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"777"', 3, "Iel L 2733-66 EWT(m)/EwP(t)AwP(b)AY'A(h) IJP(c) JD/JG ACCESSION NR: APS024333 EIR/0357/65/002/002/0236/02$8 AUrROR: Balodist H. K.; Prokof'jeYq P. T.; Sinonova, L. I. TITLE: Conversion electrons emitted in the TU169 (", y) TU170 reaction SOURCEs Yadernaya fizika, v. 2, no. 2. 1965, 236-238 TOPIC TAGSt_ thulium inuclear reaction, thermal neutron, ytterbium# convervion electron spectrum ABSTRACT: The authors describe the spectrim of internal conversion electrons emit- ted during the capture of thermal neutrons in the Tu169 (n, y) Tu170 reaction. A 1 0-spectrograph wasused for studying the conversion electron spectrum with the tar- get located in the tangential channel of the reactor where the neutron flux was 3,1012 neutrons/cm2-sec. Measurement accuracy for strong lines was 20% and for weak lines--50%. A TU203 tariet was used. The results are tabulated. It is found that the ground states of Tul 9 and Yb171 are the 1/2 [4111 protgn level and the 1/2-[5211 neutron level respectively. It is believed that the Tu1?Q ground state has the characteristic I-, while the characteristic of the low-lying excited state Is O_. Ytterbium hag a low-lying 5/2-[5121 neutron state, therefore 2- and 3- states are ,Card 1/2 L 2733-66 ACCESSION NR: APS024333 expected in the Tu170 nucleus. Each of these internal states is associated with a rotational band. The moment of inertia for this band can be calculated by takin 9 account of the moments of inertia for the corresponding states In neighboring nu clei. If the 2.2 level is sufficiptly populated, there should be tranaltilo" ft~ this level to the 1.1% 1.2- and 1. levels. These transitions were not aW 'M4 hich indicates either that the 2.2- level is insufficiently populated or thi 4 W energy of the 1.2. and 1.3 levels does not comply with the assumptions wde tm authors. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akadenii nauk Latviyakoy SSR (Institute of Physicaq Acadeiny of Sciences, Latvian SSR) SUBHITTED: l5Mar65 ENCLt 00 sus.eml- VP NO REF SOV.- 004 OTHEM 003 7 - !-,(,V!)ARFf1K(i1, v.A.; ppnKO!,,1rp.V, P.T.; L.I. Analysi-, of the scheme of levels In DyI65 based on the -iriirtr= of conmrsion electrons emittnd In the capt:ire, of therrnl neutrons. Izv. AN S&SR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.12:21fAi-2172 D 165. (MTPA 19, 1) wP 1)/FWP (m),/rWP(t)/ET I IiH C AT/ J, ~ jl-T~7- ACC "R, Aff)017587 SOURCE CODE: uR/o367/66/O03/CK)2/010,3/0l96 AUTHOR: Bondarenko, V. A.; Prokoflyev, P. T.; Simonova,, L. 1. ORG: Institute of Physics) Academy of Sciences, Latvian SSR (Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Latviyokoy SSR) YTTLE: Spectra of internal conversion electrons In capt, L~A 'o SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, V. 3, no. 2, 1966, 193-198 TOPIC TAGS: gold, conversion electron spectrum) neutron capture, Beta spectroscopy, Gamma transition ABSTRACT: The spectrum of conversion electrons emitted when thermal neutrons are 197 captured by Au nuclei was investioated with a 0 spectrograph, described by the authors earlier (Izv. AN 533R, seriya fiz. v. 28, 262, 1964), with a resolution 0.15 - 0.3% in the energy interval 30 - 500 kev. The target was a gold foil o.4 mg/cm2 thick. Most of the spectral lines were identified with appreciable reliabilitt by comparing the intensities of the y rays and the conversion-electron lines. The- reference lines chosen were the electronic lines ascribed to the strong y transitions with 55-19, 168.26, 192.42, 214.89, 247.42, and 261.26 kev energy. Some difficulties arose in the identification of certain lines, making It 'necessary to check on the possible presence of lines from other isotopes. The results have shown that most strong transitions In the energy Interval 55 - 300 kev have a multipolarity Ml. A Card 112 L 34978-66 ACC NRs Ap6o17587 table listing the conversion-electron and y-f-rannition energies, conversion coeffl- cients, and multipole transitions in Au'90 is presented. The low-lying excited levels of AuIC38 are discussed and according to the present data the first-exclted level (55-19 kev above the ground state) is de-excited by a mixed type transition (MI/E2 = 15 � 3), the total transition Intensity estimated at -70%. The next three levels (192.42, 235.95, and 261.26 kev) have likewise transition intensities which appear to be excessively high Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SU13M DATE: 07jun65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OW REF: 001 2 JS 004 00 C a 00 004 GOA 008 00 06-31, 000 00-3 4104 a d'nom"s of amow of 66- v V IL IL -) Awww a c wd %"wftdt dw now1w domW a WpM- wddwmdcmd.mdssmU .0 .9: 000 fee 0 see 999909090990600 0 0 0 G~o 0 0 010141W.-W 4.0 0 0 0 so 0 a 0 0 0 00 0 00 SIMUNUA, L.K. 26956. UkEEENSHCHIKU, V.I., SIMCINCVA, L.K. Alekeandr yovEen'vich poray-koshits. Khimik. 1877-1949. NekroloF. Zhurnal priki. Kbimil, 1949. No 8 a 7815-86, a portr. SO: Letopis'Zhurnal'nykh Stqtey, Vol. 56, 1949. UM/Chemistry-Auino Acids ~ jan 49 Chemistry-Heterocyclic Compounds Vladimir Mikhaylarich Rodionor (on YAB Seven- tieth Birthday),` L. K. Simcnoia, 2 pp `Zhur Pr Mad Ehle Vol MI, W I Rodianov is one of Russia's oatetanding ottgsnic chemists. Results of his research bave been used widely in industry. He was awardeil*Stalin Prize of First Order foi- his method of *jnth.ek- sizing beta-amino acIds, transforming them into various types of heterocyclic compounds. FM 49AMI t tf .0,Wb pord.RSIMM' 1. %,. (.ftb- , iass 240 lb.,. rtibla'. Nhol- v 0 ? shnmwvu. UA .1th r mkh ml I . ~71wetlow). Chika" . -" =INA T A1,14Wd . o. it - t"Wirmst. I"li ,/ j e'~ A, '' " il lu s s .q - '.prowation at t !-a- to,,4 to . - m. hA49-0. . ...... ~beM mnd k. onovs. .CA, 47, 1106N. H. L. - -- P-1 GRUIDMiG, A.A.; SIMMOVA, L.K. Derivation of nalla4blm- t~cetylacetorate. Zhur.prikl.khizi. 20 no.q:1980-R952 Ag 15 3. - (KLdk 6:8) 1. Leiiingradskiy teklmologicheakiy in3titut im. Leasoveta. 2. Laning-radf;kiy teklinologiclieskily Institut Im. l4olotova. (Palladium organic compounds) IY161VGVd A USSR %,,Now m4thod for doissmInin bla smnwa-l IMOS 01 ftIUUM and V&d , 2m= IWW,L,-K. GUM U.S.S.K. ak lum-ivtmwr-- C.A. 48. SIMI. H. L. th-1. /New? tho(flor A s-Iolplatinurn an in Lc Ppx-a~ fill =,Illd f aii~i~ Iflo -fL *.i.Tl. Zh?i;-,,.) -miut---t III Of MPS "Vic., dctd. by 'elfM of nl~ ra1(1;!11111'.j1j lei I us jr, J;!ji,1I The of (111. C~01 arld N-11)1( . thc fi - of rf-s()i '15 filill. i'llo -I tj C. lil:"r.t ig re'llicV., to filet,[ Y t tr.jt(-,j. Ile ell.(!", f Jr. GRINBIRG, A.A.; SIMOHOVA. LA On nitrogen determination In complex compounds. Zhur.prikl.khis. 30 no.1:160-162 Ja '57. (14LRA 10:5) 1.,Kafedra obahchey I neorganichoskoy khimii Leningradakogo tekhnolo- pichoskogo instituta im. Isneoveta, I Kafedra neorganichaskoy I anali- ticheekoy khimii Leningradskogo tekhnicheskogo inatituta im, V6M. Molotova6 (Nitrogen) (Complex compounds) I , ~ I , , Mal. -1w H. I.; SIMONOTA, L.K. Niko won his 60th birthday. Zhur.prikl.khim. 30 no-3:337-338 Mr '57. -,IAXW 10:5) (Yedotley, Nikolai Pavlovich, 1897--) )0U A UTHORS: Simonova, L. K. , Kurochkina, M. 1. TITLE: The VIII Mendeleyev Conference on General and Applied Chemistry PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prilcladnoy Ichimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10, pp 2129- 2138 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conference was held March 16 to 23, 1959, in Moscow. The official delegates numbered 2,230, but some sessions were attended by as many as 11,000 people. More than 200 foreign chemists were present. Members of allied scientific disciplines also attended. Eleven papers were read at the plenary sessions and more than 1,500 at meetings of the 17 sections into which the conference wa3 divided. The article lists the following Soviet personalities as presenting papers: Nesmeyanov, A. N., "D. I. Mendeleyev's Periodic System and Organic Chemis'Ltry"; Spitsin, V. I., present status of D. I. Mendeleyev's periodi law; Fedorov, V. S., scientific and technical progress in Card 1/9 the chemical industry; Kargin, V. A., basic problems in The VIII Mendeleyev Conference on General and Applied Chemistry Card 2/9 75o52 F polymer chemistry; Semenov, N. PT. , "Basi -c Frobif-~,,:,3 in Chemical Kinetics"; Vinogradov, A. F. , asic probl-1-mS in radiochemiotry; Sokolov , A. V. , chemurCy; Syr,'--in, Ya. K., pre:;ent 31-.ate of the theory of valence; vov , A. F., cheviical a:ipocto of the utilization )C af.lo~:ilr(,- encrr'y; rfikol"Iyr.-V.. V. B.~. pi-ohlet"I.-, of 1 7.1-~j chemical apparatus and eqUijW!Q'11~1; I. A. (Moscow), mechanism of' reaction~3 oI.- ar-d their, oxidizing effect; Makarov. drate forms of peroxides of group Wid Il nov, 1. 1. (Moscow), Ca, Sr, and Ba peroxide COMPOU-1 Rode., T. V., Grishenkova,, G. K., and Zachatikaya, A. V. (Moscow), reaction of sodium peroxide and supero:~ide with sodiurm carbonate and hydroxide; Lepeshkov, I. N. (mo:~-c-o'a)' new physicochemical analyses of natural salts and aqUeOUS- salt equilibria by the Kurnakov, N. S., school; Vollfkovich, S. I.., Postnikov, N. N,I Ionass, L. A., Illarionov, V. V., and Remen, R. Ye- (Mosc vi), new method of thorough 'defluor- ination of uncn~iched ores; Chernyuayev, I. I., NaZarova, L. A.Y and Orlova, V. S. (Fioscovi), sulfates, nitrates, and carbonates or platinum iodopentamine; Grinberg, A. A. (Len- ingrad), kinetics or complex formation and stability of Thc VIII Mendeleyev Conl.'Qrence on Gt2noral and Applied Chemiotvy Card 3/9 Tj 6 5 2 C.0 0 U , , cornplcxe,.;; zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Kurbanov~ A., Starosti~ S. M. (Moscow), nitroso compoun(E~ of niercury; Gin-.,,burg, S. I., I'shenit:;yn, H. K., 'Ial':31uya, L. G. (Mo.-,cow), colored compound,, of' iridlmii; Shenderct,,skaya, YQ. V., Cherlijayev, I. I. (Mo"cow), forlllateI3 of monovaient, 1,110dium; Doychman, E. P. (Mo.3cow), Indimn axalate and ito compounds with oxalatco of alkali motalu; Lyutaya, M. D., Tananayev, I. V. (Moscow), hexanitronickelates of rare earths; Shelca, Z. A., Kriss, Ye. Ye., extraction of La, Nd, Y, and Yb ni- trates from nitric acid solutions with solutions of di- and tributyl phosphate in CC11,; Arbuzov, A. Ye., presided at one of the meetings of the agricultural chemistry section; Arbuzov, B. A., reported on the work of the Kazan' Branch of the AN SSSR on agricultural pesticide3; Vollfkovich, S. 1. (Moscow), research on concentrated complex fertilizers at the Moscow State University; Chaylakhya-a, M. Kh. (Moscow), Gibberella as growth promoters; Kedrov-Zakhman, 0. K. (Moscow), effect of molybdenum on crop plants; Mellnikov, N. N. (Moscow), synthesis of organophosphoruu insecticides; TUrchin, F. V. (Moscow), biological binding of atmospheric The VIII Mendeleyev Conference on General 75652 and Applied Chemistry SOV/80 - 32 - lu nitrogen; Lileyev, I. S. (LeninE-,,rad)' silicates of alkali metals; Ginstling, A. M. , Volkov.. A. D. (LeningraJ) , thermu- chemical decomposition of calcium sulfate in mixtures; Kukolev, G. V., Mikhaylova, K. A. (Khar'!:ov), effect of surface-active additives on refractolriez.;; Budni- kov, P. P., Savellyev, V. G. barium monoalumian- ate as a binder for refractovy Voroain, I _i--id), carborup.- Krasotkina, N. I., Smirnova, V. A. (Lciii-j- dum; Matsynin, Ye. V., Okorokov, S. D. port- land cement clinker; Rashkovich, L. N., Butt, Yu. Icovo), mechanism of binder formation durinC autocla*"~- ment of lime-sand products; Tikhonov. V. A., Shpynova, L. G. (L'vov), phase composition of portland cement; Vargin, V. V., Karapetyan, G. 0. (LeninGrad), absorption spectra, lumine- scence, and photochemical properties of cerium glasses; Avgustinik, A. I. (Leningrad), formation of finely dispersed crystalline phase from the vitreous one; Nilcolayeva-Fedoro- vich, N. V., Pelu-riy, 0. A., FrUMkin, A. 14. (Moscow) , polarographic behavior of platitILIM-lialide complexes; Loshkarev M. A., Chernobayev, I. P., Tomilov, B. I. (Dnepropetrovsk), Card 4/9 intermediates in electrochemical processes; Kartashova, K. M., Thu V111 Mend(21(2yov oii Geii-_~ral "0 and Applied Chcmiotry 0 v'.)!o-"-w-11~1 Sukhotin, A. M. (Leningrad), dynamic method of determining electrode capacity; Semchen1co, D. P., Illin, K. G. (Novo- cherkass1c), electrochemical formation of higher oxygen com- pounds of chlorine; Gritsan, D. N., Shun, D. S. (Kharlkov), effect of detergents on the electrodeposition of metals; KLIdryavtsev, N. T. , Smolenskaya, G. ti. 3 ~, Karatayev, V. M., Golovchanskaya, R. G. (Moscow), titanium plating; Lantratov, M. F.,, Alabyshev, A. F. (Leningrad), new, easily melting electrolite for obtaining metallic sodium; Planovskiy, A. N. (Moscow), was chairman of the section of apparatus and processes, and gave a paper on the present state of this subject; Gukhman, A A (Moscow), theory of similitude; Romankov, P. G. (LeningLd~, examples of the use of the theory of' similitude in chemical technol- ogy; Todes, 0. M. (Leningrad), hydrodynamics of fluidized bed; Mukhlenov, I. P. (Leningrad), analysis of equations of fluidized bed hydrodynamics; Gzovskiy, S .Ya. (Moscow), stud of the process of mixinG; Pavlushen1co, I. S. (Lenin- gradT, performance of mixers; Semenov, P. A. (Moscow), mechanism of mass exchange of gas and liquid at their inter- face; Lastovtsev, A. M. (Moscow), distribution by drop size in an atomized liquid; Varlamov, M. L. (Odessa), puri- Tication of gases by sound; Zhuzhikov, V. A., theoretical Card 5/9 analytical methods suitable for studying filtration The VIII Mendeleyev Conference on General and Applied Chemistry Card 6/9 75652 SOV/USO--J2-10-_1/51 processes; Golldir , Ye. M. (Leningrad), movement of material in centrifuges; Kaminskiy, S. (MOSCOI-1), new types of centrifuges; Aynshteyn, V. G., Kruglikov, V. Yr)., Gellperin, N. I., Rapoport, I. B. (Moscow), heat exchange between fluidized bed and a single pipe at different angles to the flow; Nikolayev, P. I., Planovskiy, A. N. (Mosco"t), experimental determinations of coefficients of local heat emission by a pipe in a fluidized bed; *Z'e.Iukh.II.n, N. K.) Ivanov, M. Ye., Vishnev, I. F., heat during boil- ing and condensation of 0 , N2, and Ar; Basse- '1, .'.. B., Sakhiyev, A. S., heat excRange design; MazyuICf_?vich'I 1. 7. (Lenin rad), heat exchange in condensation of NH Berman T .U. D. ~Moscow), mass exchange mechanism; Lylco%,, V., application of Onzager's theory to the investigation of heat and mass exchange processes; Kafarov, V. V. (Moscow I mathematics of mass transfer; Poplavskiy, Yu. V. (Moscolq~, tray apparatus; Rozen, A, M. (moscovr), -Large -d iameter slou- ted trays; Aksellrod, L. S. (Moscow), Noskov, A. A. (Len- ingrad), sieve rectification plates; Malyusov, V. A., Umnik, N. N., Zhavoronkov, N. M. (Moscow), multistage mole- cular distillation; Dobroserdov, L. L: ~LeninCrad), separatio of azeotropic mixtures; Usmanov, A. G Kazan' ), kinetics The VIII Mondeleyev , ( -, -j () 5,21 CIO and Applied Chemistvy 0 V/60-32-10-1 OF rnoLecular tranm%-~,- in gaLie-,-; Traynina, S. S., Aerov, M. E., flikitina, u. .-T.. (Moscow), electrohydrodynamic analogy in the stLidy of chemical apparatus; Gellperin, N. 1. (Mosco w), exti-action from uolution3 in counterflow injection Column:,; Kavpacheva, S. M., Rolz,cn, A. M., operation of PUiSing COILHIMS; Kagan, S. Z., Aerov, M. E., extractors with titechanical mixinG of phases; Lurlye, M. Yu. (Moscow), drying in the cheriji k~aj industry; Nesmeyanov, A. P., and -, -~~: (Moscow), gave a aeries of papers on the chemis- -'forrocene; Kay-peyskaya, Ye. A., Tovstopyatova, A. A., Ba-,~,e.idin, A. A. (Mojeow), rhenium as a catalyst of organic reactions; Mamk-dall .. Yu. G. (Baku), new tiichnological process of' chlovinatinE,; hydrocarbons in fluidized bed of catalyst; Tsukervanik, I. P. (Tashkent), metal powder* as catalysts; Kargin, V. A., Kabanov, V. A., Marchenko, 1. Yu. (MOSCOW), obtaining isotactic polystyrene by polymerizing styrene over Viglej,ls catalyst; Ushakov, S. N. (Leningrad), new croso-linking agents for polymerization: Vansheydt, A. A., Kuznetsova, N. ff. (Leningrad), polycondensation of phenoxyacetic acid .,tith formaldehyde in the synthesis of Card 7/9 ion exchange resins; ZLII)OV, V. P. (Moscow), polymerization The VIII Mendeleyev Conference on General and Applied Chemistry Card 8/9 75652 SO'1/80-32-10-1/51 of styrene in the oresence of certain hallogens; Losev, I. F., Datskevich, L. A. (Mosco-.-.,), synthesis of polyure- thanes; Korshak, V. V., Sosin, S. L., Chistyakova, Mi. V. (Mosccw), linear polymers from reactions of free radicals with unsat-urated compounds; Andrianov, K. A. (Moscow), polyorganoalLI'MillUM siloxanes; Tarasova, Z. N., Kaplunov, M. Ya., Klauzen, F. A., Dogadkin, B. A., Karpov, V. L. (Mo:3cow), 1~-cinetics of radiation vulcanization; Rogovin, Z. A., Derevitskaya, V. A. (moscow), synthesis of new cellulose derivatives; Glukhov, N. A. (Leningrad), organo- metallic chelates; Sukhanov, V. P. (Floscow), petroleum as raw material for fuels and chemicals; Kravets, 1_11 M. (Moscow) utilization of solid fuel; Lavrov, N. V. (Moscowi, obtain- ing and using combustible gases; Kosheleva, L. M., Mekhtiyev, S. D., Pishnamez---_1-_1 B. F., Eybatova, Sh. E.,Gashimova, F. A., investigated the derivation of cyclohexane and its closest homologs from Baku petroleum gasolene at the Petro- leum Institute of the AzSSR Academy of Sciences; Fomina) A. S Pobull, L. Ya. Degtereva, , Z. A. (Tallin), chemical nature of Baltic shale kerogen; Kruglikov, A. A. (Nizhniy Tagil), isolation and utilization of dihydric phenols from the semi- locking and hydrogenation of Cheremkhov coal; Lebedev., V. V.1 '0v jo- to // , oJ' (Ir I i i mk ii iew of' prodLICIllf" hydrogen; V. Y:.t., H., Volyn.,,k.Ly, A. V., V, V (Mo.,cow), ~Iigll-y.icld :3ynthe.3is ot' hydrocarbon.; 1'rom CO H2 ovor iron catalyst, in a boiling and -in a :;tationavy P("trov A D Kaplan, Ye. le., Nefeclov, 0. M., Che'ltt,,o~,: A I)OJYCYCJiC Ily(11~0eilrI)OP",~ W M. A. C C (Mo C o S. ft., Lebedev, Ye. V., Mikhnovokaya, A. A. (Mo.."Cow), turc of' Yi.igh-molecUlar petroleum hydrocarbon.,3; V. 1. Tishkova, V. N. (Moscow), synt-Ifiesis of alkyl- ano arylphenol additives for fuels arid lubricating oill;; ShUykin, 14. 1. , Bi _!kauri, N. G. , Maolyansk! y., G. IN. catalytic isomerization of paraffins; Zimina, K. I., Polyalcova, A. A., N-Lkitina, V. i-1. radiolyois of hydrocarbons; Geyrnan, M. A., L;_tt-i:,, A. DI. (Moscovi), synthesis of anionic surface-activ-1 from pc!t.voleum an(] re~lated distillate,;. adopted a genervil t~e.';OlUtion cxhortint~ Joviot- C:I,_I:,. .,uJ to grual't--l. creative efforts. d S/08 61/034/007/014/016 D223YD305 AUTHOR: Simonova, L~K~ TITLE: The IV all-union congress on physico-chenical analysis PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy 'I-lmii, V. 34, no. 7, 1961p 1617 - 1621 T_]XT: During December 1966, or. of the birth of aca- denician N.S. LliL Co-,i,,re-,,q on Physico -Chemical Anal sis was held in Miuscow. Its work vias divided into six sections: 1~ Ge- neral problems of physico-chemical analysis 2) alloys and semicon- ductors 5) physico-cheitiical analysis of salts 4) silicates and in- organic polymers 5) physical-chemical analysis of organic systems - n L, 6) physico-chemical a alysis in analytical chem'6try. During -he plenary session. the 6eneral reports were heard; V.I. Mlikheyev's "The developcient of 1j.S. Kurnakov's Chemical Compoun4.s in 1,:odern Chemistry", G.B. Bokiya's 'It' R Wijrn~ikov's- 'Leaching on lmaginL.," ry COMPOUnds", N.V. AGeyev's "Theory of Metallic Alloys". O.S. Tvanov !' I I - 1/6 The IV all-union congress ... S/080/61/03,"./007/014/016 D223/D305 reported on a survey of the study of alloy systems of uranium, plu- tonium -and thorium. N.P. Luzhnaya (Moscow) explained the basic aim of investigating the physico-chemical analysis of semiconductors. The investigated triple system As-Bi-S shows that series of two- phase alloys possess very interesting semiconducting properties. Hence a wide application of the physico-chemical method of analy- sis is needed to study the trace phases of multicomponent alloy system, It 'is important to study the effect of phase composition on semiconducting properties, the nature of phase composition of Tiiin layers, transition from an amorphous and glass-like state in- crystalline among others. The effect of trace impurities on se- properties presents the problem of developing methods of studying the phase diagrams in very narrow concentration inter- vals. N.Kh. Abrikosov (Moscow) in his report on the composition diagrams of the semiconductors system showed that temperature-pres- sure graphs for most semiconductors are characterized by a decrease of melting points with an increase in pressure. This property is associated with crystallization with a small coordination number. Card 2/6 S/080/61/034/007/014/016 The IV all-union congress D223/D305 The report dealt with two - tri components and complex 8 stems, Ye.G. Goncharov, Ya.A. Ugay and I.A. Borzilova (Voronezh~ investi- gated the composition graphs and some properties of semiconducting systems InSb-CdSb and InSb-ZnSb. In both systems the equilibrium conditions are mainly limited by the solubilities in solid states. In connection with similar atomic and ionic radii of Cd and In and also the analogous crystalline structures of InSb and CdSb there is a wider region of uniformity in the system InSb-CdSb compared with the system InSb-ZnSb. The electroconductivity of these sys- tems was studied. N.A. Gorynova (Leningrad) reported on the forma- tion of the semiconducting tetrahydric phase. 3.I. Vollfkovich (Moscow) reported on the application of physico-chemical analysis in the technology of mineral fertilizers. I.N. Lepeshkov (Moscow) reported on salt waters and their sources in USSR. A.V. Bekturov, A.I. Mun, R.S. Darer, Z.A. Bazilevich and R.Ye. Zhaymina (Alma-Ata) reported on the industrial values of salt-lakes in Central Kazakh- stan. A.G. Bergman (Rostov-na-Donu) investigated the exchange equi- librium and complex formation in the melts of multicomponent salt Card 3/6 S/08 61/034/007/014/016 The IV all-union congress ... D223%305 system. M,G. Valyashko (Moscow) reported on the metamorphism of na- tural brine. I.G*. Druzhinin, A.A. Zinov'yev, M. Kydynov, I.Ye. Batyrchayev and M.D. Lopina (Frunze) reported on salt sources in Tyan'Shan'. L.S. Itkina, and V.P. Kokhova (Moscow) studied the in- teraction of sodium chloride, sulphate and carbonate in the solu- tion of caustic soda. Yu.P. Nikol'skaya (Novosibirsk) studied salt formation and metamorphism in the lakes and waters of the Kulunda steppeland. A.V. Novoselova (Moscow) raported on the physico-chemi- cal investigation of beryllium halides. M.I. Ravich and F.Yee Borovaya (Moscow) reported on experimental methods and some results of determining the solubility of salts in water at high temieratu- res and different pressures. Ye.Ya. Rode and N.A. Krotovyy Mo scow) reported on the physico-chemical study of lithium allicotungetates O.K. Yanatlyeva and V.T. Orlova (Moscow) studied the equilibrium in the system Kv Na, Mg - Olp S04 - H20. K.P. Mishchenkop I.I. Bloshteyn, K.D. Dobryshchin, S.O. Fish and I.Ye. Plis (Leningrad) reported on the liquid-vapor equilibrium of systems of chlorine- water and chlorine-dioxide-chlorine-water at different temperatu- Card 4/6 S/060,/61/034/007/014/016 The IV all-union congreas ... D223/D305 res. A.G. Bogdanov and V.B. Glushkova (Leningrad) investigated the polymorphism of rare earth oxides by physico-chemical and colori- metric analysis. N.A. Toropov (Leningrad) reported on composition graphs of the trivalent elements silic,-.tes. N.S. Gerchikova, N.I. Kolobnevyv, M.G. Stepanova, and I.N. Fridlvander (Moscow) investi- gated the interaction of aluminum and its oxides with metalocera- mic materials. A.A. Govorov (Kiyev) reported on the x-raygraphic and differential thermal analysis of aluminum hydrosulphate and hydrate ir, newly formed portland cement rock. I.A. Bondarl (Lenin- grad) reported on yttrium and samarium. silicates (Y20 S102 and Sn203--SiO2)- O.P. Mchedlov-Petrosyan and V.I. Babushkin- (Kharlkov) reported on the energetic introduction into physico-chemical ana- lysis of silicates. I.F. Ponomarev (NovocherkaBsk) reported on phy- sico-chemical processes in dispersed silicate systems. Z.M. Syrits- kaya and V.V. Yakubik (Moscow) reported on the investigation of P205-A120 ZuO ystem in the field of transparent glass. A.V. Shly- kov (KraXovo, Msoscow oblast!) reported on a new automatic thermo- gravimetric device which enables study of the mechanism of diffe- Card 5/6 S/08 61/034/007/014/016 The IV all-union Congress D223%305 rent ph sico-chemical processes. T.I. Bulgakova and A.S. Guzya OloscM carried out magnetic I si of manganese ferrites. N.N. Kurnakov and M.Ya. Troneva (Moscow by means of melting points, microstructure, macro- and microhardness and partial x-ray analy- sis investigated the ternary system Nb.Cr-Mo. L.N. larikov (Kiyev) studied the graphs of the composition rate of softening and their use in the physico-chemical analysis of metallic systems. Card 6/6 S/080/62/035/009/014/014"' D232/D307 ;'XTHOR: Simonovaq L.K. TITLE: The II Congre'as on the chemistry of peroxides Jj"`1i1ODICA.b: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiip V. 35, no. 9, 1962p 2116 - 2120 VEM: The second congress on the chemistry of peroxide compounds was held in Idovember 1961, by the institut obshchey i neorganiches- koy khimii im. N'.S.%Kurnakova AN SSSR (Institute of General and In- ori~anic Chemistry iin. N.S. Kurnakov, AS USSR), nauchno-iosledova- tellskiy institut Xhimii pri Gor1kovskom universitete im. N.I. Lo- bacliesvskogo (Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry at the Gorlkyy university im. N.I. Lobachevskly) and the nauchno-issledo- v[,41,ellskiy institut oonovnoy khimii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta no ii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR (Scientific Research Institut; of 3asic Chemistry of the 6tate Committee for Chemistry affilliated with the Council of Ministers of the USSR). Brief reports are given of the :iore interesting papere read: 11.1. Kobozev, I.I. Nekrasov and I.I. Skorokhodov (1.1oscow) on the mechanism of the low tempera- Card 1/6 S/080/62/035/009/014/014 The II Congress on the chemistry ... D232/D307 ture production of 11 2 02; V.N. Chamova, I.I. Vollnov and A.B. Tsen- ,.3iper (11,:oscow) on the synthesis of 180-labelled H 202from heavy oxy--en and steam (containing 1.75 � 0.01 at. 180) in a glow-dis- cha.u-C,e; N.I. Kobozev, I.A. Semiokhin and Ye.N. Pitskhelauri (moscow) on the possibiiity of direct synthesis (at room temperature) of pure 75 - 80 cj', H2 02 with an energy yield of 15 - 16 g H202 kl?-h (calcula- ted for 100 % H 202); A.I. Semiokhin, NsIa Kobozev and Ye.N. Pitskhe- lauri ('..:oscow) on the kinetic and mechanism of the electrosynthesis of H20 2; A.S. Fo;::enko, T.I.T. Abramov and I.L. Gankina (Kiev) on tine results of an investigation using 180 to study the mechanism of ca- 4- Vaiytic decomposition of hydro en peroxide in the presence of oxy- anions (10 3, BrO3 , Clo3) of Pb + and activated charcoal; P.M. PerelL ,anj A.K. Vorkhovskaya and A,Ya- Zvorykin (41'-toscow) on the decomposi- tion of .11 202on atalysts of the system Na 2MOO 4_CoCl 2_CuC12in rela- tion to the pH of the rmedium; A.Ya. Zvorykin, F.M. Perei'man and S. K. S.Inakhova (1.1ioscow) on the catalytic activity of rare elements in Card 2/6 8/080/62/035/009/014/014 The II Congress on the chemistry D232/D307 the "ecomposition of 11 202; I-M. Reybell (Kishinev).on the decomposi- tion of aqueous solutions of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of mononuclear complexes of trivalent cobalt with mono-, bi- and tri- ethylainine, ethylenediamine and as well as a series of polynuclear com7,lex cations with trivalent, cobalt; K.P. T.'ishchenkot I.Ye. Plis, ;.'.Yu. Saa-Inis, V.A. Kustodina and N.V. Pakhomova (Leningrad) on the thermal effects associated with the reactions of H 0 Witli: 1) Clo 2 2 20 2) hypochloride? 3) C12 0; I.Ye. Flis, K.P. Mishchenko and K.Yu. Sal- nis on the thermodynamics of the dissociation of R 2 o2in aqueous so- lutions at various temperatures, by thermochemical methods; A.I. Brodskiy and V.A. Lunenok-Burmakina (Kiev) on the mechanism of the anodic preparation of ozone; V.A. Lunefiok-Burmakina, A.P. Potemska- ya and A.I. Brodskiy (Kiev) on the use of isotopes for the study of the oxidation mechanisms of some inorilanic ions by H 202 and potassi- ur, persulfate; V.G. Karpenko and A.S. Poteryayko (Kharlkov) on the individual stages of the synthesis of potassium ozonide; Ye.l. Sokov- kin and S.Z. Makarov (Moscow) on the ozoniding KOH in a pseudoflui- Card 3/6 S/080/62/035/009/014/014 Tile II Congress on the chemistry D232/D307 dized bed and solubility of potassium ozonide in liquid NH 3; F'Z' jI.:a'karov, S.A. Tokareva and ',.:.S. Danilova on the ozoniding of NO![ at* lovi temperatures and the physico-chemical properties of sodium ozo- nide; T.A. Dobrynina and B.S. Dzyaticevich (1.1,oscow) on the investiga- tion of paroxyhydratea of rubidium and cesium carbonates by study- in,,, the isother.,is of the solubility of the ternary systems Rb2 00 3- H 0 -H 0 and Cs CO -11 0 0; T.A. Dobrynina and S.Z. takarov (1.',os- 2 2 2 2 3 2 2-H2 cow) on the study of the system LiOH-H2 02-1120 by the solubility me- thod, ~ctermining the composition of the solid phase by the method of 'residual in the temperature range -21 to +300C; I.I. Vollnov and A.!. Shatunina (11oscow) on sodium Deroxide comDounds maintained at 30 at. ;.) 1,1102 with dissociation of aiperoxyhydra'te of sodium per- oxide at 70 - 1200C and 10 mm fig; T.I. Arnoild and S.Z. Makarov 0-goo- cow) on tile investijation of the system Cu(OH)2-H202-H 20; K.K. Gri-orlyQva, T.I. Arnolld and S&Z. Makarov (Moscow) on the study of ternary systems of Ca, Sr and Ba hydroxides with H 202 in a wide Card 4/6 ,/62/035/009/014/014 S/080 The II ConGress on the chemistry ... D232/D307 rani~e of temperatures, under isothermic conditions with varying con- centration of hydrogen peroxide; A.B. Tsentsiper (Moscow) on the de- hydration of Ca02-8H20 and Ca02- 2H202 in vacuo at 30 - 500C; L.A. D;arov (KharIkov) on the derivatiozi of BaO 2, from Ba(011)2; S.Z. Vaka- rov and L.V. Soboleva (Moscow) on the interaction of La3+9 Nd3+, 3+ 3+ 3+ 0 P-,- SM Gd hydroxides with H202 at,,O and -20 C; A.V., Yanush (Kharlkov) on the preparation of sodium perborate using electrolytic and chemical methods; A.Yu, Prokopchik and A.P. Kazragis (Villnus) on the properties of 'high' perborates dehydrated by prolonged dry- ing, and the comparison of these with IloWI perborates; G.A. Kata- yev and L.N. Pozanova (Tomsk) on the kinetics of the reaction of Ge with alkaline solution of H20 2 with varying concentrations of alka- li; T.P. Fircova and A.N. Molodkina. (T,-.oscow) on the interaction of CO2 with alkaline solutions of H 202; A.Yu. Prokopchik and A.I. Vashkyalis (Villnue) on the redox potential and reductions of per- oxycarbonates on an IIg dropping electrode; S.Z. Makarovq N*K* Grigorl eva and K.I. Selezneva on the interaction of sodium and Card R S/080/62/035/009/014/014 The II Congreoo on the cheraistry D232/D307 -) U ,o'assium niobates and tantalates with 11 0 2 2; A.M. Gurevich (Lenin- Crad) on viork performed, together with A.P. Patner, L.P. Polozhens-* Aaya, Ye.V. Komarov, L.S. Proobrazhenskaya and N.P. Osicheval on complex formation in sys'.ems containing UO~+ and H202; I-p- Fran- chuk and A.I. Brodskiy (Kiev) on the U-0 system below 4000C, with U:O equal to 2.67 - 4; V.A. Shcherbinin (Moscow) on the kinetics of the catalytic decomposition of H202* Card 6/6 L,55?JZ-65 EEO--2/FSS-2/EWT (1)/tWA(d)/fiWA/t3D-WFC$ (k) ACCESSION NRs AP5015558 ~R10266165100010081011010110_' AUTHORS: Simonovp S. G.; Bimonov, V. V.; Simonoval L. S. p2i TITLEt An impact-triggering mechanism of an automatic weapon. Class 72, No- 17034011 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh zmakovp no. 8, 19659 110 TOPIC TAGS: automatic weapont firing mechanism, weapon component ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents an impaot-triggering mechanism of an .automatic weapont consisting of a firing p~nl firing pin springg two searep a trigger hook with a slot and a opringg and a trigger lever with a projection (see it Fig. 1 on the Enclosure). To eliminate the inertial blows of the firing pin againstf .the primer cap of a cartridge during the passage of the breechblock to its extreme forward position after firing or during the loading of the following cartridge into the breech chamber# the fire control lever is made in the shape of a bent plate held~ by a pin to the trigger hook. Orig. art. hass I figure. -ASSOCIATION: none ~ISUBMITTIM: 26Dec63 ENCLs 01 SUB COM VA NO REF SOV: 000 OTMH t 000 Card 1/2 - ----- - --- -55237--65---------- ACCESSION NRs AP5015558 I At Fig* 1. 1- receiver; 2- firing,pin) 3- hamerl 4- firing pin coverl 5- firing pin spring; 6--trigger lever; 7- trigger lever protrusion; 8- strip spring; 9- trigger hook; 10- spiral spring; 11- trigger hook slot; 12- trigger hook pinj 13- sear; 14- automatic searl 15- fire control lever; 16- fire control lever pin 31110'.11011A, 11% "Another interesting observation of a second sun in the Prague sky.,' (p.162). iI3E HVEM. (Ceskoiloven3ka spoler-most astronomicka) Praha. V01. 34, No. 7, .3ePt. 1)53- SO: East Zuropean Accessiolis List, Vol. 3, No. 8, Aug 1954. ON-ATANA-F11., V~anlrnir; !XR, Jcsef; SINIONCVA, '-iariu Effect of' aome organic Bubot-ancun Gn the disporBion of oxygen In a liquid medium. Kvasny pnim 10 no. 3- 54- 1 58 Mr '64. 1. 111gher School of Chemical Technology, Pepartment of Fermentation Chemistry, Prague. iron zcalp textijrr~ FD-439 lard 1/1 Put. 153 - 9/1.8 Author Arkharov, V. I.; Blankova, Ye. B.; and Simonova, M. I. Title Texture of iron scale. VI: Variations in'texture when the air is replaced by atmospheres of lowered oxygen pressure Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz. 24, 677-685, Apr 1954 Abstract : Investigate the structural changes in the iron scale for initial oxidation in air, for water vapor, and for the cases where the air is replaced by a water vapor-hydrogen atmosphere and by a pure hydrogen atmosphere respectively. in5titution : - Submitted . June 2'11, 1953 AUTHORS: Arkharov, V". I'. and Simonoval N. I. 126-2-14/3o TITLE: On the texture of iron scale. 1. Texture of Wustite (FeO) Scale. (0 teksture v zheleznoy okaline. 1. Tekstura v Vyustitnoy okaline). PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenize" (Physics of Metals and-YeT&77u-r-gy-Ti-To-r.-r7v=o.2j 19579 Pp.278-290 (USSR). ABSTRACT:In the complex structural picture of multi-layer scale certain characteristics can be detected which permit elucidation of the details of the mechanism of high tem- perature oxidation and one such characteristic is the texture. In earlier work of the authors of this paper relating to investigation of the texture of scale, im- proved data were obtained of the mechanism of oxidation of iron (1 and 2) and also of a -number of other processes of reaction diffusion (3 to 7). The textures were inves- tigated for cases in which the conditions of oxidation were such that higher oxides could form, -n elyt*ye203 in the case of oxidation in air and NO in the case of oxi- dation in steamr, In these cases Fe twulstite) forms as Card 1/5 the internal layer aof the scale. For gaining a better conception of the mechWsm of oxidation of iron the authors considered it advisable to study oxidation under On the texture of iron scale. 1. Texture of ftstite(FeO) Scale. (Cont.) 126-2-14/30 conditions when only FeO could fo= but not Fe203 Or Fe3o Such conditions exist during oxidation of iron in an atosphere with an adequately low partial pressure of oxygeng particularly in mixtures of steam with hydrogen at sufficiently high hydrogen contents. The aim of the here-described woxk was to study the texture in the scale in the case of oxidation of the iron in a mixture of water vapour with hydrogen,wileu the scale consists solely of FeO. In the experiments Armco iron specimens of cylin- drical shapet 7 mm dia, 110 and 30 mm long were used; at both ends of the specimen holes were drilled to enable their suspension. The surface was polished with emery paper and then the specimens were cleaned in alcohol. The oxidation was effected inside a vertical tubular electric furnace. The oxiding atmosphere with a reduced partial oxygen pressure was obtained by driving hydrogen with a continuous speed through a saturator with water which was placed inside the heated thermostat. From there the mix- Card 2/ 5 ture of water vapour and hydrogen moved along the tubeg which was fitted with a heater and the=al insulation, and fed to the lower end of a quartz tube, from which it then On the texture of iron scale. X. Texture of Wastite (FeO) Scale. (Cont.) 126-2-14/30 flowed through the furnace and was led away through the upper end. The flow speed of the bydrogen was controlled by means of a rheometer and maintdined constant throughout all the experiments. A growth texture was observed under conditions which exclude the possibility of formation of higher iron oxides when the oxidation of the metallic iron produces on the surface a single pMse FeO scale. Mm crystal- lographic type of the growth texture of FeO depends on the oxidation ability of the medium and the temperature. For a given temperature, intensification of the oxidation e f f e c t of the medium produces successively the following types of texture: (10O)y (410)y (210)t (430)9 (110). For a given composition of the medium,reduction of the tempera- ture in the range of 1150 to 900 C brings about an anala- gous change in the types of textures. The observed correl- ation between the character of the texture and the external conditions of oxidation are in agreement with the concep- tion of oxygen adsorption playing a predominant role'. In- Card 3/ 5 crease of the quantity of oxygen in the adsorption layer, which depends on the speed of feeding oxygen from the ex- ternal medium and on the slowing down of its removal into On the texture of iron scale. X. Texture of Wustit7 (FeO) Scale. (Cont. ) 126-2-1 30 the b o d y of the crystal lattice,leads to. a dis- placement of the type of texture in the sequence mentioned above. Thereby speeding up of feeding of oxygen is funda- mentally linked with an increase of the oxidation ability (increased oxygen content) of the medium and a slowimg down of the removal of oxygen into the lattice with de- creasing temperature,which slows down diffusion into the solid phase. For correlating the observed changes in the types of texture of the FeO with the change in the magni- tude of the surface energy of the respective crystallo- graphic faces, the authors propose cmsideration of the density of filling with atoms of the surface layer (instead of the reticular density of the lattice),determined as a packet of planes parallel to the external surface of the crystal in which the atoms do not screen each other. It is thereby assumed that adsorption of oxygen distorts more those packets which have a regular configuration of atoms Card 4/ 5 (the surface energy of which decreases more slowly) than p ac k e t s of a more complex configuration. The consequence of this is a change of the relative magnitude of the sur- face energy of crystallographically differing faces and a On the texture of iron scale. X. Texture of A Bti.17 (FeO) Scale. (Cont'.) L -2-1 30 change in the type of textures caused thereby. This is attributed to the correlations between the types of observ- ed textures of the wustite and the oxidation ability of the gaseous medium. It was established that the difference in the relative value of the surface energy of crystallograph- ically differing faces in the case of changes in the oxy- gen adsorption is generally slight. On changing the con- ditions of oxidation in the stage of an already formed texture,no change will take place in the texture and this is attributed to the fact that tLe energy gain of such a change would be small compared to the energy spent on pro- ducing 3-dimensional new nuclei which are necessary for ftrt 515 changing the texture. There are 8 tables, 7 figures, and 8 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION; Institute of Metal Physics, Ura.1 Branchq Ac. So'. (Institut Fiziki Metallo-T, Urallskogo Piziala AN SSSR). SUBMITTED: November 24, 1956. AVAILABLE; 12, 2 - (?/5 AUT;~(~R"~': Ark-l'.orov, V. I., :.I~rl.-/,Cvich) V.1, Siiiionoval T I T LE, On the te.-.:ture of iron scale. (0 be,:~;ture v -,'t-.eleznoy okaliiie). XI. InvestuirL,-ation of the scale for.-AnG durip-6 oyid~ltion of iron in Co (XI Isoledovani-,ve ol-aliny, obrazuyushcLoys-,ya pri o~l :;-- v U61 , e). ..islenii --hele ekislom Gaz PERIODICAL: Fizika ..Ietallov i IMet-111ovedeniye, 1~571 Vol-5, No.2, 251-254 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ~~I'SSOCI~IF,6on Ires.,,ure of CO i- "he te:.iperature ran~,e of about 1000 C brinGs about eqLllbr,im, conditions for the existence of Fe 501~ in th,-~ swiie as for H 20. if iron i,., o-xided in wrater vapour, scale is for.,,.ed, the exterr..,A layer of v,hicli coii~A.,iLs of iaanetite with cert,,,,in structurr;l ano:.malie- disti,-Suil;hin, it from the ecuilibritul Fe 0 q, (Reft. 2,,,~). For obtiinint~ detailed ilif 01 ::1,,-Lion on ~I'he imo=mism of oxid~-,,;ion of iron, it .-,q o Lo investil-ate tLe sc,-;le - on iron f Z~) ill a CO at,,-.o~;r,,herr) to com-n,-:re i;he q;;.-,uctural T)icture -t obtained for the case of oxidLAion in viater vapour. ,Three serie:,, of ,.,ori~ made kith a constant ~t te::merzj.Uure of -.bout 1000 C with. armco as f.,pe-z!d., - 'lard 112 IrOll in the fur-i of cylin-.-ei-2 of 6 rii.-.i dia. and 1-6-2-9/35 Oil ~Ilc te;~ture of irol, scal':'~. X I. of t'-,~ scale for.ain'-,' c~urin o,:-Ld~,tion of iron in CO 2 30 ci:L nrinealed for dur.%tiorsof 7 and 14 hours. By of X-ray investi[-,ation.,; it ;:,al" c-stablishod that durin,-:,- the initial sta,,,,e (abort seven hours) the o.--.-idation of the iron at 1000 C in ~a CO atmosphere T)ro(Jucer; ~! r-cale of the Dha--e FeO and n~ of the procu,nce of Fe 30,, on the outside sul-f,,-,,ce of the scale coul(I be detected. Thif; iS 0A;tribL1L(-1(1 to the fact that the r~)eed of ,.-,upr)!-,- of to reaction front is In the subseruent ~:ta--e t"--e T)roces.,-. is. limited by ttl-(! coritinuou2ly decreasin" c;-need of z;uT)-,l,-, of iron to the reaction front and,as a result of that,conditions occur which are fovourable foz, for-min.- mFe,O layer above tile FeO layer. Followiliilr that, the structural picture of Uoe DroceSs of ox-idation in a CO atmosphere is similar to that pert-ininL; in H 0 v~po " The difference -2 urs. occurrin- in t"lle initi.~!.l staCeC in Lfiese 'U,.,.o cases is attributed *to differences-- in the ad"'Orption an~, desorption Card 2/2 of Gaccous coiaponents. There is one table and 6 references, ~) of are Slavic. SUBMITTED: February 12, 1c'57. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc.USSR. (Institut Fiziki Metallov Ural'skooo Filiala, AN SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. ;7/. 1--~G-6-3-8/32 U., P"". P Al. ~,r G v V ~ 1 6 i-, TITLE - Jz, U'ne Te~--tUl-e 01 -L1 SC;-It,! v zheleznoy i -le ir, t.he Case oi--line XII, J - I - ~ of .3ub.,3tiL;AAt-),,,, r,;I.- .~A- ProlucUib Kiher 0,:ides 1 PC, te (XII. SLrukturnyya v li1w pi'l zza!.i~!ru at..iocffer, sozdayushchikh v.ysshiye u'~:sly, !-~,zda,--7u-L5hchey VYLX-Itit) P&IRIODIICAL: Fizi-a Metullov Vol 61 Nr 3, ,)p LJ.114 (UO)SR) A 3 STR A C I-~, st:nictural in sc~ilc ua7~-Lt.,~S pllxe hir,h te::ipteraluure r v~..,pour- ut:,.osphere -ion f-ub~;tituLiai; bhe waf,-L~ by air ~Ref 1) ,-ind :;~ir -by w~poai,, a, ,ixture of wzitei.* v~.pour ;,nd hydrut:-)ei-, or ~dti-. uurc 'iydroien (Ref 2). 7 Suc~li~ investi,,,ation~,3 are of mLere,;t s:iiice they permit -lucid~,--tiwi of detailc f tl-~-, uctur,.,l picture -of the t.L.unsfori~c.,t~ions in the sy,,te.i Fe-O rer)roseitirii~ of '10110 i-,! 0--; .:olid ~Aabe. The pr,,.cl-, i o,,D-l in st o f ,uc, -. invip C, ~ ic]Z! T i w".3 is du,.~ tu the ,ieces,,:-!t~; of if-flue"ICO 311 corros-'Orl Card 1/7 of -,A~:,ce :XV/136-6-3-8/32 On the Texbui-r-, uf Iroxi Scale. XII, Structural Char-,Fes i.-L Scz:tle in the C-.~~e Of' SUU.--titl-0,1011 of Pruducing, HiSher Oxide-- by an Pr(.A:.w-int; 'dw.-,tite U:;,10.1. 1-0:1L cunditiuor; of of tlills P-1-1-1-01. -,:iis tc by X-ral-,,-. the chun6es in rhe St1-L1CtUr,! Of the ii-on scl-~le, ir.1 -- phe re s j_C 1-1 4 , c, :uilibriw.. fo:L thi,, I i~ h, oxides of iro a r ~tiij Fe 04 (:.iir ;-.nd aater v-,poar respectively), ~;-;uminL thQ oxidaticii is conti-nw-ad in th~.- mediura a 1w,%ei. p:~,.i-tiol pressure of o.,Yieil Vihici, is Ili c,-qui1ib--iu,L fo.- tlio lo,.,.-ei- oxide of iron, FeD. i.e. a diluted ni-!rtul.,c: of -.-;ater vz~po-,u- c~nd hydroi~cii. The ii-voA;i'-.-' c~-rria,l out un Ar:,ico b-)e iron. : . . .'1 the j o f p r,-, t j, iLhlo ;16:AoEpheres., 'Z.*.rj,C-j-i,-1ns and the execution of Ghe exrei17-ents ,,,as -Imilar 11-o Lh-t dcf~cribed in ear~lie;r -,,;oil (RefF,.2 i,ild 3). Pri~li:Anary Einultaneous oxidation of the cspecL-iens (::iasL3ivP- 'aid tubular) effectef t in LAmosphere of v-tLer va-pou.T-, for obtainini, a matnetite scale in the outside 1L(,yer,or ill Ar for cbtt,irlinf~ heLlotite in the C) 1.1 t., -1 j, (I e 1. a.-~ e I, ~11-1,H e i ~, I td;.! r I-- I I lnye- r u f t 1-1 e :-;,~ a 1 e Card 2/7 colf:isted of -;iuCtite in all th,~~ c!--.-es under consideration. On U-!~,: of I! ol.~ je. 10 ill the of ~O,ut,:- t4t )r A.- uy an AL; iui,pli, ru P-I-Gd U(-L!-~ 311L Li4.c Card 3/7 FLu-t't.-ar'.Iore, of -,.ere heated in an ~t 'U,-iDs-phqre of ~ 7~,! ~ iL;ure c f wa trur vapour tJ! i.ydrc,, en Lit 1000 V-; )cte or c e (tho, tubulay- oi--e) con--isted only Of E-C,'Jle. th,~ Otlhol 1~~Id i,Ct,-.l Ul-1'-4CI' U~11-(% 1,1Y01- of scale. P-e- I,oldiIIL, t1il".e.", C).i,., i~i)eci..iums, -vere cxided I , :)' ~iid 120 -dens. ,-ii, t,ere pi u iiz' inarily in 5, 10 J Iii, thit- of t-v ~2-perii,,Ient ((,,~~,idation in iii-,Aure I)f IL-,O 1 111) -1 ref(~reace rpecimen ccn-,;istin,l of non- ,)--id~-d irol~'i vio.,, pl,Ice-,t in the fm, for tho purpose of viav-ifyiii., tl~e coilUiLions of ox-idaliGn, - u i.e. the co:kposition i,jf the z,,.t;:iospEE:re; on ~-,ll the referunce -.-;ustite ccc:le for~~Ied. Investi- 1-c-Ai(I)n uf thu, --t.L~ucturc! of t~i,~ oc:le, which for:.ied duri,c,, f lii~ ill,., i-.y .,(,l1 as "urin: t',-e subsequent X-I~--`Y eXDOSUI't--i~ of the u --c ~ of nal L:.-ver viith K--w',Ao radintion for the T: 1,.- Se "ecti-'n :--'..J of t-e texture by of a (.qtf 10 described in earlier (LMlit~!Live -f Ibe reltive size in the out-I-Ide SUV/126-6-~7-8/72 011 the Te,-?tUre ~Jf II-01L SC310, XII. Stl-uctural Claar.Ees in Scale in the Case- of Sub-- ti tu Lion of Atmiosplieres Producin~ Hijler 6-~ides by an Prc,~~ucin: Wustite i L~l c~f lv*~---% or- the basic of the "pointed~i-3SE", of the -Jiffractuiun ~)O, dho (recorded speciiaens) ~~nd al.,~o ph,,;se :-!n:317sis of Pulver-;z:e(l, by of K-Fe radiation. On the b~ksi;,; of ~Lo obt~iii-,od ro2ult.,i t '~,e Conclusions ;t: The -~C~~le v.hic'h fori:;-- Jurin.- o7Adation Of iroll il-L -,4tar Ul' ~ilr Luffers a na~iber of if tilo ir~ vlhicll it forfj,,s i L, b-- tut ~d lb~ % :j i ~--L-,urj of wa t er vapour and hyd-ro8en, for iron u.-Ade us t i t ei8 in a -,,tate of uili-bi~iiila at Lhe t(-,;i,-~eriturez P-00-1000 C; these chz-,nces fLttl.i!,Utr-J to th.-~ processes: 1) Cn tne out~tide of L' Pioces.--, of reduction iii, o-.diifje into FeO t~il--e~ place,-Alich ir, r' L-, tl-.(,- cliffu,,-,ioxi of iron ion.,, into the depth L,!f th~ tll.-~e -,,rc,(juct of reduction lin-ked in its froi-i .-Ahich it -r,~-.~::ture, Due to the diffuf3ion cif t'~-ic, iron '"ard 4/7 1. tc. the ii.,EAde, t',-- reductior. .-IOV/12E-6-3-8/32 Or, th-.~ TexturQ II)f __r_'cr- 1. XTI. :;I- 3tui -1 Chanl,ez: in Sc;.;le iii Ue Ca~;e of ii-Ij, Oxides by Atmo~.phert, Card 5/7 propo ates to '!"ptlt of tile sc.'Je. C' '-I) Tht) volui.iu c pLice durip~~ ulie tiuri of tho latti,;e of Lh~; hi6lior oxido inW tho lattice of the lol-or Ovide bria,~~ ~-'bout :3tn-sses in L-he ouf;side layer of ulle Thi.,; lead-s un Lhe one *-,,-uid to formation of (,-,hich are paruicularly intensive in tzie case that th.~ preli,!iir_~.'try Gxidation was in air and 4. the sczle ii', the L)UU.,;ide 1L.yer cont,-Jined hefiatite so that durin_ tl,c., ,subsequent sta,~e a double-phase tr.- ilsformAtion oc(;ars). bn the 't:~nd the,2 briu,~ which leads to a coarsenin,, of tt,.e 6r.-,~in in the of -the reduced oxide the te.-,~ture,v.,hicli in thi,~ sta~;e will be the te-xture of L'Iie reerjitt-11isation L,;rov'th. As re,~Ljrds the crystallo-r-phic type, it is link-ed in orient-,-., tion viith t-Ine te-'::ture Anio"-L fol-Las directly after 41-1he red'uct'ion. outu.-~j.d;,, layer of the F~C'le -ve~;Uctiun' D! the de,)p~;-~ Iaz~-ers 0u- ~o the :,ez~'(tr~,L_;O,--~' il-tc~ of t.1,c., .-(,,Juci:,L the cr-ckE &,'N/126-6-3-8/32 On the Texture of Iro:-, Sec-1e. XII. Structural Clir3nges in Scale in the Case of Sub~-titution of Atbio-lplleres Producin,- 11i6h 0,-.ides by an Atmosphere Pro,~ucirij.; Idustite and (!Lie to jLo direct interiction vlith the oxides in the deeper layej-, of the sc-le. 1[) If tliua-e is non-oxidised riet-,J under the Scale, ,he process of reduction of the hi,~~her oxide will take place ac - a result of (IiffuEion of iron froin the transforminE; , external laziers of the sc.--ile as ,'-'-ell as as a result of diffu.,~;ion froti the non-ox-idised, core. This latter process wil-I continue even. after completion of the reduction of the hij,~her ox-ides. At this sta6e the growth of viustite on the outer side of the scale will increase , whereby the texture v;hich occurs iii the precedinj:~ stage of the process reiflains conserved. 5) Conservallit-ni ill Wie la-ver of ti-ic %,ustite of the texture type, which is clue to the orientational connection with the ori inal hiL.-her oxide, is in uF~reement (in spite of the non-correspondence of this type vith conditio~.Lo of Card 6/7 contiiiuin~; o~~.idation) v.;ith earlier obtained results and SOV/126-6-7/-8/32 On the D_-,-ture of Iron :;cale. XII. 3triic C*, es in Scale in the Cas-e of S-ubr~titiatjo_rj of Ploducir,'Lll HiAl Oxides b,y an A t -,dl o,,: c,, 1, f~ pr 0, ~i u c i r, ,Vu.~3 , : - -- is .TPrarent1.%, (lt*,e to t1r.- dlfferezlce in the ourface ener-y uf wimtitr) f,,,ces (100), (110) and (111). There cre all of vihic1o ape Soviet. ASSOCIATIOLS: Ur,,.llsl,i:, ~,OSLI(Iarstverinyy iiniversitet imeni A. ;.1, Gor1Jv_),t,,c, (Ural StLite University Liieni A. M. Gk.-,r1)tjj),Jnd InstAtut fiziki iiiet--illov UrtillskoL,,o filiala AN (Institui;e of L'Aet-,l Physics, Ural Br.,~_nch, Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBTAITTED: Decell'ber 6, 1.957 1. Iron--Scale 2. Iron oxide--Structural analysis 3. X-ray analysis--Applications Card 7/7 SIMONOVAJ, M.I.; UGOLINIKOVA, T.A. Cation distributics in solid solutions chromites. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 D 163. of ferrites and no.12:1510-1516 (W RA 17: 1) 1. Institut fiziki metalla7 AN SSSR. 5/020/63/146/002/029/037 B1'89IB101 - AUTHORSi Popov, G. P., ~imonov-a,_1M._I., Ugollnikova, T. A., Chufarov,------ G. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR TI TLE t Thermodynamic properties and or stalldchemical charac teris ties of the solid solutions of zinc ferrite and magnetite PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk SS5R. 'Doklady, v. 148, no. 2, 1963, 557 - 360 TE4T: The thermodynamic functions and the lattice constant of the s.)lid ZnFe 204 - Fe 304solutions having the composition Zn 1-x Fe 2+x0 4were calcu- lated from the equilibrium constants of the reduction of ZnFe 2 04 with H 2 determined experimentally at 600, 700, and 9000C, as a function of x. Thermodynamic datat * 0 0 0 _11H 298 ~jz 298 S29a oomposition of the x ker-./mole kcal/mole cal/R-mole solid solution 0.00 283.5 255.5 30-78 ZnFe 204 0.27 275.5 250.0 50-40 Zn 0.7 Fe 2.304 Card 1/3 5/020/63/148/002/025/037 Thermodynamic properties ... B189/BI01 _'.%Z0 0 composition of the IHO'98 298 298 X solid solution kcal/mole kc,,il/molp Cal/8-mole 0.52 273.8 2406.0 53.0 Zn 0.5 Fe 2.5D4' 0.72 26,9.3 241.0 35.3 Zn 0.3 Fe 2.704 0.1:)2 ;>66.6 240.0 7 3~.O ZnO.IFe 2.904 1.00 270.0 242.0 55-00 Fe50 4 X is the molar part oil Fe,O in Zn Fe the data for Fe 0 are taken _$4 1-x 2~XO4~ 3 4 from publications. The lattice constant deareases slowly from 8.445 2 for Q ZnFe2 04 to 6.44 n for Zn 017 Fe 2,504 and then linearly to 8.40 R for Fe 304* The curve So versus x has the same salient point at :K - 0.3. It is con- 298 eluded, therefore, that the inversion of the spinels remains almost unchanged between 0:!~-x _'O.3 and that only '11n2, ions are substituted by ihe Fe2+ ions in the tetrahedron points. These ions are almost of equal size. Between x - 0.~ and x - 1, however, the intensive inversion to total inverse spine], Card 2113 S/020/63/148/002/029/037 Thermodynamic properties ... B169/B101 the magnetite takes place,owing to the redistribution of the cations in tetrahedron and octahedron interstice. There are 3 figures-and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONs Institut'metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Metallurvy of the Ural Branch of Academy of Sciences USSR); Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 14, 1962 Card 3/3 L 1717-66 EPF(C)/EWT(m)/EWP(b)/TAVIP(w)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD1JG ACCESSION M: AIP5021944 0/0126/65/020/002/03NI03" so 539.392038.114 AUTHORt 8amokhveI2y,_A. Aj. Mostburow. V. 0.; Valk"Ate2m, N. V.1 x0tow, IN lVakim, A. A.; Ha~onp,!,__Tu. V.; sime"O"t N. 1. TITLE: RMIROtic FTOVQrtiQ~ Of 2N304 SOURCR, Fiatka metallov I ustallovedentya, v. 20, no. 2, 1965, 308-309 TOPIC TAGS: mnSnetizatiovi, saturation magnetization, temperature dependence. Curie IPmperatur*, Weiss-Farrer method,. magnetic moment. suropLum compound ARSMCT, To elucidate the magnetic properties of Zu3 04 the authors measured the terpersture dependence of magnetization In the presence of different msguctLaL fields at temperatures of upward of 1.65OZ and thus determined for the.ftrat time the principal ragaittic charmcteristice of Zu304: saturation magnaLization cr, and Curfe te-rersture %. The measurecients vere parformed with the aid of a VaJulua TM external magnetic field in the measurements r"cliad 17,300 ca, -weh M-1111ced to bring the mcanctlc saturatIon - Through 4LAtX4Vl4aUQM !r- t%e cot ef curves V(Do T) to,R:w - ths satuntlea SaWLISAUGG as was twow ;Cwd I/JSA L 1717-66 ACCESSION P1, A?50ZI944 to be 89.4 gmuss-cd/g. From the ammes curves, Using tbs Waif~-1PGcfGf MtbW of lines of equal magoetizatiou, the author@ found the Curia I cetera. whit% prov*d to be 7.8% With Its relatively large magnetic wommmit mW low Curie polar# this oxide apptars a suitable mass of werifyi we tbam. Terlti- jr2" f saturatim mwwti- cstion of this theory abowed tbet the limiar zation exiete throweb"t a 6 sea temperature raw (from 1.65 to 4.6*0 (0.6 T'). The sam dopmWence is oleo aboarved for "Vemmated .# notics sad Nor cartel* love *awdo. orls. nt. b"$ I Users. AsporTATJI.Wr Inetitst flelki Petollov AN 33ft NUNUTMOS 2069AGA NMI 91 !Now WWI on 0=1 M am$ lot M, cmd L 23532-~65 ~~MT (M) /T/W(t)/W (b) IJP(a) JD/jo ACCESSION NR: AP4047946 S/0020/64/158/005/110811111 G. 1. (Corres AUTHOR: Balakirev, V. F.; Simonova, M. I.; Chufarov PWd1qg member AN SSSR) TITLE: Equilibrium conditions and mechanism of the h ydrogen reduction of solid solutions in the Fe-Cr-O system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 158, no. 5, 1964, 1108- 1111 TOPIC TAGS: Fe Cr 0 system, Fe Cr 0 11 system, spinel reduction, magnetite reduction, iron chromite reduction, hydrogen reduction, reduction mechanism ABSTRACT: Equilibria in the Fe-Cr-O and Fe-Cr-O-H systems at 1000C and the reduction at 1000C of FeCr2-xFexO4 solid solutions when Odx&2, were - investigated. Since the oxygen pressure'in the solid solutions when 1. 04.*xd,2 exceeded the pressure, when w6stite dissociated to iron, Wulstite was in equilibri- um with these solid solutions and iron was not formed, The equilibrium hydrogen pressure decreased proportionally to the extent of WU**Btite reduction. When x-1. 04, the spinel, W'U'*stite and metallic phases were in equilibrium. When x4l. 04 the Card 1/2 L 23532-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047946 continuous series of solid solutions were reduced directly to iron, by-passing the wustite phase. If the solid solutions are represented as solutions of magnetite in iron chromite, the magnetite is reduced completely before the iron chromite reduction started. The chromium remained in the spinel phase, enriching it and did not'form ferrochrome. The dependence of the lattice parameter 'on the com- position of the spinel solid solution was not continuous; the extent of inversion 76 with increasing x was not uniform. When 0 -4 x 6 0. 7 the solid solution was norm- al, and in the 1. 6,&x-&2 region, inverted. The sharp increase in X when 0. 7,-4xd 1. 2 caused a decreased in the lattice paramete'r of the spinel, and in the 1. 2:6xe-A. 6 region the increase in the parameter with change in the composition was compensated by its decrease because of the increased N . Orig. art. has: I table and 1 figure ASSOCIATION- Institut metallurgii.Sverdlovsk (Institute of Metallurgy SUBMITTED: 16Jun64 -ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MMAC NR REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 010 Carc2/2 SAMOKINALOVP A.A.; BAili~IJROV, V.G.; li.v.; ZUTOV, T.D.; 11VAKIII, A.A.; INGIUCOV, Yu.N.; SD/lGTjGVA, M.I. Magnetic properties of EU304. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 2C, nc.2: 308-309 Ag 165. Temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization of the ferromagnetic oxide of EuO. Ibid.:309-310 18:9) 1. Institut fiziki motallov AN SSSR. L 077'6-67 1 " i j ji ACC NR: A P6029115 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/006/0984/0989 AUTHOR: amokhvalov, A.A.; Yu.N.; Simonova M I.; Bamburov,V,Gj Ivakin, A.A',.; Morozov Volkenshtcyn,N.V.; Zotov,T.D. 7 ORG: none TITLE: Magnetic, high frequency, and electric pyop.~rties of some oxide compounds of divalent curopium 6eport, All-Union Conference on the Physics of Ferro- and Anti- ferromagnotism.:held 2-7 July 1965 In SverdlovsV SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 984-989 TOPIC TAGS: forromagnetism, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, mugnetizRtion, temperature dependence, europium compound, oxide, aluminate, allicate ,'0R,;Pe,0-rY, ln~qGA.)EOC J'~,eopE,12r_y ABSTTViCT- The authors have synthesized Etiot Eu3Al')0G1 E""12041 Eu2S'04, and Zu304, series of solid soltitioll f~oiitainin '-fuo and CaO, or Euf), CaO, and E and b Ve two s. 9 1-120~ 0 Investigated C1_1e7r__magn_e_t_i_c and electric properties. The investigation wis undertaken because the hiL:h magueLization of divalent europilim compotaid:i make thein of interest in connection with teclinicnI nplilileations and the simple cryutal structure of EuO trutkes it a suLtable inaterlal with which to compare the predictions of theories of ferro- ntagixetlsm, The wrignotization meastiremotiLs were mide with P D~3mcnikitlj type pendulum magnetonictor tit 'Lelds up to I-Q, We and at temperatures down to 1.60 K. The ferro- 0 and paramagnotle resonanco of EuO was investigated at 9 vixd 35.7 k1&1z down to 4.2 K, Card 1/2 ACC NIR: jqP6029115 An6 Of other ro,)-m LewiperatuTe. The de electrical properties of 010 raaLerial.:; -.,ete iovestigatcd and their ultrulilgdt Irequeary crwplux dielectric constints werc, W11.11 Jk ertvlty toc-linique, Sorte of the moa!;ureriient' refjult!,, tire Preselited graphically and othert; aro discu:;scd brb2fly. The saturation ma 11'Aization 0 of Vijo, extrapolated to infiidte field and 0 Kp was Cound to be 232 Gs cm�/g. The satilratti(in PiagnetizafJon of F"3(),1 "I"' dPP"x1n1"tL ~IY 911'"lly-ti that of EuO, indicating that; Lho ferromagnc~tic propertLe's of Eu304 are due to the d1valent Eu ioij. 17he low 2 teoperaLuvc SrK~)ntanrous wagn~_-LiZa Lion (if EuO was a linear function of T3/ , and not of T2, , ;,t,j e-ts thitt of Cu30,1 and of the solid solutions containing it was a linear function, of 172, an(j no, of ;.,3/2. i The aluminates and silicato had a g factor (determined by parariagnotic resonance) of 2, as did EuO, and their spontaneous magnetizations followed! 3~2 thu T law. Thu ultrahigh frequency conductivity of EuO was found to be approximately 5 x 10-'3 ohin-1 cm-1, which is some six orders of magnitude higher than the dc con- AuctIvity , It Is suggested that the same ultrahigh frequency dielectric loss .mechanism is activP in EuO as in the 3d transition metals. Other reBults than those !listed above are presented. The authors thank S.V,Vonsovskiy for his interest and .advice. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. i i. 'SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG. REP: 001 OTH REF: 006 2/2 06425~-6- E74T(d)/'giT(1)/OdT(M)/WP(W)/EWP(t)~ IJP(c) - JDAWJG .A,'ORo Ap6o26700 SGURCE'CODEI UR/olSi/66/008/008/2430/2454 AUT11091 Sawkhvaloy, A, A,; Bmburoya Vo 001 V kensht a To Do$ -No 1. Ivakin, A. A, Morolgov rue No I !!E i 9 ORGs Institute of Metal ftysicsj AN SUR* Sverdlovsk (Institat fialki notallev AN SSSR) /. lb _V1 -Vi TITIM Magnetic mpertiey of NuO at law temp~retu"a SOURCE# Fisika tyerdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8, 1966, 2450-2454 TOPIC TAGS8 europlum compound, spontaneous magnatisation, magnetid susceptibility MTRACT: EuO was prepared by the solid-&tat* reaction Zu203 + C - 2EuO + COp and Its magnetization curves were platted for 4.2, 20.4 and 829K. The temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization was measured at 1.70K and above, and was analyzed from the standpoint of the spin-wa" theory. At 4,2 and 200K, the magnetization reaches ~ituration In fields slightly above 4000 On. The paramagnetic Curia point AM the of- f"tive magnetic moment# both determined from the temperature dependence of the aw neiia ausceptibilityp were found to be 750K and 7.3 PB respectively. 7h9 exchange in- tegral I was calculated from the low-tesiperature 4 (T < 16/2) and fVWA to be 9qW1 to 0-394k. It'is shown that when the tem with TP In taken Into aoomA In M=h#4 law, the janpof applicability of Koch's law expandeq but the valve of soeffielent C1 at T5/ 9 detendned experinentallr and giving the best apeement with the experloo Acc WK-.A&-M?00 mental spontaneous nagnoUgation our"#'difform mm*od2y froix this 0214MdAW VSLW* Origo art, has$ 4 figovot 1 table mW 3 formil"s SUB COMB 20/ AUN UZI 10"5/ WO Wo 002/ O= MWI W3 Cwd 2/2 ZATATS, V.K., kandidat sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; XASHICHKIKA, H.I., kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SERGRY33VA, K.D., kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SMOLOYANINOVA, N.K.. kandidat sel'oko- khozyaystvennykh nauk, laurest Stalinskoy premii; aMQNOVA, M.N.6 kandidat sell skokhozyaystyenuykh nauk, laureat Stalinsk-of-p-re-min; FILOSCYOVA, T.P.; KAZAKOVA,Te.1)., redaktor; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., tekh- nicheakiy redaktor; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Breeding berries; a collection of articles] Selektsiia iagodnykh kulltur; abornik statei. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 165 p. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut sadovodetva imeni I.V.Kichurina. 2. Moskovskaya plodovo-yagodnaya opytaaya stantsiya (for Simonova, Smollyaninova) (Berries) KAMSHILOV, N.A. ANTO11OV, M.V. ; BA12iAH7,V, A.N.; BLINOV, L.F.; BORISOGLEBSKIY, n, A.D.; GAR, K.A.; GARINA, K.P. ; GORSHIN', P.F. : G1jTIYBV, G. I . -, IJBLIT~;INA, A.V.; DUBROVA, F.F.; YEVTUS101KO, A.Y.; li,:~OHOV, V.I.; YM1,01KO, L.L.; YZFINOV, V.A.; ZHILITSKIY, Ya.Z.; ZOCHKOV, N.G., prof.; ZAYETS, V.K.; ISKOLIDSKAYA, R.B.; KOW~SNIKOV, V.A., T)rof.; KOU,5111KOV, Ye.V.; KOSTINA, K.F.; KRUGLOVA, V.A.; LEWITEVA, M.N.; LESYUK, Ye.A., MUKHIN, Ye.N.; NAZARYAN, Ye.A.; NEGRUL', A.M., prof.; ODITSOV, V.A.; OSTAPENKO, V.I.: PETRUSEVICH. P.S.; PROSTOSFMOV, U.N., prof.; RUKAVISHNIKOV, B.I.; RYABOV. I.N.; SABUROV. N.V.; SABUROVA, T.N.; SAVZDARG, V.Z.; SWIN, V.S.- SIMONOVA ji.; P .1 "A SMOLYAIIINOVA, N.K.; SOBOLEVA, Y.P.; TARASENKO, MISOV, G.G; CHIZHOV, S.T.; CHUGUNO, Ya.V., prof.; YAZVITSKIY, M.N.; HOSSOSHCHANSKAYA. V.A., red.; BALWD. A.I., [Fruitgrower's dictionary and handbook] Slovar'-S'DrRvochnik sadovoda. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellklioz.lit-ry, 1957. 639 n. (MIRA 11:1) (Fruit culture--Dictionaries) SIMOIJOVA, M.Y., inzh. Effrct of slime on the results obtained in determining the aggres- siveness of underground waters. Trud7 GidroL)roakta ):269-279 16o. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Otdel inzhenernoy geologii Voesoyuznog3 pro7ektno-izyskateliskogo i nauchno-iseledavatellskogo in,.3tituta "6idroproyekt" imeni S.Ta. Zhuka. (Volga 1~7droelectric Power Station region--Water, Underground--Analysis) (Carbon dioxide) 'i'07 INYAN, , t, , 1'. ;,, I % 017CHININIKOVA, T.M.; iM.I.T. - QYSOYEVA V. V. _- .V - Dependence oil the degree of alkalization of the cathode electro- lyte layer on the current density. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.12: 2966 D 164. (MIPA 18:2) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. SIMONOVA, 14.V.; ROTRIYAN, A.L. Stepwise reactions in electrochemical kinetics. Usp.khim. 34 no.4:734-754 Ap 165. (ICFA 1818) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. ii(*).,. ~~ , "I. . ... ~ M1.11. Inc-l-l-w-or of the cot;-.It ellectr-,le '--, robalt I ~,al a~r~ alu riflfrrent ts,,,-~,ra*,ures. ~: lc~ "rokh i.-C. J a -i 1(,4 1 nr).1.1*1407-1415 T) I ,. (MiR..., 19:1) I ). L-7rCrrrodnkiy tpklnolcgJch-3.-;kJy lns'~-itul-. 'lrlcnl Len5ovpts. of ca,hodic (-f cT s lmu 1 e of hyd. ekt rckli im~ i a tanenus d - se ht rF c7 e rp o n 2 no.1:88-92. Ja 166. 19: 1) L,--n,*.nrr-ad.,3kiy teklin 11 ogicheskiy instl*ut imeni ,Subm, it ted Liecember 26, i4964 POPOVA, T.I.; SINONOVA, N.A. Passivaticii of -indium in aqavus solutions. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no. 7:1A7-1191 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut claktrokbinii All SSSR. (Elactrodev, Indiun) (Passivation) POI'OVA' vne oxidal.iorl of PO lectrodc. 7hur. fiz. kh on a platinjim e 0 t'-,4. '455 1. 7,,tit,.t eleirtrokhImi- A" SS-"IP- SOGELI,O.S.. Vandidat rnpditsinskikh nauk; SIMOIUVA, N.G. laborant. Rapid staining of all blood cells (reticulocytes. blood platelets. and leukocytqs) in the same smear; N.G. SImonowaWs technic. Lab.dalo zo.1:26-28 -Ta-Ire. '55. (KUU 8: 8) 1. Iz k1lalk-d1agnoticheskoy laboratorii (zav.-N.A. Grazdava) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nAuchno-isaledovatellskogo tuberimlesnogo Inatituta (d1r.S.A.Chesuokov. xam.direktora po sauchmoy chasti- prof. D.D. Asayev) (BLOOD CELLS, staining, simultansaus technic In same smear) (SWINS ARD STAINING, of blood cells. simultaneous technic la name blood smear) SIXONOVA, N.I. Derivation of unsaturated othyleallulose. Trudy LIKI no-3:244-247 '55. (KWA 9: 8) 1. Kafedra obahchey, analitichookoy t or W Icheskoy khimit. (Cellulose others) SIMONOVA, N.I.; PIGULEVSKIT, V.V. Synthesis of 1-phanyl-3-pyrazolidone (phenidone). Trudy LIKI no. 5:190-195 159. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Kafedra obBhchey, analitichaskoy i organicheskoy khimil Leningradskogo institata kinoinzhenerov. (Photography--Developing and developers) (Pyrazolidons) ZHURIlly H.B.; LISHELTOE., O.Y-,~.; V.L.; SE'.11110A, "i'.1. Some derivatives of 3-pyrazclidinone. Zhur.ob.kbi--. 31 no.8:2758-2761 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-8) 1. Ilauchno-issldeovatellskiy institut organicheskikh polu- prodrktov i krasiteley ineni K. Ye. Voroshilova; Vauchno- issledovatellskiy kino-fotoinatitut i Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov. (Pyrazolidinone) SHWDT,, Ya.A.; KELITSEVA, O.B.ijIMONOVA, N-I- Use of nitro paraffins in the production of caprolactame Khimsprome no.1:15-17 Ja 162. (MM 15:1) (Azapinone) (Paraffins) SIMONOVA, N.I.; USANOV, Yu.Ye. Synthesis of 4-methyl-l-phenyl-3-pyrazol-idinone (phenidone "B"). Zhur.VKHO 7 no.2:239 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov. (Py-razolidinone) V.1,; ,AllAilll, h.B.; ;LION(MA, N.I.; "',l '111:111:: `,TOV, V.I.; SllULl(;llil,l, O.Ye. Inve '-tigating the developing properties of 1-phenyl pyrazolidone-3 and other pyrazolidone-3 derivatives. Zhur. nauch. I pr1l. fot. i kin. 10 no.5:321-329 S-0 165. y auchno-lssledovatellskiy kJ*nc!'o+_,,_-*,:s",.:t 1. Vzez;o7,zn-ry r 11'auci,,r,o-i.-jledo,,,atzil'3kiv l*nstlt.,,;t pclupr.~d-,.ktc.-; i krasitoley (IllePiK) i Leningrad.-kiy instltut -7T). LISITSIAJI, Jilazeji stepi,,novna. Prinimali uchasti,re: SYMMA,-~.N.; j DENISOVA, A.A.; NADEZ11DINA, A., red.; LEHEDEV, A., teklin. red. [Issuing credit on the basis of the turnover of material values] Kredit po oborotu materiallnykh tsennostei. Moskvap Gosfinizdatj, 1961. 166 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut ekonomiki txkaderLii nauk SSSR (for Simonova, Denisova). (14oscow Province-Credit) SDIOVOVAI P.P. Secondary abdminal pregnancy of the sixth month for five years duration. Akush.i gin. no-5:120 161. (MIP". -5:1) 1. Iz ginekologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. F.P. Simonava) 9-y Gorodnkoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.M. Sysuyeva), Sevastopol' (PREGILVICY, EXTRA-UTERIVE) -A,VARTKHIN&, G.B. ; UJKIN, A.M.; 7 _�kPNOY-!~, ... Xq-Pe Analysis of aryl phosphinic acids. Trudy IRU no.23:106-112 '59- (MRL 13: 7) (Phoffphinic acids) ell, lip. 1lixul 1 -4 J11 u oil oil, all t All doll I AUTHORS: Shvangiradze, R. R., Simonova, N. V. 80V/32-24-7-43'65 TITLE: The Part Played by Graphite Powder in Spectral Analysis, and Its Use in the Analysis of High-Purity Antimony (Rol rafitovogo ~I yva anali7a poroshka v spektrallnom analize i yego primeneniye d, surlmy vysokoy chistoty) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriyat 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 7, PP. 881 - 883 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the investigation of the problem whether an addition of graphite powder to powdery samples exerts an influence on the entrance into the gas cloud of the radiation source, and whether a considerable redistribution of the intensity of the spectral bands takes place. The in- vestigations showed a different effect. Additions of graphite powder to powder of metallic antimony or bismuth effected an abrupt change of the sequence of the entrance of admixtures into the gas cloud as well as a redistribution o:r the intensity of the spectral lines, whereas silicon and germanium show a much weaker effect. The authors used carbon electrodes, with the anode having a crater into which the powder was filled; a Card 1/3 current of 10 amp. and 220 V was used, with the electrode SOV/32-24-7-43/65 The Part Played by Graphite Powder in Spectral Analysis, and Its Use in the Analysis of High-Purity Antimony distance being 3 am. The results obtained were represented graphically as well as in form of tables. It is mentioned that besides a small consumption of metal powder (mixed with graphite at a ratio of 2 : 1) the band intensity of the neutral atoms of the admixtures is considerably increased, whereas that of the ionized atoms is decreased. The observation made that the smaller the excitation energy the greater will be the increase of the band intensity, and that on the other hand the decrease is greater (in the case of ionized atoms) than the excitation energy, is explained by the change of the temperature of the gas cloud of the are due to the addition of graphite. The temperature of the gas cloud is calculated by means of a formula according to Boltzmann, with the corresponding individual data of the determination being given. From table 2 may be seen that the sensitivity of determination is within -5 to 10-4%, the interval of from 10 which could be achieved by the effect of the graphite powder. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references, 3 of which Card 2/3 are Soviet. BOV/32-24-7-43/65 The Part Played by Graphite Powder in Spectral Analysis, and Its Use in the Analysis of High-Purity Antimony Card 3/3 L onm-67 D8(1) ACC NRI AP6025246 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/007/1211/1214 AUTHOR: Besshaposhnikov,A,A,; Doroshenko,A,X,; Simonova$N,V,; Chelidze,T,Y9. q E3: ORG: none :TITLE:. Observation of tv curved" spectrum lines in a pulsed high frequency plasm Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1211-1214 ITOPIC TAGS: hydrogen plasma, rotating plusma, plasma velocity, Ion concentration, iion temperature, magnetic mirror, optic spectrum JABSTRACT: The authors have spectroscopically observed the rotational velocities and I :.the radial distributions and temperaturc5 of impurity 0* and Si** Ions In hydrogen :plasma filaments. The plasmas wore produced by a 1.5 MHz pulsed rotating dipole field ,in a 6.5 cm diameter I meter long glass tube coataining hydrogen at from 0.02 to 0.2511 !mm Hg and were confined by a magnetic mirror systen with a mirror ratio of 1.37 and At.1 ,field strength in the uniform field rcg.oi, of 7.2 k0e. Additional stabilization was 'provided by an up to 216 cusped octupole field corresponding to a diameter of 2 cm. I ,Two conditions of operation were distinguished: "direct rotation", in which the force ion the particles due to interaction of the high frequency currents in the plasm with :the quasistatic field were directed toward the axis of the chamber, and reverse Irotation" In which those torcon were directed toward the wall of the chamber. The ~OII 4649 k and SiIII 4552 A lines were observed with & spectrometer having a disperalaml Card 1/2 t0c: M*gt07 L 02278-67 ACC NR. AP6025246 ~of 4 i/mm and a resolution of 0.1 The lines were very weak mad were recorded with .the aid of a multistage electron-optiCal An age converter. The radial distributionsof ithe ion concentrations were determined (in arbitrary units) from the relative intlea- ;sItIes of tte portions of the lines arising from different parts of the plasma flismon ~the radial distribution of the rotational velocity was determined from the Doppler t ;shifts of different parts of the lines, and the temperatures of the impurity Ions were .also determinedt presumably from the Doppler broadening. In direct rotation the In- ,purity Ion concentration decreased mDre or less monotonically from the axis to the pe 'iphery of the plasma filament; In reverse rotation the Ion concentration increased 'with increasing distance from the axis, passed through a maximum, and then decreased !toward the periphery. The rotational velocity was also maximum at some distance frou !the axis. The rotational velocity was of the order of 106 cm/sec at about 1 ca from .the axias The direct rotational velocities decreased with Increasing octupole field I I istrength, and the "verse rotational velocities increased with Increase of the octupoleti field strength up to about 144 Oe and decreased with further increase of the octupole field strength. With Increasing octupole field strength, the Ion temperature decreased, I lin direct rotation and increased in reverse rotation. Ion temperatures up to 20 (units. !not stated) were observed. The authors thank R.A.Domirkhanov'axd T,I.Gutkin for sug- 'gesting the problem aid for their Interest In the work, Orig, art* has: 5 figures iand 1 table. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 OaIG. RU: 002 OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 ---L-32622-66 FBD/EWT(1)/EEC(k)-2/ETC(f)/T/EWP(k) IJP(c) WG/AT ACC NRt AP6015598 SOURCE CODE: UW03681& AUTHOR: BesshaposhnikM A. A.; Voloshin, A. Yes; KVchuberiya, 1. Xh.;.~~nova NeV ORG2 none TITLE: Measurement of.electron temperature of is p3ASM by seem of scattered laser ,radiation 80MIs Zhurml prikladnoy opektroskg*lp Y. 4# no. 5, X966p 455439 0166troup olfttrom 460paretwNt t4dfw- 3A8?4IjC,,~,L ion' AMUM ,The authors used a laser bow to measure the electron temperature IA's setup in which -the plasm was produced by 4 rotating higb-fkequswY dipole at 2.45 W in a quesistationaz7 field of mirror confIguration. fte v&Mn chamber vas a gla" tube 50 mm in dia. and 1000 = long (ng. 1.). Th* spectrM of the plotted radlatloA was measured point by point and the *lectran teng= ture me calculated rrom the .smoothed spectrm and found to be To - 4 @v. From tke'Pre"Dee'dr a shift In the scattered radiation relative to the incident radiation it Is defteed that the elec- trons am Axially with velocity -3& co/aft. 7he reason nw this phenamemns, &M also the details of the fine structure of the scattered radlatleas we still mdbwe The authors thank R. A. Demirkhanow for mWestIft the laweetWim wid for eantinka- au& Interest. Orig. art. 2/2 MCI 53309007 L 32622-66 ACC NRs Ap6o15550 Fig. 1. Block diagram of the mmumrament appmtuso 1 - erp 2 - lo=p 3 - Vacuum chamber,,4W- eical roculvg syst"O s]Wtrograpb# 6 otowItIP11we 7 oscilloscope. MM CODIs 2D/ SM DAM 12&165/ 2/2 r--n - 4M ~-~ L =r- zjj L on =I 004 L 31437-66 ACC NR. ki)602326 SOURCE COli,,*: CZ/0062/65/028/005/0325/0333 AUTHOR: Rothj B.; Fit~,LrL S.I__Pimonova, 0. "Yal Medicinel ORG: Neurologic Clinic/headed by Academician K-jWnneX/ Faculty of Gene Charleg Uniyersity (New-ologicka klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi KU); Institute of Physiology/headed by Prof._Z. Sery~it CSAV, Prague (Fyziologicky ustav CSAV) TITLE: Respiration in n4~~ ~ and hy eumographic and. _persomnia. Correlation of pn electroencephalographic data SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologie, v. 28, no- 5, 1965# 325-333 TOPIC TAG3: biologic respiration, EEG, man, nervous system disease ABSTR,*,171': Study of pneumographic and electroencephalographic recordings in 24 patiej.1,s with essential and 8 with secondary (mostly poettraumatic) narcolepsy, 9 with i~~,persomnia and J* with miscellaneous neurologic diseases and 11 healthy control-. The differences between the groups were relatively small and irregularl the fin(iings are described in detail. Orig. art."has: 6 figures and 1 table, [Based on Eng. abst-1 CJPM] SITP ~nDB: 06 / SUM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 012 Card 1/1 7-,/ LESNY, Ivan, Doe., dr.; SIMON, Jiri, Dr.; SIMONOVA, Olga, Dr. Chronaximetric measurement of muscles in deformities following poliomyelitis. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cecb. 22 no.4:134-139 July 55. 1. Neurologicka klinika akademika Hennera, Janske Lazne. (POLIO MY-rLITI S, pathology, musc., chronaximetric variations in deformities) (RUSCLIS, In various diseases, polio., chronaximetric variations In pathol. changes.) N HANZAL, F.; PROCHAZKOVA, Z.; SIMONOVA, 0. Clinical significance of pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid. Cesk. neur. 24 no.2:104-109 Mr 161. 1. Neurologicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta akademik prof. K. Henner. (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID chem) (LYMPHOCYTOSIS cerebrospinal fluid)