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NOVIKOV, Ya.A.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; 5HATSKIY, Ye.Z. , kindidat ~_ i~A tokhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor, ~G;W.EJZW, L.Ya. . tektinichesifty redaktar. CFrom the work practice in using prefabricated reinforced con- crete in industrial and hotising construction] Iz opyta primenaniia sbornogo zhelezobetona v promyshlenom i grazhdanskom stroitellstve. Moskva, Gos. izd--7o lit-ry po stroit. i ar~hitekture, 1956. 58 P. NLRA 9:6) 1.1loscow. T.5entrallnyy institut informatsii Do stroitel'stvu. (Precast concrete) SILATSKIY, Ye.Z.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Man.n_p hollow panels for interstory floors. Opyt stroi. no.1:17- 23 156. (KLRA 10:4) (Floors) (Concrete slabs) I SHATSKIY, Ye.Z., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. ~F~recast ~ei ~ed concrete construction in the German Democratic Republic. Opyt stroi. no.1:34-44 '56. (MLRA 10:4) (Germany, East--Precast corlarete construction) SHATSKIY, Ye..Z.,, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Precast reinforced concrete @laments for industrial buildings. Opy-t stroi. no-3:3-22 '56. (MLRA 10:4) (Precast concrete) (Factories) SHATSKIY, Ya.Z., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Gombined reinforced concrete construction elements. Biul. stroi. tekh. 13 no.6:31-35 Je '56. (qI.RA 9:9) 1. TSentrallnyy institut informatsit po stroitellstvu. (United States--Reinforced concrete construction) NOVIKOV. I.I., kand.isk-usstvovedeniya arkh.; RANDRIKOV, A.P., k-snd.tekhn. --07, t nauk; SEDOV. A.P., kand.arkhitektui7-, UNY'7:5--7 nauk; SOKOLOV. Ye.B., kand.arkhitektu7--y; SHATSKIY, Y,--.Z., kand. teklin.nauk; KRICHUSKfiYA, Ye.I.. Imnd.takhn.nauk; -SHLRINA, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVEL'MAN. I.A., karid.teknn.nauk; -~.rASYAH, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; USMO, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.-, RARSKOV. I.H., iznh.. nauchnyy red.; YUDINA, L.A., red.izd-va; PEGHKOVSKAYA, T.V., CBuilding practices in the peoples' democracies. Based on reports by dele.-Stions of -Soviet biulders] Opyt stroitelletva za rubezhom; v stranakh narodnoi demokratii. Po materialam ochetov lelegatsii soveti~kikh spetsialistov-stroitelei. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po strolt. i arkhit.. 1957. 253 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Sotruciniki TSeritral'nogo instituta nauchnoy informatsii po stroitel'E;tvu i arkhitekture Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Novikov, Mandrikov, Sedov. Xonyushkov, Sokolov, Shatskiy, Krichevskeye, Shleina. Kovellman, Agasyan) (Building) SHILAYERMAN, 14ikhail Yakovlt3vich, professor, doktor taklinicheakikh nauk; SHATSKIY. Ye.Z., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; YUDIIIA, L.A.. redaktor izdatellstva; GUSEVA, S.S., tekhnlrheak~y redaktor [Prinriples of building for tho refrigeration and food industry] Ocnovy stroitellnoeo dels v Icholodillnoi i pishchavoi oromyshlonnosti. Izd. 2-oc, perer. i dOD. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 19,57. 299 p. (MLRA 10:4) (Building) (Food industry) SHATSKIY, Ye.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk Precast reinforced concrete components and prestressed structural elements used in industrial construction. Opyt stroi. no.10-~-36 '57. (MURA 11:1) (Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete) SHATSKIY, Ye.Z.,kand.tekhn.nauk Using reinforced concrete, precast and prestressed construction elements in building machinery manufacturing plants abroad. Opyt stroi. no.12:3-29 '58. (MIR& 12:?) (Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete construction) SHATSKIY, Ye. Z. , Irand. teHin. nank. Using monolithic and precast Drestressed reinforced concrete in constru6ttng highway brid.-ea. Opyt stroi. no.13:3-.20 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Bridges, Concrete) SHATSKII, Ye.Z. , I-and. tokba- nauk. Desig7js of precast and prestressed reservoirs. OP7t stroi. no.13: 21-32~ '58. (MERA 11:12) (Precast concrete construction) (Tanks) SHATSKIY, Ye.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk- Reinforced concrete television antennas. Opyt stroi. no-13:33-35 158. (MIM 11:12) (Precast concrete construction) (TelevAsion-Antennas) SHATSKIY, Ye.Z., kand.tokhn.nauk Industrial buildings built of precast reinforced concrete elements and prestressed rein-forced concrete members. Opyt. stroi. no.16:3-26 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete construction) SHATSKIY, kand. tekhn. nsilk. Ldeceased] Designs of multistoried apartment houses. Opyt. stroi. 2:67-98 159. (MIRA 13:3) kApartm-ent houses) k-r-ecast concrete construction) TSVETKOV, P.M., inzh.; SHATSKOV, G.F., inzh. Steel production in tilting open-hearth flarnaces at the "Azovstal'O plant. Stall 23 no.8:713-714 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Zhdanov--Steel--Metallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces) !VA.-I-,.~Kbv, V.11.; V.R.; ISIIATSKOV, of oxvf-en in the water of the norther'n virt of the 0,-ean. TI-11-- Tnst. ok-ean 64:115-127 '64. (MIF-LA 17.7) KHOZAK, S.I.; SILATSKOVA. P.V. Gonference of readers of "Meditainakaia promyshlennost' SSSRII at the Karpov Plant. Hed.prom. no.3:47-48 Jl-S '55. (MIRA 9:12) (MIDIGAL IIISTRUMMNTS AND APPARATUS--PIRIODIGAIS) KHOZAK. S.I.; SHATSKOVA, P.V. Inventors and rationalizers at the Karpov Plant in their struggle for technical progress. Med.prom. no.4:10-12 O-D 155. (MIRA 9:12) (DRUG INDUSTRY in Russia, contributions to progr.) S/867/62/000/012/001/001 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Danilenko, L. F., Shatskova, V. A., Shapiro, G. I. TITLE: On the problem of residual stress relieving in thermoplastic sheets SOURCE: Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury 535R. Institut sanitarnoy tekhniki. Sbornik trudov, no. 12, .1962. Polimernyye materialy v sanitarnoy.tekhnike 122 - 127) V/ T~XT: Heating of thermoplastic sheets produces conditions which promote the formation of internal stresses and entail corresponding changes in the ge- om etrical dimensions. Tests determining such changes by heating are not included-- in Soviet standard specifications although they are provided for in the USA (ASTM. 702-58) and Japan (II a 6745-1956). The authors studied changes in 3 - 5 mm thick vinyl plastic and orpnic glass sheets caused by heating at 70 - 1400C of the former and at 80 - 150 C of the latter material. The deformation was measured on graduated specimens with a microscope of 0.005 mm accuracy. The re- sults are represented in relationship curves of the sheet.dimensions versus the Card 1/2 s/867/62/000/012/001/001 On the problem of residual stress relieving in... A006/A101 heating time at given temperatures,,using mean values of longitudinal and trans- verse measurements. In heating orgahic glass sheets stresses arise during heatin& Independent of the sheet orientation. The same phenomenon is observed In vinyl plastic sheets heated to 11100C; the stresses arise during pressing but not dur~ing calendering. T"ne optimum annealing time above which changes in the geometrical. dimensions do not take place, 1:3 40 min for 5-mm thick vinyl plastic sheets, heated to 80 - 1400C. At higher temperatures (130 - 140 C) and long lasting an- nealing it was found that stress relieving was not possible without lamination of the material. The method is proposed for evaluating changes in the geometri- cal dimensions of annealed thermoplastic .1-neets. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 - I / 135 1 5 AOO I I/AO(-'j L Transla' ion- From, Fieferativnyy zhurnal, As-kronomiya 1 19'9. ND~ 3~ pp. 65-0-6~ # 20H7 AUTHOR -Eha~.-rriar-. E- T LTLE; o s ,r. c)g or; i c. Stgrilf"icance of T Taur., Stars POIODI~AL V S b. ~ Nest ats lonar-ilyye zvezd-,r, Yerevan, AN Arm' S-F, '9-7, Di!~:Ass. pp, 1.62-168 TEXT, E-~tlma7es of the age of T Taur! slars, cons'-dcred az C07't-j-'Ir~Z - . ~ A L stars whicn did no~ Y~~t reac-li ~-he main sequence, lead *-n the of --.10-year'-, which is grea-~r *-,v a:, order of magnitude than the aLge of the T-aszociatic- itself. This di!acz-epancy could be eliminated, i. e., contrac-tion Ame wo-uld~`b-e less, If' E:'.ars (1-aring contraction have luminosltle5 too large for their wazses, or if contrac'ion is accompanied by mass losses 'It Is pointFd ol.lf. that Mal:~~-S of these stars should be determined and spectra snowing displa-emerts Df emission_-- lines should tE slAdied, There is a ground to assjm-l 'h~,.. rota--!Dnal Speed5 of T Tauri z--ar,~ are nigh. The corresponding main Seq~~en:e s'--ars Low rcla-1--n-al Card 1/3 S/035 1C'q1()OO1c)r)-- /f~- -'/ ~ , / - I-'. ~-)~ of T Taur! Slars AOO I/ /AOO I speeds, ~-:onEequer4ly, a me,han1sm should extst wncse. a,-11)- -aulta ir-. I,= I)L-S of the star angular momentum during :ontra--tlon, T-ni-, .---,,~hor expiainz *-riiS t-I the oresencP of a variable magne~.-r., field at the su-fa E- of I lauri st-a-s An import-ant prot-lem is studying dy-naml-- features of -)-i- -o explair. 'assuming ~n~ sraviTa,~Ional contractLor. 1--y;:'C" ~issoc ',a,, Ions wltn posi!~Ivc- energy whereas zheir energies I 3L d-is'--.i--sL:)- A. G. Masevich no'ed wi-n ajz,? 5:a1z:- for T- St-;;:,E PcE-Ove.-I aggravated, when ac,cmpan-Ied ty 'f-'e 0. A. Mel'nIkov nolds tha- large 11-,e wld~h-c; In zpe-~- T*aur-l z,,ar--~ ar mainly .-A-used ty large-scale ..-arbulen-~- ard, possItly, by rad-'ai c r, rue ro,ational speed of ~nese star- 1-3 nct, righ, like +'rc- cjrdI-'7ar-; s~,arc; low luminoslties -Grinstey- rac'ed diffirul~ ~;onn-:- ,-ed wi, -' h rne T Tauri star age are exaggerated, 33-1-n as N-Oic- 2264 are sati-Er a-rid have an age (determined from A0, s--ars) v,~ar~. The formallon of s~atl.e a-cso~ianons seems to be possitle, exa,- data or., -c-ai pro.-r-r- mot.ions are -k-.,-.essarv for study-Ing this probl-err, A. MaSevi~r~ ;~-i-n-d that "tim&~' d*-s::repan--y tetween scars of earller and -La'--r take ~Ia- alzo in. 2264, V~ A. Amhartsurmyan noted that, whe-r- -ne -7Dt2t~rn 01 -~he energ-y Sign cf stellar association, !' -JE ne.--s-=ary f-D tt-.9 T-c- ard 2/3 ficance of T Tauri Stars -Q' /CJ 3-5/59/000/t,03 /~D27,,`1~225 AOO I/A0O 1 whether only energy of translational motion of' the stars ard 11- &n.ergv ot, thetr gravl-~ational interaction are taken into account, or the ia-qer energy of tinarv, stars as well. The problem of a possible exl~-hange between thp erzrgy rf close binaries and tr-aunslation motion energy of assoziatior merrL-er~- is m,:)-z+. essc-r.tial. Sa:h an eA~:-hange is unthinkatle LP an expandIng it was possltl~- in the oast. if, at that time, the assoclatior spa-c- was small. Shat,sman holds that, when considering a cloud of -condensing gas; 1-. is necessary to take Into account the expansion energy and the energy of =tar Inter- action including multiple stars, in addition to the energy of the system be=ig in the process of formation. V. S. Safronov notes that for the formation- of visual binaries in associations at the Initial stage of their dev=lopmen% a sufficl.ently higi-i s-ellar density 15 nec-essary, which -^or--~-sp~nds ~-) associatlon-7~-- dimensioris of the order of thousand astronomical !alilts A, -3 Maze-~----h Tran!alator'S note, This is the f--jIl translation of t~-- oriatnal ;-jSEIa- atS+ract card 31/3 r;-: e o ra - !"i I.--h --reed ri nd` 7-1 4-lecl`ni- iirar,.- of Con, reeE, u r on c, a Is o r mp . ri me y k 3? Y-" a v s t. GAPO'lZINKOV, T.K.; SHATSMAN, L.I. Chemical composition and agigregating capacity of ainicrobe mass. ~Ukrobiologiia 30 no.2:271-274 Mr-A$ 161. (MIRA 14;6) 1. Voronezhskiy sellskokhozyavstvennyy ~mtitut. ~ (RACTERIA) f, , 'T it. 1) 1) "; ;~ ! ~ T" - -,-, , ~ , 'r" . -, , , ~: .~ , ~ ~~ a , I , I , ~ . , . 1-1 . p --- ; -.4- " ~ rn: - - u r - nd -; r; -, ~)-, r, ~ y - 0- ~ S" *0 ' " = - .; , , , NO. -, n : 1. ~ - - '. I I ~ I I,11 T-PA 18:2) r~ 11-1 AGTN, B.S. ; ~EATSRAN, L.Ye. Indications for surgical intervention in closed fractures of the spine. Vop.neirokhir. 20 no.4:38-43 Jl-Ag '56. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney i gospitallnoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki Stalinskogo meditsinskogo institute. (SPINH, fract. surg., indic. in closed fract.) - " - , - I -~!" 1C) Ij-,/ C d, V rV) SOURCE CODE: UTI 101" : SLepajjyjjj