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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 '70 1,4-1).0-VA,. 41R.s4h4?014 OA, icolt4":; A t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 INERMIPM11111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 SpB4ECT: "L" Project FMK Lt. Comdr. Millis A. Murphy, MC., USNR Purpose: To secure an efficient rapidly acting poison which would produce death when orally administered. Introduction: The deadliest poisons known at the present time are cyanide, aconitine and nicotine. Very minute quantities of the latter two substances are sufficient to produce a fatal outcome in human beings. However, the duration of action usually lasts overt' an hour. Cyanide on the other hand acts within ten minutes. The minimum lethal dose is a- bout five grains. The present "L" Agent used in this organization is a largo (20grain) tablet of potassium cyanide enclosed in a heavy metal foil. It is de- signed to be carried in the mouth and can be swallowed with impunity pro- viding the covering is intact. In order to secure the desired effect the subject must first bite through the metal covering after which the tablet is swallowed which permits the cyanide to come in contact with the mucous membranes of the stomach. Although we have no first hand reports, it seems reasonable to assume that a considerable amount of chewing night be necessary to expose enough of the material and, consequently, if the individual bent on self-destruction was under surveillance his attempts might easily be thwarted. In view of these considerations Colonel Missal requested that an investigation be conducted in order to secure a more suitable prepara- tion. Results: It occurred to the writer that inasmuch as potassium cy- anide is readily soluble in water and that such a solution is quite stable; that we should employ a saturated solution of this agent and that it should be put up in individual ampules each containing about ten minims of solution; the dosage of potassim cyanide in each ampule would approximate eight grains. E.R. Squibb and Company, who collabor- ated with us on Project "K", agreed to undertake the manufacture of these containers. They were also requested to cover each ampule with special sleeving so that when the ampule was held concealed in the mouth there would be less risk of its slipping from place or its accidentally BECRET - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ?.4,? s boil% swallowodl velklafut44,1 Thio ampule is omen enough so that it OA be quite eRoilirnarTiles"ou tho old@ or tho faos betwoen tilo upper jaw and ehneks oomott suiotdo all that Tio rocintrod to to crush the ampule between the tootho Tho gloss ts of sob tfttokness that 010 Wong bite will eompletey ly shattor its rho slooving provonts tho partinlos of OW from nutting the moons membranes or the month and at the NW titmo enablos the ltqutd 149 raptdly oomo in ontoot wtth tho oral onrraoo whorl@ it to rapidly abs iorbodo The n000sotty of owellowtint to oltminatod, Ooth should flour otthIn ftvo tfl tign mlnutql. 0 X M RPM Lts Oomdr., MO., Popely Plovon ModigAl h@rvicios Offtoot 4 I ? hub witImuL fl w4Lers 1 Ina l. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 17-Z0009Z001.00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI WIN 4141111 90111.10dli 16011411011 limessis *ova ran alag .0 01110111010AMI SIM *no I 01 Opsimmwom 0111400010- SAVO, MIr.liorld ii1PiMNI un ,01.4011104 ?I *Moll .uTw4100 lomesiote wog *on soleeilartioe 4/40 11,10010410.44, sistbitiOddi 141,411701 giusimn .11111 4 441111/111111 V VI jje 004 elk 110 *MA W.0.1 lion* moll III evettl*Puotimie ilOassi IT dry spa as invisootitra wed SI *I 1.0111416,,,tillind gnat gal ? 91014$111_141111 0011 ming! 0101 $0 41111i 0101P01100 WM* IP?lited iis Ihtfact 11101ta itessatad elm aro mot ea, inset% 0010610 000 9000,01011 Oft loPINOR 41141 -66 , .. . ,-- 4 . .1.4- ' ? r ',, ,..Ef tilt., . ., ;t 'rl . 17-Z0009Z00 1,00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 : L/60/ L.0Z eSeeiei JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI MINN 1111111111111111EMEN1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 411W*, vlvt?404 laresioloip irie *pasts& Tod* levy Potora twoaspartattiOn IOW* I ationoi omit %hi. Ofriontootati _ omits trio lisobito4ton t' mte upon lobo tozwiLutton of *a ,410.3.41 ho Oorornotott? As yott ogorpoot114 potato* ouit, orris* dOillif b ***WI* COO* 4 011010704 rov tremor at WWTfl%OR iikol return. *WM Us* 0). toil ow* to vfootnitaitsa tar SAtiosivtoss, mat. tiovovor, tho psot yid." tor the ptrootit ot rotor* plip14044 la otterod lopivie0 ititsrvsaw *Mt a000pte tIto 10.0 boot. ifhell. 100. Omar Om. rototottag oiai 1$t** *V* aspossiat US rospiet %WO la Oda isktimrati *tit 004' your olds top totputit. Woo* Apootal T$ Snail% 11.011 a, *Oa Atao4 la Ioaromostoo with, sothoro& *A thto intajoot? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 4111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ??? t _ , . ? , '-t ? ? ? ' co I Col. Uolabolir . Dimond. Lt ? Put stall.?40 ? Sullowesi Yr I, 010a34 loranutht cloak* ? s imomaimompoommimmiN111111111111111111111111511.1.111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ? crrolimz;=1=a, 1 Apie 45 Okinamijkmoi DiPSOtOP Offlue (31o?) t 3 4' ^1,140, lainesmoirtir " ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 - TgLEPPSONg PENNISY6VANIA 6130100 #0/0/1110 RTI 11 I OE BROADWAY AT 32,14, STREET ? NEW VORM March 26, 104, 7 General Donovan, Chief or Strategic tlervioss, Washington, D. 0. Dear 3irt Some time last December (Tim not sure of the exaot dAt2). arranged with Captain Hollander in Miami, Florida to come to "S" ?amp on the bents that my transportation both ways would be paid. I was to oome to WanhIngton, attend 3 camp, return home at government expense, and 1r notiried T was eligible I was to pay my own expenmen book. In the event I w44 round not satinfaotory I would or oourse not roturn but In the meantime I wu1 have been reimburaed tor Any expenno Inourred to and from ail oamp. I wont to ne CiaMp but Instead or roturning holm@ ith once. T tmarod ir tt would be all right for mo to prorated to "C" oamto olnoe I wan tree to do no, partioularly when I undorstood 1 would gat a tgOn day leave prior to my foroign assignment. This plan soomed to pleade everybody, the only regret being apparently that Mr. Kline Almo wan not able to do the name, as there wail 4 speoial asmignment waiting for us If we ooull leAvo quiokly. I romainol at "0" (Amp until about Nation 7, it whloh time I was ?ailed to Washington and informo4 that 1 oould not meet the roquiremonta and that T wo1411 be granted A roloamo. It WAS outwitted that perhapo 0, U. oould wie in but attar looking into the situation I felt that I oould not afford to tAke the work beoaue* I have to aupport A wife And four children. I understood thatono of the reasons for my releaco was that of did not even quality at J3 camp, f felt, therefore, that I wee entitled to trannportation home And tho proper form was filled out and Approved by the proper authorities And presented to Special Yundsi Duo to 4 tochnioality. tipoolal Funds lid not approve And so unless you oAn la something about it, this toohnioaltty oosts me 1,5 to *doh T believe I am justly entitled. Furthor, I asked tor but WAO 4civen no reel reAmon why I foiled to qualify. My work teounioelly was admitted to be batistootory anti apparently pomathinK In my personality indicated that I would hive lirrtoulty gotting along with people. It seems, however, to be a military searat and also I am too old (42) and too used to being my own boss to be ablo to ohne and harlot, do not merit being told, the feet that I am very muoil Interested in improving myself being negligible. DIRECT UNKKOROLIND 13/05A(4i' 10 IIINNhYLVANIA STAI ION AND ALL SUOWAY LINES One tp hitt. ??,, 1(.1 t r to V ? ?morriatrof '?"Firt4 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002600021111111111111-4 415,,wsinermintspiggimal g'47+-MC:411 741r: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 " _ Of course, you have no way of knowins howasny t- - have tried to got into some real war effort but-failed, sem to myopia. When therefore I was willing? tc. leave homm?fOr period and live under trying oondLtions lastest of'sta safety and oomfort, I feel that it is no more than t to ?XPSO reimbursement as per agreement and advioe as to how I oloulAV,berii better American. Sincerely yours L. W. LarsOn 910 Santiago Street Coral Gables, 34, Florida DIRECT UNDERGROUND PASSAGE TO PENNSYLVANIA STATION AND ALL SUBWAY LINES On. Bloch to it fth Avon utP (Ind Eng), re Stu r &acting -?,441%*0.0.1900F9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 _ IFERINUMF" 1ilM111111111111111101 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 13- 1111001400ent Necipt or yew 10140 Ai 16140 Dliiloiter* we reseired a report boa oar poople eloaseralais teglierit Laill AN. %ay MS US MO i4outpointat Lacakle applisatien wee eonsigeratien by- the viuriousloreaoh shiers but uatiortuaately? waeigosy exist* tiwhieh 14- , , Lassitis qualltioatioas wad experienee oeuld b ? Te,a414. utilised at this time* I as ailwisad that, oar perwolielk.L people will get in twat with toleateneat 001 his of this above' Should a suitable '164400, *ma_ within the nstat few months they will aOsktoot hta dIp.aia on behalf er the DIreetori say X eigpress. mincers appreeletien for your laterest la the 11011,11114 - Agency* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 MI1111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ..) JiohtiA Cyril and Aleihe Chtitch Nkv, FrORIAN gi 11166Y ltPi1si1 PAIIITOPI EfbN 0At ce, Ut8MIN@RIF.1111 @TREKT MRIENNOTAOY lit NlYt *rah 111945 Urigedier General William treUQUQVRII Director Offiee of Otrategic Oervices, Washington 25 DoW, Dear Generalt Greetings ond the very beet health ond luck to you 1I do hope Chet you 4110 will And right in there plugging, Oome timo ago-.Dool9th to be elcoot,$.4 kad eoule correepondence with you oonoorntag a yoUng moa or mi4i0014MOhn WitAkolvikOM augghotod ror your dapartmhht. Whoa that titma thh Ltawho oalLod tO New York oha Vhtarviawad 4i4 4101 orVitla of laajor W.VhrmouPotiowtiVorpill 00.0 or tha foot Lhat ha wag Lhht tti would talco poomibly 4 or 5 wookm harora ha would 1)0 tiotarlacilLha youhts mah haon't r000lved thy word whoLooavori you Kludly MP khow juot witAt hdppli4041 140 tfiim gaga ohall bm moot aratorUilgonmrai? Wtth Kihdaht ragmrdo hhd haat wifilimal Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001ROOn1nn9snnn9_A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 0. ? Pq0.9,4944,, e . Brigadier General William ;.Donovan, Offioe of Strategio Servioes Washington,D.C. - Dear General: = " It was indeed a real pleasure to reooivo most cordial letteriThank you very kindly for the spirit mAnifeeted therein. May I ask you to live me a general idea of the particular territory of work,which your offioe has to oover ? This will be ur much help for the future 111 guiding me in my correspondence with you.Vor after all, General,I'm going to take you up on the kind ixwitattofl k,S.I huve u youngest brother or mine surving us Uhaplain with the VII1t1 Air J:'oree in r:alglund.lieis been there for some time now.iwAybo lie eon perform some mission for you sumetime--ia rutur14 for the good deed? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 1?-1,4A 7.i.s1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 110,04441 IttiOtili Ile Silly MA.. 8440 vi1eat tiethodius Chureh 11.0' 00ageses Seheasetady 1111 Nemr York Dear father iiLlyr I ea very sled that you telt tree to WOO to as soasersilis Lit? iota It Lusk. I ea personnel people to got ia Lamidiste tallith with ? to see whether it esa be worked out to We W11;000. rerred to our orgsaisattoss K6 Geese to have MOO ot vslitiestione which eight be at iatoreit to mil sad we $hall eertsialy law him every eoasiteratioas nesse do not hesitste to writs to ao ssata it there aro say (Ahoy, totters in 'MAI OIR he el assist's's. 81110014117, William 1. D900,411 04/11,4113* 14 rt 1.41110P"PrOr rit and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 JETRIERSEMMIS _ . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 li?Ilq? MIL.. alogiittio Cyril aid ./14seh0dig4 Church x. Iv rleigRIAN nu BRAN 01M.C111 PAM! 4P-21111SeisiefiN gathdIVO 0. Ad, Co 111111 OPNCIRIKEIN NTIIM IRIMIENIMTADY rit NtY0 Nov.29,1944 Brigaulitor Uottoral ftspolumn, ?Moo. of Strtovoio Sorvloon United Btatoa War Dopartmoitto W.0-8h1ngtoul1).O. Dour Gonorol Donovan: cirootlags and tho boat of hoalth outd luok to you floillm aot U?porooaal or officliol uoquaintunco of yournobut your job aad your nowo oro auffloloat r0000a for it to wlma you well uad be rree to may ao.laclit ? Thereln u youag ?rmy iota la my puriolt by twn liamo or 'Flt.Lt. Jou a J.LuotAkowliu aum umkud mu tu try uad Uolv him eoet lutu the ;?ItratuGto Llervloon Duvartmeat, or Lilo Arilly,"t the ,premeat timu au'u LituLluubd ut tliel OuliontiOttAdy Iruy :Jorvleem Yoreem Du,vot..J.t waidu pluuu I'm :lure you dun obtulu hll hlm r000rd, jaatmaua om au ullooroLndo-Uooldem ,vmorLuttu-tho 1,11d nrrilinLod nv loutuntLtIoI. thwUcjit taut you might be able 1.0 Uno 1,0 iaaLotia or TA-m.11144 to oomo or my ItulunlilLuncuti Li u ,Avid our julintor WaailtirlOr (1Lrtn33. L F 1-1011ii1, 11, micht, 0x4,ed1t,u muLuirm 4y juot Lu yuu uirtmLiy. "ny bo rtivorud wil.11 your 41Ha rekdly Jiaueruly youro, Ire44dAtie-t moi.Vturtua 0.0111y 0.M.C. veripallirror ? if $ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ICAREPPLAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 MORANDUU /Ohi Lt o Agnes Osorettriat TRROU011 Orivir? Antell, '0?16? /ROM t Opt, Barvi* NWT lot L. John 111 is hiotory of Ow Lotter from Roo Or 01 Dilly, 04) to Oion? DOROVRA (not * poraonal or official miquaintanse o13011 Donovan) r000mmocang onWoot offior on bogie linguistio ability (51010 langtigilloOi Fathar Mlly etotod ha was writing argot to nions 110110k0 rgthlr tO his gotAntantonoom WAtOr V4104 5010.0 tor itikpor or ConAresomin ttoornoy, roforreAiJ COt itoberto ny Lt, ftn* aOting tlipt hooraLAPittt ifvforM0 a dool*Ions AU2m to MO, rovoono ror Interviews ponoivoa ontt goreoned by tits Oarvi* who who onVovorolay tolpr000tIA Wiolimpiti or Aka or formot eduoutton, notmot Atilt '44)001104 !moot olvil?on boOgronnd, toolWar lltt onU' tinntivAt Monitor% poot. mkiitliory hlotory Involvtng Oenorel Ootirki MAW011 OIllotiv woo fonnd not Otty of repontrteAtion Cbaugoo but. wall itovoutAlol000 Volt thot onoh m0Atory bgelt- itroonA wpo ompootolly o0Loti tais itkioull,o a nhopiiim ? Olow woo Oloppbd #11 It wilti front offices 50 riso lootwA--Itolkon 4xtroution ond ggo nnottroottvos 61 ropoted on %Milo a noquotillootiono ror ony ontotenAng Vkle ohoppoti 111110MA-11Y 140 allor nvonnhoo who or* not intoroeted* H000mmonOtIon MmIgoot Wot, nono, 5oorotortel, writs' %Iron oVV lotitor to Vothor ontipot oftloors OktA..44.. WOO es OAPWO Copt, Ch0 Voroonnel Vroovromeint Bronth Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 vo Miriam Os 1114 04.0. SetaSe, Metkodime ItUreh 1410 Oftiliets MOW eekeseetady I,Xew York Deer Father Silly's en /tory glad %het you telt tree 110 VA to mo emmernins Lt. Ions J, Leask. I 04 **kiss Mt personnel people to get in immediate South with to est whether it efin be worked out to nave his Smog, fared to our ordsnization. He woe So hove a owater of quelifloationn which might be of intereaS to ue, and we shall eertsinly show him every tonsidersitiO4. Please do not hesitate to write to 1114 win it there are any other (otters iA whion I tem Wit Of essistanoe. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Ors 14101000.- .114**04. .11140-11i** a '30eatiallvemiljo Kr tear Urge Leroome ??? , I* the okaemee et Ofterel D?4 letter of' 20 November 1944 was rotorre0 to for reply. Usjor Hsrold P. tartan's serial selber ealC proper address, eoloording to our room**, ore as follows! Uejor Harold P. Lerma! ASN 0401400 11(1. Area NI" (0G), OSS notsobass* APO Al', Postrastor Now York, New York If this ?Mee oen be of further sosistomoo to you, please feel fres to eommunleato dIrootly with us. ? Sisserelys 'It e $11411 Zi011tti Wets 4 4e4.??-"?., - tia ?ftmomprilwrowe-4* ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ? '1 ? S.ittoia4e. ? Lk) 6., t 64) ,A, A.0404.44.:044. W4040? 7044, ?/40164.0 1, 04440 4.114., 0,AA.4 4144. 1:0404A410?4064.1 1,060m Aotlir1444 oe434.4. L.11114444, Z. 7.1441,41fL "V) /*kidatts4? IA4.4) 404464044A0 oar-4444.,4_,,?ct Ao-t4.0 (AfroL?0 1;04?? 62,,LattA? 1.4)0.4 eit444-4:044 14.4-464piou? -41-04., It? ZdL4 2/4.1204.4)/44.4;544/-4.4.4, ifitat:?"?44-414.? '-111.40-10c. 04;$4.4.e.to 4L?61-4.441-4-41". co9A ;ft: Atj4.4!-4411?u4--el rz InarAm. 4"4.4.4" 11.46,104L4A4,41-4 1J) -44.4.#40 .41.4 (0?) o.s.s. it.O.a.b.44Avuoct 6?n (2.4;$A) a.,p?a7. I 5 Ze, s, 4A4.A.41 trumzitt4?4.44, " ?2. S, 144440140 0.1a500 74-0 ofursocsi- elltok(710 4-- , .--.............??1?11.41111.11.1111111111111111111111.11110111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 086 CORM 140018 1$ Attaehed is a proposed letter or sympathy to the mother or Oaptalm I Walla' Yi Larsen. 00 ;_killed la orseas ve probably dull% the , latter part or Augast 1944. 2$ We were informed yesterday that the War Department ham notiriet the next of kins 3. No operational seearity is involved. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ?.7? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ? ,, ?:.:) ? , F :F.,? d;.:1;,-?` r rri p.- ' ' ;";',;e'? ? 't.;Zr?i?" ' ..45: .0111 lly door *Ps. Lome' Z iNMO J1101siliONPOSA, $ilk 4 death of 'Pow non, Olopthis OV01,0044 May sonvoy 4. volt hit* p40400011007 'molt of ylir soals other **000.1400 tit thAli Iloopostsrarsthys whils I realise it fassot 100000 Yosir sholiti4 Wm yei e Know Wks respsoll with *WA* IOU WA* r moods* in this Aplasys bII**a 410000 hy his follow officers sn4 suin ter Om Iasi, 10011, opuramsoas monsor in whish hs porfornst Al* MAW. with full opossiotion of tho lositsm4 of root losa and my slows rOmpsott I *a ? PUOLIMMICARSON :14,11.11, slnworolr mr00, Hist=44 Is DOINVAI artig 110004 tt atrial*" A ?.t " piporww1011, and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 JANDUM TO* Drigadier General William J, Donovan FROMI John 0, Hughes I attaah a short memorandum from Delleaohl to no, which I think you will find of interest. I oannot vouch for Mr, Gerlits information, but hie report of the general gossip here in New York 1e interesting about Poletti and General O'Dwyer. Also, if LaGuardia is to go to Italy you may care to give consideration to this suggestion that the position of (e; in Italy should be disoustidd with him prior to his departure, '4 ? -1401141614.4 4. a: ? a.. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 17-Z0009Z001-00n11-0000X?1,c1CW-V10 L/60/?LO aseele JOd PeAalaaV pe PeWSseljidu 4k04 041 ,0 1,;(1A mriN JO 00KtIW 00j 41tipiptitto VrAVOItidil tit11 0.1t im IstIt4 .A) till 0 110t1t1 ts3 ittit A) 41 pCit4iVight A?litoth1,1 OW( 1.4...1.41(I et) OA IIII 011 MON JO dttotaotiamm19 oq, 411j di:WW1-140 .1110,totmoq 04, 014 1.10,101110 .A106 014141 WI ilmflobi .0441 1.10)j.. 0111ti 101 qatiA moN Ul f44oq Olorw =In 144: oltiti 0014 110"" 101N Ilt1M0411; 1111%1 410141 1-10i Ilu ptio Iti4 I u1.14.itiu II I A ToUOTW) 141P4414)01 44Im 0144 11.4} 044 .10 0wIt, 141,4 0,011,4tolop di4 JO 010p ail) 00 roa!A04 011 111AH , 1010i0+1 Imm .11 0410 011001411-1F3 ptiti Att 1-11 I 01 OA pc,11011 ti 11,1 J.116tvl ,t41.1s?Jit ; 1 ou,i4lootoL 014ti p111 .1,1 ? OL011 t$1 1.t/to I tt4 mocal IltiItIm I qui! III th4i4F11 041A1II ti, optil qt1 0Ot4 A..tciA 04111111 luql quiqui 414 III ittil,moo Pt 11 It1011 111 0A,A1 0m 100w)0.10.1 011111 oto 4q4010q V111.11.1,1000 *;Itillio di 0140itt 01111 Ittql ma0AtIIhj uma#14 [Ut Ut.11 )111-o Imiliwiluvraau III c1tifW() &OluglKati totiolod 4Q utmcmod 1400u0.) .104110 uA0.411 01104a411 01 low J1 10114 41111 01 41103 ot 4iPotq1041 0(oet1pv .11 1'01 =VUT4Ptim tti 404.10,431i 04 444 04 01,14a1401t 14101 41 swollito 444moalp 411404wtortow 01 dopoo U W441100011 cid t1 011 114omod 141141aolo mlq lutio4 lum nolJuluptim 31 4400111110.41q 1d4J04 4.;t10 Tum Inpatinowl quill 4044000 qi immoTa ato tow! 41qowiti patioftm aq p004. utioloop IRTIMTOp 1$ %gin puv fugqVuTitom itT podompitoo Tvws fitim ihmly oto ui Tumult) W 04 40 UUTITAT4 4 awmo illowlmoddn wiliTP44n01,1 .10414fl (13$15PTO WM 044 EJTI PT 40 TT.00 11411 (4$ Ana WINW1041 40XVII j0 uopoonti otp powwow om 1Avottow4 oomo 4011 UT NW TWOD OUTTOwd 8,01 ttatim lioirens ? 0?00?41,1*0 DiOORAKI JEll1Ol1,1440iii? lakvip lit1if01111 '0 141110P 'RI 101 111111 ,.3101440kULLNI 17-Z0009Z001-0001-0000X?1,c1C1-V10 L/60/2 LO aseele JOd panaiddv pue peqi;e108C1 NINE VA" I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ?-?? f1.1k.:04. ? ? ' 4 1 ? 14 0:8111,1101,1001,110.111111111111111111111.111111111.11111111"rri7r!, 7.3 fte' 11" I I. .,.,1 , OFFICE .0F1 , 01*-10.1AL DISPAIG? . ,?, le.* ;,.. 4:;4! DATE Oatlober le, 1944 . RECV 10,3111 iM111001.110110NONOCONINIMPI1011601111111111.1.1111111.1111 ill ; illiONIMI ,, T0 , ' ...... MAT, cA1110 -. ....IINIMioiW.ows.soomsso.......a.r......?I?Iro?sa?s????mms..memmn Fame we nopoono. IISBIONNOM13 , .. 1 4 4^.- OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES ............?.................,____?________?..., ._ ......_?___ 0112 20640: - --.4 DISTPIEIUTION _ ......--esommumaIMIN 6 ....ma! 0?010?06 Nimommer oilmmelormsmo IVOR IIIFORMATION tcoNFIRMATION TO ORKHNATOR) 4+c,"44-,4%.i.e.41--.:-4?---p--,.. #) CHESTON 7igursiv. vol-sTRANSMIT 7z4;g CCmj.1:14:1PHER A;0 D DOCTOR ,11 raorzacr, lort0, ^1,1 tatIPPOPM0111 mognegall1011111111M11/11.111111110111111101101111111111110111111 ????",' ?,= ir #43171. To Toulsin fror Cheston, r"it A reference tt) your 039901. 0 a-) intnrrreting your abovo message to mean that ?ink]: 1.4,nterna!:'s tranofor is no- in efeect. I hed asked Colonel. iiiippner to dlj-t(':1 Lantorman to Cairo but requested thqt h,e Tlatt rt to bo tr.) udWred until ,ue received the complvte partioulitro rnilArding tho aro for Lantorman's release. 'In have not received this rnnort trd.ttn. 1/c4 will cend it on to you "hen it arrives vnloss you ma/1y us that the facts aro already in the possession of 0-2? MILTYIE. Please inform us about this. Aft TOO 10/18/44 6t22 PM IT IS FoRBtooF.N TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CAME WITHOUT AuTHORIZATION FROM THE 9ECRETARIAT aitif IONTIM CSC ,-st? intrriALS Or "reitUr.AMING" OFIPsCIIR 2111 1111111111111 111111111reinis=11.11..111.11111.111-1 and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 tr.??? . ..-TmlimFew....111e001P111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 orrict- OF STRATEGIC SERVICE* . - _ WI I, SNMT flINIIN MINN IR- -11100---I niennert at Kandy, has been asked by TOulmin to transfer Major Jack V, Unbars= to 000, Cairo' in order that he may be further tranaferrod to 04, 1110/101 Cairo. Lanterman is here and hie trftnefor in in prooesn of beim effeotod novo This message le intended to advise you that we are taking the rognielte ooneent for granted, on the responsibility of the ohiof of OW, Cairo. Col. Makin, 0062, has been anxious to obtain Major Lanterman. In order to obtain the utmoet a6vanliasis from doing Col, Makin this farm, we felt it wou44 be test to arrange the transfer As soon as possible. Lantermanos serial number is Ow.369774. rti TOM 10/17/44 2132 PM IT I MR111130IN TO COPY OR RIMRODUCt THIS CANA WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION PROM TIM SItCRKTARIAT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 IMMEI Declassified and Approved.For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ittr L740 1leifi 4 1 1'6; jr-M 4 . I d ? / WOOMOWOMPOWNWIN .?.1 ,6a4 V,.-4 ?T-.51 ; ? P ? -.,---=', ON q ? 001i011406 .7A., MOPCV 40111,11MIMMimailawiatalisi q, ? 11) " 41111118,441?111114V1110414110114.11114141g 114414111411441111411.1111111114111.11.1144106111144; 410.111111.4?411144t OFFICE OF IITRATEGIC SERV idis 11.1110111111117111142114.414111111111==,4111? 4.1e4MWS4.4:141114.144M.1111.1 NOW -414,114411MINStmlts111140 4644-socadszza11111:0111101410ssomematownswirM114?4411111111.4114 *WI* rein DISTRIMUTION 41 04.4410.1,141414.1~4A1441,4-?? 40.44.4444..11131111.143144141Miasen. ? owsenftlillitil~114411441 .41..,..44414r/es411404104611111411113.6=441ial t4t1 (OOIFUIMATION TO ORIGINATOR) IVOR INRCIIIIIMATIO10 hr, 4,i 6, 14340TOR liJR*FA?i???ffin?griiiierieraugAig .-7?-r- -,4gFacjingwAs Y. ? lormaim milliflOO WWI ?40.0,11411 IS NO Naar AT I rwaisteu TRANSMITTED jCODE OR cam, !3ECRET #7544, Hoppner only, from Ohoston. Lunterman may co on to Cairo as you have Mimed but us oannot oompleto hie trunsfor mars as you asked in your #7474 until we laiovi tho nature or hiu misconduct, Althouuh your #5807 initimated that hits ?franc? was of it mallows nature, we havo not as yet resalmod tho itetailod roport nontioned in that neaaajo. Kinay tdvioe us as w000n no pousible the to on 411o1i it woo nont, CLIO 14-4. ill I INITIALS "RRULAIRRO" OFFICILR SECRET ?.'g IT IM IN )1)in 01 "EN '1'0 Cory olt k KPRODUCK THIN (1.111ILII WI1'I-1011 I A UTI PROM 'MK SECRETARIAT ????????441..., 11111111 =land Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 mill11M ? 6 11001104 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010,02,6907-4.?: , Otifi For) 69 (Raytow) OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DATE_ .oatobor _24 1044 FROM TO 0,13X ? {ANDY OFFICIAL DISPATCH ,u; 11" (-(.; 2.7.7 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES (FOR ACTION) * *{1****112.t.of piuwIipi prric ill Obt44 I DISTRIBUTION Pf11011111TV PIOVTINF iici 43.767 (FOR INFORMATION) PIRNOTOR, WWERTNI. RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER #60H4. To PPB, BoLt nnd 011ovton rrt n Roppnor. We r t. r11.1117, JOU n comp Ie to report ln iiz .1.t Ln!..; artiolc Tatuttainumo who to ItitAvim, today for the Il 1L L to0:( cycs.ct, 1,--frort on mj purt to diatmado MIA.) oonmund ror f.EAC atartaly, reolnhnirioation pr0000din,a ii si zu..t Ido 1i.1.141.6 Lhuot, LI) 111(111Llo 1.li.(.:1L ((Lit LL) ei) ,01:1 ')2.11'1 It , 0X I.Ut1v.attoit .1..tuo ttilLa i ,prop:i. . und wou]d nako :tiro ho not trimitiforrod to It u othtr unit )..1C him onrront rank lij ill not qun.U.;:iud hold hlr rnii!i. of i.:tjr ZL lit,t le.t, I.,( .:1)11V(1 .I/. 111 Litt: ArIQ TOU: 10/3/44 1::::]0 PM ;4-1,47 SECRET 1.1 H11(1111)1)1 N 1%1 ( t11.1" ()( 121.14(01)(1(T. THIS e.1111 \\, I I II(1(11' MI I II()1(1/ 110 IN 1,1401\1 TI I I I( 01 I ARIA I F -weeltroirfewir it",rirkillerle4/101111,1P1 mu nne-Imccifi a pri nd Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 iimmmil . _ - 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 RICCICIVID IN CODE'ma ja.p HAE 05007* Homo to Ohooton only* 10 X Shthad 1,1,10 tiO milt that you authoriso lawliodLtAte. roturn to tivb 61attits dr Maim% Jaok LaMar/It rtp roo1asisitioAtion's rost is 'gado kror tho tollowtho rousonst (1) abooluto Vid?Atro to miry oub 11h anuignmonte mkt (W) oonduot W1J8Oh Wd4 hartiVul to bhe reputation oV owe oreiltnitation? M., AU oiplomoo MAW this by priorlty thoro Ili a boat tti inavo horci way aliortlyb earn talo !mow uf this? romouttmnda tiona and they 4400. that ovin Horo hmrnh notbon aholid bo Mikan. 4. A diltAllod puporL !km WAN; rmrwardodf ()Ni tV1.1;1/44 OIVO jA IT IS roll . ) RODUCIC THIS (AMA W11'11011' IZ it 1II10 PIKCIKKTANIAT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ? ' ' ? ' 4'; .? 6?. E LON 1.4 II:j"WyZ141'7,-Rli g ? r ? r d r . - - - i .'" it. ' ? . OrirICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 4ty? =====awnwevorrinsamostsipowineummireseetammolitinclis? staintratua Mod tql:pgaglti WI tarp 1$744110ccm vim,' Ir. . . ..? .. t a 4...,.... DISTRIBUTION ? - ? ' - ??? ,....,.....64.410,..... ............._,......... ' 'OR MIMI tGOIRFIRMATION TO ORIGINATOR) 4ggigileviertot c, fr Xv12 4. e 'RECTOR, CRIETJAI1114;k' IMIEL?RMIMIgiE211 V b It IINNI?tV MUM MIN Ill???11111101 TRANSP1IITTID N CODj RE CR #18064L TO USTRAVIC. LONDON OUT 8445. #3104. TO CASERT A. ITALY OUT 8444. ? ACTION: LONDON. INFORMATION: CASERTA, FOR JJ/001 fRnm 011/001. SLLRET AFTif L. VL F AL CONF I HINGE S k I TH I04 IT INAS IIEYERuINED THAT MARDI AND LAN/A SHOULD M. TURN TO Ca/LAND AND THAT THE, IR SERVI CES --13EfritIVInTr67. ItilS HAS KIN DONE AS OF APRIL SI M "1"1H THIR TY DAYS NOTICE, LITTERS OF COVANDAT ION BY 109 ARE GIVEN THEY . THEY ARE INFOFAD THAT wt. 10 RCOK AN I / AT ION IN CB/LAND IT WAS l'POSSIBLE TO USE THEIR SERVICLS. TOO: 1936 9 APRIL 45 ir MC J8 WGT LMS RAP wee 11* re " rt tiot SECRET uportm,a OP "AGLI1101040" OPIPHIMMI IT la PORRIDDRN TO COPY OR RKPRODUCS TUIS GOMA WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION PROM THIII SPICARTANAT - -morass-4" ? '1111110111.1"." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 -CASERTAL. T '!1 1/1?1111111111111111110111W ,,11111;11i4ripl - a .4. OFFICE Or sTRATEGIC DISTRIBUTION, - (CONFIRMATION TO ORIGINATOR) X-2 OIRECTOR,,,SIECRET- NEVEC=19 rf_.="11PEM Is MUNN NT PINWIINOIffII Eft =NNW% 7RANSMITTED IN CODE OttpIPHER ik.4?01;74 P31r1 *29894, GLAvt N AND SA I NI FP OM 109,, N() VV : CI v a N R( TONS!. 110 Y CABLE 128304 CU ()36') !fl. QUI 'iT Nit. I!,4 AN() APR f ()R CAIti 0 GI ; ARM AND ANGELO LANZA u; RAW A lin' lt Li you 1): t. At. XPE IiI11 711 I S ','AT gin SECRET isoo)Too, 1545 28 MAR 41) RAP IUD INITIALS or ?Rei.RAIMM" OFFICIR IT Ti) mini OR ititritODUCK THIS CAMS wiTHouT MJThOM IZATION FROM THits III&CRIMARIAT .4/ wpsopproll, ? ?'girl! PIPP."11.1111141 1111111111r D7= and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 no nsa vrolirilevmd) Declassified and ApprovedFor Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 IL'Ag94, - 101101111.1.0 w, OFFICE)F STRATEGIC SIRVIC OFFICIAL' DISPATCH RIKC'D 0 A IIALY , * FROM O .......gmw..=.=.". PIFICIC OF STRATICGIC IIIRVICIIIIS . rf.35::= .?..'J:'7.'.-. '...?=21730=1:======.:- ? -;? ? ? ?71,----ff ? - ? " -; s ..----...- ,---Wr :-:: .: DISTRIBUTION _ OUT . IM.5 (FOR INFORMATION) DIRECTOR, SICRIETARIAT, NOM 9711=SIP US= 111=M= =1111191*-- 4==3 (CONFIRMATION TO ORIGINATOR) X02 TRANSM v, .00111111iIii 011111Nefltils.e 4101111"T IN CODE O CIPiuI 028304. TO GLAVIN AND SAINT FROM 109. ACTS INVESTIGATION HERE OF GILARDI CASE 1 DAN FIND NO JUSTIFICATION FOR rEFOSING HIS RETURN TO THEATER. ist IS ALSO FELT THAT LANZA'S SERVICES, 1HICH ARE IMMEDIATELY NEEDED IN THEATER 1OULD BE LESS EFFECTIVE WITHOUT OILAR01. 1OULO YOU PLEASE SECURE TCA AND AIR 11110RITY FOR CARLO CILARDI ANO ANGELO LANZA 01 TRAVIA. !if SI ?I I se, dTOD: 1642 15 YOICH 45 I pi ti 11.11111111t-N I t 111i iitt 111' rit1 111111 11 i'1111 11 1 MITI10111i At I% IN tit IM I Ittt tits% 'ti 1.6.tilt)44 I AAP IN III IM.,01 I)? I Ititi 111101111111111111111=11 SECRFT latAMINO MP KISS eNssollo ? 6 ? "41?411Flusrly Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 ; r 1.? 4 OFFICE 9pi ritAlricela.11. RSA ,_1: '- MAC r.............arisztroaltio=11. ?DleRletitt V13121181201 =1=01031 =0===1,01=14===TO . ICONFIRMATION TO ORIGINATOR1 X*2 *,,, ottolt , metle'peii 141 Vi i 110,111101110 MINTON loom ti1,01100121 4.4cs,r-wfir! torm-e=aThOmmailiNINI "OR DIRECTOR., 001:Ri 1}A ..i.s.wehieRepe_semmermsourammi TRANSMITTED IN C921.22_91PHIER #216604* SAINT* PASERTA (OUT 5182) SE #1120240 SAINT* LONDON (OUT 5183) ) FOR so*. cAsERTA. INFORATION3 LONDON* 101,,dt 3 s-1.5y NOTHING CAN BE OONE CONOFRNING LANZA 'MIK 1094 WM IN *PROXIMATELY 2 WEEKS* C ROtUWVJD TOM 1815 I wAR 45 1GT LMS RAp SEC I I PP v INITKLIM OF NIMUUNIII* IT IS PORI% I: 6 0141 riltDOUCt THIS 414,11141, WITHOUT AUTHORWATION PROM TII0 $11PORI1'MUA1 ""arvoirriar " goo *"`"4101114 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 !MIIIIIIIITINEOP11111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 fgE ? 4,r- kv? I'. diS Fora 49 (ltovised) OFFICE OF STRATEGI4. OFFICIAL DISPAT,Ot 26 FEB 45 .r4A.F.IIMMIMMS?1?10?11?1. VYM.P.M1/....040.1.141:====== DATE FROM CASERTA ITV TO .m.??11.1140?111??????11.14111A IMPINVInliim OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION -------- ta-1 Men . IN tei, _ aro* nwoRmAiiii?47---- b I RECTOR. OCE Rine MONGER W. I. IMN/1111111111INT 11111/1111110,11011 1.11-1761111-8 1111016=1 RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER. SEMI* E 4135334. SAI NT ? CASERTANoetliNGTON FOR 014/001? REFERENCE LOP40010CASERTA? ,) REQUEST LANZA BE: RETURNED I VVEDI ATELY AND THAT MARDI BE IELD PENDING DI SCUSS I ONS LANZA' CTCKETT AND NSELF HERE. PLEASE INFORM sited %AMID Nit *ID C C` - I (4 ? 1-, ? TOR: 0656 26 gami.?,EN COPY QR REPRODUCE THIS CABLE wimouT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE SECRETARIAT SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 00/0"4".4;;WMfOlimlOtg'Ott*-1610/0#40M,00001)MMOI .s , ? ' 4'4 11 illxy 1944 Prosasat Dixon Ryan )ox College Grounds Soh aectudy, New York Dir Dr, }ox: have received your letter of Mg oixth and reulito the difficulties y4ut will necessarily encountor in finding a aan to carry on Profeseor Loult,giatuto work with tyou. I prociuto ,your WOUVOM in a?reeing to hio roluLiou .410 nuouvo yiu that the ,greetast 1,oso1b1o un o will bo made of his backgr und and 4hiLition. mimarigimmiNE110101010INNINI Sincore.,1,y yours. WiLLiMaI J. Donovan Direator ? ?.? It , -,??...?,r,?..?11 ? e miortiPpor:04v ammill111111.11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 UNION COLLEGE tiONCNI1107A0Y, NEW YORK ori ait OF TM? PRESIMENT Msr 6O 1944 Oelonel William J ? Donovan, Office of Otrategio Oervioes, Washington, D. 0. My deer Oolonel Donoveni Wive your lettor of May rd and hove given it very careful attention. I hhve talked with Professor Langoam, and though he did not feel he could divulge the exact character of tam aseignmentp I WASP to retitle* that it was of high and critioal importence. I oannot comma from you thht Dr. Longsam's deporture is a reol wabarrosament to the work of the Oo1l4gel Mut we aro rowdy to undertake the neoessary reodjustmento to milks posolblo thio special servict to the war effort. Oordiolly yourop Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 UI- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 z .?,h14*,*tr ,roromiwor,,istwo, umr1=PM.,-,,?;t-t,t0:'14 i? , 3 11.4r 1944 ..- t, PrOldidilikte DiAOR Ryes Fox Csalsgs ?roads Soheasetsdy, Nof York Dior Dr. Fox! Dr. falter Lupus hos told yowl of oar talks with him sad of avr pee& mood for him to come sad pork *tth so ridht sway. Ws hoe in mist spssifto re*powilbtltty for lohich hie trsiutig proemiasat17 fits hill. ? c4nyesst4 the field of posoitilities Wort= wu tiaked *Ith hte it ail, and he no easily the outatanding in fur the post. Utai knoviedgo of tho i)olitict* of Central tvra opo durIns the loot ocvorcl soars, 'Am 'Amy bad hi* brow wvabilitice ai4 to takio WWI of Orman autertill oiLlIA *got bo 01V,411 Jiruotion and vointed tAlic; kJ and 400tovi4 toto a ailitarj framotoft. As thltot jou 1111014 tAs LPtifin agency of the Joint Chiofm of Vton, une. 4d1. our torti 101 dorm 4ndmr 4ire0ta, 1r owls. LI Di. Loncouga Wavos /out arrafigelmnts 414 huvc to 1,14,, twit) tq /Du tor litablOtttAitAin I Nal soil for Liaikt? LtivonveitiOawo? lOtt hoilHoterv tug would liot tali for him on madden Notice vales. then Vivo Vttta itald ?arodit novd. Vary othatroly rimy vsilafts J. te40Maft Dir*Oter ',41f 4. t ? -Kfl \c). ',Wow ? "VIII P miorimmaimsia 11.1111111 linimm Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100260002-4 11111