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. - I I L~ . ~ I . 216 0 ZEMLYAK, Yu.j.;.�#OR A.I. 2 --- F~Ve more cawdng plants. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 nc>.12:35 D 162. 09RA 15:12) 1. Glavnyy inzh. upravleniya mestnoy 'prorpyahlennosti pri Sovete Ministrov Moldavskoy SSR (for Zemlyak-), 2. Starshiy inzh. proizvodatTenno- teldinicheskogo oidela upravleniya mestnoy promysblennosti pri, Sovete Ministrov Moldavbkoy SSR (for Shor). (Moldavia--Canning industry) OSNOVICH, L.D., inzh.; SHOR, A.M., inzh. Capacitance in asymmetrical system of cylinders with alternating polarity. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.2:35-41 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. No-osibirskiy elaktrotekhnicheskiy Institut. Predstavlena kafedroy teoreticheskikh osnov elektrotekhniki. (Electric machinery) (Magnetic circuits) SHORP Az-lad-'v Milkhaylovich, starshiy prepodavatell Calculalic-n of eddy cxrent !:~rser-, in the printed windings of d.c. machines. Izir, rys, ucheb, zav,j alektrcmekh, 8 no.5.510-519 165. (ff RA 18:7) 1, Kafedra teoretic~cskikh osnov elektrotekhniki Novosibirskogo elek- trot,ekh,nIcheskogo inEft-itlita. ~, 0571-1-6-7 ALL Mr A 6010623 SOURCE CODE: UIR/0196/65/000/010/1007/1007 AUTHOR: Shor, A. M.; Kazanskly, V. M.; Osnovich, L. D. TITLE: Selection of the optimal width of an active conductor of a disk printed armature i SOURCE- Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika I energetika, Abs. 10146 REF SOURCE: Izv. TomBkogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 132, 1966, 93-98 TOPIC TAGS: printed circuit, conductor, armature ABSTRACT: A method Is presented for the selection of the optimal width of an active conduc- tor of a disk printed armature. The optimal. width is determined from the conditions of the mInimiun electromechanical time constant and the minimum electrical losses in the armature winding. A definition is made of the degree of the influence of the active conductor width deviation from the optimal on the intertial and thermal qualities of the machine. A definitive solution Is made on the basis of a quality comparison. In most cases the dominant influence is E-merted by the inertia opti-mitm. - [Translation of abstract I Bibliography of 6 titles. G. SaIgus SUE. CODE: 1P, 09 1/1 UDC: 621.3045.21.001.24: SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/661000/006ftoli/1011: AGO Na-.-AR6029474 AUTHOR: Shor, A. 'MI.; Parshukov, B. A.: Matsanova, A. L.; Churkin, V. S. TITLE: Eddy-current loss in printed conductors of electric-machine windings SOURCE: Raf. zh. Elektronika i energetika, Abs. 6166 REF SOURCE: Sb. dokl. k Nauchno-takhn. konforentsii po olektr. mashinam s pochatn. ob-motkaml. Novosibirsk, 19611--, 56-70 TOPIC TAGS: electric machine, PrInted winding, eddy current loss,, C, 7 13ST.R~~,,`CT- r.__;'o-r__"a~1as`-_haC-ve been developed/ for determining the eddy-current los., in printed-wl-n--n- conductors, in disk-type and cylindrical d-c machines. At first, a curve of magnetic induction in the interpole space (which essentially differs froz-, the straight lime) has been plotted by using the method of conformal transformation and also experimental data. The losses are calculated on a di-ital com-outer 'or various dimension ratios of the magnetic system. In the case of0disk armiture,Lthe loss was determined in cop'per-foil segments pasted on a disk which was rotated in a magnetic field by an auxiliary motor at a constant rpm. The losses were calculated from the braking torque measured by a spring-type Card 1/2 __UDC:_621. 'CC ) la: AR6029474 sensor on the shaft of the auxiliary motor. In measuring-the losses by thermo- couples, the temperature of the segments was noted, and its effect on the segment resistance was taken into account. The losses were measured in the straight and slant conductors,.in cross-slot conductors, etc. Tan figures, N. Astakhov [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 Card ACC 1'~!R: AR6029473 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/66/000/306/IO10/1010- AUTHOR: Shor, A. M.; 1-11atsanova, A. L.; Parshukov, B. A. TITLE: Distribution of eddj-current loss along the printed-dindirg conductor in a d-a machine armature SOURCE: lei'. zh. Elektronika i energetika, Abs. 61165 UF SOURCE: So. dokl. k Nauchno-teklin. konferentsii po elektr. mashinam s pechatn. oocllotkami. Novosibirsk, 19_6 71-78 TOPIC TAaS: electr:~c machine printed windin- -current loss along the ABSTL~ lt~ Tne distribution is considex(ed of specific eddy active portion of the armature conductor.It is assumed that the magnetic-induction :vector is perpendicular to the conductor surface and remains constant along the IConducto., . I-. -uhe interpole space, the induction varies linearly. The "Loss -distribut 1; cgicalation includes determining the components of the electric-field strang, th, from Which the lo_=s-vs.-e~,ordinate relation is derived. Formulas are derived of specific- loss distribution along the conductors in disk- and cylindrical-armature machines; curves are olotted from these, formialas. The curvez show that, in the disk printed windin=-s, the eddy-current loss in the conductor is distributed practically as the square of the disk radius. In the cylindri cal-armature conductors, the eddy--=~rant loss is distributed uniformly along the conductor. Four figures. N. Astakhov. [Translation of abstrac] SUB CODE: 09 Cord UDC: 621.313. ACC NRt AP6021063 (AY N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0292/66/000/003/0061/0062 X.TTHOR: Shor, A. M.; Matsanova, A. L. ORG: none TITLE: Selection of voltage for motors with printed rotor winding SOURCE: Elek-troteklinika, no- 3, 1966, 61-62 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor, disk rotor motor TRACT: In most cases the eddy-current loss sets the lower to the disk-motor voltage. Based on thermal relations in the motor, this formula is deduced for 1.2P JB ke , where P - motor rated power2 B - average optimal voltage: U- =CL6a 7j W VF_ _-.1 induction, f - frequency, W - permissible heat loss in the armature, i)* - motor efficiency; other symbols, various design coefficients. Thelatter were determined on a digital computer for average conditions and the motor design of the Novos!birsk Electrotechnical Institute; plots of voltage vs. power for -various pole-pair iLumbers are shown. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 15 fornw-lae. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none Card .A.001.2 L 4~ 912-66 Rrr6) AC NR, AR6010524 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/65/000/010/1007/1007 1 AUTHOR: Shor, A. Me oz TITLE: Calculation: of the Influence of vortex currents on the primary excitation fleld of a dIrect-cuzrent machine with a printed armature SOURM Ref. zh. Elektrotekhjiika I energetika, Abo. 10148 REF SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 1132, 1965, 106-112 TOPIC TAGS: do generator, printed circuit, external magnetic field ABSTRACT: A calculation is presented of a resultant magnetic fteld in the region of printed coil conductors. The results obtained make it possible to conduct a more accuxate calculation of the losses and to evaluate the degree of influence of vortex cmrents on the primary field of the machine. The calculation Is performed with the following assumptions: 1) no account is taken of ihe nonuniform distribution of the intensity of the external magnetic Held across the conductor, which appears durling the movement of the conductor In this Held; 2~ the calculation Is performed relative to the first harmonic of the external magnetic Belt . -,) t~e reaction of the vortex currents of an Individual conductor is taken into account; 4) the conductor of rectangular cross section Is replaced by an infinite cylindrical conductor of elliptical cross section; and Card L 42912-66 ACC NR: AR6010524 0 5) no account Is taken of the displacement currents both within and without the conductor, whi( is fully permissible considering the low frequencies in d-o machines. [Translation of abstract G. Salgus -- - ---- SUB CODE: 09,20 Card 2/2 i,;.la and pror.-rum for de's re i cr, eie-en 4. s o'hiLl-tue uc(~erltrlc comp,F; c n Nc. ele~.,tronic 1! 1 RA 18 101 c- n ta n og, c te KhT;: Slf A Ya~ , S! V L [I,roblorns in arjL~.aiet.jc~ textb:-,ok for zadach pe arlfmetik~,-j p!-,sobie cilia uchitelei nach~_Illnoi shkoly. Izd.4~, ispr. MoATa, Pro.-I sveshch-enie, 1965. 277 p. Oh .,I r, A 18 ~, 7 ) ANDRMY, V.P., polkovnik; BORISOV, D.S., polkovnik; SHOR, D.I.. dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk. inzh.-polkovnik zapaaa; ZHELIUM, *.I.. dotuent, kand.tekhn.nauk, general-leytenant i.nzhenernykh voyak,; KHR , A.F., general-polkovnik lushenernykh voyak, red.; HAZAROV, K.S., dotsent, general-polkovnik inzheneMvkh voyak v otstavk-e, red.; KOVALEHKO, L.P., red.; STRELINIKOVA, M.A... [Military engineering and the Corps of Engineers in the RusBian Army; a collection of articles] VoGano-inshonernoe iskusstvo i inzhenernye voiska rasekoi armii; sbornik statei. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 209 p. (MIRA 12:6) (Military GnEineering) ANMIEV, V.P., polkovnik; BORISOV, D.S., polkovnik; MLEzNyyH, V.I., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, general-leytenant inzhenernykh voysk v otstavke,; HAZAROV, K.S.. dotsent, general-polkovnik inzhenernykh voysk v otstavke, red.; KHR 9 A.F., general- polkovnik inzhenernykh voyak, red.; SHOR, D.I., dotsent. kand. tekhn.nauk, inzhener-polkovnik zapasa,-red.;' OSSAL, N.A., polkovnik, red.; MMYSTALOV, S."L., polkovnik, red.; SMOMONIK, R.L., [The Soviet military engineers, 1918-1940; collection of articles] Sovetskie inzhenernys voiska v 1918-1940 gg.; sbornik statei. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1959. '141 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Military engineering) SHOR, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Study of the stability of uncupported galleries, Trudy TSNIIPod- zemshakhtstroia no.1:204-216 162. (NIRA 16.,8) (Rocks-Testing) GFTGORf)Yi. Ye.A.; ~IURAVIN, A.V.; TANKILEVICH, A.G.; kand. tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Urgent problems of underground construction in the city. Gor. khoz.1,16sk. 36 no.6:23-25 Je 162. (ICTA 15: 8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Tresta gornoprokhodcheskikh rabot (for Grigorlyev). 2. Zam stitell nachallnika UpravlerLiya dorozhno- mostovogo stroitel'stva Glavnogo upravlen-tya po zhilishchnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitellstvu-vg. Moskve (for Iku-avin). 3. Glavnyy spetsialist tresta "Mosorgstroy" po stroitel'stvu podzenwykh sooruzheniy (for Tankilevich). 4. TSentralln-yy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy i proyektnc-konstruktorskiy institut podzemnogo shakhtnogo stroitel'stva (for Shor). (Moscow-Underground construction) MARSHAK, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHOR, D.Lp kand.tekhn.nauk Assortment of reinforced concrete Pipes of large diameter. Vod. i Ban. tekh. no.10:20-21 0 164- (MIRA 18:3) S~jlql7t, 14. V.V.; GORYUSIIKIN, V.111.; LvA,, M.A. ~ -D. ~T. ; t%-.l:- fOr sectional reinforced-concrete linings in t~l(l horizontal- LlndergrOLMd mining by the shield method. Trudy 'll' no.3:1,44-158 164. (i,LTR" 1P:9) "Data on th~. Functioml Conclition of thr- LI.ver Ijurbw Ciertain 1PXI.!ctious j_7 Disec,ses." Cand 1~--ed _"c-_, I)ncprczetrovs'- lediml irst, Dne r, rope trovsl~, 1953. (RI11hBiol, No "?, Apr 55) I SO: sun. No. 7011, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations _C~- Fi --dizcaticnal Ins`uituticns (16). Defended at Ul~-L - -her _'I LYSKOVTSEV, M.M.;.. S1,10P., E.M. _. Some clinical characteristics of severe forms of -,pidemic hepa- titis in children. Pediatriia no-5:7-12 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent M.M. Lyskovtsev) Stalinskogo iustituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - dotsnet G.L. Starkov). (lWkTITIS, IlqFECTIOUS) 1 '17"V ----------- Temic os~-aia Gbrabotka s,falei dlia sa-oletostrceni-ia. Pod red. Skliarova. illoskva, N Oboron7iz, 1948. 34~1~ P. tr. : T-:eal trea-!,ent of steels for aircraf cmstnicti on. NCF SO: Aeronutical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 ADTWR, SoLommov, IL sov/24-58-36/39 TITIX: Applinetion of TechncloCtctl Lubricants and S;eZill Coatings During ShAPIng Q-' U.tAls by Applying Pressure (Prixanamiye t*khn6 logic ha:L~-% a's k I Pri otraoOtte act li;~ "v'1Tni.1a-X Conference t t. Inat-Ituto for Koch--IcaZ 11~gizeerin~a of the Ac.Sc. USSR (SoydahCh-jye T InfitItUta M&Sb" Vad4A1J6 AkAA4RIi -1111 SSSR) PXAI0DIULs Izvestiya Akademii Sauk SSSR, Otdolonlye Xauk, :~958, Xr 4, P 153 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference was held in December, 1957. The follcmir-9 re Were read* 'General Relations and %he Uech--i Am of tIon of lzb~icants During N;pI.J or metal. -,Y = =ing Pressure- by -V.I. Lik~htman, 4.Ta. Veyler itut flaichookoy Schl-14 AN SSSR - Institute of Physical Chemistry of the &c.Sc.USSR)-, *Applicaticn of Principles of the Hydrodynamic Theory to the Process of Cold Stamping' by-le.l. Iaschankov (NIAT); 'I" StumLne labricants for Deep and Particularly for 'very Doe; Drox-Ing of Components made of Sheet Steel' 14t-V 101ii!Iaxar(Gor1kovsk!~7 avtozaYod - Gor'kJj Auc.Lltle -Lauricanza for Stacping Sheet of Steel And of Cardl/4 Various Alloys, br--ru.P. Davydov (VIM); Appiiait During Moping of Metals by Applying Pressure Conference at tho Inatitutefar Mechanical Brigizeering of -be *New lubricants for Wire Drawing' It (Tawlichmm); "In-reatigation of TCc logical lubricants Applied for Hot Stamping of metal Cozzponaure- 'by -iW. Vmar (Minskiy pclj.t~1-hMcjjg8kj4 joetitut im. I.;T.+-.1Dr0R-- Minsk Polytechnical Institute imeni I.Y. St-14a); 11nvenvigation and Testing of Certain Technological lubricants and Method.* of Applying these an the Dies of Presses During Hot Stamping of Aluminluz Alloyal (TafilITNISh); -lubricants Used i= Shaping of-~y Pressure- by Uravakly (Avistsionuyy zavOd - Aviation Works r,Lven In the LadIvidual papers show the 1=rsasizg use of liquid, paste and solid technological lubricants and special coatings in highly efficient processes of shaping metals by applying pressure in the production of complicated components from various heavy and light non,-forroua alloys. The undertakings of the chemical CardZ/4 and the oil industries have so far nor organized the PrOdUctlon of the appropriate lubricants and the instrument industry does not produce lautrumants for determining the main parameters of these lubricants. So f4Lr invomtigations by inlividual institutes of the AA .ft.6135 on technological lubricants Lave not been carried out on a sufficiently large scale and have not beam adsquately cc-ordl-ted. The same applies to athor institutes. --4,-T-&---Vsz12r-(Iu~titut fixichankoy 11hi-1-1 AN S&n - lawtute-of-pbYsical Chemistry of the Lc.Sc.SSSR) reported an work in the field of lubricants for cold stamping. Since the result of thin work is little known, it was propoo~4 to devote to it a specially convened a3vtonded 60-4- At the Institute of Mechanical Zogizarizg of the AC.BO.USSR. OO-ord1mation was urged of the research work in the use of lubricants for shaping of metals by pressuze and this 4k~-Qnld be undertaken by the Laboratorlya obrabotki am"nov d&vlszlyex IrAtitute, M&Ahinoved.uilm AN &;ba SI&bcr&tory for Bhapizf Of Metals by PreactLro of the Movitute Of Sachanica.L Engineering of the AC.SC.USSR). The 'JNPQrtR=* was Pointed out of putting oz. market I trUM4.1t4 for determining the ..j~ cc the of lzbz dls* vi .1fants And also Of Automatic oqulpr~n'tLfroaaracto*za'*ting work out th technological lubriclut". It Is necessary to lubricant standard specifications for tachoolor a ~Jcal each lubricand also recipes And methods of Amalymis of "to and to incress, the manufacture by the '"a"'try Of mta"Ard technological lubricants. At *"6"' interfals, symposia should be published on 401-1091cal lubricAotm and special coatings need in the shaping Of Metals by applying Pressure. ::==~- ---- I Mum SHOR, E.R. Planetarr metal rolling abroad. 31ul.tekh.-skon.inform. no.2:82-85 '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Rolling (Metalwork)) SHOR, E.R. ~ - - High-grade structural stainless and heat re-Astant steels. Biul.tekh.- ekon.inform. no-7:87-88 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Steel, Structural) SHOR, Emmanuil Ro aw-~b, kand. tekhn. nauk; GLISHANSKAYA, I.V., inzh., ved. red.; LIVOV, D.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SMIPNOV, B.M., tekhn. red. (Selecting metal lubricants and equipment for their mechanized applicAlion during the forging of aluminum alloys] Vybor tekh- nolo-yicheskikh smazok i oborudovanie dlia ikh mekhanizirovan- nogo naneseniia pri goriachei shtampovke aliuminievykh splavov. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 30 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 5. No.M-58-43-4) (MIRA 16:3) (Metalworking lubri--ants) (Aluminum forgingn) SHOIZ, E.1t. Coating netals with plastics. Biiji.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.1:92- 93 '59. (MIR& 12:2) (Plastics) (Protective coatings) SOV/130-59-2-8/17 AUTHO,~: Tselikov, A.I., 'Corresponding member of AO USSR, Rokotyan,Ye.S., Doctor of technical sciences, Shoj!~ E.R , Candidate of technical sciences ,111TIZ: New Rolling Miills (Novyye prokatnyye stany) P.L';RIODICAL:MetallurE,,, 1959a Nr 2, pp 21-25 (USSR) A-6STRACT: It has been Dlpnned to increase the output of rolled iron and steel products to between 65 and ?0 million tons per year by 1965 in the USSR, which represents an increase of 52 to 64yo in comparison with the output for 1958. A large increase in the output of rolled non- ferrous metal products has also been planned, especially with reference to alloys of aluminium, magnesium, copper and titanium,. These increases will be required mainly in connection with the production of sheet metal,, tubes, formed sections, steel girders etc and will necessitate the construction of new rolling mills as well as improvement of many already in use, under the following headings:- Sheet Rolling N1ills Card 1/10 Continuous rolling mills for the production of broad i'ew Rolling Llills 3OV/130-59-2--8/17 sheet,1.5 to 10 mm. in thickness, are considered to be of greatest advantage in return for capital outlay and the construction of such mills will therefore receive tile main attention during the next 10 to 15 years. These mills will weigh up to 18,000 tons complete and will be fitted with rolls having a barrel length of 1700 to 2100 nua. Each mill will roll up to 250 tons of sheet per hour (3.5 million tons per year) from slabs weighing up to 2.5.5 tons and the output speed of rolled sheet will be up to 15 m per sec. These basic specifications exceed the capacities of similar mills already in operation at home and abroad. New rolling mills for cold reduction of thin sheet have also been planned and will be of the modern 5 stand tyne, capable of reducing 1000 mm wide sheet from an original thickness of 1.8 to 4 mm. to a finished thickness of 0.18 to 0.60 mm. The sheet will be rolled at a maximum output speed of 35 m per see and will leave the mill in the form of coils, weighing up to 15 tons. The main units of these mills will be driven by motors with a total h.,p. of Card 2/10 27,000.. An electrolytic de-greasing plant capabla of New Rolling iiiills SOV/130-50/-2--8/17 cleaning the sheet at a speed of 5 m. per sec and continuous annealing furnaces will be provided behind each such mill. New 2 stand cold reduction mills are planned for increasing 'the tensile strength of sheet metal at an output speed of up to 32 m per see and with a yearly output of about ?00,000 tons, in the form of tin-plate and galvanised iron sheet, which will be processed at up to 7.5 and 15 m per sec respectively. !,,Tew reversing mills are now being built, which will be equipped with coilers or roll feed tables, working within re-heating furnaces. The roughing stands of such mills will roll the strip to between 20 and 30 mm in thickness and the finishing stand will reduce the thickness to 1.5 ialm. These mills will be made for rolling stainless or heat resisting steels and special alloys, which all require a narrow range of temperature during the rolling process. Much attention has been given to the development of special rolling mills incorporating a planetary action of 20 small diameter rollers, which are spaced equally around one support Card 3/10 shaft and are capable of reducing the thickness of the Hew Rolling VAills SOV/130-59-2-8/1? rolled bar by 95 to 98% at a single pass. The output speed of the rolled bar from such mills is slow and the n1ain advantage lies in the reduced relative weight of complete mill. Planetary mills differing from ones developed abroad will be built to give a more efficient -oerformance and it is expected that continuous casting ;f steel will be possible in conjunction with the use of such mills. Tube Rolling Mills Tube rolling mills of more efficient design are planned for -use on pre-formied tubes of large diameter, with seaus which have been arc-welded or welded by means of electric heating. 11ills (as shown in Fig 1 giving layout of uill for s-Di-rq.1 welding of tubes lap to 650 mm aia, in use at the Pl--~ft 1m. Illioba 1) coil unwinder; 2) roller leveller; 3) end shears; 4) butt welder; 5) pinch rolls; 6) edGe trimmer; 7) edge shot blaster; 8) flash trimmer; 9) feed rollers; 10) tube former; Card 4/10 11) spiral seam welder; 12) tube cutter) have been built SOV/130-59-2-8/17 New Rolling Llills in the USSR for the production of spiral welded thin walled tubes with large diameters up to 100 to 1 in proportion to thickness of wall and continuous rolling is possible owing to the use of butt-welded tubes. New mills for the continuous rolling of welded thin-walled tubes of small diameter will be built and will have output speeds of over ? m per see. It is expected that a planetary mill (as shown in Fig 2 giving layout of tube welding mill combined with planetary and reduction mills: 1) slab; 2) feed rollers; 3) tunnel furnace; 4) fl in~ welder; 5) flash trimmer; 6) de-scaler; -oinch rolls~ 8 planetary mill; 9) finishing stand; 10) rotary shears; 11) edge trimmer; 12) feed rollers; 13) induction furnace; 14) welding mill; 15"1 reduction mill; 16) pinch rolls; l?) flying shears; 18) conveyor rollers to finishing department) can be combined with a continuous tube rolling mill, which will have a welding speed of 2 m per see and an output speed of 12 m per see for the finished tube. This totalsup to 250,000 cons per year. A demand for large quantities of high (bard 5/10 quality seamless tubes up to 100 mm diamet--r, and other Jew ilolling IiLills SOV/130-59-2-8/1? sections, made from titanium, special heat resisting alloys ana stainless steels, is foreseen in connection with the building of modern reactor plants and gas LI-arbines. Planetary rolling mills (as shown in Fig being planetary mill for cold rolling of tubes at the Moscow Tube Works) are suitable for this work and can produce tubes with thin walls. Such mills, of improved design, are also planned for the hot rolling of seamless tubes from 80 to over 160 mm. dia. New mills (as shown in Fig 4 giving design of mill stand for cold rolling of L;ubes: 1) measurins plate; 2) roller; 3) feea stroke; 4) tube; 5) mandril) for the cold rolling of tubes, have been develo-ped in the USSR. These are capable of rolling seamless tubes with very thin walls (under 0.01 of diameter size) from hard metals and alloys. A continuous mill with 10 reduction stands has been developed -for similar work and is capable of cold rolling 25 to 40 mm dia tubes at an output speed of 3 m per see or between 20 and 50 times faster than Card 6/10 ordinary cold Teduction mills, New Rolling 1~iills Card 7/10 SOV/130-59-2-8/17 Rollingh-fills for Profiled Sections with Thin Walls A continuous rolling mill9 containing 18 stands, has been planned for the production of profiled sections with thin walls. This mill is fed with square bars, 12 m long, which are re-heated and joined into a continuous strip, by means of a flying welder. The output speed at the final stand is up to 12 m per see or equivalent to 350 tons of formed sections per hour and exceeds the outout from similar existing mills,, relatively to the heavier equipment of the latter. BendingtAills for Profiled Sections Among several new mills, planned for cold bending of profiled sections, is one which is fed with strip, measuring 1600 mm. in width and 1 to 4 mm. in thickness, supplied in coils weighing up to 10 tons. The mill consists of 20 stands, driven by two 280 kW motors working at 700 to 1400 rpm. The speed of profiling is between 0.75 and 3 m Der sec and the use of this method, instead of hot rolling, is est-Lmated to gi-ve a New Rolling Mills SO'T/130-59-2-8/17 sa-ving of 15 to 35% in the consumDtion of steel. The output of profiled sections from such mills is planned 1.o exceed 800,000 tons per year in the near future. Rclling I-Aills for Thin I.Ietal Tape CrNinc- to the ex- CD panding demand for large quantities of --tee! and special alloy tape between 0.2 and 0.001 mm in thickness, new multi-roller cold red-action mills (similar to the type with 20 working rollers shown in Fig 5 where the main stand is indicated at '-a") will be built in the near future for rolling the following kinds and sizes of tape, from coils weighing 15 tons, at an output speed of 8 to 10 m per see or about 125,000 tons yearly per mill:- 1) stainless steel tape, 0.1 mm thick by 1000 mm wide; 2) high carbon steel and hard alloy tape, 0.02 mm thick by 400 mm wide; 3) tape, 0.001 mm thick by 30 to 50 mm wide, made from alloys with special physical properties. Card 8/10 The main action of the above mills and regulation of the New Rolling L--,ills SOV/130-59-2--8/17 tape thickness will be fully automatic, in order to maintain the required accuracy. The use of such mills enables a saving of between 30 aad 40% to be made in Uhe weight of equipment, in comparison with 4 high multi-stand cold reduction mills and gives a higher output, since there is less need for intermediate annealing of the tape. In the near future, hard alloy rollers will be widely used to give greater rigidity and a longer working life between each regrinding operation. lvL-Ills for Rolling of Repetition Circular Profiles and Formed Rotating Parts A wide variety of manufactured parts may be produced more efficiently by means of rolling a required shape closely to the finished size. For this purpose, rolling mills which have a high output are already in use in the USSR and their number will be increasedoonsiderably in the near future for the production of parts such as: (a) ball and roller crushers for cement mills (as shown Card 9/10 in Fig 6); (b) formed hubs (similar to bicycle back New Rolling Mills SOV/130-59-2-8/17 hub as shown in Fig 7); (c) shouldered rolls, railway wagon axles, loom apindles and other similar 1~ollow or .3oiid parts (by means of the 3 roller type mill as 6hown in Fig 8). Such mills have produced 400,000 wagon axles per year and have equalled the output of 10 forging hammers or ? presses, whilst the consum-otion of metal required for the production of each axle was reduced by approximately 20%. Another advantage is in the saving of floor space. If, "or example, 6700 sq a L is necessary for the new type 'if mill, 15000 or 20,000 would be necessary for forgIng hammers or presses, with an equivalent outputs In the near fiu.-ture,, automatic production lines, incorporating the use of such mills, will be built in tile USSR for the rollj-~.-- and subsequent finishing of typical machine parts, r~~-j described above. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: TsN!ITIaSh Card 10/10 TMIKOV, A.I.; ROMTYAN, Ye.S., doktor tekhn.naulc; SHOR, E.R., kand. tekhn.nauk New techniqueB in rolling. Metallurg 4 no-3:23-26 Kr '59- (M MA 12.-4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiv institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for TSelikov). (Rolling (Metalwork)) 611011, Ad7anced metal-rolling techniques. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-5:94-96 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Rollint; (metalwork)) PHASE I BOOK EMIDITATION SOV/5103 ~~O!-, Emmanuil Romanovich, and Izabella Romjknovna Shor, Stalin Prize Winners ProfiIi prokata (Rolled Shapes) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znaniye", 1960. 47 p. 39,500 copies printed. (series: vsesoyuznoye obahchestvo po, rasprostraneniya politichefskikh i nauchnykh znaniy.; Seriya 4, Nauka i tekhnika, no. 27 Ed.: T.F. Islankina; Tech. Ed.- Ye. V. Savchenko, PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel of rolling mills and for general readers. COVERAGE: Some information on production of pig iron, steel, and rolled stock is given and the manufacture of structuxal shapes., sheets, tubes, and bars of vari- ous types is outlined. Rolling mills and their principal equipment are de- scribed. The development of rolled-stock production is reviewed and probable future types of rolling mills are described. No personalities are mentioned. There are 5 r6ferences, all Soviet. Card 1/3 Rolled Shapes TABLE OF CONTENTS: SOV/5103 Sane Information on the Production of Fig Iron, Steel, and Rolled Stock 3 How Rolled Stock is Produced Types and sizes of rolled stock Rolling mills Manufacture of structural and sheet metal Manufacture of tubes 6 6 8 15 15 Economical Rolled Shapes 21 Proper selection of types and sizes, and expanding t;ie production of lightweight rolled shapes 24 Rolling of special shapes and periodic bars 31 Improving the accuracy of rolled stock 37 The Future of Rolled Products Development of rolled-stock production Ro M ng mill of the future 40 40 43 Card. 2/3 Rolled Shapes Special Tems Bib 11 ography AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Cara 3/3 Sav/5103 46 47 VK/dfk/gmp 5-15-61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5o6o Tselikov., Aleksandr Ivanovich,, and Shor, F=L%nuil Romanovich Razvitiye proizvodstva prokata v 1959-1965 99- (Development of Rolled- Stock Production in 1959-1965) Moscow, MetaUurgizdat, 1960. 110 p. 2,700 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: V. M. Gorobinchenko; Tech. Ed.: P. Islentlyeva. FJRPOSE: This bG:)k is intended for technical personnel of metallurgical and machine industries. It can also be used by skilled workers and students of schools of higher technical education. COVKRAGE.- Tte book deals with basic developmental trends in the production of rolled stock and pipe in the period 1959-1965- New rolling methods are described, providing maidmun increase in rolled stock and pipe pro- duction. Automation and mechanization of rolling processes are also treated. Technical-econanic indices of nev rolling equilnent, now being designed and installed in Soviet mills under the Seven-Year Plan, are shown. There are 18 references, all Soviet. Card 1/3 Development of Rolled-Stock (cont.) -SOV/5o6D TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. I. Production of Sheet and Structural Rolled Stock 13 Production of sheet steel Production of structural steel Ch. II. Production of Pipe 13 36 44 Ch. III. Basic Development Trends in Rolling-Mill Construction and in Improvement of Rolled Stock and Pipe Production Processes 54 Development of (]Rolling] Mill Construction 54 Combination of various rolling methods in one continuous (production] line 55 Increasing the rate of production processes 65 Increasing the productivity of mills 68 Increasing the dimensional accuracy of roned stock 71 Card 2/3 , Develolnent of Rolled-Stock (cont.) SOV,15o6o Ch. IV. Automation and Mechanization of Rolling Processes 73 Automation of the rolling-mill drive operation and of the control of the rolling process 78 Mechanization of auxiliary operations 95 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS34O.T753) 112 VK/dvm/kb Card 3/3 4/24161 I PRAS!" 11 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3480 Shor, Emmanuil Romanovich Uovy-ye protsessy prokatki (New Rolling Processes) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1960. 385 P. 4,200 copies printed. Ed's A. A. XoTolev; Ed. of Publishing Houseg A. L. Ozeretskaya; Tech. Ed.g P. G. Islent"yeva. PURPOSER This book is Intended for metallurgical engineers, mechanics and designers of rolling mills and rolled stock. The book will be of interest to students of higher technical schools and tekhnikums. COVERAGEg The author discusses new techniques in hot, cold, longitudinal, and cross rolling. He describes various processes of rolling sheet and. shapes of variable cross section. He also describes cross rolling of sol-Ld and hollow periodic shapes on three-roll mills and on mills with helically grooved rolls. Procesaes of rolling spur and bevel gears, coarse treads. and making finned tubes as well as other finished and semi-finished producia are explained. The author pr9sents the theoretical side of these processes, the methods of calcula- ting power parameters, the equipment and productivity of new ro--ling mills~ and methods for analysis of mill operation. He defines commercir-, sizes and pro- Card 1/6 New Rolling Processes SOV/3480 perties of end products. He also indicates tochnico-economic indices by which the new prccGsses might be evaluated. Materials in the book were compiled by Tselikov, A. I., Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciencesi Candidates of Technical Sciences at the VNIIMET14ASH - Granovskiy, S. P., Son~kin, M. A. and Druzhinin, N. N.; Engineers at VNIIMETMASH - Gurevich, A. Ye.9 Sarychev, A. A.9 Kogosp A. M.2 Dobkin, V. L., Mekhov, N. V.., Yefanov, V. I., and Kozlov, B. N. The foilowing Candidates of Technical Sciences also contributed~, Kuz'ming A. D., Vasillchikov. M. V.. Barbarich, M. V., Ansifirov, V. P., Livshits, G. A., Kazanskaya I. I., Zhavoronkov, V. A., Polukhin, P. I., Rokotyan, Ye. S., Kruglikoy, V. F., Livanov, V. A., Smirnov., V. V. The following engineers are also named. Kirpichnikov., F. P., Vznuidayev, L. D., Zhukevich-Stosha, Y6. A., Solodukho, Ya.Yu_ Reyfizov, M. I., Belov, A. F., Golovin, I. L., Brunov, A. G., Kovnerist, K. S., Rubinshteyn I. B., Maskileyson, A. M., Bardzilovich. P. P., Polovikov, V. V~, Zak, G. M. tdecease'd], Stepanov, V. N., Kreydlin, N.'N., Romanchikov, B. F. and Konshin, G. M. Th6re are 78 references-. '15 Soviet, 2 English, and i Polish. Card 2/6 82558 s/1~o/6o/ooo/oo5po3/0c4 A006/AOO2 A? 5--/ 0 1) AUTHORS; Shor, I-R...Candidate of Technical Sciences,-Merenkov, A.I., :Effg1neer TITLE: The Manufacture of Bent Shapes'~' PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. 5, pp. 26-29 TEXT: Information is given on the manufacture of bent shapes on a roll bendi by passing a sheet or strip through a series of rollers bending the blank progressively to the desired shape. Bent shapes may be produced from 0.2 - 20 mir, thick and up to 2,000 mm wide sheets of various materials (steel, ferrous metals and their alloys etc), for use in the automobile industry, in agrIcultural machinebuilding, etc. The roll bending process is continuous and can be performed at speeds of up to 200 m/min. The rollers are mounted on one bed and are driven by one motor (Figure 2). They are fixed on the upper and lower drive shafts of the roll bending mill stands. Keys on the drive shafts and key way on the roller hubs, are used for transmitting the required torque to the rollers. The number of rollers depends on the shape of the profile to be bent. A higher number of rollers reduces wear 'and provides a better qualit Card 1/3 s/i3o/60/000/005/00.3/004 The Mmufacture of Dent Shapes A006/AO02 of the product, but raises the equipment costs. The rollers may consist of a single piece.or may be composite. They are made of structural steel or alloyed cast iron for bending plain shapes without acute angles. High-carbon oi~ high- chromium [9X and ~12 M (9Kh and Khl2M)] steel rollers are used for hot rolled sheets because of their resistance to abrasive wear. High-strength rollers are made of heat-treated instrument steel 11 10 $1 (UlOA) and " 8 " (U8A). The gap between the rollers is adjusted by the vertical displacement of the upper rollers in respect to the fixed lower rollers. Entering guides are mounted in front of the first roller pair. Lateral vertical idle rollers are placed between the mill stands to prevent the vertical or horizontal bending of the blank; they are also employed for producing side pressure when additional bending is required. The final forming of semi-closed or closed shapes is performed by bronze roller or slide mandrels. The delivery end of the last stand is equipped with guides. The amount of accessory equipment of the mill depends on the shape to be bent. An example is given, showing the roll bending of a shape for sashes from 135 mm wide and 1 mm thick strips. The use of roll bending mills has not yet been sufficiently developed in the USSR, and the equipment has not been mechanized. It is planned to construct seven standard types of roll bending Card 2/3 82558 S/130/60/000/005/Oo3/oo4 The Manufacture of Bent Shapes A0061AO02 units on which a wide range of bent 3hapes will be produced. The units will be I mounted at the metallurgical plants. Two roll bending mills were put into // operation at the "Zaporozhstal" Plant in 1959. There are 3 figures. ASSOCTATION: VNIIME7MSh Card 313 SHOR, E. R. The development of the production of Tselikov and E.R. Shor. ITew York, USJPRS, 11, 178 p. illus., diagrs., tables. Translated from the original Russian: 1959-1965 gg, Moscow, 1960. Bibliography: p. 150-150a. rolled metal, from 1959-1965, by A.I. 1961. (JPRS: 11544: CSO: 6428-D) Razvitiye proizvodstva prokata v SHOR, E.R. Automation of reversing rolling mills. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infor-.. no.2: 88-93 161, (MIRA 14;2) - (Rolling mills) (Automatic control) . lu SHORII E.R.-: kand.tekhn.-A,' Production of el mical rI1911ed eections and thcir use in the machinery industry. Biul.-tekh.-ekon. inform. no. 4;3-8 161, (MIRA 14- 5) (Rolling (+ +Iwork) 71 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6044 Rokotyan, Ye. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ed. Prolcatnoye proizvodstvo; spravochnik .(Rolling Industry; Handbook) v. 2. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1962. , 685 P. 8500 Copies printed. Authorsi P. A. Aleksandrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; V. P. Anisiforov, Candidate of Te~c~hn cal.Sciences; V. 1. Bayrakov, . 121 Candidate of Technical Sciences r11. V. Bar~a~rfch~ Candidate of Technical Sciences; B. P. Balh~t~vo,jj ~ranpariffate of Technical Sciences [deceased]; B. A. Bryukhanenko, CandAdate of Economic Sciences; N. V. Vasillchikov, Candidate of Technical Sciencesj A. 1. Vitkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences; S. P. Granovskiyp Candidate of Technical Sciences; P. 1. Grudev, Candidate of Tachnical-Sciences; 1. V. Gunin, Engineer; 9. Ya. Dzugutov,, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Vr. 0. Drozd, Candidate of Technical Sciences; X. F. Yermolayev,,Engineerj G. U. Katenel'son, Candidate of Tlechnioal Sciences)'46 V~ Zov~nevp Engineer; Dl.,Ye. Migayenko, Engineerj N. V.)Litovehonko, Candidate of Technical Scienosaj Yu. M, Matveyey: andidate of Technical Card 1/14 13olling Industry; Handbook sov/6o44 Sf-encen; V. 1. NelejDh1co, Candidate or Technical Sciences; N V. 1-11a, 'chov, Engineer; A. K. Ninburg, Candidate of Tech- nical Sciences; V. D. Nosov, Engineer; B. 1. Panchenko, Engineer; 0. A. Plyatskovskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1. S. Pobedin, Candidate of Technical Sciencesi I. A. Priyraak, Professor, Doctor of Technical Saidnces (doceasedi; A. A. Protasov, Engineer; P1. M. Saftyan, Candidate of Technical Sciences; N. M. Fedosov, Professori S. N. Filipov, Engineer fdeceased]; 1. N. Filippov, Can- Aidate of Technical Scienceel 1. A. Fomichev, Doctor of ~ Yu. Shifrin, Candidate of Technical Technical Sci "m _ea"14 Sclenoes;'~ ~. ~Sh~r, Candidate of Technical Sciences; M. M. Shternov.. Candidate of Technical Sciences, M. V. .Shuralev,"Engineer; I. A. Yllkhvets, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Edo. of Publishing gouset V. M. Gorobinchenko, R. M. Golubchlkp and V. A. Ftymov; Tech. Ed.t ;L. V. Dobuzhinakaya. PURPOSE: This handbook is Intended for engin6eilng personnel of niatallurgioal and machine-building plants, vdientific research Card 2/14 Rolling InduLotry; Handbook SOV/6044 -institutes, and planning and design grganizations. It may also be used by students at schools of higher education. COVn-RAM ;.: Volume 2 of the handbook revievis problems connected with the preparation of motal for rollingthe quality end quality control of rolled products, and designs or roll passes In mtrchant mills. The following topics are di3- cuosed: processes of manufacturing vedifiniahad and finiohed rolled products (the rolling of blooms, billets, shapes, beama, rails, strips, vire, plates, sheets, and the drawing of steel uire), hot-dipped tin Plates, lacquered plates, floor platesp tubes made by different methods, and special types of rolled products. Problems of the organizat-io.j of rolling operations are revieved, and types of rolled products manufactured in the USSR are sho-im. No pqrsonalities are mentioned. There are no references. TA'RT OF CONTENTS-CAbridged )t Card 3/14 Rolling Industry; Handbook SOV/6044 2. Design of die-:,olling passes 522 3. Effect of various factors on rolling precision 524 4. Rolling.-mill rolls and accessories 524 5. Special features of rolling-mill design 525 6. Trimming of die-rolled shapes 528 Ch~ 56. Helical Rolling of Round Semiproducts With Variable Cross Section (V. P. Anisiforo7, S. P. Granovskiyt I. S. Pobedinp and N. V. Mekhov) 529 1. Outline of rolling processes 529 2. Fundamentals of rolling theory 530 3. Three-roll mills for rolling "periodicalw shapes 536 4. Rolling process and mills for ball rolling 537 ,e-ts-i-and-Sk. With Ch. 57. Rolling of Flates, She apps , Variable Cross Sectiorq (E. R. Shoji Y 543 1. _ Types of products 543 2. Mills for rolling,plates, sheetp and strips 544 3. Rolling-drawing mills for T-shapes 552 Card 10/14 BAKSHEYEV, Sergey Mikhaylovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SAYOKH-OTSKIY, A.I., inzh., ved. red.; SHOR E.R. kand. tokhn..nauk, red.; SOROKINA, T.H., teit~reE [Deformability of structural carbon steel] Deformiruemost' konstruktsionnoi uglerodistoi stall. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 15 P. (Peredovoi nauchro-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 5. No.M-58-247/13) (MIRA 16:t (Steel., Structural-Testing) (Deformations (Mechanics)) SOURCE: Novyye protsessy obrabotki metallov*davleniye:n; dolclady Soveshch. po novym prots. obrab..met. davlenlyem v mashinostr., 196c. Ed. by V. D, Go).ovlev. MOSCOX-r,, 12:1-vc Ali 5SSR 1962. 29 33 TZXT: This-is a general discussion of the application of rolling in the fabrication of Droducts vlth continuously varying cross-section. _3y making -provision for continuously varying +11'1e I? - Zap between the rolls while the metal raUed is,passirig 4etween than -by synchronizing the variation in.the roll 'Jsneed, and gap with the any given variation in cross-section can be obtained. Th e engincering solution of the 'problem of rolling tape'red sheet and* strip is relatively simple, greater difficulties being presented by more complex profiles. Thus, for instance, two stands in tandem are required for r6lling,T-section s: on.e stand compris ing Card l/ 3 2/000/600/001/015', ~/902/6 Rolling process in which .... E193/E38j, four rolls in which th*e continuous variation in the width of tha rim and the web are effected (Fig. 3a) and the other, in which the thickness of these parts is -reduced in a similar manner(Pi-s. 3 i5). Continuous variation in the cross-section is achieved. by loiurering the top roll and, deer eas ing the distance between th'e' side rolls in'. the four-roll stand and by raising the bottom roll and lowering the two top rolls in,tlie three-roll stand. Applicat.icai':of this nal'r rollinS process in the fabrication of tdpered profiles has consid- (40 500% of the initial, weirght erably reduced 'th'e iiietal-consumption -iin,~ is used for this purpose) and of matal is 'lost when riachii A. brought about 40 - 50-fold increase in productivity.. The proctass, is most I."idely used in the Soviet Union Ifor roll:in& alutriiinwii and its alloys. Typical products are r epr es ent ed, ~by plate, 712 m long, 0.75 !a wides 0,7 - 1,5 mm thick (at the thin on d )i-ti-th a imaximum taper of 1. 5 mm/m. There are 4 f1gures and 2-tables. Card 2/3 SHOR, E.R... kand.tekhn.nauk Thermomechanical and thermomagnetic steel treatment abroad. Biul..tekh.-ekon.inform.'Uos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.6:86-88 163. (EIRA 16:8) (Steel-Hardening) ---------------- QA r-7L- -815S;-6 t - 6 ACCESSION :VRt':~ AP40, A T '310 SUM 8Dv,-28May,6: k! Tq aurial on the "'Llfriz-m. nauch,.-issl. nauch. ,I- Rik 1s-.1) SHOR, E.R., kand.teklin.nauk; CREFENOV, A.M. Rolling thin strip-9 of heat-treated t'tani-am alloyZ. B-4u--,.tekh.- ekon.i nf orm. Gos. nauch, -ins 1. inst.naULh. i tekh.irfo-rm 17 no.11:8-9 N 164, (MIRA 18-3) L 22347-66 - E',4T(m j ACC NR' AP6012728 w)/~WA(d)/~i-/-:-:WP(t)LEtiP(k) IJP(c) ' JD/1W SOURCE CODE: UR/0136/66/000/004/0072/0073 .4 AbTHOR: Pavlov, I. M.; Burkhanov, S. F.; Shor, E.. R.; Osipov, E. Ye.; Chinenov, A. ORG: none i 1~- . 1~ TITLE: Study of resistance to deformation during cold rolling of VT14, VT15,and V alloy strips SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 4, 1966, 72-73 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, titanium alloy strip, strip rolling, cold rolling, titanium clad alloy/VT14 alloy, VT15 alloy, VT16 alloy 1< ABSTRACT: The roll pressure and resistance t eformation during cold rolling of clad and unclad VT14, VT15, and VT15 titanium-%2loy strips has been investigated. Unclad 1.8 x 250 x 500 mm strips were rolled into strip I mm thick at a rate of 30-90 m/min with a reduction of 3-6% in the first and 1-2% in the final passes. All the alloys were relatively easily reduced in the first passes, but in the last passes the edges of VT14 alloy strip began to tear at 40% tAal reduction. Rolling' of this alloy was accompanied by intensive strain hardening. VT15 alloy had less resistance to deformation than VT14 alloy. The lowest pressures were required for VT16 alloy. The averhge pressure at 30% reduction was 230 kg/MM2 for VT14 alloy, 220 kg/mm2 for VT15 alloy, and 180 kg/MM2 for VT16 alloy. Alloy strips clad on each side with VT1 commercial-grade titanium were easily reduced to 30-40% of the Cord 1/2 UDC: 669.295-124.2:620.1 - - - - - - - - - - - L 22347-66 ACC NR. AP6012728 initial thickness with the average pressure reduced by Resiscance to defoma-. tiou of clad and vacuum-annealed VT14 alloy trips dec eas;d by 30%. Thus, VT16 alloy has the best technological_yroperties., Cladding significantly reduced resis- tance to deformation. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [AZ] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIGREF: OOl/ ATD PRESS:Z/-.2 Card 2/2,V0- ACC NR: AP7004811 SOU-R,CE CODE: UR/041-3/67/000/ool/0169/0169 111 V E'l; T 0 R selikov, A.M.; ~ho Rokotyan, Ye.S.; Kruglikov AeV.; Gurevich, A.Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Two or four-high mill for rolling variable-section sheets and striDs. Class 7, No. 87892 - .SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no.1, 196-7, 169 TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, ZaFj.~ W rolling mill ;ABSTRACT: a two' or four-high ~il 'or r" ling ;This Author Certificate introduces m f ol- one or two-way wedge-shaped sheets and strips from steel and light alloys by means of changing the working rolls' spacing. To increase rolling mill efficiency, a powerful automatic pressure device is used which ensures a constant relation between the rotation speed of the -!~qrew-down drives and the working j:olls. (AZ] jSUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: ilmar4q/ ATD PRESS: 5116 Card 1/1 UDC: none SHOR, F.I., red.; GGLYATKBIA, A.G., red.izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G. tekhn. red. [Hew machines and apparatus for the testing of metals) Navye mashiry i pribory dlia ispytaniia metallov; sbornik statei. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 199 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Metals--Testing) (Testing machines) SMFMYAKOVSKIY, K.Z.; SHORY F.I. Mechanical properties of low-hardenability steels following hardening and low tempering. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.6:35-42 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Steel-Testing) (Induction hardening) 4HOR, F.I.; CHISTOV, S.F. .1 ---- I I Hardenability of steels characterized by high critical ratea of hardening. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.6:42-45 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Steel-Hardening) I I tP- 11NESTIGATIC71 CF "ill-i'MR PRCPERTFr.5 CF LUMIGIEM OzuXia s C 1. S., 910r. Gj, and'Medva, F.B. 2L (IZ*i. A Ilawk Otdal. Tekh. [Aauk (Bull.-ACCM-SCI. U.S.S.R. Sect. Sol.), lknr. 1953, 1598-16C8). Experiments ere rcccitled wich'a frlctlcn machloo end v7lth a patrol cn[;Inc vihoso top piston rine vas =dc Fa-aic-c-c-tl-v-o-Uy-Tr-radiati.-n, or by deposition of radioactive zina In a groov chined In Its outer surface. Races of ricar were occzurcd by sar-plVitha crank =0 oil every can ritnutan aw puttina a cost tube of it In a ring at six countcTs. ~~44 q.1 19 12-n 2) 7 1/ 5-3 USSR/Engineering FD 267 Card Authors* Zaslavskiy, Yu. S., Shor, G. I., Lebedeva, F. B. Title Accuracy of testing engines for wear by the radioactive-indicator method Periodical : Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, OTN, 1, 54-6o, Jan 1954 Abstract : Gives method and results of experimental study of-accuracy of testing engine for wear by the radioactive-indicator method. Compares results obtained by simultaneous testing of the piston ring of single-cylinder engine L-3/2 for wear by the following methods: radioactive indicators, weight of piston ring, holes stamped in ring, and iron in oil. Four references: 2 U.S.S.R.; all 1953. Graphs, tables. Institution : Submitted : December.23, 1953. Presented by Academician V. I. Dikushin. Uo'.'_'"7~,"Engineering Met-allography FD-20_17 Card VI Pub. 41-3/21 Author Zaslavskiy, Yu. S. and Shor, G. I., Moscow Title quantitative determination of machine parts wear by the radio- active tracer method Periodical Izv. All SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 43-52, Apr 1955 Abstract Describes two methods developed by the All Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Petroleum for the quantitative determination of the wear of fricticn surfaces in machines. One method con- sists of the removal of oil specimens from the machine, the measurement of their radioactivity, and their reinsertion back into the machine. In the other method a meter is inserted into the oil circuit of the machine. Presents a description of a meter for the automatic, continuous registration of radioac- tivity in the circulating oil. Developes a method for the rapid evaluation of fuel and lubricant quality on engine wear. Graphs, tables, diagrams of equipment. Fifteen references, 6 USSR. Institution Submitted December 12, 1954 Ispol'zvaniye Atomnoy Energii v Neftyanoy Fromyablinnosti (Use of Atomic Energy in the Petroleum Industry), by Yu. S,. Zeslav- skiy and G. Sbor, Moscov, Gostoptekhizdat, 1956, 88 pp (from a standard f the USSR State Li-,rary imeni V. I. Lenin, No 6P1.6 1 6P7.4_ "Problems of utilizing the achievements of nuclear physics in the petroleum industry are discussed as follows: exploration, prospecting, and development of petroleum fields; processing, transport, storage, and properties of petroleum products. List of references follows each sec- tion of the book. Written for engineering and technical workers in all branches of the petroleum industry and readers interested in peaceful uses of atomic energy." (U) Sz,,,~l , -- " /& ;~ - -7 TT thia study o the dcti df`~antidorrc -ve~ se of labeled atoms in or, si --- 4&~i t ives -ui oj.: s. U -Zaslavs-kii. S. E.~Krein,__R.~N. Shnee'.rova, d- G. Shor - K hi ff i ~ Te k brWo-L. ail Yu. S, films- s. carried out !62--49 mlethod n expt b~"tT Topliva 195c), No. It, 37-49 1 - .7 ~_F,67_11~ f deposited on Fb. Cu. Pb bronzej and:steel III -plates b 1 b * -',Irlg- Oils cdL" 4.,-hp type 51'73 pj-qp32o MY-22, contg. 0. % (1) and 0 suIfon-aited ere -me asured af ter -1. '3 5, 10. 15, 20; 25, 300 40# 50, 60, go, 120. 150, 190- min. and- aftemards every, 111r. at 90, 110, 1140, 170, 200, and 2200. for a total of 10 hours at each temp. The.wt. p~ /Ir - the film was calcd. from the equation x -.7. mgInk Where- m is the measured lmpdls~! 'in. for tbe-tested plate g, th-e 99 x Y' plate, n the av. radiL~acti:viiy'of the con*tr,q:I-.- 1_" e &-Vel-y da__ p ate V. y t. en. increased to-a value.characteristic for e4ch~ 1 increase, in temp., the rate of film--forma-tion -.sharply Ancre-ase A -Ana -is the fill .m-Idecreased. -Analogous --rt~sults ware -obtdined- .with _'fhi_iu11_onate& 6i,15-i Ana of the plates showed that they contained 3.5; ~',Ithe~: depth, of pene-tra. on.,foreac met -a S i_o_n__-tjm,~-an --con-m- of the-additive.~_ e, d si- (about-_ -9 eate a ion was:gr in the oil) for Pb bronze.: The ~in_etlc's of film 'f6mAtion werei al 0 by measuring the radio-activity of the oils (w__i6,,xT_;i6p., MK-22) iliduced by Pb. cast iron, and steel plates contg. about 0.002% SbI24 Aft r-30 hrs at~110~-140, e 170, 185, 200, and 2200. Max. corrosion for each meta II and each-oi .:~~.,o(~curred at about l?b*. The addn. of inhibitors first decreased -the 60=4_ on- i4t - aftear the ZASLAVSKIY, YU.S.; SHNEYEROVA, R.N.; SHOR, G.I. Radiochemical method of investigating the stability of additives in lubricating oils. Zav.lab.22 no.4:417-418 156. (MLRA 9:7) l.Vsesoyuznyy nanchno-issledevatel'skiy institut pe perarabotke nefti i gaza i proizvodstvu iskusstvannogo zhidkoge topliva. (Lubrication and 17abricants--Testing) (Radiochemistrv) Tem-.,erature effect7s, the actilon of water, and other properties are detentlined asin~ fradiati-on. SHOR, I. E~m Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Experiment$ concerning t4l~~ aDDlication of the method of radioactive indicat-6rs to the study of-a#4*ad~Aof anti-corrosion,alentm to motor oils." 1.,'5?. 15 pp 20 cm. (lklin of %'*I Industry. All-Unic~ Scienti- fic Inst for the Processing of P ~t roleum and ,~as and for the 1'roduction, of Synthetic Liquid gu~_\l), 10J copies (KLIJ 21-5?, 103) SHORP G.I. Zaslavskiy, Yu. S.;,Shor,_CL. I.; Kirillov, I. G.; Lebedeva, F. B; Yevatigneyev, Ye. V.; and Zlobin, 0. A. -The Application of Faaioactive Indicators (Tagged Atome) in the Investigation of Wear Resistant Properties of Lubricating Oils." p. 53. Zaslavakiy, Yu. S.; Kreyn, S. E., Shn yerova, R. N.; and Shor G. 1. "Radiochemical Investigation of the Action of Oil Additives," Zaslavakiy, Yu. S.; Shneyerova, R. N.; or G. I.. and Kuz tsova, A. I.,, "Radiochemical Investigation of the Stability of 6-o-firtions of Additives In Oils." P. 107 in Study and Use of Petroleum Prcdiucts,"Moscow, Gosteptekhizdat, 1957. 213pp. TbAf collection of articles gives the results of the sci. res. vork of the AU Sci. Res. Inst. for the Processing of Petroleum and Gas for the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel. ~ I r- ~ - (--I-- -, ZASLAVSKIY, Yu.S.;_~~O#,,Aj.; KIRIIILOV, I.G.; MUM, F.B.; YEWSTIGNEYEV, Ye.Y.; ZLOBIN, O.A. Using radioactive tracers (tagged atoms) for studying wear properties of lubricants. Trudy VNII NP no.6:58-84 '57. (MM 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Radioactive tracers) ZABLAVSKIY, Yu.S.; MYN,S.S.; SHNEYEROVA, R.N.; SHOR, G.I. Radiochemical study of the mechanism of act7-On-,Owf additives for oils. Trudy VNII NP 'no.6:85-106 057. (KIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) ZASLAVSKIY, Yu.S.; SHNEYEROVA, R.N.; SHOR, G.I.; KIJZNETSOVA, A.I. Radiochemical analysis of the stability of additives in oil. Trudy VNII HP no.6:107-116 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Radioactive tracers) ZASLAVSKIY, Yu.S., SHOR, G.I. Radiochemical investigation of the action of additives for reducing corrosive wear in motor cylinders and pistons. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel no.9:41-49 S 157. (MM& 10:11) 1. Voesoyuznyv nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inBtitut po pererabotke nefti, i gaze. i polucheniyu.isknsstvermogo zhidkogo topliva. (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Radiochemistry) (Lubrication and lubricants) ZASIAVSKIY, YU., SHOR, G- and SHNEYEROVA, R. "Researches into the Mechanism of Protection of Friction Surfaces from Corrosive Wear." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. -Yo tL3 ccplt z prtnted. Sponec.- nZ: I.-c:. le a :=='I. 011aYnOY& uprfLvl4n:.Y* Pv~ I8P0'-1z0v&.n4-rU Iya nauk SWR. Ard kkadeul Xditcrial. Boh--d of' Set: V.I. Dikushint AcaAemicain (Roop. Ed.), N.V. Sh=-Iovekly (1)?;uty Rasp. Ed.), Yu. S. Z&Slavnkiy (Deputy Rasp. Id.), L.K. Tatochenko, B.I. Varkhovnkly, S.T. Nazarov, L.I. PatrwA04 and N.G. Z. layInakays. (Secretary). -Zd. of' Publishing ~Iouxe: P.N. Belyanin; Tech. &d.g T.P. Polanova. PURPOSEt This book Is Intended for specialists in the rield of a&- china and instrument manufacture who use radioactive isotopes In the study of materials and processes. COVERA01s This collection of papers covers a very wide field of the utilization of tracer methods In Industrial research and control techniques. The topic or this volume Is the use of radioisotopes in the machin*-and Instrument- manufacturing Industry. The Indi- viduLl papers discuss the applications of radioisotope techniques in the study of metals and alloys, problems Orfriction. and Iubrl- cation, metal cutting, engine performanco~ and defects In &*team. Sever&l papers are devoted to the use of radioisotopes In the auto- action of Industrial processes, recording and measuring devices, quality control., flowmaters, level gaugesp safety devices, red--&- tion counters, etc. Th*3* papers represent contributions of var- lous Soviet institutes and laboratories. They were published as transactions of the All-Union Conference on the Use or Radloac- tIv* and Stable Isotopes and Radiation In the National Roonony and Science, April 4-12o 1957. No personalities are mentioned. References are given at the and of most of the papers. .NiW.tin.X,D. (Tsontrallnn asuchno.-Isalsdovatellskly dizollnyy inatitut - Diesel pesearch Institue). xrcect of the Number of Re- volutiong and Maximum Cycle Pressure an the Wear of Upper Pist4on Ring and Cylinder sleeve Im Diesels 43 Hinnevic-h-A-7. (Mauchno-isoledovatel I ekly traktorn77 Institut - y-rL-c-C0-r-R...j-r~j Institute). Study of the Effect of Dust on the Near of Parts of Tractor Rngines 4T Zablaxaldy, -- - , 0.1. Shor, and 1,A.Jq9rpzov& (VXTI po perera- botk& nettl i-gazz 1`PVTUcfiiRJTu Isk01x5tv6nn`c`go__zh1ekogo topliva - All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Processing or re- trol*um and Gas and the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel). Reduction of the Low-temperaturt Near of Cylindar;.Piaton Units In Rngines by the Use of Oil Additives 52 Zaelavskly, yu.S., &J,_Shn a . Zh iijeroval and ;1v (VNIr po parerabatka nertl I g"& I polucsoeyu Iskus t nnogo zhldkogo topliva - A.11-Union Scientific Research Institute for the processing of Petroleum and Gas and the Production or synthatiA Liq laid Yuol). study or the Mechanism of the Action of Antloorro- olve Oil Additives fA A&&&kmv_X.X., G.V. Vinogradov, XA__ftLZMMkM, ?,T- Sell'" and AY~_Vjlyanovs (Inatitut ntftl AN -qiSR - Petroleum Institute, Ac&d*sV-Vf-3c1-nc~ ., USSR). Study Of the Mechanism of the Inter- action of Oil Additives with Metals 6r StUdnjts,_jm_jf. (Vossoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskly ugolln" InatitUt - All-UniOn Mining Research InAtItUe*)- Study of the Near of Osars in Mining Xachin*rr T3 PHASE 1 bCa.'( suv/5055 Vaeso onferentalya po tren--yu - ':!nOdu v -.1shinakft. 3d, naya k ,9w 7-, Oldrodinamicheskaya teorlya B=Zkl Opory 3kOl'=hcn1y3. 5 ma z ka I amazachnyye aterinly (Hydrod~la 'l c Theary of L~brlcatlon. Slip beiringS. Lubrication and Lubricant Katerl'als) M03cO-, lzd-va AN SSSR. 422 p. Errata slip Inserted. 3,800 copies Its: Trudy, v. 3) printed. (Series: Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. InstItut mashinovedenlya. Lubriention Reap. Ede. fo- the Section "Hydrodyn3-ic Theory or h- . and Slip Bearings"'. Ye. X. GUt'Y3r, PrOfe3-'or Do tor of Tec h- T : ec Doctor or nical Sciences, and A. K. D'yach "0V Professor nical Sciences; Reap. Ed. for the S;ction,FLubricAtion and f Lubricant Kateriallf; 0. V. Vinogradav I Professor, Doctor o Chemical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: M. Ya. Klebanov; Tech. Ed.; 0. M. Ous-kova. PURPOSE: Thin collection of articles Is Intended for practicing engineers and research scientists. AGE: Th- lahed by the Institut maahlno- pub ollection 1 e f Slence or ruchines, Academy 0 c 33 (1n8 tut Ws vadenlya R ;i of Sciences USSR) contains paners presented at the III Vae3oyuzna:fa konferentslya po tr.~Iyu I lznosu v ma5hinakh Machinel W i n ear (Third All-Union Conference on Friction and - I ere n which van held A?rII 9-15. 195S. Problems discussed Theory of Lubrication and smi Hydrodynamic Th. or; (Conc. 5055 Use Of Lubricant Materials Ko-kean1koy, A., 1. SPOC131 Features Of the Beh3lior of Plastic Lubricants In Roller Bearings 291 t 0 H' v 0 ' k- Te-3- on a Rational Regime for Lubricating f o U t 0 , b , , , , Through Preasure Lubricatora 299 Lebedev, V. a" -&-y--StePanov. and V, A, Oprasimenko, Selection or Lubricant Materials for; Redui 'ClOn Gears Operating Under Low-TexperatUrt Conditions 306 ~~beday, _4. A. (decemaed). and M. A. Grigor-yev. Wa r - ~ f COmPOnOnts With Var Ious MetKi;d 676f Cleaning the 0a l In the Lubricatlo n System or an Automobile Engine 313 1 IS-etUdo I_1e_Q , and V. I.-SNwapov. Oils Produced by ;d a NON Method a Th. Ir Effect on tne Wear of Engines 321 TrAktovenko. T7Z. -r~vnatlEatlon the Weir Or the Components Of AUtoltobL20 Engines Operat- ing With Various Oils 328 1)-!Qvich' Theoretical Foundation or the Require- ments for the Operational Qualities Of- Oils Used In Internal-CombuBtion Engines 338 Chemical Composition and Operational Lubrication Materials DrUZhinina, A. V. Reduction of Wear in Engines Operating on Sulfurous Olesel Oil by Means or Alkaline Additives 344 Zaflavsk And R. N. Shneyerova. __ , Machin Surfaces From Corrosion Wear With the Aid or Additives to the 011* 348 Kr_qYn_3.. X_ and 0. P. Yevdoklmov. Oils of Optimal _ Chemical COmpO*jtf6h OrOup5 .356 lit a A z 9 f 4~ -I M ~y -P 0 1 t 5 A fi i; 4 A All I lo NA - -------------- ZLOBIN. O.A.; YNSTIGBEIEV. Ye.V.; KADUSHIN, A.A.; SHOR. G.I. Automatically maintaining the separation level of media of different densities. Ehim. i tekh.topl. i masel 4 no.1:20-24 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Vseooyuznyy nauchno-iosladovatel'skiy institut neftyanoy pr-omyshlennosti. -- (Radioisotopes--Induatrial applications) (Petrolewn--Refining) 14 ZASLAVSKIY, YII.S.; SHOH, G.I.; 14011&STYRSKIY, V.N. Neutrulizing action of anticorrosive additives in motor oils. Khim.i tel&-.topl.i masel 4 no.2:51-56 F '59. (MIRA 12:2) (Inibrication and lubricants--Additives) _j r -9,300 66188 -L& N _J__7r7 KUTHORS: Zaslavskiy, Yu. S., Shor, G. I., SOV/20-128-5-42/67 Shneyerova, R. N. TITLE: Mechanism of the Destruction of Protective Films Formed by Anticorrosive Admixtures PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 5, Pp 1010 - 1011, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated this mechanism of chemical destruction so far unknown which~limits the service life of the admixtures as lubricating oils in the engine. The problem in question is the protection of the bearing bush in combustion engines a- gainst corrosion caused by the oxidation products of the lu- bricating oil. The authors used the Pinkevich apparatus (GOST 5162-49) and a radiometric method worked out already earlier (Ref 2). Film destruction was investigated on the surface of lead. Lead plates were put into Xt-16 oil. In the first case, 2.8~o of diphenyl sulphide labeled with S35 and C14, and m66% of stearic acid were introduced into that oil; in the second case, the same amount of nonlabeled admixture and 0.05% of tri- Card 1/3 decanoic acid labeled with C 14 were introduced. Figure 1 shows 66188 Mechanism of the Destruction of Protective Films Formed SOY/20-128-5-42/67 by Anticorrosive Admixtures the experimental results at 1400C- It appears that there is a synchronism in the formation and destruction of the film. It may be assumed that the synchronism of the vanishing of the acid together with the radicals of the admixture from the lead surface is related to the fact that the acid formed the metal- admixture complex by solvation due to its polarity. Thereby the acid carries over the radicals - because sulphur is more strongly bound to the metal than to the radicals - and disap- pears with them from the surface. The synchronism of the van- ishing of the film formed by the acid and the film observed from sulphur radiation seems to be related to the chemical in- teraction of the acid with lead sulphide (it takes place after destruction of the complex of the admixture with the metal, i.e. with formation of a lead salt soluble in oil (Refs 1,3,4)). Reaction diagrams of formation and destruction of the protec- tive film on the lead surface are given. Vanishing of the acid and radicals of the admixture in r~xperiments with a phosphorus- containing admixture also showed synchronism (Fig 2). In this case, however, the film caused by the acid and the radicals of Card 2/3 the admixture disappear completely and simultaneously. The acid LK 66188 Mechanism of the Destruction of Protective Films Formed SOT/20-128-5-42/67 by Anticorrosive Admixtures seems not to react with the lead phosphide formed in the des- truction of the admixture complex with metal due to solvation. This may explain why phosphorus remains on the lead surface so long after the radicals of the admixture have disappeared (Ref 4). There are 2 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. LSSOCILTION: VBesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i jzaza i Doluoheniyu iskliestvennogo zhidkogo topliva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining and the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuels) PRESENTED: May 18, 1959, by V. I. Dikushin, Academician SUBMITTED: May 18, 1959 Card 3/3 ATJ THO R S Zaslavskiy, TITLE: The Effer-ts the Components 82502 S/06-5/60/000/009/001/003 E19VE18'+ Yu. S. , ,Shor, G.I.7 Monastyrskiy, V.N., an%-1 of Suppression of Functional Activity when of Oil Additives are Mixed PER 10 DICUL 8ICiimiya i tekhLno1ogiya topliv i masel, 19160, No 9, pp 51-57 A TEXT-, Engine oil additives often contain components with dl'.fferent fun,::tioni A sue.F as neutrali.sing~ yettin \\ anti- corrosion, etc: ., Tests ha7e shown that a combInation of a neutralising V\11 ~-.,-)mpcnent with a protec-ti--re one gives less engine wea.- than does the ael.itrallsIng component alone with the same total metal content in the oli.."-. However, in many cases mixing of additives has resulted in loss of some of their effectiveness. For qample, on mixing addi.-tlves VNII-NP-,'~,50 (barium alkyiphenolate), TsIATIM-339 (barium dl3ulphlde alkylphenolat and VNII-NP-360-(barium alkylphenolate rvLxed t,~ith zinr; dialky1dith."Lophosphate) suppression of functional is observed as w+-'L.-L.! be seen fT'OM the test results, plotted -1-n Yie 1. This shows results of determinations of the duration of of cor-rosl-ve, wear of radioa(,.tive slidIng parts in a C a .2 / ') 8250T a/o6,5/6o/000/009/00l/003 E191VE184- The Ef 'Le,:~+1-3 off~ Sur)press.;.on of Functional Activity when the Components c,"' 011 Ad-,i-i.-1.1",ea a-re Mixed abofatori -.,,g in acad vapouis as I nt4on of the barlram- U c .1-n o-11 grade AS-9.5 NKZ~ Za The du- tion of ]s a. I ~..Yiear function )f the metal c*ntent. Ash C2 1; 9 -1:'m'L." la C I.::- the used oil showed, that the tests depleted all the ~--)f the t1xrez- addit'Ivas biitj -with equal initia."I bariam c.:or,T~ent--E- In, ',~,.e c-1 I .... addi,tive VNII-ITP--350 gave mueth longer than additive TsIATD4-339 and -KJrNII NP-36o. Th.~,s is pia~~aflla't,--Ly -'--,ec,.ause the barium in the last t.-wo additives was ~~xpended not --rUy ,,rL neu-braLi sing the o,)rrosive acid but also '.'.n t, 'th ot -ng w-- -he:: (iomponents of the additives, probably those --~nta.!Minc .-ulphu-, J- z Tc verily this, tests we.-~e made with soecialir, P hui, svlnthe~-.~iz.,-d adG containing ~rarious amounts and kinds (?,- sulp ,')mp!;un,;'1.s., as --c-iwn in Fig 1. These additives were blendedJwith' oil g:ral~a AS-9',~', NKZ to r3onstant barium r.~ontent! the test results are P- en .D- Table I and F.--gS 2, and 3., 'which show ther duration of effe-J:ive nEoutra--' !Eation and the angle of slope of the wear cuvre of a4fte--r., ns-u-tr.-'allsat-ion.. as funotions of the +.T-,e- c-1.1 for var.jous addit-ives. It will]. be seen t--a!.--;-nR a,::ti,:)n of ba~�um alk-ylphenola e va-!,,3-3s 9 ri 6 U- i~a 82502 S/065/60/000/009/001/003 El9L?1/E1& T-I'le Efferl;ts of Suppression of Functional Activity when the Components of 011 A.J.ditives are Mixed in~Tersely as the sulphur ~-Dnt-ent of the additive. The different effac:ts of the various sulphur compounds used in the tests are desc!Tibed, It is oonsidered that in some oases the sulphur compounds can easily be spli.T~ off when the additive is attacked by acid and that tfte free sulphur e~4olved i,nteracts with the barium ions 'to form barium sulphide, so reducing the barium available for neutralisation --,f acias. The formation of barium sulphide is confirmed by the high crate of wear after effective neutralisation. However5 when sulp-huilsed oil is used it may foim a protective film after the V ba-r.., um additive is used up, so reducing wea7. . Interaction between additive (!omponents alters the electrical. (,onductivity of oi.1 con.t.a.ining these components as compared with that of the same oil ,:,ontaining ea,~.-h component separately. Fig 4 shows. a graph of tahe elec:trioal oonductivity of oil. grade AS-9.5 NKZ containing 5% barium al-ItclIphenolate as function of the sulphur content of the blend when sulphuzz-ised oil is added to it. The direct current conductivity was measu:red al~ a- tempe-rature of 100 OC with a mi,,,,roammeter. It will be s een_ +_ hat adding sulph-a.- ieduces tte condur-.-tivity and the curve Card 3/~ 82502 S/065/60/000/009/001/003 E19VE184 7Pe Effe,:~t,-z of Suppression of Fun,7tional Act-ivity when the Components of Oil aT.,e Mixed c:o:r.respr-,nr,Is close.1y t;D t:hat of red)jction in duration of neutralising effe,.:~t, Intera~-,1-:10n Of COmponent;z- suppression of neuttalising e f rer~ .t -was also obser',",ed on mix-ing barium alky'l h n late and basic tJane O'here too ztarlc,ium slai-phonate with dialky.1dithiophosphate, d was obse:r-xed bat-wez-:tn the decrease in electrical -:~-~nduo-uixity and that of duration of neutralising effect. The re!~;ulvs of durat,ior . ~ of, neut-r-alising effect tests given in Table ''I. we:ie r~,-)mpared. witb ho'ix.- engine tests using &, type D-35 eagine i -=a:~ Tatle The engine test conditions are stated; the Cue! -.-on-taineJ. 1% Ealphu,-,. I-t will be seen that the minimu wear obtatned with bariam alkyllphenclate additive 7resiLlts from the more effective neut:,,-3.1---sation, The bigh barium and low iron content of ,~b-e de'posit-s is evidenc-~ of greater use of barium for neutralisation. Te5ts w.Lth othea. add.1-t--ve-z re-ii-ealed similar correlation between engine- te5ts and. those of duration of neutralising effeot. Similar ,~;':.IlIelatlon was obser-,-e.J. in tests on u5ed oil. Rig 5 shows graphs of the ~Ihange I.-ri neut--ra2-iszing of o:-~! D8-11 plus a ddl t:j-;rst: a= Fun(7.ulon of opeirat:,.ng time 01", the Oil in a. die5e:. Ca 1,