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SHANTYRI . Sergey Pavlovich; YAFU4YSH, Yu., red.; FISIMKO, A... tekhn. red. (Miskhor, Koreiz, Gaspra; an essay-guidebookll4iskhor, Koreiz, Gaspra; ochark-putevoditell. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1962. 86 p. (MIRA 15: 12) (CIIDW,HEALTH RESORTS, WATURING-PLACES, ETC.) SHANTYRI . Sergey Pavlovich [Mishkhor, Koreiz, and Gaspra; a guidebook] Miokhor, Koreiz, Gaspra; ocherk putevoditell. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1960. 102 p. 04IRA 16:9) (Crimea--Guidebooks) SHAYTYRI, V.I., kandidat maditainakikh nauk Obserratioas of two cases of ecchinococcus with an unusual location of cysts. Nov.khir.arkh. no.3:54-55 MY-Je '57. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Onkologicheskays klinika Kharlkovskogo instituta usovershenstvo- vaniya vrachay na baze Instituta meditainskoy radiologii. Adres avtors: Khar1kov, ul. Pushkinskaya, d. 82, Rentgeninstitut. (BRPbAST--HYDATIDS) (ABDOMEN--HYDATIDS) SHANTTRI. V.I.,, DUBIK, V.T. Gas anesthesia in surgical shocke' Khirurgiia 34 no.6:107-110 Ja 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.A. Kartavian) Khnrikovskogo institutR unovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - dots. I.I. Ovsiyenko) na baze II Gorodskoy bollnitay (glavuyy vrach G.A. Mukhina)o (ANESTHESIA, INHALATION, in surg. shock (Rua)) (SHOCK, therapy anesth. in surg. shock (Rue)) SHANTvR', V.I., kand. med. nauk, (Rharlkov, u1. Artema, d. 8. Institut usover- shenstvovaniya vrachey); DUBIK, V.T. Use of nitrous oxide in surgery. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:67-72 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Kafedra khirurgii 1 (zav. - prof. V. A. Kartavin) Kharikovskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (NITROUS OXIDE) lamd.ned.nalik Effectiveness of preo-nerative X-ray therap in breast cancer. W Zdrav.Belor. 5 no.8:1W-Lq Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Kafedru khInargii (zavedupishchiy - prof.V-A-Kartavin) lQui.r1kovokogro institlita iisovershenstvovaniva vrachey (direlctor dotsent I.I.Ovsiyenko). (13Rl4AbT--CAlTC23R) (X RAYS-TIMRAFEUTLIC USE) SHOITY10, V.I., kand. mod. nnuk, rckl.; LEXCHUK, G.A,, red.; BOYKO, ... . -V-P., tekhn. red. [Therapeutic and diagnostic use of radioactive isotopes] Lech,+noe i diagnosticheskoe primenenie radioactix-nykh izo- topov; trudy konferentsii. Pod red. V.I.Shanty-rl. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 257 p. MRA 16:10) RADIGISDTOPES-VERAPEUT1C USE ACCESSION NR: AP4011108 S/0241/0'4/009/001/0088/0092 AUTHOR: Shanty*r', V. 1. TITLE: The fourth congress of Ukrainian roentgenologists and radiologists SOURCE:' ilieditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 9, no. 1, !964, 88-92 TOPIC TAG S: radiology, congress, conference, X-ray, radiology congress, Ukraine radiology congress, radiation sickness ABSTRACT: The 4th congress of Ukrainian roentgenologists and radiologists, organizej by the Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniya USSR (Ukrainian Ministry oF Health) and the Ukrainskoye respublikanskoye obshchestvo rentgenologov i radiologov (Ukrainian Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologists) and held on June 27-29, 1063 at the Institut fileditsinskoy radiologii (institute of Medical Radiology) in Khar'kov, brought together 465 participants from the Ukraine and other Soviet republics. In addition to the plenary sessions, separate sections were devoted to: the state of radiology in the Ukraine and measures for its improvement; X-ray diagnosis of occupational diseases in industry and agriculture; new methods of X-ray and radiological diagnosis; current probl,:,.-,:~ of radiation therapy; current problems of radiation sickness; and the report of the board of directors of the Societ~'. in an introductory address which emphasized work in tuberculosis and .cc ACCESSION NR: AP4011108 cancer, P. I. Kovalenko, representing the Ministry of Health, mentioned that the Ukraine then had 258 functioning radiology centers, and t!it work with radioactive isotopes was being conducted at the Khar'kovskiy institut meditsinskoy radiologii (Khar'kov Institute for Nedical Radiology) and the Kiyevskiy rentgeno-radiologi- cheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut (Kiev Institute for Radiology and oncology). The 2nd plenary session was devoted to general problems of radiology,such as the diagnostic and therapeutic use of ionizing radiation, and included papers by Yu. A. Burlachenko (New tc.-:hniques of X-ray diagnosis), N. F. Zarkevich (New techniques of radiological diagnosis), Ye. D. Dubovoy and V. I. Shanty*r' (Current problems of radiation therapy) and V. K. Guly-.'-y V. S. Genes and S. A. Peredel'skiy (Current problems 'of radiation sickness. over 110 of the participants at the other sessions are listed by name. In the section on radiobiology, particular attention was given to the early signs and mechanisms of radiation sickness in man, and further work was recommended on: the effects of.small doses of various types of ionizing radiation in normal subjects; the effect of medical therapeutic and diagnostic procedures on the incidence of neoplasms; contraindications for pro- fessional exposure to ionizing radiation; and the evaluation of environmental factors which potentiate or counteract the effect of radiation on man. A closing speech (Perspectives for the development of scientific studies in the field of radiology% was given by Prof. G. A. Zedgenidze, representing the Vsesoyuznoye J nauchnove obshchestvo rentgenologov i radiologov (All-Union 8cientific Society of Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: Ap4omo8 Roentgenologists and Radiologists), and a 5th congress of the Ukrainian society was called for 1967. Orig. art. has: no graphics. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: AM, AG DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 'lard 3/3 ARKHANGEL SKIY N.M.; SEREBRIN, L.A.; SAZCNOV, 1-1-; PESHKO, M.K.; SHANURENKOY V.I.; FAINGERSH, N.S., inzh.; KLYUCHEV, V.M., inzhe; PARADNYA, P.F.; LINGHEVSKIY, M.A.;PARSHRI, A.P. Additional. potentials in the development of multiprogramm broadcasting. Vest. sviazi 24 no.12:13-15 D 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Nachallnik Karagandinskoy direktsii radiotranslyatsionnoy seti (for Arkhangeliskiy). 2. Nachallnik Cdesskoy oblastnoy direktsii radiot--anslyatsionnykh setay (for Serebrin). 3. Glavnyy inzh. Rizhskoy direktsii radiotranslyatsionnykh setey (for Sazonov). 4. Starshiy inzh. Rizhskoy direktsii radiotrans- lyatsionnykh setey (for Peshko). 5. Nachallnik laboratorii Nauchno-issledovatellskogc institute. Ministerstva svyani SSSR (for Shanure4o). 6. Gor1kovskaya direktsiya radiotranslyatsion- n-ykh setey (for Payngersh, Klyuchev). 7. Nachallnik Kiyevskoy gorodskoy direktsii radioseti (for Paradn-ya). B. Glavnyy inzh. Uzbekskoy respublikanskoy direktsii radiotranslyatsiorm-ykh setey (for Linchevskiy). 9. Nachallnik Ufimskoy gorodskoy radiotranslyatsionnoy seti (for Parshin). A h. . Calculutdnf~ .'.e,daccmcnt for a ke., button on calculatiniz machines. Rech. trans,..' no. 1, Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Cc'uober 1z,;52 Uncl. SW-.NURENKO, 1. A. 1753. Sravaitellnaya otsenka khirugicheskikh i konservativnykh metodov lich6niya karbunkulov. -4. 1954 12s 20sm (M-vo zdravookhrane.-dya SSSR. Tsentr. in-t usovershenstvovaniya vrachey). 100 E)-,z. B. Ts. (54-54211) SO- Knizhnaya LetODiS', Vol. 1, 1955. SHANURENKOp I. A. "A Comparative Appraisal of Surgical and Conservative Treatment of Carbuncles." Cand Med Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians, 18 Jan 55. (17M, 7 Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 SHANURMIKO, I.A.(Moskva, Volokolamskeye B11o9se,d.,Y-.. kv. 50) RYAPOLOVA, - Rare clinical course in multiple cartilaginous exontosis. Vest. khir. 77 no-2:115-118 F 156 (RLRA 9:6) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy klinichookoy bollnit8y 14inister6tva putey soobahcheniya (nauchnyy ruk.-prof. V.1. Kazanakiy) (EXOSTOSIS, 14MTIPLE chondrogonic, clin. course) SHATITYR70MO, I.A. kand. cled. nank.; RYAROV, A.M. Problem of treatmwnt of suppurative pericarditis. Sov. med. 22 no.12: 108-114 D '58. (MM 12:1) 1 1% 4-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Kazan-qkiy. nauchnyy ;;*ovoclitell - prof. T. P. 143Lkaranko) TSentrallnogo instituta usoversh- enstvovaniya vrachey na baze TSentrallnoy klinicheskDy bollnitsy (na- chal'nik V.N. Zakharchenko) Ministerstva putey soobahcheniya SSSR. (PERICARDITIS, ther. suppurative (Rus)) SHANURENKO, I.A. Treatment of ulcers of the skin tegmina, and of slow-healing wounds with leucocytic serum. Trudy Inst. morf. zhiv. no.26:207-217 '59 (Mira. 13:3) 1. TSentrallnaya klinicheskaya bollaitsa Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya, Moskva. (Skin--Ulcers) (Wonnds and injuries) (Leucocytes) SHAMRENKOy I.A.; RYABOV, A.M. Experience in the treatment of obliteratin$ endarteritis by the prolonged effect of novocaine on the sympathetic nerve trunk. Vest. khir. 84 no. 2:49-53 F 160* (MIRA 14:1) (ARTERIES) (LOCAL ANESTHESIA) , SRANURINKO, V. (g.Moskva) I Protective device for 2nd clans feeding lines. Radio no.8: 41 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Wire broadcasting) (Electric relays) SHANURBIWO, Vsevolod Ivanovich; ORLOV, M.S.. redAId-or; MARTSIMVICH, L.H., tekhnichookiy redaktor [Protection of rural ovmrhepd feeder lines] Zashchita sellskikh vozdushnykh fidernykh liffli. Moskva, Gos. izd--n lit-ry po vooro- sam aviazi i radio, 1954. 33 P. [Microfilm] (MLRA 8:6) (Electric lines-07erhead) (Radio) US~qg/ Electronics- Radiofication lines Card 1/i Pub, 89 - 11/27 Authors I Shanurenko, V.T-. Title PF-o-t;ction Z~ru' radiofication feeder lines Periodical I Radio 2. 21-23, Feb 1954 Abstract I Methods of protecting the feeder lines for rural radiofication systems are discussed, The use of AC, instead of DO current on these lines is suggested. A 50-cycle AC current is considered as the most effective and desirable. Circuit diagram ; drawings. Institutiont q.... Submitted& ....* f 107-57-1-27/60 AUTHOR: Shanurenko, V.-and Dzyadchik, V. TITLE: S~ ~im system for First-Class Lines. Wire-Broadcast Development (Signaliziruyushcheye usturoystvo dlya liniy pervogo klassa. Radiofikatsiya) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, p 18 (USSk) ABSTRACT: A simple system is suggested for signaling faults on wire-broadcast distribu- tion lines working at voltages under 360 v. A two-wire ground-return loop is formed, tuned in resonance for 50 cDs and fed from the power-supply line. A neon lamp con- nected across an inductance is normally lit, and goes out in case of a failrre on the line. Circuit diagrams and parts data are supplied. There are 3 figures in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SHAN11RHNKOY V.I, W.-ans for developing wire broadcasting in the U.3.S.R. Elektrc;sviazl 19 no.1:79-80 Ja 165. (.MIRA 18:L) SHANIVIN. S. If. Hydrogeological characteristics of certain absorbent horizons of Paleozoic depOBjtS in the southeastern TRtar A.S.S.R. and western Bashkirin. Trudy VNII ng.9:29-4o '56. (MIRA 10:1) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Water, Underground) (Bashkiria-Water, Underground) I.:7' ~ , A IM. V, ~Iz---;nl:4:,r-. of lcn3 vith m R, ln~ iniversi - -1- .,- , r- .- - - --: : ~ np, "~', -,i ' 7--- 7 1 - r - -- r ~ ~ .-, " :. ~ -,- ~ ~ t, '.' '~ ~ !~ 2: , % : .; , ~ , " t: : " ,f7;C If!. -..; ". SHANTAVSKAYA, V.M. . - - .1 - --- In memory of M.P. Nagibina. Uch.zap. Mosk. un. no.129:3-5 248. (MM 11:7) (Nagibina, Hariia Pavlovna, 1878-1943) SHANYGINA9 K. I., CANo BIG Sc-t. THE EFFECT OF INSULIN AND Lt~- 0- - CORTISONE " THE ACTIVITY OF GLUC-OKINASE OF THE LIVER. LE- NINGRAD9 1960. (FIRST LENINGRAD MED INST im ACAD 1. P. PAV- LOV). KL, 2-619 205). 102- ILIIN, V.S.; SUNYGINA, K.I. Hormonal regulation of the hexokinase reaction in the liver. Vop. med. khim,.6 no.3:291-300 My-Je 160. (11DU 14: 3) 1. Otdel biokhimii Institut.a eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii meditsinskikh, nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (LIVER) (HEXOKINASE) (DIABETES) (CORTISONE) (INSULTIJ) ZHEDEK, M.S.; MADSAKOVA, VA.; -STUNY-G.INA, M.L Stabilization of creamery butter by antioxidants. Report ffo.l'~ Investigation of antioxidants for butter manufactured by the continuous line method. Izv. vys. uchebo zav.; Pishch. tekh. no.6:55-58 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Kharlkovskly zoovaterinarnyy institut, kafedra khimli i kafedra tekhnologii seVskokhozyaystvennykh produktov, ZHEDEK, M.S.; KHMELYK, G.G.; M~SAKOVA, V.A.; SHANYGINA, M.I.; VOLKOVA,, G.M. Stabi.Uzation of creamery butter by antioxidants. Report No.2: Effect of antioxidants on the keeping quality of butter manufactured by the continuous line method during prolonged storage. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6:59-63 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. KharIkovskiy zooveterinarnyy institut, kafedra. khimii kafedra, tekhnologii zhivotnovodcheakikh produktov. - (;. ,,. r. ff,~ ctu,:y of he Complex of +--he (oxidation- . 11 - . u Reduction Processes in Dairy Gows." All-dinion Sci Pes Inst of Animal Husbandry. Moscow, 1956. kBissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Science) So: Kniz"aya Letopis', No. 17, 1956 RADCHENKO, V.G.; SILUiM, V.S. Electric slag welding of spherical elee~:tric dehydrators. Avtom.svar. 13 no.6:37-41 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Barnaullskiy kotel'Wy zavod (for Radchenko). 2. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. T6.0. Patona AN USSR (for Shanyuk). (Electric welding--Equipment and supplies) (Pressure vessels--Welding) YX 62265-65 65/000/P07/00l8/0Wp~".-- ACCESSION NR; AP5495 '0j OT 30/ 036 1 AUTHOR: Bobrakov,'B Kar N.0 Nz. -b t- *P*(Senior research associateh- o6fa7j~T~ 7 p technician)~ Mordkovichl M. S . (Se i1i 'research:iss or-.-:.,-,:~~ research associate) TITLEs Pasteurization conditions for aseptic -.canning- of juicesin la-r Unks,- ge SOURCE: Konservnaya i,,ovosh-,hesuahil1naya promyshlennost', no-'b -7 196 TOPIC TAGS:-apple juice canning, grape juice canningy aseptic canning, p~ste4rizdti= ABSTRACT: In 1963-!1964, the.Moldavakiy nauchno-issledovatellski pishchpa y. institu pr.onyshlennosti (Moldavian Scientific Research Institute of ifi6 Pood1ndustry) ~~-carried out'laboratory and production~scale- Itests for the :purpose:. of developin Ij!I~a tephnological process for aseptic canning.of grape and apple,juice in . ai~ ~m,,,pr mobile tanks. The condition of pasteurization of The ce in a whic h '~it possible to sto the juice for a long time even when the bacterial popu-,'...41-- make re - I ~. -1. Li we A diatram of thd.----XT, lation levels of the original fresh juice are*.bigh re determined. assembly bused in the study is giyeq* The assemb2y made it possible~ to saturate uum deaerate.-it _by me. a of a vac heat and cool 'the j uice. o juice with air an temperatures while changing the duration of the thermal treatment'-over a ~ddei-range, sterilize the assembly and tanks with steam,.fill the tanks with'carbon., dioxide" .1sterilize the air filter with sulfur dioxide,~and fill the tmlm-Ath juicq under iliAl-A, Y.I.; A.A. Automatic tempei-ature regulation in Juice pasteurization Ln tubular heaters. Trudy IeNIIPP 5:65-67 164. (MIRA 19:1) SHA?AXIDZF,, V. N. USSR/Engineering Refractories Refactory Flaterials Dee 48 "Prospective Use of Georgian "lagnesian Raw 14sterials for the Production of Basic Refractories," 0. P. Mchedlov-Petrosyanp Kh. 1. Gogicheva, V. N. Shapakidze, Inst of Metal and Mining., Acad Sci Georgian SSR, 4 PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIII, No 4 Experiments in preparing: (1) dolomitic (ma esiandolomite) refractories using dolomite from Abano and serpentine from Tanelisa, (2rforsterite refractories f rom barnt serpentine with addition of magnesite, and (3) forsterite refractory using burnt serpentine with addition of mageskum oxide, obtained from serpentilLe through cyclical chemical processing by hydrochloric acid4- Minerals from these deposits were tested first because of their proximity to chief user of refractories, Zakavkazskiy Metal Factory. Submitted by Acad D. S. Belyankin, 2 Oct 48. It 45/49T35 SHAPAKIDZE, L. N. EFIG.,KUTATELADZE, K. S. Portland Cement Use of metallurgical high-content manganess slags in the manufacture of slag- portland cement. TSement 18 No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, T)prsbmhi4r -1952, Uncl. Dis s c- I r, fl.- ',--:v;-, L r~f thc '-Pindinq- 1-ro-.ertieo, of I! irrh-l-'anf-c;nez5~e 'il a-, re ecr:-:lL- insi 29 54. 7~Li`isi '54 ;ILT `43, 19 Cct 1954 15-57-3-3363 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 131 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kutateladze, K. S., Shapakidze, V. N. TITLE: Sul~ate Resistance in High-ManF-anese S14g-Cements and the Role of Manganese Sulfide in the Hardening of These Ceftients (Sullfatostoykost' vysokomargantsovykh shlako- tsementov i roll sullfida margantsa pr~ tverdenii etikh. tsementov) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta metalla i gorn. dela. IN GruzSSR, 1956, Nr 7, pp 231-238 ABSTRACT: The authors have,shown. tliat-the dilution of Pprtland cement by tiigh-manganese slags (especially silico- manganese) increases the sulfate resistance. Card 1/1 no initials KMTElADZE, K.S.; SHARAKIDZE, V.11.; CHKHIVADZE, I.I. Investiguting serpvntinites and talc-carbonates for the pre- paration of phosphate fertilizers. Trudy Inst.met. AN Gruz. SSR 9:207-2-12 '58. (MM 12:8) (Phosphates) (serpentine) (Talc) ; , '.'0 SH,UAK,~-'-CE, VA.. .- I ~ Heat, and souni Insula-zing f-r-Om the basa 'a Georgia. Trucly K.D%B ~c,5aqq-~"&E 163 ~ (MIRA 180,C) IDIMIALIN, ii P. ------ Natural . eatureq and rsources of Kamchatka Province. Geog. Y shkole 23 llo.l:'fc)-PO Ja-F ' 60 - (VIRA 13:5) (Kamchatka Province-Economic conditions) SLAVIN, S.V.., doktor ekon. nauk; GRUIIK, G.I., kand. ekon. nauk; LOGINOV, V.P.; MIKHAYLOV, S.V.- SHAPALIN B.F., kand. geogr. nauk; AVAKYAN, M.I., nwachi~ff so r.~;ZAKHAROV, G.A., nauchnyy sotr.; KMEDITSER, L.S., nauchny-f sotr.; TITOVA, N.I., nauchnyy sotr.; TITRDENEV, A.P., nauchnyy sotr.; CHUGUNOV, B.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; KOGAN, I.L.; MES11KOVSKAYA, L.V.., starshiy inzh.; LUKIN, I.I.; FAYERSHTEYN, R,I.; Prinimali uchastiye: Agranat., G.A., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; PUZANOVA, V.F., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; KUPRIYANOV, A.B., nauchnyy sotr., red.; SOBOIEV, Yu.A.., red. izd-va; TIK11CHIROVA, S.G., tekhr. red. [Problems in developing the productive forces of Magadan Province] Problery razvitiia proizvoditellrqkh sil Magadanskoi oblasti. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 301 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Ak-ademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditel'nykh sil. 2. Gla%myye i3kzhenera proyekta "Dallstroyproyekt" (for Kogan,, Fayershteyn). 3. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chugunov). 4. Energoupravleniye Magadanskogo Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for I-leshkovskaya). 5. Nachallnik Oblastnogo otdela po delam. stroitell- stva i arkhitektury Magadanskoy oblasti (for Lukin). (Magadan Province-Industries) (Magadan Province-Economic policy) .MAVIN, S.V., doktor ekonom.nauk; GRANIC, G.I., kand.ekonom.nauk; EUZAKOV. K.G., kand.ekonom.nauk; MIKHAYLOV, S.V., kand.ekonom.nauk; fRIAR N, Rd-, kand..geograf.nauk; 1AM&NITS3R, L.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik; MOSKVIN, D.D., nauchnyy sotrudmik; TTURDMOV, A.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik; T. NTSOVA, N.A., inzh.; KOZLOV, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy na- uchn.yy sotrudnik; BRONSHTRYN, L.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BOVKUN, A.Ye.; VER&KININ, A.A., okhotoved; SERZYZF, M.A., retsenzent; AGRANAT, G.A., kand.geograf.nauk, red.; PUZANOVA, V.F., kand.geoOgraf. nauk; SH3NKKAN, V.I., red.izd-va; BRUZGULI, V.V., [Problems in the development of the productive forces of Kamchatka Province] Problemy razvitiia proizvoditellnykh sil Kamchatskoi ob- lasti. Moskva, 1960. 420 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po iz~ncheniyu proizvoditelfnykh sil. Sektor prirodnvkh resursov i ekonomiki Severa. 2. Zaveduyushchiy Sekto- rom prirodnykh resursov i ekonomiki Severa Soveta po izucheniyu proizvo- ditelInfich sil M SSSR (for Slavin). 3. Institut anergetiki AN WZR (for Kozlov). 4. Tikhookeanskiy rybnyy institut (TINRO) (for Bron- shteyn). 5. Starshiy ekonomist Kamchatskogo ob1plana (for Bovkun). 6. Kamchatskoye otdeleniye Voesoy-uznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta zhivotnogo syriya i pushniny (for Vershinin). (Kamchatka Province--Economic conditions) SHAPALIN, B,F.; TUZUKOVA, V.I.; AVMAN, M.I.; RUMYANTSEVA, E.F. In the interdepartmental Committee on the Problems of the Norl-h. Prob. Sev. no.5:16!-,I-83 163, (MUU 16:ll) . SHAPALIN, B.F. Valuable book on the Soviet North. Geog. i khoz. no.12.*88-92 163. (MIRA 16:12Y ~~A~ 12- A.G.. gornyy ir-zh. --- UsinC underwater blasting in working sand and gravel deposits with suction apparatus. Gor. zhur no.4:70 Ap 163. (14IRA 16:4) (Sand and gravel industry--Equipment and supplies) (Blasting, Submarines) pro,'. ok t -or tekhri. nauk; T,",.RTi-"IKC,V3KIY P.N., kLnd. Le'-nn. na,ik; ~11`11,YliK, V.D., inzh,; L A.G., inzh. ',j' 3 yc-,** rroa-..;n~r anew -~,ec-,nology for open-pit mining operations W j thf~ tic~~ cit' tht-: principle of controlle-- caving of the benches. o, r n,~..'.:!?-20 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Fi':-.'al Ins"';tlita mekhanLki AN [jkr3S,R, Dnepropetrovsk. STAVISSEY, Yu.Ya.; SHAPAR', A.V. [Capture cross sectlons of fast neutrons for tungsten and molybdenum] Secheniia radiatsionnogo zakhvatp. bystr, ykh nei-tronov dlia vollframa i molibdena. Mosk-va.1 Glav. upr, po ispollzovaniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 6 p. (MIRA 17:1) 330-00 S/641 /61/000/000/02 -r,'O~5 3 10 2 /`38 AUTHORS: Stavisskiy, Yu.. Ya., Shapar, A. V, TITLE- Fast neutron radiative capture cross section for tun&-sten and molybdenum S-V-URCE. Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed, Neytronnaya fizikai sbornik stalley, Moscow, 1961. 310-311 TEXT: The fast neutron radiative caDture cross sections were measured in the range 0 05 to I Mev for natural isotope m--'xtures of i~ and Mc, by recording the prompt capture ~-quanta. T(p;n)He3 reactions rere used as the neutron source, with the protons accelerated by a Van-de-Graaf. Between 0,05 and O~2 Mev the neutron energy spread was - 15 kev.. and + 20 kev bet-xeen 0-2 and 1 Mev, A CaF 2 scintillation counter was used for gamma detection. The energy dependence of the radiative capluZe V41 cross sections was determined from a comparison with similar data for U235. The measurements were carried out with "background" specimens (Bi + graphite). Measuring accuracy was 6 Yo in the lower and % the Card 1, 3_3000 S/641/6I/000/000/027/033 I / I I . Fast neutron radiative capture.... B1,02' /Bl,:~8 127 upper energy range, For E n = 0,.2 Mev the J' radiatl--re oapzure ~;ross sections were taken as reference values, For Mo onq was 59 f !0 mb, for 17, (Y 122 ~ 21 mb Professor A,. I Leypunskiv and 0 D Kazachkovsk!Y, Dcuctorr of Physical and blathematical Scien_-es, were thankz_d 1',-,r inter-?5t ;V V;. A. Rorancv, A. S Kulakov and L. A Zhdamirov for assisrancE The-e are 2 fi.-ures and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet The two refeferlcel_:~ to English-iarignv-ze publications read as folloas, 11, D 1 en, - 1957; S m C FerFuson, Pr,),: Phys Soc 1,0~ 6310, ame 2~:'; -95c, JO Card 212 20181 s/oag/61/olO/003/011/021 B102/B205 AUTHORS: Stavisskiy, Yu. Ya., Shapar', A. V. TITLE: Fast-neutron capture cross section for niobium, nickel, and iron PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 3, 1961, 264-265 TEXT: The energy dependence of the radiative capture cross sectiomfor fast neutrons in a natural isotopic mixture of niobium, nickel, and iron has been measured by recording the prompt gamma radiation. The reaction T(p, n) served as neutron source. The'protons had been accelerated in a van de Graaff. The average spread of neutron energy was +20 kev. A scintillation counter with a CaP 2 crystal was used as detector. The measurements were performed in annular geometry. Measuring technique and evaluation are describfiO in Ref. 1 (Moscow report). The energy dependence of the radiative neutron caDture cross section was obtained by a comparison with the course of the u235 cross section. The experimental error of a single point does not exceed 1CY,~o for Nb and 150, for Ni and Fe. The radiative capture cross section of 400-kev neutrons, which is 65 mb for Nb, 8.3 mb for Ni, and 5 mb Card 1/3 20181 S/089/6-1/010/003/011/021 Fast-tieutron capture ... B102/B205 for Fe, has been used to determine the absolute cross section. The MRsults of the authors' calculations are shown in Figs. 1-3 (full circles) [Abstracter's note: As the three figures are very similar, only Fig. 3 is presented] for Nb, Ni, and Fe, and compared with the results of Refs- 3-6. if the cross section for niobium is averaged over many overlapping levels, then the mean distances of the levels for nickel and iron are comparable to the ener- resolution of the method. The diagrams indicate that in the Oy range of 150-1000 kev, the radiative capture cross section depends only sli~-htly on energy. This is primarily due to the capture of neutrons having a non-vanishing orbital momentum; another cause is the possible increase in the radiation width with an increase in energy. A. I. Leypunskiy and 0. D. Kazachkovskiy are thanked for interest in the work. There are 3 fig- ures and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. 1A bstracter's note: Essentially complete translation SUBMITTED: August 23, 1960 Card 2/3 Past-neutron capture ... Fig- 3 10 .2 Card 3/3 S/089/61/010/003/011/021 3102/B205 0 101 . ffi n 20 foo fooo E, "S J. 4!W.,5 s/120/62/000/005/030/03.6 E039/13420 GTI 10 i, SStavisskiv, Yu.Ya.,,Shapar' , A.V. TITLE: A scintillation counter with a CaF2 crystal Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, n0-5, 1962, 177-178 TI-I'XT: The merit of scintillation counters with CaF2 crystals is that they onabLe recording of y- rays in the presence of a. large J- flux of neutrons. CaF,3 crystals have the following properties: density 5.L8 g/cm3; melting point 1306*C; maximum spectral I 0 emission 2500 A; refractive index 1.434; CaF2 is chemically inert and large crystals can be grown. The pho~-phorescen e decay timu as measured by the authors is (0-5 + 0-1) x 10-9 sec while previous workers found 0.2 x lo-6 sec. -It is shown that the pulse height from CaF2 can be incr-eased from,0.05 to 0.12 relatiVe Lo NaI(Tl) by the pplication of a longwave convertei~. Comparison is made using a ~3y-29 (FEU-29) photomultiplier. Vulse height can also be increased by the addition of an activator sucii as cerium or europium. A natural crystal was prepared from a selecLed sample of CaF2 by grinding on a rotating cast iron plate with corundum powder, subsequently lapping with micro-corundum C~krd 1/2 . .1 s/12c;/62/000/005/030/036 A scintillation counter ... E039/E420 pap~-r and polishing with chamois leather and rom (GOI) paste unLil- a sut-t'ace oC optical quality was obtained. An artificial single crysta.1 was grown (height 3 cm and diameter 3.5 cm) without the addition of an activator. The wavelength converter is applied as a coating consisting of a solid solution of p-terphenyl in polystyrene dissolved in toluene. This solution is brushed on the degreased crystal and dried at room temperature, Coatings are applied until the optimum quantity of 4 mg/cM2 is obtained. Aluminium foil reflectors are used. The absence of a converter on the crystal face adjacent to the photocathode of the FEU decreases the pulse height by 15%). SUBMITTED: December 2, .1961 Card 2/2 ) "I. :3/0139/62/012/006/008/019 3102/B104 ,MHORS: 3tiviss'~--Ly, Yii. Ya., 3hapar', A. V. TITLE: Faot-neuLron capture cross section for chromium P'--",Z ! 0 D ', CAI, Atomn;4ya enert,,iya, v. 12, no. 6, 1962, 514 TEXT : The enerr~y denendence of the radiative fast-neutron capture cross section in chromium was measured by recording the prompt gamma emission. T(:),n)-reactions atu the target of a Van de Graaff accelerator were used for neutron production. Neutron enerUy scattering was found at + 20 kev. A scintillation counter with a CaF2 crystal was used as detector. The radiative capture cross section in the range 50-1000 kev was found to depend only slightly on the energy. There is I figure. SUBIMITTMD: December 6, 1961 Card 1/1 Yu.Ya.; SHAPARI, A.V. Fast neuluron caDture cro3s sections for copper and zircon-Jum. rltom. energ. 15 no.4t'23 0 163. (MIRA 16-10) SFjTAR, A. V. "Capture crosssections of fast neutrons." report submitted for IAEA Intl Nuclear Data Sci Working Group Mtg, Vienna, -j-13 Nov 64. L 6474-66 ZfWT(m)/EPF(n) _2/E~jP(t)/EWP(b)/EWA(h) Ijp 90 JD/JG1DM AMMSION NR.- AP5019811 UP/ 65/oig/00-1/0042/0043 539-172.4039-17-02 AUTHOR: Stavisskiy, Yu. Ya. - Sh par Krasnokutskly, R. N. " 4157?- - a TITLE: Cross section for the capture of"Tall't-neutrons by.rhen um SOURCE- Atomnaya energiya, v. 19,, no. i. 1965p 42-43 11 ylflfs~ TOPIC TAGS: neutron cross section, neutron capture, fast neutron, rhenium, Gamra radiation, thermal neutron/ BR,5 ABSTRACT: The energy dependeneb i5f the cross section for radiative capture of fast neutrons by rhenium of natural isotopic composition (thickness 6 X 1022 atoms/CM2) was measured by recording the prompt capture gammas.- Thei neutron source was the reaction T(p, n)He3 in the target of a Van de Graaff dc'celerator. The capture gammas were detected by a scintillation counter with CaF2 crystal. A circular measurement geometry was used. The ratio of background to effect did not exceed 30%. The absolute values were obtained 10~ measuring the capture cross sec- tions of both rhenium. isotopes by the activation method at a neutron energy 600 kev. The procedure used in this work differed from the usual activation methods in that the irradiation with thermal and fast neutrons was carried out under es- sentially different conditions. The irradiation with thermal neutrons was carried Card 2/2 L 6474-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019811 0 out in a beam from the thermal column of the BR-5 reactor. The value obtained for-the capture cross section of the natural mixture was 325 i 60 ab for neutrons of energy 600 � 100 key. A plat of the resultep showing also data by others, Is included. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 26Aug64 ENCM 00 SUB COM NP IRR REF SOV-. 002 OTM.- 002 nw Card 2/2 _qm L 24245-65 SWTW/EWA(h) DM ACCESSION NR: AP5,001275 S/9089/64/017/006/0508/0509 AUTHOR: Malyshev,: A. V.; Stavisskiv. Yu. AYa.;,Shaparl, A.. V. TITLE: Cross- sections for radiation capture of fast neutrons in iron SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, V. 17, no. -6, 1964, 508-~509 TOPIC TA GS: -radiation neutron capture, neutron capture cross-section, fast neutron, iron ..ABSTRACT: It is known thaf tile -inelastic -neutron scattering can, greatly affect - .1 the dependence of - the radioactive. capture cross. section of fast neutrons on en.. was,me In order to elucidate this dependence for large neutron energies, me sured for the natural iron isotopes mixture, for neutrons of 1, 1. 2,- and 1. 4 Mev. The experimental method was described in At,omnaya Energiya 10.,.264-, (1961). It was found that for -neutron energy over 900 kev, the captur'e crossISec-, tion decreases. At 1. 2 and 1. 4 Mev, T-r is about 2 mbarn. The measured values are in good agreement witfl the theoretical computations by V., E. Kole,sov et al (Neutron Physics, Moscow, 1961 p. 910).Orig. art, has: I figure Card 1/2 SEAPAR, I. Let's increase the production of roofing materials. Sill. bud. 10 no.12:19 D 160o (MIRA 13:12) 1. Predsedatell soveta Nedrigaylovskogo raykolkhozstroya Sumskoy oblasti. (Sun7 Province--Roofing) SHAPAR I, It. T. Advanced methods of potato cultivation in Irkutsk Province. Agrobiologiia no.5:7%-769 s-o 61. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Irkutakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova. (Irkutsk Province-Potatoes) SFRZOII!, V.0., A.V.; SIEVIC'UNK-l'), V.P. ifitrGILICing new mettiod3 for the preparation of a blast.- furnace charge. Bitil.tokh..-ekon.inform.Cio:).nauch.-issl.lnst. nauch. i tekh.inform. 17 no. 5-.3-6 W 161+. (MIM 17:6)' SHAPARENKO, B. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Changes of the upper respiratory tract under the influence of the action of metallic mercury vapors and workers-v~-_mercury combinel(clinico-experimental study).'l Stalino, 1957. 22 pp (Stalino State Med Inst im A. M. Gorlkiy), 200 copies (KL, 1-58, 122) - 108 - I&PI41K, S.F., nrof.; SHAPATLENK0. B.A. nssistent Difficulties and errors in the diagnosis of endoerpnial oto.venic comnliantions in Intracranial hemorrhages Lwith suri=nry in -I~nglishJ. Vest.oto-rin. iq no.6:36-41 N-D 157 (MIRA 11:1) 1. iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosn (znv.--orof. S.F. Letnik) Stnlinnlropo meditainskogo instituts, Donbass. kOSTEBRAL RFMORRRAGI',, differential din-pnosis endocrnninl otogenic camnl. (Rua) WTITIS M-13DIA, comnliwitionB, endoernnial otogenic comDl., differ. ding. from cerebral hemorrh. Pus) SFAPA~~IIJIKO, B.A.. (Stalino) Prevention and treatment of lesions of the upper respiratory tracts caused by working with metallic mercury. Zhur. ush.Y nos, i ~,orl. bol. 19 no.5:12-16 S-0 '59. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Iz 'Iffl-niki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. S.F.Letnik) Stalinsicogo meditsinskogo instituta, (1-2,RGUIEff-TOXICOLOGY) (RESPIRATORY DRGAITS-DISEASESI SHAPAREM, B.A. Method for investigating olfactory function of the nose. Vest. otorin. 21 no.2:29-33 Mr-Ap 159. (NM 12:4) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nose, (zav. - prof. S.F. letnik) Stalin.skogo, meditsinskogo instituta. . (SMVL, olfactometry (Rue)) SHAPARRHKO, B.A., - .- ~'-' "C' Effect of marcury vapors on the mucatis membranes of the upper respiratory tract In white rate. Vest.otorin. 22 no.2:37-63 Kr-Ap ,6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz kliniki bolezuey uk , gorla I nose (zav. - prof.S.P.Letnik) Stalinskogo, meditainskogo instituta. (MCURT toxicol.) (RIWIRATORY SYSM pharmcol.) SHAPARLINKO, B.A., dotsent Clinical and roentgenological parallels in the examimtion of the paranasal sinuses in persons working with mercury. Zhur. ush., nos, i gorl. bol. 22 no.1:4-9-41, Ja-F 162. (IIIHA 15:5) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. S.F.Latnik) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni A.M.Gortkogo. (NOSE, ACCESSORY S114USES OF) (NERCURY-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) -- SHAPAREYKO, B.A., dotsent; RODIN, V.I., dotsent Report on the activitiesof the Donetsk Provincial Scientific Society of Otorhinolaryngologists for 1962~ Zhur. uzhop nos, i gorl. bol. 23 no.5:94-96 S-0163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Predsedatel.1 Donetskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obahchestva otolaringoloCOr ( for Shaparenko). 2. Sekretarl Donetskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva otolaringologov-( for Rodin). VITEBSKIY, Ye.14., kand. med. nauk; SHAPAREIIKO, B.A., kand. med. nauk. Chronic tonsillogenic intoxication and problems in the classification of chronic tonsillitis in children. Vestn. otorinolaring. 25 no.3:60-64 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafed bolezne ukhR, nosa i gorla ( zav. - prof. S.F. Letnikqdeceasedl) i kafedry gospitallnoy ped-iatrii (zav. - dotsent Ye.M.Ilitebskiy-) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta. B." d-I eea~: 164. i r,,50 bol. 2L -;5f:50 ush.; nos. J,~ IC, ,.fayushchiy no -,hapar PaKo; "fus.1c np zav-~ , o JnclAtutho T, 10751t-67 ACC NRt AR6ol6451 SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/65/000/012/BO28/BO28 AUTHOR: Shaparenko, B. A.; Vaynshteyn, B. I.; Sumskoy, P. Ye. TITLE: On measurement of some parameters which characterize an explosion SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12B196 REF SOURCE: Tr. Gos, Makeyevsk. n.-i. in-ta po bezopasnosti rabot V gorn. prom-sti,_ v. 16, 1965, 345-35f_'_'___ TOPIC TAGS: chemical explosion, explosive charge, sound wave ABSTRAM Acquaticiwaves and pressure drop during detonation of exDloviva charsea werf studied. An MD-31-B moving-conductorDmicrophon was used as the sonic intensity pick- up. The emf induced in the microphon e by the sound wave was recorded on an MPO-2 mag- netic oscillograph. The measurements were made in an experimental explosion chamber and in an experimental shaft. MV-20ammonitAras used as the explosive. In conduc- ting the experiments, the sonic intensity and pressure drop from detonation of two eY~- plosive charges were recorded in the explosion chamber while these same parameters wer( determined in t *he sbaft for simultaneous explosion of two concentrated explosive charges weighing O.b52 kg each. Resultant data are given for loudness level and pres- sure drop at various distances between the point of explosion and the microphone. V. Baron. [Translation of abstract] CODE: 19. KRISHTOFOVICH, A:.- [deceased]; PALAJ3IN, I.V. [deceased]; -S Edecem,."; YARMOLMO, A-V- [deceased]; BAYLOYSIXIA, T.17; K. K, '- j ~' V.I., ILIINSKAYA, I.A.; SHISHKIN, B.K., redaktor; SHCHZB!n, T.S., redaktor: KIRIARMYL, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Oligocene flora of Mount Ashutas in Kazakhatan) Oligotsenovais. flora gory Ashutae v Kazakhetane. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk S=, 1936, 178 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Botanicheskii institut. Trudy, Ser. 8, no.l. Paleobotanika). (XIJIA 9:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Krishtofovich, Shishkin) (Kazakhetan-Faledbotany) SfUPARFINKO, 11. , bukhealtor , ~-,"' 1`4;7~!~-,J:j BuslnenR accounting and monotary comperination for work on collective farms. Sots.trud 4 no.7.-124-126 JI '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Xolkhoz "Bollshavik," Shostinskiy rayon Sumskoy oblasti. (Collective farms-Income distribution) SWARENKOA P.F., aspirant Data on the anatomy of the human shoulder joint in ontogenesis. Sbor.nauch.trud.Vinederemedoinsto 18 no.1:178-W 158. (MM 1612) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. kafedroy doktor med.nauky prof. V.G. Mcrainskiy) Vinnitskogo gosudarst7ennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SHOMER JOINT) SHAPARENKO, P.F., aspirant Macroscopic anatomy and functions of the deep muscles of the s~mulder girdle. Sbor.,nauchatrud&Vinderomed.inst. 18 no.l: 189-198 158. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. kafedroy doktor med.nauk, prof. V.G. Ukrainskiy) Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (SHOULDER GIRDLE) SHAPARENKO, P.F.,, aspirant Anatomy of the capsule of the shoulder joint in man. Sbor. 18 no.238"3 158. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. kafedroy doktor med.naukv prof. Y.G. Ukrainskiy) Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SHOULDER JOINT) SHAYARIWO, P.F., aspirant Variations in the attachment of the musculus subscapularis and of the long head of the musdul4s -biceps brachii. Sbor.MudhArud. Vij! 18 no.2%94 158. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. kafedroy doktor med.nauk., prof. T.G. Ukrainskiy) Vinnitskogo, gosudarstrennogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (SHOULDER) GROMASHEVSKAYA, L.L.; DENIN, V.I.; SHAPARENKO, V.N.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, A.P. Evaluation of some biochemical indicators in the diagnosis of aborted forms of infectious hepatitis. Nauch. inform. Otd. nauch. med. inform. A141 SSSR no.1:27-28 161. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut infektsionn-ykh bolezney (direktor - chlen - kor- respondent AM SSSR prof. F,.I.Bogdanov.-) AM SSSR, Kiyev. SHAPAREV, Yu.S. Measuring device for variations of angular velocities. Traect. i sellkhozmash. no.9:39-40 S 165- (MIRA 18:i0) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy traktornyy insLitut. SHAPAROV, I.M. -_ Pharmacology of a new alkaloid colchamine (ozaine) Farm. i toks. 19 no.2:33-38 Mr-Ap '56. (MLRA 9:7) 1. Otdel farmakologii (zav. - prof. M.D.Mashkovskiy) Vessoyuznogo nauchno-iBBledovatel'skogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (CHOLCHICINE, alk4LIoid colchamine (Rus)) SHAPAROV, K.A. Thirtieth anniversary of the output of first Soviet small cylinder capacity automobiles. -Avt.i trakt.prom. no.11:48-50 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Laboratoriya dvigateley All SSSR. (Automobiles-Design and construction) Khinizrr, rasteniy i kI ijrit (Chemtsti-r n C "'rowrth and Climate) Mosi-va, Akaclenl,miga, 7-054. ')C,7 T~. tables. It he-v'. of T.-,--. : Alademiy~ na-LL1,7 SEER. Botanichesliv Institut. "Literatura": p. !P'7-nC4 .SHAPAROV, V.I.; VILUKIN, A.V.; KICHKIN, G.I. Effect of polyisobutylene on the wear-resisting properties of the lubricating oil bases. Khim. i tek-h. topl. i masel 10 no.112; 44-47 D 165. (14IFIA 19: 1) L 19625~655 EWG(j)/El4P(e)/F,1.4T(m)/EPF(c)/.EPR/,t~IP(t)/EWP(b) ---Pr-4/Ps-4~ IJP(c)/AF"/RAXM(a)/SSD(c)/ASD(a)-5/AEDG(b)/AFMD(c)/RAF,M(O)/SSD/IkAEIA(-l)/ RAEM(j)ESD(gs)/ESD(t) JD/VIW/Wff ACCESSION NRt Ap5ooo157 4/0032/64/030/012/1459/140. AUTHOIRSt ~arpell, N. G.; Shap-&oval V. V. TITLE: Permanent plot method for.the spectral determination of impurities in gallium arsenide _V1 SOURCE: -Zavodskaya laboratoriya., V. 30, noe 12, 1~64, 1459-3.463 TO?IC TAGS.- spectroscopy, impurity content., gallium.arsenide, spectr ometry/ IS? 28 eictrograph, SP 2 spectral plates ABSTMGTz The method presented here makes us.0 of a permanent graph for correcting, spectral measurements without photographing thestandard. The use of such a graph.,, constructed beforehand from a larg6 riumber of parallel determinations., increases the reliability of the results. In thi 9 k he synthetic standards- are prepared from the material to be.analyzed and 1- 'e ~,,rap,Mte owder with specified quantities of. the impurities in the form of oxides -d1t5; elements. The.compositions of the specimens and of the standards are judged from the speed and the sequence of their,l.-... arrival at the are. The spectrum of the are is photographed for iDach,- Iquantity. For further resolution, the film is measured in a- photomirxom6tero From the data, obtaineds the-parmanent-plots (see Fig. l.on the Enclosure) were,established for Cord 1 L 19625-6,9 ACGEMION NR: AP5000157 eight elements. A device using a transparenqy~vas_developed to facilitate the calculations. The necessary data is.obtained by moving the transparency (with the previously imprinted theoretical curves.combined.,with the'experimehbal- curves) in two perpendicular diregtions. Three gallium lines, IA - 3058.7 X, IIA .= 2987' 658 A., and III A - 3015.5 A, were used to make the plate. corrections as followa.- the plate contrast Y was calculated from. the. ratio log 1:L/111 - 0'.27 and from the difference of the darkening in the straight region of the characteristic curve; the variable q determining the nonlinearity of the characteristic curve was found from-log II/IIjI - 0.63. To transfer from the plate of the the refer-`.. ence plate of the permanent plot, the A:= 2987-56 'A' line of gallium was used as a "control line." With a constant are current., exposure, and depth.of *the carbon elect-.ode craterj the control line was used for making small changes in the fo-, cusin--. Two nomogram were constructed to facilitate the calculations, The details of a specimen analysis using the permanent'plot method are described and the measurements are compared with those obtained by using the repeatedly'photo- graphed standard method. The impurity sensitivity of the new method was as follows: Ti, Pb, Sn, Fe, Al lo-4%,. Si, Mg, Mn, Cu 1-10-5~. Orig.. art. hast. 1 table and 6 figures. none Card 4/4, MOLI, Ye.A.;-S-HAPAT1-N,- - A.G.i RAZOVER, A.P., spets. red.; "ILOVIDOVA, N.D., red. [Raising working and hunting dogs] Sluzhebnoe i okhot- nichle sobskovodstvo. Floskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 143 p. (MIRA 17:6) S/079/61/031/001/018/025 81, Bboi~BO66 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Zhdanov, A. A., Khanarash-Vifi, L. M. , and -Shapatin2 A. S. TITLE: Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylate With Some Organo- phosphorus Compounds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1961, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 224 - 228 TEXT: The authors studied the reaction of aluminum isopropylate with the acid chlorides of methyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic acid and dimethyl phosphinic acid, in order to use them as initial products for the synthesis of polymers with inorganic molecular chains. One of the initial organo- phosphorus compounds, the acid chloride of methyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic acid, was obtained by reaction of methyl phosphinic acid dichloride with m-cresol at 120 - 140OC: 0 Cl 11 / CH3Ll 2 + m - CH 3C6H4OH )CH 3P\OC6H4CH 3 - m+ Ecl (1) Card 1/3 81484 Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylate With Some S/079/61/031/001/018,/025 Organophosphorus Compounds B001/B066 As by-product, considerable quantities of di-m-cresyl ester of methyl phosphinic acid are formed. Higher excess of the dichloride of methyl phosphinic acid gives a large yield of the chloride of mothyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic acid and a low yield of the afore-mentioned by-product. The reaction of the chloride of me thy 1-m-cresoxy-phos phini c acid with aluminum isopropylate was expected to proceed according to the following equation: 0 10 Cl 11 H 3 CH 3P 0C6H4CH 3-M + Al(OC3H7-iso)3 ----),i-C3H7C1 + (i-C3H70)2Al-O-P\ Oc6H 4CH 3-M However, in addition to isopropyl chloride, also the isopropyl-m-cresyl ester was separated which is indicative of side reactions. At an elevated react-Ion temperature (140 - 2000C) still more complicated compounds resulted, which renders the separation of individual reaction products very difficult. To confirm the assumption on the course of reaction, tris(methyl-m-cresoxy-phosphinoxy)aluminum was synthesized. The reaction was carried out at 90 - 1000C to avoid separation of the cresoxy group. Under these conditions, tris(methyl-m-cresoxy-pliosphi.noxy)aluminum resulted in a yield Of*59 %, isopropylchloride in a yield of 67 %, which Card 2/3 $144 Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylate With Some S/079/61/031/001/018/025 Organophosphorus Compounds B001/B066 confirmed the predicted course of reaction. The reaction of dimethyl phosphinic acid with aluminum isopropylate takes place according to equati8n (5): 0 If P II(CH (0H3)2 OR + (i-C 3H70)3Al ?(i-C 3H70)2 Al-O-P 3)2 + '-C3H7OH. This is confirmed by a nearly quantitative separation of isopropyl alcohol (99 %). According to ultimate analysis, the product distilling from the reaction mass at 1640C corresponds to dimethyl-phosphinoxy-(diisopropyl) aluminum which is contaminated. The vitreous, colorless product is soluble in common aromatic solvents. G. B. Ravich and I. F. Manucharova are thanked for their cooperation. There are 1 figure and 10 references: 4 Soviet, 2 British, 2 German, and 1 Czechoslovakian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1960 Card 3/3 ANDRIANOV, K.A.; Ay~PATJN,__A.-S. ... Intereketion of aluminuim isopropylate with dialkyl es'ers of methyl- phosphinic acid. Izv Ali SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk n0-10;1753-1756 0 162. (AURA 15:10) 1. 14)skovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Aluminum compounds) (Phosphinic acid)