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YA.A. 0 reshenii arifmeticheskikh zadach. Poso- bie dli2 uchitelei ped. uchilishch (Solving arit~wietic problems; textbook for teachers of pedagogical insti- Wtes). 2-e pererabot. izd. 'Mioskva, Uchpedgiz, 1953. 100 P. S): v'nnthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, N'o- 5, August 1954 SHOR. Ta.A. (Moscow). Activities of the mathematical circles. )Lt.v shkole no-5:61-65 3-0 '53. NLRA 6:9) (Mathematics- Study and teaching) IGNATIYEV, V.A.; IGITAT'yEy, N.I.; SHOR, Ya.A.; BORISOV, A.A,, redaktor; RYBI1T, I.V., tekhnicheskiy"F& (Collection of arithmetic problems; a textbook for pedagogical schools] Sbornik zadach po ariftetike; posobie dlia pedagogiche- skikh uchilishch. 2-e izd. Moskva, Ges. uchebno-pidagog. izd-vo MinisterBtva prosveshchentia RSFSR, 1954. 375 P. (MIRA 8:7) (A-rithmetic--Problems, exercise, etc.) SHOR, Yakov, Aleksandrovich; PAZr.LISKIY, S.Y., redaktor; SIDOROVA, L.A., 171, M.V. . tel,-hnichaskiy radaktor. [Solving arithmetiC Droblems; manual for teachers in pedagogical schools] 0 reshenii arifmoticheskikh zadach; posobie dlia uchite- lei pedagogocheskikh uchilishch. Izd. 3-e. Moskva, Goa. uchabno- pedagog. izd-vo Ministeratva prosveahcheniia RSFSR, 1955. 105 P. (Arithmetic--Study and beaching) (HLRA 9:4) , YAO Popularization of an outstanding achievement *Teaching mathema- tics in 5-7 classes.* Stratilatoy.P.V.,ed. Reviewed by- IA.A. 6horo Mat. v shkole no,1:75-78 Ja-F '55. (MIRL 8:2) (Mathematics-Stud.v and teaching)(Stratilatov, P.V.) GALAFUTNIK, Tava Moise.ToTIA; iLYAKRINSKAYA, Klavdiya Nikolayevxa; SHOR? Yakey Aleksapdrovich; LN SHIKIBA, N.I., redaktor; TSrM, ihnfAi0fff-iidaktor; RYBIN, I.V., takhaicheakir radaktor. 1r t [Arithmetic lesson plans for class 41 Plany urokov pe arifmatike; dlia 4 klassa. Iz4 2-oe, parer. Moskva, Goo.uchabno-padagag. izd- vo Mixisterstva prosveshchaniia RSFSR, 1956. 150 p. (MIRA 9:6) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) IGNATOYEV, Vanidikt Antonovich; IGNATIYIV, Hikolay Ivenovich; qgW.,Y4kpv 77- -, Aleksandrovich; SIDOROVA,L.A., redaktor; RYBIN, I.V., tikhnichaskiy 'j7j_a akjor' [Arithmetic besson plans; for grade 3 of the elementary school] Plany urokov po arifmatike; dlia 3 klassa nachalinoi shkoly. Izd. 2-oa, parer. Moskva. dps. uchabno-padagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshcheniia RSFSR, 1956. 181 p. (MLRA 10:2) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) IGNATIYEV, Venedikt Antonovich; PCHELKO. Aleksandr SpiridonovichL-6REX., _aUp-Y,AlakBau(iro,.rich~,,�IDOROVA, L.A., rodaktor; RYBKIN, I.V., te- khnicheski.y_ r.eda ~jtor CHathoda of teaching arithmetic in elementary schools; a manual for pedagogical institutions] Metodika prepodavaniia arifmatiki v nachallnot sbkole; posobie dlia pedagogicheskikh uchilishch. Moskva, Gos. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo M-v6 proov. RSFSR, 1956- 242 p. MRA lo:4) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) BEREZAIISKAYA, Ye.S. (Moskva).L_SHOR, YaA-,--Ufa-Skva); PROGHUKHAYEV. V.G. (Moskva). - "Arithmetic textbook" by I.H. Shevchenko. Reviewed by ILS. Bers- zanskaia, M A. Shor, V.G. Prochukhaev. Mat. v shkole no.4.-39-46 57 .AW4.1-Oka) (Arithmetic) (Shevchenko, I.N.) . - KOUTOROVICH, P.G.; KURBATOV, V.A. (Sverdlovsk); GUTMAN, A.Ya. (Moskva); DEYIIEGA, A.V. (Kiyev); ISACHKIN, B.Ya. (Penza); IIETRONINA, N.G. (Tambov); PONDIA-AREV, V.S.(Izhovsk); SELIVANOV, D.P. (Korsunl- Shevchenkovskiy, Cherkasskaya obl.);-KOLIKOV, A.F. (Kalinin); SHOR, Ya.A. (Moskva); IVAIMV, M.I. (Tula) .Discussion of the now mathematics curricula. Mat. v shkole no.3: 4-20 My-Je '59. (MIRA 12-9) (Mathematics) 0 0 0 IN 0 0 a 0 OR vv_bl~bv ##*Had* TT I I Ili 1, ~1 4 I..t I k -i 7.1 - go -i f~) . . .. . . 00 00 SA A 0* go 00 a 538.639 00 S!_ 2876. Infbionce of the therno-rappetic treatment on the electric resistance of soft marmetic materials. V T 4_t_A_,.,Shq7,vnd 1. 2. Startarma a: R) 47.3-5 Dokl. Akad. Nauk, SSW, 74 (N -'('ICMO) In Russian. A 0 &$-ILA adIALLURGICAL LITINAUJI CLASUPKATION u v r--j -T--j- t--y- -v--ir T-Y --I u ts IT go I a ITa it it Vic wa 094 PC Ittf IC49KW . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 --MAL SdtdQ 021NO I A 4 3 0 T 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a NO# AV *0 wool =00 cool ago wels We go: see we 0 bee ~);7, T ;),-,-7 '1 ~j T LT 7 doktor teklp,,r. nauk rratae,nr. of reliaLilll*y ar-j sllandLrds, '*,tandh-.tLzEtii-",a 28 tic). t , -~r,. -j. *p 16i ' ,.JMA 17 - 6 ; 4. - . F,:7m~ 'et radczhnost - ka;~:Iestva pri. V!;aE,-;yru'zrorL I I . - I j CHUYE'V, Yu,V., ucktor teklin. nauk, prof.; IPEL'NIKOV, P.N.i r' -1-~ I -m~'uv - l.; sr-AUFAITOV, G.F.; PmR 3 Ya.B,; KUZ11411-11 -* B -ed. V.I ; 'r)GOLIT sidy, V.S. IM-USHKO N.D., i [Frinciples of operations research in military technology] Usnovy issledova-iiia operats-Li -v voermoi tekhnike. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1965. 591 p. (~IIRA 18:10) SHORY Ya.B., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Reliability problem and statistical methods. Standartizatsiie 29 no. 15:6-10 I-V 165. (ITIRI, 19:1) SHOR, Ya.B., doktor tak-lin. nauk, prof. Against simplification in the science of the reliability of machinery. Standartizatsiia 29 no.7.17-20 Jl 165. (,MIIRA 18: 11) KUGELI, R.V., dol-ttor tokhn.nauki doktor tekhn.nauk Problems in the olanaif Aation of failurea of whines and their parts. VestamaBhin(xjtr.*46 no.lsl3_18 Ja 066. (MIRA 19il) ('A) L 27317-66 ACC NRt AM6003226 Monograph UR/ Chuyev. Yug V.; Msllnikov, P. 14 Petukhov, S. I,; SteRanov,, G, F*;~ :J'7 Shor, Ya. B. Principles in the investigation of operations in militarytechnics (Oanovy isaledovaniya operatoiy,v voyennoy tekhnike),Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovp-cokoye radio." 1965. 591 p. illus., biblio., index* 6000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: operations researel ilitary operation, military engineering, weapon test, antiaircraft defense system PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for.engineers engaged in military operations research. The reliability and efficiency of a variety of products of military technology are critically reviewed. Analytical methods used in evaluating these charac- teristics in diverse. combat'situations are presented. The book also contains information on the classical an-d the latest mathe- matical optimization methods used in solving military engineerlng,~ problems. Special attention is given to statistical combat modeling using computers. The text is illustrated by numerous examples. UDC: 519.8 L 32694-66 EWT W/EWP W/EWP (k)/EVTP (h)/E14P k 1) ACC NR. AP60162'16 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0122/66/000/001/0013/0018 AUTIHORS: Kugel' R. V. (Doctor of technical sciences); Shor, Ya. B. (Doctor of.- technical scien~es_- ORG: none TITLE: Problems of the classification of the failures of machines and their elements SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 1, 1966, 13-18 TOPIC TAGS: material failure, mechanical failure, reliability.. reliability theoryp probability ABSTRACT: Failures which occur under normal operating conditions are classified, using thirteen groups indicated by number: 1) conditions of appearance of failure; 2) reasons; 3) possibility of subsequent use of part; 4) nature of change of param- eters of lzrt; 5) presence of external phenomena; 6) interrelationship between failures and elements of part; 7) aftereffects; 8) method of elimination; 9) com- plexity of elimination; 10) frequency of appearance; 11) possibilities of prediction; 12) origin; 13) possibility of elimination of causes. Various types of failures are examined. It is concluded that analysis of ---Rchine failures during operation is of great practical value. The combination of all data on failures gives an ob- jective representation of the reliability of a machine and allows measures for in- creasing it to be developed. Orig. art. has: I table, 3 formulas, and I graph, SUB C / SUBM DATE: none/ ORM REFt 003 15~E: -139 14 /) I I-N UDC: 621.004.6 SHOR, Te. Trailer with pneumatic loading and unloading of sugar (from "Food Engineering," Aug. 1957). Sakh.prom. 33 no.3:69-70 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Unites States--Sugar industry--Equipment and supplies) (Loading and unloading) SILYUK, N.; SHOR, Ye. Using electronic calculating machines for the automation of office work. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plats, 4 no.10:68-71 '61. (MIRA 14: 10) (United States-Office practice-Automation) SHOR, Ye. Establishing work norms for office workers performing simple work. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plats. 4 no.3:71-75 161. (MIRA 14:3) (United States-office practice Production standards) (United States-Time study) SHOR, Ye.Ya. Attachmen Sed in and semiautomatic cop7-boring on multispindle automatic machines. StanJ inBtr. 29 no.1:52-33 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:1) (Drilling and boring mach1nery-Attaunmonve) BARSANOV G.P.; KaUGLOVA, N.A.; AG&JRZYANTS, M.S.; -qttq~,_Ye.N., I ,translator] [A.E.Fersman mineralogical Museum; a brief guidebook] Mineralogicheskii muzei im. A.E.Fersmana; kratkii pute- voditell. Moskva, 1957. 36 p. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Ak-adeuiya nauk SSSR. SHORIN, Yu.A., inzh.; KONDRATIYEV, A.D., inzh. Operation of the r-as and oil system of generators. Elek. Sta. 32 no.12:61-62 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Turbogenerators) SHORAKMMOV, A., geroy Sotsialisticheskogo trada. -.0- Under new conditions. Nauka i pered. op. v sellkhoz. 8 n0.5:7 MY '58. (MIRA 110) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Sverdlova, Yangi-Yullskogo rayona., Uzbekistan. (Uzbekistan-Collective farms) Sl;( '-:. '.,. Septic tarks in the set,-erecre and drainage system. ; . 459. vol. 30. no. 12, Dec. 1956, 6AI, 'AICDA I TECF.YjKA Wars-,a,,-a, Poland. -1 - -- : a-,,t 11 ' i I . . t, ;" -),Is , .7t 7 A.,', L~ _ , , , I - ~ . , j - 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 We a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1`1 u 11 0 fr G Of X I a 0 Flu At I T LW IL 4 t " u 7 A IT cm AT n 1 A r 1 1 1 11. -1 - I I---- I." -..all f "Of IV 314111tv 13 11111 Iva I If 1 11 A -j.n III a I- I It IV pur impril.-ir fqlli~ijl %.kitil j.1iox, fit %uwijrIjvrj.%q jr-1 I" "'..lipw .%JJ ,I 1-1pidt, 4-qI 1),1r -utjrq litir --wjj juripri &-I thil-lith-o iss,11 1,.%ijop awtillil .,ill if piripri ill I-Iji-Ij- : t lriuqixti ..ill illuIll %JrI 11"1 '141 is" l"'I W 1 .7 .j tir pir ~iwljnd- 11 11411 list -1 1.jjJ r1% .... ...... ... - 11 so illwl -Iliv, .1111 Y'w.v I Ism oil f2$jN4j%~'4 10411 1660111,011 wh! I I so 00" 00 auto It .1 1 If Is If it Mit a 1141 4juaffir WU uflk." .1 "llf'I 11 if 11 44A0 1 1 A I I t ce 0 6 0 * S 0 1~6~ a - 11 ~111111 M IMati* 0 0 * 9 0 9 so a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ 'D S e 0 0 0 6 04 * so 0 e 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 A., --,.,D'~ FINKC IFF S 'r-ae, cf re~u~i~6 term. ob--. me-.-~. nau,,~hnc-' Vc.-.g-,gr-ad3kiy Vre!3cTu!,.-,)-, A. N. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1 -1953. Unclassified. It 8ong 12 15-'. 3/121/6o/ooo/o i1wloo.;. A""MORS: -Akhmechet, L.S., Blokh, 0.1., Shor~ln, Vq, TITLE: Majznetostriction Drive of Miqroteedsl~ PERIODICAL- Stanki I instrument, 1960, Nr 1, pp 18 - '20 TECT: The authors point out that the machlning accuracy of parts depends to a great extent on the possibility of very small displacements of tools a~ad blanks. Small feeds make It even possible to correct the setting of t-oole in order to compensate for the wear. With the aid of magnetostrictio:-, a microfeed drive is obtained which ensures stable. minor displacements of tools and blanks. The principal layout of thc- devIce, based an the c-hangs- in the length of a ferromagnetio niskell rod in direction of the induced magnetization, is shown in Figure 1. A description of the magnatostriction drive (magnetostrictor) is given. By using mi-3rofeed drive it Is possible to effect a successive displacement of the movable parts of the Machine tool during an automatic operation Qyolle. The mi:n1mim feed necessary for sucah a displacement corresponds to the magnetoetri-;tive elongation of the rli-!~el rod during one cycle of magnetization, whi-!~: -the tota-1 displacement of -Lqe movable machine tool part during P---neatsd cycles of magnetization is limited Card 1/4 only by the free length of the rod. The o.L-ratlonall characte.ri-stil-. 801-19 Magnetostriction Drive of Microfeeds S/121/60/000/01/01/001 of the magDetastriction drive is determined by. -the following f,;.r_ctirns- 1) the variation in magnitude of magneto~~tr!:!tive elongation due to different physical-chemical properties of the rod material and valriations in magnetization of the 3oil field; 2) -I,-h-- effect of tifte resisting force on the magnitude of microf-~ed ~11.1i'igur- 2 1,he ratio of relativs magnetc- strictive elongation P A =: --T-- for va.~'Ivis materials. The authorsstate that, the limiting val7ass of relative elonga-tion of various ferromagnetic materials can. ~,e in3reased by a suitable therma-' or rre-:~nharucal treatment of the r--d bianks. !he ov~_ratlire qualities of' the magne-lost-riction drive with nickel rod were analyzed on a z acial de-ice (Fij2;,~~re 3a) whinah was designed and constricted at the Odess4k- SPM-:~ Laborato_-TIL- 'The slectric circuit of the device iz shown in F re 3b, Lever-type microgages (with graduation values of 0.001 mm) wTzrt~ used a5 measuring instrumen-tts, re-c-Ord-in-'.- the motion of th'~ rod. armat',ir,&, of r~-IaotroIndu.~tIv(,- plok-up.-,, connected to the phauv-z~~miillf.Jv,~-, w,',-~ Jn ~ontaof. wIth twO ,-~f the rod. Figurs 4 shows furction -haxa,_~terizzing "the ?.ra~,iativn In ~,.iagnltude of magr!etos'~rlotivt- eILqrZAI.I-,7i -,he magnetlzza-~Ion of tne coi-~ field is varied, in the case of abiienc~_ cf 5.yia], rpzistirg of the force Q, grippLnz the magn-elto3tri~_-'~or rod during the feed 'LS Card 2/4 illustrated by a grape. F~howr iri FIR,ure 1-1, Ir. is evident from the GraPh T_rlat' 80119 M,agnetos---i.!.._*on Drive of Microfeeds S/1 2 1100100-0/0 1/0 1/001' if the resisting forces are increased, the magnetostrictive elongat.-ion of the rod is reduced accordirZ to a law approaching that. of linearity. The authors emphasize that an Important operative characteristic of the machine tool is the stability of the microfeed. Repeated measurements of rod elongation at different. intensities of the magnetic field and duration of cycle (Figure 6) showed that the limit of errors of microfeed. doe-E not exceed .10%, while the average magnitude of error of some displaceme:its amounted to approximately 2 - 3%~ Figure 7 shows an oscillograph record.,Lr~ of the microfeed process. As a result of their Investigations the aut-ftors draw the following conclusions: 1) At a constan-t load Q, generated by the forces resisting to the feed, it is necessary i.-.o sale.3t the cross-section of the nickel rod in such a way tbat the rated stress In- It should not exceed 6' - 3 '-. 4 kg/mm2. In this case that. load does not lead to sub- stantial variations of the magnetostrict-ive effect, and the feed magni-.%lde during each cycle is determined by the field intensity of the coll; 2) If during the operation of the feed mechanism variable re-sisting forces possibly arise, the variable component of the rated ccympresslve stress of tine rc~i ,'ard 3/4 should be less than 0.5 kg/mm2; 3) the ma&rietillng c-311 should ensure a 8ol.lq Magnetostriction Drive of Microfeeds S/.121/60/000/02/01/00.1 field intensity :Ui the magnetic circuit of approximately 60 - W ampere turn-3/cm; 4') in order -to prevent a substantial thermaI elongstion of the rod, the current density In the coil winding should rot exceed 2 ampl=2. Four graphs, 1 circuit, 1 photograph, I diagram and 1 oscillogram. Card 4/4 GINI)ISY A.P., inzh.; SHORGIN, V.S., inzh.; PrInimal uchat3tiye TAPASHCHUK, A.Kh. Saturation of electric motor windings with insulating lacquers using an ultrasonic technique. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:30-32 Ja-Mr'64. (MIRA 17:5) P. 3ho~,.---n t F , -h~ irflaence of int,-~rmiol,~,cal~-:- interaction on the s-ec'.?-xm of co:--,bi*nn'L--~,n U~sf~ersion of li~-ht. 873 The li:riit~!,tions of the exilanat-ions for the infli.~enc- of '.nte--molec-j-1n-- intez-action uron the vibr---ting fre::,jencies as given '.y Buchhein and other -authors who have stu.-LI!-d in-lactive -Inter act i --m are coInted out. The real --h-ift of '-~,ands is d-.~e to sev-ral C-1-1ses, the n:)st i-ro--ta-nt being the elect---ic anhan-riony of the v--brations in the presonce Df p:-e-.1Dm-* ating orlentations of di-poles, def-omiatim of 10 In - I I - lar ;.;.Olecules in the fleld of atPacent -oolar :~:olecules ani the interaction of vibrations of sLA! -1--noles. It is 3hown 'h.:-,t in pol:~,r li:-.u'ds one can observe incongruit tY bet-,,r--en 'he freouencies of tFe bands in the disuersion spectra and the absorption Tae L. !-=. K-Z-~:j%r Inst. of Che:r-istry, ';'-~Scow Oct. 2,-~ , 191", of rHiy,-1ic;il ~';e isbry N.). 8 (1949) ~'H 0 p I " I -. *, , ~. . -. . A. A. Sltorl -in, G. G. Abriko~ov, N. it. Bere,,-Awt, Z. S. BrontiLein, S. Ga.'evska-. V. 1. N. ',T. Kondalrov, 1. 1. Weyer, V. I. Ulif~-,n, i. Usaatchev, A. Filatova, T. F. Chitcharove-, Z. G. shor co,uthDrs of ',-~e book "Definitions - Faunp~ shch~ V. ja T Ga Ski -w -lora o-~' ~ orthern Se,~s in USSR edited bi Prof. S. yev PT-proved by the Ministry of USSR Hi--her Educat-Jen as a =nual for universities. Stat Publishing IISGI'!~;l "Icscov - 1948. SC: IM 651015 1. SHORIGINAY N. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Wood -Chemistry 7. Valuable work ("Chemistry of wood." N.L. Nil~tin. Reviewed by N. N. Shorigina). Bum. Prom. 27 No. 8, 1952. A 9. ~bpU List ~Lf Ruppiln Accessions, Library of Congress, February 953. Unclaisfied. SHORIGINA, N.N.; KOLOTOVA, L.I. Chlorination of hydrolytic lignin. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.3:562-566 My-Je 153. (14T.RA 6:8) 1. Institut orpanichenkoy khImil Akademii nauk SSSR. (Liguin) KOMSKIY, D. Prinira.1i VOLKOV, V.; VOLCHKOV, V.; GORSHKOV~ A. KOPYTOV, Ye.; SALOV, V.; SHORIKOVAI T.; STOLYAROV, Yu.r red. [Cybernetics made easy] Prostaia kibernetika. Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1965. 158 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (for all except Stolyarov). SHORIN, A. Planning the construction of roads. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12 no.11:25 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Zaveduyushchiy gorodskim otdelom kommunallnogo khozyaystva, Volgograd. (Roads-Design) 137-58-6-11678 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 65 (USSR) AUTHORS Glinkov, M.A., Men'shikov, R.I., Morozov, V.A., Shorin, A.F. TITLE- Thermal Operation of an Open-hearth Furnace When Oxygen is Used to Intensify the Combustion Process (Teplovaya rabota martenovskoV pechi pri primenenii kisloroda dlya intensifi- katsii protsessa goreniya) PERIODICAL V sb.: Primenenlye kisloroda v metallurgii. Moscow, Meta.Ilurgizdat, 1957, pp 95-114 ABSTRACT Results are presented of an investigation on the introduction of 0 into the flame jet through a tuyere from the sides of the duct into a 200-t furnace at the "Zaporozhstal' " Works. When the oxygen enrichment of the air is Z5% and the maximum heat input is 33.2 mill. kcal/hr, output rose by 32.2% and the nom- inal consumption of fuel dropped by 16.816. With 30% enrich- ment and a maximum heat input of 33.4 mill. kcal/hr, the fig- ures were, respectively, 61.0 and 35.076 of those of non-oxygen heats. Ratios for output and unit fuel consumption to average thermal stress and degree of enrichment of the air by 0? are Card 1/2 given. The following factors are examined: the conditions of 137-58-6-11678 Thermal Operation of an icont.) temperature in the course of a heat, the distribution of heat flow across the area of the bath, and the change in the composition of combustion products in the working space. Heat balances are compiled as an average for a heat for various thermal and oxygen regimes, G.G. 1. Open Irea--th fuxraces- -Performance 2. Oxygen--Appli-cat-Ions A Card 2/2 SOV/133--59-6-13/41 AUTHORS: Kornfel I d, V. N. , Candidate (if' Technical Sciences, VoYtov; A.O., Koshelev, V.I., Shorin,_Aj~., and Dymov, B.K., Engineers TITLE- Thermal Performance of an Open Hearth Furnace when Blowing oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath (Teplovaya rabota martenovskoy pechi pri produvke metalla) IIER10DICAL: StaI2, 1959, Nr 6, PP 513-520 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thirty eight experimental heats with blowing oxygen into the metal bath were carried out on a 200 ton open hearth furnace operating with 70% of hot iron. The moment of the beginning of blowing was varied. In order to decrease the formation of fumes during blowing in some heats, water was introduced into the oxygen stream (0.7 - 0.9 litres per 1 m3 of oxygen). The consumption of oxygen during blowing varied from 25 to 35 m3/min and when using water additions from 27 to 37 m"z/min. Thermal load during the experimental heats was manually controlled on the basis of systematic Card 1/6 analvses of the combustion products in vertical flues SOV/133-59-6-13/41 Thermal Performance of an Open Hearth Furnace when Blowing oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath and temperatures of the roof (magnesi-te chromite) and the top of the air regenerators (upper layers - forsterille bricks). In some moments of the heats the thermal load -was limited by draught capacity of the furnace. The oxygen supply to flame was cut off during blowing period in order to economise oxygen. The experimental results obtained are shown in Figures I - It was found that4 1) Due to an acceleration of decarburi;E-ation of metal and an intensification of the evolution of Co from the bath, thermal load during blowing is considerably decreased. Correspondingly the mean thermal load for the whole decarburisation period (from charging of hot iron to the end of blowing) also decreases. 2) When the blowing is started at an optimal moment, the course of heat in the thermo- technological sense substdntially differs from the usual one for the open hearth process. Under experimental conditions the mean thermal load during Card 2/6 blowing was decreasing to 14 million cal/hr, whereupon SOV/133-59--6-13/41 Thermal Performance of an Open Hearth Furnace when Blowing Oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath during 30 - 40 minutes it actually amounted to 5 - 6 mil cal/hr and during 15 - 20 minutes of the most violent evolution of CO from the bath, the supply of fuel was completely stopped. 3) The mean thermal load for the whole decarburi-sing period (from charging hot iron to end of blowing) was actually determined by the proportion of the period taken for blowing, the earlier the blowing was started, the lower was the mean thermal load for this period. 4) The absorption of heat by the bath (per unit of time) and the coefficient of the utilisation of the furnace working space increases during blowing. On average during blowing as well as during the decarburisation period the above factors were higher the earlier blowing was started, 5) The period of decarburisation decreases more, the earlier blowing is started, whereupon the rate of decrease of the decarburisIng period increases faster than the rate of increase of the rate of heat absorption by the bath. Therefore~ Card 3/6 if blowing was started moo early, the metal remains SOV/133-59-6-13/41 Thermal Performance OL an Open Hearth Furna-~~e when Blowing Oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath insufficiently heated when the blowing is finished and it is necessary to heat it further under inconvenient conditions of dec-arburised bath. A rational relationship of the duration of the decarburising period and intensity of heating up metal will be obtained only if the blowing is started at an optimal moment, as only then will the maximum thermo- technical effe,.::t be obtained. Under experimental conditions, the average specific consumption of conventional fuel for heats in which the blowing was started at the optimum moment decreased to 87 kg/t (with specific consumption of Oxygen 37 m3lt? including 22 rO/ton added to flame before starting blowing). 6) on the addition of water to the stream of oxygen for the prevention of excessive fuming, the abovementioned relationship remains valid. However, as a proporticn of heat is consumed for the evaporation of Card 4/6 water and heating up of the steam formed ti a SOV/133-59-6-13/4i Thermal Performance of an Open Hearth Furnace when Blowing oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath temperature of the products of combustion, the decarburisation process proceeds less intensively and the heat absorption by the bath and the thermal coefficient of utilisation of the furnace working volume are lower than on blowing oxygen alone. The minimum average specific fuel consumption for heats in which the blowing with the oxygen-water mixture was commenced at the optimum moment for the experimental condition amounted to 107 kg/ton for the whole heat (at the same oxygen consumption as on blowing oxygen alone)., 7) In the course of heats with blowing oxygen or oxygen water mixture, the temperature conditions of the furnace lining do not differ materially from ordinary heats, providing the thermal load is controlled according to the intensity of the evolution of carbon monoxide from the bath and normal conditions of normal combustion in the working volume are maintained. A high velocity of the processes taking place during blowing requires continuous-watching of the thermal Card 5/6 conditions of the heat (an appropriate automation of SOV/133-59-6-13/41 Thermal Performance of an Open Hearth Furnace when Blowing Oxygen or Oxygen Water Mixture into the Bath the control of this process is necessary), Under the experimental conditions the optimum moment for the beginning of blowing was found to be between 60 and 80 minutes after the beginning of charging of liquid iron. The optimum moment can be shifted nearer to the time of charging liquid iron, by decreasing the proportion of the cold component of the charge. However, the advisability of such a measure should be detex-.n:Lned undex- the actual cond:itions of the economy of the process as a whole. There are 8 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.~ Tsen-troenergoehermet i Moskovskiy institut stali (Tsentroenergochermet and Moscow Institute of Steel) Card 6/6 - SHIORIN, A.F. (Moskva) Microhardness of lignite coke. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. Met.i topl. no.4;176-179 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15-.8) (Coke-Testing) (Hardness--Testing) - -.-- - - ~ -- -- - IN 1 : I . . ~" ' 0 111~ " t',- - - - - - - ..' I . SHORIN A.F.. I Investigation of lignite coke as blast furoce fuel, Izv. vys. uclieb. zavt; cherne mote 5 noe9:43-48 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut stali i. splavov. (Coke-Teating) Z WOK EXPWITA"NON s o v /4 3 5 4 ry L t Proizvodstvo spirallnogo metallorezhushchego instrumenta metodom eVruchivatitya dvukh metallov (The Manufacture of Helical Metal-Cutting Tools by Twisting Two Metals (Together) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 54 p. 4,500 copies printed. Reviewer: G. V. Podgurskiy; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal- working and Toolmaking: V. V. Rzhavinskiy, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: G. I. Baydakov; Tech. Ed.: G. V. Smirnova. PURPOSE: This brochure is intended for designers and process engineers in toolmaking and machine-building plants. COVERAGEi Practical experience gained in the design and produc- tIon of helical metal-cutting tools (face-milling cutters, end-railling cutters, arbor-type reamers, and others) by hot twisting of two different metals is discussed. This method was developed and applied by the Kolomenskiy teplovozostroitell- nyy zavod im. Kuybysheva (Kolomna Diesel-Locomotive-Building c at7j-_-W4 KARPOVIGH, Nikelay Kenstantinevich; SHCHIN, A.M., podpolk$Tuik, redaktor; MYASNIYLOV, T.F., tekhuicheskj5;-AaAkt-Oi~.-- [Aerial photegrammetry'l Aerofetogrammetriia. Izd-To 3-0, perer. I dop. Moak-ra., Veen. izd-ve MiUigtSrBtT& *bor.-SSSR, 1956. 178 P. (Aerial Dhotegrammetry) (MLRA 9:5) BULINSKIIY, Vadim Aleksandrovich, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; ORIN podpolkovnikq redaktor; KTJZIMIN, I.F., tekhnicheskiy _RM"or.- ~. - re [Dynamics of maneuvering fighter planes in air battle] Dinamika manevrirovaniia samoleta~-istrebitelia v vozdashnom boin. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. WSR, 1957. 199 P (MLRA 10:6) (Airplanes--Piloting) ZHUKOV, Vladimir Hikolayevich: SHORIN. A.M., polkovnik. red.; SOLOMOITIK, R.L., [Airplane armament] Oruzhie avietaii. Koskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1959. 133 P. (WM 13:5) (Aerial gunnery) (Airplanes, Military--Armament) (Bombing, Aerial) OCHEROV, Ivan Kirillovich; MARISOV, Vladimir Illarionovich; SHORIN, ,A.M., polkovnik, red.; MY.ASHIKOVA, T.F., [Guided missiles; according to foreign data] Upravliaemye snariady; po inostrannyin dannym. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1959. 295 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Guided Missiles) NIKOLAYEV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; SHORIN, A.M., polkovnik, red.; VOLKOVA, V.Ye., - ~ - -: ---:~ _ [Anti-missile missiles; based on data from the foreign press] Snariad protiv snariada; po materialam zarubezhnoi pechati. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-vs obor.SSSR, 1960. 146 p. (Guided missiles) (MIRA 13:12) TATARCHENK03. Aleksandr Yevgenlyevich; SHORIN, A.11.,-_red.; I-IYASNIKOVA, T.F., tekhn. red. [Ballistic rocket ; according to materials published abroad) Ballisticheskaia raketa; po materialam zarubezhnoi pechati. Mo- skva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1961. 76 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Rockets (Aeronautics)) (Artificial satellites) NIKOLAYEV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; ~11ORIN, A.M-, red.; MYASNIKOVA, T.F., tekhn. red. [Antimissile missiles; from materials in the foreign presoj Raketa protiv rakety; po materialam zarubezhnoi pechati. Tzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 198 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Guided missiles) t, mi!-Lez~kle sc-,~,ntsii slcva I V(:)e-nj.zda-,, 8 ~t l' -, A? 9 LE,VA!;'r()VSKFY , Vladiini r Isaakovich; S11011111 I A.A.', , rpti, - I ['~Ifayc- To the moon and the Flanets of the so.',~r Fvs~eml Put.1 k Lune i plarietam solnechnci siste:71. '! (-, s 1 c -. - --- , 1 205 p. (,*JtPj~ Voen! zciai , 1~ 6f' . LEVIT, M.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHORIN,A.P., inzhener; RUBTSOVA, T.V., inzhener. Practicing continuous refining of fats at the Moscow Margarine Plant. Masl.-zhir.prom.21 no.2:12-16 '56. (MUA 9:7) l.Veesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zhirov (for Levit). 2.Moskovskiy margarinovyy zavod (for Shorin, Rubtsova). (Moscow--Oils and fats) SHORIN, A.P., inzh.; ZELIKSON, T.I., inzh. Operational experience of the Moscow Hydrogenation Plant. Masl.-zhir. prom. 23 no-9:33-35 '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Mosgidrozavod. (Hydrogenation) (Moscow-Oils and fats) SHORIN, A.F. , inzh. Heat method for unloading fats. Mael.-zhir, prom. Z4 no,3:32-37 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1, Moskovokiy gidrogenizatsionnyy zavodo' (Oil industries-Equipment and supplies)' (Loading and unloading) USSR/ GI-= 44.zal T=chn -,! zg y. Pr- cts a-rd Their Application -- Fa'~-3 and oils. WxA:e--,. 5-,iap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Abst J~~u=ai: Referat Zh:~;.r N~; 2, 1957, 6397 Aut'nj,)r: Lev~'_I'y M. S.~ A. F., Rubtsova, T. V. Title: PLvttirg '.Pt-3 Practice ;if CcntfiiucuI3 Refining Of Fats e;. the MoscOW Marga::Iree Flan-A. Original p-rcm-st' Publicat~or.: bkasl-:~b .-_7 , iqr-6, N_ 2) 12--L6 Abstra,_-": A layauf sht7wr c.-P a tmit of the laval Company for a continuous refining ~)f fats amdi a description is given of the technological of the as well as of the average expenditure indices c~=-putel_ -na-Z 1 -,on of refined fat. The disadvantages and the advantag~-_,-as featiLres of the unit are listed. Card 1/1 C,!! (~ ~ i , " fA.3. .i - '.2 "ne Ush economic and gebgraphical reglilon. izv. All Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 3 rjro.5:5-30 161. (14LV-- 15:9) (Osh Province-Economic geography) STIORIII, A.S. Naukatsk' Distr4ct, Osh Province; conr,"se economic and geograph-:,.-jal Y L - f-latures. Izv. Aff Kir. SSR. Ser. est.i tekh. na-uk 3 no.5:31-45 16-1. 1-NaiAats',-,i.Y District-Economic geography) (MIRA 15:9) I SHORIN. A. S. Dissertation defended at the Institute of Geography ror the academ4c degree of Candidate of Goographical Sciences: frOshskiy Intra-oblast :1,conomico-Geographical Rayon." Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. llQl-145 124-58-9-10641 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 168 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shorin, A. V. TITLE: Multi-specimen Testing Machine for Stress-rupture Testing at Elevated Temperatures (Mnogoobraztsovaya mashina dlya ispytaniy na dlitet' nuyu zharoprochnost') PERIODICAL: V sb. : Issled. po zharpofochn, splavam. Vol Z. Moscow, AN SSS R, 1957; pp 281--284 ABSTRACT: Description of the design of a machine for the concurrent testing for stress- rupture 'bq4avior in tension of six specimens 5 mm in diameter and 25 m'm in length. The greatest load per specimen is 750 kg, the highest test temperature is 9600C. A five -compartment electric furnace rated at 5 kw is employed, in which two compartments are controlled by PNO-25.0 type regulators.- Maintenance of a constant furnace temperatur~e and automatic recording'is accomplished by an EPD-12 type electronic potentiomeier~. It should be noted that fairly sig- nificant temperature dilfferences (3-50) obtain between speci- mens during the tests an~, in particular, after a cold speci- Card 1/2 men has been installed 'to replace one that has failed (30-350) 124-58-9-io641 Multi-specimen Testing Machine for Stress-rupture Testing (cont. ) at the two adjacent specimens and 7-100 at the other three)- G. A. Tulyako- 1. Testing equipment--Design Card 2/2 - I-- I: -- ,,-, -, ~ - r Y- CHERTKOV, Khaim Ayzikovich, DOIGIY, A.G., retsenzent; SHORIN, D.M., red.; FIBMLIN, K.Z., red.; MSNAYA, A.K., [Manual on marine boilers and shiD hulls] Posobie kotellshchiku- sudokorpusniku. Izd.3-e, perer.i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1957. 199 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Hulls (Naval architecture)) (Boilers, Marine) GRIGORIYIPV, Vitaliy ronstantinovich; KIRILLOV, Grigoriy Konstantinovich; RABRY, Isaak Takavlovich; SHORIN, b.K., red.; ALWEM, V.I.; red. I- izd-va; 7ILIPPOV, A.L., [Maneuverability of oil barges in push-type towing] Upravliaemost' neftenalivnykh sostovov pri tolkanii, Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1958. 55 P. (MIRA 11-'7) (Towing) / .//l ~ / I /,i-j' MATROSOV. G.F.. Inzhaner; SHORIN, D.M., inzhaner. Efficient method of attaching amok@ stacks to boilar fire grates. Rach. transp. 16 no.3:19-21 Mr 157. (MLRL 10:4) (Boilers, Marina) TROFIMOVA, V.I., nauchnyy sotr.; SHTLMIAN, P.A., nauchnyy sotr.; GROZNOV, S.R., nauchW sotr.; SIDOROVA, L.I.,, nauchnyy sotr.; DUNTSOVA, V.G.; KAZENOVA, A.R.; FROTOPMV, S.I.;.SHORIN, GAF., red.; LOBANOV, D.I.9, red.; MOLCHANOV, O.P.9 ked.; MARTINOVA) Ye.G.,, red.; SIDOROV., V.A.., red.; TINATKOV, V.D., red VAGANOVA, N%A*, red.; BABIGEVA, V.T... tekhn. red. (Collected recipes of dishes for workers and students] Sbornik retseptur bliud dlia pitaniia rabochikh i studentov. 2 perer dop. izd. Moskva, Gos.izd-.vo torg.lit-ry., 1961. 491 P.~:~' (WRA 15--il 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo torgovli. 2. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut torgov.1i i obshchestvemogo pitaniya (for Trofimova, Shteyman, Grozncrv, Sidorova). 3. Upravleni-ye ob- shchestvennogo pitaniya Ministerstva torgavli RSFSR (for Duatsova., Nazenova). 4. GlavrWy kulinar Upr - gh-11mg, ma'.-ImItani7a Ministerstva torgovli RSFSR (for Protopopov). (Cookery) MIKUYWV, D.V., in2h., red.; YUTORW, S.B., Imud. tekhn. nauk, red.; -SHMUN, I.MI, inzh., red.; BARIKOVA, G.I., red. izd-va; tekhn. red. [Cutting with mineral-ceramic tools; turning and milling] Rezhimy rezaniia mineralolmramichaskimi instramentami; tochenie i freze-, rovanie. *sk7a, Goa. nauchno-tekh. izd-vo mashinostroit lit-ry 195s. 49 p. wiA litiol 1. Russia, (1923- U.S.S.R.) GlavniiprcVekt.Hauohno-issledovatell- ftyebyaro tekhnicheskikh normativov. 2. Wachallnik sekbora nauchno- isoledovatellskogo bymro tekhnicheakikh normativov (for Mikhaylov). (Metal cutting) SHORIN, I. Ye. (Cand Diol Sci); SHABUROV, M. WS.; POPOVIYANTS, M1. N. (Cand. Vet Sci) "Isolation of a Living Bacteinial Culture of Brucella from a Quasi-Steinille Semiliouid Antibrucellosis Formol Vaccine, if Veterinariya, Vol 27, No 9, vp 28-30., 195o. (This report is from the Dept. of Biochemistry, All-Union Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Science) Translation 1,.'-17962, 3 ~iay 51 S' -, C L' --1 " , 7 Foot-and-Mouth Disease Microbic forms of the virus of hoof and mouth disease. Veterinariia, 29, No. 7, 1952. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Librar-f of Congress, October 1952. Unclassified. PARTICLE ACCELER~'-TORS: SYNCHM"I, 01,' "Universnl Parameter for MeasurinS the Macnetic Field of a Synchrotron"' bi, V.N. Kannunnikov and K.N. Shorin, Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciemn-ces USSR-, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksrerimentla, No 3, November-Dece-mber 1956, pp 2 25. Descr-liption of a scheme employ-ing an electronic switch with low resistance in the closed state that permits measurements of the zrotjze- tic field in a spichrot-ron with an accuracy not less 'than 11,'a ia the ranCe of 1500-12,00 oersted. Reference is made to an arbicle by Ele,..,ett, Ro':crs, aud S-..,-?.rtz (Review of Scientific Instrkuients, 1951) 24, 732-~138). Card 1/1 SOV/120-58-4-5/30 AUTHORS: Shorin, K.N., r4etallnikov, Yu-N., Bozin, G.M., Yeremin, L-V. TITLE: Using PenwZllay Core r- .-j 1 Making Magnetic Measurements in Accelerators (Primeneniye permal- loyevykh datchikov pri magnitnykh izmerenlyakh v uskoritelyakh) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 4, pp 25-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Permalloy elements have large sensitivity in the range 0 to a few hundred oersted. They may be used to ez-n-struct 6~p- paratus having sensitivities in the order of 10-D to 10-0 oersted or better in the case of static fields, i.e. fields which do not change with time. In !measarihj~q- non-uniform magnetic fields which vary with time, a permalloy moving coil instrument will give rise to an error associated with the hysterisis of permalloy and the dependence of the field, due to transients in the epre, on the rate of change of the field with time. A method is described in the present paper whereby this error may be eliminated auto- matically. The magnetometer which has been constructed Card 1/2 using may be used ~-~OTI/120-53-4-5/50 Using Permalloy Core Making,Magnetic Measurements in Accelerators U --netic fields in accolera- iaeasure both static and dynamic ma, Uors in Lhe 0-60 oersted. The sensitivity of the instrument is (2-3)1O-3inthJSrer*q9, T!-,e insul-rwifient can be used to iiieas-ure distortions in the mean macra-netic plane in synchro- 1- r)ns. T-'i-- co-moensation circuit w1iich eliTilinates the above U error is slliovr-a in Fi~~;.2 and the c-I.ete electronic ni--rcuit Q-1 used is sliown in Fi,-.G. The moving Wl-An-trunertitwIf 1; ilustrated '-3 in Fi-,-.3. V.A.Pa~u~cliov, -P.J.S.Rabinovich and V.Ye.Fisarev are 'G, -Led 'or 'hei-r- help. There are fi~rures and 1 E~n-lish -L U 0 reference. ASSOCIATION: Fiizich-eskiy instituVI AN SSSR Institute of Physics, Acade.-iy of Sciences, USSR) SUBILLPTTED: October 27, l)57. Card 212 GRYAZI-TOV., A.I.. METAL INIKOV., Yu.N.; MOLCHANOV, S.S.; NOVIKOVA, G.V.; PETUM6V1, V.A'. PISAREVY V.Ye.; PYSHKIN, B.N,; PANTYUSHKOVA, Ye.V.; SEDOV, M.G.; SHC311! K.N. - YAKIII-ENKO, M.N. The 680 Mev. synchrotron of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Atom. energ. 13 no.3:228-234 S 162. - (MIRA 15:9) (Synchrotron) S/908/52/000/000/001/008 Al 63/B1 80 AUTHORS: .3ozin, G. M., Yeremin, L. V., Metallnikov Yu. N. Pisarev, V. Ye.,-Shorin, K. N. TITLE; Magnet and magnetic field characteristics of -~the 680 Mev' accelerator SOURCE: Uskoritell*elektronov na 680 Mev; sbornik statey. Ed.:by Z. D. Andreyenko. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962, 5-23 TEXT: The weak-focusing 680.Mov-sypohrotron of the Fizicheskiy-In4titut-, im. P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P.N.Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) is based on the.180 Mev.proton accelerator, which was the model for the big Dubna 10 Bev proton-synchrotron accelerator. The electromagnets, power systemand certain other parts were taken from this model. Average orbit radius in the-4~seators is 2 meters, the length of each of.the 4 rectilinear.sect--ons 67 cm, pole width 36 'am, gap.width at equilibrium orbit 12 am, and angle:of the ci b:~,'. izi sectors 86t. The magnetic p:alse in the gap is almost triangular in ahapel' with an amplitude of 11000 oe (current amplitude--950 a) .'and build-up. tim _~Card 1/3,.-,,. B19081621000100010011008 MagneVand magnetic field B163/B180 0.68 sec. The initial growth rate of the magnetic field strength is 20,900 oe/sec. The following modifications were made to the power system for operation with electrons: 1) a demagnetization device was fitted; creating an opposite current pulse in the main windings in between the working cycles, to reduce the remanence field to about:2 oe, 2) a a, magnetizing arrangement vas added, to create a negative field of 35 oe in the gap before the beginning of the cycle, (this- helps:to*finish all transition processes in the magnet and-the power systembeforelthe moment,, of the injection), 3) a stabilization circuit was added for the initial voltage at the magnet windings, to fix the initial growth rate of the, magnetic field with an accuracy of 0.5%, thus stabilizing the in.fluence of eddy currents-on the magnetic characteristics at the injection. The injection energy Is 800 kev, and the:initial field.20 oe on average the field index is 0.66-0.68. The influence of deviations of the .real from -the ideal magnetic field on the:corresponding orbital deviations from the.1'' ideal orbit, is studied by perturbation.calculations in a linear approxi- iv_ mation, and it is estimated that the greatest deviations from the,equili- brium orbit in axial and radial -direction are less than 5 cm. Magnetic field distribution was measured on aA improved permalloy pickup for field Card 2/3 8/908/62/000/000/001/006, Magnet and magnetic field ... B 1 63/B 186, strengths up to 100 oe, and also by the inductive-method, using a ballistic.-!I, galvanometer or electron integrator, for field strengths above 300 oe. Figures shov the magnetic setup, field-distribution and equilibrium orbits along the racetrack with and without field compensation, and the distribution of the field index over.the radial.ooordinate for various-, states of compensation and various field strengths, and the arrangement of compensation'coils. The deviations of the magnetio-median surface from:' the middle-gap plane are also compensated by special windings, so as n1pt to exceed 15 mm. There are 9 figures. Card 3/3 S/qO8/62/OOO/OOO/OO2/QO8 3163/3180 AUTHORS: Gryaznov, A. I., Novikova-,. G. V., Shorin, K. N ,,TITLE: Power supply system forthe electromagnet of the.6ao Mev accelerator SOURCE:' Uskoritell elektronov na 680 Mev; sbornik- statey. Ed. by Z. D. Andreyenko. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 19062. 24-30 TEXT: The power system used for the 180 Mev proton synchrotron was completely modernized for operation with electrons, especially with respect to the weak magnetic field characteristics at the beginning of the acceleration cycle. A suitably ada-pted demagnetization device was introduced, the voltage across the magnet windings in the first period of the acceleration cycle was stabilized, and a negative field created before the working cycle. This re 'duced the residual field in the 'gap from 50 to 2 oe. The working pulse was supplied*from a controllable ignitron rectifier fed from a synchronous generator calculated for an average power of 3000 kw. The generator voltage is controlled by a... regullator. Mounted on the same shaft a~-e a 1400 kw asynchronous.motori Card 1/2 06/62/000/000/002/068.1;1 Power 3upply system for the BM/BIPOI a 4 ton flywheel for smoothing out power-fluctuations, and a synchronous generator for supplying the control cirnuits. The field windings of the synchronous generators are 'Led from two auto nomous generators comounted with another, 135 kw asynchronous motor an.d a _-ub-exdten'Fbxir phase shifters regulate the pulse3 controlling the ignitron rectifier. A block-diagram. of the power system, and circuit diagrams of the ignitron rectifier, demapetizing arrangement, negative magnetic field system, and initial voltage stabilizatuion are given. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 GOLIDIN, L.L.; SKACHKOV, S.V.; SHORIII, K.N.; PODOSHVINA, V.A.., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. reiL-- [Magnetic measurements in charged particle accelerators] Mag- nitnye izmereniia v uskoriteliakh zariazhennykh chastits. 110- skva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 55 P. (-15'.4) (Particle accelerators) (Magnetic measurements) .~,RTIFIVYVJA., SiORIN, K.N. .- -- --- -, Ad-histing the gamma-r-ay direction in cyclic electrcr- accelerators. prib. i tekh. eksp. 10 no,Iv-201-2.02 ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:7" 1. Fizicheskiy InstituL AN SSSR~ S/908/62/000/000/007/008 B163/B18O AUTHORS: Babkin,.V. M., Bozin, G. M., Gagin, Ye. N., Yeremin, L. V., 4o ~ , Orlovskly, 0. N., Petukhov, V. A., Piearev, V. Ye., Sedov, N. G.', Shorin, K. ff. TITLE: Some starting-up and operatingproblema of the 680 Mev synchrotron SOURCE: Uskoritell elektronov na 680 Mev; abornik statey. Ed. by Z, D.'Andreyenko. Moscow, Gosatomizd'at.11962. 64-74 TEXT: The momentary particle orbit during the first revolutions is distorted due to a number of uncontrollable deviations from the Ideal magnetic field configuration. This must be corrected in order to capturi a sufficient part of the injecteVelectrons. Indicating devicesimeasuring, deviations help to find the,inilial conditions, e.g., the correct injection angle enditiming for which the free oucillatione-about the equilibrium orbit become minimal during the first revolutions. Similar methods were used to oorrect.for deviations of the median surfac:,"of the magnetic field from the geometrical symmetry plane. For theae m aeurement Card 1/3 S/908/62/000/000/007/008 Soma starting-up and operating ... B163/B180 a chop or was used, consisting of an electric deflector immodistoly bohindi the 609 magnetic sector field in the Injection line, by which short pulses. of 1-2 ILsec duration could be selected from the injected beam. The signalling devices were flags and grids coated with luminescent paint, sometimes in connection with photomultipliers. In this way the orbit deviations could be reduced to 2-3 am in radial in 1-2 am in vertical directi6n. In the quasibetatron and the synchrotron acceleration stages the envelope of all oscillating orbits T-as measured by movable vanes, three or four in each sector. In the first stage, about 15 Asec, the accelerating field is disconnected but the magnetic field is &owing. When the momentary particle orbit has been reduced, at 0.2 to 0-3 Mm. per revolution, from the inflector to the central chamber radius, the accelerating electric field is switched on. Under opt mal conditions, the- capture coefficient is 2%, which corresponds to 2.5*10~ -electrons per cycle. To avoid undesirable re3onanae effects from the passing elootron beam in the resonator during the first stage the resonator is detuned, and the second stage is performed at a smaller orbit radius. When the field is switched off at the end of the accelerating cycle, the magnetic field. is still rising and the.eleotrons hit the target, a tungsten wire I Mm Card 2/3 3/908J62/600/000/007/008 Some starting-up and operating ... B163/BIBO diam, inside the acceleration orbit. The intensity of the y radiation produced was measured in a thick walled graphite ionization chamber. A total y energy per cycle of 2-10� Ilev could be achieved, gnd the number of accelerated electrons per cycle was of the order of 10 There are 6 figures. Card 3/3