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nachal 'nik skepeditaii. ObserTation of the total solar eclipse of Jmw 30, 1954. Astron, taire no,151:15-16 A 154., (MM 813) 1. Xafedra astronoudi Sarstovskogo Gosuniversitets; imeni N.Ge Chernyshevskogo. (Zolipses. Solar-1954) \/rytt o V f) V AUTHOR: V~ushkov, P.V. and Ridel'Ye.A. 33-3-26/32 TITLE: A ~"D'lometrie pyrheliometer for absolute measurements of direct solar radiation. (0 Bolometricheskom pirgelio- metre dlya absolyutnykh izmereniy pryamoy solnechnoy radiatsii) PERIODICAL: "AstronomichesILiZ-Zhurnal" (journal of Astronomy), 7 1~57-1 761.,,4, No-3, pp. 490-492 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAOT: A pyrheliometer based on the bolometric principle is described. Basically, it consists of an 0.052mm thick copper ring having a receiving area of 0.5 to 1.0 cm , and a resis- tance of 10 2 approx. The ring is blackened and absorbs approx. 987o of the incident radiation. The ring is included as one arm of a Wheatstone bridge, the other,three arms being of known resistance. The ring is covered, balance is estab- lished in the bridge, and the current 1 0 through the boloifteter is measured. The ring is then exposed to radiation and balance is re-established by adjusting a rheostat in series with the driving battery (the nrms of the bridge remai- 1/2 ning unaltered). If the current through the ring is now i r Clrd then it can easily be shovm that the intensity of solar radiation I is given by: 33-3-26/32 A bolometric pyrheliometer for absolute measurements of direct solar radiation. (Cont.) 14-35r (12 12 So T 0 where S is the exposed area and 0 is the absorptivity. If, So is known, it is possible to determine I absolutely. This pyrheliometer has several advantages over Angstrom's compensated pyrheliometer. In a series of experimeAs the latter instrument gave readings 1.4% lower (on the average) than the pyrheliometer now reported. There are 2 figures and 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Saratov State University im. H,G~ Chernyshevskogo. (Saratovskiy Gos. Universitet im, N.G.Chernyshevskogo) SUBAITTED: December 3, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Cougmes Card 2/2 .;ACCESSION NR: AP4040847 S/0033/64/041/003/0555/0558 AA !AUTHOR: V'Yushkov, P _Y,; Sklyarov, Yu. A. 'TITLE: A bolometric pryheliomator as a rA'ference instrument for iabsolute measurements of direct solar radiation ,SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 41~ no. 3, 1964, 555-558 .TOPIC TAGS: bolomatric py#rheliometer, micromatric screw, black body, radiation receiver, resistance power, instrumental error, ;angstrom pyrholiometer .ABSTRACT: A now modal of the Sklyarov bolometric pyrhaliomater -has been des-Lgned in which all defects of the previous model have ~been eliminated. The receiver tube which contains the radiation ;receiver is mounted on a stand. The stand has.micromatar screws and an aiming device. Behind the radiation receiver is a chamber which represents a modal black body and absorbs the light passing ithrough the receivers The radiation receivers are made of different .kinds-of copper wires with various rosiatanco power. The alactrical .'part of the pyrhaliometar is located in a'soacial box. Formulas arc :Card 1/2 ;ACCESSION NR; AP4040847 .developed for determining instrumental errors. The new model bolo- -metric pyrheliomaters were-comp,ared with the USSR standard.No. 212 Angstr8m pyrholiometer. The ag'reement of results was good, which shows reliable reproducibility 'of their scales. The bolometric pyrholiometar has a number of advantages over the AngstrUm pyrholio- motor. Orig. art. has: 1 ta'ble and 3 formulas.:. ;ASSOCIATION': none ,SUBMITTED: 23Sap63 ENCL#. 00 ~SUBI CODE: AA NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Cord 2/2 v I Y'd S, Iru" CIA V. v 1 YU-13 9:: 07A ". P. --l'Intra-Specins Grouping of Adacna Vitrea and I'lonodacna Sdent,ula of '-he '"Northerr Caspian." for L;r-,!Zr~!t!s Lr~ Sci~.mce and, 3-ngineerin.,, DefendfA at U73j7 Hli.~-rlipr Zducat '-(-,rLal Ins'lAt,,,tlcns) Xo:3cc-,,- C:-Ier of 1/-~rln and Or-der of Labor R-d Banner Sta~,-e U imelvi X. V. Lr~monosov, 10 55 SO: i~nizhmava, No. 25, 1B Jun 55 * For Degree of Candidate in BiOloZical Sciencen VIYUSIIKOVA,, V.P. Zooplankton of Volgograd Reaervoi,7 during the first years of itil existence? Vop. ekol. 5130 162. (MIRA 16;6) 1, Otdoleniye Gooudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo inatituta ozernogo i rachnogo rybnogo khozy,aystva. Yolgtwad Remervoir-Zooplankton) YtrusirKOVA VLLI.- Growth of Adacna vitrea and Honodacna edentula in the Northern Caspian. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol., pochv., gaol., geogs 13 no-3:35-41 1 58. (MIRA 12:1) (Catiplan S4a-Molluaks) -VIYUSOVA# A=a Konstantinoviia; CM, Yakov Aronovichj ZYKOVp Nikolay Lukicb- G~Veq takhn, rods (Compiling and using regular price Usto in public dining enterprises; from the work practice of the restaurant trust of Kirov Dis#ict, Leningrad) Razrabotka i primenenie preioWrantov postoianno deletvu- iuBhchikh tsen v predpriiatiiikh obshchestyennogo pitaniia; iiz opy+A raboty tresta stolovykh Kirovskogo raiona I;bningrada. Moskva Goo. izd-vo torg. 1961. 21 p4 (MIRA 1081 (Leningrad-Restaurantat JunchroomBy etc.-Priceo) -IV ~sr vu Igh, " I NO V'2 VTVA DUSHEGHKIN. A.I. [deceased]; LTJSHCHIVSUTA, G.N.; MATKOVSKIY, B.G.; SHIIDV, Ye.A.; YASKMOV, A.A. keehanism of the biasynthesis of isoprene compounds, Part 2. Yormation .of carotene pigments in the leaves of kok-saghys. Ukr. khis. shur. 22 Aq.5-t655-659-156. (KMA 10W 1. Institut pyZ"iqheskoy khizii.AkadaaH nauk USSR i Institut fixio- logil. rast eniy i agrokhimii Akedemii nauk USSR. (Carotene) (Kok-saghyz) (BioOmthesis) .0 EWT(1)/EWP(a)/EWT(mY EWP(t)/ET1/EiP(k) TJP(c) JDI~MlJq~~ A V~ NW1_ __ 66_2~003 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/004/0440/0441 AUTHOR: V'yuhov, P. N.; Humenyuk, V. S. -4 hnical Insti t im: Phys cotec tute AN V*SSR, Kharkov (Fizyko-tekhnichjWy insty-tut AN Um. TITLE:.. The veloci~z of ultrasound in liquidValuminum V1 SOURM Ukiiiinslkyy fizichnyy zhurnal, v. 11', no. 4, 1966, 44o-4hi TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound, ultrasonic velocity, interferometer, aluminum, adiabatic compression, standing wave, nonferrous. liquid metal, p0+*n+t'oMe4e6- /EPP-04- .004on- ABSTRACT: The authors study the speed of ultrasound in liquid e-luminum as a fWjjtion of temperature. All measurements were taken with a high-temperature interferometer consisting of a vertical tubular crucible with a rod made from the material to be studied. The rod is placed within the crucible and its lower part is water-cooled. An ultrasonic emitter is attached to the lower section of this rod. The upper part of the rod melts as the crucible is heated and a reflector is immersed in the melt. standing waves are formed at the moment of melting and stress on the emitter varies. These variations are recorded on the EPP-09 ele~ytronic potentidmeter. Both the cru- cible and the reflector are made from graphitel%uring the first stage of the study, and from alundum for the second stage.-A-Mr-omel-alumel thermocouple van used f temperature measurement. The thermocouple was fixed in the frame of the reflector Card 12 ;QZ5 -67 A& MRs AP6023003 approximately 1 mm--frcm its surface. The rod specimens for the Etudy were made from AVOOO 99-99% ure uminum 20 mm in diameter and 400-450 mm long. The melt was main- tained at a height of 60-120 mm depending on temperature. Oncr the reflector was im meraed, it was left for the entire series of experiments to avoid formation of alumi- num oxide. The speed of ultrasound at each temperature was detimined by averaging 20-25 measurements. The results show that the speed of ultrasoiLnd in liquid aluminum is a linear function of temperature. Extrapolation shown a.velocity approaching 4730�25 m/sec at the melting point with a temperature coefficient approaching 0.16 m/sec-deg. The coefficient of adiabatic compression approaches 1.88.10-12 CM2/dyne at the melting point, and 2.0-10-17 rm2/dyne at 10001C. The coefficient of adiabatic compression is a nearly linear function of temperature. The experimental data for AD1 num agree with those for AVOOO. r1g. art, has: 1 figure. 9M CODE: 20, ll/ SUBM DATE: llOct65/ ORIG REPI ,Card 2/2 - - - - ~r - - - -I-- -- ~' tp W 9 ft lit-SIOU-, Uid--- WRIVOL-WeTMA, Ituat, hoi - 0M. - I ' ' ' ( --u-5- - -- -- -- - - A _r & 0 a rap 7 cooled by an., altimr 16~ ~nd ef stush (near-reson"t) "Oseffla'Un-no Uw R-WnPlAg w r idl - - I . I - - -- -I -! J '2 '-~p !-q- `z I Card :, ~ L 2344-44 65 ATV5499"' A' SUB CODF: MM -C'33 No RF.F sov.. 005 OTHER: 003 U7 041 "Al 6-t sow n q Ir'nen PRC . 4 KOROUD, Isaak Moiseyevich; SLEPENKOV, Zakhar Fedorovich; KOLYZAYEV, Boris Aleksandrovich)-,VXZVILY,0,1)_S,A.,, red. (Aircraft carriers) Avlanostsy. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1964. 274 P. (MIRA 17:12) ' I , ) ., VfV;._ T,f hatOlv) I .- - , - --- -, - ~ . - uAe r .13tig!J ti rg t!!e ~r, prcp~ -ties or 20 1) 1,-e ; TT) -I. ~ca I tlxsl (,!r,. Naucho7ap. IMA All URSR, S-sr.r1ashI.Loved. 1 hf- fie of --Yel 0 - j I , (,MIRA 17:10) 10, 134-142 "1" f rift r, u i i~- crr r e c -,)ond Of A n- V R%Wl-J V C,4" f fllt 3 ta 13 Dop, Aill U?.STR 1. Tnntitut irm3hJn-nvt-denjyu J avfroutild J',N [JlrS,1,R. 2. .xOrrt-ispondent )VII, UJk-JrS'Jt OT' 1A 0 J' L 1337-66 EVIT(r~)/EWP(O/ElVA (d)/T/EWP(t)/I~WP(k)/EWP(Z)/E;VP(b)/EXA (c) WWIJDIHI ~ACCESSIOWHks AP56-12400-7 Uik,/0369165/090/004/0449/04S4 AUVIOR: _Yyval j.,P. Kavich, 1. V. Mikolaychuk, A_,, G. structural changes in 6teels ,TITLEt, Thermotim q 1567A hanika materia"lov,.no. 4,,1965, 449-454 ;SOURCE: riziko-khimicheskaya h*V TAGS: steel structure,,mechanical heat treatment, thezv*mcbanical roperty iABSTRACT:' The.effect of therMomechanical w6rking'on mechaniral.properti of 4t-,. !35Kh-, and'6OS2 teel brands w,~s studied at frequencies of torsional de tiorl/ d 0 !Varyihg om 5000 and torsion amplitudes varying from 0 to 1.105. The steel fr 0 were heated,to-840_0.-;900*C, mechanica4y defofted, qu,enched in oil, and.tem-, pured. for 2 hours at 1500-4000C., For all Viree ate'els, an increase in torsion ampli- tud6 result6d In.a. shift of the Mximum,mechanical strength and hardness toward i ~~amaller frequencies, The heat-vibration-treatment'of the steel has little effect ad lit.~ plaatbafty.' Some loss In plastici ty was-ob~erved ht very high frequencies of .1torsional deformation.' A maximum steel haedening resulted from tempering at 1500- 2000C, The duration of-tempering had little'effoct on steel strength, In the ,case -9000C range, temperature of deformation does not af-, within 84.0 T Card 1/2 L 1337-66 ACCESSION KR: APS022400 fec-t the tnechanical'stringth; howeirer, use of higher tempem ;ure resulted irk a galn~, !in'steel'plasticity. The'maxim.irj', mechanical strength moulting from this treatmenti ,is' aceo'mpaniod by,s6,-,**1os&'in density,of martensite domaim. some Increa I ise in '[denrity of martendite domains occurs-at torsional &6formation frequencies greater %,than that corresponding to maximum mechanical 6trangth. This is, however, accompando' g number of picrocrack In the steel# Orl iied by the :ppearance of, an increasir go lari. has: figures,,2 tables 4 formulaso JASSOCIATIO If: Fiziko-nekhanicheaMy institut AH UkrSSRk-LYoY (P sico-mechanical. lInatitute," AN Uk-rSSA) !SUBMITTED: 2lMar65 EHCL~. 00, SUB COW: MM t(o Rcr SOVt 003 OTHCRs 001 I Curd2/2- L 1135-66 EWP(z)/V,1T(' )/EWP(b)/T/EV1A(d)A m wP(kv)/v1P(t) MJY/JD ACCOMMIR s AP5022403 UR/0369/65/0001004/0465/0467 'AUTHOR: Vvall P R 41 k H. _hLio_LLu 14A.L TITLEt Effect.of beat and vibration treatment on shear 'strenRth and endurancq of obits made of RIO teel SOURCE.-' Fiziko-khimicheakaya mekhanika materialov, no.- 4, 1965,-465-467 -TAGSi mechanical heat treatment, TOPIC shear strength, endurance test, steel/'RIO :S~teel :ABSTRACT: R18 steel contain-ine 0.9%,C, 16.2% W, Vb Cri.1.1% V, 'and 0.2% Mo was I ;used in..the study., The bits diameter wan .9 m~and the drill rod's diameter was 15 !mr.n. The treatment procedure involved heating to 12600C, cooling in air'to 450- ;-60011C, clic torsional deformation, and quenching in oil, The treatment equip- CY .,-.-nt was described in the literature (I. V. Vyvall and 0. N. Romaniv, Vliyaniya ~rabochikh ored na avo 9tVa materlatoV, 1964, vyp.'3 [Effect of Operating Media on Y ~P~:-operties of Materials, 1964, No. 3)); 'The~shear strength was examined on a vertj~ kcal drill at a constant feed rate of 6.11 tWrevolutlon using pe-45 steel. The 1 ~cuttfng rate varied-from 892 to 16.1 m/min. Maxima of bit enduranqa occured at Card 1/4 ---------- L 1335-66 ACCESSION KRv APS022403 .fn 500 and a 20 and n =.300 and a 40. Highest steel bit endurance resulted I 1when the treatment was carried out at 4500C. The treatment has no effect on the red 1hardness of RIB steel, The effect of tempering temperature on bit hardr,css is shown' lin fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The microhardness Hp distribution on bit's profile af-, ~ter the shear strength test is'shown in fig. 2 of.the Enclosure. Orig. art. has: 2 'figures, 1 table._ ASSOCIATIONt riziko-mekhanicheskly Institut ffil UkrSSRO: Lto~ (Physico-mechanical ~Institute, AH UkrSSR) rvr~,;-GUD CODEt MH' 1E ,SUBMITTED: 06Mer6S_;,_' ENCL: 02 'NO REr sov: .m OTHER: 000 J -Card,. 2/q,___._ -.4. N II ~ , I . N~ 2 --. ...Ck . I