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Laaisl!~v Ilse of hau-,inum In *,Y!E: Iruild-ing Poo 5-,a-,Iby 1'. no. 12; 664 163. 1. ()kresni utavetin'l. podnilk, R-,-;7,1,-ov. 11 - 14/2'4 AUTHOR'S loypin, 11.0. , Ctindir ate of Tec-r.J ct I ~cien:,es and J En ~ri neor in T "T TLE Sfiidy of ToITIMAIASh Oaf;-., Iron 'Meiting Installation PERICDICAL-. Liteynoye nroizvodstvo, 19~3c), Nr 11, pp (USSR) ABSTRACT: Existing cupolas do not meet the requirements made of cqst iron meltinv- installat-ion3, as they do not ensure a suffi,,,ient overheating of ~~a-,it ir3n and do riot per- -it reli-irlating its chemica .i composition Tho organi- ,zation 'PsTITITMASh in co-operation withNLU"T. Taplvpr:~yekt and I T P R izo.,Ihistka has devel-,-)ped a closed cupola (Fig 1) wilere all illnoes pass throogh a two-otaLe rec-,iperator the c-irbon mcnoxide contained in the cupola gases is b-urned up in a f3 'oeciai chamber before entering the recuperator. The installatien is equipped with regi- stering Jc-vices oc-7-mitting determination of the gas- f , - tem-weratiore 4n different 'ind ai zones, consumption oil -, I of ,,,as com- osi- co ~ ariA hot air, of nre9:-Iir-- anc! p c~ n.A li~,t of ma-n -ind 'heir S 0 7,,,", ": b .11 14 /24 t1A( ro r. "Ie T 'n ta -~ !at i ,)n r po P IT 7 t~rj r. Tn b 1 "he cu vo I a shaf t s 60 cm. i r! n TT,, eter n-,imber of -,-,i I' r`,"N 0 wimber of tuy- r e i r, a rcw - i ; 'I 1 1, Trtri t~ I'- T V,1 tt' 11 ~ne. r,. rs ana rne r~)w - 27 CM; top Recuper~!tor two-sta- 1-~Id.!~Lt!(JfMll With in/ge- ma'eriai steel X21,1, 1ength -1.1 m. Extra(:tor- In-- ~,ide diamrrter t1 C - m. ar., e r J_ P - t k, - ., --13; gas Ij r. 1 n r - r) 1 e :3 i z C. 2,i a:3 -)utlet. nirmle x 622 mm g, size 0 x mm, exhlaust pipe Inside diameter -- 520, S)cr,,ib1,-?r_ CO-116T'Ifugal, Type VTI vrith a diame- T. o f 9 9 0 in m , i ri S J el e d 1, 1 m e t e r -- 8 50 mm n I A r.,., b e r 0 f nozzles -- C. ; n,)z z 1 e rrio,i th d iamete r - 6 , mrr, , ins ide section of the inlet nipple - 0.2-) x 0.60, m, Blower. F 'z/ho, r: prejsure - 1000 m f water 'f c I ency - 5 7 0, 0 rn -i cnIu-Imn- o-, !,,peied -- 1OV-1 rpm- power 10 k!,%,. Exhaust v -i t,:~ aref ;n^ti'~. --; Type VVD-11: r, ac ti on 600 = of --,:i t e r c:clUmn-, o'e,:-romotor, T-, ,-)e A' 10~ r6tor 3peed w a:- e S t n. b'shed 4 Card 1 t ~, ~a P Cf ,I r o a SOV/ 128-59-11-14/124 __~TITT",ASh Iron '.:elting Installation T " r-a- -ittle C02 and much CO; later on, C02 con- ,' _Ps coritain __ tent -increases and, after 1-1.5 hours, becomes practi- cally stabilized. Table 2 gives pertinent fi,gures show- ,_n~-, the conten-,.s of C02 and 02 at different moments from t*,,e beginning of the melting process. The maximum air temperature at the output from the radiational recupe- rator was: for the lower selection cf- cupola gases - 71~~OC; for the ut"per selection __ 6000C. Repeated control has shown that cupola gases contained after passing the bi=iing ohamber 0.0 - 0.2~'!a CC, which io I-iuite tolerable., '~','Lere are -4 t-'raphs, 5 tables, 2 diagrams and 10 referen- oe~~, 7 of whict Pre Sovdet, 2 German and 1 English. SIN, M.K. Combustibility of cupola gases. Lit. proizv. no.9t25-26 8 164, (MIRA 18t10) S/12 60/000/010/004/016/XX A033YAl 33 AUTHOR: Sin, M. K. TITLEt The effect of blast preheating on the combustion process in cupolas PERIODICALt Liteynoye proizvodsivo, no. 10, 1960, 4 - 6 TEXTt The article deals with problems concerning one of the sections of research work on the cupola process being carried o-.-.t by the Foundry Department of TsNlITMASh under the supervision of B. S. Millman and 1. 0. Tsypin. It is pointed out that there are no founded conclusions in tech- nical literature on the effects of the blast temperature on the main fea- tures of laminar combustion - maximum temperature, gas composition and ex- tension of the combustion zone - while works based on experimental investi- gations [Ref. 1: A. S. Pre*dvoditelev, L. N. Khitrin, et al. Goreniye ugle- rods, (Carbon Combustion), Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19491 Ref. 21 Kh. I. Kolodtsev. ItZhurnal fizicheskoy khimii", vol. XIX, no. 9, 19 45] and investigations carried out in recuperative.cupolas by TsNI1TMASh attempt to fill this gap. A preheated blast means to introduce into the combustion layer an additianal Card 1/3 .1. 5/128/60/000/010/004/016/XX The effect of blast preheatling on the ... A033/A133 amount of heat which must affect the maximum temperature and the gas compo- sition as well as the extension of the burning zone. The maximum tempera- ture in the layer corresponds to the maximum C02-content in the gas, i.e. it occurs near the end of the oxidizing zone. The author presents a number of formulae determining the maximum gas temperature in the layer for cold and preheated blasts, gas composition and temperature at the end of the oxidizing zone, and points out that the additional introduction of heat into the layer leads, together with an increase of the maximum temperature, also to an increase in the COIC02 ratio in the gas. He presents graphs showing the variation curves of the temperature and the C02-content of the gas over the height of the layer for different preheating and different blast con- sumption. It follows from these graphs that the higher the blast tempera- ture and, consequently, the temperature in the combustion layer, the blast consumption and the fuel lump size being the same, the shorter is the oxidiz-- ing zone. Thus the test data fully confirm the conlusions that the length of the oxidizing zone is reduced according to the temperature rise in the layer which, in the specific case, depends on the blast temperature. The investigations proved the peculiarity of the temperature variation over the Card 2/3 S1 1, 28//60/"000/0 1 0,'b04/ 016/XX The effect of blast preheating on the ... A033/AI33 height of the layer depending on the heat conditions. Blast preheating in the cupola process, increasing the combustion heat conditions, contributes to a certain extension of the high-temperature zone, a temperature increase of the high-temperature zone, an increase in the CO:CO2 ratio in the gases, a reduction of the oxidizing and an extension of the reducing zone of com- bustion. For the process taking place in the cupola the result is the bet- ter the higher the blast temperature . There are 6 figures and 6 referen- ces: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/3 311,11, -~. K. , Jand. Tec-.. jel. (di.-----) of Prcblems o f Use of ~4eated -'r,-f t ar,,-'- ',Ieanli. f ';i'as Le '7ases Jupola rurn-ice," MOSCOW, 19C1, *~-3 :,u. (~'oscow Evenln~ ll,lachlne- oulldin Inst.) copies (YL 6upp Sill ? "The fisheries in Pietrosani.11 p. 19 (Dru:md Belsugului) No, 99 Sept. 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4. Apri-1 1958 ISTRII., :-,.A.; BAZIOWV, NI.F., nauchn. red.; 311ACHENKO, L.N., red. . ..... 1--- -1. -_ __ (Econory of nonferrcus metals and the introduction of their substitutes ir, industry, transportation, and build- ing] Ekonomiia tsvetrWkh metallov i vnedrenie ikh zameni- telei v promyshlennosti na transporte i v stroitel'stve. Moskva, 1962. 63 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy inst~itut informats1i tsvetnoy me- Uillurgii. L 13275-65 EWP(b)/EWP(t) IJF(0AS(mp)'-2 JD A=sicu nR: APW46B91 Y/0001/64/000/010/18T]L/IB73 AUTHOR: Durkovic, B, (Engineer.. Docent) (Belped);_54RMov1c. D. (Engineer.. Assistant); Nikolia, M. (Engineer TIT'M '. Purif ication of ge:!!z~u extraction with hydrochloric wAd SOURCE: Tehn:LkEL no- 10, 1A.. 187 -1873 TOPIC TAGS: extraction number, extraction time, faze ratio, optlaus coniLition., electrical resistance, germanluntetrachloride,, hydrovbloric acid ABSTRACT: Based on other vorks the authors make an attempt to find the optimum ccinditions for purification of germlinj UM by a method of extracUon vith B01, They give conditions under vhich they succeeded in obtaining gerawium With a 3 Ohms/cm resistance, otaxting with a sample vhose resistance vas of an order or 10-5 Ohms/cm. Origo art* hw: 3 figures, ASSOCIATICK: Tehnoloahorrfabateta~ Uaiversiteta u. Belzmdu, (Te Cal Faculty, MAvbELik of Belgroode);. MM,' Bor (Mines end Smelters) Card ACCESSICH NR: AP4046891 SuBmnm:. 00 EWL: 00 NO MW BOY: 000 003 7- o 1 SUB CCUB IC, :,lN.. 1) ,, Y, ~V . t*"O.-vtr. ~~Uvk-,Ilfj i ~ . ~ .1 1,. ", 1 " .11 "),". (1*;.U Ir-8) " I , -i i ,l:, , an' 7,ro--,,-r-iatlrn) SIKADSKATA. V. Do it yourself. Wn. nat. no-9:39 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Poultr7 hous"s and equipmmnt) PUDBj,lREZUV,m, ii..; SIMOD3KATA, V. Good deeds have no end. Wn.nat. no.6:15-17 Je '59. (?IIU 12: 8) (Latvia-Plants, Protection of) SIRADSU.YA, V. WY.,at do you ~mow about them? lun.neol'. :;c.,'-.-,-9 ;t 'I',-* (KIAA !I,: (j) (Bees ) RUBINSKIY, V.; SIN&DGKIYt I. Spirit released from a bottle. Izobr.i rats. no.12:44-43 D 16o. (MIRA 13:12) (Technological innovations) SINADSKIY, N.Ye. Determining the concentration of Cloatridium perfringens toxin by the erythrocyte hemolysis rate. Iab.delo 5 no.6:33-36 N-D 159. (Mln 13:3 ) 1. Iz IrIcutskogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo institute. ortopedii I vosetanovitalluoy k+iirurgii (direlctor - prof. Z.V. Bazilevskaya). (CLOSTRIDIUM PXMINGSUS) (HIMLYSIS AND HEMOLYSINS) NECHAYEVA, Z.P.; TRACIBNKO, S.S.,; SINADSKIT, N.Te., dotsent; OSHA, A.I., dotsent; KURILO, A.A.; PRIKHOD'KO, A.K.; MU-IMINA. Te.P., Reports on session of societies of traumatologists and orthopedists. Ortop.travm.i protez. 20 no.8:81-90 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) (ORTHOPEDIG sommics) SIUDSKIT 11. Y Fiffnet of ahock on changne in the toxin resistanco of erythrocytes followin.-, putinive imminization rubbits with Clostridium perfringent untigungrene serum. Zhur.mikroblol.epld. I imlin. 30 no.5:99-102 14.v 159. (HIPA 12:9) 1. Iz Irkutakego gosudarstvennogo naiichno-iseledovatellskogo inatitutu travmatologii I ortopedii. (t!46 GANGIUM, immmol. off. of shock on erythrocy-te toxiu-restat. after passive immm. of rabbits aguinst gangrene (Rue)) (SHOCK, exper. same) (AR-rl"DIOCYTASO same) SINADSKIY., Njo. Titration of Clostridium perfringens A toxin in biological fluids. 6 no.5:533~-535 8-0 160. (MIRA 1/.: 1) 1'* Research Institute for Orthopaedics and Traumatologyg Irkutsk. (CLOSTRIDIIJM FERFRIGENS) (TCXINS AND AMUTOXINS) SINADSKIY, N.Ye . ruatteaumatic chaxiges in the typhoid fever agglutin:Ln titer in vaccinated pers6ns. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 40 no.3:123 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Irkutskogo instituta truv-matologii i ortopedii. N.Ye. -orpt,cn of fsn,~--,xlc ;~n--'.j:rngrr-ne seruir by human erythrocyte5. -,hur. rak-oblol. epid, I Immun. 40 no.5: 121-123 MY '63. (MIRA 17?6) 1. IrkutiflKopp instituta truvinal.-ologil i ortopadJi, SINAWKIY, IT.Ye., Diar-oslo and treatment of 9!1.,' Vu; - 1 ~: , ~. . 0": - . -a - I no.:3:121-123 163. ",:, I - - ~~ j 1. Irkutskiy gosudartitvennyy travinatologii i ortopedil. S. Ye. Aug 48 Welding - Strength Welding - Application "Review of the Book " 'Welded Structurce and Joints' by G. A. Nikolayev and A. S. Gellman," S. Ye. Sinad- skly, 21 pp "Artogeanoye Delo" No 8 Favorable review of abova book, published by Mashgiz,1947, 500 PP2 381 illustrations, 5,000 covissi IM 12/49T37 USSR/Engineering - Welding War 51 "One-Side Welding Under Flux of Boiler Steel 10-20 MM Thick," S. Ye.Sinadakiy, Engr "Avtogen Delo" No 3, pp 17-21 One-side welding may be realized on flux pad under proper conditions of flux packing, and does not require any prepu of edges; but is not recommended (until production experience is accumulated) for containers and app of high quality due to increased concn of nonmetallic inclusions in weld, and also taking into con- sideration decrease in elongation 4nd consider- able drop of impact strength and area reduction. 185T31 /"k t 4 ~- 95.L 114-K. l4ing"'amm. Wrldins to( WAIrr SOM 10-1.0 Men. Thick. tin Itunplan t R, K- Sinidskip A.-I ... Drl,,, v. 22. Star.-1951. p. 1721. E'quipment and lechnitlurs ,'t 4 plyinK flux materials during xtil:- merged-inelt welding, Influence apf various fluxes and weldini: ciindk thins. Itepultm core charted. ilil. C.No SINADSKIT, S.Ye., inzhener. ~ Automatic welding with flux mixed with metallic powders. [Trudy] TSNIITMSH 60:92-103 '53- (KIRA 6:11) (Ilec-tric welding) 112-1-1056 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhni1mo 1957, Nr 1, p-167 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sinadskiyx S.Ye.0 Sokolovap A.M. TITLZ: Automatic welding of sleeves (Avtomatichookaya privarka shtutserov) PERIODICAL: Sbornik: Vopr. avarki v one stroy*nli I metallurg.proiz-ve, Moscow, Na&hg1z, 1955, pp.100-119 ABSMCT: Automatic welding under flux produces a vold*d somm of high quality: deep penetration, uniformity and durability. This permitted replacing the multilayor somm with a single- layer or double-layer with smaller logep but w1th'Vw some rated height and same or higher durability. Automatic weldlxig requires high precision in producing and asombling the sleeves because In this way, cor"ct die oltion of e sew is provided. Welding opaRatus A070j4A01U -it of ~HMOTMkLIJ construction are 6ach deflVed fo welding on Card 1/2 a eeves of only one size. The machined surface of the free TS227.L66 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK REVIEW AID 785 - S SINADSKI-Y, 5,--,E-. , Eng. 'WE_kO~T~YYE METALLURGICHESKIYE OSOBENNOSTI AVTOMATICHESKOY SVARKI TREKHFAZNYM TOKOM (Certain Metallurgical Particularities in Automatic Welding by Triphase Current). In K. V. Lyubavskly, ed. Novoye v tekhnologii svarki (Innovations in the Welding Technique). MAShGIZ, 1955. p. 125-143. The author describes experience in the automatic welding of low- carbon steel by triphase current (at the Ural Machine-Building Plant Im. Ordzhonikidze, Ural Polytechnic Institute and other institutions). The fusing agents, the effects on the chemical composition of the welded seam of the electrodes' layout and the welding process, the assimilation of manganese, phosphorus and sulfur in the metal seam, and the effects of the triphase current arc-welding process on mechanical properties of the metal seam are presented and illustrated with 6 pictures and graphs, and 12 tables. The results of the experiments are discussed and suggestions for practice are made. 9 Russian references, 1948- 1953. SINADSKIY, S.Ya., inxhener. Combustion stabilit7 Of three-phase arcs usinr various funine agents. Trud.y TSNIITKASH 76:79-99 155. (MJJU 9:7) (Electric welding) ..SINADSKIY, S.Ya., inzhoneri SOKOIDVA, A*Me, inzhnnar. Automatic weldi3ig of pipe sleeves. Trudy TSNIITMASH 76:100-119 '55- (Pipe, Steel--Walding) (KLRA 9:7) 31NADSHY, 5. Ye. SIILkDSKIY, S. Ye. "Investigation of the Stability of the Process, Form, and Properties of a7vield Seam in Automatic Welding with Three-phase Current." Min Heavy Machine Building USSR. Central Sci Res Inst of Technology and Machine Building (TsNIITMash). Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956. AID P - 5590 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 2/12 Authors Sinadskiy, S. Ye., Kand. of Tech. Sci., and I. N. Yn-jr Urabov, 30 Title Fatigue strength of joints welded by submerged arc and mechanically treated. Periodical Svar. proizv., 11, 6-9, N 1956 Abstract A concise report on the study of fatigue strength of butt-welded and mechanically-treated 90mm thick 22K steel, and a comparison with the comparable character- istics of the base metal. Four tables, 4 drawings, 1 graph, 2 photos (1 microstructure). Institution Central Scientific Research Institute of Machine- Building Technology (TsNIITKASh). Submitted No date ':0V - -135-58-9-9/20 AUTHO~S: Sellman, A.S., Dcctor of Technical Sciences, Professor flilell- bard, S.N., Engineer, Sinadsk -iy,. S,Ye,, Candidate of ~Iech- nical 3ciences, and Cheshev, P.I., Engineer TITLE: Electric Slag Welding of Hydro-Turbine Shafts (Elektroshlak- ovaya svarl:a vala gidroturbiny so svarnoy obechaykoy) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1956, fir 9, pp 26-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is presented on experimental work conducted by I.R. Kryamin, at the TuMITMASH, together with LMZ, NKMZ, KhTGZ,NKMZ .nd the Izhorskiy Plant on the development of ma- terials ani technology for the production of welded shafts of powerful hydro-turb4nes with the use of the electric-slag welding process. In this connection, weldability of 1120GSL" and "20GS" steel was investigated, welding technology was developed, and tests were carried out on turbine shafts for the Stalingrad GES. The following personalities participat- ed in the work: Candidate of Technical Sciences I.L. Brin- berg, and Engineers A.I. Rymkevich, A.D. Kuznetsova-Sadov- nikova, N.I, Malyavkina, From L".Z: Engineers V.I. Faust, V.D, Averin, Z.M. Gamze, G,A. Branovskiy, G.I. Martlyancv, Card 112 R.K. Fasulati and the welding operators V.A. Petrov, M.I. Electric Slag Welding of llyilro-Turbine Shafts SOV-135-58-9-9/20 Gorbachev, M.,A. Grinovskiy. Technical economical analyses were carried out by Engineer S,P, Golosovskiy (TsNIITMASh). It was proved that "20GSL" and forged "20CS" steel can be successfully welded by the electric-slag method if the steel had been proFerly cast. Information includes detailed re- commendations including technology and materials, There are 7 tables, 4 graphs, 3 diagrams, 4 photos and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: TsNlITMASh 1. Turbines 2. Shafts--Weldlng 3. Are welding--Applications Card 212 ---ym-totic reprcseritkxtion of an operator de:icribin, the behav-cr of an elastle hereditary medium and affectIng a power function. izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.1:128-131 Ja-F 165. (KIRA 18:5) SIFADSKIY, Yu.B. (Moskva) t Tumorlike formations on a white willova Friroda 52 no02285 163. (MM (Ttmors, Plant) (Willows-DiseaBeB and pests) 16:2) SINADSKIT, Yil.V.-, BONDARISIVA, N.A. Little known polypores on Populus and Tanarix and their importance in the Kara-Kalp&k A.S S.R. Bot.zhur. 41 no.6:1177-1183 Ag '56. 0Cara-KalDak---Wood-ebcayInF, fungi) (NLU 9:12) (Poplar--Diseases and pasta) (Tamarisk--Diseases and pests) SINADSKIT, TU.V. Turkmen smoky moths in the Kyzyl-Kan desert. Prlreda 45 no,3i IM-119 Mr 156. WRA 9:7) 1.Moskovskly lesatekhnicheskly Inatitut. (Kyzyl-Kum--L&rva~) Su,14 1) Y)c I/ USSR/Plant- DiscaaQs - Diseases of Forest Sp(:Cics- Abn; Jour RC:f 7~-IU-r 1;0 1.5~ jqc8~ 685C,11 Aut~lor Sinad~:My, Y.i.V. L%iof3cow Forest EngineQking Institute. Tit1c Rout Fungus (Pime a6 One of the Causative Factori of Pine St~,.nd Withering. Orig Pub n. tr. Mosk. lcsotej~,, ;.,. in-tv, 1957, 11', 5, 77 Abstract The spmading of this root fuingus in the Buzu.Luk pine forests wx: investi8ated together with the condition of the trees ~.nd the lonal grming conditims. V.G. Neste- rov's trce classification scheme was usud. It was dis- covered that more trees frun the I and II growth and de- vclopmQn'k classes were iafccted with r-)ct fungus. Withir eac-'-i growth ai,d development ciass, m,)rc of the trees of further advanced stages infected (subclass b). Card 1/3 USSR/Planto Diseases - Disanses of Forest Specias. 0-2 Abs JUur Raf 7-hur - Biol., NO 15, 1958, 63504 il conncctior, har, bcen discovered between Lifection with thi- diseasc, and varlous characteriotics of the trees' stage condition (farm of the crown, color of the bark and nc-cillez). Vie richcr p1tic forest types are inorv widely infected with Fomitopois annosa Fr. bond Ut Sing than the dryer and poorer types, siiice the higier nrjis- ture and greater quantity of organic substances in the soil and soll-cover promte the fuigus development. An admixt,are of birch decreases the indidence of pine infec- tion even in conditions which are favorable for the fwi- gus's, devel3pment. Emphasis is given to the negative si- giiificance of the manncr in which F. annosa infests the beds as its focal point, thts causing the thiniiing of the pine fcrests and their disorL-Anization, the develop- vacat of steppe weeds in them, and heisditening of the ef- fecto of drouoit. In order to restore the pine planta- tions infected with F. annot;a to hehlt,'-,, the author Card 2/3 4 BIOIW of the tafforlu': leaf beetle (DIorrhabda olongata BrI.) [with lpumry in 14w".4h], Zool, shur. 36 no.6:950-951 A '57- 1. Mookovskly lescitca:hnicheskly Institut. (Irara-galpak--Teaf beetles) (Tamarix-Disea3as and posts) Country : USLIJR Category : Plant Diseases. Diseases of Forest Species, 0 Abs Jour : RZhBiol., No 67 19591 No 25182 Author ; "Sinadskly, Yu. V. Inst : - Title : Diseases of the Tree-Bush Species in the Kyzyl- Kum Desert, Orig Pub : Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolezney, 1958, No, 4, 54 Abstract : Account is presented of the distribution of Leveilula taurica f. haloxyli on Haloxylon Bge. and L. taurica f. salsole on Salsola Richteri Karel., which cause the dryiing of these species. Card 1/1 SqADSKIY. Tu.T. Pests of Clematis orientalis in the tugay woods of the Amu Darya Valley.' Biul'ROIP. Otd.biol 63 no.4:143-144 J1-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:11) (A;; DARYA TAIJZi::B~LES) (CLMTrS--DlSLFASF,S AND P3STS) Yll. V. : Blul (-I (cl-Irs) -- Ins-clus tbr~ I plain ~' !-Iit, cuui-~-c- of tl,i7~i ~!s -o Combat .ra an(~ rjpasauc I ..L , '- 1, F1 1.1 " .Mosco-,-, nn (M.n E(lur, 177,Y~, Wircon: Foresti:: Tns7l,), (K1,, ',TL, 1', I?t',), 30(l) 01- 0 AUTHOR: Sinadakiy, Yu~V. TITLE: Pests of Ammodendron argentetim 0. (Vrelitel! pescha- noy akatsii) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959,,Nr 2, pp 111-112 (USbR) ABbTRACT: The author states that until recently not much had been known about posts of the prod ominarit ly shrub- like Ammodendron argenteum 0. During an inspection of the Amoodendron plantations by the Kvzilkumskiv leskhoz (Kyzylkum Forestry Sovkhoz) In the Yuzhno-KazakhstAn&Uy% Oblastlin 1957, Professor L.V. Arnol'di, V.N. Stepa- nov and Professor N.I. Fursov of the Moscow Forest Engineering Institute determined 7 specier of pest U harmful to stalks and leaves of Ammodendron. So far nothing is known about the habits of the pest,,z~ be- lon-ing to these npecieq, -,ince they were not con- sidered to be harmful. D,-.ti on Chr-,P-obo4-hris deser- ticola Sem. ~t Richt. found on sapling.". Corigetus netulifer Rttr. and Mylloceriis benil,,ntiA h i nnul us Card 112 Fsh. found in thc tree tops and on Jlilolis ,rariola- Pests of Ammodendron ar-enteum 0. 5 9 - 2 - 3 9/5 3 t, ris bucharica Sem. found in the fo!;-a,~e -and retioles are given. Caterpillars of Psy-hidae are fr~~,-p entli 11 L found between leaves that seem ~o be to,-ether. There are individual instances of Tituboea weisei Reitt. on the leaves and iviabris elegai,tis,~ima --ubk. on leaves and blossoms. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy les)tekhnicheqkiy in~-titutl- (Moscow Forest Engineering Institute) Card 212 SINADSKIY, Yu.V. DDdders in the fl.-odland forests of the southeast of the U.S.S.R. Zashch.rast.ol Tred.i bol. 5 no.2t28-29 F 160. (MIRA 15t12) 1. Moskovskiy lesotekh:aicheakiky institut. (Dodder-Woody plants-DiBeases and pests) SnLkDSKIY, Yu.V., RONDARTSEVA, X.A. .j Come pore flingi on deciduoun plants In the flood plain of the Ural River. Bot. mt. Otd. spor. raat. 13:222-232 16o. (MIRA 13:7) Wral Valley Banidiomycetes-Wood-Decaying fungi) (Ural Valley-Basidiomycete S) A-Vood-6caying fungi) SINADSKIT, Yu.V. Pests of Halimodendron halodendron Vosse In river bottom forests of the Syr Darya (South Kazakhstan Province). Zool.xhur. 39 no.4t 527-533 Ap 160. NMA 13,11) I 1. Moscow V od Processing Institut*. FS17r Darya Valley-Shrubs-Diseases and posts) SINADSKIY9 Yu.V. - -- ---- -- --- Biology of the tAmarink carpenter moth Holcocerus arenicola Stgr. (Lepidoptera, CoBsidae) in the flood-plain forest of the Amu ARryae Ent. oboz-39 no.4:796-798 060. (MM 14:3) :--w 1. Moskovskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut, Moskva. (Amu Darya Valley-Moths) (Tamarlok-Diseases and pests) VORONTSOV. A.I.; S,INADSKIY, Yu.V. Inji.Lrious insects inhabiting stands )f the white willow (Salix albe L.) in the lower Volga flood plain. Zool. zhur. 39 no.9sl335-1344 S 160, (MIM 13:9) 1. Moscow Wood-FrocessinE Institute. (Volga Valley-Forest insects) (Willows-Dieeases and posts) SINi%DSKIY, Tu.V.; BOUM-LUSIVA, M.L. Diseases of trees and shrubs in tugat forests of the Syr Darya Valley. BDt.zhur. 45 no-3:423-429 Kr '60. (XI" 13:6) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. T.L. Komarava Akademil naak SSSH, Leningrad. (Treea-Discases and pests) (Shrubs--Diseases and pests) (South Kazakhstan Province--l'ungi, 11hytolpathogenic) SINADSKIY, Yu.p kand.biologicheakikh nauk Destructive fungi.(WlUn.nat. no.10:306-31 0 '61. OMIRA 14:4) ood-decayirig fungi) SINADSKg,--Xu,-V.- _ Calluslike galls or: Populus pruinosa Sc*-renk. Ent. oboz. p no.2:297-299 161. (MIFA !4:61 (Soviet Central Asia-Leafhoppers) (Galls (Botany)) (Poplar-Diseases anu pests) SIMWKIYJ Yu.V. GratomeruB aurulentuB F. ZaBhch. raBt. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.4:53 Ap 161. WM 15:6) (Trees-Dizeaseis and posts) (Krasnodar Territory--Zmtomerus) SINADSKIYP YU*Vo Injurious insect fauna of oleaster in the tugai foresta of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Zool,zhur. 40 no.7#1019-1029 JI 161o (MIRA 14#7) I* Department of Biological Sciences, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Amu Darya Valley-F6*st insects r D&M Valloy-Forest iwocts~ t (Oleaster-Disosses and posts) SINADSKIY, Yu.V.; BONDARTSEVA, M.A. Bracket fungi of the "Krasnyi les" hunting grouds in Krasnodar Territory. Bot.zhur- 47 no.1:55-67 Ja 162. VMRA 15:2) 1. Biologicheskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR, ~bskva i Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L.Komarova AN S6SR, Leninl7ad. (Krasnodar Territory-Polyporaceae) SINADSKrY. Yu.V., kand.blolog.nauk (Moskva) Pyramidal oak. Priroda 51 rio.12t98 D'62,, (MIRA 15112) (Oak) SIffARQ;j"jjjig 11pj~1Wjnf%vj,--h- KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L., otv. red.; -PUKHALISKIYA., L.F.__,_riq'd.izd-v&; BOCREVER, V.T., tekhn. red. (Pests of floodland forests In Central Asia and measures for their control] Vrediteli tugainykh lesov Srednei Azii I mery bor'by a nimi. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 11+7 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Soviet Central Asia--Forest insects) ZHUKOVSKIY, Nikolay Ivanovich;.51MGOV, V.11.. redaktor; LISINA, V.H., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Agriculture of Novosibirsk Province in the sixth five-year plan) Sellskoe khoziaistvo Novosibirskoi oblasti v shestoi piattletke. [Novosibirsk) Novosibirskoe ka-vo. 1956. 71 P. (MIRA 10:2) (Novosibirsk Province-Agriculture) KOMAk6V Igor IGrigorlye' KAZUROVA, A.F., vich; SDJAGOV. V.11., red Dovocibirsk Province during the forty years of the Soviet regime] Novonibirskaia oblBst' za 40 lot Sovetakoi vlasti. [Novoelbirsid Novasibirakoe-k-nizhnne Und-vo 1957. 62 D. (MIRA 11:5) (Novosibirsk Province5 - V SHIPMAV, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich, ASHCHRPKOV, Yevgeniv Andreyevich; KOZIIXVNIKOV, Sawn Yeliznrovich; MIRA Kirill L1v ich; KITATNIK, Abrnm Usherovich4 SINAGOV, V.11.. red.; kAZUROVA, A.97, [With our friends; Impressions of Siberians visiting peoDle's democrncies] U Nashikh druzei; VDechatleniia sibirinkov, Dobyvavshikh v stranakh narodnoi demokratii. [Novosibirsk] Novosibirskoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1957. 127 P. (MIRA 10:12) (China--DescriDtion and travel) (Czechoslovakia--Description and travel) (GermarW, Bast--Description and travel) SINAKIVICH, A.S. Fourth scientific and technical conference of the Irkutsk Institute of Rare Metals. Met. met. 29 no.8:83-84 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Metals, Rare and minor) 24569 S/137/61/000/005/008/060 1& '51 VU A006/A106 AUMORS: Rudenko. N.G., Sinakevich, A.S. TITLE: Complex extraction of molybdenun and copper from unconditional molybdenum prod-jots by hydrometallurgical means PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metal!urgiya, no. 5, 1961, 18, abstract 5G144 C'3b. ne=hn. tr. Irkutakiy n.-i. in-t redk mete', 1959, no. 8, 213- 219) TEXT- Th& aut-hors develcped a hydrometallurgical method of refining un- conditional irdustrial mn-lybdenum products, containing considerable amounts of Cu. The following Initial prc~du,.~ts were used. Sorsk flotation concentrate with 21.44% mo an-1 14.21% C~a, and Klyalykh-Uzensk Industrial product with 1.69% Mo and 8.8% Cu. The lnvestlgat..!~-., was cond:joted as follows: oxidizing roasting, soda lixiviation, and precipitation of Ca molybdate with ch1crous Ca. During roasting of' the Industrial proaact at 5o) c, 45% of the whole Cu passes into the s-u'fat,~ fc.rm. Pl,lrr to lixivia-don of Mo, it Is wAshed with water, the residue of Cu is extracted with a 6% H2SO4 -solution. T1,e aqueous lixiviation of the c1nder and the sulfaric-acid 11xiviaticri of tails was performed at rcom tempera- CarA 1/2 cc~mplex extraction 24569 S/137/6 1/000/005/008/060 A'~- C6 1.4. 1 r,6 ture. The 1!qjild-solld rat'l-1. juring aquecus lixiviation was 3 : 1, during sul- furic acld leachirig-c,jt il, was 2 : 1. Th!, extraction of Mr, Into the solution was 90%, at 300 - 400% -qoda conEl.urip-lon, of the rated amoL-rl,,,, or 60 - 80 kg/t, of in- dustrial pro-duct. airing tt.,~ precipl.tation from solutions (containing 15 - 20 g/1 Mo) of mc.y'r-jatz. w-Ith -ahicrine Ca oQncentrates with 35 - ~6% Mo were obtained. I Mo obtain conditicna. cc.- centrates the In."ial chemic5l conCentrate was reprecipi. tated and Mo wa3 extracted frcm the soluti:)n by ion exchange. The expertmens with Sorsk concentrate showed that 7xidizing roasting sho,,Id be ~!onducted at 6500C. In botn cases up tc 90% Mo ~an be extractel. G. S. LAI~stracter's not-.,: Ccmplete transla-,lon] Card 2/2 24570 S/137/61/000/005/GG9/360 A,3~/AIC-6 AUTHORS: Sinakevich, A.S., Zyrjanov, M.N. TITLE- Chl:;rination of oxidized molybdenum compounds with vaporous chlori- des FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961 18-19, abstract 5GI45 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-1. in-t reL . met"), 1959, n.-. 8, 220 - 229) TEXT: Tne aulhor~j s!.-,jdie-d the interaction of molybdates Cf Fe, Ca, Pb and C~j oxides with CCI.Iand S DurIng ch_'.-,rInatIon of CC14 the temperature should It 2CI2. by 50 - 1CO C c-I,.,IorIratLon ti-:impara-.urezi Of S C12 in order to attain an equal degree of cf the salt; or the S~2 con.~-amptiDn at the same '.~mperawre must b" ln~!-easei. rhJ~-Ina,_'._-,n Of CC14 S2C12 or C1 with addition of- pyrite and 43,:,Iid ccal makes t-.;ll extra~.tlon possiLe at -350 - ~QOOC. Chlorina- tion of Cl, in I~he presence .~f vyr!te and --hlorinaticn of CC14 should be prefer- ably perfomied. ':-h- reactic-n are Mo oxychlorides, mainly Mc)02CI2, MOOC24 and chloride meta].& In the'-sition of the compounds. [Abstrac ter's n.,,.~: Ccmple~.- trans-iati.~n_l G.S. Card 1/1 245 S/137/61/000/005/007/060 g A0061AID6 AUTHORSt Sinakevich, A.S., Chernyavskaya, M.Ya. TITLE: Reduction roasting of tin containing dusts for the purpose of indi- um extraction PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961, 18, abstract 5Gi43 ("8b. nauchn. tr. Irkutskly n.-i. in-t redk. met", 1959, no. 8, 265 - 271) TEXT: The authors established optimum conditions of extracting In into sublimates during reduction roasting of Sn-containing dusts. The roasting tempe- rature Is 900 - 9200C, duration 4 hours, gas consumption 10 - 20 1/hour, weight of batch 400 - 800 g. Extraction of in Into the sublimate is 85 - 89%, Sn 2 - 7%, Zn up to 70%. G. S. [Abstracter's note: Ccmplete translation] Card 1/1 S/137/62/000/006/049/163 Aoo6/Aioi AUTHOW1: 31riakevich, A. S., Zyryanov, M. N. 'PTU.": AppItcaLlon of' the coriLlnuouB eh I or1nat Lori method to leari oxidized molybdenum raw material PERIUDICAL: Ret'er-ativnyy zhurnal Metallurgiya, no. 6, IS62, 17, abstract 6G131 ("Sb. riauctin. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk. met.", 1961, no. 9, 184 - 192) T:-,'XT, The practical possibility is shown of applying the method of con- chlorination with gaseous C12 to lean, oxidized Mo-raw material. The :),,,1imum dimensions of granules for continuous chlorination are 2 - 3 mm; chlo- r, io,.ation time Is 1.5 hours at 4300C, with addition of 6% pyrite concentrate and ;~60 - 6-20 kg/ton C12 consumption. Conditions are given for the selective con- d~nsation of sublimates and their processing to commercial products. Mo extrac- ,ion was 80%. G. Svodtseva 'A,-,s,~ract,er's note: Complete translation] L S/137/62/000/006/047/163 Aoo6/Alol AUTHORS: Sinakevich, A. S., Derevtsov, Ye. F. TITLE: Experimental thermal reduction of indium oxide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 17, abstract 6G12q ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk. met.", 1961, no. 9, 193 - 196) TEXT- Thermal reduction of In2O was performed in two test series, namely with a solid (charcoal) and a gaseous ~CO and C02 mixture) reducing agent. It was found that the interaction of I with a solid reducing agent proceeded -In- -completely in neutral atmosphere at1058 - 1,0000C and led to the formation of mainly In metal. During the effect of a gaseous reducting agent upon In203 (at CO 1 CO-? = 3 : 1), intensified In sublimation takes place and at 9500C extraction f Tn attains 76 - 90%. G. Svodtseva LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 ZrRYANGV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; SINJ%EVICH, A.S., red.; 1-CUSLIMI, E.Ya., red.; KARMI, V.D., tekhii-.Y67d. [Dispersed rare elements; properties) areas of use, production d,,-namics prices, raw material sources, technology of pre- parationi R^sseiannye redkie elementy; svoistvapoblasti primeneniia, dinamika proizvodstva, tserjyp -,yrlevve istochniki proizvodstva, tekhnologiia polucbeniia. Pod red. A.S.Sinakevicha. Irkutsk Ir- kutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 204 p. (MIRA 15:4~ (Trace elements) ZYRYANOV, M.N.; SINAKENICH, A.S.; NADOLI""KIY, A.P. Investigations on the recovery of molybdenum from low-grade ferrimolybdite ores an. concentrates. Trudy IPI no.18:123- 129 163. (MIRA 17:6) SMOVICH. N.A., prof. Accidents occurring at the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power fltation. Ortopetravmo i protez. 18 no.6:31-34 N-D '57- (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Ir~utskogo nauchno-is sled ova tel I skogo institute ortopedit i voestanovitelinoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. Z.V.Bazilevsksya) (ACCIDENTS. INDUSTRIAL, statist. in construction of 1Wdroelectric station) 0 1 1 19 s~;;:* 090099 00000 0 W-W-W-W-W-W- u u v Is Is 11 11 U IS W-W~ , , - -~- 41 Q 44 A Ll I ~ A I &-- 0o A ",will-IS w". .00 SiNtIKEO ch N N, , -00 00 00 -00 pi~ d 2~ W=m gnomes ft wo Tmwhw so ft W. S. aft - o wr-.U- Aud. It V.1M." '=Vw admim %%r is. &M.W. so 004 00 : 00 see sod wee ties wee A$~-$kA 04TALLURGICAL LITISATURt CLASSARKATIOal a 4- ----r. - wee see 161G.. -4v9 aw-aF AV 00 It A I a ad It I I ft ~14 100000000 Laag-rar4;u pl,,irintne, for the develapnent of public health In the U.S.S.R. from 1959 to 1965. MiA.sestra 18 no.l:_3-6 A '59. (MIR& 12:10) 1. 1fin1:jtiz!-i3tvo zdravookhranentya SSSR, Hosk-ya. (PUBLIC IM"TH) SINAKTVIGH, N.N. Results o.? the work'6f the FifU3 Conference of the MiniBtero of Public Health of the SociaIist Countries. Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 4 no.12:38-39 D 160o (MIRA 13:12) (CMMIST COUNTRIES-PUBLIC HEALTH) - SINAKEVICH, S.V. (Leningrad). ~4 Problem for the composition of trigonometric equations. no.6:35-37 N-D '53. Vat.v shkol* (KLU 6:12) (TrIgonomotry-Problems, exercises, ote.) ~ H S.V. (Leningrad); WROY19Y, B.A. (Leningrad). - M W 9 4~ - ~V- 4 Teaching *trigonometric equ&tions.0 Mat. v shkols no.li4-19 JA-F '55. (MLRA 6:2) (Trigonometry-ftudy and teadhing) SINALNVICK, Sergey Vladimirovich; SIDOROVA, L.A.. red.; GMUNOVA, N.Y.,,; DRWILOYA, M.S., (Trigonometrical functional Trigonometricheskie funktaii; posobie dlia uchitelei. Koskva. Gos.uchabno-pedagog.izd-vo K-va proav. RSrSR, 1959. 177 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Trigonometrical functions) S1.111UL, Jozef, inz. 'Manual electric arc welding'" by N.G. Efimovic. Reviewed by Jozef Sinal. Zvaranie 12 no.2:51 F 163. SINAL., Jozef . inz. 1'roblem. fo edge Freparation for hard surfacing. Zvaranie 12 no.10:26i--200 0 163. 1. Vyskwany ustav zvaraesky, Bratislava. 'W 5 "ye finnv, 11. V.; Crieoi va, 14. M.; Grinhin, A. A.; Beloy. L. V.; Bru A. 0. 11. trvi-i for neunuring the thIcknens and rate of application of films. Class 16 Ll 3 ye zna-ki, no. 11* 1966s 75 ye obrazztoy, tovarny- ial automation filn, reGonaLor, quality control, industr Cortific-kt-e a meth-! for uoing two pivzo~-Iectric I'll iavl rato, of do-position of a CiLm or, it LIL-zf~- -,,.a wiieA a wide r;tr.,-,e of thicitnesses and for obtaining inforz-ation for., *.J;Ilickl is convenient for automation of the process. Tne monitored flow o' material. heing applied to produce the film is iiwitched from V- (-WAQr to tile otner and back ugain after the required thickness has been tri *~4ke t~ivf!n section. Film thickness in determined from the nwaller of re- wiiile tii~ rate or upplication is determined from the reversal frequency. .;Uis C6DE: 11, 13/ SUIM DATE: 03Apr65 UDC; 531.7;621.9,08;531-717-1:531-767 IDY"A' r 0, C, i of t ir-Alated Va( M I RA i c) 2.43-2 4 165. r o b 1 i-3:A olok! SLAVIK, Jan; SINALY, Teorlor Tectonics of the Handlova deposit. Cool prace 63:209-212 162. 1. Valkobana Handlovap GeOlOKicky prieskum, Turcianske Teplice. SINALY, Teodor, promovany goolog Making shallaw boreholee. Uhli 5 no.5:188 My 163o 1. Velkobana Handlova, n.p., Handlova AUTHOR: Sinarti, I.B. 120-4-24/35 TITLE: Tou ine Indicz;tors for Shock Weves in Liquids (Tn=aIiwvyye ;rldikatory udarnykh voln v zhidkostyakh) --RIONCAL: i~ribor~ i TekhnikaBI-sperimenta, 19"'/, No.4, 2 P-1, - 85 - 89 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After establishinG the basic relationships between the parameters of tile shock wave process and the measuring system characteristics, the construction details of tourmaline press- ure indicators with slab dimensions from 8 x 8 mm. to 0.5 x 0.5 mm 2 axe given. The method of preparation, assembly and the necessary precautionary measures are described. Examples of the recordings are produced. The duration of the leading edge of the indication (due to distortion of the pressure field by the indicator) does not exceed 0.6 ~isec for the smallest indicator working in water ~I-ith a charge equivalent to 1 g of p..-.ntolite. The inherent disturbance level due to the mechanical properties of the indicator differing from those of the r-ediun; does not exceed 21,66 of the registered amplitude. Tne internal impedance of the .;_i.dicator is o,:' the order of 10 Q. There are ? figures and C,R.T,dl/2 5 non-Slavic refc:-ences. 1 120-4-24/37, Tournip,line Indicators for Shock Waves in Liquids. ASSO(;1ATION: Institute of Chemical Physics, Ac-Sc. USSR. t (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Ali SSSR) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1957 AvAILABLE: Library of Con6ress uard 2/2 SINANI, I.B. (Leningrad) Eliminating distortions occurring in the recording of shock waves in water. PMTF no.2:128-131 Jl-Ag 60. (KM 14:6) (Shock waves) (Oscillograph) SINVII 1.13. .1 ------- 1. ) - ~ Accelerometers of high Fiensitivity. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. no.26:72-77 163. (MIRA 16i11) AI)4 P I /I/? T E X'CERk FhIMEEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Feb 59 391. AETIOLOGY, PAI-110GENESIS AND CLINICAL ASPECTS OF ECZENIA- TIDES (Russian text) -.Sinan I M. F. Leningrad - TRUDY VOEN. -MED. AKAD. (Leningrad) 1957, 61IMT-T431- Fifty-two patients with secondary scaling erythemalous rashes (given by the author the name of eczematides) were held under observation. In 43 cases a connection with pyogenic infections of the skin was established, while in a further 5 cases various fecal sources of infection were discovered (chronic appendicitis In I case. chronic tonsillitis in 2 cases, and dental sepsis In 2 cases). Culture of the material from the lesions gave a growth of streptococci in 29. staphylococci in 4, and mixed streplococei-staphylococei growth in 15 cases. Streplococcl seem to play the major role in the &etiology of eczematides. Sensory chronaxie waa L; .A I SINANIt M.K. (Moskva) Using the theory of matrices in designing rods for longitudinal cross bending, Stroi, mekhe i rasch. ooor. 3 no.1:26-33. 161. (MIRA 14z2) (Elastic rods and wires) I A of 4 r pooclosts me "Cocol'ot -oft 26A- aes too Nee 0 affAttkofKAL tittlawn CILAswitalm loossal doll Wei-& i; u a AV No ks 0 0 1 IF Is2 a io 0 i. A. s1 94 We -1 a MOONNNO040000000000 as 00060000000000000 , I c7i *0 a a wwrw w _L -L ~ 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 a 0 0 0 a see a 0 a I a . . .1 t A 4 It 11 If " 6 L_ I r. 4-A_ A 1. U 0 1 Id V 1! -1 1. 4 N Q IN U go or Firoduction tol potassium sulfate fertititers front p,.Cas siuln chl"Fide anit milshilile I I 00 WIA 1.1.01-41,11 %till ftin'Iff"Al W. -00 00 N I I Q I IW 'i ...... .. I gl A .-I-- At I 00 -. -- .... 11'. -1%-'. . .1 1 .4 kk 1 .11.1 00 2 t th, it il".1 J -.0--A Ole g1-. lair lit I'l .4. -ldd,j-I I),, -v,jm. U-w % 1"1".4 .$'d .00 i-fMcd Own 'lairt. "I t it, I.-Id ,I li A 11-I.-.1" as j 00 j N.i it I 00 4. IL, L0.1 .1, it 11"I 00 41 0 see 000 00 00 tio 0 00 8 1, L it. too ' ...... ...... too et 1 A. el, if a 1 4 11 . - I v 0. .3 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 a 0 see 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' -T ' % ' 1 7 . , I . ) ) - ; - , - - :,0 1 , I .P, . " . * 1-1, -3 , A 7 -; -: 11 9 . - . 5 -, . ~ 1 , -,, 2 , A i, - . " 1 , 1 ~.'13 ' ' . , t 0 it U Ll W f Ito two If- ropfol 08MISS46 600 "epic 1-46 VC 0 0 Vlj A. 7 SA1,41- DAMX04 "d JWL now. vjmk -&- 0 0 fee &S. S L A .114LLUMM&L W1411%.At CLASUONAVID. see iis'-IT-its oW4 IS. too u a 0 b It Me of If a a N n n if a 0 All 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0000 oeo~