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Hydraulic frictional resistance to flow of a steam/water SOV/96-58-6-14/24 mixture in a straight horizontal tube. terms of generalised parameters. A hydrodynamic rig was set up to carry out investigations on the frictional resistance to flow of a stea-/--ter mixture in a straight horizontal tube 30 mm diameter at pressures of 40 to 120 atm. with visual observation of the flow structure. A long section was used to stabilise the flow before the experimental section was reached. The speed range of the mixture was 0.3 to 5.9 M/sec and the steam content by volume was 0.75 to 0.98, both with and without heating at a rate of 70 - 75 thousand kcal/M2. hr. Heating of the tube appeared to have no effect on the hydraulic frictional resistance. The results given in fig.4. show that for a given value of the generalised parameter z, derived earlier in the paper, the relative pressure-drop increases with reduction in the pressure of the steam/water mixture. The experimental data plotted in fig.6. are in satisfactory agreement with a generalised relationship given by Styrikovich for tubes 56 mm and 25.5 mm diameter. Experiment- al data for steam/water mixtures at pressures of 40 to 120 atm or for various initial steam contents by volume are given in fig.7. The curves demonstrate the inconsistencies that &rise when extending directly to steam/water mixtures conclusions derived from tests on cold air/water mixtures. The last section of the paper is Card 2/3 Hydraulic frictional resistance to flow of a steam/water SOV/.96-58-6-14/24 mixture in a straight horizontal tube. devoted to the derivation of formulae for calculating the lose of heat by friction in horizontal tubes. The existing standard formulae are replaced by now ones. There are 10 figures and 7 literature references (6 Soviet and 1 English) ASSOCIATIONi Power Institute of the Acad.Sci. USSR. (Energeticheskiy Institut AN SSSR) 1- Fluid flow--Friction 2. Fluid flow--Theory 3. Tubing--Performance C&rd 3/3 AUMORS- Kosterin, S.I. (Dr Teclt.Sci.) SOV/96-58-10-14/25 Shenin, B.I. (Cand Tech..Sci.j Katarzhis, A.K-.(Engineer) TITLE: PERIODICAL- ABSTUCT., Card 1/3 An experimental investigation of true steam contents during the flow of steam-water mixture in a slightly sloping tube. (Eksperimentall- noye issledovaniye istinuykh parosoderibaniy pri techenii parovody,tney smesi r slabonaklonnoy trube.) Teploenergetika., 1958~ \_ No.10,, pp. 5540 (USSR) A formula is given for the specifi.,,, weight of a steam/water mixture moving in a sloping -tuber it includes terms for the losses of head due to friction and a.-,celerat4or-, 11 steam content of a mixed flow is evaluated bY measuring flow in an unheated tube and applying this formula, t4e result is noLt aecurate because the frictional loss cimnot be determined exactly., It is, therefore, better to measure the actual spe-,ifi.,- weight of the mixture. Previous attempts to do this are briefly reviewed, The method used for the present work was to cut off a volume of the mixture by means of two high-speed valves losated at the ingoing and outgoing ends of the experimental section of +,ubing. A third valve was used as a by-pass. The requirement--s that the valves must meet are specified with particular reference to rate of closing. A sectional drawing of the valve used is seen in Fig.l., and its construction An experimental investigation of true steam :ontents duri-nlry the SOV/90-58-10-14/25 flow of steam-Nater mixture in a slightly sloping tubs.. is described. The valve is operated by a knowa weight falling from a certain height, the details being given in Table,l. The test rig is drawn schematically in Fig.2., and has an experimental section about 7.2 metres long. The valves carried contacts whereby the time of operation could be re!~orded on an oscillograph. The oscillogram, reproduced in Fig.3., shows that the difference in operating time was 0.003 sees, and that the duaration of closing was about 0.015 secs, Tests were made to ensure that the valves did not leak, After the valv.-s had ~.losed, the steam/water mixture was cooled, discharged and weighed. It is calculated that the error of determination of the true specifi-. weight is 4.6% at 20 kg/63 and 0.9% at 200 kg/n3. The zonstruction of the rest of the apparatus is then described in more detail, and includes the method of introducing thermo--~ouples, as illustrated in Fig.4. Sight-glasses of optical quartz were provided to observe the flow structure,. Brief characteristics of tests to determine true specific weights of steam'/water mixture moving in a tube 29.9 mm internal diameter at a slope of 90431. are given in Table.2. The tests were made over a wide ran-,re of steam contents at pressures of 40, 70 and 120 alms. The steam contents by volume Card 2/3 An experimental investigation of true steam contents during the flow SOV/96-58-10-14/25 of steam.,rater mixture in a slightly sloping tube. as functions of various parameters are plotted in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. The dotted lines are calculated by the standard methods of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute for making calculations on circulating water in steam boilers. It will be seen that in general, these calculated curves lie too low. This meainly because of the structure of the steam/water flow. The article concludes with a. description of several typical and transitional forms of flow. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and 4 Soviet referenees*. ASSOCIATION: Power Institute, AS- USSR (Energeticheskiy Institut AN SSSU) Card 3/3 24(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3070 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy Teploenergetika, Vyp, 1* (Heat Power Engineering, Nr 1) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 143 p. Errata slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. of Publishing House: V. A.*Kotov; Editorial Board'. V. A. Baum, Professor (Aesp. Ed.); 6. Ye. Sciences; 11. 1. Yushchenkova, Z. L. Miropollskiy* Candidate and S. G. Poyarkov, Candidate Tech. Ed.: Yu. V. Rylina; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kholodovskiy, Doctor- of Technical Candidate of Technical Sciences-, of Technical Sciences (Secretary); of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This work is intended tor scientists and engineers working in the field of steam boilers. COVERAGE: This is a collection of 9 articles on the circulation of water and water-vapor'mixture in boilers, bubbling processes, pulsation of pressure, temperature fields in combustion chambers, radiation heat transfer between gray bodies, and the solution of Card i/6 Heat Power Engineering, Nr 1 SOV/3070 nonlinear problems ,of mathematical. physics. There is also an article describing processes occuring in the steam boiler of a solar heat energy station. References appear at the end of each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kholodovskiy, G. Ye. Generalization of Experimental Data on the Circulation of Water in Boilers- 3 The author presents a-method for generalizing experimental data a-ad establishes some relations between theoretical and practical data characterizing circulation processes in boilers. Sheynin,_.B._j,, and A. K. Katarzhis. Regions of Various Flow Forms -of Vapor Mixture in Inclined Pipes 30 The authors describe experimental investigations of the flow of water-vapor mixture under pressures of 40, 70 and 120 atm. through pipes inclined at 5'261 and:9"431. Graphical representations of the results are given. The experiments Card 2/6 Heat Power Engineering, Nr 1 SOV/3070 were condlicted at thermohydroelectric laboratories in cooperation with Heat and.Electric Power Plant (TETs) No. 9. Bartolomey, G. G., Ya. G. Vinokur, V. A. Kolokoltsov, and V. I. Petukhov. Experimental Investigation of Vapor and Gas a Bubbling Process 40 It was found that the distribution of volume vapor content and air content along the elevation of the bubbling'volume at insignificant'reduced velocities of vapor or air, and at low boiler water salt content, remains qualitatively the - same under various pressures and characteristics of the perforated plate. An increase in the weight level at atmospheric pressure results in a decrease of vapor content. An increase in the reduced velocity of steam when the water is of low salt content increases the volume vapor content. Semenov, N. I. Pulsations of Pressure in the Flow of Gas-Liquid Mixtures in Pipes 46 The article describes experiments in pressure pulsation in Card 3/6 Heat Power Engineering, Nr 1 SOV/3070 four 14 m long pipes of different diameters-25.8, 47.4, 74.7 and 99.8 mm. The flow velocity changed.from 0.2 to 5m/sec. The gas content changed from 0.05 to 0.95. Graphical represent- ation of experimental results are given. Miropollskiy, Z. L., and R. I. Shneyerova. Investigation of a Flow of Vapor Water MJxture in Pipes by r Radiation 53 In this article the authors describe problems in deter- mining the average values of steam volume contents 9 av. in pipes-and in conduits of rectangular cross section. The results obtained are also valid for conduits of arbitrary geometrical shapes. Diagrams and graphs are given. Khrustalev, B. A; and S. S. Filimonov. Temperature Fields in Combustion Chambers 62 Three kinds of furnace heating dhambers were investigated. Experimental data 'show that under coi~dition of approximate self-modeling temperature fields these ubapbers perform according to load. It is stated chat the approximate independence of dimensionless temperature fields from the C-arT,4/ 6 Heat Power Engineering, Nr 1 SOV/3070 load occurs in various combustion chambers which differ from each other according to geometric characteristics and the type of-combustion processes. Shchegolev, D. M. Steam BoMer'of a Solar Heat Energy Station 70 The author presents'data on the performance of steam boilers operating on solar heat energy. GeAeral diagrams-of a boiler and tables of principal characteristic are given. Surinov, Yu. A. Investigation of Radiation Heat Transfer in Systems of Gray Bodies 79 The author develops a theory of radiation and radiation heat transfer. The equations appearing; in this article permit a theoretical-probability interpretation. The article is di- vided into two parts: 1) Solution of a mixed problem on radi- ation. heat exchange in a system. of gray bodies in a diathermic medium, and 2)'Solution of a mixed problem of radiation heat transfer in systems of gray bodies an absorbing medium. Card 516 SHEYNIM, B.I.; KATARZHIS, A.K. Idmits of flow forms of a steam-water mixture in an inclined pipe. Teploenergatika 13nerg. instj no-1:30-39 159. (MRA 13:2) (Pipe-4drod,vnamics) f, 754 2 SOV/96-60-1-6/22 and I Candidates of Coefficients for the H:IML-~' R f e IF icw of e a 7, - w ar. e r Mi,--.tu::-e. in Pipes FE-RIODICkL, 1960. N-- 1, -D-D 33-37 (USSR) ABSTIRACT. A iDrevlcus arcicle p-iblishe-A in Teploenergetika, Nr 6. 9' -S, 'ha~- sr--o-.m tha~~ the fr-;c-uional resistance to the .1,3 w o f a two-phase miixture in a pipe may be represented "S, pressure drop and resistance .13 r e La t e U n I k - . -Its, The i'rict-onal resistance may be calculated C, Y "Aic- usua-' fc-"T-Mula (1). but certain modifications must be :7411e Lasa of a steam-water mixture. n -,se sbould b-a made of the referred der)endin~ upon the volumetri-c ,a= -ont~n--- -t,L- Frou-,i,? cxit-rion and the relative 3 S o S C, f t'n- Gfaphs of the relative f r t, 1 s,7anct, -ac- -~~ func on of the s te am c ontent I- . Irr-u., -Led in FJg 1 for b-y to., MIX, ,le UIIE~ Dio~ - e s s, u r- e c c. f ~trld 1117 -,ZM, Experimental values A alid resistance Card, 1/3 sloping tubes of SOU/9"_60-1-6/22 R~fe r ~:d TF r o- a I ~e, i a~, e C o e en a f o r the Flow o f S,.-, a~_ -w at e r 0 n:n I I a: i -a e I da-~;a are used to plot the .Us 1--o 4 of _-_Sj_s-.a-ice factor as a of v(:,-u:-.e, whilst FiE~ 5 gives of 7~.,f:~,fr,ea resis-,_-~inr_e coefflcients as functions e vo e e i i a n a _- :-1,u a t e r m ixt ur e f 1 o w s --i a T' 2. U :urve-S are plotted from da'-7, A~ A, Arm.-Lu--d. The shapes of the curves are ~ 33LIC_Lu,:Le."L that at low steam-pressure S st,-am/wa-ter mixture are C.,P ~inl miixture. As the i-_-Allativ,_~ speed of the steam is 1. U_a .4 -he h--ad increases, so that U dee.-eases to avalue of n, Th~?refo_ie, of t-"-.-is true referred COnS4 _j as an index o f t. 'n 7 ~,3 c-;:m ne, ty of The larger the value, is t!~_e i~cn-i..,-;formi~7 of the m- -u-r e The t oL ~Ii-a ref;~-~rred resistance coefficient Carai 2/7, 676 4 2 SOV/96-60-1-6/22 Re-ferred r,,N,rf;c~ents for `-he Flow of St_-aia-water Mll_xture --n Flpes corresponds to "Llhe region of Inigh relative stueam speed .observed uhen the two -,omponents of the two-phase intxturo,, flow at difl'orent rares and the hydro-dynainic ~-,y is Lz,.-ea! e, s t:, non-um Fc) rmi I Tizere are 5 figures, 1 table an-j L SO,14-t references, ASSOCIATION, institut AN SSSR. MOTsKTI (Power institute.Ac. Sc. USSR,. Moscow Division Central Card 3/3 SHEYNIN, B.M.; PUKEEOVITSKAYA, Z.H. Some economic questions of the baking industry in Leningrad. 'Qileb.i kond.prom. 1 no.10:9-11 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Laningradskiy trest khlebopekarnoy promyshlennosti. (Leningrad--Bakers and bakeries) CHKRNYAVSKIY, H.I.;-SWJJ R B.Ya. Sanitary and hygienic effectiveness of cleaning metalwork by the hydrosand blasting method. Gig. i san. 22 no.9:80-82 8 '57. (MMA 10:12) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii llominternOVBkogo rayons ]Qiarlkovs. (IMUSTRIAL HYGIEhE hygienic & sanitary aspects of cleaning of metals by hydrosand blasting) KOSHKIII, N.L., prof.; SHBYNIN, R.Ya.,; IDLINA, A.G., nauk; Nnturnl ultraviolet radiation inside buildings and the disinfectant effect of daylight. Vrach.delo no.1:69-7:Z Ja '58, (MIRA 11:3) 1. Knfedra obahchey gigiyeny Khar'kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (AIR--PURIFICATION) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) ag=AVSKIT, M.I., sanitarW vrach; SHEYNIN, -B.Ta., sanitarW vrach; BERIMXLYA, TS.I., epidemiolog Control of influenza in industrial enterprise. Gig.j san, 25 no.1-02-74 Ja 160. (Mm 13:5) 1. Iz Mediko-oanitarnoy chasti Kharlkovskogo zavoda transportnogo mashinostroyaniya imemi V.A. Mal7sheva. (IMUEM Prev. & control) SHCHELKUTIOV, I. P.; RUDEI-TKO, V. F.; SHEYNIN, B, Ya (Khar'kov) Changes in the onteoarticular system of chiDpers and their relation- Ship to working conditions. Gig. truda i prof. 7.ab. no.12'.2E-34 161'. (1111RA 14:12) 1. Ukrainskiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Ukrainskiy institut gigiyeny truda. i profzabolevaniy 1- Yedobgyedineniye No. 17. (VIBFUTION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BONES-DISEASES) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) -j3r-r,Y7vIII Ma. kund.mpd,muki DIDEITYO, SYu., in-.h,; hUTSPOV, V,N., inzh. 1.~ HkI21,10.1 V V, in,-,h,,; SHAPIL'SKY, A,V,, inzh. Sanitation of working conditions in manual welding. Svar. proizv. no-Z--37~-38 F '&~- (1-UlUt 15:2) 1. W=ainslkiy naucbno,--'ssledovate3.-skiy institut gigiyeny truda i proftabolerardy, (El-r-etric welding-Hygienic aspects) VICHEGUAM111, A. G,, nauchnyy sotrudnil-,; SHLTITIN B. Ya. nauchny 0 y sotrudnik; KA1Lk1,`YSHEV, V. B., rauchnyy sotrudnik; GETMJLNETS, I. Ya.,, nauchn~ sotrudnik; MJ0TGr1;-2'TKO, S. M., vrach Olarll-ov) Influence of washing solutions and cooling and lubricating liquidr on the skin of machine shop workers. Vrach. delo no.6.- 124-126 Je `62. (MIRA 15-7) (MACHINERY INDUSTRY WORKERS-DISEASES XND HYGIENE) (SKIN-DISEASES) NEVEROVA-SKOBELF.Vk,,N.P.; PROVORNAYA, A.Ye.,- SLAVINA, I.I.;_�HEYN~~, B.Ye. Increasing the impact toughness of OT4 and OT4-$laUoys by heat treatment. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.2;45-49 F 163. (Titanium alloy 4,Heat treatment) (MIRA 16:3) L 261og-65 4-dr(l)IDC(M)lFdP(w)lEdA(d)IEPIVrIEW(t)IEWP(b) Ps4 IJP(c) "'Al ACCESSION NR: AP404749Z MXd/jD 5/0149/WOOO/004/0124/0129 jAU11IOR.- Livanov, V.A.J. Bukhanova. A. A.; Kolachays-1)".; Neverova-Skabe Sheynin. H. Yo.j Shoherbina, L. V. Tl'['[,E: Effect of hydrogen n tho mechanical propcrtic~vof titanium and OT4-1,alloy DICE: rVUZ. Tsvetnaya metaUurglya, no. 4. 1964, 124-129 TOPLC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, titanium mechanical pr~porty, titanium alloy strength, hydrogen content, brittle failurvalloy OT4-1 ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to study the Influence of hydrogen on thernechanical properties of OT4-1 alloy, particularly on the Impact strength, and to establish the maximum permissible hydrogen content at which the high resistance of the metal to yarlson, identical tests were carried out on brittle failure is still retained. For con technical-grade titanium, brand VTI- I. I It was found that of all the properties studied, the impact strength of VT1-1 and OT4-1 was the most sensitive to changes in hydrogen content. 71o lower this content, the lesser the tendency of the titanium alloys toward brittle fallure. The authors were unable to establish the maximum permissible hydrogen Card 1/2 L 26109-65 ,ACCESSION NR: AP4047492 content and indicate the need for further Investigations In Us direction. Heating of OT-4 to 900C followed by cooling in air or In water reduces the adverse effect of hydrogen on the impact strength (at the hydrogen contents studied, 1. a., up to 0. 01%). However, additional experiments are needed for a better understanding of the stability of the properties obtained during the beat treatment and In the course of natural and artificial aging. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra metallovedenlya I tekhnologil termicheakoy obrabotld, I Moskovaldyaviataloanyy takhaologicheakly institut (Metal science and heat treatment department.. Moscow aviation technology institute) MM MIMITTED.- 30Aug63 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE. NO'REF SOV, 002 OTHERt 001 Card 212 YERSHOV, B.B.; RYABC)V,, V.P.-, SHEYNIN, D.M. Industrial volume-manometric gas aaalyzers of periodic action. Zav. lab. -10 no~S~-1023-1024 164. (MIRA 180~) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoys byuro analiticheskogo priboro- stroyenlya AN SSSR. G. A. ~-Iar 1947 I'Tuo-chmbered 'v';,~-rnacp. with 1,101ten SlaL Tappinf.," N. L. Cyvin and G. A. Sheinin, 11 pp "IZv Vses Teplotekh Inst, 11 i;c, 3f Data on investi-b-a--iciis of the very first twc-chax~bered furnace -uith molten-slag tal-Ting in the 3oviet Union. Gomplete construction details. iA IT42 1 . 1. A., 17~rig. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Steam En,rinas--Fireboxes 7- "Cold" straightening-out of the corrugated fire tube of a locomo- bile, Rab. energ., 3, 110- 3, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. AID F - 3537 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 29 - 1/27 Authors Kisel'gof, M. L., Kand. Tech. Sci., and G. A. Sheynin, Eng. Title Efficient methods of burning fuels with a small volatile matter content Periodical Energetik, 11, 1-4, N 1955 Abstract The authors find that burning fuels with little volatile matter content is very uneconomical in the majority of stations. In the burning of Soviet electric power ' anthracite culm, which contains less than 8% volatile matter, combustion is found to be incomplete.20 to 30% even 40% of the combustibles material is lost in exhaust. The authors suggest a series of improvements in burning methods to avoid this great annual loss in fuel. Three tables, 2 diagrams, 4 drawings. Energetik, 11, 1-4, N 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 29 - 1/27 Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 3537 AU THOR: Sheynin, G.A. SOV-91-58-9-27/29 TITLE: Mechanical Firing Systems for Steam Boilers with a Capacity of 4 to 6 t/hr. (0 sistemakh mekhanicheskikh topok dlya parovykh kotlov paroproizvoditellnost'Yu 4-6 t/ch) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 9, P 39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In reply to a reader's query, the author lists the various mechanical firing systems which can best be used with steam boilers producing 4 to 6 tons of steam an hour. Three re- ference books on the subject are also suggested. I. Boilers--Operation Card 1/1 SHEYNIN, G.A.,Inzh. "Furnnees of industrial boiler rooms" by S.V. Tatishchev. Reviewad by G.A. Sheinin. Blek.sta.29 no-3:95-96 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Furnaces) (Tatishchav, S.V.) 8W ' SOV/91-59-10-'24/29 AUTHORS: Sheynin, G.A....Grinev, S.M., and Lindorf, L.S. TITLE: Correspondence with Readers PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr. 10, pp 36-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: I. Alkalinity of Boiler Feed Water. Question by A.I. Tekhtaiyer, Ishim, Tyumenskaya Oblast' : We purify boiler feed water by sodium-cation method. Still, the alkalini- ty is too high. What is the permissible limit of alkali- nity? Answer: The method mentioned does not decrease the alkalinity. To diminish it, potassium nitrate (KNO ) or ~ ion sodium nitrate (NaN03) should be used. II. Applica of Insulated Cable for Lead-Ins. Question by Shkrobko, Chernigov: Is it permissible to use in town streets in- sulated cables PR 4mm2 or APR lOMm2 for lead-ins? Ans-- wer: Not allowed, because the insulation conceals the possible damages of the metal part of the cable that bears the load. III. Asynchronous Electric Motor with Two Rotors. Question by P.E. Battakov, Leninogorsk: How Card 1/2 does an asynchronous electric motor with two concentric SOV/91-59-10-24/29 Correspondence with Readers rotors work? Answer: A motor with two rotors is applied. to obtain a rotation speed of over 3000 r.p.m. Depen- ding on the number of poles, rotation speed of one of ro- tors may attain 6000 r.p.m. The power developed by the motor depends on the power of individually considered machines, and on direction of their fields rotation; it may be equal to the sum or to the difference of the in- dividual motor power. Card 2/2 AGM10R, 3111collch. C. N: 30V175-14-4-50/30 TITLX, 8"tion of Andlytio.1 Chemistry of' the VIII Congress on General and Agpli0d Cheatotry FMODICkLi Uurnal andiLticheakay khlnil, 1959, Vol 14, gr 4, py 511-512 (USSR) AUMMM Approximately 300 persons participated in the work Or the DQP~t-fnt of Analytical Chomiatry, among them representative 0 0f various scientific -earch Instituted, higher schools and industrial enterprises In Russia, scientists from China, Bulgaria, the 6SRO Poland, Uungary, and Italy. ApproximatelY T0 1 1 reports were heard. In his ap-ing speech 1. ?_A11mac.L~ report* 1- 0. the achieved results -4 an modern problem& of analytic-1 trY , re.,orted on the application of ;hyst4a- ch:al: %s , ah .1 1 .Tot. in o md,wiou. system. for the sotution ~f e. dart " * r I-nat.ow O. of he=i tryX7. I. -ly t1011 - . : reported U amd M .1. in he uof rdanic rexeaTri~ : : .: -A Bb ..d at the example of halide and thiocyanats h* .. th Mrolatlon between the stability of ocaplozoa the PO-Ition of the com-panding central stow. in the poriollc ,yet... T_A-.ZmAhkjijA ad _TX._j2jltkgn lectured a the t.ttltty of ax1vates of Cut Co. and It a- 4-;onAing on the structure of I..%.r.4 a the double u'0 'a .h act r :o do am Of compound. In the rorm.tica Of : ,j Th. problem of the apyllmation of hetaropoly*ctd. lm analytical oho *try *a. deals with In the lectures of ! . rkrl, end A. IX.kQzLn anl 21. A. O~ A large number of lecturei d aft with %he *use of Jth.j".~: ads, organic "-cast$ In -malyel.. ZZ=4 reported an the application of dialkyl and dlaryl dithio. phospharl ald f0r the separation or elements, AL;~~g;3;61X.usod :,: , .r7l, ".6 am A and ar7l pho.phicac *old. R. P. lastovakiy and treated .0.. prop-t1s. of ... G..PI.W.nd. -he lectures Of_t-A--1jIIL%nkqd G d 1- 1, K.: .... nk. 11 t 4&1t w th the photometric term - UIO of a series Cterk lectured Mne fluorine derivates an the us* of hal.thromatlon In madly X- D-tkl_- and deteminattoo Of tantalum using pact t-stry. and 4toIZ-a r. d em ow aitl- analy.i. ports highly . i . . ,1_ ____ us ng . a trevialt at.- cap.. '-1 I.ct-*. dealt with mathodIcal ad theoretical probl... Of .;..trun t ~7 T., verp0t.1 ad n J.T X. 3. . I., . 1. 111kono- trd4t:d the perf otlon of flas. photometry, Several lectured dealt with 0.4 dat.:1mation of I.A#at. by polaro,~.phy kqwAl and 1. A. YST2W S.. 4 -or. a. --~Nf.- rvpoii..f -T ad 7Lu. S. Ly.Ilkov and do--rkrs. he lcot or 1r-.1,.dbth. .. or sap...a.tri. th -%n # ry f ur..Ium ad tItraAlon .~r.~y th Let thartum. X.X. Unya,to based possibilities of predtatir's the condl tions of chromatographla separation of elements based an th Ir position to the periodic system. J~. A. ~Ifvl ^~~fik ~a rprt.1 on 'he use or too exchange in she lavesttga%lo. of the state of substances In solution-. A-4. furild- end V..I. Ntr..h.a' I.:.tured On tme chromatographic separation of7a`-s-~-r-t*-n-W?- I .1 fate, reported on adapting the prorartles I ton :. JA. dad ... octets. reported n the hoomatographic proof of sulf-11malds preparatioaA in : card 3/4 ,lquids of the organism. C. I.-St.-bLn*&. and .&Societe. treated th Ppllo.tio. of high Polymers in chromatographic &nalye&~. Th: IMum of land r,.I.-rRrk%L-'tAUb, a.-S.IAZ -t sith &a. chromatography. 3 .. ral actur.0 treated the use - r::Io-tiv. Isotopes for tho chrocatoCraphic Invot1ration*of .p1or formation end a .... I.tes).J~r th I ... atigation of the co-procipitattan mechanism of ions of rare Is with sulfide. (ZA-b4psv) and for datemlaing rare :1.1: ..... .fflo-t.f, dilutior. ~P-Alklarln, G-'Lt- _;=. In th. J~l i r1 .... t.ry orZ-1. the lo.t-s of _qa~1axaLiw acut V ~A. KLL~ with ...... at.. h... to be contin as 4. who L-Atod r-PL4 mAcromethod. for the simultaneous datoml or .1aOs~. r-.." p-tl.r. of borc., flu-I.. ad vy IKOGANOV, I.A.; SHEYNIN, G.M. Grinding disk cams operating with a roller-type follower. Stan. i'instr. 34 no.11:27-28 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 5,,IEYN:,N, G.M., aspirant Design of copying systems with stretzhc.d pro-Piling devices. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mmillinostr. no.1~168,179 165, (MIRA 18:5) - %, I FEUCIROV, Yu.N.; SHEYNIN G,M'. ~ ~,4 . . . . I - i I increaEln6c Lhe pro-ductivity of machining, Mashinostrolte-l' no.3t ~ 1) 13 Mr 1615. (RIRA 18--4) 'K i , "'. ",: 1 ( 1 ~")1 . I. . ;' : i I IF" "" N I 'N ,C, . 14. lrlar~!-.' 114 nx Cyl." w~ ~h oiriil T r~td ! I cf the yrofile curvature. - - - 9 11 1 11 ,;t:,.n, 31) n~:./ ;.~ -",, ~. ~ 7 " 5 . ("Int 18:5) Subject Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Ostract USSR/Electricity Pub. 29 - 24/27 AID P - 356o Sheyn1n, I. A. 4~ x1v Use of strong secondary blast for hand-fed furnaces Energetik, 11, 37, N 1955 Replying to a question from a reader, the author explains that in hand-fed furnaces a strong blast is not efficient, because of the difficulty of regulating the even feeding of fuel. Institution None Submitted No date SHMM, I.A. . ~~ Burning Kizol coal in furnace with hand-fired chain gratea. Exergetik 4 no-9:36-37 S '56.- (Kr2A 9:10) (Coal) (Boilers) SHEYNIN, I.A. Steaming the layer of fuel on chain grates. Energetik 4 no.10: 39-40 0 '56. (MLR& 9:11) (Boilers) 30983 S/124/61/000/009/003/058 D234/D303 ,LUITHOR: Sheynin, I.S. 'OITLE: C2 Passing of a linear system with several degrees of freedom through resonance PER10DIC,'LL: Raferativnyy zhurnal. Melchanika, no. 9, 19610 160 abstract 9 ,1118 (Stroit. mek-han. i raschet sooruzh., 1960,\/-Io. 3. 40-44) 11 TE)CY: A method of desicrn is proposed for the vibrational C) transition process of a linear system ssubjected to variable forces with slowly varying, amplitude a-,-Ld ii-requenev. The problem is reduced to calculating a particular solution of a -system ol' inhomogcneous linear ecuations which is constructed Nehile making use of solutions corresponding to the motion of the system due to a unit Dulse. In the calculations, use is made of tabulated Lommel Z7Abstracter's note: Transliterated_7 functions of a real variable. An example of calculation is compared with axperiraental data. Z7,4,bstract--rls note: Complete translatiorl-7 Card 1/1 X ACC NR, AP7000153 SOURCE CODE: UR "013/6610-00/022/01181OY1-8- INVENTOR: _Sheynin I. S.; Noskov, L. D. ORG': none TITLE. A method f r determining the breaking'of the bond between reinforcement and concrete in building structures. Class 42, No. 188744 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 118 1 TOPIC TAGS: reinforced concrete, concrete, structural engineering,_structure I stability', A&OV~o IAIG ABSTRACT': An Author Certificate has been issued for a method for determining the breaking of the bond between reinforcement and concrete in building structures by using sensors to rdgister the acoustic inpulse originating in the broken-bond area between the reinfo6ement and concrete. To determine the location of this area, the difference in ehe sonic-wave travel of the acoustic impulse to pickups located on'opposite sides ~f the test structure is measured. SUB CODE: 13, 14/ SIM DAM 11 Sep64? Card- 1/1_ UDC: 666.982:693.554:620.171.2-868.6 SHEYNIN, I. S. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Several Droblems of passage.through resonance of a linear system containing several degrees of freedom." Moscow, 1961. 14 up; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Educa- tion RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineer- ing Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev); 180 CODies; price not given; bibliography on pp 13-14 (18 entries); Zn, 6-61 sup, 228) s/196/62/000/001/013/013 E194/El55 AUTHOR; Sheynin- T.S. TITLE- The law of change of speed on starting a machine with an induction motor PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika 1 energetika, no. 1, 1962, 3, abstract 1K 15. (Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta stroit. konstruktsii. Akad. str-va i arkhitekt. SSSR. no.2, 1961, 161-175) TEXT& The article defines the dynamic load of machines driven by squirrel-cage induction motors. The effect of resonance during starting and stopping is considered from the standpoint of designing vibro-isolators. It is shown that on passing through resooance the value of the maximum amplitude depends greatly on the value of the angular acceleration at the instant when the frequency of the disturbing force coincides with the natural frequency of the system. Therefore, instead of determining the total starting time, it is desirable to be able to find the direct angular acceleration at the instant of passing through Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/012/024/097 D201/D303 AUTHOR: Sheynin, I. S. TITLE: The mathematical analogue solution of resonance pro- blems PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 12, 1961, 13, abstract 12B75 (Tr. Tsentr. n.-i in-ta stroit. konstruktsiy. Akad. str-va i arkhitekt. SSSR, 1.961, no. 2, 176-188) TEXT: It is pointed out that at present several project organisa- tions and construction offices have at their disposal series pro- duced mathematical analogues (MA). It is, therefore, thought ad- vantageous to study the possibility of MA solutions of problems of resonance as applied to the vibration proof installations and to engineering structures. The P1A could also be used as an electro- nic simulator for checking the theoretical results obtained in a L general form. The general principles pf MA and solutions on it of differential equations are given. The MA solution of inhomogeneous Card 1/3 S/19 61/000/012/024/097 The mathematical analogue D201YD303 linear differential equations with constant coefficients n (Ilml~ + Rml~l + Cmlxl) = Pm, (m = 1,2 ..., n) is considered, where x = the generalized system coordinates- Mml, RMI and CMl = the1parameters of the oscillating system Nome of them may be equal to zero); Fm = the input distrurbance of the form F (t) = %(t) sin F(V (t m Lm where PmM = amplitude and sin t = phase. The L.H.S. of the Card 2/3 in Trudv. TSNIISK. ri,~, ~ 2; - , .I" - " 1 11" 1 . 11,fT- ' 1 , ( Vi. br a tio, 1) (Re 3 C1.11 d I-Ic e N ~ I . -, ~ 1~ -. "1 1, (also /0-3 AUTHOR: Sheynin, I.S. 21098 S/119/61/000/003/001/006 B116/B206 TITLE: Block of unsteady functions for analog computers PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, no. 3, 1961, 1 - 4 TEXT: The block described in the article was elaborated for solving sy- stems of differential:. equations on analog computerag i.e., equations With links, which are unsteady functions with points of unsteadiness of first order, as well as links which are oscillating aperiodic time functions. The block transforms the voltage x applied in the form of a monotonously changing time function into a voltage y taken off at the instrument out- put, y being an unsteady function with points of unsteadiness of first or- der. The derivatives of x and y with respect to time are in linear corre- lation at all points except the points of unstaediness, that is, the x(t) and x(y) curves show tangents at the same points (except at the points of unsteadiness), whereby the tangents of their angle of inclination to the t-axis (t = time) differ from each other by k times (k = const for the pro- Card 116 21098 S11191611000100310011006 Block of unsteady functions B116/B206 cess in question): dy/dt - k dx/dt. The jump y pi of the function can be adjusted according to the conditions of the problem to be solved. The block (Fig. 1) consists of a silmmator amplifier (1) and an automatic de- vice (2)o Any d.c. operation amplifier 5 can be used as (1). When the voltage x at the input of the automatic device reaches a certain value, the latter responds and applies at the input of the summator amplifier the constant voltage y pi of any previously adjusted amount and sign. This vol- tage is maintained at the output of the automatic device up, ' the next re- sponse (at which it changes by a specific value and becomes equal to ypi+1 An alternating voltage x and one of the constant voltages y pi is thus applied at the input of the summator amplifier. The voltage y = k(x + y pi ) is taken off at the output of the silmmator amplifier and thus also at the block output. k is the amplification factor of the sum- mator amplifier and depends on the ratio of the resistances R in its feed- back circuit. Fig. 2 shows the basic circuit diagram of the block, i.e., mainly that of the automatic device since that of the silmmator amplifier Card 2/8 21098 S/119/61/000/003/001/006 Block of unsteady functions ... B116/B206 is standardized. This device consists of cells of the same type, the num- ber of which equals that of the points of unsteadiness of the function. The first number of the cell index is the cell number, and the second is the number of the individual part (e,g4, R 14 is the resistance R 4 from the first cell). The number before the relay number is the contact group num- ber of the relay in question. At a certain input voltage each cell is intended to apply a certain cutoff voltage at the input of the summator amplifier and to take from its output all previously applied cutoff vol- tages. For this purpose, each cell is provided with an electron tube JJ(L), two relays P (R), and two voltage dividers A (D) and R n6* The electron tube operates as a valve and an amplifier. As a valve, it is closed until the voltage at the block input reaches a certain value. As an amplifier, it warrants a quicker response of the relay P n1 after the opening of the tube. The relay P n1 has only one working-contact group's IP n1' which closes the circuit of the relay Pn2' In the circuit diagram, the entire commutation is performed by the contact groups of the relay Card 3/8 21L098 3/119/61/000/003/001/006 Block of unsteady functions B116/B206 Pn2* The contacts 1P n2 apply the voltage taken from the divider at R n6 to the input of the summator amplifier. The contacts 2P.2 and 3Pn2 take off the anode voltage from all previous cells. Instead of 2P n2 and 3Pn2, only one pair 2'Pn2 may be used, as indicated by dashes for the tube Al. The voltage divider A n(Dn ) with the resistances R ni - Rn5 (in Fig. 2, only the divider of the first cell is shown) serves for applying the ne- gative displacement closing the tube to the grid of the tube .71 n(Ld. The amount of this displacement is adjusted by means of RnY The block built up according to the basic circuit diagram shown here has stood the test very well. An additional device for reproducing multi-period non- linear potential functions is described next. A device that transforms voltages of the form Uoutput ~ Udr ~ Uinput - nT must be connected in front of the input of a nonlinear amplifier calculated for reproducing one period. n is an integer, and T is the period (the voltage is shown in Card 4/6 S/1191791000/003/001/oo6 Block of unsteady functions ... B116/,B206 the form of a sum nT 4: Udr)' By this formula, the output voltage is ex- oressed as a sawtooth function of the input voltage with the I'sawtooth" height T. The device reproducing this formula is a sawtooth converter. The block diagram shown in Fig. 4 consists of two elements: the sawtooth converter (1) and the nonlinear amplifier (2). There are 4 figures. Legend to Fig. 1! Block circuit diagram of the block of unsteady functions. 1) d.c. amplifier with feed- automatic device, back, 2) 3) input, 4) output, 5) d-c- operation amplifier, 6) block of unsteady functions. x Y ~rxer '-~r LEJ A~~ ~~j I V Y, Card 5A 2108 S/119 ;1/000/003/()01/006 Block of unsteady functions ... B116FB226o6 4PI? 411, 4 Pjj, 4 P41 4'%-zj' 4FIn-11" 4P7: E r= Ei /107-JI)l .112 PW P?2' IPfA -jV PHI 75 If Legend to Fig. 2: Basic circuit diagram of the block of unsteady func- tions. 1) input, 2) to dividers, 3) d.c. amplifiert 4) d.c. opgration amplifier, 5) output. Card 6/8 Block of unsteady functions ... r IM, 244 r z It, -.7) Card 7/8 (f OiJ T 21098 Slilgl6ilOO0100310011006 B116[B206 UO OSO R IAVA I~IR I I L - - - - - - - Block of unsteady functions ... 21098 311191611000100310011006 B116JB206 U V U OR/ SH r T . 1 flit] Fth 4) Legend to Fig. 4: Block circuit diagram of the device for reproducing multi-period nonlinear voltage functions. 1) sawtooth converter, 2) nonlinear amplifier, 3) Uoutputy 4) Uinput* Card 8/8 45 - SO -:!!; 1"a., . N, , 1 . : . ( -: ex- jn g r ~. J ) F., f. ln~Z :; :%~m .::~L .*~:-,., r.~~ i--. % -- - J'pj.,~ I . h 5 tt,.! . . ; f, - .; .~ SHEYNIN, I.Ye-.., inzhener. Onthe problem concerning the sign of reactive power. Rlektrichestvo no.4:85 AP 154. (MLRA 7:5) (Electric capacity) SB3YNIN, L. A qualitative evaluation of agricultural land. Vop.ekon. no.6: 153-154 Je 160. (MM 13:6) (Iand-Classificati-on) SHEYNIN, L. Rock piles and Xmas trees. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 18 no.4:69 Jl-Ag'63. (MIRA 1732) PREYS, Y.F.,kandidat teklinicheskikh nauk; SHISHOV, V.; SHIMIIN,,,,L,., glavW tekhnolog oruzheyDogo zavoda; SHKARUPA, V.; TYLKIN, M.N:, redaktor; PULIN, L.I., tekhnicheskiy redaL~tor LHechanization and automatization of production; the experience of the Tula machine construction plant] Mekhanizatsila i avtomatiza- tsiia proizvodstva; iz opyta Tullakikh predpriiatil mashinostroeniya. [Tula] Tullskoe kn-vo, 1956. 95 P. (MLRA, 9:9) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog Tull skogo zavoda Hinisterstva putey niya (for Shishov). 2. Glavayy inzhener Tullskogo kombaynovogo zavoda (for Shkarupa) (Automatic control) (Tula--Machinery industry) SOV/112-57-5-10865 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 1R3 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sheynin, L. B. TITLE: Experience with Operation of a Roll-Machining Automatic Line (Opyt ekspluatatsii avtomaticheskoy linii obrabotki valikov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Avtomatizatsiya tekhnol. protsessov v mashinostr. Obrabotka metallov i obshchiye vopr. avtomatizatsii. M. , 1956, pp 201-207 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1 /1 BASKAKOV, S.; ISACHENKO, I.;.. Sixty years. Pozh.delo 3 no.1:6-7 Ja 157. (HLR& 10:4) 1, Predsedatell Soveta Dobrovol'nogo pozharnogo obahchestya Kiyeva i Kiyevskoy oblasti (for Baskakov). 2. Pred7edatell Mogilevskogo Dobrovollnogo pozharnogo obahchestva %for Isachanko). 3. Zamestitell nachallnika GorOFO Mogileva (for Sheynin). (Kiev--Fire prevention) (Mogilev--Fire prevention) KORSAKOV, Vladimir Sorgeyevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MMININ. L.B., _ inzh., retsenzent; SASOV, V., dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk. red.; MOROZOVA, M.N., red.izd-va; MOIGLI, B.I., (Design and manufacture of attachments in the machine-tool industry] Raschety i konatruirovanie prisposoblenii v mashino- stroenii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 215 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Machine toole--Attachments) SHEYNIN, L.B. Zones of state purchasing prices for agricultural the two principles of their determination. Vop. 143-149 161. (Agricultural prices) products and geog. nc.54: (MMA 15:3) IVANOV, K.I., red.; BELOTSERKOVSKIY, M.Yu., red.; BOLYSHEV, N.N., red.; GED)[MIN, A.V., red.; GLAZOVSKAYA, M.A., red.; GOLOVENKO, S.V., red.; ZVORYKIN, K.V., red.; IGNATIYEV, G.M., red.; KUZNETSOV, G.A., red.; LEBEDEV, N.P., red.; LEBEDEV, P.N.,,.red.; RAKIT~IKOV, A.N., red.; �H LYR1N,_1_B_,_red.; GREBTSOV, P.P., red.; YEITAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red. [Accounting for and the evaluation of agricultural land) Uchet i otsenka sel'skokhoziaistvennykh zemell. Pod red. K.I. Ivanova. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1963. 385 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Farm--Valuation) (Soils--Classification) (Cadasters) SHEMIN, L.B. "Geogi~aphy of state retail prices for consumers' goods' by' A.K. Prosandeev. Reviewed by L.B. Sheinin. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5! Geog. 18 no.2:78-79 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Prices) (Sheinin, L.B.) ARTIAMONOV, P. A., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk; STERLIN, B. YA-.., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; SIASHCHEV, N. S.., inzhener; RUMSE, D. L., inzhener; ZELIMON T. 1. inzhener; SHEYNIN, L. I. inzhener; ARAPOV., L. V. Regeneration of a used catalyst vith preliminary degreasing. Masl.-zhir. prom. 18 no.6:17-19 Je '53- NLRA 6:6) 1. VsesoYuznyy nw, hno-issledovatellskiy institut shirov (for Artamonov, Sterlin). 2. Moskovskiy gidrozavod (for Slashchev, Rumsh, Zelikosu, Sheynin, Arapov); (cA 47 no.22:12839 '53j ;~:tse of continuous vacuum filtem in the manufLacture of a _udaljuL, P. A . Artamonov~'N. S: Slasfichev, and L. 1. Vq I SheinTn-P16-scow kipiro-Factorv). Molno-zhirova From. in, 1NO CuCONI) suspension is ied by gravity flow Into a semicircular trough contg. a half-submerged drum-shaped filter. The filter Is subdivided into several sections which are intermit- tently connected with a vacuum line by means of a slide jt_V-J~ I ww& -valve, as the drum rotates. The mother liquid is drawn in through the filter cloth. and water, flowing an the outside of, the drum, cleans the catalyst, which Is then scraped off by knives, dried, etc. Most rapid sedimentation of I and 11 occurs when they are obtained from NI and Cu sulfate 7 soln. contg. 9-10 g. of metals per 1. at 50*. Under these conditions, 70% of the mother liquid was removed after a" hr. sedimentation period. The catalyst removed from the filter contained 0.68-0.97% of NarS91. The temp. of the wash water should be from 36 to 50'. The diagrams of -apparatus and data am given in 2 tables, SAMARIN, D.A.; ARKHANGELISKIT, Y.T., red.; TOLKOY, A.M., red.; KLIKOY, A.A., red.; RUDIN, M.Z., red.; EIMSONSKIT, Kh.N., red.; SEIETNIN, L-11 red.; BUTERDOTA, A.I., red.; HANINA, H.P., tekhn.r"e?.-Ib---a [The angler; almanac] Rubolov - sportsmen; almanakh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo 'Fizkulltura i sport.' Tol.11. 1959. 270 P. WRA: -14o) (Fishing) .. 1,,-;v Ro~,.anovlch Froklyatays- Z-Noskva2 Iz-3vo. "Znanilycll, 10," -0. 107 p . SHETTINJ 1111. Refrigeration and Refri.verat-'Ing Machinery Cold out of heat. Tekh. molod., No. 2, 1952. Monthl-- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -lune 1952. Unclassified KARTAMYSHEV, P. (Leningrad);--PHEYNIN, M. (Leningrad) precise, clearcorveninet. Grazhd.av. 18 no.2:20 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) (landing aids(Aeronauties) SlEYI-IIIII) I'll. School on the upsurge. Prof.-tek-',,. obr. 19 no.0':21 A 162. 15.7) 1. Zarriestitell direktora po uchebno-proizvodstvennoy rabote Izhevoksgo remslennogo uchilishcha No.3. Udmurtskoy ASSR. (Vocational education) "SHEYNIN, M., inzh. Learning by mistakes of others. Grazhd. av. 20 no.6:14-15 A 163- (MIRA l6s8) (Flight training) I i z "..e. Lsystems are neededle Av. i kosm. 47 no.3:65-68 1. challnik naUchno-I ss I edovate i's 1:0- laborazor-` avia ',s, cnnogo whilisl-cl-a grazhduns'-o,, aviatsif ,r 5. 2 "yssheco Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title USSR/Aeronautics - accelerometer Pub. 135 - 28/31 Belikov, V. I., Col. and M. P. Sheynin For wider use of load factor indicator Periodical : Abstract : AID P - 4770 Vest. vozd. flota 8, 93, Ag 1956 The authors suggest the use of an accelerometer during the execution of aerobatics. Institution : None Submitted No date 5? // [- ~ ~ A / A~ A/, AUTHOR: Sheynin, M., Engineer (Leningrad) 84-11-10/36 TITLE: Apparatus to Examine Pilot's Physical Condition and Fitness (Pribory dlya ob'' ektivnoy otsenki sostoyaniya i podgotovlennosti pilotovT PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1957, Nr 11, pp.9-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Although it is generally up to the instructor to judige the extent of nervous tension in a pilot,, the Soviet Civil Air has developed two scientific devices to help the instructor in evaluating the pilotb condition. One device indicates the tension of the pilot's grip on the wheel. The device consists of a rubber glove and a tube leading to arliaostatio pressure mete:t; the pressure meter is connected with the electric rfetwork of the plane. Experiments with this device have shown that less experienced pilots have a 2 to 2.6 times heavier;'grip on the wheel when landing, climbing, or Card 1/2 84-11-10/36 Apparatus to Examine Pilot's Physical Condition and Fitness (Cont.) facing any change in flight conditions. Throbbing of the arteries, accelerated breathing, and similar phenomena of hyper-tension are registetled by another electric device. This consistsrof,,a rubber sleeve put on the left arm of the pilot'-.- and a rubber pad placed on the chest; both "parts of the apparatus are equipped with meters. The control ofarter&a pressure in the sleeve is achieved by an electro-optical pen, which registers the changes, apparent especially during climbing and landing operations.. The entries are made on a photographic paper,, which indicates alod the speed, altitude and landing shook. Two photographs and nine diagrams accompany the article. The photogr~sphs show the two devices,, whereas the diagrams represent the meters. Oscillograms show the physical condition of the pilot, such as pulse, breathing or pressure; the last two dia- grams compare the tensions during a nomal grip and a medium- heavy grip on the d*el. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 3M SOV/841-60-1-26/76 AUTHORS: Sh M Chief Engineer, and Yakovlev, A., ji! e -"-Ms ructor effi s TITLE: Radar Probing of the Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1960, Nr 1, p 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors recommend a wider use of radar for at- mospheric soundings. In 1956 they pro-Dosed the spe- cific utilization of radar reflectors dropped by aircraft or scattered from signal rockets. From the returns appearing on the radar screen (svetoplan) it would be possible to calculate the speed and di- rection of airflow and wind in relation to the height and level of approach. A wide-range screen would be required - in conventional units, the dis- tance between the rings must be 30-50 km. Radar ~~ reflectors would be particularly useful for studyiljg vertical currents and turbulence at all atmospheric Card 112 levels. Tests conducted with the TsAC GUGMS showed Radar Probing of the Atmosphere SOV/84-60-1-26/76 that the ground radar method used to record the mean quadratic velocity of cloud movement can be applied to the atmosphere. Vertical soundings can be taken when radar reflectors are scattered above and below the cloud-zone. Periodic photographs are taken from the screen. ASSOCIATION: Vyssheye aviatsionnoye uchilishche GVF Aviation College of the Civil Air Fleet Card 212 1( SOV/84-60-2-33/.59 AUTHOR: Trekhin. V., Pilot-Instructor for Ground Trainers, AMeynin. M., Engineer, (Leningrad) TITLE; From Easy Stages to More Difficult Ones PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1960, Nr 21 PP 17-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a set of instructions on how to use ad t ers and mock-ups, beginning with Tj=5,1,~ gaf MK g -D Vd PSP-48?raJ-ners, and more advanced, unspecified ones. he authors call upon all con- cerned to cease the manufacture of inferior make- shift trainers, and do away with the unfounded distrust toward good, standard trainers.. They want the industry to produce special trainers for the Tu-104, Il-18 and An-10, for training in OSP (Instrument Landing Equipment) Technical data contained in this article is as follows: The Higher Aviation Card 1/2 School of GVF, using the standard PTU-0 television SOV/84-60-2-33/59 From Easy Stages to More Difficult Ones sets, has worked out two television arrangements for trainers. One such arrangement provides an imitation of visual flights, enables the trainee to watch the runway when coming out of clouds, after having flown over the short-range precision approach radar. The other arrangement enables the pilot in the trainer to perform a landing approach using the radar navigator. It is a1so intended for training the dispatchers, so as to give them an idea of a landing approach from the pilot's position. A cartoon on page 17 scoffs at the training subunit commanded by L.Nozadze, Gruzinskoye territoriallnoye upravleniye,(Georgian Territorial Administration), where an alpaiUbie trainer for An-2 aircraft stands unused. Theie is I drawing. ASSOOIATION:Vyssheye aviatsionnoye uchilishche GVF (Higher Avia- tion School of the GVF), Leningrad. Card 2/2 FESENKO, N.G.; ROGOZHXIN, V.I.; FESENW, Ye.A.; MYNIN, M.S. Conditions oF dissolved gases and hydrobiology of the TSimlyansk Reservoir during the first winter's stagnation, 1952-1953. Gidro- khim.mat.25:98-114 155. (MIRA 9:6) l.Gidrokhimichaski.r inatitut Akademil nauk SSSR, Novocherkassk i Dono-Kibanskaya nanchnaya rybokhozyaystvannaya stantslya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskago instituta rybolovstva i okeanografii, Rostov-na-Donu. (T51mly-anak Reservoir--Fresh-vater biologr) FZSBNKO. Ye.A., kand.biol.naukL.~~Iq!IN, M.S. Food supply of the larvae of commercial fishes in the Don River and the eastern part of the Taganrog Gulf. Trud7 MRO 31:276-285 t55. (MIRA 11:6) l.Dono-lubanskoTe otdeleni7e instituta rybnogo khoz7aystva. (Don Delta--Fishes--Food) (Taganrog Gulf-Fishes-Pood) SIMEYMINP N,...S. 11 ....... Finding of Corniger maeoticus Pengo (Polyphemidae, Cladocera) in ISi.-,dyansk Reservoir and the Don River. Zool. zhur. 43 no.8:1240- 1241 '64. 17:11) 1. Azovskiy nauclmo-i-ssladovatellskiy institut rybnogo khoz7aystva, Rostov-na-Donu. SHEYNIN, N. Ye. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Geometric foundations of designing non- SDreading moldboard surfaces of plow bodies." Moscow-Plyushcheva, 1~61. 17 pp with illustrations; (Joint Council of the All-Union Scientific Research Inst for Mechanization of Agriculture "VIM" and the All-Union Sci Res Inst for Electrification of Agriculture "VIESKh"); 125 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 228) SHEYNIN, O.B. (Moskva) On F.IA.Shevelev's article. Mat.v shkole no.667 N-D 162. . . (MIRA 16si) (Yjathematice-Problems,,Q~cercises,, CW.) u SH M INI O.B., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Geuss-Tobey differential adjustments IzvvyB,*acheb*zave; geod, i aerof. no.1+297-99 162. (MIRA 16t2) 1. Institut naucbnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii. (Geodesy-) SHEYNIN, O.B. 41- [History of the evaluation of direct measurements and the law of distribrution of random errors] K istorii otsenok ne- posredstvennykh izmerenii i zakona raspredeleniia sluchainykh oshibok. Moskva, VINITI, 1963. 38 P. (MIRA 17:4) SHEYNINY O.B. Use of consecutive analysis in triangulation. Geod. i kart. no.10% 31-34 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) SHEININ, O.B. Use of conformal transformations in adjusting analytical nets Geod.i kart. no.1:15-17 Ja 163. (Min 16:2) (Triangulation) SHEYNIN, O.B. The necessity of transcribing foreign surnames. NTI no.2:22 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy infonnatsii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po koordinatsii nauchno-issledovateltskikh rabot i AN SSSR, Otdel astronomii i geodazii. BOLDOV, V.G.; SHEYNIN, O.B. Mathods of abst--ac'Ang used in the "International Geodetic Bibliography," NTI no-5218-19 163. (MIRA 16-11) YACHIN, Yu.A., inzh.; SMNIN, P,D,y inzh. The CHMAP-5530 trailer. Mekh. stroi. 20 no.8t23-25 Ag 163. (MIRA 16., 11) MILLER) G.Ya.; YAGHIN, Yu.A.; SHEYVIN, P.D. Heavy-duty tractor train. Biul.tekh.-ekorrinfor.T,.Gos.nalich.-issl. inst.nauch.i fnkh.inform. 17 no.1!83-85 f64- (1,,IIRA 17!2) !,er~ sci -- (di ss) IIC14 riical of' ~.r~eco7-q of r. he. 12 (P'L, 119) - 232 SHEYNIN, P.I. (Khnrlkov, Chernyshevskaya ul., d-78, kv. 40) 9'orDhological chnractorictien of ovitrian theon tissue In theeft-cell tumcrE3 [with summary in Snglish]. Vop.onk.4 no-3:332-226 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz rodillnogo doma Yuzhnoy zheleznoy dorogi (nach. - Ye.A. Zvereva naxichW rukovoditell rabory - zav. kafedroy pntologicheskoy anatonii Khartkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta - prof. GA* Derman). (THECA CRU TUMORS, pathology. ovarian theca-cell morphol. chn-iges (Rus))