawers.awerro.e.......? ODJECT UNLIQUIDATED CLASSES OBLIGATIONS Persosal Services Travel Transportatios of Things Cosmulacations Rents and Utilities Printing and Binding Other Contractual Services Supplies and Materials Ituipsent TOTAL 254,354A9 104000.68 ????410 woromoVoir**Na. TCTAL EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS IIINCROMMR..0.11/11 f.??????????????? 35.396.1 2 69,750.61 2,281.82 13,1 8250 45,2 55.1 7 rf.." AvvoirriAtios , 11611100 Allotikoi* *wt. 1114._f ? 111?141.111.0?111.1111.111110g 37,6 77.94 * 82,9 33.11 1.11110?1111$11.10.111,1 91,2 58,00 Total Allotment 82.9 33.1 ? Lees Total Obligation* 0.4 Unobligated Balance $ " i 01.45 I Ilawaftmonommu iessmal OrJaNPII A 1111.4.1.41*.******.~.***0.? For.: X. X. WOODEING Chief Finance Branch I IgnsOMMINbiii0111 01100:0?41 behMewibilSOPere Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 3 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Gra 02 53$,4 4830 .t48.30 it ;., 4340 . 8..133.30 '41, 11,431 4.81/10 ;32 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 0-1 , AN 224 AN /0 AN 224 i ? AN 224 14126 141-28- 14127 14163 13962 14006 ' AN 23 AN 22_4' AN 229 AN -233. 14482 14286 AN 231 13460 12956 4606 15070 15113 15071 15067 4880 t 525 90-45 t. ? ?, ,?. I ? 11. 44L ct'? , ,, ? ?":2: ' C DIESCRMOvilON ' CONYERS READ, TRAVEL, .4W 45 COL W. M. 45 COL J. R. 45 COL 0. K. - ? 3: '? Mit-ivrM*, rsUO:-Itt: ....1.1.4m...????????????? ????????.M.,????-...0,?,? I ^ -? ? t! 454.1, 301994 G I BL I N ? TvEL, 12.24 FORGAN,, .;WEL * 12.25, E. aRUCE TRAVEL , 17.L21 30?9 V .4 A, PAYROLL 90.45, 12.16 12,41 PAYROLL, 90.45, PAYROLL, ft 90.45, PAYRULL 90.45, PAYROLL 9O45, PAYROLLS 9O45, 45 COL E. .45 COL J. .45 COL C. 45 COL E. IT TI' Tt F CONNELY T AVEL 2.11 R. FORCAN, 1RAVEL, 11-1'1 S VANDE:AiL OE , TR AVEL F. CuNNLL1,1TI AVEL, 1-14 PAYROLL 90-45, 12-1 1 el-31 i-'AYROLL, 90-45, 10-16 12-31 6,4-5 tz" it ? tr? I, a" 4 A t ^ 4 'X ' " f 34?494.31 45 COL E C. HUNTII1CT TP AVE L 1.12 MARIE ZAVITOSKY, 774..45, 12.18 t 20.0Q 8 & 0 R.R., 774.45 THE PULLMAN CO. 37.45 12.14 PAYROLL ? PAYROLL PAYROLL, PAYROLL 90-45, 1-1 90.45* " 90-45, 90-45* THE PUL OAAN CO. 37.45 ADVICE OF ALLOTMENT* PA/ROLL I Win ASE FOR ' , 1-25 I NIREASE F SC!It. YR 19 r." 54,714.02 c.;! i 9 ?s /0..1 37,t, 71.94 ?" 45 ;i67 794 .1" rowomoore 411,; ? " ^ " 4 ;711 'El . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 a PY'At Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 AM" 8 3,18 A , 31,243.18 A 184.51 625.13 IA 27.39 ' 412.64 '69.97 - 61.83 54984.65A 33,984.65A 238.62 479.34 34,702.61 As 401.59 96.76 2.95 3%2 05.91 ti 9$444 tote4 35 0.79 1.43 4.15 8,i66.333 150 33,1,67.493 C11/ el ?11,4, , r?11114? -,r; ? I Pei:. , '4. ? ? ? " ? 14. .??????=*."'"a"......m...JW???????????????????? ?????????????.?6111.4??.????vel ? ?11?0?1.1??????????? INCURRED 1.?????????? ????? 77,53 8.00 35.00 77.57 3.00 90.00 105.00 40.00 77,808.00A 77.808.00A 150.00 125.00 365.00 475.00 78.23.00A 78,92 3.00 90.00 79.013.00 79,01 5.00 340Ai 4,410.00 j54 83.423.0016d , .....?????.??????. 0?????????????????????? 41.11?MOMMM?????M?IMMAIN?????*M. 111.....mets.oteboaloarm? 4.4 414 ALLOTMENTS 86,84 Log 86,84 8.00 UNCASILIGAITI BALANCE ow ALLOTfit4NT Pl...1481.10.4.??????4 44.404?.????????????? 9,518.30 A 9,48 3.30 9.4 S 3.a* 'A 9.248.30 86.1.548,00A 924E00 8/6.848.00A 86,848.00A 86*84800 A * 86.84a.00 86.048.00 86,848,00 4410.00 91,25 elm./ 9,2.4b.30 ? 9.248.301 1 8.3!)..30 8,13.3.304 8,1 33.30 lk 8.13 3.30 I: 8.3241)9* 8,524.69* 8,324.89 ith 8,52 4.39 8.324.89'6! 8,324.89 8,324 89 *1 8,324,89 * Fetir _ .T=.',.....?4! .?14,1144=1=r. ' I ' -10111110101162Maargfitan- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 , 111111=31111111MMERIMIIIIIIIIMIRMI111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? 001 EiF suitem SERVICES 'L 14,417 ORLIGATI6N3 AND EXPENDITURES BY OOJECT CLASSES OW1944 PERI OD EN DE rte.....s,....,,q,npjm.m.pow..40.g..F,...wwm pparsyq.~1.t.mmup....ras.,w. OtIECT 'CLASSES , UNLIQUIDATED OBLXGATION8 EXPENDITURES ............ TO1AL OBLIGATIONS ....... roraoual Sarvicca 36,406.34 28,9 34.27 65,3 40.61 Travel 9,928.48 2,060.61 11,9A9.0!. Traanportation of Thiuga Commusioations Rant* sad Utilitioa Pr intiag and Etali ilia Other Contractual Sarvicoa SupplionawiMatarialn Elaipsaat rI ,............ .......... TOTAL 46,3 54.82 303994.88 77,3 29.70 ' minominaliamminummowiwinammus; ==;1=1==e=1 Total Allotment Loma Total Obligation.' Unobligated Dalaneo 99,31t3 98 - $ 9,5 18 30 X;( 1~0.....,01.0411~~4116,1 or: X. E. WOODRUG Chief Piaance Branch - - ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 . PARMIESIIIIMIEWEERMERIMEMZEill Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 AT, ' if -, ? 9.- i- !?..",s, . ' 1-'''''1,s , ? ., .:4' ''.4,, ., ,,,, , , , 1.. ?,:,..., ' .4/-..,,Li", '', ',' , ,,' _., ? ? - _ -" - - ,:',..:. - - 1 .- "; 1 -44-?_-- ,r'''C'f-s) ;1.c..- ' 4, ''''''. - '''''' '''': 1. :: 1, ? ,..:. :. lil:,, ,, ,:ti--.,? --'- ' eft' ' kt '''''' " ; ,' ' -? ?? ,,' ' .- ,.'-' J.Z.,:-.1., , --F ? -4711;i: 4,1 ' , , ? A , OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES REPORT OF DOLIOATIONS AND EXPENDITURES SY OSJECT CLASSES tort ci DI RECTORS OFF I CE... PERIOD EN DEO. Uki; 2 8 1114 11011011161110041411100.00. illichfalliii1+11.6111411M110 OBJACT Pormoila tiortioolo Trofvoi Tramspertittion of Thiago Coomislohtios* **at* *Rd UtilitiON ihrtattitgicottifiridtag Otitar Controkotutl .44itrvioas 8rnitoa aotl 1411, tor Loam 11.4itiLplinat UNLIQUIDATBD OnNAT/ONO bmpummommemempftymeammaimummumaxamsammaa $6,40634 9,9211.411 AlWopriliktio* XXINNDITURILS tiVal ISOM! 28,954,27 2,060,61 INAS ?11~.11001101:1111041r1111.01411.101MIZAMINIIIIIMPLim 46,3541.62 30,994,88 1102116WIN pillin.184041.0.110011101dieliNi PKetni Altoloost Aoost, 11* 110in , .F` ; ? - tt,t e - _ 1 ? ":- I ? ?.1;' , 1101111010111011M *am, WithasisiloOkft.VAINel illitiesiiesoodioWiws4 .1? 0 FCAL 011.1,1tin?Thri 1341:11WItac.:,.0.1..: a Waal PletallE4711e? Totitt Attotmo t t tismoi Tot %1 Ohligntloop! 'AlobitipeA04 flalmond ' 01401141900110111181 _ _ 65,340.C1 11,9i39.0* ? k44.40,411.P:fleb.../MCIP TI 77 3(1'9.704 taftMEMEI 91100.98 .44 ?abrt,41/124401g11111 st 9,5 I (3,50 #er1 Xi X, WOOXIMO immma1414 UnAftmo firttnoh 4somm*Amo plioromspeirome riemmmrtror mraroJrm.,-.4.34P2WWW.Nmi m 1,12r.ci ? . ? ;????4411r ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 , - l'%'V,, SA 4 ; 7 - i '-173` , -..- ..- #_,,.., 1 q . A l'''''' r - 0-4,, oig nr?-,A41 , -? 7 '1'4 i JI " ... z _ $? ififiVICOMff iffaraelEMMICri INgliAltskr.* t. 1511300 SIIMIZZAte-crscem - IftV, , 1' ? swam 147-44m rr...74411."T.?,,-.74E7.,!7-5,MMTVP71.Fr ,r7,11,41111E- _ c?r? - sALAn ICS Taw '410:12=1:1112:219.1=212) 0Y14#101, *ATP. FifftlittiCt EXPET4ISES 0 3 nr,oc ft vr to N 71.7ZZ /? - tnT. .17-"tigi5 1' 1,1 ( -3:?33 067.430 01 ,IC1rst "1 SI 409 ADVIcE OF ALLOlkirtseT INCREALit 01 !:Ec S 904.45 PAYROLL INertt /4:1E?F aSc M. Nit 1111 01 1:te Al 11772 PAYROLL* 90.445, 1115 02 lait ern.5 AN 184 5 C, ts, R, or,R, litAVEL. 5-16 j 02 OE N't5 AN 1847,45 L4 OT H. R. OR, Trt A vri 9446 02 IC 5 AN 182 24 5 ON 3u HN Itom um\ e AVELe11 10468 3,3 I 0,643.30 94.3.30 0 9.1653.30 94453,30 jr 9.46S 3,030 * 10 1 t3.30 945118030 WI 02 i'OEC / 9027 THr PENN P.R. CO., (404,-4,50 11-16 icc osIAN 195 ...45 LT CukCR 4M MCOuVE op TRAvElit 02 02 1:C: 1437("44 OR, Co Kiwi, TflAVL, '244416 01' xi: :i 12206 1 PAYROLL, 11046 11..304 I 90is45 011 TX 13 12102 PAYROLL, f? " 01' 170: iS 12232 PAYROLL, 01 Et: I J 1210 PAYROLL, 01 Mr 1 12206 PAYROLL, 01 %I: 13 12244 PAYROLL, 111 tit ft ft ft 90445 90.045 90646 90,045 900445 02 * $414235 1 PENN,R,R, 37..45? 11 21 i 02 'frIt if 6 AN 2O6..45 R IC:HARD to:PPNU140 12.0 5 02 'It' 0,6 AN 205..45 CHAS. VANDE FORME ,, 12.1S 02 01 01 01 01 , 01 Ot ' 01 ' 130,413430.70.5-4 rix i, 11176 OCC 24 462 :La JO 113103 rx 211113145 113233 *t 13105 alt 1313s Olcf;13741 1272S 100?45 MARIE ZAVITOSKY 77445, 11,021 ACV 10E OF ALLOTMENT* OFOREASE PAYROLL? 12"1 ? 12415 PAYROLL, 12mov: 12,15 PAYROLL, 12.411, 12?45 PAYROLL, -12, PAYROLL, 12401 io 12,o/1S PAYROLL: i2"1 p 121 PAYROLL, 11'i, 11 i rm.-, 1 -1' emionamormatehopeammogia voisigwarvia roomorookammimmirmAgeroir - imoompoimmerroamiemit- *WM, watiromminiftilisI14111 # 10041614011101111usie gerfote 11h# 0! NCI* dt ,aat.itra ?? ;1: - of f Mididdiiii*MartaavOiKell reimissit411031010404160104 10,64 49 I's At OP c v 41,1 lotkil01,11134,4064.1 9 1117 aisiaoa-4,4..1f,t?-? 4! -14040 elltegkAridgfil - Chlt1 Oiniiyot A Pf'diAtlUreA Drilt1(31 th...4.s=?41rialikto ? - ilk ? 't f'???? - , - ?? , ? *??'-ai -1-4 I. ? I .11t.-00t0'?'4**si I , - ? - 040 roptt triati (nor, c. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ;$ - j i'?: ? 4=44' , %FA' 4 ;"' ? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 - ? / ? - ` ? - ;7;4: 191q.; ? r otititE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 4 - ADVICE Of ALLOTO10. AOTROMATIOR ' r; ?11~1~/M.~0111141.0mmimmiirlOiroolgt?iissetwisemismimmiromiimmehommeiloina?mpoweemismoinnme ..APP10911 RVP I AT ON .1.MidegiNIONINA11511200111101,NowlmmliMIIIMMI?lownt fialtagliMapims ALLOTiENT , ACCOUNT NO. 8 20 113 5MMOMMION 11111.4eir?Mine.NESIVal Mau 01131.10.1.1?1111. ? NO 681 Ita?las DATE 2 Pareh 5 POSITIONS ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL ?,??????????? ,Your total allotment to date under the above appropriation is as follows: Previous Total wrowintoommormorimrs Total This Allotmert To To ction To Date Sept. 30 Dec. 3 0111????? 1.111.1M.0?1111010 VIZZON1111-111?0?1?????0 ??? .E.0.???3? ? Total obligations to the end of each quarter may not exceed---- J1, 7a000 10000 poloftlimMEMINIMMOUNOW 1110.10.11?11?1101. 114Wrio~wastaWaissalm mon 263 20044 200 of11?1101?????? 200 900 JJne osic????,.....anssms. .....???ney-tecelk ? ? ile?SIB ailneenelmailm. e- .11?101111?111011.11Mal.101?0 t 1000;010110111011111M011 Sy order of 1Ne DIrectort Of-fl eof.1rtegiC S r C. 0111112???.... ? ??????? AIRSIK731?101!... ??????????? ???????? 4:74;4261-U0 1100?0?410.? TrO OSC liPaesa 111011?????ar?Ma V .r,? ? ????? ?.1 Rudgel & Procadures Brancr - ? osS Form 1,0fio (Nev. ???? 1: ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4. 11012111111NialliffillnklialiENVAMMINAIMEMAILI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 s-4?Li - 1 I 16.11111.18111r0.1.1110110.11.1010114601.011.1410401.11011"..040.41011.0011111..1?1111110.?1.111101.Pleio , . 4,0,1 lerimemoJesigipirmosts?warm??40?1? AT?4610041.10,...".111010.1.P.619141.001MPOMMItia 1601P0.14INLISON?titatt~1.11.0104NOt '1iLOflt T Yourioa totatent to date under the Previous tTotal This Action CEI AUTMOISZAITOU NO. 671 , DATE* 66 aWillaa!nt POS T ONS.....?? INOMMIN../PIONIMS ADJUSTMENTS 10TAL -- above appropriation is as follows: Total Allotrent To Date 4101 Total obligations to the end of each qua..-ter may not exceed-- mot e. ilmilindlt ????.........-. ow . 1 To To Dec. 31 March 31 J 11140.1/1.11. 1 46 10111114000?111116.111MOMMOM.M.1.0 1/11111011?1111111111WIRIMPt041111111110?1011/ 0141olo ------- . et en ?41 1 taw ........."1^1110.tstrbt..2 ? el 111/1111.1 alitortialtialtk...61 MO Platiraistoitee.MatoMee h? p KOK 141001114MMIONNOst0 044?0?000egionowilimmospr .c.tostaa,41.0.. ? .ea,bilf?m? ..zte .0411.11ft? Was is. -.Wm.... te,..tabact- ?? ptt. ? a? evo.sc.42?V 0.1N, .1041.388 Ottr .10tr. -.7.4Aw?f - 6144 ..m.11; ItaitAlwialieWIAMIPSINIat stmormettlitart...,*.ttok? C fIS ilt.t.AWN.Ititit,lit?lt ee?ts sion..., .tr...... 111?Vitx tot. Budget & Ptoteduref Brand) OLa FOrtn 1.000 (Rev 7 / -?-.------ Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 00440002:4 3:"47 til - tf-4 IMENtiltillaffiGaiCaMMTIMMInfaMMVIVAMB' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? 7",14 . ? - I , - Mitt OP 41.100TRAST AUTtioRtRATriam ' - e I ! 111TellieWilillinlie11011111111111111111041110~1.1 I itiOldlilillailfillelMillileiraftraublibiS " N 7,7 A Li,Ohipill Ac MN! - DA I. em)- voti. trt Unv* ri)ril I ION'1,e1. Aubity, tmi N ZiAl.a11,0,-.4 ? 0 1 A 3f? YOttla tota,;', otiolmont to OAto tindr the:, iltimvo cipproprIntion itl m,. 1'ol1owl: earitimemeamoustmeasemargabiemeeertormanemmikawasidoirtirs "*11114=1010,1611i4M/1101,1k=mlarRIVMPS1=04=2.11rrtradpowvw*Whildt* rot A I Oh I I OA t I tirlh. It) t hr -sfiri 4.1 r 0601 quo r I or Mrly F4.1t e `ip 4 tied , eipairros.w.40.4omosawww.ormac.r. .. -?? a-I V,I.SF..VC It) lc) 1 Proviotpi, lotal Allottwit to 04t0 1,111111Ptle4e.***11**4.0110111111 SI-62APIS le OD we Ream euenemeo mmetompeessome 1.8O3 , 51 1.114.1air." au It A ;I h 5.0 3 1.41.11*~11***1.44**1 .**6*,.***.rearw.-no..?* *-1*AomatslYn* ?4*******4.,.... _ Orti**110,MAK*100*.MAIXer* 0.41 trINCATVAN-, milliNqualelbas teateopow)..-wooNglitlimos ggek *1=161**HRII t.16111 MATZ 4111.ftWiteni* - ), Fr..,,, ,,..11:=IN.1.4..0?4116, .4-. ...--,, .0--, 5**410**/**14.044**.rek ..1*.***9ill-4*-?=.,14.theAM7A 412192ti_ o6p7e3 11, , 7- 7 --f, .,"." F4' orelioe of thsk OlreGtoro of flort /I I , .irtg. , , i,11*,1,114,01 t 019 It rill CV It.; ;41 8v fr-,4, ,fry ?1110't ittifigit/t) Vertr irJ ti +-Pols 11 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 rot,06,412,..:. -re 1 _ , o rfTt u1l 1.' - MIEffliiiiitigo4MOSINVEK-47MIN 'T/INICE111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ?- ? '",` ' ? I - , 1100311- 10010.1111110.M.710. 001.110rsi, j; ; ? ' _ - ? ..? ' ' , - ' t ?-, , Igiii;#9',o4uProi",*?0?1.00"*?.!.?1?1 - '-- MANE ; OMMIIIIrrifIrIllyMISMAMMI.;11.0.1011????????.???0..imem.....11 t. .? ' 1103Ama 1L0 WA* ORADE NATURE OF ACTION ilegoo?01111111110 0$3 PrOVII.Ket,Mrbetiloor A NO U N r11.1100,2"...4 am. ? CREASCJ 0ECREASF ?Micriirlerremil G4Ortie0310. a. Separation (Transfer) Resignation trzeptad Appt ? $1.1220 3.530 1111101111,1111114611 lellY.0164 Net Total 702 11K-00/510.0 3.1WINECJWISHIlltrir InDwreltillbsairnalliAlt#14/1..11.0.? irigi.0100,11111.101.4orsolicti *NO 4". 2dr11-1 ? tro s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ?F: ?I: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 trts? r?L. ff.: 4 5 ?,, ?;'???, t - tiCt$ `?? _ - ADVICE OF ALLPTHEO,-AUTNOWIZATiON : ,4 fr!ZPI- :`..t?T+t T NO. DATE 41.?4101adIlla-smaerlyzo - 1 - n? ? c_ 0 ffilkoPRLAY tOtil- 1111300? Pm./ ?., : , I ISOPOIMINSPINIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIINNIII0111111601111111111111.11.1. TMENT Ate4`,IOUN.4.1, ? NO, 1111?11.16 ????Comm..01.????? 0.111?100.41...01.04m.misiorMo 4t ? :???1 POSITIONS ADJUSTMENTS ?????????0141.1.?MOMM?2????-ft.. ?????eat. TOTAL Your totat atiotment to date under the above appropriaIlon is as folipws: 111????? PreviGus Iota! This Action Tota I Al lotment To Date 1?1011.11M11?111=111MII i t? S. ft...-.i::4?.-...,-..,?!'-',.. '- i,,':.;,,,4r,.;, To Sept. 30 ^. 4,1500_, COC AM?11?400?111?11?01. .1mm...up-. ? Me :42411 .v 01.011111troll.11111Yel 1,0110?1 By order of the Dtrectorl Office of Strregic Servkies ????"? o- ? 1,11.?.?1?4 SAM risanu-p, d.r,r:I4Jdr.e4e4glri::Wig4ir''''- lael?W.???Irtll??IN?anr??%e1rsmI.I.u?snr?? etUdIget6 PrOcedure:,,i, branch 1.:00i11.isoilitoll itamisomp '?,.`11,,:ii..... s, , ili'litt -' - ., ? , , .:.";?::, 51, -., ' ?? -?:-. ,.,?, : ? -le :,?..: ,'.: ' L,..; " . , . .!,.., .' .,..,,. ,.. :.? . ' - .. , j..., -t ? ? ?rOirrit DPIO (Pry. 7 /2 ,? ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For 4E: '.2013/09/26:CI4i131-3r;?(0000111001e410002-4 4 5,4 1;u THfti ON ?.111?, 41?11-166 - 40006.111.11.114e01111~03110M9611113.0411/ OPME6151Sit MEN ?,4,1 MiiikilliimomMonaliiintriviorthiumiormorailommenreleamomtitumesero ATJoN 114100 410144 -",lowseMfttradgetraffISOMPIIMMI=VIWINVecoMemiMMOVIRVMS41=tenT206dges 1401,m*, OA TE Pnfi I I I tiN. tWAt IMF N I INIWORIINI5016P+AIS-4..1x1 totAi AllotmitAn to dato godor th F it I 1'*f r An iolloW.; MiSafiltIMOIM1141.91190121, wste,VrillaillitleaD0411.0.111 leltrafteterealKetiVISSWFVLSVMVOSIII.stn-, Nir .9=.texialzsrlit,iter4=9.6?. 2 -lit Ot tjett I OW: t; t 11r, oll.1 r tut h qjirt niiy nt ek 00,1 ett.-itimrsttroskindce rAMS.11.,40 MU. e e-, ? - IN i WOmont ;) I1 .1 ANC t t)o te) tv t , I MOINIMMOSM14:11110? 11211CCIPMINIS I LIMeNaNINNWINI eatlik~1 Setlx.Xuarletnai tge Cc - tr--stst cs. - te#000 It0493 46,473 /000a- 10.1.411g1P0 ClOwAT11.111101.1M I iftiletiMaidrel 111110101467011Matt0.1,41:11146MttAt Pisccpfx?.P.me-A?uftwoft., 3.101'1,,111111r.r. 4000 LIMMUNSIVI61 tia.ftentit NYINFSMAIIIIMfteed mi,mmet,ws11,114. OrPittlft HIPEIONftiloof NM,cP1tt1WSS tIODY,J. /VPCSeCtilIC. om tet rrra--,1 ,vmorsttgettOpfty.m,; xsP-,eltrAr44r.efu--,,rt- aets~ittev- 4.9.--.244=144(31111. s eeP1V-4415 Ipcw f 47018I Inomo -440 gimt wssirerfcefonos .r-mrtrakiewd- ,trcit fhti It 414.1.1..,e Pri)( 01.1UfOIE fl, t iF t Ift 060 ( t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-.4 ." ZS Eke,. - ' - IIIIMEEMAINEELMES Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 t Imulorkomiewproommo ? ", kirr - ? ', 1;72 upepresliborramem. .111101~WIPINI*M2401.14LIMOOMPIIMOINOMPOPPAIWOOM. IMMINIMMIN r , 1401( , ? - ? .7) Pt DATE a. a 4, Vail* POSIT IOUSU446...... ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL 01.1.11l.44111444.0.1.-m? @memo Fvormusw. ir--????????rorm.? ''Yfaiir total lOtotmant to date under the above appropriation 13 as foilows: 111111111111101111MMIONIMPOIMININNIMINMONIONIMMONIO MONImitrot Total obi Igations to the end of each ouirter may n1 xceoci-- _ 02 Pft400s , , w - ... , IS " ?BO This Act I on _ - - inerflaill ' t ,. Total_ Allotment To Date . 18 080518 To Sept. 30 _ _ . . -1 ? 0 Dec. I _ . . aiel.;4;1.,a. . 11 91)0 ... .. . To March 17.t140 jr . , i t? , ?? ...............?_ ? - ' -04 0 0 r t 06, - _ - . _ 14110111WIPNIMMINP - . - .------ur SONIFfilliiMIANP?MS.IIMMUI - _ - ` . - _ . , . - " ? - . 1? . ? ? 91f6401111...3 Illi.f.....20.................) cow.. P.m........................... HMOS ? earmiffl........-...? ? -? . - - Offr..........??? fry 4r-,era?-- ? _ $ ... lowirAmmotoomeim ' 11110040MtemarlsOPOWO - ., -- . _ . - ,.,..: . . . - LA . . . . ? , --AP .,? ... . .:, ? , , , . , . . : ,4 , ? _ . . , ,1 - . frooritakdemita - , . ,iprAito ,k,#:ti IL ' , juiit, th. floc , f 111 . ,, ; i? . ... , ne .7i: -... uarter atioLthout ''''' Ifii A ,-? $: i ?. :., ? A ':_ LT - :- ,.,..._ .-',ifrigiagrAtt , .iri 4,,,....., -41 , .L ' f i" Areas .. Vofl. ? , - '?' .,?? *7), 1 v.': 1-.. ? ay ordee,of thlk Direoier, Office .041 . ift5fr - r4teg lc c;orvicus ZMvf,10,udgot e Procerfuroil firptrbct :? .4 ? ; ? $ -_ .4.141:4 v.+ -?- ,, !ri Cr. IL 0$$ form 100 (Rovaii;,?',,) is- ?:21 r - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ag;.1 .( ? rI I . ; I '114 '.. ' 44. ? - ' ? - it? ? , , . , JOVIAL. 1111,111MINVIII1211 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? - ;F,C11-:*11,01.14t - . ? '7`'. n" ? - ; . ,. ,4- 1 .? ," ? .. . , ; .. n ? ?1,:4-n. ? n'n:- -n'r.--`4,' , -- .2.!-,..url,f,";._:::,'=:? 7-.1,- , ,,...-.,, :,- ... 43;,',.. ? ? 0-.-. .111, ,r :1,1 ,, - ? v,.:.???? ', ' "::: ?'?' ,1"4'4-*. . 11-4.: ':'' 11 " : '..111?1103. Folt Pq?,14?1011A1. ES ( jitrauLtatirLattia.i, OSS From, 108,)(1 AMOUNT INCREASE DErPEA'.-7 . , !Of 143,A 1'31_141: i?:.:'"4211t-741P LAY,' P4F: ' 0: r 7:47; ; if 'Irv` Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 1111111111111MMOVIIM 4.4VIRANN: VIROM Bider . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ;". ,..,"4:, "Q.+ ? -..-:? . ' ' . 1411011116? . : ale 4 attl410- r -; , 4...1.0".....""""1"..."1", . 1".."8"."1.1"...".."' immillimomilmommommem . 7' r - , .. ,? - .4,. ' -' 4Ikilmilmmrsomisprowimumemsppskrumilmirmoungusemp m I ' - -; - , :itt!.? ? -4, .?, --',1AoyttE ir 400.***ki'PJ,*00RIZATION if. ws. OF IC SERY IC ES , - ? , , - APPRIC,:)PR t A .. I LOTWNT ACCOUNT NQ,____ ? Your total allotment to date under the above appropriation DA C.41442.14.1.24A----- You. POSIITitm G 23 5 ADJUSTMENT; Is as follows: POW. 4-mooloo , _ .:, . ? _ Previous , Total This Action Total obligations to the end of each quarter may not exceed---- Total Allotment To Date To Sept. 30 _ To Pec. il . To March 31 t , j f - ? ,.- 1) / . 69 060 - . . ? 1 20292 1117 66,768 13,803 31,633 49,180 66,768 0 1$ . , 18,080 8,518 , 13,179 17,840 1110080 . . PPR. owook OPipo?Po.1... A..M{ ? .. . . , ' le???NeOWIMIIMMI ,-- . , 'ots .......... PLO PM Pi ?P.m. ? .. ....? Ow r , t. _ . 4 ,.............,... , 2 0 1 000 1 600 ?00 me_ _ . 2000 p , , . . "IPPRO.0114**41.1~idi~0111~11101Werwero . . . .nr,r..a..... _ .-- - _ r , , . . . . . . . . ? Dior* 2,241 1 _ - 'rNi-N:', - 45 712 68 490 ae $44J, to . ..114810-? 22 321 . - _ . . 1 k? _ , . ., . -H . ? _By odor of tKii- Dfr4ctor0 Office o tratilr '3orviceli ,-.11iwiiteer.kkk1400- - Yor h ' ' , ? ? s f ' K-J; Budget & ProcOdure6 Orevirh I r 't. ?, , L EVA CV; rorm 1000 (Re./ ;10 "rtrT7-?rireigIV,n11.4. 341;41M 5.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 "43.q..r-41e. .,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 , ,,,,..).,; 0144-E- flt 0 "1 ? , .,. ,,,-. - ,,34, .;; :o k.T.g t1; , . ON AL ,. , -'-''''' '''''''''''-:.'..:...',,,,..:-::::',-.....::''.--'-'-"::!:-:,','': ,::,;-..',.-.,-; - ... ... , -,.,- r , l' .7 - : ?- ' , i .._Bir *n oh.! ,..,..444ttsittEICSAti, e -,.., MON 1.0.2?iiihr QS Form IMAINIPI?1100.1 *t Alio. a r!, ' ..0.1.11110 E C EASi --- 42292 imankr:PmmeragUlest $2v92 ?PO. .11...../mcgoC???P .proiewmisor. _r 11 r ? TO, 3- - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ALLOTMENT ACCOUNT NO. Your tota0 attotment to date under the above appropriation is as follows: IL 4.. ke order ot tne Director, Office Sudget A Procedures 8 flinch ? : ? -10 ????? VP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 IIIEMIEZIMIESERMink 111111 .t!,, ? ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 MUMMIMINIUMMINIMAMmiguminmemm, 4 04,40 tit: 14_4,f R FOR ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS FOR PERSONAL SERVICEIL,,, no lip? 1045 1 Paillipoefisoill~noftsserilolmsomalesolusteamoho 4 ti it, 14 E ' ...771 rosr en ? ammw Barbara Igindo$ !Wen Q. ) 44 Cbakwint Helen H. Tutumt Shirley R. Branch ,DITECTORti3CFFIC NATURE OF ACT 'ON f Excepted appt. af-1 Pay increase (periodic) Transfer and 300) reassignment af?? Trf. from Planning Group af?. Trf. from Training "OMAN, MOMORMIM Net Total Olt; ro ft, 1:20:1130RITolONIMICII.741VAlie 11,464.? AMOUNI N C E A 3 IL t) 4briliNrai0.41Yet. $ 1830 110 1960 1708 .12g7 4gTiMAni/511#0kVe'tej 1.1,1,014111.,-.01 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 = - mitrEtrosliwelwrk ? ? ? 5 ? opt,a timormairsamonnommoarkemosNamessimairemoterimmaimmirriaimidga AT: 111.11$110110$08001$1001015101000' xL Loimew I 1001-45 ACCOUNT Your total silotment to date under the fte ? oRIZA/10A r-4 3. A V a- ago.pam000svisuaskerAos...., 0 21 5 PO1' (1 '511~4311111141~44..1.4411.141111444414101410.444.0.414.14 4.4.,44* ADJUSIMPile) 1 0 T A 161114301?410.144.44,.. an.. .142,on above approprlatI('n is iv, Follow,: Total obligations to tho end of enCh quarter my flOt. PXC rOd.?. .- ??44/141, Previous F t Total This AlICAMeAt Action To Date wilgEr0711481111 2,858j 62,125 18,080 'to U('(_ . r $ II I 44.0.4S? 30,921 46,623 17 500 101WA144114,111111$1164$418 ?11.01.4.:*.?????edgia, 40?6110141.4 .441.01141.844 144.1~1.1121,44/4.4.14104?,11111. .6110111.11.1.4444 41?11Mlid cifiN$1.~Se.aide 410061. semtaisa? 8.041, 1/200 1 ,t 500 boom...Irmagoo..r. d.c reff..6160 .00.1411 ePorlaws Witirrns teetet awarmoril 6 r)c pJ. -.0 11/.....11aer? 182 (7):) 40.40.....4114 44, ?????????134 NO?JF...?/??????... ? ???????ana,, enef tria*?.,gr. moot.. .iiratelea? a...sou ...... .4 ..444.104Waillilorkm. eta..comai 44,'121 6',t23 ria 6.0.414410111110/141.1.M.../.49/441.414... 4.4.6teg. Mel own00?4411141 p?,-?? ' 82, +4.0444... 4.4.4, 1010$114.01160igill 0.4.44441 By ardor of the) Director, Wilco of ? ; ? "??1, - p.; 141110 ar:?:11?????It ? 11??? .111?414, ???? ???? ? il'f# r,1 (4 P tit t4(j IJ itt (i r I 0 r it, r).11( , . - ? i.41,4fr Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 EINEESKINIF .1elfriWIMINIMWM1011141111A11161 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? ,15I, '14't ! - L' - ' Olt ALLO,THEAT OF - , .. ..L. .. earl. . ' ''? '. , ':' '2 , f ,1:-. 1,: r $ ER,, NOS FOR., PEA' .. 4,311 ranc 4 initterOWS OPTIO /POlimme060;:twieurithest.tmeimorlastimetio*Aimieck 085 Form iW AMOUH DE.CREASE rommottlmotel....1 a limriph C. )1'4 ;Allow A. -Iflorento CAP-7 CA1P-9 CAF-9 CAP-9 Amending Action 6/9/44 Promotice. fro" CAP?wif Promotion from CIP016 Promotice from cog Promotion from CAN:if 721 594 21s1451 459 PRIPPMISMOOPIRIVIdirtiteProgra Net Total $2658 reheimpo. .......11111511511.1nXilan -1 t ?-?tt - s ilyte,P.;) 1 'ca;'?',? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 aiffinffilkaMillantSMIMMETIMOTIMINFINI-31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ?- I - M""--''Trrf7" ,? ;- ) ?-? ' ? .,.., : 4 -? ? .? - , 't ...-....,,,' *., ItilIUM*111.0.1-^".91-411.00114e, 4t. Ni..7..1401.1armousaidire. awn aturagoateivem ciag ,4141340401 BeanriorvtPr*on.4024 .po,RA1r 10$LALLALWIA4111.ratIlkot 2 VaTMENT - ACCOUNT NO _ tES ? ,!! OTk011iZATION '7. t 1 ' - ? ?!, IA -4,, - - ? .. t. ?1 ? 0 IV 4:2,LATIVAL.1 .K46 :? .._4 1 T ION 1 ...14=w-Aas=r- - ArljUt11M1 Ni e, 1411rAl ; Ilotmot to dato undte th@ abovq Approrriltion i11 MOMIAITAAASINARAMSCUMIIIKPXtt AIIISIVAAken Amti rwp Cod stlaAinlionlorm ylout otal Aalgn nesommimax,rm; reassarse so ..7.... Totn1 001untlowl 0 1110 QUdrtrir 104y no pu,000 .710C,AWMAASOC.1717,1-7,7100757171-14477?..,4 7, , = t4C,4 :71e 77 - r r jgtal Aliotmont To odto It.=7771.07=1KLAW10201. ..74711711::*...7.cAr..7132= t o 1t1 4') Doom JIL.011 21440 TALL. 882 A, I 7 t 416?j LfW4Ot4.VdD_ 441.57.=.7-74(rc:774! -47, 7;7 1.77 ZOpritiO 1:1'r 7..7CIP177 7 734 p.) 1176. 1,777-1, .777- .7. ? =.2. ? , 4 #044if 14 Olt Olrottor, Offi,o or .0entorlic f ' 4 , ' ' ? 10401-A-ASktiC 44 MOW X 01'011w-10'0f Of ;11%, speitAAGY ,,Asaittiti. rept' _NO 4*140 MY) 3,17517- 717 4, 11, 0,5 t 414 ? 4,10, 440706 07,71 V W. AO 1 r: ,7 ? 7.7,7 ' '???.; 1, , 1 'I, 1)44 it0011 10n6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010044000214 DINNEMOSIM :WATMii-V1420M-VigAtZTAT_ .1,4; MailMiagt1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 53igireltEree4, -Trs-1-1 s="1"ilitzsett, ;: ?L';' r ? ;'?? 14. 1741,.? , ,....U?,,,,. ,?"2",, T.., , :.7,1".-i. -,,,47 ,r : - ?.,,,,,,,,q,,,ir ..,.. t -,1 ??:,..,:,"., '''t , ',... - Iiiii,',. _ :, ,''. .:'.1/4.'", , .? t, :"..,?ttT ..--, ? ?nZ, ., ,- , 1-?-, :. ..1. :, " .41.- Sr,".-"'",-..:.; , 1' ??,;Y:: :i -,,,?.--.1t , I ? - - , . ...,(:-, .."'.- -- ' ? '' "! - ` -:. ,;!':': ' '`.",q1e4V`4".....4' -; ?11,t, ....? 1,i- -?. r :', *; ..:,,,...,-;,,,,,-7,..,..,-;.,7.,..i.y.,,.1,,v,?,--,....... ...,:i-i, , .1' i.-4:?:. . ' -1.141 q-l?f: ;I..- :?.;. : , -. ' ? : - ,F.-' : - ? 4i,-?;??? 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I MetliNSS,StAPPNI.11.0.1W11. 1100194?411. ?40.-0...irr....urarsur au ? 41...1411.44* a...4w /FT 4,2?Ua PI I Voloarit alltrAilrousrs auul11.?41.1..... I Itstelkes.W. ot:1 itiicarraFtio. firtgONP)=Iks urn leaRDASPI I ? Di/ r. 115.0(10,410... &Jail t? I ili118101Mitatais*,131MIMPVLIMe?firs. n4r. 14.i 4- Mg. E.4 .4* !wow t I oexategb4tifikllIgalflellLff NOV* eMill I 4411:12?1.AN.* 0 g rdwricrt ithip, "fecto litratogie .01601t(11831420?44011:itotpe tr ;?' , - _ 3: ? - -- , ? ? .4 4 ?-,?; : r I 4,4:-!: ? 2.74 f " ? - - 4,1 ,?;-? ? e ;?, :L r .4244.,?a Met, vdDal 4 Preget/um* prAn,h ? rta?r.u... Of porm'Ioci Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 44-.. , ?.; _ 1;?' - - t r ? ' t _ -? , ?:? 3 ?`` _ - , 'Ot:?/!;:'1 d it ? _ ? '3, 41 ? ,? 41 - - 4,,C;44_;?`r1 :4';1 ? S. - -,V?gj'Z - ' ^ 14.4 t .; ? -?. V, ??'i " _ tiZAR??? ? L-441[ r lig rt. "EtTa t_ - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 , ?, i t' -?. ,... 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I r?\ t k), ')f, ssagzuvirgigmitglm -Em-Trim 1 1 .) 1 k 4t4.v.tt&r-45/..1.464 4 4 `) ,(_) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA- p,4 ? - - ? --tr4 P13X00001R000100440002-4 rfl _ 77% r rqr4144."-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 "ttri, thtlij - , ? wasoriktgumgtosii****-simetx.014''' txpenditiree Obliptiofts Loom vaitSsioatlisi* mism /mow I exiireboviettnipamms/E/A:mato 14;603-J13 e , ' '1 ' 4M/108,67 1,406,44 41 114 3 ,6 . '10,27144 4,00 550,00 100,00 118,79 D,00 46,415 ,22 1.11/4/0r3:0000/to. .11.4t= ? "refla'" - ' t!" .? - ? 1. ? IcrtAl, Atiotsent a , littim Tototl Obligstititliti . 1.itoolfttg4tpti. liti1lostui*1 it ?i!..?? I ?, ? .,Tgi4o,w7onersrmr4, 44;11-pa 1 - -I' two Intitai....#41??tiaa ? I ? ) Ai a' 0 t 0 gilablittMainififFM 11 111 0,00 .1/1~elet tit ? 1 ' ?. ?f? j ? 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Total Allotment $ 137,901.00 Lou To titi Obligations ??..,a49214,211 Unobligate4 Balance $ 84184224 -x-N Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 W MMOMMEMONIRDREMIMPOIIIMMAMMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 under the above appropriation Is am follows: Total obligations to tht end of each Total Prevloos Thjs Aliotment Th To To To e ..1`Ote0 Action To Date S.pt. 30 Dec. 31 mar. 3 June 212246 . of Striteglc Services Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 . . .. . -. ) 'motive ./ , Mmosifiemtion ,1-.. UnliquidatedTotal Obligations Expenditures , Oblisations .! :Ammo! Olorvi000 , -tiailr4;2',, , , _ , 'Trianspakation of 2; Thaigs imemeteatione .0. 10'318.11 8.00 10000 41.. 52,280090 , 859049 4.. -.0.... 43.43 32,280.90 , 11,175.80 6.00 100.00 45.43 .0. MentsmdVtilities Printlis and ihndlni- Other )Contractual . Salm-ices Signal*, and Matorlals Equipment TOTAL ligNIMININEMNIELUMNIMMINI 10,422.11 . IIMMI1......................+===' 33,183.82 43,805.93 Total Allotment $ 137,101 .00 Less Total Obligations ...434142?4,92L___ Unobligated Balance $ 93,495007 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 IIIIMMILINEW111111MIIMEIIIMINE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 01P JE-F51 '' 'i-r,-': 40winirorpiti~ iROPYMOSIMI .1?01.110011NOPItIWOMMIMMeprw _ ,..,"-: - ousitisation _.. ,.? , Unliquidatsd 'Obligations Expenditures Total Obligations Pirnonal, *Iry loos Travel -s,tr,anapirtation of Tittmp Comunicat lona , disOik 10416441 COO MAD *Ow 10,422433. $$#$$00.90 65040 04.0% ?00 41645 nale3.82 32,28040 110175060 6400 MAO 45#45 . Mats and Militias Printing and Binding Other Contractual , Spry Ica* Sopoliss and Materials ' Squipsisnt _ _ ZOTAL ....... 44605093 ================ 07. L4.41 t?v Total Allotment 117,101000 Less Total Obligations -4140.1692L--- Unobligated Balance $ 06,40647 A1300?1)1014 tIon 411*. nt A0st. 46, 1,R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 111321?11111111EMMUNIMIEUZIONIS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 _ I 1 - ; if : ? ?. -1 ? .;- - . - , ?? , 6.1.48ITZeieTI0N3: te try - - (..331r Y ______________ PERIOD END1D 4TY Tot Oblige '..- _Vlsesitimition Obligitions , bponditures " ipatikna1 Illerviaos 00?? ST .110.49 2V,62 liavol 0141841 817.09 ID i; 23 1.--, Tranarortation ot ? Thinly 1.00 to100 . 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I! 43:7' , ? 001tieelOnvoi PKIN1110001.14..t...-ek-ak. 44; ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 WIC4 w.sp. - ' ? -, .0b,poetime ,Cisuiftcation Unliquidatod Oblisationa Expenditures ? - Total , Obligations rareenek Services 'Travel : 'Transportation of 'Things Coomunications 1 Awnts and Mill ties 'Printing and Binding Other -;cntractissl -- Services Sup011es and Mst(inrialiii 10quipoint *Op 11,41$0111 , , 6?00 . , , 100000 514,40 21000040 $11,00 00* 4100. , 116111 11,0100.4* 3442$4610 i 1.00 I , 100000 45043 AMMON 10011?040e1.0 IMMO T,OTAL , 114$0401 S6449011 58,0014$2 Total Allotment $ 1,0010140 Less Total Obligations ..-AtetgAIL- Unobligated Balance $ gO,0,54411 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 4:01 Ale," 7 d,3,4 Oilhor Conirsetwolt SWAMI P.) Z71,106000 Totiti Ailottnt,flt * 3,47 LANs TotAl Otii1gi tont] .47, UrtobVimatoot Iltsiottli Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? ???',..-:?- ? ; :-, "''',.:1 sr.i...._^ -2,?.1.1,Ln., . I i. C Illi..1. tl fi ' i 1 ' - a ) i ;.?-?,?,.-...- ..... - ,l'i, ,' :-.2-11-.; 14i'Ll ,,,,,-...i:',--. ' : !_7t?i' -,,' ',',:?'''i' ''''.,' ?! C1-"''',%. ., 17r- - '';.`7 .".1.4'''--.- ' 4'.1L, ' 9- - , - - f , - ttt ? ' 40: .! 14. e ?'. ?TA.? ' loar "AU ?L 444 ?- ? - ? e 7 ?? A , r bctober 4114.,1,S.143 _ POSITIONS ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL 1 2-1 t?Potment tb jate?finde?r 'the?above appYop ri at i on Is as follows: - f 1,~114.41t 1.4.M. . Purpose Previous' This AligIgnt Code Total Act Ion To Date Total obligations quarter may .----TCT-------'1 Sept. 30 to tKe end of eh not exceed ---- I Dec.e cT.o To To Mar. 31 June 10 . 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A 40, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 tlf! . - -5FLA?*--;,1;t? rta,' 11106111=611110MIZENWELINEMBE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 :=1.13:61 it:24 tratirlk`., Tramp,' ti041 Nelti* filOttRittliton )11 Tot41 Allotmont 1,044 TotAl Obtlotions HoobligAtod 1141Arino Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 IMMERIAIMMUSIIIIMIONVOIME Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 1-40, Jo. F-6 !=465f c. Total Allotment LAM! Total Obligations Vnobligated Adana* $ 15rifir Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 3AV" littEMEMINEEP- :':1111111... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? ? tr! 37433 27433 3e90 2111119S1 3%76 381111 3#0-10 119 Artf-ci r.: PA mota. I4 " " .S?014 sir r 45, 17 EF1.14 ,????. . ? - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ,k 17-Z0001717001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 9Z/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ????"?? 44- -WC , ? . ' F.. t:114.4'."'"?,,,.11.1M1-1,tialf?Ptolja p ri 1 06*C ZS'S * Win L 07'01'49 ,.P P40 44. LVZ2 WO I 4 Lc6;72, I *LVZQ LeS2C9'0 ?t, P9170 Ove P91#0 trtt ?.1 , 0111.101.. 0110.XM. -7;:11, .14421Witaltitt- ; intv0,1. :!. 17.1 ,I*11 ? ? , - rfq .4 4,- , , :F=.? ' - 00'12 OV 9 00'2601G9 iV4CYGI roeucesg tret ra$46' Grglital Zino' PS t e sm."? 4 Crt 2 v I ye; 6 et ZIO4P Pc 0 MP 22 7 li P?69 44/. G isreire line cat awl? c S I SIS 5 i rc.e. i vs G 'o0',0;9 Z 003t 6 ol; 17 ".1 _ rawmaumreftwo.01....1,1. O. ._----..- , - , ? 11," 4 ..?...0.-`121. *re CA: um* VOct, Lir4$* 1-Y64,r ?MU, 01 #zolve! 7 trtert srete zasit novae gts 9Vii; r " k,:rilt ? , .-. ? - .2 4 ;?;?1.,,,-.4-- '7 .-:;;- L ?I; -1 4- I. "? zvcr- ' - 5.5-1 ? ? 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I raassweswelaut,stiwniumMirmsai.:..... , ???-. - PAYROLL 2"29 3.4-13 Aa ONLY, PAYROLL 24-29 3-413 Aa ONLY, PAYROLL 24m29 3,4.13 414IN ONLY, PAVUOIA,, A,VONLY. 249. 34-14 PAYROLL AsifiltONLY0 2 9 , 31 3 PAYROOL 2.1 2..29 A0V iNLY PAYROLL. PAYROLL, PAYROLL. AO4ONLY, A.V0ONLY. A.V.ONLY , . 3.40 1 30.0 1 4, 4, 4, 3 1 re! , 42a V.% e7 4 6,3 7 c.f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 4r Izt """',7-117-----7-t; ? = s:r "tc1):}.)- ? ,? 1 8 4.51\ 1.1 b3.1 81 5 08.95 4 Ca 0 929 \A 359.t 15951 47,32 8451 it 8647 4145408 $4,5 1.21-427 508.95 414.5!, ??:;!,. ? q)'!: ,114j4r411;3t-?''' - r !:??1 Z5.09 7Q09 5.09 Z5,0 25A, 704,093-40 70,093,00 \4 70,09 5400 9.5,J40. 44110 , Z6.8 1 2159 6,a IZP69 6,2, 9 3,67 2 6,29 447 26.1 6520 Z6,1 6520 * 24,257.47 fr\ 24,2.5 147 41-i 2 400 7,96 4,09 7.96 r , - ;LAT., ? - 1 ? ,6 ? ,4 c Ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001.R000100440002-4 =Mita irliffiltitilinfilietii010 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440002-4 ? 4 if: tr. , ? ,; 114 ?-?.i ???.f. .5. 55. ? 5 - 4111 '44474444041444044?44?44444 41.1,444ocrea,441rtfLe auxitrei414n . .00Sn 1) 3 -$ 's! ? felOttVift. - s to = , t5.,..."5? , Is ; lSkcssi,1 .110-s : 25039 2,41 03 252104 n3S1 ;1.5! 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