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SIVOKONI, F.Ye.,-kand.filos.nauk Reason against mysticism ("Rationalism in Theory and Practice" by Archibald Robertson. Reviewed by P.N.Sivokon'). Nauka i shiin' 25 no.10:51 0 158. (KIRA 11:11) (Rationalism) (Robertson, Archibald) ELIMANOTICH, Sergey Sergeyevich; SITOKONI, P.Ye., red.; KOTALMO. T.L., [Scientific and atheistic training in physics lessons] Imuchao- steisticheskoe vospitamie us urokakh fisiki. Moskva, Goo. uchebuo-pedagog.isd-vo N-va prov.RSM, 1959. 101 P. (KIBA 13:7) (Athetsm--Study and teaching) (Physics--Study &ad teaching) SIVOKONS Pe Preachers of ignorance ("Modern theology and science" by I.A. Kryvelev. Reviewed by P. SivokonA). Nauka I zhizn' 27 no#3:72- 73 Mr 6o. (MIRA 13:6) (Religion and science) (Kryvelev I.A.) SIVOKONI, P.Ye.; SPASSKIY, B.I., dots.; LEONTIYEV, V.M., red.; LAZAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Origin and philosophical nature of scientific experiment] 0 proisk-hozhdenii i filosofskom znachenii estestvenno- nauchnogo eksperimenta. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk univ,I 1962. 201 p. iMIRA 5:5) (Science--PhilosoplW) FATALIYEV, Khali.11 I-lagomedovich[deceased]; NOVOSELITSEV, K.A.., red.; SAFOEGV, Yu.F., red.; SIVOKOILI, P.Ye.,.-re4._;_-WKOLOVSKAYA, T.A.,, red.; LAZAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Ilarxism-Leninism and the natural scienceslMarksim-leninim i estestvoznanie. Red. kolleg#a: K.A.Novoselltsev, IU.F.Safo- nov, i P.E.Sivokon'. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ. 1962. 351 P. tMIRA 15:9) 1, Sotrudniki kafedry dialcktichoskogo i istoricheskogo ma- terialima estestvemqkh fakulltetav Yoskqvskogo gosudarstven.- nogo universiteta (for Novoselltsev, Safonov, Sivokon'). (Comnunian and science) SIVOK011', V-1. [Sy-vokon', V~I--l - ~116 I "paj.,Lta. Geol.zhur.-,"- Origin of graph'tas in th,~ zaval, 1. no.6:39-116 '5 8. (14IRL 12: 1) 'Zw)a-L ~ ye region (Ukr-,jip0)-,-Graphite)) SPICKIDI'll, V.I..t imz*.." Alkall kao 1 *1 r,,- from the fIr-criyunaya deFos.: t ire a source cf high- r--ctash fel"Is',"a-r r~'.w Sr,-,k. L ker. 2.2 nc.8:25-27 Ag 165. (m-_,n.A 18 :9) 1. Khar~kovskava ekspeditsi3a. SIVOKONI V.P.; SVYATKIN, N4S. Use of waste heat instead of steam. Prom.energ. 18 no~2sg..9 F 163. (KMA 1612) (Boilers) BIBIKOV, I.; DEMTYANKOp K.; KAZACHKO.0 V.; KIRICHMKO I.j OCHER, N.; MACHUKHO., A.; NABATNIKOV, P.; SOKOLOVO D.;-SIV6K0NIYqj US, V.; SHCHIGALEV, V.; BURAVENKO, N.; KOVSHAROV, S.; SOKOLOV, S.; ZAGORULIKO, S.; TSYRA, M.; FOMENKO, I.; LYAKHOVELSKIY, M. Let us help farmers grow an abundant crop. Grazhd. av. no.3:3 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Aeronautics in agriculture) A C ',' N RATM446P Auaoiw: Sivokon', Ye. P. ORG: none SWFCR COM TITLE: Determining the bearing capacity of potassiuit.-salt pillars between rooms whon packing waste by hydraulic methods SOURCE: Loningrad. Gor%7 instituts Zapiski, v. 51, no. 1, 1966v 85-89 40PIC TAGS: mining engineering, pressure effeetp potassium mineral,, underground f acility ABSTRACT: The room-and-pillar system of mining may lead to considerable loss of oral in some Soviet salt mines, the waste of valuable salts amounts to 50%. This loss may be diminished by decreasing the size of pillars between rooms and by filling excavated rooms with waste. Hydraulic packing of waste from the concentration plant .;s most effective, since this also takes care of the removal of plant tailings. .L Auxiliary material such as sand and gravel should also be used to help fill the work-ed-out rooms. The bearing capacity Of such waste material has been inadequately studied, however. The author has made a study of the effect of hydraulic parking ca pi-Ilars in the Kaluga. deposit of potassium ealts,, Characteristic features of thi~.s deposit, as well as of related deposits in the Carpathian region,, are inhomoge- neity of the material and a clay content amounting to as such as 30%. The productive 02A ob in t- e ;alush ~51't Of POt"Ssium r ~-,qti%rq of dovelopner t. I -11?r 1, - ,7 . I - '~ (- ~T---~ 11111"LC ,I . I,.' . --- - - -- -.- - - - - - - Sunports for Moving Parts of Instruments. ,jud-prom"iz (IS1,52) zp. 22 and 15L; 't~ .-�IYOKOITEITKO. I.M.; YAVLENSKIY, K.N.; TABLOUSKAYA, L.V. 1 -1.1--- 1- Using small-size ball bearings in the manufacture of aeronautical instruments. Trudy LIAP ao.11:62-68 156. (MIRA 1l:;?) (Ball bearings) (Aeronautical instruments) SOV/124-58-1-176 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 19 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sivokonenko, I M., Yavlenskiy, K.N. TITLE: ___TN_e__1V~rn Dependence of the Friction Moment in Instrument Ball Bearings (Zavisimost' momenta t'reniya v pribornykh shariko- podshipnikakh ot chisla oborotov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta aviats. priborostr. , 1956, Nr 11, pp 69-80 ABSTRACT: A presentation of the results of theoretical and experimental research on the friction moment of ball bearings operating at high rpm (e. g. , in gyroscopes and high-speed motors). The investiga- tions were performed up to 25,000 rpm. The authors are of the opinion that, above 4,000-6,000 rpm, centrifugal forces exert a noticeable influence on the magnitude of the friction moment.* V. M. Alyamovskiy Card 1/1 SOTI/124-59-9-10472 Translation fromz Referativnyy zhurna~?, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, p 127 (USSR AUTHORS_~ Aref'yev, B.A., Sivokonenko, I.M. T!=" on the Re i tance to Rolling of a Ball Over a Plane (On 'vR-,lling Friction";a PERIODICAL. Tr. Leningr. In-t aviats. priborostr., 1958, Nr 19, pp 127 - 143 ABSTRACT,, A semi-empirical approximate est1mate of the resistance force to rolling of a ball over a plane is derived under the presumption, that this resistance is caused by elastic tangential stresses arising as a consequence of cohesion between the ball and the plane over the entire surface of their elastic contact range, A graphic comparison of the experimental results with the calculation by the approximate formula is -zarried out. N.A. Rostovtsev i7ard 1/1 VINL'.rS, Ya.M.; SIVOKOMKO, I.M.; SDCHOVICH, I.S.; YAVLENSKIY, K.N. Effect of magnetic fields on the antitorque moment in instrument ball bearings. Av.prom. 26 no.8:27-29 Ag 157. (MIRA 15:4) (Ball bearings-Testing) .A. SOV/123-59-15-6ol4i Tran~ulation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 177 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sivokonenko, I.M., Yavlenskiy, K.N. TITLE: Variations of the Friction Moment in Instrument Bearings Depending on the Magnitude of Atmospheric Pressure PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr., 1958, Nr 19, PP 155 - 158 ABSTRACT. Results are given on the investigations of variations of the moment of friction in lubricated and non-lubricated center bearings and ball bearings with an outer diameter of 10 mm, in dependence on variations of the rare- faction of the surrounding medium. The,investigated steel centers or inner bearing races were connected with an electromotor, and the agate thrust bearings and outer bearing races with a dynamometric device con- sisting of a speculum, electromagnetic damper and hair-spring, The twisting of the latter, under the effect of the moment of friction, was recorded on photographic paper by the deviation of the light ray reflected Card 1/2 from the speculum. The drive and dynamometric device were put under a hood SOV/123-59-15-60141 Variations of the Friction Moment in Instrument Bearings Depending on the Magnitude of Atmospheric Pressure from which the air was pumped out. The investigation showed that, at a decrease of atmospheric pressure down to 2 - 10-2, the moment of friction-increases: for center bearings without lubrication by 11%, with lubrication by 15%, and for ball bearings without lubrication by 20%, and with lubrication by 38%. 3 figures, 4 references. K.S.M Card 2/2 SIVOKONENKO, I.M.; YAVLEN&.IY, K.N. Investigating ball bearings used in gyroscopic devices. Vop. prikl. gir. no.2:16-24 160. (KRA 15:4) (Ball bearings) (Gyroscopic instruments) /V/ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6070 Babayeva, Nina Fedorovna, Valentin Mikhaylovich Yerofeyev Sivokonenko, Yuriy Mikhaylovich Khovanksiy, and Konstantin Nikolayevich Yavlenskiy Detali i elementy giroskopicheskikh priborov (Parts and Elements of Gyroscopic Devices). Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 497 p. Errata slip inserted. 4800 copies printed. Scientific Eds. : P. P. Koptyayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and V. P. Orlov, Engineer; Reviewers: Yu. A. Shcherbakov, Engineer, A. A. Saydov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and E. I. Sliv, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. : M. 1. Nikitina; Tech. Ed. : R. K. Tsal, PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers concerned with instrument build- ing and may also be used by students attending instr ument- building institutes. Card 1/4 151 Parts and Elements (Cont. ) SOV16070 Ch. IV. Current- Carrying and Pneumatic Apparatus for Feeding Gyroscopic Devices 249 Ch. V. Correcting Devices 264 Ch. VI. Mechanisms Limiting the Freedom of a Gyroscope's Rotation 314 Ch. VII. Stopping [Blocking] Mechanisms 333 Ch. VIII. Data-Gathering Elements of Gyroscopic Devices 347 Ch. IX. Tracking Systems in Gyroscopic Devices 433 Bibliography 491 Card 3/4 ;AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/146/62/005/005/015/916 D201/D308 Sivokonenko, I. M. and Yavlenskiy, K. N. Analysis of one of the methods of decreasing friction in bearings Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostro- yenie, V. 5, no. 5, 1962, 134-139 ,TEXT; The authors analyze the action of slip type and roller type .friction bearings and show that by using the bearings which are jorcibly made to assume additional motion, the slip-type friction ,may be decreased approximately 20 times and roller type friction ,about 10 times. A formula is given for the required number of.addi- 'tional revolutions of the bush in the slip-type friction bearings band those of the raceway in roller type bearings. The results of .experiments carried out with f6rced motion bearings were in- good ,agreement with theoretical assumptions, There are 4 figures. JCard 1/2 Analysis of one ... ASSOCIATION: ,,SUBMITTEDi S/146/62/005/005/015/016 D201/D308 Lenin radskiy institut aviatsionnogo,priborostroye- niye Mningrad Institute of Aviation Instruments) February 2Bt 1962 Card 2/2 GORDIYENKO, Prokopiy Lukich; SIVOKONENKO, Igor' Mikhaylovic~; FADEYEV, ~-AVERNSKTY,--To-~-a-titn--~---Niko~layev-ich; Aleksey Antonovich; DEMENTIYEV, Khrisanf Nikiforovich;.LYUSTIF-ERG, V.F.,; PONOMAREV., V.A., [Laboratory equipment for measuring friction forqe moments in the supports of apparatuses. Device for testing the iWact hardness of ice infield conditions]Laboratornaia uatanoA* diia izmereniia mauentov ail treniia v eporaidt priborov. UatroistTO dlia ispytaniia udarnoi tverdosti ltda v polevykh usloviinkh. Moskva, Filial nauchn.i tekhn. informataii, 1958. 11 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proizvodstyennyl opyt. Tema 32. NO.P-58-33/6) (MIRA 160) (Engineering instruments--Testing) FWT(l.)/EWT(m)/EWP(w)/EPF(c)/EWA(d)/EPR/T/EWP.(t)/4WP(b) JD/Dj ACCESSION NR; AR4047651 S/0l24/6V000/008/A02Q/A020 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 8AI26 AUTHOR- Sivokonenko, I.M., Yavleaskiyo K. N. TITLE- The effect of vibration on the moment of the friction forces in bearings CITED SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr., vy*p. 40, IV-63, 128-134 TOPIC TAGS: friction, bearing friction, sleeve bearing, bearing vibration, rocker bearing, slide bearing TRANSLATION: Ile effect of vibration on the moment of friction&rces in rocker and is considered. The experimental rigs and techniques are described slide fricti2oan bea Results ar given of experimental studies of the dependence of friction in rocker bearings and sleeve bearings on the magnitude of the load on the bearing, with and without free play, in the rocker bearings, as well as with different degrees of rigidity in the fastening of the shaft to the table of the test stand. The results ofthe experiments are presented in the form of graphs in which the acceleration values are laid off along one axis and the ratios of the magnitude of the friction with vibrations present to the same nYagnituile with 'Card 1/2 "ACCESSION NR: AP4037473 S/0146/64/007/002/0164/01-T.O.' AUTHOR: Sivokonenko. I M.; Yavlenskiy. K. N. TITLE: Investigation of some types of suspension supports in gyroscopic 'instrurnents ISOURCE:IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 7, no.'Z, 1964, 164-170 'TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope, gyro, gyro suspension, gyro suspension support ABSTRACT: In the special rolling-contact bearings (TsKW-Ml, ToKB-1358, TsKB-2332) used in gyroscope*, a forced rotation is imptited to the mid-rings which roughly cuts down the friction to I / 10 its conventional value. With a vertical axis of the rotating system, the ratio M.L. /M largely depends on the type of lock (thrust bearing) preventing axial movement of the system; here, M J,,. and A40 - are the friction inonwnts in the bearings with moving and stationary inicL-rings, respectivelye Design features of the rotating systems are shvwn in !Card 114 ACCESSION'NR: AP4037473 Enclosures I and 2. On the basis of experimental data, it is reported that the I bearing with a lock fornmd, by a ro1W -in ball has the least fri T~KB-132 CUM. mwmwnt for both vertical mW horizontal gyro ams. Orig. are. has: 3 figm"s and I table. ASSOCIATION: Irani- radskly inatitat aviatsiommSe pribm"troymAya (Imeningrad bwd*W* of Aviation lastrummets) 4" n-C SUDIMTEW. 09.Taia63 DATZ Addt mgcLt 8i MM CODS: -AC -::-;,.No mw sovi 002 At, 7i - ogi-r;i r~v ACCLWICII Xft' AP4037473 4 Vv Tom T5KB Aw 4w Vaop~jon SUMAM in forl Card 3/4 M ~.Rml "N77 02 AOCMCI MR& AP4037473 Aw"w izi, t v, I. ? "i, W Y-v- A2. - ~N ?A! W!'eu!t __; ILI' yi Jw IL it 414 L 0725-67. FMT(M)/k1T UW) Da~ _ _L ____ NR. "e6b~~668 SOURCE CODE: uR/oilt/667o09/003/ol4l/oi4h 7AU:OR: Sivokonenko, I. M.; Yavlenskiy, K. N.; Semenov, L. V. 10 ORG: Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Building -tt-enittradskiy institut - - _4-1 aviatsionnogo priborostroyeniya)- A TITLE: Reducing friction in instrument bearing SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 3, 1966, 141-144 TOPIC TAGS: friction, antifriction bearing, precision ifttrument industry, M?66d-vi- bration ABSTRACT: The author considers bearing friction as one of the factors which a:ffecte~'--'' the accuracy of Insiriument readings. The three-ring bearinpliconventionaily used- -4-4-0 for reducing this type of friction may be replaced by radial o-- radial-thrust bearings.:,..,... The reasons for friction reduction with forced oscillations of the rings in a bearing vith three-point contact ~E qualitatively analyzed and it is shown that the reduction in the moment of friction,increases with a reduction in the angular velocity of the in- ner ring as compared with that of the outer ring, and with a reduction in the time re- quired for reversing the direction of the outer ring. The friction characteristics of radial-thrust bearings type 6005 are experimentally compared with those of a bearing with three-point contact in a pair vith a radial bearing having a smooth inner surface on the outer ring, type A640096. The effect of frequency and,amplitude of the oscil- Card ACC NR. "MeZMO lations, load, position of the axis and additional vibration on the moment of friction in the bearings was studied. When the inner rings of the bearing oscillate in oppo directionsv friction is reduced by a factor of 8-9 on the average. When the inner r outer rings in both bearings oscillate in the same direction, friction is reduced by a factor of 5-6. The reduction in friction in the bearings increases as the average an- gular velocity of the forced motion of the rings becomes higher in comparison Vith that of the movable system. When the average angular velocity of the forced motion of the rings is held constant, the frequency and amplitude of ring motion have practically no effect on the moment of friction in the bearings. Friction may be xeduced by a factor of 10-12 by oscillations of the outer rings of both bearings in the same direction and vibrations-vith an acceleration of greater than 1 g. A further increase in the accele- ration of vibrations has no appreciable effect on the moment of friction in the bear- ings. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 13, 20/ SUBM DATE: 04feb66/ ORIG REF: 002 Card 2/2 afs SIVOKONEV. A.K. Iffect of sewing timet 3n sunflower yield. Zamledelie 7 no.2:53-56 Ir 159. (KIRA 12:3) I.Kamenakaya gosudaretvannaya sallskokhozyaystvannava opytnaya stantsiya. (Rostov Province--Sunflowers) C__\~ SIVOKOIIEV. A.M. - Basic cultivation of Chernozeme in Rostov Province. Zemledelie 7 no.8:29-34 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) l.Kamenskaya goeudaretvannaya eel I skokhozyaystvannaya op3rtn&Ya stantsi,ya. (Rostov Yrovince-Chernozem soils) (Tillage) SIVOKONEVA, N.A. Pneumogra hic investigations in patients with bronchial asthma. Vrach. 70 no, 3.138-139 Mir 161. (MIRL 14:4) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zave - prof* TS.A. Levina) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ASTIBIA) (LUNGS-RADIOGWHY) IYWINAP TS.A., prof.; GRUMA, Ye.A., dotsent; DRITRIYEVA, I.T., assistent; ROMOOVSKAYA, A.I., assistent; MOBUTU, ILL., assistent; YAGODKINA, V.I., assistent (Odessa)- Clinical test of a new spasmolytic substence limit in steno- cardia. 40 no.5:67-70 162. (MMI 15:8) 1. 1z ob"yedinennoy kafedry (zav. - prof. TS.A. Levina) imeni N.I. Pirogova (dir. - I.Ya. Deyneka). (911GINA PECTORIS) propedevtiki vnutrenniky bolezney Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta zasluzhennyy deyatell naiLki prof. (VASODILATORS) LEVINA, TS.A., prof.; GRUZINA, Ye.A., dotsent; DMITRIYEVA, I.T.; ROMANOVSKAYA, A.I.; SJVDIMI~ ~AN~A ; YAGODKINA, N.I. Treatment with persanthine of stenocardia. Vrach.delo no.10:20-26 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. TS.A. Levixi&) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ANGINA PECTORIS) (PYRIMIDINES) BUKSFYAN, M.K., dotsent; SIVOKONEVA, N.A., kand. med. nauk Treatment in bronchial asthma with euphyllin. Sov. med. 26 no.11:17-20 11162 (MIRA 170) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney ( zav. - prof. TS. A. Leviria.) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. SIVOKMNA Jq N.A., Late results of the treatment with protective inhibition in bronchial asthma. Vrach. delo no.6:132 Je'63. (RIRA 16:9) 1, Kafedra r pedev-tiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - p:rof. TS.A.Levina Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SLFEP THERAPY) (ASTHMA) LEVINA, TS.A., prof.; GRUZINA, Ye.A., dotsent; DMITRInVA, I.T.; ROMANOVSKAYA, A.I.; SIVOKONEVA, N.A.; YAGODKINA, N.I. Study of the effectiveness of the spasmolytic agent dietafen (etafen) in stenocardia. Sov. zed. 27 no.12:103-106 0 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Obl'yedinennaya kafedra, propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav.- prof. TS.A. Levina) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova. SIVCKOVA, 11-farta; MIATEJ.IGEK, Alois The ternary system methanol-water-1,2-di-chl-c--oet-~izze. Chem prum 12 no.10:544-54a" 0 16-9. 1. Vyzkumny ustair syntetickych pryskyric a laku, PLrdubice. e ba 71, 1 '(6-76T 'OT *ON 'AlUIS TlXul sTdolej) 'C6 qOxukl TI 'MC-fl :OS *9-[-Il *d IT *ON '6416-1 '-GSTJlsnPuT .[;*41 '.Ll'~EMPUT AXTUP pu-9 quam sq'4 UT 2UTUUU-Ed jood uou : -f IdWToATS 'I dv,loAis SIVOLIP, I.K. Pod'yek Pkshcheyoy Promyshle Nosti SSSR V Poslevoyennoy Staliaskoy Pyat'letke The rise of US3RIS Tood industry DurinF the post-war Five Year Plan, Moskva, Pravda, 1950 3 P- Hbligraphical Footnotes At head of title: Vsesdyuznone De lichestvs po Rasprostkancklyu Po -vcheskikh I Nauchnykn Znamiy. Topics of lecture l.Uninterrunted increase of living standards for the working people is the law of the socialistic society's development. 2.Restoration of output and increaseof good products 3. Problems of important branches of food. I'AVOL.1'1~ New development of the food industry of the USSR. ('P;osk-va) Gos. izdvvo polit. lit-rjr, 1952. 90 p. (52-42891) HD9015.R92348 SIVOLAP, I.E., mameatitell ministra legkoy i pishchevoy promyshlennocti =R. ~ [Food Industry of the U.S.S.R. In the struggle for an abundance of food Products] Pishchevaia prom~rshlennostl SSSR v boribe za izobilie produktov pitaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie*, 1953. 31 P. 'kMUA 6:5 ) (Food industry) , .. . 1. . - = . .1 1 , ; I . - I . - : T-1 , I". -- I :,~ I I I I I SIVOLAP, N.K. Baberfl,ov, A.N. and Sivolap. N.K., "Production Tests af the IPRI autop~jtic regulator (Yalta Tobacco and Fermentation Plant)," Tabak. fT-obaccq/ 1953, No 4. pages 10-16. "JUCIA', 2 T Za sozdaniye obil-4ya produktc%, pitaniya v SSSR for creation of abundance in the production of food stuffs in the UISSR Moskva, Znaniye 1954. 2 1 31 p. tables. 11/5 722.3 .S61 JUQU 6L redaktor; HOWHANOVA, O.P., professor, reduktor; LCRANOV, D.I., profei-sM, redaktor; SMIXHIN, M.A., redaktor; LIMITS. K.0., re- daktor; TSYPIJNKOV, N.F., redaktor. CAL book about tasty and healthy food] Kniga o Ykasnoi i xdorovoi pishchs. Moskva, Pishchopromisdat, 1954. 399 P. , (KLVA 8:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo promyshlennosti prodo- volletvennykh toyaroy. (Cookery) SIVOLAP. I.K.. New technology in the food industry. Znan.vila no.6:1-3 is '54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Pervyy Zamestitell ministra promyshlonnosti prodovollstvannykh tovarov SSSR. (Food industry-Equipsent and supplies) -SIVOUP, Ivan XUz'mich; SHATKUN, A.B., spetaradaktor; PRITYKINA, L.A., redaktor: KISINA. Ye.I., tekhnicheskiy rednktor [Food industries of Italy) Na pishchev7kh predpriiatiinkh Italii. Moskva. Pishchopromizdat, 1956. 92 p. (MIRA 10:2) (Italy-Food industry) SIVOW, I. K- . Sakh.prom. 30 no.8:53--60 Ag. 156. Sugar inclustry of ItslY (K" 9.11) (Italy--algar Judustry) SIWIAP. Ivan K 0 SHATKHAN, Abram bavel'yevich; TTAGAT, Ye., radaktor; - * I . 4 Mehnicheskiy redaktor [Soviet food industry) Fishcheyets promyshiennosti SSSR. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1957. 179 P- (MLRA 10:9) (Food industry) SIVOLAP. In the struggle for an abundance of food products. Vop.ekon. no-10:116-127 0 157. (MINA 10:12) (Food industry) A j Tasks for the alcohol industry in the light of the resolutions of the May Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Spirt, prom. 24 no.7:32-34 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Alcohol) BEIUMISIUZYN, Aleksandr Filippovich; SIVOW, Ivan Kuzlmich; HURASHOVA, 0.1., red.; KISINA, Ye.L.`d.~ [ftll utilization of distillers' feed) Komplekenoe ispollzovanis bardy spirtovykh zavodov. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1960. 95 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Distilling industries--By-products) 1-1 SIVOW. I.K. Problem of the technical and economic effectiveness of the complete utilization of sugar-beet molasses in the distilling industr7. Spirt.prom. 26 no.2:30-34 '60. (MIRA 13:6) (Distilling industries) (molasses) SIVOLAP, I.K.; VINOGRitDSKIY, B.M. Organizing the resources of raw potatoes for the dis- tilling industry. Spirt.prom. 26 no-5:30-32 16o. (Distilling industries) (Potatoes) (MIRA 13:7) SIVOLAY, I.K. Effectiveness of the use of ferment preparations in the national economy. Spirt;prom. 26 no.7:27-31 160. (KIRA 13:10) (Fermentation-Equipment and supplies) MOLCHAROVA, O.P., prof.; LOBANOI, D.I., prof.; MARSHAK, M.S., prof.; GXTTr3T-SKIY, I.D.; BIUMIN, N.I., laureat Stalinakoypremil; KOITNIKOV, A.G., laureat Stalinsicoy premii; LIFSHITIS, M.O.; M3TLITSKIY, L.V., doktor sallskakhoz.nauk; NAMRISTNIK07, A.?., kand.tekhn.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye: ANAWYN7, A.A.; GROZN07, S.R.- YNFIMOV, V.P.; KIKRADZIC, N.S.; NIKASHIN, F.P.; PIROGOT, N.M.; SKRIPKIN, G.M.; TSYPIMINOV, II.P. SIVOLAP, I.K., red.; WJ.qIKHIN, M.A., red.; BSTSOFXN, Ya.L. G.B., red.; PRITTKINA, L.A., red.; XISINA, Ye.I., [Book on tasty and healthy food] Kniga o vk-uano'A i zdorovoi pishche. Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1961. 423 P. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent AK9 SSSR (for Molchanova). (Cookery) PLEVAKO, Ye.A., doktor biol. nauk, red.; SIVOLAPA I.Ki,, kand..ekon. nauk, red.; ZELIMAN, G.S Cit Z~a ~~NVEIDVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Yeast industry of the U.S.S.R.] Drozhzhevaia promyshlennost' SSSR. Moskva, 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnichaskoy in- formataii pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Yeast) -4 ZUTS, Konstant-in Aleksandrovich, dots.., kand. tekhn. nauk; GOLIDENBERGp Iosif Borisovich, inzh,j_,�M4?OV, Vi,ktor Gordeyevichp inzh. [Gontrol of thermal conditionp in open-hearth -fVrnaceal Upravlenie teplovym rezhimom martenovskikh pechel. Mo- sk-va, Metal-lurgiial 1964. 3-19 p. (MIRA 17412) I V C)iAPOV , V. TOH :hl YI G B., ; ZUTS , K, A., 1:11(jun" CY 'n f-u-- ga~;~.3 az~ puise. for the regilation A t-:I,ir,;j(:rnt.ur-,,,~ In cpn-riaarth furng-fir" Iz.. vp. ucheb. ZrLv,; '64 . mitt. 7 ri, .6-,'l'*IcV1-83 (141A 17'7) 1. Magriltogor8ildy gornometal-lurgicheak:Ly institut. SIVOLDI'MNL A', -9 -- How to prevent intestinal diseases. Sov.shakht. 12 no.6:45-46 Je 762. (I'MA 15:6) -1. Gla-vnyy vrach Novomoskovskoy sanitarno-epidemichesko-, stantsii Tul'skoy obla3ti. (MIMMS-DISEASES AND HYGIENE) L F) rl _-cts in vectors -rch t f :Iol' TMT tC-n t-.~ A-11~atlon of " ~:~j or MC - tt3t~ T,.!11,~),,.un,j~r j~ra,:tlcal ~on~!tfvr-l- [Ile -roblo f or tile 'i"lity of kntl-F17 U--nt3 Inzinf~Vtli. In-'^, '957. 11P. r2r . n.-t. 1,) ;9 3-117 Ai.:T,~~ Iel,*,I~-: toolti carriel out In 19~2, t 3ta1lm,3rjk T 1:1DI, ~0.,t.lnlng? 51-66.' tjjjt tl,o n 2211- M,1111,1~ OrrilrI011 "r ~Uz ,ith the nw,W "Ito of (1-8-1-9 hAtj 111gher Ind nore lantinp InioctIcIdO .7 Zakhamyr., '11. H.; "pgrijita or the Work or a r. 15pedItIon) 'Ar-11 MTR~ CT Isctivit7. The average percentage or death or the cont" Ifll~x followIng their contact with glass surfaces Art,v 1. 8 and 35 days following their treatment with paste TaNrDI equaled 100, 919 and 90%. The di-th or fit*, cituring the a- periods after thoir contact with treated plastered surfaces amunted to 97, 82 and 89%, ani with surfaces painted with all color. 100, 90 and 60%. resped- tively. The tests of DDT a cools (at the rate or outlay of 0.1 or 0.2 SW) In the buUdibgs CARDI 213 'I JABSTPAIT Ishowed that their effect Is extramly ahort-ii cont'd (1-2 days).-- W. Ya. Markovich 14 IvC I -- I A)B U I _--' I Ifispitalization in the work of outuettent clinics. Trech.dalo mo.9; 975-977 S '57. (NLRA 10:9) 1. Stalinskiy weditsinakiy Inatitut (rukovoditell raboty - ehlen- korrespoudent AMM SSSR, prof, G.A.Batkis), (MICAL STATLSTICS) SIVOLOB. N.1. (go' Stalino) Feldsher at a firat nid atation. Felld. i akush. 24 no.1258-59 Ja 159 (MIRA 12:1) (REPRINTSEV, SMGEI IVANOVICH, 1898-) SIVOLOB,' N. I., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Statistical wethods of eval- uation of the quality of polyclinical. assistance-" Moscow, 1960. 17 pp; (Second Moscow State Medical Inst im N. I. Pirogov); 25C copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 172) C_ SIVOLOB, ~ j-nzh. Efficiency of "intervals" with various lengths of time. Put' i put. Idioz. 7 no.10:14-16 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. hrannollmanskoye otdoleniye Fonritskoy dorogi. SITOLOBOT, Andrey Mikhaylovich (Agrarian relations In present-day Brazil] Agrarnye otnoshenlia v sovremnnoi Brazilft. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ryo 1959. 209 P. , (MIRA 13:2) (Brazil- *, iculture-4conomic aspects) AZIUM, A.K.; ANDRIYANOV, B.V.; BARASILEV, P.R.; BUGAYEVA, M.I.; VASILIYEV, N.I.; DENISOV, N.N.; ZASIAVSKIY, D.Ye.; OSTROINOV, G.N.; 7TUPAYEV, A.S.; ADZHUBEY, A.I., red.; GORYUNOV, D.P., red.; IMICHEV, L.F., red.; SATYUKOV, P.A., red. red.; SKURIDIN, G.A. , red.; T01MACHEV, AN., red.; DANILINA, A.I., tekhn. red. (Dawn of the outer space era] Utro kos:icheskoi ery. Moskva., Gos- politizdat, 1961. 762 p. _ [Phonograph record "World. flight to the stars. Soviet man in outer space;" report] Gramofonnaia plastin- ka "Vsemirnyi reis k zvezdam. Sovetskii chelovek v kosmose"; repor- tazh. (111RA 14:10) 1. Redaktsiya gazety "Pravda" (for Azizyan, Denisov). 2. Komitet po radioveshchaniyu i televideniyu (for Andriyanov). 3. Redaktslya ga- zety "Komsoirollskaya pravda" (f~r Barashev). 4. Redaktsiya gazety "Sovetskoye foto" (for Bugayev). 5- Redaktsiya gazety "Krasnaya zvezda" (for Vasillyev). 6. Gosud~;stvennoye izdatel'st*o politi- cheskoy literatury (for Zaslavski-y). 7. Redaktslya gazety "Izve- sti-ya" (for Ostroumov). 8. Telegrafhoye agenstvo SSSR (for Tyupayev). (Astronautics) -qT,frLO-'ICU, 'I. :. L -~,,t-.OjoF~cal -,anres jr, the 11tei-as anri the pathoFenosis Of I' Patho-io . 1 icelloEis-" Cand 'let Scil of Pregnancy in a.,.dne Far' Premature TnterruptiOn t ~!Ovocnerlkassk, J!'54. (RZh:-'iol, NO ~j sj: 700veterilnary Ins- ,lovocaerka rar 5") [',,'-Su--Vel,l of' Scilenti-fic2and Technical sen ions (15) so: al Tnstitut T T)cfendee e r t;1 t E /135/6' _~/O' 0 r,~/()O -7. 10r~-. /C'~7; r"S/A i ri l Sn; bl~-jzin~ 2, V. Candidate of Technical. oc i e*1 ": e71 V Cc;'- '~arjq_31a: V, D., Ferellmon, Yu. A., Engilr-,Eern -jmp:~ wil!, a orol.dal transforre.1- f.:-r ct-o' 'tie and allimiz-vom alloys rZr T ODYAL,, .3varoclanoyc cr,~JzvodE,..vo, no, 3, 1962, 30 - 31 ia- A~. -fte Saratov Polytechnic Institute and 47,he Plan~. of Elec~rcrnermal &q-.iipmen'~ , GIA -66 (SPI-66) type suspended clamps were developed weighing 20, kgs -Lnd n 1, _~virZz a pne--imatic mechanism for pressing the electrodes-. The clamps are in- tended for welding alumin-~Am alloy parts 0,8 + 0.9 mm thick, and low-carbon steel Par'~-s up to 3 + 3 mm thick, with 20 kamp short-ci~rcuit-. current of 50 cycles f re-, quency,, Wnen u-sing 100 cycle frequency current, the +11-Ackness of al,.Imin-um alloy parts can be increased to L.5 - 2 mm. The clamps are,differermt from conv&nticnal ones by ha-ri ng -a t ransf ormer in the -toroidal form which presents a number cf ad- 7antagc-z over a she-11 -I-ype '__ranaformer. such as high_er efficiency ard rrore sl-,-atle T_rr s nglE e-:ding condi'lion-, ir,particular for spot welding alaminium alloys, coil de-Ign of.tne se--ondary transformer winding makes It posslble*_4 U=. , - Card 146 'A r 4 dwo IP ILI LO:u IN Ag for I Hi.. av JM? g oi SIVOLOBOVA, G.M.,,,redaktor; RAKOV, S.I., tekhnichaskiy rodaktore LTools and equipment used in concrete and reinforced workj Instrumenty t prisposobleatia d1la betonsykh i sholosobotonzykh rabot.[Perevod a nsmetskogeJ. LMoskvaj lzd-ve VTsSPS Profisdat, 1956. 39 P. WaA 10:6) (Concrete construction) RODIAN, B.Yu.; SIVO KIY,, Ye.A.; DAVYDOV. Yu.A.: BYSTROV, A.N. ~e -1"S Thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate. Zhur. priki. kbin. 31 no-7:1101-1102 Jl 153. (MIRA 11:9) (Ammonium nitrate) GINTER, Ye.K.; KARASEVA, E.V.; SIVOLODSKIY, Ye.F. Affect of levomycetin on ph--golysi.- in dysenterial bacteria. Antibiotiki 7 no.5-.467-47o my 162. Oall 15:4) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. A.I.Korotyayev) Kubanskogo meditsinskago InDtitutn. (a--'VOMYCF4TIN) (SHIGE-LIA PAUDYSENTM41M) (BACTERIOPHAGEE) SIVOLODSKIY, Ye.P., GRITER Ye.g.~ KARASEVA. E.V. ) I - Effect of on the phag.;Ilylia of antibiotic-resistan'. FleNme-05 d-T=p-r4,. mrial *m-li'll.l.,Antibiotiki 8 no."':-.461-466 KY~612 (~fJRA 170) 1. Kafedra mikr---biologil. ( za.-. A.[. K-abanakogo meditsinskog-) Lnst.'_.ta~a. BAZHIMOV, S.Y., dotsent; SIVOLOZHMT, T-Ya., assistent; LITVIN , M.N., starshly laborant, vefeurmftr~,i-~. Now mamal on veterinary pharmacology ("Veterinary pharamologyo. Reviewed by S.V. Bashenov. I.IA. Sivolozhokit, N.M. Litvin). Veterin iia 33 no.6:88-90 is '56. (MM 9:8) 1. Dafedra farmakologii Kiyevskogo gosudaretvannogo veterinarnogo inatituta. (Veterinary materia medics, and pharmacy) ry it (if o$ C) V :A i rn J4, SIVOPLYAS. A.K. Indastrial excursions in the seven-year school. Fiz.v shkole 13 no-5:28-29 5-0 15.3. (MI-RA 6:8 ) 1. 25-Ya shkola, Taganrog. (Mysice-Study and teaching) (School excuraions) PEKHOVTCJj A.L. ~ , A.M.; SIVOPLYAS, Difference in the temperature of some organs under norr-al conditions I and during general anesthesia. Kbirurgiia 39 no-1:133-134 N 163. (MIRA 17:11), 1. !z kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.L. Khenkin), Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituta. OSIVOPLYAS) LIX, . I'1. 'I-, . Furnaces Experience in the use of furnace crowns. Rab. energ. 2, Ro. 8, 1952. 9. Monthl-y List of Russian Accessions,, Library of L;onggress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. L 06184-67 Ew (1)_ aw- XC NRj Ap6d1-6�2'_ - SOURCE CODE:--ijk-/O--259/66/000/005/0041/0042 AUTHOR: Sivoplyas, G. ORG: none 2_7 TITLE: Laboratory above the clouds If1i ca ABSTRACT: The on-board -nstrumentation of the LI-2 and IL-28 weath-pr reconnaissance aircrafU_ tude lon-rang Nare described. The IL-28, used for high-alti- C) :,,,e weather reconnaissance missions, carries a special elec tric meteorograph to measure and photographically record temperature, humidity, air pressure, as well as the velocity of the air stream. While in the LI-2 aircraft the sensors are affixed to the wings and are not accessible to the aerologist, in the special electric meteoro- graph carried on the IL-28 the recorder unit is Inside the cabin. Fig. 1 shows the arrangement of the aerological equipment carried on the IL-28. SOURCE: Naulca I toldinlica, no, 5, 1966, 41-42 C'dVeev1ir,,aAJ, kFSFoWN #WWOVAII-l" TOPIC TAGS: A atwaout&,- weather aircraft, aircraft meteorologic equip- ment, electrometeorograph, aircraft sounding/ IL-28 Aaircraft, LI-2 A aircraft #Ye"SE~09&XIN 11 6V-0 STU-')RINOVSKIY., B.; LISKOVF.TS,, A. Piecework wages in construction. Sots. tAZ 8 no.1:10&110 ja 163. A (MIRA 16:2) 1. Starshiy inahener normativno-iseledovatellskoy stantaii domootroitellnogo kombinata No.1 Glavnogo upravleniya po shiliahchmmu i grazbdanskomu stroitellstvu v g. Moskve (for Sivorinovokiy). 2. St&rBbiy inzhener po trudu i zarabotnoy plate tresta Beltranostroy (for Liskovets). (wages-construction industry) U'c;sli/liur,nn ante ini-;-nI Physioloj~~r - T-7 Abs Jt--,ur Ref Zhur Biol.., 110 7, 1958, 31803 Author Ivo, Inst Title Action of Different Temperature Factors Separately and in Conjunction with the Function of the Saliva Glands in DoE5;. Orig Pyb Tr. KharIkovsk. med. in-ta, 1955, 'rjP- 34, 138-144. Abstract No abstract. Carcl 1/1 - 66 - K-TRILYOK,. V.P.; LAYI-7-41,14, Y,7:.i,!.; A.A.; i G.I~tl.; MAIMChUR, G.F.; TSICNI, New data on the aboolute age determ�.Lat-lon vf geolc- -:~al ni formations in the Amazar.-ShIlka Interfluve, 'east Transbaikalia). Gec,khimiia no.12:1244--2255 D 164. (YJRA 18:8) 1. Gosudarstvenny-y urdena Lenina universital. imeni lv. Franko, Llvov. SIVOSHDT,S= , D. S. "StTpllfied Method of Inter.pretation of Scotoma on the Carapimetric Grid, " Vest. IT Oftalmol., 28, 40. 3, 1949- Eye Cli-mic, First Moscow Order of Lenin Red. Inst., -cl9l;9-. SIVOSHLISIM, D. S. "The Centennial li-mdversary of the Birth of Adrian Jkleksandro-vich Kryukov," 28, No. 5, 194,9. Clin. of Eye Diseases, First 11-Toscow Order of Lenin I-led. Inst., -c1"-. SIVOSIlLiSKlY, D.S. Some changes in the organ of sight in kidney dissases. Voy. klin. i eksp. oft. no.2:128-138 159. (MIRk 14:11) (EYE) (KIMNEYS-DISEASES) SAMOTLOV, A.Ya., prof.; SIVOSHINSKIT, D.S. (Moskva) Professor Adrian Aleksandrovich Kriukov, founder of the Moscow ophthalmological school; on the 50th anniversary of his death. 37 no.10:135-138 0 '59. (NMA 13:2) (BIOGRAPHIES) (OPHTHA.LMOLOGT) siVoSHI14SKIY, D. S., Cand. Medlo. 901. (disti) "Autoradlob-raphic InveBti.,,,l,P_tions of Dynamics of Distribution of Iod~.lne and Cal- cium (wjtl~i Various Methods of Introduction)," Moscow, 1961, 22 pp. (2nd liloscow Med. Inst.) 300 copies (KL 5upp 12-61, 268). SIVOSHINSKIY, D.S., assistent y in ophthalmology (auto- Experimental basis for calcium therp-17 radiographic study). Vest.of-t. no.6.'58-63 '61. 14-' 12) 1. Kafedra prof. &L. prof. V.K. vrachey. g1aznykh boa,2zney (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell naWki Krasnov) i kafedra meditsinskoy radiologii (zav. - Modestov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershesntvovaniya (AUTO RADIOGRAPHY) (CALCIM -THWYEU TIC USE) (OPHTHAU-10LOG7) -51'.lOSHIY'.SK'l'Y I.S.; KU31(A'. V.L., GRISHEIA;, V.I.; Y.Z.,- MUL-MEVA, E.G.; KOIDIrlAROV, Olirilc,%l nethod of diganosing intraoctlrar tl-vc-,- varlic- a:-tlvt~., r, c-sphorrus. Vest.oft. no.3.3-9I To 64. h 1. Kafaira glazn-yl-.Ii bolezney J- ki~fedra rledl ts --Oadi-0107-1 i T,I;er,t.-,-alinogo instituta usovershonstvovanly~ v-z-.c;li---y (for Krasrnr., Cwishina, Sivoshinskiy). 2. lbskovskaya gla-maya ", linichesknya bollnitsa (for 14ilovidova). 3. We5oyumri shly instituta meditsin-skogo instrumentariya (for Agranat., Galyaye7a Kolontarov). (EYE .. Talm'S5 (PHOSPHORUS-1.130TOPE.S.) GIMHINA, V~1.; LAT31NIK, G,Ye.; SIVUSIIINSKIY D'S" t,l*fl,-:~ 3A~.Z. Yu -~,_ I 31UIOLI I S.E. I I I j, ~ - ~ -1 . Isotope method for the determination of falk-, assf.~)atlion. Vop. med. khim. 8 no.2:214-217 Mr-Ap '62. (11IRA i5:4) 1~ Chair of medical radiobi.ology and Cliair of infectious diseases '. Contral Institute for Postgvaduatq 'F-aialing of PhyAr-i..xas, Moscov, ~_ l tFHYSl'0LOGY)) (IoDf` -:,- -ISOTOPES) (FAT) (AF38,01-U'210., , .ra-4nfw 5v,.,a!a1ist3 In the u3p, of rad-'o!sotrjpc Is in e)q;erimerjta1 and clinicel medicine in the Department of Medical Radiology. Trudy T",T','. 71;1--9 164. (MIRA 18t6) 1. Kafedi-a me-ditsinskoy radJolopij (zav.- prof. V.K. Modestav) I'S--~ntrallncqr, Institub-a usovcrsh--3n!~ Wovaniya vrachey. KRASNOV, M.L., prof SIVOSHINSKlY. D.S., dotsent; ZIANGIROVA, G.G.j VYALOVA, Ye V.;'STENIKO, Z.L. Results of three year's use of radioactive isotopes in the diagnosis of intraocular tumors. Trudy TSIU 71:107-112 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Kafedra g1aznykh bolezney (zav. prof. M.L. Krasnov), kafedra meditsinskoy radiologii (zav. prof. V.K. Modestov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey i Moskovskaya glaznaya klinicheskaya bolinitsa. KRASNOV, M.L., prof.;-SZ[ ~INSKIY,_D.S., dotsent; KOSTYUKOVA, T.D.; TADE, A.A.: SFREBRYAkOV:,-N.G. Case of successful use of yttrium beta-applica-.or in epibulbar melanoblastoma. Trudy TSIU 71:239-242 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney (zav. prof. M.L. Krasnov) i ke'edra meditsinakoy radiologii (zav. prof. V.K. Modestov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskaya glaznaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa. STVOSHT PETER~-,',ONP O.F.; K(,-.!,GVA, I.A.; NIELINIKOVA, L.A.; 'ISKjY, D.S. Interaction of smallpox vaccine virus with tissue culture cells. Vop. virus. 9 no.":)54-158 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 37-12) 1, Institut virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo A14N SS."R i kafedra inedi- tsinskoy radiologii pri TSentrallnom inatitute uqcvc;r-,,3hem;LvovanJya vrachey, Moskva.