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Publication Date: 
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rr tr, "107 MOlirAti ilr,46trh :17l7f4r'' "1 1, tqk , Ave Ae?tie asla ' 4,744 ferlf4i as- 77:975328,,, ??? 4;04'4 ? Prit..-*M ,";44',...:Ity ? tfriaanIa Tsa Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100 310004-6 tik .5? s",?:-.? ? s. ' ?' - f' 173, -7 -.4 T i? 4 Tell, . . ':.T.1.? Fr'S ';'.. ; 7';'??,; ' '1 Tt' a t. ,r 5 *- ; 1.? ? TO 44, , . ? ieSir ,_i,, ? ?t-4 :et , ??? s ? ? ,t? ' _.? -2 , , ?.1r ? ? ,s7 - .t t 44 ^ ? ? ?51 t ? la s 4. ' s?, 77,?1 i:" ? '? 7._st 4 rir ?,f = . .ti.''?`,7 s Cr".?'?? "' 4', 13 ? ieT fr.1 !),4 , ?& ? ; . ;-- -.4.11101i$47415.,: s't,3. t-s - 4 rn to th.0 IncLzim of Clfre?.) ! !,t&4 xtziiinkleystier or% tho forthervik... tO their !y , 4c Alito office ??LI filiAn us tn c?c4 ()AA,Is fILA ,,7,1.174/7 .0,ttt*r. - Jo fw? r 6 Oa tit (elf Ezeftrat vt,r. a . 4" rgo.teliC iit':11104?Z,460044,001,5194Vikitt* V4/4"' t44 Ca10.07,C., -.401,:=?7 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? ? a' a frminNINE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? ? i- .3;T:0 ". ' , ''? 1 ' ''' " n ? ' ???,. I , '''' : ".:7 ''''...'" ..,'. ' 1 :,? s??,,, s?;f:s 1 .. _ .,..;. i' ,. . .,., ' '` ? ? ' ' -.1 ,.. ; .. ? -; , , _i ',- .. ? ,, ', , --' .1?,211,!. 1 ,.. '-? '` ....; ' ''' ? - _ ? ? ' _ .4147'; ? 7 ? ' " . r ,tai ttj1 Ak* s ...i. I': '.?.,-'''''',. ,'" - , . - ? ? '-: - ''' ? V , ; -,- ., ,i I i ? ,:.'": 1....i, '. k: f ' .,:?`....-:r*,.. ...,...:16',..: ;7; .!, ' . ' , ' 1 ...' 7' e s? s' S ,.. ?,,,, '',.. - Z. -- ,?,'' -...`?!::-**,...:, - ., s , ? ? , - ../ ' ';',;,-; i?.."., ? s' ...,k; , '.. s0,,S.--;:l ; .. ? " "4 i - 1, ;?,. - ? a:, ??? , ,,s. , ? , ,s ,--ii?.4 ,...,;....!..i......,..z. - , . ... 7, - ; '''?:.?,', ,S,:. '' - ' -.-,, .,,-.. f ,;?,....1:;.ai..Ais-,N 't, ' , -', ,,..- I ?? ? ?- 'If '14-`'''',:.- "7,;'-'1- ? , ':-.-,-, -",-;-; ' l'''' -: ''!--:, --''''''l :"..',t-?-;`:.,''''..PlY''';''' ? ? 1!, - ? ? t ' - , ?, ?;;" ; ?!. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 A Cv CIA %ors attosehoot the sitarthit book ju s Lu ortirok 215, fro irasstadamos. I: ow 41 wii Tat asks tbatt tali* a sam itba OM do Mi. La Aim of the Nat howavter. tbis4 Us Wit boa at VA w? boa Won croapla444 doolaborods 4:4 tuic* last is *Mir itlo to doebtatx ce row* 3sittos to abatis* it is, bellowed ( OtaL to yola vial:0) that Ur* Amilartistea vitose bo * _ - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 *sroAtitqw- - ;two. rmeionwr 000% OF cirr4Fir wommloirrto, kto HEMORANDUR TC LT. niTULL =Ls Book of titv)rthAnd Zkitelo 1. The navlogluro har4with 1.4 1 :al '41414. th4;00)Zat to you W. ut by telophono 144A4114Ay. 1'14 .151th. 34w44 whothor you hpyo rinp,octy in yper )r4.,ntxpttln d..t ? dociphor tho 2. Tho on-logurv. brow:hit !ry AA ).'" 010 lac* juot completed n cotcrior trip to th4 kAl ?11:4.0iL up by him in U1t1001 office, on tho farwr rr officor dJo,not now whothor ulatr COntli!.ott tn Li important or not stlt in qty ot,00 vo'111 We* to ,t11"el -10 back when it has carved Ito purp000 3. Will you too what ema to dono Llt vtl, bo vory approciativo. (ALIT U. OaptAln. US (Rot.) Aooletaut Socro Ary nor inQQ if i pri nd Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100310004-6 MM. C 001.40,44 refilii NO. .4 Office Memorandum TO Executive Officer mum Security Office SUM+ i7T2 a MD STATE.C,o *AIL A large quantity of elassift4d documents and material is now an rout* to WAshingtor rem .1.1vr- seas. The deputy Security 3ff11coro, wIth r. en- tativis of the Chief, Secretertat end Um Asoftvilt, has converred on several occaston$ with tne davuty Director, Administrative bervices r*ordigte provisiono for adequate seourity for the pramisvs astdo for the storage of subject material. Up to this time no space hat beez allooated for this purpose. To avoid the possiblitt of sorlou4 4dminl- strative and security problems upon urrtyPil, of 1.hls material, it is urged that Ws mAtter of, given prompt attention. / ( A. VIAM aeurtn A? van iieuren $ecurit aft Ller To Louis Ream- We must get space at once to mtet this problem and advise me in London that this has been done. f Donovem Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .37Z7 14 1,117, Army, hAr issued A rd 4,? equipmont or Divi Engineers t 1414 1'1 Will you pleAse have a ItemtKir if y-)?At., Cheek to mmhe norttin that: ths Approprittto 41,z1orancit I obtained in (Ionnention with tho organizntion'for the equip ent Lnvolit4-1. 46, Jt oNt.nmit 411-44E. (Jcit USIO tt(vint"41,1 qfrtOer ? ???k. WillitertollytrA4o Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 9-170001-?001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 0.? 1, 1 ??!: :?.^, ? ,.,???./..e iti ,gla (sr) .41n4017 121.414 laegor. 011- 1.??? ? - ?-??q, ,?444, sOnilITIVAII MOO voq lonotrrnovA trop[omoativfl erg Ipne la Rolm vpaArtnez prre ottolppwArtt000kir ozilt ptott pitT4 pelsisaanit aT 'irommon vizotrolcad 4441iti;* 04 own IPPIIi,oriProod lOrr OT Errrittriall tat 1149 tWiliTOU0011114 IZOTIONO?td 110111R 101102rint litotiolT 0 ntlimutrirl *IT 'Trot noz *4 ,txtMliiir ?VP :110T4sol tiorgall7 DiP? virotwilt %eon rift metro 'IMPTIM 'WM; 9114 ;0 1101401Mita IPUVORRONLI WP1 Gta MAC cia 30 feartuoun aictica tralitka Otiovre ? y.; ?To purgatc$9 **WO itAnnaell - ." t."" '74?? 9-170001-?001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 MOOMMON ;- taro wormalmmol 41 ;roPt ftt. a tno tiftenot or to Whet Ex*outive MU* Dar *ill my mutant* bal tAd4 out 4 tb* budgel ot *Athor alio. for such, pixsonnol or pro Latot wile** and until tbe approval at Ms inreCtUrf A4MISZAult Dirsotor or 2g*41411* Ottletbr has btalawd to writ 14' - ;4. . " -; - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ,miniuminaMMINIMO - Ur, A1vah, L 11A Ilatwat Execrati Ve Ott I ati Satimated 1;ost. ot Stator Pro jut and Special aerie lea Unit* r Could you hale proptrod sn *et:sat'?" )e tIct t-int tie Directoes office :iltaref 144, 3erviles 'mit of work in flonadmtlln vit. mr ir for the coning yeari rits to !ix. 3titortq and the," want the nomoTanduzi k Amy. 1101 have no ideas on subject, I think one or the t%irkla t. b Ur, ,o-r!lieivile. 1,0,7 wts) havo ?laced In the 3pe la' 3or.tif,f4-4 ?#1?-mnitil to work on t'iis rlyn,;N:..kopt he arrives, as he mp. be famditor 1144..1 it. A..r factor, of course, would be the lionerni' 3 T7,41"4Vg. connect ion wit't the s'abicet. withn !s 12, -.Itli,110 estimate from here. 4 im,Inecifiarl and A n Droved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 WM. _ ? s! ? ? ??- ? ? 1, ? ??? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 : Director,* Offtek, itioatatikve orermio Emittit 4 4-C-7 1441 Sucre tit r let g On?rI1 Co.troisi Robert Thrun The Aoting Di otos.. Ms, dtvinto4d that 4rr 194, OBS civilian emplayoms *ILL litoft * 44614=112h4 ilti Skeleton f roe*, howevar? *re tf, to, matttmtn4d Ut Set. 4314,1. c?it r-. J.J. tspoftor.. . each branchA.Suc4imividmicis Ap ar* 41444 tiw sorpp nkolcton force will be given either tevertime sAtory time off According to their prl,f4townood1 ? , r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 v,_:?;0-_;,!:1 ? ? ? _ Attached memo Is lin referencit to the, tuutbles which Waviell tcrwardsd to lou andlAsent D. for dirposLtlean. t thiiik Capt. Kllor wLLL t? Able to tAdeg , care of this matter. PI! 74:;11 t?-:; t_ A.P.etf- A - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , ?????? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 _ _ innummumgm 11' Ake MO Otr.r.t. ? Xati)c-r De/afield hos *eked me to wits seu citnnernIng eotttr so it you may take the nesessary steps ts stew Unit mistime* to as allaCh as proper distribution is mute in ttorAttittece at the muesave Mot emanate troa here it is definits4 anneeesnAry to pooch Ulna 440 444,4, In addition* it should bee prohibited* Can you therefore, lime wee sort et media* or mwioaikvandtr,a with sufficient paver in it erfiering tftls to bo Mapped. .M lo fti404 possibis that saes over enthusiastic sable distritatider in Aulthurs would send a eopy of a table back to WashiNtoo that alga has* had ?a LI4bod distAbution at tibia insd mug* this is *Wood* it emmli Alm seam that there are una000uotod tor eoplee sablies In asehi.4,04% And utter the present or rather ourreWelp program to eat 4letoloutleo und !Jae. aoblo copies in Washington this load souse 00160, oofttaello uld defiemt irappmmv ^-45Ft' Pi. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 wommimmm Comdr 1.14 flsits 44111%4110 u 1154Dish.? troot Honolulu, T J. Dc4r Divot am taking the tippet-1=111y arn44 by Ur* Ahopard to deliver OAR it to rofqg Colonel Buxton, 4r* chestan grft1 I had a very inetruotive and Lfttoresttng disetton pith Shepard last Monday kftornoon* Ho tas ar a very intelligent man and tho platorc vtanft T141 04* us was very helpful Although 1 mmet conrm.et rvot too encouraging* Ho cgor?tainl spolto highly or r014 4Ad of the effort you Aro aikivtg dooptt4 b.he Pmor 74s4lAt handicaps* Tho films have bisvn dovelopiod And r9 turned to his, much to his pleasure* :n he had certain other films which he *unto!, .4-AndtstA and I am glad we were able to do it in VI* ohort space of time that we had them in our pe)llo#qtrol,. He en tell you about them* Mach to my surpripo - and 1::so to my subsoqueat great pleasure -I recently reuarned to my desk to find a packago containing two 14fttles of "Southern Comfort* which yoa had sent me Irmo yOLit favorite liquor dealer* My only hope Is Irhat y*/4 enjoyed the scotch half as much - and my only regret is that I was not able to give you tho acoassor7 which you suggested* Unfortunately the ti,mo of visit was bad since I 4L not come into knowle44e of the accessory until' after your depart. The situation back here needs a blt of clarification in 'View of the recent appropriations voted for us by the House* It is now before the Senate and we assume that the recommended twentr mil lion dollars will be given to us* That sum is ade- quate for the wartime job which we have to do In the fight against Jalian and requires us to male certain ywy 801.. ? frk - 0` ? , ^ ' 1R000100310004-6 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1110111011111.1111 oconomi # lr vorsonnol Anti mqqtpivimntTh )1? o nr( it In ordor nt thto ot44o. ),:tr f.44r.oa 1 tilat it will not giya la rum% rqoil r)r r.,3-*441%#7 41011- Mies in th* plet-WIMAt tntmiLtomlm rto4 . 4 1.4tatit which this oountry alraly nAado. Ao*ftv4:, 1."44rAll produced by this gives omrp,r41 tionov4/1 11p,Irtil- nity to bring to t? fore lneo rettA41?. limn? plan, 4nd wr aro expeetin4 thAt ttal 1t4 rob.. turn from urope noxt week he ritilL ItA440 tip ':i1440 Nft,!ti.A where he left nffit At the momont gr. Chostor others includlne mysolf Are stwiling 04C" 'rk,4nIn rIntn here and abroad to det*rmtrr how w9 e,An az"rot14, ad,Neft- ments and nhinjrii.Lttm or 4ettirEtteiva And order to have n ttetter and %,')ro, wionom11-11 know yoll vould ilkp to !Jo tn an the 24Z'ty 4nd Ne certainly vish wo had yrlu stttiolz *tth us. Wo r-ad wit intort:t Lt. renort on tho fictivitiflT; of tgallt q%l o-m pleased to receive it from 1'.)11. Thr ;? ingientfte,Int ono tdw- tiltLsCto,_ A(t- aomplishmonts? We are now awattlr,; L8 to th(N progrern of t"iit efr rt on! will have somathinc conetructive t3 T. VIn..714,4r1',40 y4 frt. j ,1417 Lecentiv the Jilt ita ? Itr ment received a very helpful cable Cron Coatval Wedemoyer in support of our cotiLl ts now before the Chiefs, wit!, 01,4 r..7nendltior .140 approved for operations bastd on ninlwz. 4:114Astan talked with Admiral EdwardS OU Ule plan strzco It inevitably will go to the Navy planners for study, and the Admiral was quite encouraging. Noedloss to say, we have the fUll support of OPD on this male-et as well as on JAVAMAN? In the latter conntotiono hope that Shaheen behaves himself and does not got into any mischief out your way. It he dooltA last drop him overboard and nobody vial say a ward' to youl wish to you. Becky joins me in sending eviery $)4)4 Sincerelys, >1 CC. k 4 anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , qlre#104100ffs WOO Mk 414 TO IltOld 8011JSCTI Us Robert Thrtini r;101, Executive Amendment to Ann lpflArni. r1.4 re no 1. V444 atVrr tett!! 4 trti #11 grammatical mistake in tho cirt*Onnt includes us It h** tnotuded nInce tt 'ins 5;41: ,wo13:r 4 f; February, the whole of tha contlnent or Arrtla. ? ifttzltl C cm litnel* - - '10.M4P-larri.4040tEmireftPit04101141?1UNathitatatir, ? ir ta'la roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - p?LIS..; ?;.' 4 U51 rorm nout PIM - AS CON,' tikt. WIV1*1 k41) Wroo Iggit 4~,044EAfi ' k. ks; illicchkenciacio Room N. ? sr All -M2k "4. ??? eicolawmilialbs? OP.ki .41 1?????00.000??? Esch comment should be numbered to correspond with number In iv,' c'olmns , , ,t 4 A line should 'm drawn across sheet under each conment, . Officer Designations should be uned in To 1:01UMA. 14.911-,::9fficer should initial (peck mark insufficientl before tktrthet. reuttng. PAIA,i16.1.1. desired or action taken should be Indicated in Commvnt3 column. _. 4Uting sheet should always be returned to Rvgistry. Or Officer Designations see ueparate sheet. :! CONFIDENTIAL 040) ric0.01/Cd.0.1*..? ccroccrilmaincorPascr. .1-4134e4,~404,:ftie?s. Jj.4-PURU - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nryll nnnA_R NMI ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 fAr.1444041 C frilovifoorkijkl, OPicifiikhOP41 04$ f44tmlfitiq APCCA 44100ki !Alf tPt#iktfli 1.1 MEMORA tiNt Reference, Mono randqm t: an ex trac t o f amondmen t to an 1 .".; r9, A 5. i 1 dat ed 22 May 45 1.s hereby Vo r wn IN4 4 1. For the Command tn,F, Off tcor: ? ogeL .1 V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 -!;,-??? Reforitnwit tmorandumt PAs gi dat.od V1 6,47 an extract or cu*ndnnt General Ord re. 4. %Wino dated 22 Ma 45 is PG1'st7y Poreardedo -. ? - ? "'"*???-zt-',.14.440 ? ,51,4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 11.:1Vk U. .1 ) 3 T -:t.' TI 6ATEU 0ItGA: ? 12,4\T _1( 1:0. lc), thin linitc.1 towtor 3te t1on T1, Gotinrql ri Inds " II: or , (./c) 1.t1 s Le) road "Myra* to., Anct 01.11.11e r , 13Y C fiti, 1) 0 it I J t . e C 4.4., :3 ? t t.? 4,1 ? t 1 0,1 Da 1 0 L. Tv T: 'OM . r.nt t t.cur? t, A I" !ME F.XTRIXT : ,, . \ v i, I?- ,i..,..., 111,..RB,IfiRft R . I 1::.) IC I: , -,. . Captain., Ini.'txr. I 0 F 1.) 1!: T I A 4.0 41.4111 ?????? *APO 4.?? OP/ ,Wer6,4:4 ras6J; - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 inatructed to Um:Weir Stanley P. Lovell from his pressnt WIttl &a vice classification CA715 'Spacial Agitts?... taut), to a whenoNsetuallpsomplo7ed statam effective ccumeneement of wain*** I Ilaly Necessury forms (#1001) will be sign44 this ?Mc** Effective IJulyUr* Lovial sql;, assigned to Special Services Unit, ck?, ; ? #-_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA- 1111RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 11111111111 ijrzvor?Ft1,0,.! 1:f, ? ,1 '' try:mire into present 036 requirements tor pertain mealtime tools and entirialng *Nu:4cent requIsiti 4 by the Vieusa treseatILLtan Branoh, kindly a4d Lt Colotall KIL144 A. *mans to the oomalttee and have tan prErscfut ell of its dialberations* 3. ? ?'? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 n tas tIr 71") You are informe4 that a deolittn has boon taken againat means risque,* to ttrit I1&' Department for the Nimeral taff va.* canoios. This matter is aolast tNe polLoy of the office of the Ottief of Staff 4nd we have boon told that thgly would ntst consider it favorably Kindly notify Colonel (Malley rdf the doolsion whon you see a* Ulttt Paris. E1 J. Putsen, Jr. Lieut. (Jet um Acting Executive Officer moo, ro,ackflosoAlweeiet* Ro*:4 440 ..' roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1.? "4 Wt11t G. mocuuthim Klooutivis omits Osgood 14 Uto%ol* tt. JTOZP:iftt 41- P:c7.4 Vik ' A Yr110141 This transfer referienoto to the ?Moe of the Strate laerviefite floor, YTO, and not to t olreattA17,4 ?rms. It k,11k Olerotore anlroprtet* that Colonel t'organ or hts 4u11 aqthorTiovi roprosontntive approve the treatifIr approvo the mammary Wave, Its rit- torls oerum in Washington has rietrILN; to do with this per*onnoo1 aet100, ? ? , i- ; - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Mr* Louie Ream Executive WM* Atteched file You CR* requotted to oentetlt3 * ttee to be composed 0 the foll*wIng yourself as ?Mimeo') RepresentetIve of Representative of sentation Representative or Representative of jecto Oftioc Representative of department* Inquiry is to be made Into ozle pro sent OS requirements for the machine waist and engraving equipment reipisitioned hi t. attached, and to maks recommendation* n ern ing the most appropriAte *Moe af the os&nJL zation in which such equipment should b ie oated* In this comsat/on you should moo- eider machine *bop facilities nots available ix Field PbotogrephiekanotiSeproduction 124k¬tes as well as in other branches ot the agenci* and also tbm avel1abilit7 of the Government printing otrum and other existing (ma email.* ties for the engraving requiroments of the agency* Your prompt action is requested* Please return tbm attached file with your re- commendations* J* Pu?sell, :r* LIttut* (jg)* JNB Act g Bxecutive Offtmer ? .1. ? J.4.?Zirt,t,, ? ' I - Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004:6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1 TtirvE*, ?;, Attached /WarJrr CcIondl 4.4o This was opened by ma under that order eulah proirtdoe rwr treatment when mail is addrevold to t4e Arector tThr t particular individual "o i ithr _...chetrd sver,ra thing through in this way. ett teastarlal epirtt4 routine and should go through the nornal ahlagiaels so 1,At the two Wilsons will be keit informed of organlatioula Is and other pertinent mongol in the thoaar. when you are writing Prichard, I wonder 1' nind including a sentence suggnoting twit r ern Lis "Director for Colonel Lotman on.,41." forzwla for wail tnegt deserves specie/ treatment. t. 11' ? MINUIMMWOMMIN 2111.as.....AAL ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000 0.3 ii Declassi? fied and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-R0P13X00001R00010 0110110 inotomogot Novo coo to es ihiscattiset 100119 junior *Moore of ON ohs toms st ow? two that aousidorini tor pr *i* i sn tho prow Vas am* I ~et OM tIos Offiffors &wird lttilbt wish, to initials* into this preottlook sot %otos instruction tioth to tito71,14onoi tho Ifranotkino litibtavY into* conocraing tt Patsoll , , 2013/09/27 : CIA-R0P13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 a tAftniAtte, ININIVI WI 44 Office Memorandum 6010;in1 Aasnl Unentive urfioe, 'Linn Arnotor lik4111,11) LITATF:11, Cr At ANiviFostim 20 npvii froN ,Injor t;nr:*Inte'r that it:nuts on ,Itvotinatilorolt ,a/sv:$1 nt thn timn of lnbirielfin8 nhd tolt r. f oxamination tit! lantin ft pert cords. ill() iirnctor rlqunotoq a-vit f4ostion bn carried out. Int tn, 3 O 1 e Ao mrt 44".1 a nssistaz.t ufficolr Col. S. 0. Missal, M. 1of ourtmon, oo 1 P08 North Builuing, 4,-k:lhinttont b. TO: Mr. aobert Thrun, AsAi:Itfmt Ltecw"v- ? U66 Theater -',urt;o1/4..n:z r,ro ? ox, mination is roquireo cit t.ie t,ime 04;en ..71.;lit Lad been wo1'kin6 for overseFt!I ire od. ? 4.41, 0.1., hioV -Jur-uon Medi c 1411 t s.) e ;5 e C. r : npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 it ? Col. 134 0, MiSSal, Mfli_e*, 'hist Sarit*014 We' '')1 10"11441 )(r 208 North Building, Ved, WaaUington? D. Cu 114, Ig4z TO: Mr. Robert Thrum, Alogio4Ant Exeauttv U6d Theater Liurgoolie ctrebtu norAfted rt 47t1y44-1:4 excmination to required at Me time wItem oirtitna pittiva, uta ?vt-;.3 ha0 been woricin6 for Oz'48 overeima Ire !taohnr0144 ; 6L.V.44Tsat ?b,p, Al.J4.46 Colonel, M. ?"4 Chier ourgeon Medioal Serithlea Ottio. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 riusatzt, t vo ?filo* rixt) 20 ,t'Lpri3. rrim laajor Cirii that rntn brp j"am tilt) tkt tile 'Li= of debriorine likttgr da0 pu awctvwsottr,443 airy examinatiuil bn made a pile-4 OOP cords. Tho Amato: ans roluoistmd gest ion W aarried out* ? r4' 4 ? roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ?????41-i,i ? Tba raoords of this F *how tho1 am 4 lorptimobwr 1046 an *Oakum of 00 was. oat* to Myst* Thomas 0. Motor, 12004330, for nommary offiela4 forproailot ,!y7 Office or Stratasla harvisloss Ibiso ativanow boo mat rat boon rapaltl. A Uttar tato& *4 t000avitp*, LMImo 11140A &Hood to Privata Aotor roquamtlas tiamast* pow:moat of WO advance, Miwowspro vo balm hat ft* .1017 to WA lattor? It la raquaatat that yom tW. matt*V0 V* the attontlan of the, *Mum at s*Xjeaanamt *vat rrivato Sotar tor appropriate aliptloa* 1014S *te- aroom wo borto for Privet. Sotar ta Firth Mos& wt.*** and Iloadquartara, g Osisti acmittt timptikt Thh rivr, will approolato your ikooparattolm in thl* mktiftra a. e.,....,,rodY?:?????????, tact .??????????,.....*,????.????????- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIARDP13X00001R0001003 - SOO rotwinat for a limited set? it Sgt. Ora Barmy and Pvt Terhaar access to the Adstretton baild,tag and ciallidtAg cafeteria pending security approyel. Until siscurity a;proval Is secured their work win be lialited to nonwciasstf ed =tarifa and to instruction an unclassif ed deans of office procedure. This will also op quest Lt uita- on these two enlisted women be ezedited. ,f. Robert Tams Assistant lkeoutiva Officer tt' VVV .w --84..4..4%*.iO4*,44$0-Avt; ? ,,owv e 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: itko, o* for 2202a nein ' U. Cols &mire 41.1 Norm To No, PAIL CORP !DEN FAL RI API n 4 " 4,444101; Rt.? .1* ,N i 4 4 r114120 t t. Kasen 1.010111, 10. AVINOMI.1.1?114 Each comment should be numbered to correspond with number in ru column. A line 3hould be drawn across sheet under each commenn. Officer Designations should be used in ro column. Each Offkcer should initial (check mark insufficient) before furthor r,utkr1.4. Action desired or action taken should be indicated in COMmcntS cotImn. Routing sheet should always be returned to Registry. For Officer Designations see separate sheet. (20640) CONFIDENTIAL Wiialanakii 4' k4MI7 - rilmainrietimmummo nprlacsified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , e orrice or s ArEtc SCRIMIES WASHI-Nar 1:1, G. libf(A) S. J. Puttetit Jr. 1ATX0 3 WI] 1,44,0 FROM: DiYisional Deputy Parimarool 4 Sorytm.01. j4 SUBJECT: Unot Chong' 1. In response to yow an of 10 Match 194Zo C with to advise you that we have dlsouseed the matter with Capteta gervil Personnel Procurement Pranch. 2. W. have arranged with Captaiz Sarvis to have Kajor Persons of Vv. Now York C'tfloe seours personal history Com** trio* Mil* Chong. 3. As soon as we have had the opportunity or reviewr trig her personal history forrs.we will inform yet: whether or at we believe she has qualifications for work in this 9ranch. ! eA 40444 flrIsified and ,,.-ove,11.11111111111111.111.11111.11.11111 For Release 2013/09/27: 00001k00100310004-6 0.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ...== -I ? ? .000 , ? ...,;-? .,,,f d To s Trees 1.11, Virgo %smote" Wise This solcasostoditss ii4014W104,401 fres lipase isstios. libAs re I r I love arrsage4 to 'hate a sap prist&red AVOW 111010410111? Thia Oka apparest without sesurilay prelasso? as** 1$1414- t. ., A ..? ,.. i., . -,...: ? , ,..,, r- --ii0A1041041#.;?r7.7;-.? '',.? $.;,-',' ' .i.,...,. .., ,-, ? 1,-.:.'? -,, ,,,Iii,,Irilk., 4' :::-.1i: ? ..i' ._..--1., CONF12F , 1, , t k < 11 ?-.1"? "1.;*". ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - -47-1 14 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 45):'t . ? ? _ ???-? '411, _( ??? uoiSalward iding ?Moir Ossidquartoro 2677 Thigtakont ifti6 Chivy ) Oasort4, AMMON' Lois Dear Mks, Frouontlo* Astoranoo siAittie to rogue/sting transtor Ibutoutiv0 Otrio0 1114001) 111013tiona ith os 'out Ouboission of In o ticoortiAn40 * - Ts?: ? ""r':/ . . 7 ? 7 -441:- ? ,;11. - :??? . - , _ _ . - 7.? ? ??,?' ,1?? "' 1;5 ? ? - - ?- - ? -?? --7?? - ? -7 ." ? ' ? , ? ?:1?? Pf"=.1.. ? ? ? -II- 7: e - 4- , - . ?- 11.11,!' Pr-) ' _ ' - 11-'? ' :411. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ki Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4,14-4 Uenerai Counsel ilariat twoutiya Office doporta ufflao a oertifioato eitanr anointing or titazklAg dootor for ais olrvioes IA coatiootion it .1711 J014400. Ur* .31tepardson's officio, cannot lowIte t;ils vcrtifklAtil. Jo auy of you know amthing about it? Hill you p1,ut roturuthis to mm w1t4; Tw/r mower as promptly E pooeibIeo Niki. '7;141 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 of you trig with 4re, jtpthg talto Of your toluplano Ind hop* to 44 Calsa to tiling for you. Don't exp*Act too much talit hoar from us, boonurt, in 1 vttilttln it is nip and t.1c4. t do hriio, vntotr- SUCCOSOrtat ott? loln-U?t * P Lail.4. :4. It . 4.0 ',on yoU t 4 Chill nic* It! 3141 knat4" how you ar- got.tjn i?s Fvoryoult .0 trig for yotl. ? Sino*rIply? 4 .r - ; ? ..E roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 c? ? '1-5: ?-411, rt "141 ? a 149 4t.sell, Liont* jr) Asatiur --timatve ? ? ?? ? r ?.1'7`?e : ; ????:'? ? - ? l'''?'?;"t ? t ? ? roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .1 4 ? ? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 -,g Map Intel 1Konam loott ntion: grit larinahs Alef Wioutila (Irmo Ikiy war or ttlrlp t47-- :ho "sample snrirt.la sltr 4mr4 in oonneetion with the Corwariinp of the 4 Iowa- or.7tIropean ?o J* has boom 744 ful to this ?Moo, lilt olttcvItrTontta30 to make this map available for otxr 1-z771tttL*n and retontion t1217,Z-L , . ? - a , 4 1?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 tel 4! 4r? 0' Iroeuti Wiles; hin without d lay ar,onIttid ti L' his orderly In all ins so he bUvu thatnmr*ott his argsniza ion shoIla bo camtessod fore going to the and Navy to ri11 theso 510, Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ?," - kwat,044 A 1K, 6461,614i644 FORM PIO 64 Office. Memorandum ? TO Gry nn rod. kmovn nom I G Thrun SUNRCTi way trantraittn1 UNITED ITATE s GoVER.Nr0E141 is P I roav 64 1,4 " k r 4.7,1 layed oro tiny tor prespr, t -) XI and an add I t iona I two (Inil rnr Branch's will theln nnvo copiela wn pyt *,,5113 to portions of t he roport Aeque;Jts n re) bei to.-1ntt i)f tro submit reports in duplicate., won taia )c,t) is in full effect, tile delay w i , for purposes of indexing. You have already seen t:ze It is submit tod as an exampil , .............-..,,,odeotrttimear*svrrem,mwalmtwo.i0100011",01,015,heMmegetkridoleatilAttl#4414,001` ':,..t ...Z . r ..? , ?-? .. ? .,-.., ?-. ?, _.,.?-:::: ,r . ,1 ,?.? ' t;,".,?,? ,..f , ,,-. ;-;:. 't,'''''',!;?;Ile,!,:e:*;,.;...,?: , , - 5..;c; ,!?,. ' ,` ,!,1,`: . :',,kr,4,.! ',e,,::\ ..- - , '%.....1?_`,...i.::t r,. ' ' - r.11 ' r.., ,,::-?-?!:;,''' re. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 vt :4,11 ;r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 I have 41.?4014 lido tit* orttur 161 you mant mad to op tookr oat flat that it you oati bar* imesittaittely v*, atm Pro Lit taxa with azi, ialividual who will swr* regaprormas azactlyo ? ';4"..rt 3'4'4:74 t." N 7;71 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - - - AFritAfter lit0110 *IA tt rrJ P It OM SUN 8C T: IF( I .1t0 / Metnorandu Jullowny Lt. rhrun AlVah: Thq A e)1.10.101. bi4f. )3 g ;s to (1) no dintributitin; els to on Kornnns (tinymprinto snould certni ray go tr) (3$.4"Vtti, ) t;iitt ;to IC 7 ..1;" '1? Low o L t Ftt t en ti on It also would bo or Liagrudor and t. In td s co iiroc t ion s stv r onblf) answnring McKgmedq's re4(1.1.tmli' I yap LEN parable distri but ion. .As to (3) o,tistri.3titrJa Coughlin's lgttnr to the/ .14qatINI ()lit CtILL-11 distribution of the L'? ???- ' thentqr 4iewer4-bnitti%1 vq)latt.:1 000 71. 1 ?--..,141.1,1.?1400?0*.lkilOet?a?K?11?????,,, ? ???? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 J,;(- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Arr4HisArles P11741110 4*4 ,ormot, Office Memorandum 'iturtrn ) I try ne) Lt . t, n , - ? -,? 4 1:NitTr,1D CrATT.; GovF,RNNEP:vr n '1 1 you reutunittrti! s riow r I. ? n fact tant tat)swtorc),-,r1;?1 q4 7.1 161? k..) t ice) is nn 1)11, t W ?set 1 ?*. t ? 30, Pacific ti ay.) , t t tzri - will bn souAw,Irt ? t ? ?? OP,* 1 - ? I - = ?- ; , . - , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? 1. t ? ? ; k ; ? ? ,gesv t Office of the Executive Officer T:4!.? ?4: -6 ' _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 7r-Sli .47J. - 124 AdmlnistrAttun Itz Attanhed 1v roquost frqm !4Mfttn Eiemo, 01 CommAnd, reques'ln,r 4 -Lvilio for tho porsonnol oonnooted %flat unit who were m1selnr or kl Llo ' In notinn. :2. Duo to the fact thtst pons r policy ti mt ,tre, aoori telerho .o eonversmt $01 referrinr till s you for cons!. n. ? 11:21:t? ? "2Z roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .ONAIWN-TIA I 4KANVARTKRS 0 pir,Rok r t i,1RCIT alkeoto. 41") OrTrLac sru I ARV i;:agro WASiir MN, ? Subject: Honor Holl Plaque To : (hief, Maintenance Division : Operational kiroup Command From OM/ lw vigplh 1)41 1. it is hereby requested that tiper4tional :fray') Command `4,43i'l made for them a uplaque" on which will be posted t4111 names 1C g4:41, personnml who were killed or are missing in action. 2. The question of size, shape, finish, etc., ClA:1) CA .r)ct iLge tag Sad by the carpenter detailed to do the job and theundersi.zned. rIvorqr,:yre, it is hoped that, a3 soon as possible, arrangements will be imide fru. Wall) designated carpenter and myself to meet so that we can Incorver%te ideas as to exactly how the plaque shomla be build. 2195. 3. The undersigned can ho reached at )02 south Sull,tiag "atmnsIon For the Commanding (Jr ric?ri CONFIDENTIAL ? ? irF.130.ff nreri folitWialliRie.2 fCfOriraitraffar,044.4 1 R4t? 14 ? iL.,) itismo cagtainl, 000,, - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Anvim X4443 Ws ars forwarding harreLL for nop vim a manusoript written ous of ,Ar moo goyess, Joro Away C4astook, twaoaratAs her to:4)19141moms vale oversass? This scomoy has no obleatioa tthe pailioation of tuc sommsoripto ? , . 1 - : , - ? . ? - - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27. CIA-RDF13X00001R000100310004-6 wulking past the Genera noticed *A mmumulatt/n /rFi screps, pacitages, etc* on tho stre of and in the green* He mnuLd 114e- *.hts #1:c.fr: trIto be uneanitbry* ii2=1;Sktf, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: Cl A- t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Lt. John W1 son Fmoutive Citations Board P44rworr 1145 Your attnttan is c!!41164 to Me r10.)ort MEMO Citations BoArd datAd I. FobruAry 10,1 LA wAho Monthly Progress Rep t or the .)677th Rctimpnt ; '-047?1 16-31 January 1945. Ploase let us know rhether th 13141A 144 letter as having boon awarded d000ration nd/or 10t44rs aommendation have been posted on the Citations :0,- Prolootion Room 1, 7 Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 14borah otow, now *tU A4 wired hnr Aother sokingsurentk, tt StAmmemP olothoo bo Dont to he,. Thera Itemsti forwarded to General Jonovan's 4a144 who lu anxious to get them overtimes, Pious? lot know if wo have any deportinc for Irro within the mixt woek or twos so thAt we can impose upon his to take tango ?;11, For your information I have had 4rog tell otowe's mother that the items bre to to an absolute minimum in vi ow of the burden they will be on an traveler* eclassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X000011!000100310004-6 5L.'71 - ztF,. -.;F:...':-.. 4--11:1?441:1:-?1 .- k..,,,? ,..:Iii.-......, ...,..4K.,- ..r..L. -::)..Ai...i. , i.....,: ,"... 3 -... ::i.,..1-,7.,?,.:-, . -lieftirt.71.4,..:1,7..,:,...1 -,...u,-il.,11...?... :',.i. - -45. ? ,:.-....,:. ? _..,0 - , I r, ?. r" Your ittoxtjoz is called to pcuaba downprit trim 344 to 950 dated 12 Januaxy 1545, subject: MK,. And boartrad Qua Bldg. Registry accession maw19 rziouz, Ju 5 19450 I believe tbat Africa-'sActice, ,:44t* ham this document in its ilossessiozto Firm ozi readine of it? It would seem, to ass that you null want to helm X.402 =1 the Africa Section, iI titai this natter with you for your further coneide=tion,?1 dam not tom to in soialy an 31 bisa? - _ ? - roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ed? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 s?. The ecitto *Moor h4s. aptovalvzn r*wligottatiatutoft cants no4 in Mr, Wanes, memorandum of )1 SInuotrI t4 Allatttol Doering Mutt the fo11owing Navy Knd &Awl slots viiito *r* not now qooupied, not be rottined for POA vurpn NAvY affioors12 Mav'i EU garine offteers Marine TX Accordingly, th* forogoin4 available for other us* within WS' , ? .? t ; ? ? 11.7. ???? t ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010T0310004-6 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r. Thft follawinq namoi *be 14 bel. *4044 th4 tun I gave Mr. Wilson of your offImo on Solanr4ay* 27 hill-taktit SUBJECT VALTI25 Colonel J. Rasnel Porgan Strategle 3srvta 'Yof-04411-, Colonel Edward J. F. G1*vLn Stiratextf 3erv1.41-4 lfrtatoro Colonel Harry S. Al4rioh Cbt,, OM Cairo Commander H. Davis Halliwell Colonel Richard P. Hemmer Lt. Col. William R* Pwire Comoandlog orr1o.ort :*t* Culonel John 0* Coaghlin (O8L 4r All DopatymOireotors and Brien Amede in teltsalagt , ? , Wrr,?tr-:70' ? .? ? ?. ? ? -? ? . ? ' : ? :t?tz". _ _ 4 1.? 37 ? ? . ? . ? . s't _??? ?????-. ?,? ? r ? - t - ? '=',7?1 , ? - .44,7Lo ":?:??Z Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ; 044 Tke duties of the Miriam ThO**14er Oftlite 0011fOrtift 4S1, aoilivities ea gis *sot Cowie%) hove bees eatacsed tm the 11044 *mita* n at the ineoutteo Offioo? Wirt ides:4 Maimes, a this offisep baS been put in Aare* of thee. wetivities* ta eemmeoilan, ettA duties in this 'opacity it is sopososly the.% he peso** to the ,Vetli Gout shortly for * period a siva tea lbws to two weeks, Mr. Maims is sad has boom for soso Use la cairtiktaa *WWI* as Imsoutive Officer is the Far iut ritimitor Otis* is Otis* a Nee ludia,Ovirma Thoster? La order that 110) Woes okr Wu, Polar* his duties thirlag his visit to the $0444, it is nomeesory thet seatinue to atiatsia his epporeat atatoi*. autherisation lo therefore roqueetod for tho mutat to Tro Solite* Olds traveling expenses and per diem' at like rote of WAD por doln out of illtettial Pods la the aanuor similar to that ebleh swab* be toie ease were be in hot a oiellime* OK boils of this request is that Mr4 Wel 441012,0011, *as.. motion with this trip, will be those of a aterilialaft, ONF IDENTLAL ? oved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .011016111.4111-0111 vitaposeible the graitting et air Weft 'woo o**14 yaw 111 000pile the tolloot_ intowheittha tow ow omitoo4 osinallitwiritt A brimipiom by emotiso et Woo totial povaemori ft* mew trovollott (a) by fart (b) by moo te er Thostorot Me gra auk Mires Aeieu knot* 41 three Thorstere aro tb the oustmor if refr000ts pot to Use tor sir ti.st mot tvo to illtree600 MOW tartber lisitinit imeit raitoositik? is per* tioular to NM clot IA, Cols 00 Co Deo Vitt 1416 hatual ' ? '...!"1 - ir'"mskhrY404?,0?,_ 1-117A7s. mes;r:'1 4!A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .F,cs,l'Ut lee, +Me- MORO= TO: Mr. jam A. Colborn, FROU: flarintra Spenc or SUBJECT: Supplamont ary riftts Coupons 1. Request is hereby made .or the tslumne:0 of C gasoline ration coupons for use by me In occu- pational driving. At precept I an Issued A ratio* coupons by the Ration Board. 2. I mm driving a 1941 isuick fl, D. C. liconse number 1110.0482. t ftvernges 10 miles "%Or* gallon and 1 drive an average of SOO to 525 W.1.43 14r month. Barbara Spencer APPROVED: Director' a ()Mee E. j. Put sell, Jr. Lt. (jg) USNR Assistant Executive Officer ArOgUnOWASIIIMMOR04#40.10...01......., . 4-"refittiftragiVrOrmoostrittzsae, 7t tt43:7oj - , 6,3 .....1,111.? tat. R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 c t4 40$4410y. 1444 1 Confirmingij Hawkins? th* roil to work on and moo with Mrs* Simkins; 4Yri IMP *4 t 0 orrigoris two siatrvartsird tar tut *Atorticl lisoutted - fcr,f- - - For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Uomorandum from T.1.1.C. Mailman, CC: Mr. John O'Oara Lt. (j. g) James Donovan The Acting Director h instructed t.ha th f* 1 wing comn.M40 convene at the earliest soment to coati er robisme raload attached memorandum: Mr. 1hithrj thepardson Ur. John O'Gara Lt j.g.) Jaxes. Donovan General Magruder, Dr. Langer, Col. Chittuck anti U. Branch have information which will be of us. to thm It is requested that recommendations fro* the committ.e, tlo re to the Act1ni Director for his consideration vithout 441a, II ? X 1 ? 'r".S7Z1! . ./ .."..."';.: III : .a..? , ? ,. , r . .7 ,40,;00.2)Vv-- 4 TiViirta"ti j'') ' ? ?I'. ease 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 I, a r -vs-v:77 tgorftt atiO1 OSS SCETAt&t OVE SL IP To 5.555 ...rt.. +.*? ein.5,55..5*..: -. 5.....ek+.5..,5, 5 rettrAtei , Dit.ltrAILL_I Lt.:I__ --....,...,....... C "pitnt........._ 21i....M Ott 654.555.....55 ?........... :a - +armada .-- --5-_- ---- . :. ? .------... _nal P. I:". 13131(1. ' I IMISOINEN1.01b..10.arrealoMaia , E. j , Raze!. I.? Jr. . ,.T.T.- _ .,.11LIX..................... ? ? ?- R. Timm 051151?51?1900?114* - , 1 111510?11111041/1541K ? - , WIMIN.WftiNe. ?"'""ImblatOgilMis711066"""7"-VeltS=5110040" t e? "OtN ; , .,.? , ' 4 ' -,...' s_ fc.'-...; .. ?- ; _ '.,,,E. ,z ;? ." ' , ? ' ; i...;,?,'''' , 'i'df' '''.. i-Al j' :.15.5.:: ? , :,' t ? ' ''' ',' 1515,' ?,_, 4 50 ES r,,I.--j:,-,. , ...`?, , 1., .., .,... A . ,. , - .:''''.. ,'!. .;".:?,...- ''' ... ' ? , ,. 7 - .,., f f;1-,4..?, r, 4' ..,?,2., . .? ,,,..., , , r.....,.;.-; i g" ?=. ? ' ..C. ?:..)..: %r. 1-;- Y. Arc 0.14ND ? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 7,4.1 ';' 7:1, ? - - ? Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 111444.45A446 non, 44m. Office Memorandum TO i Lt. Putsoll PROM $ Major Nillis SUBJECTs F, r ? ; lett: A F 4, ) 4.4 .4 Zn rnrard to the 25 :;,11;-.1 set4 te4t I meI r .amigno, )t** 11 104 skrui " 4, about which we cabled (Immoral Donovan, the ',1z,,wir,g, ;4 914 44$'[?ri #0, we have taken us a matter (44 record rnr rilm4, In order that orodit to r5.1 ,n X444h,10/1 and also in the tleld I deol led to hanite NH, way. called Captain 'Wetzel today and told him thlt living. to 71tsov?-01 -tond, Imo would be able to scrape up 14 ants rrom n4r otooca ?ar, mr140 lavw delivered to Commander Ketrola todfty At R,am 141.7 ?INV( 111. f013' ;J for same made out and wrote hin a lettAr agting title re ,ver4 hAp,7 *41 able to comply to this extent with his ronw00: 41q.i to Noll k*?, 14* gt 4914 UM*. I further stated that we hoped to be able tn imL,vr to :erfarintre Miles in the field; but that 'ming to the 04 rrmort J**anese TO . 7 ii4 no4 know to what extent any eveilabie stooks In the %.?4 ,c,a?stod would he please understand the situntion If ha me-e rt-nil the rteid that they did not make deliveries ier ,?ola either ,r 44t,"L Captain Matzol was most gracious about the elate latter. :n he said that we were keeping up our end or thl4 rrinadir arranoomont ,ottor and more quickly than ho coult from their end. (There wa,1 TI,trost/ v,erbal arrangement between Colonel Lowman and himself )7er tfto tetet)h,ne 'Met thoy would make available to us some of their new. smail %ay/ ra-17 smts wh oh were just "oeginning to come off production). I asked Captain Metzel about when ho the 'ht tho-, w-N&II be able to give ua a few of their sots and he said he mantel to 4et the ?ire. 12 out into the field and would then send one to 1:116,4 and mut. to .4s waleirl 06A they came off the line und ho had given us the same number as me ha4 e.tven him of SSTR-ls. I told him this was pentectly sattst*actori a,n,1 that we realized the position he was in on it. f. 31 C e i? /4/4-4 tihm: ret ft; h&c co.":-. 444.0..kof 14 4 &As (re , SECRET ( doLeAt im,,,I,ccifiari anti Annroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 f - ? ? r : 7 - ? ::41,..010111.01 Donovan nAs rociu.eot.t.4 lt caliber standard Army e'qrbin. rt t clips of ammunition bo dolLvicrind to use. t ??: ? 2- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ..s .r 0: :L :!ovt,r; , LA, C? ? ? 1. 1;i! . c.. 1.)11.a t 1; t it '4) t 4'41 i 111;01 C 6,3!)C C t: ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , 1 - - ? te- 0-7 be, or44,51-4.1 Ita4.;!1.0 ? J. Vinector , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 74: 4,1.44 .4,44 :jet floor littry *tot Office af amt WonhingtorkoD, '4 1,v1ner: 4':,10144.or 19e f',7, 0- ? .1 rY ImIkAm privately owneG,itor vethl License 'tato, 476 i-J71. By Order of thoa, Cirect.,)r tr, itr hr,t.?Z _a? 4 J PUii, Jr 14. , 1 : , . , , 1'6: fant bzgfftzu t. Ivo Officer Roily. S'aundor' s ,, WZ Telephone Operator on d/,4-ty i Lit. - 5 December .1,9t1,.: ran.; 'out i of A./.,t'wo,1 I ne . Or/ / 0 r L424, -2 rt., rz-' r. ..., . o enera Donovan, Sgt. Orr ca,ileC. 11,iiidUri; 11..:i and cilrectect them to -Tut IL gita I?Lo a v. tyf gait', k/i4 ir 0 i2. t10 r , car. - On .December- 6, ; W4, t .."$.:: atiirt.: r re._iu-oLz,tPLi th.-1,t a formal request be sialiittea, Oit ? L: ?? ? , - - ? nar.inccifiind and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? ? 1 P1oas cttth nnd forwnrd to this Genera/ Officer's flag bearing tlso st4 s sInd 4n kiv,r1-In flag, both with stilinds? for use tn tho Dirto.tqr.s: /fftf!lo as well as General Officer's plates for the Diroor.orl% automobiles also bearing two stars and ( E. J. Putzoll Jr. Livutenant AssistAnt ExeclittTo OffIciTT 4MOMMUMMOMMIIIMUMmmol-Itillig nd A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ' John (Mara Executive Office The Director has addross.d thlv fnlio t g nelo:#3 to Tlull 'Mill you do your beet to obtrairs tho 4ind administrator for 81 thAt you think n4::essary.* ' ? _ 1:;r? sisigvkt:.* , .,406 Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 -.)- 11111.11111111.Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - Dirsotor has sadrossed VIA following nOlta tO tIU$ NI not* in Crockett's report t LI lrtnllor roquest for 1150 000 Croctmtt'o noolds Robert rhram Asisist4nt thel riftcutEvio - at.46,-4.leALNEo ?- 111111.1.1111111111111111111111.11111.11111111111111 "-s .nd A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1:),0 rum 2401! rio VII 1 111 Declassified and Approved ' Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 41L-c, ROUTWI 400 4i um -f A:, .#44 rt cfc, rI40.01 ? t .t* 0 ? Ply3 ............ To 01..04.......0a0 1. 1?1141 ----1 .. Room No. . 1 1 Date ? '4 _ . -NOON' ,If i 4?00.....0........................0.............. :.....-...... -.... ............... Im.A.N.i.,...-...04 10M0MMM1000.00?4440M. Ibk) 1 0......... .... .....,.,..... .. '7.?-? .:.' ? la:,...44 _IN,r1 / 401........, tidal. 2, 0.. M 0001 1 ..220m.41 i M0 1.1.41440.4110416.10.0...- 0000MTAMMOMMIMil 0 ?O. .9?1.0.11.. imniL- 91. B. :- 9. 10. .111.101.menalltnin 0010MIMM040000000.00 - OWIORMEINNIDMIND ?----- omel....!............10.1.....1111,1oem.... (i06u0) re, ,s1-44.;:.4Zmiaktmogino Each comment should be numbereo to correspond w1th number tn to cotqmn. A line should be drawn seroan nheot tinder oaoh oomment. Offioor Designations should be uund In To column. Each Officer should initial (cheek mark Inaufftctent) berre Nrttnot. rouAL. Aotion desired or action taken should be indivntee In k4oPt-tertev kolumn. n011ting sheet 8110111d a lwayn be re turnticl to Hog t For Officer Designationn MOO noparate sheet. SECRET - , ;0-,- '1??:?.1 ? ' ? "I ? ? #41-ww:triOta:441 46-krw. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 gartalakatTOrP 0,17Zit #t:a'Ael*IVINWP3.4ceANOtt-W4i 4.1,' 5,C r cc. c 4CtAt4filooirl refOthl .01r1 41 ? 1Mr. Whitney Shepard PROM :nrecutive Office The Director h d(lror=zort t.A.10 tv, fnlLnwtrot 101met How about Penrose or CAtro fen. Choi "1/4,pik How would Neave btt as 3- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 '71 Colonel Hatmann Executive Office Norwegian Supply 14 quirements Mayo dated 10 November on the abov? e sub .w in Daily Summary /If Theater Comuni!!ntians lei. Or November 1944, tho Director "1:10 nekeid 'rkat 11-1.c trto this matter. 1,4 ' ? 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 _ -4;.rfAt stket me know what Is being done 4bmit to in pouch aoaumont YH/CK-48 44tod LI Oxford to SI, forfm4 Opt; .r ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? 41* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Mr. Whitney Cheipardean Exoetitivf, Orrice 114* The DirwItor hap riVrr1044$4 Pu-m. frakowiA4 1414v4e* to yout 1. Ar- you prepnred to nubmit rAln fl- fd,) you eonsirler Minor to Chiaf, t OC. I Look nt let tor from Mnc!ox to hr4nnAtto j and tnik 4o me. 1. It-Iftd imtter Scamporino r.o rniin, J and examine indication. 4. With referrince to .1-04-12 1, Brennan, I wonder if BOA ;p1rino intorpretation on your Intter? 4 .140 1.4 ' -ro Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Li ler/ :04 ' 4.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Mr. John C. queses xont1v Office Exemption of '?gsirt frqm wv* Svhoe)11 This is to inform yo aux:an mult today exempted ii* Fogarty who is gotn# to Loncon AO secretary to Mr. BernArd YarroW, from to,# n41144saLter attending " " Sohool in Mccordni with e,AL,Patni F LioutrItlInt AssIstzrit F-4.0 ?.a: a 714 ?r !,* CC: Mrs. Virginia Forbes 3:4 a KISS Si iii ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Mr, Onrdnor Platt Erocutivo Offing vill you be good wrough to ,.zipt) r.rig0.4d attached photostat documonts watting feirth J,;? signal Code of the Gewm,en Rtivy and g4n4 tho me copy of the transIntion to Gonpr 1orvw4n, E. J. ?I:Lt./011 .1 LI-uton11/11 (3.1g.)v Asp t t,nt rv1,--1.4t Attachments ??? 7, immimmimmilim Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ' 1- _ Declassified and Approved _For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 =. ammusrommaimmilmilmw ? ' X- ? ft, ? _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Pleaso look 0, Else to Wallace and 0013-15 Oct kLp te) Popl-rttaA and give mp your comments ? - # " ?-?r? ' Nimmiiiiiiiii assified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - .40.4 mEmo.B ti 12 II 194-4 rire +,41 Ushingtnni D. 27 Ontober 044. TO It. E. J. Putsoll Jr FROM: gr. Edward H. Dodd Jr. Will you consider ceiling to General noven's attention the digest of two recent pouch 101 Ds in in our Theater Pouch Report or this morning. On* from Captain Else, and one from Lt. Batley, both on the subject of our base at Athens. Since the British, and probabi the Russians too, know that we are in Athens, since the ISM M074 to Naples will orient that base toward Italy fram now on rather than Cairo, and for a number or other collateral reasons) tt 5OOM3 illogical that we should maintain a fiction of clandestineness at Athena when our other city teams at Bucharest and Sons and the future projected ones are all going to be comparatively open and above board. If it is possible, isn't it time to allow Athens to operate on the same pattern torcii Edward Ho Dodd Jr. Mediterranean Theater Officer Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 fr,t, ? V% Chief, OZ ?fries Pauch Document Yitint- ated Se,ptembet a frqm wr Knonenborg Ttiiiskac .7; With referenco to the Abalm mentt:Ined poltch document, the Director has mad* the folloieing lament NYes - Give him matey, iarme and munLttoinits ftt do it through head of 3S8 therelw ^tTY-T4 ; Fz;kot trf: 4 1 ? ?? W4.4- 1111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111.111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Niotto-lt+ce, Lt. Plaglioso Executivo Office 144-4 Will you please draft a Jitter to General Barney M. Giles who issued the ettecaed order requesting that the Director of Strategic Services be included Among the partici in paragraph 14 Mx. Cheston spoke with Gqneral 3iles auout tills yesterday and he said he would be glad to include General Donovan if such a letter were written* ET ' ? ; - - 4 t ? 1* AA? .- ? _ 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Major Morti4g4n haooutive Offico Gonerill Dono7an doJires tnat coordinntor or rocrultment 41.4 114;0 ?,1" Nla.9 .n4; of the main purposes of hATlali 4 'c -? When this class of perzoanal 0000Z43 $I etc. warAtt ,luplicute efforts atlu lot. olonel Diielov Cr tell . L. sacav background Laid protaems involved., LT? 4 111 ? ? . _ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001003.1 6004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 General Donovan Lt. Putsell * 444 The only thin g that wo aan Infer Cri Shepardson a reference to *negotiations for Varq4110 team" is a suggestion th..t tieeauso or tit* edoolal intorest of hussia in this area arraAgemignti .;41 made by us for the immediate ontr7 ma* "c-.11,41 city group" tD th?t plaice upon its Ilbergtion. A more remote possibility is ttle ?44w:i.)n in his mind or an Gnswer from Lt ate Deit;.rtmel.t 7) your request for politiCal dun** for 441:1 personnel going into Polund. In view of fg,at th t this mAtter was successfully conelu.:.41c time UV and the results wired to you in London: we doubt thut he ht,s this point in mind. If yJu will recall State s approlml pertained only ta German occupied Poland and Shopart;son may ,ossiely De hinting at the advisatillity or an etensiou or Statels approval to cover specifically cur Wursam team* "norDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 211111111111111111M1 It E* 341. Putzellj Jr* 4-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 f4t4t.stmoto 4.4444 owl. 44 ...? 411 , Office Memorandum ? UNI rED STATES GOVER 'XL TO : General Donovan PRoM SU 01 RCT: Lt. Putzell r 4 71 A kJ-4 C" You as..ed for my recOmmetkiLitL.;r1 2 officers to assist in miiking 304r-rey Jr 01-.:1;igsd personnel in this country. For your consideration, I suwdozt hd,pr Monnigan, of your office, ;Ind Capt,an rumpht Dr cQL. Richard's office. Major Monnigan you now; Rumph is Personnel officer for FEW ti ground of experience in the Army. I beLleie he would be a useful member of the group. .2e/ L. J. Putzell? Jr. Lt. (j?.) U6NR Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , General Donovan 4 )por-imV' la44 Lt. Putzell You asked for my recommond?ition 2 officers to assist in mmitino; a survey or octliiitod personnel in this country. For yJur consideratIon I suKeost Md;,r Mormigan, of your office, and CliptAln Richard's office. Major Monni6an you know; '4 a 0) ? Rumph is Personnel officer for MO tAnd ground of experience in the Army. Itft)110,7e ?.;14,t. he would be a useful member of the group. E. J. Putzell, Jr. Lt. (4.80 U8NR Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ?????,?..S. .??. 1.11 44,4 Tho exact langua the c;-1 a 4 3 C C, >IIM "Thanics tu yJur peopl for swell Could not have succeeded without trona. *As it appears in the May report of Detachment 101 t 4, 4101 Ow' rqi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Captain L. U.Otesivedos tot* Putsel1 Meporandust of 2 October L44 to 4re3ta(' r4to Services mOrttantis?tion and Ssteblisnm nt of 414 \ in YITOs* -4vf-Am This is to inform th the Director riga* approved the program outlined in subject atomortkodung togsthor pith recommendations contained therlin As the Director to/d y4u In you: meetinvi with him, he specifically approves the rismilmeLd*d promotion of Messrs* Sbolar, Jones gind Scott 4nd directs thtkt tho matter be taXen up through ctuittlaiss CCI Mr* Olgara Piles , fAr:- ?011 .41,11,,,,,AW Adr, OMEN 2 sit '3 ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!oved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R ? trr 14, itutAts ittrngt 04,/ out Declassified and Approved For Release ce Mernora TO !Colonel Dot,ring PROM !Executive Offic. SUBJECT: 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4 Ned has given me the att.ictwu 7)u r Mrs. Hawkins. Sunday, nfter you left, M4Lj)r :"ft,scL ti.e messages in tuestior, upst&irs rixd whoitio4r they couldn't go direct byArmy from Kungm1:,g to Halliwell or whether we should send them Utr,sytAgh k,apte Department here for reasons of cryetogre,011c sea4riti. told him there were re.Asons ,?gainst this but sue4mst that if he wanted to talk over the problem he sn,4t,r do so with you, since you were the person in chr,:e with reference to the Pacific .ina would be thtl best point at which the m&tter could be controlled. This morning Mrs. Hi,wkint cziLled ttoxici gave ?e,o Mr. Putzell, on the phone, the at,ta contuined in the attached memo. This was done by the message centor entirely on its own, without any request or Sug6e5t1;ns from here. I suggested to Ned th,tt, since you were the one person in a position to control eacific effAir$ thot, it would be moreeppropriate for the moss,,i;e center to give you the facts for your consideration. Nedt therefore, suggested to her that she send y)u a memo on the subject. If anyone is at fault on this, I am, but I, did it simply because I felt that yJu were in the driver,..; )1.041 seat on the Pacific and could best cooraim,te whc.t should be done with the message center. Major Delafield vt,rt had, on Sunday, mentioned various possibilities for using OSS cipher direct from Kungming to Hawaii which would involve the transfer of suitable crypto6rurZlic personnel, and it seemed to me a much more seAtisfeActory solution if this matter could be worked out between you and Communications than to have us sitting in on a few portions of it. ? MEMUMMEMMWM111 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Robert Thrun Lt. (j.g.) USNR i,ssistunt to the Executive Officer CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 tit ,? -.1,11-3,313.3314?A?-?,47-can -?? ( e 44 ro tr a ;II 1,1 f t IN rtr nr Air r t mir m4, , r. in -4 ? , r1,1 )17!! r I ? ' 4 ' I - ? , 7 ? 3 al t ? ,$ ? A r? . I. t. tr1^1Mtt.'in P.14'103 114.474 " , to.? - ? 'ono - ) ni ri 1 4 r- ? 1./ 1 - ?: .1 -3 '? 4 ? f? ? r.1.1 1. ? ? 4 r* with " ^7 v?Ttk 11 4,7 ruf4 r :I 01 I (win r and t, ;TO t. ? I 11 ?; rotAl Man-hours lt-F, ? 'wto. it/ 18 1110120randuit L rot. j* , ' ' after all the Vaniage ;enter In '1r* ' 0'wti4 nt to remind you of the cto i I mossat:on of thin 1 entrth and 312 ? ?P': t t rolich : ? whonevqr possible. r ?.* ? ? ? ?3 ? '7 .1 r .1 : ? ? i ruer-. $0?44,-M. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? :11-; EIEIWAREPEIIIII."7` ? - ? Langer xecutive Office bit #67 (11.020218) from Nyl Otev.ithn iottgraNs/ 1,44 Osneral Donovan makes Me tollallotng -emmgvnt to, the subject cables nit*fore approval t* etivin to tkist sof that it is carofully exAmlnedw. In this connection, attention Is (7n1led toG-44notla Order #12. 4.1 ~40 1141W441/44 OtiOk-t4 ');;K. .4 , 5- 54 't? ' E. J. PutzelL Jr. Lieutenant (j.g.), Assistlnt vxdwte.17 arrt.4:. .4k4tite ? ,V : t_,E4 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 . - ? 0 ta- ? ? . - - ; - r ? -,e0?':-Ir ? ? 4';4;?-? *VI ? ; .? 4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? -_ - 1 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 {tEr: t " ? ? - ? *". XF.147' Te.:Jk - Office of the Executive Officer 14-1.;; ? - " 11111111111111111111111111111111MMiiimmile Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 '710 Attached Is a memorandum in answer to your request that before appoval is given to authority requested to employ Heap, the matter 'be carefully examined. t04,?'-OVF; ' ? r I .5 ? Office of the Executive Officer 7 . . S. and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .? ftrniquilito nom om.oli Office Memorandum ? Ett4iTeD sTATEM OfWritINIUMT TO ? PKOM : SUNRCTI 461 MrsL, Jenks J41 **In. PI 4 16 40opt4leter* WV* WSigt. David M. Olkft the samence of Intl', Glow, 144 #67 from Stockholm Hoop will be & temporary employee* It is our iatIcattoim to request eppwaval of the MA Adldmistosilimp Office for hie employment., If greated, we will folios our customary procedure and instruet Stockholm lui our ?told Neptilisifor. tative in lond*n to employ asap at the salary eusimsted it in lino with Xmbasay .Marie*. SL4,4die David M .caist Olic/vhw eltigift*"*"'qr'5,10;.4%--A, estextrt.ot.. C ? ..5A i? " 4et'his ? ,1 C71: T54 J nintsinCQIfiPri and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ANNI - ? ? f, 190 rtiefit 69 Mov14.411 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERViCES orrIcim. nigrA DATE tilinhor FROM TO TA 1S Hi .?' K !DC OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTR IBU -no N U a u0Villosbilllt MUNI ot/10,11 (PW1 ACTION) ?,' Mar ?3100/4% - 0+ ?g??33 RECEIIVED IN CODE OR CIPHEk) 067. Elbro 'es fo-I Iour 11(1;11.14011t. ttl; te) nnbieflt COPII1M)C1i)( -tt: req-Lti twain tant t.I01440 r rum: 1? to bo twist). ti fac t ory therof s taff OR : 'A. V44 6:5'2 Pll _ EMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 . rNt ?f( - I' - `t,) ? ( el 1 9 31 r tb? e 4.-ir,er Imo! 041Pqrtratco T .. F S. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO COV WiamoDucE Tius CABLE WITHOUT AUTHORizAnoN FROM THE SECRET NRIA r ' MOT.,ft,i51 'fattitgi144403r?ORAF4????-----?-? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 it,05?11r,0010110WAM..,11tittil-r h. Lt4 Colonel Roberts niteoutive 0 fics ? Oener*1 Donavan sugoste that P41. parslym41 Board give thought to the advisability if tes,4indl q certificate somewhat like an honorable diSohntsgo to personnel who have served OSS f t UrtU1i74r4 trfl noting their relstioorwith Us Please let us have the ioAlrd's camm'Pns4 4nd recommendations at your earliest e:.onventence. ; conrrleirt?rmet............ 001 f ?, ? , 3 ? F. J. Putzell Jr. Lieutenant 0.4.1, UVIR AssistantExe,-uttve 4'irficgt,r 0.1111 *Tsit'll ."' 1111011111111111/1111111111111011ffilistrows- I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4, ^ ,101.RA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? undors Liam ,94-4; -In 4 in Air P'orei through you copies qr MAX 1145) nd 4/6 or the Tyrol and :inlitAn4, woulc you bo good onotagA six copies of finch of theao , - -for ,e? ,t?f: assified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-R P13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ; LL WilsOn COlonol haborts Exeautive Office - Anin ? '1,th ',reformed, to nolich ;.(4ttmr rr-wi. ? -1,rtlklAA altepardson datmd 2 Augusto Ac,,?;toill Director has &plied: 4Chou1d not men ot suitablo?? 1,03114-1; Ori I t It would ha appreeiAted commenta ?and ougKestions an tftie your early convenience. r var mAtter th-t ? ?.? .-utlp:h Jr. LAeutA,nant 6*), Assiattat F.Aecut!.7e lfr ? CC: SI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : , tte Colonel Paul Hot~ta Putzell Major F. ?I Arno247 KfirLicr %.1145 14,4 Mi'4 Ch stc%f- n movul ar Mjir F N, Axnntely aA? Burl ;.h t, ti t rvcomer4,,1 Persolinol bv rumish4d 'atm Liirvator. Enclosed imr0171th for your Lnformatv)- supplement to tr.(' buiterlAl now in y=?7 - 0 I ? A memorandum of 18 eptamb,or 19+4 fr-vn . Chief of SI br-qich. The Acting, Director requests t;L...iy c,r1.11d* matter alond ilith the Jthar duplra / tYlt J t /0-40k- SEC 6, J. Pu ell re Lt. (14,13*) U e1isi3t4I2t oit.o Of ? g-selp,C4le Nip MAW! 03/, 11111111111WM111.1.11111MININNIMEMEMINIMMIMONIPPI ' rlarlaccifiPtri 2nd Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r fp4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Doputy Director, Administr-tivo rvIcoa Executive Wie* wit:" rors'rf:.Leo tl 7roir rtt4c*4 -11600i,i4.44$ Cht,13t.n. ,1)t tt4t $4 1144 4.... At of bervlee. '.rnch.He thintt tn.4'. In privilc;:e 711.11 b? used on4 -atter- 441 com11.-Jely unfitted fr t1eir jon or some other owapellitie re.son or ticU j.-4 ? fe? suezeLi.k.ic t. you to 1.11:31 t) *413.r =c by iltructilit; Et.rvicost per.orxe.:.t lattarm yciu when sucn i3 contemiAated with ret'vr,J:?.:c .94K hobert :tertul Lt. (3?,6*) ULN t; the Um:tut-Lye Officer , _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Doputy Lirect-lr, Adalinisr9t174 Ggrflatos 1M iier4ab4r ilt?A Ex9cuti74 Ofrioe // F iliest)randuad4ted E. =440413t rt.-)* vt donors Mr. Cheston has miowsd the stt.4ohsd etto wit,1 inter? t, While he beliovits the 00% :work; 4r Zalit. Tmnss, diTision is very commostid-abie, ho 4oqs a letter of commandation should be lasuod tf?. tci.La 446 group. Othec droup s ha.,o also made noteiftrii buttons. However, only s few %, tueso) tiskve * :r 4g.:111: to his attention and ha thinIs 4 lstt%)r, c6maluaLarP :ma unit would unfairly Utscrininate ag.Ains wn.0 also wortny of the commen&ition* c sac.- ex.,4 ft ? 1.,r? , . Robe:t 74 xn !At* (jig. uuta Assist,tat to th* Executive ?Meer ;:"-? ? ' s? c:?7_4k4.14 ti, ?. ?I''''''1.:&0:,? -i.',?!..,, .41,;...? .. (.."-1. , .., lLi.14.1,......J. 11111111111111.111110111110000" nnrimecifiPri And Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ,C9' ragra*k., . W.1 I ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 -`` ?1,70;11 " ??;e; t , ? -? -..? ? ? ? ".% .j? ? 7f, ,fi'?iz1 ? ?) 2 ? F: 7.1?7' ' 4 E " a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ?:?1 ? ' . ' .1?? #4"*.i.? ??? , . Vita: ?14,- ?-?-44ti t xikifsi44 r atiogt lawyer' cud by Loork, of,)0,slicitloAri YOU 0411 to6P titv ...0, cr.tesys 71'0 ? C.- ? S end ; .7. , t, ? ? "2" ; -h?- 7,?f4.74,; *to It;n?gtor at h4, 1r3r,t, eP. t4 rottlr ' 41. ???.. -; ? I t 5 , ? ? r'LL' - ,="f-- ? 2 5- r ? = 7 , 7' ..? ' - ,,,1 , ,- ":7 7 .? ?', ,.). "...0.:-. ?. : ..' ''??-trf.-2?ti?". -. ? ? ;??,? ??.? , .1,, ;r:, ? , , t?.? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ovt4,- 4!W:tt3-44i' Colonel Cecil J Joint U.S. chiefs or start Public rioaltn Building Washington, D. C. z-4,9e.fmt g44cg,qtton hand you torewith copiPs nr corpm?m 0-2 and OSS relating to the trans- our personnel in the European Theqtoc. Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ttp OFF IC OF ift WA00411611014)4. :SPORAaDr:,' To: Lt. ?rom: : 1 ) Silbjent: Ar::01f1,1,1 ? ,? ) ttilAtr.5 1;??: Q1 ;011'11'2-4f', ?-v.0 1. I have y,)ur this subject* 4 Air :ils;late.th or ? #16351), Col)nel Glavtn wus attvtsed two of the four air rescue bouts * r A , 11144 1;44 26 avItttn, loading in `few Yorlc, and he would b*, Itvit:iloc who-I they were ship:)ed* (" L. ;17mlolt Lt* Colonel, ALS Deputy Dtrector .01 A.4-:vipasskitAMANIP"'" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1,4 4_,???,? ,at??51-.N41$11..stin. ??An..'?C'..F:%.7" ? , ' Colob(11 Oitqlow tit* Putz911 ot4mbqv a44 1 LC, Colonel Howi4rd astir who # rIllu Mod from Italy has asked a@ to relay to 14.tri5i LAIrlmtkntem concernim. the present statta artd wherwitotate )f last two of the four air risme 444 s N r : be obtained by him* would appreciate it It ylu will information forwarded to Glavial ?t y uv at: convenience* t?-? E. J.. Putze.:.10 (Joa*) U4V itant Ed,ecut440 j 9 ki4.1 -t4 6 c Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 'AR*. .P12sittrt gif0)4944?04r:Frk, Mr. Louis Rens txeoutive Offitio Attached X1 prooa4 or Kr. Shrepurti Noroon itobaMoi7 ditipLaWand Ulu Nvw Yorlt Timms J.oree-a 11410411 R0 various field ?Moos. This propo3t41 raises sev*r41 4.03t14nat 1. If it IA Intended to pouch 0.L.As a Arta: our pouch f?oilitioa urc alro.%,dy overlo-dec. Aril the pony edition of Time wvighs only A fr,,4tNn us much us Mb OvtIrs WooKly. 2. /f it is vontemp14ittd then.) s:ux.:d be sent by regulur ivr4ie tate doat-se miot oe a substantial item. Mr. Cheston believes the objective desiraule but would like you to have a study mude as to its feasibility and costs of aarrying it outQ Hebert Titrun Lt. 0.40 MIR Assistant to the Exclutive Offi4Or ?-? neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ...X"'"4"64,4,??.?-,..., .1? 4 rti;FL,r- - i4ri41': .r.44,44- ? t..3451, AtA' Lt. Colonel Howard Noir, who has just roturnod from Italy, tells as that Colonsl OlaItny; a.?epeut'Aow Officer, Lt. Colonel Etar1y hus reuesto4 4Ust us obtain a Leica Cumer44 with all aeemosor1s4 operational UM) by the SZO, MT?. I know nothing of the merits or domerLts pe this matter and referAto you for ithatovor consider appropriate* 4tSE411M ' ik`4,J. ? ? 4,1,1"; ? 11, ? - 11444'1.i't4! ? "a??'":-:'?,t?:?.'- ? ? ? ?1; ? ? ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 5 5 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r.P.)F,tpr (:o' 4111, 1 ;' Maj )r ? fr Exiriev I.1v, t 1 4? e ) $ f r ).. A 4. ? 1. 1 / I - 4.firri -h. t...:> la.' t "4 . * in ,- .1 .''. s. ,Ilicuniontt c :1 rni:17 -1 = . ,,,, . 1 _,,:...i.... w.ltil t,1., or 1 ???-? 1 ? will tp in 11$4/ .9es.0 t )u 1".i3n ) V rick, z k 6 4 ? ? rt 11.-:11 I t 4 A , t h A ? 4-. ? / // .M.tar,f3 cila-fg4.444-1, r*- .` N.., ? P Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .ftri a 0,41 e?14 ,,e-^IY ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 rxeciivv hrtor :To T P ? " ,er,Anct? to :or r ,ilts, . )'.? _.. 191/ to '.avo . -., 0(.... ,Ni,nt 0'1' ?I) u+7 !" 0 k:' trur : 1re0.0r ..LI i s . a'. 'le woull i. I .X.0 gif ,) IV) .4, i *.5.1 i * n the re, ort fr.A1 jou It.ich '',.0,,adin4! tl,e return of ::lenorli E4na% an, .. T-,E,; :Int 'i '-ia !.1[ It with you on t'oarlinr TiO ' DU :got ort 'tin Lt, ..o FA-so c't A - Oiyv0,.! r7'; - 10; t. r 41, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4z. 3:- m,? . - 9-170001.?001.00a11.0000X?1,c1C11-V10 LZ/60/?1.0Z eSeeiei ,10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI '" ? - , ? ..11';44. ? - . . ? 1. t.1 ? ,e4,1 r 2gYr - > - 'Tr r; VI, (t, 4 r,307 uj tre.) 0.-41 1 Tad tiv 1041t1J tDc.11 t- 'r*t? e??? ? ..3-i..s?ZZ,r ? 9-170001.?001.00011.0000X?1.dC11-V10 LZ/60/?1.0Z eSeeiei JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 5 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 t cei,; orrtAl rt? r Ircul ; p xoeu..t,vo Pr; tf,e,0 I cal?, . bolm tnr-..rtumti 4, ?,q c N 33))443q00 Ast7c R' ) t%.,Ifq, .". ./ It:.i. Yoxby, AS , Virginia, .!, rr-r-,Ileatcd ''. r , ce .f. u. rind would It e V nry t '? i- 17 ; 1 ,v.)::04. a 1...clat,,, :t office i lk int, tie matkor Privitte 'oxby cqn be -sr Arty zzo. F. J Lt's Asssstan F,Ct.".t. Tn /4a-w-c "`"rs--4.4,01,40411444,. ' 44 4,110 'kr 4".? *V, ...M.O., ? 4,* ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 j)r roar ?--?`4.1t4.'? - 'en ? "t;'f' :?- rxecuLive Offiop L( cf.1-ncetInn olfn rr.r 4)r niinpn4t9d aotvitics in !Alm.Fr FAAt, your nttiontion to randum of 23 July 14,"4 r-oir, nut P,) ,,Lipmr4 to Colonol Wilfred J. :mita vntitied 0101p4mteA, ciOtt Finding Opnriltions tn Chian". Tt.is ,41m4,70$ Jo , -rt AGMS Monthly heport to the Dirmetor ot 3 dated 12 August 1944. qc: Lt. Greenfield /1%P vst Nt-?4:q.10" ,OP'Plffteisss J . Jr. ItIlutetn4nt (:.g.), um '?nsistnnt Fxec-ft!Te offt KW" 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 44,....40.4.444M. - 1:L2:tit-gig, le Colone1 Hoffmarai Putsell Gadf 4notot lb a pouch Lsttor fres C 1riri mLig Jft046, 19 Auguat) roforance 44 41440 to 30 target of prim* laport4410 .4 f It is suegistod tht your i)Trle coatip, 4 copy of this iotter and study the matter *1th A MCI toward undertating operuti,ns IC C6,51:1 J. Pu Lt. (j.g. Asslita.at , *11. Jr. U6 A Exeaut17* ) r -4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 14#0. ly14.9 Purfri INerkeil OFFICE OF STRATEGIC 5ERVCES OFFICIAL nism tcl?f DATEAugunt nit 1944 FROM Oth4TAV I CA Di 0 TO t3F14f 4 j#41 # I' tglf-11#1'''NOe 0$PWWITID OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION (pore ACTION) Mi PPM' V 11..goviamilailt Filllifta (Oriel IA- Vtillelt fro* imerlintiotos rIt1r#4) "Ce'4!,?T r ? vfpocwi?Proo. ItiAtM2, P RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER CONr tv r I ( IL,r-11 #36631. Nicholas nnd InoRip to Mayo. We have received a cargo, 0503N.101 -hirh iricittdpq q bottle of pills rthich; accordinr to tho 1,1b-01, 4rm vit,vqn pills. The War Department invoice' ho-evin-, of Tablets L, i.o1i are a fast lethal poison. atrarm us Immediately if these pills contain noison cu. vItm.m1ns, IT they are poison, and you labelled them vitan1w4 As A we suggest that you snnd thom to ur -dthout st ch d Iztnisg) and rfe "ill put the fake labels on at thin /Ind. TOR: 414/25/44 11:27 AM C tin 11 ,N ? fll IT IS FORBIDDEN TO Orr() REPRODUCE TIM CABLE W.THOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE SECREIsARIAT ne.inecifiarl A n d Anoroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Lr. LoU Executive Office Refereime MkriP tO 18251) relr-ting to rAb14.As L. na r11.?,, I. McHugh of Supply thit tha tvq*Ale iLt4(0,t, rt-1111c. tablets. It has also benr exp16-.Va1 trt.6*.. A Tablets L are issued only upon re4u151ition th411 Mget-.' A InvP. are white in color (contrastad with the br7wr r1.0:1c trio Irt71 tablets), are clef,rly mareced nPolsonto and qrf: 1,-2?-tgiofi 14% container which is cnrefully sealed. Howovvr, the above, the cab1e sUigets at lo4L.st three 4Iitti. 4 e 1. Would it not be better tu (4:erktrAf.* r-r .3. 4%. means of trnsport;Ation a L Tublets either t-! : going to the fields 0ouch'ot other retko:11707 eir,1 -? 2, The cable indicates a readiness In use the fake label--a very dangerous prur41-0, where it is done. This and the fact that tt% from the Services Officer out there raise!4 4 1..%1-r% to who should supervise hundling of the' tf fields Possibly they shoed be iszued t 1 *3 2: t tegic Services Officer, the ilvdictLI Orrice:. Ln or someone who understands thoroughly the ctrr %qv- p41-_V: they must be handled. 3. The cable itself shows a Lac.4 of ret! eI:c the'delicacy of the matter and is not eves: giver svvrtlt classification. Will you follow through on these pointe Robert Thrur Lt. (j.g.) Inn ivssisUtnt to ttv) bxecutive .1fficer Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001Pnnn1nnqinnriA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 40. !?1 o,?io4s.r4 *AA Positive Intellisease sled Coantermistellionee Problems within the Aray Air 7eress#4 dated Jul: 21 Many thaaks for your ooartes7 IA windlarg this aloes. a F 2-'," ? ' itqz at: ? . ? ? - 4 ..yo'atei6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 .4?..0.004%*0440)10001$440904411*044 04$1:114WrOO he,li ? tow n 080TO personnel transfeeeed t4 field Ittiet$410,n or Rovport* 91000ad6 To ?i41 Lt. (jg) John D. Wilson Lt. (jg) Joseph D. Coppedk Miss Eligabeth M. ?eagle Miss Lu or V. Artiott CAI it, CAJN4 ? Lt. George Dense Mfligt Robert HO Berne* B/Bgt Ndward W. Haines Mrs. Wilmpje Long Mrs. Nisi* J. Burgess To Reports Section Miss Helen Persky Mrs. Mary M. Coghlan Mrs. Anna S. Courtney Miss Sara LaVenne Simon Mrs. Aurelia F. DeLosier Mrs. Helen G. Swift Miss Margaret P. Yates Miss Helen L. Brewster Mrs. Ines G. Schneider T/Sgt T. B. Clark lhief or *4~004* thi10 &Jet Chief *it Surto.** Cult Sserelary 0 turopeem 1415 Stenovigpaer?etkreVggilla 1%16 Chief of ter loisiw4CW1.4vAsito Ohlt btootattve Ofelser f4rt alma Theater * I:x*4mM*, elf Moot for :sin 4. *grow rammer lind North, Aaorlas 0,061 Seoretarr sect AdmiastratIve Aesistaa.4 Psr Last MAlt CAJI66 Searetary for POA and Norlh Mortal' CA167 CAP-7 CAP'S? CAP-5 CAY03 CAF-9 CA707 CA707 CAP-5 Personnel already in Reports Seotion Capt. IL Bel *eutectic Lt. (jg) S. P. Karim Mrs. Mary G. Donovan Miss Delia T. Pleasant* Miss Marion D. Thompson Miss Mary Louise Olsson CAF-7 CAF-5 CAP-4 toorirmammos.........rotonotoosaw....""TrolomoseiguilmIMIWINDSVmer" - " ? 1 ?? 4 V. " ? ,"'f' '`"'. ? e,,0 Adedst etr a ti As tont tor silo rmrta and Clerical personnel La R arts Seotlon and nit id Section Cable Offtoer for turooean Mat aad Report* Section Cable Officer tar Par Beet TAit and Report* Section fleoretary for Roportn Section Registrar and Pile Clerk for Plovid Seotion and asps:Ix-tit Sectiam Report. Officer for Immo Reports Officer for ITO Amet Reports Officer for =TO Amm't Reports Officer for Ina Reports Officer for P3TO Supervises prepareltiom or reports Preparation of spedial rsportm and overall xtudies Preparati= of special reports and overall studies Preparation of spsocisl report*1 memoranda to Director concorming branah report* and returning personnelb proposed revision* of Geral Orders& eft, Secretary Distribution of rept?rtz and digests of poudhes and cables i? '1- nnrImecifiari anci ?`? ? Anoroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 This is returnod for IA, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? k aletts THAT ammo mg 1* Those pertaining to shanos In 'Alio qr4arT4,01Lrftei! structure of X-2. plans Por ritu IvitI4j. relltIlne v-Lth other Branches, end relations with other *emotes. C;t44 or Amerioan* 2. Those relating to the Appontment f314 A-4 isaneco- ment personnel, inclliding such personnel In nevargl ingertes. 3* Those relating to the motimmipat or X-Z manakvomovnt personnel* 4* Those pertaining to recruiting. prmotIons. ments of military and Naval personnel. 6. Those having to do with transport* N\NIN.NA:av"" kt: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? , , OrFiet OP Siff illagGIC Se W 44$010440 OK y. Ch, Pott try' 1'74.5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Cberles So Cheston SUBJECT: Request of 'DI rOr 00009 of tlecutivo Ordors The FBI, through X2 'liaison ohannela, 4AS requested this office to obtain for them motto or the Executive Orders setting up tho OtrIce or tete Coordinator of Information and later orontLag tao Office of Strategic Services, tr773171RIFIT17714707" Acting Chief, S?x Branch ,CONFIDENT141. ' ?0?,. , 4n; - -WAY, npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , "ri? l '-: .4. .. ,... ., 1 ? ..:z.440114.*MtulPit*WkieMON Dy virtue of the tulthority mg grosidott al* !int ?Ala Stated and as C-comatidwykrUiRChiefo th* Pirmy 4n4 Ulf,/ of Nrie lnited it in ordered at follow*: 1) The Office of the Coordimigtor of racirmatlea. etablished t?ry oriel? of July 110 19410 exclusiwa of the- foreigA Ifttormatlen ae,171tlet trews, feed to the Office of War Information by executive order of Jtao 13, 1,14j shall hereafter be knovn as the Office of Strategic Setvicea0 and Is heroby transferred to the lurisdiotion of the United States Joint :hies or 3Wfl, 2) The Office of Strategic Services shall perform the follortag missions: a) Collect and analyse much strategic information Aa may be wired by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staffs b) Plan and operate such special services as may be directed by the United States Joint Chiafs of star. 3) At the head of the Office of Strategic Services ahall be a ciltb,mtar of Strategic Services who shall be appointed by the ?resident and who shmIL perform his duties under tho direction and supervision of the joint :h/ats of Staff. - 4) William J. Donovan is hereby appointed as Director of Stratogic Services. 5) The Order of July 11, 1941 is horeby revoked. ? Franklin D. Roosevelt Cemmandormain.?Chief Tho Ihito House re.eviug,_ ad* 13, 1942 '-c.= -4;?,;;-.1,-,44PASW4sisza4.. ?Oitratiuk 3:41441a74*Abrii 44' ? ie F n r Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , , ..,..1110100464' 1 #01.titta Mita Ely virtue of MO 111.1 Merl ty vnotedLr rto PrItatdorth ae qua "irdNitti States taxi ag Cogetarderaino.Chlef of the 4tjAnd artvy ef the- ;Fa raid ;k4tii#41. it is ordered so followsIt 1) The Office of the Coordinator of ?i, odtabLishossi fry orlor of Ju4 11, 1941 exolusive of the Fere-ion Enformattan no wri qee trulea tarred to the Office of War ItformatIon btmorsoutt" order oir Jm Li, lqi$03 shall, hares! tar be known u the, Office of Strategic Streviciee. ito No-mtplr transform' to the jurialiotIon of the Volitsd State* loInt M*S fstar,. 2) The Office of Strategic Services ohs= perform the t'exklowine missions: ) Collect and 1n54se such skezategia informs tIon Wmay be re- quired by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff: b) Man and operate such special services as maky be (=matted by the United States Joint Chiefs of StiLff. 3) At the head of the Office of Strategic Services ahali b itc ter of Strategic Services who shall be appointed try the Presidant and who shall perform his duties under the direction and supervision of the JoInt Chlefs of Staff. 4) William J. Donovan is hereby appointed as Director of 3triates-1 Services. 5) The Order of July lis 1941 is hereby rovoked. 1*"?- ? -.= ??? ' _1 A Fr)r Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Franklin D. Roosevelt Commander-in-Chief Tho White House 107 13, 1942 ? _ f44441t, a ri? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? - ? M, UPI ORM by virtue of the nutherlty ',i ted tA Win AS PiNaldent of no OK/ 5014 States and as Commander-in.-Chisf el the Amy and Navy' of NI Imitlort it is ordored as tolloval 1) 114: Office of the Ceerdinatvr of Info tIon AtiOtlahad y ()Mtn, of July 11, 1941, exelusive uf tit.* Portagit Information notilitiAq 0.mns.0 ferred to the Office of War Information by exeautlyo order of Alma 0, 194,7 shall hereafter be Inloimm an the Office of Strata le Spry-toes. And ti,; Aormby transferred to the /uriodictien a the United StAtos JotnP. :hiai le 2) The Office of Strategio Services shall ;err rm tht9 rrAleitiug missions: i-? Fi AO, a) Collect and analyze such strategic information A$ Ma:ov be m- quirod by tho United Statee Joint Chiefs of Staff: b) Plan and operate such special services as may be 41rootod by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff. 3) At the head of the Office of Strategic Services shall be a dirvator of Strategic Services who shall be appointed by the President and who sh411 perform his duties under the direetion and suporvialaa of the joint Chles of Staff. 4) William J. Donovan is hereby appointed as Director of Strategic Services. 5) Tae Order of July 11, 1941 is hereby nyvokod. Franklin D. Roos,yvolt Commandor-in-Chief The White House Jul, 13, 1942 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ff, 103 Fly '; 'NAO. " 'it ? 4.cto t,.I1 n( 6)-nn rtvt'1'6416.10_ c 64.1; -)frio ? 'lei 6' nn Nnyy r : I 4 4 , el ? 1 1.1 CO 4 ????. ? 4 .3 i? %4 1; fa ',*.n,r- 1 Intl 111. -r :.rr ,r '114 i'ir. 4.6k 1 ...,. i ann17,0 411 .r.f)rT.A.isn *ni tA,'"4. ?A nfttlnnAL lelri1/4 '1 6,1*,+ 0014 4 , ? ? 4 n. 1 to MAO, 110- 1 flf rmt4 7 1 4'. 1. , 'el' 1 3, P. ProridAttqn., tn loi ,I.o-Irdrnmnn* ct: out WhfIrl r?4,1, flf.:1.1Vttlelg tiq MA7 ' important for 4,-4r .p , 4 1 4 ? ? 6. ?.? *44.14?[ 1 $ ' 6.mt4 4 1, 41-to 4. ? n 7" SO fort% 1 in oarbrse-In': 4? q!:41,,' -4 ,' '-..te: t,,,,-,,,,,... rent, stvt 1 1 rvi ...1 nyn ,. ', 11- 1.-- I , 4- - 'fl nil 1:71111, anu rirly n a. h : r.:4 )6?01?1.' 1.?,- ? - in 6 I - -- L A 6 . ? '. 6,.? 11,7,' ,onni, ii sn It.mt 1 tr.tly rr? ?-?, " i:r,f, P. ? P ; r-r, 6- ? 1 duri'y fle, 6 . , ';?) rdirmtor? i 3. The, Celrdinar :tor committoo s , :on.51!;* in r o. - 1st to, - :A' . tho various ,:cpartmeint- ? -L / ow-% t- lo may doom noc,csary t ti-,st -;11 4- ' functions. 4. Nothinc in Th-, lutt,1 a . r.?1....,, .-i the Coordinator of trireme::: : ,. . :- -.pi the rugular military Flf1.1 r.vq'.. a 7is :-1?:::1::11..--rit fore With or impair tl, ,,.,ti-,1 A..: .? as Commndor in Chi,r )C 0 Ar,:l. AV. ,wis 5. Within th- lirits ,C sti-?. ? .1 Al Mn: oatod to the Coordinator Jr inCormatten Fr4s1.6.1aMt. the Coordinator may i?mpliy Ana MAkt provision for thc., ssury i'%etItti.z4? an* ,. sorvicos. G. William J. ilonwan is r?tv (1,116nat Coordinator or Information. (,;irn,A) Franklin THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1941 ?,C11.?? 44,e: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 " t ? utm.b......1.4411,11 mIttilArE4 A 0 rt-r17,41" By virtue+ .4' tho Im %4 ;'elsst 1,3111, of the Unitril Sf.solq Arli 41 -.,TImg,,Idor And NAvy or thp SIA14'14. 4 leiglesi As 1. Th9ro Ls hPre0',y gers .31 thr, Coordinatorr o. r r .n.ormak t ?het t 7 ? analyto all Information 4.11 1 .nrky tor: tt national apourity; fe norrW0 and to make aqch infrmation 14:,t tA1'4 Presidontand to suoh departme.nt; tinA Government am 1.hc, Prrwside)n0.. my Ipt:otel; out, when roelIngt,?q, tha Frg$A.lort. u;?1 notivitie? ag may faoilitate 9,104m.c, important for rational socurit, nr)s. Govornmont. qr's 2. Thn ootorul dvn.artmmnto to:1 cf.nioigs o' ment shall MR40 availatl.) to 1.10 .:1,,r4ina'*.or all and any sAch informa*ion tn, 1-41A.Ln: security as tie Coordinator, with gppr,11141 nont, may Cron timo to timo *h0 ri -4 ? ?s1 " ? * 1 ) " 'v re Z"In '.0% not' 3. The Coordinator or Inf-)rTntlln mmy committees, consistinl, or noprapriftv, r9pr-s--*qsf,1 various tiopartmontr, 111.1 44;f1Cleig r- m? t may doom nocossary to asslst functions. ,r tho in "h0 4. Nothing in tho tuttosan. rJs7ons01111.tt)5 ) tho Coordinator of Information shall in an:, wmy fore with or impair ta,) ciutlo5 and r!:TonAlt,Lli.rt tho regular military an naval ts r f th Pr as Commandor in Chi)f of the Army an, 5. Within the limits of sa-h fur-z1 tts -161L cated to tho Coordinator of InCorma*.ton t the Coordinator may mploy nec)ssary p provision for the nJc ssary services. L 4:q.!LIL": J. 'Art r1.4. ???? 1,1?: Pr it G. William J. Donwan Is h . Coordinator of Information. (Signed) Franklin U. Rs V It THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1941 n g4.4.n fatiOureAc#,.-' ? - ' t?- - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 111 111 ASVINANA A ,r1q;,0-?A-rt; By virtue of thr cotthnrity 1,0 44 'IrAmlifoors46 et the Unitod 3t4tos And no ,orlmnolor la r and Navy of the UnIte, Statms, It la nri4r1-, A; Atittl 1. There Is hqroby ns%nt-ILaclod tng Coordinator of Information, wit githlr1.7 ,.. 4 analyzo all Information and data, whin 41ay tjr national security; to corrniate miteh 4fli in 4 and to make such information anl (into mo Presidofttend to such departments ani nr Governmont as the ProsIdont may detmrminot qn. out, when requested tr,' the President, ow.; activitios as may facilitate t11, sqotrin4 ," ; ,,; important for national necuritv not now ovaiLl' Governmotit. 2. Thi several dooartmnnts and al:nnot,ls ar ment shall MUKO availet'lo to tno Coordinator ,C all and tiny sith information nn Intl rnlia*.lrio. nA. secarity as to Coordinator, wItti tn, q;?,7kAl ? dent, may from time to time rolunrt. 3. The Coordinator or Information may iarwin committoos, consistiry; or appropriate rnpros.9noato,1773 various k.Iepartments and agoncies of the siovq,rrImot-,t, may doom necossary to assist him in the ForCprnan,, functions. 4. Nothing in the Auties rospons0-iliti),g of the Coordinator of Information shall in tir* why fore with with or impair tno duties nnu rozponstbilri,s the rugular military and naval n.tviscr5 s?V th Fr as Commandcr in Chit!' of tho Army and Ntory. , . 5. 'Athin the limits of su,:h furs tts Mtty t? catod to tho Coordinator of Information by Fr the Coordinator may ,.mploy nocJssnry porsonn Itt . A provision for thu n.c ssary supplios, . services. 6. William J. borwan is harQby ut-tit Coordinator of Information. THE WHITE HOUSE pi:mm*4mm July 11, 1941 ? (Signod) Franklin Roos v It Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 1 ' bre ;1NATI 0; A ',1"'P,14 ?1-17m4; -I Sy virtun nr the agkhneity voixol tr, pet 14 ;t0,141111* of trio Nnitnei 3tatos 4Md 44 .n/IIMA0A4r in 1?1,1,4.r At.07 and Milvy or the Unite4 ZtaPes? it 14 'IVIO"Itef 1. Therp is heretly ptek,01,1i0,01 *h.% oe, Coordinator elf Information, vi*.h 1'0 analyte all information national /peerity; *o corrPlIkto s,wh nrIU to make such Information awl latn 11%4:4 Pranidontand to such departments an4 Govornmont as t.he Prnsident my lotorrtrtAx Art -ttr-7 out, when reqqosted by the Fr44idert, aotivities as may facilitate th.1 s4,4rin4 ,? iin important for national aneurit7 nnt allx:q-il .10 Government. ' vet 2. Tho several detartments at ae,c'Ici,s mont hall MI140 ftVni1e0I," to tin 1:0mr inc0,-)r all and any etch infiDv.nron datA security as tlo (ordinator, with th, dent, may from timn t- r 'a 3. The Coordinat-r cf Infnrmatiln may :4* committees, consirtir- -t npir)priatn various departmontr %).,7? may doom necossary tc nsrist him in tY.0 4. Nothing in the Auties n rosrorsicilitt-14 ;0* tho Coordinator of Information Iha ll :r wntv fere with or impair tho duties and r9.p-nrttLI.'1,1 tilt) regular military arid naval sotvis.-11 x?C tq as Commandor in Chi,lf of tho Army an c; ? ., 5. Within the limits of su.lh fun,o us -1!. catA to tho Coordinator of Intormatior by tho Coordinator may , mploy nyc)sdary p,rsonn mt14.. provision for thy n:c ssary supplies. rt;t:t-t sorvices. 6. William J. Gor)van Is Mt-x.)1)y xs Coordinator of Information. THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1941 (Signed) Franklin Rces v It ? tAis-1)4,:: 4 Prp,,pe. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 BY vtrtilo '-1 thn nuthorry ..*mei 'n ,to 1,:. .-10'1.1r of thn 'Pratnfl 5tntecom ,-knd nm C trartArenr !in -,,r r and Navy of thm Unit44d StAtog? tN '1 ra.. 1. Thnro In horob7 flmtAbitmhnd N.IN., p 1". n , Coordinntrq. pr Infr,rmrti-m? wtth r..nalyzn all informatm mnd de,trt, wt?trs Iii.z,7 --.,- r notiona1 security; to cr-arr,41,.r,1 gleo,=, tnr-mr*. r -rrt nnd to make such infortnnt 1 -11 .1ne ir NA 1.7.- Provident and to al-lel d.-17mrtmon*.s5 -41,t fr'elt,: ? Governmcnt as tho F'rostd,--nt ruay 1 N.orm r : out, when requente4 In, thr., 're-ltdlnt, l'ie 1,4--- ??if activities as my factlitritn tho 1,-.0-Ar.tn?.-- c. I . ...nr importa.nt for nati.mal sucitrtty nt Gove..rnmont. 2. Thu vcvural d(dp^rtracnta and g-rXt . .1 . ? ? ? 0 .f" 0 mont ohall maku avnllablo to th, C- all and nny such Info...matt= and ir.tr. r cocurity as tho Coordinator, with th,. r. . dont, may frora timu t,. tl!lt r.T., ot. 3. ThL Coordinat,%* of Inf?mrtt-r. committ000, consiotinp r,f -.ppr?pri-.tr? ... *f, . variouo dcpartmnts and agt.nct o -r ti-:, - ..,--.. - :T.:It r. 1: , may doom nocoost-ry t,.) novist Un in th ?7:-:',r!--.r.c- 1 functions. im,,,I,ccifiari anti Annroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 gift h.* 11,,thIng in t.hr, 1.1s..t (..4 ni;tt trio Clonnii mt. r ,r Du* srtr.r t ii 1P;r : *. . 4P" ftro with ,r 1-Trar th. 4?Itt 1 -na -.1.1. ..il tho rwr ar. r 1 i ,11. i tr /7 VIci nr - - ; - .1 - , 1 , ? . nit Cotrintulor in Chi .)r -,r !tv? , ri-.;,- ?Ir..1, '!,-, - 5 , Within tho .1 I rtt trt ? r gym. t- r, aro sa e? 1 r ,- ) r- onttid to tho C:?nrlitrurits-r f rr r 1 -I/Y. I ?r? , ; ' ' - , : , , ,. the Corrci tnnt, -r 7irty (Iry 1 ,:,- rs. ,.., 1 IA :?7 7), ,:- 1 NT , ,ar?? -/- ; provitilon for tho nrm-aon.-,7 1.1;Iltlq. r,c,:,..?m.i tmrvicon. 6. t ran J. nrr t t. CoordInnt.w of InfIrmati,m. (rAgn,V Fr"'ZIALtr. 7. THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1041 nprinqcifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r 5 DESIGNATING A Cnni;DT:j_T-Ip 11. By virtun -r thn nuthr:rtty. 7,*,234e,4 -,--'1t1timr''. of the United StAtps fl_nd qa C-mmtne,ir In -try and Navy or the, Unitspd Stilton, it r1,,r,4,1 A, f 1, 1. Thnro In iv-may r,shnblt,lhod thA r r Coordinator rif informntiln, vIth q.40thorlk,7 analyze all informntlIn tnd dAtt, wl r national 13x'urtty tc 0 Orr ran t 61 IA e trki and to mako ouch inThrmation * Prooldent and to ouch dapartmonte -rt Govornmont no the Prenidinnt mny d *.PIrmink ; tu-,1 out, when requonted b;F th Rimot' smr::nw-; actIvitinn an may facilItttn the' nrc.Artno. " important f'pr national nocurIty mit now ?7-,':-'?1 0 Govurnmont. 2. Th,.. oovoral di-partmonto and -if r.t.t. M M,. mont ohall maku avallablo to th, C -11:-.-,: '' . :?,r ?nr *, ! r all and any ouch informtion and fl.,:ti .,..,....... _ - b? t ,,, . ? ? ".4, . 000urity ao tho Coordinntor? with th ,. ? ?f" 1 1 dont, may from tint) to 'Limo foquLot. 3. Thc Coordinator of Information committ000l conoiotinp of appmprieq) r pr J 1 r varioun dcprtmanto and agoncluo ef th. GcTrrr.nnt, may doom nocoopary to ainist him in th-; ?t functiono. -t .Qwatmonamomww , 6 - 7.4 t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 tf. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 'or 4 . 11,1th t ne In thp t t qn4 r r tho 00orA nnt r I t ,n f ro to I ti. r I mvi r t -11A r- ri N ! th0 t.1. litnry kTui- -1(4 ?? ,1 * t ,r rto CrATItinelt,r n Cht nr tol? Arrly ?no. in : 5. Within tho 1 Int to ,r nit& 1%1-AA *RP cntud to tho Coordlantilr t rr.1 n tho Cr)ordlnAtor mnj omplev rk,c--;rctry p.1-1 provinion for tho nocoornry nupiaton aLrvicoo. 6. Wi 111 r.m tr. D-Inovrn I s ho r,by ,-;?13 tg".r - Coordinn tor of InformAtIoll. THE WHITE HOUSE July 11) 1041 (!l!ppt41) n. ; T `lt'S t , r ?Ir. .4 ? r 11 ' - ' - ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Val Inni-Vriliq A Cni 'Pri : :Tv:* 'V i', 1 By virtu o of thm Authority .J.mertmei tA min in ' 0.4.-4 ' 4.44 ?'.. i of the thiateid St/step nnd no r.ounrinntrur i ri Th' i r I 1 ,1 'i and Nnvy of the Uhl t.nd ,FitoLtoo , t t T 1. There 1 o IPArrby ilntob I t mtvevi ?,1 ; t Coordlno. tnr ,f Irdnroirtt t -)n, ,'t J. lir4h, r 1, it ; i n.ntilyze a11 thf, ma t I -41 cu-d rip t ft , vt-, tr. h ! 1 notiono.1 oecur tty; t . 1,-)r'req,,r 1'01 :estitlYt 1ti:r ,-ar ). ? r -1 .1 LI, " - . i nnd to mako ouch th.f irmat t -rrt file. in trt n 7,? -'. Prooldont nr.d t . much dircpinzt.ntorito -.111-1. r 7 ' 51 - . ? - . , Covornw,nt no thp ;`)rt ri tdr-nt rriry .1 P.,-,-.;-1 t.-L ; 1.1-,7 P. out, 'whorl rolueritod b,-,, th.-1 :"' r? -3t.'t ;14. 3- to i- -I, r-: ?70 : P activItic av mry fnellttxlte t.br 1-(5L-trip r 1=pol-tem t for nr,tt ()nal tk,ertz? t P y r, 4, rov '47-1! Oovurritaur.t . 2. Thu tiovurni tif4r.rtmontt rtnd -,,4-7- rx, t il !flora. chall maku avrttir.b IQ t, , t h. , C. -,. ,:?ri I :1,-? t ,... .. --,,,- . e ? le -0': r all and any ouch Infott .t. on ar.41 dr.tr. r , 1,?-4. ;-1,-r P., - oocurity an tho CoordInntor, artth 4,fv7 '1-7- ,./...,1 1-? P. dont, raa,y frt,..ira tin., to t Eau 'no pc sit. 3. nu.. Coordinator of In.fortint tlri 7w:: ? t ? ? ..ke 1 C01:133dttOC C y CSna tat Ina (./f apprr fp r I i.t, r tt f ? ' ,.; i? ." varloun dcpartmonto and agoncLo ,--,f th, (1. .- - t-.1:?. may docim nocoomr, tc, cool nt h 1 r. in tl:,- *,. - '-' ? ? ; .* t. t .? : 4 functiono. ,;? ?, ""t?-,;;-it,..g-- ' ,..4.,,t,,, ..,'''..1..,-1 t4"-* ? r. npriascifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - ? ....tn.-, ??? 9.?a. ott.ttee.,,,,,,00340, 0' c 0* - .4,' 434P, ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Ii,,th trtg n the. t ii l?41 iiip r t ? ;, the 00nrainnt,T tra',rmrtt-T4 lywkl , -,:t ,", , fc r rtth :fArrk t r ;orb' !ri pti-1 ) vbt;'h the roxf:trinv rztittrr7 .r," r, Oe.vannnelor t r -r rflize. !Intl 5 ? w i thin t t t r lei r.trte,o 4,1 entoti te tho rtrtt,-,r 1 rrr the CoGrellnAt ? nrj qmplv n(mediletry p.t-1,,rne provinion for tho nol,?Ism,ry mrp1tmq. I, mrvicon. 6. W1LL1nji J. DInov'm Im h%lc. ,t7 - Cnordinntor of InfortIzttan. THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1q41 (ion t) Fr..r1:atr. ? 1; ? : e-% r Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ???, - ??=, ? ? ??? 1; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 41, DEMOVAII10 A CnrcIMIATn;-i 117vi irtf.40 tht9 411thilo r I Py P?e?Or''' e$4 t of thn Uhltnd StAte4R .1.td r.oran-e;Ir r.r1 ,r and Navy ,nf thn Unitnd ,ltAtom, t4 -orld-rq4 1, Thnr54 he4rnb7 01501AbitAhOld CoordlnAtor of Zr'rrn,' 'r d q,14.ri,r.T;s.; : tnnlyzari 4.11 thfortuntt VA t 114. nittiontil cnrL tyl to c1-7.T04..tt and to =Ito ouch Li 'v rkne -7-. President and to VtiCh rt-Dilerfkitwtt",it* 001tOrtiglaii: it the Pron Ed. nt air.7 I -1 out, vhon rixtuontot-1, b:- t -r1 t? 4- m ' neti ti or no mtly fno I trt tr., (1, h tw .1#7 importrnt frni t tonal s4 r-tt Govc.rnmont 't 1 2. The awrorni dE,prrtmcnto nnd mont thL1 mato) aura ist.b I., t C. nr nil and any ouch Info.;nt.t Lnn c.nd t " cootirl ty no tit() Coord Int.tor, rt Eh tho dont ma,y J'rura t1i t t Imo r. . 3. ThG Coordinator of Intc.rrint t mrs,- - ; Leh 00=11 t t000 corwjctthg (If Ktpprrt "?.?t.? vari our) dc-p tt.tii ild guci -r t may doom zu,ctionary t r.00 t hL: L tho: functions. ?? ; otri 1,41, ?r? ?10? ? nrld t t I a"..041 ? ,-, rtc r ?11*- 's)tp t ? pi - i? I 1 ? P. rtin rr r -tr '1. r r ???4 ? ?? , r ? "1 anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 +it li '1th I tla I n if , rtha Ot3'rd,n,1,t r ,1 rn.r 'rqr t ?t i? re ro v th t ,r(i ??? I F t1 f. th0 ittl" tItt 1 I 145r ris tit-0 Pr. ."1 ? 4" r. t I 4 rtnC rginnti r (111 t r r .1 5. WI thin th) 1 r 4,krt, r ontod thr, worq t rA te,r r rr tho Cor'rrl t "*V",/ ntqp ; ; 7 # 1' r)tt n I f ,t. fir ,10,17.7 nt rvl 0, . 6. 141,11.1.r.1 J. 1 ? cordthrt, ,r r rts I . (7, t 071, r. :-; .? THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1941 ..,.....sotagetattism!swomiii.i.110.r-433C4F544' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 5 ? -; ? By 71 rttlin -,f ti'l nia th,-,i- I $7 ---1,gLe,f1 t r- n,,, 1:1 ? ? -5.1 t ; -.1-.. of thin tin I tt1, r,?tettnm qn(-1 qi1 ": ',Irne -sr 'r ..; : ,..' :: .., mid. Un7y -r th n Ullit,ld . :','.gte,i7.5.? :L. , 1 -41! 1. Thorn In hfcrnby nl'''t1;t4hewl 4..'el 7 4. r Coordl natrq" if .t.rlfnr/np t I ?n, :V. t t ?.$'14?11. r ' i " .. ?;-?(T mnalyzo a11 t nf, iritin t t ,r1 qr,,..1 tr til. , -4,-- ' i--',- -ir i ' rl- 4'1.. f? nat 1 ?nal enct,z. I. ty; t. - ,,,'-irrn 1- ti, 4 LC ? 'r..;" s r'fir ''`' . r "ret ttna to rrinko ruch inf 1 rinn, t I en nil(' IP kx, ,-. ,..... ., Prot) I elont rAnd tn such 4 11)91r-trainre N.,4 -,ril , , 1 f k ,- Governmont ftti thn F'rE. Ili el nt r:ury i '',?-? ---..? e. :- ? ; .......-1 N out, thon rciquoritod b;,, th , 7.1 1- - r, 1 --r.t , --.? le 1,17:- ? -,.. ? ' ? -?,' activitiov az) mty ro.c tit tn. tn ti- ? ? 1 - c i -t. :,i:. , ' ,...1r, .... importr.nt for ntit t .-inin,J. ri..a.,:r1 ',',,y. !,-. t r -w ^ -- . .6. Govcrnmont . 2. Thort.:-.ct -,:,,, : .c. : 61 110 .. . ? . s g ? P P "'I ? mont cha3.1 r.d...L'iso ava11t.b1 t - i..-. I". ? ik ? 1* li. - , 1. ?1(1. 17.? ? all and. any coach 1nfr. t I -,r; -.r.d. 1 r.. I. ? e .... r ? ?.., 're IN Ir. u ? Pi: 000urity as tho Coordinat.. r p wt s 'rt t' .40'4 0... , dont, r.sty fruti tinu tt.) ti7-,,, r T., -. t. ,...- 3. The. Coordinator nf trif r t -r. comitt000, cqnviatiri(". f pr 't vari ?up dcpartzh-nt rd rc t? may doom mec-ciat...ry t,: functions. ?P ? ? ? 4 -r ,4?? .44r:. fAtPV44,?????.????? -??? neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4 . N ,th t ne t r t}1,1 1,1!'; I -Jo .3114i I ?it, t-? ,? ?,, ? , : , , tho Ctor-411 two, I. ,i" I' n s' irlul t.. t. ,ft 0'1' 1 c ' ' i ir' 1 V P t* r( re) vi th ,,r t-rpn t r. tab i, rt t $ - nut t? , :-.) ro! tho reg''1. rrt : I, t 1,/, ry eiliti rut 9? ,. -.1 r 1 3 . ?1 e , etri Ctmtrvinetor ! n C1-1 1 . r ? r 0.1,,i .;,:..!?. .i r rl ? :5, 1.1tthin tho 11:1M-4 r antod ti cemrettnianr rmr '1 , tho Coorti mt, 1.)r.rp e,. ;;* t 111- provInion for tho nnor,noro,-7 noviono 11 T 6. Willtma J. DonovrA tr tj ',1,711,411,t,o Coordinator of informnttan. (t 'At) t n ? cr.. ? I. THE WHITE HOME July 11) 1941 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ?-??*1*.- - 61, 61***???? 11?0 1100011600.???,e i r, 7Fr By v11.-t,,tr, ir-lilt ; r tho ,11,1 ti rule!, rtrtvy r t t . ft he I ? t4 " ? erwl ? ? , r r rrr rmr L 1'0'114 r r-nollyzr. 1'1 I 1. rt rizir rl ir rli)t 1 onr, 1 rpnr.? r 1 ty , ? 1, ? rula t?-) rutito (mph Ulf n tr? r' )111.4e}nt 'Viet te, 1fo, 1.,?,),E?tr?trarri ; .1 ? ? , ? Coivorrun( nt rtts t.hn rr, clIr ;r I b out, whort ro.,,iut?nt 11; th 7'r 1 Piet 1V1 10C a:, rnry rn,c ! it tr tr 11.1Mt)rtmt f Psi r ritlt t ?nt1 (1-1 Pirr r%, ? Gol,*(..rnm.!rtt 1 2. Th, rt,?vf.irert1 dt tz:1, ;10 mint ohr.11 rank( twr'JI'ti. t ral and ttny ruch Info r.t I r; noourity r.r.) tin enorri t dont, r,Itly fru:z tine t t t ? 1 p. ? * e 4 I, . ? , I. 3. Th, conzsa Inn t - corrtittut i, c nr-1 t 1' :" vnximur, (1. pr'.,rtrant .1 c.sy & J may act 3.I,r t .1,1 t, ? I ? ? :? lune t t !xi ?????????,???????* e ? ? , 6 S. 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ????*4_,,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ' I. ^ 3! 3 7.444.4. q- I.rr, ? 'Al I rig n tho fr li-?? c 4ilr10 t thr)Ofr, re! I rIntf cr et r r ri-roq-Irsr. 1,, t -odi 1: troie,:t, ? srt tI rItTcpr; tr (bit, t r1 nit I b I t 5;lt the' Votrdirx 01.11,1trAty 4Ttt rorit I, -Id 'PI leivcs r PA) Coirntlpd.or tr (111 tler eer thrl F? on.,y ?11"..-1 , 5? Within Olt) tr: yr Ill to.' I1i 4 fit be: Ontorl tc tho Ceortil nettvir r rfic tiftro'n ti t tho Coortlinettor tvty 4tmtt y rir.r )0"...r7 ,r ? .41 provinion for tho matoaeyvvy rt,r1:1-Atmrl, ntxvioon. 6. WIi1ip,..413 riln(rtr.n f 1.1 tr Coorctinntor of 1.nforraftt. tern ) r.t11".AL tn L t THE WHITE HOUSE July 11, 1941 ..L.111;3,z,..:,...7,-.....,,t.1',' .V.1' ':-.'..r. : -1,? mama Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 r rzr , 7rrex; , Fly tin r 'F01( r'r? ?,:r "mti ?noti. ?-ti; `!.????tit -.Tr; ? of thort ne-4r tn -on 4.? rtind firlry ? r the !Alt kepi ".#?on tom ? t 16, ? ,?0 $ .11. rtm IP hfpreqq nIrtrtr,t, t t Attolfi 4 ? ? Cr)ord ts 1r f rirrrtw '? I noi?ttr t tt.1; 14. ; -L nf rint, t t ?11 e.,-nd v!" -1r," r tAn t arpt0 .gee, 1,r ty; t? -r.?-re; P inf 41 Plitt tn MOM nuelh tr.frnttt i Prhsilont qnd ti ouch 11pArtmontA , af,vprnmmt an thn Prc)ritd,-nt mr,7 Out, letion roquortteld b ttl,, Pr 'II ? Vto nctIvt ti ac !pry rne t L L tAto I nap ortnnt !''r rttot1st. ';r ," aft Gov. rninont 2. Thc, liGvorti d(-2!?? ?;?tr, r. 4 0 il.-..I -..- V mont ?hall =Iv nun. t lrb 1 t ..... ,.. --i. : ? ..? i? r. . Wr.Irt ... all and omy ruch Int .r.rir. t. 1 T1 - ? ' I le. P' .4O1114 . , ',AO., b 000urity co tho Coordinflt, rs 'et'''. t' .. ... - .0 ? ? . . . D dont, may trom tIrc t,. tt7lc r 1- it. ? 3. Th Coordinator nf Ear *nr, --- COMMitt000, conciating ,f 17pr prt-, ? variou? dopextmnto P.nd -f th, rao,y doom nt.coont-ry t ? r..itt:??.!.:1tr t function?. K020050004 ? A , ? 3 ?14 ? ?.L.41 1 ? , e e-sri Pnr Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , I . I, ? " 4.? - .141r *4`:!'s, ? :74,::44#1'.!!!1,_ 3 ;a...3 3., A ,., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 0. I. -???????.s 0 ' ? v - ? - ? ? - . . ? - " . ? "it - a ? "3 ? 130.1% r' 'tr. ? ? . ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 - . . , e.'".C. 14 ? 41- MIONATING A annr411:VAT'T r ?-"lrIvr I " f e hnd Ctati m rag ui ft p Cf'IMMPAO-4r e vittve nt weithotitit ti " "'"74 o th Ult 7,:t and NaYy of the Uhlt,qi MAt000 tm --4or,14 AO 1. Thnre In hfirol>y fwtabltrlittod k,7 1p4W;1-11 Coordinator raormattin, vt?c,i; quthortov 1.nd anolyzo all informatton 0Ind rtetn, trl*:tch notional sotttrity; to corrr.l.imt.1 gqch !ftr,moot- r- tfls, and to mako such InSormattAl it Iettn Pronident *And to &mob dopnrtment4 -.nd Cit Govornmonttn tho Pro; tdont n4r !" ge ? rat out, whon roquostod by tho Pr,ltetnnt. wica " activition aa mey factittate thc, r r r r-Tpla - important frIr nationol ouTtrIty n ?now ? Covcrnmont, ir? 2. Thu novvral dtiprrtmonto ctrld -g?rxt mont ahtll malty avalltbio t. th( C,)oratnr... r all and any such inlovrattion it Ittr, noourity aa the Coordinator, vith tho dont, may from timA) to tin? rgIth.nt. r'1",ttni4 3. Thc Coordinator of rnX TA-Irtt connittoos, conninting of rmr prt-t : varioun dcpartmonta ftnd tgunct r nay doom mccant.ry t rovIst tn t?' functionc. ........,, '' '; '.., i.' ? ..?;,..: ,..'7:0,1. '1 , , , ,,' ? . .? "I . '- . . . .. ' 1.z. ..7, ,.. . , , , ,,z. ,., , , '. . 4 ' .1 . ' - '..:,. .1,, 4.- . , ,4.?.7,,L,9 , : _ ,. .. Jeektolor401141t111k#27 ?. .? .7,"T r?rt -. ? 1. ? tr.?11 I - ? ' ? ? 4 s ;?????,,i; _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 ? 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 f-' It ? N thInto In thei (.-ijtrvt r .f rrvr ,rrle t ,11 131r ? r? ??" ri rt v I th ir t r th. ? (1, tho t r :it Anti t 1,-, ? , r etc: C? n In (MI ,r rtt, ? 3 5, WI thin t.ho 1 tall r 444/ h r atoci on.tor.1 t. thr, tnytt,-ir I rrx 1-'71" -; tho (o,rtlintvt )r nr raT.1 N:,- n, r1 ttfl- prwjnl n r r tho nocr.flin knrl (" ; 41, ri rir 1r's 6. WI 1,1 t r. 3, t),-11,-,7^:n ,7 '? z- !J./ I nr t r r tnf )rrlett ..1 ` ....:1 t.'1'.. - 1 ,t ' :,?,... . it,. ? ?i ? , 11,1,.., . , ..tr,t ..,...istf _. ? ... set..! ..1,... ' . ' I.... rt.: --,_, - . ?pii4 ? . - ' 4,-,, ? - : ? , 4; ? .1 4 , t.-.;.? ?.: ii: .7-.1 1 - I I-. . , . ... . - p2:,.. ? - ? ., II - : ? . .i.i. ? THE WEITE EOUnE July 11, inL1 (?"11 , ft e ? 1 ? .3,1 r ? t? t:"1 ,filr '1. - g 3/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010031000'4-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 4 t? e'l? a;i4 4?-? 4'4 S.:?.1.4 ?.;;" '17f4stl .5t.0411kval0L, The Prosblent today solil t lim7 in one me* agonfly th the government Mit 496. forn and ; Tho agen;Y i.11 I.? J.10. r 1.001 :131:1 %,i1 14:10 In Qrmation. It will bo divided Lati, The first will deal with thil dit qminAtiAl IL I in. LI 4,..1 within the United Statras. ;Pcorki47... I, ? V disseminatiion af informatian L ;11 for, , a $4. cept Latin Americft. Int Ulu nem ? idatA all of the functions anil dut,ida, ): existik uational agencies The )ffiq F 4. 4 V. uate4; The Office of Gove ent Repo.? the r Information in the Office for Eme,gently me.a4g,?ownt. t Farei,Iga Information Service of the Offloo - ator of Information. In addition, the Director of tho 10N. 'Iffice ?0. War In:ormation will have authority' subjoct a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 , - 1.L1q lown by th r partmontr, rlflit ' nrs, f "rz ft informationill servick ? ,. . J t nate all ovs " depIrtmont ny nformati)na or use tf) war f4fort. ak: ?-?`1.17i. '44.0 4 4 , ? i; tion (exc:u. iv, 31 L,0:. Fr.pi-;.,a transferrt,d Lo tly h4,tit CtIll.: .); F .t under their ou,Qrvi4:1.m. It-, ;-i,Ji ;...i. Office of aratgic ccrvi.,:ps, .. ' s. its iunctions of collect:.n,#' sec.: t t ? t ? N in fore ii;n. countries &Ina :,0 ,, r..):-.iy,,;1?. gic services abroad, ofter tnw: 1, radio, leaflets, etc. Tftc...t, a ? ? 4:1; )1.11. 4, 4 s countries will become part o: a, the Office of ;gar Information; J.11. the ., ,) transferred to the new agency tor thL_., To assist the Director of tau a Committee on 'Aar Info":ilation h... ? ? r. ? ? N.. ? - ??? ' ? '444 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00016-63-16-604-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 11 tst4v.t4f.. $q1?. 4 ,s ? ? ' "'Vg4:6 4.4 ? 'VC^. q41,01. lisr' 3=4.- ?? .;".?-? - ? I; ire c tor of the Coaun t 1.? *1-1-, "tin Committeo will lo vu ; rtn$4.11 N 410 ) 1:;;1, r c i " ?)n 4c tv matiQa. out. the rIrl,m ofte,r q '" ?141 will htivc full power HS th-A vx Vi ! ? V The Director or thA nvw Off?vg, P?lr" Tri.f Elmer Davib and an admlnis r 4ncor ;4!, Flmer Davis will bc dosignat,Qd. Mt. Itti J. oe NV the head of Lhe new afflop portini, only to the Combined 5i27 mi '?:,11A. ? -- 11. Ixto-) v1?.4 eko ? tre t. ? The information servica for r.to, ,Hlozt: tinue to be handled by the Coordinator of Affairs The vxecutive Order prv.lcribes betwet:n thk. rirEctor of Cenaorsh4, L. S ? 4 Director of the new agency, for the purpc:: tI the prompt and full dissemination of all which will not give aid to the enemy. pill. !?. a ? t ? , to. a 'IA t /411..? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010-0-310004-6 $ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310004-6 t -nu. -WI* ???? r j .4t jib ?1 :?? .1-110 fp ? -10 ? ' ? ' ; 4.4 iv! ? ? ? - re , ? ? - 4. eia r,, $ ? 1 ( 41. n ? ? ? ...e.k.)11,