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II qttutS'te*IIP411rANINif.**46tA,' ""r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 211 Jun4 1143 Mrailidgar Hoover Federal Buroau ot lay-otigation United States Op tit ot Juati-o WasUnstag, D.0* gy dear illareacover: r , In General Danavants appltiry ubnence conAtry 1 am a4kmowlad with sincere tana\ts foux letter of *Tiuulk 2.1at atmatilat photostatic clpy r3f Jn ladux af tt4,ma Coralorly in possession of ftligor Griq 2t th;Jsocim. em aA4int arigadLer GeniAnta. Deputy Dir;ctor ror all ow- trltdallg.lace to eine ',hto index andI ax =re he the articlqm a intoroBt. :4a:ruder branches will fin I will r-turn the, indem proaptly as possible togethnr vith Otnerittl Vazrud indicution of further intert,st in ezaaLting thv material involvods ptu1ieS I a.:;31 itith sincerl thzuLts to- your COPY FO,R apavi uppep Irrt 143 : ? .1 *;f 7.7 VerY Rea 113:165WINFW5W? Acting Director ;?.; ? ',At...A ...clot 7 a .t . 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010047nnna:zi- ' t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Mr, J. Edgar Hoovers Director Vederal Bureau of Investigattan Department of Justico Washingtonl D. C. Thank 7ou for your letter of Jul 9 concerning Jose Laradagoitia, Which during Oanorga Donovomis absence I am undorttk1n4.; to ansmire Although at, first we ecasidered to acme ex tent the potential value of this man an a doable agents our study of the informtion obtained from him, az won as the impressions arising from our two interviewa with him, convinced us Chot he did not warrant complete con- fidence. In consequemej we have abandoned any ideas of making use of him an a double agent. We take this occasion to express our a?precia- tion for your offer to supply us with further laformation which may be forthcoming from Laradagoitia in the future. In the event thItt the Federal Bureau of lwesti- gation finds it deslrable to make use of Laradagoitlas we trust that you will not hesitate to call upon us or any cooperation that we can give to contribute to the success 0. Edward Buxton Assistant Direetor ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 F " Brigadier General William J. Denevan Director Office of Strategic Services 25th and E Streets. N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Bill, I have read with Interest your letter of Jr 28. concerning Jose Larada4oltia, Alto known As qregorin ;i0krcts. y Ortiz. I have recentld been advised by the New Yeek )ffice of this Bureau thet a representnive of yeqr Dffice hae requested further interviewe with Ortiz. You will recall that )rtiz nes been previously interrogated .n New York by representatteee from your Office. Inalmuch es your repreeontatives have lemonetrsted coneiderable intermet in the activitite of Ortiz And the ileposi- tion of his case we heve been henitant to prected with any program cencerning his possible use an a double aeent. It would be apprected if you would advise me wnmtner any plans have been formulated by your Office for the poseible use of Ortiz which you have not previously felt free to dieclese to this Bureau. Your cooperation in this matter is sincerely appreciated and in the event any Information is developed wnich appears to oe of interest to your Office, you will be promptly furnished with same. I ?41 ;wk. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA- MLAN2MAOT Mr. 3. Nagar BOovorip Director Federal Bums* of Investigation United States Departsent ot Justiois Washington, D. CO * dear Mr. Borger* General Denevan reoently ',ferret to se your letter of May 18th requesting eertikin informtien as three Uk*ainian soeietiem* I ma happy to aUbmit to you the following information and I shall be glad to tnnsait any further data which nay come to our attention. 1. ZENTRAITARBAND DER UKRAINISCITEN STUDENTUSCHAIT *CESUSN (National Union, of Ukrainian Students Assosiatierte This orgsnisition is reported to be a. astiessaist organization designed to work fey Ukrainian intopentanee. Similar organisations were established in Gerisavi, Cseeh-6 oslovakia. ?ranee, Belgium* and Renaud. Ail these orgssissok tions were affiliated =der the nano CUM (Central liseuttin Union of UkroLinian Studente). The leaders of these various unions are said to have been in close ?onto* with the - organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (0.U.N.) in Berlin. Since this latter organisation 000perated -with the 'Nadir there would mesa to be no doubt but that the *mini** Student Union was also supTorted and used by the Gelman for promianda purposes. 2* liKRAINISCHER A,KADEMISCEIR YEMEN ISITSCle (Ukrainian Academie Union "Situate' in Ifienna). This orgeniss. tion has been described as notoriously preotNezi. 8. UMINISCHE xiirionut VERliNIGUNG (National Ukrainian Society). This society is usual] Imam as the *our and was headed by Colonel Melnik. Melnik was last heard of in Rake. He and his whole society were pro-Nasi in sentiment. 111911riVr, - 'OVA ' :',14-1,?40,'.. ''. ", i ? i . . .\,. `,,k; 1 il,j,. is" (' ? ' , .. ?, - -N, Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 "r??- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 4.4 14,v, orrsce OF STRATI:01C SC VI "KS MAWS iligehirotiloar.W.L6......... fail Maile0,0 r itcrEROFFICII: memo TO: UNE4AL DONCIAN FROM: WILLIAM A. KIMBwl, SUBJECT: CATE: APPU, ;46 1147 The attached memorikndum is sent to you so117 because of its intimation thAtt FBI is operattrg In Spun. The reference to Frank Ryan is not tnken serio.usly by the Department. It was merely oased Along to us to kee us posted. I understand that SI has had one or two con? firming intimations that FK miFht be operntlrg In Spatn. Mr ? U. Attachment CFFICQ - to' .11"f!wegaaq4,RVOEP.t.VZZM;pralMgaWttSZ'rvgAgairWfgrNldarAVOAM I r Mitrgrfal ?"-"`""!.. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 MP. SUPP,PPEON WILLIAM A. KIMBFL APPfL 1q41 For whatever the information me7 be worth, am advised at the Department or State that thfyy have received a report through the, FBI that Frank ?(*)-tin hail; boon making pro-Nazi statomen4,s in Spain. Thl State Department c,:(preased the opinlon that this may lerlLy an amateurish attempt to cover his real interivst. forward this to yl:w merely to kelepyoi postAld, cc: General Donovan - , tttio. tti 44661,4$41491Mira.k,..."-?? 4,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 E Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 WIRDWISIMIMiltavifflitsfNinNIMITMIIIPEgttaMpg TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE Or STRATECPC SERVICIA INTEROFFICE IVISIVIO General Donovan W. H. Shepardson OAT A 1-1-141" 2 1944 The attaohod letter to you from J. ?Agar ftwver (April 19, 1943) has been read by me and by Mr. P. L. Mayor, head of Western Europe "lotion. Mayer comments: "Quito interesting, It fits is with reports we have had concerning certain Spanish generals. I think the General's ideas of Spanish resits,- tance in the event of German invasion are a bit "hopeful", but iv maybe so." agree with Mayer - but my hopes are less than his/ 70 ffr-x 411.47vt,?,-1.2t- Y COlifIDEKTIM. OW Of STRATEGIC 541011C0 14.4 "Nzr' 1",?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 tfiOrtk 1.100VOI DttaCTOR u?. r Netters! Mona; to( Jtmodigaitoir ntt Otm,its Arportmotit of Iiirtitte illsolongion, ea c tio Uri vad ii. r nor: I lit 1t ; 4 ? 10 Yi IC Ll'ir Of 11. ? ,!(..) () r.: 3.41/..71,!oti 5th aryl Z?.,rtri,)Ln N Ti . fitt:01 ,n, iraorun PI.7,PSC;;IA r, ? A..1 1)1 ('nr I h I ntorr..:1 / reCO I 111,..1 1.he f) I uw i ;11. 1, TIC 0 Min ta 1 r f rem .1 for tut:Kt ;10:i , ac Lout ft Et ft IA Lir. 44ito r ? r I or t..1711. w1-,0 ann. I; n Th L Roli rco EJ La Lod t.hii t rifrnr Cal I. r?A "'A -TO? ceedod to Madrid, who ro ho retnewe w tri a 3ciq ra, h General s ervi nr on trio :3 ta r t: of "nine rn n s Lmo ? 100 wrri.rico . 71- is r'oneral r.tiloredly tol I he I nformkr!?, tha van --)ro A' the ,)f rqqi Spanish party which traveled to L'io Sparil 17. n 6r-tor r:o t Ado fLit- when Hi tier and F ranco cunforrorl 1.n Spain In 1541. :to twAtind trul t meetinv was held on a railroad trAck wi.ore Ln o tri I rt s carry-1. rip. trio twv dictators were Fri de by side hatnnJ a f te r ; con rc re PI in General transmit ted to Franco the invi tat, tor of i t; Pr tinror,, worded 80 that Franco could voice t the Lilo hp., fez..LrL Acco rti irtit to this source, Franco elected, to en t, 4-st 11:15 11 f.lor? whose usual dl iii. nt- hour is 7: 00. Tho rt. .di one L al le,-way fitated that Franco used this inci.;lent t.,J I Ar nons tru te his feelincs concorninr?, Hi tier an...I to ir . catc? t no o reum- stances uJid he desire Hi tier to tnk that rtwaz-, c1.11jthi. r1;u r4 indoperdent and nuutral nati on Accordinc to this sourco, durin../ the coriveratL. n between Franco and Hitler, Franco 3tatfiri twit no matter how he felt about permitting the German army to travel throurh Spain to attack Gibraltar, the Spanish army would nut permit. it and stated further that sixty' per cent of the officers of the Spanith arm:, were violently pro-Ally in their sympathies and the other forty per cent, althouph pro-Axis, were mostly pro-Italian. Reportedly, ':!i'ranoo also stated that eighty 71e,r cent of the enlisted men in the Spanish army were Connurdsts and would resist the passage of the (14E1rman Army through Spain. it !11 a a, 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 L) I I .1 ir 1;$ Tra 'iv! I J, o i q (i :on 1, (1 (In 1", I ?A 1. sou yr, in r taq itemi. , i )4 I; ,, , , = _ r;r1 / Iv rti 1,;'`: i ri !,me ii, (I n 1. f,..,q;K i ? ..'1 t.' 1 t,ell :-.r, ,..1 :104,1 1, t P,?r?ii. ir LI ir, ; ,m-i?,q til t 441 th1.131', : 11.,110 ,', ;;;;:),-},n1?,,ah ,f.,t. ri,cir p r.'r rs ,3 raj v nu mi -44 rit .1* , ti 7 ;qo C;.1-,0? rNt! rl :4 ho I, Li.; r o qui ppcld And 1. cal friffrj, than Hill IT ta ti ,Vt1 A tA n rtrry?. .1.nd ,r.Irtnpr tha p,, y- n tstm,li it 'on 1:1101' ' ph r:' t I it) r t h . W k, 9Iinotac t ta.1 tO :?:44 8 A f Virr.,',z 1) 3 OA I n ko fli hr 1, tnr !voul, 1 ,1if.s 0, 0 I 1,!o 1 x...) r t Of 1 1.7 j to 1 1 11 ;?) nf, rot ,1?4 1 A o 4, to IM .J i r, i . .4 t torcerl rift,Ircded In o Kr. room 1 rtir Spa I n t n an 44 tio rt to (1,nruk rl,rtid.efl in . Pioir th A f rt. c 1 ith ev Ilk)ta LI a 141.1 (.bm rt,v., irl: 1 ' v 1 417, .`,1i4,4 prnit,. crotlsin,-; tho 3t1. ts ('-.7f l''t.1 irtrA 1141r, wh,l, c'Ll. woo I. 1 'i.,e1 tm onA10,1? 1:49 t n vt,Iiil of the fan 1., trut t thorn, 1 4 no rnAlri, t I me (3,TAI iirritrult, In So ti thy; rri' 3razi ri , 3 u fl'i c 1 (int to c a r ry :co ,ixf ,c1:1 t t tonA,r; force to A f rt IA or to supf7., I" qbti support, a foren trs1 tit; po 7'1,6,1 b,-../ pt r. Al I. e geld:LT i. 1,,n "if no rtt 1. ,'u rther = advised ay.( t IT 1., hp.:.? c.0.,!rnwin IA r-tt- l'il A t temp t to PIO Vel tjTrf..); ,.. 'h 30441 rl' 1 .0 it could he cheoll ty S) at ..,-.1 h ,rorcnt; :ion,. 1413011,..?h ro r , u, 11 to, i con Litniren Ls t; 0 c rons t.,ho ..tit,,r-..ni ts,.. or 1-,1.1.)rnirta r a,nd jo-t m t),--m Ir-nill sh '.' i., .-., , arnw;' Th: ti (lemon', L 1 t,', /11.3,,oi',.,i1 to ha vr,,, o4 t'-:1,rila to.v.1 t ha t mi. 1 i tp. /7 move inn, -:11 on t ht.!, t?,c( r t a r I 1:.':im ' rrti4.1 r, ,a rTrri for Om afoove reasons p t at?) a minimum o r toir'o To I II L.') n mt!'n vv.i. th_.., necess4iry supplies anti ormtpiment 4tn-1 thAt,, connorpmn lyi, .;-;:zch 4. move :1 s .111ou,icsi and 1..mp,r,' :ohable . 6 c\.. t V, The roli.aiiiii ty of thv Li 10 69 I. nrorma Lion has not vent fled a id i t I s beinu, whade a vallablo to :Jou or An.7 ac t Lin you deem nocesma.t7 or ad vi. sable , .r, ) Si ncerel:r ',101.4r$ A OA* Pl 4 1 7 . 4 . tp t 1 I r .,:mrooltroom? ?ck, t, ? 10111I.%,,r.; .f., ??..741,n,gtrfttA? 1.1t?ciZRStlikUMW:Stal:ELPSAtith'i. 1.e.,19111iiii, . -4111P - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 _ ?t ? SOn't-1,? ??-? 2vWeti .^.?11,170 V2:20-'m t ? we. Ar.e.-? ? a. S-0.0.05609%1Alt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ? Aorta 4, 190 , Ur. J. Edgar }loll Direotor Federal Duroliu of Inveatigstion Wanhingtons 1)4 C. Dour ).dr: Thank you vox y much for Jour lotttr of April 19th iving ua information you obt through u Latin 4morican dip, omit th Lurop4. 1 appreciate your Nondiag it. SincQr Williem J. Donovan ' - irmf fs7s. ?. ? :11/4, z 111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 - ? tiT.5 Mr. J. Edger Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Irma Washiutoa, IL C. & Dear Edgar: Thank you very much for your lettwr of April 19th giving us information you obtained through a Latin American diplomat in Luro appreciate your sending it. Sincerely, 41, ?? Willis* J. Donovan :?f .:J ? .:444.u.strunii.4,y;Auttim r' , : ..fil,47-41,7ii:igeliareasSvai*k.o.ss...,etit,,,g-za.- f,' ? trqf ? " Izot- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 April 23, 194) ?;141):KatIEN? R From: General Donovan To: SI I am attaching, for your information a letter from Mr. J. Edgar Hoover. P1Fla3e note that it has been clasaifie.. "personal and confidential". WJD ? ???? ' ? - ; ? ; - , Li ;,?, - , 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4'' 4*"."?F. .0,1411417rar- - - 4 1 ''TIPE Fr,10.1 fIVII'q Vrqf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 '1 ? .....060441Wrifrft A veil 6 1943 Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D. 0. Dear Edgar: \ The memoranda enclosed in yaur letter \J of April 5 containing information on Phillip Groh, 4.1.1ers4 I 1. 1 his daughter, Elizabeth, And Johannes Paul Reichardt are extremely helpful and X want to thank you for your cooperation and help in extending to us this information. Sincerely yours, William 3. Donovan, Director - ? ' narlaccifiPci nd Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 "tf? ' - -11( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 AIR J01.111 GDGA4 1100VCO DIRGC1OR 1 ; irbrral llama of ilintuttqattaw IlintIth Ottani Orpsrtment or iluatitt isslytootort, O. (I. FEMNAL Alr ^n1F74OrrA;t, 9 3r1gadier General William J. Donovan Director of Stratee,ic Services 25th and E Streets, U. A% Washington, D. C. Dear Hill: Reference is made to the letters oC March 6 and March 24, 1943, over tho signature of Weston Howland, Security '')Cficer, regarl- ing the available information on the follawin,.; named pernons: ELiZABETH GROH JOHN REICHARDT ;7ALTER KANZOW PHILLIP GROH The name of Walter Kanzow could not be identift4d with a.ny Previus information. Attached are memoranda containing informati.m re,zardin6 Phillip Groh, his daughter, Elizabeth, and Johannes Paul Peicnardt, who is identical with John Reichardt about whom you inquire. Sincerely yours, Enclosure Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 t. 311rbtrat ilitirtAo of Ancrirtigot4to liottth Moira etportment of Nate, IPsollingtort, 0. C. ,1 .11 l'rtra.rtier rInerai William J. Director Offic o. Strategic rvice 25th and E Stmets, "WahinEton, D. C. Reference is made to your 1Pt.t'er April 23, 1943, concerninv the publicaUon Poli7ei? (The flerman PDlice), 1:],1 Your memorandum entitled " Vzr 1.1 rr ler, Polic hnd the Elite Guardu ha5 been received lnd reviewext with , interest and your cooperation tn mkins- this mate. ,1 available to me is appreciated. It is not desired that an aldltal co v of this nemorandum be furnished to this Pl.rnah. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 April 23, Laaarahk. Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of love tbgation Washington DI. C. My dear Edgar: We have 4 book ere ontitied *Di* Doutocte POliZOie, have no translation La this office but material from the volume concerned wile owed in the preparation of a memorandum *Public Order Police and the Elite Guard*, copy of which las sent to Mr. Roach of tho FBI. If you desire another copy of thLe report we will be glad to send one to you. , 1".? , A 5: , tt' ? r? 1.? Sincerely, William J. Donovan Dinkctor 1-L-L ? L.:4 4fikr,.? .t 7.z j ?44 , - - - ? - , , e ? 4 111111111 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ?MCI Ot 111NAVOIOIC cONVICti INTINOFFictMfM? Brig, On. Donovan William L. Langer 1 II 1 In romponse to an inquiry from Mr. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, I wish to inform you that the Research & Analysis Branch has A copy of a book entitled, "Die Deutsche Polisol", Mr. Hoover did not ask that we send him the book but inquired as to whether we had a complete or partial translation of the publication. We have no translation in this office, but material from the volume concerned was used in the prepara- tion of R.ec.A. No, 678, "Public Order, Police and the Elite Guard", a copy of which has already been forwarded to Mr. Roach of the FBI. If Mr. Hoover desires another copy of this report, I shall be glad to send him one. ,./.04.4444 o 4-% Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Ortha, 2114 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SEPV1Cti 4.511.1a1106{01114.11iiirdir.4111.ildikiAlii?.??????? INTEROFFICE KC MO TO: General Willinm J. Donovan 0A115: Juno 1,3, 1944 FROM: Whitney H. Shepardson SUBJECT German Expedition to Tibet 1939 You may wish to send Edgar Hoover the attached letter which I have prepared for your signature. Attachment .....4nevensragnexwinsio tat sr"...s4 tremoarogrrionsw!....'"'"^"'" Ii SECRET ? wctivri- 7fesi. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 t91,?4 f!011g !' :,? ?1 - On March 30, ram wrote me eeneetftniag * Umbel Expedition to Tibet an waked tkat eitiosoirew it* 60401110 eon* information ooneerning this llipeditims for yew Orgeatd, I en advised by our Loodea Ofttee that report ea the Expedition vas given to lir* Mut Cisrpentea* L4M41011 rer,. eentative or the 731 on &Tay 6, 1043$ hope very latAh that the ropbrt win prove. o ??t,' I. I ? i ....164tbealat ,j1r,44- ,ArS...$1:4rsgiu ft Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 III..11111110 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 - 011 has 3 Mr* 4 Xdpr Hoovort /Wend *ureau of Inv*/ t 0014# Washington, D. C. Dear Vicars On Marsh 119# you wrote as semsersime a Germs* Expedition to Tibet and asked that we tudeever to ~ore some information oonmerning this Sxpedities for raw Origami- sation. Slot Gomm Itorpeditioal to Mott 1149 I met advised by our Lendon Offloe that a molt *a the Expedition was given to Xr. John Cimperama# London repre- sentative of the PSI on May 6# 19414 I hope very much that the report will prove of some value to you. Binosroplys Willis* J. Donovan Direetor 4 AlegsIL .,..-4AM?P?2.11'"3":- ? .4 , , ft; 111,"1-157ic Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 E1121,41 II 4 Mr. John &Isar noover Director PederaI Zureau of Investigation Department of JUstice Washington, D. G. Dear Edgar: Enclosed herewith Is a brier memoranda* on the Vorband Veroine im Ausland in reply t* vim? letter received March 26, 1043. The memorandum shows the relationihip between the V.-DeN, and the Deutchom Ausland Znatitute (D.A+X ) More detailed informatton la being pre pared, which, when completed, will be furrlished to you. ? Enclosure - -*AMY. ..11 mtio-a.4 .??? Sincerely yours William .1* Donovan DIreotor 40, .4 ,1????,, .'4,1", .11 7.; . ?'?vt'',1:-A.:',..1.4.4 - on, '',44? ill.li 4:"...1" ? .t.q.'447 4-"'Zile' 'Aii .44,C Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 'At 4_1...4 .... migmoBArDsgx DAft Aprik 3, 1443 SUBJECT: Volksbund flar due floutsohtum tiAu, lend dr V.D.A.; Deutsch*, Ausland Inoti at dr D.A.I. The Foreign Organisation of th Dim usland-Or animation dor X a* oun a. n an? s presen name wa en 1934. It has been h6a4ed since 1233 by 'Wrist Wilhelm Bohlo, a former protege of Rudolph Ease. In 1937 Bohlo was transferred to the Kinistry of Poreign Affairs with the_ title of "Read of the Foreign Organisation in the Vinistry of Poreign Affairs" and the rank of Secretary of State in the Ministry. ,Originally only Party members were organised under the aegis of the Ausland Organisation but all "Ger- mana abroad" were included after 197. The general purpose of the Organisation is to "win all German citizens abroad and to "Keep the principle of racial community alive." It ie both territorially and func tionally organized, the U.S.A. being included territorially in Regional Department VI. The Foreign Organisation exercises supervisory power over the activities of all other Nazi Party offices, such as the Labor Front, and also over the so-called "quasi- independent" German organizations for promoting Germanism abroad. The League for Oermandom in Foreign Countries* (VolkstUnd far das Dentschtum In Ausland or was founded in li886. ' romaine an ori promote a type of liaison between, -0La German school system and schools in foreign coun*ries. While tech- nically iv"cruatindependent" agency0,4t has: remained such only tothe extent that thie statue offered a convenient device by whichthe German Government cOuld dissociate itself outwardly from activities of minority groups abroad. It has'in,Germany,maintained especially' close relationships with i? Hitler youth -organise- tions. The V.D.A. worked in Germany in close colla- boration with flut D.A.I. and excercised generalisuper- vision over moat "associations of Germahdde abroad.- ?? ow. CO .4.'1. 1.41114,6 41101.11.11...... ? ?? ????????-??????????? ???? ? ????-, ' ? 4.14.401.1.1.,..'"--.? ^4.43,-44-Lri?:. ? IIIDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 _ imigigtDeclassified and Approved For F.! Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ce".. ; ' e ' , ?. , ,.... --*k, 1V41 "i - 7 1 1 1 III * ; . ' : . ; it- : h .' L.,t..: k -., . II . -, , I I :IF,..:C't.,'1',..ii. 1 , , -g ?,, A^fr 141; ? -I-1--; ir Ici 1 i , ' I fi(tii ?1,11 Q.ro. 1'4 : ? 1 I - 1 r I ii1 . . Yr: ki .P1-'..:' 1 ? ...- I a, 1 e...'. . . i. ', : 44 ? I 9 '0:kW 1 I ...," ??% i , ???.He '0.1,1014 Yr fill MP*. 4 -, ,41! It is its$111, to repeat, actually controlled by A. O. The Bund der.Ausland Ntut * ahen, referred to 1,A SN-7-Edgar rave."-Wre s Me same as the Volksbund far dam Deutachtunt im Ausland, The German !Foreign Institute Otuteabst AmIlland-.Institute or D0AiI, was raWnded MT With ec' o urthe r ng omen interests abroad "1,7 maintaining contact with all those of Ow:mom itAtrae- tion who had migrated or wore migrating to rarely% countr'ies' Its bealquarters are in Stuttgart sod it has the most comprehensive collection of maleriel concerning Germans abroad, It has engaged exteneively in propaganda abroad., has furnished advice to emigrauts, has kept oard indexes of ?Camay histories, and lists of "reliable" Gorman rims abroad, eta. It is one or the most important orgenlaitions designed to pre- vent the assimilation of 00240001s in foreign papule- tiona, Its activities outside or Germany aro directly or indirectly controlled and directed by the Ao!). Considerable detail about the organizations listed above can be easily secured, Prom Raymond a, Murphy, et al., National Socialis Basic Princi Is*, etc" (U.S. GovernIMIT7RETT3175? cea W a ng on, 1943), pp, 93-130, s. ? Jetgettraeek,---$.....,-` _ . t *PPe. - - tr.; ? -.4 P :441/44 Eli Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 JrMitt COOMI ilOOYSIt DIMMT011 /70ioui(w le 071 //lip 41 Arberpi 'Surest* of instestioattem Lithblitotto Otortootti of Assert Maohinaion, D. Ct. Oiti4 o4 he.441/,:e VA' 7 Ar' 1) IT TTAL Cnionv.l. (.1. Donovan Lox. co or Li t.,r a to p:11 C $orvi CO a ;(1.5Ui E 'i)truets, Ucrthwest i'/fl3 LI. Lon, C. There has rocontly befln ca,lod tc, my AttnntLon AM orranization l',nown as the Vorband Dout,srapr Lm A0:11.1n(i (also known as V.D.V., Federation of ,I.:rman 5WietIns or Alliance of (Inman Socioties Atroal). rt '1AS t,Amr r-- por bud that this orvanization opin tan in :ortnstriy AS ??re,rd- ?.itra ti nir, aroncy for (lento. n soc tieg nd ,?r-mr%tr; It will te appreciated if' you will irri.ift rialJ wl.th an' information in your poisscvsion concernin; tals ortmniza- tion, alth particular rofercnco to itm structure, personnel, arc. operation as a coordinating aroncy for nerman groups apd 8 OC i Lies outside of rmul TV/ ? WOUld LJ.O LrprOC1$tM Ueir.17, advised of clny Lnalca- ti)n of a relation5hip hetwovn ,he Vcrhand Doutscher Vereino im Ausland and the Vollisl'und !fuer das Doutschtum Lm Ausiand (people's Society ror '?.:rrtanism Abroad), the Auslan,1 Institute in Stuttrart, Genr,171:1, t.l r i r ler Ausiand Deutschen, the Ausland OrLaniv,a t,i, on of tho :.S. i. A. P. or any 0 the r tf te, or subsidiary of tile P:Irty or State in -.ormany. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ? ; .-5111N5,3i t;:it ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Mr. John Edgar Hoover Director 'Federal *Areal). of InvostU ?icn Department or Justice Washington, D. 0. te7:3?? Dear Edgar: In contInustion of my reeint letter regardi18 the activities or the Pichts Bundo thr)ris is encloned a brier memorandum on the- subject. This memorandum is supplementary to certain material known to be on hand in the Department of Justice. We have no Information to the wrr*at that this organisation has trained any ospionagm agent.. It appears to be only a nationalistic propaganAlv association. Sincerely yours, William J. Donovan Director Enclosuro JMIAMi t J. Arbi ti 55Y. 1.6L ' 4,5551 ?Iii?-; ? '5.0' 75; 1:?1:4.':!`i.: 4 - ? c ? ???? ? 0 435 5515 5,14 15., 35151,,, ek '5; ;51:4 'Cr AVS; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 , ;It 1 -1: - t ? .1 ,, ? ? i ? IX 0 It A If D it DA/St April 0.41b Traglit 8UWECT: PlAihte Gesellschaft The Viobte Gesellschaft was founded in 1918 as a registered association (ditV0e is to strengthen GerOan national oducatIon In aloe spirit of Fichte. It operates through 2 Dopular 'Universities for adult education (teipSig igndi Usimburg) through lectures sad local branches, It published four periodicals, the nonthly lo "Deutsche" Volkstue now called "Nonatsschrift fuer deutsche' Geistesiebeno a manta published by the Hanseatische Vorlagmanstalto Ilsoiborg4? 2$ *Dim berator fuer Peiern, Fest" und Unterhaltungsabonde (every second month); could . be translated as "Adviser for Celebrations, Pestivals, and Social Sveninge, 5. nattellungsblatt der Fiehtegesellschafte* 4, "Mitteilungsblatt der Inahtehochsdhule Hemburg,o The Fichte Gesellsdhaft is that inch I know, a nationalistic assoaiation4 ;be fact, that seat is Hamburg, and that the'Benseatiadhe yerlaguanstalt publisbei ifie magazines is, an indica tian that it is concerned with the propaganda for rapialimm-abroad, ? :.,01;-..,,:4,., , ? A? . ' ' % ? Ir 6. ., - } ? ? ' f. 1 i %,., ' . 1.., ,7 "?4,-.!..., , -- ..,,5 IV ...:',.::4:i! ',1: I Si . iiir,,4:eieffill 1,3 -' :7'..'..,, :'...1:,4R.r74,e1-4,04`4,1-f ? .1 .1 -?4..-4?-- -',,',"'-' ,,..-41 _ ,. .... , ? , .,, . , +1, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 M. John Edgar Noover Director Nodersa Bureau of InvestigsktIon Vepartitiont of Juatice Washiligion, D. C. Dear Edgar: In reply to yaur request tor information rtgarding the Fichte Bund, we hairs no rar found no pbsitive evidence which might sUbstantiate the allegation that the Bund engages directly in espionage activities in foreign countries* Further study is being made or this sub- ject and any information not Alroody available to your Bureau will be furnished shortly* Sincerely yourto f " willivs J. Donovan Director ?',11 ? ? .:Wtf-c;J (141AvP "`"' ii " CZ 14 i"..-77. 7., , ,. t-4)15 ''..1-1-f-::::';.:7.7..., 1 14431.77:4".''..".......t.:.:4. 7::::-.: : -,7777;7141,7-t-::: - ?Z ,. ,7-41.V"X" VI' ,,,, rt4; le 44,t,fil ., 1--": ''.' '.il, ? ' , .-- ,?,. 4 A .,4: 1 : ::.4' *?:;''. , ? ',.' -. V.:Z.43-.1'.;'??:.1.7177. :;:ii.,-;.:Z ? '',I, *1, ??? ...?????.* 1,,,.. ' , .. A. ?? ''. `k .. , 114eib' ,,,' ,e, '4C: , i`li.,,,,,,, ,, ...,. ,..1.4....."4; v ''.'.6.4':iot? - f.z.-. ,;;;;.,.. ... , , ?,;; ..p.,t; -,4i , ,-rf; i ,t i.....;t2 '51'. vre .,, . z, : ,, -.. 6 . - -7'd; 'c?;'4' Tr,. ' '4''' ' ; I' . ? i . -4,' ,,.. , ?.,,,..-i? ? NY ' -? '...; .i....N 41 ? ..q. b , , kg, _ ,,,,,,., ....gp ? ' ? . 4,... .3i *..h` ......, IS. '. 1:',' ? .. .4,'? ijk.,%:, 4fr ' , , ,..... ? n ! 1 ? ' t , .., . , , 1 tiV,ri 'V s t.: 4.,i11,-......,7 , ? P,I., 4 s' 's ".,.....;:1,.. -t: $7: 0,..; ,,f,.;?;-7:4"` ? , .,4batiiZ- f I? illlLDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 IIIIIIIIIIMB -.. ? .?:447.?:';- ? . 5 qr., 110 1.11=MM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 PlY 777 1\To ..mo trol p nd lou 44r*.:3 d Otke nilrnui *la ..mptitt oOTA * 1 4,1111rt U00(.1 *HMV rtNwe TN 4 It WV ill OA 01 .91g45,4,1-ea,k,;?410044WW,V41001#0i21,,...4?A!0.-1446 17-17000Z17001-00011-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv- Pue'Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 .777.-rg ?*.ithin4kt: F t,-; dire $, 613/14,,f1 11 4. ?Frio:6 P ?OA 'Pot(' likvIcE INtilf()PfriCii 441#440 , ' A."' .?-? #,Q0 , ? s 14. ' T4k ItO Mr. damns Min--)h ? F It M Dana1. u rchti 5 II J E C MEk`OliANDr'M fiTOM te. El L 0 A t r jith f Olia4 have shown the memo randiun nonce rn 11%7 wa. 1 ph tier. gensen and Miquel Rab in owl toh to persons in this bran 1h who have some know16dge of Latin America., I wars unable to obtain from tho,P anv in rmati on on this particular matter. CAAA-e,(4342,t,t04-40(4.?d t Dana B. Durand ktr4 .tr vr,ir 1,), alt U4 if 1 4^.: ? td ? 4' MI.74 "4 4,4.47 ..?44?4Sit 4 4S 4 1 4..179.:?0 ? itgleawa, tt9.9 -Wke A 11.1.1' ; ,; ',,'-'? ,' 7 t: : '74; 41: :il -`;' '' ? : , C.,,y,"?, ? L ''' ...L1, ,..,, t? iit .?,..',...-s'._ ? ? t ,. . . Lot-7$ ?k ,.,,'? ? , ?-lrv't: LI Itiett.nalig * ? 7 1.0 4.1re , ,"111111114 vrt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11, , 11111111 IMSified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 , r- t Wajor Prqotoh 444q9 Danti ;3. Dur4nd Room 1,1i), 1140 812111Ing MIlmorcihum fro:rt p.b.I. lb titthco.a r;wriorarvium ,iated ):.tober3, tr. aubj,90, 1:v1atiJn Corporat4:ohi Rabluoviteh.This:4,torIthl Ar. Murptly. Iva.5 31 triv 6.1., 011;cci iss Pan? R41e44 Jer asoz; .414Me1 trtalsmItted to me from 1 have no informEition its,* trlaisactia Dr the mtin. iould you trw.smit It to tne appropriate officer who ciii;ht be able to 10').--C up trio :latter. 41e4se rfyly uiriletly to Mr. Uurpny. Attuchment. ??? - 4 t Valgi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11, , 11111111 IMSified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 , r- t Wajor Prqotoh 444q9 Danti ;3. Dur4nd Room 1,1i), 1140 812111Ing MIlmorcihum fro:rt p.b.I. lb titthco.a r;wriorarvium ,iated ):.tober3, tr. aubj,90, 1:v1atiJn Corporat4:ohi Rabluoviteh.This:4,torIthl Ar. Murptly. Iva.5 31 triv 6.1., 011;cci iss Pan? R41e44 Jer asoz; .414Me1 trtalsmItted to me from 1 have no informEition its,* trlaisactia Dr the mtin. iould you trw.smit It to tne appropriate officer who ciii;ht be able to 10').--C up trio :latter. 41e4se rfyly uiriletly to Mr. Uurpny. Attuchment. ??? - 4 t Valgi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 II Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 1 II Mr. John Edgar Hoover, Director Tuderal Dureau of Invt; Ligation Washington, D.C. Dear Edgar: 1 have your letter of Oct obir 22nd. With specific refertqlce to paragraph two of your letter, WE should be very ha12y to receive all i.,fo 'nation of a military, nalehl, o1 and economic mature bearing on the conduct of the war. As jou know, we are engaged in cclifactint and analyzing ail such infor- mation, having pi..rticular reference to areaz outaide of this hemisAere nil? we do fot dirc_ctly ccalect information in this hemisp, IAIL arc interested t. receiving all material waich you may be able to make available from South and Central Amcrical and Mexico. We at one time receiviad a great deal of usefuj information from your office regarding these areas, but in recent months this material has Lot been coming to us. It Ls very much dfesired by our pesearch people, believe you are familiar %ith our .Aneral field of operation so far as any ilmstigative f4nction is con- cerned. We are charged with collecting and analyzing all information having a bearing on the Natibnal Defense and the conduct of the War, for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and such other agencies as the Joint Ciliefs may designate* We do not have any investigative functLens in the United States, except as may be involved in the duty of obtaining in this country information Ikhich may bear upon-foreign areas. Our 2icacurity Office has a small staff engaged ia making investigations of prospective personnel. The name of the Security Officer is Mr. Weston Howland, 11E1,10r. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 f..' IL: 4. ? . . ' ? ? ? "R? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ? govvaar Our officeu in this country we locatel a and, g Streotoft Northvunt, Waahttgton, and Ln Nov at 630 Fifth Avenue and 1600 Broadway. Via officc 630 Fifth Avon tie ia presentIy under the cilage of Mr. John Hughea, who tolepillone number to Columbulx 5-8540. The Office at 1600 4Eirreaway ta we the charge of Colonel Loon Norris, U.S.A. I have (tirected our ()Meet; in Ne or eii as the proper oificers in this office to notify the promptly of uny information wiltch may 1)6 of iLtervet to it, or which may have any bt.arinc on suclvt$rsi7e activitivs, :1;abotage, vapionava or violatians of neutrzilty regulations in this hemisphere. Assurim you of my desire to cooderate and to be of assistance at all times, Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/213X00001R000100420004-4 ;trxw OEN 41 gig OFFICI 01 5 forAtsore steincts IN TE00, FIC MIIIMO YO: V. Murphy FROM; DA' .4ovdnber 4 142 William L. Langer SUBJECT: Letter to Colonel Donovan from J. Edgar 1t 'e lu/22/42 lAtt -; r t With regard to the attached letter from r. J. Edgar Hoover, I do not see that any part applies to the R & A Branch excepting the request for an up to date list of field offices out of which any of our representatives orirate. The reply to this question so far as st& A is concerned is very simple. We have representatives in London and we expect in the very near future to have representatives in San Francisco, Cairo and Chungking. ? In addition you will probably want to know also the existing field offices of the Interde art- mental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Pub ca. tions. They are at present: London Stockholm Cairo Istanbul Chungking To this list we expect to add New Delhi In the very near future. ? / 44444 I1ion L. Langer Director, Branch of Research and Analysis Attachment itrpoir 0[4 _ ' v.,..44,44444.4.4s141...4.44?4444414?Al..47 ? \?. A Pm- Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 r, ' PA"' .e...;,iteTrAVILVIPI EttUftWAISMVU4ft - , 40.114 JICOCIAilt HOMIER ? ClikaCtrOlig Athena illtireatt at ftwootiptilitit Ifilittb Iftastrollepstrintent at ifts?fice alensliftmiatt, M. 4r. OCT 22 Ifp;t Colonel William J. Donovan Director of Strategic Serviees 25th and E Street., N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Bill: L. LTTor? L As you know, on September 6, 1939 thePresident of the Lnited States instmeted the FBI to take charge of investigative work in matters relating to espionage, sabotage, subversive actties, and violations of the neutrality regulations. All police officers, sheriffs, and other law enforcement officers were at that time rerluested b- the President to turn over to the FBI any infdrmation of this type obtained b:r them so that it zlight be carefully sifted and correlated on a national basis. Since Septem? Eer, 1239, law enforcement officers and citizens have cooperlted wholeheart? miEht be insured. edly in furnishing information to this bureau so that our internal secilrity4 As you can well understand, a great volume of information bearing Upon the security of this country is contisuously received, which volume has increased daik, since this country's entrance into the war. In numerou$ instances the information received is of direct or potential interest to otner Government agencies, and in line witn this Bureau's status as a cen? tral depository for national defense information, it has also accepte0 responsibility of forwarding to other Government agencies any informati which wo..ld be of interest or value to them. 4s the war tempo increase new Government agencies are establisiled, and established agencies are, new respclsibilities at such a rate that it becomes increasingly dif to be certain that infornation received is being furnished to the pr arency. I am, therefore, apprehensive lest information received Bureau mar inadvertently not be furnished to an agency-whIch might from its receipt In order to instre the proper dissemination of such info' an iisquiry is being made of various Government agencies to determini , act, as possible the scope of their investigative operations and in the national defense fiold. This inquiry wil/ include all Goverii6 agencies which have investigative responsibilities in the national .c amvsE field, as well as thcse Departments, which although they main qtAVINCS BM( defense information. doNDV. UNITE* investigative divisions, are interested in certain types of SrATEil na. ~mos 1111111111111111111 , ;4"" ?"?.: for4s14-11?110-1/4* "t? 1 P.Nn 4P414 4-sue4,7*.oli on A.N.z.-.0 Meg and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 "As. ? r.- ? ? ? This Bureau's jurisdiction over violattonq t.nx1 Tederal Imvcsonation Statute is another factor motIvatinv ,r .I. inquiry. Due Lo Lhe increased activiti on the rilrt of PederaL af7,encles, more and lirarg ewnplaints are received aller:Inc- violatIons of tnis stAtute. While a curzory invetJtigatin discloses tnat, in llost instancel, the 11:iDlect of tne complaint is a t.ona fide employee of thA Federal -lovArnment, many comrlaints require detailed investlr,atfl.on, since thli -1-lingalt Ls s.,),7;etlo-es not aware of the existence and dA;ties of tne :overnrrnt represent.ttive reperted as an impersonator. The activities of ;4-,v,,rnmen'. reDresentatIves which are unknown tc this Bureau, ther,,f.7,re, ca,ne .,iu-incessary vs- tigi To facilitat the ixompt referral of all complaLats received, vl well as information developed durInF our rer,ular investitzative activities to the proper agency of the Federal lovernment, it will be Kreatly. appreci- ated if you will furnish this Bureau wit a statement o..tlininr the tults- tigative jurl.diction and coveraf'yo'F_azzaca, or, if 76ur ap:ency does riOt?have vestiFaave responsibility, ?The particular t7)es of information in which you have an official interest and whict shot.'_! be brought to your attention. A statement concerninr the location of any reoresentativ-Is of your agency, together with the types iir-IiNgStratIbn Or engare in, would also be appreciaTerilr-r6215iiiati-In u t9-datet_41tIat ot-ttrileld offices ou.',; of which an' cf your represent. -Ives operate would 6;-TriWaTe--6INE;-fh6-iTdl-d-6frl-ces of Vis Pure'ah CouliftEeMp-e*dltiously verify any impersonation complaints with your field representatives. I sincerely feel that your cooperation in making the above Lafor- nation available to this Bureau will materially facilitate the proper dis- semination of information by this Bureau, will prevent the dissipation of (Air nan power, and in the long run will prove of material aid to all depart- ments and agencies ilvolved. Assuring you of my desire to be of assistance in any matters of ,Iutual interest, Sincerely yours, 7-- t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and F?r I. .,,volvg%ttartl 4410,114* CWFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVIiCES wnc,HiNGToN Mpnorandqm Ocw-)er 11, 1242 FROM: Robert Cresswell TO: Major Bruce SUBJECT: J. Edgar Hoover letter of October 22. The following is suggested as a reply to J. Edgar Hoover's letter of October 22 to Colonel Donovan which Is attached hereto. In reply to your letter cf October 22, I beg to state that the investigative Panctions of O.S.S. are exercised by its Intelligence Service, which Is under the direction of Major David K. E. Bruce. This Intelligence Service operates in all parts of the world except the Western Hemisphere under a directive issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States. All significant military, naval, political and economic intelligence having a bearing on the ccnduct of the war is of interest to our Intelligence Service. Any information along these lines which may come to the attention of your Bureau, will be welcome if forwarded to our Intelligence Service, directed to the attention of Major Bruce* r -:. , ? .111 wilVelgiw ? 4, otsr , ? ? 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 II MEDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 . -OAP IfitO I PaA:o El Is no% pr4ctir.:aolq tn rg-nr1 knm locationn r the roprosnntativos imtql.11,1ng-m f,orrico, nor to give) ye)11 A 1.15f, rimld fl'nflosmrs. hmg..ver, since n,Ir reprolortat!Tgq nnr riA:4 ar,- rintsido f the iientrwn i?erris.;.;-ere (w.;:;ri 4',047 trmglp? t ion of the Administrati7m Crfice I- ?Jfvw ti). LP, Is pro them.bablfl that your a,zents no' Cur Intelligenoe Servir:e ..).; 1,4ry 4.ad to rocillsocate by bringing to your att.ontLnn Ayr/ wattor, which may soom to be ef Inter'sst to ynur 3nr114u. c ? ?+e, Pc Robert Cresswe11 Viv:44101341sZmot+ ??t ? - it ?-?,0 *-45,4t, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 NMI IOW. Dec\lassified and Approved} For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 071101 07 WC MMUS Mrs T. Edgar Hoover, Dtre %or Federal Bursuu of Investi allot Department ce Tuetics Washington, Do Co Dear Edgar: Thank you for your letler or I'll 26 tolatty. to matortal concerning Latin America* This material is not made svailakl, to us by the Soiht Chief of Staff Imamate they (Swam tt for their own files. We are greatly in need of It sines it 4ad IDeering on the general studies that we make* tofore the une of your material has boot of great vain %o us and we ftopo that you can resume your former presti of furnishing us oopies$ If convenient, It would be a great service to ue to have two eoplos,,but if it mesas any trouble for you, we will not make that request Thaaking you again for your letter, and that you will b able to continue So send us sue4 as I am, Sincerely, William ;$ Mrpip Direotin Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11 111111M assified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 " ? , car UnIte4110W, 4 ?`-.P, ? ;? go: . ? fi (1: 0?'?? (r M?44''4 ?,;;:??; - .?!;"'T '' ? i rfrOWINMPNrstartwo-#4 f.:-. , '??,_ c ...1- L .? - L.5444-' '''.711irli,..,,, "fr.,-,,,? ;,,,i'''-' :;:tr?sr,..... :,.]: .(.0 2 ? ??? ; i ? ?. , s'. ? - 114 ? .1f, t.'? Colima Wiklailknt to, 0040,001 Director Office at etrategi0 SertUes 25th and NAtititets, IG Washington, D. 041 Dear Bin: - 4eMs4.1.7: "??,!; ;??? e? . X hav rOur litter a tAlY 170 19420-44 you' refer to 't:ho.?441i0*.Ass? IA O. 1141Mat or 1114-t regarding LatIon-Asetpa 140.4 has boom within the vast-OW.100,6 ., It was .-oi.sio4 Ofiiiiii flu**-13$ 1942$ or(4._,,ektAug-4 1 under the,UnAtedjatOw int.ormittou of biter:Ot- te made avail01*-V '00: ctiteentlifiluinie*e 0: iiu Intelligence siui t I Imuid aiiiT440,1a this. ..matiorlal te. being 4? .?? " - ? .$13101 ft.0?1?. ? ?7' ft z ? k -4 - - ,, ?;.-f".;?'-' t., 444F- t'? ',"Isit ? ? ? ??? ; ? ' ?,? ? 7?'1; '., ? ?;: 4, .? "?; , '? tr,s. sf.?- 4! , ? , - ; ? 7'd, t..? ."..1 .. .. 4 . _. .. ?..: ??: C, ; -, -. ';'-' ''' ,? ,' . tr , . '7,t,1., .:?j,,.' .. ,. '. i i ''? 1 ' , f'? iI 71r:. :''...4 1..i? ? 4 .,;,, ,,;,, , ,':',:i , ?, O, ,? ? ? ? .e..1.' rP,; & ,' ? .1', : 1; , "' 1i?,?, .,.'.. ... t?'c?' . - - , ?--' ' . ' ;.,' ? ' Z 1- . i ?,.?? c.; ,-., ? ' ''',.?,. --;':-. I. . ? c -IC- i?,?;;;.7-1, ..,: 't ?;,,?,;???,,,r f,c.....7 , ? . f ' " `? ; " ''':';,..1".!--c?. ,.:: ...,, ? , ?;?5 ^. ' .,, '3 ;" ,1 ;;; . , ,,.-:,-; -... -......?:1-,,, ??,..,,,,- ,, .---"'" . e ' ,,_ t , ..,, ? . .--...,.... .,"., c," 5 cr, r o;", ? ? 47i,7 1,t.? ?41 .04,h1 L = ?'.; ' , 1 ? r ? 17' ? '111ti . ? ? ? . ? I ' . . r ? ; i ? ? ? ? r ? " " 14 ? , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 'SSI fled and ReleaseA-573\7777- 2013/09/27 : CIA-R....,_DP13X00001R000100420004-4 4., - October 26, 1942 Mr. I. 3dgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of 'esti Washington, D, C. Dear Edgar: CONFIDENTIAL Thank you for your letter of Octocer 9th and the memorandum of the same date there- with enclosed, containlag information allegedly necured from a Swiss bueinesansa who waa Germany from August 5th to September 17# 1942 In accordenev with your request, asked our Vic:tern European Seetion ta criticize this memorandum, and I think you will be inter ested In the following comments which they have just submitted to me: "Exoept for the interesting statement on hs experience in Cologne, this report, pur- portLng to have come from a Swiss businessman, is practically worthless. The reporter appears to be reliable enough, although he is certainly an Incompetent and an uncritical observer. He, apperently, knows very little about Germany, else he would have reported the gossip he has heard quifw differently. The report abounds in care- less or false statements on subjects concerning which we have very accurate information: this yearts harvest, evacuations due to bombings, young boys being inducted into the service, the leLgth of the work-day, American propaganda being 'Jewish and Communist, etc..* With kindest personal regards, I em, Sincerely& Itattrasy ? William Z. Donovan lo+K ? ; , rAt-, :9?? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : V94 suniumigmailliglintillarDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Atte: ? .1,v;p1.4-4 i.ff,44t5T0,311 opficl OP I tA flGife INTIROPPgCt M It PA 0 TO: - WIS-31C2301A-4-41006.47 t111. ?,. 4,y 0 A 1 I ? October 1142 F it OM . Walter L. Dorn, 139 bouth Bldg. :iii1JEC:T. CritiCal Comments on the Report by the Swims aufltiofiown. t :.?4?RI.:4140aKt: This report, purporting to mare come from a Swiss businessman, is practically vorthle*a. The reporter appears to bc reliable enough, although ne Is certninly an incompetent and in uncritical observer. He apparently knows very little about Germany, else he would have reported the gossip 6* ha* heard quite differently. The report abeumds is clueless or falso statements on subjects concerning which we have very accurate information: this year's harvest, evacuations due to bombinget young boys being inducted into the service, the length of the work-day, Aworican propaganda being Jewish end Communist, etc. Except for the Interesting statement on his experi- ence in Cologne, this report iv practically wortbless. / was glad to learn that the German middle CIABO desires nothing so much as freedom of thought and speech, civil rights and peacett -14:21444,4 z , 5/.?J ??? .2iv'e#:44 Declassified anciziproved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13xnnnni prulninr, A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Orlit Director Office of St.ralAtd,c 25th and E St.rect81 71zwitlqgtoz)., D. C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 1 MA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 _?_. ,s!i?-?1,7v 1 , , ? 1), _r1.7..;.? , ,. '? ,. : , ;'?,.:. ?-_ , $ k, ! ttif'1611mrirtit, 1,n01,1%0,04':eri0i4 ."tiritio t , tfrirtriate t :'401' r I' . 0040 01 4 &viol buninkporimad w 41-irog*''7f !,1;.8 .., totim_, A.).,,,ur.lt .c.. to SeptetaribfTr 1.7) WO, diJ: , tr? s ,.... Vito. ''',0 11Altrid SU% . murli(m, rvroborg, LeApzigt Dfg11114 Bv0614u1,06,Colop,o4 34 mar, ho V40 n1:0, ollowild to 0 to HAMturg an4 IA 061no4 ha #46 ntit. -';,, ', s.?Jt tetNvo 910 ot,tioti, At n mattor of Oct) thls tridiv1.444 his6 taltple r4Allid, Tiwg houro imfore the train rqa#111,nd .01,-,,,,w, gli rlot4-nA w4700,,, AL b144 expon Ati WINO" he wbb permitt4d only tn hAvol ;.iterrtio./.7is .51,!WI hi5 Wni.nwl UlAndo in a ro.:Ati WVillIf the. oLvfrwak'Aor 4,A. # 44flupm edrtecal, ;L:wri oteo 1 kl Lolly fat lir tlh rf: int.,orri foto r,ciric-: re:, 9 fi '114410d I th A Jwl, e4 4 .r.ilf OA SO,?141oirmr), 'rim law: of.1 back. On Om trots" 1 ori-v,Inv Coioplm . : cmvqi 1 :7-1;4 rorwrirtm11.7 1,a 0:044moll difficult ond Ow trblno are Gtoll".i. pny-thavl In tilv coqttry for hOtiTy otiVici 11y rif, nlzht. Xitho,wh V.1,141 111 -nlly a ni'mO, -tigtAnco tVeAl auLtgart, it nwoortmdly took tiii.7-0 -;:_1..tal iyoenty.rfer hourP to wik0 .01e trip. The Dwich tiuEj nerierri,n roTrwtn,J t::....Y. atl tnt, reltrIlt Q';'' olcorflrotItiotg 1.hli pnopin 111 Waltni, ho gathtrod tho Im;rotmlot, thoy -F-Irrr greIntly Ooproonra. Duo to nuattnoomi ratno, tho horve"at ie bad, lady n a vw-mIt7 t?ho vOm are foarfal ot '.ho ominl,f, wintvr. ThcyMortedly hwto apIthqr a4rm llothing nor rua for hoating thoir hom4W, TM WO nittation ia doler1hod ab arcady bc:nv, had. Tho ridlculoua adation or thirty ..,TAng or m(thi, to the; ration or the Gorman. polio 10 otatealy. ..zirely f(Tr Fropouta roc,tiourt. 00 raw matorJ.alo are furniohed tho,eivatsul populutton nor th4fir om ar i 1,loatop evorythirtg orthi0 nature goiN, to tho Army. Ir; both thAl V,Aist ;40 the Wootp tho poovio are depicted At boi4g f.mtreva:te nmrvot4 (toil vol-,, much afrAid or tho Loml-Ant.. 'Moto: ;t0 A potsitIon w qo 10 ailt L6 illn ow.111 Wwno in tho Bavorlun, Tyro4enno) And AuotrIan mountiatno. 0; t4 0111Q OtUtOd that 110,7,1 0rric1,1g 4nd ldvra 4r6 10:01-450, Lotnp,,,, ,,c) tnoat 04q0 whorn OieNt do not bolievo thnywill be bombod. The ormant to hom thlm wrim roorteA il..0 l? commfr4t6d that, VOA thou& thor 1,ro ns) ifllAnta 1,r04t.win,f. war mhtort40 in tbow. areao, ho iv or the tvinlor, twit token bombilwc, in naph lona.,ionn woad aocint in breTtkin the tAollet morule. It tm aslorIrtod Lbot yourvotorti tvrinteer, ynarn or .11.!e are bilinG, Induelmd Into the armod rvioetl, RJ Well AO many 1ndIv1dual who 0,011nly worm roorded n5 inctimpnatablo. Thn 'Rubbian crampalo is qllegedly stpurittIr bl'iwo.loo ol: tivi t Orri, act TOO ($05 i ncyrred in connec t:Ion thoree tit. it, 1.0 0400 Morhed thet the poroncutior. of tho Church aad of the flowo i; woroo Wm (my. Many Catholic Priestn and Protf,staet nini5terti halm IAJon killtd cald molly othciro aro in n(rncontration cawpa. ? w.i4i4-!.411.416"..44-Ditz,,,t.I.Agik?';i.,--:,.4:426411.s-,t- 4:-.1-1'.41r4:114!-,,, ? 1, ' EMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ?e' ??-?. ? r..intgifir?i*,-1 .? - v, 41..1 ..ko:;11104m gmarap.r ow-fowl& kgRat-i-IF*11-0 egv?iy.1"..."" It is reported tho Oerman peo-dle do noli appear: totel arread qe ervellen lermy coining to Surer/. They fear only tbe wer- MOO AO 0,Coh mem ulready lieen sent and. thoeo whiae sobeevently"Wi4 ' ' oreocl etToed. As a matter of feet, tile Garmarls aro attrIbutiag , theretoeel Vembing ettecio -te) American help. V,een upon the sl'eghteet sun/if:ion or Geposttlon UN tho 144W thn ,feetapo arreces eeeryone they do riot believe thny car rally trusty ani, e.cording to pronent figures, tt le stated more thail 1.140,1ceer; 4entllev. Germane are presently inconcentration canpt. The- violation or e rood order: iv cuyp000dly punishatlo ty death. Killing a pig et'ehout permission alleredly results in irmediate docapitAtien on Wee sefot. The Swiss businessman reported that sa6atago within eermaffy tiy German citizens in on the increase, end workers are unnerved And e'ehaelstet6 tecause they have to work seventeen hour daily. go longer arm :landeye and other holidays times of rest. Instead the workers receive eighteen 0 twenty-one dayst vacation a year throuth "Zreft dtercn Froudeee With reference to propaganda, the Swise beeelnessmen avowedly stated the Russian propaeenda is excellent, otnce the Gereart people lteeen tO it ;:requently notvrithetsseling 'the imposition of the death penalty for so doing. The German soldiers returning home from the front on leave often talk about the Ruesian propaganda, stating they have the oppoTtunity to listen to it through the company radios. The propaganda lereadeeested by the WO is also described as being good. However, it is alleod thAt hmerican propaganda is ridiculed and looked upon as, being rhilash. At the present time the voices heard on t* propaganda programs are, 1%ustrian, although the propaganda itself is Jewish and Communistic tn, natlere. Vurthermore, it suppoeedly goes into detaa as to what is happening in America, a subject in lrhich the German peeple have no interest. , , The middle class and ,workers who formerly were social democrats are rEe,orted as wanting nothing whatsoever to do with Communism. They assertedly object to the American propaganda of Greschi:asky, IleabegixMl and Otto li.a-asser. They are against any further dictatorship and want freedom of thoucht, religion, press, speech, personal rights, and personal property ,and peace and ;justice. It is else rerorted theae aasses want decentralization in Germany and more self-government for the various countries thin Germany. Farmers are against the Russian style of eolleetive farming and are anxious to be free as they were before the riee of Hitler. ' karait Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 IL gummummi it Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 he, CON FID EN 11% Mr, Jo Edgur Hoovar, Dirootori Podium' Burtau of ImeatigatIqn Departmont of JUstica bista4., Ingtorzi, Doar Edgar: I am attaching hereto a oopy of a report 'blob has baon rscoLved b thia Agana,' on tbis subject of Miss MIZABUTU RUTH ?Mt whion bellow) wi11 bo of intarest to your Agen47# =closure (1) Sinooroli yours, X1 1i*z Alr. Donovan Director 1 J. t77.r.rn (the 14 I- 2 / ?tkoa 5941: ? tt ??? '?- ? .4 ef...r."6. ? 1141T411.-114:-.A t.-41` Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 1 1 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 . , ' f i 444 1.11.1fr 1 i A 1 1 '? '`k ',',' '1;111" , I , ' i , $ c ' i c ", ? ,I? _,Atil P. ?%.1 ''',.=,-..ti, ? i. , .I \ ,. 'j''',i ,? ., ',,' ..,I,.. ,d?'-'H '041'.1-?. ,1 - .? , ' 1- '4 '.4'1 -, ???? , , i ; ,??=, ?1,-- ; '11 _1?! ff 'r ' ? r ? ? ?,"017.01.t 1 ' t!elfii . ...i.,?? :40 -; ,.; if, - If 1*?:,,,, itit 3-1, , . ?-A .s :.,,,ItYikee.,,11? , ? ;. 't y. .1 '. ?. 1?.1 , lf 1 P &I- q ...,-1.. ., 14 :.: -- - !-.f.-.1 ?; .1 .. .,': ..,..i .r, ..7.1..,. '1?,. - ,.. ? i ,,, s ' z-1' '' I \-- 1 }cr .i4,-? ; ,,:, : I, _ ?i. ? .:,i If , '-'13e"P ? -.J. t... ,?,?+! .. 4-- r ' ' , ,.....,t-? , ?. ? ., o,ti'' :4! , ? - - 4e .?1?,?.-- "Rough Drafts of Lectures on uoie Delivred Imperial Presence" by Shigetsuyo SL441ur1 Thank you very much for sending me noted book and the copy of Mr. Edgar joover's relating to it. I feel sure that it the work of this Section. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Tno atLacheu book "Rough brifts o? Lectures on ;Logic Delivered in too luiperial Presence" by SAligeteuyo Sugiura came Lo us from ttFBI andI send you a copy of Edgar Hoove-/8 letter relating to it. I you find, a:; 1 nave, it is most interetin to read. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 1,11111111111r1 aeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 ft..;r 1/1///1/1//////////1/7/1/11/ Jul30. 1)42 Me. John Edgar Hoovcr, Lirector Federal Bureau of Investiiotion DepLirtment of Juatice Washim;ton, D. C. Dear Edgari Thank you for your lotto' of July ;9th, and Cor sending me a copy of tIle Book *Fou Drafts of Lr: turea on Logic DOiiVeftd in the imperibl 'vese?ncew by Shit1O " ? ouglura. The vubject matter or these lks.tuiv.'; is interezt in our ;,ork rid 0.11 be carefully studied by our Far Eastern Livision. I greatly appreciate your makinis, thi publication available to us Sincerely, William J Donovan Director '472 - ? =4,7 "*.O.I " - ? : 11?14-'?.411% `. l? rl.fers AVVt * , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 iltebtril lorry: of ihmrstivirnos itnttrb Otero Orpirtmetvt of itnotirr INDhingion. g, QL It tt' 17,1.ASOAL AAD OONFLOIIATIAT., Colonel William J. vonovan Jirector Office 01 Strategic Services 25th and E Streets, N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Bill, Transmitted herwirs for your informntion 11 a pook called "Rough lirr.fts of Lecturs3 on'..ogic DRlivared in the Imperial Presence", Dy Shigetluyo Suejura. 1:his book was puolisned Octot,er 17, 1938, In c.,;(,-yo to sell for twelve yen. These lectures delivered oetween tne imers 1914 and 1920 are on such suojects as the following: The Ttree Sacred Treasures of Japan, The Flag of the Rising Sun, Nation, Soldier, Spirit, Sword, Militarism, Selr-SacrIfice, Washington, et cetera. It would appear that tnese lec:ures on subjects pertainin to Japan are for th6 most part imbued with the spirit of Japanese nationalism. as occurred to me that the subject matter of these lectures might be of interest to your division, especially in view of the fact they were apparently delivered in the presence of the 'graperor of Japan. Sincerely. Enclosure 1 OIL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 _ PelV.,nFt.'sr e.r-1,046* Date: To: JUL 21 I:1,1 Colonel Ailliam J. Donovan Diroctor of Strategic Servicsee 25th and It Streets, N. WO Washington, D. C. MUISCSAI. ocanwarrin, I3TwilICIAL IMS31131130t From: J. Edgar Hoover - Director, Federal Bureau of rnvest/gatton Short Wave Radio Rroadeasting nation =I Gereral Bleetric Company, Sen Francis**, California There are transmitted herewith for your information two copies of the rovnirt of Special Agent Wayne Marra', dated July 10? 1942, at 3mn Frenoiseo? Callfornia4 The report reflects the action taken by the above company in oomneew tion with the suggestions made in my letter dated June 6, 1942, a 0447 ar whiel was furnished to you. Thin case is being considered closed tty this ? , ? u?6^44,r44.1-40.7.o.....,itsear. 4.p ? vvvrip Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 immintDeclassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11!".,..=? - 00- , FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IIH ..A111" ?Mr/IMAM) AT ROC/IITT a ADP' AT' 14844-- DATE WHEN MADE PERIOD prom vinttcr? &ow* T/414/0.---4/144,414 MILT 111:71i NANO 120AIDOAST110 STATION WIZ Stiorats2 Slostris Ceipsw Etals-Vslettiltserestitswatir SN NOP4:3 OF FACT'S NtE ??????????04?14 fromm?????????????????41mor PHI1,0141 MADE IP, MINIUMISAINesb-_ CHARACttert OP CARE ? Asti* takes la esamealitat with IA* lora WMr et ressmosiatis* set terths 044. telatina tell* ths bores* Asite4 easl Latter fres *a Ner01111 dated 1/ (4*. Nuyskil ttls 11441111, A! UN nencos CALLTORMs MS 3. T. AU RAMS, sonsisr et station =U. *blest theft la minumatisa with She Pursuits ressimesilatiea edmittet spa the fike the iNatialrit InteMa thefUt **ties has bora Wow The tiewal lleetrie Computr has set ailegeoli a my effillisatboa tea Int *XI mow timbres Nowt sew tillset sew esselllissdist at ilatimmmatise Noma sow et *Ws is %tag terearited karat* Z U 4ibtei Alltiltaustive tem salL is lead as a lads ter IstwestAstOsa or ilato wow* peal* (lingers prier im his sisplsomiatie isrostlipOder osaismikati it* *now La orassostiast with appliesubs bat all erilitatilese salissitios* cro iNtrawitoi to Vio Sea Franallsee Wise at the Osertiratber at Zatemettes, 'who. noaoraing MM, yeleu341 tabeelmiater tamed then toaa istswested 11141100' AWL. eeeduots aa isreetigatteit et the sprUesse. The Veiettele lievisiems et the tederel ispiemege salt lebete. airalides wive issoriperated hi 'OW Georg 112metris ciempaw haw van youileast Ida* httio bettek piroviiod to *11 emplterese at Sari. A eepr at *is small pilsolkist *As attained end la heitag terwarilled Imiefewitk. :ft?Wi. I AND P RWA .DECA SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE COPIES OF MIS EMPOIST *Illatroaroatii istItita Pramoloam? ...?????????? ? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????11101 DO 40T WRITE IN THESE SPACES a a wavinamoter manure mai 7--203.$ ????????????.??????,..10* ?V' 114., t tt. ..tt "! NIZ;AO.:ulatta ?? J f? 4" 4,0 Ireilak ? 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Pnr Release 11111111MMITAMMINIMMEMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 Jr, r?t ....nrn?????? ??????? .11111111?.rp...1. ,utioplationli hems Wen adoptet lestrinig ail visitors le the ISOM 11i.tiso wales* apteetrtsality suthurisoil lrjr the itatists *miaow. No vieltsow, itIlfgt elicit or Vinitorito Ztt111S.ti issiAtie *yeti* he* losea tWieptied ea reltip tort: Office eot flitworel Sitsetris etempusyst hefierver, is still stilling tfurt friliadalaftari to this reatteausdittliten sail ationwdieg titkilitli$, there is ft ii,Iti1' V4,114; tho firturs 13 twill be adopted. I% mem ele4 to Mid 5 that: entorlals 'whist% stil.st to wad te damp the ZOO fasilitios cnififold be aseriod later ?ther 'tattiest lw 1Jstudites est Moe parent ef enplebyeas 01 1, inbitotrix* xam this caztalostion* WAILS advised *bait the comb ere meiremeiny Iv_ Lint siml have been burtrueted i *wads* any periels or ettlwr arttelse berrAtvaqti th. premises by eac7/16:yeeo or sutherlset irisiteoriew A 141144 preitertive Armee 'hos mot rivW bons tesustrusited Artesia tIte statims. Nearrer. ontailierktion is beisc Owen 11* tI4alir the 11:110113;4ins Ofieitnes or 001101ria 1stiris Cespenr tt Ser reek t1L1 P dektsiest is 1uipiiiir,s1 in Ate nah;r tstwo. Protective careens itor .the 'dude* or the i:Wistrosititer latiliklio end fait ftigicitisiti hams boon, ordered and ars to tie installed lanettittedy sty* UAL, r (wive Thor* is stiLll a military troard efeaposed of loweetve stilt son mod two rsirgeonto: guarani the transmitting station. The softly shows* lo thist thif oiltfarde ere NOW Cal:Wend& Stets avardet rather theist regnisr salistot men c tt the, 'Crated State* Muir. Ito verde have been hirei as yet try the esespeow. It 'will be lisitted. trim the survey report that one jeed.iier is utilised No lanai:4 ea mistritairdni the studios. An investigation bee bets isoadueted tor t.118 janitor by the oompany to aseartain kie loyalty assi Mums* ter Ike ;au 11:1 map doeureinots and plans dealing with aonfideettial material are pro- sutra: isstirttnined either in metal eabineis fitted with an appropriate posking tecolced in the dentlia of the lialager of the istatiat and the shier 116 seta). /fey cabinet fitted with, an appropriate leaking iesr_i4Sis, bat 1:11:111813. prostitai for the askintemene, of *Ant keys and kive aftloittets and disease. The extra keys and the keys lie confident:14 aldpirial amil inept in the p?MaSeilltatt it the 'teens manages. awl the shier' aniiirsoorik 'rho area &MOIL the besot 6:r the wooden piles supporting tho aittmenate Auld thl.1 :power lines hays tem silvered or all gross mid other intlissleahlie Apah." siontieno time :veining the possibiliiq. if tire destroying the pales. .1111 employees have boon trained in the use if the tire netting "gulp- rtirsa; ireutttalLna in. Ibis studies and the tranenitting station. iZL iteznigetiotti-with in ausilliary later system for seeding II* lixassem tal:Ittor iabi1, *outlive:attest is being even te the digekng if a well, aril . at. PALtsai 0 LAIA A ,....,:, , 4..A.,,,,,,,k-k,,,A14-4/&,,,,,40,i,,,Aw.-ii?-rhtiet?mpirl[itiftph:, 1. t. , e r k'1?.. 0 ,,. Ill 41704 1 i ' ?i zi-f. I-, ? n2e,i t, ? t . i!, I, ? .:: i . I' i t. ' i 1. 5 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 111 I II 111 011191111111111MME RE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X000011R000100420004-4 ilfi 111 1:40111i, 111 mud 311041111.114., pr t* palptng devloee fey, voter. llowevor, tildit !Lit Ina untnriMcirtontts aro being ;lade f*r tho statism ime tow water othrgy AV** Ow cooling pond lesatiod near tha troomadirldit ten& De tat !Cit) trsodssitting statioriaMasoollog peed %rental** * ,,,?allims of water and arrangements 'Wive Iwo made with id* *Wesel vIrvoiclitiosting Company, who ?parable station DO, for the ethlisaties el totor nmos1i nd 45118* of an omergeneyo Mo isArp pr ;supply *Atom has boon isetalled as yot? &W. opiror ? Ii itatoo Pis 'both% [prom sonoideratisn by the Mod WU. tiesimna Eleti an. Coo lieslation as yet lee bOen ithrroolgenente b-0011 OW* stith the 1bAe4 litotes Yew% affiose mitt Do tioso so that now all seal for statiten UM is doliworid directly to 1.h$, station Mil not, as in the pasts to the mst 1 clerk et the taininst MAO. Kaki thoreatter forwarded to station M. In (i.onikootion with the telephone tasilities provided tit Peet le TallorAtoine and Telovraph Co., by arrangsnewt with that eseposys thoy haws taken yi,o,N1A41 primpavtiens to prevent the tntereeptini; ef esesogso ewer the uses sod loom allso taken special precautions to prevent the itmee trim hoLog oolbotood 'rho ii,t?Liplalts :facilities at Relsonts where the transmitter Is leestede are run semisosonthly wad all vnauthorised ;moll** are tprekadtod from flOodm, Mir theft OW' is W*300,114 with thaw Thu 114t416111 Immt $31 rtirimitt Hotel ?114111 14 a the terminus of one esid. et the eentniiel lines is sow leaked mad taho lofty in kept in the )possession or the hotel sonagor? list an *mid* giontrol systems. Gene:rat Elestris Csapany toe pers1raseSr100 watt %alum hie% tosqueney trausifttor whioh is to beulled,to trammett sesseages RAILTIU0 kr tram the studio to the transmitter. after *AO they will be breaddi niisIty the use of this 100 %Vita high troves/ay transmitter may dopotedesey al?Ani the lontrol Lines will be done away with. tiomployoe* of the station hove been instructed to be egeestingly os.011,41411 in their oonversation with others and have also beau lastrustat to tal?itious 'In wham) 'Wray writes such that they do not give out oonfidential hirolution over the telephone or put it in writing whore there is a possibility thol.t *air totters loight be intereepted? advised sone of the reeonsendations. as noted in the body itt ti jri itavg,:,#411 being 'AWo S. oonsidevation and he believes they will al114 :La the d. ?Tuturos Barris has boa sontoeted on ounerials 41010011400 411191i!)1 kill WO tAil UMW IOU eondtseted sued he requestel Oat tho 304ay noar1po5ii41 Onteth time be ayod is that hw could have defladte soiwor trois 1;'1.,irl ;41v Twit Office i nmeetion with sone ot the resoessendatiens 111011 yet mg grail laclact '10 13116 Us ed to the Coordinator or bstasiottoo Offioe4 'shish is figifforls 'by all prespeetive employees of Station 110111. Ona yeavhiet in Allah is set forth the appropriate Ilreviai Me et the 1). S. Code dealing with sabotage aimi MOM 4140 ? t h-4,0411' . ?; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 11 Iii IPAREMEIMIMI 1 ueclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100420004-4 , eoie 0 !NAT 04 or INF ORo4A ION ??? ?oet ? ???? ??? NI 40 aor ..... ???C ?Iiii????.??? rem lea 4?4 ?110 ..... (told here) To Del to Room _ , 4111.2MCX-111U111M1/41? Amateaus ft woo, ton eto out, attrotamtlettutt11110, nit !I. Po our in f arra t 10n I ? ? -- Note and Re turn _ , Como sets Inver) t Ipto tend Report flee III About Thin ? _ 1b11