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Hydrodynamic Transmissions SOV/2779 11. Semichastnov, I. F. Investigation of the Comb'ned Work of Turbo-clutch and Turbo-converter With the Gear-shift Box in Diesel Locomotives 136 12. Nikolayev, R.L. Using a Turbine Converter on One-engine Cranes 159 13. Bratslavskiy, Kh. L. Choice of Parameters and Design for a Turbo-converter Working With Universal Diesel-operated Excavators 171 14. Alexandrovskiy, D. Ya. Claaracteristics of Reversing Ships By Means of Hydraulic Tiansmissions 182 15. Morgun, N.G. Investigation of Clutches in the Hydraulic Machinery Laboratories of the Academy of Sciencas, USSR 188 16. Grishanov, A.G. Hydromechanical Transmissions of Mine Diesel Cars 201 17. Gryanko, L.P., and V.P. Chasovskoy. Some Problems of Hydroiynomic Transmission Terminology 207 Card 11/5 Hyui-o,1yiaunL(,- Trunmitissiont; SOV/277 18. Khurshudyan, ;. M. .3ome Problems in Calculating Hydraulic Torque Converters 217 19. Sindler, Z.I Experimental Technology of Soldered Variants of Hydraulic Converter Wheels 224 20. Berman V.M. Calculation of External Characterlstics of Turbo- clutches With Various Fillings 235 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress IS/IPP Card 5/-~ 1-28-6o sifiDIXR, Z.1. Using soldering techniques in manufacturing rotor wheels of hydraulic torque converters. Ded.) IDNITOPASH 52:224-234 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Oil hydraulic machinery) (Impellers) N'F,K, J.; I ~, ~ S TA p#~rjv-jtjvuj l,,-tKioxylc)pyrRnose and o' scme re"Ir:Ing 1-deozy- Coll Cz -Iiem 30 no.1:2~17-303 Ja 165. 1 . Df~pnrtmorjt of Organir I'vir-mistry of ChRries Uriversity, )iibmlttf,-(i Apr,.l 30, 1964'. SINDLIROVA, V., Dr. 1, --~'-+j' -.7, Caurms of late diagnosis of congenital luxation of the hip. Ceek. parliat. 10 no.4.'310-313 MAY 55. 1. Dotak& klinika Olomouc. (HIP, dislocation. congen.. late diag., causes) snaRUNS, H. Seciprocessed vegetable dishes at the collective fam market. Obahchosty.pit. no-3:27 Mr 159- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika otdola abohehestvannogo pitanlya RIzhsko- go gorodskogo upravlentya torgov1i. (Cookery (Vegetables)) ~_ACC NR, AP6024V S R' CC ___W66i_6f66_1b_601db7Z0d2 ou dar. C 'AUTHOR: Vashkov, V. I.; Dremova, V. P.; Starkov, A. V.; Volkova, A. P.; Sindarova, M. V.; Katunina, V. I.; Larl nova, V. D.; Yerina, K. H. 0RG: Central Disinfection Institute; Moscow (Tsentral'nyy dezinfektaionnyy institut)~ TITLE: Insecticidal properties of the various forms of DDVP and perspectives of their application for disinfestation SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, i immunobiologii, no. 7, 1966, 24-29 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, aerosol. DDVP, insect ABSTRACT* Preparations of DDVP (0,0-dimethyl 0-2,2-dichlorvinyl phosphate) can be .used for the immediate extermination of flies and domestic insects (bugs, - cockroaches, fleas) , in the form of 0. 5-0. 3% aqueous solutions.A ,minimal amount, assuring 100% destruction of flies, fleas, and bugs on finished surfaces (glass, wood) is 0.05-0.5 g, for cockroaches 1-2 g, per I m2 (see Tables 1 and 2). Residual action at 18-20* lasts no longer than 5-7 days. To exterminate fly larvae in their substrate,`- a 0.2%--0.5% aqueous solution can be used at a standard flow rate of the pressure fluid (1-2 liters of solution for materials up to 30 cm -thick. Bait for. flies and c;ckroaches can be prepared from aqueous Card 1/2 uDc: 616.981-452-092.9-097.3 _i~ 6~2 4 4 3 6 solutions of DDVP. However, the short period (2 days) of residual in practice. DDVP dusts-, action of such bait limits prospects for use can be used to exterminate a number of domestic parasites. However, view of the brief period of residual action, further study of the prospects for use in extermination practice is necessary. DDVP is toxic to animals when taken internally. (LD,, of various samples of preparation is 100-200 mg/kg for mice.) Inhalation of a 0.5% aqueous solution during single or repeated spraying, does not induce any toxic effect in various animals. In preparing.aqueous solutions and other forms of DDVP, precautionary measurei must be observed, in view of the possibility of entry of the concentrated preparation into the mouth and skin. DDVP in aerosol or vapor form is especially promising. [WA-50; CBE No.-111 SUB COD .E: 06/ SUBM DATI: 22Fsb65/ ORIG REY: 002/ OTH REF: 002/ SINDYA3HIKINA, N. G. ------ "The Mbre Important Species of Click Beetles (Elateridae), Darkling Beetles (Tenebrionidae), and Pollen Eaters, Mass Pests of Field Crops JLn the Stavropollskaya Kray, and Their Control." Cand Agr Sci, Khartkov Agricultural Inst, Stavropol', 1953. (RZhBiol, No 2t Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (13) SO: Sum. No. 598, 29 Jul 55 . ;, :1'', 1.. ". , '. NN " ..;, , I I J. 4, i ') :1-'. 1,- , X ~er.~,.Jna to, S 11,_,M44 0~~,ea . ZU, ~ , f. . ,, " " t, ~t "r-red. i boi. 8 ". j,." D 63. r".j L. (MIRA 17:3) crop yields and ritrogen accumulation on beans a~i related to 'he cond; Tli~=,.-,, of nutr-tion. '1411 RA I?: I I ru i Wokiii:d i Mc,,~,kov:jk.-,y se-, ~~-,.~co'r"h,)zyay3t.,,,-!nnoy akacier,ii h.en' TJL::.irya,,.~,,.,i. ~ :* , , -,~ : , 1- .1 . - .. j I I - I , I :- ~:~ , , , I - :~ - . '. .- , . . .11 rt V. .1 1 : I I - I , , , . "I I .li, 1. ". I I ,. . 'k, r fe I I ~T - r *, I - . , h , , , i r-3t 0 1*I i - I 1 1, . ., - -l" . I I I . 4 SI. N %I L( ::'k 94. loditne iric determination c! total'Ililybu in V. 433-43.1-When burned with an of mnc filings in an atmosphere M CO, sulpbur in pyri;c, is con%crted into sulplijdc, which can. after di- tittation,bcdetcrminedir~ditnetrically. Thetictailed procedure is given and the interfertnce from ars(nic as well as, the accuTaty of the methtid compared with that of other common riethods we discussed. z KA VA C ~h V Evaluation of granulated a prphosph7mev.- MmIr-1 ndftk. Chesx.j#rdmyz1 6, 35M1956) .-The supe-tPM-- 511123 axe Principally e'aluated by the IW PSOj content ft was found that grunulaied superplimpha;e is chemically' different from the material In powder form, since during the process of granulation Pyropha3phatts and metaphosphates~ are fomed which, In the usual analytical procedure, lower the -,content of 3ol, PjOj deid. To obtain u correct Vulue the procedure so tlint the aq. ext. is boitc-I IvIth a Armij; mineral acid before mak-hig the detn, of 11A. -- SINDYUK, V. I Z . , -- - - Contribution made to the chemical industry by the gradi7ation papers of students In the industrial schools. P. 127 (Chemie, Vol. 9, rr. 1, Apr. 1957 Praha,Czechoslciakia) Month],y Index of East European Accessions (F111) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 SINDYUKOV, Mi. 1(h. The SRP-2 construction and repair train for the ~-,')Omm gage. BiiLl.tekh.-ekon.inforn. no.1:67-69 '59- (MMA 12:2) (Railroad engineer ing-Equipment and supplea) L; ll~-,Dy I' E I ivy V. G. C"ll-id. Gllel~,I. l*)CI. Dissertntlori: "Citthodic Find Anodle Polarizatlon of NJckel .9nd Its 6olution In Concentrtited ~',olutlons of Hydrochloric and ~,.)ulfurlc Acids." MoEicow Urder of Lenin btate U Imeni 14. V. L,monosov, 25 Jun 47. SO: Vechernyaya Yloskva, -jun, 1947 (Project ffl7836) 80225 S/076J60/034/04/12/042 J7 /3 0 B010/B00q AUTHORS: Kobozev, N. I., Semiokhinj_ Sindyukov, V. G. (Moscow) TITLE% Physico-chemical Investigation of the Electrosynth*ais of Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide From Its Elements. 1. Kinetics of the Electrosynthesis of H 202 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No-4, PP- 773-781 TEXT: The present paper contains data obtained by investigating the electro- synthesis of H202 at the WGU (MSU) between 194T and 1950. The influence of temperature upon the H 202 yield and concentration in the case of a synthesis -;- a silent electric discharge was investigated. For this purpose a laboratory ;,!ant (Fig. 1) was designed, containing a reaction vessel which consisted of ~:ree c.-~-Iinders placed inside one another. The reaction vessel had a volume of ';~'-o CM3,an operating area of 700 cm2, and was charged with alternating current. ition of the initial gas mixture was determined by means of a VTI aN.-~Iyzer' The experimental results obtained at temperatures ranging from '.:ird 1/3 80225 Physico-chemical Investigation of the Electro- 3/076/60/034/04/12/042 synthesis of Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide From B010/b009 Its Elements. I. Kinetics of the Electrosynthesis of H202 -35 0 to +620C at a pressure of 500 torr and flow rates between 3,7 and 3.8 1/h are given in Table 1 (Reaction vessel capacity 100 w, initial gas mixture composed of approximately 96,5% of H2 and 3,5h of 02). At 80C an 80% hydrogen peroxide is obtained. A temperature rise from -35 0 to + 80C virtually does not affect the yield and concentration of H202- A further temperature increase to +620C, however, causes the H202 yield and concentration to drop abruptly. The activation energy of the hydrogen peroxide formation in a silent electric discharge was calculated to be 1200 cal/mole. This low value agrees well with analogous values obtained in the photochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide, thus pointing to common traits in the nadt1tations in both syntheses. It was found the thatH202 yield passes through a maximum as the flow rate of the reaction mixture is increased (at 4-5 I/h, not at OA 1/h, as Wolf (Ref. 12) states). On the other hand, the overall oxygen amount (for the formation of H2U2 and H20) increases as the flow rate of the gas mixture decreases. Card 2/3 29988 S/076/61/035/011/0121'013 B101/B110 AUTHORS: Semiokhin, I. A., Pitskhelauri, Ye. N., Kobozev, N. I., and Sindyukov, V. G. TITLE& Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen during silent electric discharge. III. Effect of gas mixture composition and electrode material PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 11, 1961, 2633 2635 TEM The authors checked the differing publication data giving 96 97% H2 * 4 - 3% 02 and 80% H2 + 20% 02 as optimum for the yield of H 202 during the reaction of H 2 with 02 in silent discharge. Initial experiments with dhange of the 0 2 content from 60 - 80% to 2 - 3~c showed that the useful : onsumption r of 0 2 strongly drops in explosive 0 2 + H 2 mixtures. Determination of optimum composition at u/v = const was made (a) with 3 - 3i% 02 ; (b) with 4.2 - 5. e,~ 02' Experiments were conducted in lase-qluminum reaction tubes as described by the authors in Zh. fiz. la"rd 114---, 299P8 S/076/61/035/0111/012/01! Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen... B101/B110 khimii, J~, no. 10, 1961. The effect of admixtures (Ar, N 2' "20' ) and of all-glass reaction tubes, as well as nickel-plated or brn.3s-plated electrodes, was investigated. Data are given in a table. It was found thatt (1) at low concentrations Ar plays the part of' an energetic catalyst; (2) N2 greatly lowerq the useful consumption of 0 2; the H202 solution is strongly acid through nitroger. oxidps developing; (3) of the electrodes to 70 - 72 0C (pH 20 ;~ 1CD= f1g) increased the oxygen consumption 4 for the formation of H 2 02as compared with theaL for dry gas mixtures at equal temperature; (4) -C and ~'are highest in all-glasr, reaction tubes, higher than in glass-aluminum reaction tubes. A strong do-rease of aL:nd (roccurred in the case of nickel-plated or brass-plated electrodes. Th re e 1 table and 9 references: 2 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. ThE two references to English-language publications read as follows: E. Noack a. 0. Nitzschke, US Patent 1890793; L. Dawsey. US Patent 2169996 of M5y 15, 1936. Card 2/4:_- 29988 3/076/61/035/011/012/013 Interaction of hydrogen with oxygen ... B101/B110 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Y. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs February 21, 1961 Legend to the Tables (1) Number of experiment; (2) composition of initial gas mixture, ~, by volume; (3) admixtures; (4) velocity of gas flow, m3/hr; (5) specific energy ter/hr; (6) part of oxygen, consumed for the formation of H202"Ll ~7w)/ltoital consumption of initial oxygen,.j ; (8) useful consumption of oxygen, ~- . (a) mm Bg; (b) without waterl Y,reduced to standard conditions;,~- carried out in all-glass reaction tube; A,-, experiments 111 , 112, 144, 143 conducted with Al inner electrode cooled to 60C and Pyrex outer electrode heated to 50 0C; concentration of H20, given in mm Hg. Card 314 _-" BERISHVILI, G. A.; SINDZI11WEVIN, A. _.N.; MIKHEL'SON, R. V. Efficiency of using short delay blasting in the -oal nines of Georgia. Ugoll 37 no.10:48-50 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Georgia-Blasting) &ALYATSKIYY kand.tekhn.nauk; SII&MYUKIM, A.U.) inzh. Power characteristics of an impulse spark in solid dielectric3. Isve vyse uchebo zav.; energ. 6 no.3t96-98 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5) lo Tommkiy ordeft Trudovogo Krasnogo 7-m-ni politekhnicheskiy Inetitut imeni S.M.Kirova, Fredstavlena seminarom Nauchno-isals- dovatellskogo instituts: V7sokikh naprya2henly.i kafedry telchniki vysokikh napryazheniy. (Electric dischargep) (Dielectrics) 71 L 04259-ui EW il( i "I IJII((-" GIG ACC NR: ARGO10507 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/65/000/010/BD07/BO07 AUTHOR: GavrIlln, A. I.; Kalyatskly, I. I.; Sinebry-,ov TITLE: Investigntion of the power characteristics of pulsed breakdown of solid dielectrics SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika I energetika, Abs. 10B44 REF SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov I poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energlya, 1964, 166-170 TorIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, solid dielectric, dielectric property ABSTRACT- In connection with the prospective use of spark-discharge (SD) energy for various engineering purposes, the study of the power characteristics of pulsed SD in solid dielectrics and a comparison of them with the characteristics of SD in gases and liquids Is of interest. The variation in the quantity of energy liberated in a discharge channel In breakdown of rock salt crystals as a function of the magnitude of excess voltage Is shown in Fig. 1. The maximum rate of liberation of energy in breakdown of solid dielectrics is a direct function of the maxi- mum steepness of current build-up. The energy and capacity of the pulsed spark in solid di- electrics may be regulated by varying the amplitude of the voltage pulses fed to the sample dur ing breakdown. Such regulation is possible only within a definite interval, the lower limit of which is determined by the breakdown voltage of the solid dielectric. In connection with this, 1/3 UDC: 621.315.61:537.52 1, 04 -, 5'~"- - t~ ACC NR: AR6010507 possibility of regulating the power characteristics of W SD by Introduction of a retarding resistance Rret was investigated. For the experiments, specimens 60 of rock salt 20 mm thick were used, to which voltage I I pulses with an amplitude of 165 kv were fed from a T~ 11~_- jo pulsed voltage generator, having an Impact capacitanci Ohm of 0.002 tif. The Inductivity of the discharge circuit 415 1,30 40 1,W (7S /.SO remained unchanged and amounted to 10-5 H. The introduction of Rret into the discharge circuit leads Fig. 1 to a considerable decrease in the current amplitude Im (curve 2, Fig. 2) and the maximum rate of libera- tion of energy in the discharge chann I Pm (curve 1L). ine energy liberated in the discharge channel when Rret = 46 ohm is reduced by 25%. The minimum value of the discharge -channel resistance Is determined by the magnitude of excess voltage and when n = 1.2-1.4 amounts to 25-70 ohm. The time of establishment of the mini- mum value of discharge resistance in the time of the first half -period depends upon Rret, Card 2/3 tj:! ACC NR: AIIGO10507 Aj ~0 % Q6 42 ju am Fig. 2 SUB CODE: 20 fv Card 3/3 hooked up Into the discharge circuit. [ Transla- tion of abstract 1 6 illustrations, 1 table and bibliography of 17 titles. [Tomsk Polytechnical Institute im. S. M. Kirov (Tomokiy politekhnLch. in-t)] A. Petrashko BUBLIKOV) Ye.v., inzh.; F-~JORUV, G.D. inzli.; SIIffJ3RYUKHOVj__ ".., inzh. .0 PNE-1 small loader. Ugoll. prom. no.6:61-63 N-D 162, (W.-tk 16;2) A, Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut organizatsii i mokhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitelistva. (Donets Basin-Loading and unloading-Equipment and supplies) r r W TN676.AI55 DUIAjtYzW'%JKIY. M.M.; AL'BaIY, B.D.; SIIWRYULHOV. N.V.; ZORIN, S.V., Ted.; MIKHAYLOTA, V.V., (Safety regulations in sintering plants] Pravila bezopasnosti v aglomoratsionnom proizvodstva. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. lzd,.-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 101 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Soyuz rabochikh metallurgichoEtkoy promvshlennoBti SSSR. TSentralinyy komitet. 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy Inotitut. organizatBii proizvodstva i truda chernoy metallurgii (VIIIIOCHERMET) (for Dunayevskiy. Illinakiy, Sinebryukhov). (Sintering--Safety measures) (Metallurgical plants--Safety measures) WINAH, B.Yu.; 1JUNi,YFVaIY, N.M.; SINEDRYUKHOV, N.V.; ZORIN, B.V., red.; MYNNAN. X.R., Egafety i%gulati6fts in the blast-furnace process] Fravila basopasnosti v domennom proisvodetve. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavatnoi wtallurgii, 1960. 87 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Soyuz rabochikh metallurgicheskoy pronyahlonnosti 3&9R. TSentrallnyy komitat. (Blast furnaces--Safety measures) ILI BbIlY, B.D.; PETRENKU, L. I.; SIMBRYUKHOV, N.Y.; DIRIAnzvalY, M.M.; ZORIN. S.V., red.; KIKHAYL&A, V.V., ESafety regulations In the electric steel smelting industry] Pravila bezopasnosti v alektrostaleplavillnom proizvodstve. Moslcva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tavetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 94 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Soyuz rabochikh metallurgichaskoy promyshlennosti SSSR. TSentralluyy komitet. 2. Vseno3niznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy InDtItut organizataii proizvodetva i truda chernoy metallurgii (VITHOGURM) (for Illinskiy, Petrenko. Sinebryukhov, Danayevokiy). (Steel--Blectrometallurgy) (Ketallurgical plants--Safety measures) DUNAYII;Vb'KIY, M.M.; IL'INMCIY. B.D.; SINEBRYUKHOV, 111J.: VORKELI, M.M.; ZORIN, S.Y., red.: DOBUZHIHMYA, L.T.. [Safety re&n-,lations in rolling-mill practice] Pravila bez- opasnosti v prokatnOM Droizvodstvs. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tsvetnoi metallurgii. 1960. 112 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Soyuz rabochikh metallurgicheskoy promyshlonnosti. TSentrall- nyy komitet. 2. Veasoyuzayy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut organizataii proizvodstva i truda chernoy metallurgii (for Du- nayevskiy, Illinskiy, Sinebryukhov, Vorkell). (Rolling milla--Safety measures) ILIINSKIY, B.D.; DUNAYSVSKIY, M.M.; SIRKBRYUKHOV, N.V.; pETRENKO, L.I.; ZORIN, S.V., red.; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.T., [Safety regulation in the open-hearth process] Pravila bes- opasnosti v martanovskom proizvodstvs. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-tokhn. 12d-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 127 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Soyus raboohikh metallurgichaskoy promyshlennosti SM. TSentral8nyy komitet, (Open-hearth furnaces--Safety measures) SINEBRYTJKIIOV, II.V. Safety locks with counter keys as a mo3t Im.,iort.ant means of providing wirk safety in enterprises or ferrous metallurgy. Stall 23 no.12:1132- 1135 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) SI-F.PwYuF.I!OV, V.r~. Use if graphic representations in planning roads. Avt. dor. 24 no-7:18-20 JI 161. (FJHA 11~: 7) (Roads--Design) -S I' I j 7.11:. Plottinv perspective proiection5 for detPr.,r;ininE- the visibility Dr, roads. Avt.dor. 25 no,3:25-26 Mr '62. MIR,, 15:3) (Roads--Design) SGUR,'IE ',ODE: HU/2505/65/028/001/0001/0017 ACC. NR- AT6025176 (E)udapest); Synecak, V.__SLnech~k,V* A*LJTI-.QR: Farkas_Jahnke,~ Mari a--Farkas h-Tanke , M. (Prague) ORG: /-ark, at ,E as_Jahnl~~7/ Ro3earch InstltutACor To iCAl PhySiC3, HTA, Budape (Nszaki Fizikal Kutato Intezet, MTA); /�ynace~rlnstitute of Solid State Physics, GSAV. Prague (Ustav Fiziky Pevnych Latak C3AV) TITLE: Small-angle x-ray diffraction 9tudies on rat tail tendon SOURCE: neademin scientiarum'hutgaricae. Acta phvn1,)1nF,.'c,_1, V. 28, no. 1, 1965, 1-1~, TOPIC TAT.3i x ray d-iffraction 3tudy, rat, electron rionsity, electron distribution, biophysici ABSTRAGr: Native, dry, rat tall tendon (RTT). RTT treated with CuSO4 and MT with 001, were 1xivestigated by, means of small angle X-ray diffraction. Perlodtral=hs along the fibril axis and electron density distributions of the bands were dotar- mined from the patt6rns.- In the native 3ubstince, the period lf-n.7th was 655-C R while it was 15-20 R shorter in the t-rea ted HTT. At thr. bet i in.- .; nn of structure determination, a model consistin- of ei"ht steps wa!; constructed. The structure was refined with the aid of Fourier syntheses. The relative coordinates of the band ceht2rs as well as the relative intpn~ ' sity and integral breadth of the bands were obtained in this manner. Thp Card ACC NR, AT6025176 PI, Aron distribution wa.,;'not appreciably chan,7-rd by CuSO14 tmatmrnt whIle., on treatmrnt with OuOl~, the density of the bands a, b1, d anAl e2 incrcas,!il considerably. A weak ninth peak appeared betwpcn ban(13 a Th~ authors thank the Czv--hosl:ovak Acadftq olt Scil;nces for making th - Jjjves ition ssible, Dr, F, a tij PO Guba for proposing the subject and giving valuable advice, and Mr. Z. Sik;yr and M33 K* Barta for assistance in laboratdary work and calculat4onse Orig, art. hams 6 figures. 12 formulAs " 5 tables, [2Ag. art. in M4.1 PPRS' 33.560 SUB OODEz 069 20 / SM DATEt 230et64 / ORM MWi 001 / OrH REFt 03,1 Card SMDUBSKIY, B., inzh. City built in one dW. Znan.sila 35 no*8:2 of cover, 1-2 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Buildings, Prefabricated) SINiMizKIyj' V.; NIFOLA)aN, Yu. Man orders: "Rivers, turn around V Znan. sila 36 no. 5:1-2 My 161. (MMA 14: 5) (Rivers-Regulation) NIKOLAYEV., Yuriy Grigorlyevich; SINEDUBSKIY, Vladimir Sofronovich; FOZ111DAYEVA,, X.G.J. red. (Twenty steps into tomorrow] Dvadtsat' stupenek v zavtra. Mo- skva, Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1964. 278 p. (MIRA 17:5) ~ (51 ~' F, ` ,j j r ~ , , n., ~ ; '~') - ~; -, ~` "'. A , , I ` "n; I '! i " L, " ~ Ec!-~nomy ol steam PoweT stations in the f-irs* par:' cf Oreration. En~irgetlika ''z 15 no.2:70-72 F '65. 1. Dzr-,anizaticn for RationallizaUlon of Power EngtneerJng Plants, I National En'.-~trpriie, Prague. Distrs 4E2c(M) GTORKY Bar and Dezoo A -- , 'a- .SjQCJ=fflP,. Chew. Ind.. Vesto ai. Mar vewpari Lrgyddm Kd""Nexyes J. 177-"1VWV-).O-T~b8~Y )tn. of NH4 polyvanadates from strongly acidified (H#SOj. P in.8 pH) quinquevalent vanadyl sulfate Wne- with r0 and the p es of the pptd. coi pds. wen studied. dtj RM solas. were prepd. by &"ving VA in h (A' 4 10 H they had a 0.148M VA concti. Max. to. I WIRS observed at 2.4 pli; this Is the Isodec. point. T a pH of 2.4, a way. pptn. yield of 94.8% took place without merh. agitation or evapf th the M and the V caintent of the pptd. couipds. ;.= with an 1WWg ppt.. yield. The compn. of the ppt. at pH 2.4 was (NkUhns , V&O&I.HgO; It had a d. of 2.8-2.9 a water soly. of 0.16 X.A. !at 25% and a dmo Pn. temp. of W70". Ammonia Is evolved tn the range 240-=I. The empa. of the ppts. Is different at other pH values. All ultimately transform into puri~ VA upon.1scating, SIffidGIdi8UV, V..inzh Spaceship transmits radio signals. IUn.tekh. 3 no-3:10-14 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Rockets (Aeronautics)-RAidio equipment) S/051/63/014/004/017/026 0039/1A20 AUTHORS: Vasillyev, L.A., Sineglazov O.M Diffraction restrictions of the phase contrast method and the limits of applicabiLity of the vector theory PIMTODrCAL: OrAika i spektroskopiya, v.14, no.4, iq6t', 553-558 'r,-XT: Vector theory does not take into account diffra:ition effects in the mounting of the principal objective and of the diaphragm in the plane of the image. Changing the parameters of optical systems does not reduce diffraction errors below a certain optimun.i value. Any change of auxiliary parameters aimed at decreasing the effect of any factor influencing the error leads to) an iiicrease in tile general error because of tile effect of other factors. For a real optical system the optimum value of the error varies between 5 and A decrease of this error is possible only by increasing the speed of the principal objective, increasing the size of tile diaphragm in the focal plane and -decreasijig tile wavelength of the light used. The results obtained by the application of the phase contrast method can only be satisfactorily examined by the use of diffraction theory. Thereis .1 figure. SUBMITTrD: May 7, 1962 Card 1/1 V.-lisrLit'Ns L.Aal .11MMILAZOV, 001, Conixirativa chumotoriatice of tho 9'-adow wthod mW tlio pharm conta-nat mViodo Opto I i3poktr. 38 no.6-.I(Y)5.1071 Je 065. (IMPLA 1602) L 3149-66 EWT(l) ACCESSION NR: -- -AP5016052 -UR/0368/65/002/005/ _947o/o4:72' 535-337 3f AUTHORS: Dubrovskaya, 0. N.; Sineglazov,_V. M. Mosbkin B. Ye.16 TITLE: Determination of the temperature from the hydrogen spectrum SOURCE: Zburnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 2, no. 5, 1965, 4-7o-472 ITOPIC TAGS: hydrogen line, line broadening, Balmer series, tempera- ,ture measurement, Stark effect i !ABSTRACT: The authors point out first that the accuracy with.which ithe temperature of an are discharge is determined from the relative intensity of the Balmer lines of hydrogen broadened by the Stark .effect, is much higher if the temperature is determined from the maxi mum line intensity than when integral intensity is used. They then :derive a relation between the total intensity and the intensity at th :maximum, and report results of measurements made on arcs under dif- :'ferent conditions. The coefficient relating the integral and maximum values of the intensity of the lines Ha.9 1~ , Hly , and H. are presented Card 1/2 L 31hg-66 ACCESSION NR:---AP5016052--'------ ,for the temperature interval from 5000 to 20,OOOK and for the electror 15 18 -3 density range from 10 to 10 cm The calculations agree with th( experiments within 5 per oent. Orig. art. ba&#* 1 figure., 4 formulasp and 1 table. ASSOCIATIOM None SUBMITTED: l3jul64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP NR REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 001 Card ~---Ax 6r LI-;T(m)/EPF(n)-2/EWP(t)/EWP(b) PU-4 IJP(e,) JD/'14W1JQ; I'kCV.'9fff NR: AP5012975 UR/0078/65/010/005/125011253 .~10 Au'HOR: Sinegribova, 0. A.; Yagodin, G. A. ':'ZTLE: Mechanism of diisoamyl methylphosphinate extraction of hydrothiocyanic. acid, zirconium thiocyanate and hafnium thiocyanate S"'- '- Zhurnal net-,rganicheskoy khimil, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 1250-1253 TOPI- TAGS: hydrothiocyanic acid, zirconiuAhiocyanate extraction, hafmium thiocyanate extraction, diisoamyl methylphosphinate ABSTRACT: Using the method of saturation and a graphical method (extraction iso- therms), the authors found that hydrothiocyanfc acid HCNS is extracted by dilsoamyl: methylphosphinate (DAMP) via the following me--hanism: H + CNS- + DAMP* HCH.I. - DAMP, the apparent equilibrium constant being equal to 18.2 0. 8. Extraction of zir- conium sulfate and hafnium sulfate from sulfuric acid solutions containing animonium; thiocyanate showed that DAMP extracts the tw( metals in the form of the compound Card 1/2 ,L 52063-65 ;~ACCESSION NR: AP5012975 rMe(OH)2(CNS)2-2 DAMP. When the metal thiocyanate is extracted by DAMP saturated 'With hydrothiocyanic acid, the latter is not displaced from the o'rganic phase. The' authors postulate that HCNS and DAMP form a fairly stable solvate, andthat two :molecules of the latter in turn solvate a molecule of zirconium (hafnium) hydroxy- ,:thiocyanate. The compound Me(OH)2(CNS)2-2(HCNS-DAMP) is thus formed in the organic~ ~phase. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ':ASSOCIATION: none ~SUBMITTED: 30Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IC, GC ;NO REF SOV: 005 CTHER: 000 ;Card 2/2 ACC .-`~024292 SGU;C--,~ COD--': 1 '01 ZSinagribova, 0. it.; Yagodin, G. A. OFZ: D. IT. Mendeleev Moscow Che-Aco-Techrological Institute TITZZ: Doternination of zirconiwi and hafniu-i concentration in solution by titration a diethylanine solution SCUR'----: Zhurnal analitichoskoy khi-iii, v. 21, no. 7, 1966, 9,72-374 TUIC TAGS: zirconium, hafnium, diethylamine, titrinatry, A:.3TR,',CT: A, siqpliflccl rrethod of. deux-,-,~dn- the c(.rccntnition of zirconiwl (or hafniur-,) in so- lution has boGn develonod. it is 'cased on the fact that diSthyla.-.Iino orec--TAtates a total molar con-~ hydrox.ido of constant corinosition from Zr (:,T) solutions, so that the 6 centratior, of the anions in the solution of Zr salt can be determined. The noth- od also involv~)s the determination of 01-7 f7rouT)s in Zr co-inounds. The 7.olar concon- tration of Zr is detormiinn~.i 'r,-,- t,~.o titrations of the Zr salt with diethylanine: the first in t~o prosonce of oxcesz, IK-F, an! the sacond in tho absence of KF. -,%e accuracy o--,- the determiration is :t 0.003 'IT. Oriz. art. has: 1 table. [271, ST17B COD.?; 01?/ 3U3:~ DAT"4: 0.9'jon65/ ORIG ;2F; 003 / ATD PPES5: 9-OYJ- Card 1/1 li )z UDG: 543.70 r V. F. a f -,- ;~.lng t~e L frim -c:'-,.3. )vedenie rnilraticn cf a:7-.,r 'L: (MIRA 18:6) Ap '(-.5. y institnt. a. sel 'skokhozyay:itvernp 9 TNE, 11 SINEGUB, A.P. Utilization of -as discharge of light for navigation sigmals. 3ach. transp. 18 no.7:49-50 JI 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Nachallnik otdela puti Volgo-Donskogo kanala im. V.I. Lenlra. (Aids to navigation) o6263 23(5) SOV/107-59-6-27/50 AUTHOR: Sinegub, K. (Oherkassy) TITLE: A Simple Method of Producing Photograpic Copies PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, lir 6, p 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For producing photographic copies of circuit diaCrams or articles from periodicals, booksq etc, the author suggests the following method. A sheet of glossy Nr 5 photographic paper is placed on top of the section to be copied. It is necessary that the photographic paper is pressed even- ly to the printed text or diagram. This is achie-red by placing a plywood sheet underneath the paper to be copied and by covering the photographic paper with a glass plate. A 75-watt electric lamp is used for exposing. Any other lamp may be used whereby the best distance between lamp and photographic paper is established experimentally. The exposed paper is developed and fixed. Exposure time is between lb -and 30 seconds. The positive is p:,oduced Card 112 06263 SOV/107-59-6-27/50 A Simple Method of Iroducing Photographic Copies from the negative according to tile same method. Photo- graphic paper is placed on top of the negative, covered by a glass plate, exposed and developed. Card 212 TKACHMIKO. O.Yu., red.; SINEGUB, S.I. (Syniehub, S.I.J, red.; KAZIMIRMIX0, L.A., khudozh, [Inventions and inprovemente In agricultural machinery; collected sivgestions of the inventors and efficiency experts of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Vynakhody ta udoskonnlennin v aillolko- hospodarslkii tekhnitsi; zbirnyk propozyteii vynakhidnykiv I rntsionalizatoriv UIRM. Kylv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillalkohospodarslkoi lit-ry UILS.R. No.?-. 1958. 286 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1, Hachallnik upravleniya novoy tokhniki I izobreteniy Ministeretva Sel'akogg khollYflYatya USSR (for Tkachenko). (Agricultural madhdnary) red.; S.I., red., KAZIHIAMWO, L.A., k1h.u, to z;* I. -tat., hul . r,,d7.- fluvoati3ns und improvements in n~~ricultural machinery; a collection of Ukrainian inventors and innovators] Izobre- teniia i usovershonstvowinila v sellskol-.hoziaistvennoi tel-..uilk~-; abornik -predlozhenii izobretntelei I ratsionnli- zottorov Ukrainy. Kiev, Cka.izd-vo sel'kJioz.lit-ry. No.2. 1958. 295 P. (MIRA 12:10) 1. li;iclinllnik Upr;),,rl(3n'ya novoy tekliniki i izobratntellstvil kj:l-~' ~ Lars tY3 soll3ko,go khGzynystva USSSR (for TkAchenko). (A.-ricultnril mnchiwry) MFLINIK, Viktor Danilovich [Fellnyk,, V.D.1, mekhanizator-neklovod; SMGUB. 5.1-f-Synlohub, S.I.), red.; NERCMKO, I.Yu., tekhn. --- (seventeen minutes of work for a centner of sugar beets] 17 khvylyn pt-at.-A na isentner buriakiv. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo oil's Ikohospodarelkoi lit-ry UR84t, 1962. 38 (~PliRA 15:3) 1. Kolkhoz "B111shovyk" Zhashkovskogo rayona,, Cherkaskoy oblasti (for '~~el 'nJ-k) . (Zhashkov District-Sugar beets) USHAKOV, Aleksandr Fedorovich; KLYAVIR, Isidor Yurlyevich (Kliavir, I.IU.]- SI~N~EGU ~Jswohub, S.I.], red.; Y - - GULENKO, O.I.[Hulenko,, 0.1.], tekhn. red. (Over-all mechanization of growing sugar beets] Kompleksnala mekhanizatsiia v buriakivnytstvi. 2., perer. i dop. vyd. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1962. 229 p. (MIPIA 16:4) (Ukraine--Sugar beets) (Ukraine--Agricultural machinery) VESNA, Nikolay Mitrofanovich; GUBKO, Vasiliy Romanovich [Hubko, V.R.]; 'JINEGUBj S.I.[Syntohub, S.I.], red. (Storage of machines on collective and state farms) Zberl- hannia mashyn v kolhospakh I radhospakh. Yqiv.. Derzhsillhos- pvydav URSH, 1963. 55 P. (I-',IRA 17-4) 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 # . I . 1 11 1., 16"Alituamis is a a It al It m u 0 a IS 0 If If 0 u a 0 0 c A I L 1 6 A L 0 0 W I A I I &A 10 CC 0 U I .... .. ------ Amer* ma-mftalUe mWerals 00 S. No. 7. 11-14(1$(M~. M ~A"114111X Alkl 8-atifla 0( INNI-911, fillic t4r% lift mt-tly ba-l .00 so a 0 see gee Zee* .i see I 10 : I A$: ILIA fTALL%,ItGKAtLITIMATWIf ;kAWFKATMO 00 60 to ad a It me 5 A ;e d"d 'o o gee 0 60 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I c 0 v G 04 a k 0 4% a 1 49 q CY- k 11 U U 34 0 ?A 0 X It 42 61 91 11 C), Ay IS n L __c loni.flill 1130jillyll. sv 'son oom 0 0. 0 0 0000 roo's o** o wd 00 00 r 00 a O:p OOZ 00 00- 00 00- 00 00-1 00 so- 00 0*- Of 00 oo*- 00 0 0-T- i i i r i SID di 3D F I I I C v of tv or a R a PT if s Al 9 a w 9 of a tr d a8d NSO (;4ftU(IAIII pr. , .: " i! t . 4. S I NNGU Meteorites in the collection of the Mineralogical Museum of the Ordzhonikidze Institute of Geological Prospecting in Moscow. MeteoritikR no.12:112-116 155. (MLRA 8:10) (Noscow--Keteorites) * M", SINEGUB. LOVSKIY, A.V., redaktor; NMNOVA, G.P., tv&%Oh IsdatelOs st; MIYNVA, T.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [How to build up collectiomoof rocks and minerals] Uk sob to k 1 lektaii gornykh porod I mineralov. Hookye,, Goo.nauchno-teRn.1SW vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1956. 48 p. (MTAA 10:4) (Mineralogy-Collecting of spectmenb) SINSGUB, Ye.U.; GOROKHOVA, T.A., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [How to search for rocks and minerals] Kak sobirat' gornye porody i mineraly. Izd.2. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tokhn.isd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr, 1959. 45 P- (MIILA 14:1) (Minerals) (Prospecting) S)ITIEGUB, Yevgeniy Sergeyevich; SVIR110VA, Z.I.., red. izd-.v--, IVOOVA, Pow to collect rocks and minerals)Kak sobirat' gornye porocly i mineraly. 3 izd. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat,, 1962. 45 F- (I-J-HA 15:9) (Geological specimens-Collectioa and presem-tion) ACC NR- Apno26ol 'OURCE CODE: IiNEI-MRS: Lpohteyn, A. L.; Sinegubkin, V. V. O~: none -u;1/04.13/66/000/0-'~'/0108/0108 Ln i-nition distributor for internal combustion engines. Cla:j3 46, I'lo. L LI., 1692 5 0 .0nya, proWshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarny-je znaki, no. 23, 1966, 108 TOPIC TAGS: ongino component, ongine ignition system, internal combusti,--i angi,.o co=ponent .12 ;-. L, - ~e I . LTRACT: '-'his 'uthor Certificate presents ---i i.gnition distributor for rnal combustion enginas with a vacuum corrector. The distributor contain5 a c%oina with an arbor moiLntod in the casing beariri~;s. The arbor carries a can with an interrupter placed on a movable plate. This plate is connected to thic, drive of vacuUM Corrector and (through flat springs) to the casing (see Fig. 11). To diminish Diate vibrations and to =intain a constant spacing between the ooints of nected to the casinG through two sprin-:: of dif- e -interrU73ter he plate is carL 6 ferent leng-uhs. These springs are placed on different sides of the car. uA are fIxed, rozpoctively, to the casing and to the plate. The distance between. the pointsi a'. which the sp~-in&; are fixed to the casing is equal to or greater tt:han the distancor- between the fixinn- points on the casing. rnrrI 1/2 UDC: 621 13.0 8. ACC NRt AP7002601 Fig. 1. 1 - casing; 2 - arbor; 3 - cam; 4 - interrupter; 5 - movable plate; 6 - drive of the vacuum corrootor; 7 - springs Orig. art. has: SUB CODE: 21/ 1 figure. SUBM, DATE: '22Yar62 ACC NRt AP7008267 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 141/67/010/001/0140/0142 AUTHOR: Krupnov, A. F.; Skvortsov, V. A.; Sinegubko, L. At ORG: Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute of the Gorlky University (Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut pri Gor'kovskom universitete) TITLE: The optimal variant of a two-resonator maser with opposing beams SOURCE: IVUZ. Radlofizika, v. 10, no. 1, 1967, 140-142 TOPIC TAGS: maser, gaseous state maser, ammonia' A 4,,4 V~l 4-~ A ArS~~CT: The authors studied the optimal configuration and the limiting gain advantage in the effective Q-factor of the narrowed spectral lines In Ramsey maser circuits with distributed resonators and opposing beams. The gain advantage was determined as the ratio of the effective Q-factor of the spectral line in a two- resonator circuit to the Q-factor of the spectral line in a generator with a single resonator. An experiment was performed to determine the dependence of X(L) (beam attenuation coefficient as a function of the length of the resonator) with a maser operating on the 3-3 transition of ammonia N14 113. Above, X(l) - N(L)IN(O), where N(O) is the number of active molecules arriving from the sorting system of the first resonator, and N(L) the number of molecules that reach the second resonator. The relationship of the number of active molecules N(L) reaching the single resonator from a sorting system placed at a distance L from the resonator, to the number of molecules N(O) reaching the resonator placed next to the sorting system (L - 0) vas Card 1/2 UDC: 621-378.3 ACC NR' AP7008267 also measured. When both these measurements were made the power gain K(L), K(O) of the non-excited maser was measured for a constant beam intensity and sorting voltage. Fig. 1 (a plot of X vs. 1) shows some of the results obtained. By using the experi- mentally obtained dependence of X(O , for example, the maximum possible gain advan- tage of the effective line Q-factor of a two-resonator over a single (10 cm long) '(cm) Fig. 1. Dependence of the beam attenuation coefficient on the length of the resonator resonator maser was calculated. This gain advantage, which equalled 3.5, corres- ponded to L - 27 ca. The authors thank B. V. Goromov and Yu. I. Nikolayeva,for their help in the experisent. Orig. art. ban: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2OJun66/ ORIC REF! 005/ 11 ve s00, Sr OLAID 1114A JAVA)v X11 Lill M a As j a Mai 0 '40stare A A A- I I AA IS U PD U a it k A 0 4 - &. 0 nw C"w of the walliculAr astutit of mewlic pritifixt 131 surf"inii by dw actials of electrolytes. I A ~tnirxub. 00,. -00 00 tr OfiS4. JODI, *40. 6; A hiMl lifffOrdl. Z4U1. 1. No, -4 .,V .iltKill)-The wettability of Zn anti of AI W34 invr4- 00 ir tigaied by memo ad a bacitoutal uuvirtwnjw~ Imica-w 00 a in the hydroPhilic Proportki of Zn is due tit grain anti to -00 09 a ,Nid, fitrination. To del, :&~ sensitivity tit Zno it, ail. .00 -urtw-M,liv, 00 of t ob.- Zn plalet wrrr iinnivised in a said. hrpiAnoie s,W -,Jn . twA,hed anti drini. Ft"bly pirrml /it ail-iib, the X00 ~)#l in the ~rvr clegrer it# rfiw~ that niidirrd for 621 fit% h i 4 b f N f =40 ti. a e ii, tni or It*% 'ban 24 ter t wpt rL - a Inwer de .4 h drn hnbia nie l id 7 A 000 in ~ ac n ,an il y p /it alup 4hiparril hydrnWit,14, qu~liti~ whin jctnf tjiwpn Coo 00 j Its 11.1 1 is N .4n. tit 11C). IINO),. A~olt. ZOO to )~Ojl, KA1, N P,)" k and - Njjdcr,,)~ 11oh-lird M ii hiraraphilic. namic to the larcr of AVOff~t itrN, Is is (writ"I in I he trurfare of lioli-hed .41 when it is go &,ptinwater. A when the :-goo -tile faircri% st,ratird off. Sininq ol`KAI144)#)j,SaN(4. Ic,;'). and 11,11o. owhe. At -urfams slightly hydrntJolit -.00 0 -1... of A,Olf stuf 10jolli, tit. not chantle its inni SO* nalurr. A hydropholtic arhilt- ppt. Wrawnrif when INsOll. KoffitrNIf4oplituidmi. (hitfutinKsgrnishavrahrlin- 100 00 philic e4cri oil At. After a pfelutunary treatnitnt n( :000 wli,brtf At with 1% Koff u4n. the hydrn)hiliv actinof 00 hicirra-ti. Aildn. of HNO. anti nf dextim 00 In the IXJI,~,Cr,(), .4n. at., inerraw, the hydr.nihilic At. W. R. Ifrnn vf~ct on 00 1, . 1.11RAIT1,41 C1 W11FKA11C. rz 3roo t goo fA as 8. j j IV a( 'a it A3 A I go 0o0400004 70e A 0000000000000000000 0 00000000406400000000e proportoo of p*qvinill COPY'"li woorky-S (is foost IWINI" I A. A sinriftst~Lgvrraokcl. 0 Via Friloffiva, Awl I., S venkov.1. rdipjr. proigroadirp" 1051. No. It. 6-9 1,.Ayvillyl Ale. vulinss 111veof in pl.wq Of rift, AFJWC find Other 114tur,41 oill"Wo Imns in.11, J.'ajigh filtatt With o%idisillic Agellits Which Iselluit ImAiment -of The plitittnf form with *q FIN rranoviq the film in blasalk op"" from Cu awl I..3r, &I fr4wn At sur- Zu ur It.**). is putil. Ralmov 11911MINAble. tic) lie If.*)# of 0 3 4) 11, (Avot is thificith ur C(MK-n. fill not li."Vr the On A1111 C14UW I'Mily little onwelling Ilia by F-lu'lit'll .1 rfgklUAI if$- Apia.urtillY th-W "*all- dartaiM4 4A Om cbr,lsl~t. And raosoaddase u .* r4w fwtber bAr FrCl. "ft~ in floo ili~os;vr film, ln hr-ifillit 411,1 1111112pleal"I 'law, 't 10., letral's .41). .1" ol"I di'voitf. the filing . rfvAtmrtit a til'u-sityisint At life FrCls .4n r"lws 11 cv,41,tpm jnj the hills 81 w I$ -fl P44sintrLik- Aw 114941 Ili At iffit uldn, int,. (lie Iijcht-,Ivn,t1tivr-jn "PTIn"M *U%.h 111"I" f'W-)'4 tXtC I Nil, -W X4,01a). F,,r ft.. 111lov.11 4 the lifill (14411 111 Ink* fill Al o1flour. the Ad,111 .4 b-t- 1.1 1.11 it $ 1#1 1, ~nll-d RMAS U1,61 t.j 'lie 113"111"1 -4 h It'll'fling it" (little Irk "A" their ~aiv 'I'M owdlolic I Ighl I Ilxvwd fillill SIAT11 1, lv III &it loss. '"S"' file Ir*11111 ht-1111 AIIII-4011 lI9GjXJftkM4J 10 41tara. 11'all .4 ext..'Ire. F"r 1-t "'J!" IN, At tafw- 41 1.~ 41 Ili`; 6NA% is 4,1dril 11,31; [KAYI,~t1vt Ate, "Aw. savath 3-41'~ Ml. ifichrOVISAIC .14 hAflitiningjiftnj G M. K'astplaptift SINBGUB-LAVRSM, A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; FRIDKAN, N, takhnolog; 1~~& I B., inzhener-tekhnolog. Textile printing b7 means of a photographic pattern. Prow.koop, no,1:19-20 Ja 156, (mru 9: 6) (Textile printing) SINNGUB-LORMO, A.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh itauk; DOROVATOTSKIT. V.S.; --- -TAU.SOVA,-L.-A-.; STASHKOV, G.A. Method of manufacturing calico printing rollers without pigment. Tokst. prom. 16 no-3:56-57 Mr 156. MRA 9:6) (Calico printing) SINVIIIII-LAVRMNK0. A.A., kand.tekhn.natik. --' 1. -- t -!..I- Possibilities for printing fabrics in three colors. Tekst. prom. 18 no.8:50-51 Ag '58. OGRA 11:10) (Textile printing) SI'IEGUB-LAV,'LD!KO, Anna Antonovna; ANISIMOV, Viktor Ivanovich; TI--,A~AWA, Lyudnila A-IejcsandrovnaTMKLASHEVSUY, S.P.9 retsenzent; SHUB,L.S., spets. red.; VEItBITSKAYA, Ye.M., red.; SHVETSOV, S.V., tokhn. red. (Photomechanical rathods for the production screens for -.extile printing] Fotomekhanicheskie sposoby izgotovlenlia form dlia pe- chati na tkaniakh. Moskva., Izd-vo nauchno-tekhn.:Lit-ry ItSFSR, 1961. 142 P. (MIRA 25:1) (Textile printing) (Photomechanical processes) or~iKHKELILYZ); KALYAVIliZ, L-F.; ~'I'hanges in the mechanical properties of printing inks taking place in the procass of aging (with surmary in English]. 0 Koli.zhur. 23 no-4:491-494 R-19 161. NMI 14:8) 1. Naucimo-ijiledovatailukiy khimichf-,-Ljkiy institut pro- myoldr.mnosti n(,:jtnogo podehineniya, Mo:jkva. O-rinting ink) -SIWGUB-LAVRFIIKOI A.A. Printing on polyethylone films, I'last.mancy no.707-40 162. (MIRA 15:7) printing) (Polyethylene) (Color SINEGUB-LAVRENKO, A.A. Control of the wettability of polyethylene filma. DoH. All SSSR 143 no.41925-927 AP 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut plenochnykh materialov i iskusstvennoy kozhi. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. (Polyethylene) (Wetting) 'F(c)/E7 RM L h51438-65 EPA(s)-2/EWT(m)/EP WP (j ) /T Pc-h/PrA/Pt-7 ACCESSION NRs AP5009328 S/0193./65/000/004/ EKU5/W76 AUTHORSt Zinevich, A. M.; Sinegub-Lavrenko, A's A4; Favlovap Vo G, TITL-P.: Some surface properties of polyethylene film produced in an electria f iold I SOURCE: Plaotieheskiye massy,, no, 4., 1965,, 75-76 TOPIC TAGSs polyethylene, olootrie field, hydrophobization, thermostabilization ABSTRAM Films of low-density polyethylene are highly water repellen,,, but oxidation as a result of chemical treatment reverses this, and the surrace becomes hydrophilics Corona discharges with generation of ozone lower the hydrophobic quality of polyethylene films but do - not make them hydrophilic. The effect of an electrical field was studied, without corona diachargil or any appreciable generation of ozone, on the surface properties of polyethy..ene. The contact angle of wetting pure polyethylene in mixturea with stabilizaro was measured. Two types of samples were studied: powderod, before and af';er subjec- tion to an electrical field, and film, The powdered material was preaned into tablets 5 mm in diameter and 3 nm in thickness. Rosu~Lts show that an electrical field lowura the hydrophobic qualit7 of powdered mixtiarea, but only t6uporar.Uy. j.Card, 1/2 L 45438-65 ACCESSION NRt AP5009328 RGmoval of the field restores the original state. The molecular charautor of the surface thus remains unchanged. Film obtained by fusing high-denaity polyethylene on a metallic base at 160C are charactGrizod by a hydrophobic surface. The degree of this hydrophobic quality deal-nGs with increaso in tem- perature of formtion. The introduction of thermostabilizere permits Iwoduction of polyethylene films at a higher temperature. Changos in the surface propertiea, of the film obtained depend in great measure on the chemical nature ol' tharmo- stabilizers,. Orig. art. haas 1 table. IUSSOGIATIONs none SUBMITTEDs 00 ENGL: 00 SUB MDEt MWTP NO REF SOVi 002 OTHERs 003 Card L 203911~L E','-T(m)/E".-'1 "j)/T/ETC(,n)-6 ACC NR: AP6005942 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/002/0003/0005 AUTHORS: Sinegub-Lavrenko. A. A.1 Morgulis, M. L. ORG: none TITIZ: Obtaining highly filled polyethylenj SOURCE: Plaoticheskiye massy, no. 2, 1966, 3-5 chemical dispersion, TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene plastic, silica gel / P4006-T polyethylene plastic A ABSTRACT: A composition consisting of polyethylone P40016-T ~nd pcwdered sili gel (containing 90--94.% Si02) in ratio 1:1 and 1:2 Gs -prepared by co-dispersing these components in a zone of intensive pulverization and with sutsequent molding, at 160--170C and 50 kg x sec/cm.2. A planetary mill, which can produce.A com- pletely uniform deep blue product (containing up to 66% of the filler),"Is illua- trated in Fig. 1, The processing time is about 30 min. Extruded platelets Of p9ly9thylyne filled with ailica gsl gre characteri2ad by iMPP6vad hardti6fifil aj!Le lion ~'luster, thermal etability~ and other mechanical properties. The pro- ceas of co-dispersion may be a-mi-ployed to introduce a variety of powdered Card 1/2 UDC: 678.742.2:66,022,32 L 21C391-66 ACC URt AP6005942 Fig. 1. Diagram of the planetary mills 1 - feed port; 2 - housing with grinding media, additives, e.g., thermo- and light stabilizers. Orig. art. has3 3 tigures. SUB CODE: l1/ SU13M DAM none/ ORM RFYI 008 Card 2/2 SOV/112-59-1-937 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 125 %'USSR) AUTHOR: Kupeyev, Yu. A., and Sinegubkin, B. V. . L " TITLE: Electrically-Driven Speedometer PERIODICAL: Avtotrakt. elektrooborudovaniye, 1958, Nr 2, pp 33-38 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card I I I b N KMILO, A., inzhener; SINEGUBKIII, V., inzhener. Npw automobile ignition coil. Avt.transp.32 no.10:27-28 0 (KLRA 7:12 1. NIIavtopriborov. (Automobilos--Ignition) KUPEYEV, Yu., irizh.; SINEGURIN, V, SoeedometerB with electric drives. Avt. transp. 36 no. 7:43-42 JI 158. (MIRA 11 :",) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut avtopriborov. (Speed indicators) ~ ".: Yu F - KROMOT1111, 't"ll, A.A.; T...... C""', Z . i'l, T I BE, N.A.; V '"li, N.P.; D'YACHE!:Ko, F L i U-7, I.F.; G.1'.; RUSOV, Ye.Kt.; I F.A. 133 n I -t 1 7 t. +.,7 n 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. SLd1Lu&-O M.E. Treatment of ischias by the method of lumboperidural in- filtration of cortisone. Sov. Med. 27 no.7:139-141 n'63. (~au 16:9) 1. Iz Gorodskoy bollnitsy 11o.2 (glavnyy vrach, zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR G.A.Kachan) Dzerzhinska, Gortkovskoy oblasti. (SCIATICA) SINEGUBOV, N. Bngineering and economic effectiveness of protective foreet belts. Zhel.dor.tranap. 36 w.1:45-50 * '55-(MIRA 12:5) 1. Nachallnik otdola zashchitnykh lesonaeazMenly Glaynogo upravlaniya piti I Hooruzbenly Ministerstva putey soobahchenlya. (Railroads--Snow protection and renoval) (Windbreaks. Phelterbelts. etc.) ALFEROV. A,A.; ARTEMKIN, A,A. -, ASMNAZI, Ye.A.: VUCGRADOV, G.P.; GA19YEV. A.U.; GRIGOWYEV, A.11.; DIYACHENKO, P.Ye.; ZALIT, N.N.,; ZAKHAROV. P.M.; ZOBNIN, N.P.; IVANOV. I.I.; ILIIN. I.P.; WETIK, P.I.; KUDRYA- SHOV. A.T., IAPSHIN. F.A., MOLYARCRIX. V.S.: PEWSOVSKIY. L.M.; POGODIN, A.M.; RUDOY, M.L.; SAVIN. K.D.; SIMCKOV. K.S.; SITKOVSKIT. I.P.; SITNIK, M.D.-, TETEELEV, B.K.; TSITTRAlit, I.Te.; TSUKAHOV, P.P.; SHADIKYAN. V.S., ADELUNG, N.N., retsenzent, AFANASOYEV, Ya.V, retsen- zent; VLASOV, V.I., retsenzent. VOROBIYEV, I.Ye., retsenzent; VORO- NOV. N.M.. ratsenzent; GRITCK&NKO, V.A.. rateenzent; ZhMBIN. M.N., retsenzant; IVLIUV, I.Y., retsenzent; KAPORTSEV, N.V., reisenzent; KOCRUROV, P.M., retoenzent; KRIVORUCHKO, N.Z., retBenzent; KWHKO, A.P., retsenzent; LOBANOV, V.V., retsmuzent; MOROZOV, A.S., retsen- zont; ORLOV, S.F., reteenzent; PAVI;JSRKOV, --D., reteenzent; POPOV, A.H., retsenzent; PROKOFIYNV, P.F., retseratint-, RAKOV, V.A., retaen- zent; SINEGUBOV, N.I., retsenzent; TERENIN, retaenzent; TMO- ,A KIROV-. M.- fg-td-eff*ent, URBAN, I.V., ret3--~ :,,; FIALKOVSKIY. I.A., retsenzent; CII&PYZMV. B.F., retsenzent, Sil~-~iiN-KIN. O.S., retsenzent, SHCHMMKOV, P.D., retsenzent; GARNYK, V.A.. reciaktor; UKAGIN, N.A0 redaktor; MORDVINKIN. N.A., redaktor; HAUM011. A.N., radaktor; POBR- DIN, Y.F., redaktor; RYAZANTSEY. B.S.. radak*or-, TVERSKOY. K.H.. radaktor-, G19MVATYY, U.S.. redak-tor; ARSHIN.4, I.M., redaktor; BABELYAN, V.B.. redaktor-, BkWGARD. K.A.. v3daktor; VARSEIRSKIY, S.V.. redaktor; GAKBURG, Ye.Yu., redaktor: DXRIBAS, A.T., redaktor; DOKBROVSKIY. K.I., redaktor; KORNEYEV, A.I., radaktor-, HIMYIZV. A.P., re da la o r (Continuad on next card) ALTEROY, A.A. ---- (continuad) Card 2. MOSKVIN, G.N., redaktor; RUBDISHTETII. S.A., redaktor; TSYPIN, G.S.. redaktor; CHXRNYAVSKIY, V.Ya., redaktor; CHERNYSf3V, V.I., rodaktor; CHRRHYSHIV. M.A., redaktor; SHOUR, L.A.. reda;-tor: SHISHEIN, K.A.. raciaktor (Railroad handbook] Spravochnala knizhica zhelaznodorozhnika. 1zd. 3-6. Ispr. i dop. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Garnyka. Moskva, Goo. tranop.zhol-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 1103 P. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Nouchno-tokhnichookoye obahchostvo zheleznodorozhnogo transport&. (Railroads) I BOGF EXPLOITATIGN -u -Ichalllya po magnitnoy ut "t'.1ro eerrora~;netiKOV, ntruktura rrateri,11Y '1zczojuzroE;o L:ov~.,~Ic',nar,yu, 10 - 16 iymnya 1958 s., KrasnoYarzk (1,*.agne'.1c Subztance:;; o" the A_ -Union or. th,~ ;netie ~;',;ructure of F42,-roza~;nctic Zub.,;tancea, In Krajnoyarzk 10- 16 Juno, 1558) Novosllblr3lr, lzd-,.-o '!'0irj;,oj;o ctd. AN 1c,60. 2119 p. Errata alip Inser-,ed. 1,1~03 copi,~!z printed. Spon2orlnZ A~-,ency: Lkademlya nauk SSSR. inatitut fizi~,l S!'.,Arz::o,;o ot(L-lenlya. Fo7Azsiya po magnoti=u pr! lr.~~titute fiziki mel~allov 011-1:'N'. Resp. Ed, : L. V. 11iren-1cly, Doctor of Physical and Mathmatical Sciencez; Ed.: R. L. Dudnik; Tpch. Ed.: A. F. ",azurova. PURPOZZ: Thiz collection of articlez is intended for researchers In fezrcraZnetIzm and for metal scientist.n. Card 1/11 VaEn,:~tic Str-,;cturc: ZOV/5526 COVE',,L%G'~: Tho colit-.-ctlon containz 38 scientIfIc art,1c!,~:; presented _,t U:'V~ All Unilon Confi~raTic,, on thn !-'a~,netic S,-,Ictu--e of PerrD- hfld In Kraznoyarzk. In june 1058. The ma-- terial contain.- data on t1re maZnetic sti-acture of ferror~i7lnctlc ---terlalz -.d on t~-,ca dynamics of the stracture In r,~lntlon to ma,~:netlc field charq-.eo, elastic strc3nez, and temperature. Ac- cordin-, to t111C Foreword the study of ferro,-,.aZnetIc materials had a z"' Innir.7 in the Soviet Union in the 19301s, was u1 sub3equently discontinued for many yea.-:;, and was rezured In the 1950'3. No pcr3onalities are mentioned. References accompary individual articles. TAELE OF CONTRITS; Foreword 3 Shur, Ya. S. (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSS3 - Institute of Physics of' Metals, AS USSR, Sverdlovsk3. On the Magnetic Structure of Ferrom-agnetic Substances 5 Card 2/11 0 07/5 5 2 6 a -en Jt~mT 1,13 c.-1 of thr~ of the Parkh, u- -A A. of A., ri, Ar, i,.ra:;noY--rrkj. cm the 123 by :~aemltud- - V. .1y, a. 1. SIn. of b n Era n c -zk 1:: t 1, a 1 t:--' u t I on of Larld, iuj i-n Ju.-,.p:~ by r I L I on Of 2!%Y3lC!3, Slblzrl~irl AS -,~n --c- r,,' t h--z Ba rk~- -auci c.-I Eff r ~t on A ::%ti Of cf tj-~c FicId 135 V. F., an-i V. :.',. Tudyak :-:,:-,,;urlnL; the Coercive Forc, by t'l-l- i:(:thed 1..3 h X. -2 of I-Irlyzics, cL,,,.d A. e:. llodlch~v [ 1.13titut AS 'U'L71, Kraznoyarokl. Zimultaneouj Card 7/11 RUDICHET, A.M.; SALANSKIT, N-9-; SINFICMOV .,V.I. Statistical distribution Sf Barkhausen pulses by duration. IzT.Sib- otd-AN SSSR no-3:123 16w - (MIU 13:10) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirakogo otdoleniya Ali SSSR. (Yerromagnetism) Him, e195 /,-j 0 48 ri 4 ,,t-,;een SOC-aenf.01 -at,.rk of 0')'na a elf set the -rT 'e 'le 9')L-r"ins I tyle va a of ule a ata 0 the Sew, metIlo -~tln area neN Omains 10 -j%-4 a at t -0 e e-Lj~lt I , t'JIO a 60A ec 4 to , ajj)~L 5 - 599- 3,31-1 n a T 91 61 'fay-I 't, e a a ID 59 A9 I tne si):b asno and *&a ~Ya 06T 01 25, " b0 eoT t v t jv~ t4 ~Jma 9a stiga ,.On t ~c 11 , tyke t a t Tt 0 by in ent jn-4 a .0magne iaty~ . 0 41n 90 -res I STT I obje%8 184 an 9 ty'A'n 0 'PIC ties 9 nts at eT T)~Je oil + Its. J.11 . I a 06160 9 A"am 'jon the vant e-Ave% to a 06 eval-ne, of 189 15 06D aTt a j"O'm a S'J tu'p aet one ty~ese ic I art a S . t 5~v a 'o-nic YeTT 8. T'tle ti.0116 of SoTet Y~jTens -re )) - J.6natea ana -aeTe of 196, aes -4a'.ri-a tion - bi't a seat t a ai Y~O-re tISIS. scNIS the ague I ,,,,netVZa S. 144-16~A951)) ' e A-9 'all 0 a.. . as"'X ana '18 a-It 0 T teo, 21 s 61 11111059)) st t. r~e ?L 55S 0a of Tj a jeS 5 nelf of '00 ~J) 0 Ilea. 13jet-are Senti.0 01 O'btain-IDS thc. detector no indicate the in OaTd t toundary reaches the slit; Cart he slit, and in section 4 the