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Vii7rfr. 1".trot.424 ' ? ''??? '"I ? l'". ' ........,,,, 4, ,...t,?? 7'; ' . i.....i'r..?.;',1-.. ..=... ... '-' ' ; ..' '''' - ? . ? ',.."'I't....1' ? k''.1",?? ''''' .":* ' . ?:.* ' '' ''*.r ..:S.; ?-,,,--, ' . '' '''' ..- : .' /, ? ? t - '! ..*:???'. r.. 1 " .? ' .$?,.. ... . ... ? ?...:-..---1-,L.--. . ? .....rz- '-' - ? ..,i .. , ). .. , ,, .. , ? ... , ? 0- - ? . - ' i " '. - - - ? . ,1 " ? ". ..% . I.;?;?,.. " ' ' '" ''''. -'... . 41 ..y.""*.roT. l',;".`1\k, ? .... ? ? ? , .101?.44 ...2.1.triril*:'? ,?441-?17.,7'0???s,: fr.M.c*rf, tkarmem ova PAtimiglmmo /_ .,e.ANArimaP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X0000 ? ,11; l'."-1 '1 Allif.CPY:::.4 -?`i ? ''', .,?,,,,, ..A. - Ile?,-1. - '''' ' '''.. ti ...,-4"":-. -74.:;..4,'Ir,-1.......? .???-; i!ito.--.....,,.....)",..i, ,; - .. ft . ??? 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Major General William J Donovan John G t1u0ea John 0 Hughes or on Greek Sitvlation ort?orrereerlituation my reqqaeL. titire J1 th1:4 At my request, Miss Carp of this office has prepared a report on the pcezieut Gracik d.itt-oLt4.)!. prepared a report on the present Greek situation which think you rill* find tir,Le:o!lt A a.L,41 I think you will find of interest. I attach herewith the original 0C thii, ircomoeuuuam Lvbe;,nor vilt.a. _JI) the original of this memorandum together with a copy of the 1-Qvacilig momurL'ndum rrom its C;arp,tiiiir of the covering memorandum from Miss Carp, outlining the contehts of the report and sot,Ling forclk titiO the contents of the report and setting forth the souro from which she gol, 14'14 informa.biou. from whichshe got this informat on. The e000nd report referred tot, tiQC OVIidri;46 The seoond report referred to in her covtring memo will b thrinal form Wmorrow, Sat'.4rdayo and i Nivio will be in final form tomorrow, Saturday, and I mill sond that dowt to you fits soot' tis available. will send that down to you as soon as available. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED SEC7,ET 1 I am enclosing herewith as of possible interest my report dealing with developments of the Greek problem in its various as - poets. The report gives a summary review of the activities and alma of the two resistance groups in Greece and deals more specifically with the oomplications whioh have brought about the present struggle between the SAMAILAS on the one hand, and the Papandreou government and the British military forces as well as the London government on the other. The general outline in the attached memorandum is based on information disclosed by persons with certain RAM sympathies. In view of the fact that opinions and comments among Greeks who have been interviewed cannot possibly be reconciled and that there exists a very striking difference of conoeption among them, it has been necessary to submit two separate memoranda which will illustrate to you the conflicting views. The second report deals with the Greek problem from its early stages to its latest developments as analysed by Ur. P. M., a close collaborator of Mr. S. Yenisei's. (See biographioyi sketch enolosed.) The opinions outlined in his enclosure represent those of Greek citizens who maybe identified as members of loading fi- naneial and business interests in Greemo. Although this category of Greeks are also opposed to the Greek monarchy, and even go as far as sympathising with certain leftist parties in Greece, belong- ing to the 1!" they are bitterly opposed to the Communistic tend- muffles of the SAM and to communistic leaders and their activities in general. They do not approve of Great Britain .s extreme measures, but are willing to tolerate such measures as long as they may lead to eradicating any extreme program of the AK which may serve communistic ends. !1; AP-L *1??. ? ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/2'3 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Ii TA; ? ? I. att. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X000.01R000100170011-4 4. 4. OftetZW*Niermr~m,, ? ..estiki?????st??44'n ? mmiowmAWM1r0VMAr, NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED SECRET gggiumg_guugLobuKT 01011( $ITUATIIN The following is a review of event 'hich have taken plelce in Greece during the pant few wee :to and is bed on cenversatIons with ranking Greek citizens holding conrtieting political vi ewe. During the co,tree of these powers/Alone, it wee roieled out thRt in order to get a fairly clear picture of the latest developments, troning them 1,ack to their origin, conoideratcon must be given Lo the Britioh pclicy toward Greece since the foil of Crete ond the eatablishment or the Greek Government in Lxile in Egypt* Foliowing the occupation of Greece by GermLn and Italian in- vasion troop, Pritirh policy governing the Greek problem remained unopposed in vier of the fact that the memory or common sacrifice with British troops dominated P.1.1 other considerat'ons on the port of the Greeks and prompted them to refr.in from expressing any criticism against their great ally. On the other hand, the Greek guerrilla organisation at that time was in a stage of relative infancy end therefore not properly equipped to enforce the opinions and reactions of the dominated peoples of Greece. However) upon having acquired sufficient phymieal power nnd a consciousness or its strength and position, trend or an ever growing divergence between Greek partisans and the creators of Britain's foreign policy towards Greece became aoptrent? ft 0" ,,40' ? auro ? .0 Awdr. %Wit 40110100 to ppiease 2013/09/23 CIA-FibP13X0000; R00010017001-1- - , .V , atx ,J3 ? , ?71 I. ;6- TO' 1 , ? I 41- 41. ?-" ? `i to, ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 r NOT TO If AKE P, 16 $jil(:;fiEET P4f1K HT nf4 i.q1 cc 44 ,fitc, 011 wal-co 144! il P?114it1. F9OV4W ?f 40.(14P4 4[14Y vu.) tor.:;t u in ...cut-eci Y.14 t'q 4.0.0 9f 1014g '''4 Rq141F,i4 1.1p9 41itbry rizi? i& and corce;, WI to4iic.1114 of 0 I'pe 4i.49?,4 q 14T 4411b.i Lriiii" 0: tlon. q4lis commli.tee vvao ileaged1-1-q?.34cr: ? P2/gU+141r4i6! ?le/nem' :01andbicas, INtlo ? . in Frete, Vrofbr,or: 4. 4./Q;49444.y. ov t4m1 4.1.1,1,1-z,4y 01: 1 n rt--, ? , . R. N. WRI9.12 P44414. 411111.4e ao-vt;rpf uf P' 4MH-"P 1.9c:.17 C9,4441-0-4 4e414Y, T.41711.Dotcos, Pcr.f1Fr WAY of t41 4-10t4:0,- arj,'n4 ar- 4br4e4-14e4-,, c- nr ORP1*7 ?NI:ir"" 4M- PW, P54144ee Otc" 1/4" k-Gq. 1494.11,1 4010/,1,4. 1409,-?IonV.. -104 ilbt 12 V- 1 ? polm1wt4LF 444 fuf t.)e pur)ot:e oc (7-: 4 ve-nmtlit . r ?r? 111" t ? 9f T-0?T.4 149" F.(41914Mq 14ln 9a440 liNTI 141 414 IP P01-1 W Ms4M4 0 4T- '4?149f", b4 TINfq If? 4tRi: ir?(9144(V 140 clJ-bi4LIA;? Y,419 F.co m ilr?m 4,(IM IT72q ei141?,4: a:114 47 rrom 'tit* 4?1111q at 4 g9 1101q 911 1PF- v9:1' of t'" 8T1-9Y 941,y4i 9t9.1149n4 IP WV, 40: fl V41Wc. 4Fid 541 Wg1 9,1111Rtqg gf q 1'11 9,1"1,11i fihtin forces SA1114 TR90C94 MR14. tM 8 - o a natIonal conference pr the estab1isPme4 of a overqiuent, ( fl ns1;,onnL comerence .or the estelbiltan n rcvorlIllent WIgliti 'A+ fiRtlgitql FgirM 4 5111Y Mi4: sented. sermea. 01.! ?. , ? JIMOMMOS , - ? ? es ? I, ? 46/0. Y.011t,'W?411* -2?-c tigr P? 1- , "?-? norinCCIfiAri And Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X6000114000100170011-4 ????? ?? EL-) ??? . - ? - - ,? ? ? ? Ae. t, s? `.0 ;. ? ; ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 .3. NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED ctr.cRET In conneotion with the above developmental it mut be pointed out that tho EAM followorm hed never reoognised the Greek government in exile ao A OonotittAtonal Government in015,,, much an the King of Greece had aboliehed the Conetttation in 1916 end eetebliehed the dictatorehip under Metaxaft4 Our Oreek advilore further explained that whereee Teouderoe hhd taken into a000unt A year earlier the demand? whieh hed been ouhmitted by a aimilar delegation of offteere to eliminete oertain Vaootet element? from the armed forceo, he now refuded to give a hear- ing to the above mentioned delegation and ordered bho arreat of the officers. Thiel action to reported to have marked the nignal for A widenpread mutiny among Wu) armed form, Lhe troopo re. Ruining in their berreeke and refueing to obey government ordere4 Bimultaneouely, Greek crime remained on Hier ohipa waiting for the oomplienoe of the Orook Oovernment in bile with the domande of the offieer delegatee4 Coincident with thee@ avente, the Committee of National Unity Greek Armed rorcem Middle Eaet eubmitted a petition to the Primo Minister of Great Britain on April 15th1 1q440 outlining its grievannee and eolieiting oonsideretion of ite demende. A copy of the above petition ie ettached herewith end may be found of interaet particularly in view of the foot thot tunny of tho critical events and complications which hove now developed were anticipated in thin petition and were never given any publicity in the preps, f jOrf IP Or . IMO MIA" " 41s St. ""6' .4ftip ?AMININ14,4.? isAt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: 44, /4- 4 ?! ' rrs 01 A 4 ? j-? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 NOT TO BE ACCE 10 SECRET rift view of the persistent revolutionary attitude of the Committee of National Unity, Mr. Teouderos finally had re. Course to the British to crush what he considered an open re. bellion and the conflict of the oppoeing armed forces resulted in oasualtes on both sides. The rebellious troops were oventu. ally arrested, and p1ace0 in concentration camps from which they were released only a short while ago. The foregoing event e created far reaching reactions among Greeks both at home and abroad and Tseuderos wee forced to re- sign. He was succeeded by Sophocles Veniseloe whose government lasted a few days only and finally the Greek Cabinet in exile was placed under the Premiership of Mieli George Papandreou, who ham remained the head of the government to the present day* Immediately upon the formation of the Papandreou govern- ment, the Lebanon conference was arranged at which all political parties and fighting forces were represented, a national charter then being adopted, proclaiming *national unity* and thus meeting the demands of the *mutineers*. rn spite of the above temporary solution of the acute prob- lem, relatietni between the LAM and the British did not cuatain I so' improvement' The ZAN continued suspecting the British of . On plating the return of the** et 'Greece to hie hosiciendif Aeries the Briti.vh suspected * etrzpi to voice power in Aries* once the ,rcoicitiy isti-1:10k,n Ubertto4, At,:the seft?AlPeel t ? . k' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 r A .151's' t NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED sccRET the King of Greece was reluctant to give assurances that he would not return to Greece unless called upon to do so following the results of a free plebiscite. At this point it may not be amiss to submit summary informa- tion on the organisation of the two oppositing Greek parties, the character of their leaders and their political aims. EAM (Greek Liberation Front). The EAM with its fighting forces the ELAS (Greek People's Liberation Army) represents the outstanding resistance group in Greece. Anthony Eden is reported to have admitted in the House of Commons on April 5, 1944: that 4;?the EAM comprises 75 percent of all guerrilla and underground forces operating in Greece. The EAM is a representative body of the Socialist, the Agrarian, the Communist, the Peasants, the Workers and some other minor parties with loft wing tendencies. The EAM was also joined by the Civil Servants Union, the Railway Brotherhood and (;,the General Unionist Confederation of Labor. Thus, the Eill ob- viously represents the popular movement, its members belonging to the middle altaimuswa2149. ranks, lea including many students, intellectuals and even priests. 'In its general character t4,1110.01w , bearclivalk,reseablanoe to the Spanieh7Popular Iron of 1936. The oat-Outline leaders of the Mare Alexander Svoloa, , . mommoms, PrOSOOP,O.:12004tantiOnal law of the Universitr of Athonso ProsiiqrAigelopoul cia ofl,the saae'univeraity Mr. Elias Teirtookos, 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ' a Who of the Liberal party and the Communist Mr. Bantoe? Theliehor of Kosani is its spititual leader and General Emanuel Wafts, considered to be an able @arm officer, who wee at one time chief of staff of the Greek army, oosmands the MS, vies the SAMI$ fighting foross? =Os (Osok Democratic National Army). The SDILS has been described as a nationalistic fighting organisation compooed pri- marily orrightist liberals stor=lorigsrlists. Col. Napoleon 0,00?00.00.00?????tomwo ' ?Arras, Who is also a career officer, Made the EDW. Thin group has away small meMbership but iv reported to be better orgar- ised than the SAM, its mon consisting mostly of regular soldiers undwr the command of experienced officers. Our informants report that the SAM with its much larger 1\ force and its greater aggressiveness, had spread over the major portion of Greece and displayed a muah greater activity against the Weans during the Axis cocupation than the SUS whose ezti- vities Imre confined tt a small area in Northwectern Preece. The Als4and political objectives of the two Creek resiotanoe groups 10740:efinod as follows, ThOIDSO, grow is known to favor Inglish intervention is the ? ., , , ,, internalaffairs of Oreeeej b,i.1appr*eneiver..of the &ins of itieWrivals the- t has ,en *Vow* that the . 1100,011.0.,40.1004#.0. roll_ i *OW rimals# but .: .? , . , ,2 ".i r.4, , ? ?.,. ? P La%.,-- , Ott toreattell, ? : , . ( far-. - sibtP 'r "Via 111Poim. 1.,; , 14 - Declassified and ApprOveCiFor Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 odfloc.zi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED cccRET a leftist government in Oreece. On the other hand, , OBS are openly anti-Russian and anti-Communistic) end very much afraid of the growing power of their Slav neighbors in the Worth. SAMIs officially proclaimed program gives the following ob- jectivell I). The liberation of Orem from its invaders. 2). Blimination of all foreign rule end influent's and oomplete independence of the country. 3). The formation of a provisional coalition government composed of all anti-fasoist elements, following the liberation of the country, ouch a government to re-instate immediataly domooratic liberties, to provide work end food for wverybody with the aooist- moo of the Allies and to ensure territorial integrity of the country. It is furthermore planned to ocntinus the fight agtifitt the Axis and to prepare the ground for free election e. Finally, the SAM 'contemplates introducing fundamontal 000ial and economic refvms and to abolish the inetitution of the monarchy. However thay propose the abolishment of the monarchy- by means of a popular plebiscite. The present serious armed conflict between the fagots of the WI and the Papandreou government and the Irigsh forces is re= I ported to have been brought bit *0 direct oonesouenos of the -114*-s1,desar4,,through-Mr0Papendri,42ttukte13OreekguerriIla i1,14/vik `arey aronisede . r'?-r IL* Declassified and Approved For Re-lease' 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 --"'""r"'"IssomrtiF?tsra _ . stitaiirraisr ..-tatiot64.-1,,I?railia,iii sax NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED StCRET their form on condition thgt the Mountein Brigede And the Sacred Battalion should oomply with the 0111) requirementel VAR member admit thet the Mountein Brigode fought bromily in Italy and the Bacred Battalion in tl Alamein and in Ow Libyan oempaign, but they *Wm thet following the mutiny in Vigypt both of the rare- doing unite were reorganteed 4nd plemed under the command of officers with royaliet gympathiee' The VAM tan inleto upon the disbending of the Greek Gendarmerie and the membere of the Athene police who, they otete, served under the Wieling government during the Germgn occupation' Finally IAM *leo demhnde a epeedy trial of the principal collaborator@ end the organteation of a plebiscite to decide on the oueetion of the monerchys XAM le very much embittered againot Ohufchill end formelly cleniee the charges made 'Wit week by the Britieh Prime Minigtor in Perlisment that they were preparing a coup dlitate They explain thet if such had been their intention they could heve taken Advantage of a mere propitious moment, at the time the Germano were with from Greece ahd prior to the landing of Dritieh form' In conclueion, the consensus of opinion among Greeke'is that regardleep of who mAy succeed the present Papandreou govern- ment, there is no chance or the kin's returns Monarchy for Greece mat definitely be considered aa a thing of the past and the Greeks feel confident that a plebiscite will bear out their abovte ontention. kpCje PiVkaai_ 47: ?tz.' ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R00010017001 1-4 ? MP" ...itt440111?116on? r a Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Er so 1 ? - .A translation nangialika NOT To BE: ACCESSIONED ox.c.RET Letter addressed by the Committee of Nationnl Unity of the Greek Armed Forney in tho Middle at to the Prime Minister of Great Britein on April 2411 1944. Dear Mr. Churchill, Confident that we expreee the opinion .0.nd feelings of the Greek Armed Forces in the Middle Xast, we address to you this open letter to bring to your notice and to the notice of the whole British nation, the present situation which at mny moment may result in incidents which will poison irreparably the relations between our two Allied Armies, We are making thin appeal to you, and through you to the Nation which you lead, because we would like to believe that you are not fully aware of the measures which the reprementativee of the Dritioh government have taken to meet this situation. Invariably in your epeechee, and espeoially recently, you have expressed your sorrow at the divisions that exist among the Greeks. We are sure that the sorrow you have expressed implies an ardent desire to see Greece united and to see it become, through this unity, strong and happy. With all respect, we cannot are with the import#noo you have attached to certain incidents, on the basis of which you have characterised the Greek situation as chaotic and deplorable. In contrast to your views, certain high personalities 4M0t# the United Nations have expressed their admiration at the unity or the Greek Nation and have given correct explanations of these incidents. Since we cannot but judge the leaders of the world enti4escist struggle by the same standards and since we cannot attribute to them divergent feelings towards our Nation, leading in consequence to divergent conclusions; we consider it our duty to bring to your personal notice the facts concerning the present eituation, so that, being aware of this, you say arrive at the Name correct conclusions about the Greek problem as the other well informed circles among the Allied Nations. The Greek Nation was, is and always will be united. Those minor incidents which, we belteve, through your lack of information, have driven you to wrong conclusions, were not expressions of dissension among our people; on the contrary, they were gaily expressions of national unity, which at every turn neutralised the attempts of those who were try- II to disrupt that univ. Recently theme attempts at disruption, which have even descended to collaborationiwith the enemy, have originated directly from those who surround Kitg George II. We do not wish to mention perticum lar battiest* since we know that documentary evidence exists in your various dopartmente *doh oonfirm the otatemsnt we have nada. Perhapt because of your ?Lose friendship with King George our statement may arouse a aortas bitterross on your part against u4, but ve still believe that a fact, what- ever persomml feelings it may *all up, does not, beaausu of this MOO to ? ?-.;,4": f -4-??? ? kte, ' 're 4 '44 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 I. ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 imstke NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED SECRET retain its velidity in the. r1* of reality* The actions of King Oeorge, which we:have mentioned, OKA be fully explained if they are examined in the light of the policy he followed during the derk period which ben on August Atho 19)6* The measures then taken carry the indelible seal of royal reeponeibilitys During that period the policy that King (Write folm lowed we@ that of e(petty autoorat who appointed the meet redited end disreputable elements in Oral% to position@ of reepcnpibility, end today, it oannot be denied thgt the oloseet friends of the King end the exeoutive heads of that period now conetitute the Quielihg group in Greene's :uat as King aeorge @elected his advisers end the exeoutivem of hie will on hie arm rival in our country in 1936, mo today he to trying me u@ing the fame- elemente, to Wee@ violently end irresponsibly th@ WON reaciet reglmht of whioh he is the creator, on the long=euffering Greek peoples While the betrayed Omit people would hove been perfeotly juetified in aettling firat of all their mount with King aeorge and he clique, they hive (Welded to leave this question for the future on the condition thgt the King declare that he will not return to Orem' until he le invited by A free plebiecite of the Oreek peoples On thia partiouler point, es you Are owareo complete ogreement exists gmong the Greek pertieos This deoleration which the whole nattm demando trot ihe King iv ju4t1r1ed by the general mistrunt in which he le regarded? Thie mistrust arises fronts a) the arbitrary (Wigton of the sonerchicel olio@ taken on October 10, 19j5 for the restoration of the monsrchys b) the faked plebiscite of Metexae in April 19J61 o) the uppointment of Metexas in April l9)6$ d) the impoeition of fascia on Auguet 4th, 19.36, which wowned the three Prirtious miefiurfle of a clique of the Kingly pommel Mendes In order to prevent a repetition of @Itch arbitrary meapuree, the nation is obliged to demand the aforementioned deolaration and the King must agree to sign it if he wishes to prove that he wee sincere when he promised to respect the sovereign will of the people. hven if this pcpuler demand touches the personal pride of the King, it oannet be maintained thtt the dignity of one person is superior to that of a whole pogo which he he tmed on August 4th, 1936. This, in brief, is the general outline of the @reek problem. It remains now to examine how this has tweeted the Dreamt *tate of affair* in the Middle Wit, It was only natural that the viand taken by the King, and the deeision taken by the people not to aocept en y compromise, ohould have created around the Xing groups of vacillating politieians whoas popularitY varied with the strength of the popular entimmonarehic feeling and whose Min **time in Cairo was to retain office at any priest A$iuthe these groups a t.= - ? narlaccifiPci n d Aooroved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-Rli-P13X60001R000100170011-4 :10 ? ' 3 $ $1111 g Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/23,: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ? t ? r 414 NOT TO BE ACCESSIONED 91514 were nothing tut kft obetacle ta the or tion of a real governs.9; o national coalition. With the approach of national liberation, rioting Cresco, under the leaderehip of the Nationel Liberation ?rant (E.A.M4 hod no rem ours* but to set up the Political Committee of National Liberatioa which appealed to all the truly patriotic element? in the Nation with o view to forming a netional government. The adventurers around the King refund to collaborate; instead, by a policy of wait and see, they tried to extract fro this eituatioa as much profit for themeolves as they oould. Con- fronted with these criminal deleyieg tootle'', the Armed Forced in the Middle Mat expelled, by their magnificent motion, their desire for national laity, thus depriving the hendful of dierupters in Cairo of all further pretense that national unity had not yet been achieved. The im= portage of and the determinetion behind the decieion taken by the Creek Armed Form in the Middle Wit) deaonetrates both the reel demooretio feeling of our people end the strength of the prepent national unity) a unity which eannot be undermined and broken either by dietanoe or by the salumnies of disrupters. In the face of this greet fietionel achievement ?Ours, your representative in the Middle twit together with Dritieh Armed Yams are besieging the heroes of Albenie, and today, taster %nifty, is the 15th da mince the Creek Armed Form have hed their food end water supplies out off. The Crooke, beams of their friendship with the Britieh Nation; are patiently enduring this eituation, the like or which hoe never been heard of before in the history of Allied Natione. We must, however, warn you that if these inhuman meaeures oontinue) there it * reel danger of a serious dash between besieged end besiegers. Thee* MORONI, which are only paralleled by Ritlerts treatment of his elites) are leading to a rapid deterioration In the relationship between, two traditionally friendly erode*. We would like to believe that your pereonel interest in the strengthening of friendly relations between elliee, will pat en end to thee' inhutan measureep which only encourage the small olique of Creek diem rupters, and prevent the coapletion o our existing tuitional unity) for which you have eo often appealed to the Creek people. ?Moak . ?Preeekialeu. .r '1'???? 4?) ON. wr ? Me" :OS ?0* ? elk.lb .4160 . ? i..n.1.1;;.f. e- -.14.3.vir : Declassified and A With profound respect NTNE COMMITTEE Of NATIONAL UNITY OMEK ARMED FORCES) MIDDLE Enlist' e ?I? 4 , FAt proved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP1 3xnrinn I Pnrm i nn .. 4 ? A ? 01! ? :11.? e grAl ttti ' d' ? ztr "??e t 1.7 . _ ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 NOT TO BE ACCE?SIONED oista:rREat IMELIZELZ001111 Born inlarissal Greece, in 1190. He stated in the Military Academy at Athens and participated in the Balkan Vara (1912-1913), the World War and the Asia Minor campaign (1919-1922). He re- signed from the Army in l92,7 with tho rink of major of artillery. During the political crisis between King Constantine and Voniselos (2917), he supported the latter and is known to have been one of his intimate collaborators. After retiring from the Army, he engaged in newspaper work and wrote for various Athenian papers, and for some time he published his own paper, which was financod by the wealthy Greek industrialist, Mr. Bodosakis Athanasiadoe. Xe 'has always been active in politics, and in 1942 he came to the United States from Srypt after the British authorities there asked him to leave the Gauntry, bocause of his violent campaign against the Greek king. In the United States he has pUblishod for the past le months a weekly, the "Slefthercs Typos" Wee Press)* He may be salted ii oonservative democrat and a strong asSiosonsrohist? At the sus ties he is an outspoken ItussophObe end :the dominant feature of hie paper is his ,violent attacks ea end Opsiukisme Hs has sass oppOsed and taiht the gdri? ill"' le Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 :_CIA-RDP13X00001R00010017001.1:4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 It bakes is la Irsisitiairtss Way se la is Moms* ZOAR sesAisig you korai* origami st sessat report at 16. Omsk stimittes auttessi sisusresdis ysts et IS Dessimbers Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ? ? a Avant de commencer le present rapport suy la situation ?rectos, je tins a declarer quo Jo outs un Liberal Amos, par ?aviation antimcommuniste, et do tout temps oppose aux principos mosarehiquess tant donne los antecedents histariquee et les oareeteristiques nationaux du peuple Oros, je sodden qua Is regime tout indiqms pour mon pay., overt un regime de republique demeratiques, cote sur la Oonetitution at heureusement adopts. aux Etats this dvAmeriques La situation actuelle en Grace pout etre wnalysee aunt brievesent quo possible de le maniere suivantet Plant la distature male, sous le General *taxes, in- stalls. le 4 nut 1936, Is parti communists nva fait mune tentative Is resistesce, non seulement parse quo beaucoup de see affilies evident ete poursutvis par la dictaturo, Mai@ parse OA lo parti communist? luimmeme dans un certain save conoidersit la dinature utile a see fins ulterieures; perm quo les dirigeents Gossualtes await quvun jou viendrait ou Is dictature serait reaverne par la force, et &lore co no eerait pas les partis polies tiques qui pourraint &sewer le pouvoir, woe quo ass penis *tent particulieremest strongest poursuivis par la dicteture, 1,144011t desagreges, et lee sommumistee, toujours adieux resistants *no quo plus dissiplises, titanic*. et (*toiletry', seraien ??????? 3. , "toed" la k(?,0 ? .! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Pendant Vaggression de Vitalist le pRrti 'communists de Orem', suivant is ligne politique generale elides pRr is Troisisme Internationale de Moms aux partie communistes do tous les pays dfluropet as Mogan contra Vides de is reniotansee Souls la diotature de Maus set arrives a caching ootte-attitud. du parti communiste dans la Grecs as, paras quo par les soln. du Mains% de Police de 024100 dialorst Maniadakis, unto proclamation reeommsndant aux communing. Orsce de sfunir a is nation centre Venvahisscur ItalJein a eta publies sous is signature du horstaire General du parti communists dIalorst Waohariadlist qui es tromit dors en prison, Par suite de la censure diotatoriale ii 'Oa pas it. possible de dsoouvrir as faux official quo tsausoup de mein &press A Vetrangert portant, les communistss grecs qui as trouvaient ioit it plum para tioulierement In marine de la marine marohande moque' obeissant aux direotives du parti, ont fait tout as quills ont pu pour saboter Veffort de guerre de la Once. htamment, ii fast sitar is fRit comet des trail bateaux portant des munitions en Ones. Les bateaux 11411, Kulkusdi., George Nikolau it George Inpibikos, par des obetrustions gstsnatiques de lime equipage', ont sts retardss respeotivsment do de 24 Jour., de 17 Sours it de 16 Jews, Le Oentelat de Grecs Lot a New Tor k a moms ate oblige de demander Vintervestion coaroitive des autoritee amerioainess (Dmaigratiol Serviee) efileko? .141r ..mwer 4. ? sr* %Aft. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 4.4411,1,- .i417 TTI" Apros ltinvasion de lt Greco par los Allemande it is coagulate ds is Gress, ltattitude communists a above. Le 21 juin 1941, (viand los Allsneads oat attaque is Russia, les communistsa partout, it par consequent oeux de is Grace aussi, oat roman 4. stunir a lours nations respeetives poor is resiatanco oontre ltsumahissoure En Greco, di* Jour. avant Ilarriveo des Allman& a Athens', quelques liberaux4 parai lesquels oertains officinal, out prim is resolution dtosearor dtorganieer dans le pgrs expecte de Ligue qui oonsenoorait dtabord par taoher de soatenir is morale du pawls contra in onvahisseurs, at dtorganiser? at possible plus tard, Is resistance passive it active an fur at a assure do ltevolution generale de is guerre. Cleat oette organisation is qui a it. is premier swan de ltaotuel NAN (Pront National do Liberation). Les coasunistes, quelques mis plus turd, oat offert de stub a motto organisation, qti devait absorber dtautrosocsinisations 1001,,1,001440guet erases dans ltinterval, it as devoloppor on an froiA die,*91111,11n natiscrOsistamt a Ileansai. Cott* organisation a eta cresCavee le "Makin des chefs de partis politiques'oroulAiosala. r ? ? 1. ? ? ? ailluala 3 ?1110* ? 0411?4111P 441111101b? ? ? go. ??? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 :7?U?- , ty. I ==111111mk4= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SECRET pour ante alpaca Castlin. Le saorstaira ',floral actual du parti commumiste Si Oreoe, Ms Sainte., a eta instruit pendant huit an* a la parrs cavils et a liaction revolutionnaira dans UM don *colas speoiales existant dans co but a Volans As Ls parti communist* wait plus a mama, par les downs it principal habitual., de fomenter dam graves, nova le pretexts apparent de damandaideaugmentation d* ultimo) amelioration des oon. dittos* de travail, diftribution des vivro., diautant que la Orace alars pupal* par ltapreuve atm, di la famine it dee million, da pommel par mois mourraient de fain, surtout dans lee pandas villas, as qui emit ui factaur decisivement favorable pour ltexoitation des magmas au sabot's*, a la grave at aux damonetrationss Cott* Miff, de rtsistance Matt alone radiant la 'mule Inagua@ it possible pour Witmer is nation a Vides to la resistant's Devant lienvahisseur Gee ultimo populaires as pralentaiant come inspire*a non par des motifs at des ideas de resistanos a la domination, mais par la fain it par la eouffranoe physiques Les communist** an oat profits pour &diver is seas tamps leur propalande politique partioultara at roaster ain't des partisans, Clayton% plus que la rasietuot viotom risme de la Russia dispoesit les pupiu a liadmiration it a la gratitude lavers la grand* Olio* sovietique it par ?ultra soup a sae tidal*s Is tout temps, los oommumistess ALAMMIONOINIUMAILidati INtratemps, le gouvorsoment gra* om praoida par, Ms leoudoros, a!avait aboolumeat rion fait, at pour War, ai pour *roam at ArervoiLlar is isirreassiti Tout as oottrairo quiets iiirapSs /t 1. I ? ve* CCI I uI 41011 4014,01v? , .01/1111 * .111400111161.tons. Amorove 0 Fo 1, :?? r 411 , e d'AM 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ? , . 1 .4 ?s. t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 . ;???? SECRET pour is rendre a Undree, it a preeque donne llimpreecion de se deem interesser aux 'Whamss du pgrs sous llompations De plus, as qui keit Ars, par ees sates it certain' maeures, iia donne nettement llimpreesios quo le Roi oomptait de touts fsoon continuer as diotature love use forme larvess Cod accent% it 'supra en Once le sentiment populaire nettement anti-royalists, non seulement pares qua is peuple dans is majorite etait republioain, mail pares qua name le parti royalists sleet depute loagtemps dress* contr. is Roi pares Ous oil violent an ferment Is fidelite oonstitutionelle, await violet is Constitution, reams Is Peasant, impose Is diotature it persecute llopposition. Dans ass conditions, les communistes tint *viz ll000alion partioulierement favorable a lour demi*, dlexploiter as aentinent populaire antimirgraliete, in as proclamsnt centre is Rol it son governs- meat, dlune maniere beaucoup plus netts qua les autres partis politiques pounsiest le fairs, ass derniers dant bien obliges Is penser aux diffieultes generales qui sentient creel par les exigeasoes obassement Is regime is pleise germ sans &UMW manifestation replier, popuLaire prealables Ofest exaetement a eette *pave, it sotamment au comseaossent de 1941, quo le gouvernement pee ea exil,a orui *weir slow, see les swigs's ditiertign Wits, us traits dIallianos dtapresmguerre ave. le geweisemostlragemlavi is mil, lui mei &Undress Oette egatoissieft dipleratique a ate Yee Pas setl alooalumaii ikestite a I qui itavait pas masque de 1deiM settemoutt qui tests ellime* ? if.. ? .11111P 4. 111.0 drum, F.441r....4 t rsA '" ? Aa-ARTE ? -4; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 ? CIA:RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ??:t ?1: ";? ? r. ? e. ? di :0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SECRET al federation peripherique etait considers' co mme se rattachant damns maniere ou (Puns autre a laid** aboolument inacceptable par la Russia du cordon sanitairs. Vraisemblablement par hasard, caest exactement *lora quo se manifests' en rugoolavie le mauvement partisan sous Tito, et en Greco la creation par laEAM, tombs dans laentretsmps sous la donination absolue du parti communiets, do laarmee de resistance coma sous le non daELAS (Armee Populairs Liboratrice). Maio tandis que 11EAM etait composes dans la proportion de 80% &elements liberaux, socialists' et moans, plus cu moins avances, maim en lout oaf non. communists", la direction communists de laorganisation a pris soin que son organs militairs, lalLAS, soit compose de 80% de communists' convaincus et affilies au parti. Pour ostler la veritable nature communist* de catte armee, le parti communist* a prim coin de mettrs a la tete de cette armee le Colonel Straits (Stefan), liberal, anti-royalists, persecute par la dictature de Metaxas, it notoiremant non-communiwte. Jot no peux pas dire daune maniere remponsable comment il it. possible de persuader Saran" de prendre le commandement damns armee dont il no pouvait ignorer la composition communists. On dap mais je me garde bien de laaiemer, quail a it force daacceptsr, sous la menace quaen cas do refus se tamale a Trikalap Thessalia aurait a on souffrir les con. sequences. De tout* flacon, is cadre de cone armee ELLS a *to compose diolownts oommusistos ayes vas portioipstiobsliolissent ninime dee offisiors do llarmoii replier. 'Tsui coibatts control los D.Lit.= it Ise Allsomads? isuit*Itros Offisiors suporiours soilomont out accepts - ? 4111+...... ref! Or V aarfts' *40? 8Mhlit01, ? a /3 gtr; ? V r -"k-u ? el VA) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SFCRET do ',tanner a 1111LAS1 le Colonel bakirdsis it le Oeneral de brigade Mandakas. Le premier avait de tout temp& des tendanoe. communists.* A ume oertaine opaque, 11 ecrimait des article. pour Varian" officio' du putt communist" sous le pseudonyms de Colonel Rouge* La dictature, presant 0011.4 pretexts oette towline, mit persecute Is Colonelf ltavait traduit devant le Conseil de Discipline quo ltavait rave du cadre de ltarmee de reservist it ltavait finalement exile dans um ile Coup in 1938, elle lui permit de se rendre in Roumante* Le Colonel Bakirdsis rests in humanise jusquta italionne contre la grows, it a' sat alone lui tut penis de rentrer au pays, mail il a ete toujours sous la surveillance de la Police hereto, pares 'luta savait quo ass affiliations avec lee communistee stetaient ',enforces)s pendant, it a oausei de ass persecutions* In as qui comerss le general Mandakae, mien liberal du parti de Teniselos, ltiniasion allemande Is trouvait in Crete, ou 11 est is. atilt hers do ltarmee parse q' i] avait prig part a me tentative de revolution centre la diotature, want in lieu en Crete in 1938* Quad le gouveraement de grecs, fuyant 'levant lee Allemande, est venu dtAthemes en Crete, le President du Conseil des Ministres Tandem, invite, Is general ahadakas a repreadre du service aatif dans limes et a ;rendre pert a la defense de rile* Le Gam@ mit oomme condition prealable, la proolamation par le gourersamost programme mettememi oommomiste, at oomme le President 4*fts...11 retina, Mandakas lni mit auk postoir Weser de serwir 001 PIM MOW pwor Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP135(00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SECRET la Orem de son ile satale? Apres is moist* de Is Crete, pourm tent, .tut donne oil un mois exactement spree cetto conquete los Allemande omt intaglio Is %WWI, Nandakasa qui eletsit retire dans les acotagmeea a conatitue autour de lmi Is premier nqyau de is resistance rem, opposes par les (Intel* contr. llonvahismeurs Les groupie de reeletance formes en Greco, ammo je viene de llama, to naturellement le pont sic en contaota amtant quo los cireonetancee le persettaienta aveo les eutoriton politiquem ot militaires britanniques du Claire. Les Anglais avaient oonetitme au Cabe use sews dlorianisation intitulee Pereek Section of the 'MLA Imbasrela sous is direction d'un agent diploestique name letastiama et sedate par M. Thome Bowman, ancien VicomOonsul Iritannique diAtheness Cott', organisation, rattochee a l'Asaaosade Britanniqme aupres du gouvernement :gotten au Cairo, eloccupait epesialement des Waives Opaques, va quo lfAmbaseadeur Britannique 'spree du Omersament Ores as Woman a Lobes, @lege provisoire du Oomvermememt Ores is NAL Amelia cleet cette orsamieation politicom diplematique qui assures la liaison avec la Orece. te, on sass tempo, Is Orand Quartiar Omni aussivrsit mom outiviess partioulters pm twits affairs, Wises, si Jo !e* tlempeavAr um -Colonel Itonsule Come SA est Mei maturel quam?l_gmeleie or otiose de pervite 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP1 3X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 :1-?4,.!,:,---Atf4-!fx_?47-!.:1:.$7.4,,, .41;;e? Les ?Hiders britanniques envoyee sows liaison, no povvaisit se hire ingimage caplets de is situation generals. Miaow vqyait us *edam it oertainse peroonnee, it naturellement ss forma um opinion fragments, it pas toujours exacta. Oletaient cos opinions qui faissient llobjet de divers rapports our lesquele les autoritoo britanniques our place basaient lso suggestions faites a rendre.. Dlautre part, lforreur fondamentale sommise par lo gouvernement britannique, it want trait a is decision de @Maar oats que gouts le Rol et le gouNernement de Tsouderose Pour sotto strew je ne awls pout y avoir is justifioation serious*. la effete 1. Ls gouversement britanniqus'eavoit parfaitoment, des le premier nomemt de llarmivee du Moi it ds eon gouvernemant en Crete, quo ltopinion Matt aboolument **Mrs lui. liffectivusonto le gotiveraphu assito arrival& es Crete, le trove dr'sn vs leucite Populeirs forms Os miens deputes Uniselistes, UMW Ascoutois and Georgiladelis, et OIMOIOrs dlautresvqui demand& a M. Tsouderoe la proclamation ammtlant is diotaturs, preolamant nul at non avenu is despot rqyal: 1-4= dictatariaL du 4 Mt, rentoraut ciao di* s ParImilet et MisiOrec dictatorial* taicaut patio du Cabiait Tuuderase Li ?????*, iworto064 S ? ? '" ? ? zi 6., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170611-4 3 ? ? xsi ? I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 tifizrilt:gg'414.1 trei I. I wrazzessargaiwamom,...- SECRET la populace si le soussigna niavalt pu intervenir a temps at exhorter les unsure a ne pion fairs qui put porter prejudice a liorganimation de la defense de lille ocntre une attaque allemande, juges' 'lore, a Jute rodeos, comma imminent.. A oette occasion, je orals devoir devoiler qua los autorites britanniques oat envoys is Consul de Cannel, Mr. Hill, at le Vicem Consul diAthenes, Mr. Boman, qui oat euune roman avec leirepre. vintantisdu Omits Populairs? auquel ils ontonnunique sane sews de nets verbal*, specifiant notanwant qua dans le ass au touts opposition gouvernenent ne oesseralt pas lamediatenent, les autoritee britan- niques is trouveralent peut.metro dans liobligation dievacuar lours troupes at de laissez la responeabilite data defense de lolls a la population. ft revanche, lie doolaralent quills pronaient la reepon- sabilite de wilier a as qua le Rol et son gouvernenant donneraient satisfaction a tous les dosirata politiquas oimdesous aentionnes et %Je le Omits Populaire deaandnit a M. Tsouderos. 441 commis liaffaire an detail, at je prude la responmatdlite absolua a as qui concuss liexactitude de tous ce qua ;le moats, pares qua pendant la Mouth& des Consuls britanniques, petal* preseat, on event etc pris par le Oendte Populairs, et aim alert moi 40 i surd is. 44081141r0 cow interprets pendant lours Imam ve*Oatiom000-140'auk0444s,teit*ialquie. iir mon'cons41, it A a l'IM41,44* &aO.pt& 1 de ".disso.at, in donut anitiatietion. 41,14001.14:tion'diTiester tranquillo, ? th t -4, 4,? r ? ?411111 -11111111" . ? .441.10. 114WWW0 11 ? , t'l?"'-q11 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011 4 kr- 2 1 1 1 ??.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Milksuremssment, les intones britanniquee ant ori indigua de is pas tenirleurs proofing. Ainsi, une taie is Crete evacuee, likistoire reoommanea in Egypte, avec is resultat que M. Tsouderos tat oblige de as debaraseer dee Miniotres ds la Polio it de Is Pro- pagoda, M. Maniadakis et M. Nicoloudio, in envoyant le premier in mission apecials in Argentina it in avant pour le second use =wells Ambassade Grupe aupres du tiouvernoment de liAtrique du Oud. Is solution, nautrellsment, tie donna pas satisfaction aux Oros diEgypte qui, par &alms, torment une colonis asses nombrause, *Walla sous le regime special existant en Egypte sous le system' dee aapitulationes A. Le Gouvernament One quittait l'Egypts pour Landres vire le commencement de juillet 1941, laismant derriars lui Gott@ situa- tion grease de touts asperse di dangers it de troubles, lesqusls, naturellement, ntont pas tards de as developpers Dans llantretenps, les chefs dem partie politiquse de Oracle, M. Botoulis at My. Oanatam, out trays Is men de comiuniquar aux sybarites anglaise., par deux official mores diakonal apecialement pour *We raison, un promo verbal Wigs par les ahefs de tow leo partis politiquse de Orsce, rumbles en mime secret*. Par as commaaique, leo outwitsa brit- anniques oat its intersect que taus loo chefs dee partial politiques de Once estimaient nacessaire Is reforms du ?Watt, ltabakUlma formals at definitive de la dietature royale, cleat a dire, is sumo, les memos que le, Ocaite:PoptIaire de Oree* Wait deja domaadeoss 1. flifSmi; ort poUveir tout iiinglini:latio4iftwisAtiatt,1?004:i3r pro4.i004 sea "sehularTimiewsib ,E -4v IT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 11"44t!"17.4' SECRET coutiotious disooratiquis. Cs disoours nta pas du tout satisfait liopinion? laquills a fait savoir an sintismints aux autoritis britas. atoms par ltintirsediairs de is Nirsik &potion of the British !Massy in Cairo* dont j? ai deja parle. Cones risultat, N. Anthony Eden a tilagraphis a mitt. aim &Notions) di dessudir spioifiquinent 11NA:don di K. George Rousso., ltavooat bisn oonnu dtAlixandria? and trig intim du feu N. lasftherlos Venisslost President di is COMIUMInitill growls diAlwandrie it surtout du Coats National One Mints. N. Roussos a reposdu paz? un telegrams dans laquille ii adoptait point par point toutss In rivindioations di llopinion, oozes ji viins di l?a exposer, Valve tout* 1. go:moraine:it grso a persists demi son intransigiance, it tout naturillsitenti for is conviction qfue motto attitude du gotwernesant pee en exil drrinait possible senlissnt pane qui les antorites brituaniquis 'foul:dint absolussnt imposer 1. Roi. A ostte spoquit it notamment an Bois dsootobri 1941, Pal invoyi.soi-sissi vat emir* a N. Tsoudiros it nue :nitre an Rol, in lour ixposant fro:IOW:0A Is danger general qui lour attitude oosportait, it in les ixhortant a moor plutot aux intents di la nation mita mitre obese. Presquten was taw, is sans abiolunint MAW ociasunic:"tios u, is Diputi diAlixandriit Vasietios, recite .en laptop *dress& *Lives. surIs sitintiex mictus a itAaaksiadilOritiiiiiniquii.:it en _ r . 4ft;.1.0.-?3 - ? . t ? ' fir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 111 britauniques, laisasa Miss a Sostar, male sous la survaillame la plus Waits de la polices In mount, ja dois peutsotre dips, qua Oast de la qua Psi poimismudar sup un bataan maroband, battant wimp, llos Panamint it risquant tout pour ?strayer ma libarta, pai put Apra, bat mots de "erases arriver a New York, ou Pai 'brava Ithospim tains at la Muss ds tradition 4e co 'rand, noble, libre it reallem ment dosmoratique pares 44 Le soutien partisan it obstine des Andicia u gouvernament Tandem et auRei, oontre la 'clouts de la nation grecqus, a continues Alma, use premiare mutineris dna oartainibatinants de parrs de Ores* a 'plats a Alexandria avec, comma ranultat, lturrives de Londras an hrpte du lei it ds Ms Isaudares, it uma reforms partialle du Oatimati dams loquells Oanellopoulos, Jame prate /mom, at politician rummest evade de &sof, a ste name Vioa-Premident du Conseil dea Misietress Saburallamanto taut qua la diotature royale, quoique lame, ,,.411vOtsuai4, Waists, is rsalits, la nomination de Me Canallopoulos ns :40-044it a dant it at maia ds an um* smells mmtineria, Gotta daNsliormas gracque 0144O1000 en Palestina, se deolanebas '!O SDL11440 M. flomdsroo et le Mai Moursorent mope do ?Andrea, tiiiiq'wo pivot 3.1 deoision r*Orms Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 le resultat de ortaisms demobsi faites par Ms Oophoole le soul tile sunk/ant du feu Vleftherlus Veniselos. quasi lpiswasion do Oreoe par les Allemande so produleit, Ms lophaele Venleeles is trowait Lei, ou i31 sistait refugia de France, Tut ne pouwait pas rentrer Oft Oros pare* quo la diotature du lei le Malt indesirable a (muse de eon hostilite onvere la diotature. De Crete, MS 'Modem pi* M. Toledo., @clonal de reserve dins Maros groque, diaeopter la nomination au posts diAttaohe aupres Is liAmbaseade de Oros a Washington. Ms Sophoole Veniselos a juge de son devoir diaseepter os poste, mais a la oadition expresso quiil emit appals en illypte le plus tot poesibls, ei non pour etre raison, du seine pour servir la oause commie dans liars., greoque qui await etre formes en loptes Quoique V. 'louder?$ sit accepts matte @midi= ties, nia pas ps4 paraitmil, la realises. Lusa, qualquee meld spree, Ms lopheele Yeniselos a donne is demiesion et il a continue de rotor Let omme refugia. Vaturellement, quand le soil al:pompano de Ms Teodoro., a visite lee State Unite, MS Veniselo a sulfas:onion de los weir tous les deux, et $e orois pouwoir Wirier quill lila pas woo de lomr exprimer eon poist Is Tue relativesent a la politique 4011. &rimiest entia se decider a adopter. liere Ls ago de septabre 1941 us Tiourieros a *draw au foreign Ottiee do lastrevia asintre Wks isepissUs oxprisait oa posittio et de as peUtioe tramemsttro -to 00.114*. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 llopinion du Foreign Office Anglais or la question. Oes dements at it. effectivement translate par le Foreign Office a M. Yenisei?a par me lettre sign.. de Son Suellen?. M. Halifax, Ambassador du SommeUni aures du gouvernement des Stets Vnis a Washington. J. suis en more de savoir quo M. Voniselos, par as meme canal, de l'Ambalmade Britannique de Waohington, a repondu en envoyant qu Foreign Office deux documental a) VA expo.? de la questions oonsttWationelle doe liquid ii refutait les arguments de M. Tiouderosp t) On memoirs en reponle au draft de llopinion du Foreign ?fries cur la question grimly's qui accompagnait it memoirs de M. Tsouderoe. Dans oe dernier memoir., je sais quo K. Venisslos ocrivait notamment qua Jamie le peuple moque nlaccepterait is retour du Roi George sans ma plebiscite proalable abeolument libro, it quo la ten. dance britannique nettement discernable dlexcoroer, d'uns maniere on dime _sutra, une pression queloonque en favor du oi, ne pouvait etre toles... Winsome, le oas scheant, not pouvait pas manquer an devoir de is mettre, si la neceasite lty forma, en tete du parti liberal pour sloppoler par tons los wens moessaires a ltexeeroise aT,1 ied and PP V e ease Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Tiouderos en Egypte es ort forcer de demander le conoeurs dim St il a donne Is pertefeuille de la Vias.Presidence a M. Rousso', de Ministre de la Marine a M. %ambles, ?appall. de New York, it de Mastro de la Guerra a M. Oarapangyetis. lailtaittiounksiv Dans ltintervals, apres lthiver terrible de 3941/42 en Orme, pendant lequel la famine a deoime la population, le mouvement de ra. sistance, sous ltinspiration communists, a commenos a prendre la or dtua mouvement destine a combiner en memo temps la resistance a ltennemi et, sous la oouvert de oelle.oi, la preparation de la domination polle- '4que du parti ecumenist* an Once. Otest a partir de co moment, et pour oche raison, quo les premieres dissidences out etc manifestoes en Orece pant, Ouse part lterganisotion LAM, it dtautre part les antral orgamisations de resistanee qui, par la necessits dee cheese, is soot formless looalemette Masi, 31 out ltergenisatien ZKA, ltorganisation B, iforgasimaiiion SAL La premiere sous le commandement du Colonel dtArtilleriaDimitrios hares, etait tins petite organisation composes Aksoldatcarast oombsttla our Is front Mitsui* avec4 commis cadres, dss affit401,101, 4041040,11,Airo*ioainsa mats surto* oaterattrieski,&1pAMt 4C3iumOts do*** 2,000 )40111.116 ' 040.164 slim IA 00imiAissn* iu , - b tts-rooroto ? :11% ? ' ? ;4,-X :1 1:?? 4!..' ';;7;?. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: bIA-RDP13X00001R-000100170011-4 4 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ^.,76".4wligitt "4:44*.$141,1PIttfte0 =17= S. f Z SECRET moment de la rormatIon, 4 tres justement timid@ d* e@ bonier exolumive= mot au role de la Mi@t411@@ 41911@@ oontre lienneal, on exoluant de eon programme tout@ vise@ dlintluenoe politique ulterieure @UP 1@ we. Au point de vue tendanoes, olle 4U841 @Nt pour le regime republleftin et entre le petour du ftei, Mkt@ SOUP t4 oonditlon flue oette deoleion twit priee par le peuple lui=meme slexprimant librement ApP@M la llberam tlon du pays? West surtout HU') diffetlenee fondamentale qui, des le oommenoement de 1943, dressa les deux opganIsations, lIEDEO et lltAM Alum contr. llautre? 01410 se oonsidepait (Immo nietant PUHA diautro qulune armee de guerillaot LIAM, au oontraire, gtait un pgrti politique diepoeant de la fares armee 41110 eomme organe, non eeulement de P@OL/4444@ eontre liennemi, alma dfinrluenoe et de pP4@@4@fi @UP 14 popwlation dans un hut bien deflni et dlappee in plan portant toutee les M4P4U@II dss method's oommunistge; visant a la oonguete ulterieure du pouvoir politiqui en Orme par les wens de reorutment dee INMAN par la propaganda, autant clue posoible, et de lielimination de taus les ad= verealree poi&$ u& oommunAmme marquantos West ainei quo la guspre @Oils larvss es &Omahas en bees longteaps avant la liberation du pays* Doe personas ON% ete twee, Winans ont ste populate's) des #140ViNeel ont ete terrerteeee, et Al y a SU MI gawps syetsmitique sutra les organisations antimoospaistAs st sutra tom4 'Atom qui Wstait pas discord am las swum de ?Pi moss two; Ai quo Las sommanioatioas RTOG 14gypte *talent ?A" ? I- OW df. Omit. 44. r 41, % 4f4r1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 +.1 t V 4.4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ?? ???????-??? SECRET etablies, lvinfluence de lIZAM a commence a ovexcercor sued sur les forces armees grecques on ?our' dvorganisation on Palestine, et war is personnel de la flotte. Dvaprem is metbode commmniete bien come, dans les diverse$ unites et Intimate ont etc organises, petit a petit, des norsux communistes qui, sous is oouvert du patriotism. et des p'in- sips; de la &Nandi., as rattachaient autour dveux tous les doldste et as marine, on general anti-communistem, mais excites par les moms qui emplaraient les elements generalement hostiles au Rol. George. Comm le gouvernement britannique no cachaiz pas son desir obstine de voir is Roi rentrer en Grecs spree la liberation, um conviction generale cos. mencait a as former quo finalement, mous le couvert dlune constitution soit disant democrstique, elaboree par le gouvernement du Rol a Londres (oomme le Premier Ministre Tender?s lvavait laismeme declare officials. sent), un. nouvelle dichtuks wait impose* su peuple greo, puisque les Amglais no pouvaiemt pas ignorer quvaveo un plebiscite libre us no pouvaient avoir sum espoir de voir reussir is politique tendant an retablissement du Rot. Istretemps, les sutorites britanniques duWen Orient NI sant apes an liaison avec les diverges organisations de resimtance et, pour , is; rations que Pal expose**, llibsenbe Ova plan dvaction dvensemble ? de la part de cos offioiere de lisieos, /i cause use comrades complete ea cm qui conounait los veritable' timpluems, sipokquiklio )014,04 roel, des guarillas do mou organisations ? To. ALI 0,4 ? ? gpm ?4. 4 1. t.44 &Wt.-7 ? _ . g Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 6 ? D'autre part, en word ave* les prircipos atones per M. Churchill, les Iritanniques envoyaient des armee et dee munitions a tout** les orm gasiestione it, mattrellement, en bsauocup plus panda quantity a liorm sasieation ILMI-IAM qui etait la plus forte et qui, de la sort*, so rentoroait Enlist's* quo les autres. lurvist is revirement *caplet Is la politique britannique, qui du Jour au lesdemain abandonnait Mihailovich :usquialcrs proclame par Losdres come is chef de la resistance yousollave. Tito apparaismit our la some de Yougoelavie, exactement trots mcis apres la sigmeture a Lesdres, Nue les auspices anslais, du traits di alliance dtapres gums OresemYousollave, *diluent characterise per Roseau comm. We- fixable, ainsi quo Psi scat plus hauts Tout natmrellement, co mire= mut de la politique anglaise en Tougoelavie vers les partisans do Tito et los mouvement settement promoommuniste, a ete UR@ &moment stimulant par 1111AM et aussi le men le plus anew pour la populam tion dietre eonfondue it entrain** a la conviction qua cletait surtout as meuvemest qui await le mitten non seulemest de la Aussie Bovietique mail aussi des demeoraties incidental's, Oast donne quit). est senoralem Mat DUNI Wel oe qui OORSOMI le pre balkasiques, la politique tritasnique *sprigs aussi la politique amerioaise. ktender lieu, is southeast's Wain du peupleAreej'tout setutsIbmento at etc stilimm par :les eesmssistes.de ;MAI psim oreersl :alimenter um **unit dlopision ? 4 it, ? - ?td4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001ROOC)100170011-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SECRET Ls gouvernement britannique is reveille finalement aux dangers cress par lee erreurs de sa politique, lorsque lee bandes armees des diverses organisations is sont muse a se battre l'une centre ltautre, et /es atrooites de l'EAM-ELAS contre la population ont commence a prendre en certaines oceasione des proportione qui no pouvaient passer inappercues. West alors qua is gouvernement britannique, par des declarations publiques de MM. Churchill et Eden a is. Chambre des Communes, a stigmatise cette attitude et pris diverees assures eendant a assurer une *specie de compromis entre les divers graupes combattant on Greco qui acceptaient dl etre places sous is commandement du General en Chef Allie suMayen Orient. Maio, ennuis temps, is. politique anglaise restait inebranlable -11 en as qui concerns is question royale, quoique M. Churchill ait affirms a la Chambre des Communes que 11EAM.ELAS developpsit un esprit de colbat contre les Grecs opposes a see visees politiques plutot que contr. ltenvahisseur, N. Eden, affirmait que is. distribution dos armee a toutoo les organipations seraient continuo, tandis que les oervices du Quartier General Britanniquo du0airos tout emmarquant assortaine preference pow lloripoloatise =60 approvisiommiont pourtfant avast fortement VorgamisitiaiA0140.i qua (tette derniere, meme apres signature du etudeatreal aSaticama, tita towatait a asintias Declassified and Approved For Release an 3/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001001 ? 7nni i_a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 SECRET v Pendant l'autonne de 1942 Is Colonel Bikirdsim. rep intent 11411, stab arrive an Egypte. Pour des raison. qua je Until pu oosprendro. 1. Colonel, au lieu distre employe a un poste queloonqua dans le service du gouvernenent on mil, est demure pendant deux nois au Cairo en toube Mote et avmo toute faoilite pour organiser des contacts. nag/muter ',armee, newer la fornation parai la population gramma diEgfpte dlorganisations moimdisant antimfasoimtesomais in realite falsest tortation pour 114M dlorganam de propaganda Arai la population St les tomes armless greoqums en Egypte. Apras quoi. le Colonel a etc fabilite par les Anglais et rantrait en Oreoe lanadiatoment apes son 'stoup. 11AM prit la decision dlattaquer ouverbenent le gouvernenent in exil, quoique oeluimoi. &prom la reform gouvernnentale de mars 1943. dont Pal deja parlor& atait deve* asses reprasentatif de ltopinion. Oast donne que Wportefeuille la plus important etait attribue au parti politique republioain demoratique le plus puissant en Oreoe. le Parti Liberal Vaideeliste. Vara le nois de juin 1943, quand is representants politiques de 114 iont arrives au Caine, ils out lodge la prig* on math du ? gouviOmint, tout en alma offiaiallemsnik. delikandaisnt.ia (team poi** 4Ipronorsemeat Casio mitionola,reprnitatilit Ova .14, ? -004,00,44 time. li,,:ta,neits 0'04004 ? 4 E Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010017001174 r " ? A ,..stle . , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ) Sn'?? 't4rA4M*014001-1 1,0%. *; ,-!-...: ? 1 1/ ?; ,,'-', ? : '`f% ,?.' ' ?' : . ? i 1; ..., ? t. _ , t , .. 1 1. '., ?? - ',..i.? '?!fo !:; ;. ..= ?,... . ? ' t *1 ' tt . '' I .? ? N - . ? ? ? . ? * ? ? ? t ? T. Y. ? ? ??? ? ?-? ? , . ? ? ? 1 ' , ? .?'? 6 ' 1.* ?4. ? I ? : ? ? ? *. , ? A C.. 1? ? ? ..?? 6, .ti g '? : 6,, I ? ? ? , ? 7.? ? ? ? r ? . ? . . ? -? . ; - ? . ?? ? 6 . ? ? S. %, ????? ? .44 ' ? ? : ? ?? . ? ? ? ,???? ? ? , - ? , ? ? - ? 11: . ? ? I* ? i ? t ? z ':? ? ? " , ? . g I. I ?.? ?? 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"1". . ; V4-?-?4.4 4./4' .;?11,* ?s? , r ,114 0 Declassified and_ipproved_For Release 2013/99/23: CIA:RDP13X00001R000100170011:4 ? ? ? ? .11 . . ' ? : ? ? . ? -? , . . : 7%7' . - - ? . . , .:111; A?:3' ' !Ill .11::',9-'4: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 e , . , -.o ..tiyr.;r1 1i4) !n .o LA' ye.r.. *.r.0.1.. 1. otired ,,., i,n ;,10.43.kf.ite. L ? , 1 ? - , ,, -: . :.-- 4' ? i. :, ' - - .. ? .L ,, , ...,.? ' ? : '..fi,4, .'", ?:, 1.'1 ,' ) 7.; ' ' ...1 *1 : I: r*14?-? r. il igoiVeyil.re......ittati:;?? 4..n : .4,0 g,[ go 0 411,.).e,;. ? il pi ?:, ,,,A,, ' :pitct. p, t,fd;?-e : i',,,tii .11.), : PI t:Isieh'..,,,8.11.4A I:4. . 014:1.-:1411: ' - . I.A..i ,.. sit s- . ' - . , .. ' 3 , .. ?, ? . t ' ,.....- .' L . -. , 1.? Y'Di 0 r:ttiori..(!i,iliM;141,e,0 ii p . *110 ri,..' PO :. !V 44;4.4 toirr 14.-Pi ../ 1.4 i,t4.0.61" 0 ;:.; 'Wh(j: ,L*2?194.)i . ,4110)6,i44.#r 0 or 114014i.. ii.Y: ti ;611. .'..'. Ili, 0074 ....!.1?.9.#11.;- , , *Atli- mirE4Z TfiglitiA tat Iv wolt1441, ? .. " ? ' i.. . E : ;. ; ..- , : ... i. : ? ' :? : !. .1' fif,),,,,riti44.6j0.,,, ,....,..iir:,,,,,,,,iieith, , , (d) s.,:'' -The ?.,(i ?et . .Q,f !!ill.tt 1 nit) 1-* hiiiii .':.1.rti 1) 0 .,ii.: -, bb: bop... ' ''... poi ..!the...',441.1917"i ', ,-g'ii. .6e1?: vii1;4t4e17,7 41, 1 w .1. ?!.: in 41E51 MAP. 1!I'PAW:.4..cl,iii) it, ? 00, t!-"-?!1.4: '..1:... g : ylveil .. , ot: i.sai ruts fr., .r, . . :..1:1.1 iiii4t1, OS, ? 11Y13:1,14. 04 : ' ?.L ? '.? e;,:.-; ?Ni1V.-.1141?j!-'.: . : . ? . I t., .. ).?Iii ' 114110 -.1.0. .3 i, -... Do tg ..1.11r*i114, ? -.40 t; /.1",i.:YITIST?Aiii, V.Pli LiY P. . Sof Pi7.4. in. -tilitt 'i.*:t.ti'ei:;; 0.0E1)014T:4d tAtit/ELA4 : f )310 ii,-1 t. . 4: . .4 ...... . , - it ' ' - ? f . : . ri '? v..' r' ? ? ..Z.' - :nor 6 1 .13q.1.11i31 ..:..1.).al,V.11:14-.11.4 PI: 'c?' 1 -r...?.O.9J. ?;:p1? , .,, -I? i-...-;.' .4 t qn? of :::1-._ i? mo-i?? tri tliti; ', t,iSini....: ? of:: f 41154.1' lisid ii.titi.ill'ii.4, . ii6,.. 't . , , ...,.. , ????T .., - : '? , ' --11" WI ' ? i 7.1 '.1.:1. ?? : .?:, ', 1`. :$ '.:. I :I, - ..: ? : ? si.. .: 10. ;- ..' ."-f,',,. ? .:.. ' ' .? . i. ::1)::. f?ftl The :d:ielJer e .1.9n ay. 0,:t;f1.0,:n:wri.:8. ir ?,:rify:iiti,A:t14,Y,,!.:,b)1.'.1';,, ' r e 1164 :1 ; i', ii4. Ati '. pr o WI Iiiv.-.' ;bhp - ? 0 r go t a Ota Lion woaril''wbrk ?W I. thbott????titki o' 06(i414 the (argil AO dri,1 . .1.. .? , . ? t . . ...f ,W - .. ' 1 .t - I : ? * Z .. , .'i .1t4i:::. :I' . ,?,,, it A:P.? Work 01:y Y46: 114,h4,..) etiOqti is. tit' -...i 1,y. 6r4.4 V.tifikt7;iiii.,, 0 11 1 toW ::. ';"-,t'w. .1.4e; illf.0 111..7 tir.:Iel: tour o .a. roil'. -40') 1.. ILgi..4.tatiro ' 4.44.;t s 4 ,,,, . ? .. ? .. ? . ,. . .. l ' . 1 rn ? ) 'It i::.? . V1110 .11):! ..0, ' cl 0)413 .CI lir tt114 ? thti . 1: titliAn! 1117?". ' t 469?4 op t;ti,tedi. .. 0.4 pri ipi; th , e..)c wijki iti-41;c1:. 4.-ti';;;;Utrtte .t? ';i* I' ' ''''': ' ' tit 14) tik. bit ? :t.ile iSt.,:. 1;0 1 get .11.01d i?1:,...: ? '7 7 . ; ? 21\ 7 01101, "71 .? ": "I ? : 7 -. ' ' ' ' ; ? ? ..q.;141 b 61 :tz d iciffturbine rdbltiiu ? - - ertil$1\0(i7e it! ka:ti 2..- - hel or. ;!?le X .t wii1tcr 1 duuL t; U4er wt ? '1 I ? 7. , ? ?!. _ ? ? ; ,, ? . ? 1.4.7 I. . tP7 1. 6 rp-t1d 1tt! itti Li iasrt 6. 1: 1 Ow. ?1,110 ited ? .v? ?I et1a 1Qg&t3 I uF U c4 ?1 f..: 1 'V oitutm,( 10 t1e 1 tr iltiotu?i4;604Vi flan:1,1:r1 r 14 bill ..t.t tg' t 4,1.41 t oht?I - trol 'VT r- d by. 11 ,' ? .1.. tvDitolin:;:,.*.f.'",f 1' ' ? - '- '? ? r?? ?i-... ? -? .. , 's . - . -. ? ... . ; 1 . .! .f.,, . : '..; ,t, 4 1,c. ? ? , r .. . ? , . ,, %. 4 , Iry 'II r..1., .L'i;i. rt', :I. L ,, .1.(i; Ini )w j. 1.1f i I 2 i . 4..11 tO1 I. oil, 14.ii 0/(3 ) (t' Vt.: LI'cl(c73171 ili 11 a 4 k % r:. hi. I , ... 111: 1- rt.. 1 ( ).1* ct: l.1 it . t.:11.U. : '" A ? ' 1. '? ' . . ? : . sc ? ., P ..! ' . .i.':: ? ; .1 -. . ., i i'?? .?.'. . : ?t!.. -, ? ': .... . . . ' , .... .. 1,. .., ...0 -.i. i??? ? ?? ? ' ? . .t; . - - - ? '? -,.. ' ...1 .... 4,. if :i..1 t.rtai :.1.:111.',. ti 141)1t.1),..:1. t: ti -11u k 111(1 i I* tlyitt. .11 'it.* .::'.0? tiopt,l,,11: t; iitel I-a t)J;e. ((..)r. 'T/111,p,' i'q' b 6 (.) ti ti ; ti, I"; Ns, el il * 1.*. l....:-.*.i.,5t.ir;.0 7 t,t' i.7ti() 4 a . 0i-...4 , I ). L7, ;,:. bt; . ? t..i.t ) 1 .114 1 i.'!' ; *VV.i...1:!ti i .. . .?i? ?, i- e . ? ,.. ?? : 7., .7, ??? ?; .' ? : ? ? , i - ? 7.. . .., : 1,: *. :,,' ? s' :',. ...1 ' . :. . 1, . .. : : 'tK '-. ", . ? 1- I 1 k',.11.,1'; 1.1w t, i rip, .1'0 .Lt.1, .I.L) . 1...ii'g' : f: :k? ? ^".... ? ' . rl -: ' ? ..-: 4 "."lt \ ' : I ),Y .j.:''..t ? ? t ? ? ? ? . ? . . alqi thilt t'pti : UtL I.itI1;..1 . . - . . . .ft,e pr i) 4ityl i t,(1 .il;:l ?,:v I.: ti 01' kiNJ-0i .4\ ? t.',) r tai;tt.L.zlif.?IciltItti.i l'4:?4;;, . : 1 : ..,,;-.:.: . ? ? ..,.. . - ? ?.7 eo' , i , - - .. ,.. ; . , , ll, ,? I ; t 11 1) rrii tt MI ii:)411r1?' . ..? i?,?'';:l!, , ,1 ? , , -., . ? ? ,..e'" '?', Of :11'10 p',E1 t:i) r. " 1 i 1,,P+4,1?t,:i` 1,t1.1,1 ? 1, 6' . 011 Lyi. ?0.017. : 130 ctIttli -;t.te'?59,111(* ? ? , 1 ? titot t I j tiov.,?i)(.11i.LeU by A I f,ra. ralta ? p?Or ? ? . Wh.14,efl fkr.4';?.?:74Vri .iV+4.i 1 t. ..*'$i71?/ ?:) ? ? ?? ?' ; ? r ? ':?-? 0'; 's ? ? t ' ? P.: i 9 ? I Oi? . !,44 .t! ? e ? ? e .1* .4; ? !:!?? ? 117.1:)... ,..?z? ? t 4. ' .: ?I ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-R131P1?3X00001R000100 1 17. 00117'4 ? ? . ? -? , . . : 7%7' . - - ? . . , .:111; A?:3' ' !Ill .11::',9-'4: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 e , . , -.o ..tiyr.;r1 1i4) !n .o LA' ye.r.. *.r.0.1.. 1. otired ,,., i,n ;,10.43.kf.ite. L ? , 1 ? - , ,, -: . :.-- 4' ? i. :, ' - - .. ? .L ,, , ...,.? ' ? : '..fi,4, .'", ?:, 1.'1 ,' ) 7.; ' ' ...1 *1 : I: r*14?-? r. il igoiVeyil.re......ittati:;?? 4..n : .4,0 g,[ go 0 411,.).e,;. ? il pi ?:, ,,,A,, ' :pitct. p, t,fd;?-e : i',,,tii .11.), : PI t:Isieh'..,,,8.11.4A I:4. . 014:1.-:1411: ' - . I.A..i ,.. sit s- . ' - . , .. ' 3 , .. ?, ? . t ' ,.....- .' L . -. , 1.? Y'Di 0 r:ttiori..(!i,iliM;141,e,0 ii p . *110 ri,..' PO :. !V 44;4.4 toirr 14.-Pi ../ 1.4 i,t4.0.61" 0 ;:.; 'Wh(j: ,L*2?194.)i . ,4110)6,i44.#r 0 or 114014i.. ii.Y: ti ;611. .'..'. Ili, 0074 ....!.1?.9.#11.;- , , *Atli- mirE4Z TfiglitiA tat Iv wolt1441, ? .. " ? ' i.. . E : ;. ; ..- , : ... i. : ? ' :? : !. .1' fif,),,,,riti44.6j0.,,, ,....,..iir:,,,,,,,,iieith, , , (d) s.,:'' -The ?.,(i ?et . .Q,f !!ill.tt 1 nit) 1-* hiiiii .':.1.rti 1) 0 .,ii.: -, bb: bop... ' ''... poi ..!the...',441.1917"i ', ,-g'ii. .6e1?: vii1;4t4e17,7 41, 1 w .1. ?!.: in 41E51 MAP. 1!I'PAW:.4..cl,iii) it, ? 00, t!-"-?!1.4: '..1:... g : ylveil .. , ot: i.sai ruts fr., .r, . . :..1:1.1 iiii4t1, OS, ? 11Y13:1,14. 04 : ' ?.L ? '.? e;,:.-; ?Ni1V.-.1141?j!-'.: . : . ? . I t., .. ).?Iii ' 114110 -.1.0. .3 i, -... Do tg ..1.11r*i114, ? -.40 t; /.1",i.:YITIST?Aiii, V.Pli LiY P. . Sof Pi7.4. in. -tilitt 'i.*:t.ti'ei:;; 0.0E1)014T:4d tAtit/ELA4 : f )310 ii,-1 t. . 4: . .4 ...... . , - it ' ' - ? f . : . ri '? v..' r' ? ? ..Z.' - :nor 6 1 .13q.1.11i31 ..:..1.).al,V.11:14-.11.4 PI: 'c?' 1 -r...?.O.9J. ?;:p1? , .,, -I? i-...-;.' .4 t qn? of :::1-._ i? mo-i?? tri tliti; ', t,iSini....: ? of:: f 41154.1' lisid ii.titi.ill'ii.4, . ii6,.. 't . , , ...,.. , ????T .., - : '? , ' --11" WI ' ? i 7.1 '.1.:1. ?? : .?:, ', 1`. :$ '.:. I :I, - ..: ? : ? si.. .: 10. ;- ..' ."-f,',,. ? .:.. ' ' .? . i. ::1)::. f?ftl The :d:ielJer e .1.9n ay. 0,:t;f1.0,:n:wri.:8. ir ?,:rify:iiti,A:t14,Y,,!.:,b)1.'.1';,, ' r e 1164 :1 ; i', ii4. Ati '. pr o WI Iiiv.-.' ;bhp - ? 0 r go t a Ota Lion woaril''wbrk ?W I. thbott????titki o' 06(i414 the (argil AO dri,1 . .1.. .? , . ? t . . ...f ,W - .. ' 1 .t - I : ? * Z .. , .'i .1t4i:::. :I' . ,?,,, it A:P.? Work 01:y Y46: 114,h4,..) etiOqti is. tit' -...i 1,y. 6r4.4 V.tifikt7;iiii.,, 0 11 1 toW ::. ';"-,t'w. .1.4e; illf.0 111..7 tir.:Iel: tour o .a. roil'. -40') 1.. ILgi..4.tatiro ' 4.44.;t s 4 ,,,, . ? .. ? .. ? . ,. . .. l ' . 1 rn ? ) 'It i::.? . V1110 .11):! ..0, ' cl 0)413 .CI lir tt114 ? thti . 1: titliAn! 1117?". ' t 469?4 op t;ti,tedi. .. 0.4 pri ipi; th , e..)c wijki iti-41;c1:. 4.-ti';;;;Utrtte .t? ';i* I' ' ''''': ' ' tit 14) tik. bit ? :t.ile iSt.,:. 1;0 1 get .11.01d i?1:,...: ? '7 7 . ; ? 21\ 7 01101, "71 .? ": "I ? : 7 -. ' ' ' ' ; ? ? ..q.;141 b 61 :tz d iciffturbine rdbltiiu ? - - ertil$1\0(i7e it! ka:ti 2..- - hel or. ;!?le X .t wii1tcr 1 duuL t; U4er wt ? '1 I ? 7. , ? ?!. _ ? ? ; ,, ? . ? 1.4.7 I. . tP7 1. 6 rp-t1d 1tt! itti Li iasrt 6. 1: 1 Ow. ?1,110 ited ? .v? ?I et1a 1Qg&t3 I uF U c4 ?1 f..: 1 'V oitutm,( 10 t1e 1 tr iltiotu?i4;604Vi flan:1,1:r1 r 14 bill ..t.t tg' t 4,1.41 t oht?I - trol 'VT r- d by. 11 ,' ? .1.. tvDitolin:;:,.*.f.'",f 1' ' ? - '- '? ? r?? ?i-... ? -? .. , 's . - . -. ? ... . ; 1 . .! .f.,, . : '..; ,t, 4 1,c. ? ? , r .. . ? , . ,, %. 4 , Iry 'II r..1., .L'i;i. rt', :I. L ,, .1.(i; Ini )w j. 1.1f i I 2 i . 4..11 tO1 I. oil, 14.ii 0/(3 ) (t' Vt.: LI'cl(c73171 ili 11 a 4 k % r:. hi. I , ... 111: 1- rt.. 1 ( ).1* ct: l.1 it . t.:11.U. : '" A ? ' 1. '? ' . . ? : . sc ? ., P ..! ' . .i.':: ? ; .1 -. . ., i i'?? .?.'. . : ?t!.. -, ? ': .... . . . ' , .... .. 1,. .., ...0 -.i. i??? ? ?? ? ' ? . .t; . - - - ? '? -,.. ' ...1 .... 4,. if :i..1 t.rtai :.1.:111.',. ti 141)1t.1),..:1. t: ti -11u k 111(1 i I* tlyitt. .11 'it.* .::'.0? tiopt,l,,11: t; iitel I-a t)J;e. ((..)r. 'T/111,p,' i'q' b 6 (.) ti ti ; ti, I"; Ns, el il * 1.*. l....:-.*.i.,5t.ir;.0 7 t,t' i.7ti() 4 a . 0i-...4 , I ). L7, ;,:. bt; . ? t..i.t ) 1 .114 1 i.'!' ; *VV.i...1:!ti i .. . .?i? ?, i- e . ? ,.. ?? : 7., .7, ??? ?; .' ? : ? ? , i - ? 7.. . .., : 1,: *. :,,' ? s' :',. ...1 ' . :. . 1, . .. : : 'tK '-. ", . ? 1- I 1 k',.11.,1'; 1.1w t, i rip, .1'0 .Lt.1, .I.L) . 1...ii'g' : f: :k? ? ^".... ? ' . rl -: ' ? ..-: 4 "."lt \ ' : I ),Y .j.:''..t ? ? t ? ? ? ? . ? . . alqi thilt t'pti : UtL I.itI1;..1 . . - . . . .ft,e pr i) 4ityl i t,(1 .il;:l ?,:v I.: ti 01' kiNJ-0i .4\ ? t.',) r tai;tt.L.zlif.?IciltItti.i l'4:?4;;, . : 1 : ..,,;-.:.: . ? ? ..,.. . - ? ?.7 eo' , i , - - .. ,.. ; . , , ll, ,? I ; t 11 1) rrii tt MI ii:)411r1?' . ..? i?,?'';:l!, , ,1 ? , , -., . ? ? ,..e'" '?', Of :11'10 p',E1 t:i) r. " 1 i 1,,P+4,1?t,:i` 1,t1.1,1 ? 1, 6' . 011 Lyi. ?0.017. : 130 ctIttli -;t.te'?59,111(* ? ? , 1 ? titot t I j tiov.,?i)(.11i.LeU by A I f,ra. ralta ? p?Or ? ? . Wh.14,efl fkr.4';?.?:74Vri .iV+4.i 1 t. ..*'$i71?/ ?:) ? ? ?? ?' ; ? r ? ':?-? 0'; 's ? ? t ' ? P.: i 9 ? I Oi? . !,44 .t! ? e ? ? e .1* .4; ? !:!?? ? 117.1:)... ,..?z? ? t 4. ' .: ?I ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-R131P1?3X00001R000100 1 17. 00117'4 , ? i 4 '''' , F ? '.,?1 1, ? 3: Firl- .,t, , i P . ' I . ? ? ''.' m -_ ; : .1 ' ;1. , , ? .'4.T . t ' t ; ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 / )11,.'-' I PAti, 0 If( ci' : 1;110'1 i, 1:t1ii;T: '. il; t..? i i 1, i:, -1 I 414; A IP rr ,,,?. I- t?fl .Ap.? .I.:.!;...,' 1???111111 !I iktti ,:i , ril f'?;141 1s 1.... ? IV 14 ' ..,:'? . . '???411.: ', ) - ,.1 .. 1 '...1 . ;?1' qiI J,I; ?,; HI )1 ?i ,4,, :F. ?1:,' ' ? v i'l 11.4'=,1??,:t., '1):.:*..,;ii ri ( .;:?gtri'l ^ t 1 i i? r; }. 1} r,/!?:tit:1;; r4.1.1 ??1 :1,11* . ? ?-? , ? ., . .? . . ? 4?????', ?''? ? ? 71 ' ? ? ? 1. ? ? ? ? if' ? I. r")???? ? ? ??? ? . : (?'4??? ? '?,? ? ? ? :,. . I. ; ? I: ???????? ? ? 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People aro N. at vies Maw Ka MISS sr eissilmutes. fib? imrigor systat .t saki TM* kevi Ler psis to sell. Ow ssaksage thews 1.1 dm, 11.:1.::!t &Ise" if Csir dko net ions sav psis be susibssip. Vag si's?rve, 11b$1 Is Os Mitt Sitter trio ilsvess,.. Use% I t U ;lf 'As re. Air sitaii.isall -pesallits4 I iss areasolag kers tor t mod , ? A Ilis.Aikillitiffamoss as is) bilar Me as wash cs possOeLpi 4potsi SilaicttItliroureic ?se will deposal ssi oar 41.4,4s? eascit e3ier#11)Pcu Sie au* .0101 tatelltoisese se poseibi?? IttP?40 that your lark 'taro is ptsserikirg doko litob 161.1.4g-9 leak 4) 111.*Pai Oa% .41 *Si usst semi Wiszpixotally 4e* bere is Mit set 011.?"' Str IMO 716111* 1WW%? 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AT PMIP lib nets wri t graita VOSAW4e111r ,,fr'* %pow NOM ? ; tr1=4Polititnitmotion" tctst tx(:014;r1L g itaigiamboing spotevtion41 rikviA 1a4 La voal?ar? avrairoto that thor bi NM Warr Inv movaliaigly admitted osporat.41.71 Ilagewkaimiet. katimmirt is art a pallier, and Of au: es prablIsra tots leo MUM la Grew *optimum to bap W.atiaas OA UMW% te Woe tko liquipiaN,!:ap ? 11000 thkilis seee efitotive apetna Usen vowi3ssommor loakan the proatige of 1.k.at Ike moat swot* it Ss tat OM* trig the dintee la &awn t .1..eaktost to at t4) do PO a ti4O ItTOO Oir ? The besi of the 11 Woo* ighemoVier galirOli, IV et meets bottom 40000$ et Miktimme (1) AN' 416 trItri &Id 1 1, 11 4.1}, ? 4,4 qtr,4&?. - ' r ,411 f '1 ? 4 ? tl ? e lir 1 6. MOIL !ISI i 144010441 *1 Ira 44104414a tate thoseme a haagailly. ? 4**4 MOO 414401 iiPs0110 timo Moto 11441 VkIe_leiet animpo filo rttirirsOrtkAgmli 'Oa essas# ttot Zre* tkaal,40tt W.* f4elie4pt% #10110 kV hose ad 1444tOttsop .0) 1:40 'Ipso fir12,11Ni) 11!All ens lova ?..e ' 44;r4 .414 ?? 4?? 416 _ A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 _ E ISMSINNIS mow Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 grAPplimusWirr' INEREIRWMIRMInffillititinelltERK4, )34tufflookin ' 4 '4 ; 444 -'! e 40, ;I' ? . ? ? V.1)st? gn01.4ame.,a 150 03 tastergia tor It0946% ;Po reetato d p4i4 iiddi.111,40- Ovelft airkSari agidwvt, tonatnottizo ix %a utela I/Igo/No 41 fightlidg 7 tam, :IA ; that t zoi to -0, .... .1:;.? .44'.-..7,- 1 4, ' 1.i;.;,' ..!? !!"?./.'4 ?-e!g5 ?1 ;? ' :. 1.` , 4?1':...;;.Ir,' : t! , ' : yte ,, ..s4r,.., '2f.t"--'! i 11 `1,t441 ' je,4 i" '1 .2; ' `? ' :1,-11 ,, .t,?:. , .. e .?e,!?1W ' ' ...^, e ? 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' ; Ilf,e,;4*.k6;? ?I H 1'1'1 ; II' 1 '1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 ; ! ; I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 It Is reported from Cairo that the head of the Britich military mission to Greece, whose views mre shared by the seniur Amerioan officer, proposes to infiltrate into Greece a heavily armed force of about 3,000 Allied troops, the equivalent of a brigade. This force would be usm4 al to back up a demand by the Allied milliary representatives that the BAN m SAO hand over the head of NAB, Area, (Athenm (nice Slam); 11) ir this demand is not met, to seise him by force and if necessary take over SAS WC 4 This proposal has groin out at the increasingly bad relations hem *teen the fittiA end the Mos MS. Atm, vas signed by the. MI- NAAS, the ras, end the MI En 29 Itebruaz?y, with the umierm standing that Primo Minister Tsouderos would short4 broaden the base or the Cairo government by adding to it representatives at the guerrilla's This he failed to do; and his failure not only ;roamed the present oriels sad mutiny in Egypt, but has increased the reatimeso of the guerrillas in Greece. Oa 17 April SW fbroes under Ares attacked and disbanded a regirat of the MA at 1W1tW, killing Colonel Norms, commander of ti. ISM as is !AB had accused the BM of collaboration, Iblation of the trues, with the Oormanmepoestred quisling swan.. mentts Besuritt BattsImmo Upon the 112,44 rejeotion or terns proposed by the Nig, it is thea atteskod and virfaually liquidated. Ss liquidation of mart (epproximately 1,500 amid pm) is regarded by the cue of the British iiilitsXy mission as a blow to 2fritish prestige *WI mot not be allopeod to peas unchallonged. s does net feel that the viWroal of supplies, supports and liaison from *1111 Wit prove sit adequate coutterunimavres A ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 -???? 14: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 To Dr. Langer from RIX ? 10 Mel 1944 m P?2 Zit MX 4) It is believed that the overt action against the SAM - IA pro. posed by the ohAef of the British military mission would prove little short of oathstrophio t4 the Allies. The following are the reasons for this views a) There is little doubt that ZAN ? RAS would resist the Allied demands, and would fight. From a military stand. point the ensuing operation would prove diffioult. Wee thousand Allled troops armed with tanks and supported by planes might be able in time to liquidate resistant*, but %his is doubtful. SAM = WAS has perhaps 30,000 wen under arms; the Germans, with 44000 to 50,000 troops now in Greece and at one time with seven or eight division', have never been able to subdue them or to control the areas of the country in which they operate. The terrain is highly favorable to trained guerrilla forces resisting heavily armed troops. b) Any suoh action would put an end to armed Greek mistime to the Germans, now being earned on most affeatively, if not exolusively, by the NAM di BILAO. s) Ouch *Olen would prove of great value to German political warfare, as follows* ill It would serve as sonvinoing proof of the German contention that the Allies are the real enemies at Orme. It would strengthen, and perhaps perms. nently crystallise Ore* antimiritish sentiment, 1,? whieh is at present based on the conviction that the British wish to force ling George on Gresoe, lit It would be used to support the Axissinspired rumor that the Allies had molted an agreement with the Germans to fight Russia, and that Orme was to bow me one of the battlegrounds in that struggle. The spatial* of Allied troops in their first appearance in coupled amps (Italy, at soursa4 was a German ally), fighting not the Germans but the native inhabitants of the country could be susa oesSfully exploited by the enemy all over loops, and probably in the Far lest as well. 'I ? 37-7- 7 3 . ? _ - 11111111.111111111111111111MIIM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170011-4 V??? legal , r''????????? ? it.: ?44,, ? ? , I