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SOV/1 37-58 -11--23428 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 227 (USSR) AUTHOR: - Shermergor, T.D. 'r vr LE - On the Theory of Relaxation Phenomena in Solids (K teorii relaksa-- tsionn-ykh yavleniy v tverdykh telakh).I PERIODICAL: Dok[. 7-y Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyashch. 40-letiyu Velikoy Oktyabr'sk, sots. revolyutsii. Nr 2. Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, 1957, pp 68-69 ABSTRACT: The author develops a theory of the relaxation phenomena in solids. In considering a nonhomogeneous, isotropic, unbounded elastic body, the author utilizes a method of. the thermodynamics of unbalanced con-- ditions proposed by Leontovich and developed by Finkellshteyn and Fastov in application to stress relaxation. The computations provide formulae for the elastic moduli, the latter being determined from the combination of all periods of relaxation. The connection existing be- tween the formulae obtained and a generalized form of Hooke's law is discussed. Card I/ I SHERMERGOR, T.D. Thermodynamic theor7 of elastic aftereffect. I2v. vys. ucheb.2aV.: Fiz. no.1:78-85 158. (mm 11:6) l.SibirBki7 metallurgicheekiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (Nlasticit7) SHERMEMOR, T.D., kand.fiz.-mat nauk Effect of relaxation processes on the curve of plastic flOW of metals. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no-3:111-118 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) l.Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Metals, Effect of temperature on) '~ "(8) ~T7 THOR- Shermergor, T.D. SOV/155-58-5-25/37 7-ITLE - On Description of Processes Being not in the State of Equilibrium ,2*--,RIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki919589Hr 5,Pp 147 - 150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author shows that the usual relakation relations A + < where is the value of the column matrix A corres nding to the equilibrium, ~ 'a known function of time, V a E exp (- St)F , F a rectangular (n + m k)X k - matrix S a quadratic (n + m k)x (n + m - Q matrix and t < (t can be derived from the equation Ji - Lik Xk .-'.ard 1/2 25 On the Thermodynamic Description of Processes SoV/155-58-5-25/37 Being not in the State of Equilibrium for stationary processes, where X are forces, J the currents i i and JIL 11 is a symmetric matrix according to Onsager. Some ik examples are given. There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet, and I American. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: July 21, 1958 Card 212 AUT-11DR-. Shermerizor, J21, D. SOV/1 -.6-6-16/25 TILTLE On tile Thedry-of..Relaxational Phenomena in Solid Bodies (K i teori.i re.laksatsionnykh yav1..enj.y,v, tverdykh telakh) P.I,31?10D1CA-L-. F-izika me-ta-l-lov L metallovedeniye, 1-'58., Vol 6, Nr 06, ."1077-1080 (USSR) A.DSTRACTII: Theorot;ica.~ i-tivesti-ations of'relaxation of stresses and deformaLions in~solids are us .ually generalizations of Hooke's law or they use'the*Boltzmaiin theory of elastic after-effects or the rmodynami-c. s -of non-equilibrj:um prceesses. The therme- d.-,~namic mne 4- hod is the mos"; general, it was applied by the author to cald-ulate(l, stiess tensor for a non-uniform isotro-- 1: in -eneral the pic'unbounded solid. Ttie aurhor sin-ows tha-, C, 1 ,,,,namic valvies of elastic noduli'are determined by a spectrum 1.1 - of relaxation t-Juies, The paper is entirely theor-etical, There are 8 Soviet references. AZ3~30,,JIIATIO :' Sibirskiy metal 11-L-rgicheskiy institut im,S.Ordz1lonikidze 0 CD (Siberian Eletallur-icai Institute im. S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBIdITTED: February 4., 1947 and after revision, April 10, 1957, Jard 1/1 1UTHOR; SheriTiergor, T.-D. 517-28-3-28/33 TITLE: On the Thermodynamic Theory of Relaxation -Processes (K ttlermo= dinamicheskoy teorid relaksatsionnyk-h protsessov) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Taklinicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, NZ 3; pp. 60-M (USSR) - ABSTRACT.- A-relation between the strain and deformation of a heterogeneous isotropic elastic body is found here. The investigation is per= formed according to reference 3 by Finkellshteyn and Fastov, only the temperature is considered variable. The heterogeneous body is subdivided into so many N-domains that within each domain the medium may be considered homogeneous. For marking the instanta= neous deviation of the system-state from the equilibrium posit-Lon t-he relaxation tensor for ea-,h domain is introduced. The 5 ik 1) equilibrium 'value of the relaxation tensor should be Then Card j ~ikj)_ ~ikU iki) ik 1) On the Thermodynami-, Theory of Re_'3Tsition Pro:esse3 57-28-3-28/33 has ---. simple physical- meaning: it is the additional deformation which must instantan~ou.33.y be tc the investigated body- element, Lin order to pat it into '.1he squill-brium state. The diffe= rent elements are exDressed by different relaxation tensora and Uo ea-h tensor corresponds its relaxation time. - The --omputation of 4- he St V. rain- aund of the deformation-tensor for a heterogen_aoues. isolr,~pic. body a-,%cording to -the method of the- non-aqli-Libr, um states of thermodynam�!:~zz ia F--.formed. The equations (~:'7) for the strain- and the deformation--tensor a-re derived and ~icmpared with Boltzmanals 3aperposition-prin-Aple for creeping and for rqlarcaztion. It is shown that the formula (27) agreeie with cne of the forms of Boltzmann's principle, On the other hand the general fo--m of Hookel~ law follows from (27). Sammaxizing, the author state5 that _371 the presence of the i,~eiaxaUon_-;~ime_speatrum the general H,~~k!al& lax becomes too -,umber~;ome (der:!:,rationsi of N-t-h degree occu:-ring, wherea3 the integral-relaTio-ris of thermo- dynamics (27) are considerably more convenient for the solution of various problems. There are U0 referem-es, all of which are Soviet. iISSOCIATION: Stalinssk, Sibirskiy metallurgicheekiy institut, jm..S. 0rdzhonjkAdZe (Stai~A'sk Siberian ~btallurgical Instisut-_ imni S. Ordzhonikidz.) SUBMITTED: Ju-ne 8, 1957.' Card 2/ 12 1. Elastic she.11--7hermodynamIc properties 2~. Elastic shell --Stresses SRMXRGGR, f.B., kand. fir.-mt. zraak~ doteent CVo,_Ii_o_,_d,eiDrr,atiDz Df Bc)lids vit'a slasticity-tougbness -properties. .C,C!C, KKe-, )VA (ffrju zz.-7) 2.3ibirokly meta22urgichookly InBbltut. I~ekomondovans Wedro7 fizlki Sibirokogo meta2lurgldheBkogo InBtltuta. ~Dbf or M'tion 04schanics)) (Elasticity) SOV/126-7-1-22/28 A MWOR; J5b1-9.rMer'g0.r. TODO TITLE.* sorption of Energy by Steel in Plastic Compression (Pogloshcheniye energii stallyu pri plasticheskom. szhatli) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 1, pp 146-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT., The latent energy of two types of steel has been experimentally determined. The specimens for compression were cylindrical: 17 mm diameter and 25 mm high, 20 ~m diameter and 30 mm high, and 13 mm. diameter and 20 mm. high. The last were used for control purposes. Prior to testing, the speeimens were annealed in iron filings at 8000C for 3 hours. A study of microsections showed that no carburization of the surface of the specimens had occurred. Compression was carried out in an Amsler press. In order to avoid bending of the specimen, a sleeve was used~ which was lined with heat insulators, and supporting plates made from steel 40KhN, 35 x 6 mm. The surface of the supporting plates was polished and the ends of the specimen ground. Compression was carried out in stages. Deformation was carried out statically at a rate of 52~ per minute. This made it Card 1/5 possible for the flow curve to be taken down by means of SOV/126-7-1-22/28 Absorption of Energy by Steel in Plastic Compression simultaneous load and deformation readings. The accuracy was within 0.01 mm, which was confirmed by special control experiments - simultaneous visual reading and photographing, using a high sensitivity film at 0.01 see exposure. The temperature was taken by a copper-constantan thermocouple. One end of the thermocouple was welded into the steel supporting plate; whilst the cold junction was welded into a 20 mm diameter steel specimen. The voltage was trans- mitted through a wire from the thermocouple to a mirror galvanometer, which enabled the temperature to be registered on a r-volving drum (1 revclution - 7 minutes). A typical tempe:.Lture curve is shown in Fig.l. Here, the system is heatedas a result of deformationto a maximum, after which it cools under load; and finally cools adiabatically as the result of unloading (sharp drop of the curve). Calibration of the thermocouple by mearris of a metastatio thermometer has shown that the points lie on a straight line. The energy, SE, absorbed in this stage was found as the difference between the work of Dlasti~ deformation of this stage, SA, and the heat given out., ~;q. The work S A was determined Card 2/5 by planimetering the diagram of forces. In the calculation SOV/3.26-.7-1-22/28 Absorption of Enorgy by Steel in Plastic Compression of S Q the thermal capacity of the system was determined, as well as the rise In temperature due to plastic deformation. Special precautions were taken to prevent errors. The temperature calculation was carried out by a method suggested by M.A. Bol'shanina. (Ref-7) and perfected by benyakovskiy (Ref.8). The latter obtained the followinG formula for the differential temperature; 2 - ) 1 - &T .. Te T = T, + (T T7 33 where Ti (see Fig.!) Is the maximum temperature of the specimen towards the end of plasti3 deformation. The second term takes into account a correction for heat removal during deformation. This correction is proportional to the area S-1. (T 2 -T3 )/S3 = CC is a constant for the rate at which the temperature of the system and the medium evens out. The third term gives a correction for a possible unsteady galvanometer reading and an uneven heating of the system. The last term. gives a correction for an Card 3/5 elastic adiabatic heating. AT and Te are calculated from SOV/126-7-1-22/28 Absorption of Energy by Steel in Plastic Compression as a function of deformation are shown. The dependence of the entire absorbed energy or, the work of deformation is shown in Fig.3. In Fig.4 the dependence of the entire absorbed energy on true deformation is shown. In. Fig.5 the dependence of the differential absorbed relative energy on true deform- ation is shown. The author concludes that at small,degrees of deformation, owing to the smallness of the entire absorbed energy, relaxation processes do not play an important part. Processes responsible for the hardening of material are most important. In the case of large deformations, however, further deformation is accompanied by intense relaxation processes which level out the processes of hardening, and the absorbed energy decreases. There are 5 figures and 11 references, of which 8 are Soviet, 2 English and 1 Japanese. ASSOGIATION: Sibirskiy retallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 13, 1957 (initially) and April 15, 1957 (after shortening) Card 5/5 SHER~ERGOR, T.D. (Stalinsk) Dispersinn correlations for elasticity and pliability. PMTF no.1:96-102 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Elasticity) SlirarEggGR , - D --;,,,-,(Stalinsk) Relations between certain types of defomation. PKff no.2:150-.-52 6o. (NIRA 14:6) (Deformations (Ileebanics)) 82339 S/139/60/000/03/o34/045 AUTHOR: Shermer_gor.ZkD._ B073/E335 TITLE: Calculation of the Distribution Function of Relaxation Constants for Elastic-viscous Bodies _7_6 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Fizika, 1960, No 3, pp 185 - 194 (USSR) 1 ABSTRACT: For cal-culatimg the distribution spectrum the author star-tsoff from the thermodynamic equation of non- equilibrium mechanical processesbased on an earlier paper of the author (Ref 3)- Disregarding temperature changes, this equation can be written thus (Refs 4,5): 4 W) o'. 01% + L ik 3.k Vikem-*6em elk 2ik - L10'ikfmj1oem where a,. and c are respectively the stress and 1k ik strain tensors (r. and E are their equilibrium 3.k 13k Cardl/2 values and Y iktm(s and (4~iktm(s' are the tensors of ~K ~/00 S/126/60/009/02/001/033 AUTHOR: -Shermer-gor~--T.D.-.- E031/E335 TITLE: The Calculation of the Distribution Functions of Relaxation Times for Elastic After-effectifo PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeni~,',e, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 161 - 168 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Relaxation relations governing the relation of stress and deformation tensors obtained with the aid of irraversible thermodynamic processes are extended to the continuous relaxation spectrum. Expressions are deduced by which the distribution functions of relaxation times can be calculated from the experimental curves d(t) and EW for a number of time dependencies. In the elastic deformation of real bodies relaxation processes can have different intensities and so real bodies possess relaxation spectra. To find the relation between the characteristics of the spectrum and the mechanical properties expressions for the stress and deformation tensors which are obtained with the aid of irreversible 0 thermodynamIcs/WeeVNIM, the variation of temperature Cardl/4 being ignored. These expressions are generalized and LK 68620 S/126/6o/oog/02/001/033 E031/E3-5 The Calculation of the Distribution Functions f Relaxation Times for Elastic After-effect the passage to the limit is made. Further generallsation to the case of a continuous spectrum introduces distri- bution functions for the relaxation times and relaxation frequencies, in terms of which the above tensors can be expressed. Before calculating the distribution tensors for the relaxation frequencies, it is shown that distribution tensors corresponding to the stress tensor and the deformationtensor are not independent, by considering the loading due to an impulse. The relations obtained are illustrated for the case of a standard linear body. The calculation of the distribution tensors for the relaxation frequencies is illustrated by examples in the first of which the tensor for the velocity of deformation has an exponential form: a(t) = to exp(pt) a Card2/4 u. L.'D L_ 0 S/126/6o/oo9/02/001/033 The Calculation of the Distribution FuERPH'~N39f Relaxation Times for Elastic After-effect In the second example the velocity of deformation is constant in the interval (0, t after which the deformation is fixed: i W = E 0 11(t) - l(t tl)l (29) ik ik (where l(t) is the unit step function) The distribution tensor for relaxation frequencies can be determined from relaxation curves, which are obtained experimentally but it must be remembered that expressiors derived are valid only for small deformations, not taking the system beyond the elastic limit. The corresponding cases to those above,ii-then the tensor for the velocity of stress (giving the retardation spectrum) is taken instead of the tensor Card3/4 for the velocity of deformation, are briefly conddered. 1K 16--1500 191200 AUTHOR: 11 0~1 11~2. 89699 z S/139/61/000/001/007/018 E030/E435 Shermergor, T.D. TITLE: Calculation of the Distribution Function of Relaxation Constants in Terms of the Real Part. of the Complex Elasticity for Visco-Elastic Solids PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.1, PP-77-83 TEXT: A method is developed for calculating the distribution of relaxation times of visco-elastic solids from the frequency dependence of the real part of the elastic modulus. As an example, the distribution is assumed to be I (th a x + 1) 2 where a and wo are parameters and x 1n w being the Wo radian frequency. This simplified distribution gives very good agreement with experimental results of Ke Tin-Suya on poly- crystalline aluminium, as shown in Fig.1 where the abscissa is where X equals (Xo + x) and also equals ln W- ae U/RT Card 1/4 21f 89699 S/139/61/000/001/007/018 Calculatien of the Distribution ... E030/E435 The value of -X 0 giving the beat fit to the data is 10.6. U is the activation energy and T the absolute temperature. In the general case, the relaxation spectrum is obtained by Fourier decomposition from the modulus M at a radian frequency w as follows. The real modulus is given as 00 D1, (W) - MO j 2'0 2 + (s) ds (2) 0 where the form of 4)(s) must be found. The value of dH(x) is calculated, called P(:0, and transformed to dx T~(U) 'd(u)F(u) (8) where 1 "0 iut G(U) j e dt (9) 2 ch2t Qo Card 2/4 S/139/61/000/001/007/018 Calculation of the DistrI%bution ... E030/E435 and the function T(u)'so determined is then transformed W,%ck to F(y). F(y) gives the required distribution since it is shown that H(x) K(x-y)F(y)dy (5) where -00 K(x-y) 22 th 2 fX -YI + 1) By taking first and second moments of the re41stribution function F(y), it is shown that the first moment is zero and the second is' 2 12 CXT and it is also seen that wo so. Curves of the relaxation constant distribution for polycrystalline aluminium are evaluated and plotted. There'are 2 figures and 7 references: 6 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 3/4 S/207/62/ooo/oo6/016/025 E031/E492 AUTHORS: Meshkov, S.I., 5hcrviergor, T.D. (Voronezh) TITLE., On the dependence of the internal friction of a torsional pendLilum PERIODICAL, Zhurnal prj-k1.ie1(iT,1 me-khaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no.6, 1962, 98-04 TEXT: Assuming small oscil!,;~.+Jons, distortion of transverse sections of the pendulum coli-w.n as it twists can be neglected. The equation for the oscillations is solved by using the integral Laplace transform. The form of the solution depends on the character of the roots of a cubic equation the discriminant of which can be written in the form D q + M3 n n n Damped oscillations occur if D is greater than zero. The n cases inn greater than zero and m. less than zero are consideredi-, If Dn < 0 the motion of the pendulum is aperiodic. The temperature dependence of internal friction is measured by the tangent of the angle of phase shift between the stress and the deformation. It is shown that the expressions for the tangent calculated from a rheological model and from the above Polution Card 1/2 S/207/62/000/006/ol6/025 On the temperature ... E031/E492 almost completely coincide, so that for the analysis of experimental. data the rfieological model can be used. Both methods give the same value of the temperature at which the oscillations cease to be periodic and become aperiodic. This temperature depends on both the physical properties of the material of the pendulum and on the geometry of the syatem. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: MaY 3, 1962 11 Gard 2/2 ShMEM-OR, T.D.; MSHKOV, S.I. Description of the background of internal friction during torsional vibrations. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no.6:817-822 Je 162. MRA 15:7) 1. Voronezhskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Internal friction) I~VVALUMI ACCESSION NR- AR4o42232 a/M24/64/OO0/0O6/V033/V033 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abe. 6V245 AUTHOR: Shermergorl To Do-, TITLE: Temperature relaxation in solid bodies CITED SOURCE: Sb. Relaksata. yavleniya v met, i splavakh. M., Netallurgisdat, 1963, 27-30 TOPIC TAGS: absorption coefficient, temperature relaxation, irreversible proceess irreversible process thermodynamics, heat conduction equation TRANSLATION: Gives a comparison of two calculation methods of absorption coef- ficient, one of which is based on themodynamics of irreversible processes, and the; other - on the use of heat-conduction equation.- Considers propagation of a flat longitudinal wa7e in an unlimited isotropic medium, in which the only relaxation mechanism is thermal conduction. It is found that for high f reque ies the wave i Dc a isothermal, and for mall - adiabatic *, the propagation speed of these waves in determined@ Givas a comparison of considered temperature "laxation with- bghavioLA.. AccEssioH NR: a4o42232 of a atandard linear body. expressions for adiabatic modulus of manifold compres- sion, and relaxation time, caused by relaxation of heat flow in a longitudinal wxTe. Expressions for internal friction, coefficient of absorption, and its kemperature part at low frequencies are obtained. For usual sonic and ultrasonic frequencies the longitudinal wave can be considered adiabatic. A general expression. is given for stress tensore in the case when, in the considered frequency range, there can also occur other relaxation processes (defects of moduli and relaxation Uses determine the relaxation sechanisog which is not caused by therod conductionh SUB C018 I TD MS EML: 00 2/2 7;. ._7 ACCESSION NR: AR4043999 S/Oo58/64/oDq/Oo6/*DD41/Eo4l SOURM, Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E307 AUTHOR: Shermergor, T. D. TITLE: The phenomenological theory of internal friction CITEE SOURCE: 'Bb. Relaksats. yavleniya v met. i splavakh. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 33-39 TOPIC TAGS: internal friction,'thermodynamic theory, irreversible process, nonequilibrium stress tensor, deformation, isotropic medium TRANSLATION: On the basis of the thermodynamic theory of irreversible processes there is obtained an expression for the nonequilibrium stress tensor during small deformations of a uniform isotropic medium. It is proposed that in the medium f is active only one relaxation mechanism ( di fusions grain-boundary, dislocation, etc.). The obtained expression is generalized for the case of a heterogeneous A medium (for simplicity, calculations are given only for the stress deviator). There is given a calculation of the relaxation-time spectrum. SUB CODE: SS, TD ENCL: 00 Card 1/1 SHEW-UGOR. T.D. Third all-Union interuniversity conference on relaxation phenomena in metals and alloyse Izv, vyse uchebe zav fiz. no.1:176 163. 4aRA 16:5) 1. Voronezhekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet,, (Wtals-Congresses) :-IESHKOV, S.I. (Vo,:-onez.,); Sii~HRGCR, T.D. (Voronezh) High-tenparat-m-e int-~rnal friction in the case of longitudinal os- cillations. P1.1"Zr, no.3:20-25 MY-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Thermod.ynazaica) (Irreversibl-- prccesses) ACCESSION YR: AR4046008 mended for the calculation of th4i t- e depend enc le-of IF. is found that in order to describe T-IF ina region situated suffi;- ciently far from the point of transition.-to aperiodicity.-use can be made of a.rheological model; at higher tesperatures it becomes necessary to dolve'the boundary prob,lea on the basis.of the general,- equation for the stress tensor. The IF background lis due to relaxa-~.. tion of the shear stresses, while the relaxation of the body stress- es produces only an IF peak. 'The shear -deformations'. take place l under both torsional and longitudinal or flexural oscilla_--ions, so that the IF background should appear also in these.types of damped loscillations.. 0 MESHKOVY S. 1. (Voronozh); i~OSTNIKCW, V. S. (Vororezh); SHEMERGOR, T. D. (Voronezh) Temperature deFendence of the internal friction of a standard linear solid under heavy damping conditions. Izv. AN SSSR. M,ekh. i mashinostr. no.3:90-95 164 Ny-Je I (MURA 1'1:') 1'-'-L 17117.;;65 W /EWP (b Vvilp (-t-) WCCE NR.- AP5000643 -8/0181/64/006/010502/3160 AUTHOR: Turkov, 8 K.; Shermergort T. D. TITLE: Internal friction In the Interaction.between- Impurity atoM3 and edge dWocation SOURCE: Fizika Werdogo tela, v. 6, no., 121 1964, 35024608 TOPIC TAGS: dislocation study, dislocation motion, internal fricti impurlty:move- ment, edge dislocation _66 th6diflu-siono irapur! ABSTRACT: The authors calculate, the Internal friction due ty atoms in the atress field of an edge dislocatio In that exec.utes harmonic oscillations in, the slip plane under the. influence of an external force. -An,oscillation amplitude averaged -j:'. over the -dislocation length is used to simplify the- calculations, and Inertial forces are neglected. The frequency and concentration dependences of the internal 1riction due to. this mechanism are Investigated and no limitation Is Imposed on the Impurity concentra7 Al tion. The results show that the dependence of the internal friction an the -impurity -con-- - centration and on the free length of the dislocation is more complicated than obtednW by 1/2 DARINSKIY, B.M.; SHUMERGOR, T.D. ~ ~ i - -~i. w.,- - Temperature relaxation in cubic structure polyer7stals. Fiz.met. i metalloved. 18 no.5:645-653 N 164. (MIRA 184 1. Voronezhskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. L 7o82-66 EWT(m)/T/tWP(t)/WP(b)/EWA(c) JD ACC NRt Ap5o27274 SOURCE COEES UR/0207/65/000/005/0084/000 AUTHORS: Darinskiyj B, M, (Voronezh); Sheriergor, T. D. (Vd.ronezh)'*~~.-. ORG: none TITLE: On the theory of diffusionKrelaxatiou in polyerystals SOURCE: Zhurnal priklaftoy mekhaniki i tekhaicheskoy fiziki,, no. 5j, 1965P 84-89. TOPIC TAGS: solid state., polyarystalj, diffusion relaxation,, crystal ABSTRACTs This paper is an axtension of the theory of diffusion relaxation in poly-m- crystals, first proposed by K. Ziner (Sb. "Uprugost' i neuprugnst' metallov" Izd. inostr. lit., 1954). The authors present an exact calculation of the intensiby Of the relaxation process in polycrystals of arbitrary crystallographic symmetry,by tak-ing into account pair corre2ation of K. Ziner between crystal nuclei* Calcula- tions are based on the set of equations which.describe an elastic~-diffusiou systam-~' a .v VjDik%C,- yT-* VICAk*V01mum, q bik 0.01k 11thnYlm, Tim 881. OC Dik Di (t' 1/2 (41. + k + Rr, p 'ivariert., Card 1/2 L 7082--66 ACC NRi Ap5027274 Here c is the concentration of impurity atoms,, n and N the number of impurity atom 0 and total atoms per unit voli respectively.. Dik - coefficient of diffusion, Dij its value at c--..%Op bik and rik - concentration tension and deformation tensors respectively, Vo - the molar volume, R - the gas constant uik = ui.,k - distortion tensor, u - the displacement vectorp E A - deformation tensor,, q - strength of impurity atoms source., and f - force density. The authors derive.expressions for:,:-,.. a) the degree of relaxation (first order approxination), b) complete defects in the moduli for overall compreusion and shear,, and c) the time relaxation distribu- tion function. The derived bx containin pressions are applied to the system Fe - C 4.5% at 1250C, The calculations for this system yield the degree of relaxation 'OM -6 sea/Cm2. 1.5 X.10 and D = 3.2 x 10 For crystallites of eV 10 am diameter iva- the-peak of inner friction corresponds to a.frequency.ofe-," 1 cycle/sac,' A der tion for ascending diffusion *for a nonhomogeneous anisotropic medium is appended. Orig. art. has: 42 equationse SUB CODE: GO/ SUBM DATE: l3DscW ORIG REF: 010/ ATH REF: 003 11W T.D. (Voronezh) (Vcrc')T M !:, body. a standai-i 6 dampirg L As! .-A deverdenco I JjT -M 5-.103-1c(-- s-0 165- All SSSF.. nc- 7 L L 33b4-66 EWT(l)/E7t1T.(m)/T/D[P (t)/WP (b)/EYA (c) IJP(c) JD/JG,/G'.' --070- 'ACCESSION NR: AP5017299 0772 2 9 T.-D. ;AWThuno'. Turkov, S. K.~j Shermergor -TITLE: Internal friction in i Irao"e-7cen due to a7face-centered cubic lattice 4;reorientation of bivacancies 'SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, n o. 7, 1965, 2o64-2069 ~TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, crystal lattice structure crystal :vacancy Y" &5- ABSTRACT: The purpose of the paper was to calculate theoretically the internal friction produced by the reorientation of bivacancies,* in an external field, hnd-to investigate the peculiarities of the internal-friction 96ak produced by these bivacancies, The authors determine the kinetics of the.internal friction due to the change the concentration of the bivacancies having a.specified orientation-,% under the influence of,applied external stresses. Is is shown'thav~ ~,7 the width of the bivacancy-internal-fricti6n' peak depends essential-1. on the orientation of tbe.orystallograpbic axes relative'to the:: ap.!M-!.:, .1/2 Card L 3344-66 ~ACCESSION NR: AP5017299 'of' lattice distortion is cal es plied stress. The amount culated to :timate the magnitude of the relaxation peak. It-is shown that t he ~reorientation of the bivaQaricies is characterized in general by two. relaxation times, differing by a factor of a matelZil-5. The ppr ~results are compared with experiment for coppe silverirland gold It is concluded that to reconcile the experiment4l and :data it is necessary to assume that during.~the quenchingan ap P Ox cable part of the vacancies condenses into bivacancies. ig art ihas: 20 formulas and I tablei N, ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskly,politekbniaheskiy,inBtitut:(v6r,o, neZ Polytechnic Institute)~,__," 77~ ENGL:-00 'SUB.-COD94' '88 SUBMITTED. 18Jan6- OTHER', NR REF SOV. OOQ P06 16. Card TURKOV., S.K.,- SHEMOTGOR, T.D. Effect of the stre3S tuning on the high-terq3erature background of internal friction. Fiz. tver. tela ? ro.1N,2952-2957 0 165. (MIRA lf3-,1-1) 1. Voronezhskiy politekhnicheskly institut. L 23677-66 EWT(m)/T/EWP(t) IJP(c) jD ACC NRi AR6005218 SOURCE CODE: UWOO58/65/OOO/OO9/EO57/-W58 AUTHOR: Meshkov L S.; S4ermergor., T. D. TITLE: On the description of the internal friction in solid bodies with the aid of rheological models SOURCE; Ref, zh. Fizilm, Abs. 9EW39 REF SOURCE: Izv. Voronezhsk.-Los. ved. in-tal v. 44) 1964) 116-123 TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, rheologic propertyp shear stressj. relaxation procesaj- elastic deformation, hydrostatic pressure TRANSIATION: It is shown on the basis of an ana3,vsis of experimental results that to describe the relaxation of shear stresses it is necessary to use a rheological model of the ' Lxwellian type, and for bulk stresses the model of standard linear body (with a single relaxation time). Expressions are obtained for the internal friction (IF) and the dynamic moduli under shear and bulk deformations, and also for.. the case of a tension-compression deformation. In the latter case the form of the dependence, and consequent3y also the form of the dependence of IF, is determined by. the ratio of the relaxation times, correw.2onding to the shear and to the bW)drostatia compression. Certain generalizations are made for more complicated rLeological models. V. Verner SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 IJP(C) WW L 2662~46 EWT(1)/EPF(n)-2/ M (M ACC NR: AP5025371 SOURCE CODEi. UR/0181/65/007/010/2952/2957 AUTHOR: !rurkov, S. K.,' Shermergor, T. D. ORG: Voronezl- Polytechnic Institute (Voronezhakly politekhnicheskiy institut)'. TITLE: The effect of stress distribution on high-te!arature no 60 due t o internal friction SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 2952-2957 TOPI6 TAGS: internal.friction, metal, stress distributloh, crystal vacancy ABSTRACT: The high temperature element of internal friction of metals represents a series of peaks superposable on a curve growing monotonically with an increase in temperature. The high temperature noise caused by vacancy diffusion-between block boundaries or crystal grains was calculated. Unlike the similar Escaig calculation the possibility of stress redistribution caused -by the irregu- larity of diffusion currents is considered. This leads to a considerable-immas in noise in the mean quency ranges. With low fre uencies of-w internal kric tion in both cases,--T with highfrequencies Orig. art, has: Card 1/2 Card 2/2 h172~-66 1-Mr (1)/'--A,[T (m) ITIFUP (t)/ETI LIP(c) JD/JW/010, ACC NR, Ar6olB524 SOME CODE: UjVol8V66/008/006/1670/1676 AUTHOR: Turkov, S. K ; Shermergor, T. D. 'CVor~~ezbskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) ORG: Voronezh Polytechnic Institute TITLE: Effect of screw dislocations on the internal friction of para-elastic bodies SOURCE: Fizika tver~ogo tela, v. 8, no. 6., 1966, 1.670- 1676 1 ~~' i TOPIC TAGS: crystal lislocation phenomenon, internal friction, crystal vibration,, elasticity theory, elastic modulus, crystal lattice distortion 11~u ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that the mechanism of vibration-dislocation energy dis- sipation by the elastic-polarization cloud produced in para-elastic bodies, the authors calculate the internal friction due to the deceleration of vibrating screw dislocations by relaxation of their stress fields in a medium possessing properties of a standard -linear body. It is assumed that the elastic polarization of the medium is the only effective damping mechanism. The screw dislocations are assumed to vibrate under the influence of periodic external stresses and the amplitudes of their oscillations are considerably smaller than -bbe distanceS betwqcn the oscillation nodes The relation between the internal friction of this type and the defect of the modulus of the medium or the amplitude of the applied stress is determined and it is shown t4at the ratio of the height of the dislocation peak to the peak of the dislocation- :g7ee body, decreases bath with increasing defect of the modulus of the medium, and with #creasing amplitude of the applied stress. The results are faund to be similar to S/081 62/000/016/046/059 B1 XB1 66 AUTHORS: Vizall, A. 0., Shermergorn, I. Ia., Tyulenev, S. S. .TITLE;: Synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate PERIODICAL: Referativnyj zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 18, 1962, 503, abstract 18P62 (In collection: -Materialy 1-y Konferentsii molodykh nauchn. rabotn. g. Kazani, 1959- Sekts. khim. Kazan', 1960'. 27-34) TEXT: 1,7ays of reducing the amount of glycol brought into the reaction and of replacing purified N2 by commercially pure-11 2 or air were investigated in order to develop a technology for the pFodtfetion of polyethylene terephthalate (PETP) using terephthalic acid dimethyl ester (DMIT) as,the raw material. These investigations proved that the consumption of .ethylene glycol can be reduced(from three mole to two) by introducing the DMT part at a time, and that it is possible to usel~dommercially pure N2 or air (instead of purified N2)1 triphenyl phosphate (I) at the rate ?f 0-4-3~-'* of the DMT being psed as the antioxidant.. The relation of the Card 1/2 S/ppi/62/000/018/048/059 1,6 Synthesis of,~olyethylene B. 0/B186 reaction ratd'and quality ot'the product obtained ',to the amount of I introduced was studied (theloptimum amo h- 0-75% of the unt of I ba g amount of DMT). A new solvdnt (40~/,, phenol and 601/'I'dichlorethane), which has good solVtnt ability atlabout 200C, was found'fbr determining the molecular we%ght of the FETF from the viscosity aA'a-Ifor fractionation of the polymer."LAbstracter's-note: Complete tranefe?tion.] Card 2/2 KUZNMOV, Ye.V.; VIZELI, A.0.,, _S~~W, I.M.; TfULEW, S.S. Relation between the molecular weight of polyethylene terephthalate ther -viscosity of its solutionB in a mixture of phenol and dich- loroethane. Vysokom. soed. 2 no.2:205-209 F 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kazanskiy khImiko-tekhnologichesIdy, institut. (Terephthalic acid) KUZNETSOV, Ye.V.; SHERMERGORN, I.M.; EELYAYEVA, V.A. Synthesis of polyester3 based on trivalent phosphorus acids by condensation polymerization at th~ interface. Trudy KKHTI no.30: 70-76 162. (MIRA 16:10) KUZNETSOV, Ye.V.; VIZELI, A.O.; TYULENEV, S.S.; SHFUMMORN, I.M. Stabilization of polyethylene terephthalate. Trudy MTI no.30: 82-88 162. (MIRA 16:10) ACCE'SSION NO: AP4009146 S/0190/64/006 01/0031/0033 0/0 AUTHORS: Yuznetsov, Ye. V.; Gill, A.. P.. She-r-mergorn, 1. 1.T.; Kuznetsova, S. F. TITIL: Synthesis of polyesters and poly-rimides or. the basis of nitrophthalic acids by interfacial polycondensation SURCE: Vy*sokomoickulyarnylye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 1, 1964, 31-33 TOPIC TAGS: synthesis, polye'ster, polyamide, polycondensation, interfacial poly- condensation, nitrophthalic acid, dichlorides of nitrophthalic acids, terephthalic acid ABST*.Ij',CT: Solutions containin.- 0.2 Mol/liter of dichlorides of terephthalic-, n-itrotereph'.halic-, 4-nitrophthalic-, and. 5-nitrophthalic acids Ln n-xylene .,.,ere reacted with(aqueouG solutions of 2,2-di-k-oxyphany!)propane (OPP)-or hexamethyl- -nediamine 120) of the same molar concen-~ration i the presence of 0.45 Mol/liter in L, 1 6 of NaOH. The synthesis was conducted in a flask-, with 10 minutes of energetic mechanical stirrints. Pollowing this, the obtadned polyesters or polyamides Were separated by filtration, washed with water, and dried to constant weight. The yield of the polyesters, obtained by the interactior of the dichlorides of nitro- terephthalic and 4-nitrophthalic acids with OPP amounted to 66.8 and 3Wa, their Card 1/2 ACCESSIMT 110: AP40091406 resDective snecific viscosities for 0.5r-', solutions in tricresol averaging 0. 72 ana 0.0119. A's to the polyamides syntliesized from the dichlorides of nitrotereph- thalic-, 4-nitrophthaalic-, and 3-nitrophthaiic acids with M.M., their yields amoi ated to 88.0, 84.2, and 76.&/a', with respective specizic viscosities of 0.5~,, solutions in concentrated sulfuric acid averaginu, 0.352, 0.280, and 0.223. The higher yields and viscosities registered in the polyesters derived from the dichloride of nitro- terephthalic, acid as cam-oared with the ones obtained on the basis of the dichloride of 4-nitrophthalic acid is attributed by the authors to the fact that the latter ingredient has its nitro group located in a meta-position in respect to the chloride group. A similar trend, although on a less -pronounced scale, was observed in poly- condensation Producto of dichlorides of nitrophthalic acids with MU). Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kazansk -iy khimiko-tekhnoloT.eneskiy institut im. S. 11. Xirova (Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute) SUBMITTED: O7Jul62 DATE ACQ: 1OFeb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODZ: CH NO REP SOVr oo6 OTHER: 003 2/2 Card A L 4~2 !66 BWT(aa&W(j) ACC NRtAp6001872 SOURCE WEE: UR/0190/65/007/012/*2-156/2159 '0~ t~~ j 14 AUTHORS: ShernergA, L MI; KazA4'J[~. Yu. B. /4V S* ORG: Institute for Organic Chendetry. AN SSSR. ka'zanl (Institut org&n1#hesko7 khimii AN SSSR) TITLE: A study of interfacial esterification of polyvi~ cohol SOURCEt VyaokomolekdjarnM soyedinen1yal, v. 7j no. 12# 1965, 21564159 TOPIC TAGS s esterificationt polyvir7l alcohol,, polymer, reaction mi n4sm JA04A ABSTRACTs The interphase esterification of polyvizql alcohol with benzoil chloride was studied. The effects of different organic solvents and diffdreitaoncentrat:1008~ of.~~nzqrl chlor 44jon the-degree of esterification deteridned, The caterifica- were tion was carried out by adding M&Oh and benwyl chloride (dissolved In an organic. solvent) to an aqueous solution of polyvirWl alcohol., and by rapid atirring of the resultant nixture. The experimental results:are presented in tablas and graphs (see Fig. 1). It was found that substitution of JUk for Na* had a -ibld', effect on the degree of esterification. The degree of esterification incisasad vith the solubility of the polyvizW3. benuote in the organic so,lvent'aud with increase Of the allmli concentration in the aqueous phassiv but It was I=Wp3ndent Of the ture and ths dmtIon of reaction,, The imatal results are Interpreted~ OW I - '%1*64+678.M s506"e7" ,Z 8507-66 &TW/wP(j) Rm ACC NR: AP5028489 SOURCE COIDE: UIR/0286/65/OPD/020/60a/0066.. .,AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, Ye. V.; Sheme~~ K.; V64~apova' J. A. ~ORGt none ITITLEt A method for obtaining polyphosPhites- class 391 No. 175655 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobrotpniy i tpvarnykh znakovi no. 209 1965t 66 TOPIC TAGS; phospho -us compound, alkyl, aryl, phenol, lqrlene, nitrogen .~ABSTRLCT.- This Author Certit-i --te presents a zethodfor obtaining polyphosphites xyl- -by polycondensation of '')dichlorophosphites/and diphenols., To sipplify thii~'~ technique of obtaining the above compounds, -p-olyTc-nd i is conducted in a. ineat on xylene solution. Nitrogen is constantly blown through the reacting mass during itsi polycondensa-tion. :BUB CODEs OT/ BUM DATE: O7Jun63 Card. 1/1. UDGI 474473074-o] ACC NR'- SOURCE CODE: UR[0062/66/000/009/1654/1655 AUTIMR. V. %e.; Yefre-mova, M. V.; Shermergorn, I. M. a( (Jugariic and Physical Chemistry in.. A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences,SSSR (Institut orgaiiicheskoy i fizicheskoy Whimii Mkatle%~A. 'aa\i1e, SSSR) TITLE: Kinetics of the hydrolysis of bis(chloromethyl)phosphinic' acid esters SOURCE: AN SSSR. izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 9, 1966, 1654-1655 TOPIC TAGS: herbicide, bischloromethylphosphinic acid ester hydrolysis, hydrolysis kinetics hydrolysis, chemical kinetics, ester, phosphinic acid, alkyl radical !ABSTRACT: Kinetics of the hydrolysis of the biologically active esters of bis(chloromethyl)phosphinic acid in water were studied at 75-95*C. The experimental values of the pseudomolecular reaction rate constants k are given in Table.l., C(~td 113 UDC; 541.127+542,938+661.718.1 Acc t,~;z:'-AP6 03290b Table 1. Effect of radical R in the esters (CH2CI)2P(O)OR on the rate of hydrolysis in water at various temperatures A-10, sec-1 No. R 95, W. 84,6* 80, 75' I C11, 28.9 21,8 14.3 9.31 6" 3 c.116 11,2 Rj3 .5.36 3.25 2.20 3 n-C,3111 7,66 5,21 3.36 2,23 -- 4 (4:3111 7,14 4,58 3,03 2,00 - 5 n-C4112 6.13 3,96 - 1,75 1,08 6 n-C51111 5,,1() 3.83 2.50 1,53 1,00 7 I-CjIV 1.73 1 21 0,766 0,474 - a ICCO-C61111 0,666 0 : ~49 0,300 - - 9 phenvl 7,05 7 6. - 2,76 -- 10 allyl 283 211 142 100 66,1 The results shbw6d Unat: the ~reaction rare of the hydrolysis depends on che nature of the alcohol radical in the ester and for the alkyl radicals in the acid it is the steric far-tors. Cord ACC -,4R-. kp 3 The Lemperacure dei,::n~cnce of the hydrolysis is described by the Arrheniuz, -r. w-th the parameters show.n. in Table 2. [WA-50; CBENo. 121 Table 2. Dependence of the activation E observedand preexponential factor A on the nature of the radical R in the esters (CII,Cl),P(O)OR cu, GIN n-C,IT, ~o C'11 E kcal-/m 21,2 21,8 21,9 21,7 22,0 A 8,03 8,02 7.69 7,73 7,84 rt-CsIlit i-C,II,- meo-CsIlts phenyl Allyl E. kcallm 22,0 22,7 20,6 16,0 19,5 ipg:A 7,81 7,74 6,04 4,32 8,04 SUB cODE. 07/ SUBM DATE: 14Feb661 ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 Card 3/3 311 ZiK~jt.,'T rSj,',T)', V. V., TRUFfAKOV, V. 1. .delding To ining cross and longitudinal girders in all-welded bridges with lower roadway. AV-tom. u svar. 4, No. 4(19), 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June IQ52 Uncl. S1.1E1q-LETA*VAj T. V. A US-'-'R/Chemistr%y - Camphor Chemistry - It-rhenyl camphor Feb 1910 "Investigations --n the Field of Phenyl Camphor and Its Derivatives: IV, Sople Derivatives of )4- Phenyl Camphor," S. S. Nametkin, T. V. Shermeteeva, E r" p "Zhur Obshch Khim," Vol XVII, No 2 A simplification of the previously published method of obtaining 4- phenyl camphor, and new data on the synthesis and characteristics of the previously described derivatives of this compound. PA 15T51 ---------------- S E 439 ~31 qu S1130161100-010 -10/0102/00 4 A006/A101 A'71,~!ORS,. Rabln,~vich, D. M., head of the rolling laboratory, Skakin. V, V flead of the rail and structural mill shop, ~heirmeyster, M. 3 Head of the department of heating devices :!!ILE: Experiences In. the production of high-wear-resistant rails ER,71 71, 1 _- A L -Metallurg, no. 10. 1961, 25-26 TEX7 Tr. order ',o br!rLS aboat full heat treatment of rails, including both vol-,Lmetric quen.:-hing a_nd temoerirZ, an experimental industrial unit was -on2tr-u~_Ied a~. the Nuhne-T-agill Plant In 1960. The unit consists of a high- Speed sec~aon furnace and an oil quenching mechanism. The ten sections of the f-irnace are arrapged in a line at 1,600 mm distance from each 6thir and are c-avered with special drims containing water-cooled pipes to transport the rails alorg the fvyrnace. Each section consists of* a metal frame with a special refrac- ~himber, The vails are heated by 8 double-conduct short-fleane torches fluelled with coke gas, which a-re arranged alternatingly on both sides. The rails are moved back and forth within the furnace. The quenching unit of an oil tank over which a quenching traverse is fixed, The traverse- Card 1/3 3/130/61/000/01(')/002/004 Experiences in the production A006/A101 13 a met?.1 ztructure with a bullt-ly, roller conveyer and a drive for lift-Ing and d~-oppfng the iTInucture Into the tank. The following technological. proces-s was deiz:lrpad - f-he -ills are supplied to 4-ne thermal span, placed orta the roll- 3!nd s-,,ppll-A -~o the quenching furnace. They are then placed by ~pect,,.al_ ~,ween ",.he b~-ads of' the upper conveyer roll. The rail moves alo-12- 11-J-ie !I minu-,~5. After heating to 890 - 9200C, it is suppLied a7, ~-.elvlng rcller-ccnveyer of the querichinga traverse where I!-. - - c heLd in air fcr33 When a t=_mperature of 820 - 860 r, has beer- ~d 1-hs rail and trig- t.-i-,,erse are dipped into the quenching oil tank f'or 1,7, Afner -~ne oLl has drippad off, Lne finished rails are pac-ked by 4 s-applied `-'.) thc- la_ozhe~rmal rurnac-e for tempering d-aring 2 hou,ra 4~O Th~ q-dall--Y of such heat-treated rails is very high. ~-v-e _,:~r the n:ope-~!~~?S oil heat-treated and not heat-+.rea-ned railz; arQ %nown in 7.nt= 1 able below- Exceriences In 'the production ... S/ 130/6, 1/000/0' .0/002/00 4 A0061AI01 Properties Yield limit, kg/mm 2 m2 Ultimate strength, kg/m Relative elongation, % Relative constriction, % Toughness at + 20 0C, kgmlcrr.2 Fardness HPB Deflection during tests on the ram, mm Wear resistance (from losses in the specimen weight), g Rails heat-treated 79.5 123.0 11.0 33.5 3.7 3.2 26.o 0.720 not heat-treated 44.0 83.5 11.7 11~.8 2.0 3.9 43.0 1.746 The costs of heat-treated rails exceed those of conventional rails by a factor of 3. There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOC-7-AT1ON; Nizhne-Tagillskly metallurgiche3kiy kombinat (Nizbne-Tagill Metal- lurgical Combine) Card 3/3 ARSEYEII, A.V.; GOIDVMiOV, Yu.M.; SHERMEYSTER2 M.Sh, __ ~7~ Burner for annealing tire$. Sbor. rats. predl, vnedr. v proizv. no.2:36 161. (MIRA .14:7) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Gas burners) I 6 . SHVETSOV, Ye.M.;__~HERNIEYSTER, M.S. Redesign of triple-fired holding furnaces. Metallurg 6 no.10:26-28 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Sortoprokatnyy tsekh Nizhne-Tagi-l'skogo metallurgiche- skogo kombinata. (Purances, Heating) RABINOVICH, D.M.; SMIKUN, V.V.; SIMMEYSTER, M.S. Manufac' Ure of rails with improved wear resistance. Metallurg 6 no.10:25-26 0 161. (MIRA 11+:9) 1. Nizhe-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. 2. Tfachallnik prokatnoy laboratorii Nizhne-Tagillskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Rabinovich). 3. Nachaltnik rellsobalochnogo stana Nizhne-Tagillskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Skakun). 4. Nachallnik uchastka nagrevatelinykh ustroystv Uzhne-Tagillskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Shermeyster). (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Railroads-P~ails) AKRAMOV, Z. M. , kand. geogr. nauk; RAKITNIKOV, A. N., kand. geogrgf. nauk; ZAMKOV O.K,-, kand. geograf. nauk; SH_ER2fJKHAJ.[EDOV. A.M, Lde~C~,ed], SAUSHKIN, Yu.G., doktor Ye6'graf. nauk, prof, otv. red.; DEC-TYARI, V.I., red.; KH1SAMOV, A.V., kand. geograf. nauk. red.; k9TAKFOV, A., red.; GOR?KOVAYA, Z,P,, tekhn. red. (Agricultural geography of Samarkand and Bukhara Provinces] Geograftia sel'skogo khoziaistva SAmArkandskoi i Bukharskoi oblasti. (By]Z.M.Akramov i dr. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk UzSSR. Pt.2. 1961. 323 p. (Materialy Zeravshanskoi ekspedi- tsii SOPS AN Uz."SR, no.1) (MIRA 16W 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Tashkent. Otdel geografii. 2. Nachallnik Otdela sellskogo khozyaystva Gosplana Uzbek- skoy SSR (for Degtyar'). (Bukhara Province--Agricultural geography) (Samarkand Province-Agricultral geography) SHWUS Arkadt losifovich. X.assin, fillmlal Urigor' evich, 94. The ancient anheal world of tbe Kirov Oblast, Kirov# Kirovskow obl. Ltd-vo, 1941.51 P. maps Wrovskil oblastnoi. nauchno -Issledovatel'sIdi instituL kreevedentia - Hauchno-popultarnaia serila, vyp. 5) (44-10%4) 0.97".R9s.5, STULIS, G. E. MM SEERN121 A. I. (Dotsent) Kirov. 'Tffect of Long Phenological series on Secular Climatic Fluctuations:" eDort Dresented at a Phenological Conference, Leningrad, Nov 1957, f y- the USSR Geo~raphical Sac - .4 SHERIIIII, A. I, dots.; ZAHARAT&W, V.11., dots.. red..; KREYS, I.G., [Programs of pedagogical institutes; general biology with principles of Dardinism for faculties of physical education] Programmy pedago- gicheskikh institutov; obshchaia biologiia s oanovemi darvinizma dlia fakul'tetov fizicheskogo vospitaniia. [Moskva] Uchpedgiz, 1937 9 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye vysshikh i srednikh pedegogicheskikh uchebnvkh zavedenii. (Biology--Study and teaching) SHC S.L., doktor soilskokhoz.nauk, nauchnyy red.,-._MXRffIff. kBnd.biolog.nauk; XARDAKOVA, Ye.A., red.; SMYAROTA, Ye.l., ENature in Kirov Province] Prirods Kirovskoi oblesti. Kirov. Kirovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960, 251 p. (MIkA 13:12) (Kirov Province --Geography) -SHERNITSM, V. V.,- TRIffMCV, V. 1. Bridges, Iron and Stoel Joinin-7 cross and longitudinal girders in all welded bridges with lower roadway. Avtom. svar. 4 No. 4, (19) 1951. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. "'HERN013PIVETS, V.Te, Si- I dels receivred by the. Russian fleet. Sudoetroenie no.7-.79--80 ,.' " I f, 5. (MIRA '1898) RRN YA tativ. anllysis, IT r F,6~-f mkin (PftntTn. FnSt.4- 't iylyl, vt~. a* far, 1.14 17( SOV/177-58-5-10/30 ]kUTHOR: Shergyakg-v-,--M.A,, Lieutenent-Colonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: The Effect of Systematic Morning Exercises on the Physical Development of Elderly Officers (Vliyaniye sistematicheskikh utrennykh uprazhneniy na fiziches- koye razvitiye ofitserov starshego vosrasta) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, pp 48 - 51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author deals with characteristics of the level and the dynamics of the physical development of elderly officers in connection with physical exercises in the morning. The article is based on examinations of 393 officers over 42 years of age during the years 1953/54. The author concluded that officers who systematically perform physical exercises in the Card 1/2 morning are much better physically developed than SOV/177-58-5-10/30 .The Effect of Systematic M6rning Exercises on the Physical Develop- ment-of Elderly Officers officers who do not occupy themselves with exercises. He suggests to work out a special plan for physical exercises for elderly officers in order to raise the level of their physical development. There are 3 tables. Card 212 - Smmamvj-~~ Combined study on the state of health and physieal development, of officers, Voen.-med,zhur, no. 2:63-64 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (MEDICINE, MILITARY) SPERITYAKOV, 1-11. A. "Experience of developin-- tables for the individual evaluation of the physical development of officers" - p. 63 Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 3, 1962 , W ~-_ . . . 40 4b 4, 4 & i& I I I I 1 T 6 a A o A-L-5-C.-ti-t-4 -i P~ I a--$- 00 A 0 L)j avjUj,_M"' -041 4 40 1! ~41 40 1300. Light scattering on a particle with a spin two. M. 1e.- shenq~qy?!~ t - ZhMX. Skeptl I UoL-st, Fix, 19, 473-W(1949) June (in Pusisila'n).- i O:A '-j I It is known that the effective cross section of certain particleit for ~00 fog 7 l ~1 light scattering, even when calculated In the first non-vanishing .00 i P , approximation of the perturbation theory, grown Indefinitely with .04i 0:.t F the frequency of light. In order to aceount for this difficulty, too j 0 : Ginsburg, Zhur. Nksall. i 1pret. F 33(1943) and Heitler, at -010 0 0 al, &g&,.Roy, Soo- 11dandan) A, 176 940), suggested the idea 0.31 of *xcited spin states. Relativistic equations were found for particles with higher spins. However, no close investigation of the "440 proportion of such particles was made. In this respect only the work '00 46 AALI of Ginsburg, Zhur- Skantl. 1. Teorej. Fla. 12 , 425(1942). may b* cited, "o 4 In which magnetic propettles of a particle with a 3/2 spin are studied. 406 The Interest of such studies lies not bnly in the possibility of "go d i several variants of the theory, but also In the possible practical i use of the equations for such particles; tbus, the a pin of mesons 000 - cannot be regarded as definitely established. The present work Is an =00 lnveati4gation- of-th&-A"ttorlWat-liSht-on-par-ticlea-with.-K--s A a L A alTALUMMAL LITIRMOX CLASIWKATION use 110"I via., NO-AnT - - u 0 PO Is to T T to to to at it a it W a N K -dj a 3 1 9 . . ; U An I I a ad 0 X 4 1 V KJO a IX4 that are described by wave equations found by Iters and Pauli, Holy, Phys. 3(1939); Procs-107, 220, (I&DdOO) , JU, 211(1939). The rapid growth with increasing photon energy of the effective cross section for light icattering of A particle having a spin two can be explained by attributing to such a particle a kinetic moment of an order higher than that of a dipole. to 00 00 00 to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0* Effe~~t of h-y,-;rcgen sulfide snd radon I)Pxths on the blood coagulabillty n hyp~er'snL3.*n a-(I Von, kur., fizloter, i lach, f1z. kullt. 2.9 nu.ilt312-316 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 1849) 1. Te:mpevtiches1kay--a k_1JnLka (za7. - prof. N.I.Speranskly') T.Sentrallnogo institut.a k-,xror4,--.)L-)giL i fizioterapili (dir, - kand. med. nauk, G.H.Pospelo- va)., Mask-ira. I Acmam tat AP4019829 5/018:.L/64/006/003/0722/07-27 AUTHORS t Kagan., 14. S. ; L:Lf shits., T. H. I Musatovs A& L,; 4kq;,pnovj A* Ae ,TITIZi Autoalectronla emission from high resistanoe germanium 1SOURCEt Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 6, no. 3, 1964, 722-727 iTOPIC TAGS: secondary emission, semiconductor property, WU 3 eleabromagnatic lo.mplifier, volt ampere characteristic, semiconductor resistance ABSTFAGT: Studies were made on both n- and p-type germanium at temperatures -of doped with gold and compensated with antimony. 293 and 80K. The germanium was 5slol4 cm-3 and the antimony concentration was of the IThe gold concentration was same order,, but chosen in ouch a way that the sample had Ugh resistance at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Resistivities attained for n-type ge~,=Uum at 80R i were about 10 a ohm cm) and for p-type 106 ohm am. The volt-ampere ct-mracteristics of omission and the distribution of electrons according to energy ax-a aflown in Fige. 1 Wid 2 on the Enclosures. They mchibit no perceptible effear, of "heating. Card IACCESSION Ot AP4019829 up" the alectrons in the ormittor. A hig)i density of autoemission current is connected with high electron concentration at the point, exceeding the body concentration in the massive part of the emitter by a factor of thousands, The authors found that when the sample wLas coated with cesium the work function of the point was reduced much more than the work function of the side of the samplej apparently because of different conditions of cesium absorption., possibly because of temperature &Uferences at the point and in the massive part of the sample. It !is noted'that when the electron affinity is reduced to 1,6 ev the volt-ampere characteristics are strialy linear, and this fact should attest to the effect, :of heating of electrons during autoolectron emission from germanium, Orige art* hast 6 figures and I tablea AWWIATION: Institut radiotekhniki i elekbroniki 191 SSSR, Moscow (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics AN SSSR) SUBMITTWo 03Aug63 DATE ACQ I AMar64 ENCL 1 02 1-7 NO MW SOV 1 009 MM 1 002 56-8 GODEt EG Card 2/4 ACCUSSION -HR: Ap403.9829 IMUSURE 7- f 1,(amp. Fig. 1. Volt-ampere characteristics 10-7. of autoelectron emission from germanium. Temperature: 1 - 293Kj 2-4 - WKj 1 2 - nomirradiated samples,- - weakly irradiated sample; 3 - strongly irradiated samplop JI, L ej &0 too v7volt a Card 3/4 ACCESSI(Xi MR: AP4019829 421 aq a7 2 ~125 aj of aS 0 evo: Fig. 2. Energy spoptrum of emitted *eleotrons 1 2,,Io-9 amppj 2- 79~0-9 ompso Card ENCLOStW t L 49f34-,QQ_ ACC NRs AP5027449 SOURCE CODE: Uij.6i8iA5/0bi/0ll134790/346l SCTB/IJP(c) VIG/JD/JG a MitLng Sheronove A', -AUTHOR: Ba ov, No G., Zakharov, Yu. Pi V. V-11 ORG: Physics Institute. P., N, Lebedev, AN SSSRj- Hoo'cow- (FLz'izh`e-,~tnv skiy institut AN SSSR) qy TITLEs Interaction between optically coupled GaAs diode lasers SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 79 no, 11, 1965, 3460-3461 TOPIC TAGS: solid state lare-,",' alliu ArsenLde laser, laser coupling, ga laser synchronization, laser beam. bea: quenching ABSTRACT3 Two systems of optical coupling between p-n GaAs diode lasers-"longitudinal," in which laserbeams coincide, and "transverse., in which they are perpendicular to each other-were investigated. In both ca7ses, the diodes were prepared in the form of Fabry-Perot reso- nators and set up on the same substrate from 5 to 100 p apart. The effectiveness of beam quenching for the transversely coupled lasers was 1%o The wavelength of the quenching laser emission was greater than that of the quenched and the beam entered the quenched laser laterallys Beam quenching in the longitudinally coupled system was observed only when the wavelength of the quenching emission was greater than that of the quenched, Similar effects were observed elsewhereti.. T dOAA_AA ACC NRI AP5027449 (A. Fowler, J. Appl. Phys., 35, 2275, 1964; J. Appl. Phys. Lett., 3, is 1963). The low effectiveness of quenching in both cases-wasattributed to the difficulties experienced in accurately setting up both diodes on the same substrate. Improved (-20%) beam auenching was-achieved by means of special diodes, each with 'two resonaiors, described elsewhere by the authors (FTTj 7v 3128p 1965)1* The quenching effect is poten- tially applicable in computer technology (high-speed optical keyin Orig. art. has: 1 figures EYK) SUB COM EC/ SUBM DATE:% 15Jun65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OMREF~t 003 'Z119 ATD PRESS: N Car L 3977-66 E VIA (k)/FBD/EWT (1 )/E4P (k)-?/T/~--li P (k IA( )-2/E A(h). S-- IJP( ACCESSION NR: AP5025404 UR/0181/65/OU7/010/3128/2130: :AUTHOR: Basov, N. G.** Zakharov, Yu. P.; Nikitin, V. V., Sheronov, A. A. 'TITLE: GhtAs junction laser with a nonariform distribution of Injected current 'SOURCE: Fizika tvei-dogo tela, v. 7, no. lo, 1965, 3128-3-130 iTOPIC TAGS: laser, junction laser, injection laser, semiconductor laser, GaAs, ~p n junction, injection current, coherent radiation, recombination radiation 4 1ABSTPRACT: The effect of an uneven distribution of the injection current along them ip-n junction area of a GaAs laser diode on its emission was experimentally investi_~. Igated. Diodes with a 2-mm overall cavity length and a 0.4-mm width were used in -th .~,iexperiments. The p-side of a standard laser with polished ends was cut perpendicul to diode's length'down to the junction area (see Fig. I of Enclosure), resulting in, % two electrically separated cavity sections with a contact attached to each pdzt. The ;coupling resistance between t:te diodes was large in comparison with the resistan66.1~"-,'. of the contacts and the bulk resistance. The diode, cooled to the liquid nitrogen Itemperature, was excited by current pulses of I-psec duration. The lowest tilret-holl 1current was required when injection current densities In both sectiofts-o~ the dioddd__ ,were equal. The wavelength of coherent emission at the threshold current was larlse L 3977-66 !ACCESSION NR: AP502540h !by about 20 R than the wavelength of emission during uneven excitation regime, i.e 'when current Il 12. When 12 was constant while Il was increased from 0 to 1 amp :the frequency of laser emission at x %, 8430 X was gradually shifted toward higher ifrequencies bY 50 CPS- When I, was further increased, generation was achieved at 1X _% 8450 ~ while coherent emission at A 2LM30 X decreased and finally disappeared.. the same time the maximum of the line (half width at 30 X) was shifted by %,2.'_a 1toward the longer wavelengths. A similar quenching effect at u8430 X was observed~ !in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the diode.-. It 'was - determined that. ivhen the injection current was sufficiently large in one section of the laser -a lar e lincrease in power output was obtaiAed by simultaneously injecting current; through' 'both contacts on the p-side of the diode. Since the slope of the power-current-c e ,of the dual diode structure increased approximately two times in comparison with h : I ~of a single section diode, the use of the dual structure fortiodulation may be m ore ~Useful than that of a standard injection laser. Orig.**art. has: 1 figure. [CS] Cs iASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut,im. P, N,.Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moscov (Physi ,Institute, AN SSSR), OP 17May65 ENCL: -01 CODE- EEC., SUB !NO REP SOV:. 001 OTHERi- 002 _---J,'.-'ATD PRESS., lCard. 2/3 L 3977-66 ACCESSION NR: AP50254o4 ENCLOSURE, 11 tk M~d Rs R, -1.: -2 Fig. 1. Emission spectra near the:.., ALI bRII, z i., threshold ...... -1 Current densities in both Parts. of the dual diode structure are equal. L2%1 : f. -d I -19 amp; 2.- current densities. in.the 4J rts are, not,equal' II w0 pa 12. 34 amp. 2-2 WO IM 84M X50 KV AN A.A Card 3/3 SOV/78-3-11-4/27, AU 7- -~: OR S P+1-4ts_,,rn, B. V.,--Sheroncv, L. N., Komlev, V. P. TITLE: The Detcrmination of the Solubility Products of Silver Citrate at Different Ionic Strength of the Solution (Opredeleni-ye roiz-redeniyE- -as'vor-mosti ts4tra'a serebra pri raznoy ionnoy oi le rastvora) PE'RIODICAL: Zhurna-1 neorganicheskoy khf-mii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2450-2452 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 'he present papcr the cp-L-.ii-rum canditions for the production of silver citrate of 'he composition Ag,C H 0 were investigated, 6 7 and the sclub--'lity products of silver citrate were determined by means of the radioactive indicat'llor Ag110. The solubility product of oilver cit-rate was dete:n:ined as function of the ionic strength of the sollition at' 250C. Sodium citrate solution was added to a sil-.rar nitrate solution in order to produce silver citrate. This sequence of addition of reagents leads to crystalline Si2ver citrate which precipitates easily. In the ~,-ase of an inverse addition of silver nitrate to sodium citrate Card 1/2 a fine dispersion is produced which can be scarcely filtered. SOV/78-3-11-4/23 Th--- D,~-terminatlon of the Solubility Pr.)dlurta of Silver Citrate at Different Ionic Strength of the Solution The thermodynamnic value of ths solubility product of silver citrate was determined fci~ solutions with an ionic strength of 0,002 - 0,103. In the case of an 1~cnic strength of 0,002 of the aol-ii'.4-on -the of Ag CH 0 amounts to 3,4.10- 4g-molli 3 7 and the colubillity rp-rodact k~~ = (3,3 + 0,1).10-13 !r the case of an Ionic strength of 0,103 cf the solution the -4~,._Mcl/l and kc = (2,4 � 0,3).10- 12 s*lubility amount3 to 5,9-10 These results show tha' 7'he 3clubility product changes by almost the tenfold ivith the ohan.t-e of the ionic strength of the solutior. of 0,002 - 0,10,',. Figure I shows the dependence of the negative logarithm of the sol-abil-ity products of nitrate (pK) on the ionic strength of the solution. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 4 -references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 10; 1957 Card 212 ::(2) SOV/78-4-2-20/40 AUTH3RS: _Sheronov, L. N., Ptitsyn, B. V. TITLE: On a Citrate Complex of Zirconium (0 komplekenom tsitrate tsirkoniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, PP 367-371 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Upon the interaction of 1 mole zirconium carbonate with 1.5 moles citric acidg which is semi-saturated with KOH, a complex potassium zirc:)nyl citrate of the composition K 1Z rO(C6H507)] .2-5H2 0 is formed. The complex K3 C6H5 07* ZrC6H407*9-5H2 0 described by Mandl (Ref 1) is not formed under these production conditions. In order to determine the coordination formula of the compound obtained the molecular electric conductivity and the molecular weight of this com- pound were determined. The molecular weight of potassium zix.conyl citrate in aqueous solution shows values from 175-195. The molecular weight and the molecular electric conductivity show that, in aqueous solution, the compound dis- Card 1/2 sociates into two ions: On a Citrate Complex of Zirconium SOV/78-4-2-20/40 KPrO(c 6 H50A K++ 1Z rO(C 6H 50A The aqueous solution of the compound is weakly acid. For the potassium zirconyl citrate complex roduced by Mandl the following formula was suggested: K rzrO(C6H507)]A 2HC6H507'8'9H20 and the following coordination formula: K 3 r0 65 7 8.5H 20 1Z HC H507_ There are 2 tables and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 12, 1957 Card 2/2 PTITSY11 . D.V.; SI&I--,,C!I.-C--V, LX Complex niobium axalate. Izv. Sib. otd. AK IIYSSR no.9:44.-46 161. (MIRA -14--1r,) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy klii::ii Sibirsko.go otdeleniya ITOVosibirsk. All SSSRJI . (Robium compounds) PTITSYN., B.V.; SHERONOV, L.N. Complex zirconium oxalate. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR rn.10:80- 83 161. (YIRA 34:12) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Zir.-onium oxalates) FTITSYN) B.V. ',deceased1j; SHER0,40, L." L - - 14. Certain number cf niobizim. compiex of relative stability. Izv. SO AN SSSR no-3: Ser. khim.. nauk no.1;68-'71 165. (MIRA 1~~:8) 1. institut neorganicheskoy khimil -:.tdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. SEMRONOV. V.A.,inzh. 110/35/6-10 kv. substations equipped with 31.5 and 40 Mv.-a. transformers without reactors. Mlek.sta. 29 no.U:49-51 N 158,, (MM 11:12) (Electric substations)