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SUSMAGINA, M.I. Hormonal therapy of subacute and cronfc liver diseases. Terap. arkh, 32 no. 6:38-47 Je 160. 04IRA 14: 1) (LIVER-CIRRHOSIS) (PREGNADIMETRIONE) ,A~~INNA, G.A.; SIfE-VLYAGINA Ye.A.4 REUTOV, C.A. BEELEETaAYA, I.P.; AltZ p E Synthesis of some organomercury salts of the type E6H4pH(HgE[r)Co2G 5. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:321-324 Ja 164. (MIRA 17Y 411 :go _C 11 Ti~ 041 a A v:i 0 It '3 t Ole lk a a SO -110 2~t "'Tt 5, Irma at so is O-W 0!%.v MIS prewflift proti0fdota of "moradfil ous S&A systlictic odor- Lilco" vatimsces weed in cosimietka. 119. !jhrv1y&KivA_"' armiR.RutkoydaM Af&Apb0wZkivwDf10IS-N0-4- 31-2 (ION) .--COMPW*thv tosis 'boom' that 'be &"d1'4' of ructunua I mthatir stomik- pubstautcav oil wturat and a the lgowth tit nutids. A mkAMmff was offev" ou the addu. "Ibitions bm wmwi Iniccied with .1 thse Stromtk -bd-- to ultum of A;pffliUms tk-W anti 11fakwism fkarang. tabiTs &M giwa. sholvisug the Lwnjoarid,t fliv- iils and sylathetir aronmetws no tivrnc" of various mWatial C mold growths in nnulsifird "clutis and the supPrc-k- Of chat. III&= berr wart. -00 00 -_O0 .00 -00 -00 A.O too doe '00 -00 '00 goill at a 04 IS 0 006 0 I I k U 11 13 m 0 16 11 L11 " J11 , It n IS 14 Is h .7 Is )O L Of 1 A A C A 2 V E 1 IL T! k 0 0 ,JDJI 1:113.112 Ism 15144141 U _ _ - - _ '. m- w ..v RIF T t)ptimuln conditions of dryin toilet SOAP befaire stamp. 1' 00 Prodliction I- S111 %It'l- ing in the continuous pirocess 0 it gm... 1. 11111-14.4,1'4 .11'1 t. 15. 'N'.' 1.. JS 0 '141 is, I be , . _00 it .. It .1.1 . tit to lum 41 - a mul. 1.) .11 vull; ill.. 'A' , - "it i the vd-ity .1 t- z lkr~. at 2.. cf. Vulaitivich. d -if., C. A, 32, R.121-' . With - 600 vl'A_' grval't ctultell1% of (at 4cid, ill ~Up like Adil-I ... I d' lov, Ilot 1111 4 ti w 00 le illi 1 p .uld ill, ullpir .1tvilla villiAlic- tile 4,111-ads Al"t Ilh-lion .4 It, ' a 00 '00 a 00 1000 7 =00 9 . qb--, -W .. - A SM-11L A 41TALLURWAL UICRATLA9 CLASIOPKATICh 9 4 04. aot U is AV so Is 'in 1 00 S a aw a a w I ill a 2 a a . -;- 0 0 isivit.. - it -0 r0 0 , : e : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 91 : : : a : ': Fc. hi 11 ot SHWILYAGIM, Ye.V.; GUSHCHINA, Ye.l.; BELOV, V.11. Relaiion between the structure of organic compounds and their odor. Report No-7: Lactone of hydro-V-cia-dakalin-2-acetic acid. Trudy VITIISIIDV. no,4:44-47 '58. (MIRA 12:5) (Perfumes, Synthetic) (Acetic acid) SHEVLYAGINA, Ye.V.; GUSTICTINUL, Ye.I.; BELOV, V.N. Relation between the structure odor. Report No.8: Synthesis butyl-cycloba.Vl)-acetic acid. 158. (Perfumes, Synthetic) of organic of the Trudy compounds and their lactone of 2-hydroxy-4-tertiary- VNIISIMV no.4:47--~50 (MIRIk 12:5) (Acetic Acid) SHZVLYAGINA, Ya.V.; BEWV. V.N. -- .. ........... Condensation of 2, 3-diketo-cie-dekalin and bromacetic by the S.Reformatskii method. Trudy VIIIISNDV no-4:58-60 '58. (MIRL 12:5) (Naphthaloneacatic acid) S9EVLYAGIN.k. Ye.V.; VOYTSPMOVSKAYA, A.L.; PASHININA, Ye.I. Stabilization of stone-fruit oils during etorage. Trudy VNIISNDV no.4:119-125 '58. (MIRA. 12:5) (Oils and fats--Storage) (Antioxidants) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHEMAGINA, Ye.v. Studying the effect of the composition of a mixture ofhigh molecular weight alcohols, obtained by different technological procedures, on the quality of the emulsifying agent for cos- metic emulsions. Trudy VMISNDV no.4:197-199 158. (MIPA 12:5) (Emulsifying agents) (Alcohols) (Cosmetics) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHNVILYAGINA, Ye.V., kand.khim.nauk Determining tho particle distribution of the constituents of face powders. 14aal.-zhir.prom. 25 n0-10:29-33 '59. (MIU 13:2) 1. Vsesoyuzn~~7 nauchno-iseledavatellskiy institut sintatiche- skikh i naturallrqkb dushiBt3rkh veshchestv. (Coametica) VOLIFMON. I.I., inzh., SEWLYAGINA, Ye.V., kand.khim.nauk; SHUR, S.I., kand.khim.nauk Studying physicochemical properties of cosmetic creams. Ma9l.- zhir.prom. 25 no.12:21-25 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Vaesoymnyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallmvkh dushistykh veshchastv (for Vol'fenzon, Shev1yaLeins.). 2. TSentrallnaya nauchno-issladovatellskaya laboratorlya zhirovoy prom'yshlennosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza (for Shur). (cosmetics) VOLKOVA, T.V.; SHEVLYAGITIA, Ye.V.; YAYOVa',VA, G.S.; DUCHINSKAYA, Yu.I. Preparation of KO emulsifier and emulsifying waxes for cosmetic articles. Trudy V14IISNDV no.5:122-124 161. (KERA 14:10) (Cosmetics) (Emulsifying agents) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHEVLYAGIIIA, Ye.V Preparation of a peentaerythrite and oleic acid aster (pentol) as a now emulsifier for cosmetic creams. Trudy VNIISNDV no-5: 120-1-92 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Cosmetics) (Pentaerythritol) (Oleic acid) VOYTSEKIIOVSKAYA, A.L.; SIEWLYAGINA, Ye.V.; GUSHCHINA., Ye.I. Preparation of linoleic and linolenic acid esters (vitamin F). Report )fq.l. Preparation of vitamin F. Trudy VNIISIMV no.5: 124-128 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Linoleic acid) (Linolenic acid) (Cosmetics) ' VOYTSEYJIOVSKAYA, A.L.; SIMVI~YAGIILIA.- Ye-V Preparation if linolnic and linolenic acid es-,ers (vitairtin F). Report No.~, Stabilization of vitamin F. Trudy VNIISNIN no.5: 128-134 161. (MM 14: 10) (Linoleic acid) (Linolenic acid) (Cosmetics) VOYTSEYJIOVSKAYA, A.L.; sHE-VLYAGINA, Ye.V.; GUSI-INAY Yd.i. 7 Preparation of catiolan., a new kind of cosmetic material. Trudy VNIISKDV no.5:134-135 161. WRA 14:10) (Cosmetics) (Acids, Fatty) DRABKIMI, Ye.l.; VOLIrENZON, Amino acids :Ui the cosmetic industry. Trudy Vl.'iISIU)V n0.5: 135-137 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Amino acids) (Cosmetics) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHEMAGGIM, Ye.V Fine Ltrinding of powder and itB components. Report No.l: Grinding in a vibration mill. Trudy VNIISNDV no.5:137-150 I f61. (MIRA 14:10) (Grinding machinea) (Cosmatica) VOLKOVA, T.P.; SIMVLYAGINA, Ye.V. Fine grinilin of powdar and its components. Report No.2: Grinding in a jet mi-12. Trudy ln!IISNDV no-5:151-160 '61. (MIRA 14:10) (Grinding machines) (dosmatics) r- . FASHINRU, Ye.I.; SHEUYAGINA, Ya.V.; RUTKOVSKAYA, R.A. 'c Efficient methods for preparing emulsifying creams. Report Nso.l: 1-feleshin's device for cooling emulsifying creabs of the water-oil type. Trudy T.4IISITDV no.5:161-165 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Cosmetics) (Emulsifying agents) VOLIFEIZON, I.I.; SHUR, S.I.,;-SH-EVLYAGINA, Ye.V. Effect of certain factors on the structural strength of emulsifying creams. Trudy VNIISIMV no-5:165-170 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Cosmetics) (Emulsifying agents) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHEVLYAGINA. Ye.V.; YANKOVSKAYA, S.A.; SHAPIRO, Ye.S.; KLIMANOVA, N.A. Study of the process of esterification in the production of "pentol.11 Trudy VNIISNDV no.6-167-169 163. (KRA 17:4) Pr'-"ITINUNA, Yo.J.: SHFMAOINA, Yo,V,,- RUTKOVSKAYA, R.A. Uae of the Khcturtsev-Pn-chkin colloid mill in the pr.-Auc."IGn of, 'cothpastes. TrudyVNIISNDV no.6.17'1-179 161. (ERA 17:4) 1 -1 It ~EN3~1 QV, A.A.,L pomoshchnik mastera For the adoption of high-speed machinery. Tekst.prom. 21 no.Ll: 61-62 N f6l. (MRA 1/,: 11) 1. Tkatskaya fabrika Tashkentskogo tekstillnogo kombinata imeni Stalina. (Locms) SELPKOV, Ye. A.; YAXOVLHV, V. S.; SHEVLYAKOV, A. F. Penicillin therapy of gonorrhea. Vest. vener., Moskva no-5:33-35 Sept-Oct 1951. (CUL 21:1) 1. Senior Scientific Associate SelIkov, Lt-Col Medical Corps, Yakovlev, Col, Medical Corps; Shevlyakov, Major, Medical Corps. USSR/Chemistry of High-Molecular Substances, F Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 1148 Author: Minsker, K. S., S11eviyakov, A. S., and Razuvayev, G. A. Now& Institution: None Title: The Part Played by Oxygen in the Initial Stage of the Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride Original Periodical: Zh. obshch. khl 11, 1956, Vol 26, No 4, io82-loB7 Abstract: During the polymerization of vinyl chloride (I), both pure and in the presence of initiators (bpzoyl peroxide (II), azoisobutyl. cyanide, acetylbenzoyl peroxide, 2.2-azo-bis-n-isabutylpropyl cyanide, methylamino-bis-diazo-p-anisole, and methylam-4no-bis-diazobenzene), an induction period is observed, the duration of which depends on the amount of 02 present, as well as on the nature and concentration of the initiator. In pure I the induction period is considerably longer than in the presence of initiators. During the induction period the formation of peroxides has been established iodometrically. In the Card 1/2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- ------------------------------------ LA,;tsL~,%v the P=Ifttim or an pr 1957. Im ~85 t obtairied in hydrodgarhatich vf C11 Column flii-lwl~~h Cluvated C At At mi gh -tige of p.31FTnertr-lt: 013 of 7inyt chlo ia vaLz,l I AUTAORS; Shevlyakov, A.S., Minsker, K.S. 69-58-2 -19/23 TITLE: The Site b3r-761~merization of Unsaturated Compounds in Sys- tems Containing Protective Colloids (0 meste polimerizatsii nepredellnykh soyedineniy v sistemakh soderzhashchikh zash- kolloidy) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, pp 237-241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The jolymerization of unsaturated compounds is often carried out in aqueous emulsions. The polymers prepared by this method have different degrees of dispersion and diffcrent properties depending on the protective colloid used in the process. The site of the polymerization depends on the na- ture of the monomer and the initiator, and in a lesser de- gree on 'he nature of the emulsifier. In this article, the problem of the site of polymerization has been investigated on water soluble monomers -~,ihich have been dyed by water in- soluble and non-inhibiting dyes. In case of polymerization within the monomer, it would be dyed. If polymerization takes place in the solution, the resulting polymer would be colorless. As a dye, 11sudan red" was used. The experimen- ~al results show that 'he higher 'he solubility of 'he in-- t, 11 U k, - itiator in water, a more undyed polymer is formed. A great Card 1/2 part of the polyii-ierization takes place in the solution. If 69-58-2 -19/23 The Site of Polymerization of Unsaturated Compounds in Systems Containirg Protective Colloids an initiator is used which is not soluble in the monomer and soluble in water, the reaction takes place exclusively in water and the produced polymer is colorless. Initiators partitioning between the monomer and the aqueous phase, like azodinitrile diisobutyric acid, bring about the poly- merization both in the droplets of the emulsion and in the solution. If the monomer is supplied in the gaseous phase, the velocity of polymerization is considerable. This in- dicates the part played by the polymerization of monomers in true aqueous solutions. There is 1 table and Ill references, 8 of which are Soviet, 2 English, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: February 4, 1957 1. Chemical compounds--Pb-l-ymerization 2. Polymers--Dispersion 3. Polymers--Properties Card 2/2 50) AUTHORS: Etlis, V. S., SOV/20-122-6-34/49 Minsker, K. S., Degtyareva, L. M., Fedoseyeva, G. T., Kucherenko, M. M. TITLE: preparation of Isotactic Polystyrene (Polucheniye izotakticheskogo polistirola) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 6, PP 1076-1078 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Inspite of several papers (Refs 1-3) the treparAtion methocl and the parameter of isotactic polystyrene are not described in publications. The present paper tries to determine the conditions of stereospecific styrene polymeriza-Cion which are suited for technological development. The styrene polymerization was produced with a catalytic system of triethyl aluminium titanium trichloride in the medium of saturated hydrocarbons at 30-1200 in a nitrogen atmosphere. A dependence of the polymerization velocity and the yield of isotactic fraction of the polymer on-the concentration of Al(C2 H ) in the solvent (benzine) was found (Table 1). FiguN15 hows the dependence of the yield of the isotactic Card 113 fraction (fraction III.), of the per cent'content of the Production of Isotactic Polystyrene Card 2/3 SOV/20-122-6-34/49 amorphous fraction in thepolymer Ost fraction), of the characteristic viscosity (in cyclohexanone at 200) and of the density (y ) on the quantity K. Figure 2 shows the yield of the isotactic and amorphous fraction in the polymer in dependence on temperature. An increase in the entire yield of polystyrene takes place only in consequence of an increase in the yield of the amorphous fraction. When the relation C 8 H6 : TiCl3 was raised from 10 to 15, the content of in the polymer increased by 1.5-2.0 isotactic fraction per'TiCl -unit prLetically The results of typical test; are colLected Obviously the formation of the amorpious connected with surface effects and tikes homogeneous solution according to th? constant yield of an isotactic produ)t, explained by the constant size of th? catalyst. Polystyrene can be preparei. described, depending on the conditiois polymerization method either as a coapletely substance (98-5-100 %) or with a con3iderable the amorphous fraction imes. The yield of the did not change. in table 2. product is not place in a ion mechanism. The however, must be active surface of the according to the system of the procedure and the crystallina content of the Product-ion of Isotactic Polystyrene SOV/20-122-6-34/49 amorphous fraction. Figure 3 shows typical thermodynamic curves(plotted with Kargin's scales) of an industrial sample, of the polymer prepared according to the catalytic system mentioned above, and of its individual fractions. Figure 4 gives the radiographs of both fractions. Table 3 shows some physico-mechanic and electric properties of the polystyrene under consideration. V. A, Kargin, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR assisted the author in his work. There are 3 figures, 3 tables,and 3 references. PRESERTED: June 27, 1958, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUBbIITTED:- June 26, 1958 Card 3/3 s/o64,/60/000/005/003/009 B015/BO58 AUTHORS: A. Etlis, V. S. , Minsker, K. S., Degtyareva, L. M., Fedoseyeva, G. T., Kucherenko, M. M. TITLE; Stereospecific Polymerizationlof Styrene,\ PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1960, No. 5, PP. 10 - 15 TEXT: In the paper under review, details on the stereospecific poly- merizatioAof styrene are discussed and experimental results are men- -tioned in connection wit a previous report (Ref. 11) on the production of isotactic.polystyrenetby means of a catalytic system consisting of triethyl aluminum'Tand TiCl 3' The a-form of TiCl 3' showing a high stereo- specificity, was used in the experiments. It was established that the yield of styrene isomers (of the amorphous and isotactic fractions) de- pends on the dilution of the reaction mixture (Table 1) and work was conducted with a concentration of from 7 to 10% triethyl aluminum. Re- ducing the relative amount of triethyl aluminum impairs the stereo- specificity and increases the yield of the amorphous product. An increase Card 1/2 Stereospecific Polymerization of Styrene S/06 60/000/005/003/009 B01 5YI3058 of the molar ratio of triethyl aluminum to TiCl 3 above 1 : 1 at a con- centration of the former of 7% and an experimental temperature of 90 0 and 1200C leads to increased formation of amorphous fraction, but it does not change the yield of isotactic fraction (Table 2). Temperature kith variations of from 60' to 1500C) exerted a marked influence on the yield of amorphous fraction, but not on that of the isotactic fraction. The following polymerization conditions are recommended: concentration of triethyl aluminum in the solution: 5-0-7-CIOD, molar ratio between triethyl aluminum and TiCl 3 ' 1 : 1, weight ratio between styrene and TiCl 3 = 12-20 : 1, reaction temperature 90-150 0C, duration of reaction 3-5 hours. The properties of polystyrene obtained in the stereospecific synthesis are finally discussed and the advantages of the crystalline product (Table 3) are pointed out. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 20 references: 6 Soviet, 5 US, 2 British, 2 German, 4 Italian, and I Japanese. Card 2/2 -SUVLYAKOV, A. S. ; ETLIS, V. S- ; MOSKER, K- S. ; IZGTYAREVA, L. M. ; i-- TADOSEYEVA, G. T. ; KUC 0, M. M. Stereospecific polymerization of styrene* InAm.prom. no-5:362- 367 Jl-Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (styrene) (Polymerization) ACCESSION NR: AP40i8i67 /O1q1/64/0Oo/oo3/bo43/oo45 AUTHORS: Shevlyakov, A.S.; Kotlyar, I.B.; Mukhina, I.A. TITLE: Effect of the concentration of the emulsifier synthine sulfo-i .nate on properties of polyvinylehloride latex. SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no-3, 1964, 43-45 TOPIC TAGS: Doly-vinylehloride latex, emulsifier, concentration, syn-; thine sulfonate, latex property, latex stability, particle size, agg.-, regate stability 1 ABSTRACT: The effect of the concentration of the emuls1fier synthine, .1, sulfonate on Dolyvinylohloride latex properties was examined. The synthine sulfonate was prepared by sulfochlorination of saturated 012-C18 hydrocarbons. In the 0.111o" emulsifier concentration range, which Is the critical concentration, there are rapid chan es 10) in the saturation of the oarticle surfaces with emulsifier, ~2) in the latex aggregate stability and (3) in the Darticle size. Minimum sat-.! uration of the particle surface and minimum aggregate stability in Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4018167 s the latex are obtained with 0.5% emulsifier; higher and lower emu! i-li e these properties. Stable latexes With fier concentrations increas Ii relatively coarse particles can be obtained with low synthine sulfo- ii nate emulsifier conoentrations~. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 2TMar64- ENCL: 00, SUB CODE: ML, PH '.NR REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 008 Card 2/2 'VCV, A.S. red.; CHE~RIE-11'""A KOITTEV, K.A., gla',t. red.; 3 11V L.L.. red.; SiKETARKIT11A, N.P.: red.; YEGOROV, Yu.F., M.Ya_ red.; KU71-1ETSOVA, V.P... red.; PAZENKO, Z.N.., red.; YP-C~AIIY A.A., red.; VOYTSEKEOVSKIY, R.V.. red.; CREKOV, A.P... red.3 DUMANSKI71, I.A., red.-. AVDAkOVA, I.L., red.; VYSOTSKIY, Z.Z.,. red.; GU1RffUK', V.S., red.; MELINIK, A.F., red. [Synthesis and physical chemistry of polymers; articles on the results of s~:ientific research] Sintez i fiziko- khimiia polimerov; sbornik state-i po rezulltatarfi nauchno-issledovatel'skikh rabot. Kiev, Naukova dwaka, 1964. 171 P. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Akadeiriya nauk URSR, Kiev. Institut khimii vysokorroleku- Iyarnykh soyedineniy. 2. Institut fizicheskoy khimii im. L.V. Pisarzhevskogo All USSR (for Vysotskiy). 3. Institut khimii vysukomolekulyarrVkh :joyedineniy All USSR (for Romankevich, Cherv- i yatsova, Voytsekhovski,r). L -11-57-66 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(J)/t R14 ACCESSION NR., APS022008 UR/0286/65/OQO/014.10079/1"79:'.'-: 678.74,: 66,6if--"i' AUTHOR: Ra juv Mays Gt_A:; Sheylyak Vo A. S.; Yanovsh&, D. M.; Kofvkmt,- L.: P Stupen'. L. V.;,Favlov, S. X. TITLE: A method for polymerizing vinyl compounds. Class 39, No. 172994 SOURCEs Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh snakov, nos 249 1965p 78 TOPIC TAGS.- emulsion polymerization, vi ion initiator.. UYI- polynerizat polymer A ST~ CT: a introduces ILD9 vinyl A This Author's Cept*ficat a method for polymeri ds. ~Oolymerisatlon - time is, reduced amid polymer -yield Is increased by.- Uwe as =r aryl esters !of pst~ic'- 4kcid as the initiator for-block or emulsion polymerization. ASSOCIATION.- none SUBMITTEDs 12Jan57 EXCL: 00 SUB COIDE: 094 OTM: 000' NO REF SOV: 000 Card ------- - -------- -- ----- f 74 ACC NRi AP6021343 I 1T\ SOURCE CODES UR/0318/66/000/002 0025/0027 AUTHORi Shev1yakovj,Y!_Aj.,- .Tseytlin, I. M.; Ryabovaj A. Le ORGI Omsk Petroleum Refinery (Omskiy nef'topererabatyvayushchiy zavod); Omsk Tire Factory--r(j~skiy shinnyy zavod) TITLES Use of petrolatum for protection of rubbers from atmospheric aging SOURCES Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 2, 1966, 25-27 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum product, antioxidant additive, rubber chemical ABSTRACTS Tests wore performed to determine the protective properties of petrolatum obtained from a deparaffination unit. The data showed that petrolatum from Tuymazy Devonian petroleum increases the resistance of rubber to atmospheric aging, surpassin paraffin and Superlavox in protective properties and equalling Antilux in tests in vulcanizates prepared without using chemical antiozonants. Tests of protective.waxes toge%her irlth chemical antizononants Jn tread rubbers based on butadiene-styrene rub- ber',.',showed that in this case as well,'the protective properties ot petrolatum are higher than those of imported antiaging agents. The petrolatum studied can be suc-, cessfully used as a physical antiaging agent in the production of tires and nechanicA rubber goods. At the present time) this petrolatum is used under the name of "Anti- aging agent in the tire industry, mechanical rubber goods industry, rubber foot 1/2 UDC1 665.637.73-41678.06 I -to-- -, 1 '4 . - ACC NR: AP65021343 wear, otce arig, art, hast 6 tables. SUB CODEt il/ SUBM DATEI none/ ORIG REFI 004' 1 0 Card 2/2,7'(- )/F-TC(m)-6/T XJP(C) RM/Wyl L 2o oo-66 EwPQ) Evr (T ACC NR: AP6005952 (A) SOURCE CODE: TJR/0191/66/000/002/0040/004i AUTHORS: Shevlyakov, A, S.; Brykq M, T, 6RG: none TITLE: Molecular composition and properties of fractions of suspended an~ block polyvinyl chloride SOURCE: Plastichesii"y~e~massy, no. 2, 1966, 1,0-43 TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloride, polymer, polymer physical chemistry, thermal decomposition, molecular weightt polymer structure ABSTRACT: Suspended and block polyvinyl chlorides, uhich differ considerably in molecular weight.. are studied. The work was done to determine the effect of technological factors of polymerization of vinyl chloride on molecular composi-r tion, supermolecular structures, and physical state of PVC powder. The moleculai,'' weight of the starting specimens and of each fraction was determined visconim---- etrically. The characteristic viscosity was determined for 0.2., 0.3j, 0.4. and 0.5% solutions of FVC in cyclohexanone at 25+0.05C (see Fig. 1). The molecular weight was calculated by Z. MonAk's formuls7(Coll. czeche cheme comme, 21, 517,91 Card 1/3 UDC: 678,743,22,0103 L-2080-0-66. ACC M AP6005952 Fig* 1. Differential curves of molecular- distribution of various z weight pol7viryl chlor4es: 1 - FF-op, 324A,-12 - FF-op 2/7; 3 - Import-ed-TRyvinyl. chloride) CI, - block polyvinyl chloride; 5 - polyvirql chlorid V 2 OM9 b-6 W /00 140 /X 1956). The decomposition temperature of the specimens and of their fkaotions was determined (see Figo 2), The rate of absorption of plasticizeraNAs doter- mined. An experimental dependence of powder density upon molecular weight is found. The strength of films of the polyvinyl chloride is found to be 2.2-340 kg/=2. Card 2L3 L 20800-66 7 ACC NR, AP6005952 150- Fig. 2. Decomposition temperature of PVC specimens purified by reprecipita- 140- tion versus average molecular weight. 190 Orig. art. has' 3 tables and 6 graphs. So W 70 00 $0 .100 Ila SUB COLE: 07/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REF: 001,/ OTH PYFt 003 Card 3/3--'%#' NAM "alLS %law L 4_43;~, 7 i kin rk ACC NR: AP6023057 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/004/0005/0007 AUTHOR: SheX~AaXov. A._$.; Bryk, M. T. I.ORG: none TITLE: Properties of various brands of polyvinyl chloridj~nd their fractl:ons SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 4, 1966, 5-7 ,TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloride, solid mechanical property, plastic strength, plastic coating ABSTRACT: Physical properties and workability of suspended and powdered samples of IL-4L-7, and imported II polyvinyl chlorides were investigated. The dependences of ildecompositionKtemperature, film contraction, density, and mechanical strength upon molecular weight (10.103-180.103) of various polyvinyl chloride brands was graphed and tabulated. In all respects, the L-4 PVC proved superior to the imported II brand PVC. jFor the L-4 brand, the rate of swelling of films made of fractions varying in molecu- 1lar weight (15,000-163,000) and the dependence of swelling upon molecular weight are graphed. It was found that up to molecular weight equal to 30,000 the glass point in- creases with the molecular weight. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 005 UDC: 678.743.22.01 53.01 539.3 Card 1/1 I (1 7 ~m,~,,T ljt,~Cl ACC NR! AP6027272 (A) SOURCE CODES UR/oiqi/66/oo0/0o8/0009/00t1: AUTHORS Lb7kp M. T.;_ Shoylyakovp A. S.; Puchkovakayaq G. A. ORGI none TITLES Effect of the branching of polyvinyl chloride an its properties SOURCES Plasticheskiye massy, no. 8, 1966, 9-11 TOPIC TAGS1 polyvinyl chloride, polymer structure j1BST1bXCT1 The change in the degme of branching of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fractions obtained by fractional precipitation and its influence on the physioochomical and chanical properties of the polymer ware studied. The degree of branching of FVC j samples reduced to polyolefins was determined by IR spectroscopy. 1-basurementsof the' optical density of the reduced PVC samples showed an increase in the concentration of ~methyl groups in PVC from the last fraction to the first (see Fig. 1). 1, ~Njo Fig. 1. Change in the number of branch- 0C ings per 1000 carbon atoms in PVC frac- L LU -Z ZO IV tions. Roman numerals designate fraction I VE V numbers. to -7',7 140 60 80 100 120 140 J60 Card 1/2 UDC: 678.743.22.01s543.422.4 L h6999-66 ACC NRi AP6027272 0 A sharp Increase in the concentration of those groups is observed In the region of th4 third fraction. The IR spectra of molten n-(~21166 are very similar to those of re- duced PVC, indicating the presence in reduced PVC of a considerable number of molecula of skow Isomers and the presence of a substantial amount of amorphous phase. The 1A spectra obtained, which show a change in the structure of PVC with an increase in its molecular weight, permit a reliable Interpretation of the dependence of the physico- ,chemical and mechanical properties of the polymer on its molecular weight. The IR .spectroscopic data show that the branching and irregularity of the structure of PVC fractions incroAss sharply in the region of the middle fractions. The Increased branching of th-) macromolecules causos their loose packing in thn formation of films from solution with a gradually increasing concentration; this lowers the density and strength of the polymer samples as the molecular weight is further Increased. When a stress is applieL, the macromolecules will break first at the site of the secondary, o: ~tortiary carbon atomp i. e., at the branching site. Deviations of thermoriechanical. ~propertlcs can also be explained by the change in the structure of macromolecules in 'the PVC fractions. Oi-ig. art. hast 5 figures. SUB CODFc 11/ -SUBM DATES none/ ORIG REFS 0061 OTH REFS 006 Card 2/2 SIIAYEV, A.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; IGNATIUV, N.A. ---Inzh-.-j PriniTnall- uchastiye: ZAYTSEV, Yu,N.; SHEVLYAKOV, G.I.; IGNAT"YEV, V.A.; NOVICHKOV, P.V. - Advantage of heat treating welded heavy press frames. Svar. proizv. no.8:1+0-/+3 Ag 261. (MMA 14:8) (Power presses-Welding) (Metab-Heat treatment) BAZMN, Viktor Vesillyevich; SHEnYAKOV, I -van Fedorovich; FAYNBOYM, I.B., red.; ATROSHCI~O,~I. 0., 6'~ . -rO 1~ ~. [Artificial earth satellites; explanations to a set of posters] Iskusetvennye sputniki zemli; poiasnaniis k serii plakatov. Moskva, Izd-vo wZnania," 1959. 30 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Artificial satellites) SHE;VLYAKOV, I.F.j XONOVAWVAj Z., red.j ZUMOVAp G., takhn-red- (Was there a beginning and will thore be it end of the world] Bylo Ii nachalo i budet 1i konets mira. Moskvay Izd-vo ToK VLKSM "Molodaia gvardiia,," 1950. 25 p. (MIRA 15:5) (cosmogory) SM.LYAKOV,.-I.M., inzh. Small-size drilling machine unit. Mashinostroenie no.2:35-36 Mr-Ap '62. (KRA 15-4) (Drilling and boring machinery) SHEVL!,MV. I,M.J. inzh. Modernizing the table drive of a horizontal milling machine. Mashinostroenie no.3:28-.29 Myw-Je 162. (MIRA .15:7) (11illing machines) SHEVLYAKOV,, I.M., inzh. Small automatic groove milling and screw-thread rolling machines. Mashinostroenie no.4:6-13 J1-Ag 162. (14M 15:9) (Machine tools) SHF.VLYAKOV, _1. M. . Inzb. Drilling machine unit. Mashinostroenie no.5:21-24 S-0 162. (KMA 16:1) (Drilling and boring machinery) -SFEVLYAKOV, 1. 11. The TL-81+8 drilling machine unit. Biul.tekh.-ekon,inform.Gos. nauch.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.lo.-42-44 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Drilling and boring machinery) SHENLY.,KOV, inzh, Semiautomatic eight-FosiLion milling and finishing machine. i4ashinostroenie no.1%70-73 Ja-F 164. (IMIRA 17:7) SHEVLYAKOV, I.M.f inzh. Small drilling machine units. Mashinostroenle no. 2:21,-;-6 Mr-Ap 164. (WRA 17;5) SHEYLYAKOV, i.M. Introducing machine for drilling holes and setting pins in assembling. nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.11:36-37 N 165. (MA 18-.12) SH-MYAKOVj L. V. Capt. "0 KOZHNOM DZEYSTVII GORYUCHEGO MARCI T-111 ("The Effect on the Skin of T-1 ':~-pe published :Ln -,`b-.,-onro-meditsjn�I; 5 pp 83-84. 1 _~y zhLi-gymal No 5, I'V 195 Concerns dermatitis in the case of various aviation specialists having contact with T-1 type fuel (a jet fuel). SHEVVLY.A itan med. sluzhby. -- - Prevention and treatment of epidermophytosis within the unit. Voen.-med, zhur. no.11:80 N 156. (MIRA .12:1) (D3RK&TOMYCOSIS) SHULYAKOV, L.V. (Peodoniya) Wharacteristic of come mepsures for individual epidermophytogis of the fact* Vest.darm. i ve Vq-jO '58 (RINGleORM, prev. & Control. foot (Rug)) (?OOT,d1s, ringworm. prev. (Rua)) prophylaxio of . 32 no.1:19-21 (MIRA 11:7) SHEVLYAKOV. L.V.. (Feodosiya) Epidemiological features of epidermophytosis and the sanitary con:iition of bath houses. Gig.i san. 25 no.8:71-73 Ag 160. (MIRA'13:11) ' (RINGWORM) (PATHS) VELIKORETSKIY., D.A.; LORIYE, K.114.; FINKEL, I.I.; GRIGORCITUK, YU.F.; BERGER, L.Kh.; '.UTROBINA, V.V.;'-K11ARC!1-1,ENKO, V.P.; MESHCHERYKOV, A.V.p student V kursa; OBERI-2-ICILENKO, Ya.V.,; NIKITIN, A.V.; MMOT-MOVA, S.N.; KUSMAIRTSE-NA, L.V., assistent; KUZNETSOV, V.A., dotsent; KUKHTINOVA, R.A., assistent; BONDAIMO, Ya.D. (g. Fastov); T KURTASOVA, &,.V. (g. Fastov); PEVbHIKH1 V.V.; CHURAKOVA, A.Ye.; BABICH, M.M.; KUZ*'IaN. K.P.; PAVLOV, S.S.; OIEVLYAKOV, L.V., kand. med.nauk; IGNATIYEVA, O.M.; ZEYG-1P1-1AM-R, G.A.; GUTKIN, A.A.; POLYKOVSKIY, T.S. Resumes. 25 no.11:147-152 N 161. I (MIRA 15: 5) 1. Iz Instituta grudnoy khirurgii M-9-1 SSSR (for Velikoretskiy, Loriye, Finkel'). 2. Iz bolinitsy No-3 Gorlovki Stalinskoy oblasti (for Grigorchuk). 3. Iz Tyunenskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for Berger, Utrobina). 4. Iz Karatasskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoy oblasti (for Kharcheako). 5. Iz Gospital8noy khirurgicheskoy klimiki I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova (for Meshcheryakov). 6. Iz kliniki propedevticheskoy terapii Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Kalinina (for Oberemchenko). 7. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapii Voronezhskogo meditsimskogo instituta (for Nikitin, llfd~oyedova). 8. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii Kishinveskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Kusmartseva). (Continued on next card) VE'LIKORETSKlY., D.A.--(continued) Card 2. 9. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze bollnitay imeni Kalinina (for Kuznetsov, Kukhtinova). 10. Iz gbapitallnoy terapevticheskoykliniki lzhevskogo moditainakogo institute. (for Pevchikh, Churakova). 11. Iz Nosovskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Chornigovskoy oblasti (for Babichl. 12. Iz Vyborgskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (for Pavlov). 13. Iz 1-y gorodskoy bollnitsy Tyumoni (for Igmttlyeva). 14. Iz 2-y infektsionnoy bollnitsy g. Zaporozhlya (for Zeygermakher). 15. Iz infektsionnogo i prozaktorskogo otdeleniy-Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (for Gutkin, Polykovskiy). (MEDICIIE--ABSTRACTS) SIMMIucol, L.V., (g. Polyarnyy) Mycotic urethritis in men. Vest.derm.i ven. no.1%46-49 162. (MIRA 15--l) (URETHRA-DISEASES) (MYCOSIS) (AMBIOTICS) HEY,- a? ,I P. ; 3 EDN -KOV, !-V. o( the course or gor-.---r-, Vest. derim. i vor. 3! r)o.9:86--~~7 S `6"'~ ~,zHEEVLYKAKOVP -- V.A.; GROMOVSKAYA, R.I.; YAKDIENKO Ye.V.; ULYANOVA,, L.F. Density of methanol aqueous solutions at various temperatures, Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.2:30-32 163. (MIRA 17W 1. Omskiy neftepererabatvvayushchiy zavod. LOZHKINY L.N.; SIIEVLYAKOV, V.P. Effect of graphite additions on the specific electric resistance of carbon electrodes. Trudy LPI no.223:49-54 163. (MIRA 17:11) Si-.:-;jk,)v, yu. A. On dhe stresses in the st-retching of a 77 -17 ,n,. %~'Id k":!l R"R 1950 ~8. r. i ix'10tc: '4 ~~p-pl!car:cf! are Cc- t.'y .3o,_,rce: I-,a Ltiema tics I Reviews, Vol No. .... ...... 77 :n,5 a f 2eviva-kov, Yu. On the stresses in circulAr rlnjL_ -Xkad Nauk Ukrain, 195(717f1--224 -m oi d circular rmg ccimpres.-:"l by concen- ZF% iad:,il t(Tces was solved by conven6onal nicthod by Bel! IZ. Angew. Math. Nlech. 10, S2-72 (1930); pp. 40 ird di:fererifly by D. V V,dnberg [Akad. Nauk Prild. Mat. Meh. 13, 151-158 (1949,; thes-c Rev. 11, i,,tlicr sr'vt:s ;t u3mg anafvu,: birictitlns of a corn- -A h0l he C,1113 tile Kofri-~)v-MusheNWAi i rc t ior s Lcxw~~imi, Ky.) Suurce i elathema+Aaal Revi.ews, No. Vol ILYAf /2 rz- �cYlyakov, Yu. -A. On the concentration of stress about 13, n a CylindricaTs nepropetrov. Gos. .2 - 1~ a pening in a D Ulliv. Naut. ap., I S3),-79-9i, (Russiani) The author considers the "em of cmaoentration of stresses c~ gs, tile in a clindriM Ke about openin dis Ila cussion is base on the equations of V. Z, [General theory of shells and its apTlications in technolo- -Lenin-ra 1949; UR 11, 6271. gy, Gostchizdat. Moscow 0 The function of stressts F and the handing are taken in the form F=Fo+$Fl + tv=W0+~WI+ - where q=hlR is a small parameter, h is the thickness, and R is the radius of the middle surface. The folloymig equations are obtained: azwo W ,V4Fo=O, V'IFI=-E, &- zz V4F2=-E V4=rj,U0, V4-1= LF V4w2=- 7t Ltl$ aza e a - a shell. reduces to a sequences of planepEobleus iiid sequence of problems of bending of thin plates. The author uses for the functions FO, F1, Fz, WO, W1, too- known expression's uxterms of functions of a complete ' " variable. These functions satid y-boundark conditions on the contour of the opening that ar-- identical to those that p,ccur in tLe plane problem and in the problem af bending of thin plates. No examples are given to iflustrate the method. (However, the reduction of the problem of equilibrium of a cylindrical shell to the problem of equilibrium of a plane plate using 'the method of small parameter" inevitably leads to the result, that the functious Ft, F2, w1, w2, and the corresponding forces and mo- ments will grow beyond all bounds as we move away from the opening, and it does not appear possible to get rid of the singularities at infinity. One can convince oneself of the this by considering even the simplest case, namely . stretching of a cylindrical shell with a Circular opentng; fe it is easy to do this an the basis of the rmulas and ' In view-of this the question. equations derived in the paper. S~ of the availability of the propo. -4 method 'of. small " ~ki bl f hi ems o t s nd parameter for the solution-of pro remains open.) --2240). It OV E. -F. Blin idr -9 Meh 1953-54 No. SHEVLYAKOV, Yu..A.; ZIGELI, F.S. Torsion of a hollow cylinder with an aperture on the lateral surface. Dop. AN.URSR no.1:41-44 '54. (MLRA 8-4) 1. Dnipropetrovslkiv derzhavniy universitet. Predstavleno deystvi- telinym chlenom AIR USSR G.H.Savinymo' (Elasticity) A. in t,,f,,e sf,atistic- of. inclined Ss -,~tractural ~'echanics. r i.,. - i n J 51, Aca,., )cj Ukrainian S T-, 5 t c "' - 'K4 '.-,r tl.c -,,,,,--ree of r-,c,.c'or in -echrlJcal Sc4-nces' ,CiUj~ E nJ -zhna-,r- 6 1,56 -C F--V'-7Y n ~~r- V, , 1 /Sevtvakav, Yt-i-- A. Stress conc'~niratioa in a cyl~ddcal ,;hNI with a m-rular cut--ouf on the lateral surface. , 10;i. jl.'19 'Intl has 't Cl~ U, r A !-l!! !-a-4v fi;-millas tor 3trk:sses t I! t h " 9 - et] MR 12, are tran~iomzicd bY t,l sltsf y hi~ -.,d~,icular boua~lary condmons. r Leser (Aberdeen Md.). SHRYLTIKOF,TU.A. Integration of equations of equilibrium applied to slanting spherical shells. Dop. AN UM no.3t235-237 155. (NIRA 8:11) 1. Dnipropetrovolkiy dershaynly universitst. Prodstaviv diyonly chlen Akadsaii nauk URSR G.X.Savin (Blastic plates and shells) SHULYAKOV, Yu. A. Conditioas of single value transferences of slanting spherical envelopes. Dop. All URSR no-5: 448-450 155. (MIRA 9:3) 1. Dnipropetrovs1kiy derzhavniy universitet. Predstaviv diyaniy chlen AIT URSR G.M. Savin. (Elastic plates and shells) SHEVLYAKOV. Yu.A. (Dnepropetrovsk) - .A-, Stres~~'et-ft-spherical bottoms weakened by circular holes. Inzh.abor. 24:226-230 156. WIMA 10:5) (Elastic plates and shells) SOV/ 124-58- 10-11409 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 103 (USSR) AUTHORS: Shevlyakov, YVL~, Tunin, V.V. TITLE: \"Twisting of Beams of Cross -Section in the Shape of a Sector of a Circle (Krucheniye sterzhney sektorial'nogo secheniya) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, 1956, Vol 45, pp 139-143 ABSTRACT: The problem of twisting in beams of circular-sector cross.-sec- tion is solved by the method of conformal representation. Cases are examined of sections in the shape of a quarter circle, a semicircle, and a circle with radial crack. Equations are derived for the deter- mination of maximum stresses and stiffneiss- on twisting. The stiff- ness values found for these cases differ only insignificantly frorn the stiffness values derived by A.N. Dinnik [Prilozheniye funktsiy Bessefy.a k zadacharn teorii uprugosti (Application of Bessel Func- tions to Problems in Elasticity, Novocherkassk, 1913 ] for these same cases by another method. The article makes no reference to a paper of N.Kh. Arutyunyan (PrikI. matem. i mekh.), 1947, Vol 11, Nr 5) in which a solution is found for this case by a special system Card 1/2 of curvilinear coordinates, and where an equation for the stiffness SOV/ 124-58-10-11409 Twisting of Beanis of Cross-section in the Shape of a Sector of a Circle of a sector of a circle is presented. B.L. Abrarnyan Card 2/2 SOV/ 124-58-7-7900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 87 (USSR) AUTHOR: ShFvlyako Yu. A. TITLE: Investigating the Flexure of Slightly Curved Plates (Issledo- vaniye izgiba slaboizognutykh plastin) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, 1956, Vol 45, pp 145-159 ABSTRACT: The problem of the flexure of slightly curved plates reduces to solving successively the boundary problems for a biharmonic equation. To this end, all the desired values (the deflection Nv with respect to the normal, the stress function F, etc.) are expanded into series with respect to a small parameter which is a function of the thickness of the curved plate and of the curvature of its surface. Cases are examined of clamped and unsupported plates. A numerical example is given for the case of a circular plate bent to follow a spherical surface and bear- ing a uniformly distributed load. It is stated that the converg- ence of the process has been investigated by I.N. Vekua (Soobshch. AN GruzSSR, 1954, Vol 15, Nr 1). 1. Plazes--mechanical properties 2. Pla-~es,-The~Dry M.G. Slobodyanskiy Card I/ I SHEVLYAKOV, Yu.A.; MANEVICH, L.I. Certain cases of the stability of a flat bond. Dop. AN Lmn no.6:627-630 '58. (MIRA ll-.9) l.Dnepropetrovski.v universitst. Predstavil akademik AN USSR G.H. Savin [H.M. Savin]. (Elastic rods and wires) 2 AUTHORS~ 3hev1T~Ov,_Yu.A-, Bezpallko, L.A. 283h2 S/124/61/00-0/006/02VO27 A005/A13O TITLE, Calculation of a conic shell rigldly fastened at the base PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, no. 6, 1961, 8, abstract 6 it 45. [Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, 1958 (1959), v. 73, 39 - 541 TEXT: The authors present an approximate soluticn of the problem of the stress-strain state of an annular conic shell in the vicinity of its fastened base; t2he shell is affected by a load normal to its medium surface. The differ- ential equations of equilibrium of the shell are taken In the complex formulation proposed by V.V. Novozhilov (Teorlya tonkikh obolochek. Leningrad, Sudprcmgiz, 1951). Introducing an auxiliary function and formulating the external load and the solution sought as Fourier series, the authors first reduce the initial sys- tem to a system of three ordinary differential equations~ Then they InTroduce an additional auxiliary function as a formula containing an indeterminate parameter. The authors take the indeterminate parameter to be approximately constant chocE- Ing it In such a manner that two equations of !he system become indep's-_Aalt. Fur- ther transformations are made for the case when the externa.1 load does not vary Card 1/2 28-342 S'/124/61/ooo/oo6/022/0-7 Calculation -3f a conic shell rigidly.... AOO5/A13O over the generatrix. On ~_his assumption they integrate the Independent differen- tial equations by elementary methodsj then the remaining equation and the trans- formation formulae make it possible to plct the solution of the Initial system in the vicinity of fastening. The c-)rrespondihg displacements are determined from the fo_-mulae of coupling between the complex displacements and ccmplex strengths, which are also formulated as F,_-urier series. Appr:oximate formulae for strengths, moments, displacements and torsion angles are obtained in a general formulation. A formula for the bending, mcment in fae-,ening the cylindrical shel! under an asymmetric lead is obtained as P. t~~undary ::aE;e, It dIffers from ths exact solu- ti-~n by a numerical (0.37 in3tead of 0-5). V. Za-'e:-:,:.v [Abstracter's not,,~-.z Ccm;:Ists Card 2/2 SHWLYAKOV, Yu.A.; TULICHINSKIY, B.G. [Tullchynelkyi. 3.H.] "Course of analytic mechanics" by H.H.Savin, M.A.Kylchevskyi, T.V.Putiata. Reviewed by IU.A.Shevliakov, B.H.Tulichynslyki. FrYkI.mekh. 4 no-3:350-351 '58. (HIRA 13:8) (Hechanics, Analytic) (Savin, R.N.) (Kylebevakyi, N.A.) (Patiata, T.V.) ' 14 009 Alft" p b"V-4 .43p..71 - - j"n". "I"Id p Am "I " WnMnWO 6(If;jj%lq4) -M *9 ftTs An.-Ts". -0 I- IP4. M.-w-d- ~-X) -M.-V I -r -967 -,,.6d. T2.n. V. -IV- P.-T. . " " --T%--QTA 10"T"B) -T -rXM V. --" A. I.Mdgq .0 ftlI&P. .1mi. -n lnvn-j -.V--;; .'Mm F~ "Pts P Ulll--v .1m I (...M) -'sq.-A v .%6t "Mm p fit ---As -061 nd.TV. 011A ftnt- T-T.Vnl. T-T- WIIA -IA _11,".Ut I V-M) --P" 10 *1 P-= "I - W- t "mm-In- ftT"" P-two A .-1"14 I0110--l-mli- OT-M -TI-ASA a. -tft- I- '"nd I i-Am. mlmot'. -;% lo ~(-'Z) 114-11#1" 'A .1 1VT "IT". pwl 7. It 1= jo -lutm -- -tot j- -nv"- M -3 f"Qm 41 'a '-I 'M Ann -nc.4 _n~b- A-n p M --I -TS-Vtdd- m .0 #(-%1) --nu 4- -,.rc,vd fg-rl , -on n.. M.-T. V-~... -at "r-T. J. _tj -Til-td I(M-4y XT-1 -9 m A-M .9..& Wt.-w.-f .1 -M" -0 -M I UT ."bzy M..jS :r=.t'C p .-I" --N) --1 -1 -1 -Ul 'amp"T 42T."..T4 11....w) Irl" 'I 'A d..~.qu p-t-ddy P.- Muti-ily wdw 27049 ~08 7-4,01 S/021/60/000/005/005/015 D210/D304 AUTHORS: Sheylyakov, Yu.A., and Manevych, L.I. TITLE: The stability of a cylindrical shell under bending PFAII0,01CAL: Akademiya nauk ukrayinolkoyi RSR, Dopovidi, no. 5, 1960, 605-608 TEXT: The article deals with determining the lower critical (buckling) stress of a thin-walled cylindrical shell under pure bending.. The problem is solved by approximation using the basic non-linear equations of the theory of elasticity. The critical state is given by -0 aUO T"" where v 0 for x = 0 and X Fh X The x-axis lies along a generator, the y-axis along v0 , ~U_- -= - ay fh the tangent to the excess load, and the z-axis towards the Cen- 'atj 0 ru. to + 0. ter of curvature. Ir z XY ax Card 1/6 27049 S/021/60/000/005/005/015. The stability of a-... D210/D304 are the deformations of the central plane, uOt V0 0 wo are the displace- ments in the x,y,z directions respectively, it and e are respectively the radius and length of the shell, %ris Poisson's coefficient.6"O' = To is the normal stress. Also, X x -0 'M h X= =6,' coo (3) where M is the 0 R bending moment, W is the support moment (ro = M2 h ia*the thickness IZR h - of the shelle Inte-gration and substitution given for the displacements _L_X COSY, Investigation of the stability E (2 R given (Eqs. 5 and 6 see next card) x(l_x)sin't~, (4) 2ER R W, slo [x (I x) 2vJR11 Cos Y Card 2/6 2ER R S/021/60/OMNKWW5/015 The stability of a... D210/0304 I_ 62W a1W I a2W where Z in the vlv2cD =Eh _q # (5) stress function, ax ay ae R1 ax R for the central 2 492(D a7W OD alw -10 a1w I a-10 plane, and Dvlv 2 ~X + (6) Eh2 '3Y V J.'C: ays R D= - 2 in the cylindrical rigidity. w and ~ are written 12( .0 W W1 + w0 where w Iand Fl-are respectively.the-Aeflection + & (7) with,respect to the-normalt and the stress function which-r-baracterizes the bulging, ,..and (30 o'R2con Z 0 If e.71.5R.the boundary R conditions may be ignored. The first approximation for w gives in the zone of compression W" A cos cos--"y + a cos 2 -..r + b cos )COs 2Y (10) Card 3/6 ;~ . - IX .J~ 27o4q S/021/60/000/005/005/015 The stability of a... D210/D304 and in the zone of tension w 0. x and ~y are longitudinal semi-waves in the x and y directions, f, a, b, are dimensionless parameters. Solving 0'. - [.-, 1.!V + tow I.C= 21 - for gives ell L. + g' C"! i, + + + S. 4 4 + f=l- -E + 66 R) H 1..+9' Card 4/6 27049 S/021/60/000/005/005/015 The stability of a... D210/D304 where the g i are found from the boundary conditions in the usual way. The energy equation for a general system is D. ~ I * 3 2 - V, where _) 1 is the energy of deformation of the-central piano, D2 'a the energy of bending, and V is the potential of external forces Ignoring small. quantities ~bstracterl's Note: 16 R (a 4. b): + 4a'bl a2 Symbol& not ex- 7h37- '9 ~ ~~ vz~4 . + -*(I _+~6_2_r + plainedD . The .1 .2 1 1 0 +61)2 energy criterion + b2 1 17 (1 + 8a~' + 1 6 (12)2 of equilibrium in (9 + 6 _r 12-8 + -12.2-56 4 (1 Eq. 13 (12) (see next card) -(a + b) + T2-8 8'a 3- 01 + 62), , t262 .2 [(1 + 62)2 + 32 (a284 + b2)1- 0,225.1,, (1 + 8al). 48 0 - Card 5/6 27049 S/021/60/000/005/005/015, The stability of a... D210/D304 a3, a3l a3l a,91 aa, 0. (13) from which can be found -a TI a b aa ~ Tj the relationship between the load parameter for pure bending and the uniform axial compression in the post-critical stagee Hence, the lower critical (buckling) stream any be found. The load parameter in this case is 0.26, and thus in obtained the approxima- tion formula with uniform axial compression 0' 0, 2:6 'Fh (15) ) = 0, 18 --Et) . (15A) 0 R _PO R There are 2 Soviet-bloc references* ASSOCIATION; Dnipropetrovalkyy derzhavnyy universytet (State University of Dnepropetrovsk) PRESENTED: by Academician AS UkrSSR H.M. Savin SUBMITTED: June 17, 1959 Card 6/6 35921 S/198/62/08/002/001/011 D299/11301 AUTHORS: Shevlyaxov,_Yu.A-_, and Pryvarnykov, A.K. (Dnipropetrofs-TX) TITLE: On the design of laminar bases PERIODICAL: Pryxladna mexhanika, v. 8, no. 2, 1962p 113 - 119 TEXT: The stresses are considered in a pile of plates, consisting of layers of constant thickness with different elastic properties. Such problems arise in the design of multi-layer presses. It is as- supadd that the loads are constant on the surface of each layer. The problem reduces to determining the stress functions U V U21 "'t Un for each layer, whereby 64Uk + 2 64 Uk + ~'_Uk = 0. OY4 dy 2ax2 ax4 The,stresges and displacements are determined by means of complex Foll.rier transforms. It is assumed that all 'Uk satisfy Dirichlet's Card.1/4 S/'98/62/008/002/001/011 On the design of laminar bases D299/D301 condition. One obtains the following relationships between the Fourier transforms of the stresses and diBplacements and those of the stress function: d2UAt_; 2[t Vk) d2Uk + VkP -~Uk klik dY2 dy, P (5) - I 3U dUk U,h p2Ut ; , (I - vk) 4-A- (2 - v.,) p2 12p/,U,t = - 3 dy P I ay LP dUk Ek dy 2 (! + vk) To solve the 'problem, it is convenient to introduce the 2 parame- ters p2 2(1 2 1 Ther.eupon,,-the unknovin coefficients A,,, BkP Ck and Dkt required for determinin.9 Uk pan be found by means of recursion formulas involv- C a. rd' '.2/4 S/19~/62/008/002/001/011 On the desiGn of laminar bases D299/D301 ing cx k and Pk . Thus, for A,,,- one obtains clilplhk -~- Jp1hksh lplhk)10k (jpjhj, + sh Jp1hk eh lplhk)+ aj'!pj sh2 IpI ht] (6) Ak jpj [sh Jp1hk ch Jp1hk + jp1hk ch 2]plhk_l similar formulas hold for 13ky Ck and Pk. Further 2% (W 2 IpI hk - 4 Ipj2h2 -1 h) I ak Jpj (4 IpI hk + sh 4 IpI hk) a k+I IpI (sh 2 IpI hk + 2 IpI hk ch 2 jpj lik) E),_,, I V2 Ph (4 1p: hk+ sh 4 1p) hk)+2Uk IpI sh2 2 jpjhk) AH 2 E I v12 k k) h +1 (sh 2 jpj h 2 IpI hk ch 2 IpI h Formulas (6) and (8) yield the general solution of the problem. The above theoretical considerations are illustrated by the example of a two-layer pile. Thereby, simplified formulas are obtainedp involv- ing cosine- or sine Fourier-transforms; (it was assumed that the load is either an even- or an odd function of x). Finally, a formu- la is obtained for the contact stresses between the layer and the base. There is 1 figure. Card 3/4 S/198/62/008/002/uol/oll On the design of laminar bases D299/D301 ASSOCIATION: Dnipropetrovslkyy derzhavnyy universytet (Dniprope- trovs1k State University) SUBMITTED: July 1p 1961 Card 4/4 96",76T/008/005/003/009 S11 D234/D308 .AUTHORS: Pryvarnykov, A. K. and Shevlyakov, Yu. A. TITLE: Contact problem for a'many-layer base PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RBR. Instytut mekhaniky._ Prykladna mekbanika, v. 8, no. 5, 1962, 508-515 .TEXT: The base is assumed to consist of an arbitrary number of la'y-'- ers having different elastic properties, each with constant thick- J, ness. It is also assumed that no gaps are formed between the layers, during deformation, the deformation is plane, the displacements are equal to zero at infinity, the state of loading is symmetrical with respect to the x axis, the stress functioris and their derivatives up to the fourth order satisfy the conditions of 'existence of -Fou- rier's sine and cosine transfotmationB. Recurrence formulas are given which make it possible to solve the basic,~problems of the the- ory of elasticity for bases consisting of any number of layers, if two image functions for one of these layers can be found. The au- --thors consider the case when the lowest layer is placed on a rigid Card 1/4