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L 23800-66 NR, AP6007251 established the existence of a compound with the composition ScMn03 and three types of cubic solid solutions; based on S0203, Mn203, and a cubic modification with the composition Mn304. The compound ScIInO crystalli- zes in a hegagonal lattice; its specific magnetic susceptibRity is 18.0 t 0.5 x 10- abs. el. units/gram; at 1350 t 2000 it decomposes with the formation of solid solutions based on S0203 and the cubic modification Rn304. The solubility of Mn20 in scandium. oxide changes only slightly with temperature and is from 1~ to 20 mole %; the solubility of Sc20 in cubic ~~304- rises sharply from 10.5 mole % at 120000 to 30.0 mole ?at 150000. The article demonstrates further that scandium oxide does not form compounds or a wide range of solid solutions with MnO, NiO, CoO, OdO, and ZnO. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 4 tables. OODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 30Jul65/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REF: 003 Card POSTNIKOV, B. N;SHAPLYGIN, P. Ya. Russian dermatonA and its practical use. Khirurgiia, Moskva no.10:85-87 Oct. 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1. Of Leningrad Scientific-Research Institute of First Aid (Director -- A. R. Grushkin; Scientific SuDervisor -- Prof. Tu. Yu. Dzhanelidze, d2q2as2d) and of Krasnogvardmyets State Union Ordp.r of Lenin 11Pdical Instrument Factory (Director -- G. S. Budagov). SHIPLYKA, K. 1. (How we obtained good corn yields] IAk my atrymali vysokiia, uradzhBi kukuruzy. Minsk. Dziarzh. vyd-va BSSR, 1958. 50 P. (MIRA 12:3) (corn (14size)) AUTHOR: Gerardi, I,A, , 71ngirieer SOVI/99 -58 -10-13/13 TITLE: Melioration Problems at the Joint Session of the All-.Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V,,I. Lenin in Mlinsk (Vcprosy meliorazsii na ob ryedinennoy S?ssii Vsesoy-,zzncy akademii 3elfs-kokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina v g, Minske) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekbriika i melioratsiva, 1958, Nr 10, pp 61-64 (USSR) a I ABSTRACT: From 8-11 JulY 1958, a joint scientific session of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V.I. Lenin took place in Minsk~ The main subject of this conference ivas the generalization of scien-cific achievements and ex- perience in the draining and utilization of swamps in the non-black soil regions of the European Dart of the USSR. Representatives cf many scientific research institutes; the respective ministries and of some kolkhozes took part in this meet-ing, P.P, Lobanov, President of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imen-i V.I~ Lenin reported on "The Grow-_'ng Role of Scientific Institutions in. the Organization of Agricultural Production According to the Regulations off" the July Plenum of the TsK KPSS", 1,S. Lupinovich., President of the Byelorussian Academy of Agri- Card 112 culture spoke on the necessity of a fundamental chanSe in SOV/99-58-10-13/13 Yelioration Problems at the Joint Sessicr of the All-Unicn Academy of Agricultuz,al Sciences imeni V.I. Lenin In Minsk Irainage methods in the ESSIH and 'The Baltit: Republics- Te.Yez Smirnov., head of -~he ki.,~Ikhoz BVO and Herc cf Socialist Labor, and :,I- I. ~,haplykc ne-Ad. cf th-~~ kolkhcz 'Ch~.yrvonaya zmena" -!T~ aliol: LabO'.rL reDor-ced on the im-oortance and a nd rr, cf ~3oc= influence of drairiai~~e methods i.-:~ the product-'en of kolkhozes., Academician I-A, Sharc~v deal-c- -with I'Tiie Imnrcvemenr, of Drainage Methods in Ot-T--- Feai:raz of the USSR, and Its Further De-.--e!-comen-.;", 1 A, cf the Lithuanlan 3-cientlific Research Institu~e of Yellora'ion, Y L U reported on progress m-ade -in this fi.e.15 in the L-Ithuanian Republic, Ya~Ya. 3ezgman, Direstcr of th=- Latvian Scien.- tific Research Distitute of ffydraul-i---,~ Engineezirg and Melic- ration, presented some da~ca on a harvest increase in drained areas of the kolkhozes "Nako-rnell and 'Dayie". There is 1 table. 1~ Soils-Molstuxe zontent 2, W;~-t=-r--Contro-' 3. D--aimav-e 4. Sciertt�fic rerortF Card 212 uscomm-Dc-.6o239 776`1-"'~ 5 ACCESSION 11R.- AR5012749 UR/M76/65/000/003/~WiA~f~l -631*3517-7s6690228: SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya..SvodrWy tomq.Abse 3B585 AUTHORS: Poptsova, Z-P.; Shapnik, M. S.; Qudin, N.~ V. TITLE: Investigation of the process of electrical-deposition of silver from an electrolyte containing its monoethanol c0qp=ex CITED SOUIM Sb. NekotorM vopr, teorii i prWdiki ispoltz,, v,g41.van.otekhne.:_:,. neyadovit. elektrolitov. Kazant 1964s 91,93 TOPIC TAGS: electrolyte) electrodepositionj silver, anode, cathode.: TRANSLATION: The influence of the electrolyte composition based on ammonia- complexes-and used in.silver coating,, and of the methods of its preparation on the properties of the electrically deposited coatings was investigated. ~The covering and the dispersing Abi3ity of the electrolyt and the physico-chemical. properties of the coating were studiedi 'The cathode and anode polarization wa,s measured., and methods for analyzin g and correcting tb3 e leotrolyte.were developedo~,. Silver coatings wel.1 attached to bras's were obtained fmm. the etiqlenediamine LC~qrd l/ _2_ 7 VOZDVL'Hi:I,SKIY, G.S.; GUIIII, 11.V. ; S 17 % * ~ 1, : I fl,* ,M.S.; GAI'IFIVNCT, N.S.; I - -I IL'Y!',SOV, A.V. -- "I'lectron pararagnetic resonance study of the electrode processes of copper complexes with organic antino derivatives. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.6:16S2-1685 Je 164. (IMURA 18:3) 1. Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Firova i Institut ori:anicheskoy khiniii AN SSSR, Kazan'. VOUITIZ-HEMKIY, G.S.; GUDRI, 1-,'.V.; SHAFNIK) M.S.; ILIYASOV, A.V.; GARIFIYA:NOV, 14I.S. (Kazan'Y-- " " "-' - Electron paramagne-,ic resonance study of electrode processes in aqueous solutions of copper complexes. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. 1: 64--67 Ja 165 (MI-PA 19:1) 1. Inst-itut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazanf. Submitted January 10, 1964. 'Uli.-;~ -J L Abs J,,ur R,~f '-,'.hur Bir,'.. 2- 19 )8, NO 10_15-'51 Aix'ull or -Shapochka., D._ r. Inst u Rot given TitL3 Tteating Theiluriasis ir Cattle with Biomr~,cia-Sulfantrol Combinations. Orig Pi-fo Khodzh-igii SishloGi Todzilikistan, 1557, No 10, 35-34; S. 1~h. Tadzhikistana, _!~W, No. 10, 30-31. ~Jb S t --,:. u tSulfantrol waj intravenously ~~nd intra;iuscularly injected ill 0.01 gg/iig droses, a_-id simultaneously biom~rcin in 1.25 do,~es in 250 ml. of boiled water was -liven orally 4 times ct-~ily. At the same timo the following ~pr-_-,-lar,7tions were also given: fcrrum lactate, caz*hor oil, sn.--;l doses of sodium sulf~~t2, ui7iitropin with salol, diuratin, antifebrin (15 - 30 gr.). 17~ifteen hoifers were subj:3ctcO tuo such tre-Ament. A-1.1 trcated --nimnls recuvorcd. - A. D. Musin. C,arcl_ _'/1 WPOCHKA~ Ni ~f, Dissertation: "Study of X. F. Rullys on the Development of Living Nature." CPnd Biol Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. tomonosov, 4 Jun 54. Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 26 May 54. SO: SUM 284, 26 Nov 1954 SF-AFOCI.'F,A,, E:Lkqlay Mikhaylovich; DAITILUCENKO, O.P., red.; - YERIMAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red. [Lamarck's theor-I of evolution; lecture fpom a course in Dar~dnisml Evoliutsionnoe uchenie Lamarka; lektsiia iz kursa "Darvinizma." Moskva, Izd-vo 'Fosk. univ. 1963. 82 p. (Evolution) (MIRA 16:12) SIIAPCCHKA~ O.Y.,I. Impregnation of Wooden pprts witil, yle~roi~-,U-T. ber. prom. 13 no.6:24 Je ItSI. (MTPA 17:6) 1. llovosibirskiy zavod sellskokli(-2~yays~,vennogo mu-shi nos troyen iya I'S ibsel I mash." ~ . - .~; 1. 1 1- 14(5) SOV/112-59-1-13o6 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 176 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shapochka, P. V., and Belotserkovskiy, A. A. TITLE: A New Automatic Speed Controller for Mine Hoists PERIODICAL: Ugol' Ukrainy, 1958, Nr 3, pp 34-39 ABSTRACT: An automatic speed controller serves as a controlling link in the automatic program speed control system and also serves to limit hoisting speed. The accuracy and reliability of existing speed limiters are inadequate; the limiters are unfit to operate in automated mining hoists. The controller compares the actual and set speeds, the latter being recorded magnetically. A speed deviation brings about a variation in frequency induced in a reading head. The controller also comprises a self -supervisory device and can be used for both drum and multirope-friction hoists. Five illustrations. M. R. S. Card 1/1 .-SHAPOCF~IN, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Asphericity produced by application of an additional layer of a substance under vacum. [Ti-idy] INTU no.102:43-/+9 102 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Optical instrwnents) SHAPOCIIKIN, B.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk Vignetting in uraltiple-prism disperse systems. [Trudy] UM n0.102:61-65 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Optical instruments) SHAPOCHKIN) B.A.2 kand.tekhn.nauk; KUZICHEV, V.I., inzh. Calculation of masks for maldina aspheric surfaces by application of an additional layer under. vacirm. [Trudyj 1--iVTU no.1021-150-.60 `61. (MIRA 14:8) (Optical instruments) BESHKETO, V.K., inzhener (stantsiya Cheremoshniki)- SUPOCHKIN, P-Ta. (stantaiya Cheremoshniki); UPMN, niki). Container for transporting lumber. Zhol.dor.tranap-39 no.1:69-70 Ja '57. OWL 10: 2) (Lumber--Transportation) SHAPOC11KRI, V A. Spectroscopy Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Basic Characteristics of Spectrum Apparatus.1t Cand Tech SciY Moscow Higher Technical School, Moscow, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal, Fizikal "foscow, i,,ar 54) SO: StR-1 213, 20 Sep 1954 SHAPOCHKIN,B.A. - A double-prism dispersion system with an interposed mirror. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 19 no.1:82-84 Ja-F '55. (MLRL 8:9) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhaicheskoye uchilishche imeni Bauman (Spectrum analysis) (Spectrometer) USSR/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments, K-7 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 3589o Author: Shapochkin, B. A. Institution: None Title: Prism Dispersing System of Variable Dispersion Original Periodical: Sb. statey 110Bk. vyssh. uch-shcha. 1955, 57, 108-113 Abstract: Discussion of a prism dispersing system, proposed by Makishima (Makishima, S., Journal of Optical Society of America, 1951, 4!, No 4j 21~9) consisting of 2 prisms with intermediate flat mirror. The system makes it possible to change the angular dispersion while maintaining the angle of deflection. Several structural variants of the system described are recommended for use. Card 1/1 Category USSFI/OpT,,-cs - Opt--cal Meth-.:,ds of Analysis. Instruments K-7 Abs Jciuz- Ref Zhur -- F~7-~i-kal, U- 2, 1957, No 5P14 Author Shep,~chkin Tltl.e "Ti-W-F-M.-ve ~Descrlptl-n rf the Spectral instruments with Prismi and wl'.th Diffracti= Gratings, Orig Pub Sb statey Mosk, vyssh. tekhn. un-shcha, 1955, 57, 114-130 Abstract Priam e.,-,l d1ffi:act---,:,. spectral instruments are cqpparred with respect t: the fc1lowing pr~ipertles,~ 1) dispersion and rtsolving power; 2) cce-f-ficient; ~ 3) width of spectrum region covered; 4) other Properties of the Emectrum~ card 1. VERESHCHAGIN, L.F.; ZIJBOVA, Ye,V.; SHAnCHKIN. V.A. Equipment and methods for measuring the shearing of solids at high pressures. Prib.1, tel-ch.eksp. no-5:69-93 s-o 6o. (miRA 13:11) 1. Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR. (Shear (Mecanice)-Measurement) SOV/126-7-3-43/44 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L. F. and ISU~~pochkin V. A. )11 ===~~ TITLE: Investigation of the Shear Force of Materials at a Hydro- Static Pressure of up to 170 000 kg/cM2 and above (Issledovaniye sily sdviga materialov pri gidrostatichaskom davlenii do 170 000 kg/cm2 i vyshe) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metalloveoeniye, Vol 7, Nr 3, p 479A.0 (USSR) - ABSTRACT: The experimental equipment and research technique have been described by Vereshchagin (Ref.4). The investigations were carried out with pure substances of D.I. Mendeleyev's periodic system and with special steels. For all investigated substances and steels an increase in resistance to shear, with increase in pressure, is observed (except for polymorphic transformation compounds). Comparative data as to the increase in the resistance to shear with increase in pressure are shown in the table on p 479 (T25, T50 etc. constant for r2sistance to shear at pressures of 25, 50 thousand Card 1/2 kg/cm etc. respectively). '3C , )V/126-7-3-L[3/4-4 Investigation of the Shear Force of Materials at a Hydro-Static Pressure of up to 170 000 kg,/cm2 and Above There is 1 table and 4 references, all Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratorii fiziki sverkhvysokikh davlaniy AN SSSR (Laboratories of the Physics of Super-High Pressures, Ac. S-o-.,--U9SKT' SUBMITTED: July 8, 1958 -d 2/2 -7 . 7 3 P-2 CC) 2 C -7- 3-41,1144 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L. F. and Shapochkin, V. A. 1JU TITLE: Investigation of the Resistance Of MQtRlS to Shear at a Hydrostatic pressure of up to 300 000 kglcn~?- - (Issladovaniya soprotivlenlya Bdvigu metallOj pri gidrostaticheskom. davlenii do 300 000 kg/cm ) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 479-48Oi,jf7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Complete Translation As already reported by Vereshchagin (Ref.1), the authors of this paper are carrying out research on the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the change in resistance to shear for various substances. Further improvement of the existing equipment enabled the resistance to shear at pressures of up to 300 000 kg/cm2 to be studied. A constant increase in resistance to shear with increase in pressure can be observed for both the investigated materials: technically pure iron and high temperature steel Card 1, /2:.- 11A" - up to a pressure of 300 000 kg/=2. In technically ,,- 5-44PL4 Investigation of the Resistance 2f Metals to Shear at a Hydrostatic Pressure of up to 300 000 kg/cm. pure iron the Increase in resistance to shear is even accelerated with increase in pressure. Comparative data as to change in resistance to shear with change in pressure are given in the table on p 480. -(2,5 , 2 -rloo etc. stand for a pressure of 25, 100 thouffand kW= ate. respeatively. The absolute values for the res1stance to shear at pressures cf around 300 000 kg/cm are so high that, for instance, for technically pure iron they become equal to the theoretical strength. There is I table and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziki averkhvysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Laborator)r of the Physics of Super-High Pressures, Ac. Se., USSR) SUBMITTED., July 23, 1958 C.*&-,d 2/2 85432 S/170/60/003/011/003/016 L' lib: Os"'O t-1 o!a BO19/BOc6 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin L., F., Shapochkin, V,, A,, TITLE, The Problem cf the Contact Stability of a Cermet of the Type -BK8 (VK8) at Pressures of Several Hundreds of Thcusands of kg/ .CM2 PER IODICAL Inzherie-rno-.fi7.j.cheskiy zhurnal. !960. Vol. 3- No., '1 pp. 42 47 TEXT Fcr the experiments described heri~ the specimens were produced ,,.art yat the Instatut tverdykh srla-,Ycv (Instivuteof Hard Alloys) and rt,y at the Institute mentioned under Asscoiation. These specimens a L p had the shape cf frustums, and by honing the surfa!aes were IMDrOved. The shsar stress under high pressure (500,000 kg/IM2) was measured, From the radial and circular cracks the authors draw oonclusions as to the quality -f 'he material. The destruction of the ccntac~t surfaces was photographi cally rec,~rded , viz. by pictures taker, before the experiment, at the beginning cf the forming of cracks.and after the experiment. Likewise, hardness measurements and micrcphctcgraphs were made. During pressing, Card *12 8543? The Problem of The Ccnl~a.-z, Stability of SJ, -'01,10/003110 11/003!0 16 Cermat of the Type B K8 (VK8) at Pressures B019/3056 cf Several Hundreds of Thousands ef kalcm2 radial crack-s de-reloped,, whi.,,h then spread entho the ccnical part of the I 1~ ') the local destruction ir,srums At high pressures (200 , 300 000 kg/cm~ ,Lf the specimen was not a-~ocmpanied by a generai splitting up cf the speci- men . At lo%er pressures (50 100 000 kg/cm2) a general splitting up In the first caie -, the conta,.~t surface had a diameter of 2-3 mm In the se,~c-nd case cne of 5-10 mm Rctation of the snecimen accelerates the process of destruction and diminishtts the load necessary for destruc- .icn. The Rcckwell hardness inrreases in the con1mct zone by 10-20~-., the mic.rchardness according tc Vikers in~-reased by 50-70%. A theoretical in- vestiglaticn is intended tc fc"low --'n a second par'. of this paper. S. A~ Tsuk-srman is menticned. There are '3 figures and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut f-.7-i;ki vysckikh davlen.4y, g. Moskva (Institute-cf-the Physics of High Pressures, koscow) SUBMITTED. Novembqr 23. 1959 r-ard 2/1 r 85350 AUTHORS2 Vereshchagin, TITLE,- Apparatus and Solid Bodies PERIODICAL- Pribory pp. 89 - 93 S/120/60/000/005/020/051 E191/E381 L.F., Zubova, Ye.V. and Shapochkin,V.A. Methods for the Measurement of Shear in at-High Pressures I tekhnika eksperimentag 1960, No. 5., TEXT; Referring to a publication by Vereshchagin and Shapochkin (scheduled to appear in Zh.fiz.metallov i metallovedeniye) on measurements of shear stress in pure elements at pressures up to 50 000 atm, in which certain regularities were revealed, improvements in apparatus are described which permitted an extension of the range of measurement to 500 000 atm. A plate of the metal under investigation is placed between the polished faces of two truncated cones pressed aga inst each other. The combination of axial pressure and friction causes the metal plati to flow in a manner which creates a bi-convex lens shape, whilst the initially flat faces of the conical pistons become concave. Two such assemblies are placed in line inside the press and the middle part between the two specimen metal plates is provided with means of being rotated about the axis. This creates a Card 1/3 8535o S/120/60/000/005/020/051 E191/E381 Apparatus and Methods for the Measurement of Shear in Solid Bodies at High Pressures plastic torsional deformation in the specimen, Beyond a certain axial pressure the deformation takes the form of internal slipping inside the specimen. The torque was applied by a rack and pinion mechanism at the rate of I degree/sec an measured by a piston.-type hydraulic dynamometer. Plates of 3 - 5 mm diameter and various thicknesses between 0.03 and 0.3 mm were used as specimens. Steps were taken to reduce the contact between the specimen and the conical surface of the plungers or else to measure the eriror caused by such contact. Several tests were carried out with each specimen and if the first of these tests gave singular results, it was ignored. Thexelation between the torque and angle of rotation was determined for each value of the pressure applied by the press, so that the resistance torque to shear deformation was found to grow with increasing pressure, An example shows the increase of the torque with pressure for 0.45% carbon steel and another example the same relation for molybdenum oxide. The latter Card 2/3 85350 S/12o/60/000/005/020/051 E191/E381 Apparatus and Methods for the Measurement of Shear in Solid Bodies at High Pressures illustrates points of chemical transformation by the presen,~~e of steps in the curve. The evaluation of the shear stressea from the torque is shown. The presence of hydrostatic support at the point of contact and the mounting of the plungers in tapered holes of large steel rings have made it possible to increase the strength of the plungers made of a stellite-type material by a factor of 10 (details to be published by ShaDochk�n, V.A. in Inzhenerno-fiz, Zh, ig6o). There are b t'igures and 3 Sovi-et references. ASSOCIATIONS Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-pressure Physics of the AS USSR) SUBMITTEDg August 28, 1959 Card 3/3 /'P JU cc AUTHORS: TITLE~ S/126/60/009/02/016/035 E07~ E';-,5 VereshchaZil, L.F. and Sha ~1'11i- V~A. Effect of Hydrostat.Lc Pressure.on the Shear Resistanc-e of Solid Bodies PERIODICALt Fizika metallo- i metallovedeni-ye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 258 -- 2164 (USSR) ABSTRACT! In earlier work (Refs 11, 12) the authors have described results obtained with livdrostatic pressures up to 2 300 lcglcm In this paper results are described of Pe effects of hydrostatic pressures up to 500 000 kg/cm on the shear resistance In solid bodi-es. A modificat�on of the Bridgman apparatus, described in an earlier paper (Ref 7) was used. More than 20 elements and 10 steels and alloys were studied; data on the mechanical properties of these are entered in Table 1, p 260. The obtained results are given in Tables 2 and 3 and plotted in graphs,, Figures I and 2. Most of the substances 2 were Tested at pressures of 1.00 000 to 150 000 kg/cm 27 Card 1/4 iron and Tungsten - at pressures up to -ZOO 000 kg/cm ; ~/ o6626 S/126/60/009/02/016/033 Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Shear ROMONge of Solid Bodies St45 and nickel, stainless and heat-resis cant 2Khl8N9 alloys - at pressures UP to 500 000 kg/cm . Analysis of the results indicates that the Shear resistance increases almost linearly with increasing pressure up to 500 000 kg/cm2; in the first approximation, this is in agreement with previous experimental data and theoretical calculations carried out by B. Deryagin (Ref 8) about twenty-fIve yews ago. The calculated coefficients A 1 and B1 : ^a = A1 + B1 . P (4) do not differ greatly from those calculated by I.V. Kragel'skly (Ref 10) on the basis of the experimental results of Bridgman (Ref 9). Those for Sb, B!, Te and other elements - local breaks were observed in the straight lines at sections which are near to the points of poly- Card2/4 morphic transformation, Figure 3. For very high pressures, 44-11" 6M"28 s/126/6o/oog/02/016/033 EOJ34E~ Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Shear e 1 Nxice of Solid Bodies of the order of hundreds of thousands of kg/cm 2, the dependence of the shear resistance on the pressure is more pronounced still. For several substances, the shear resistance at pressures of several hundred thousand kg/cm 2 was of the same order as the pressure. The absolute values are equal or even higher than the theoretical strength of these substances at atmospheric pressure. Thus, for armco iron the shear resistance at 300 000 kg/cm 2 was about 750 kg/mm2 and for the steel 45 it was about 1 300 kg/mm 2 (1 500 kg/mm2 accovding to Figure 2). The relatively small number of investigated substances does not permit deriving a quantitative dependence of the periodic change of the shear resistance at such high pressures on the atomic number of the element. but a qualitative conclusion on the correctness of the periodic law arid on the gradual attenuation of the Card3/4 periodicity with increasing pressure can be made on the K S/126/6o/oo9/02/016/033 �OZ~/43~ Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the S e e 2stance of Solid Bodies basis of the results now available. Acknowledgments are expressed to Mechanic S.T. Vlasov for his assistance in carrying out the experiments. There are 3 figures, 3 tables and 12 references, 3 of which are English and 9 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of Hight-pressure Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: Jandary 21, 1959 Cax-d 4/4 S/126/6o/oo9/02/026/033 AUTHOR~, ShaRochk-in,_V.A. E111/E335 TITLE- Mechanical Properties of Special Steels and Alloyz~ Under High Hydrostatic Pressure 1'~ PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, PP 303 - 305 (USSR) ABSTRACT~ The author (with L.F. Vereshchagin has already shown (Ref 1) that resistance to shear at pressures of some hundreds of thousands of kg/cm 2 can increase more than 50-fold. He now repo?s the study of this effect for heat-resisting allo,_ and steels, using equipment available at the -Institute of High-pressure Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR. The materials tested Tere Nr 1 titanium alloy Nr 2 chromium-nickel steel and Nr 3 heat-resisting blade alloy and for compa steel 451~(and technical iron. The results are shown graphically-as plots of resistaucc~ to shear against pressure and also tabulated as ratio o" resistance at the test pressure to that at 25 000 kg/cm_ 2. Test pressures up to 500 000 kg/cm 2 and over were used.__~i~_) Cardl/2 The table also shows ratios of resistance to shear to 6~ S/126/6o/oog/02/026/033 F-111/EaA Mechanical Properties of Special Stee s a 'Alloys Under High Hydrostatic Pressure tensile strength. The increase in resistance to -9hear tends to rise with increasing pressure. The greatest effect is shoim by the titanium alloy and the least by alloy Nr 3; the resistance rises faster for all the heat-resist-ing alloys than for the iron and type 45 steel. Above a pressure characteristic for each material the rate of increase of resistance becomes approximately the same for all. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONg Institut fiziki vysokikh davlen�y AN SSSR (Institute of High-pressure Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1959 Card LL/2 (0 J 81909 S/126/60/010/01/015/019 00 E073/E535 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L.F., ShapochkiLi,,___V.__A.,and Zubova, Ye.V. TITLE: On the Question of Friction and Shear at High Contact Pressures PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.1, pp-135-139 TEXT-. Bridgman (Ref.2) and the authors of this Eaper (Refs.3 and 4) used pressures of up to 5 000 kg/cm in their experiments in order to study the changes in the friction forces and internal shear (sliding) at very high pressures and to study the phenomenon of "freezing" (seizing) of contact surfaces. The principle of the operation of the test machine used by the authors of this paper for bringing about shear under the effect of pressure was described in an earlier paper (Ref-5). A sketch of the test-rig for applying normal pressure and a torque is shown in Fig.l. A thin plate of the investigated material is placed between two carbide pistons and pressed down and, following that, the pistons are turned relative to each other. The rotation was proceeded with until the torque stopped increasing, Thereby, Card 1/3 tr 81909 S/126/60/010/01/015/019 E073/E535 On the Question of Friction and Shear at Hig-h. Contact Pressures the speed of turning was constant and so small that the thermal effe.-.ts could be disregarded. The dependence of the turning angle on the torque for various specific pressures in the normal direction were determined. Under the effect of the applied normal pressure the plate assumed the shape of a double concave lens, whilst the surfaces of the pistons remained convex. The results are plotted in Figs.2, 3 and 4 and entered in a Table, P.138. The inp-rease in internal sliding with increasing pressure was measured up to pressures of 500 000 kg/cmv whilst the increase in the friction force and the change in the friction coefficient (in 9 absence of seizing) was measured for pressures up to 100 000 kg/cm for the following rubbing pairs3 the carbides VK8 against VK8, the steel ~IhKhl5eagainst the steel ShKhl5, the carbide VK8 against the steel ShKhl5 (Fig.4, Table, P~138). Furthermore, the "freezing" phenomenon was investigated -which is caused by trans- i-tion from external friction to internal slips. For most of the chemical elements,steels and commercial alloys the critical pressure range at which the transition from external friction to Card 2/3 81909 S/126/60/010/01/015/019 E073/E535 On the Question of Friction and Shear at High Contact Pressures internal slipping takes place varies between 15 and 50 000 kg/cm2 and depends on the nature of the investigated material, namely, its crystal structures. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Pressure Physics, AS, USSR) SUBMITTED: January 3, 1960 Card 3/3 1Q10 85973L S/126/60/010/005/024/030 E193/E483 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L.F., 511,apq~chkin. V.A, and Pirq&qva,_LB P (Resultant) From Shear Under TITLE: On the Residual Stre gt!~~ High (Hydrostatic) Pressure PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol-10, No-5, pi).783-785 TEXT: Although strength qnd plasticity of metals, subjected to ultra-high ( > 100000 atm)yhydrostatic pressure, are considerably higher than those displayed under normal conditions, the permanent (residual) gain in strength and plasticity due to the action of hydrostatic pressure is small, except in cases when the application of high pressure brings about phase transformations or other similar changes which may profoundly affect the mechanical properties of metals. The present authors studied the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the proper J .Les of commercial grade iron and steels 9M437A (E1437A)-,',~ and 45-',~ Experimental specimens, in the form of thin (less than 0.1 mm thick) round discs, were subjected either to the action of hydrostatic pressure (100000 to 300000 atm) alone, or were sheared in torsion while under pressure. For the shear tests, the specimens were placed between flat faces of two Card 1/2 85971 S/126/60/010/005/024/030 E193/E483 On the Residual Strength (Resultant) From Shear Under High (Hydrostatic) Pressure rods, made of the carbide' BK(VK), through which the torque of up to 1000 kg cm was appiied, the maximum deformation attained being 55*. The residual effects of both treatments were studied by hardness and micro-hardness measurements and by metallographic examination. The results obtained confirmed that no permanent increase in strength of a metal is attained by the application of high hydrostatic pressure alone. However, in the case of specimens subjected to the simultaneous action of pressure and shear, increase in hardness, reaching 150% in the most heavily deformed regions, was observed. Acknowledgments are expressed to laboratory assistant Z.A.Levchenko for helping with the measurements. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references (one of which is a translation from English). ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Pressure Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 20, ig6o Card 2/2 VERESHCHAGIN, L.P.; SHAFOCHKIN, V.A. Contact strength of the M cermet hard alloy umder a pressure of several hundred thousand kg/cm2. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.11:42-47 H 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut fiziki vvsokikh davleniy, Moskva. (Strains and stresses) (Cormets--TeBting) S/126/61/011/001/019/019 E193/E483 AUTHOR: Shapochkin, V.A. TITLE: On the Problem of Uniform Distribution of Stresses in the Contact Zone of Metal Tested in Shear Under Pressure PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.l. pp-156-157 TEXT: In their earlier studies of shear under pressure Bridgeman (Ref.1) and the present author (Ref.2) assumed uniform distribution of the normal and tangential stresses in the contact zone. In view of the increasing field of application of high in metallurgical rese arch,ifit was necessary to verify th~i's-a-ssumption; hence the investigation described in the present paper. When a thin foil specimen is tested in shear under pressure by a method entailing the use of two axially-loaded, flat-ended rods made of the carbide 13K (VK), fthe faces of the rods between L which the foil specimen is compresled remain-flat up to pressures of 150000 to 200000 kg/cm2 , after which they become concave. When t'he faces of carbide rods are in direct contact during the test, they remain flat until fracture For this reason, rqds with both flat and concave end faces were used in the Card 1/4 89951 3/126/61/011/001/019/019 E193/E483 On the Problem of Uniform Distribution of Stresses in the Contact Zone of Metal Tested in Shear Under Pressure.. course of the present investigation, the curvature of the concave contact zones having been chosen so as to resemble that which is obtained in practice under very high pressures (depth of the hollo amounting to 50 to 100 microns for the contact zone 3 to 4 mm in A diameter). In addition, contact zones of complex shape, comprising a flat ring at the periphery and a several mm deep hollow in the centre, were employed. The experiments consisted in placing red phosphorus between the end-faces of the experimental rods, subjecting it to both normal and tangential loads, and assessing the distribution of the loads by the manner in which red phosphorus changed to its black modification. Red phosphorus was applied either by painting a very thin layer, in which case the conditions obtained in direct contact of the hard alloy rods were reproduced, or spread in the form of a relatively thick layer, in which case conditions approaching those when a foil specimen is stressed between the rods were obtained. To facilitate observation of the effect studied, contact zones of the largest possible diameter- Card 2/4 89951 S/126/61/011/001/019/019 E193/E483 On the Problem of Uniform Distribution of Stresses in the Contact Zone of Metal Tested in Shear Under Pressure (9 to 11 mm) were employed. In all cases, the transformation of phosphorus from red to black modification started at the periphery. of the contact zone and then spread towards its centre. In the case of a small degree of concavity (corresponding to loading of the foil under very high pressures), the.change of colour of phosphorus took place almost simultaneously at all points of the contact zone. In the case of contact zones of complex geometry, the change from red to black started in the flat portion and then spread gradually towards the centre of the cavity; with increasing load the pressure distribution became more uniform. Application of tangential stresses at the moment at which*phosphorus started to change its colour from red to black owing to the action of normal pressure brought about a widening of the region of polymorphic transformation. In order to spread the transformation over the whole contact area, it was necessary to increase the torsion moment only by 10 to 20%; as in the case of normal load applied alone, the change of colour due-to combined action of normal Card 3/4 J 89951 S/l26/6i/on/ooi/olq/oi9 E193/E483 On the Problem of Uniform Distribution of Stresses in the Contact Zone of IMetal Tested in Shear Under Pressure and tangential stresses spread from the periphery inwards. The results obtained were taken to indicate a relatively uniform distribution of both normal and tangential stresses in the contact zone of material subjected to shear under ultra-high pressures. There az-e 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATiON: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of High Pressures, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1960 Card 4/4 25 S/126/61/012/001/018/020 t dn'o 9-10 S 0 E073/E535 AUTHORS3 Shapochkin, V.A. and Firogova, L.B. TITLEt Determination of the shear stresses on rinx--PaP-1 specimens under pressure PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.12, No.1, pp.148-149 TEXT: Bridgman and Vereshchagin found that with increasing hydrostatic pressure the shear resistance changes and increases by 6everal times at pressures of the order of 50-100 thousand atm. In these experiments circular plates were investigated and the distribution of normal pressures along the areas of contact were assumed uniform. It was zonsidered that the shape of the epures of the shear stre3ses is triangular or occupies a position which is intermediate between the triangular and the rectangular. Since the real distribution of the normal and the tangential stresses differ from those assumed in the calculations, a certain error was introduced. For reducing this error and for evaluating it, the authors carried out experiments in which the shear strength under pressure was determined for ring specimens made of commercial iron Card 1/5 Determination of the s4gxV... S/126/61/012/001/018/020 E0731E535 and niobium. The tests were tarried out on equipment described by L. F. Vereshchagin, Ye. V. Zubova and V. A. Shapochkin (Ref.4a PTE, 1960, 5),For producing high preasurespistons of the carbide BK6 (VK6) with a ring-shaped face were used. The external diameter of the ring equalled 10.2 mm, the internal 9.0 mm. The specimens under investigation were cut from sheet metal 0.04 mm thick. They were ring-shaped with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the ring area of the piston. During the testag specimens of the investigated material were plated between pistons on ring-shaped areas. The loading was in stepsi, when the normal pressure reached a certain value torque was applied. Turning of one piston relative to the other was effected until the torque reached its maximum for the given normal pressure. In th I experiments the magnitude of the normal pressure was 100 000 kg/cm and of the torque 1000 k&-cm. The experiments yielded linear relations between the torque and the axial force, which were the same for commercial iron and niobium. Since the ratio of the width of the ring to its average diameter was below 1:10, a uniform distribution of the normal and the tangential stresses throughout the width of the ring could be Card 2/5 Determination of the shear S/126/61/012/001/018/020 25926 E073/E535 assumed with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy. In this came the dependence of the shear strength on the normal pressure was linear; the value of the shear strength was 15-20% lower than that obtained earlier for circular specimens without a hole and 40-50% lower than the values obtained by Bridgman. As a result of the non-uniform distribution of the normal and tangential stresses on the circular contact area the measured value of the shear strenith will be excessively highi at pressures of 50-100 thousand kg/cm the excess value reached 40-50% in the case of Bridgman and 15-20% in the experiments carried ouir. at the Institute of High Pressure Physics AS USSR. L. F. Vereschagin and V. A. Shapochkin (Ref.58 Inzh.-fiz. zhurnal~ 3, 1960) found that the non-uniformity in the distribution of the normal stresses along the ava of contact decreases at pressures exceeding 100 000 kg/cm . This should lead to a decrease in the error of calculating shear stresses. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references. \All Abstractor's Notes Complete tranalation.1 j Card 3/5 Determination of the shear 2:f . '510 S/126/61/012/00i/ol8/o2o E073/E535 ASSOCIATIONa Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Pressure Physics AS USSR) and Kafedra khimii i fiziki vysokikh davleniy MGU (Department of High Pressure Chemistry and Physics, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: October 17, 1960 Legend Fig.1 Dependence of the torque. M. kg-cm,, on the pressure of the press, F, tons for ring specimens. 0 - niobium, iron. -3 2 Legend Fig.2 Dependence of the tangential_itre;ses,,Tf-lO kg/cm on the normal pressure, p-10 k /cm or ring specimens. 0 - niebium, iron. Card 4/5 S/126/62/013/005/027/031 E073/E535 Sha nocIiki n,----V.A. and Pirigova, L.B. T11"LE: Influence of temperature on the shear under pressure P:~7110DICAL: Fizika metallov i irietallovedeniye, v-13, n0-5, 1962, 735-767 The change in the shear resistance -.rith increasing average noriiial stress at' various temperatures was investigated on a test ahic1a ensured that measurements were under conditions approximating hydrostatic pressure. The part of the para-zlzs c0 - test a0 ntaining the sample was placed into a thermostat i-.,flich enabled lowering the temperature to -500C 11eating ap,i)aratus was also provided trhereby the highest heating tempera- ture was 200'OC. Tin, lead, zinc, cadmium, indium and other low point',metals were tested at pressures betwcen 0 and 100 000 k8/cm-. Cur-ves of the shear resistance -, as a function of the pressure p were obtained for various teiziperatures. -In t:;',L' S01,"e way as C'IrVOS obtained at room temperature, these curves consist of t,.,ro sections - -the initial, corresponding to external ~rictJon caused by sliding between the piston and the specimen Card 1/3 In'luence of zei:ipera~u' S/126/62/013/005/027/031 t re on the . B073/E535 surface, and the section corresponding to internal shifts when the slip at the contact surface stops and slip occurs inside the 1111aterial. For a number of substances the shear force increased considerably wivii temperature at the initial part of the T vs. p curve aad this is explained by an increase of the friction coefficient with increasing temperature. As the pressure increases~-'*'. further and there is a change over from external to internal sliding, the shear resistance at elevated temperatures becomes lower than at2room tei-.inerature. At pressures of the order of 100 000 and test temperatures of 2000C, the shear resistance 0f a number of metals drops by a factor of 4. Simultaneously there uill be a displacement of the zone of change ovez- from external friction to internal sliding towards lower pressures. The T vs. p curves for elevated temperatures form a divergent beam. With increasing temperatures the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the shear resistance decreases. At low remperatures the opposite picture is observed, the initial section ol~ external friction lengthens and the shear resistance increases. The curves foriii a more divergent beam than in the case of Card 2/3 S/126/62/013/005/027/031 Influence of temperature on the ... E073/E535 elevated temperatures. For the materials investigated the siiear rQsistance at a pressure of 100000 kg/cm2 increased by factor of 2 for a temperature drop from room temperature to Those metals which had a lower shear resistance at room temperature proved to be more sensitive to changes in the shear resistance at low temperatures. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Pressure Phy'sics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 7,1961 (initially) January 12, 1962 (after revision) a -500C. Card 3/3 S/057/62/032/002/016/022 B124/B102 AUTHORS; Vereshchagin, L. F.., Zubova, Ye. V., and Shapochkin, V. A, TITLE: Electric contact resistance at high normal pressures PERIODICAL! Zhurnal I.ekhnicheskoy fiziki, V., 32, no, 2, 1962, 230 - 232 TEXTi The pressure dependence of the electric contact resistance of pis- tons made of WY,15 (ShKh!5) steel and of a powder-metallurgical hard alloy of the type3 K6 (VK6) .-ias examined at pressuresof up to 100,000 kg/cm2, iising the high-contact-pressure method developed at the authord institute, The purity and the quality of the contact surfaces were kept constant in all experiments,, The diameter of the rated contact area of the pistons was also constant and equal to 3 or 6 mm. The electric contact was calou lazed from the change in contact resistance measured with a potentiometer 01. type UTFO-1 (PPTN,-.l) and a high-sensitivity galvanometer of type M21/4 0,121/4) with low internal resistance. Heating of the contact and the -elevant change in resistance were excluded by using 1- to 2-ma currents, The voltage drop was measured for two current directions, and the average value -was determined-, The contact resistance vias calculated from Card 1/3 S/057/62/032./002/016/022 Electric contact resistance B124/B102 R U R = n x where R is the standard resistance. U is the voltage drop on x U n n n tbe standard sample, and Ux is the voltage drop on the sample examined, Pressure was gradually raised by 1,000 to 10,000 kg/cm up to 100,000 kg,4m_ Voltage drop measurements were repeated 15 to 20 times, and each test 3 to 4 times. with the first test results being neglected, as a rule, The re- sults shown in Fig: 2 are in good agreement with those of othe-r authors, There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONi Institut f7,ziki vysokikh davleniy All SSSR, Moskva (Institute of High-Pressure Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: Februvy 6, 196, Card 2/3 Electric contact re:11-istance ... Fir. 1. Circuit diagram for the riie:isvirement of contact resistance. oil switch; (',') opera'ting current battery of the potentiome- ter; (.7.) standard cell for the operatin,r~,--curtent device; H Pal vanometer. LeFend-. (1) PPTN-1. Fie-. 2. Contact resistance versus normal pressure. (1) for the couple VK6-VK6 with a 0004 rated piston diameter of 3 mrr-, (2) and (3) for the couples 0 OL73 VK6-vy,6 and ShKhl5-ShKhl5, re-- diame- spoctively, with a rated ter of 6 mm. Lcgendt2(A) R, 001 0 ohms; (B) p-10) kg/cm . . I Card 3/3 3/057/~2/03~/002/016/022 B120102 34215 S/057/62/1032/002/0 , 7/0"2,` B1 241B1 02 AUTHOR:3: VereshchaVin. L, F., Shapochkin, V., A_ and Pirogova. L- B- TITLE- Contact compressive strength of hard alloys of type _?K(V-K) PE'lHODICAL- Zhurnai tekhnicheskoy fiziki. v- 32, no. 2 "3162. 2-31 - '":7 TEXT: The compressive strength and residual properties (streng-th and plae- ticity) of pistons made of the sintered carbides 0/(8_g(VK8V),,FK6fflVK6V), 3WVK6). and SK4-9(VK4V) were tested using special device. The diameter the contact surface was 3-3.5 min. Pistons were tested by applying only per- pendi~;ular pressure or perpendicular pressure and torque simultaneous-y, in the firmer case, the load was raised first to 100.000 kg/CM2 then the sample was unloaded and examined for cracks, and loaded --gain at intervals of 100.000 kglcm 2 until the first cracks appeared, In the latter case. wise loading by '10,000-20.000 kg/cm2 was used, and, at a certa--';n perpendi. c"Iar pressure., torque was applied until the first cracks appeared, The re- suits indicate that the contact compressive strength of the alloys incre~L--s W h decreasing cobalt cortent. The breaking load is lowered by 20% -5hen V Card 1/3 J1 12 S/057/62/0 32 /002/01 7/0,22 Contfl..~:t co!:!cressive ssrene-,th B124/B!02 torque has been applied. The highest perpendicular load (350.00-3 kg1/.-_-T,2 could be applied to VK4V pistons.. while VK84 pistons cracked under a pres- 2 S-re of 220,000 kg,/cm , Application of torque to VK4V gave most pronounced - king load of the 1K6-ro.C(VK6TaS) alloy was about ~00_ -.21 effects; the brea 'OWkg1Cn_ IT was found by microhardness tests with the device riAr-3 (PMT-5) that (1) microhardness increases equally both with perpendicular pressure and with pressure plus torque; (2) cold hardening oi the contact surface is constant ar all points of the surface except the border; (3) residual hardering reac.ties a rnaxiinu..,i in VK4V (about 2011o) and a minimum in VK8V (about 5%), Radial and annular cracks were formed in positions and distributicris depen. dent on the kind of load., Tangential stresses as a function of perpend--,:u lar pressure were measured for VK8V, VK6V, and VK.,IV between 10,000 and 7-00 000 to 300,000 kg/cm2. The friction coefficients of all allc-ys at pressures up to 250,000 - 300.000 kg/cm2 were all about 0.135, wal-ch a 11,5~ to 2~fcid decrease with increasing pressure. Mechanic L, M. Voyeyk.--v and laboratc.ry assistant Z., A. Levchenko are thanked- There are 5 fia-ures 1 rable. and 5 Soviet references, Card 2/3 3)1215 S/057/62/10 ~2/002/017/022 Contact comuressive strength B124/13102 ASSOCIATION; Institut fiziki vysokikh davleni-y AN SSSR, Moskva (Institnute of High-pressure Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) SUB 1'~jT TTED: February 5? 1961 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4013967 S/2659/63/010/000/0290/0295 AUMOR: Shapociakin, V. A. TITLC: Testin,r for slicar under pressure at various temperatures SOURCE: AN SSSa. tnstitut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochny*M splavam, v. lo, 1963, 290-295 TOPIC T-41GS: shear strength, technical iroi; shear strength, fusible metal shear strength, shear strength pressure dependence, shear strength temperature dependence, activation energy ABSTRACT: Thin, round plates (diameter 5-10 mm, thickness 0.05-0.1 mm) of Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, In and technically Dure iron were tested on a special tester (mean normal pressures up 100,00o k,g/cm2- temperature range -50 to +2000C, stress sta-e values I M 0 "0-1000 kg/cM 2 in the low pressure ran-c a-id 10,000-20,000 kg/cM2 in the high :rpssure range). Bach test used 10-20 specimens, was repeated 3-5 times and the i-esults (see Firs. 1, 2 and 3 in the 11-iclosure) were subjected to statistical evaluation. It was established that the pressure dependence of shear strength remains linear for Lhe -iven temperature ran,re. Effects of hydrostatic pressure ;!ocrease as temperature rises. The temperature dependence of shear strength re- .ains a.-)alogous at high pressure or in the absence of pressure. The curve inOC-T -, i r,-; iq ?- ',CCESSLONT Nit: AT4013967 is linear over a wide temperature ran.,re. The temperature coefficient of shear stren-th decreases in value as pressure rises. The energy parameter, i.e. acti- vation energy, increases as pressure rises. The function In-e-11T can be assumed to be linear for a wide temperature range, whether pressure is present or not. The stren.-th o-4 technical frrades of A was affected directly by temperature (room temperature to 200C) in the presence of pressure, in that its shear strength in- creased with temperature, while the temperature coefficient0