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5W AMIRO-ItIo - 'ioll pin, '~i. Ye ZManova, K. 1. , SON[ /62-59-4-31 /42 Kursanov, D. N., Setkina, V. N., Shatenshteyn, ~. 1. TITLE: On the Interaction of Tropilium Salts With Electrophilic Rea- Zents (0 vzaimodeistvii soley tTopiliya s elektrofillnymi reagentami) PERIODIC!,L: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Hr 4, Pp 754-755 (USSR) ABSTR.hCT: This is a brief communication on the investigation of the deuterium exchange of tropilium salt in anhydrous D 2s0 4* It was found that at room temperature the tropilium ion does not take part in the reaction of the deuterium exchange even in the course of 168 hours. Thereafter the deu-Ierium exchange was investigated under ag-gravated conditions, in liquid DBr in the presence of AlBr 3* It was found that tropilium bromide does practically not exchan,~,e the deuterium even under a,3gra- vated conditions, with AlBr 3 excess' (The exchange amounts to no more than 0.9 ;'; in the course of 94 hours). The experiments showed a strong restraint of the elect'roDhilic attack in Vard 1/2 tropilium salts. in this respect tropilium turned out to On the Interaction of T=7,ilium Salts 'With Electro- sov/62-59-4 _7 7/42 phftic Rea-ents 0 be considerably more inactive than benzene and even unsaturated hydrocarbons. The cause of such a difficult cotzm of the electrophilic substitution in the tropilium ion might be that all carbon atoms of the tropilium ring have a positive char.-e and the system has an electron deficit. This is in accordance with the general conception of the effect of the charge on the deuterium exchange (Ref 5)- It can be expected that also other electrophilic reactions will be as little characteristic of the tropilium ion and as difficult as the deuterium exchan.-e. There are 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIO17: Institut elementoorganichesicikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. Karpova (Physico-chemical Institute imeni Karpov) SUBMITTED: September 7, 1958 Card 2/2 24(7) , 5(3) , 5(4,- SOV/5i--j-5-12/34 AUTHORS "staf,ev, I.V. and S Iva torts hts)yn TI TLE The -lbsorption Spectra of -~trbanions kSpektry pogloshcheu'~ya icarbanionov) F:~~RIODICAL; Opti'l-a i Spektrosicopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp 631-636 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ..I rreliminary coamunication on this subject was miblishad in 1955 kRef 1). Tne work on the absorption suectra of these carbanions was undertaken in connection with the study of the mechanism of hydrogen i3otoDe- exchange reactions in hydrocarbonn, catalysed with potassium amide in liquid amnionia. Hydrocarbons react then like acids, and ions with trivalent negative carbon kcarbanions) are formed. The paper reports studies of the electronic absorption spectra of carbanions formed in ionizamion of fatty-aromatiz hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Spectra of 20 carbanion3 of the A'rMl- , Ar3C- and other types 2, Ar2,H are reported. A quartz cell of 5-8 mi ca-)a~iitj, with plane-rarallel optical windows was used as the reaction vessel. The cell was filled with one of the hydrocarbens and a solution of notassium amide in liquid aiw.,ionia was added. ~The ce-~hrdque of obtaining spectra of ammonia solutions at room temperature was that described by Shatenshteyn and --rail-,-ivit~h (Refs "I , P). Liquid a!.'nionia vm6 found to leave the Th,2 .,bsorption 3pectra of f;ar~anioPr :;0V/5I-u-6-I?/34 absorption spectra of -cne hydrn-,:ar-uns Practically unaffected and the observed disDlaCehleDt of -che absorotion hands to-Aards long mavelengths is due to formation of cartanions by acidic ionization of the aliphatic '--~t bond whose (:arbron atom is at-Vtchod to 'the aromatic rin- in 1-3 the snoctra of' ann-innl.z,~-d substances dissolved in liquid CUMIGIlia ~denotud by ntwibors with priwe,3, aro iomTered with the spectra rf their anionr (niawbers, witho%~t i).-I.Triels correrpond to th6 nwr,1)5Mcf anion3 in Tables 1-3). Tra data on the Ar.,'H- anions are rivan in Table 1 2 C, - and Fir, 1, on Ar2Gff To-ble 2 and Figa I and 3 and on A:r6.',- in 'Patio 1, and Figs 2, 3. V%e f1purez Gh(rw th- -mlue of lcS E plotted again5t YiiveL;)nxth and the tabibs give the positions of the absorption maxL-na at these maxima. Certain regularities ~Aiaxl: and iraluas of lt;V, F in the -?arbanion sreetra are descx~vfyJ and discussed - The carbanion sra.itra are com-ared witti tho spectra of earboulum ions kcarbcations.1 of eimilar .tructure in fahle 3. wi-Lare col,~ 3 and 4 given the Imax and ~9 Em,_, -b atid- and si IfIrix I ' Er .j.x Of ario:7 a nd Of cations. I The Absorption Spectra of Carbanions S OV/ 51 -6 -.5 -12/34 Aclaiowledgments are made to D.A. Drapkina and V.F. Lavrushin for sup,oly of some of the compounds. There are 3 tables, 3 figures and 22 references, 8 of' which are Joviet, 19 Snglish and 40 Gannan. SUBMITTED: June 16, 1958 Card 3/3 5(2), 5(4)' AUTHORSt Shat~aqhje n ~I., 3011/75-14-1-20/52 Antonchik, Yu. I. TITLE: A Semi-Micromethod for the Isotopic Analysis of Substances With a Deuterium Content of About 100% (PolumikTometod izotopnogo analiza veshchestv s soderzhaniyem d,syteriya, blizkim k 100 protsentam) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1959, Yol 14, Nr 1, PP 100-103 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the isotopic analysis described by the present paper the copper oxide substance is burned at 7000, for which purpose the access of moisture from the atmosphere must be rendered impossible, because the heavy water formed is highly hygro- scopic. The water formed is collected in a vessel containing metallic calcium,in order to bind carbonic acid and nitrogen oxides. From there the water is distilled over into a tube at the end of which there is a gauged quartz floats by means of which water density is measured. The accuracy of determiua- tion is 0.05 at.%. It is necessary to put in so much sub- stance that 0.2 - 0.3 ml of water is produced by combustion, Card 1/3 An apparatus for bringing about combustion in the deuterium- A Semi-YUcromethod for the Isotopic Analysis of SOV/75-14-1-20/52 Substances With a Deuterium Content of About 100% containing substance is illustrated and described in detail, Preparation of the apparatus before determination and com- bustion it-self (both for organic compounds and for ammonia) is very accurately described in this paper. Also the isotopic analysis of the produced water by measuring density is described in detail. The process of calculating the isotopic composition of the initial substance from the determination of heavy water density is described on the basis of the example of detiteronaphthalene analysis. The method worked out was used for the analysis of completely "deuterated" organic compounds and of deutex;oa-monia which was obtained by the reaction of D 20 with Mg3N2' In these compounds the deuterium content amounted to.nearly 100%. There axe 2 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpovat Moskva (Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow) Card 2/3 5(2" , 5W 30V/74-1-6-1-1/5 Shatenshteyn, A. I. Oloscow) TITLE: Concerninfic the Nature of Hydrogen Exchange in Solutions (0 prirode vodorodnogo obmena v rastvorakh) Pz''HIODICAL: Uspekhi khimii, 1959, Vol 28, Nr 1, PP 3-32 (USSR) hBiTRACT: This paper discusses the queotion of the isotope exchange of hydrogen or, the ba8io of publications which have recently ap- peared and which have held several stand points. In the first chapter it is shown that the velocity of the hydrogen exchange not only for the C-H bond but also for H-H-, N-11-, O-H-, P-H-, and S-H bonds depends upon the acidity-basicity of the reagent solution. The second chapter treats the question of rapid and slow hydrogen exchange. The mechanism of these two reactions depends upon the structure of the electron shell of the atoms to which the hydrogen is bon&e~L.. The presence of a pair of free electrons predisposes a rapid reaction and the lack ot such electrons gives a slow exchange, The experimental basis of this rule is described in detail in reference 1. The acid and basic catalysis can be considered as a general indication for reac- Card 1/4 tions involvina hydrogen ex,::hanqe in solutiona. The third. 0 C~' - Excha. -e in 3ncerning the lature of Fydrogeri Z -i n 4-28-1 - 1,1`5 chapter, which treats the question of the classification of the hydrogen exchange reactions, is summarized here. The chief characteristic of the classification is the protolytic function of the sub4trate, This depends to a large extent upon the re- zik;ents and the m-edium. There are .;.cid, basic, and amphoteric exchanges. 3esides the association and -ionization mechanisms of exonan-e the intermediate forms must also be taken into consideration. The fourth chapter, "Hydro.-en Exchange and the Problem of the Acid-Base Interaction", cites experimental and theoretical works (Refs 2,4,11,45?47,66,75,82-100,102-105) which confirm and efilar-e the idea, according to .,.hich the area of the protolytic reactions is not only restricted by the purely ionization process, as was indicated by the determina- tions of Br6asted. Measurements given for infra-red spectra, the dipole m,.,ments. and velocity constants indicate the pos- sibility of estimating quantitatively the acid-base interac- tion in the initial state. There is no doubt, however, that the entire area of protolytic reactions must be treated as a whole, from the weake6t to the strongest acid-base interaction7 with- Card 2/4 out considering the single peculiarities, The fifth chapter O'Concerf.inw the Nature of Hydrogen Exchange in Solutions SOV/74-26-1 - I/Fl, considers the question of the relation between the velocity of the hydrogen exchange, the velocity of ionization of the protolyte, and its strength. On the basis of the works cited (Refs 3-8,11,55,73,75,82,99,io6,107,110-113,115-122) it is ap- parent that the deviation from the rule which considers the velocity of the exchange reaction to be dependent upon only the strength of the protol~tes involved confirms the correctness of the conception concerning the acid-basic nature of the heterolytic hydrogen exchange. Considering results published in recent years it is shown that the schemes of acid-basic interactions and the (lefinition of acids and bases by Br6nsted is inadequate. The ionization of electrically neutral acids and bases is only a state which the protoljtic reaction completes Linder favorable conditions. It consists of a direct relationship between the equilibrium of the protolytic reaction and the velocity of its stabilization. The measurement of the rate of exch.--inge can only serve i,13 a method for determining the strength of very weak acids and bases in considering o-~her factors af- fectirig the kinetics of the hydrogen exchange in solutions. Card 3/4 There are 7 figures, 12 tables, land 122 references, 60 of which ~',--icernintr the 14ature of Hydrogren 1~xchztllge- in joluticl)ns ure Soviet, :~OV/74- 28-1 -1/5 Card 4/4 5 (2,3) S 0 7/ 7 9 - 2 ~ - :! - -,7 1, , 1;-S -: .LUT:~ORS: Shatenshteyn, A. I.,. Ka I inachercc. 7. R. , 'Yzry6ina- Ye~ j N- 3asmanova, V. M. TITLE: Deuteron Exchange Between Liquid Ndr and Phenylated Alkanes (Deyteroobmen mezhdu zhidkim DBr i fenilirovannymi alkanam' PERIODICAL: '7 r11 Irrial obohchey Ichimil, 1959, Vol 2q, Nr 3, PP E-49-855 (USSR' ABSTRACT: The reaction rate of the electrophilic substitution of hydrogen in alkyl benzenes [(of the chlorination (Refs 1,2), bromination (Ref 3), nitration (Ref 4) and alkylation according to Friedel- Crafts (1.1ef 511 decreases 4-1 the following )rde--r- CIT CH5 > C H., H5 '~ C,H5CH(CH,), > C H C(CH This is ex 5 6 6 5 3 plained (Refs 6,7) by the effect Of superconJugation" (n-con-- jugation.). It may be assumed in an analGg3us way tha-E 'he rate of the corresponding reactiors, under participation of the poly- phen,,-lated alkanes, also de-pe-nds orn the --atio of the number of the a-CH-bonds to the number of the az,-Dmatic rings. If -it is, ho~xever, taken into account that the brommation rate cf the alkyl benzenes depends on the :~,amifi---,atir-n of the oarbc)n chain Card 11/3 not only on the a-, Iout also on the ~.-carbon atom of the alky! SOV/70 -2SI -5 -2 Deutercn E'x,-_1--inEe 3,~ en Liqu id DBr a id Ph eny !at e d Alk an e s E;roup (Ref 71) it is not impossible that in the off -the electrophilic substitution of hyd_r3gen in other pheny3ated alkanes the ratio bet-.-,,een the number of rings and 'the number of the more remote CH-bonds is of importance. in crder to urove the correctness of these assumz)tions the authors investigated the deuteron exchange between -he pollyphen-lated alkanes and liquid DBr (Refs Z;9). Its mechanism is closely related with the mecilanism of the chemical reactions of the electrophilic sub- stitution of hydrogen (Ref 10). Some results vere already earlier published (Ref 11). Experiments of this kind were car- ried out -.-kith the following hydrocarbons: dJphenyl!-, triphenyl:-, tetraphenyl methane, fluorene, dibenzyl; sym-tetraphenyl. eths-ne, 4 1,1,1-triiphenyl ethane, 1,3-diphenyl prz)pane.. 1,4-di_henyl butane and 1,5-dinhenyl pentane. T US 4 t .,,"as demonszrated t-ai; the phenyl rings separated by the caroon atom (in tetraphen,yl U methane) are of mutual influence as regards the reactivity, It ~s compared -,,.i_luh 'he influence exerted by the effect of 'he zn- and 0,a-conjugation upon, 'tie reactJ vity of the arcmati~- ring. u Card 2.15 There are 2 tables and 556 references, ~6 of -;;hich are Soviet. ~707/70-29-5-2 'jo", Liquid DBr and Plnenylated rklkailes U D-eater0fi Exc'arLgc- LSSOCILTIO'l., Fiziko-kh~ icheskiy institu- imeni L. Ya. Karpova i Nauchno- 4 M J-S,qjedovatuel~skiy institut Poluproduktov i krasiteley (P'nysico-Clremical Inst~tate imeni L. Ya. Xarpov and Scienzif,10 Research insLit-ate of Semiprodu3ts and D-ves) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1958 Card 3 5(4) AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A. I. Zvya-intseva, Ye. N. SOV/79-29-5-73/75 TITLE: Investigation of the Mechanism of Acid - Basic Reaction by the Method of Deuterium Exchange (Izueheniye mekhanizma kislotno-osnovnogo vzaimodeystviya metodom deyteroobmena) P:~,RIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 5, P 1751 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A determination was made of the velocity constants in the H lf reaction between the amines C D D NCH and N(CH ' kC ) ) b 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 (C6H2D3)3 11 and the acids acetic acid, formic acid, mono- chloroacetic acid, trichloro acetic acid, trffluoroacetic acid and hydrobromic acid (Table). The reaction scheme according to Br.6.4sted was found to be inadequate. Further investi-ation-e"-s4e to provide more accurate values. There ' are 1 table and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: February 6, 1959 Card 1/1 28( 4) S J Y '~;7 5 - 4 3 A4 4 AUTHORS Zhdarcva, J:. T Basaariova, V. TITLb. L*~ethoO of' Taking iieight=d Saiapi-s F.rom Su'cst-inc~-s -1.7asily React I'lith Air 114oiatun-- (Spo~3vb vzya-,,L,,,-a nav:)so Ik, estv lagku rt:a-1ruyushchikh s attitusl't:rnoy PERIODICAL; 95), V-1 z5, ill. Zharnal fizIcheskoy khijaii, 1 1 Pi) 1415u - le,39 (USSR) ABSTHACT: This articl,~ descrih2s a devi~~c (Fig), Der,iit'3 precisely n.JeS 'frC.-I C~CO(J'~ to ~, p) C., -:,elting sub- L;t~~n+!~3 to be %a`eri sith the and air. The devLct~ Is to be Used for p~il.,-si-c ~_r.-~,,~3tigations with the aid of su)stanct-s such a5 of' al,.4minum, tita- uzi, I - --V 9 s tin, arld similar In, t~- t4i ic i a - - e n g1m;z-3 v.-~ssel in -which - undur vacuu-n an'; ;~r ,G-r .3pciidi hcat~n,-- - a -lass _am!)uie wit- i"A--- 1.3 bri-,)ken at the mo;:ient ,f nieltin.:-.. Vie liquil S k L; ~ 5 tr:,~ 4-,.ri --r6 I t c, s ma I i 6 11 d s ( a p t o 0 n i s j 1 1 o s e d b Y m,--1 ins -N ith the aid of a llleln+ &d' .!n ac(~ufate de- Ine aithcrs Cavu o Dv. There is Met hc d -of I a:.- L 92 L~asily R:-act -J t - i AS SOC I lV-7 ll-il, I. f1c; L a Phy s ic o - r,!3 1, t S UBil IT"' C a r d 2, 5W .,x,r ffO R S t Vyrskiy, Yu. P., SOV/20-124-1-41/69 Rabinovich, Ye. A. TITLE: On the 3alt Effect in Deuteron Exchange in Liquid Ammonia (0 solevaia effekte pri deyteroobmene v zhidkom ammiaka) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 1, PP 146-149 (USSR) ABSTRACTz The salt effect in deuteron exchange has hitherto hardly been investigated at all. A suitable means of investigating it is liquid ammonia, because it has a low dielectric constant and because it is a good solvent for numerous organic substances and salts. The characteristic features of the influence exercised by salts on the kinetics of the dissolutioe- of lactones, ethers, and halide compounds have already 1)eerl determined (Ref 1), arid the results obtained were also confirmed by other authors. Neutral salts accelerate these reactions all the more, the h her the charge and the smaller the radius of the ions. (Ca++1 S+r+ > Ba+'; Li+> Na+1 as* Cl- > Br- > NO- ~ J-> C10- ). The energy E and the entropy 3 4 Card 1/4 of activation are increased. The authors assumF% +'~)at the rules On the Salt Effect in Deuteron Exchange in SOV/20-1124-1-41/69 Li,iuid Ammonia governing the salt effect in electron exchange and in solvolytic reactions in liquid ammonia are similar to each other. Provisional experiments were carried out with indene and acetophenone, and also systematic experiments were carried out with methyl-/3-naphthyl-ketone. 0.2 g of this substance were dissoved in -2-5 g ammonia in the presence of a carefully dried salt. The concentration of the salt was -2-5n, and frequently different salt preparations were used. The experiments carried out without salt lasted 0.5 - 2 hours, but those with salt lasted half an hour. The experiments carried out for the purpose of determining activation energy and activation entropy were carried out with methyl-/3-naphthyl-ketone, whi,~h was partly deuterized in the methyl group. The authors furff)er investigated the manner in which the equilibrium of the production of the colored complexes of 3,5 dinitrobenzoinic acid (I) and phenolphtalein (II) with ammonia shifts in the case of the addition of salts. Also the results obtained by kinetic measurements carried olit in the case of the presence of 2.5 n ammonium salts are given. CP--r,! 21/4 The reactions of deuteron exchange are accelerated by salts, Cz. '~-he Salt Effect in Deuteron Exchange in SOV/20-124-1-41/69 42mmonia and, in general, such series of anions and cations continue to hold as have already been found previously in reactions of dissolution in ammonia. Similar series of anions and cations were found also by measuring the equilibrium shift of complex formation. The problem is then investigated as to how the parameters of the Arrhanius equation vary by the addition of a salt. The here discussed deliberations agree well with the rules governing the salt effect in the reactions of deuteron exchange and ammonolysis in liquid ammonia, and they also explain their common features. Further investigations will contribute towards interpreting the phenomena discussed here. The authors thank Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Ya. K. Syrkin and Professor.M. B. Neyman for discussions. There are 5 tables and 12 references, 9 of which are Soviet. iSSOCIATIO1 Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko- zdaheskiy, institut khi im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- ChemicaJ- Scientific Research Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4170 Shatenshteyn, Aleksandr Isayevich Izotopnyy obmen i zameshcheniye vodoroda v organicheskikh Boyedineniyakh; v svete teorii kislot i osnovaniy (Isotopic Exchange and Substitution of Hydrogen Ln Organic Compounds; in the Light of the Theory of Acids and Ba3es) Moscow, 1960. 394 P. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk. Ed.; M.I. Kabachnik, Academician; Ed. of Publishing House: L.S. Povarov; Tech. Ed.: T.P. Polenova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists and chemistry students taking courses in general, physical, and organic chemistry. COVERAGE: The book discusses mechanisms of hydrogen replacement reactions and gives considerable attention to isotopic hydrogen exchange reactions. The mechanisms of these reactions are studied from the point of view of the acid- base properties of reagents. One section of the book presents proof that Isotopic Exchange (Cont.) SOV/4170 the hydrocarbons which take part in such reactions function as ex.-ida; or bases. Problems of acid-base catalysis and the mechanism of acid-base interaction as well as the nature and mechanism of heterolytic hydrogen exchange in solutions and interaction phenomena of atoms in molecules are also discussed. The book was written as a result of investigations of hydrogen exchange reactions in nonacqueous solutions made under the general direction of the Uchenyy sovet Po probleme "Teoriya khimicheskogo stroyeniya, kinetiki i reaktsionnoy sposobnosti" pri Otdelenii khimicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Scientific Council on Problems of the "Theory of Chemical Structure, Kinetics and Reactivity" of the Section of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR). The following per- sonalities are mentioned: V.N. Kondratlyev, Academician and Chairman of the Scientific Council, Academician M.I. Kabachnik, A.I. Brodskiy., Academician, AS UkrSSR, and N.A. Izmaylov. Soviet and non-Soviet references are given at the end of each section. TART OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 6 Bibliography 11 Card 2/13 5-4 3010 88357 !3/,,95/6o !w/00411001/015 B01 7AO55 a T1TH,';1RS Y;:.-.kushi.a, F. S., Shatenshteyn, A. I., Kinetic Isotope Effect in Deuterium and Tritium Exchange in TLE Ljauid Ammonia PERIODICAL, Kinetika i kataliz, 1960, Vol. 1, No a. 1,p~ 489-495 TEXT- The kinetics of the isotoDic exchange of at.-I r-ri-tium in ~-Iltxc;rene and methyl-B-narhthyl ketone in at 250C was Deuterium exchange was found io be twice as rapid as that tritium- Data on activity measurements of the zater obtained by com- oustion of the samples are shown in Tab.-le I., The accuracy of determination was 2-3* The investigations of the kinetics of isotopic exchange are ie?cribed in Tables 2-5- A comparison of the result's with those obtained at metalization of organic, substances by means of organoalka-li compounds sh-wed that both reactions obey the same laws. The occurrence of a pc"Sitlve kinetic isotcDe effect confirms that the reaction rate is limited by the s-~.ission rate cf the C-H bond- The kinetic isotope effects of h,~-tlrcjzen exchange with bases and with acids are of the same magnitude but 88357 Ktr,,-t--.,Lc Isotope Effect in Deute~rium and S/1951116C /001/0o 1", '00 1 /015 Exchange in Liquid kmmcn,.;a B01 7/BO5 5 '.69 exchange mechanisms are different~ The results are compared with tho,~i~ -,P Western researchers. As yet, "hey do not suffice to explain the 1-eaction mechanism. The Soviet researchers Ye. A. Shilov and F, C V-vnshteyn are mentioned. There are 3 figures, 5 tables, and 35 references: ,,Q Soviet-, 7 Us, 5 British, 1 Danish, I German, and 3 Swedish. :~33COIATION: Fiziko-khimicheski- institut im, L~ Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L~ Ya. Karpc-.r) July 25i !960 -2 u l 7 ' L ' pal , ~ Cj r E- D, e e x. han 0 Z3 L3 1, 'JDZ)- L T I., p a p e 1 L) as s Lj t- k= i res Tn e appar~, - 2 i d ra ib A .3,-. r ed prev 0 i.1 J r, p - o d u r i e. -I r, o r- v DA ~ Z i a e '2 - - , .0K! Zt A s p a, e J d s F, a F. a P,, j AM! r d I q;;I,~ D5 E, Ll r er a o n r en e n, + t-- I A. d e e ni. c n c e Ir Ila s, e e a c i t i ~,e if - 4 ~- 'rc,,n 0, Pe: -is ~11 -S C. r--e S e L' c~' z- r,:~ i e r e a o-,~ Concer-inz :he Mec-ani= Exchange Aror-,,a---'c Bases t.Facr-ors c-- Partl-al exchange Be,-,Ii'een D`!phenlyl Amilae ir, f d r e n Compcur~ds and Rate oll- Dea~elric-- E-her and Po~ass-l ~r,. and 19 vefl,~r,etceo, 2 U S, '-2 U K, 2 b i e .3 ; German, 9 So-,,iet The U.S. and U,K, i--Cerences are: G. E- Hall R.. PIC-Colini, J. D, Rou,,G-rt-'s~ J. Am, Che m Soc , H. C. Brovm, D. H. McDanie-,, 0. H~~,.'fLger, il-I bcok, "Derermnlnaticn ,-.f Olrgan~~ Srr,,.ic u r e Ph~rs-ca' Me'--hods e3l, by A. E, Braude, F. D. Brvce-S,!,.-ir--h, J, C~.err, S,Dc 1915L. 'D79; D Bz--yce-Smi-n, V. D P N' 3 1 J C h e m AS S 0 C, I ATI C, L Ya. Karpo-.- Ins-utec' Fnysical Cnemisrry Flzilkc-- i r. S, 1~ -Irme ni L Ya Karpc--.7a 1. 4 S SITBIMITTED, C a r- d 3,, 0 R S S A , of I odine t Lc A cior~ , L In t C 'I e Deut-.e-Lum In :' T TT LE , a i~. a Coric e y . Wx J 1 . " 6 Vol I'T A B S -PH AC T - R z~ t e o d e_ te I utr_, e x c~7e 0 :rlc,!:OJea, e, 0 .I ~I',~ -1 ' 7' 7 OJI e !J -e - v ar mo~ -.e --ob Lu~ J1 ,D~,eserice of' lodi-, ne as a c,-,- a, s was syntheslzed H 17 L n a q,-,, a aQp-,ar-,-is desc~,~bed ev~o f v. 13 uzs'y .-o and Z;-Fir KalInachenk -0, L 1 L 0 1'9~' A j0 , - - 7 a 1 e t b s, sarno o ue . e c o r e s u e~_i -.~j 'L,) Ir e -e s-,L I* gar, el comco,.-.-ti I -ID - and c ar a at_-ac~,e,- -o 'c,,e d -o I A i- e fl I In- ob a e ~ t I, TzI, the _ s -.-;,as Je'ac!-,e,_-i 'f-om~ t.'- appa- a 7 ~eo~ ar. iz:, ",Ae 0. Ti-e jol e ~es~ e a,,- c,- w T: -~ e--~_ i P S 0 _Jn Tc, ;e e Ve ~E s e- vp e.,, a-,e -Lab! A h s 0 of 0 r ~,p tal,-et, a! 'A. SF- A 17- e i.,,: Zr__QK~', ~l I ce, -.2m e e 1 z T lie S z) e 1 -1. c e I e c (D c 0 a s a' d foui~,`l rc be q -~i I t o me.~sui-er-ent's air.. e n n o, plate ti~ ~,e o, ar -art e 1 etn;-o~,_ 0 a I e n. a e -1 e T, the supe~_-il- o~' Ve. K a, a'i~- -a I no nor'_ceable e a e _c, Of L. a'I'l L W-1 o f I o d II n. e r! -, e s v e e. o o re-Xa_7-.,e be,-.zene ":,e -4 za-, or C a 1. a i Y -, i c a c L o n o f L od L t-iie I s 1. to ;Do la - - 1 T i e cc o n rl I e1 x fo r i e a -n t.',le `od~ I o J e 7 I c I 1,S 21 t 27 0. [A 7.s 12 or, 3 0 'J/ t h e 11 al I r, . pe! '0 he (D I , T) r,,~ - - i- 'L , ". e f '11e UTIO t 1 L t 3t 1-1 an e 0 Yl AUTHORS) TEA, 11 . 1111't1o* If D I'll- -R- c' TITLIt Th1 h j &a Hyd,.g.. L11 1.1d A ... 1 khtsti, 1940, To, 34, or 3, VP 567 :..k. nazeDrut: zbornal ftsto (USSR) 4 TEXT, Th. .1. of th. I .... t1g.ti.. ..d., th ot-In.t1oft Of the :. c 1" Ih h1,1119 I h r Ih: *cb- 1 it I t t I ft h IlikoVISO I% I...aI tj. S . % at. It ... -tr- title. The synthesis of zono4outerated hy4ro-b.c., the d:.t.ri .. . In at or a I t 1: 1,- 1, IS, b~sllc. of the ~4 th ry C wa ri A Th. u *1 chens. 1. a r , b : 4 h I I by : by an I , ' .11. of th . ..... 1'h !,~!%Slr f'r, of thl. 'Joation. The a .tth rI-c1 S 1h , ,p lbl ,, I o, o! h . 1. 1 1act , the ...t . : . :.. :. f I.. I1 Card 113 In table 3. Th. ..ti-ti.. -rgy of d..t.rLu. *.change is also gi, prevent. the factor. of th. p.r" .1 r.t. f of th. 4..t.,I.a oxehang:".f""m'.' --ric --d-t ... tat hydrocarbon% ith a My solution In 133 , and with R3r. Th. ord:r,o h 4rtlal ral,,, factors the Isotopic exchange betwoon non- . '.. . , '~!c v :rp I %h to no an 41phonyl a I qu al I d.u 4 IT which to . to I ai;l:au Ntton a -ttb &.1id! *and It*h u he f re the#* reactions In hl.b the MI.Cattwo ",at 0 Induatir. I%'N" do :r:lflll th .-if..t th .... ties in the -tool motion 0 th atoms In the by1rocarb:axle- -le. 7h. miss 1. the dv~%.rlcw, ...hace. 1. t -4 diph..yl I Idi . that the Ind.0tile effect of the ethyl grc.p has 0:tr,1:r::,; that I I : ph I the r.. t h :,yIjgrc:p*h11.. Iy'bI1h:,%b* .!I th 1. an ban 0 11 th or un .anc*lvl t rbo. tome of the C11-bondo and the bone tth the hydrogen atoms of th S-bonAn~ and protantoo those stons. A method to described for obtaining im:.Cric nonedautero-41ph.nyle. It I. described exactly how the outhars divided this work among themselves. There or* 4 tbl go "4 tq refortacemo 12 of which are Soviet. car& 2/3 JASOCIATIOst riatto-khtnich Illy 11,t to. L. T&, Larpov. .1:4 physical no I " I., IMENFITTIMI June 13, 1959 VF0 e'3- t elv: ~0 r -9V -~-- ~---VL,3103 ,OjeTT~~ the jaO the . rell-' 0i ajiie %Ue 9 el~ 96 Ol 13 A, 0v, jof~s' j~o %OTS 6he a '9-r0 Ge. te'r ISO ,ieS 'OSse 'bstsl~, &er%l V,0*11~ vog elL Se eXA all " tu e Ic I bl &-%-a- ~,&s toe j:06 1 0 TLOI-y 'a- SO 0t O'levIl 0 V69 0 0 bqs.~-q Sr -f~s es 6 t~.o b0 a. ION QZ'V -f~ 06 le %I tjje -re ()GeV on- is 8:0g6 . 01113 V oge tue a0 vt,~e -in 0%1. t"OT1. %,40 eas all ej~c~hlo- eql tll i:0- 0l lba's '90 0 -rts;cl. '109 '.1 -a trovz te~ .0.e oss , tY,,e VT t,0eeTL IG a-ves'O ot e 'ble T) -be 8.T ,,"ago 14,0 ,OD a oTe trale ,,,ge 'bet of ty~ , rj.9,P -re el~0'~'l - OTL 0 j,,jje t -~.OT66 0 IL -ro %0 Ot'r f e 0l 130 tval~, xi:t "t a , 0au -StIs reSO e1 0.6 tlO -LI & &a f%s t0,9 e-O 'y .18. goae r ;xl Ofst , LSA ell VS %N~tjja %er, he oessirqte BA - OTL SjOl- tolc 6 v It 110 -JI, 9 ,Ste ov~ 0, a tiae 'tl *ver t, &eT e 'V~el V. ly- V, tv 0 & No~ AOT 4.qes . 0-'q &-re .11 oree oat &8,ater 9 ty,e vlet& c~h '9-r .,_~e& ' ...0r. tyte V~ Teble Ve-, OST Cr,VS e.r e r joT e&' be -99,,p 0 tolla. Ste .9r0 ee&s 0 of eT 'at teTO' ti.8'.1 'r .,),.Bo,a -,,Se &e'J. .99,T Va. tye q B;rl-& toe -ae 0.6 ot e'C'7'e $ell T, ,aeTs 0.13 lt~ 01,10 1 - e 111-alt . ~B,T66 A A Comparison of the Rules Governing Deuterium Exchange S/076160/034/03/016/038 ELnd Other Reactions B115/Boi6 quickly than that of benzene, whereas naphthalene with cyclohexyl bromide in the presence of AM 3 reacts only by three times more quickly than benzene. The same rule holds also when comparing the factors of the partial rate in the electro- philic substitution of the hydrogen atoms in toluene (Table 3). The reactions between acids and bases are investigated, and the analogy with the electrophilic substitution reactions is referred to. The dependence of the values log f p of FS Vor the deuterium exchange in toluenelwith acids, investigated in the figure, and for the chemical reactions with deuterium, summarized in table 3, showed that the points determined are with fair accuracy on a straight line. The rela- tive substitution rate of the non-equivalent hydrogen atoms and their selectivi- ty depend on the polarity of the bond being formed in the state of transition, which, in its turn, depends on the degree of polarity of the reagent and on the dielectric constant of the medium. The electrical conductivity of ternary sys- ~ems consisting of liquid HBr, an aromatic hydrocarbon, and a halide were mea- oured, in order to determine the ionization of the polarized complex in solutions L-11S ~~onditions and its degree. The measurements of the kinetics of the isotopic exchange of hydrogen with various acids confirm that not only its rate and selectivity, but also the relative reactivity of the para- and ortho-atoms may Card ':1/4 A Comparison of the Rules Governing Deuterium Exchange 5/076/60/034/03/016/038 and Other Reactions change (Table 4). The rules governing the deuterium exchange in an ammoniacal amide solution were also compared with those observed in some reactions pro- ceeding under the participation of strong bases, and in this connection the deuterium exchange in the alkyl groups of toluene, ethyl benzene and isopropyl benzene was investigated. The alkyl group inactivates like in the case of toluene the aromatic ring in the deuterium exchange and metallization, mainly in the ortho position (Table 5). Papers by G. A. Razuvayev (Ref 36)~ B. A. Kazanskiy, and I. V. Gostunskaya (Refs 41,42) are mentioned. The contents of the present paper were presented at the VIII Mendeleyevskiy slyezd po obahchey i prikladnoy khimii, Sektsiya radiokhimii i khimii izotopov (VIII Mendeleyev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, Department of Radiochemistry and Isotope Chemistry). Abstracts of the lectures and reports were published by thp Publishing House of the AS USSR9 M.9 Nr 12, P 43. The details given in the paper were more thoroughly dealt with in the following papers: A. L Shaten- tilil.ayn Nauchnaya konferentsiya "Stroyeniye i reaktsionnaya sposobnost, organicheakikh soyedineniy" (Scientific Conference "Structure and Reactivity ~)f Croanict Compounds") Kratkoye soderzhaniye dokladov (Brief Discussion of ~'.ontents of the Lectures), Goakhimizdatq L., 19599 p 3; F. S. Yakushin, Yo, G. Dubinakiy, Ye~ A. Yakovleva, A. N. Shatenshteyn, Zhurnal fizicheskoy Card 5/4 A Comparison of the Rules Governing Deuterium Exchange S/076/60/034/03/016/038 and Other Reactions B115/BO16 khimii, Vol 33, p 2820, 1959; A. I. Shatenshteyn, A. N. Talanov, Yu. I. Ranneva, Zhurnal obahchey khimii, Vol 30, P 587, ig6o, A. I. Shatenshteyn "Izotopnyy obmen i zameshcheniye vodoroda v organicheskikh soyedineniyakh v evete teorii kislot i oanovaniy" ("Isotopic Exchange and Substitution of Hydrogen in Organic Compounds in the Light of the Theory of Acids and Bases"), published by the Publishing House of the AS, USSR, X., 1960. There are I fig- ure, 5 tables, and 44 references, 14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry i3gzi L. Ya. Karpov) S011ZITTED: June 13, 1958 Card .1/4 s -7 BC04/0056 e2776 T ITLE, The IAfIU*nc. of IlItO fnd Solvent Up.. the F-wti- f Ar4outt 1, in Ion A,diomlo as InItintura of VLRIOZICAL. &k.d-li .,,k sssa, iq6Q. 7.1. 155. no, 5. pp. 645 - 646 TUT t In the Introduction, the muthorm give a aurv,y of publ doacrilot IrQ-invk,:tiR tIon. r'th. go-ti.. f tn,.-al.r b--.- and Th.*flll.-~, 1,2-olzethokyrthin, 1.3 c. -t' c rl--t.. th- c... .I in an ..;o I.. onthe hj~h Do t"lli- Carl 1/~ had c&rri*dOUt'*Lth,',btn;ene (0.4 -1, In 1 1 or jait ,, -3 1 h ion . Id D 4 1 %ration that .%a 4 to 5 tice. higner the o .tth DL the crr.d tI h LI nd It ID., .70,C g.- cId with tnlu,ne hlfh- L4 on --h Iof c-c---ti.n In LIC, b:lne met j:' I" to *he iqR,:amclux'.onm for- AR with L I, n' g. Pot... I-!-:1~1n"r .I I,cr. d It ni , I I_nt. ".4t 2) u the m%!41 group of th- by tho ethil g'.op in. t 3 , "I"I AR am a result of t-ric hini-cce. St4billt,, decreasel In I,. '.,~-ln' IME. DEE . 5) Th. by in LIZ, RIE., and Dit.. Th- oloctron Vnran,gn the ;cl;:,#rIl!u!loZb y .1 XDW* blnz'nl Card 50 -50'C) - ;-int'Pllt (Fie. bo.-d. Thi, - .~p],I-4 by ton of an ol-t- into th~ --tic ring of poly~tyr-e. Th p... 11 i4ht of f- ~50,OjQ t.*6QQ.CC(l Tno `"'4 "'c" -,,t 1-1. T-1 k Y- A. hil are -nt~c-i the%. th- he,.; _' . --~ -~; -- .11...d._4 j,nn~)v for th~- , -ct - , --f- I ad out In h1l 10-tt,rj, nd rjL. P. wol-l- .,Jpht of 1,-r- Th- 2 o,.d 40 A -d I Fi%j'k;-~Ljjch-kjj ;nstitut in, L. Y- ch-1-1 fl.1-1 Sb!;k it- t' t j' fA_q. f S V., W7 E D :15n SH&TENSHUff1l, A.I.; ZIM,,ITOVI,, K.I.; BASM&NOVA, V.M. Mechanism of the isomerization and deuterium exchange of naph- thenes in liquid HBr. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no-5:1117-1120 Ag 160. (MI" 13:8) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ta. Karpova. Predstavleno "kademikom S.S.Medvedevym. (Naphthenes) Deuterium) SHATT.NSHTEYN, A. I. "Uber die Saure-Base-Katalyse und ihre Bedeutung fur den Isotopenaustausch des Wasserstoffs." Report presented at the 2nd Conf. on Stable Isotopes East German Academy of Sciences, Inst. of Applied Physical Material Leipzig, GDR 30 Oct - 4 Nov 1961. 4 -3 V I V Rabln:.,~,~ e n T~ mp' ,ha 'n SRI of i . - a-., ineans of a S su m, ami I d e i n ~T, TL V y 5 ok r;mc. 1!4 59 Tl e c~i poiyniers y e a., i iz rie:~es- aj. r 113L tOIJ Of this r c, c ~1:5 S a'Imed a U ,~ deter- P-.' t rL~ re of tl~e carbari-,ons f ri b, -,U! a n ammonla was ~xa-l7,n eii -,n and Comour~,! and S a,:; "d sim!,' L~ rs,?ectra ivith t~,- ~:ux s b Sa n c~ e sL) r m th, ea,-r e th-.1 a7, lie di f e z - en I y e r tte same _0 'U5 chan6;ed crily rents inif the t~i 5 JLSeu a rid t C- f v. ab 1 e t ;r- o - e r! -ation initiation C C H 'H -A N li CH E ""B 2ii, adis to the P curbor a S t r,~nhotometr- , uh ~n V "h e a c- r~ on ~,tirv, -2 h e- I u; e t h v 1 a n. in s C H i T t n f b P- e f ~Ii -a lluantlta+~Ive SP14 ttin.- n f d a r: ri- tr phen- Di i me thy! ar, j.:,rjc3 - ,ierhane e z:res~nce of azt~r a S . 2 oara - tarjd2n~ the t!; :I ene d i s s - rma in S -~~,s'arce F i mec!~-'nisr.-' of ... slic)O16110031004100,61014 :3101 1B 2 07 at 950 M~t, the substance is assumed to be the same as developed in the --e-ac- tion between benzyl amine and KNH 2' The authors t1hank D. 11. Kursanov, S. V. Vitt, and S. G. Entelis for the preparations provided, and V. I. `h i eh erina for his cooperation. There are 3 figures and 12 references: C Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 3 references*to Ln'-1-4-h-langruage oublications read as follows: J. J. SandersoTi, C. R. Hauser, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. , 7-1 , 1595, 1949; C. R. Hauser et al., J~ Ai.,ier. Cher:i. Soc., 71 , 294, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 76, 1653, 1956; P. J. Hamrick, C. R. Hauser, . . 11 - - j. Amer. Chem. SC)c-, 81, 3144, 1959- 11: F4ziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova ~hysicc- chemiical Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov.) SUBIMIT'2ED: July 9, 1960 C4rd 3/.'1 of ... S11 QO/61 /('ex,/U0OA;/oG6/C)1 4 B1 01 /B207 Fi4'. 3: Spectre of the interaction products of 1,1-dipheny! ethylene and t 1 4 pheny! ethy-1 ene with ETH 2 in liouid ammoriia. Li:-:,end: 1) 1,1-diphenyl ethylene, triphenyl ethylene, and dinnenyl methane (10-3_10 _4 ;.,Ole) in 0.02 N KITH 2) triphenyl ethylene (after 'four days) in 2 Iq e -2 4,6- 4,4 - 1/2- 4.0- 3.8- 2 3.4- 3.2r ~q 4/4 fly 3 .A, AfU 33483 S/079/61/031/OC1/0',)2/025 B--01/B066 ,AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A. I., Zhdanova, K. I., and Basmanova, V. Y. TITLE: C-)mparison of Some Bromides as Catalysts in the Deuterium Exchange Between Aromatic Compoands and Liquid Deu-11-erobromide !'EP1(,'DICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1961, Vol. 31, 1710. 1, pp. 250 - 256 TEXT: Only few data are available on the acid catalysis of the isotopic exchange of hydrogen in CH-bonds of organic compounds. The present paper bases upon those by M. Polanyi and co-workers (Ref. 2), by A. Klit, A. L:.n.-seth (Ref. 1), and by Shatenshteyn (Ref. 4). The following order of catalytic activity of bromides was established by means of deuterium exchange between liquid deuterabromide and benzene: AlBr,(5 -1D 5) >>GaBr (105)>FeBr (10')~~Hr (3 - 10)>SbBr,,(C') -/--TiBr4 (1)/17&0a~. 3 3 3 1 The numbe---- in brackets denote by how many times the deuterium exchange -.,.,ith the g'~ver bromide proceeds more quickly than with a TiBr 4 solution of, 'he same concentration. SnBr 4 does not markedly accelerate tKe reaction. Card 1/3 ;~_,mpa-rison of Some Bromides us Catalysts in _~he Deuteriu:n Be'rieen Aromatic Com- -ounds and Liquid Deuterobromide 88418 S/079/61/031/001/02?/029 B001/Bo66 LnBr, is one of the most active catalysts. The resultant data charac- terizing the relative electrophilic ratio of the bromides are compared With published data on their relative acidity. The catalysis of hydroger -exchange in aromatic compounds with acid-like bromides dissolved in -.-iouid DBr is exr2l-ained by the formation of' complexes consisting of an -iromatic com-,0LIEd, deuterobromide, and bromide. 3wing to the coordinated "Insaturat~j"l- state of the bromiLde, and to the relationshin between hydro- ,arbon and deuteron, the D-Br bond is polarized or s plit, which favors ~,he passing of deuterium into the aromatic nucleus. The formEti--ri of hond between the functional group of the aromatic compound (C6H 5N021 ~,,H COOF) and the bromide suppresses the catalytic activity of the latter bind retards the hydro-er. exchan-e in the aromatic ring. The data obtained 0 r-I agree with the acsumption that' one and the s--.L-.e reaction of hydro.-ren ex- change had to proceed according to the associative or to the ionic mechanism, depending on its accomplishment. An overlapping of the mechanisms 0 and the formation of intermediates is possible in this connection. "ard 2/3 88411 of Some Bromid~s as Catalyst's in S/079/61/031/001/022/02- r,;. Dp,li ttim Exc hange B e-,w e a n. L --c--at ic Com- B 2'1 1/ B-06 .Bounds and Liquid Deuterobromide P. P. Alikhanov is, mentioned. There are 1 fiEure, 8 tables, and -41 references: 21 Soviet, 24 US, 13 British, 6 German, and 1 Frencr. ~SSOCDLTION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) 3 --j BI 17- T E DJanuary 29, 19060 SHATENSIME,YN, A. I.; WTEVAY YU.I. Factors of the partig! r4te of deuterium exchange in dimathylaniline with potassiumamide solution In liquid a=ionia, and the mechan-Ism of basic deutei-ium exchange. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.5:la-1-1431 ~U, j61. I (MIRA 14:5) 1. Fiziko-khi#eheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova. (Deute*ium) (Potassium amide) (Aniline) 11% SHATEPISHTEY14, A.I.; MAGINTSETA., Ye.N.; OVCHINNIKOVA. Z.N. Study of the acid-base interaction between aromatic amines and carboxylic acids by the deuterium exchange method. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.5:1432-14.40 My 161. (MA 14:5) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova. - (Amines) (Acids,, Organic) (Deuterium) MDANIOVIII, K.I.; J,SRANOVA, V.M.; SF[-ATL--'NSHT--,'YI%T, A.I. ;:atalytic i3omerization of methylcyclopentane in liquid hydrogen bror,aide, Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2134-2138 J1 '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. ii~Ako-khimichcskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova. (Cyciopentane) (Cyclohexane) S/020/61/136/004/024/026 B028/BO60 AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A, I., Yakovleva, Ye. A., and Petrov, E. S. TITLE: Initiation of Polymerization With Solid Potassium Amide and an Alcoholate in Dimethoxy Ethane PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 882-885 TEXT: The present paper deals with anion polymerization on the basis of anion radical formation. Earlier ex-)eriments (Ref. 3) of ;3olymerization with potassium amide in liquid ammonia -ave rise to polymers with molecular weight 2000-4000. The heterogeneous catalysis of styrene polymerization with solid potassium amide gave rise to polymers with a molecular weight of several millions. The initiation -Df polymerization with an alcoholate in dimethoxy ethane took place on the strength of considerations on the effect of solvents on the catalytic activity of the alcoholate. This effect may be regarded as an increase of the electron donor ability of the alcoholate. Alcoholate in dimethoxy ethane also Card 1/4 initiation of Polymerization With Solid S/020/61/136/004/024/026 Potassium Amide and an Alcoholate in 50281 /3060 Dimethoxy Ethane accelerates the polymerization of vinyl monomers. 0-4 OCH CH OK gives rise ~-3 " 2 , 2 to a rapid polymerization of methyl methacrylate. The styrene polymeriza- tion also took place -when mixing styrene with solutions or suspensions of CH3OCH2CH2OK or CH 3OK. Fig. 1 shows curves of li6ht absorption for various concentrations of the solution. The position of the maxima corresponds to the one occurring in the reaction of fluorines with KOH in liquid ammonia. (X = 365, 465, 480 mg). LesE acid hydrocarbons, such as triphenyl methane, are not ionized under these conditions. The action of CH3OCH2CH2OK leads in the case of fluorines to ionization and formation of carbon ions. In the polymerization of styrene at room temperature a polymer was obtained, which was weakly soluble in benzene. The intrinsic viscosities I in toluene ranged between 5.1 and B.B. In polymers of methyl methacrylate, in chloroform and methanol at 250, ?1 amounted to 3.2 and 2.2. The experiments involved the use of 2 ml dimethoxy ethane with 0.02 ml alcohol, 0.01-0.1 g metallic potassium, and 0-5-3 M1 monomer. The maximum of light absorption for styrene polymers ranged between 520 and Card 2/4 Initiation of Polymerization With Solid S/020/61/136/004/024/026 Potassium Amide and an Alcoholate in B028 B060 Dimethoxy Ethane 530 mg. The styrene polymerization was dependent upon the various experimental conditions (3-30%)- Ye. A. Radinovich and Yu. P. Vyrskiy participated in the work. There are 2 figures and 16 references: 9 Soviet, 1 US, and 7 British. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L.-Ya. Karpov PRESENTED-,. August 28, 1960, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUBMITTED: July 22, 196o Card 3/4 % Legend to 1: a) absorption. Card 4/4 x S/02 611136100410241026 B028%060 IV - m Am 4w Jw x-O A PHC. i SHATENSHTEYN, A.I.; YAKOVLEVA, Ye.A.; PETROV, E.S. Effect of solvents on the formation of anion radicals, carbanicns, and cn hydrogen exchange between hydrocarbons. Znur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1350-1351 Ap 162. (MIRA 15;4) (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Solvents) (Deuterium) s/204/62/002/004/008/019 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn. A.I., Yakovleva, Ye.A., vrizhnykh, Ye.A., Manochkina, P.N., Praviko-va, N.A. TITLE, Acidic properties of some monomers PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.4, 1962, 07-511 TLXT; A method of deuterium eicchange was used to determine the acidities of butadiene; 2-methylbutadieXie-1,3; 2,3-diniethylbutadiene-1,3; hexadiene-2,4; 2,5-dimethylhexadiene-2,4 and a-methylstyrene. Theexperiments were conducted at 250C with 0-05N KNH2 in liquid ND3- In all cases low molecular polymers were formed and separated from solution. ' It was found that H atoms in the methyl groups in allyl position in respect to double bonds exchange for D more rapidly than the H atoms next *to double bonds. For a-methylstyrene in 0.02N KNH2 the hydrogen exchange proceeds rayidly, the rate constant K being about 1.2 + 0.1 X 10-3sec- . This rate of H exchange is faster than that in 'the methyl group in propylene and a little slower than that in the methyl group in toluene. The main role in the polymerizaticn of a-methyletyrene is played by the processes connected with proton Card 1/2 S/204/62/002/004/oo8/oig Acidic properties of ... E075/E436 transfer, in contrast to the polymerization of styrene. This is confirmed by the high content of N (1.4%) in polystyrene compared with that in poly a-methylstyrene 0.16%). It is expected that similar differences in the mechanism of polymerization exist between methylated dienes and butadiene. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova (Physico-Chemical InstItute imeni L.Ya.Karpov) Z Card 2/2 SILA'~--~,,TSIITIMTJI ii.L; IMILEVICH, Ye.A. Verification of the principle of additivity in deuterium exchange in pol,.vmethylbenzenes with a potassium amide solution in liquid ammonia. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.6:1934-1938 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. (Additivity) (Benzene) (Hydrogen-Isotopes) RABINOVIGII, Ye.A.; ASTAPYEV, I.V.; SHATENSHTEYN, A.I. Garbanion mechanism of isomerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons. 2hur.ob.khim. 32 no.3-.748-750 Mr 162. OffRA 15:3) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova. (Hydrocarbons) (Carbanions) SHATENSHTEYN., A.I.; RMNEVA, Yu.I.; KOVALENKO, T.T. ---- - I Deuterium exchange method of studying the electron acceptor and electron donor properties of substitutents in aromatic rings. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:967-974 Mr 162. (14IRA 15:3) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova. (Substitution (Chemistry)) (Deuterium) S/07 63/033/001/008/023 D205YD307 AUTHORS: Petrov, E. S., Yakovleva, Ye. A. and Shatenshteyn,A.I. TITLE: Comparison of the effect of solvents on the formation of anion radicals and carbanions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 33, no. 1, 1963, 107-112 TEXT: A development of an earlier study (DAN SSSR, 133, 645 (1960)) concerned with the effect of a series of ether solvents on the equilibrium in the system toluene-alkali metal. In the present work. the authora determined the effects of the diethyl ether of diethy- lene glycol (I) dimethyl ether of ethylene glycol (II), tetra- hydrofuran (III~, and diethyl ether of ethylene glycol (IV) on the equilibrium of the formation of (1) anion radicals during the re- action of diphenyl with CH 3OK and CH 3OCH2CH2OX /-Abstracter's note: I is also given as the dimethyl ether of diethylene glycol- 7. Pu- rified materials were used. The equilibria were weaned specTropho tometrically, using the (,~_q (SF-4) instrument. The optical densi- Card 1/2 Comparison of the ... S/079/63/033/001 /008/023 D205/D307 ties at 625 a~u were compared to determine the concentration of di- phenyl anion radicals, 0, finding that for 0.0028M solutions of diphenyl the relative values of C were: C I = 100, CIII = 40, and CIV = 10 (taking C Ii as 100). In the fluorene-alcoholate systems, measurements of the optical density at 465 n~u showed that the re- lative concentrations C', referred to CjI = 100, were: (a) for CH3OK: CIII = 14, CIV = 12; (b) for CH 3OCH2CH2 OK: CjIj = 50, CIV 25. It is considered that solvation of the organo-(alkali metal) compound (case (1)) and of the alcoholates (case (2)) plays an im- portant part in these reactions; the solvating tendency of the 4 ethers tested decreased in the order: I> II> III >IV. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: ,SUBMITTED: ,Card 212 Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) February 26, 1962 S/020/63/148/006/016/023 B117/B186 AUTHORSi Pokhodenko, V. D,, Ganyuk, L. N., Yakovleva, Ye. A,, Shatenshteyn) A. I., Brodskiy, A. I., Corresponding Member fs- -us _SR_ JITL--: E.p.r. spectrum and rearrangement of the radical forming during the oxidation of ionone-CD 3 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 6, 1963, 1314 - 1315 TEXT: Experiments with a tagged para-methyl group were made in order to prove the rearrangement of the phenoxy radical (I) in benzyl radical (II) which was observed during the oxidation of 2.6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (ionone) by means of deuterium tagging. Ionone with deuterium in the methyl group was obtained by hydrogen isotopic exchange with the K11D 2 solu- tion in liquid ND 3 under comparatively rigid conditions. Ionone-CD 3(0.1 M solution in C6H6) turns yellow during the oxidation with Pb 02 in vacuo. In the infra-red spectra of the oxidized ionone-CD 3t dissolved in CCI 4, not only the frequencies corresponding to the phenol and the C-0 group Card 1/2 S/020/63/148/006/016/023 E.p.r. spectrum and rearrangement ... B117/B186 (161o cm- 1) were observed, but also a band (2692 cm -1 ) corresponding to the OD group which confirms the regrouping The e.p.r. spectrum of the phenoxy radical of ionone-CD 3 was found to consist of 9 lines. Intens-i- ty ratio of these lines: 1:4.4,13:23:26:23:13:4.5:1; the splitting between the components is equal and is a I - 1.8 oe. This spectrum corresponds to that determined previously for the phenoxy radical of ionone-CH 3 A. I. Brodskiy, V. D. Pokhodenko, L. N. Ganyuk, Zhurn. strukturn. khim n press); A. L. Buchachenko, M. B. Neyman, DAN, 139, 916 (1961)). In the R tinuous oxidation it is not changed, as was observed in the spectrum of the phenoxy radical of ionone-CH 3* After 1.5 hr it passes into a singlet with a width of 2.4 oe. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii im. L. V. Pisarzhevskogo Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry imen--* L. V. Pisarzhevskiy of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR); Fiziko- khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: November 4. 1962 Card 2/2 SHATENSHME, A.I.; YkKOVUVA, Ye.A. Isotopic exchange of hydrogep between hydrocarbons catalyzed by alcoholates in electrort-donor solvents. Dok1- AN SSSR 146 no.1109-1112 0 '62, NIRA 15*-10) 1. Predstavleno akademikouL M.I.Kabachrtikom. (Hydragen-Isotopep) (Hydrocarbons) (Catalysts) SFATENSHTEYNJ, A.I.; PETROV, E,,S.; BELOUSOVA, M.I.; YANOVA, K.G.; YAKOVIEVA, Ye.A. Influence of the ether structure on the solvation effect when sodium biphenyl and sodium naphthalene are formed. Dol-1. AN SSSR 151 no.2:353-356 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.7a.Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginym. (Ethers) (Sodium organiu compounds) (Solvation) Noll-Ly Y.-k Ell "-"I Hi '3A';hVl'- Co.-imarl'son ol- thE aciraity of organic ;;ompounds in d_;-'eLhy--'sulfox-J-r.Je, ammonia, and cyclohexylamine based on Line variation of ny(irc:ren- exchange raLes. Kin. i kat. r no.4:752-753 .')!-AF 164. ~i.frRA y7:11) 1. Fizi'vo-khirlicheski'v insfitut. *Lrneni WArpova. I' -..'-U,1~141N, 4'.S. ; A1?-'4fI.N'CJVA, %% I . ; Y LIKOILEVA, Ye. A. , , A.!.; YA". F-*,nr--,,L;,. LsoToue effec-L. In deu-,~~-rium anci rri-tium ex,:!Irlanqe bevween hydrocarbons and bases. Eri.L kat. 5 no.-:1000-100- 4-D 164'o ~LIRA 18:3) 1. F'izj.ko-khl--p-iche.,ki:y Lnstitut i--.neni- Karcova, -'4oskva. ng ch is- al reaf~ 1:, !,rie -" by Ia ge-,c-. 'R(-Vjel6JFed by k,". Shatenshrp.1p. %-., kh-,m~ zhur- 'IC, no.], P.. p iRFLONSOVA., 1A.1.- SIIATENSTITEai; A.I. 41:~nna-u,iop of. -Li thlum and sodtair, blue in certaii: ~-'hers. Zhuar. ob. khm. 31, nc,.:',.2~63' *91 1164 (MMA 1. -,listA.,?ijt 'mpr!-i L. Ya. Karcova. I'MR01' E,S. SHATE"~S~!T-I?yl: .4~1- prr,)pier,.L.~:3 .1;r !'r'ic- serlie_l CR,30D. zo C4 !AK7JS ".S. :A, (YiL."J'A in ne ')'779 -.G6, yp; L-iI.J. r- T- o n o as or; oil-:e-,-- Dcokl lr5 no, 5: :M RA. 17:5' rf: f.;'fle S i~ I Ic~ A i Z H, A;*G tia uchn so~ LE7VTI'SKI' YG V. ra z fl:aTil-i";l -~n r"a ~l - or Locm i'm I t :~j-- I L 1: t e - Ll A. 1 L-1 ~-a .PT P !L 43095-65 "ENIT(m EPF~,c)/EPk/L,"~IP(J)/T/E,;A(6-)----Pc-h/Pr-b/p AUU1!;btj1UR NR: AP~0083 7 *~6/9VOOVSOS7642*3' '0_ 2 1AUTHORS. Zvyagintseva, Ye. N.; Shatenshteyn, A. I. :TITLE:, Polymerization of Methylacqlatq ta 10 itrild, and acrylonitrile,,Z,' vinitiated with 191H2 solution, WM2 I and Ba 01H, 2 suspensions, in liquid N93# and ,with solid M2 'SOURCE- Vysokomolekulyarmyye soyedineniyal v. 7, no. 3,1965, 423-426- TOPIC TAGS; polymerization, polymer, monomer, initiator, molecular weij;ht, mothylacrylate, metacrylonitrile, acrylonitrile ABSTRACT: In their .previous work-the authors found 'that the molecular~weight (IN) of polymethymetacrylate (PMQ is higher when certain initiators of polymerization. jare solid rather than in solution or in,susipension. The present experfiments were conducted to ascertain if the same phenomenon is true for polymethylacrylate, (PMA)g polymetacrylonitrile (PMN), and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymerized in a solution Of KN , on L and BA(NH,), suspensions, . in liquid ML and on solid XNH IN H2 UM2 2 was calculated from the equations~ Gael 714 ,nMMA:j,n]25. 1-4,8540-6 NCO. nMA:jijJc-M 4 3V I nHAMIt1~4'D," 3,C~40-# AeAN H :[q]ZOO Aft-IS ;IU .Card 1/3 L 43095-65 IACCESSIOIT NRs AP5008367 YE MAGIET,"E-P., Ye,lj,; SHATENSHTEEIN, A~i. ~-Aymerization of methy! acrylate, methacrylonitrile, and ,,cn-yianitrile initiated by a solution of KIIH2 and suspensions of Li~"f'2 and Ba(NU2)2 in liquid IM and solid MiH2- Vy--ok!DM. 3 ao-d~ 7 rio.3:423--426 Pir 165. MrRA 18:7) Ln3titut imeni L.Ya. Karpova- .': .:', :z' P AJ.; i I .. Equilibria in the coj.-3~- retic Ui-n-" of S": '. I;Am ~ 1, 7 -, -.. ~wi~n dipbenyl and naphthalene in ellectrnn-jomor --~ lven~lf-. Dckl. ~~7 SSSR 161 nc-4:8811-1-8012 Ap 169. 'M 1 R A 1` .8 - 5 ) 1. Fiz1kc-khImicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Kortrpova. 3ubrnittted September 4, 1964. PF'riinv., P'.-, . ;fIA-Lr'H.-,H'rE-YNY A 1. Mechanism of the solyatio& of a-sodium ion, with somp ethers during the formation of anion radicals. TP-oret. i eksper. k-him. I no,3.,34.7-351 My-Je 165. (MMA 18s9) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskly institut Imeni L.Ya. Karpova, Moskva. SHATENSPI"EYNP A.I,~ GVOZDEVA, Ye.A. Acidity of organic sulfides. Teoret. i eksper, kh-im. I no.3t 352-,160 lk~j-,Te 165, (MTF'.'- 18:9) 1. Fiziko-khImIcheskiy institut imeni L.Ta. Karpova, Moskva. A J,i:i; AP7010711 Yo. A.; Tnvctlcov, Ye. ;%Ul. , N.; Lobanov, D. I.; Yabachnik:, 1-1. 1. "'Acndcm~ician); S;hnt:onL;Iht:eyn,A. I. 0 ~%L InstAtute im. L. Ya. K.Irpov (Fizlko-Ichimicheskiy in.stitut); Iznstitute of Hetero-Or.-anic Compounds, AN SSSR (Institut atoors.,,anicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR) r 2ratophilic deuterium 6xchange of sonie organic compounds of I Lrivalent phosphorus OU' -RCZ; AN SSSR. Doklady, 'v. 170p no. 5, 1966, 1103-1106 TO;IIC TAGS: deuterium compound, deuterium, organic phosphorus compound, organic n1trog ,en compound SUM CODE. 07 TRAC,. The authors consider electron effects in organic compounds of trivalent phosphorus, particularly the quantitative aspects of comparable ellectron effects of substituents in phosphorus and nitrogen compounds of sim- ~_Lar Gtructure. The rate of isotopic hydrogen exchange with a 0.8 N solution of ter'~-CHa0K is measured in mixtures of-various volumes of diglim and deu- ,erated tertiary butanol at 1800C or with a 0.02 11 solution of potassium amide in deuterated liquid ammonia at 0 or 250C in several organic compounds. Card 1/2 _.PD~; _ 547. 341 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/'170/005/1103/1106 resultant data show a probability that the smaller d-lifferences in ex- chan,~%- rateG of,aromatic and aliphatIc CH bonds in methy1diphenylphosphine ~~han in -methyidiphenylamine may be attributed to the higher mobility of h)- drogen in the aliphatic.CH bonds due to d-orbital conjugation, and the in-. in nobility of hydrogen in the CH bonds in the ortho position due to 1-Xie auditional inductive effect of the necond phenyl radical. This work 61"Lould serve as a basis for more detailed studies on the kinetics of deu- Ileriw,, removal from substances containing deuterium at a definite position in the molecule.. We thank M. 1. ARSHINOVA and R. 14. GORBATOVA for assistance ir, this work. Orig. art. has: - 2-fig=es -erd 2 tablea, �PRS: 40,035~,7 Card 2/2 !;/I Fub. ., 3 - Ai,thor Shatenshteyn D. I.,- Iordanskaya, Ye. N. Title Towards the physiology of the motor analysor of man Per-iodical Fiziol. zhur. 41, 35-42, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract Investigated the functional state of the central terminal of the 0 motor analysor in man and the development of states of excita- tion and inhibition in it during work. Ergograms. Nine refer- ences, all USSR (6 since 1940) Institution : Laboratory of PhysioloLrj of Labor of the Institute of 11ygiene of Labcr and Occupational Diseases of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Submitted : December 24, 1953 AUTHORS: Shemyakin, M. LT., Kolosov, M. N., sov/62-5s-6-34/3.7 Arbuzov, Yu. A., Onopriyenko, V. V., Shatenshteyn, G. A. TITLE: The Course Taken by the Synthesis of Ring A of Tetracyclic Compounds (Put'sinteza kolltsa A tetratsiklinov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,1958, Nr 6, pp- 794-795 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Already in 1957 the authors of this report described the synthesis of tricyclic compounds in which 2 rings, with respect to their structure, resemble rings D and C of tetracyclinic compounds. The third ring, which corresponds to ring B, contains a binary compound or a potential carbonyl group. At present the authors are studying the Possibility of synthetizing ring A and describe this synthesis. The group CHX . C02 is introduced into the initial ketone, ketone ester is ethylated, ethynyl carbinol (formula III) Y=C:E!!CH is hydrated in the neutral mt:!dium and oxy-ketoester (formu--a II;Y~--Ac) is cyclized into an oxy-diketone (formula III; Z=H.). (Formula III; Z=:;XOMR). The scheme has the following form: .,ard The Course Taken by the Synthesis of Ring A SOV/62-58-6-1114/37 of Tetracyclic Compounds x I I/ \CO2Et4 \\0 M x x I OH 1.1, C 02Et /'11 '_1Y ,\ 111z HO -110 (II) There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelins1cogo Akademii nauk SSSR i Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSE (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni 11, D. Zplin3kiy, AS USSR and Institute of Biological anLL Medico-chemistry of the Academy of Medical Card 213 Sciences of the USSR) The Course Taken by the Synthesis of Ring A of Tetracyclic Compounds SUBMITTED: April 29, 1958 SOV/62-58-6-34,/37 1. Cyclic-compounds-Synthesis 2.-Cyclic compounds-Molecular structure. Card 3/.3 sAR7fC-qEvA, I.K.; SHATEl!SHTFfll,,.G_..A.; PLESELAXOV, M.G.; PREOBWH.VISKI-f, N.A. Synthesis of 3-metV.-1-1,16-hexadecanedioic acid. Zhur.ob.khim- 30 no.8:2539-2j42 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. 1-foskovski7 institut tonko5r khimicheskoy tekhnologii. (He,cadecanedioic acid) KAZANSKIY, B.A.; LUKINA, bi-Yu.; NAKHi-PLVY~;Ij, L.A.; ZCFrOV--;.. S.V.; LOZA. G.V.; '-SHATUSHTM G.A. I- OVODOVA, V.A.; UV-aOV, O.Y.; SoKolov, li.M.. , 5MCI'lawy, Y.F. Production of high purity cyclopropane. Maim. prom. no. 6:462- 465 S 160. (MIRA 13:11) (cyclopropane) k SHLTENSHTEYN, L~, vrach. -- -.-.$ I --- --N - What causes heartburn. Nauka i zhizn' 23 no.10:64 0 '56. (KLRA 9:11) (Gastric juice) SUBJECT: USSR/Medicine 25-4-33/34 AUTHORi Shatenshtsyn, L.I., Doctor TITLE: Gout (Podagra) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn' - April 1957, 4, p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gout is a metabolic disease, where the salt of uric acid accu- mulates in tissues and blood, and, if not eliminated by the kid- neys, settles in the joint pouches and gristles of the human body. These accumulations of salts cause fits of pain. Abundant food, too little exercise, abuse of alcohol lead in the course of tit* to stiffening joints and painful swellings. As a cure patients are to be put on a diet which comprises milk products, fruit, and vegetables. Meat and fish must be avoided. Medicines dissolving the salt of uric acid, as for instance atophan, lithium are prescribed. Alkaline mineral waters as well as hy- drogen sulfide bathe are recommended. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDt AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 1/1 A d" 9 1 .7 F w 0 0 " V $I tt I w tt w 0 A 10 Tc -00 00 Si 00. 00 '00 -00 00, *0 001., 1 lAtielied Is vjw"h*-F lc --0o e ht . , , A lirm 004. hod of !y,54,ill .00 ,Act I S. sila% 0 00 2:1. Apr- n 1 mhnikOV11- * - (.hcn"*try ~J' and I hy-ten 0 e0: f VI, Khi,.Il ijourtill f'~r 00 ood 4137.iqg 1 00 1919, ll~ and oj~jilary ore -thv 1,ulation I 00.) f,r elk "~jtv d 11-1111, I'll" * - Result, -00 ~,,rmu I f the rinitl2twn -11 -r 00a 1e w, I Were "th~ zoo p AM t. th, -00 it 00 zoo -400 0 00 0 Z.,00 =00 -.00 ... UPGKIL L"I""Of CLI"I"""" too L v 0 00 q, SHAT-ENSHT-EYN V.G.- AKSY-UTA, A.A. Y Y Invest-igaf,ing the heat conductivity of various refractories for coke ovens with high temperatures. Met. J gornorud. 0 prom. no.6:45-46 N-D 165. (IMEA 1F:12) SFATENS14TEYII, V.G. Heat losses to the ambiant medium by PK-47 and PVR coke ovens. Koks i khim. no.11:34-35 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Voroshilovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod. (Coke ovens) SHwil"NSHTEYN, V.G, ; TP~JIKI V,G~ ',ie-,t~ng agerLL..A fc:- a :--,:'K0 cl-EirgiD. met, I gornorud~ Prom. ~": I *_1 -4~6=1.7 -Ta=-- . L . -4. - -1 i .10~