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September 26, 2013
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Publication Date:
June 12, 1945
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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Although I WIIS sant iato the field to be Special funds4
Officer la Corsica, I never reached that destination. liyan arrival
im Algiers, April 2), 3.944, I was detained for duty there. Later
I a At a week ia Mae cbserving the seohaolout or the purchase of
Yrench currency and some of the other activities of OBS in Tunis.
Upon ay return to Altiers I tried to make myself generally
woeful, as I was not at first assigned to any particular duties.
Later on, I was given the specific job of cashier. When Special
Yunds theadquarters moved to Caserta in :uly 1944, I remained in
Algiers. My duties were many and varied, and I had the specific task
of arrangis. for liquidation of the Brandon Project, which had
%oag boos a source of ooncern to Special /undo'.
Im August 1,44 rhe apeolal funds office in Algiers broke down
Madly. A% Cult time I tock over tas responsibilities or the office,
although I was mot the noninal head. In addition to my work in
tal ?ands t did work of a varied nature for almost every Branch.
Awn the Iftwieb and Splialth Desks moved forwhrd I took over their
itateleo *ad I wee oWle to be of onsiderable &aunt:toe to them. As
tAors stirticka eosplemmest o Alsiers eolitiaued to dindnishp the titbits
of &Liss, *he teeniest' become sore and isore varied. I was kept busy
to to ilitus day If ay 44oper1ure wi.th a lerso number or interec4tisi
? L-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDI013X00001R000100340003-4
*Oh n ti'n:4-t.t.!.4114Aiki;? Cr' ? ? ???.L
nil Algiers office split up in July 1944. The main body moved
to Caserta* taking its problems with it. We were left with a small
?Md.* This office beam,* almost completely bogged down because
f>ftr. yvNIrLow
ot tile inertia and incompetence of the Special /uncle officer4in
akar took over the management of the office) and cleaned up
siO1 accumulation of undone Waimea. Tho work of the office was
Nrmaght and kept up to claim. Abetheesmas atmea was working specifi-
cally on the Brandon Propcto
Itendon was a joint Britist-Awicau mission, financed by OSS.
Shen our agent* wont OA this IlliS010A their salaries were accrued,
am* ptial payment a wore made to next-of-kin. At the close of the
TUmilian osuptga, the WASIOA cams to an ends and on 1 aults 1943
iro toot ever math* British the full responsibility for liquidating
thim jora4eet. Misr swots were nlesing? and we started making
mentay veyment* to known and available beneficiaries. It soon,
*Kane Wide** that loynooto aid aeoruali might continue inde1inite4,
vaehoua attempts, were made to substitute Iump sum settlement'. '
Aim wok propos* woo modo eatil She mew of 1944" when the Pronoli.
kivOitistotoal oyes* to aoritio our rotponsibility tow' .-4
istOmoil sointsadas *to lust low so0207041 by us* It bemuse dut)
lotato tAio thvtatioo4 sottlemoste
toowo es Ilifosios vitro likoo*Ioto and lasoouroto sad
44Roit oessicirratis oorrsoriodosono mkt 001,00sa3 isvitotlititiouto
roved For Release 2013/09/26 :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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straigatsn them. out. By the time that I had satisfied myself
the correatness of the Brandon accounts. Valor Zannot. who
wa$ representing the frencla. was preparing to leave for tripee.
which had been newly libermted. A, plan was drawn up and agreed to
both, parties on the eve of his departure. The plan has been
in erect sine* I Saptembox 1944. and its details are on ale
with Special Funds. It was necessary to separate tae 28 still
missing *pats into six difCerent categories with each category
Using glum a different treats/mt.
It became advisable to revise the plan when France was almost
completely liberated. and subsequent modifications have been made'
Inkoavio a discovery of flesh information about the missing men.
La ell oisr segotistioss. Major ;enact 10118 most cooperative. and
woke eaves* agreble to eirigested changes.
'to vane or Us arliV4011 WeWealt Is tnat it fixed our maximum
lumatt,Lathis firoje01 *ad ended its, fUrther fill4120141 respoosibil-
too *mow part after September lv 19444
I V,
" -.E4*srti4 o-410,#.4 woo
'7, ?
vretraaroQtr.oIrt .4, la
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
nup following suggestions are made for ileprovenent of
conditions In the field.
I **firmly ocnvinced of the value of personal contacts.
iJereve!po13ible I believe we should adopt a policy of making
ow payments in pe. son especially when they an of a non-recurring
mature. I am opposed to making peyments through a bank if we
can possibly avoid it eat Y do not believe the smallnesm of an
amount of money Is any orLterion of its Importanoe.
In Om Brandon Projectt the payments which we are now going
to make are met only filial, payments# but in most oases will be our
first end only contact wtth the agent or his beneficiary. Because
these 140114$ wore trained Py the British, the connection of the
United States with the Yrojeet is as% knowat and we arc getting no
credit tor IA* The pr.itgw value to the United States of a personal
*tsit by * Flionan speaking American Is very greet. The spontaneous
gotaispAls* wash / always resoiv*d !troll Araadan boataiolarles and
agoats * nada Ma 04041.10A as opportmaity for forging * new
Itak Is tb4 OkoOt of franco-Aarices frism4sbdip We shoula not
404044 *my onartuatt for stilisi a llaki to that stain.
,r ,d it"01404.4?41,Wilgil, L ,111 At% tiltit.1514.0A10 14.1410)0F4414W040,,,O#444*IftN,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
,,p,,,......a.Vo....~NowtorTme.4taraYs. %WA killl.4taiNigPrt-
believe at the orate* of keeping otar various Branches "t
wutertigat compartments ha* been carried too far. It makes for
noardiong or latormotioni duplication and waster of materiels and
it **imps (SS from developing it a intelligence to the highest point.
Good kisses will not nermsecuritys and it might serve to assuage
Loterbranch jealousies. The security problem is always present
in an exchooge ot intelligences but I am convinced that we are putting
toil much emphasis on it tu this particular. If S I has information
)C special value to 1 2. the 140ter brelah cannot function efficient-
ly without S 1; help. Thu t problem of overall coordination of OSS
OrtmasS is no doubt b41404 mmetialy studied. It is certainly
one or Um most Imvortant problems facing us.
Thor* most be setter 'Jason betweew Washington and the /field.
10040sis tale Meld Sete* acid its suh-basess We need more expeditors
E'ie 001L? oseqpatios im 40 follow through to a conclusion all
po oft, as tut *visa* it tubas tar SO. lose to got AA answer _to
* *4111104146Le4 t* the moat, A oast sow importaat questions:,
simposimarod* Wisidemaa manse whiah nogloctod its customers would
suft444 no,* ts As t****4 to wspaotba083 to be immune from thf
softiassosis 4f stasitsogelagoses4,
to. assetswoos ot tiegfol ut? 114?14 are spprooiatodr tot
r* tioti a. 1411441,40 13/1 Octhloil 144 lotto's anon g1v?
r 46 i plo,
.1 , .- , - -i:,;,1Siii 4 INIENCY: r'' 1,:j"filskINglirk' 41111
't;* 44;, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/b : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034nnm_A
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
? 7. r-) Wry Avow, ?rt(r,t7,1y....40VV.fizr:Virl:crki
completely distorted picture. Conditions change fast in wartime,
and more frequent tri.ps will lessen the chances of so many mutual
The awned of au American decoration to a foreign national is
one of the best methods of gaining friendship. We should adopt a
rather generous polimy in this respect. We should also make every
effort VD expedite tae award of modals for which friends of OSS
have alraady been pr posed.
Claims of foreign nationals shoAld be settled an quickly as
possible. In the.peit there have been unconscionable delays- and
it Is to be hoped that the Board of Review and the Theater Counsel
will bend every effcrt to cons to quick decisions when demands of
tale astute are ands on us. When a man has been of great service
to OSS it is important that we do not adopt an overlegalistic
Ilvevelst ta esamining his claim. We should make every effort to
on* rod tape and to avoid arousing unnecessary resentment
USA gnii4X4 cam' rialkINATION OP WKS
Oat to. little itsogiimistdou has been given to this subject.
Akan tiase Use 001104 inet an ogent's services are AO longer required,
we otiould mortko suie Wet his is treated with every consideration.
Ne ne04 est to It tauttt the las$ invigilation which we make is a good
atm*ti. teretsostot of *pato soot/sot* should be entrustod only
so am eke
are sopablo of adllos the situation. We should mak,
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and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
? drops-loWarg .04414 le?AholraprirmaP-A .ipporeelliefed.h.? ituaWeilmeteiStgilnit'AlerrOYWAVPialk
tne agoAtft aware f our appreci&tion. especlally in cases where
ttlatr patriotism has been the, compclling motive in helping us.
If nt to keep the friends we lucre mades we mu$t work to keep
The terzinetion of some of ola Spanish Desk agents in Algiers
was, disvaeeful. Thia important :016 was left to 's young man whop
according to all reports. treated them in an extremely cavalier
fashion. Besid the need for s114a* lustice, Cu? need of friends
ta apain of tme future 1 obviouo.
GUr hAndling of agettt, is certainly one of the grentest problems
facing snd we must seek cocstantly improved methods.
1,1,4.4114 ."4 W Lit101.1%1MnOlia
4, smould. woe xept an official rev esentetive of OSS for
geor 7ertod la Algiers. W41 loft unresolved problems behind us.
Aleters aoanactioss foiat tlmt we had, abandoned tboa? and we
1.110u:rood 'vonsiderable tamwill. Obviously we cannot staff an area
todeftslliellt but *tea** leave tkA area after lens occupation. it
10,064 appoier to lie good tnsurrince to keep *A official vopresentative
tower* ca! ot* Wig a* 'Os sltvation would seen to require.
litadt T1414403 rag titC113) MATO
'14110tAdi 3taties good's frioado VI wood row trio:14W
ol low Mier 1400,e4 too loop WI* t Vi* sliroady ? 00tr haO
40,14, oireartiLa IN* Won *X Of Vona.* who Miro toot Id
ttorgeotiod. Voilord to* 10141,Ast4 sttittAs of twiatax,00011,
r?-? ? rf?4:01.-.14??????terII101
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Declassified and Approved f or_Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034000374
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Amon ea. gaimac
in Algiers lost tae QS considerable prestige, and cost us
considerable cooperaticns according to members of the Resistance.
tatery. OSS representative abroad should keep in mind that he is
also a symbol of the United States to the people with whoa he
comes In contact, In particular, ()SS civilians abroad in wartime
cannot afford ordinary tourist behavionrstandards. In the vital
matter of Improving foreign relations the OSS has not taken full '
advantage of its prIvil4ge4 position. OSS needs indoctrination
LA this matter.
Stuart EL Kaiser
7 April 1945
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340003-4
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