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A U PHOR: Shaskol I s~iZ.,~ 12-90-2-17/30 TITLE. The Discovery of Traces of' Settlements Founded by Russian Traders at Spitzbergen in the XVIIIth Century (Nakhodka ostatkov oseleniya russkikh promyshlennikov XVIII veka na p Sh.pitsbergene) P&EIODIGAL: Izvestiya Vaesoyuznogo Geo6rafichesxogc Obshchestva, 1958, Vol 90, Nr 2. PP 183-185 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An archeological expedition to 5pitzbergen, described in a Swedish archeologic journal f-Ref. 1_7, revealed traces of a settlement at Ryssekeila, founded by Russian traders in the XVII and XVIIIth centuries. This discovery is of great interest for Soviet scientists, occupied with the history of Polar 6eographic explorations. There are 4 references, of which 3 are So-~iet and 1 Swedish. 1,1VAILABLE: Library of Congress - Card 1,11 1. ArcheOlogy 2. Geography-Explorations SHASKOLISKIY, I.P. Itcpedition of 1955, Izv. V'ses. geog. ob-va 90 no.2.,206 X2-Ap 1580 1 1 (MM 11:5) (SpistebIergen-Ant i quit ie s) .'z '7~7,,-'_- 2-90-4 -1 22 7''! 0 R 'r4g4ral "'ame )-f Tallin "0 nervonachal7nom. nazvanii I-Oroda Tall4~na~ lzvostiya V3e~Tcy-uzno.-o geotgraf.Jches'vc--,. pp '1 -1 SIR) 3 1 . a orJ_.ginal rawk- of Tallin, capital :ff the .':s+on-_sr. -"SR, was :!'aleven linna" or "Kaleven (Kalevan) litna", 'floc; tcwn .fo 1i r, ~- E-,' "I, ~- . 1, .1 ~ , tile "Estonians in the 10th - 11'h centuries, and not, as Baltic - German historical sources claim, by the Danes x'-o conquered the country in the 13th century and fo-anO- ed the town Tallin in 1219, There are 13 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 Russian. 4 German and 3 Estonian- ffl-story--USSR Card 1/1 ADASKINA, Vern lvanovDa, nauchnyy sotr.; VASSELI, Ivan Favlovich, nauchriyy sotr.; RIO'A', Ellza Fetveyevna, ilauchr*7 sotr.; SPAa-GLISKIY, 1. ., kand. ist. nauk, red.; d.; SIMONOV) S.N., [Vyborg and its environs; concise guidebooklVybo-g i ego ok- restnosti; kratkii putevoditell. Pod red. I.P.Shaskoll-zzkogo. Leningrad, U'idroreteoizdat, 1961. 162 p. 15-11) 1. Gosudurstvennyy arkl-liv Leningradskoy oblasti v gorode Vylborge (for Adasl~--ina, Vassell). (Vyborg region-Guidebooks) GROMOV) Viktor Ivanovich; POTRTIN, Levk1m Petrovich; SHASKOLISM 1 or' Pavlovich; SLOBDZHAN, I.I., red.; 7~!KHONOVAJ, I.M., tekhn. re . (Priozersk; historical sketch: Korela-Kexholm-Priozersk) Priozersk; istoricheskii ocherk: Korela-Keksgollm-Pri- ozersk. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1963. 144 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Priozersk-History) ZS' 3~"CVSEIY.. I.P. C,~;op,,-aphical investigation of Karelia by- the Russiana before the 18th centui-f. lzT. VBes, geog~ ob-va 95 no.6022-527 11 (MMA 1?; 1) 11-D, '63. V I 'Yevteniy Ilikolayevich; TRISVYATSKlY, Lev AJ.okso3 v c I. NISHUST IIJ , .0 1 1 - SHAS.KO.L.ISKAYA, N.D., red.; TIAZEEITSEVA, Vjil~, red.izd-va; DORoKHINA, I.N., [1','wicrobes and ~rrainl Mikroby _i zerno. Mcsknva, zd-vo AIi D SSSR, 1963. 291 p. (MIRA 17:1) L 54864-65 EWT (I )/EPA (s) ~-2/EWT~m,,J/EPF~c )~PF (n)_2/r/EWP,(t)/,EEC (b). 2/EWP(b)/. _P'A(CJ_k~4/Ptn7/Pi-4/PU-4 IjP ~p ACCESSION Ni: AP50165,77 UR/0363/65/001/005/0643/0647 546,28:548.55 AUTHOR: Shaskov, Yu. M.; Shushlebinat No Ya. 13 TITLE: Growing dislocation-free siliconligingle crystals at increased pulling rate SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, %r. 1 no. 5. 19659 643-647 TOPIC TAGS: single cryst~al _&, silicon single crystal, disloca- tion free cryi--t-almelt- own crystal -IF !ABSTRACT: A procedure has been developed for growing-dialocation- ;;free silicon single crystals up to 4 mm in diameter by Czochralski technique at. a maximum pulling rate of 19 mm/min. The earlier lachieved maximum pulling rate for this techni was'about 3 mm/miu* ;The experimental ingots were grown in heliumli- ut-r-eam on a (1111 ori-,,.. iented seed having 6.3 X 103/cM2 distoE-ation density. Either the Ipulling rate or the diameter of the~ingot were varied. Dislocationsl 1were detected by decoration by precipitated copper or by chemical.- Co rd1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP5016577 etching or by a combination of both methods! which were,described. Infrared microscopic examination revealed-dislocation-free single crystals of all diameters maximally obtainable at a.given rate 'of pulling, The rate of pulling and diameter of the ingot determined ,the distance from the seed at which dislocations emerge from the -:44 lingot. An increase in the pulling rate corresponded to av. increase in the velocity of emergence of dislocations through the surface and ~ to a decrease of the curved dislocation-lines nedr,the seed. An increase in diameter of the ingot up to 29 mm at a -constalat 'Pulling ILI rate (5 mm/min) did not produce any-Jislo.cations. Prig, art. h'as 2 figures and I table. JJKV ASSOCIATION: Gi redme t E SUBMITTED: Man65 NCL: DO SUB, CODE.v SS 00 ATD PRESSI; 40 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 4 01 LL4 _4 Sur SHASS, L.A. Neurological disorders in chronic disseminated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis* Prob,i,-uberk,, Moskva no.4:26-31 JuI7-Aug. 1950- (CLML 20:1) 1. Of Gurzuf Sanatorium (Head -- T. V. Rogachevskiy, Lt-Col, Medical Corps; Scientific-Medical Director -- I. A. Sivtsev. Lt-Col, Medical Corps). GIROVSKIY, V.F., nauchnyy rabotnik, LUITORM, S.B., nauchnyy rabotnik; -LHA~S-S.J!., Ye., nauclinyy rabotnik; DIYAYLOVA, M.V., nanchnry rabotnik; BiLBEIIKO, A.P.; V-dZYMISKIY, S. Ya. ; n=YAK, G. N. [Socialist comoetition for cost reductior in construction work) Sotaialisti- cheskoe sorevnovanie za snizhenie stoimosti etroitelInykh rabot. [Avtorskii kollektiv: V.F.Girovskii i dr.] MoBkva, Gis.lnd-vo lit-ry no stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture, 1953. 55 P. (MLRA 6:7) 1. Moszhilstroy trest (for Babenko. Volpyanskiy. Merzlyak.). 2. Kafedra Organizatsii i planirovaniva stroitellnogo -proizvodstva MIBI imeni S.Ordzho- nikidze. 3. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheakiy institut imeni S.Ordzhoni- kidze (for Girovskiy, Kantorer, Shass, and D'yakova). (Construction indiistry-Costs) IONAS, B.Ya.; GIROVSKIY. V.F.; RArNIN, S.N.; SMTSOVA, Ye.D.; U,'%PNNb7KIY,. V.V.; SUSS, M.Ye. Basic financial problems of housing and public building construc- tion in Moscow. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 28 no. 7:15-20 Jl '54. OaJU 7:7) (Moscow--Construction industry) (Construction industry-- Moscow) KOLOTILKIN, Boris Mikhaylovich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; -~4SS, M.Ye., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KYTSENOVA, A.A., redaktoir izdatelletva; GUSEVA,S.S., tekhnicheekiy redaktor Problems in the economics of building with large sized blocks] ~ oproBy ekonomiki krupnoblochnogo stroitellstva. MoBkva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture. 1956. 120 p. (MLRA 1Q:l) (Precast concrete construction) SHASS,:Miodes~'Ivgenlyevich, kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk; VARS IK, Te.I., professor, dolitor tekhnicheakikh naulc, redaktor; KUTSZWVA, A.A., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TOKU, A.M., tekhrilche- skiy redaktor. LIowering the cost of construction work] Snizhenie sebestoizoati stroitellnykh rabot. Izd.3-e, dop. i perer. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakturs, 1956. 137 P. (WaA 9:6) (Construction industry--Costs) SHUTOV. V.N.; SHASS, M.Ye. ~mndidat ekonomicheskikh nauk. redaktor; KUTSEN aktor izdatel'stva; PERSON, M.N., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Production planning and business accounting for lower echelons in the construction industry] Proizvodstvannoo planirovanie I khozial- stvennyi raschat nizovykh zvenlev v strottel'stva. Izd. 2-oo. perer. Moskva, Cos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhiteicture, 1956. 141 p. (MLRA 10:1) (Construction industry--Accounting) KAVTORER, S.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRACHATRIYANTS, I.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; KUTSFAIOVA, A.I., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; MITIN, S.A., red.; SLUPOV, I.A., red.; USPENSKIY, V.V., red.; SHASS, M.Ye., red.; EL'KINA, 3.M., [Over-all mechanization and labor productivity in the construction industry] Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i proizvoditel'nost' truda v stroitellstve. Moskva, Gos,izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.i arkhit., 1957. 92 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Building machinery) I.YUBIMOVA. Max-gari.ta 5aadiyovna,;USFIOSKJY. V..:V.,rod.;IL'IH, V..K.,red.,; YALYUGIN..V.I.,red.;KASWV., N.Aj. red.; CHERNY-4K..M.Ye,.,red,;,-,SHASS, .......... ,; TF6YYXRXAN, T.M.,tekhn. red. (Sco 'nomic efficiency of reducing the number of standard sizes of precast construction elements; based on the production of. large slag concrete wall blocks] W-onomicheakaia affektivnost' sokrashr-haniia.kolichastva tiporazmerov sbornvkh datalai-, na primere proizvodstva krupnykh stenovy1ch ahlako-betonnykh blokov. Moskva, Go5. izd-vo Ii-t-ry po Btroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam. 1958. 43 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Concrmta blocks--Standards) BUKSHTM, David Illich,; Y]WRXMV, Sergey Andreyevich.; HALYUGIN. V.I.,red.; ILIIII, V.H.,red.; MASWV, II.A.,red.; USPRISKIY, V.V.,'red.; CHMIYAK, M.Yb.,red.; K(HSEITOVA, A.A., red. izd-va,; TEYYERMAII, T.M., tekhn. red. [Material resources in building; determination and use of norms of material consumDtion] MaterialIrwe resursy v stroitel'stve; metodika opredeleniia norm raskhoda materialov, dinamika ikh ispollzovaniia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt. materislam. 1958. 80 p. (MIRA"11:12) (Building materials) SEWNOV, I. Ya.; DUKELISKIY, D.S., red.; ILOIN, V.M., red.; MMLOV, N.A., red.; MALYUGIN, V.I., red.; USPEUSKIY, V.V., red.; G.Hm-TYAK, M.Ya., red.; SHAqS,_,XYe,,red.; LAGWINA, I.M.,tekhn. red.; ELIKINA, E.M.,tekhn. red. [Working caoital of the construction industry] Oborotnye aredstva v stroitellstve. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam. 1958. 107 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Construction industry) SHASSO Modest Yavgonlvevich, .~-'~cri.nauk; VARE141K, Ye.I., dok-tor tekhrl. nauk, prof ., r8tsnrL-,en--. V.F. , kgrid.ekon.naul-, dots.. retsenzent; GU-~~%VICH, :,kon ocils t . retsenzent; SOKOLOV, B.H., dektor el, D~-Cf., r-'senzent; 11:1114, V.M.. irzh.. nsuch-n.- red.; KUTSENOVA. ii.A., -,'-.izc!-va; PERSON. M.N., tekan,red. [Economics of the --,istruction industry] Ekonomika stroitollnoi OSSR. H os kva IGos. i7d-vo lit-L7 po strolt. 1 arkhit., p. (MIRA 11:L0 1. Ghlen-korrespondeLt stroitellstva i arkhitektiu7 SSSR (f or Varenik) (Construction indastr7.) SKOBLOV, Dmitriy Alekseyevich; BENENSON, G.K., red.; UL'IN, V.M., red.; KALYUGIN, V.I., red.: M-ASIUOV, N.A., red.; USPANSKIY, V.V., red.; CH-vaNYAK, M.Ya., red..; SHASS, M.Ye., red.; MOIRSKOY, K.L., red. izd-va; TEMKINA, Ye.L. -tWk=.Re1-. LLowering the expenditure of wood in building] Snizhenie raskhoda drevesiny V Btroitel'stve. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 45 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Building materials) (Building, Wooden) GALKIN, Illya Grigorlyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; USPENSKIY, V.V., red.; IL'IN, Y.M.. red.; MALYUGIN, V.I.. red.; MASLOV, N.A., red.; CHAMAK, M.Ya., red.; SHASS. Qh., red.; TIRAYEVA, Ye.K., red.izd-va; STEPANOVA, E.S., (Rhythmic work in the construction industry] Ritmichnost' v stroitelletve. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit.materialam, 1959. 63 p. (MIRA 12:5) (Construction induBt~y) DIYACHKOV, Mikhail Fedorovich; LEYKIN, B.P., red.; WIN, V.M., red.; MAUUGIN, V.I., red.; KAShQV, N.A., red.; USPENSKIY, V.V., red.; CHiWi-L&K, X.Ta., red.; SHASS, M.Ye., red.; MORSKOY, K.L., red. izd--va; TEKKINA, Ye.L., [Analysis of the administrative operations of contract building organizations: based on reports] Analiz Idiozisistvennoi deia- tellnosti podriadnykh stroitellnykh organizatsii; po dannym. etch-etnosti. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.-wterialam. 1960. 107 P. (MIR-A 13:7) (Construction industry) v " e il I -rev i ~h r. 1- a 3troi tell stva. 12J. 1 Y'f-Oo 10 iab--,f----. WIN, Ivan Rikhaylovich; YUNGEROV, A.A., red.; WIN, V.M., red.; LEYKIN, B.P., red.; MALYUGIN, V.I., red.: KASLOV, N.A., red.; USPENaIY, V.V.. red.;_ S42SS,__M.Ye., red.; KMS3NOVA, A.A.. red.izd-va; RYAZOOV, F.Ye.. [Business accounting in building organizations] Khozisistvennyi raBeliet v stroitelluykh organ128tsiiakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 148/p. (MIE4 14:2) (Construction industry-Accounting) REKITAR, Ti.A.; POPOV, A.N., red.; ILIM, T.M., red.; MALTUGIN, T.I., red.; RASLOV, N.A., red.; USHNSER, V.V., red.; LEYKIN, B.P., red:Z SRASS, M.Te., red.; MORSKOY, K.L., red.izd-ve; GILENSON, P.G [Economic efficiency of the reorganization of wall-panel plants; conversion of operating plants to the output of modern types of production] Ekonomichesksia effektivnostl rekonstruktaii pred- pritatii atenovykh materialov; perevod deistvuiushchikh zavodov na vypusk progressivnykh vidov izdelii. Hoskvn, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 79 P. (MM 14:3) 1. DeyBtvitel'nyy chlen Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitektnry SSSR (for Popov). (Walls YEWIOPIN, Vladimir Sergeyevich; REFMKO~ A.T., red.; 1L'IN, V.M., red.; MMUGIN, V.N., red.; MASLOV, N.A,~ red. [deceased]; USFENSKIY, V.V., red.; IEYKIN, B.P., red.; SFASS, M.Ye., red.; KUTSENOVA, A.A., red.izd-va; IGIIATIYEV, V.A., [Basic problems in the organization of the administration of construction] Osnovnye voprosy organizatsii upravleniia stroi- tel'stvom. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam., 1961. 96 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Construction indust-ry) KVITMSKIT, Leonid Antonovich; ZMX, A.A., nauchnyy red.; IL'IN, T.K., red.; KATSIN, A.S., red.; LMIN, B.P., red.; MALTUGIN, V.I., red.; USPBNSKrT, T.T., red.; red.; KORSKOT, X.L., red.izd-va; GAUMIN, Te.L, (Transportation expenses in construction and ways to lower them] Transportuys raskhody v stroitel'stve i puti ikk-,saisbaw, niia. Izd.2.9 dop. i perer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo 66"it. materialam, 1961. 105 p. WRik 14:3.2) (Materials handling) (Construction induatz7--Coats) L.Ya., D_ B 1., 1-: nr chon. nauh, olots.; GE.-,,."LChEllK(j, .-S., :anrl. .or. nuuh; A.Ye., (Iohtor el-on. nnuh, prof.; ITE; T li"Hill, E.Yu., dokto~.- I. uk~or erkon. prof.; LOI elron. nzi2,:, ~prof.; S.Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, p_--of.; G3LGlZl:I'f , Ya.A., IkLnd, c!-.on. nauk-,. dots.; SZKOLOV, ij.11.1 e.oktor c' .,,-of.; SUSS., I.I.Xe" ~oktor ckori.nauk; STEIAI'MVP A.Ya.; L.I., doktor ekon. nwk, prof.; FODGM110VA, 1',, .-ed.- TJOYANOVSKEA, N.., teklw.. red. [Econoi-.ic.. ol" socialist in,'~ustry; te_xtbook]E'r-,onomika sotsiali- stichcrl~,-Oi j,,o-,.ysluIcrinosti; uchebnik. Pod red. L.I.Itinal 2~, perer. izd. ll'oskcva, Go~:poliU- C, ti JQ,.I. 775 P. 10) 1. ',:oscow. i,osudr_--stvenr*-. ell-onoAcheski-i institut. 2. Za,.,edu- ,usilchiy c-*:onordllci uronwshlennosti Yoskovsx-cgo darntv;~rnogo ekonomicheskogo instituta (for Itin). ~Iaissia--Inclustries) GALKJN, I.G.; KAZXISKIY, B.M., nauchnyy red.; IL'IN, V.M., red.; YMUGIII, V.I., red.; KATS111, A.S., red.; USPEHSKIY, V.V.s, red.; LEYKIN, B.P., red.; SHASS, M.Ye., red.; GLAZU140VAY Z.M., red. izd-va; BOROVNEV,-1!-S-.'-,-tekhn. red. (Problems of rythm and operation completion in construction] Voprosy ritmichnosti i zadela v stroitel'stve. Moskva, Ggs- stroiizdat, 1962. 168 p. (R-1U 15'9) (Construction industry) BERRI, L.Ya., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; MAKSD4;OV, 1.S.; BRAGINSKIY, B.I., doktor ekon. nauk; GRIGORIYEV, A.Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; ITIN, L.I., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; LOKSHIN, E.Tu., prof.; KAMENITSER, S.Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; CBIDMSKIY, Ta.A., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ~HASS. M-Ye,, doktor ekon.nauk, prof.; STEPANOV, A.Ya.; ULITSKIY,--=., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; PODGURNOVA, V., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., tekhn. red. [Economics of socialist industry] Ekonomika sotsialisticheakol promyshlennosti; uchabnik. 3., dop. i perer. izd. Pod red.L.I. Itina. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1963. 646 p. MRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. G---.-,-Iarstvenny-y ekonomicheskiy inatitut. 2. Zavedu- yushchiy kafedroy ekonomiki promyshlennosti Moskovskogo instituts. narodnogo khozyaystva im.G.V.Plekhanova (for Itin). (Russia-Industry) REZNIKOV, Arou ZAKIURASIHEVICH, A.A., iiii-Iciz-.. rajA.; MALYUGIN, V~I.Jq red.; USTENO-MY, kl.V,, Vto-L; U-YKINI, B.P., red.; S!!ASS, M.Ya., red. [Determining the cost of assemble oFeratj.k~ti:~ in tbe construction) Op-edeleuie stoimosti montazhn7 ykh rabot v st.roi-tellstve. Moskva, Strolizdat, 19641. 117 p. (MLIA 17;32) YEKELICFIK, Moisey Solomorovich; Kk..'D.' fi, l.'a 4an Semenovich; SCSTIOY, .'?udol.If Llvovich; Aron Yudkovich.; KAZAl"S--;:-,-Y-y nauchn. red.; LE"HE red.; V.I., red.; U1,33FEE11SKlY, V.V., red.; SHASS, I...'e., red.; GERASIINOVA, G-7., --eQ. [Iz.proving the economlc work of conTi-aczipg organiza- tions ekonorrc e - -aboty podriad- .1 Sover,-,lians-wov - h sko4 nykii organizatsii. iloskva, Stvciizuat, 1,)64. 96 p. (Y,I.~A 18: 1) 0 0 0 0 0 41 a 0 0 lip 0 o r t1 1 4 1 4 1 1 'a is it u 14 is 17 Is " 30 21 a n 31 b A V 3 29 ja It V 11 34 D X 1, a 3, I Q a a A s T -" ki I K L -4 10 M l.s , h , . 1, .4 14, CC M U " X I ~ I _9 ---- - u , PIOCIS It$ A%3 DC-FtfIll I~flfl Now Farm. ZkoAr 1037 . . No. 1. 69-Rect id-, 2 SfC-&Myl-O-broMo%Hylbrbi- 00 it turic acid, in. iai-a*68 good hypnotic. Pentobarbind, 00 s-ethYl-5-metbylbutylbarbituric " (Na mit uejnbuW), 1 12 J-5% is a narcicnic. L.Ctan 6 1.5% *an. Oj camin 0 diwund in ampules. Actiquin, diet hylantinoisopent yj 06 0 s1woogoon to xito- brin. tu. 201-60% 6 a vxxi antlmlsrhd of low toxicit - y. 111mutocid. t3-aiethozy-g-diethyluninopropylamiauquino- -00 tine, as tnethylenebissficylAte, is supenor to quininc and ago Ittebrin in trop"I Malwist. lAs Namrcvkb '3 go Z40 40 00 a V. 00 0 r J l .00 ' age J; ;=so :,go go f;; S L A OCIALLUNGKAL LITIPFAILRE CLASSIfICATIGN '00 if i 0e k if -12 01 T u IS v W3 a U tj it OE An L S 0 CW 0 4 KW n I 0 a o 0 0 AL 4 11 14 Iris 11392111 aba Jon Is j0 i it )2 14 14 a Is ir Js it 0 41 pj U it a ~g I L A-jI--r -9 It -M- A - k-, a. - a --4. -1 . j -T 11IO'C11111 A~ Pmblemollsicompsuinisty, R.Yu.Shass. fdrinalism MID, No. 5. 37-8-Incouipatibility does not nrcvsmr;ly T71 Mean a djug must be discarded; thus cumpluir and menthol .04 00 am ordinarily incompatible but they can be used together in tivrir cutcctic pirtnKirtions. Other cininalik, of incom- 0 ;mtibilily, actual or reputed. air diftilahi with ditsictin. 00 Al"'Ou With CINLIC111C. C%MVKIIATiA VIIIII VNICTiAll. Sonic -00 1-0,814c valwillcuts fur viscintiventing thew 0 11,-. eiv musfrated. It i% lurld that liltartautcolustival and -00 0 411 theial,rutie incompatibility are not the mine and the ipe- -00 aic -1rim pair. for exaniple. nmy havc one invoinjuns- e 0 biq, y %ithout the other. hilian F. Smith r;*O 00 a ILL r 1 6 -1 U A' C) Is 0 It IV if Of K K it 91 99 K Is Ct It 04 0 0 00019 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 000 & 0 00 00 * 0 .1&911 OK 4.1 L11 -I% na o w - LL3 n I NA 3 a 1, 0 00 0000 0 0000 Iwo 4 9 J; 06"', -W .W-- W-W-iw-w w w w w w a a At h ird&n, comdomW and cornarin E Vu Now drugs: Ca Farm"WRY'l 4. NO. 11/12. 43-40NO.- tted cardiac druS -mt of th'it'll's it 41'~Critwd t.wW14-11in i, 131.uh. I lh,- tame way frorn A&mej rermalts. Ow"cli" il a V'Y't. gim-mide fro"s t4eander (Nerfum 'irowl") 1~~ Its ch,jil. aim# pby*k,i. pr-q~ti iL ACTALLURGKAL LFTERATUNI CLAISWICATICN 7m Rjam tOIC63 It 4.1 COC u u AT 10 LS 1 ; ; 11 P" a &OMM A-0 FICV121111 off -;u", -319 a" Is, t-RAMI to ado a NINFIRS0430 v *00000 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 NAJLA.0 0 0 0 a * * 0 0 0 0 goo wee woo 410 Is Nee sea goo Nee Wool a 41A Sol ow got got Oft 00 S= ISAL 04L 0. 0 S.- 0 0006060*0-1000*00 't U, It I IUOTHICII um Ild ism v 2 it 44 .2 ll C. EF G. M X L - N 0 M--t jo 00 go g Pat go uogaq3q% q r-Anos r sit pasn q (wovs tof ,a/. all PUII SWMW'Vtj[ tilklivid3se two 110.11KIIIII UK a ZI 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 - T-11 lr--J-w -Ir III Me 0 * 00 "-A 00 90 60 00 00 00 00 'F'- 0 s I I I 0 0 0 0 -OAP -0 0 0 ?!f ?Tout 6111"W"It; III 111ITT 11 R - 9 tli-A Q I I I --J"- AA 004 9 0 ~ V a U 0 ",'as --L- 001 1 00-8 so M he tion to Mulm medicine of as a S& -Ice now and,%L N. Variallov. Airmastyu4. . 00 - . i. -1 IT194T -Ahibuin platyphyllinc, satiable, s ' ' 001 pantopm- . Matumarme, convol- C 00 vuline, setirgin, flosculin,olclandrin.cortencrill and folinerin h d i b h 0!0 are aluang t e many rugs der va le from erbit long used InCtlit-inallY ill RUMill. CYtWIle IS More jkAVUt than 8 Intbeline :L4 a r"Piratory drug, and acts like &trychnineun 09 the circulatury system. blotbcrwun surpamhe, Valeriml its 004 sedative action; Erytimints striamn yield,% a powerful 43 1 cardiac drug; ~tortvcrvp yields 0.4% dif an alkilloid rv- 00 0 1 -nibling anall-Ine in physiol. action. -rranshojilw bellad a (PA Ak l 00 oo onn vior wsia PAym llida) rivals cu!!~vat* belladoulla in tktr7tucand W14XAdLnliue activi 7111~ ZYqudetsm, 3~iclds alkaloids with about it,. ty. 5tbff is 06, w1d Pot-CICS as amorPhons veratrine and Mexican 00 MLbadilLa. toadflax is equal to sentut in cathartic action. IncrMsed attelltiCK) to native Illrdirinal plants is recom- niended. in phannacu"ical rt~ , earch as well *4 in produr - tkul and utilizatitul. fuliau F. Sulith ti!n BETALLUCGICAL LITIO&TWE CLASUPKATIOld 'V--r it a MW 4 1 b u n Ay so it D it it W Of a U ;-oeooool-o;ooeeo:aeo0000000040000*0006000400064 0 a 0-0 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -JL.IkjLjj 17 .06 .60 .00 .400 600 Goo no* X* o goo sib 0 fee goo see TA L I v ad a a p -1 N a I a a 3 114 a a a -&-o 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0,41 0 40 0 I --maw- A I F "111111WIfigull Its roraffl~ IT, =22 it 11 )j 4 is n At W--x AL X 9 1 -Li-AA-M-M WA t, pill POCIMM AMC FOOP141111S I-011. A 0* flow pb&nna**w4 eatflim. E.. Yu. ShAYA. Alrowlilyd 9. No. C"11"c).N-licl- 00 :.Ijfo, salfAnlbrol (Na mWanilytasithrattilAtc), uIld byllc- trol we characterixed as they art! dewribed it, the flew 69 Phu"Jacopcia. Julian F..'knith 00 *0 00 09 0o a: I jolt j~ -i7-- C., falls, ad a., al I- mt I s a U 0 AV PO HI U 0 st a I w a 9 As 4 : 51 ty a if a K it it ; "r a, it It .11 A I Ixa ----~oooooooooooooooo*!0010soooooooosoooooso -&-**000-000009000000000*0000000 I** -00 .00 -00 400 Zoo 300 goo goo voo woo too goo 1 C or-'. It It nri ool- SITASS,Ye.1f. ........ ShoataI-,OVBkii'z balsam. Feldsher & akush. No.6:54-55 June 5C. (CLML 19:L,-) i SHASS, E. YU Me-071cr-L-nial-p-lants idth sedative and hypotensive effect. Felldsher & Aknisli. No. 12, Dea. 50~ P. 49-50 l. Ctndidate Pharmaceutic Studies. CJ;'.L 20, 3,, March 1951 SHASS, Yn.Yu. Medicinal plants affe~,ting cardiovasvilar system. Feldsher S: ak-ush. ao.3:57-60 Mar 1951. (CIRL 20:9) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. USSR/kedicine - Stimulants Apr ~l "Fruit and Seeds of Limonnik (Scbizandra chinenzA-~ co Baill.) E. 'Yu. Shass, Cand Mhax S,~l ,7el'dBhp-r i Akushe-rka" No 4, pp 56-58 Although limonnik 'has been used in medicine for almost 10 centuries (in China), its propsrtje~5 were not. s~irrflri"ntlv Inves-tizated., Recent pharmacological investigation of tablets ELnd an elixi3- proposed by TsA1411 (Cen Sci Res PbaT show that it is beneficial in general asthenia, myasthenia of the hearti physical and m,?.ntal ex.- haustion, mental depression, but not :~Tganic heart disease, As shown in tests on airmen, -L88T67 USSR*edicine - Stimulants (Contd) Apr 51 sportsmen, and students it also acts as stimulant when used by healthy people and is superior to phenamine,or cola in that respect. In the treat-, ment of dysentery of children, limonnik was found superior to dysentery bacteriophage~ BsTries of Schizandra chinensis are now being collected in' the Far East, where this plant is indigenous,. Cultivation elsewhere in the USSR is planned. 16BT67 9 SHASS, Ye. Yu. Kedia of vegetative origin used in the treatment of uterine hemorrhages. Feldsher & akush. no.6:57-60 June 19~1. (CII41 21:1) l.CandidF--,:; Sedical Sciencese SHASS, 'fe.Tu. Lmatives of plant origin. Feldsher & akush., Moskva no. 1-2: 44-50 Dec. 1951. (CUAL 21:3,' 1. Candidate Pharmaceutic Sciences. ..,. . I j . -! , ze 1, 4 1 ! *- -. I ~ , :- ~. I - , ~ - I. . SHASS, Ezekill , 'fUllevich Synonyms for mt-licinal preparations, Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii mei. nal~-.k 656,il 1 O-V 18 p. 5 "'ASS'. '~-. "'j. .TA= ' E.yu.; YABLoKOV, D.D... r9daktor; VOTCH". B.Ye., redaktor. [Phytotherapyl Fitoterapila. Pod red. D.D. IAblokova 1 13-3. Vot- -.hala. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii med. nmik SM, 1952. 216 -. (Botany, Kedical) (Medic ine-Formulae, (KMA7:5) receipts, prescriptions) USSR/Chemistry, Medicine - New Drugs Jan/Feb c;2 "New Drugs," Ye. Yu. Shass "Aptechnoye Delo No 1. pp 67-71 Discusses in considerable detai2 the properties and applications of the following drugs; all of which have been admitted by the Pharmacol Committee, Sci Med Council, Min of Pub Health USSR: novocillin (stable suspension of penicillin salt of novocain in peach oil plus Ca stearate), synthomycin, ekmo- lin, peloidin (salt mix extracted from therapeutic mud and applied intramuscularly, perorally, or ex- ternally), tezan or No 25 (a nev ITSSR drug curing USSR/Chemistry, Medicine - New Drugs Jan/Feb 52 (Contd) leucopenia due to inadequate function of the bone marrow, resulting from effects of some chemothera- peutic agents, radiation, toxic conditions, etc.)' umbigem (tissue therapy prepn from umbilical cord 6'11ASSP YE. YU. Diuretics and Diuresis Kidney tea. Felld. i akush. No. 1, 19r,-2. ,landidat Fari--vitsevticheskikh Nauk 52 SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ April 195+, Uncl. Yti. 7. Storing, -,.Ictnts. Art. --4plo 2, 1P52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Felbjnj'--=~ -1953. Unclassified. Y 7, USSR/Medicine - Antibiotics; New Synthetic Mar 52 Drugs "Streptomycin and Dibasol," Ye. Yu. Shass, Cand Phar Sci "Felldsher i Akusherka" No 3, pp 60, 61 Describes in detail properties and applications of streptomycin and dibasol, listing indications and contraindications. States that streptomycin is supplied in 2 forms: either as a simple salt (hy- drochloride or sulfate), or as a calcium chloride complex for subarchnoidal administration. 207T54 i . S'L' : A, S -) ) Y Z . Y u . 2. USSR (600) 4. via,eria. Medica 7. Handbook of pharmacotherapy. .Prof. A. I. Cherkes. Reviewed by Ye. Yu. Shass. Apt. delo no. 5, 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. .. SHASS.Ye.Yu. Diuretics of vegetable origin. Felldsher 54 July 1952. akush., Moskva no- 7; 50- (CLML 22:5) 1. Candidate Pharmacentic Sciences. ~ ; ~. -1 ~ ,~ ;.Z ;. Therapeut ic3 "Phyto"herapy." Y-E. YU. ShaFs. Reviewed by 'Prof. A. 'T. Cloukhev. Felld i akush. No. 8, 1952. Month! List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. SHASS, Ye.Yu. Sudorific drugs on plant origin. Felldsher & akush., Moskva no.q: 57-60 Sept 1952. (CLKL 23:2) 1. Candidate Pharmaceutic Sciences. SHASS, Ye. Yu. ., . Ginseng root. Fel'dscher & akush. no. 11:55 Nov. 1952. (CIAL 23:3) 1. Candidate Pharmaceutic Sciences. 1, SHASF, YE. YU 2. USSR (60'-~) 4. Pharmacology 7. New advances in medicine. Felld. i akush. no. 12, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. March 1953. Unclassified. nquk "'e. Y11. ,e:1j;~-Z! view -)rp.-oarations, Alld. i 'tkush, .1o. 1, 1'453 19 53 , ' onthly -ist of --oissian Ac,::essions, Librar,,, of Cont-ress, jime - Une 1. SHASS, Yq Yu, .,-, , --o' A-A -.~ A. AP, - ,ow il Lydol. Felldsher & akush. no-3:51 Mar 1953. (CLML 24:3) 1. Candidate Pharmaceutic Sciences. 2. (Dolantin). o', ata on :.r-2vo in '0 i~.-sue. -'un,:us is :2,xm Us"i discu, ul -3r-Llla ~rld s S t S !, fc omb in': r) n o 0 "r! isms: _Lla. uc oni Cum so _'F_'s!L.-L!rc" ;r.. 1~" `-1950 n) pro~~-rties an am o, r a ot ~l ne d a n C x - ;-u-,in, 11 a~-ec!4p._, 'rnr,. :;z)s rid ner 'J.c~er-:I. infusion I -imb i "i a anaer bic d 'S o ysentery and coiibacillosis. ~o 2'1`~5 T 21 SHASS, Ye.Yu. '4'~~In`dtrn-ro-r application of ginseng. Yelldsher & akush. 110-5:57 KaY 1953. (G LKL 25: 1 ..) 1. Candidate Pharmaceutic Studies. 2. Moscow. +11~ ~~-;istzibut-iml of 4,-Ine most irnnortiw rnezlcal :A-i-fs -n -,'-e UISR. 0 51KV SL n-luk. SSSR, SbiinSS, Ye.'~-a., kandidat farmatsevticheskikh nauk (Moscow). Pachycarpine. Fel-'d.i akush. no.1:42-54 Ja '54. (MLRA 7:1) (Spartei-riel, USLM/Medicine - Pharmacology Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 29/34 Authors Shass) Ea Yu., Cand. of Pharm. Scs TJtle I Kidney tea Periodical t Priroda 1, 116-117, Jan 1954 Abstract It was established through pharmacological tests that Orthosiphon stamineus leaves (tea leaves)) especially the compounds prep3,red from these leaves, have a definite favorable effect on the funcU= of ths kidneys. Treatment of kidney patients showed that the extract derived from these tea leaves activates -the activities of specific kidney elements, increases urination, aids the separation of bile and reduces arterial pressure. Illustration. Institution : Submitted : SHCHNGOLIV. Grigoriy Grigorlyevich; FIDOROVA, Mariya Stepanovna; SIIASS. Ye.Yu., redaktor; SENCHILO,K.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Medicinal leeches and their application] Meditsinskaia piiavka i ee primenenie. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo meditsinskoi lit-ry. 1955. 66 p. (Leeches) (KLRA- 9:1) SHASS, Ya.Yu. international pharmacopoeia; review. Apt.delo 4 no.2:52-54 Jfr-Ap ~' r 5. (KMA 8:5) iPH&RMACOPRIA. internat.) SIL%SS, Te.Yu. Medicinal plants. Apt.dolo 4 no.4:54-56 Jl-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10) (PT'I'TTTS. mmdicinal, cultivation in Russia) SHASS-Ye.Yu. ;~ (Moscow) Useful pamphlet on tea fungus ("Tea fungus and its thernpeutic properties." G.F.Barbanchik. Reviewed by B.O.Shass) Priroda ~4 no.10:125 0'55. (MLRA 8:12) (Barbanchik G.F.) (Fungi-Therapeutic use) SHASS, Ye.Yu., kandidat farmatsevticheskikh nauk (Mosk-va) [deceased] New data about the Otea fuagus.- Felld. i akush. 21 no.9:53-54 S '56. (YnGI) (ANTIBIOTIGS) (KLRA 9:10) Yesekill Yultyevich SinoriirV Lekarstvennykh Prepar-atov. Izd. 3. Dopol. Moskva, 'Lzd-vo Akademii Meditsinskik-h Nauk SSSR, 1953. 23, (1) P. At head of title: Ye. Yu. Shass. i Ya. 1. Mayzelis. Bibliography: P. (2h) SHASS, Tu., ark-hitektor New apartment houses in Mala7a Okhta District in Leningrad. Zhil.stroi. no.12:9-11 '59. OTRA 13: 4) (Leningrad--Apartment houses) V,~RKIN,j,, 17.: T. z - I I 3 i I re~ 1 -.-. lant~ a summon uz. Rab. i sial . 33 no. 1 : ! At-, 1 57. (?(!.A 1l?- 9) (Kaza',rha tan-- Zab or wInDly) SHASTAKOVSUY, N.Y.; TITOV, N.G.; SMIRNOV, R.H. Vinylation of coal from the Moscow Basin. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.3:463-467 Mr '56. (MLHA 9:8) (Moscow Basin--Coal) (Vinylation) -L 25305-65 ACCESSION RR: AP5003323 - ti such large-scale.bearings is ce~trl~n~ai-vacuum-cas ng 1 the miin aal 1em 101611 in this method is to deU~ the number: of xeyolutions - of, r6tation: of the pres, ~ are listed, iii thi~cdlcula Orig,, tiohw form. The simplifying assumptions made arts has: 1 figure and. 15 :for*LI6;:: - . P AgsodIATION: Ndne suacam., oo onw. ' 000 AR RJW SO: 006 . . v, M, card SHASTITKO, V. Method5 for determining the economic efficienc:r of foreign trade in the German Democratic Republic. Vnesh.torL-. 42 no.1:17-22 162. (MIRA 15-1) (Germany, East-Commerce) BORISENK0, A.; SHASTITKO, V. Economic efficiency of foreign trade in socialist countries. Vnesh. torg. 42 no.5:24-31 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Communist countr-ies-Connerce) S"- -NA -,s v cn.i--~k embrvos, Recort, develc=ent uslr..z histochemic-al inetnods. Vop. vir,;3. 9 no.0~678:-682 ','-,D 164. :,,,,jtitut trinisologii iinen' Lvill 7C~S Mcjskvil. I j 'I !, ~ 1 n ,!-, . N . , n I - ~ 1 ~!rl ~ - ~ r , : t , t '. ! ; ~ !L f ,~ , f, , ~.,, 1 f.- - 1, 1- 4 r, P- 1 -.! m ") I - 1 il , :-- a t 1 r, rL ~:; ~ lalumn l-", I - '.,- : - - . J ~ 4 ~, ; - r.-, j r. o, n t . P : .,j i t . e n ri r v o 2 .9 , o - I I, ' ;,- 9- t') 16 5 ~, .m --, R ;, j. 8 ~ -L ") ) : 1,4y r340 . V. , k _ , ., J.7 ~-0,71tjj . . - - L I , K . ShA."KIN, A.N. Shortcomings in electric motor designs. P-r3m. anerg. 20 no.11:61 IN 165. (MIP-4 18:11) 1. SaratovskJ.y 'khimicheskiy komblnat. SAPOZHNIKOV, Vasiliy- Ivanovich; YASHOGRORODSKAYA, )(~Kr, redaktor.;-~I~&_ A.k.,.,,;~qidaktor;'SOIA)VICYCHIK, A.A*, tekhnicheekiy redaktor* [PrinieRles of flow forecasting based systemaj Osnovy prognoza stoka po Pod red.A.P.Shastina. Ileningrad. 101 p.[Microfilml (Stream measurements) (Hydrology) v in river on water suppl. zapasam vodr v rechnoi seti. Gidrometeor.:Lzd-vo. 1956. ' (MLRA 10:6) SAPOZHNIKOY, Vasiiiy branovich-, SHASTIN A F otv,red.; 13LIBUOT, , t. ---- xxt-A-k-, L.V., red.; 7ARKH [Forecasting the streamflowof riveralin Cho Volga Basin by channel storage and inflow -into :t.hei.drainage network] Prognozy stoka rek v bas3eine Tolgi po ruslovym zapasam vody i pritoku v rachnuiu set'. 11oakne, Gidr 6ometedirpiod-ro (otd-nie), 1960. 288 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Volga ValleY--Hydrology),~,* ZMIYEEVA, Yelena Stepanovria; SHASTIN, A-P-, otv. red, MBIENKO, V.14., red. [Forecasts of the inflow of water into the Puybyshev and Volgograd Reservoirs] Progmczy pritoka vody k Kuibyshev- ..kouai i Volgogradskomu vodokhraniII;.-,hchwa. Moakvtt, GId- rometeoizdat, 1964. 255 p. (MIKA 17:12) SHASTIN, G.I., inzh. Machines manufactured in 1960 by the Voroaezh plant of mining and ore-dressing equipment. Gor.zhur. no.8: 68-70 Ag 160. (.KRA 13:8) (Voronezh--Machiner.w industry) (Mining machinery) (ore dressing--Jquipment and euv~?lies) r -7 the 5J -;.e Kaya r- K:~ 6d i 4L~a- ya - - - . f -.11 / I- GEORGIYEVSKAYA, L.M.;LI.POVLTSKIY, 13.M.;SHA- Acid-basO equilibrium in urine in pulmonary emphysema in Various stages of respiratory insufficiency. Ter. arkh., Moskva 25 no-5: 34-40 Sept-Get 1953. (CIXL 25:4) 1. Of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic (Acting Head -- Prof. T. S. Istamanova). First Ieningrad Medical Institute iment Io P. Pavlovo YA511IMlAYA P.M., '-W TIN, N.N~ So-callad lupms erytbiiz&tosua disseminatus. Tar. arkh., Mosk-m 25 no.6.-63-a Now-Dac 1953. (GIML 25:5) 1. Of the Yamlty Thecapentle Glinic (Acting DLrector -- Prof. T.6. Istamanova). First lenlWad Medical Institute iman-1 I.P. Pavlov. S H A ST I N, "": . N . :Nasnr :;.'.~--d Sci (diss) -- "Aspects o-'-' the activity ot the par- Vrefi,Wt i ~~~ gia.a, in neurasthenia and hypertension". Leningrzid, 1953. 15 pp (First LL,ningrad Nled Inst im Acad 1. P. PavLov, Chair ot Faculty Therapy), 200 copies (K:., NO 6, 1959, -:39) SHASTIV, N.N. Parotid secretion in neuroses and hypertenEion. Terap.arkh.10 no.6:54-59 Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz kafedry fnkulltetskoy teraDii (zav. - -prof. T.S. Istamanova) I leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova. (HYPTERTI-INSION, physiology parotid secretion (Rus)) (NEUROSES, physiology, same (Rus)) (PAROTID GLAND, in var dis. hypertension & neuroser, (Rus:)) NESHELI, Ye.V.~-SWUN,-N,-N. On the Hamman-Rich syndrome. 25 no.8:104-110 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - prof. T.S.Isatamanova) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.P. Pavlova. (PULMONARY FIBROSIS) Dj-.-~r- z.,ion -.L' e~-:,rll la,~ a-utomatism ir a -Jert -,:it!, a r tar:r 33 no.1l'8'1-334 '61. 1, T Tll~ 1:5 1. T7 kzl'ed7,T f ahu It tets'koll ter a pi I ( z-f-.-.., ---rof. T.S. I ot I ",lpd ', tsir-l~orro ins M. tu t, i Lmoni akarl . I. P. P a vov a, (PITUITAFff GLA~ D -TUMORS) (HEL-IT BLOCK) 1-IlDr., a3in4.c :3-ii1dren'S Hoanitial Sur-Etcal 71 lmu. 1. V. st-,-ain, ~Proc.-~,Ain,,s of meetft-nr-s of the 1947, 11IN-3 - I Socicty durinr. ..nd 194'2/, I~Iiirur,,fya, ic,r'3-l950; "R.-nerience ~i "ith 'Uhc Serxi c' Po-- and Corita,-:ious ParoGi-tis", Sov. K0- 3, 194"; "The P~-o',lori o' Sur---c---,. Simi--icance of Sciloonlein.-Henoch's Diseo.Ze (Abdomin-al 'I' ~~o. 2, 1c,40; econd 102-Union Conferaice on nrenst Siu.-ci7," ilbid., -To. IC), - i SHASTIN, N. P~ PA 56/49T66 USSR/Wdicins - Medical Societies Jim 49 Mi-dicine - Sixgery "Vdnutes of the ft;eting of the Moscmi- Surgical. Society on 25 June 1910," N. P. Shastin, 3 pp "Mliritrgiya" No .1 Describes three splenectomies using a method described in 19229. An enlarged spleen maj be removed through ar. incision which does not Injpre nerves and miscles of the abdcminal wall. lm...L..Lon is made from the sword-shaped appendage over the beginning of right abdominal muscle. This incision opens the abdominal ca?,it,lr along the edge of the rib, giving direct acc3se to the collar of the spleen. im 56/hqT66 SHASTIN, N. P. P..k 56/49T67 USS'R/Wdicine - Medical Societies Jan 49 Medicine - Surgery "Minutes of the Mf-,etlng of the Moscoir Surgical Society on ID September 1.948," N. F. Shestin, 4 pp "KhIritrgiya" No .1 V. V. Vinogradov submitted a report based. on material obtained by the shock brigade of the Can Inst of Blood Transfusion based. on 84 casin (49 cases of wounds of the arms and legs, 1.8 cases of wounds bf the chest tissues,, arA 17 cases of stomach inJuries) of traumatic shock. Of the 84 cases, 5~-' were brought out of shoc]9 remaining 25 died. Fn 56/49T67 SHASTIN. N. PA --/49T68 )0 1USSR/Vedicine - Medical Societies Jan 49 Medicine - Surgery "Minutes of the Meeting of the Moscow Surgical Socict- .r on 24 Septenber 1948," r. P. ShaStirL, pp "Ehirvargiya" No 1 Ye. G. Gurova submitted a report an the work of B. E. Linberg's clinic an problems of thoracic surgery. Short. annotations were given on six cases of lobectomies and pneuaon6ctonies. Local anesthes:~a is used in most cases, general narcosis being avoided. Peni- cillin is used before and after operation, and d_ry penicillin during operation. AM 56/49T68 SHASTIN, N. F. PA 56/49T69 LUSR/Medicine Wdical Societies Fab 49 Medicine Surgery `RL-ii.,tes of the Meeting of the Moscow Surgical Society on P-2 October 1948," N. P. Shastin, 2 pp "KhLrurglya" No 2 11--of Ya. G. Dillon, Ron Sci, discussed new accomplish- merts in diagnosis and therapy of cancer of the lungs. Up to now, many errors have been made in diagnosing this disease. Abrikosov pointed out that only 50% of the cases were correctly diagnosed. According to assembled statIstics, correct diagnosis was made in oniy 46% of 1,136 cases. No 56/49T69 USSRAW-41cine - Societies, VAdical Apr 49 Me&,cine - Surgery "Proceedings of the Moscow Surgical Society," r-I N. P. Shdstin,, 4j pp 011 4 'Ihirurglya" No 4 .4 Chairmen: N. 1. Gurevich ' Prof I. S. Zhorov. ~~4 Secretary: Ye. G. Dubeykovskaya. First meeting: reports on operation on a cancer of the scalp and on restoration of motive functions of left cheek of votmded man by use of silkworm gut (Eon Dr A. G. Iaptsinskiy). Second meeting: reports on operation on cancer of esophagus 45/49T91 USSR dicine - Societies) -C 7 Apr 4'~ me Medical (Contd) (Dr Ye. 0. Kovalevskiy and Dr V. S. AftnR E3 I yeval and on treatment of Paget's disease (S. Ye. Sladovich). Third meeting: tribute to H. I. Pirogov, reports on gastric cardia (Prof V. S. Levit) and on history of Russian surgery (Prof I. S. Zhorov). 45/49T91