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S/ 0 64/6 2 /000/ 0 03/002/0 0 7 Study of the initial s of. . . B1 I O/B101 the beginning of the reaction at 10 atm from 490 to 390oC, at 20 atm from 470 to 4000C. A pressure increase from, 1 to 20 atm at 500 and 6000C in- creases the amount of the reactine oxy,gen. Conversion becomes more rapid at 5000C, passes throu.-h a maximum at 6000C, and decreases again at 7000C. At 1 atm and 500 - 6000C the CO+H 2 yield from 1 1 methane isr,,10.5 1, at 1 atm and 527 and 6270C (equilibrium) it is 1.99 and 2.59 1. At 1 atm and 500 - 6000C that catalyst is not reduced on which only CO and water vaDor 2 are formed. At 7000C and 1 atm the catalyst is reduced and the degree of conversion and the yield in CO+H 2are almost in equilibrium. Conversion on the reduced catalyst decreases vith increasing pressure. Methane con- version decreases from 39.5 to 36.4; as the rate increases from 15,200 to 33,600 hr-I at 20 a~m and 500oC. It reaches equilibrium at 500 - 7000C, 6 10 - 20 atm and 0.06 - 0.2 sec contact. If a reduced Ni catalyst is used the temperature required for the equilibrium drops by 1000C. Methane con- version on the selective Ni catalyst under increased pressure prevents th6 formation of high temperatures in the input zone of 'the converter. There are 7 tables. The English-language reference reads as follows: R, Kenned.Y1 G. Scott, 7)1. Zabetakis, Chem. Eng. Progr., 53, no. 3, 125-M (1957 - Card 2/2 LRYBUSH, A.G.; SHORINA, Ye.D.; Prinimali uchastiye: GORBANI, S.M.; ILIINA, R.A. Study of the initial stage of the process of methane conversion at high pressure. Xhim.prom. no.3.-159-165 Mr 162. (MMA 115:4) (Methane) (Oxidation) (Catalysts) s/o62/6o/ooo/o11/1oo1/o16 -,;013/B078 AUTHORS: Makarov, S. Z., Arnolld, T. I., Stasevich, N. N., Shorina, Ye. V. TITLE: Study of Systems With Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide. Report 21i The Ternary System Cu(OH) 2-H202-H20 PERIODICAL: Izvebtiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 11, PP. 1913 - 1920 TEXT: The formation of copper-peroxide compounds has been studied in relation to the effect of hydrogen peroxide upon the active (e.g., "blue") copper hydroxide. H 2 02 of different concentrations which had been carefully purified by vacuum distillation and chemically pure cop- per hydroxide freshly prepared from CuSO 4" 5H2 0 were used as starting materials. The investigation was done by the conventional solubility 0 0 method at -30 , -20 , 00, and 200C. Results of the chemical analysis of liquid phases and of the residue were entered into the Gibbs tri- angle - CuO - H 20 - 0.502 act: for -300C Fig.1, Table 1; for -2COC Card 113 Study of Systems With Concentrated Hydrogen S/062/60/000/011/oci/oi6 Peroxide. Report 21. The Ternary System B013/BO78 CU(OH )2 -H 202 -H 20 Fig.2, Table 2; for OOC Fig-3, Table 3; for 200C Fig.4, Table 4. A new compound with a high active oxygen content (Cuo 2'H2 02-H20) was found besides the familiar copper oxide compound CuO 2- H20. The new compound is formed in the liquid phase at an increased H 2 02concentration. The boundaries of the solid phases - ice, CU(OH )21 Cuo 2-H20, and Cuo 2-H 202'H 20 are fairly easily determined by investigating the residue if one does not consider the solubility of Cu(OH), in the liquid phase. To plot the complete isothermal lines of solubility, the variations of solubility of Cu(OH )2 in the liquid phase at OOC and -2000 were syste-, matically investigated (Figs. 5 and 6, Tables 5 and 6). At 000 the solubility of Cu(OH) 2 in water amounts to 0.23-10-4%. At the points of coexistence of two solid phases a considerable increase of solubility is observable. With Cu(OH + Clio HO there are about 12.0-10-&e CuO )2 2' 2 Card 2/3 Study of Systems With Concentrated Hydrogen S/062/6o/ooo/oll/001/016 Peroxide. Report 21. The Ternary System B013/BO78 Cu(OH)2-H202-H20 and with Cuo 2-H20 + Cuo 20H202about 9-51-10-4% CuO are dissolved. A similar process is seen in the solubility diagram at -200C: Cu02*H2O + CU02.H20'- 8-76-lo-4% CuO. There are 7 figures, 6 tables, and 6 references: 1-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Xurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of.General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N.'S. Kurnakov of the Aoademy of Scienoes USSR) SUBMITTED; June 15, 1959 Oard 8716 4 10 VO 4-~, S/062j6o/ooo/012/001/020 tj B013/BO55 AUTHORS: Makarov, S. Z., Arnolld, T. I., Stasevich, N. N., and TITLE: investigation of Systems With Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide. Communication XXII. Thermal Analysis of Copper-peroxide Com- pounds PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 12, pp. 2090-2095 TEXT: The present paper is a study of solid phases of the peroxide type found during the investigation of the ternary system Cu (0H)2 - H202 - H2 0. V~ Thermal analysin and dehydration over phosphorus pentoxide showed that the process is accompanied by the decomposition of theals compokindo. :nase act,- as lni'iator of decomDosition. z I C. T t? in -.z 6 7 16 1.1 Inve,-:tlgation of iyotemL, With COn0e-ntr--1tA s/o62/60/.000/012/001/020 Hydro&en Peroxide. Co=-unication XXII. Thermal B011A/B."'55 Analysis of Copper-peroxide Compounds the copper-peraxide co=pounds studied, anhydrous iauO, which~ decc=oses a. NO ve ->s 110 C with formation of CuO ind 0, wa-q founJ to he e- From its behavior at thermnl decomDosition, CuO~~H 0, which is le-CaS Stable, 4 2 may be considered not a hydrate of CuO , but a co=-zoind of 2 Cuo -H 0 -H 0, a perhydrate of the former CL"Dl?er --em-oxide, 0 2 2 2 2 ~. is the least stable. It was obtained for the first ti=e. '2'his co=zound is valuable inasmuch as the presence of bound H.0 21 under certain de"..dr_ntion conditions, enables the preparation of hi,-Er-quality copper on a wide basis. The compound might also be used as active oxygen-containing cat-alyst. The 0 changes in the chemical compositions during dehydration of CuO,.H.0 and CUO 'H 0 *H 0 are illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively. By careful 2 2 2 2 drying at low temperatures and using small weigihed portions off-5 g it was possible to obtain products of stable composition: 81.61%; Cuo, 11.130% act_ive 0., and 6.505"1 H2 0, which contain free CuO 2 (Cu02 contains 83.26% Cuo and Card 2/3 Szucy of some semiconducting compounds and phases based on boron. E. S. Medvedeva, A. A. Reshchikova, A. A. Yeliseyeva, A. A. Babitsyna, G. 0. Mitkina, Ya. Kh. Grinberg, V. Shorina. _Y~~ Report presented at tbz 3rd 'Llational Conference on Sem-1conductor Ccmmpounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 n r n - ac, AUTHOR: Shorkov V.P ineer SOV/100-59-10-8/12 TI'TLE: Complex Mechanization of'Construction Work Pertaining to Fisheries PERIODTCAL: Mekhanizatsiya stroitellstva, 1959, Nr 10, pp 26-27 (USSR) AWTIZACT: The fish industry belongs to the industries to which modernization and mechanization have not yet been applied, ai: far as constructi-i of ponds are concerned. As a rule they are established in places not suitable for agricultural or farming purposes and frequently are not accessible to heavy earth work machinery, such as bulldozers, grilers and tractors of the normal type. Moreover, the dams required to be built around the fish ponds are only 1 1/2 to 4 m wide; very often they are located in marshy land which presents another difficulty to using heavy machines. For mechanized work under such conditions special machines are required 0 whose load on the ground-does not exceed 0.2 kg/cm~-. Therefore in the first place light excavators and light bulldozers are needed for work Card 1/2 in swamps. -Very useful would also be small light tractors with a bull- SOV/100-59-10-8.712 Complex Mechanization of Construction Work Pertai ing to Fisheries P S L dozer as mounted equipment and light trailers. There is one table. Card 2/2 KASPIN, B.A.; KIPPER, Z.M.; MIUALCHENKOV, G.N.; VIOREV, A.N.; CHERNOV., P.G.; SHCORKOV, V.P.; VELICHKO, Ye,M., red. (Designing and-lEll-din-g-f-i'-sh farms and fish hatcheries] Froektirovan-Je i straitellstvo rybovodnyk~, khoziaistv i zavodov. [By] B.A. Kaspin ~ dr. Moskva, lzd-vo "Pishche- vaia pronWshlennostl," 1964. 365 p. (IMIRA 17:5) SHORLUYAN, P.M., doteent Traumatic aneurysm of the hepatic artery. xhirurgiia no.6:73 je 154. (MIJ? A 7: 9) 1.*, Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgiaheskoy kliniki'Rostovskogo-na-Donu maditainskogo'lastituta i khirargich.askogo otdeleniya Tagwirogskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy. (ARTARIES, HEPATIC, aneurysm, *traum., BurgJ (ANEURYSM, *hepatic artery, traum,, surg.) SHORLLIYAN, P.M., dotsent Extension and division of short stumps of the forearm with cutaneo-oassous grafting. Ortop.travm.protes, Moskva, no.l.- 190-81 Ja-F '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav.-prof. B.Z. Gutnikov) Rostovakogn meditainakogo inatituta. (VffMTION STUMP, kineplasty. extension & division of short stumps of forearm with cutanoo-oseeous grafts) SHORLUYAN, P.!J. , dotsent. Pneumoilretbroseope. Urologiia no-3:90-93 Jl-S '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kliniki fakul'tetskoy khirurgii ( B.Z.Gutnikov) Rostovskog- neditsinskogo instituta. (UROIOV-, appratus and instruments pneumourAthroscope) 51101MUYAN, P.M.,dotuont. Adenoms, of the carotid gland. Xhirurgila, no-11:50-53 N 155, (Kr-'RA 9:6) 1. Iz kliniki fakulitetakoy khirurgii (zav.-prof. B.Z. Gutnikov) Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditainakogo instituta. (CAROTID BODY, neoplasms adenoma. clin. aspects, Burg. & pathol.) (ADENOMA., carotid body, clin. aspects, surg. & pathol.) SHCRLUYA,No P.H., odtsent One-stage transvesical prostatectomy with blind suture or with supraputic drainage of the bladder in prostatic hypertrophy. Urologiia 21 no.2:3-6 Ap-Je 156. (KLRA 9:12) 1. 1z kliniki Fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. B.Z.Gutnikov) Rostovskogo-na-,Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (FROSTATIC HMETROPHY, Burgery, transvesical. with blind suture or with prepubic drain. (Rus)) SHORLUYAN', P.M., dotsent (Rostoy-na-Donu, 30 Linniya, d.20) '- -~" Cancer of the common bile duct. Noy.khir.arkh. n0.1:76-77 4-72572-- - -I-..,- . - . . (MLRA 10: 6) 1.-iiks~ra'kakulltetskoy khirargii (zav. - prof.-B.Z.Gatnikov) Rostovsko9b meditsiuskogo iustituta, (BILE DUCTS-CANGIR) SHORLTJYAN, P.M., dotsent Unusual 10CBl12Btion of urethral cancer. Urolog41a 22 no.4:66-67 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. 1z kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. B.Z.Gutnikov) Rostovskogo meditsinskogo institute. (URETHRA, neoplasms, unusual case in aged male (Rus)) SHORLUYAN. ?.M., dots. Quick test modified by Pytell and the phagocytic index in adenoma of tho prostate. Urologiia 22 no.6:39-44 ff-D 15?. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgil (zav. - orof. B.Z.Gutnikov) liostovskogo-na-Donu meditainskogo instituta. (POSTATR HrPERTROPHY, pljysiol. Quick's hippuric acid synthesis test and phagocyto index) (LIVER FUNCTION TESTS Quick's hippuric acid synthesis test and phagocyte index in prostate hypertrophy) (PHAGOCYTOSIS phagocyte index in prostate hypertrophy, with Quick's hippuric acid synthesis test) 5HORLUYAN, P.M., dots. Fortieth year of Professor 79 no.9:154-155 S 157. (BIOGRAPHMS Gutnikov, Boris B.Z.Gutaikov's activities. Yest.khir. (MIRA 10:11) Zinvlosvich) SHOPMUYAN, P.M.,.dots. Morpholog7 of the neural apparatus of the prostate in adenoma or cancer. Urologiia 24 no.3:44-48 VT-Je 159. (MIRA 129:12) 1. 1z fakulltetslcoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.Z. Gutni- kov) i kafedry gistologii i embriologii (zav. - prof. K.A. Lavrov) Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditainskogo instituta. (PROSTATE HYPERTROM, pathol. nerves (Rue)) (PROSTATE, neoplasms, nerve pathol. (Ras)) SHGRLUIAL,I-, P. N. , Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Materials on the M, orphology and clinical aspect of adenoma of the prostate gland." Moscow, 1960. 27 pp; (Ministry of Public Health USSR, Central Inst for Advanced Training of' Physicians); 300 copies; price not given; list of author's CD work at end of text (12 entries); (KL, 27-60, 158) -SHORLUIAN,-P.M., dotsent Case of primary cancer of the epididymis. Urologiia 25 no.1:70 ja-F 6o. (MIFA 15:6) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. B.Z. Gutnikov) Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (EPIDID-MIS-CANCER) SHORLDIAN, P.m. Case of fibroma of the epididymis and fibrolipoma of the spermatic cord. Urologiia 25 no. /.:62-63 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:1) (EPIDIDUAIS-TUMORS) (SPERVIATIC CORD-TUMORS) SHORIIJYJU, P.M., dotsent (Rostov-na-Donu, 30-ya liniya, d.20) -6-_~se of lipoma of the stomach. Vest.khir. no.7:3-18-120 161. (MIRA 15--l) 1. Iz fakulitetskoy khirargicheskoy kliniki Nav. - prof. B.Z. Gutnikov) Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (STWACH-TUMORS) "HOIRLOAN, P.M,, (Rostov-na-l'onu, Kr.,,voshlykovsk--Ly peroulok, d.2., kcv,12'), NEFEDOV, V.T. Fluorescence microscopio s'Ldy of bone pz-esezrvtad by the ~fiawing4 - L I I I I method. Ortop., trav-m, - proto--. 26 n!).'!-,~72-74 N 165. NIRA 18-12) 1. Tz kafedry obstichey khirurgii (zav, pi-cf. P.M. Shorluya.) 1 tsentrallno nauchno-issledovatellskoy !abnratorii (zav.- prof. B.A. Saakov) KoatavaKogo meditsinakogo instituta. The effect of androgenic horrn~ne~ on the activity of arginaae and tranramidase of the ki-dneys. F. Shurni and -j Yu. Shveltsar (fast. Org, Client. Czech. AcwI,St1-'7WRue). BioOhniya 20, 211-8(lU35).-In,sexually buinixtuxe and in stral.ed rats theactivity of arglime unijur the influence of C z IC1:1,idrogenic hormones Is enhanced in both sexes, and in 23Drm,-I mature rats only In the maks. Following castra- tion the activity of transamidase Is enhanced in the maks. The administral1on of androgealc hormoiies to normal adult rats Icsvers the activity of transamidmw in the male and has n cet on tile trausamidase level of the female. B. S..Levine SHOIU4 P.,_yrof. (Chekhoslavatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika). S.Ye. "Three whales" of biochemistry. Nauka i zhiznl 28 no.11:33-1+0 N 161. (RMA 14:12) (BIOCIOMISTM) SUKHI, M.; GEROUT, V.,- SHORM, F. Latest accomplishments in the chemistry of sesquiterpenes. Usp.- khim. 31 no.8:1004-1023 Ag 162. WRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii i biokhimii Chekhoslavatskoy Akademii nauk. (Sesquiterpenes) MIKESH, 0. [Mikes, 0.]; TURKOVA, Ya.; SHCRM,_F. (Sorm, F.] Methyluracil. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3462 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut organichookoy Ichimii i biokhimii, Praga. (Ujracil) KAFKA, V. (Praga, 2-ya Sallovskaya, 10, Chekhoslovakiya); MUSIL, M. (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); NOVOTNYY, A. (Novotny, A.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); PADOVED, I. (Padoved, J.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); PIKHA., Z. (Picha, Z.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); SHORM, F. [Sorm, F.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya) Treatment of ma,7 1.gntqi~ neoplasms In female sex organs by means of 6-azauracil. Vup onk. 8 no. 161-1-14 -162. (MIRA 17:7) USSR/ Microbiology-Ant-iblosis and Symbiosis. F-2 - Antibiotl:ls Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol.ji No 6, 1952, 24135 Abstract: I for a period of 90 minutea inhibits by 80-90% their ability to oxidize guanilic and adenylic acilds and by 60-90% their corresponding nucleos!--'es. At the same time, the number of acid-soluble nucleo- tides and nucleosides increases in the cell and the quantity of DNA and RNA decreases by 30%, while the proportion of acid-soluble nucleotides and nucleo- sides to the quantity of RNA and DNA, which normally is 0.12, increases to 0.2. The changes herein described are absent wrep I acts on dormant bacterial cell's- T'he authors assume th-at the mechanism of action of 1 is based not on competition with. respir- atory enzymes, but on a specific inhibition of en- zyme biosynthesis, related to metabolism of nucleo- tides or nucleic acids, Card 2/2 SHORMOVA, Z.; SHORM, F.; BAUYEROVA, Ta.; ZELIITKOVA, M. Stimulating action of 5-bromouracil on higher plants [with Bugligh summary- in insert] Fizi*l.rast. 3 no-3:2o4-207 MY~Je 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1.3iekhimicheskoye Welaniye Khimicheskogo instituta Chakhoslova- tskoy Akademii nank, Praga. (Uracil) (Growth promoting substances) GRYUNBZRGF# D. LGriinberger, D.J; SHMMOVA, Z. [gormowa, Z.1; SHCRM. F. C orm, If.] Effect of albomycin on oxidation processes and nucleic acid metabolism in Staphylococcus aurens and Ischerichia coli Evith summary in Ge=anlo Biokhimiia 22 no.1/2:148-153 Ja-1 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Biokhimicheskoye otdeleniye Khimicheakogo instituta Chekhoslovatskoy akademii nauk. Praga. (MI910COCCUS PYOGENES, effect of drugs on. albomycin, on oxidation & nucleic acid metab. (Rue)) (ESCERRICHIA COLI. effact of drugs on same) (ANTIBIOTICS, effects, albomycin an 2.coli & Micrococcus pyogenes aureus oxidation & nucleic acid metab. (Rua)) (NUCLEIC ACIDS, metabolism. X.coli & Aicrococcus pyogenes aureus, eff. of albomycin (RUB )) L , V 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1468 Merkulov, Vasiliy Nikitovich, and Aleksey Ivanovich Shornikov, I Adjusters at the Kuntsevo PlatinUM-NeedU-7autury Ot ruchnogo stanka, k avtomatu (From Manually-operated Tools to Auto-, matic Machinery) /Moscow/ Moskovskiy rabochiy, 1957 75 P. (Series: Opyt novatorov moskovskikh predpriyatiy) 4,000 dopies printed. Edi: S. Gurov; Tech. Ed.: I, Yegorova, PURPOSE: This booklet on the introduction in the USSR of machines for making knitting needles is for the general reader. COVERAGE: The booklet covers the development of machines for making knitting needles in the USSR. Achievements of Soviet engineers and inventors at the Kuntsevo Plant imeni KIM are praised and claimed to be superior to non-Soviet developments. The authors tell how a platinum needle was produced outside the Soviet Union and how Soviet designers produced it and improved on the machines for making needles. Photographs of workers at their machines accompany the text, There are no references. Card 1/3 From Manually-operated Tools (Cont.) SOV/1468 TANZ OF CONTENTS: A TAttle History 3 Inventor Nikolay Mavrin 5 From Manual Operation to Automatic Machines 15 The "NKH" Automated Line 21 Shornikov's Automatic Machines 28 The 26-th Operation 35 Complex Automated Lines 39 Visit With Foreign Friends 49 Card 2/3 SHORNIKOV, B, Concerning N.P.Budnikov and others' article "Present status of methods for rating oil and gas test wells in the U.S.S'.R. and means for improving them." Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.3.,63-3 of cover Mr 062. (MM 15:10 (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) (Budnikov, N.P.) IJ AID P 284 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Author Shornikov, B. Ya. Title Inconsistency in the structural surfaces of carbonic and mesozoic stratum and of the methods of preparation of areas for industrial survey and prospecting. (Structural example of the Saratov-Volga reg-Lon) Periodical Neft. Khoz., v. 32, #4, 46-51, Ap 1954 Abstract The author describes the general geological etructure of the Russian platform and some particular modification at various regions especially near Saratov occured at Ulf- ferent geological periods- The aescription is illus- trated by three Structure contour maps plotted in accordance w1th data of the geological survey (seismo- graphic method) and deep well drilling. The author gives his own Interpretation of considerable shift of structure contours in different depths, shown on these maps, in contrast with the discussion of the 0 A/0 ;P lv.,rl--.,- 0 AID P - 500 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 14/27 Author Shornikov, B. Ya. Title Drilling of prospecting wells without selective sample core Periodical Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #6, 50-52, Ju 1954 Abstract The author comments on the article "Drillinq of pros- pective holes without selective sample core , by F. I. Levkin, published in Neft. Khoz., #8, 1953. The author proposes the drilling of two prospecting holes without sampling.The geological structure can be outlined by electrical sampling at different levels. The mechani- cal sampling in other prospecting holes can be coordina- ted at definite levels according to previously obtained data. Institution : None Submitted : No date Subject USSR/Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 10/24 AID P - 2097 Author Shornikov, B. Ya. Title. Geological structure of the Saratov Volga River region Periodical: Neft. khoz., v.33, no.4, 49-51, Ap 1955 Abstract Recently a systematic geological survey of the Saratov Volga River region was conducted by a group of Saratov Whical, geologists. Through test drillings the stratigj4 V, lithological and phase study of this region was made. The author reports the main findings of the tectonic structure of this nappe from the point of view of the loca- tion-of petroliferous rocks. Institution: Names of many geologists are mentioned. Submitted : No date SHORNIKOV, B.Ya.; nYGELISO11, I.B.. Methods of d;~eloning certain oil fields. Neft.khoz-34 no.11:47- 48 H '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Volga Valley-Oil fields) __$~LOMU "OV - ResUts of geological prospecting for oil and gas and trends for 1961-1965 in the Volga Valley protion of Saratov Province. Geol.nefti i gaza 5 no.9:i5-18 S 161. (MIFLA 14:10) 1. Saratovskiy sovnarkhoz. (Saratov Province-Petroleum geology) (Saratov Province CrR . Natura.1-Geology) BROU. 1.0.; BEGISHEV, F.A.; GABRIEUIAN, A.G.; MNESOV, G.F.; SEYFULI_ MULYUMVP R.B.;_3HORNIKOV. 3.Ya.; SH.-PIL'MAN, I.A.; KHANIN, I.L. Oil and gas potential of the Volga-Ural region, the lower Volga Valley, and the Caspian salt-dome region as-,narts of the northern Caspian oil- and gas-bearing basin. [Tftdyl NILneftegaza no-100-16 163. "'(MIRA 18:3) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya geologicheskikh kriteriyev otsenki perapektiv neftegazonosonosti; Upravleniya neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Verkhne-Vo1zhskogo i Sredne-Voltnakogo sovetov narodnogo khozyaystva i i Orenburgskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. SlEy--111, LEVII-,'~ L.L,,, SALIM, G.B., SHORNIKOV, B.Ya. Oorre'at4on af the ba~~- structural eiemen~,--- cf the certra.! parts of the nar`L-hern Casplar. oil- and gaz-hearing rudy, NILneftpgaza no.10:,61-78 '63 (Mft?.A 18; 1. Nauchnc-issledovatellskayp- laboratoriya geolcgicheskikh k-rini:riyev ct~enki perspelctiv neftegazonosncsti i Dpravleniye - -17,~Vanoy ~4 gazovcy FrjJ_voIzhSkOgo sove"a V I narcdn-ogo khozyaysLva. SHORNIKOV, F.M. Productioa of peat fertilizers and litter by the "Volosovskoye" Collective-State Farm Peat Enterprise. Torf.prom. 37 no.4:22-25 160. (MLRA 13:7) 1. Volosovskoye torfopredpriyatiye. (Leningrad Economic ?,agion--Peat) KARAKIN, F.F.; RODICIEV, A.F.- PUTIY, G.P.1; WSOV, 'I.P.; PYNAKOV, L.V.; RAUTSEP., A.P. [Rautsepp, A.]; BULGOlaAVOV, S.I.; GRlXHIYJiO, A.M.; DRUZEININ, N.N.; SHU104AN, D.I.; BAUSIN, A.F.; LOYKO, P.G.; CfERNAKOV, B.A.; SHORNIKOV, F.M.; SOPIN, P.F. Remarks of the members of the Conference. Torf. prom. 37 no.5: 22-28 l6o. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Ivanovskiy gosudarstvennyy torfotrest (for Karakin). 2. Svord--lovskiy torfotrest (for Rodichev). 3. Gosplan USSR (for PutiY). 4. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy treat torfyanoy promy- sh-lennosti (fbr Basav)-. 5. I-lookovskiy oblastnoy sovnarkhoz (for Pyatakov). 6. Gosudaretvemyy nauchno-teklinicheskiy komitet Estonskoy SSR, (for Rautsep). 7. Gorlkovskiy sov- narkhoz (for Blagonravov). 8. Belorusskiy sovnarkhoz (for Grechikho, Shukhman). 9. Yaroolavskiy sovnarlchoz (for Druzhinin). 10. Bobruyskaya mashinno-moliorativnaya stantaiya (for Loyko). 11. Giprcmestprom Gosplana RSFSR (for Chernakov). 12. Mezhkolkhoznoye torfopredpriyatiye "Volosovskoyell Lenin- gradskoy oblasti (for Shornikov). 13. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for Sopin). (beat industry) gill cob Fall JAI q SHORNIKOV, P N -I' Making molds b7 pressing on hydraulic presses. C Izd. j LONITOMASH 45:185-189 '58. WRA'11:6) (Molding (Founding)) (Hydraulic presAes) PHAM I BOOK EXPWIMION WV/4590 .0,--pf.vnitt;skly., Nikolay Nikolayevich, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich KuCh er, Viktorovna Pugacheva, and Petr Nikolayevich Shornikov TeYhm.c~!.-giya metallov (Metals Technology) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 499 p. zLIp Inserted. 40,000 copies printed. RF~Nl.evera: N. A. Malyshev, Engineer, and K. P. Surin, Engineer; Ed.: V. A. RLyumberg, C~mdidate of Technical Sciences; Eds. of Pablishing House: A. I. VA7,,'d-nVet'Ska~ra, and M. A. Chfas~ Tech. Ed.: A. 11. Kontorovich; Managing Ed. Utei-atuzre on Machine-Building Technology (Leningrad Department, Mashgiz): Y"Z-. P. Na-.jmov,, Engineer. TY:F.PC,M,-. This textbook is intended for engineering trade school students. ("VERPOGE: The textb-it-ok presents the material covered in the course on metals te,~hnn,:I:,gy as established in the engineering trade educational program r--r.d appr-ved by the Goaltzdarstvenayy Komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po profes- y-.-tekhair-heskamu. obrazovaniyu (State Committee of the Council of USSR fclr trade and technical educatioWhe fandamentals of physical wi=. tallura are analy-yed. T~rbncj.j--gy SOV/4590 c Un be ch P-..-essw:,2~king, soldering, bre,zing, welding utt g, n work- ~'ng Pzd ele,~t.~-ical m94-hIning ',)f metals are discussed. Concise information mt-eri-s~ls;lmcl I g plasti-s, is also given. The. text udin melkl-~.nttlng mex-hine toe.)Iz. No personalities a-re meattoned. referear-eg. TABIB UF, UMEIOTIS: 3 PAW 1. IaJNDAMgNMS OF FUSICAL WMIURGY jjrn~,mat;j-, on yB V a t.r, L,:,gmphy (P.V. pug- cheva) -n 7 F-,?~ertf.~aLs and significance of metallography 7 InInc- met-'-l s '1XIC 7 Pr----~,eEses of ~-fstaa!SnLation in metals; fcrmation of crystals 12 All~ t~:--nsfcxmations in metals 15 Nl--t"AA1 A-Lb~,,ysr structli-re and crystallization 16 e~ufl!,br.Lum diagrams and their construction 19 7~ of all-I-)ys depending on their composition and structure P- 5 mro~h----ds -.f Investigat!-ng the metal structure 26 vp, -Te 48., cf artIales made of plastics mi in Ln- mai:l~~qe 1d g t7,~. X. e-.rid P-:,du,--ts (R. V. Pigacheva -f CS alp, the`.-r types and ehaxae~terlst 1,?~pp-fng end bidtfing (R. V. Pugachevca) 1. -~E- Pan L"Se, .,,.n the indwtxy TIP M III. FOUNDING SOV/4590 of Wt,;-Is ead AU-',Ys P. N. Shomikov) ,6,. mt-~ ne- Re :w- re- vie m ts cast allo,", C,:~F ',ng :~f Iran 212 213 216 218 2 -8 PPO 22.) 2P5 226 229 229 -12 2 e-53 We Tv~ ~).n, T)r ii)90 Msnufactlzr,~Mg of Mstings 236 P.=-~-terans and core boxes 236 6o., of mold and care mixtures 238 61. M."I'ding 240 6?, :~:f rrclds. shakilig out, and cleaning of castings 247 Sper;-&aa Types amad Qiip-Uty Inspection of Castings ~P. N. c&orni'k--j,,;-v) 249 6-,k. -tng-mE! thods 249 Q,~&Ifty inspection of castings and repair of defects 253 PAW TV. NETHODDS OF METALWORMIG P~scsevy,i-,,kiag r--f Wtals P. N. Shornikov) 25.5 6,::. afte---tfng ?LV&,211~1'tfin ~tpres~vorking of metal 255 66. Lu hct v,:,rking and the heating of metals 258 c% -.-Ing 262 an,.' d~-av--4ng 266 KROPIVEITSKIY, Nik-ola:y Ilikolayevich;KUCIER, Aleks,--ndr Mikhaylovich.- FUGACIIVA, .7aisa Viktorovna; 3HOfU!IKOV, jeer NjXola MAIYSHEV) N.A., inzh., retse~---e-nt-;STFD--., K.P,,. in--h.. retsenzent; BdUMBERG, V,.A., kand. tekhr- nauk, red.;' VORKOVETSMU., A.I., red. izd-va; CHFAS, M.A., red. izd-va, K011TORROVICH, A.I., tek-bn. red. [Technology of metals]Tekhnologiia metallov. [By] N.N.Kro- pivnitskii i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 499 p. (MIRA 25:9) (Metals) (Metalwork) KROPIVNITSKIY, N.N.; OCHER, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; PUGACHEVA, R.V-;-A-Rg~PX.MV,,,~P.N..;_.BYCHKOV, P.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; MALYSHEV, N.A., inzh.; retsenzent [Technology of metals) Tekhnologiia metallov. [By] N.N. Ya,opivnitskii i dr. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva., Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 502 P. (MIRA kh.8) - i . -TJERZE,4 I I,.. K. ; V11C -"'E, 77-TE, G. C'~ - -: SULET, V. V. - '-PORIMT)V, S. I "Gairma-ac-tivation arialysis of rock samples." report presanted at Symp on Radiochemical Methiods of Analysis, Sallzburg, -Austria, 1 )-23 Oc L ull - I-- I SHOPINIKOV V. Kazakhstan - goats Kazakhstan goats. Mol. Kolkh. 19 No. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952, Unclassified. %- - I i- 1. .- I 7 ' 1, %-,* '~' ' '~' "'T ' " ~ .".. . -l!".' 4 , , . ~; - - " I -nj-, ~3 U.'- n ~,! on of the Ope ra tl on o IL' t),e '30d x,3 r - In -, ." and lliFh'irl.- lwft' 'dll ~-)~ Tljl-ler -Aw-'ati -n Kiev, IIQ55 &-~~uye ric QC' ICC'Q~(rll-CQ-ZL ~- SHORNIKOV. Vj, Aneurysm of the descending thorneic aorta. VrReb.delo no.6:631 Jo '59 (MI U 11-7) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. Te.I. TSukerahteyn) Karagandinskogo meditainskogo institnta i Knrngandinskoy oblastnoy klinicheakoy bollnltsy. (AORTIC ANMYSMS) C 'L 55961-65 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EPF(n)-2/EPR/T/InIP.(t)/F4P(b)/EIIA( Pr-b/Ps-V]Pu-nh 'W YJ p7c 7 D~~]Wlg4JG ACCESTON N 009368 UR/0363/65/001/002~0201/0203 J 546.341161+546.8311161-- Kor AUMOR: Yu. M.; Novoselova, A. V.; Glfnskiyi X, K.; Shorniko V, V. V. JITLE. Study of the lithium fluoride-zirconijm~tetrafluoride system: 5 14 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganiclieskiye-*materia-ly, v.j, no. 2'; 19650 201.-.2.03 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride, zirconium tetrafluoride..phAse -diagram, hermal analysis, x ray diffraction analysis ABSTRACT: The LiF-ZrF4 system was investigated by the differential -thermal ana sis and x-ray diffraction. Lithium fluo Ide and7 rl ammonium florozirconate were used for preparing the mixtures. After the removal of ammonium fluoride by-distillatiom, the specimens were placed in a platinum crucible with a tightly fitting cover and IM put into a furnace, which had been preheated above-the melting point of -the compo- isition. Following melting.the cooling curves were recorded. ...The gravime-tric 'analy: _gj sis indicated an insignificant loss of zircon umduring the recording of -the cool--,:- ;ing curves. The phase diagram of the LlF-ZrF4 System is.shown in.fig. 1 of the' jgn..;- !closure. Three compounds were found in this system:..Li4ZrF8, Li3ZrF7 and Li2ZrF 6 14 Card 1/# ---------- SHORNIKOVY Ye. Program control of a thermal system. Radio no.6:39-40 Je 161. OMIR& 14:10) (Automatic control) (Electronics-Equipment and supplies) SHOTMIKOV,'. Y.A.A., The LTASh-58 miniature electric moisture Treater. Der.prom. 13 no.4:25 Ap 159 64oisture-beleasurement) (HIRA 12:6) SHORITIKOV, Ye.A. (Leningrad) Miniature electric hygrometer. Prom. stroi. 37 no.11:52-53 N '59. (AIRA 13:2) 07grometry) SHOP.NIKOV) Ye-A., Inzh. Oalculation c' specific gravity and of vcdume cf steam. ieploenerget:ka ).2- no.lz93-94 Ja 165. 18'.4) 1. TSentrallryy ~-otloturninnyy institut. S H 0 RUNI _', 7 (0' 11 y e . I . 0_1~3tlriguL,ohlng Caspian elements in the Ostracoda fauna of the Azov-Black Sea basin. Zool. zhur. 43 no.9:1276-1293 164 , (1,11PLA 17: 11) 1. Kafedra zoologii Donskogo sel'skokhozy-aystvennogo instituta, Novocherkassk, PHQ4~IKOVAI A.F., inzh,- KURDYAYEV, B.S., inzh, y Industrial tests of the SVS-25 classifier vith coal preparation in a "fluidizednbed. Ugoll 37 no.207-40 F 160. (MM 15:2) 1. Karagandagiproshakht. (Separators(machines)) (Coal preparation) DZHINGHVELASHVI[LI., K. P.; TISHCHENKO., K. I.; SHORMOVA, A. S. Patting into operation and adjustment of anew ore dressing plant of the "Chiaturamarganets' Trust. Obo rad. 7 no.6: 29-36 '62. &IRA 16-W 1. Trest "Chiaturmarganets" (for Azhinchvelashvili). 2. Mekhanobrcherzet (for Tishchanko, Shornikova). (Chiatura region-Ore dressing) ROSKIN, G.I.; SHORNIKOVA, M.V.; OPARIN, A.!., akademik. Histochemical differences in sensory and motor nerve cells. 7)okl.AN SSSR 93 no.2:349-352 N '53. (MIRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Oparin). (Nerves) USSR/ Biology Weurolog7 Card Authors I Hoskin, 0. 1., Zhirnova, A. A., and Shornikove, M. V. Title Comparative histo-chemistry of sensitive bells of spinal ganglia and motor cells of the spinal cord Perloaical i Dokl. AN SSSR, 96p Ed. 4,, 821-.- 832, June 1954 Abstract I Nerve cells of various functional types canbe characteriz- ed, not only morphologically,'but.also 'histo-ohemically, which was proved by of'the sensive, oells'of spinal ganglia and motor cell of the spinal corde The.histo-chem- ical differencesIn an entire seriesof protoplasmatic compo- nents were not only of quantitatIve, but also of cyto-topo- graphic order. Another significant moment Is that the differences between two types*of nerve cells pertain not only to the cytoplasm, but also to the nucleus. Two refer- ences. Institution The M. V. Lomonosov State University# Moscow, USSR Presented by: Academician A. I. Abrikosov, April 5# 1954 SHORNIKOVA,"M.V. Comparative histochemical investigation of the oulfhydryl groups in smooth mascle. TSitologiia 2 n0.3:325-336 Yg,-Je l6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra gistologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (MXRGA.PTO GROUP) (MUSCLE) SHORNIKOVA, M.V. (Moskva, Ye,-949 GospitaJ.Inyy Val-, 5, korp.18, kv-360) Comparative histochemistry pf the glycogen in the smooth musculature of vf~7ious invertebrates and vertebrates. Arkh. anat. gist.i embr. 39 no.9:44-52 S 160. (MIRA.-14:1) 1. Kafedra gistologii. (zav. - prof. A.N. Studits'kiy) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.. (MUSCLES) (GLYCOGEN) 11 SHORNIKOVA, M. V., CAND 810 SCIt ICOMPARATIVE HISTOCHEMISTRY J" OF THE SMOOTH MUSCLE~ MOSCOWV 1961. (ACAD SCI USSR. INST OF '~'ANIMALS im A* No SEVERTSOV.). MORPHOL110, (KL9 2-619 206). -103- Sf!Ai,!K-' E~-J-FTKJ; SHOENIKOVA, M.V. ..~icc,lniv dehydrogeriase cytoenzymol.cigy in brown-Pearce. tlj,!iwr -11;-, Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 57 no.5:80-82 My 164. (mm-~ 13-2)), 2. Kafedra tsitologii i gistologii (zav. - prof. G.I.Ruskin [dec-asedl) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univers-ILLe'a Irill-ilL L:Dmonosova. Submitted May 25, 1963. SHOF141-KOVA, M.V. Gytochemistru of TNINI-ff and THT-5-tetrazolium reductases in the secretory calls of the mammary gland. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.1:196,1198 L~-O 76!+ (MRA 17:8) 1. Mnskovskiy gesuda-r-sUrerinyy universitet. --Irp-dstavleno aka- r,E-.mikom Ye.N. "avlovsk;rr. S Ell" R N,; of, acild ph~srIa"a-Se -in the cells of the Brown- tw c-61 "5. k mcr and metastaz7es. Vc~:. cmk. 11 no. 0 (INIEU 18:8) 1. Iz ?afed-y tsi;Opgi-I I gistologii Mloskovskogo gosudarstvennogo wri,marsiteta 'zav. Prof. G.I.Rcski'~). A OftfMrOVA, N-M Significance of the carbohydrate moiety in evaluation of quaiity of dry4ndt Vades of Ap. V. 1. Rowbev and-S, -M. Shornikora. Biokkimiyu Pkdov i OnnkAd S&wnik .V5--T7T2TI:M940).-Emxmn. of much material ind"t" the fal1owing chrm. content necessary for high-"e fig 1114terkd: sugar ever 75%, pectin over 3.5%, starch not over 1.1%. cellulose not evrr.S.U%. For 2adgra4c pr&l- uct: sugar not ten than 66%, pectin not ten than 1.69c, starch not over 1.7%, cellulove not over 7%. The above figures are based on dried figs. with cakn. an she. dry wt. An increase of the quality factm by 5-10% is called for in eV-4luation of fresh fru:t. G. M. Kosolapoff Biochemical processom; d=rlpeuiag and wilting of fig fruit structuroa. V. 1. Rogm Y, N. M I a, and L. 1. Grintscr. Biekkimiyt; Plodow i 0im m1kMP*k-No. 1. 135-49(1949)~The best product (or production of dried figs is obtalmed when the willing can proceed spontaneously on the tree. During this process an intensive loss of IlP occurs, with some loss of sugars and pectins. as a result of continuing metabollsm. However. the rapid loss of 11,0 actually causes a rise of coom. of the metabolites. There does not appcar to be any change In cell pcmcability at this stage. and the nutritive properties and taste of the fruit are not lost. The content of HtOH and AcIf Increases during ripening. with a drop during wilting. Same varieties dis- I peak of HtOll content In mid-ripcning; most of them. L cr. show anooth change at the beginning of wilting. = G. M. Kesolapoff I~j edvice't. V. G';mhivQ and'~ content of preserv 14, SWMA0,4 (AH~Unioa Sci., Research ImL Cannery -Ind. Y.S.S. P-: 24, Mg. 6. M-- 61(1953).~Data are prereated !or thte. aint. of argialne, hi5tidim!, lysine, methiotdue~ cystime, tyrdsine, end ", t bst Than in various Russian anned pork, , and inuttou, a beef M Vol- 48 N . a of sausage products. , Ont-chart ihows the origina'aml'o ' h f t e sme acid content of tbC MTV tneat and of szuuples o * Apr. 25# meat after catuting In No. 9 cans and stcrillziton,'at M . Fdods The Figuepte loz~ol a,-- ,dd3 was.about 1517,j-of that . u F., k f,. odginally ~~nt, _g_ Liable, mom P-m-, pw" GRZHIVO, V.S.,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHORNIKOVA, N.M., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. composition of amino acids in canned foods. Trudy VHIIKP no-3: 76-87 '54. (XL'RA 9:8) (Food--Analysia) (Amino acids) GRZHIVO, V.S.;SHORNIKO New extraction-weighing method for determining fat content in canned food. Kona. i ov. prom. 12 no-1:39-42 ja '57. MRA 10:5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy uauohno-isaladovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchasushilino3r Dromyshlennosti. (Food--Analysis) (Canning industry--Equipment and supplies) SHORNIKOVA. N.M. 1mprove the quality of pickled tomatoes. Kons. i ov. prom. 14 no.4:9-10 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1.Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ovoshchevodstva, i kartofelya. kTomatoes--Preservation) SHORNIKOVA, N.M. Content of organic acids in pickled and sowed vegetables. Kons. i ov. prom. 14 no-7:28-29 JI 111:9. (MIRA 12:9) l.Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut ovoshchevodstva i Icar t of elya. (VogetableB--Preservation) (Acids, Organic) SHORNIKOVA, N.M.; NAKONECIINAYA, G.F.-, YAKOVLEVA, S.G. Chemical and technological testing of cabbage varieties. Kons.i ov.prom. 14 no.12:18-20 D '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Ukrainskiy naubhno-isoledovatel'skiy institut ovoshchevod- stva i kartofelya. (Cabbage--Varieties) SHORNIKOVA, N.M. Selecting types of vegetables suitable for cultivation on bottom lands. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.3:34-35 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Ukrainakiy narchno-issladovatel'skiy institut ovoshchevodstva i kartofelya. (Vegetable gardening) SHORNIKOVA, N.M.; GRUSAO, M.F. Chemical and technological grading of rhubarb. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.10:16-19 0 160. (MIU 13:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ovoshchevodstva i kartofelya. (Mmbarb) SHORNIKOVA Nina Mitrofanoyna; MILOKOSTA, N.Ya., red.; SAVCHENKO, --- ~~l M-~i- . red. [Processing of vegetables on collective and state fams) Pe- rerobka ovochiv v kolhspakh i radhospakh. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo sillslkohospodarslkoi lit-ry URSR, 1961. 270 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Vegetables) SHOTINIKOVA, N.M.; MEDVEDEVA, A.S. New varieties of tomatoes for preservation. Kons.i ov.prom. 16 no.1:29-31 Ja 161. (MIRA 13:12) 1. UkraLnokiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institat ovoshchevodetva i kartofelya. (Tomatoeo--Varieties) SHORNIKOVA, N.M. Planning and design of cabba-ge fermentation shops with cemented vats. Kons.i ov.prom. 16 no.3:20-21 I'Ar 161. OMIRA 14:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ovoshchevodstva i kartofelya. (Sauerkraut) TKAGHENKO, F.A.; S ~RNIKOVA, N.M. "-I Varieties of onion for canning. KonsJ ov.prom. 16 no.5:26-28 my 161. (MM 14:5) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut ovoohchevodstva i kartofelya (Onions) (Canning and preserving) SHORNIKOVA, N.M. [Processing of vegetables on collective and state farms] Pererobka ovochiv v kolhospakh i radhospakh. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo silgslkohospodarlskoi lit-ry Ukr. RSR, 1961 270 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Vegetables) -SHORNIKOVA. -N-.M.,. Enlarged session of the Central Degustation Council. Xons.i ov. prom. 18 no.1342-45 Ja 163. (KRA 16:2) (Food, Canned-Testing) SHORNIKOVA, N.M.; ANOKHINA, V.I.; YAKOVUXA, S.G. Chemical and technological testing of the varieties of white cabbage. Kons. i ov.prom. 18 no.9:23-26 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti (for Shornikova). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut ovoshchevodstva i kartofelya (for Anokhina, Yakovleva). (Cabbage-Analysis and chemistry) LEVITOV, M.M.; TOVAROVA, I.I.; GOTIOVTSEEVA, V.A.; CaidlOSVITOVA, V.I.; SHOIWIKOVA, O.V. Fermentative production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid from benzylpenicillin. Antibiotiki 7 no.5:415-421 My 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-i6sledovatellskiy institut antibiotik6v i Institut khimii prirodrq?,h soyedineni3r All SSSR. (PENICILLIN) (PENICIIJ~UIIC ACID) TOVAROVA, I.I.; SFOM11KOVA, O-V.; LEVITOV, I.I.M. Study of the process of the formation of 6-aminopenicil-lianid acid during the fementative hydrolysis of ~enzylpenicillin. Antibiotiki 7 no.5:421-429 My 162. . (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy .411 SSSR. (PENICILLANIC ACID) (PEIFICIIJIll) SHORNIKOVA, V.A. Clinical symptoms in myeloma. 17 no.12:30-31 D '-513- (XLRA 6:12) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney Chelyabinakogo meditainskogo (direktor instituta G.D.Obrasteov). (Tumors)