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BURKUVbXAYA, Ye.Kh., nauchnyy aotrudnik; DAWHOV, V.D. . nauchnyy sotrudnik; YACHATW , I.N., nnuchnyy ootrudnik; BOBRIKOVA, V.N.: TERYINTTEVA, T.N.: OCIUMAKOVA, L.F.; BMLIN, L.A.,; KITATTSEV, A.M., red.; KUZIMIN, L.A., red.; OLIMPOT, V.G., red.; SKITZYKIII, I.S., red.; RUSIN, N.P., red.; KARTYNOV, S.I.j red.; SIJJQli"V ;)Lar'pt, red.; IVAHOV, A.P., red.; BESSONOV. N.P., red.; TASTIOGORODSLATA. M.M., rod.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., (Diroctions for hydrometeorological stations *nd postsj Nastavlenie .aidromotoorologicheskim attintaiiam I postam. Leningrrid, Gidrometeor. (Continued on next enrd) BITAKOVIXAYA, Ye.Kh.-(contimied) Card 2. izd-vo. No.), pt.2. [Working up mteriale of meteorological I ovservations] Obrabotka mterialov -teteoroloi.icheskikh nabliudenii. 1958. 85 P. (HIPA 13:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoys upravleniye gidrometeoro- logicheskoy sluzhby. 2. Olavnaya geofizichesknya observatorlya in. A.i.Voyeykovn (for Burkovskaya, Ignmov, Itachayev). 3. StarRhiye inzhenery Hauchno-ionledovatel'skogo instituta veroklimatologii (for Bobrikovii, Torentlyovn). 4. Glnvnoye upravloniye Gidromteo- rologicheakoy fibizhby 355R (for GUGMS) (for Kitaytsev, KnzImin, Olimpov, Mcltaykin). 5. Glevnaya geofizichesknya observatoriya (GGO) (for Berlin, Nechayev,.Runin, Shcharbakova). 6. Upravleniya gidro- metoorologicheakoy abizhby (U%IS) (for Martynov. Sinenov, Ivanov, Bessonov). (Meteorology-Obser-vers' m-inuals) VULCXH, V.G.; 0:111CHINA, 11J.; IGRU!iOV, V.D.; 1INCHATAY, I.N.; PUKItOVSKAYA, I.A.; T.HIZONOVA, T.S.-, TSYG.UIOVA, A.M.; RUSIN, N.P.,; KITAYTS3V, A.M., red.; KUZIMIN, L.A.. red.; OLIMPOV. V.G., red.; SKITZMIN, I.S., red.; BERLIN. I.A., red.; NECHAY3V, I.N., red.; SUCII&MAKOVA, L.F., red.; MMTYHOV, S.I., red.; SIMONOT, Ya.P., red.; IVAHOV, A.F., red.; BESSONOV, N.P., red.; YASNOGORODSKAYA. M.M., red.; VLADIIIIROV, O.G., (Directions for hydromoteorological stations and postal Nastnvlenie gpidromotoorololdcheskim stantsilan i postan. Loninl-,rnd, Gidro- metoor.isd-vo. N0-3. pt.1. [Obsorvations nt meteorological stations) Meteorologichnskie nablbidentin na stantsiiakh. 1958. 223 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Missia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye ivornvleniye -,,idrometeorologi- cheskoy sluzhby. 2. Sotnidniki Metodicheskogo otdela Glavnoy geo- fizichenkoy observntorii im. A.I.Voyeykove (for Volokh, Gushchina, Igrimov, Nachayev. Pokrovsk-iya, Trifonova, TSvgnnova). 3. Glavnoye upravleniya Gidronateorolo4icheekoy ;lnzhby SSSR (GLIGHS)(for Kitnyteev. Kuzlmin, Olimpov, Skitevkin). 4, Glavnaya Peofizicheskaya observatoriv3 (GGO) (for Berlin, Nechayev, ffiisin, Sherbakova). 5. Mestnyye upravleniya Gidrometoorologicheskoy sluzhby (for Hnrtynov, Simonov, Ivanov, Bes- sonov). (Meteorolo,-7-Observntions) SIMONOY, Ta.P.; SALXPOYA, A.I.; SMIRHOYA, A.I.; Sn.TSOVA, Te.M.; 14IKIIATLOYA, A.D.; YZFIIIOYA, K.A.; MOIJOZ. Y.F.; M, Tu.I.; NIKOLATZYA, Z.A.; ATZENBERG, M.N.; MIKUTLOYA, K.L.: 110GOVSKATA, Te.G.. red.; YOLKOY, N.Y., [&,,roclirmitio reference book on Nikolayev Province] Agroklima- ticheskii spravochnik po Hikolaevskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor.izd-vo, 1959. 103 P. (HIRA 13:2) 1. Kiyev. Gidrometeorologicheskaya, observatoriya. 2. Nachallnik otdola agrometeorologii Kiyevskoy gidrometeorologicheskoy observa- torii (for Salepova). (Nikolayev Province--Crops and climate) ~IIIXULUVJ ')0 Ya. I .; "ALEFOVA, A. 1. ; VA, A. 1. ; _Yi(R' VA, Ye.M.; ?. . - 1) ALMIGH, P.B.; AYZEVIjFJ?G, M.M.; VIIKHAYLOVA, K.L.; USIIAKOVA, T.V., red.; SE?GEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red. [Handbook on agricultural climatology in Zaporozhlye Province] Agroklimaticheskii spmvochnik po Zaporozhskoi oblasti. Le- ningrad, Gidroreteoizdat, 1959. 111 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukraine. Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby. SIMONIOV, Ye., kand.tokhu.nault InvontirW should ar.4 M13t be taught. Izobr.i rats. n0.1: ~?4-25 Ja 160- (KIRA 13:4) (inventions) SIMONOV, Ye,A. Manufacture of "Thermoblock" recuperator sectioqs. Lit. proizv. no.1:37-38 Ja 161. (MPA 14 t 1) (gounding) (Heat regenerators) '. 1 .'G;'UV , ': ' "; .1 . I 10 ..~,w :~ojthods I r molding f-langaa and fl-rwh~als of lev"-r shears, oixohinostroonie no..L;IC7-108 Ja-F 162,. (MIRA 15:2) (Molding (Founding)) I- P 10. 1, rr,? , .1 . Ni.~ . ! I t,;;- 01;r, - in g moiinLain clinbers. , Vokrue svet - , no. 3. 1952 ly 1!~ .2,0 R,,�--ipn Acc2silnng, Libr-i-I of Conf-ress, Ilay ~ 'l- LTNCLtUS=--D. :,::grCt 1.1 1'5 - . . I I : " 11 , , ; .... . . , ': - -- -. ~; , .. - - I - - - ~ - J . 11 1 1 - I . I - - - I ~ . . , .t , - -I . I . n, 1 -.- t t 1 'n - - r 1 C I I ~, t, -411:, -, ~) " ,.- -:.:. 1 t." , Vo'=-:~ rve tn , :~ - . ',~ , I C. :~ 7 . n t ~: '-~' Li s t -) f 1-.,t , I , .~ A. , , - ~- 2 1 or, s . Llbv,.-:- -)f -ct~;I;fr "952. ~-'; ' U S S I F I ---D. -- ~l . I I. 5111-11rNOV p YE. 2. u!isp. 6W h. Pamirs - Glaciers 7. On the greatest. glacier in the world, Znan. sila, 22, No. 12, 1952o 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, LAI - 1953, Uncl. SIMONOV, Ye.D.; NOVOSPASSKIY, V.V., redaktor; RAKOV, S.I., tekhnichankly 3" No 'alpetwa- r [To the Ritea Lakel K ozoru Ritea. [Teket B.D.Simonova, red. V.V. Novospasakit. Moskva, Ind-vo VTsSPS "Profizdat.1 1954. 11 p.) illus. (MLR& 8-6) (Ritsa lake-Guldeboolm) SIX(RIOV, Te.D.. redaktor: ROTOTATEV, F.S., redaktor; BOROVIKOV, A.M., ?WlRftr; BULGAKOV, N.V., redaktor; GARY, B.A., redaktor, GTOZM- SKIT, N.A., redaktor; r-AMSKrY, Ye.M., re-daktor; ZATULOVSKIT, D.M., redaktor; IVANOV, A.I., redaktor; UZININ. I.K., redaktor; NNSTAROY, V.P., redaktor; SUSLOV, A.D., redaktor: TUSHINSKIT. G.K.. rodaktor; YUKHUT, I.V., redaktor; LIBIWAVA, N.G., redaktor; GOLI- TSTN. A.V., redaktor; KOSHMVA, S.M., tekhntcheskly redaktor [Connuared peaks; annual publication of Soviet mountaineering for 19531 Pobohdonnye vershirV; ezhatpodnik sovetskogo allpinisma god 1953. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo geografichaskoi lit-ry. 1954. 606 p. (Mountaineering-Yearbooks) (KLRA 8:7) SIXONOV, To. Highest peak in the world. Geog. v shkole no.1:29-3-9 Ja-F 154. (KLNA 7:1) (Byerest. Mount) SIMONOV'YO.D. Gorges of hot springs. Priroda 44 no,9:73-77 S '55. (MLRA 8:11) (Caucasus--Springs) SIMONOV, Yevg. Peak of friendship. Znan.sila 31 no.5:7-9 Ky '56. (XLHA 9:8) (Kountaineering) BUNDBL', A.A., red.; GIPM 'B.Ye., red.; GVOZDETSKIY, N.A,red.; GRNKOV, L.I., red.; KUZ'MIN, K.K., red.; IMAVW, A.A., red.; N-MYTSKIY, V.V., red.; ROTOTAYRV, P.S., red.; 5.Xg," red.. TUSHINSKIY, G.K., red.; YUKRIN, I.V.,red.; DOBRONRAVOVA, k. .',' red.: GIXIKH. D.A.,; MALIGH'SVSKIY, G.N., red. kart. LConquered peaks of 1954; n yearbook of Soviet mountAlneeringl Pobezhdonnye vershiny god 1954; ezhogodnik sovetakogo allpinizma. [Mos"al Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1957. 431 (MIRA 11:1) (MountAineerinp,--Yonrbooks) BEROUt N.M.; SIMONOV, Ye.D., red.; GIPPENREYTER, Ye.B., red.; KIZEL1,--V-.K-.,-Tff6-.j--KUZ 'MIN, K.K., red.; LETAVET, A.A., red.; POLYAKOV, A.I., red.p f?JDTIDTAYEV, P.S., red.; FILIMDNOV, L.N.0 red.; KHRGIAN, A.Kh., red.; YUKHIK, I.V., red.; KONOVALYUK,, I.K., mlad. red.i.GOLITSYN, A.V., red. kartj ARDANOVA. N.P. tekhn. red. fConquered summits; Soviet alpinism between 1958 and 19611 ?6- bezhdennye vershiny; sbornik sovetakogo allpinizma, 1958-1461. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 406 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Mountaineering) NESMYEYANOV, An.N.; DZANTIYEV, B.G.; POZDEYEV, V.V.; SIMONOV, Ye.F. Reaction of recoil atoms of tritium with benzenes Radiokhimia 4 no.IsII6-122 162. (MIRA 15W (Tritium) (Benzene) aDOSLYEV, V.M.; SIIIONOV, Ye.F.j SIIAYEV, A.B. Synthesis of 2,,3-dimercaptopropa=l ethers* Zhur,ob.khime 32 no.9:3083-3088 S 162. WIRA 15:9) 1. Momkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M,V. Lomanosova. (Propanol) (Ethers) at L'~.EA cn Eff',_~,_As Ao-o,_-~at;~~ k,~ at - tive Tranz format ions, V enna, t J,l .. 17 ". Lf "', , V . "). ; "; -Ye.F. C - x i r ri 4it - ive 1 ~,,- ttion of' 'he aced racy of 'he quan -.I_ t - dr.tenzIna~,ion cf nca-lpuc-ina with rdrbyrinn. Vest. Moskl. un. Ser& 2:f(h],t. 20 no.4:30--33 TI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) .1- - Jr' -I- S Y, - r - Kllt',~ ~ R raJf6lhbP!J. MO. 17PkC,90 gosudn,. tvenncgc unIverel t4~ ti- . S.I.Y,ONCJV., Ye.F.; NESMEYANGV, An. N. Radiation conservation of amino acids In the course of their interaction with tritium recoil atcma. Vest. Mosk. un. Sero 2.-Khim. 20 no. 5:28-30 S-0 165. (MIRA l8s12) 1. Kafedra radiokhimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Submitted July 21, 1965. L 23225 A R~,,A`~UT H-OR:' .. S1]mo'noY ORG: SOURCE COWj Ye F.; NSMUanoy, A* No dra radioM2 TITLE: Radiation p eservatioAf aminoacids during the interaction with tritium- recoil atoms SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II. Khimiya, no. 5, 1965, 29-30 TOPIC TAGS: amino acid, neutron irradiation.- radioactive decay, lithium compounds tritium, alpha particle ABSTRACT: The effect of the relative content of lithium salt in irradiated specimens on the radiation survival of a mother compound and on the yield of the basic decomposition products and their specific activities at low irradiation times was studied. Specimens of 1-glutamic acid, dl-methionine. and 1-cysteine with the relative contents of lithium carbonate of 91, 60j 67., 501 33, 20 and 9% were irradiated. The total weight of the irradiated specimens was 20-22 mg. Since the radiation composition during neutron irradiation of mixtures of organic substances with lithium salts is somewhat higher than in the absence of the latter,, the lithium salt of glutamic acid was also irradiated for comparison. Quartz ampules containing the specimens. were evacuated to a pressure of 10-2 mm Hg, sealed, placed in aluminum castes, and irradiated for 15 minutes by a stream of slow neutrons of 0.87-1013 c=-29 Card 1/2 UDC; 51L1.15+539.16' L 23225-66 ACC NR, AF6013601 sec-1. It was shown that the activity of HT for all aminoacids studied reaches a maximum at the relative contents of 50% lithium salt and that the share of activity attributable to C113T of the total activity of the gaseous phase for glutamic acid is linearly varied from 10% for a specimen with W,10 lithium salt to 63% for a specimen with 9% lithium salt. Thusj the significant con- tribution of alpha-particles to the radiation decomposition of the mother compound becomes apparent at low relative contents of the lithium salt even at small irradiation times. Tabulated data indicates that the maximum radiation preservation of the mother compound for the acids studied is ob- servable at 33% relative contents of lithium salt in the irradiated speci- mens*which corresponds tothe equinolar ratio of the irradiated components.* Origo art# has: 2 tables. [JPRS3 SUB CODE: 07 SUBH DATE: 21JU165 ORIG HEF 1 003 OTH MY 1 001 4 SOIIN-99i? C~7/31 AUTHOILS: Kurochkin, B.N.1 Simonnv ('.I. Ck As rl V, A.1 Yomets, L.K. and ~_Wj_e_nsnT-,-A-.D. TITLE: Operation of Open-hearth Furnaces on Natural Gas (Rabota martenovskikh pechey na prirodnom gaze) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 5, pp 407 - 413 (USSR) ABSTRACT. At the end of 1957, two works were operating open-hearth furnaces on natural gas with a pressure of I and 10 atm., respectively. The investigation carried out by VNIIIIr on these furnaces indicatel that the gas pressure, the nature and pressure of the atomising medium, the rate of consumption of the carb-,~risirag medium and some other factors have a considerable influence on the efficiency of utilisation of natural gas as an open-hearth fuel. Mien the Libknekht Works start,.-d operation on natural gas, its 1:)ressurc was fired at 2.5 - 3.0 atm. A study of the thermal operating conditIons of a 185-ton furnace with ail, or stoam as atomising, axlenta for the carburising oil (up to 300,00 was carried out. For comparison a preliminary investigation of the fur~iac_e operation when fired with C. I lj'~ fitel oil was made. Characteris tic-, features of furnace SOV/133-59--5-7/31 Operation of Open-hearth Furnaces on Ntural Gas design are given (Figure 1). Standard operating conditions when firing with oil are shown in Table I and a comparison of operating indices with oil and natural gas-in Tables 2 and 5. The dep.3nden,_& of the mean flame radiation on the rato of consumption of cil (for oil-firing) - Figure 5 and the dependence of the radiatian of the oil flame on the type of atomisinr; FJCure 6; the above two relation- ships for gas.-oil flama shown in Figures 7 and' 8, resp,ectively. Rjt~utiLma_-_(!ed tl~nzrial conditions of furnace operation on firing with nat-o-ral gas are given in Table 3- It wius found that on from oil to natural-gas firing, the prodv.-::tivilly of the furnace did not decrease and consixnption of f'Lv_-:L decreased. In view of' a sErong influence of tl:~, rato of consumption and pressure of the atoillising agent on radiation characteristics of the flame, the determination of rational values for the above parameters is necessary in each individual case. On transferring furnaces -to natural-gas firing, the above Card2/3 presents the main problem. Operation of Open-hearth Furnaces on NaturajOLVaJ33-59-5-7/31 There are 8 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATIONS: VNIIMT, Zavod im. K, LibImekhta (imeni Libknekht Works) Card 3/3 simmov, Ye.K., inzh.; MINEYEV, B.V., inzho; RYSEV, G.S., inzh.; YAIMELE;VICH, M.D., inzh. The .1 FDX-2 loading and transporting machine. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.2:19-20 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. flauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiY institut gornogo i obogatitellnogo oborudovaniyaj Sverdlovsk. 1 . LTIM:C*11 Ye V. 2. UE.-R (6((-) 4. lv~ater, Underground 7. Letecting_thp elpments of nn under~7ound stream by tEe ne,.:est rr-thcds. ZAbstracj/ Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no. 3, 1947- 9. Monthly List nf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. 15-57-1-1030 Translation from: Fieferativny zhurnal, Geologiy4, 1957, Nr 1, p 165 (USSRT AUTHOR: Simonov, Ye. V. TITLE: The Core Lifter of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology (Gruntonos 11VSEGINGEO") PERIODICAL; Nauch-tekhn. inform. M-vo gool. i okhrany nedr, 1955, Nr 1, pp 69-71 ABSTRACT: The described core lifter acts as the drilling tip on a rotary drilling rig that flushes the hole bottom with drilling mud. It is used for drilling in uncon- solidated complexes of dry and saturated rocks. It permits the extraction of a singLe piece of unbroken core (100 percent). It is used principally in drilling for engineering geological purposes. The core lifter Card 1/2 may he made wit.11 any diameter. It consists of a The Core Lifter (Cont.) 15-57-1-1030 double-column pipe: a drilling pipe and a core-collecting receptacle. The author discusses the design of the instrument , the drilling pro- cedure, and the extraction of the single-piece core. He presents a diagram of the core lifter. 2 Card 2/o S. M. S.-Ye. DUBROTKIN, V.L.; SIMDNDV, Te.T. I ~. 1 1. - 1;- ~ Methods for sampling water from wells In the case of nonhomogeneous chemical composition of underground waters. Razved.1 okh.nedr 21 no,3:48-53 MT-JO '55. (MLRA 9:12) (water, Underground) SIMONOV, Ye.V.; KOSYKH, L.S.; TESLYA, A.G. New way of lit-par-lit sampling of water-bearing horizons. Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.9:27-32 S 163. (KIRA 16:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lssledovRtel'skiy institnt gidrogoologii i inzhenernoy geologii. 7 P ACC7ESSION TR-. R74042680 S/0000/63/003/000/0182/0165 AUTHOR: Zharov, S. G.; Win, Yo. A.; Kovalenko, Ye. A.; Kalinicheako, 1. R.j Karpova, L. I.; Mikerova, N. S.; Oaipova, M. H.;-Aimalkoy, Ye. re. IITLIZ: The study or the prolonged effects on man of an atmosphere with an increarod CO2content 'GZRCE: Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy i koamicheakoy meditaine, 1963. Aviataionnaya i koomicheckaya madit6ina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy, konferentaii. Moscow. 1963, 182-185 1-31')X TAGS: carbon dioxide effect, man, pressure chamber, acidosis, "dynamis, fatigue ABSTRACT: Tvio experiments were pqrformed in which human subjects were kept in prestiure chambers with a capacity of 7 cubic meters at an air temperature of 20+ 20C and a relative humidity of 40 to ". Oxygen content varied from 19 to Mr. in the first experiment, the CO level was maintained at 1% and in the second experiment at 2%. Two oubjects2wers used in each experiment; each experiment lost- ad thirty days. Examination of the-physiological indices indicates that the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRS AT1401#268o presence of men in an atmosphere of limited capacity with an increased CO content leads to acidosis, hypodyraunia, and fatigue. The intensity of acidoeis Rcreases with an increase of GO content from 1% to 2% and increases with the duration of rime spent in the ch~~Uer. SubJecta who remained in the teat chamber for thirty days with a GO content equal to 1% maintained their work capacity on a sufficiently high level. ~?den exposed to physical loads. subjects who had spent thirty days in an atmosphere of 2%CO manifested a sharp decrease in work capacity and a significant strain on t0e functions of the organism. However, the functional changoo observed woro aompletely reversible. ASSOCIATION: none SUMITTZEDt 275op63 E3CLi 00 SUB COM LS NO RV SM 000 OTHMS 000 Card 2/2 SIMONOV, Ye.Ye.; BAIMROVSKlY 'I.S. Cytophotometer. Lab. delo no.3:184-18b 165. (MIRA 18:3) SIMQNOV,, Yu.; MUDEROV, V. Structural stability of a linear four-terminal network. Elektrosviaz, 16 no.7:71-72 JI 162. (~X-LA 15:7) (Electric networks) s/Cc6/6C/039/0055/039/051 (ofto Boo6/BO77 AUTHORS: Simonov, Yu. A., Ter-,Martirosyan2 K. A. TITLE: About a Semi-analytical Solution of the Equations of thA Chew-Mandelstam Type PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 5(11), pp. 1442 - 1449 TEXT: A simple method is proposed for solving equations of the Chew- Mandelstam type, which leads quickly to an approximate solution and is analogous to the known method of Dalitz, Dyson, and Castillejo in the low itrwrgy ruiirti. flore, this method is applied to the simplest cases, that is file nolutioll of, 014) Ch."W-Mrititioltitilm mlikationij t1ofjoribing the interaction between neutral and ,harged piona. The reaulto obtsiln~,id in tho 1*11'0' tip- proximation for chargod pions are compared with the numerical calcul~ tions by Chew, Mandelatum, and Noyes. A graphical comparison of the re- sults in the first and aecond approxii:iation of the functions nil/2)VX_)ctg 6 = -(n7/2)Re h(x) showed that the corrections of the 86922 .j W Card 1/3 86922 About a Semi-analytical Solution of the slc;,;1616'L)103910051"0391CIr'1 Equations of the Chew-IMandelstam Type B006/BO7'( second approximation can be neglected. An exception is the case of those A-values close to the limiting value where a,(A) becomes large. But thin ranCe is small. E'urthermore the range where the Chew-Mandelstam equa- tions are valid is found between 0 !!!~; 0 ;!~- 3. in this range the corrections are the least and at ~ = 0 the first and second approximation are iden- tical. The first approximation obtained here is nearly equal to the numerical solution of the Che-a-Mandelstam equation for the neutral-meson interaction amplitude which was found by Ye. P. Vedeneyev and A. L. Krylov. The graphical compariscn of the first approximation with the results of a numerical solution of the Chew-Mandelstam equations for the scatterinr; of !,harged mesons for the functions -5krx" ctg 6. and -24VP ctt; '~2 shows that for the range 0-.5 0 4- 3 a6reement in -lery J-,ood. This 00lUtiOA ir, (juite similar to the one obtained by Chew, Mandelstam, and I'loyes in the case of a predominance of th~- S-wave. The first ap- pr,-~ximatior, proved to be sufficient in qll cases and by applying the rflf"Q"(J~I it ia i_.aay to d(stermine this appr jxi.rrat ion. This nethod can be applied to similar problems as e.g. to -,E I- and n F-n-itt.-r!rirfr- Card 2/3 1 86922 About a Semi-analytical Solution of the S/C56./60/03?/005/O33/C-9! Equations of the ~hew--Mandelstam Type 3006/4 ii There are 6 fi&ures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 1 Soviet and 7 US. SUBMITTED: July 23, 1960 Card 3/3 o4 0/,O0 2,,U 35 /0 4 7 44 Y fcr pirtial p~ t ral funct 4, on 9 y Cl~eix tnd S 7 4.- - d all T.,ns whi ch a.~.nt raptar --t ;.s stlown m r, 7 Cl!-w and lllardf~ll it am f, a r4 a-' amp,*, -4 ti d c4,3 A ,M r tt In crd~~r tc, f r--, ~n l- f n ~ -i t r rn 9 s c-, r. F, i s p n. g he n r a! s The dis- I' t a !erm int~-gration of the eada tD divergences, r g.,V. tfc:r~-i P, f the spectral func- ri 1 nz :r - ged pions -Mpllcatf~l. The re :.n ~7, art. o Yj C i SIXONOV, Yu.A.; TER-MARTIROSYAN, K.A. -1 - - Equations for the spectral functims of charged ~Y-mesonz. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1172-1173 Ap '61. (MIBA 14:7) 1. Institut eksperimental'noy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. AN 33SR. (Mesons--Scattering) (Integral equations) S/056/62/043/UO5/019/058 B102/B104 AUTHOR: Simonov, Yu. A. TITLE: Investigation of four-fermion interaction by means of unitarity and analyticity PEHIODICI~L: Zhurnal eksperimentallno 'v i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 45, no. 501), 19b2, 167b-1685 TEXT: A method proposed by V. N. Gribov (Nucl. Phys. 22, 249, 1961) is used to investigate the behavior of the four-fermion interaction amplitudea at high energies. :juch an analysis requires equations expressing the .spectral amplitude functions in terms of absorption parts of these amplitudes. The analyticity and unitarity-conditions (Phys. Rev. 119, 467, 1960; Ann. of ?hys. 10, 352, 1960) are used to obtain these equations, for which, in contrast to the perturbation theory, no inconsistencies arise at high energies. The equations aL,e satisfied if the amplitudes are assumed to increase exponentially witli energy at infinity,and correlations arise between the orders of growth n j of all five independent amplitudes. The relations derived are used to investigate the asymptotic behavior of Card 1/4 ./,)j6/"62 104 3/005/019/056 Investigation of' I'our-f'ermion ... B102/RI04 1'ermion-fermion and fermion-antifermion scattering amplitudes. For the five independent amplitudes 4;xL:'rp, ~--= 4nE < + + + -L > 2 (1 _, 2 7 ni I-x)(As4-Av-j AT+AA)+2(P3Av-E2AA-mIAr); 4nbp,~- UE, < + -L + > = 2 (El + pl)AT -I- 2ni'AA + 2 2 2 T + (x - 1) IE2/1, -1 nPA v + (E2 + p2) A r + IIIIA B -I- p2A p I ,I:TET, = 4al. < + Y + > 2 1 cos2 (0 /2) (nil (As + A r) . 2 + (El A- p') (A v + A A 4nE-,p, = I:tE- < + (p + I > 2 sin2(o/'2)(.,IsE 2 + M2 (jj V + AA+A r) _p2Ap), 4,i(j,, -in < 4- -~- + + I - 1 > 2 2 2 ni sino (A s + Av + A r + AA) x coso, s = 4 (p' A- ni'i) = 4F2. (23) (24) 2 r5 (27) Card 2/4 3/056/62/043/005/019/058 Investigation of four-ferinion ... B102/B104 the following correlations are found: dal / d -9 t[, IM Tj (0 = 0) = P(,r (28) 444.q, I M To (0) p,.r- / 4;1;- ni IT, (0) + Ts (0) 1 = paTl4n (29). For the n i several inequalities ar e obtaine d. From n, = nP ns = nv + I = nj, + 1, n,, > n A > ns - 2, nP > ns- (21) it can be concluded that with increasing energy the fermion-antifermion scattering cross sections behave in the same way as the fermion-fermion scattering cross sections although the codfficients of the power functions of energy may be different. For the limits 0 en., n. , ilo. 2, pp 267-269 TEXT: The temperature stability of a tuned transistor amplifier can be increased by connecting a resistance R in parallel with the capacitanceCin the emitter circuit of the transistor (Fig. 1). The capacitance is usually determined from: 5 - 10 C > M 2-fHR where fH is the nominal operating frequency of the device. The experiments show, however, that if C is determined from this formula, the amplifiers have a tendency to become unstable. It is therefore necessary to investigate the effect of RC on the stability of tuned amplifiers. For this purpose. Card 1/3