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March 8, 1945
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 . CI - DP13X00001R000100060Uuz-o
The boordie r000mmendation of
Deookber 1044 to tho Director (copy
of whist% was sent you) has been approvad
by the Direotor, with the oomment that
the agreements involved are to bo prom
- PplRase 2013/09/27 1 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060
- .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
I/ Dssoubsr 1944
11044#.41th rotsromis to tho sompsneation
et Preens vomited by Intolla,
lb* Diliostor has approvsd this
roossmsadatiso with ths samossit that the
agroossato in'olvot sro to bs prsparod
by tho *morel Osuosol.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
egi -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
lb ??P
Beard eir Revise
Atteatisas Lt. Col. C.
lliteentime ?Mee
0015.1seaties it levees*
by lama
M. Sears, Jr.
Reerui UAL
r ?
/ /
Ich/P q-,
SO .Dessobei 1%4
There is returned herewith the origiaal at yottur
aernereadin et SS 'DOSIMIlber to the Direetor tooth*, with
you, file en the above subjeet.
To will note the approval of tta Director appears
en the feoe of the wacioranlina and that the ()wend,
Counsel in his opiate* bee requested that his officio
prepare the agreenents involved.
Robert Unix
Assistant to the
Iteecative Of tiO
eel Seeretcriat
General, Counsel
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Washington, 0.
BO Deeember 1044
11101 The Direeter
6111410fs Oempomantion of Itoreans Xesruited
by P2-411.
1. Attaebed hereto is your tne on the 00,0
subjeet, Soother with espies of Mr. Mollenberg's
memorandum reessivod by us on 111 Desember and his
Memorandum at I Dosombor.
O. the Board disoussed its reeommendation at
1$ Delsomber with Mr. Kftollenbers and Malor Lee on
19 Doeembere
I. loth assured us that they +smolder It
preetleally impossible to mouse passports tor these
Meows and that they 'consider a military status
esesitial to enable them to keep these employees
under control.
4. In view et these abatements, we resommend
that you authorise an exeoption in this partioular
ease, to the provisions of *moral Order /11?10;
sad that this exesption speeity that the maximum
base pay of these_rmployees, ineluding military pa
shall net exeoed WOO par annum.
ees Mr. Inollenborg
sihs I he4
4,14?14 At
INF the Board of Reviews
C. M. Oears,
Lt. Colonel, Atli
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100060002-6
9-Z00090001-00n11-0000X?1,c1C1-V10 L/60/ aseala JOd panaiddv pue Pe!4!sse133C1
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
14,pr '9'514-11.g,
ePICT? Am!
?Major Ooneral WiL1iaMcf. Donovan
Director. 038
From 1 row Neat Division, sr
Subjoott Compensation of Xorsoans Reoruitod for nal'
1. The seoretariat ham referred to this DiYiNiOd tor oom-
ment the memorandum or tho Boof Review dated 3 Deoember 1044, making
dated 7 Deoembor 11)44.
mortals* reoommendations with roopoot to this Division,. memorandum to you
t. Slum, the Board or Review did not oonsult this Division
om any of the points raised by either memorandum, it is no surprising that
their oonolusions aro based upon 4 number of basio mistakes in root.
attempts to enamor 411$ of
3. Paragraok J of tho Board's MOM) is the only one whioh
by the Board of Reviews
request for an oxooption to ueneral Order No. 76.40. Two points are made
reasone Mach we set forth in support or oUr
a. As to the neoossity uf military status for otravol
purposee, the Board obsorves that *them, men can travol equally
as well as civilians or as MR MON Thle is truo only insofar
as obtaining traneportation is oonoorned. net we had in mind,
and what we thought it unwiee to spoil out in too groat "labors.-
tie*, II that it will prove to be oxtromely diffioult, if not
imposaible without extended delays and oomplete breakdown of
clover, to obtain for these alien Koroone the pemsports and visas
they will need Li order to trevel as civilians. These documenta
ere required for MU Imre aa less than he other oivilianme
pe still bellove, on the basis of the beet information avallahlo
to ua, that these dittioulties present woll-Aigh insurmountablo
obstaolos to smiting themen out al 01,1114)14.
b. seoondly, the Board impressive the bollof that control
Of thoee men oan be insured by ',adequate suporvisioe. our row
orulting agent. have heard that many 'Corinne in this country are
eager to obtain tramopertation to China with the intention to
dosert there and engage in promoting Korean raotional interests.
Doopito this moot ?ireful soroening, At is possible that a numbor
will got on our payroll with this purpose in mind. We have no
assuraneo that we "amid expect the return of Koroan oivilians
Deoomber 1ti, 1044 (
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
'j 4.(.C7.41
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
from the Chinese authorities. W4 do know that we have the
right to demand and oould presumably seoure the return of
Ary deserters. Tt is our oonsidered opinion that this
measure of oontrol is essential,
4. We would, of oourse, have ()leaned these points
the Beard had they oonmulted US before reaching their oonolusions.
S. For the reasons which we have stated, both Col. Heppner
sod Col. Coughlin have indioated that they wish all Koreans sent to China
is military status.
19. As stated previously, we regard ma a oonsiderable
assuranoe of the loyalty and reliability of these Mieh the Not thet they
wish to beoome U. 8, oitiiens and ere prepared to undertake this work and
to be induoted into the Army in order to make thmnselves eligible for
this privilege.
7, we respeotfully repeat our request that an eseeption
be made in this ease to the provisions of Ueneral Order 7640.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? e!-L''':41Kr.t`P;?Itttp-.1..,.. .
Washington, D. C.
TO: Tha Director
SUBJECT: Compensation of Koreans Recruited by FE-SI.
1. We rotUrn herewith Mr. Knollenburg's memo-
randum of 7 December 19440together with Col. Buxton's
2. In our opinion every effort should be mad.
to avoid exceptions to qeneral Order 78-10.
3. We believe that, as suggested by Col.
Buxton, these men should be employed as civilians.
If so employed, they can properly be paid a salary
commensurate with their duties and no speoial dis-
pensation need be made.
4. Mr. Knollonburg's memorandum states "It
is necessary to give them military statue for travel
purposes and to insure our control over them in
China". We aro informed by our travel office that
these men can travel equally as well as oivillans
or as TECH REPS. As to control, we believe that
this can be accompled by adequate supervision.
4. As TECH REPS, they can wear non-combatant
cover Clothing and acquire assimilated officer
13 Deoomber 1944
,,i 4. ,
/:14,,I., /, '? ..1,
1. k L
Al? 444 44"
For the Board of Review:
91. M. Sears, Jr.
It, Colonel, AUS
\I ?
44%.11. tt ,1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
t Sn
roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001KUuu
Washington. D. 0.
13 Number 1044
TOs The Direotor
SOWNOTs Oempenoatian st Koreans Reoruited by PE-SX.
1. is rotes. herewith Ar. Knollenburgos memo-
rendusiot/ polember'1944 tog*thor with Cols Nuxtonts
Bs tn our opinion evitry effort should bo mado
to avoid ilissptiohli to General Order 75-10.
5. We believe that as suggested by Col. .
Buxton1 theiSe men shotad be employed as oiviliansp
It so employed they oan properly be paid a salary
eammensurate with their duties and no special
'sensation Mod be made.
4. Mr. Knallenbursss memorandum states "tt
is neeessarY to sive then military status tor travel
purpoees and to insure our oontrol over them in
China". We are informed br our travel office that
these Men ean travel eqUelly as well as oiviliane
or as THOR MM. AS to oontrol, we believe that
this san be aosemplithed by adequate supervtsion.
4. As TACH HRP8, they oan wear nonmoombatant
cover olothing and acquire assimilated ?Motor
?or the Board of Reviews
Q. U. Sears, Jr.
alto 0014110., AUS
2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R0001
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
11.? Dkr*Asse
*WO I.41,011,:ork et Weans illoomited Wy 1114110,
Wit rem*lioaroStis Ur* Sn011ectWorg's w000?
IverattlLot 0.001ose 1.44 teletitor *Oh *OenIs
I. to ettir opinion every effort Ohottl4 be mode
to avoid totecoottens to Ootoral Order /$40"
I. We Woliove that. aseapested by Oel"
looteado thee. sou eheitid sopsyed as sansi
lk,_?....06/14074044. ilhei eon prepePil be pelt it WIWI
01111111.1.411ff?ti With %Mil *OW Ona no epeeist% 411??
MOM ba sada.
4. Or. lasseiUnbursts 0ssee2ikn4vor etaloes "%t
I. 10004moort ,1410 thea oiliterT status ter travel
1::!eo INOW to Wow, our *antra ever Whoa in
WI aro informed ty *or travel Otte, that
those moo ea* travel +Wally to well es siviiiens
er ao WI" As to **Orel, we believe that
tiola 4600 We weeptiehoily aliegeste supervision'
4. As 1114* WO, they eon inoar nonoloombatant
sever elothina and *Wire csaistilated, *Meer
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
w " -41.11111L..
... .
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
tech comment should be numbered to correspond with number in To column.
A lint should be drawn across sheet under each comment.
Officer Designations should be used in To column.
Sae% Officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further
,Alliti0m desired or action taken should be indicated in Comments column.
11.1looting sheet should always bet returned to Registry.
Or Officer Designations see ceparate sheet.
44-147,0 t:-.1416.4.7.4 I ??? ?-? ? ?. ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and A
proved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000buuuL-v
TO t Oeneral Donovan
I Al
Oeeember 1944
rITJECT, Compensation for Koreans liocruited by VIM
1. This Division has heeh nurveying Koreans ih
tho U. S. with A view to rooruiting a t!,voup or 12 r 15 to
be sent to China to reenlit, train, and 000VAt; 1III4PWIA now
located in Yroo China, riome of them may go behind the enemy
lines, but this is not specifically contemplated at thig
tit*. Wo have round a group or Koreans whom we consider
suitable material tor our purpose, and wrinld like to selJoot
from this numbers the poroonnel we will require. As you
knew most Koreans are so bitterly partisan as to make them
unsuitable for OSS work. These mon that we have round have
therefore been selected from A large number who have been
surveyod. We so not believe that we clan rim any number of
others who will 4nswer our purpose.
2. Tho Koreans whom we wish to employ are civilians
and aro exompt from the draft under present_regulations by
reeson of their gge or for oth,,,r ftations. Many of them have
dependents for whose support they 4140 responsible. We be-
lieve, however, that we ean hire them at a maximum bage salary
of $3600, even though a number will be taking a severe firm.-
cial loss. For a number of reasons we wiah to induct them
into the army. tt in necessary to give them mtIttaJ7 status
for travel purposon and to insure our control ?VW' them in
China. From 1,he point of view of the men themselvea this 18
dosirkhle because it offorn them the chanee of U. U. citizen-
ship, which moat of them desire% Vor prestige purposes, they
cannot operate an enlioted men, and tt will. probably be nec-
essary to dream thNo AO TEO 14U1 or ()Moors,
1. Our problem 18 that under leneral Order No, V5.10
ey,tra compensation cnn only be paid to individual !loldlern who
are definitely Antended ror operations bet and 1;11e. enemy linos.
The rieneral Counnei'd ?Mee conftrms this view. As stated
ibove these mon will probably not be used In enemy territory,
and under the present order aro ineligible for extra compenma-
tion. Colonel Elflor's problem in different til h00 him Koreans
aro recruited for porrIonal nervice in Korea and are, therefore,
elig11.10 for extra nompennation under Clem/pal Order No, Yq.10.
cc I. o t4oir SECpri
00.4.2se 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 26-13/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
4;,11.7.'Se C.1.1.7k11.4"--%,104,1. ? - ? - :??,-?
4. In the circumstances we hereby request an excep-
tion from the provisions of General Order No. 75.10, to r'mit
the payment of extra compensation to such Korean recruits of
this Division as will bring their total compensation from all
sources up to a base salary of $3600, pus such overtime and
living allowances as a Civil Service employee with that base
salary would be entitled to in China. We hope to hire many of
these men for lesser amounts and will treat each case indivi-
dually. We believe this renuest is justified since these men
are not subject to the draft and are to be inducted principally
for our convenience. As to their bargaining position, they are
free agents now earning as much as or more than we propose to
pay, and we are satisfied that they will not enter our employ
on the condition of being inducted unless they receive extra
compensation up to this maximum.
Dernhard Knollenberg '1
Divisional Deputy, FEE'
_ A nrirrix/Orl For Release 2013/09/ . CIA-
Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
'M %It:Aft:4 41,,c-,--"feUk9 C-4?
Tc: Lint S
Woohington, D. C.
NUMBER! 76-40
MUM! 23 August 1914
EFFECTIVE! 23 AUguot 194'1
SVNITT! Aadittonll compensation of Military or Navnl
personnel attached to 083
The fellowin recommondntion of tho Board or Rovinw io horGhy
1. (a) MilltAry or Naval personnel in the Oontinontal U.S. .
p.hnti rreoive extra compensation only when noolnell no agents to
missions, nctivated in tho Coutinentni U. nnd intended rov
operntieno behind enomy liner+. Such par tint mny bo pnld Qxtra
enmpenontion from thu dnte of their Militnry or Nnval overoeno
orders in the termtnntinn thite or the mlostoni
(b) Military or Naval personnel in ferwgn Thoatorn may
be pnid 3X tri comoenoolmon au Ly whon 110EllHod tUi agonta to
minotonn I ru. ilort ror evevnttono behind ?non 8uch
additteonl wymerito wilt he nrfectivc, from the dnte or ouch
nosip;nmant to the turninntlon dnto of the miootnn.
r? ( a) AddiiJonal oomoonnation may bo paid to Military or
NavnJ poraonne, nctio no nOinto, in Wide,' LO rrIoe their
tetn1 pny (excluolvo oi nllownnceo) up to the oulnrieo of 080
tivilinno doing similux work, provided thnt ouch totni pny doco
not excerd tho /Into of $0,000 per your.
(b) All Offide or Briknoh Ohtani, both in Wanhington and
nbrond, will rovIse any exioting artinngemonto arreutod by
thin orders Contracto will ha adjuoted uv rewritten no 000n
u? poosible.
5. Extra compenontlon mny hn paid to Army or Nf,vy peroonnel,
acting no agenta, only by Spoolni 1Pundo Orricero In nocordnnap
With regular Special Funds pnyvall proceduvro nnd emngument
rove or
2013/09/27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? .isfiefe.'01F 4SZArl
4e Commenoing 30 September 1944r the Chief, Special Funds ,
irsmoitr &hall submit to the Director a record; at the end of
*soh quarter, indicating the nem? and rank of all Army or Navy
personnel Who receive extra compensation from Special FUndsi
together with the amounts r000ivod and tho Office or Branch
to which such personnel is assignod, The Chief, Special Funds
Drench, may requisition from any source all information neces-
sary, in his judgment, to the proper preparation of such
quarterly reports.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
00 4 ????,,,1 ,,,
9-Z00090001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
Peturned herewith
mem*randun datod 19 October
memorandum dated 10 October
boil' subject.
Plea.. note that
the optnion ot the ()amoral
your memoroneum.
are the originals of yemp
to the Director and at Lt. Vey's
to the hoard of Nevis' mok the
the approval of the Direst., sod
Counsel appear on the to ot
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
055 Popo 4101
To: 0 neral
Ned and I have looked at this and
asked some questions about it.
The European priority pictures
relate to control. Europe. The
price of 110 per picture is for
8 x 10 picturesaseems reasonable,
and compares with VW from the
nearest other bidder among the
'limited group whose security has
been approved. The quantity of
pictures is 1argeN0 but JANIS and
other studies contain a good many
piSWFnee)f the jr-I*04114AVirrficer ihr
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27. CR-IDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
,71 '
Are$r4 of Mawiew
Imsoutive Offlose
Attentions Oessmander J. S. *nen. Umber
Requisition 0)71)S oe Map Division liquipment
Peturned herewith As the eriiimel of row
memorandum of 24 Oetobor to the I:000 6,00464* with
your filo on the above subj./et.
You will note that the apprOrml of ihmiNispitor
and the opinion of the General Counsel ipso" oil*.
face of your memorandum.
?CI floorotsrlat
General Counsel
11\ 0
R. J. Putsell Jr-
Lieutenant (j
Asolotemt Ix'
? A., I #1,-Ic
? JA.
''' ', -V.I.-.71;
i ..` , e?
?;.i ??? t '
? # , 4.?, .,,,_. , ..
, 11-? '.
? 4.,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
- ?
Attathad turret? is a up/ et bhp
radar/No*144U.= at tho Board and your tits
on tho *boys subjoot.
This roseanandatisa 'has boon
approvod by tbs Dirootor?
Per tbs Board of Rimiwes
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Boord of Review
24 October 1144
Attentions Commander J.8. Morgan, Vomber 4,
fteoutive Office /
Roloasso of Possible Financial Claim by / ,t
y At-4.A
There is returned herewith the original orout
momorandum of 17 October to the Director together lit your
filo and the opinion of the Ooneral Counsel on the 141
You will note that the approval of the Direetor
is indicated on the :loco of your memorandum.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
This Is a tieeel cooties. et Ohet
eenstitutes a wail...* ???
trail I see ne lewd ebjeeties to
tr1144PwriMs the outtleioNOY 40,
imeoueting. maim all the sire
emoteases. us** the fteemmesge-
Ilion et the Beard et Rerlow?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
" awmfg.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CI-A-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Doard of Bode,
Attentions Lt. Col.C.M. Soars,
Executive Office
Bequest for Recorders
There is returned herewith the original of pour
memorandum to the Director dated 22 November together with
your file on the abovoi subject.
You will note that the approval of the Direst*,
for the use of voushered funds and the recommendation of
the General Counsel appear on the face of your nemormadim.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
arriall OP 1111411111020 SUM
Washilassirisk, D. I.
POI Inxester
atiltalOTs Itequist 1p Root*ten
10 'Alder Maas t it eat
the leer* et 'Wiwi re*
sittpoptio tor 080.000 tor the Oisist:
to 'the ALsikelirejoete NS stated: Mt .1i
weuid pies. eaeh piPojeet is en
bestirs Xi seem.bewever_p_.u thnt _
been irrositiothedi Nit it - n be Mae
*soh projest with Prot% IN mil
Mdition te the abets. NO, sag 0
lisienehes are requeetitl 14 Warden es
ON*. ter (e) 're las
.11esitli ALM. (b W1111
pvre0eriell tres Ooeritoster It
amertees Attaire, (e) $ae*
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
. -
101 warp no ismisek (vie Doptityv Dirgetce,
441440To 40104,44 Siam goi Oft
Attashod hollo040 aro oispimoi or the.
1611mang moismmoodoftwo st Cho boor. Or
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
ilt:gtfLPICIZIander J. S. Morgan, Member
ftecutive Office
Costs of Operation for MO Aliskaft Project
There aro returned herewith th? origimilS of
your memorandum to the Director dnted 11 Octal*, and of
MO memorandum to you dated 9 October together with
Photostat copy of letter to Mr. Misch'? dated 26 :uly am
the above subject.
You will note that the approval of the Director
appears on the face of your memorandum as well as the
opinion of the General Counsel.
4, ? ? en.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
TO. Tbm Dirmotor
BUtiag-IT, Costs or Operation for 14.01. Alaska. ki;eleeto
4n somermanoo with Kolar Mellor's momovmOkust at
o ootobor 1944 (atimohoe). Puroh4404 or uontralta for OquIpmes4
hIrmady total OV1 994.00.
Annual 4,114r7 oommitmentso owlusive ot rallitsry
solonelo *mount to 043000.00. Petatilia4. approvs1 at tLig 4Po 401*
moot of thou, poople ere temnorarilr assignod to othlr 14Pit
withim 004,
La audltiau 14, tile 0.60Va aawz? toll
taing 0140/0090
M.O. firilvish *tato* that 019000.00 W11 b. Irsequtrimi to itothrime:
the proloot immaatitoly upon reostpt or Th*utar Luinonder Appose016
Pollowin4 smith approval, M.O. estivatos that It Will
soot 040,08*400 to 000rete the otatloh for on* mar.
Thor Hoard 0V Asvlsw ss%Ammo the% proviomm sod hill
opprovel ha* boon obtoined to covor tho sxpenditots Ot
#'107/400 for materiel and the oommlumest of 4444000.00 ter
Tha tiourfl r000mmands v,ho expsndituro or 44 Mai'
tionel *16000.00 to oleos tho orojeot on 4 working bootie
erneent oonsfatoratIOn OR 440f 09or*V1441
he doferrod for two reason*, (I) Pods !km* ito
beyond the ond of *ny OP* fienal yosro (1) her final
must be banttd upon WI. *per:311.10 requirement* or WA Thee
Unleoe otherwise direetodo the Soar4 Will hold the
rasommandatIon (a' moo tor oporut4ng, run44 et $140,00460k_
ponding TUsaUer Oommaildor Approval. AppropriAto Action niyi
b. takon upon ressipt thsrost.
Your attantion 1#004144 to the itemer,14.11001401)
from ofrloe of Wle slAoal Ottkooro Usagiguotoosi AlookOm--
Departmont, deto4 Ge .ruly
tivIslon ef rek)ortelty4tir itnessluitulm a 404700m.
Per the 110141Die Rift**
101110,41, i,tc t
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/2: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Board of Review
Attentions Commander J. S. Morgan,
Executive Office
Costs of Operation for MO Guam Project
Returned herewith are the originals' of your
memorandum to the Director of 12 October and of MOIs
memorandum to you of 29 September on the above subject.
PlemBe note that the approval of the Direetor
and the opihion of the General Counsel appear on the fees
of your memorandum.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: dk-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
The litrootor
I Oosts ot Overeaten
soal ,P 1014s, Aship?mi bon boom
or? sOted as follows.
illestrleal hedonism* 100114.640.00 ?
rintios Itipalpsiont
1Wa et- military) 440800.4'0,
?EA' *raw* aotimatas that ,it will oast ONPV00444/0
per year to worst! the stations. 9ranoportation 01 46 IP*.
sdnots stated at 13440040
'The above florae dlo not Inalade moos% 4, SP.
otallattory and it to understood that motor .,wmillpersael40
and housing will bs prowldotmby OloOPOL.
the Board has .not 'the InformatIss to,
06 the mew" of the Osier Projooto This_ wIll be t
attnod by (112110160Ci NettirOVP- tt illi.:`'zieepagisoll that so
ttanal .and, final 004900 betont Ask 4,0sup
an4.'whteh othorvitho
is nada at this
of .147010.X.IXos
kil1 hold thls rsgOest pirti,t;!itiselhator
and final plans based
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Atteehod herewith to the ertitaaa yew
memorandum or 1, 1044 to the Direeter em the
above oubjeet?
that tho Diroetorie approwel
your memorandum end the 011441011
As Andleated es the seem. jag%
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000,6000,42Z....
' ? --,4?-rwip-tfirg...- ? ,
r7 ? ? 9 40 A
01. .1,4kikle.,
Tot Director
Subjoott Wapanose Typewritors
On 13 Ooteber 1944 the Board of Roviefr000smondASH
and Sol. Buxton, the Acting biros/Jar ApproWidol tile
purehaso of.S5 spatial :spouse typomOisteri SOS
60/4 of 07000, to be paid for from 400141 Pnimile4
The.. typewritors wore contemplated for t.1.!!0 Prb*Igr
us of NO /kabob and the roquest Of Oat mrseibilass
pprovod by the Deputy Direetor, 9tratoglo Seritome
Since that date, the !lovely's's! of the : - - -
typewritore has oome:Ander the general 'Ude
of &production libilfth whieh found du:1MS the_esWee.
of production process that additional
of the follow I
wore n??1 j1
Memo additional *vend smrolrelassiet
(a) The originel soot of Mho typovrtterollected
to be 08l#17,40-ratbor than tho ApprOWOM ertiparW
proposal of #7,3008
(b) Ohmage. th the Lnkj . ,
swim's arm at a tattloost ol $40, qmpperitlei" steehaitimuseritito.
i...., _
WAISO tor thefen,IP4 11$ tyypOri f'.'
a Slmaial earrying cases. to protoet *bit iglmo*
writers duriAgiihipment and from S2$ *1 _
cost of 06044*,tipowritea, 'or a tote). Ot MN;
(d) O?rtaii4oilala roDqughrod I*
mate amount 'of 01.00. ,l?
4orforgissiteiptirrti,,,1141::'047: :eget
The totalaaot,,
approaimatoly 1117440, SO
at the. a: ad.ditionel roimtpcssals. fa,:
irie _
It is unfortunato that these Witt
POnditUr0 were not made known to tbo j
of its original approval. Mlowovors auk
points out in his memorandum of lp Obaes
Board of Bela'', the additional item/ ere
tial for the uso of the maehines suok Os SLV wt
plates, or has been preyed by upon...* A*"
after tests woro_mads on the machines am
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
the inking arms end the spools& wow,
The Board of Review has seeortained MB the 00116*-.
*sot Division, Preeermsent sod Supply IreekeNtst,
sack of these Items has dread' been _
pollortety-We oblige** ftr payment trim ,
for the pest (1.44440411) irises/ year. OR elet4,
that these items may bo as paid feel t
ing no burden on the 001 apprepriatlea tor
the Beard of Movie, Is000mmoads that pos 'Opp*
additional 'expenditures detailed Above ter ,the
Japanese typewriters. The Seer& further roeimid640
that all items 11141Ud11$ thiw original eeet of 100
typewriters be paid for from veueherod funds shoes
it has developed thatibe use ef Speoi036 1141100
those items is not mcoossery, in spits of 100_100400
trial approval for the proeurement et the eash1s00%
true Speelal Pads.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
w-fw-4144por ? r' ? ?
TO* Ohista, NO *sae%
41111,1011 ispasiese typoeriters ter ONO.
Attssimmi ?. $. *espy st the
roosesesdisties st the Om* et firecter Oebsolk
UI ostober 344141. WSW reteresee I.
Proibilleo it 1111 Iae?pmeritere te lie
esti ter set It Spots.% PM..
reesisissillatiss bes sPProPed
Oelertel Igates?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Soard or Bevies,
Attmtions Ooessandor
Xxocutive Orrice
Joipoulose TypewrItors
117.0? Morgan, Member
for car/mo
Risturned horoirith le the ollunal or your momersism
due of 1) October to the Director on the above subjoins
You will note that the approval or the Acting
Director and the opinion or the Oeners1 Counsel appear en
the faoo or your semerandum,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0
Vb. 3004 et'Review 4141's 4110ftissed
this mattor with :the Deputr Direeter,
who *Marais theprojeeto
The Besiit eioerding17 roseemmends
e expenditure or $2/01100 ter SS spoelal
Japanese typewellers,.?
A amosaorunthat trait *4 o? asiaash,
44041,4 IA Ootobsr 1944, Is atteehed.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
11 October 1944
Col, K. D. Mann
Chief MO
14, T. J. Wadden, USNR
*kiting Chief, MO, Pao/PI
SUBJRCTI Japanese typewriter for CMI.M0
1. Itequested authority to order 25 eaoh Japanese type-
writers chargable to cax,wo.
2s It is neoessary to plea An order for this equip-
ment without delay to the MUlti-Xlsen Corporation, 123 West
64 Street' New York City, designing enffineorm for the OMS
Japanese typewriter, in unwilling to oontinue the payload of
wanes to workmen retained by them for the purpose of maim-
(maturing the OBS Japanese typewriter. In the event that these
men nhould be re:lensed, the delivery date for this urgently re-
quired equipment, would be so extended as to preclude the use
of it by this organisations
$1100 3. The ontimmted oost of the Japanese typewriter is
.00 emoh. The total cost of the order for 25 each AP.
mime typewriters in estimated to be $27,500.00.
A veds
,,x11 ^ -.JOW
ikt,r5un:.k6;ARE33,110 ,reia:Vg 4:4W141.4%-k-ot...11roWri*ArOglitiatra25,4Mirgi.liemiwigoutwisivolobed.w....4,01
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
t 4:4111*
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Board of Review
Attention: Commander J.B. Morgan, Member
Executive Office
4-4 c'e
31 October 1944
Purchase of Special Message Center Equipment
from special ?Undo.
There is returned herewith your memorandum of
27 October to the Director together with your file on the
above subject.
The approval of the Director as well as the opinion
of the General Counsel appear on the face of your memoramilmm.
E. J. Putsell Jr!
Lieutenant (j.g. p OUR
Assistant Iftecut ve Miser
? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
hereto is a ear/ te
tha lozArat Smite
dated & Oetober 1N41as the above atibiaet.
roaampoultiatiat haa beim
approved by the insiotter?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
4424 c ta.4 ":10.1111?2 f i est N. ? ? ?
nonrd of iiezviow
Attentions CommanderJ J, Morgan, Member
necutive Offino
MPonngo Oontor Peolpment
Jipturnod herowith is thy original of your memorendum
of :J Ootobor to the Director togethor tth Mejor
memorandum or 30 Coptomber to tho Bonrd of rtriow, Colonel
fieftryl momorandum of 9 April to Chior, F,pecisl Funds Drench
'Ind your nopy of ()morn' Ordor N. 14, flupt,1. 1 on the ebove
You will note that the npprovel or the Lirector
appoars on the Not, of your memornndum no woll 40 the opinion
of the OonorAl Counsol,
J. Putrell Jr
Lioutoonnt 0440, UNA
ANairtent hceoutive ?Meer
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
, ?
- ? ""- -?1r.g?wi.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
.,,srswspetwatil-s?MiiistlkiWitZttgrigel***S' oc...1.9 ? ,
040P0 of titsview
Ai-Aunt-ton; uoiwohaorJi. morN n member
hootalve Offino
4 thitialicr
141,0040mo polophi oropr hobronbibitity for
OtlyeTilloint Proporty 0001
Thep* to votorne0 herowith th* grietn41 of your
momorlIndum to the Pirootor dfit(044 t.ept.ehlhor on tho 410,0
Ymo 'imposed 00hki414.1 olickgr, onpy of WW0h yoM
Wi41 rfitivivd 44uo oot000p hhe 40.44 elim*d by tho Dtrootqr
finO 1. bblng 1)11400PP:4 top Otetrib11410h?
Y00 1011 140te thot the Apppoval of tho Otreetor
oppearb on 146 rmoo or this opinion or the Uenetai CO40001,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
7" - t -.'7,,,,v,:.- ?-?te," , f?t1 rd Vf-; ?: ..1
- -4' - . " ., . ,- 2 ',- i.?.., ??=,., - --- 4
. .
*traiA , -
-40M g*tittil
? +.41,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
. _
?? .
1. liu7Oest to the prOVieitne et this 40141614400010iMe
and Supply Wrench shall *OCepsisSible ter
14100144 Ite all Owes purshased est et-"blith-*0011 .110.2111.40,
-vousharst 'tonal; All gush. itelie shall be- 1100114 dielifliagO
*consigned or otherwise Ars#11terre4 by ihreeuresisitl sad 26004117
? Driash oar against propeal:i'insouted'reeclite.
2. rho Chia of seek OtileetSrealeho Sr AWGIA. 41,10101mg
Training Areas. in the Oontineatall. Si sat emilik St.,001$04,
Sorvisos Officer or Mot .iitiltIssien avereele Anal
sible for the naintionotte prepertr mosedir tot sit I.
imago Okalivetsildt. 00401/604., Or etbalweiee'*railat$S10,1010.;1110.,
ersanisation lager hie CelodOdi- and tor Senrisie prepsilf, 1200,
euted receipt. in the' sveatt:::that thorlAkelletlire.021004111?00*
immed? diol1ilmrsd4 edusigitier .010,0444,4000410,04,:_
5. Sash Snitivittual i!.00;10*. 110 !ii1111.11j0-101.01c,
b? responsible tor its ,ealpi**,:,,
eases ilhere sash-Oelp.
against properly etbeStst400101
Bible sttbor for retwelaivit.0040.0ii
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
thOreter :to thesppropri000 Xosul44 Orrisr or tho *suss
a a mi
I sliimos * O
other opganisolitsn to *Uhl,* is sosissod.
1 4. ;to ladIvIdual (4111torh novslo or 01,1124M) shall 1000
i tiinstorrod troN ono V, at duty. to snothorip opp:ith
66641 ono WAIN, or aronoh to onothor, or bo trausrorrodo, role.0040
or sopsrotod tram Ode until (4) the Approprtato Z0o444 Orti060,
or Oatoors have oortitiod in orlttne that th044441111dual Alas
Pli bUlibild all -00Y01.44414 Pr OPOrtr which- stwor ,kutve 'ismulid 646 Ida
or has given sotlotastory's000untIngtherstor, sibit (0) ible
ladtvIdual hos oortItIod 40 1414044 to lilt 44141,4148 0,46610 040
returned or sattairsotonlifs'000tintod
all V hatf? 40 ocovernfthb P000trity.lsousit to him father-boil
41. WIthku a rossonoblollsio atter Cho otrostIve 404411 -
this ?Nor, *II Ottloos ond Sranobos Lit
It kit0110?4 runds to the OentIneatal I. 11. .,..
J tronstor tholr propittyr000rds 00 411,014 surthosiod:,4%.
W14624 the ProlUP?41046 -111141*Otty APININII? 4
01,1 Property egid ether reolliods Hateees.4-74,10, SA, Sit'oationtai.
. !
tion cot thin order Ewa bo 16404.1hod-4 soo001104. litik ,
still:1.4Ni and procedures Sistab44064*,p14:0Y 4
Administrotimo Sorvl000s tlk osiltarttel,w4 '
- 4
??? "
.?; 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
- 4n"r1t4.4;1-?
TOi et. Oonlvocet DivicIoo
AWA011 10 I, lento 00414no rolmod 0
4hsrt Posilittos tor Ashes WA*
Att00.101 horst, is espy eft the
reeosmomeatiem et th* beerdSt Nevio, doted
14 Hoptomber 14144, on the Oevo oubliet?
?hie reeemmenlisttes A. blbeh epp000104
4y the Wooster,
sof Spopoisl IN044
Wm.le Tretptng
Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Board of Review
Attentiont Commander
Executive Office
J.B. Morgan, Member
The origiplal of your memorandum of 14 SOi*Ilber
to the Director and the original of meisoranduerot113
September to the Board of Review from the Chief of the
The approval of the Director appears on tk fac
of the opinion of General Counsel.
There is also attached file on subject to be
returned, to Chief, Contract Division which you sent to'
with the above materiel.
CC: Major Lee
Ensign Donovan
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27. :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
1101 ' The Direstar
ErtrinOTI Lease -ft Seats Ostalitaa leload Demjamt. , ,
Wharf reellitleit for 4iros
Z. Mader ,dato et is
roqUestet e.onsideratien
rescommOdotioit leek Apr:
trnothg,..ktiss Spali , mid
VA *ft ,OiliaLtaa ;eland.
, ,,_
1. fIrc., bride :have bola ealiettled ler,. the;,'
Mr thw,badjpIliag,' end, ter the ? '.-
tieniii, tie; Jra?to The Poo' Osimiotrue
dia-u,.or 4, aopteimberf._ haO. ISsilbed a 'bid
-011?000. ',anion Seularoatleakii looser- da
hem submitted their bid Iii the. ammo* et
both ccs4onies ere reported. -to be siispeteatla.jLa,
a Training Brae* nor iPisecent a Ovipar bon
*lash bid they prefer.' . :
a ? ' :"40 Seard 4 -So:. *taw .
$a/000. IA .iiceordiwoo?'witkithibid,
struetieu thltsiour* Ltd.. tIOU'iost- thi i
,,... . _
4. .in view et the toe* ,,1114* ,rre,modlost,, j.
end eimpAesirantiuvr.lesuieto ter ds 4 lop:
Special Amos It seems
to the property tout of 404,
' g ? The Board eemeure:la
Aebinsen that "it that,
et the lessors in ret ti
pitioJoets this detail be. eat
the werk la gains to '460104.1
the start at ikhe 4'0st/sue .b.
. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
AcRiE !!. , 414
"1:N;t? 04,1,:ipre
TO, listing Chief, Sputa rum,
SUBJECT: XVII ?wad* lease* Payroll fir
I roar 11144 1946..
Attasho4 ballots la a eon or tbo
rclonasondation or WI* board or lievlove.
datod 4 Soptaaber- 1944, an Ms *bon sib-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
boAr6 of Povior
Attontionc Oftiunder
Pmwutiv4 ?me.*
speoini,vunds flronch
Yesr 1944 - 1941'
There+ is rPturned originel of yoUt
momornnehm of 4 voptembor to the Director togother with
opiniob of the Ovnor41 counpel op the 41)0Y0 subjeet.
The, Dtrontor hits inoinnted his epprovel OA th*
rmcv or the mitmorY,ndum.
E. J. Putx0/1 Jr,
Litutimeut (.1.440,
AiRsistnnt Rxecutivri Offloor
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Dd Rey Memo Morgan to
DIrootor 9/4/44 re
Spaolel Funds bran*
Payroll for Fiscal
Year 1044-1048
? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and ApprovedIL For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
there le returfted herewith the eilsgs
nul et your semerielma et Of Amie te
ttie Aetius Aireeter. *tither wilik
tile 04 the skews eutioet.
You will mete that the epistles et
the General %Noma amd the approval et
the Astiag Oireeter *neer eft Ike tees et
pito 110001Pandiumi?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
1. , Theft, in littito, 04 Niroto it riiiinsellt by A.Z.,
for, the allosetlo*,:o niploo, 1*.4.)14_ wrrotioboreis_ 4
Prance -Project , amount la
to ?I3
project f'or the tlext., abt..igorAtha et uhlah time Se -
TrIll_. be fslyen , by. ?Vie: 11001.14 a te, It. ? entl**01 on.
the, name .17, 1040,14?,4e 4ellberetely adeleedliges.
to An oatatisIlla* Wislal or the Asperitimat af 0
***porta concerninirlolielnem,e entollorisio? *nd *X400-
eerta/n kostont.MV$`40:010n. 0.04ntr1es? rho rogues
doripsd by th? clair or s.x.., ratexich vath....0? total_ka
, ?6.140a$:
!undo ter the.,prolisat,,, It apprevedi, are t* k0,1,44.srled.
rands .evallabila to Sia.? Branch for .the n000t, reis.e_ 046-4,40.
Pe Titi -1400111 to ihik IftetirotAfr n??1,? theik At
*kat gilre the msotte Wetglit
et, *e? the..4eterstIalitt
Miler aft, to. /awls. 1.011,4011.4 the .noetlee.nedi,. avel
Brerloh. trord the no. .lizlitod, 'Approprlekt4.1013, et ..110000,00006,
It Is his itsterielnet;1021 thark,sikah telnies: 1s1.4. be needletea
elven, project, then Ills resaeliondotl;on ?Ono* ars ,bk.approtted,
leas the Brinich would thereby,. esees41 the, osieuat smile a,
to Its or unleaii, there. la. &etre** 40,4ili411, peu: ?7 4n Vie
Airsoney against the use or rundo roe eueh.., a pun:tart.
3. The 13-0ercl or Review does not believe tihst?the_are sheitt.
be anY Polley against the ,tiee or .11askols in the-
f Illenta._XLMINVINIOnd -
or ?r00 Project No., 12 And atectordinglyip. 411 view At are
Ship trdi Oil / 11 1101.13,4167211114 lit fingnee the projeot AIste., illpiilepet
funds for next ye,ar..,';he iFinard .of Roa l** reeeetztenda Omit
Approve It an6. that unirouehorid. Allidli lb,*
therefor at such t.isse as .th.1.1148:?111101 sopre.1404-11111 t111P,,101011
L. sivszlisbio.
44 This recommenda*toN, ilHoppreveli4444C
to the at tent/ Oil Or ,11L2V, 0,011-tP4X.M. ?
:11; 0 air .:.? -
cuPder thlie itsa,7 hats _the.. tioak tap
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
.4-64 11., eri.t -44,6.4gA
More lareturned herewith the original
OS your wemowandun of IN January 1048, together
with the filo on the above subjeet.
Please note that the opinion of the
oonoral Counsel and the approval ot the Aeting
Director appear en the face of your nessoraadacio
!':6?4 i e.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
The Board of Roviow haa rosolvoll a momrsaamki tem ,
the Chief, SI Bransh,,requeeting that 01,00/.:16.
allotfed'from Speelal Ponds to eentimme 'me smbieetv
activity. The memorandum le *Usable berets.
In view of the statement in- Chlefo.BI Mr*sh.
that th6 activity *entiflues to be of groat sopw100,
the Board reeommend* that rOU apprOVO the
of a further #2,500i'firiftSpoolai Funds, to
on for a further period.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 ?
isonvci or Ritlielow
AttontlonI Vomundor JoIC MONI4h, 141001041.
Pgagialvo OM).
Prouoli Ppojitot #12
01'hi-104110d hopowtth to o
'himof rig4h44 or m N thiP. ptembPr 49 tho Dirootor ond Your domor460U4 ur rrowohnft
Moptombcr to VI. MOAPO or hvol ow from Mr. Dupomt
fl tho obovo AlUbjooty
You kill mote taukt ttup 4ppeops1 ot tho 444,060P
Nppo4rN onoptraon of Wonotti 00101401.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
So logial objection to mak
Pa"onto from Speoial 7un41a.
? ?????1=11111..miso......
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
MAO Mow ot leflow '.
rot Dlr.* tor
10040.11 Prangs 1Pro3oot "Li
Atta0h001 herottlwac00,7 ot 4
114-0440011t AV
Ws *Ova oubjioto St ,0114 lloolesh
S qu pied kr 0: ,
,], or.litipok. *I"
provision st &Awl allothaut ot .0000,
Oho attethi
i.:- ,
of eta )0ontha toh,, Jib 0 1._ .1 bp_ tho kW 40046*
projaat up to #4000., twomot hal artgAnal
W44 within the .SINSt authorlsod top tAo IIs roqutttiltoos *mover, 4.1, Ass toquessi
good or -nose* moo 4 440041441444V1014 010 thilk
noW Ofit VISO 2444440440d OW*. WO 0101441 ha -
opt si approval,
dureat 4t Sal Yiranoih. no 00.100). 00 SO 11444-. -. ,
FM Soar. his Clitauateed the projeot with lite
*OPAL/4 bUalbes4
pared tor ht P40410-**41 Osma00.0 aortata riper% 00004
We tern Surepe bottom %h. **Am to 04000 ina_4wprip_,Iit--::'
a e ant.rprts00 0110440A 0410.00 44?
tio ma. tor ilitati An emosOfttoia. oftlik Sto peatileamieig.
no owlet ikir tviwit poqueout ousid be' 0120000,1001.190,011
softie* tn oonneattoo 'nth- the piirojeste
Spoatal Punda to ralsullurao 140? Depirthost st vriumg400 1*
tho 10w0 ramooll40 that the Dijip.?
the' adoisitswal tow* ,m-r0+00.1)00, ,b711,_illi?14, ,
Ohio: of 4.44, amok amd tho Spostal 'mos,' . ,
Pop tua Seapd et 10,100i
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
9-Z00090001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/?LO eS3I3I -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
Met tolo4 sow. mum'
44teireme eabom, *44 to oppor degpoode
'ego, oeettiew je popeg 444 je u0414eptotme
044 je Abe e el 40,11m404 IoN0,44y
410000111P4 sits"41 vor11.114044 .1111H fatrutitoo
9-Z00090001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
--,rimperfurripLi %To,
poard of Review
Attention: R.H.I. Goddard, Member
Exeeutive Office
Counsel and the original of memorandum of 11 September to ,
the Board of Review from Mr. Ream on the above subject are
returned herewith.
The approval 'of the Director is indicated on the
face of your memorandum.
??? .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
141 No legal objeotion 60 approval
or the attaohed promali
110 hive polate4 out to the kart
that while we have tho poser to
make oestraeto willow') saki,*
ter Woo it to e %Nettle* of
paler *other tho aglow should
Co so in mot' oases* 21441" bellows
it to be umaseoesary here.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
,114.1 ._*-11,..4.5.13ti- .--c-wronnwt1 s'1-110.A14311,110'54Mitri 0161a4Pg47"21stsgirrtig.lbetemplotopospostrAil,,,?,?..0.0.0...,00.
Washington, D. C.
11 September 19414
TO; Acting Director
SUBJECT: Fire Protection w Rosalyn Warehouse 41,
The Deputy DireetorvAdministrattre Sorw
vices requests the sum of 10,,70.000 to sever the
installation of an adequate sprinkling system at
the Rosslyt Warehouse. His memorandus of 11 Sep6
tether is attaohed herewith.
The hoard of Soviet suggested the advis?
ability of getting more than one estimate but US
Procurement & Supply Brano4 states that, UZI641P
General Order 0241 me'sre,permitted to negotiate a
contract rather then obtaining'sompetitive bids:
The contractor? J. Cagan: Owens, whose estimate
forts. the bisio for subject request, oonstrustod,
the Rosslyn,Warehouse and .therefore can work: ft,
his ott original drawing.. Proourement & Supply
state that they are entiiilylwilliAg to proud sa
this single quotationivsinee their provioss eapera
Jena* with Mr. Owens has boon satisfactory.
The Board of,Sevleis recomiends approirai
ot this requests parsen10;to be made from Vouchered
For the 'Board of levleut
R. H. I. Goddard
Member. 022
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Ms ill to advise 7ou that tit* Asting '
Director has approved the resonmemdation of the
Board of Review that an allotment et $1000000,
bo set aside for further investigations br the
Rstail Credit Corporation during the PimealMw,...
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/7 : CIA:RniD,P;1331X0p.,940440r0.30a11,00060002-6
' x -#1214,
Seturned herewith is (midst' of your mmerefteille
dated 11 September 1044 to the Director matitloS
litattension of eontract with Retail Credit Corporilios
In the amount of $100000 for the Pisoal Year mike Aft
301 1945"topther with opinion of 00MOSAL Counsel*
You will note that the Noting Direetor has, this
date, approved ths board's rsoommondstiou
Zn order to aspodtte the matter the AM,Mig Nasolter
has forwarded the rived lettermlimumnik4at4 WAN-0M
1944 to Ins. Kelly dirootings topy of tem be reladmili
In the Director's files'
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
tiwiod upon tn. atttiolood
Nionvd, 1 stoo nolowil ohJitotion
to th@ ho4rd of Novlowis r000mmonw
oontroot Am kttonbed
tqlu lo An proper form tor imir
/06/ 'LLD.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
I. t
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? I ?
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
This eill oo!ifirm the feet that
the Acting Director' )10, approved the reeemw
mendation of the Boaild or Review, 2 September
1944, subjoots herd* Projeet, totalities
$60260. 7.
Por /the Board of ROVLOWI
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
A*ard oir Novi**
Attentilms R4 H, 4 Ooderdp goober
Fleoutivb orrice
"rh#1040,00 Project
Yikoturncd herewith ore the originals of Alger megem
rundum of P Seotopmber to the MAIM Dirisetor wok WI memow
random of )1 Nifilkit from the Chief, II to tho Direetor, ON,
on the ,bove suUjest4
We ore informed that a eon of oemeronews fres the
Aoting Chief, AI Smash, te Chief, SpasiAl Peed. Aroma doted
4 Soptmleper and entitled oftephor400 Projeet is La yoor
poloosoien. It is imisested that this memorandum to lode Is
pmrt ot your file on this subject.
You will note thot the spprovsl of the Aotill
Oireator nppeare on the opinion of the demers1 Oommools ;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
I have)lein advised brier.
Goddard that the Beard was
intera011 by SI that (a) the
agreement is that Mrs. Vs
transportation expenses be
paid, and (b) that agreement
was neoessary to the moth*
Lt. Beals has promised lie to
oonfirm this in writing to
the Board.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
_. , _ . , 11,', ? ?,-,,--,:i -i..?kw-t,,,-.1
r.t*Ir'em--vitItARt0t,soar-,,.-41,,,,q1tgotAlfr.C.,,,c-,.:100.464"IttigAt!.. ,
I ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
I ?
t ? ......444,.?,"
? 4 -
Gonoral D?,:lovan
15 June 194;5
G. The 7)oqrd wishes to recomend tat the Theater Doards
of Review conti,tuo in existence, as 11-Art of the Stratezie
Services Officers' organization. Their task would be that
of assistin:: the Stratecio Services ?Meer and the Fiscal
OfPlcer n maintainLn3 the financf.al controls within the
Theater. A review of the recommendations of such Theater
T3otirds of Review does not require tho existence of a Board in
Washin-ton, since such a review could be and probably should
be made In, the Assistant Eirector, assisted by the Executive
Member, Board of Review
%,..- _ k. , It:
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
. . 1,0 .11it. Iloard. Alt Rots*. Aftas,, Usk. gintwAsatiganktotal6?.
. tio,? as* ,.,3hAsktit04. appospristicok . or. on9.000.641:.lite
atimitim ,1611,04, that Apptioitkialoart. has emit , . ?
iti,omt,i,onsikkent.t.ft tha.401ilLog -141.441 rts$ lik.tliti;. ' 0:
. .
$? , Oertain general prAlimajolos, soest.le.ihk11.04
, .,.,...,(a),?. Itt?visiv....0 )410.."44111.k.
opprotrittica:sammit, ONVIlla00,-,
- IIPProvid bi ill*, 441?400041.b4 PL114.0
oot. be .szer.atikoit AtittnE.,140.4,?
*sown. ? ,as ress.00140144,
? be..at in askowttnclukt?,
trol isuskfi
et man who bik, esso
mad' br irvery braa,
dattorsiine whelhat, thakstalpila4tiirit
,sossunt allottoktotaramaii,01146..4041104,,
whatliir ths brsn?)t
requi?Lts, to
, done asouriouly, al* .#040... kt,A .0."
ths. boar& .0, Itaviss,,,t1kikti. ..frar. :., Pl.*
mkt is wiktlau it* Afint404114 ,OttlAP,.."
Vadat. int Irts,s1 oduro?,111.010,,
.orknshit,,, now tkiikt, tiath. likui
Aw t .107(0441)AiftitArik.
l...wilt, hawk boon, Auttte4I?an1o4?0,i44?04,
NI no tweiessiti.Y., tOrt-Ali pastlit-,-..
6040.11414,tures,....,..spart...tpust 'wit, xyge,,
to Att.. (.4)? Elm's* wilkjike. 1?11111
atfigrkii. tikeiitaPlert -IAA utimitiita,
control ?aver __ospothiLstumk,v4,1L.04
It. roiskor .oir Mises& Arttk.., .. ilt..41
the Piro.041t.'1,1411,
ilecon4170....40 NW.. k A I:4:n: ;9'.1?14*c
dealatotvi? illitlat 11044. it AttA01,.,bikilati
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP1300001.174:17:0002-6
ti? 4,:th
tisoal, .year, will In tS$ bimado tiLIPINg ThitThu. wiU .lik."1"
eoso?`.100,14...ei, the., ressitit.H_0t7,_ _01111-1001*
tst/04P, vi. L i,e_ch brook s2LLs thO _MA* ?
? available ?.to hi. brio* ter,...appopoltipoikihi
followed brhil stateckentl, Wilk 40141s. am?-
pend, that .autounts. ,011100. E. deeistoot,1 404. .00,. Os
Bruirkoh,040ViLskrost_. oda 1i toit? Imiliejosia
gottab2io04,*...04:01,ontizpittliarLot viiikt.410.1410401411.
0,entinue and. whLohPAU 'be 4soon.tissill4e.
then be a11.opP,Ort*ity tor, any: no" gr.
j*t Ru
.aotiyities_boyOnd-Ah_...9Sa?kmcomist, tif.Awk, ONO.,
?sod, soproved_.oy _tho._Kixrediar..1_.a..Off,404. 10
The. Attard., Of "f?,eviept. itikst.Aot set, ep?..to, port
not?believii. La able to.Pee or ? del'Aes- Orliolott- ?,%
the. taksk.:014,11111464CM (4). ebey t wait
time__ on pol,ioy deeteieas .014440. /a the ?
turo.onti, noit,,.$014vitlesi?bigt reoeork, it tts_
set.. ,forth, In ,,.(b),,*ovei, ..the muthiet of aueh,,,date$4.00:.,W,
have, to be *ado_ 4144,,ing.. the..laa4ne, tiseal. year, vIU.,10" ?At
*thistmi tot* of 4?0014ty be a tew *Wit. ISMS*
the Asen0y. will not be,..stastIanal...and It 'ease thst
sions should be. mote by, the Pire,eter le Ortloe rather IMO
any unit est_abliehedto wit:34W !lova. sontrolak Roweyesi
number of auoh doe,ieionsi? it semis, to .the Soards,*ould
require the, full tine or a 110.02101, Or thr01100011L but could
be handled by the Direotor?ort,Msietant?Diroeter.? perbeptiA
an initial screening by, .tbe.. Exemative ?Orrtser.
44 under all the_ eirounst,spoe-s the .pretient., imesawe 0.110
Board or. Review would like.,..to.alsookseend ths ,Oosird,, of
Review be abolished and that ,,instead, the nnanelel gentroX,et
the Agen .y ?anoint ar the fell.fing?
(a) A *nail unit prearalbly with* Likervieski toe pew
an, all expenditures snd, mat* .that Atte
aaUuj], to the requi4ing. eranoh.eakesoo,30,0thg.,41aluli
at the ?prop_er. rates, one t
(b) That paler. dealiiicituk SD,
evendlturee be, glade '1,s? the. Direoter,?
ally marooning tutkottans parfamo4 bx,..160-1016010-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
,,L11). tioarli iasktes, lie. 140.00010.nd thit .Abt Itikekker,S0igrille
Or. 11.001t
.As.raintte, ilk, Amiatonolko. _as_ is r 4, .00 Oak. StraSe
? 111er*tota.,X,tt.;ere.,o, eroartiottion. ...? Moir, teak Itouliii,A0.9,
._ ot6a,ostittibit,Ahst, iltr.4.014,4I4r4osis Ofttoior?,,anCsACIA/001
_Ott-loot ,A,,.xisaintwitawithe?rinsirtAial, ?outtalk.... Albs_ -
?hi_ ?,?11,0r4.4.A. rikviell. 'or ithiLtosiotirtiudikticena,A*,
SoomilLi,04,iltolw, o doos Aokriivaro. 114. Antlitiositoit4kr,?
ywohinitiOno?itlximp. sok, 4 tfelteit. sould: , be., vt41,.)ttob. .:
bit ruitt., by the, Assiiibatit, Dimooterc asoistmt br *tic.
:Otricors '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
There ur Is attached herewith the orl
ginal of-yo leauxtanclua of 3
eali April to the
Director, dng with. points to ibe sareseed
by t4 Direotor to the 3trategle derviaes
Officer and the Theater Board of keview ill
eaoh Theater while on Itia trip t p
o qt. /Alo-
peen end Mediterranean Theaters operation.
Ybu will note that of
the Direetor has
indicated his approval on the face or your
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
8 March 1943
PROM: Board of Review
Mr. Charles S. Cheston
There are attached hereto the Board of Review
documents discussed with you on Saturday, as follows: -
1. Memorandsm designed to implment the Board's
memorandum of 28 February 1945.
2. Memorandum on personnel for the India-Burma
Theater Board of Review. A_?
It would be appreciated if these could be submitted
to the Director for his consideration and approval.
Revisions have been made to incorporate the suggestions
made by you In our conforence.
Captain Morgan hnd approved the documents as they
were submitted to you on Saturday. Although he isle not
seen the revisions made as a result of that conference,
we are certain he would have no objections to them.
For the Board of Review
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
5.9 4,16-0.1tas
?at ryty
OITICE UP nnAlivoxe .9TeriVIGPS
Wa?;hington, D. C,
TO: The DtrootQr
PR6Mt The Board or Review
IMONIONIMIN.10.01.1000, '
3 mareh 1043
The Deard or Review pubml.ts to you for your consideration
gnd signature the following documents dimigned to implemsnt
the Doardle memorandum of 0 February 1P45, which WAS sent
to the Acting Director for his consideration: -
1, Memorandum to the Deputy Direct
or, Administrative
9ervloes, This ham been discussed with and approved by
Mr, POW*
k'', Momovandum to till. Deputy Director, Pernonnel. This
ham been discussed with ard approved by Mr. O'Gara.
Z3, Memorandum to all Branch Gillett'', osllSng upon them tor
cooperation with the Board in the evaluation of wng
projeota ofaltng for the expenditure or $5,000 or more.
4, Form of memorandum to be sent by the Board of Roview to
eaoh Rraneh (Thief, vAlling for certain intormation with
re.verenco to onrrant projeota In order that the liosrd may
cvnluete ouch prsnjoota?
50 Memorandum trom tbo Dirtiator to the planning oroup
ontltnIns the manner in whioll the Beard of Reiriem And the
pinnping oroup on n coordinate their Activitioo? Thio has
been died with and approved by Colonel Bruoe.
R. Memorandum to BrKnoh Chiefs pointing (Pit that project*
prepared under planning Oroup over-411 programs must bit
aomitted to the Poard of Review. Thin. has boon disousood
with and approved hr Colonel nruce.
. `-?
^???!? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
roved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Washington. D. C,
I. Under the basis directive it the Beard it Nevis* tho_ Swig
given authority to revise0 among other things, all t
*los of OBS, all pr..- ed oxpenditures sr
of 011 LtuAds of $510s? or nore and al system of eam
id with respect to finencos.
26 Tho Board is convincod that the Deputy Direotor Adminialrativo
Services. oonstitutes by reason of his oologivaer._ t10.-111#000.040,
whiling on personnel :nd his oontrol over procupt a
focal point through which the Boar ean bo "bet
the fusibility of projectssonWsktrit40 the
at On. Spoeifioally. tho Board would A * to be
'spa:troll, or the branehes or Wimps) under yeas'
or &ivies* as to whether assign:mints of porsonnOl
allOwibldp within the coiling* established, vb.thsr
rquired matoriala will be available. The Board
bttEr position to dotormino the amount of funds to be
for 'ouch projocts.
36 The Board also bolting*s that your position as
Adiairdstrativ? Servioos, will enable you to &Ivo to it
concerning the use of supplies and materials which will
conclude what activities are diatnishing or being di '
what activities are growing in importance, aid what,
likely to be justifiablo finaneiolly6 To implenaat-
would liko to rusty* from you periodically such
be able to make conoerning trends in the Pregwromft
To give a few examples: w bkt,what theatorscobspk
projects aro substantial ants of supplies lee
activities is the procurenont of ouppliis being
is it growing.
4. I am in full spoMeent with *be Board,* ?
and I understand that, you barb oxproseed to
willingness to furnish suah:thfornation ,
the fOrogoing ? 1 hope thatoyou: will. ask* eV
You should also fool free *Sal po tho
you such information is it men on pro,leeti bine'I.
any parsonnel or supply mat tOra'mining within y
.4 4-;-.1'. ' 4. ,.
. , r? i'-'' - fr
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WilliamJ'? Darksviis'
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-.4, ? ..% ,
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? - r
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4 ? ?
-f-Nr Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
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1* under the bola of et the loard or
Li given authority to rola.** weft ether %tag 13J
polio**, or 008, ill propose* expenditure* er
TiSt mitore or 018 funds invoil$10. ON000 loft
eontrole naintelieed witik roopest to t
how the nor' speoeltio tunetien:et,r*,1
te'bo use4. in solopompethla,PorOsimmil" 0114
1101401 OdditiOni/ sompensattos me, be paid to
.140 *ad to silk* rooessifindetionte iom.sej-
to fho *lord te emoviweed that the %put, biolAtoe,
lemiliatutos* by reason of his monoern sith the ell
tep- *11447 persello4 taie,-,ionescioneolit of
lad tiosavao sr his oontrol POraweel
t it,46441840.4101
OA& 'MCAthee010911 it* 'b0,11114100, inforeed
Ar.40/411tyi so tar as. the :trot it personnel Is
-het* *ening Were the fer'r000mftendattone
'board would 1the to be Li-A, peeitUA to *all upon
and otticie under *000:Inrisdietteng rep ',op
whither allotmonts tor possenhelnooded ter new
Sin ava4401. 444, 0 so* whetherAt is liheir thst
b...Proourod? The toar440111 thenLbo' in a bwitha
detiroliut the 040144 or Awds:t0 bo-reeomnendid 440
00 The ikiard also belle,Wthilt lour Poottiomair
Porsonnel-will'onable you to ?.sive to-it irsterewolt
tot' of plorionnel whieh enablo it :to, 0010,
Art" .orf,being diseontimOki,
A0A400OrtAn*** 4n4 what' pro *Os, croli
004041414# To bilAwOwnt,
41Nu ikehiipa
this the a. usi
you periodically suoh'' to as
eoneorning trends in ,thero.44 -
glwo a tew****04,44 04,
nhat-prOjoets are ehttt*HWO., * '011,
nitsP.O. being .10.0410' OPI*114?1-14Moh,
, --
personnel mid *high i0joripOwinget
' t" ? "
40 Ulm in full Pith *'?
Ilatters' end X %indent:4W thatb rou,t0:4isoros
0.0940, witilinposs tureoeh -04401 intOtillet
eoliftetion with the teivlimts,X hop.,thst-
ittort to do so, You should 1.1.10 tei rros
Ot Review togive you suet* Into01040*6
\persit has **bettor** and ItallsOSAS:the
onnel matters easing wiblift 7o00. I*tsdj
? ;Fp",
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
_ _ .? ?
cone* Nubs
le The Betio Direes_tive of the board ilk_at illettair
to ,ractutra porta to boo awde to It (at
'respect or damisat,La Atiodaloastp that th. apiopie *kik
412vot) an fIXPentt INAD6,__ , ,. A Mad* In
i rr
2.11. Board has the 1.1n131s, authori t3r
jsots In tortes. et. the 4 " 1.124111trill I i ,..VIM, , and .:
0 On 00012 Ine .110/3 Pr?4 7.49-111
ft? aniallindit t Una *0 itt. ? %war, toaftamwznit sash svalAitt
itt this tin* 0412, for *loll vaPertioal.,andia_ _1,111
2* The Board ot ItovIew ha* des-41001:ted that It wIli
evaluation oft aztating pro:sots* wno amazed *141
Iri sevaral dais ti.00i. by salsorandual._ _, or ftly opootrie
tIon whit* It deal/vat to bay* oonwanazig 4.9pabott
bow. on current projootso the Bakkrotte atithenty ist
respoot will not be lladted to those project. *Mb
been presented to It In the past for reaaPlasiodittioillip
Include mill projsots noir being tarried ailltt _IA 12a
or #8,000 02? agora.
for or will. *all tor tha viriondlitiolt or z
3. x ea in rull t000rd ?....._.with the Board,* intaertioite '
to make suoh e reltletr? All aviallanealip Oen eel iand,.40411:.
are dIraotad to 000porata With the Board to tho moss*
turnishing to it sue* Oavallion as It alle* SNIQUiril, Allisridii1
*KJ .
, - -
- -
: -
r ?
???.7.7;-'- ;F.."
4,":17. ? ?
??? -
? -
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
OD #80
d, status of projest ? whether in planning stage?
recruiting stage, training stage, in operation or disesetineed
e. If project is in operation, statement of aoeemplishm,
mints to date.
f. If project is in planning, recruiting or training
stage, estimate of date when it will be in operation'
g. Expenditures so far made on project and estimate
of future rate of expenditure.
h. Inventories, by items and dollar value, of
materials on hand for carrying out the project.
I. Estimate of value of any funds, material or
furnished by any outs Id agency for the projtet, for Indio ;
expenditure of OSS fundip. will be required.
j. Estimate of termination date of projeet.
4. For the purposes of this request, a project elan be
as any activity, whether carried on by an individual or a group,
represents a spoeiric plan for action other than the day to &grew
routine operations of the brooch or office. It-die. net toellais
the purpose of this requelt4 any plan originating An en0010.4,141$
out in a Theater, if funds tioreter are gralet in thi) 'his
ty. However, if funds for.arq part of a prePoet are
have been drawn in the untu0 States, then slash prolog'. 00141
covered by the report milled f,er by this 11101.1111WWW6
A project need not be included in the report
and will not sail for t4e enpenditure of $141000.0000P1414 f4J"'-
? ...1,118.81....???????
0 SW
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
otilituu trniAriao
wiestarsittom. 0.4
'." ? t.?1.C1,-1;
atutirmat Plat*INI 0040:
naBOT, ritasotoisiohio botstiwt PIMA
TitJ FAimms ImmossiAry omit 401104
PIAttattil, (ipoto told tbo tioarlk,
ologor roligt4-401.14 If
111tionai4o fOrt th. ti9
*-)f) other loll fir..
1011441o0 -0011 -
)tftt 11(1 41.400X.?
By U1_014514 4-MmotAltiktioti ? thO
Wrap Via, 111-04,411 advittpl '0 34
outtOitisrutIon and of *to
4koprova4o Tho Nara Imo
V11411041 oopot4art411?411 *th
Tht. tbo
or tile noint or fliv.tiw 0 ..034
1 pitiv?
" 4 rt.; ,:?Z
ov itroX*t$ j. 1Wg1?4,i
000, pr000duro m J mit o' t
(1014041,13,ttit4411.4 14 Mteb011*
Or Vil 1U-1M a Vtaif
of Infor#101A _ voiOn 1.0tOp' bvidt *
4.04 implowntatIon 0# -too 41! "tt, .
tor 0010400 tivatb8 *111
(troup ttAtcht, 444 PX1v4 A
born ot vh* Board of
ospotataly th000t ,Oili 101
4,11L101 00 WM A) OrAtj" Q
rIntkiA0t4 -44004 '
uvaddorattion, WI, z
t 14-
??'' ?
ka ark
, ,s4, 4041 44114/411,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Washington D. C.
A /
You will have noticed that the overall Programs
of the Planning Group have provided and will eontinue to
previde that budgets incidental to the approved plans set
forth therein must be prepared under OSS regulations.
I should like to remind all of you that an
integral and essential part of the procedure in requesting
fundsi the 'Omission of the request to the Board of
Review for their recommendation to the Director. You should
bear this in mind in working out your plans under the
approved Planning Group programm.
should also be pointed out that whither tilr
not a Planning Group program spells out that budgets 1Wast
be prepared under OSS rogulations, the approval of the
program does not constitute a ustification for the
expenditure of funds until the required submission is molive,
to the Board of Review in scomodance with the Bound it'
Review's Administrative Bulletin Number 1. dated 20 Jure .10406
? William J, Donovan
1-ty ire ' ' .?at
r .(st ',..."! ?* -... o",
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
_ Artft
Is ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Speoltioally, our recolloetion La that you agrcod to
with the Chairman ot the Plannlag Group a reline& relati
between the Plant: ?pouf and ma saard at &nu. aS Mott 'Mk
resommendation to 7014
regulations and muato'thereters, earns Wore Denimiter the*
mould be kept poa p ana umdOr eon/adoratio ?
n Old 404 pins
1,10Uld bring to the attention ?r thir spano chlars__,M1111 emirs 11,
the over-all Planning Group defuniunte ehAekt proviqmowhat
budgets incidental s;o theti, plans Inuit MI*" MO
Chiefs ot
given the opportunity or ?review and
tending that you "M?L.14110
este and Branches itiotr,irtieft t4R**
natters involv eva/uation vat axisttegpOit-
Si Uri** and ars both oetablIfbed ible,J40,etst
has ham sad* to *valuate thee la morns or vas
We ale* resell that you witk us that It
It 4 formal *ontaet or ationahilp vith this
Dipputy Director, Administrative Servieoe
Portrannol, were .stablishse by 'ono
Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
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4 S
Ofit414#44 04.644 1?10,
11 'bC
TO . The Files
Lt, Colonel Doering
DA 25 704.
K ffti 03 ti.
bailltritia-laU2SailLgt..11esaslatituln r L1 k-s ont
1. After reading tbis Immo of 16 February,
addressed to the Director by the Board of Review,
General Donovan, on 22 rebruary 1945, called a meet-
ing with Mr. Cheston, Lt. Colonel Sears and Lt. Col.
2. General Donovan stated to Colonel Sears
that he had read hie memo and that it was apparent,
both from the memo and from what the General had?
heard from others, that Colonel Soars believed that
he did not have 4 full-time job as Chairman of the
Board and that he was interested in doing other work.
General Donovan further said that he had understood
that Jolonel Sears had looked for another assignment
outside 008. The General said that he was sorry he
had not known this earlier 'linos he would be glad to
help Colonel Sears in finding a new assignment, either
inside or outside OM if that was what Colonel Sears
3. Colonel Sears stated that it was true he
did not feel that he had a full-time Job, that he be-
lieved that his work on the Board ?coupled his only
two hours a day and that he wouldlike to have a job
where he would be busy fifteen hours a day. Ho said
that he had spoken with Colonel Doubleday about a pos-
sible assignment in the War Department Budget Division,
but that he did not know if it would materialise.
Colonel Sears said that he appreciated any assignment
that he might obtain in some other unit of the 0017
might be very uninteresting compared with his work is
OBS and that he would be glad to undertake any new
assignment that would keep him fully occupied. Mr.
Cheaton suggested that it might be a good idea to dis-
cuss a possible assignment with the State Department
in such work as the Combined Intelligence Objectives
Committee, as we know the State Department was inte-
rested in obtaining personnel for this work.
1/4.:? ? niljr.
4:5 .71; v
. 7 , ..
IP ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
, ??
25 Feb, 1945
4. General Donovan stated that he would
talk with the other members of the Board and pro-
ceed accordingly.
5. The same afternoon General Donovan set
with Mr. Cheston, Captain Morgan, Mr. Goddard and
Lt. Colonel Doering. The General related the sub-
stance of the talk with Colonel Seam He further
stated that he ,felt that the work the Board had done
at the present time had been invaluable, that he be-
lieved that it should be continued and expanded, and
that the only problem in his mind was as to the best
method for channelling the information and the prob-
lems to the Board so that they could function fully
and effectively. He asked Captain Morgan and Mr.
Goddard to consider from this standpoint who would be
their choice for a third member of the Board and to
consider how the work of the Board could be made more
effective. Captain Morgan and Mr. Goddard indicated
their agreement and undertook to ac vis the General
who they desired as a third member of the Board.
.11kW0.4,, 41PINS.V.;4,,,,,,,,?,..-1*
T1: : i'. . 4..::.,..,;1.:" 1
I'lt-k0. It y
..ii,.. ,A01.
., -..?1 ,
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-h.-2 & I"
. . 1
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fr. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
- - ;
? k.,,,,P;;; ,
General Donovan asked
that you prepare for the files
a memorandum covering the meet-
ing which he had with Colonel
Sutra ax a other members of th.
Board of Review.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
C47-104- .6.401-,
WV= CP iftittene illarflOBB
item, i? O.
Pursiumt to the InstraStiems .emetainsi in your
the Beard of Review dated MI_ Doeember -1944. tie
-eensulted ?v,oz1aatsiy.'teenty it tbs iP
with ,a, view _to 4114, _ i the ituietimis
. be 'et greater serVise An 01111 organisation.
As itight:..1?0 ozpoo?a. 'theft ,esustatet mere maltii10.7
An their _Apprfikah Wu) INFO, ililato inn the Miami
eertaln definitions 'eolistitOes a serious absteile
verhisig of the Beard and it ts by am seavisest that-A$.7
'awry _cut 'the terms if its alleles as laid dew by yw.
present set up. wez
it istriite= jeze?#at .0tfise and
idea , *high Is net swirls
6460 q
1 16471 -erensiir In their mittyltiost. Ptrairmihro
tics .1.23 "cur oases it? not Iend themselves be be
,projoot ,fora. The question illse arises as toe *a
normal operations or a Zeteeiel ii shouj_ d saw Wore
1 t recommandation. to you. Those ',mentions arc IllistireiSSN t
subleet matter if the disiemeideas we bays, had. be ,
with On our 4=0/Acmes goad ookieliasiona. f*,b.
With opoolfie roforoao0 to likragroph 3, pempatio,
impisorandtai of 110 Juno 19441
Nev.0404.t, No
(a) zgLiaut
Items (I), (It) sat (iii) home bemi
orders issued by you urea reosmasaijatiif
With reter00,, to it awl"
attoaptod to engate.111:ISitiag elvenditsree:
A row sass hirwoomovip miter UW,
of neoessity have. ladjviasslf *cosi*"
upon the oirearnitaarie la.'eateh 'ease. g,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
The Director
Ais poire.s.,"
Je u\stak
Almost without exeeptions the Gine* sad
with whom we talked said that itwould repel *sew
that their aotivitios fall into *imageries h
identifiable umter the phrase Nvelving 01000.0040.Amere
for any on* projeet Sr purpose% Meet of their p1ams imp
continuations or esteasimmil of aetivities whin
ping ft for a 1i Was, or are oomoideret to b hev
an apprewad plannimg Or,* programs sr are now aetilitt1661-
originating in tc,..,plate.fiteres arise.
-- be Illado without prk,* approval of the Dikes:
-allooated-to 0$3. but woite,. at the prineint ;"
that they provide rossoprOi, 1* sarigui a4s shoo-
-Iwo have 'studied eilltislit *antral/ cad -,1pn;
The fact that the lltnieala of the Suligat _alas*
to us on a quarterly basil 110 * ? 4111.41pjoittro
neseure singe none". is lied* 41vallah3:a,, *Ni
is satisfied that we ara ,peti.atiut in
The eontrol ezeroisod by the Dept
istrativa Service* as to nunAor6, or
and as to eontraetual e0midimemts or
makes it highly improbablo Malt f?
spent in these 3atagmriee.
The eontrol eaereised by thelbepa
is a further safeguard.-
The ifteelal IPundl lirianoh operates
make eertain thatexpenditure* aro la
orders, approval" GIP Control
further strensthened by audits made by a
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
op 1
".? ? 1,...,41
The Direster 11 /04bruery 1944
(4) &MEW
We believe that 1- tinsonsial rvelerlis new neintAinedt
are adequate for the *imposes of this Agency.
Partial* ***muse or the leek $4'' estaplele most
see9V0ting, butiprineiral beeauselab sieurity mod the
intangibles'invelvidlos 1_ Jove that Any ee001400e1WW
amount of work done ;ins te eerrelate GOV estiVitie0
with the aseertainable soot thereof would be dittliOlt
to :ustify and that the results would be ineenelueiVe.
It seemi to the Board that a different spproash is seedistisialse
it funetion along the lines -it believes you wan,* andraibinf'ttlit
following suggestion for your eonsiderations 41,
That the beard be more thoroughly integreted with the DireStee.
Wise se that it will be in. the situation or owastow
wittOlhese Owned with lookAng decisions about OW
and policioe. To aseomplith this the loArd suggest. ,tasiCisiiik.
reconstitute the board to include one of the Assistant -
er the linecutive =hoer, end the Deputy Director.
Itervioes and Deputy Direetcro Personnel,
The toard earnestly hopes that. It will have an epportimityA006
discuss this memorandum with you before your departure.
1 ??-
, :4'
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? FO
Col? 3ears lirought 14
Said h; did not want It he/d up Or
Lt thra ehtnnels and wanted OoL Doo4
to see Os 1,40MMOMP bat ha elan
the General to see It an soon 4#
/ am Iceegnir the oarbon f it for
to Alles
Declassified and Approved For Release 201-3T0-6/2-7 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
'V ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
____,,wfverwg2W -
girfPic c ATEGIC SM2ar10ES
Wee4mgtons, D. C.
TO: The Director
SUBJECT: Functt,ms and Duties of the Board of Review
4Y r
f4? i74
16 FebruerT 1945
purauant to the instructivne contained in your memorandum to
the Board of Review dated 23 December 1944, the Board hes
consulted approximately twenty of the Office and Branch niefs
with a view to determinIna haw the functions of the Board could
be of greater service in the OSS organization.
As might be expected, those consulted were uniformly cooperative
in their approach to the problem, but the difficulty of making
certain definitions constitutes a serious obstacle to the
working of the Board and it is by now convinced that it cannot
carry out the terms of its mission as laid down by you under its
present set up.
It is quite clear that each Office and Branch Chief has a different
idea of what is a project, which is not surprising considering
the differences ir their activities.. Furthermore, their activi-
ties in many cases do not lend themselves to being sot up in
project form. The question also arises as to what extent the
normal operations of a Branch should come before the Board for
recommendation to you. These questions are illustrative of the
subject matter of the diJcussions we have had. We report here-
with on our experience and conclusions.
With specific reference to Paragraph 3, Domesticyinances, of the
memorandum of 20 June 1944: -
Items (1), (ii) and (iii) have been completed and
orders issued by you upon recommendation of the Board.
With reference to item (Ms the Board has not
attempted to engage in auditing expenditures.
A few cases have come up under (V), but these must
of neoeosity have individual consideration depending
upon the circumstances in each case.
f*-?-? . ? JkataLlifd, kffisfP4.4?1.411,pngri..711.0MI Yft.ftft???
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too ...I. ? ????
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The Director
(b) Pro eets:
- ;
.-},t4.6?14 ???.n.4
is 10,44,4127 1948
Almost without exception, the Office and Branch thiera
with whom we talked said that -it wouldrarqy Occur t4 them
that their activities fall into categories which ars- '
identifiable under the phrase "Involving #0000.00 or more
for any one project or purpose". Most of their-plans are
continuations or extensions of activities whioh 'hive been
going on for a long time, or are considered to be included
originating in the Director's office.
in approved Planning Group programs or are new act,vitios
We do not believe that a cost accounting system which
makes it possible to relate expenditures in detail to
specific so-called projects should be set up, having in mind"
the time, effort and manpower which would be involved and
beir:g convinced that the net result would make no sublitantiel
of the war.
contribution to the success of this Agency or to the *Inning
We have studied existing controls and are satisfied,
that they provide reasonable safeguards for the funds
allocated to OSS, but that, at the present time, commitmte'
may be made without prior approval of the DirectOr. ,
The fact that the Bureau of the Budget alloietes fUnds-
to us on a quarterly basis'is a definite restrictIve
measure since money is Made availcble only When the Bureau
la satisfied that we are"operAting in a'prudent manner*.
The control exercised by the Deputy Director Admin-
istrative Services as to numbers of ?12,7005 iii ihe Agency
and as to contractual commitments Or -materiel aaa Obeeess-
makes it highly improbable that-fu0s willbe. h.rOperly
spent In these categories.
The control exercised by .
th Dep jnii
is a further safeguard tpro.pereonnel,
, . . . ,
make certain that expenditures are.in accortriOth- ,?.,, _-
further strengthened 4y audits made by a repuabl-t p
accountant ,
lap Na.3.7.-
. . . '-?11.?
:::??"'" 41
???? 'r
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100060002-6
7- 104.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
pho mrector
(d) Pecordst
14 rehru*PY 1,44
We believe that tho rinanciei records now maintained
are *Owlet, for the purpose.' of this Agency.
Partially becoune rAf the lack of complete cost
accounting, but principtily because of meemrity and, the
intengthlee involve4 we believe that any Oonaidorebie
amount nr worR dono in trying to oorrolato 00M activities
with the eaportainable coot thereof would be difficult
to justify and that the results would be inoonoluelve.
DI smile to the board that a different Kpproach Is needed to
it function elon$ the linos it bolievee you want and makes the
following suggestion tor your considerstinn, ?
That the PoArd be more thorouohly integrated with the Direeter4
1 offlce co thst it will be in the situation of constant allootstion
with those ohorged with makine deetaions about 004 operation'
And policies, To accomplieh this the board susgoate that ma
recoilAtituto the Board to intlude anti or the Aseigotant Diroetoro
or tho Bxecutive ()Pricer; and the Deputy Direetor, Administratlyo
torvtoce nnd Deputy Director, Pormonnel?
The DoArd cArnently hopes thnt it will have an opportunity te.
d aouno thin momorcidum with you Wore your departure.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
I f ,91 '.11/1t
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Lt. Donovan gave the original
of the attached reply to the
Bd. of Review today. Will you
make the nroper disposition
of the Bd, of Review's original
memorandum to the Director.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
- ow-Amp, ,
TOs ' sit Wigs.
Mogi isessui Issioras
OM Ins aigamal
love ftrail sops silk
tete. 111 sessamer IN 2 ism al'
iavokatage swamp tunas els
As WM NON141i res_
milli ail OM is supirstsky. de its in I
Met it OM* tor essiiii? mai tips Sew. II
forfirmos13. JourgLisigt anima 4411
otagaterlirsic.r. toil striker 41Ctit411011111.14111
:01buivve ONO Wks Imre
%nooks: a j ro=sreiN?lMag ll, MANIA It 10011 4111 111,
NW le__ _IIPlintalla
opeldrie %deft WI Nip salssies IS UrI L? is MIMI it
hilliht Vie *MN disosse SMa assier_
soft Wines aM 11114111111 heed NA hoe Os ft
4111111141111411144 *I* as* nob* set.
16 ION,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
???? - ? -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
. 1
Washington p D. C.
Deeember 1e44
TO: The Dirootor
SUBJECT: Functions and Duties of the Board of Review
At the end of approximately six months of operation the Beard .
has taken stook of its position relative to your bails direetive,
and respectfully submits the following comments and meommasidationsi
Your basic directive, creating the Board of Review (leneria
No. 9, Revised, 26 Kay 1944) stated the broad purposes of IL
Board as follows: - "The Board of Review shall advise the
Director with respect to the formulation of policies for.
direction of, all OBS finances both in Washington end is
Subsequently, in an attempt to bring to Office and Brmieh
an understanding of the Boardli,funetiome end autleoi-O- ..
rand= VISA prepared by the Board and approved by the 1
Director under date of 90 &no 1944. illitor tide ii
Theater Boards of Review wore ettabAished- oat are
recommendations to Strategic Serviees Offieers.- Illo
Theater Boards are proving helpful.
The Board in Washington has, to date, made over selonty
ations to the Director. Many of these reeemmendlitions
in themselves, involved large evils of .
to bring uniformity throughout the agony,
problems of pay, allowances, per diensst!dk, , , ,
that your orders resulting f thes
rem e-
buted to the morale of this'ageney mot,
by setting a pattern under whieh odminii
operate. 1,
As instructed by you, the Board has soma
involved in administration or in the onf
orders resulting from Board of Roview'reeimmeOdati
The purpose and significance Of our,annma
gressional appropriation should be made slow
Chiefs, many of whom, quite umderetandab
"if it was in the Budget, ithuvAlready
further action is neoessare.- *
Declassified and
C. 4
cr-? ;k-
Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
6,5.5 Farm mega
. ,
0. 0
TO; a111,11.fiatjti9
. 2) Acting Director
This embodies changss approved
in substance by the Director
before his departure.
CC; Mr. Thrun
2 1 6 )
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 :-CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
- _
Ini,KWW*;401e4tillW ""::7 "1").?1,607,',,
The Director
I Doom/bop 1044
Our 'budget doeummt, WhAsh Is the beets et evr
must be prepared many months before soul $ for Anode.
guess. ,
b* mad*. A good budgfitAt am intelasson,
pores Ipe to
Zt should be madeclear to all eenesrned thnt? nithor ;Ode
may have been requested iiiour budget ter new types astivitr
O' new territorial operations. sueS funds may mot be
the absence at creme Beard ot Review reeimmoodatlen
4proval br ?the &rector.
3 eloarly wine reopens&
t the ropes' ct obtaining a 0 re
The notnell PrtPnretion Ind Sr et the
or all sommol
' - hit%
IA 0UP opinion, present orders ond rocedures provide , ,
safeguards against improper expenditpures ter nownel prooliiie-
r -
operations' We do not feel. however. that t4sre is at
mut:Went control it oommitmenta or enpemditures tst As, - ,
aotivitico which may not have hod your ,prior approval.
We believe that attics or Branch Chiefs should be Instruoted , .11
to easege in any new or 4itterent type ot "wavily Or so*
oommitments to operate In a new MVO without WielpeettiSy
ot the Director.
. .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? ? CA."0-414
Dirputy Ditiootort AAlistastretivo florglooe
should bs iestrustod not to how), rojuisitious ter 1100
or skatorlel tho sow esti:iffy iPtiquirtes float *4
A draft ofa sugsostod or.," implossetts,6 the ebriePP
IS attached horst?. We r000mmisvid thst tI or?Or ims
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Washington, D. 0.
SUAJECT, ftponditurea tor New Activities.
horeby approveds
The following reoommendations O thy Board of Review Is
Pursuant to general Order No. Os
1.0 Commitment or oxpenditure ot OSS funds. im the
following oategories, prior to speelfic aPPrevel
the Direotor or Assists's* DIreetors1 is prohibitedst
a. Not clearly Included in a Planning 0
ovorooll or s
program approved by Phm*Dlreotor.
b. Inter?agency agroement or Joint committeo
not now in existonce.
o. Rstablishment of an *Moe, headquarters.
following aretost
operation sphore ot act ot
livity in an y !she
Present Nimits Thetter
Prosont eArthur Motor
aormony. Denmark. Norway; 11z4,,
Central America, South AmerIoa
Deputy Director Personnel and the Chit, 0004'
aranoh aro direotod not to honor requisitions
meteriel, personnel or funds it suokrequIsItiO0s
not in accord with this order.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
, ilashingten .
Thi Dir?stor
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? W104,411,,..^
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
4ontlappo.,, =
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
Board of Review
Attentiont Lt.? Col. C. Mr, Bears, Jr.,
Pxecutive Offie
Basic Dlrotive of Board of Review
$ ;$
31 Aftelist 1,44
1. efersnoe Is made your MemorAndmm of
28 August R
1944 relating to to
the above subjeet.
2. There la atta
s ched eopy of supplement to
Genirsl Order No. 9, revised, which has today been
igned by the Acting %rotator. Tlie original py of
this supplement has be,n sent direct to BOdget coand
Procedures for Issuance.
3. r:e original eopr o yo
r ur Memorandum
dated 28 August 1944# on the fie* of which this Acting
Director bns noted his spprovali Is retUrned hsrowith.
Aobert Tkrun
(jg) DONR
Asst. to the Executive Offiver
Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
e t
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060002-6
? - -Str!,
smog seuram mines*
railillittio* 14 0. *
tinting Vipostor
1000. Roviow,-,,,
AIWNOTt Soots NtrOotivo ANN of Lofton
10 'Oho basis dirootims tAlh, %opt one 4444 -
in yiart, so follows.
dows ft Nay 10444 as appmprod by tho aiwoollo ve
r, stas,
* this tests diroolive will bo
posubmittad fir WhOMO,Ore in pS
of the DirsotorWI ths gush rovistss
N.ruminant $0 the torogotag end well di*
with tho Dirsoter. we posomosni-that tho following
(a) That tho attsohod revision to flonsWal
No. gi reirloolli be eppooftod?
(b) That soossisi
direstlirs or *0! 460 #(014( shmuom,
the wood lish",,,k ow be foadood by.
iptituting there* ,
1 SO nmspost, mud *lbw
40 Who loard-bolii01.01
onside it to abstain wurtisdoi
'vapor emotions and yOt
Its objestivss. Ili.
ea Mast
I ft
11. ; 4';,"
" r
- --arrorftmoilIPOIfioriaror"
' ????;.- ?,sti
7 Lta.
'- ,..
-7.1 ,,-.... .-11-....gi , .e0.,..1,.4;,,:zif,? .,.,z_.or
.. -?:4. ..?,.A. ? .4 .. . i, ..,,,,,.....: .
,,z4. - KV4V- '- 1,34/44.14%,r2 ?-? f.cf...P".. '
-r q11^ lea ' ?