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- ) F. P. and ". S3. "On Relation of Spectra to Angle of' Tivis", of Methoxy and Dirnethylamino Groups with respect to Benzene Ring Plane." report presented at the 4th International Meeting of I.Ic!F:cular Spectroscopy, Boiornm, Ital", 7-12 Sept 1959. Tnstitutp- oC niysical Chemistry, the University of Moscvw. SdORYGIR, P.P.; AIAUNE, Z.B. [Alaune, Z.] Optical research of the interference of atomic groups in the moleculez of organic compounds. Liet ak darbal B no.4:57-69 159. (E&1 9:3) 1. Institilt organicheskoy khimil im. N.D. Zalinskogo AN SSSR i Institut k1timit i khimicheakoy toklinologii AN Litovskoy SSR. (Organic Compounda) (Molecules) (Atoms) 5(4), 50) SOV/76-33-3-33/41 AUTHORS: Shorygin, P. P., Alaune, Z. B. TITLE: Investigation of Solutions of Aromatic Amines in Organic Acids (Issledovaniye rastvorov aromaticheskikh aminov v orgp-nicheskikh kislotakh) PERIODICAL: ""hurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 3, PP 717-721 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the case of aromatic compounds which possess an electronega- tive group in the para-position to the amino group, a salt forma- tion leads to a noticeable variation of the absorption spectrum. Similar variations may be stated by comparing the Raman spectra of nitro-benzene solutions with p-nitro-dialkyl aniline. Accord- ing to these data the authors of a previous paper (Ref 1) as- sumed that in acetic acid solutions aniline (I) forms no salt but a compound with the solvent. In this case the authors studied the spectra of the solutions of (I) and dimethyl aniline (II) as well as the corresponding para-nitro compounds. The absorp- tion spectra were obtained by means of the photoelectric spectro- photometer SP-4 with a concentration of 10- 2 _ 10-4 moles/l of Card 1/3 the substances under investigation. The Raman spectra were photo- 50'1/76-33-3-33/41 Investigation of Solutions of Aromatic Amines in Organic Acids graphed by means of the three-pgism spectrograph ISP-51 with the excitation of the Hg line 4358 1 (concentrations of (I) and (II) being about 101it, that of p-nitrodiethyl aniline (III) being 4_1~6). On the basis of the absorption spectra obtained from (I) in acetic acid (IV), heptane and HC1 solutions (Fig 1) it is as- sumed that a salt was formed by about 95% (1) in 80% acetic acid. Since (I) is acetylated already at room temperature, the Raman spectra of the system (I) + (IV) cannot be clearly interpreted. (II) is not acetylated and it was possible to determine the co- efficients of the line intensity of the benzene ring (I 16oo/ilood for (II) (Table). The absorption curveo of the solutions of (II) (Fig 2) indicate that up to 901% of salt is formed in 100% acetic acid. The above-mentioned spectroscopic data, however, do not exclud.e the formation of complex compounds. The absorption spectra cl' (III) show (Fig 3) that no special salt formation oc- curs in acetic acid, whereas in a benzene solution of trichloro acetic acid 99% of (III) pass into a salt. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/3 SOV/76-33-3-33/41 Investigation of the Solutions of Aromatic Amines in Organic Acids ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheski-..- institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physical and .1 Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: September 11, 1957 Card 3/3 4) AUTHOR. Shorygin. P. P. SOV/76-33-7-6/40 TITLE,: Mutual Influence of Substituents in the Molecules of the D-Disubstituted Derivatives of Benzene PEIRIODICAL; Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii~ 1959... Vol 33; Nr 7, PP 1477 - 1483 (USSR) ABSTRACT.~- All experiments failed which have hitherto been made for the* purpose of describing chemical and physical properties of the benzene derivatives by independent constants or increments (which characterize the substituents, as, for example, data on absorption spectra (Ref 1)). In order to form an idea of the properties of aromatic compounds with two substituents. the au- thor compared here the results of an investigation of three types of r;ompounds (X-C6H5~' NO 2-C6H4-X, and X-C6H4*'NR 2) (Table). He referred to data available in publications on dipole moments and spectra as well as to data published in the preceding papers (Refs 3,,5) and (Ref 4). The table shows the influence exercised by the NOf and NR, group upon the frequency of oscillation of the individual substituents X. The latter are divided into Card '1/3 R.-Z'Lial Influence of Substituents in the Molecules of SOV/76-33-7-6/40- the p-D;.s---:bst-~tuted Derivatives of Benzene 4 9-~OuPs (in the table), one group wi-'.,h distinctly marked ~-lestronegative properties and another with electropositi-re p-rcperties. These considerations led to the following c-ons-lu- -3-;ors. The difference in the ability -Df 'he substitil-ents X -o a-lz as electron donors --'Is greater in the dipole moments off P,XC6H4NO.-. smaller in the dipole moments of C 6H5X, and s-.ill sipaller in the dipole moments of p-XC 6HANRV The ability to a--t as electzon donors of the substituents depends on the kind If mutual influence of the groups of atoms and cannot be shar- a,1-terized by an independent increment. The introduction of the individual substituents X results almost in all cases in an approximation and intensification of the neighborinE intense absorption waves. The influence exercised by the substituents upon the physical and chemical properties of p-XC H Y molecules 6 4 J.s stronger if one of the substituents is elect-ronegative and "he other electropositive, and it is aonsiderably weaker if both substituents are electropositive or electronegative~ The Card 2/3 sequence of the substituents in the order of their influence Influew- of Substituents in the Molecules of SCV/76-33-7~6/40 -'-i:: D~gubsti-uted Derivatives of Benzene upon the '-Indi-,;-idual properties of the molecules offers man,r F General data, a definite relationship, howeve-r, --"s not to be ~-z.xper~ted. Some discussionsare given con-~~ernine the reasons fc,-,- the d-~fferences in this sequenoe. There are f-gures- table, and 14 references. 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOC I ATI ON. Instit-.-.t orga-licheskoy lthimii AIT SSSR,Aloskva (Institute Of OiLanic Chemistry of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED-, September Ca-ct 3.13 ).3610,5.3100 77082 sov/62-59-12-26/4'3 AUTHORS: ShorYF,1iDj.'.T1,:T., Shkurina, T. N., 3hostakovskiy, M. F., ,nd-- - - , - 'Si ellkovskaya, F. P., Zelenskaya, M. G. TITLE: Spectroscopic Investigation of N-Vinyllactams and Anilides PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naul.c 1959, Nr 12, pp 22o8-2212 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Spectra of N-vinyllactams and anilides were studied, and the mutual influence of groups was investigated. Vinyl- lactams contain the sy6tem C--C --- N-C--O; the examination of the interaction of atoms and groups can be simplified, to the first approximation, by considering the effect of the N-atom on C==C and C=O bonds, as well as the mutual interaction of the double bonds. Raman and UV-spectra of vinylpyrrolidone, vinylpiperidone, vinylcaprolactam, of various anilides (formanilide, acetanilide, etc.), and of simpler molecules containing an N-atom and a carbonyl group (pyrrolidone, N-butylpyrrolidone., Card 1/3 caprolactam, dimethylacetamide were taken. Spectrograph Spectroscopic Investigation of N-Vinyllactams 77o82 and Anilides sov/62-59-12-26/43 Card 2/ /3 ISP-51 and FRK mercury 'amp were used to obtain Raman L spectra, and spectrograph SF-4 to obtain UV-spectra. Spectra of vinyllactams in the double bonds region showed lines characteristic for C=C and C=O bonds. It was found that the presence of the N-atom at the double bond influenced considerably the spectral characteristics: the frequency of the C=O bond was lowered nearly as much as in molecules contadning >N-C---O bonds. Values of the extinctidn. , 60effiolent of C=O bond line in vinylpiperidone and vin-ylciirro lactam were quite high, and close to those -of.y.Jnyl-amine. The intensity of C=C line of vinylpyrrolidone was substantially higher, and that of C=O line in all three vinyllactams was many times higher than in com- pounds with > N- C:=O bonds. This anomaly in the intensity of the C=O bond in Raman spectrum was the most peculiar characteristic of vinyllactams which distinguished them from molecules with C=C--N-< and >N-C~O bonds. It can be explained by the influence of the C=C bond, through the N-atom, on the carbonyl group (in the bond system C=C-N-C=O). Similar Spectroscopic Investigation of N-Vinyllactams 77o82 and Anilides sov/62-59-12-26/43 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: relationships were also observed in anilide spectra. It was noted that the alkylation of N in anilides weakened the indications of conjugation of N with the benzene ring, and strengthened those of conjugation with the carbonyl group. It can be assumed, therefore, that a C6H5NRCO-X molecule loses the coplanarity of the system C6H5-N-C and the system C- N-COX becomes more planar. There are 3 tables; 1 figure; and 6 references, 1 U.S., 1 U.K., I German, 3 Soviet. The U.S. and U.K. references are R. Bowden, E. Braude, E. Jones, J. Chem. Soc.' 1946, 948; E. Corey, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 75, 2301 (1953). N. D. Zelinskiy Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, USSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR) April 7, 1958 Card 3/3 24(7) AUTHOR: Shorygin, Professor 3/030/60/000/01,/022/067 BO15/BOO8 TITLE: 4th International Cojiference on Molecular Spectroscopy PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, Nr 1, pp 6a-70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Conference was convened by the International Association for Theoretical and Applied Chemistry in Bologna (Italy) in September 1959. More than 500 scientists attended, among them 14 from the Soviet Union. More than 200 reports were received which dealt with a wide range of problems of molecular spectroscopy. The Soviet scientists gave reports dealing with the individual trends developed in Soviet spectroscopic laboratories. On the recommendation of the Scientific Faculty of Bologna University, the medal G. Ciamiciano was awarded to A.N. Terenin, Soviet Scientific Academician, for outstanding studies in the field of spectroscopy. An exposition of optical instruments was combined with the Confere ce I among which the F_ s double beam spectr photcmeterlAf type CF-4 see figure) and the ee figure) are double beam vacuum appliance of type ~IR specially mentioned. The Conference stressed the increasing Card 1/1 significance of molecular spectroscopy. There are 2 figures. -1 - 1,3717100 68849 AUTHORSs jh S/07 2FIg~n, Geyderikh, M. A., 6 60/034/02/011/044 117- ~_~ BOIOYBO15 TITLE: The Effect of Substituents on the Properties of Aromatic Nitrilesi and Sulfonesl PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiiq 19609 Vol 34,, Nr 29 PP 335-342 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Raman spectra, ultraviolet absorption spectra, and dipole moments of the para-derivatives of bentonitrile and methylphenyl- sulfone were examined and compared~ The frequency values of the -C'.-T-group valence oscillation of the para-derivatives of the bentonitrile Raman spectrum, of the coefficients of integral in- tensity ICjW of the CN line in the Raman spectrums of the intensity iC'N of the CN absorption band in the infrared spectrum, of the rave lengths of the most important maxima of the intensive ab- sorption bands in the ultraviolet spectrum ~measured with the SF-4 spectrophotometer), and the dipole moments kmeasured by V. N. Vasillyeva and Z. S. Yegorova in benzene and dioxane) are shown by table 1. Table 2 shows the frequency difference of the groups Y in the molecule X Y and (Y = N029 COR, CN, SOOR,OE)l 't ......... Card 1/3 as well as the corresponding wave length difference 4"A of the 68849 The Effect of Substituents on the Properties of .'.1-omatic Nitriles and Sulfones 'lard 2/3 S/076/60/034/02/011/044 B010/ n015 absorption bands, and the difference between the measured dipole moment for X--r, the distinction between the free and the forced oscillations becomes Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013327 questionable. Under these conditions, the polarizability conception is no more useful. Instead, a more general "transitional function" can be introduced which Is used in radio electronics and in theory of oscillations. This function describes the general features of the spectra. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii Nauk SSSR (institute for Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED: lojul63 DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH No REF sov':( oo6, OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 S-HORYGU4, P,.F.; ROSHCHUPKIN, V.P.; MOMENKO, A.Kh. Regularities in the mutual influence of atomic groups adjoinging the methylene bridge. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.2:391-394 H 164. - (Ml 17:12) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii Sm. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Nesmeyanovym. 1,1, KIT"' PF--KO A. K!, SH C I R'-,- nr~- of t 'ion 're,.~-,;encle3 of tip' e bonds of .~rj -rical mc.'=c-~les, -Se 01TRA i8:2) 'nst - t,,;* org?nichas'koy jj.i 7elinsko~o All, S:-::SR. L 5424-66 EWT (1 )/T IjP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5019T66 UR/0051/65/019/002/0289/0291 4q,,4' 535-338-001-11. AUTHOR: Morozov., V. A.; Shorygin., F. P. TITIE: Contribution to tjie--t'_h_eor7 *~i_~~(iiia:tive width of SOURCE: Opt1ka i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 2, 1965, 289-291 TOPIC TAGS: spectral linep line width, photon, spectral energy distribution, light emission ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Abstracter's note: the refer- ence to the earlier paper has been omitted from the source as a result of a print- erts error]; where a system of equations for the U matrix was derived with account of exchange of virtual photons between overlapping intermediate levels. The pre- sent paper considers the influence of this phenomenon on the change in the spontaneous-emission line shape. The spontaneous-emission line contours are cal- culated for a molecule with two close excited levels remote from the ground level, first neglecting and then taking into account an exchange of photons between the excited levels. Allowance for the exchange is shown to produce a noticeable shift in the line peak and a strong,distortion of its symmetry. Ori art. hast 3 fig- ures and 15 formulas. Card -1/2 L 5424-66 ACCESSION NR: Ap5ol9766 ASSOCIATION: none suBmTTED: 3oNov64 ENCL: 00 HR REF SOV: 000 o7m: 001 Gel Card MM CODE: OP L 2127-66 -Ba-(1) ACCESSION NR: AP5025301 UR/0051/65/019/004 /0562 . 535. 375.001.1'7 C~6 AUTHOR: Krushinskly, L. L.; TITLE: The theory of line intensities in Raman spectra Ely, SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965) 562-574 TOPIC TAGS: Raman scattering, line intensity, harmonic oscillator - ABSTRAM This paper is the sixth in a series dealing with the Raman scatt ering . theory published by the authors since 1961. A comparison is made between the- uantum and classical theories of the line intensities of Raman scattering in q different excitation regions. It is shown that away from the -resonance the rresult of the two theories practically coincide. Near the absorption band the quantum treatment leads to a slightly different frequency dependence of the line intensity than does the classical approximation. In the resonance region a satisfactory, coincidence of the results occurs only for large attenuation constants (exceeding~-.~ the half-width of the vibrational structure of the absorption). of the electronic oscillator. For smaller constants, the"a--assical model of the linear oscillators, with periodically varying parameters leads to a 'rough qualitative agreement with ' the result's of quantum mechanical calculations4l Some of the codclusions obtaine-d. Card 1/2 L 2127-66 ACCL PON U10 AP5025301 in the present paper are e teaulto Of the theo ry dowilopet dljy J" compared with th .-I :;,,e! A. C. Albrecht (Journal o f chemical physics, V, 34, 1961# p. 1476), It ia sh(M that Albrecht's theory is based on the saine'physical ass tions ".P1 tchek0s UMP a polarization theory, Ori g. arto has: 34 formulas and 4: figures...:., ASSOCIATIM. none susmiTTED: .2ljul64::' ENCL: 00 stm Co 016 NO REF SOV OTHER! w- -;ZjZ- , Tn' A 7=7 v C ard 2/2.. L 41695_6~ EWT(m)/FPFfc),/EPR/EW~(J,),/E'.4A(O-),-~~-~-P'~;4/Pi.~41PS-4.~- _RPV_`_ ACCESSION NR; AP5008909 AUTHOR., Shorygin, P. P,; Roshchuokin, V.'~F*-V~ E~t lar val-L,G TITLE: Effect of substituents on systems-of Pi bonds ja a methylene bridge ~v SOURCEI zhurnal fizichookoy khimil, v.,39, 3,-1965, 605-612' TOPIC TAGS: methylene bridget Pi -bond, _..tjjtr(jvJQ1et absorptton. spectrum nitrile - ABSTRACT- The spectroscopic parameters of molecules ot t1h0-'ty_Pd,-X411_j~'z N'.- - ME N and X- 4Q X-CH2-CH2 C'IbN were.cwpared in order to'establish-the similatt~ - - tLesand differences in the influence of substituents (X)-transmifted through* if--l- ferent types of bridges bet-46en the groups X-and_.'~V.','_Tn:-a~dition', moleculeswith . d_i I I I-- . . methylene bridges were compare . X-OH27.~CZN,-X-CH2~-CH'~'3CH2,-,X~-CH~-CO-R (general- s__ ~the X-sCHIJI( formula X-CH2-';'/') and also certain compound'" ot-the typ~,X-9#2-Ph. In molecules, atom Z (the atom of group X directly 'd 'n-t to--th--- -,thylen a. jace, M.g either (1) is not a heavy atom or does not have low electrone tivity* 9-1. 3, - or (3) is a heavy atom.-:The influence of each type of,$U-64tft'~- iuent in each type of molecule is discussed 'on this basis in terms of the eledtrda-' ~donor and electron-acceptor capacity of the various groups.--Orig. art. has: 13 tables and 2 fig'urese, Card 1/2 ,/OOjC G C, u P0 t ()-j A cl -C, C, z:I 009 0 (y: Gr P t-, Y11 o G `Ixoo'c on-1 C 0013 C, f Cj JA c% O.L t 01" en, C.1- 3 e 9 0 Ij O~, toj,~ _S1 . 1 0 5 t Ej -u ct-ro G PV. - -ro .0 n Sons oll. ~n, t e 6s) e -n- ~r,s of ec, f 011V '-f01-1-9 -0n e 0 Ck 'o-)z 'as- -o 0r- (j ~-rl- I - 6 ',4b , e n, -1:0131P DO -- 01: -u 0 51i - cc~, A -05 'V0 1-15soc -5 'ja U6 t 0 f 01 t 0 ,Die t,'h S ogtl 0 C) ~01 0,, -oe f ~01, -6 0 , , C u -Vt~ I ov \t'O G . 3) 00 -or- es ), a-OT, V"qe , 00ICIT 0 f qo of ACC OTIS t .nitrc StIc i V -~f the V 1th6 1! Tr indlca h b 'u !a lecium tes that bo' more probable e-v~planatio:- Of i c OMP 01 ions due these U1 L ,e spectri~n is a char,,P-e in the vibrat bratlon" and to a c 6-- of the frequenc-s of the "nitro 7ro'-:p vi r- n 11active" sol~'Venzts. The frequency of the valance anothe vibration i I ivibrat~ons in n-anino derivatives of nitrobenzene is substantial"y lower L L t ,than in nitrobenzene and n-alkyl derivatives; in this Case, alkale ion of the amino group has a greater effect on the frequency of the nitro 1group then does NH 2- Orig. art. has: 2 fissures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07, 20/ SUBM DATE: 30Mar64/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 007 ,d 2121a1- L 24306-66 ENT(l) IJP(c) WW/GG ACC NR: AP6006995 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0051/66/020/002/9214/0223 AUTHORS: MorozoV, V. A.; Sborygin, P. P. QRG: none ,~TITLE: Contribution to the theory of resonant transformation of light by molecules with consideration oE two intermediate energy levels ~SOURCE: Optika I spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 214-223 'TOPIC TAGS: light scattering, secondary emission, molecular inter- :action, light absorption, quantum electrodynamics, quantum field theory 1ABSTRACT: The transformation of light by molecule Is examined, takLrg into account four of its energy levels 1~two intermediate.levelsl., on the basis of the Reitler-Ma solution of the Schrodinger equation in. the energy representation for a system consisting of a molecule and a quantized radiation field interacting with it (Proc. Roy. 1r. Ac. V. 52, 109, 1949). Interest In this problem has lately been increas-11 Cara L 243o6-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo6995 lin-o, in connection with the study of secondary emission modulation effects. Expressions.are obtained for the intensity and shape of the absorbed and secondary radiation lines with allowance for virtual, photon exchange between overlapping intermediate levels. In cases where this exchange is negligible, theresulting formulas coincide with similar ones of V. Weisskopf (Ann. Physik. v. 9, 23, 1931). The technique employed is compared with other quantum electrodynamic methods of considering this transformation of light by molecules. i The relationship between absorbed and secondary radiation is dis- cussed. The authors thank L. L. Krusbinskiy and L. N. Ovander for a discussion of the results -.-Z-rig. art. has: 5 rigure-s--a-Ed-74-1 for- mulas. C!1 c)f (Subm `:un anil cmber C", J n Au M, c t nnou. -n -cv a~-J, inde-.- of rc, ja. la~ 1u liter:`Iiirn 1 4 shf-d in tli,t, Tj'-El- and "a--. r.1.4 + ~j TI 27 ('ct 1051. C T~,Z~ in J,,,--7,,~7 1! ll,i',,n,,) , (Ic- of' litcrai--rc ~ 1-;jn-d -;n t 7 . m I - - - ~3 U:i-~ i - --e6. ir _P, 11)3 . Aotrori. 1/ '.. ", '-~ -~117 l')')O, "Osm"r) , -1, - 1, 1 ~- , ll~l . - . ilp-prt (-,.,-t -v "Oscovi) i S. 11 i (IT, i'l, rl ` - J, j.,, . "Annot'ated 4Ln(:e:- oll a--trono-Mir-al literature -~ulllishcd in the USISR J--i 0(-t-*,o,., I Astron. 17, '~o. 1, 191,0. Pe-olt U-!~',l', ')-j C',t lgffl. 14'c -v O'a~ ~--LjjM4 t 4_cd in(~c-- of a~tr-momdca--,' liters ~-,,.-Yc 'n the U--`~- "knnotatc-d 0: a tronolid, -1 1 1 1-, I- t-j' 1 Jun !.Slxon. if, - - - , -, - ~ .j '- , RE,.-Ort U-i"j.." 2.1, C'c4u. ir"51- eT f 1R) I,Anno~ - of' astronoi, i4terailli-C .12 r, si: Oct -1. .L. oi' a~-,'LxonOVi(---d litera!.urc in USSR in Oct-Nov -, 11 Z~ol I-. . I I, "f. .. I - . -; I Lr d 1. Dec 1"I"C", l'os'Co",r) .1 , ~,. ~, 7-1 - - f~j 11'. ',*-" " 1` -) r' ' J"r'l. , L-, - , , , - 'C 1, 11, , I -,. , . A, I-Ji -l( :. , ~ , . . . . - Jj.Ier:.?,-,= .-:ul-)'!.--*'shrd 4n ! I ~ : U'~' " .17' l'-' '~ 1, ' I . . ~ "Anno~at.-,(' cf -L 1 11-1 . , , 7"1 , ~l .- I r' I ~ -f . 1f-; Tl~, !~-,~,j .1 fo.,: C 0' ',- ) ., " . : - 1, OS J',-_ I I u *,,- ~ , ~- r. I I 1 1. 1 .1 'rc~~OrL 23 oct !'~5,1. 0*4* Bibliography "Annotated Inclex No 54 of "-trC4,v%IOaa loiteratUre S. A. Shoryginp 8 pp "Astron Zhur" Vol M, Fo Lists astronomical -works publi"hea 34 VS-% 10 I?eb Nwr 1948: (a) books" PamPhIetO a6ad 0Q11e0tIoAO~ or articles, (b) syllaluses, (a) Oplufter4l (d) l p4*iodloals and,publications; Or 1%Mt1tates dad 01). articles in Jam-A&IR of seneral Ib Mucleus"*, 2 Even this VloaOl 10 UtleatiftfaCtory,, havWar, since it does not eZplaln eaere~r output at giant stars. one. must suppose tuat V red giants distinct from stars, there is no ID41v Ser:Jea of vective nuclei. S ~Tj)~;jyf, j1 :-1, 0 USSR/Physics Tal/Aug 48 Astronomy Bibliography "Astroamical Literature, Published in USSR in April and may 1948, " S. A. Shorygin, 4 pp "Astron Zhur" Vol XXV, No 4 LLsts author, title., date and price of each work. Iku 14/49T107 Literature Jet Planes Nov/Deo 48 "Index No 57 of Astronomical Literature nblishn& in the,UWR in August and September 1948," S. A. Shory- gin, 6 pp "Astron Zhur" Vol XXV., No 6 Co Includes: "Astronomic Report on the Eclipse of 9 YAy 1948, " by the Irkutsk Astr Obe and the'Irkatsk Oblast Sec of VAGO (All-Union Astr Geocl Soo), B. V. Lyapunovla psinphle+2, "From the Rocket to the Jet 04 P,lans," and 1, F. Polak's "The Planet Mars and the 56/49T8 IISSR/Astronamy (Contd) Nov/Dee 48 question rf Life an It." Alsa lists circulars v=we observatories. ift 56/49T8 STIOT"IrITINI S. A. "Annotated Index 'No. 30 of L'Ton-periodic Liter-atfire on the Physical Sciences Published in the First Falf of Y47." R9PFK14I PIZ. NAUK, 311, No. 1, 1948. SHORYGIN) S. A. PA 12/49T102 USSR/Physlos Apr 48 Bibliography "Annotated List No 33 of Literature on Physical Sciences, Published in the USSR in Jawary and February 1948," S. A. Shoxygin, 1%1- pp "Uspekhi Fiz Neuk" Tol XXX1V, No 4 Lists works under headings "Books and Pamphlets," "Publications of Institutes and Uaiversities," and "Articles in Journals.' 12/49T102 C'Ur -)V(fT:- . ) - . I, -1 A. "Annotatr.,] List No. 34 for Litecature Dealinc; wi-th Plivn-i-cnl Scienres which were Plibli7,hnd in t,(- '113.13R 4n l.'arch 35, No. 1, 194~-. 3 F-~ 07jyrjV~ S. A. - .2 "Ann-,tatlei List No. 35 IfOr Literature Dealing with Physical Sciences which was Published in the USSR in April 1949." 35, No. 2, 1948. S-70-~.VGT!,! ) ' . it . "Annotated Li3t No. 36 for Literature bealing With Physical Sciences which was Publishe-I in the USSR in Anril 1W." 35, No. 3, 1948. -,!!n ~- - k "Annot,nt-~ Llst, Nr. -11 ' of L-Ite--aturr, Duealing with Phyricnl Sciences whic'- lWas Published .1 in the IISS.TR in I-'ay 194"." 35, 'Io. 4, lQ4P,. ussR/Acadow or sciences Sep Physice Publications -Armotated Index No 38,or Literature On the Pb7sical Sciences) published in the USSR in July 1948, S. A,. Shorygin, 12 pp "Uspekhi Fiz Nauk" Vol XMI, No 1 List or e=e 140 articles, books and pamphlets on pb7sicB Includes: Ta. 1. Levtfidphls "Physical FundamentWIs of Aarod7nam4ds at High Speeds," K. F. Teodorchik's "Autq-0acillating Systems," P. V. ShmOov's "Color TelpvisjoA," "Collected 48/49T3 USSR/Academy of Sciences (Contd) Sep 48 Uc.wks of the Institute of Natural History," and Several articles by Teander, Ivanenko, Avaklyants and Galanin on various aspects of the atom. 48/4975- 0 N TIM/11413 t Bibliogr,aphy "Aft6tated Index No 39 on Literature of n7siciAl SaienceB,'Publishe& in USSR in August 1948," S. A. Shorygin, 12 pp OUspekhi Piz Nauk" Vol XXXVI, No 2 TAsts .116 articles books, and pamphlets -in phOics published in August 1948. Among authbrfi menti6necl are: S.. Z. Belenlkiy Pr6btasee in Cosmic RW"), M. V.-.Belyakoli ' (-Aotlon of Meteorological Conditions on th !!ropagaZ3.on or ultrashort Waves"), and B. V.* V'1.10V ("History of Aviation From the Simple Rocket-to the I-Tet Plane"). Lists i-notruments ard- V. and. an explanation of their cbaracter- equipment Istics, manufactured by the "'Fizelek-tropribcr" ractory.. mor 33/49TI-0i 'Z -:4 In r0 1~ ~". yfT." . , . o pub lj"~.Ovanrloy tell t--Iq 62 Literatul,7, II.-i--,r -~~Irlyy ukazan - - - -28 - , -,ti . . I ic,,,ja -. ;,---trcrl. zhurriai, 190, %YP- 53 - 324 v iyune i IY'U-- e I , / ~. MMYGIN, 3. A. IfNew Books on Fhysics and Astronowj (bibliographical index including 78 titles of books -and articles -,dth 17 annotations), Fizika v Shkole, Vol. IK, No. 6, pF 84-87, 1949. SHORYGIN, S. A. 37868 annotirovarjW ykazatell No. 63. astromonicheskoy literatury, opublikovannoy v assr v avguste i sentyabre 1949 t. astron. zhurnal, 1949, vYP- 6, s. 378-82. So. Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 47, 1949 USSR/Astronowy Mar/Apr Bibliography "Annotated Index No 59 of Astronomical Literature Published in the USSR in December 1948 and January 1949," S~ A. Shorygin, 5 pp "Astron Zhur" Vol XXVI, No 2 Liste 67 articles; books and brochures on astron- coy.. Gives notice of a series of informative bulletins- based on data obtained at Soviet observatortes. Mentions article by Izotov,- "Essay m the Study of the Shape of the Earth," in "Fizika Y Shkole" (Physics in School), No 5, PA 42/49 'T~ 42/49,T3 UkR/AstronamT May/jun 49 Planets "Conference on the Physical Aspects of Planets, 15 - 16 December 1948," S. A. Shorygin, 2 3/4 PP "Aetron Zhurit Vol XM, No 3 Conference convened by Astr Council, Aced Sci !TSPE, at the Astr Obs, Leningracl State U Imeni A. A. Zhdanov, was attended by representatives Of yarioue astronomical institutions. Seven- teen specialists participated~ Prof V. V. Sharonov, chairman of ~ conference, emp4asized ~nportance of Soviet studies of -pIanets. 58/49Z ITiSSR/Astronamy (CoaW May/Jun 49 .necessity for establishing systematic large- scale studies of planets was emphasized. Many ;reports on cosmic studies Y Observation Of ,planets, etc., were made.- Gives text Of iresolutions adopted. sF,oRycmT,, S. A. USM/AstrodmW mayAun 49 Literitture "Annotated Index No 60 of AstronomIcal Literature' PUblished. in the USSR During February and March 1~49,n S. A. shorygin, 51 pp "Aetroa Zhur" Vol XM,, No 3 Lists various books on astronmW, giving author-,* title,, publishe&,, and price. Among others: Prof. B. A. Voroutsov-Vellyaminov's "Gaseous YUBts and New Stars," - Ye. L. Krinov I e "Meteorites , " and 0. Yu. Shmidt's "Four Lectures an the Origin of the World'" 98/49T3~ S. A. USM/Astronmy Jul/Aug W Literature "Bibliography of Astronomical Literature Published in the ussR, April-jW i-q4q'Y'7,S;- A. Shorygink 5 pp' "Astron Zhur" Vol MI, No 4 Izoludes a translation of G.'Gertner's book, "Transparency of Cloudy Atmosphere for Infrared' 'Yaives," 9. N. Sytinskayals book, "Absolute Phot=- 4Wy4.. of Scattered,Stellar Objects,.!! and V. S. Sukhorukikh's."The Microscope-and the Telescope." 6 c/.,,T 60/4M SNMY,117-1', O~. A. It A - ~ronomlcr,' ln---~:,: "I-. ~2 of B-.o'ys, Brochures, S, 'a,. --;phemeri-is, - - ymn r o 3 -- - I - Articles and Pihlioc~raphif-s Publishp-3 Tune-July 191,~" 26, No 5, 1~49. -clY',49-.