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SIROTININq A.A - Data on the physiology of the rumiration period in cattle. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.1:51-55 Ja 161. (MIn 14:3) 1. From the Farm Animal Physiology Ghair of the Veterinary Institutet k. (RUKIUTION) SIROTININ, M. Slbaria..w,orka for-communism. -.Izobr. i. rats. .-no.ll.,1,7 163. (Mln 16:12) 1. Predsedatell Krasnoyarskogo krayevogo soveta Vaesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov. nl 1 o i s nd im:-Iftmity from t,-e paint o~' of co:-.palrativc i athioloicl." (P. - IV bj Sirotiniri, SO: jymc,s in Conte;- ral:~;- Biolo;cT (UST--,a'-'-d Sovnerfla-,-inoi 1;.ologiJ ) Vol. VII, No. 2, ., -, .-- - -- - - r- 1937. 1 11 it I) I) w is w U to v is )PAO it Qtj 6goto A L F L a L JL- N- r- 4 11- M -0 CC CO CI k, -t- d-% A- A A -n 1.0 coo 14C.1.14% -1. : The "is at ON rustiva 0 n tions. N, K. Sivotinin. Ado Mad S. 1,209- -0o 3ju(in RuWOUMrrrvwb. 310-14)(IOU).-An almost abs. pagalklism exists betwesto the reactivity of the Oman- 1 -00 00 A 6m jeb k" to aaq*ykzis sod Its se"fivitY to Z 1-00 otbef toxic substances. The orpnism must -60 to exhibit anaphYl-is. Acq Ire such a rrwtivitY in COXIES u "' 'I Ou"k) s is shows mom or ku distinctly in CMik Thj -W w 00 .9 and appears in a vroy ckmacteristir fashion in birch. In the same Class of aftimuls. hK*Afiv4 101028mab- the f"w* -00 00 of i tivity waries. mwkcdy according to Ow wetirs. SrVTfW goo 00 a I; factors intleence the reactivity; in mammals the nervous zoo system. I gbWds. catkubr-walath" systern. Soo involuntary muscles ama some otbu a= SAW tbom -coo h an IMPOMMt, r04. lkiNgms =00 goo 00 r 00 see L jg zoo goo 0 *0 0 00 too 0. f A M. I L A 61TALLUROKAL LMR&TUME CLAStIFKATICh ci- .0o s j ve& 41,01 Nt 11-11 CIA C- 0, w U a IV NJ I% ie An 1 S a two of 6 1116114~07i v1 poortloopof I. wallif plan It OF n 1 94 449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 OA 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 40 0 0 0 04 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 11 " " 11 goL P_ L-Lf- LIM I_ I I a m, . " a " M . . " PO -7-11, "1.- 4 4 009 -00 :: 0 4 1 sdo oldmaw. all boo 4ad MEMO a-, Ca K it " -00 lee 00 . ll. . ". .. 41 _.- Siva O" I " W 7w of wake or mw -tw~ Ab"S is R. T. (w OSQ %o 'see w 0o lose Nee 900 "Do MIALL~At unnywo CLAWCATOM slow 11"Oll" NO I woo Isom "Now wee b u a ;~;;;;j i4vid ;Eli a irm; oppol lead a x a I ff a 9 a 0 3 4 'A k I I c It I I L A-A --f-- Q -A A I -AL-L I.-A-1-MAIL 4 :,-Go if 00 go go age Ps.ibifitj of &GOOkYURIG is PI&Ots- A 1 HII-CM t130-4110 . 1 1 1v- I .111:11. go *44 fit) rvi"j, Ilve roe 00 .1wal bran. ("Illrary to tile w~1111~ I k ,w go I ... let (C. .1. 13. .nkc1l al"I olhl~ at 00 4100 COO go 1100 goo Coe too 014411 aw Q.v all k, VIA 0 0 V; IV IV or A III it a11 U it i 9 1 in a 5 All a 3 0 0 1 ; ~ T d 0 Go Is 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 1 0 0 0 0 0 to * 0o 00000 0 o09900's v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Si 0 0 * 0 0 a i AMR I I I IT I i i tell A n L F c I L .10 V A Ill Y4 it a PICK1111111, AND FOOSIStlel -e, 1h4i, N ji. sahmab wwo NW4 redsmat to O~ dpkjet;ey. Id a 16 v a jo a 41 41 as Id a A-4 A L A OFTALLUIRGKAL LITERATUME CLASUFKATION IAV U N AV 00 11 VP it 11 It K ml A I It I'm 0 5, 43 Is 10 00 0 0 a 0 "So So IDS Goo 00 CIO 400 Roo ~;-- It. ~,T. of i qruinpnt man of Smriet, an- 517) bv A. A. Poeromoletr,, 1. 'j. S-roct-Ane nni 'I. --. - --.. ~ ~ - .- - - .1 ... SO: kiw-iricps in 'N'Tlern 9iolo~fy (Usz)ekhl Sovrernennoi 91olo~:1,3) Vol. XIV, ~10- 3, 1~"ZJ ov) (Us- o],-. --C: Advances -r SIROT114INI N. N. P.'s I1T9G- ,4SY! USSRAle&Icine - Bacteriology Medicine - f~7peroxla "Thi- Irif liti~nre of -HyperoxI,-;t an! Hyppyd.;. T7p!-;n ReGir,tE.,-n,.-,e of an f)rganllsm to C.1 Welohil," "i. Sirotinin, Ii pp Pat,-~Iogil" Vol IX, No 3 Det;~iAed diqc~ussicn to the affect that the greatest hyper-Mia is brought about in an organism.. when ir, is placed In -en atmosphere of oxygen rith hieb pressure. Dat~i r;n experimenta with mice an3 gulpea pigs. -liT96 SIROTININ, N. N. MW/Medlaine - Mediolne - Pale6jetholoey "Thirty Years of Comparative Pathology in the Soviet, Union," N. N. Sirotinin, Kiev, 271 pp "Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii" Vol XXIV, No 2 (5) Soviet comparative pathology owes =uch to the pio- neer, 1. 1. Mechnikov. Actua13,v, this science in- volves evolutionary pathology. Gives general his- torical account of development of this science under Soviet sponsorship, and 3-page bibliography of the more important works in this field of s4fnoe, by such authors as Avrekh, R. I. Belkin, F. 1. Bukh, Ye. V. Kolpakov, M. A. Rozenberg, ate. PA4OT29 LC 40T29 SrROTININ, M.M. .Kffect of sulfamides on the adaptation to hypoxia. Medych.zhur. 18 no.1:62-69 148. (MIRA 10:12) 1. a viddilu porivnyallnoi patologii (zav. viddilu - chl.-kor. All URSR M.M.Sirotinin) Institutu klinichnoi fiziologii im. akad. 0.0. Bogomolltays All URSR. 2. Chlen-korespondent AN LTRSR. (SULFAMIDE) (MOUNTA IN SICIlass) S DROT 11" L"i k6di.. i seie~ ti 0 ne Utfs Kar/Apr Medicine -Pathology 49 "V. V. Podryaotskiy (Biographical Outline)," Prof N. N. Sirotinin, Kiev, 5 pp "Arkhiv Fatologii" No 2 S1 izes education, career., and major works of V. V. Podvyeotskiy up to his death in 1~13. 59/49775 A OnAladic Ine.. - ftjg~~ 110aftialvWy ilk~/Apr 40 Medicine - Patholoo wdo~ference on Oxygen Deficiency in the Body," Prot N. N. Sirotinin, 4 pp "Arkbiv Patologii" No 2 Izes vork of subject conferenoe hold 1 9; -12 Oct 48 in Kiev and attended by 337 del;gates arA: aver 200 guests, among them five members of Mad Sci Ukrainian SSR and Aced Med. Sci USSR, twelve corresponding members of Acad Sci Ukrainian SIR, Acad Sci WSR, and Acad Ned Soi USSR, and a large nunber of professors. L. I. Medved', Min of Pub. Health Ukrainian SSR, presented the first 59/49T65 tWit/~edicine - Oxygen (Contd) Mar/Apr 49 Deficiency paper on the current situation In biology and Iroblems of Soviet. medical science. Mentions various papers read during 4 days of conference. Next conference vill be held on oxygen therapy in tiev in 1950. 59/49T65 E- M tn ,-,- -, 7 -, . I ~) I , . fr~ U- - -te 11 Vr--..C,!-.e'--noye -r; th~! of C~neral !.nd - , -- -4, - ],:, I Z I ,- - !: -:C.6, Cl -, , - -, - - ~, ~'45 hc-b. D%ic, STB. 73(,~-42, 3. Port-r. SO SIROTININ, N. N. USSR/Medicine - Imunology Apr 50 "Immunity From the Viewpoint of General and Com- parative Pathology," N. N. Sirotinin, Corr Mem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR "Trudy 5-0Y Sessii, Ak Med Nauk BSSR" PP 37-44. Conference held 23 - 27 Dee 48, in Moscow on prob- lems of immunity and influenza. Discusses the reactivity of organisms to irritants involved in action of infectious and allergenic agents, tracing the increasing severity of reac- tions and susceptibility in the course of phylo- genetic and ontogenetic development. 206T83 SIROTININ .- N. N. 'e.- ... - Drgenii Aleksandrovich Tat&rinoy (1892-1950). Arkh. pat., Mosk- va 12 no.6:67-69 Nov4ec 50. (-CLKL 20:4) 3Tr,OTr,lr,,!, 7. ". Bo--Olets, Ale"-s:%n,lr Ntst:~nding soviet scientist; fo7zr yeprs sitice de.~th of A. A. Bok:omolets. Yely-cli. zli,,.r. 20, no. 4, 1-950 '-',-)nt -- -hly Lj;at _gf Eiaajzj !&r.-esstons, Library of Conrgress, Aup:st 19 2. l,",ICLASSIFIEED. ,5 1. SYROMUN, 14. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Medical Societies - Kiev 7. Report of the Kiev Society of Pathologists for 1949. Madych zhur. No 1 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. I Effoc t t zvo lut 1 'j n 0'n" Medych. 7hur. 20 no. 06, 51 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress August 1952 3:3= Uncl. Y IMM 1. SY'R=NINY M. M. 2. USSR 600 4. Pashutin, Viktor Vasillevich, 1845-1901. 7. Fiftieth anniversarl of V. V. Pashutin's death. liedich. zhur, 21, No. 2, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Rus,.ian Accessions, Library of Congress, APri-l -1953, Uncl. SYRQTYNI4,,,,.FA,. 3'. 'e~r'--' ~_14.. professor, chlen-korrespondant. Evolution of the reactivity of an organism and its effect upon the process of infection. Modych.shur. 21 no.4;43-51 '51. NLRA 6:10 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. (Infection) I . "' " I .".. - 2. UTI~':' (600) 4. Mcchnikov, Illia illich, 1865-1916 7. 1.1. Vechnkov; 35th anniver3ary of death. M.M. Syrotynin, Medych.zhur. 21 no. 5, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. 14 t-'YWTYNIN, '14. M., Prof.; DINABURG, 0. D., Prof. 2. USSR (600) 4. Kiev - Pathology - Societies 7. Report of the Kiev Society of Pathologists for 1950 , Medych. 2hur., 22j no, 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressy ---Ipril-1953, Uncl. SYROTYNIN, M.M. -- Lev Aleksandrovich Tarasevich; on the 25th anniversary of his death. Medych. zhi=. 22 no.4:98-100 '52. (MI-RA 6:10) (Tarasevich, Lev Aleksandrovich. 1868-1928) t GLinicr-I jci--,ncr.-s of -;yrota in V. V. Tu-lianov. 'lo. 4:'01-105 '5 SYROTYN121, M.M. Reaulte of the VII Session of the Scientific Council on the problems of I.P. Pavlov's theory of physiology. Nedych.zhur. 22 no.6:67-72 '52. NuA 6:10 (Physiology) SIROTIxiIII, N.N. (Kiyev). ~. - 70th anniversary of th,3 phagocytic theory. Arkh.pat. no.15: 3-12 11-D '53. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR. (Pha.-Ocytosis) (Mechnikov, Illia Il'ich, 1845-1916) ~;~IRQTDIIN. N.N.. chlen-korrespondent. L.A. Taraaevich as pathologist. Arkh.pat. 15 no.2:77-81 Mr-Ap 153. (MI-'RJ, 6:5 ) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrainakoy SSR. (Tarasevich, Ley Aleksandrovich, 1868-) SIROTINIII, N.N. -'_ .-I. New data on comparative pathology. Arkh. pat., Moskva 15 no-5:3-14 Sept-Oct 1953. (GIML 25:4) 1. Corresponding Member AcadexV of Sciences Ukrainian SSA. 2. Kiev. SIROTININ N N 70th anniversary of phagacytic theory. Arkh. pat,, Kooky& 15 no.6: 3-12 Wov-Dec 1953. (CM 25:3) 1. Correipondlug Xmber AcadwW of Sciences Ukrainian SM 2. Kiev. SIROTININ. H.M.- M.Wwwwmwwm~- Mountain expedition of the Institute of Glinical P17siology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. in 1951. Medych. zhur. 23 no.2:3-5 053. (KLRA 8:2) 1. Institut klinichnot fiziologil In. akad. O.O.Bogmolltsya AN URSR. (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (Ak MIA) - (ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURN-PHTSIOLOGICAL IMOT) SIROTININ H, N Reactivity of the organism in the light of I.P.Pavlov's teachings. Medych. zhur. 23 no.4:3-10 153. (MLRA 8:2) (PHYSIOLOGT) (MVOUS STSTHM) SIROTINI4, N.&, Role of the cerebral cortex and of the adjacent subcortax in compensatory regulation of respiration in adaptation to anoxia. Vop. fisiol. no.7:27-37 154. (MVA 8:1) 1. Inatitut fisiologil AN USSR. (ANOXIA, experimental, adaptation, compensatory regulation of rasp. by cerebral cortex & subcortax) (CMBRAL CORTEX, physiology, regulation of reap. in exper. anoxia) (BRAIN, physiology. subcortical regulation of reap. in exper. anoxia) (RESPIRATION. physiology, regulation by cerebral cortex & subcortax in exper. anoxia) SIRDTININ. M.M. Pathophysiological principles and conditions for treatlEg schixol,p!irsnla with mountain clinate. Modjrch.zhur.24 no.2: 42-47 154. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Institut fiziologit Im. 0.0. Bogonolitaya Akademit nauk URSR. (SCHIZOPHRENIA, the apy, alt1tute ther. in mountains) (ALTITUDB, ther. of schizophrenia in mountains) PIK)TOPOPOV, V.P.; SIRDTININ. M.M. Therapeutic effects of high mountain conditions on psychical patients. "ch.zhur.24 no.2:48-58 154. (OMRA 8: 10) 1. Institut fistologit In. 0.0. Bogmolltaya Akademli sank URSR. (MMITAL DISOFMM. therapy. altitude ther. in mountains) (ALTITMI, ther. of ment.disord. in mountains) DINABURG, G.D., professor; BIRDTIDTIN. M.M.. professor Report on the activities of the Kiev Society of Pkthol0 into for 195). Me4ch.shar. 24 no.6:112-115 154. (WRA 8: 71 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UM (for Dinaburg). 2. Golovs. pravlin- nya Iiivolkogo tovarietva patologiv (for DinOurg). (IlIff --PATHOLOGY--SOC13TIFS) VOR0131YEV.A.M., professor, redaktor; GCREV,N.N., redaktor; KAYETSKIY.R.Ye., redaktor; MAKARCHENKO,A.F., professor, redaktor; PROTaPOPOV.V.P.. redaktor; SIROTININ,1.1,, professor, redaktor; FOLIBORT,G.V., redaktor; POMOY,S .V.-,-r'e or;4RYL0VSXAYA.N.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Higher nervous netivitv an(' cortical-visceral interrelations in normal and pathological states] Vyashaia nerynaia deiRtellnost' i kor- tiko-vietBerallnye vzaimootuosheniia. v norme i patologii. Kiev. Izd- vo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 1955. 271 P. (KIM 9:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR. Kiyev. jnstytut fiziologii.2. Chle"-Irorrespon- X91in) 3. Deystvitel'nyy chlen ANN SSSR dent AN USSR (for Voroblyev, �i for Gorev) 4. Dey8tvitallnyy chlen AN USSR (for KATetskiy, Protopopoy. Follberg) (NERVOUS SYSM) SIROTININY U. N. "Higher Nervous Activity in Oxygen Deficiency," by N. N. Un- tinin Vysshan Nervnaya Deyatellnost' i Kortiko-irs-Tr-,e--r&'M1nyye iiia~octtnosheniya v Nome i Patologii (Higher Nervous Activity and Cortico-Visceral Correlations in Normal and Pathological States), Kiev, 1955, PP 38-46 (from Sovetskue Meditsinskoye Referativnoye Obozreniye, Moscow, No 28, 1956, abstract by A. Gurvich, pp 33) "Yany years of investig gations of the effect of ascents of high on the higher nervous system established that considerable disturbances in its functions, similar to those which occur in cases of schizophrenia, take place. Disturbances of the processes of internal inhibition, those of differ- enti4tion and conditioned inhibition in particular, were noted. Inertia of excitation and a weakness of the inhibitions processes were observed. Other cases were marked by a state of diffuse inhibition. There were considerable disturbances of the second signal system. Similar results were obtained in tests conducted in a barometric chamber. "Special investigations established a paralled between the degree of the disturbance of the higher nervous system and the degree of oxygen de- ficiency. Schizophrenic patients in a state of catatonic stupor were found to be suffering from oxygen deficiency. Inasmuch as the now widely utilized methods of therapy for schizophrenia (insulin shoc'., electric spasm therapy) adapt the patient to oxygen deficiency in the brain, an attempt was made to treat the disease by means of an ascent in a barometric chamber% however, the attempt was unsuccessful. The author remarks that the frequency of the incidence of schizophrenia in adolescents is connected with the high sensi- tivity of youths to oxygen deficiency. Training of youths to adapt them- selves to a condition of oxygen deficiency may be of prophylactic value. Results of observations of schizophrenic patients who were being acclimatized to high mountain climates are described. The scheme of acclimatization of the patients was as follows: an asrent to an altitude of 2,000 meters with daily walks and mountain climbs; and ascent to an altitude of 3,000 or 3,800 meters with daily walks and climbs; and four patients ascended to an altitude of 41200 meters, and from there made daily ascents to an altitude of 4,6oo meters. Each ascent was followed by a period of relaxation. After the ac- cli-tization and the descent to lower altitudes, most of the patients showed an Improvembnt in health, but not to the same degree. In some patients the condition of acclimatizatior?disappeared on their return home, resulting in a decline in their state of health. (For detailed description see article written jointly by the author with V. P. Protopopov, ,Meditsinskiy Murnal, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, 19541 24, 2.)" i j SYRQTININO~A.N~. Mountain expedition of the A.A.3OgOmOlGt~ Institute Of ftsiOlOgY of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine.daring the period 1952-33* liziol.zhur. (Ukr.) I no.4:117-120 Jl-Ag 150- (KLaA 9:1.1) 1. Institut f12iOlOgil iM. 0.0.BOfOMOl't~7a-Aimdsmil nauk L%SR. (AIWITUDI. I mountain expedition for physiol. investigations) SIROTIIIIII, (Kiy(-v) SWIM Evolution of the Infectious process.Vest. AMIJ SSSR no.2:53-60 '55. (HLRA- 8: 8) (INFECTION. evoIntion) BOGOMOLITS, Aleksandr Alakeandrovich, akademik. Garoy Sotaialioticheskogo Truda; GOREY, M.N., redaktor; XAVWSKIY. R.Ye., otvetstvaniIY7 redaktor; MAKARCHBUKO, A.F., professor, redaktor; KEDYEDIVA, N.B., redaktor;,S,~ROTININ,,-;~.#,,,.,Idaktor; SNZZHIN, M.I., redaktor izdatelletva; RAKHLIMA, N.P., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Selected works in three volumes) lzbrannye trudy; v trekh tomakh. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademii nauk USSR. Vol. 1. 1956. 282 p. (HLRL 9:10) 1. Deystvitellny-y chlen ANN SSSR (for Gorev) 2. Deyetvitellny7 chlan AN USSR (for Kavetakiy). 3. Chlea-korrespondent AN USSR (for Medvedeva. Sirotinia) (PHYSIOLOGY, PATHOLOGICAL) SIROTININ, N.N., professor; XOSTRITSA. A.G. (Kiyev) Adsorption of influenza virus togged with radioactive phophorus, b7 erythrocytes. Vrech.dolo no.11:1213 N '56. (MM 10:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for infektsionnykh bolezuey ANN SSSR. (B]iYTEROGYTIS) (INFLUENZA Strotinin). 2. Institut VIRUSAS) (RADIQAGTIVE TRAMS) SIROTININ' H.N. (Kiyev) Appearance and course of infection according to comparative pathology. Arkh.pat. 18 no.6:10-18 056. (MIZA 9:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN 'USSR ( INFICT ION, theory according to concepts of comparative pathol. (Rue)) S IRM IN IN-P , Ilikola.y. Hikolayevid. h, prof KAVNTSKIY. R.Ye.. akademik, otvetstven '7-'--L .'-- ' '.Yll. A.D.$ takhn.redo rWy re .; GITSHTI [Academician Aplak6andr Aleksandrovich Bogomolets; on the seventkw- fifth anniversary of his birth] Akedemik Alek-sandr Aleksandrovich Bogomolets; k semideeiatiplatiletiiu so dnin rozdanita (1881-1956). Kiev, USS, 1957. 107 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UM (for Sirotinin). 2. Almdemiya nauk USSR (for Kavetskiy) (Bogomolets, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. 1881-1946) ALEKSYMIX0. I.P., dote., red.; GARKUSHA, L.V., dots, red.; GURVICH, S.S., dots., red.; KOSTRYUKOVA, K.Yu., prof., doktor biol,cauk, red.; SIROTININ, U.N., prof.. red.; FROLIKUS, V.V., dote., red.; [Philosophical problems in medicine and natural sciences) Nekotorye filosofekle voprosy meditsiny i estestvoznanits; trudy Instituta. Kiev, 1957. 172 p. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kiyev. Meditainskiy institut imeni, A.A.Bogomolltisa. 2. Direktor Kiyevskogo ordena Trudovogo Kremnogo znament meditainakogo ins:tituta imeni akademika A.A Zogomolltsa (for Alekseyenko). 3. Deystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSW (for Sirotinin) (MADICIMI-MUDSOPHY) (SCIMCN--4PHILOSOPH!r) BOGOKOLSTS, Alsiksandr Alekeanclrovi--~h; BOMIMMS, O.A., prof., red.; red.; MOVARTA, N.B., red.,, red, izd-va; RA IN*, N.P., KAVIITSKIY,, P.Te., otvq4fbveMW red,; GGW, N.N., red.; COHANKO. A.F., SMOTMIX"_ X.N., red.; SECHIN, K.I., tekhn. re'd.'-- [selected works In three volume] Izbrannys trudy Y trakh tonakh. Kiev, 12d-vo Akad. nauk USSE~ Vol.2. 1957. 477 pa (MIRA 11:16) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Gorev, Sirotinin). 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademli USSR (for K'avetskiy).'3. Chlea-korrespordent Akademii nauk USSRAfor KakELrebanko, Hadvedeva). (MSICLOGY, PATHOLOGI=) SIROTININ, 11.14. (Moskva) Develooment of the concept of reactivity. Pat-fiziol. i OkOP. terap. I no.2:6-12 Mr-An (MLRA 10:9) (A LLNIAG YA reviev) SMOTININ, N.N. (Kiyev) Certain aspects of the study of hypoxia [with su ry in linglishl Pat.fiziol. i eksp.terap. 1 no.5:13-20 S-0 '57. (14MA 10:12~ 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMI SSSR. (ANOXIA, review Ptua)) -salffrm 9~ I.-i,0-.11,yev) On the 1ODth anniversary of Y.Y.Foclvyeotokit's birth; 1857-1957. Pat.fistol. i eksp.terap, 1 no,6:56-59 X-D 157. (XIBA 11:3) (FwiryBOTSKII, VIADIMIR TAT-BRIANOVICH& 185?-1913) SIROTININ, N.N. (Kiyev) Aleksandr Dwitrievich Timofeevskil; on his 70th birthday. Yrach. delo no-5:-543 Ky 157. (KLRA 10:8) (TIMOMVSKII, AIAISAMR DMITRISVICH, 1887- ) SIROTININ, M.M. i'."G.'Savchanko; on the 25th anniversBY7 of his deBth. Mikrobiol. zhur. 19 no.4:65-68 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (SAYCHENKO, IVAN GRIGOROVIGH, 1862-1932) -'It ry USSR tto~,jry= Human and Animal Physiology. T Comparative Physiology. tio 23, 191%, 10"1'7 -bs, J---ur. Ref Zhur-Biol., I lnLititilt. T-hst uGe of Physiology imen4, Bogoiaolets. C. T It,". : Summar-les of Somo Studies in Comparative Physiology. Pu- : Fiziol, zh., 19r7, No 51 61~'-72 Card: A reviaw of studlet conducted at the Institute of Physiology imeni Bogomolets is given. Thase studies deal 'wi,.'.'h problems of developi-ag (in phylo- and ontogenesis) a reactivity to hista- mine and some bacterial exo- and endo-toxins- blood transfusions and their de-Dendenco an ~ho degree of phylogenetic propinquity between dor, and recipient; the development of adaptation a hypoxy mechanisms; end, finally, the poEsible duration of clinical death which would s-'Zill p mit the restoration of organic functions. SIROTININ, N.M., prof. (Kiyev) Historic dates in evolutionaz7 theoz7. Yrach.delo n0,1:1243-1246 D 158. (MW 12:3) 1. DeVetvitellrq7 chlen AMN SSSR. (NFOLUTION) USSR/Microbioloa - Microbes PathoGenic fcr Man and Animals. F Bacteria. Bac ~eria of the Intestinal Group- Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., NO 22, 1959, 99366 Author : Sirotiain, N.N., Ovsiyevskaya, I.V.) Brodskaya, Ye.A.; L.L. Inst : - Title : On the Experimental PtLttern of the lysenteric Process. OriL,1~ Pub : Zh. mikrobiol., epideniol. i irmnobiol., 1958, NL) 3, 14-18 Abstract : The course of bacillary dyseutery was studied in ezpwl- mento with artificial oral infection in Macaca rhesus, 8-month-old Hynalayan and Brown bears, 2-3 week old kit- tens, rabbits, pups, kids, piGlets, susliks, pine martens, African polecats, foxes, cotton mid laboratory rats, guizea piGs aild bate. The course of dysentery had the most typical form in monkeys. Bears and cats also become ill with dysentery. L-i the first )nes the disease lasted Card 1/2 USSR/Microbioloa - Microbes Pathogenic for Man and %nimals. Bacteria, Bacteria of the Intestinal Group. F Abq Jour Ref Zhur 13jol., No 22, 1958, 99366 Wre Vian 6 weeks; in the cats., the disease had a less pronounced course aild the dysentery bacteria were seldom isclated from them. Mottled susliks eliminated dysentery bacteria for lor'G periods. The other *types of animals either did not become ill with dysentery, or else the disease had a caurge which was not characteristic of dysentery in man, Card 2/2 - 54 - SIROTINIM. N.H., prof. (Kiyev) -- ~ '- 7,-, ~ .-:. .'. - I Role of allergy in the infectious process. Test. ANN SSSR 13 no.12:15-21 158. (NIRA 12:1) 1. DtW9tvItsl'r7y chlen ANN SSSR. (IRMTION, otIol. & pathogen. allerff. review (Rus)) (ALIMGY relation to pathogen* of Infect., review (Rue)) _PQ-'LUU,,--KA OVSIYEVSKAYA, I.V. EdeceFised] ; BRODSKAY.P., Ye.A.; j II GROMASIOVSKAYA, L.L. Experimental model of the dysenterinl process. Zhur.mikrobiol.evid. i immun. 29 no-3:14-118 Mr 159. (MM 11:4) 1. 1z Instituta infektsionnykh boleznev AMN SSSR, Kiyev. (DYSENTERY, BACIMPARY, ex-nerimentnl, technic (Rus) SIROTHIII, N.N., KERKULOVA, N.A., PESKOV, B.Ya., rVANOV, Yu.11. T .! 1. , ~'' Kikhail Tasillevich Sergievskii; an his 60th birthday and 32nd year of his scientific, Pedagogical. and social activities. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.11:1095-1096 N158 (MIRA 11:12) (S]MGIEVSKII, MIXHAIL VASILIEVICH, 1898-) DROBOTIKO, V.G., prof., red.; DTACHMO, B.S., prof., red.; SIROTIMIN, Z~- U.N.. prof., red.; HMSOYMATA, Te.P., red. (Achievem.nts in infections disease control ip the Ukrainian S.S.R.; reports at a session devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution] Dostizhaniis v borlbe s infektsiiami v USSR; doklady na iubilainoi sessii, posviashchennoi 40-litiiu Valikoi Oktiabrlskoi sotsialisti- cheekoi revoliuteii. Kiev, 1959. 207 p. WRA 14:2) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN USSR (for Drobotlko). 2. liyevskiy moditsinskiy institut I Kiyevskiy neuchno-iBnledovatellskiy insti- tut epideriiologii i mikrobiologii (for Dyachenko). 3, Kiyevokiy meditninskiy institut (for Sirotinin). (UKRAINFr-COMMINABLE DISMSES) SIROTININ, N. N. A comparative physiological study of the mechanism of antibody formation. report to be submitted for the Symposium on the Vachanism of Antibody Formation, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 27-30 May 10,59. 0-/" -4~~ /';~d I Ak: Ale~- 7 -A-~ SIROTININ, N.N., prof. (Kiyev) Seventh International Congress of Microbiologists in Stockholm. Trach. delo no.7:769-771 Jl '59. (MTLRA 12:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR. (MICROBIOLOGT-CONGRESSES) SIROTININ, N.N. prof. Symposium on the mechanism of the formation of antibodies. Trach. delo no.ltgg-lol 160. (KrRA 13:6) 1. Daystvitel'W chlen ANN SSSR. (ANTIGIMS AIM AlrIBODINS-CONGUSSIS) .-- .- SIROTININ, N.N.. (11yev) akademik Twenty-first International Congress of Physiologists. Tracb. delo no.2:207-209 F 160. (NM 13:6) 1. Akadsmiya seditsinakikh nauk SSSL (PNTSIOWGT-CONGRESSNS) SIEWININ, N,Ns, almdemik, prof. Alekvandra Ivanovna ftirnova-Zamkova; on ber 80th'birthday, Vrach.delo uo.7tl38-140 ji l6o. (MMA 13:6) 1. AN USSR; A'aystvitelluyy ohlet ANY SSSR. . (SKIMMVA-?A)KOVA, AI-3XSAn3A IVANOVIA, 1880-) ,SIROTININq N.N.j'prQf. (Kiyev) Course of infections in the light of present data. Vrach. delo no.9: 3-9 S 160. (KIRA 13: 9) 1. Deystv. chlen AMN SSSR. (IRFECTION) SIROTININ, NA., prof. (Kiyev) With Bulgarian friends. Vrach.delo no.10:146-147 0 160. MU 13:11) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN Me (RUSSIA-MATIONS (GENERAL) WITH BUMARIA) (BULGARIA-MATIONS (GENERAL) WITH RUSSIA) SIROTINI119 N*Nsg prof, The 25th annivensary of the death of K.E.?Siolkovskii. Vrach. delo no,'12:145--11+6 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1, Deystvitel~nyy chlen AMN SSSR, (,TSIOLKOVSKII, KONSTANTIN EDUARDOVIqq 1857-1935) PIONTKOVSSKIY, I.A.; SIROTININ# N.V.; MOROVt N.A. ------- Some problems in pathophyuiology at the 2lut International Congreou of Physiologists. gat, fiziol. i ekBp. terap. 4 no. 5:8-13 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:12) (PHYSIOLOGYv PATHOLOGICAIWWGRESSF-S) I SIROTININ, M.N. [Syrotynint M.M.] Vladimir Vasilleviche'Voro4in; obituary. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 6 no.6t831-832 N-D 160. (KML 14:1) 1. Doystwitellnyy chlen AMN WSR. I (VORONIN, VIADIKIR VASILIEVICH, 1870-19W) .- SIROTININ, M.M. LSyrotynin, K.K.] a-A the eve of interplanetary voyages. NaWm i sbyttia 10 no.6:6 Je 160. (KIRL 13:7) 1. Daystvitellzqry chlen AKN SSSR, chlon-korrexpondent AN USSR. (Space flight) ST.ROTININ,- N.N.9 prof. (Kiyev) SemUitY and hYPoxia. 38 no.8:72-71, Ag 160. (MMA 13tl:L) .1. Dmtyitel Inyy chlen AMN SSM (AGE06.-DISFMIM) (ANOZDaA) SIROTININ prof.., red.; nRANDAYEVA~ S.Ye., red.; USPENSKIY, , rod.; POGOSKINA) M.V.p tekhn6 red. [Problems of allergy] Voprosy allergii. Pod red. II.N.Sirotinina i S.E.Karandaeva. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 172 p. (MM 15:7) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SM. Moscow. 2. Doystvitel'Wy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk MR (for Sirotinin). (ALIERGY) S I F. (;T Li ~ 11 11 , 1-1 . t I . KCfect (if grwritatlonal forces on the body Jn the early stages of ontoaenesis. Pat. fiziol. i ekep. terap. 5 no.5:13-15161 0 (MIRA 17:4) SIROTININ, N.N. (Syrotynin, M.M.] Space medicine and its problemso Fiziol, zhur, [Ukr.) 7 no,.1:3~8 Ja-F 161. (MIM 14.' 2) 1, Institut fiziologii im. A,A.Bogamolltse Akademii nauk U34Rt Kiyev. (SPACE MEDICINE) SIROTININ, 11.11. [Syrotynin. Comparative physiological study of the resistAnce to radial acceleration, Fiziol. zhur. [Ul=.] 7 -.0.5:6#2-607 S-0 061. OIL'A 14:9) (AGGELMATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFPECT) FEDOROV., Ivan Ignatlyevich, rrof.; retsenzent; GLUMMI, F.A., red.; GITSHTEYN, A.D., tek-bm. red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., tekhn. red. (Principles of pathological pID-siology) Osnovy patologicheskoi fiziologii. Kiev, Gosmedizdat, USSR,, 1962. 385 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Sirotin). (PHYSIOLOGYY PATHOLOGICAL) SIROTININ., N. J~ "Spacem gardens. Av. i komm. 45 no.9:85-86 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Dayetwiteliny7 chlen AMN SSSR, chlon-korrespondent AN UkrSSF. (Space biology) MAKARCHENKO, A.F., akademik, otv. red.; SIRDTININ, N.N., zam. otv. red.; Wt~, ~.V., doktor med. nauk, KOLPAKOV, Ye.V., prof., red.; red.; GUREVICH, M.I., doktor med. nauk, red.; KOLCHINSKAYA, A.Z., kand. med. nauk, red.; YANKOVSKAYA, Z.B., red. izd--ia; BEREZOVSKAYA,, D.N., tekhn. red. "Oxygen deficiency; hypoxia and adaptation to it] Kislorod- naia nedostatochnost'; gipoksiia i adaptatsila k nei. Kiev, Izd-,.,o AN USSR, 1963. 609 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut fiziologii. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Makarchenko). 3. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Sirotinin)-. NAGORNYY, Aloksandr Vasillyevich, prof. (deceased]; NIKITIN, V.N.; BULANKIN, Ivan Nikolayevich (deceased]; SIROTININ., N.N., prof.; MAXHINIKO, V.I., dots.; PARINA, &f9 POLEZHAYEV, Te.F., red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. [Problems of aging and longevity] Problems. stareniia i dol- goletiia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 754 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Nagorny). 2. Aka- demiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Bulankin). 3. Deystvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Sirotinin). (AGING) (LONGEVITY) ACCESSION NR: -AW42715 S/0000/63/Wo/000/0445/046 AUTHOR: 41 E5~tinintt N. N. TITLE: Increased resistance to space-flight factors due to lowered notabolim SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy i kosmicheakoy moditsine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina.(Aviation and space Gedicins)l materialy"' konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 445-446 TOPIC TAGS: spaceflight factor, hibernation, hypothernia, hypoxia, radial a@-. celeration, deep hypo'thermia, longrange spaceflight ABSTRACT: Investigations of the increased resistance of hibernating maminals (bats, hedgehogs, gophers, and hamsters) to radial acceleration are being continu*d'. to discover what aspects of hibernation (lowered reactivity, adaptation to hypoxia and hypothernia, etc.) are responsible for improved tolerance to this and other stressors. Adoption to conditions of hypoxia enables the organism better to withatand cerebral hypoxia radial acceleration. Rate adapted to prea- sure-chambor hypoxia and nice, rate, and guinea pigs accliwtiz*d to wwuntaln climate oonditione showed increased resistance to radial acceleration. ftpotbersia: 1/2 AccEssioN mR: AT4042n5 was found to increase acceleration tolerance in rate, the Increase In reoistamc& being proportional to the depth of hypothermia. Barbamil narcosis also iscreamd resistance to acceleration, but to a lesser extent than did hibernation (whicb .produced the greatest increase in tolerance) or hypothermia (which came sexth It is known that hypothersia also increases the resistance of the organism to radia- tion, Radiation resistance during hibernation has been such less adequately st"im ed. The studies indicate that hibernation increases radiation resistance to a greater degree than does hypothermia. Now data confirm an earlier proposal that animals in a state of hibernation and deep hypothermia are suitable for W as blo-~ .,logical objects in studies carried an during prolongvdq long-romp opus Motes ~ASSWIATION: done* ,SUBMITTED: 27Sep63 2CL: 00 BUS Coots 1A NO REF SOV: 000 OT 000 -Co-rd 2/2 SIROTMIN) N.R. (Kiyer) Evolution of allergic reactions. Vestn. Akad. med. nauk SSSR 18 no.4&3-8 163 (MTRA. 17:4) _L ~12 051 5 4 04 r /EWT (1'1 IFS (v) -3/ E!; "D A CEffWWWR: 9.1 AT ve member AMR, Professor) AUTHOR: Sirotinin, N. N. (Acti TITLE: A study of the process of adaptation to hy alpine climate so that the latter may be used for Pax-14 and acclimatization to an nected with oxygen deprivation the treatment.of Illnessescon. SOURCE: Dushanbe, Gosudarstvenny*y medits Voprosy* fiz';,-o-109~11 1 p-a-t-0-1-0g Trudy*, v. 62J 1963. It v7F,7soVoqort1ya; trudy-k nauchnoy konferentsil, 1962.':~ (Problems OF the physiology and pat 1962 scienti holow of Alro _Lq_qLQu~LL E, c icon e~rence~-~9 2Lakjag -transactions of--th.e TOPIC TAGS: high altitude, hypoxia, oxygen deprivation, acclimatization, thera- peutic hypoxia, asthma, anemia, hypertension ABSTRACT: The author presents an extensive review of his ovin work and the work of other researchers on the problem of adaptation to hypoxia, the mechanisms Of acclimatization to alpine conditions, and their effect on various diseases. The process of adaptation to hypoxia and acclimatization to high,altitude involves a number of adaptive-compensatory phenomena (increases in pulmonary ventilation,- blood circulation, the number of erythrocytes and henioglobin), which are.followed by the appearance of adaptive-compensatory changes In the tissues. Some people Card 1/2 L 12951-65 ACCESSION NR- AT4045949' also adapt on the basis of increased cardiac activity. in diseases connected. with hypoxia, the euphoria due to central disinb;bition Is muchstronger.and-per- sists much longer than in normal subjects at :high attitude. Posi.tive results have been reported in asthma patients, and treatment of schizophrenia, especiatly catatonic, by means of pressure-chambers has produced ratherremarkable improved'. ment. it has also been suggested that acclimatization to high altitude could be utilized in the therapy of certain types.of anemia. The possibility-of:.treating such diseases as hypertension, vascular dystonta, bronchial asthma and others is also discussed. In conclusion, the use of the mountains of Tadji,kistan for therapeutic purposes is recomended, theprincipal contraindications being cardio--. vascular disease and hepatic Insufficiency. Orig.- art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziolo amolltsa AN USSR, Kiev (Instit te gil im. A A. Bog u of Physiology, AN Ukr SSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCU .00 SUB CODE: LS --- PH 140 REF SOV: o43 OTHER: 019 Card 2/2 SIROTININ N.M. (KiYe"r) ~ I, ~,' p p , j,p - .- s orranf-~:a as a baa,l,_ ,,r the :~_r, ,,- t D, n Reacti7itY (-,;' 3 - 0-1-7 '64 - of allel-gy. Vest. -!cF 19 r'0.1 '-) 1?,: 3) SIROTININ, N.N. (Kiyev) 01 the 50th anniversary of the death of Vladiair Werlianovich .n% Poftymotskii. Arkh. pat. 26 no.8t85-87 164 (KM 181,21 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen AWSWo 4z, no.3-.3-7 1816) Me -L 9a C, C-3 '13itu+ SIR01,1111IIN 11.11.,prof. (Kiyev) Effect of adaptation to hypoxia and mountain cliuate on the resistance of animals to some extreme influences. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terau. 8 no.5:12-15 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy c.,-,len 9-11111 SSSR. Submitted April 27, 1964. 3, -7 ACC NR. AT6036638 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0347/0348 AUTHOR; Sirotinin, N. N*; Yankovskly,, V. D.; Adamenko, N. P.;-Gerya, Yu. F. 1,;0&-ozovV Ol,G:, none TITLC: Reestablishment of vital functions of the organism in clinical death caused by severe anoxia and radial acceleration [iaper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold In Moscow from 24-27 Fay 19667 SOURCE: Nonferentslya po problemam kosmicheskoy naditsiny, 1966. Problomy 'kosmichaskoy moditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii, ~bscow, 1966, 347-348 TOPIC TAGS; hypoxia, biologic acceleration effect, space physiology, decompression sickness, animal physiology ABSTRACT: For the 'Last twenty years the possibility of reanimation frorA C11FAIcal death (resulting from hemorrhages electrical traumas and the newborn and of drowned persons) has been asphyxiation of studied. 14, was demonstrated that it was possible to restore all S Dogs dead from survival afterward !'vital functions with_pr9j9pg~ I Card 1/3 L- ACC NR: AT6036638 blood loss were revived after 15 min of clinicail death. Those dead from electrical shock were revived after 21 min and 51 sec of ic'inical death.* Newborn who died of asphyxiation were revived 'after 10 min. Those who drowned in salt water were revived after 21 min of clinical death. As a test for restoration of higher nervous activity, condi- ;.t-Aoned reflexes were developed in dogs after wjaich they were sub- jected to hemorrharfe and reanimation. After a 10 min clinical 1~deat-h from hemorrhage and subsequent reanimation, conditioned re-, ~i-lexes were reestablished. After a 19 min clinical death from Arowning in salt water, conditioned reflexes were also fully re- astabli' shed. During the last three years the possibility has been under s tudy o"" reestablishing vital functions after clinical death resulting from acute anoxia (decompression) and from the effects. of radial !acceleration. Dogs weighing 3-5 kg were placed in a small ,pressure chamber which was connected to alarge chamber where an atInlospheric pressure equal to 54 mm Hg. (corresponding to an altitude of 18000 m) war, created. Pressure in the two chambers Card 2/3 ACC NRi AT6036638 was equalized in less 'than one minute. In another scries,of experi- nnents the animals were subjected to decompression in a pressure chamber from which air was sucked out in the course of one or two .,-,--:utes creating a pressure of 40- 70 mm. Hg (corresponding to . A an-.,~titude of 20-16.3 lcm). The possibility was demonstrated of reestablishing all vital functions, with prol 'onged survival, after an ;11 min clinical death resultincf from decompression, and restoration I 1Z, ,of vital functions with survival for several hours after a clinical 4death of 20 minutes duration. I I For 'he study of reanimation after clinical death from radial iacceleratio"n, dogs were placed in a chest-back position in a capsule o' a 5 m centrifuge and exposed to a 40 G acceleration for a iod of 4--8 min (without a stabilizing drug) and 8-12 min aA'er, 1per preliminary injection of sinantrin (a stabilizing agent).. After this e posure clinical deal set in; It was demonstrated that. x th reanimation is possible atter a 16-~-'19 min clinical death resulting- from radial acceleration,, __-Dogs~, "rvived -afterw-ards for a period.; of 2 L - - 3 yr., lZrill. A. No. 22; AM Report 66-1167 TE t 00,%y66 SIROTININ.-N.R., Review of Liuben Telcharov and Nikola Nikolov'Is book "Normal and pathological reactivity of the organism." Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.6:89 N-D 164. (MA 18:6) T, 03006-67 ACC NR, F.-IT ( 1~CTS DD AP6033146 SOURCE CODE: UR/0238/66/012/005/0565/0570 AU711OR: Syrotynin. M. M.-Sirotinin, N. No; Yankovslkyy, V. D.--Y iferya, Yu. F.--Gerya, Yu. ORG: Physiology Institute im. 0. 0. Bohomolets, Academy of Sciences,UkrSSR, Kiev (Insty-tut fiziolohiyi Akademiyi nauk UkrSSR) TITLE: Restoration of-Vital functions of the organism following clinical death caused by acute j"2&UL V SOURCE: Fiziolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 12, no. 5, 1966, 565-570 TOPIC TAGS: reanimatology, reanimation, clinical death, anoxia, decompression, experiment animal, dog , 3LOOD 041eC0A197/0A/j1 e6,eV1dVA5CV'.Ae 4(fdrEM., Wale"A. eXPER1,Fn81.*J'r ABSTRACT: Dogs dying of acute decompression anoxia (pressure reduced from normal to 18-28 mm Hg within 40-115 sec; low pressure maintained for 1.5-6 min; return to normal atmospheric pressure lasting 20-50 sec; agony lasting 1.5-4.5 min; clinical death lasting 10.5-24 min) were experimentally reanimated by artificial circulation of blood aerated in the artificial lung developed by Yankovskiy and Bryukhonenko. In some cases, cross transfusion of blood from a donor animal was used, feeding -arterial blood from the donor into the experimental animal s vein and blood from tlie carotid artery of the experimental animal into the donor's veins. Reanimation was successful in 8 of a total of 16 dogs. In two cases the reanimated dogs lived long Card L -ov,)M-67 ACC NR3 AP6033146 lives with all vital functions restored following clinical death l"ting 10.5 and 18 min. It is concluded that the artificial circulation of artificially aerated blood is an effective reanimative measure following decompression death. Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 13jun66/ ORIG REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5099 Card 2.12 awm ACC NRs AN7001486 SOURCE CODE3 UR/9030/67/000/002/0004/0004 AUTHOR: Sirotinin, N. (Active Member AM SSSR) ORG: none TITLE: Science of the 21st Century SOURCE: Nedelya, no. 2, 1-7 Jan 67, p. 4, cols. 3-4 TOPIC TAGS: biologic spaceflight effect, hypothermiahibernation, suspended animation, ABSTRACT: N."Sirotininj an Active Member of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences$ anticipates that sufficient progress will be made in the next 50 years to enable scientists to send men on prolonged spaceflights in a state of suspended animation or deep hypothermia. it has been possible to keep a rat in a state of hypothermia for a week. Laboratory experiments have indicated that unfavorable spaceflight factors can be tolerated more readily in a state of hypothermia. Experiments with hibernat- ing animals gave even more favorable results. In such a state some animals can remain eight to ten months without food or water, an ideal solution of the food and water problem on interplanetary flights. EBMI SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 5110 SIRCTINTIN, N.P. (Kiev) "Use of adaptation to hypoxia, and acclimatization to the high-altitude climate in order to treat diseases related to oxygen starvation". Report presented at the 3cientific Conference devoted to the problems of physiology and pathology in High Altitudes, Ministry of Health Tadzhik SSR and Medical Institute im. Abdul' Ibn-Sino,, held in Dushanbe,, October 1962. (Zdravookhraneniye Tadzhikstana, Dushanbey No- 3. 1963p P- 37-39)o 1 .7 ~ ; -, SLELOTIMIN V.A (Krasnoyarsk) Written examinations. Kat.v shkole no-3:64-66 )ly-Je 156. (MLRA 9:8) (Kathematica-Study and tesching)