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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassitiea ana pprove or e ease . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 iiea ana Ap.rovedor Release - "441C. =mug EAST-CIRTRAL AFRICA Tiiii,ATIR RIPORT DIM! =CMOs 1943 I. PIESCIIIIis ISITUATIOMI. 31_ DIMMER,. 1942 SECRET Allotment 236 442 Meereited 2111 796 Ohobiigated 11 46 12? Art ? 2t 9 2 1 17 28 3 3 11 -19 -1 -2 17 2t 3 3 717 a'. U. Mina AgailtriAlit-tratta6a-ZIA4 The Chief of the Intelligence Service spent nest of the month at the Advance bases taking with him Directive 117, whisk clarified the relationship between Intelligenee Service and Force 133 (formerly A.0.4), and stioh will go a long way towaed a proper coordination between the two groups. /he SI Yugoslav Desk personnel have been dispatebed te the S11,0006 BOIS*, SO Lhat they can servitor mere efficientl, the operations into Yugoslavia, particularly the tailtrations to be made during the lumen, meen. InimIGNICZ ,INamegne.1 The Chief of the Istanbul Office spent some time in Cairo in further clarification of the lin*a of cooperation between the two offices. SE T 1 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassitied and Approved For Release /09/05 ? X00001 0004-5 _ 1? SECRET ?ii-Maimik 1. MANLAW The Near last Desk has been rrtified with the addition of one civilian, which will allow the chief ef the Desk to make more frequent inspections of field missions. An Army doctor has been rushed to Baghdad to attend the wife of the Prime Minister, who is suffering a severe heart attack. It is believed that this service will promote considerably oar relationship with the Prime =raster. A representative in Syria is now at his new post, and is training an assistant. The Desk Chief is nos visiting the field, and a eosplete report of his findings will be subsitted upon nit return. A basis for post-war aativity in the Near Nast is beln4 eotAblished? using a eomplete file of American and American-controlled fires and organisations in the kiddie East for possible recruiting material. Twenty-three reports were received during this period. 2. ?putiwastern Sum a, 912211_ An officer from the Istanbul Office reports that the Turkish secret police will allow him to open new bases in the vicinity of the Dardanelles, froa which it is hoped that tillt whoie coast of Greece, from the Turkish border welt to Salonika, will be in close contact. Supplies and materials for SO men can be put in through these ports. The Turkish authorities are eager to have us start, sines these same bases Umg rairifla tc thts in the event that Turkey comes into the war. From one of that: a complete observation of shipping going in and out of the Dardanelles can be maintained; at the present this type of information is one or the main objectives of ISLD. General Wilson has rendered thanks to our orzahization for the cooperation given at the time of the evacuation of the island of UM03. -2-. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECRET Two men for ISLD end important *egret material for SIMS have been sent down by ene of our boats from Cyprus. The chir of the Greek Desk has reported back during the month. Additional personnel for this area are very carefully vetted, in view of past experience and the information we are receiving from the field. (I) The Communisations Branch has made it possible to receive a daily report on all OSS radio contacts. The report is delivered on a 24-hour hosis? and results in a daily report on our missions which includes unoccupied as well as occupied territory. A digest of a survey made on I December is as follows; Number of sets. . ..... ..... .10 Lo*ation of sets On oceupied Greek soil... ..... 2 Outside Greolee and Egypt Cyprus..............2 Adrianople... .,.....1 Izmir (and elisions about to depart from Ismir).. After about ten week* of listening for two missions introduced into Greece, it was decided to dis- continua listening, since in all probability the missions have not succeeded in penetration. (2) Mission to Salonika?A mission is returned, and the report i3 being translated. (3) Mission to Evvia?A report has been received that two or three of our agents are being held by EA2 in this territory, and they have not yet been heard from. Another agent and operator landed on 20 December end Rade their wav tAthtne.? v.7.tzra the operator was left behind with his radio in good condition; we are trying to make contact with this operator. The agent came out of the territory on a British calque and returned to Smyrna, where he reports that conditions in vvia are much worse than he anticipated. He hopes to return to Athens to regulate the situation, if it is possible to do so. - 3 - SECRET anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECRET (4) Kission to Uytilene--After to menths of cruising through the islands, this mission has returned. The report has not yet been received, but there are indications that it will be above mere intelligence in nature and highly successful. (5) Our most efficient and successful agent has returned from his third trip into occupiett territory, where he has been carrying on negotiations with the guerrillas. In return for the intelligens* which he is able to give them from Bulgarian-occupied Grim** and Bulgaria itself, they have guaranteed protection of our couriers, and we have undertaken to supply them with medicine, warm clothing, and other non-ailitary oaterial. Ground was prepared and an Amorir.an liaison officer has been dispatched with supplies aid. ams. The territory occupied by these guerrillasinia.1 not been developed by our Allies, and it will be of Immeasurable Importance in the event that Turkey comes into the war. b. ZuaiLlatagi Liaison is continued with the officials of the 'Yugoslav Government-in-kaile, with the military Imadvarter*a Ariii with t..r1 TimprgimAntAtivos re the Pam-tisu; leader now in Igypt. On the basis of this and their ovn Information, the British have advised us of their decision to withdraw their military representatives with lihailo- vitCh. Yvon the Partisan representatives? we have received copies of important resolutions passed by the Anti-Fascist Political Council at Jajae, as wall as the official toad of an important address- by Tito before the Council. all of the information received from the organization is of great interest to Dean Landis, Chief of the American Relief Organization, in his planning for future operations. Our chief liaison officer with Tito has returned to Cairo and is carrying on consultations with the Yugoslav Desk on political and economic information from the Partisan headquarters. ine diovene group is now ovipakiotali *quipped with civilian clothes and equipment and was ready te. depart for the Forward Use on 2$ December. The Chief of the Diplomatic Mission for Yugoslavia is being kept informed of all oar operations. The following reports have been submitted 4, for dissemination: SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassified and Approvedor Release . CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100140004-5 k ? SECRET ? (1) Yugoslav People's Army of Liberation as a military and political force. (2) The recent and current operations of the Yugoslav People's Army of Liberation. Material was obtained as follows* (1) Current Yugoslav situation. Wission of General Donovan in Belgrade in 1940. (3) Basic report on Yugoslavia's position. C. ItalYiAlbania A new misalan for penetration into Albania hail been sent to Bari, and because of the apparent high quality of the men particular emphasis has been placed on giving them the briefing and equipment they will require. Additional personnel for this Desk has arrived in Cairo and has been transferred to Bari. 3. Labor 4ection With the arrival of two new civilians to r7nresont the Desk in Cairo, instructions have been given rAplouit fittomn nr*aks for 11 areek lkhor prajoet avut as :z.a.Ety trained Yugoslav radio operators as can be secured. These representatives have spent several days in contact rith the Greek Seamen's Union in Alexandria, and a broad basis has been outlined for future cooperation through these channels. On the basis of Strong representations made by several Yugoslav contacts, the Washington Desk has been asked to explore the possibility of closer cooperation between American trade unions and tae Yugoslav workers. C. R & A B11.421 L. gsiszgli This branch is furnishing personnel for the new American Agencies Committee under the direction of Brigadier General R. A. Osmun. Among the menbers of the Committee are representatives from the followings Navy, JICAME, 0-2, ailitary Attache, ATC, American Consulate, OU, and OWI. The problem of industrial diamond smuggling is being handled -5 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 5CRET by this committee. USAAF has shown special interest in our Air Summaries of the Balkans, and a member of R & A has been dispatched to Algiers for consultation. Several members of the Branch have boon asked to meet with a committee evaluating recent items of economic intelligence concerning Southeastern Europe., Work completed during the month is as follows; (1) Balkan and Middle East Intelligence Summaries, Numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9. Balkan Air Intelligence Summary No. 12. Report on general political situation in Gramm. Detailed report on two-month sea journey froa Atlantic Coast to Cairn. Work continuing is as follows: A study of the nature and extent of Russian activities in the Neer East. 2. VaD and Reproduqtion Sinttiga *fork coxpleted by the Map and Reproduction Section is as follows: (2) (3) (1) Report on *Certain factors pertaining to methods employed and results obtained in the preparation of operationEt1 and topo- graphical reports for the Operations.* Reproduction of gaps for the disposition of Albanian guerrillas. Special maps on Yugoslav roads, for the Army ap Service. Tartst an iivographical intelligence for SI, 80, and OG. 356 target maps for the nAF, for cross- checking parpories. operational as for SO officers about to be infiltrated. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 (1) Target reports, covering 49,000 operational and tactical targets, for use in Bart by 08.1. Nark continuings (1) Collation of intelligence and main- %mune. of Battle Order. (2) (3) A complete file on Turkish airfields. Photographic reproductions of maps secured. SFCRET D. 112001112.1QABR A comparison of the number of reports bandied during SepteAber, October, and November of 1943 is as follvess ioNtember petobet Aglimksit Total reports accustomed 2,000 1,985 1,933 Total 083 reports accessioned 187 333 270 Total I8LD reports accessioned 1.074 1 AA'n 'Irina The following geographical desks have submitted the indicated number of reports: siatimmasr Islam Agumbar Istanbul 106 2,5 136 Ureek Desk Middle Sant Section 47 2n 57 61 76 44 Albanian Section 0 7 Yugoslav Section 5 The drop In the number of reports handled during November is due to the raising of standards by the Reports Officer, 'nickt results in the fact that the November reports, though fewer in number, contain nore real intelligence than the previous reports. Direct liaison has been established with Xajor Jennings-Bromley, whose attitude indicates that we will get splendid cooperation. - 7 - SECRET neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECRET The question of Battle Order reports is still under consideration, and it is hoped that an arrangement will be evolved whereby there rill be no duplication in this field of activity. IV.7.2ThelUalkaBILEIL.3 C OP A. .?1.1113111111 1. Sijrijajg In regard to 088/SOB collaboration, wesicly meetings /MY* been continued, during which it was agreed: a. To trade information on 088 and 80It officers and their activities. 2. b. To locate and establish four places on the Adriatic coast where supplies can be delivered to the forces of Tito, with the proper organisation of staff and warehousing. c. That the British liaison officer in Albania should be requested to agree to the attachment of American officers to his headquarters. d. To arrange to receive the Yugoslav Partisan officers who will arrive for consultation. ?IlLtrtit The Medical Officer who was intended for Greece could Lot be dropped during the December moon period, but will be dropped during Janudry as an allied liaison officer Lo that Point. le will take with him two tons of military supplies. ? Numerous attempts were made during tha sport period to drop personnel and equipment into Greece, but weather conditions, either at the point of departure or at the point of reception, were too bad for the completion or the missions. word has been received that one of our representatives is establishing a Joint Allied hospital at Lekena. -8- SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Oa SECRET 34, Xtmoslavia Reports are being received constantly from the headquarters of Tito and Mihallovitch. The two staff officers assigned to Mlhailovitch have just completed an extensive survey of Mihailovitch territory, and it is expected that they will report an: a. Strength of Mihailavitch forces. b. Communications. c. Political acceptance of Aihailovitche d. Economic situation of the Mihailovitch territory. e. Supplies required. 4. Ita1Y/Albani4 An 083 officer dispatched to Albania to assist in tte evatzu.ltion of 13 Alerican Army nurses, 11 eniisted sent and two officers has made contact with the group and has reported that the plan for evacuating the party by sea has proved inpossible. They cannot reach a point au the coast from which sea rescue could be effected, due to exhaustion and illness amaug the party. Every effort is now being made to evacuate then by air at the earliest possible moment. B. Maatiask A tentative agreement aas been reached with PIM concerning future OSS participation in propaganda combat teams which are to be formed in this territory. Subversive material and rumors were forwarded by pouch and F/T to OSS outposts. A plan has been approved to contact Tito to secure approval for a 140 mission in his territory. New members for the AO mission have arrived in Cairo and will be dispatenec shortly to reconnoiter the various territories where MO will be active. Effective rumors directGd against the Axis and satellite countries were forwarded for dissemination by OSS channels. The effectiveness of these rumors can be otturoined by the fact that two German fliers, departing for Lrete, gz.ve taenselves up as prisoners of war, SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECRET indicating that they had heard Pramers, that prisoners or war were being weirtroated and given Jobs sub as driving cars, etc. Our November rumor reads %Owing to the shortage of manpower in Egypt, most German prisoners a war or deserters via Turkey are being allowed oat oe parole, to do such jobs as driving cars, etc.* Preparations have been completed for the launehing of the Creek Service of the Keck News Service to under- ground papers. C. 'Llama One officer has had to withdraw his activities on Nestelorosso, due to heavy eneeT boubteg* A bass has bees established close to IZMi7, directed by an AU ?Meer. A base will be established at the mouth of the Dardanelles, under the conmand of an XV officer, rot ecoperstion with SI, SO, and any Turkish teams *hien will wish to operate in this area. The work at Bari continues, maintaining an efficient supply line to the 'Yugoslav Partisans. alLagamit An 00 unit which has been misdirected has been contacted at Oran and Algiers, and has been shipped Up Sues, where it was inspteted by General Donovan at Camp huckstop. The unit is now in training in the Desert Camp, and efforts are being made to secure Ordnance equipment necessary for their training and combat duties. If it seems feasible, the entire unit, when trained, will be dispatched to Bari for infiltratioa into the Partisan Ye SONNUNZCATIONS Mace Arrangements have been Riad* to expand CammUnielitiont Station 713 to accomodate one hundred fifty nen. A new Communications School has been set up in the vicinity of Cairo. Radio equipment Las been pouched for use in sub- base stations at Istanbul and Izmir. lussages handlz-cd durtnA December averaged about 410 per week. - 10 - RCMILT w Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassitied and Approved For Release , ? 9/05 ? ROO SECRET indicating that they bad board !rumors* that prisoners of war were being well'treated and given jobs such as driving cars, etc, Our November rumor reads %owing to the shortage of manpower in Egypt, 503t Gorman prisoners of ear or deserters via Turkey are being allowed out on parole, to do such jobs as driving cars, etc.' Preparations have boon completed for the launching of the Creek Service of the Black News Service to under- groamd papers. C. AUJimmak One officer has had to withdraw his activities on Nastelorosso? due to heavy enemy bombing. A bass has been established close to Izmir, directed by an MU officer. A base will be established at the mouth of the Dardanelles, under the command of all mu officer, fot cooperation with SI. SO, and any Turkish teams whim n will wish to operate in this area. The work at Bari continues, maintaining an efficient supply line to the Yugoslav Partite. D. 22r.Inatk An 00 unit which has been misdirected has been contacted at Oran and Algiers, and has been snipped to Sues, where it was inspected by General Donovan at Camp huckstep: The unit is now in training in the Desert Camp, and efforts are being made to secure Ordnance equipment necessary for their training and combat duties. If it mama feasible, the entire unit, when trained, will be dispatched to Sari for Infiltration into the Partisan area. v ......3*.e.r.m.mortswil MOAN": s ULIAAVPAVAJLzminao aewftwila-mor. arrangements have boon made to exp*And Communications Station 713 to accomodate one hundred fifty son. A new Communications School has been set up in the vicinity of Cairo. Radio equipment has been pouched for use in sub- base stations at Istanbul and Izmir. Aessageb handl,A during December averaged about 410 per week. ecpurr 2S3 assa4 OZ4 %IT "4 v mirnp A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 A., , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECRET VIa.pnlaqgs WRCH Requests have been approved for an additional twenty?seven vehicles, the calority of 'which are to go to Bari. Approximately four tons of supplies were obtained and shipped to Alexandria for bases in Cyprus, Izmir, and Istanbul. A courier cmduct service from Adana to AnkPr4 is now being va-:.dertaiten, and as noon as possible one will be set up from ankara to Istanbul. aill???? 1 anti Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassitiea ana pprove or e ease Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 V*. aDOL8 ZAST.ONTRAL AFRICA MATER MORT MUST NOTNNUR0 1943 I. ragiguskluilusit,x_animuadat T Army* Off. iJa. Navy Off. N.Mi, Milano Off) it.k. Iota Ciyilian Grand Total Allotment 240 842 28 9 2 1 1,122 lei:suited 154 764 25 27 3 3 976 Unobligated 86 78 3 .18 -1 .2 146 Overseas 111 Ad' 11 27 3 3 584 190 60, famelndinz 62 offieers amd Alleolisted sen.j)oeratiqual gimp", II.AMU& A. anaemia General Donovan visited the Theater during the Maths It. Colonel John B. Toulmin was appointed Strategie Services Ofricer for the Theater, Tits Colonel Gustav B. Guenther, relieved. B. Advaneed Base at Bari. Italy Najor Louis &Lot was relieved as officer in aharge of operations at Bari. Four new officers have reported at the Advaneed Base, bringing the total eomplement to 15 officer*/ em1i:t4d mad 3 Ovilimms. Sixteen officers and enlisted nen and seven civilians are departing for the Base. Personnel from the 81 Yugoslav Desk have been sen e to the Base, and it is planned also to send Captain Oliver, an expert in cryptography, be will be able to give the missions a final review on eommunications. ti T.:POET tsi trilL anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release /09/05 ? ? "AEI' Conferences were held during the last week of November to establish definitely the purpose and functions of the Advanced Sass for the operations of SO Braneh and Pores 133 (formerly known as K.0.4), as well as SI, ISLD, and Pas 404 defining their relations with on: another at this points III. INTBLLIOVICE 8ERVIC1 A. allaril Advantage was taken of General Donovan's visit to fix definitely the relationship between the Cairo Office and the Istanbul Office, which will lead to a tighter cooperation between the two. B. ILLAnimila 1. SMoual A cable desk has been established for the receipt, disesnination, and filing of SASAC cables. Several *sittings were held with the British during General Donovan's visit, to establish the fundanental position of SI as regards field agents and channels of com. nunication. Decisions were taken whish will increase the indepoodaace of SI actitri*Amets The sPeggyil Project for Czechoslovakia was approved by General Donovan, and a Czech officer was despatched to London to discuss the project with the sinister for National Defense and to recruit personnel. 2. Itimajlald News of the Lebanese constitutional crisis was sent by cable, based on Information from our field representa- tives and official somrces in Cairo. Our activities in Iraq have been hampered by bad pouch connections with Baghdad. While on a visit to Cairo, the U.S. Minister promised cooperation which should improve the situation. Our chief representative in Iraq reported in person, to bring the situation up to date and to secure supplies. A field representative who spent three months in - 2 - 41 7 7 V, t .:n 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 'TRH' a Iran is now on hie way to Iraq to study th* situation. Three representatives are making trips through- out Iran. Due to leak of sufficient staff, coverage in Syria was incomplete. A total of 37 reports was received, and severul reports were forwarded direct to the Washington Office. 3* Southeasteam *um), a. Proposals from Washington regarding the reorganisation of desk persomnel Are being considered* The most serious problem in this section is the need for men trainetd in eomsamications. No missions can be despatched and do effective work unless accompanied by communications personnel. b. Italv/AlUilli The entire staff of this section has been moved to the Forward Base. A field team is ready ror despatab.st op-tiding solution of liaison difficulties* C. (I) Almalag The possible head of a mission to C),inth has 19**n recruited?also an American-born, army-trained man who is a food expert and who w.tll report an food con- ditions in Greece. (2) 1lLuaLisa Stall members of the Greek Section made an examination of the entire situation with respeet to field missions and found that, with sone exeeptions, missions not on occupied territory have succeeded, while missions into Greece had bad lusk. It is believed that additional personnel would to a long way toward remedying the situation. A mission of four mon is being prepared - 3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 in Cairo, from whom good results are expected. Two missions were despatched on the Last of October and arrived safely in Cyprus, to be forwarded. Moosages hors been received from the radio operator in Cairo. Although reports from Samos are frig- *eatery, it it clear that our Samos Mission was in the thick of the action during the German invasion. It has been determined that our communications supplemented the British during the critical period, and that our calques assisted materially in evacuating key personnel end proeioLv stores. Also* this Mission has been able to provide a report an Lt. aoimard Reid, or JICAMB, who WS reported lost. (3) &RIM We have eonaiderebly increased the balk aind quality of our reports during the month. Apart from individual requests of a highly secret nature mach have been handled sueeessfUlly? general intelligenes reports of broader interest have been produced, and it is now believed that sufficient information is on hand to answer any reasonable request. As en example, when Ommeral Donovan requested a report on the Greek situation we were able to answer promptly and telly. (4) Indaglat The training program ha3 been revised? after a review of the field experienee we have had to date. d ? IIUMWWELL (1) kagni, Dr. Tehok continues to give us his full cooperation and information on the Yugoslav Oovernment-in- Xxile. (2) A Yugoslav Air Yore* officer wau r=mittd and was sent to the training school. Five SO Yugoslav recruit* Lalm balft transferred to SI sod have been sent to the Forward Base. RET (3) MUJUILIMM A mission consisting of several Yugoslav 4 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05 : Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ?Miff officers whom the Royal Yugoslav Army wishes us to despatch to Kihailoviteh is being held up for reasons of major policy. The two sloven* voups are now at Taranto, where they are held due to adverse weather con- ditions. (4) Almada A report an the activities of the BSC and the guerrilla groups was prepared at General Donovan's request. A report on the significance of the political program of the Yugoslav People's Army of Liberation was submitted to R & A tar PW purposes. A report on geographic factors, popu- lation, and forces of operation in Lika was also proeessisd. A translation was made of the Oubrilovic program and sent to Washington with comments. C. ligiAgmt agaroduction Seetigg 1. Usk ComplqIgi a. Study of the Yugoslav beaches. b. Amoadnent recort on Yugoslav airfields. c. Target locations and road diagrams of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Albania., d, Survey of airfields in Three*. 2. *Ark in Proareag Installation of the War Room in a new building. The Room was inspected by General Donovan during his visit. D. 2.11.4_Itimak ? 1, iniLsgaialdig a. Balkan and Middle last summaries, for the Commanding General, U8A7110. - 5 - rrCtIET roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-Rnpi rinnn Declassified and A. roved For Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004 5 2. c"-T4- RET b. Eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh in the series of Air Intelligence Summaries. e* Operational material for $O. d. Certain economic targets in the Balkans for O. c. Turkish communication*, for G-2. f. Report on tho Balkan front in 191; as compared with today, for General Donovan. ,ftryi.tinairsigrua t. Projects in collaboration with &townies Division of SOS--Salkans, supply and related problems. b. Preliminary work on the securing of economic intelligenee for the British Civil Affairs branch ?Mows for re- ocoupied territories. ig* 21112et1-atakar4 The volume of reports is steadily increasing, as indicated by the following comparison of reports handled during the months of September and October: lagiatta Ta.L1ILTIbiAl Section 106 235 Greek Section 47 Wear Bast Section 0 amommx?r?ALONWP Totals 1.13 353 Close liaison has been established with an expert on Battle Order intelligence in the office of the Military Attache. This type of information was cabled to Washington, AS usual. Statistics from MID-Washington show that the 'Cal?* Doak' material is the most valuable information suppli44 th4= )47 esg: Tble should place the emphasis on military intelligence and overtone the tendency to ;welt- emphasise the value of political and economic intelligence. Arrangements have been made to send copies of r9e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn1 Annna g ;". .011% Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 .21 If$ reports to Bari which have to do with Albania and Yugoslavia. Also, 'peplos of all 085 reports dealing with the Balkans will be forwarded to OBS-Algiers. =agile SERVICES onBATIgpsi A. Preece After a long silence, communications have been reestablished with our liaison officer in the Andartes. His silence was oesasioned by the fast that his headquarters was occupied by the GIOrMalla and the Ban tarried to retire and establish new headquarters* The troop of cavalry of *high he is honorary semmander engaged the enemy and repulsed tee hundred and fifty Germans at Famarion Magoulas. No reports that another troop is in training which he expects will be ready for action soon. A British liaison offiser in Crete has reported that the supply sortie on the night of 10 November was oompleted suicessfully. Miamt of the urgently needed matorlal--ares, ammunition, leather, and foodstuffs--.mss applied by 058. Four officers and one enlisted man have been alerted and will leave immediately for a secret airfield, from which they will depart for Greece. The senior British officer in Greece seat a personal message to us in whleh he said he was *preed to have your officers and hope !q ore.'In the same message, he advised that seven Americanihid-Iesined his forces and that be hoped they would volunteer for GOB duties while awaiting their evacuation. B. bigaglinik 1. AgUisalexUskikaida Throughout the maath regular cable reports were received froa our officers assigned to this Mission, giving the falliftwqn't a* Battle Order information, b* Targets suceessfully bombed,. c. Recommendations for additional targets. - 7 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 4.fr reports to Bala which have to do with Albania and Yugoslavia. Also, eopies of all Odd reports dealing with the Balkans will be forwarded to OM-Algiers. IV. laajigire.=nCES OPERATIO911 A. Grease After a long silence, communications have been reestablished with our liaison officer in the Andartes. His silence yes oseasioned by the fiat that his bee44uariers was occupied by the Germans and the Ban foreed to retire and establish new headquarters. The troop of cavalry of 'his& he is honorary *pomander engaged the amemy and repulsed tee hundred and fifty Omens at Pamariem Sagoulas. Be report& that another troop le in training which he expects will be ready for aetion soon. A British liaison officer in Crete has reported that the supply sortie on the night of 10 November was eompleted suisessfully. Most of the urgently needed material?arms, ammunition, loather, and foodstuffs?was supplied by 068. Four officers mad ome enlisted man have been alerted and will leave immediately for a *egret airfield, fres which they will depart for Greece. The senior British ?Meer in Grease sant a personal messes* to WI Illhieh he said ha was opr-wed to bawl your officers and hope toLaore.* In the same message, be advised that seven Ameriaanvhadileimet his forces and that be hoped they would volunteer for OdS duties while awaiting their evacuation. B. Ximagilata 1, jithallavitehlisatai Throughout the month regular cable reports were received from our officers assigned to this Mission, giving the tallnwinv a. Battle Order information. be Targets sumsessfully bombed. a. Recommendations for additional targets. CHET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 d& Political information regardingt (1) Difficultios between Mihalleviteh and the Partisans. (2) Suggested **operation with the fosses of Nedit. RET (3) Difficulties of the British due to the small volume of 'applies dropped. (4) Suggestions for coordination of Mihailovitehts activity with overall political plans. (5) Reeommendations for means of effective collaboratior. e. Location of possible airfields. f* Detailed recommemdations as to tha proper means of enlisting the full support of Mihailoviteh against Iasi forces in the area. These officers are nor making an extensive tour throughout the Mihailoviteh-held territory. They report that although the going is fairly rough, with many Germans to evade, they are having a very cordial reception amd are obtaining mush vital information whit& sill emable them to give a tomplete report oft Mlhallovitek strength, upon the completion of their trip. They also report that Mlhailovitch had fires lit throughout Serbia in honor of Thanksgiving. (For a digest of WIT messages received fro& Mihallovitch headquarters during the month, please see Appendix *A. w) 2. litOliimialt A detailed report wasisakatth-zd? Trittan by the British chief of mission, Brigadier MacLean, which corroborated the report fraa our liaison officer lealleh was delivered In October* These reports have been influential in shaping general policy in Tugoslavie. The officer responsible for supplying the Partisans subnitted a detailed written report and engaged *pa min -L? T. ;111..14, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 P in usif41 discussions of past and proposed operations with Wiser* of OMB *d 1.0.4, In his report, the officer stated that OSS had made the following accomplighoefttet reeennaissance work on the Dalmatian coast* Gisdawd control of all the ships In the Yugoslav ?lest by the Porth African Shipping Beard* c* Attended to the legion details connected with operating a fleet in dangerous satin's, without any outside assistanoe* d. Located the minefields and entered them on naval shafts; gave the Captains their sailing orders; established safety lanes and coordinated the operations with those of the Royal levy* e* Had responsibility for establishing the advancad base for LT.3.14 an the Dalmatian coast* f* Had responsibility for all loading and transport operetions in the port, for the maintenance or the ships, their fueling and repair, provisioning and watering; and assumed all financial reapnnA1/64.14tioz that wore necessary in connection with the operation of the fleet* Had responsibility for obtaining from various sourees, including the Army and Navy and MOOT, sons two thousand tons or rood and clothes end weapons and fuel. h. Had responsibility for delivering to the Parti sanz more than on. thousand tons of vitally needed supplies within a fortnight: aad itzlott U.T.B.:s at their advanced base fully fueled at all times* L. Had responsibility for obtaining thousands of tons of vitally needed supplies for immediate delivery from the Captured Bnemy Weapon ixecutive Commission; and obtained G-3's authority to draw fifty 2i-ton trucks* -.9... FlarlaccifiPri 2nd Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Ops, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 An officer she made contact with the Partisan naval staff at liver reports that the attitude of the Partisan staff has immensely improved since the arrival of these nnelhe. ;leaded &applies by sea. On* of our naval officers is now established at the island of us, to act as an observer and to coordinate whipping and supply problems for future supply shipments to Tito headquarters. (Tor a digest of 1/T meszagas raseivad fro* Tito headquarters during the month, please se* Appendix EB.11) V. pONICBS BRANCH A+ 22110BUILI Theater Commender approval has been received for the despatch of the following, Officers 24 Enlisted Ron 111 Civilians Total New arrivals for duty in this theater are as follows: Officers 30 Inlisted Nen 23 Civilians Total To date there has been a total of 444 persons autho- rized for despatch to this Theater who have not yet arrived. B. ZgAinzent An OSS warehouse has been established at Bari, and &pi:maxi/tautly 390 tons have been sent, of which ten tons have already been delivered by air. The immediate needs of the Base have been taken cart of. Headquarters in Cairo has been moved to a new location, on* hlock from the UBAPIME hoagiquarters, leaving R & A. NO. and NU at the old location. The additional space will iispove the efficiency of the organization. The old headquarters will he used for interrogation of refugees and for business with U.P. Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 z (tre. ggiw--- ,r. ..4.1.11. 1 VI. SCROOLS AND TFAINTNG, Confosrence3 with tho SI Greek Desk have made possible a few reforms in the training system during the month. Toward trit end of this month, a long atop forward was taken in traininf agents, and it is planned that training will now be in close imitation of tat lite the agent will lead when actually on post. The school *ill be moved to the neighborhood of Cairo. 1.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 041=11 *Alt, MOUT OP VT MESSA4BS SECRET. Rscarnrono. IIHAILOVITCH UAW:TARTE= BOVINBER, 1943 Report on an attempt to have MihallovItch negotiate for a temporary truce. uest for aircraft, and report an areas to be via cm iaspee tion trip to colleet information on strength 1 and the types of weapons, communications, and medical supplies needed. ,--Beport on an attack an Sokolac abandoned due to at Win interference. Report on an. Order of Battle. 14 Report on eounter-attack OA Partisan forest at Yls.pad inconfirned). Report on Order of Battle. jat,vie Wen British liaison offieee) Ithailevitch of fist, Djuri., states that he has received general nobiliss, ti e& orders for action against Partisans it is reluctant to comply; as he believes this will play into Axis hands. ja Novemblr7-Report on Sokolac confirmed, but opposition is Nisi and Ustashi. Report on attack on 500 SS troops at Visegred. Xibailovitch reports that his has given his troops in that area strong orders not to attack Partisans. Report on very private eanversatIon of Iihailovitth? in whisk he expressed distrust of the British, dust to their constant failure to keep sortie programs. Mihelloeitch em- phasized the following points: 1. The country entered the war on the Britiah guarantee of the restoration of status quo. 2. The eoentry has territorial aspirations beyond 1941 frontiers. 3. the king is the only cementing element in a country so diversified as to race, creed, and language. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA RDP13X00001R000100140004 5 ? SECRET 44, The Central National Committee is a true representative of the people. The officer stress** the fact that until the politieal situation is clarified we can expect very little action froeliihailovitchforees. 11,1mgmbig--Roport on damage done by inaccurate BIC broadcasts. Aljigimin--Beport an a Mihallawitch representative who is to eentnet the lightla Army in Italy, to explain the internal situation and to renew* present misunderstandiags, It is thought by the offieer that this may be an attempt to play Biemehewer against the Cienmending General, Middle East. njigffigaight--inurie again informs officer that Mihailovitik iiiirdered an attack an the Partisans, in eooperation with. the Iodic government. This order has not been dissimilar' to the troops end Djurie states that his nen will not fight against the Partisans. Ne himself, eontrary to Mihellevitehts orders, is in contact with local ?artisans, Wuric proposes that the Yugoslav govemanest send a well-known Serbian soldier or statesman, who would be eapable of uniting the Mihailovitet and Partisan forces in a sinus group against the Nazis, the agreemeat to be purely gaiters and political questions to be settled afterward. 1$ jporegher--(fron British liaison officer) Report an in of Museelman elements in Yugoslavia. Battle Order information. Mo further sign of action against Partisans, and report an the anxiety of Mihallovitch officers who wish to orann4laxtip 'with ?artisan* bolt AMR forbidden to do so br ag Movember.-Reconnendations as to mode of action to secure Mihailovitch cooperation, as it is believed that Mihailovitch is planning a large-seals action against Partisans. , 1.M.,14 la :a frif Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified andA APPZIRDE 111* pproved For Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 DIGEST 07 VT *USAGES RECUT= ?BOK TITO NAADQUABURS WOUNSER? 1943 SECRET lakomilic?Ordor for arms and amounitIon, Clothing, 'medical suppliss, fuel oil. ? Lignehim?floport ow adverse opinion of Partisan Yortes on 114i-ilk-le that Roosevelt has given the Yugoslav Govarmamat four Liberator bombers* Attitude or the Partisans toward American officers infinitely improved since the arrival of shipments from liari? jkliffember--ftquest for aerial cooperation in Partisan attacks, based on the report that Its um& tombsd on 20 October. Ilajbwohim?Battle Order information* laaalimba?(from British liaison officer) Napert of serious situation an the coast, due to *mew Activity* Begmest for air attack on nazi coastal targets. lismidier?(from British liaison artless) sport.(R the arrival of a Dornier 17 at Airfield Gime*, carrying versa men from Zagreb. Sussestimg conferences 'with the British forees on au operation plan to open up a road from the coast to Partisan Haadquartors. lb November?Further details an proposed emaferenelese Repot aa pest-eaemy activity on the angst* Considor a strong enemy attack an the islands unlikely, duo to lack of shippins. Belimoves the attack mill eons by lamd alamg the coast. Arransements sad* for the 91* Partisan Division tosZtalaii. 1-.6a rmazia aad kvap rcet liregabar?Raport an maitias four Amarican aviators forced after the Plocuti raids and their despatch. to Partisan deadquartars. Report of succassfUl arrival, threo SI nen. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP1 SECRET 3X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified andA For Release2013/09/05 ? CIA RDP13X00001R000100140004 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved SECRET i MID= BAST MATER WORT DIG'S?, OCTOBER 1943 I. PERSONNUI SITUATION Allotment 229 Requested 174 Unobligated 55 Actually __Overseas Ili 771 26 9 2 1 1,040 69? 17 26 1 3 14 11 -17 1 -2 122 2,10 12 1 3 AS *This Army allolneent figure includes 62 officer* and 453 enlisted I II. Ernuaastez ClUtIFICSS--8I BRANCH A. Chief: Lt Commander T. E. Mebane The Commanding Cameral, UNAFINN, has appointod a Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence. The following organist- tiont will be umder his supervision: G.2, =AMR, and 066. The Deputy Director of Intelligence, Lt. Colonel Lada-Mocarski, was designated to accompany the Commanding General in the interest of establishing a forward SI base in Italy. It is understood that satisfaetwi progress has :101111 made and that suitable quarter* have been secured. Arrangements have bean made to deipatah fourteen officers and enlisted min and radio and other equipmemt at the mad of the month. Major Asnol*, and Mr. ileAdoo of the Intelligence &patios will be in this pertrz Anether flikht is contemplated within the next week er ten days, at which time Lt. Commander Mebane will return. B. The Chief of this Desk has recuperated from a recent Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ON. ??? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004- 4 SFCRET illness in Beirut and has been ordered to Washington, 13 October* An inspection trip was made to Palestine, mbar* field reports and sub,agemt networks were examined* The progress has been ispressive, as is indicated by the following list of regular sources of information Syria and Lebanon Palestine and Transjordaa Iraq Iran Saudi Arabia Total -9. 24 97 __ 16 - 241 Representatives from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan have reported at Cairo Headquarters, and the Iraq repre- sentative received a car for service in his area. There were forty-six reports received daring the month. C. Southeastern &irate 1? 213dHUt a. General Arrangements have been made with the Greek Intalligamea Services for OBS to interview all Ors'ir refugees coming to Cairo, and it is hoped that useful in- formation will be received. b. Recruiting Of the six radio operators promised by the Greek Intelligence Services, three are in training and the balance are due to arrive. Tin operators now undergoing egial timining with tips Grua* bave bees requfatad. a; are urgently needed for missions already plasma or in contemplation. A Greek lieutenant has been recruited and sent to the training area. Be will serve as an agent on the Salonika 'fission. The number of missions that can be undertakes rs% fs"7:i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ? -3 SECRET iR this area depends entirely an the number at 11/T operators that can be recruited and trained,. S. Nis-slams There are indications boa the British that this island will be held and, it so, arrangements are completed for a house, an offiees and harbor space in the harbor of Vathy. In addition., a house in ?lanai has been secured. If this forward base can be established, it is siontemplated to remove the majority of our persolnal from Turkey to peso*. This mission is prepared to leave Samos for its final within the next few days. The personnel for this missiaa has boom cruising among the islands, mding back valuable information. The unsettled condition dm* to the attack ow Toros has made it impossible to establish the base. In the event that the Samoa bass ten be establishielIrCyprus Mission will move to Samoa. liagelkar-This mission is on route. Three missions trained sad ready fbr &mortar* to destination should leave within the first meek of November. The fallowing new sluices have been diseuseed with the British ISL, as proposed by this officet ?..iiinliiBLILI?A4tant IA training. Zjacia&?Candidate to be recruited. /211..-Csmaidate recruited but not yet interviewed. figaata?Candidate has been suggested. .ertheift--Good candidate in tisht. Patrogr-In spite of the fast that the British have already covered this area, it seems worth while to send an agent. r9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a eP Jir " SEGIET rims' the Britiebt-t4 set up a pert at this Nowever, jaidellagatige?Pernissien has been *seared things at so umsettled in the lamed' that it is not feasible to proceed immediately. a. IiimuwCULLLi a, General Six of the Slorene prisoners have been trained and mint to the forwart base far ilfiltratiom in the Tito forces. sort. has beam receive& from Tito that the tromp will be rose:Lys* immediately, in wit* at the fact that they balm Visoseeted suppiiss "before any additimal Allied pers. ?their Slovene prisoners are in train:UM' and will, be intredneed as soon as the political sitaatioa has been clarifVed. Intensive canwersations he taloa pia between this office met Dr. Tiehet,libehoodetinitely refused &position, in the Inesselie Goveromistp-Llle. Me ia keeping the Branch tob*Malit cat 244toelawfanpolitical circles, withparticuLar reference to the ohanges_ in the Yugoslavian cabinet. Interviews:. Isaire bees held with Colonel Putnik, Chief of the Ugoslawian Misstma in Italy; Lt. Pioche*, Yugoslavian Royal Air Forge, through whom wis net Colonel Putnik. b. Its Sectioa Two recruits have been seemret locally and three are an route from the United States to carry am ;fork in this area. A report from Istanbul indicates that the Chief of our Istanbul Mission and members of his staff have -established Liaison with trusted Albanians, and that the area may be a fertile field for Albanian recruits. Every attesit will be s'4e to infiltrate the first agent during the Moveaber moon period. LiTELLIGNACZ SERVICES?MAP WRODUCTION SICTIO. Liaison has been established with the United States Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001Ronnlnnl Annn A iiea ana Approveaor elease 201 a a - SECRET Sarver Officer. WI) and AALPOMMQ/Mt. it is believed that these units will be very useful to the of twelve maps of Rhodes est several target studies have been prepareda lastarlation has been aide of nips on the boards fee the *war roan,* and arrengeeents have bona nage with the Sigel Corps for microfilms intelligence for the reports garicer. irriLLiGssai sunass?R sr A. BIMAMCW Chieft Lt. J. I. M. Metalled" !he arrival or addittasnI personnel has permatted this office to bring the( libraSy files lap, to date -and to sub-classify ell pie4 tures aad ftneetlanally. Map filet are new in ordnag -pew shelves have hew constructed to hold. Ito napi,selletti_on received fruit Washington. the- following reports have beset complotott rageslav Mining eat tranzportation,_for Major_:Stepenovich. Greek Toed Distribution,. for the MM. Analysis or Massrifiet ant Published Material ow Creek Beads:, 4.) Analysts of-Greek Quart Capacities. 5.J Report at aotured Many- Iquipmeat? by OSS anALPZA. 6.) Bailment Middle Last Intelligence SUAMILTir for MalerGeneral Royce,. 7.) Balkan Ctwil, Affairs Sty, for Mr: Landis, Area. Administrators FIL. a3 Joint latalligeneet Study Idtk. OWE. 9 Study of the illassian Comunity La Cairo, requested from Washington. LG.) Preparation at Lemmata and Industrial Questioneeires for Us* i Interro- gatin( Officers. 11.) Balkan Air IsdeIligenite Summary Mo. 7? in progress. 67;ntietill Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 II eclassitied and Approved For Release /09/05 ? X00001 0004-5 he a 6 INTELLIGENCE SERVICES-- REPORTING BOARD Ito volume of reports is steadily increasing, znd it has been necessary to send reports to Weshington by pouch every car. Battle Order information is cabled as requested by Washington. Arrangements have bewailed* with G-2, USAFIMS, for a criticisa of the reports Using furnished by OBS. Bequests for specific types of information from G-2 are being solicited, so that attention can be concentrated an tbs type of information desired by the Military Commander in the area. It the request of General Cbeves, a weekly summary is now being prepared on all intelligence received by us other than that originated by our own representatives. It haa been brought to the attention of this office that JICAME is cabling Order of Battle infor-stton to WaShington through an expert who devotes his time tc this activity. If they have access to everything in this office, as we understood ther lio? it seems unnedeasary to duplicate this function. The matter is being investigated by the Branch. III. STRATEGIC SERVICES OPERATIONS Chief: Lt. Colonel Paul West, Deputy Director A. Mihailovich Missal& The senior officer, accredited to Mihailovidh seadquarters,aiitdisaf=17 an the ntiht of 2.6. September, bearing messages from General Donovan, General Sir Maitland...Wilsons and King Peter II of Yugoslavia. Con- siderable equipment was lost on landing, due to the breaking of containers, which equipment will be replaced as soon as possible. A usable airdrome at Baran* was reported ready on 8 October, capable of receiving at night Lockheeds, BleAlhatms;? Savolas and, possibly, DC-31s. OreaCT - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 eclassified and Approvedor Release2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 6 SECRET CI Meek valnable informatioa has been reeeived coact:ming the activities or Bahailovich ant the dis- tribution of his and mew troops. An additiesal 066 officer was dropped during the October moon period. 1 1, Tito *Sisign An airfield at Glanoc in Partisan-held Yugoslavia has been reported. With a little work, tb.is field may be nada suitable to receive all types of aircraft* Work is in progress. A aomprehenstve report has been mate by au OBS officer, probably the first American or British officer who has spent tine with the Partisan form and retnrme& to tell the tale. (He has returnot to Ameriea to sake 2 personal report to the interested agencies.) (For a digest of this officer's report, see attached.) C.ZiallasWiLaiLas Aa operation into Greece to pick up fourteen Anerionn Mors we's miceessfully coecluded on 24 October. At the same tine, 4,600 Ibs. of badly needed equipeeet was delivered to the Allied Mission with the Greek Amdartes. (riar a digest report of this operation, see AMINIMMAA, attached.) Arrangements have been made to supply the Partisan group with approximately 1,000 tons of British and American supplies per week by a fleet of approximately twenty-seven ships, which will run the Nazi bloekade on the islands. The advanced boss has been set up for operations from Bari, and personnel of twenty-two men has been assembled. D. DaImatiaa floconnaissanca The Chief of the 30 Operations made a detailed report on his reconnaissance of the Dalmatian coast. This Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a Declassified and Ap .go roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 s) SECRET is the first Allied landing in Yugoslavia. (See Animila,S.) TV. SICATICIS BRANCH Approvals have been received from the Commanding General, USAFTIO, for tbe transport of the following personnel& SI ... 4 A. & A . 4 SO IN - 2 Communications - 23 Servises - 70 Training - 2 The following persimmel was obtained from Uwe Theater: SI - 1 Services - 2 Visits were received from Comminter Hall/well and Colonel Rehm of the Waskingtom office, who ware mitkint an inspection of the area. Warehouses have Deem assigned to this organisation, and cargoes totalling 200 tons have arrived. A Registry has been entablished, with gr. Huntington Bliss as RegistrY Officer. Declassified and Ap SPCRET roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nniztrinnA g I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 AMMUILLA ? 4 410177711?-1Wiwrel777 SECRET Those observations wereform& as a restat et personal ettact with Vite Ii&Utwasil JUw.at Liberatima during the period 17 September L43 , 27 October The Partisan mosemont is of far greater militery and political importance than is commay realised in the outside world.. in the facts of opposition. tees 61171111111., Ita.111413, 113talibilLy and Chilttlakao a free community of Partisans tias been formed, entirely. oneirttlet: by; ememg. forma composed ?of Wohaanedians? Christissrst, Serbs, Croats-, ant other rashers of the Tuasolav Ceramist party. /a _spite of this mixture of polities:1. and religirat free OZWIFOSId.OD, of opieten is allowed, but- strict military disci ''pltne- is, maintainet at all times.. When the initial resistance against the Anis: collapsed, a feu e-ll groups 71111111111144 belligerent., amid, favoredL by goographie conditions., have hem able to maintain a resistance throughout the Gerson and Italian oecupatian. While the Ceramist Party was strong in the recruiting or additional eIsmats of resistance, Communist grim-104i du% uot dralsate the resistance grmw. This observer has often been embarrassed by the enthusiastic reception vitich he has received by the Partisan forces, and is struck by the implicit faith, of these people in the United States. This welcome and confidence stem froa the fact that there is hardly a village in the urea that has not a member living in Amerisa. It is the observer's belief that the Partisan forces comprising the divergent groups and dedicated entirely to the fight, against -CWa Axis fore m rieum Chic tert.tuuln4 can became the nucleus of a now statist in which divergent both 'religious and polltical? can live side br side. The other groups of resistance in Yugoslavia have not fought steadfastly against the occupying forces, The I:stash& are terrorists, controlled and incited SFCRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a SECRET Or the Croatian poppet state Gestape, ani have hem responsible for the slaughter of a large slumber of Serbians. The Demehreeds are the conscripted soldiers ef the Croatian peppoot etairos and have never fought effectively op either side. The Chetnihs under Colossi Sibillovith mad other officers of ---?xi?Miisael Army "Awry fought against the Alois, lathe's* also forefeet the Partisans, doe to their fear of the Communist elemmmts in the Partleangpeop. law of the Chetelk leaders have re/Nosed to attmik the Partiseas sod some have eons over to Jolla the Partisan army. Collaboration. between; Chetmlks and the Axis owe be documented 'my eorrespondenee, orders, payrolls, etc. lher Partisans represent 'the *est potent striking fore* is Timpelaaria, at this time, as they are MOM aM better trailsed amd equipped than an3r other resistance group. Their present strength. is riven as about iso,ompa mew& in Vlach are included eighteen divisions, garrison troops, and guards for okommunIcatiote. - The area eontvolled extends ripen the Montenegro- Serbian border, nortioest to the Hersevogina border to western Resole. atilermountainous portions of Croatia, Sloveniap? Slavonia, and the rola peninsula ars under their control. All at the Adriatic coast, with the exceptive or the principal poets sash, as Zara, Sibinik? Split, Makaraka? Dubrovnik, and Iota's, is controlled *r the Partisans. The Germans and tam Ustasha quislings hold all of the principal cities within the area, but their control Ce&303 & few miles froa the edge of these cities. Lines of coommaication have been establiaLed? so that an Alllad officer or Partisan ean travel almost at mill throughout the length and breadth of the country from Albania to Austria, sena from the Dalmatian coast to The observer believes that immediate aid amd supplies should be **de available to the Zational Amy- of Liberation. He lists the follovtag operations -.5 An indication of the military abilities of this troop& Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnninn1annnA_g Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 SECREit 1. A PlaMblid*Irmit Offnustve against the Partisans illentenegre las-Oricted drartag the first six -t ce 1943, albhengh se4iial aviaries's it German, Italtww, Chetolk, and Vitas*. trooguseirelid-lhe 8,000 Partisans inweiVed in the Cappcign. The PartiSins tirobs through sod istablisbe4. themselves tw th0 Vitas itallor. _ 2. Yellelimg the Italian surrender, the Partisans occupied the pert et Split, capturing a large amount it Italtaa,equipputtioWtrecrUiting 9,000 Italians for Partisan activities*: Mad' the rieuested air support best suppliold ar the Allies, it is probable that the city could have been held* Tbe stronsty garrisoned Ustasha towns Ilvlo Kupres were takew by the Partisans as an incident la opening the road to remove the eaptured Italian equipment iron Split. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 CAT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 I , d"'? ? 4 _ ? t? ? ".6-4- ? - 7 a ? :?.1;i1.,r, am; ^ tio SECRET _ -jt 431 st first isr-AniOd voilimpas fikt-war? aoicsititotoir .- .-- - alii:_.ta _A - ims- imiiideit e*, ? - -- -or - Airs wors-:. , SO - . -----.14.1114.1*-0 ' Saa ' ------ -- - - - - -iii tatithiPit. V!--Mir 'L ----.111001-10 - anis a _ _ , - iirigs._,Init_ 411-46,_, .:tuatiticiti ,Thosw, '-raittl. ISI-7-"v'"Iittilitiwi on *U.:- -- , ---- -ii to- -oloo:te .__ ._ _ -. t Tie -.101.4?-:41. ..,.._ , _- '-_-_- ----- reoomiu&sinatt'-'---. 'task-id- 01 _ p ,...., .__ ;' _ : .1 _ _.z.?2-4,,,,,t. ----''-? 1 160111 - ? f?L ?????-. - :v." ? 7-4 al vias:44foiloir AY' ' laitavuipisaa o4.tainsd by this- party inaisahdi 111-4 foilowinirs -I. ograpkisal l000miariss of General: Tito I _ niktat--Anir.CoTps. 2. Position of Axis forces in Vie area. 3. Gomm airpcsr:lor in taw- ists_mhisti,-laoludelt 77 11?,:aii 110--spliosTivatiiiii ilLeilitogiall at laterng..*:to_bo 'ilkifted 4. DaLiatiasi insIsiiing- di:apses, MAUL piacos--Escr skips ald-iater,-isiaM sookunisation. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014onn4_ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a MIDDLE EAST THEATRE OF OPERATIONS OSS ACTIVITIES REPORT SEPTEMBER 1943 "CRIT amlimarci. IT* GOMM& ra Ea IC BANE, UM GENERAL SECRET In consultation with the JICAME and the direc- tor of OSS Middle East, a draft of the directive on. the JICAME for the signature of the Commanding General was agreed upom by all,parties. It is believed that the draft should be satisfactory to all concerned and will result in. the maximum of good to the United State's armed forces in the Kiddie East. Illness of the Deputy- Director- has made it Lw- possible to. make as complete a report as has been TIAN- bitted, hitherto. ACTIVITIES IN THE NAIR EAST Although the Chief of the Near East desk has been ill, a total of 36, reports fram this area have been, received and processed. The-problem of transportation for individuals in this area ha a been. considered and arrangements are. made to procure. automobiles locally. An inspection trip has been made by the desk chief prior to his illness covering Iraq, Iran,, Bahrein Islands, regions. of Saudi Arabia and Beirut. Repre- sentatives from Lebanon and Damascus have reported at the Cairo office. ALUVITLES IN SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE ik? GREECE The schooner liSamotracen has completed its first issiaa to Cyprus tad 58MQS and has returned to Alexandria safely. It is found that the schooner is inadequate in site and that it should be replaced by a larger caique. It has departed again for Cyprus car- rying supplies for that island and Smyrna, also an agent who hopes to open an underground route from Chalkidiki into Salonika. Three additional caiques have been found in Cyprus - one, the Irlaa, sailed with men and supplies to Turkey; two, the 'Tamil, is undergoing minor repairs; three, the *aria, will be held in Cyprus until tllitn- Aft ?,RET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 -2- rival of the ffSamotraces bearing its crew, SEW It has been. decided that Samos will be a better base than Cyprus and quarters have been. engaged, a base depot in Bathi and a house in Tigani which will have radio communication. As a result of a conference held in late Sept- ember, it was decided to establish an advance base in south Italy with a representative of the Greek desk at sadh a base. PSRSOMUL The Greeks have supplied us with (1) a radio operator familiar witm Athens, (2) a Cretan officer to serve as a liaison guide to General Mandakas, (1) an officer from the Amphissa area who is familiar with the railroads and highways in. that area, (4) an airforce private highly recommended by the Bishop of Karystias, for work in Evvia, Five more radio operators have been. requested from the Greeks. 1 number of interviews treating with the present situation have been registered; Brigadier General Myers of 11(14, ti"'L 1a/1111.1.i-1f KArygtiaS:. Kartalls; a delegate from the Greek:underground brought out by the British, and Mr. Argrropoulos, the former Foreign Minister. Recapitulation In the four months of activity, the Greek desk, working under severe handicaps, has recruited a total of 40; departed for the field - 18, in training - 12, assigned to wSamotracen - 1, disappeared (illness) - 1, requested from Greeks - 8. 41?e la in the fialdt dAnarted for actual activity in Greece - 9 (5 separate missions), staff for maritime operations - 9. Nine or 10 separate missions have been planned whilh will cover the following areas: Crete, Mytiline, Pireaus, Salonika, the Dodecanese and the district of Amphissa. The following OSS personnel are already in the field: Izmar - 3, Adrianople - 1, Istanbul - 1, Cypru - actiEr one. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 -3- ? YUGOSLAVIA_ Seven of the 10, Slovene prisoners of war have complete& their paraahute training and have returned to Cairo. Three new recruits have been obtained to take the place of the three wha were eliminated in training. Plans for dispatching the first party had been canceled at the last Ramat due to the radio operators biktmfr irmlefleiently trained. It Is hoped to dispatch the first party during the second week of Getober. rwo Serbian recruits- have been obtained from Iugoslavie headquarters and are in training. The new chief for the Yugoslavia desk, Major Arnoldyt has arrived from Washington and assumed his duties. ITALUM/ALBMUM The sant= advisor on Albanian affairs has ar- rived.from Washington and has placed the, first recruit for training.. Negotiations are under way to secure an Albanian radio broadcaster from Jerusalem.. If arrange- ments can be made to replace him he will be recruited. Progress Is being made in assisting Albanians in Cairo to initiate proposals and plan l for action, look- ing toward.- some common policy and unity of effort. It is hoped that the activities or Albanians tu London, Cairo,. Istanbul and Washington can thus be coordinated and assistants secured on a strictly non--partisan basis. A study on Albanian landing fields is being made here either for parachute or emergency landings. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BRANCH Reports have been completed on (1) results of 4"t- Plossti air raid. (2) Balkan Air Intelligence summery #5,_ (3) German chrome position IA tte Ball==z? (4) study of Axis air drones and air activity in the Balkans. In progress Is a peport an the sitmatiaa in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon with special enPhasis an the Moslem., Jewish, Christian problem in that area. Agreements have been reached with NEW and OEW to furnish economic intelligence and other relevant material to the Civilian Affairs branch for both Greece and Yugoslavia.. A map is being preper.4 showing the relatiomihip Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014nnna_c 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 -4- SECRET of sea ports to Hinterland on the mainland of Greece, with special reference to food distribution. REPSIRTS RECEIVED AND DISSIMIMATED Due to the strengthening of the reports office efficiency has increased. However, a largo shipment of material has been received from Washington which can only be roughly processed, which indicates the necessity for additional personnel. A record of OSS agents and their reports has been started, also a list of all agents whose reports are being seen and processed by this office. During the month 135 reports have been received and processed 'Act the total would have been eves greater had there been idequate personnel. There are approx- imately 65 reports from Istanbul waiting to be processed. Battle Order reports have been cabled to Washing- ton as usual. There is great need of a draftsman for the pro- cessing of nap information. It is believed that all information other than Battle Order can be forwarded by pouch as the service is now only three days to Washington. Ruse training in intelligence reports is going on between the various intelligence offices here, no- ticably ISLE and OWI. All of these reports should be channeled through Cairo to avoid duplication and confusion, OPERATIONS UCTI. LT:..Cilt4. PAUL RST. CHIEF FIELD OPERATIONS Reports from our offices at the headquarters of General 4inailav1en ana tienerai Tito continue to flow in. These reports include considerable intelligence an military operatidhs ithin occupied Yugoslavia, and the political situation as affected by rival claims of the two partisan leaders. Mihailovich Is the dominate military and polit- ical leader in Serbia, Sanjak and Montenegro. The United Mations should recognise this fact. General Tito is the dominate power in C and the Adriatic coast towns. His group is Rus tRET dominated and believes in a federated Yugoslavia free Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a -5- from the Serbian domination as was in evidence prior to the war. These officers have both reported _actual combat operations and one of thew is presumed to hat* accompan- ied the British liaison officer who accepted the sur- render of the Italian unit in the area. Two officers have arrived safely in Greece and communications are expected by the end of the month. Word has bean received through. British sources that these officers have been assigned for duty with a guerrilla cavalry unit in the central Pindus mountain area. OSS/SOIL DISCUSSIONS - , These discussions have covered the following items: (1) participation of United States personnel in Balkan operations; (2) light aircraft for MAO from. southern Italy, more bombers for OSS SOroperations; (3) PT boats for landing of agents; (4) decision to re- lease the information that United States officers are now present at the headquarters of partisan leaders in Yugoslavia; (5) matter of weCuashaww from United States agents in the field. =VICES 3EANC40 LT. CO!.. J.E. TOULM1M. CHIEF , Theater commander is approval has Seen received for the dispatch of the following personnel: Services-3, SI - 10, SO - 33 plus a group of 15 officers and 110 enlisted men, RkA - Its Maritime - 3, Ciimunications - 8, Secur14 - 12, MO - 1. New arrivals in the theatre: SI - 7, SO - 7, Con- munications - 11, Headquarters detachment - 16, Ser- vices - 1. To date there are 163 persons authorized for dispatch to this theatre who have not yet arrived. The last load of Di, equipment has arrived by air making ti stz1711-1%,..*nit ftf station Kno - 8 ready for installation. Approval has been secured ror the following eauipmentt 111 cameras, 15 typewriters, 10 binoculars, 80,000 las. of SO material, one Jeep, 25 radios, 130 pneumatic rafts. Appointments in this office as the result of reassignment of duty: (1) Lt. Col, Paul West, Deputy Director of operations, Vice-Major Louie C. Heat re- lieved, (3) 2nd Lt. George W. Wuchinich has been relieved from: duty with SO and assigned with OSS Middle East. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn14nnna_g 1 "'" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 344;iM,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 6 MIDDLE EAST THEATER REPORT AUGUST 1943 Secret Intelligence Lt. Commander T. K. Bane, Chief. General as well or more British Levant, During the month two calques have been secured ea the schooner *Samothramem. Clearance for one motor torpedo boats has been secured from the Naval Officer representing the Commander in Chief, in Cairo: Theater Commander approval has been aecured for. the establishment of & base in Cyprus. A trip of inspection of the Pro:Moted Schools was made by the Intelligence Director and thi. Strategic Service Officer. The first student classes were: begun during, the month. Activities in the Middle East The Assistant Chief of the Middle East desk made a trip to Syria and Lebanon to report on the political activities in that area. The following reports have been received from field representatives as follows: 1) 2) 31 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Current attempts to solve the Zionist-Arab Landing of Nazi parachutists in Iraq. Brief survey of Middle East petroleum. Iran international conditions. (cabled) Iranian political parties. Communications, Iran-Meshed area. Syria-Political. Lebanon-Political. nvenntAM e------. Two representatives have been dispatched to the Baghdad area as well OW a roving representative for Baghdad and Iran. The chief representative of the desk in Trend- .Tordam reached Cairo and left for the United States where he has an important piece of work to do which may affect the developpeat of affairs in the Palestine area. In addition to the reports listed there have peen 23 reports received from this area. Activities in Southeastern Europe Our first mission, consisting of an agent and SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 a, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 st. radiosipara. tor, has bean diepatcheci to the territory. The mambers of the four parties to go into Greece eensidierable earge were dispatched. to. Alexandria to be lasted en the "Samotbraeow which should. sail fOr Cyprus at that end of the ]month. The objective of the first. mission are as follows: SECRET 1. To obtain transportation In and out of Greece. L. To eatiblisn. an evim illitte_h_ will get agent*, from the seacoast to the Interior. To obtain the necessary paper* ard. documents needed for future, operations. 4. TO establish a network of information with spacial emOssals cal targets for bombing, reignite of bombinc.raida? result* from leaflet* traPpida, and weather information. IELterviews have. bean held. with Exindaria, Rousso., and. Despotopouloa (tea at the mricars of the central Committee for BM now tn. Clairol, itth: Christedoulon and Tilos of the Greek airforce, with omairtilas, officer of the Athena police, recently- escaped from Greece. The, Greek Ministers of War? Marine and Air anti the commanding officer of the Relenic Information Service, have signified their' approval to appoint a liaison_ officer to. their reapective. departments. .... Vire. , Dodecanese Mr. Arvanitopoulos? vize-k...--e-zi-den.t- at the: Dodecaneaan League was at first discouraging when. we broach- ed the subject. of setting up an information_ network in the islands,. Subsequently, due. to the fact that the British will not allow the Dodecanese patriots to- practice; propa- ganda or to be involved in the ultimate invasion of Greece, his attitude has (thanged. and he now wishes to cooperate with the American Service. The League offered to put. at our dis- posal a young man. recently arrived from the islands who had ttiken .cart in all organised underground activities.; througJ1. him. to put us in touch with thirlr crge..?-..tion in. the ialands proper. Recruiting The. Greek levy has been requested te assign to us four men, two to serve on. the "Samothrace, one to captain one of our claques now in Cyprus and one to go into Greece on a mission to gather Naval and shipping intelligence In SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X0Onni Pnnn nr11 A nnn A ir I_Jciassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ? Piraeus. The Greek Air Pomo has promised to assign to I/gamma az a. resniar Army Officer who served lc:Teem:oral years in the innirmation burs= at Salonika. The Oreek Army has been requested, and has assigned to soldier who formerly worked in the local underground orgenissition of the Evros province. YUgoalavia Cisarance has been secured for ten Slovene prisoners of war to be transferred to this office. These men. are now in training. rma to lack of a responsible officer, the pros- peettre Yugoslavian recruits cannot be trained. Italian/Albanian Section All Albanian reports,have been processed arida system devised for keeping the files up- to date for f4ture reports. Delays and difficulty and in other areas, are holding this area. Nevertheless, plans penetration. of the area if, and able and trained. in recruiting, both lc-ally up projects throughout are going ahead for the when, recruits are avail- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 11:1131111 zilin MAIER REPORT' MGM isa BESEANCIE AND AIIIILTS15 MICK SECRET Lisimsa boa_ been astonished_ milk Ap611. JICA.Erik the zooledis Dlaiblair et 3014 The Drank curt Ian ve: them siontree la ea it be detains West seatribuitime. & L cm mike is lest emerliet oat by these unites- Cali. ant .Alszsatrlit are_ being. ocedied. for sholiegreilet tIONEOet tbiLtherbe roundlit vp? sesirik :ws*IMthi& *Us; there a fins sill n: at cf the await raste *holm us Imir With" am -the 1140111111? tem eimieseliteed6 basiv1.4 the& a wet salestion tara 11111,41.104 in oilier attlas, musk lie Sin. Pr _.exesiserio mkt The Britt* brae a large saimettaa of photos sbidt are *tiling- to reprotass fair vs._ Mgr of these aro blajailistr.. lidlitalrOO aide thsriesro. era,elzeedge. In the poseedistamof nointia itoiordas The reagtipiI earefalzr embed' for Adore streiee? The II & a Bram& hew mosuset kmagrassuguitr for emus SAO meve !KW 1411 be _______ ea soon a* shaves- iliefi toulkaVablit tit bald. this.. ressarelx. ia belle esodoestot en the =Nest of Germs: ball touring, at the ape* or repturod emir sq.ulmeatik & A.tiaindon, have requested thia information bemuse tlmT have heard that the Germsns say emplawing a now tedisictve bearings menureatasre? A three volume stud4r on the Decteeemose Ialmegle was tram- mitts& to tbe Chief of the WA* Air Pores. C141., lemerta The following reports were couple tied during time onth? Balkema - Air Intelligenee Sumosrime Noss 1 2. Se, Bakens - contributions to the Gwynn Chrome Situation Ploeeti aseults of Mariam Air Raid. The following reports are in progress: Grum Sesreh for reputedly now aeries of mope and editing sod evaluation of material for the SI desk. WET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100140004-5 r- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 4 1 1 WM.* 1.1 Was maaji Sir Tailiallems miegar at llsamidam11010: SECRET laI4 emegik130 aiima ?f- IlMaitiala 'Phi sot IWO molar utikt asemadm almea,a. ;marine thlkailmeWbowaged, et answint Dor .0amirkalls I= se 'Wow Si 'Met, la tang- Wee 6, mat Ube Ups& of swegageft 1ma an IpLUL liattbk mews, daballa airs MK- iF w aamia tow ffis 10. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 1 aao ? sanest mom a Itar TOM& WOW ARIU2T- =WI; SECIET alfiresei hes beim reistied..fram-, ter fa* perionzem14 dhsring: the mmathe 22 -larders ?relight _ 10 Insit Cammelaittions Approval has elms hems. amours& for the traemaleciest.at 1102.30-paunds at roils equipment..-1O tans or dealt tamste Pima Arrsegamen. tar mere meat far ,ass inageetiaa trip te _the training- any in the ismatiume -desiirt br Calmat Oimmither apt ether similasir et the OM ? .agettattiorcWet =I, with -the- Brit:tab. as le the laistiMon or miritlas. ipamer. ? ant. saiditienet. *enlist .millea&----Dsmetar as ..lt poiliabl. it is gamed he have VW Meat fat with. the-Britiak. In. osier that them gaiul& be as little *trust:ton mark as posiiiibles premration. boort has beiu appointed. and. the "f somheirs designatadi Caldr alanthera. Pramideats LARD. 0111. ri?- Neat,Isr 1124Or Jr. Zoinegigete Ibmeralrik Great, difflaulty has base anaomtared. in. measuring- amffi.? great:IL 111DILSIIL far afflaars sof fir waisted maw frees. on: MNUtile? 'is has limapered. our ufttanta" aragswir iselimetr seatiee, A_ plans: las& of Dr equipment has arrived. aig &aeon& plant is expecte& in: the, near- future? ?hie materlal, la toe be melt in the. satabliahmint sr legator stations at -Delays ham bean ansountered,inremeivint 0321 shipments& Cartext. vary valltablir re=o ecrutpnant,s1-leh, me destined. far Ong ialie Uaidentifiad at the desks..CI41 has- avast to the *stab? lishm.ut of amrkings for- shipment or OW prepertari. ?his has beim ime?ba-tesbodoit 111 to, momarenftlilw and all parties teanaaramdt adviamd. so that our- shipments- sill bo more ssally obteinmew- , SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 'r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5 ? eir 2 illoattraga bum Wm ball etlik Us llg? Motor Peal _silk a ijika to eiposeting mesa ettistauttil war tataniima-s? aostlookb. Ides arrival ot a toobidosi artypent so& *II alletallimet to our tearportation empalleme boa roallilliii& . tbs rowan& at GM vital's& Om ettlausiiir inadi St over Meter Peal will be greatly bipirweid Oa our piiireminsa earl-iamb saw Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140004-5