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-L _4980~66 UiT IAAP ACC NR, AT5024244 SOURCE CODE: I!R/2670/65/OCO/032/VOil-/6-09-3 AUTHOR: Shanzin-Berezovs1dy. G. N. ORG: J,nstitut genetild, Akademiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Genetics., Academy of Sciences, SSSR I* TITLE: Embryonic selection and the number of chlorophyll. mutations SOURCE: AN. SSSR. - Institut genetiki. Trudy, no. 32, 1965. Deystviye ioniziruyl shchikh izluchenly na rastitellnyy i zhivotnyy organizmy (Effect of ionizing radia- tion on plant and animal organisms), 81-93 TOPIC TAGS: plant genetics, biologic mutation, plant development, radiation _pLant efb~ct ABSTRACT: This work is- part of a continuing investigation of the ability of culti- vation. conditions, in combination with irradiation, to affect the mutation process in plants.. Varieties of barley with a recessive trait for chlorophyll mutations were selected. Parent plants from which experimental seeds were taken had been exposed to gamma rays (dose of 6-9 krad), or to fast neutrons (dose 300 rad). Results showed that germination of these. seeds at high (26C) and low (6-9C) temperatures causes a different mortality of germinated seeds and a different level of variability, Card 1/2 L 498&-66 ACC NR,AT~_024244 as determined from the frequency of chlorophyll mutations. Lowered temperature assists the development, of more mutations and results in a wider spectrum of chlorophyll mutants. It was postulated that the causes of selection Under different temperature conditions are probably different. The relatively low level of variabil- ity at high temperatures cannot be explained by negative selection only. Results of these and.other experiments suggest that, depending on the germination condition.s of s e cond -generation seeds, both positive and negative selection of changes occurs, along with recovery processes. At high temperatures, negative selection takes place, which is connected with the need for a high respiration level and excessive consumption of important compounds in sensitive and weak mutant seeds. At rela- tively low temperatures, positive selection of mutations takes place, associated with the transition of potential into real changes and -with processes of repair of chlorophyll synthesis, Plants *which die under more severe conditions of germinatio i (as at increased temperature) or undergo tissue selection, replacing abberrant cells with normal ones, live- at low temperatures and are counted as mutants. Plants which under optimirn development conditions rernain latent mutants, under relatively unfavorable conditions sh6w'their mutant -nature. Orig. art. has: I figure and 6 tables, [is] SUB CODE: LS SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH REF: 009 Card 2/2. K I ILU7 V S., and TRUFAINOV, N. F. (USSR) - 2 - ) . "The Inclusion of 35S Methionine into Proteins of the Liver in Block and -Circumvent'on- of the Glucokinase Reaction." Report presentcd at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961 SHANGINA,L.K., kandidattekhnicheskikh nauk Tapping power from a contact network for the needs of intermediate railroad stations. Sbor. LIrZHT no.145:34-47 153. (MLU 8; 10) (Electric railroads) I ,, SHANGINAV L. ,dote. (LaniM,rad) IN Ap~pa'ratus for taking power off contact networka. Zhel.dor. transp. 36 no.3:81-82 Mr 155. (MIRA 12:5) (Electric railroads-Equipment and supplies) SEANGINA, L.K., inzhener (Leningrad) Device for taking off three-phase current from a contact system. Zbel, dor. transp. 38 no.9:82-83 S '56. NLRA 9:10) (Railroads--Blectric equipment) 32J3) SOV/1 1?-59 -5-9133 Translation from; Ref erativayy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 104 (USSR) AUTHOR:~_54~kqgjn&." TITLE- Investigation of a 3-Phase Inverter Used for Supplying Track Apparatus PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. , 1957, Nr 155, pp 127-135 ABSTRACT: Laboratory investigations of a 3-phase 2. 5-kw, 500 v DG inverter used for supplying track apparatus are deEcribed. In conjunction with a ferroresonance stabilizer, the inverter reliably supplIes lighting and-motor loads. No additional capacitors are needed for normal operation of motors. The stabilizers ensure a steady output voltage and a good external characteristic. A short-circu-it in a receiver phase results in the loss of that phase only, not in the shutdown of the whole system. The overall efficiency of the installation is 400/6. Odd harmonics are strongly pronounced in the phase- to-neutral voltage of the receiver. The relation Ulin /_ Nf-3 Uf holds true; Card 112 SOVI 112-59-5-9133 Investigation of a 3-Phase Inverter Used for Supplying Track Apparatus hence, it is recommended that the motors be connected to the line~to-line voltage. Alignment of the scheme is complicated. From results of the above investigations, a specification was developed on an experimental 3-phase laboratory -type, 10-kw inverter for the contact-wire 3-kv DC voltage with variations from -30% up to +10%. The secondary pha5 e -to -neutral voltage is 130 v with a deviation within+ 5%. The grid-control circuit of the inverter should have a separate supply from the high-voltage line of the automatic block system. The thyratron cathodes are to be preheated by a starter -type storage battery. The unit efficiency is 0. 7 or higher - The weight of the unit is 300 kg or less. Its cost is not more than 7, 000 rubles. Bibliography: 7 items. T.A-K. Card Z/2 T T 1, (1 PI, A N I I r r, T t_).- i t4 c, s of Corr., Culti v8 tic n Ili ZhRnu- ~GMIalqt~t7 Rayon I V7 No. 5, 15-20 1 LLr or.- tjja c tilt ,rati,)n c. o -. d ing 1955-1956 3tr.-at quid 11i soils in the solo- eb-.- ',ix in Semi pctlat I as knya Oblast'. ZidtZ 801.1 coma_ fIA -n ,,ob yl Ad -,-b,,-, bast "indo- wore th(i xa-pidly rlatu~ing varl-etlasi, and hybrids (H) VIR 42, Alma_ ~tinskn- Aksays't,.aya Belnya, 11,rasnodnav ya 236 , 3kiy 4 i H and ~,Tovo-Shullrylnskavs Mustneye, and when grown -foz- silage and gxuenstuff - the bestvinds were I-ate maturinc, Droductive Imeretinskiy H, Kr9sncdars!-_iy H, ALma-Atinakiy H 55 and Krasnodar-I 1/2 3 USSq Grains- /Cultiv-t J~ur Inst rilit1c Ll~ -'ub Ori 1 ;,bstractu j.~D 1,4o63 T.G. u--0- sempal-fit- 12: 42-4--j. 1957, -P r- corn r J- 17,19. or sonalalatinrlir 01) (-rm) 1.0 19, 1959, 127) Ins 1, .)p uf" N:fap TI Ocia KARASEV, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAIj,'GINA, Vladilena Fedorovna,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KRASNYAMXR-,-T-.M., red-., -FREGE-RD-.-P.-, red.izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., Y [Analyzing fabric cutting by series] Analiz seriinogo raskroia tkanei; iz opyta raboty shveiiiykh fabrik. Leningrad, 1962. 20 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen pe- redovym opytom. Seriia: Shveinaia promyshlennost', no 2) RRA 16:3) (Garment cutting) SHANIGM, V. F., kand. tekhn. nauk j:~ --. , -, ~-~ - Expedient utilization of darable-needle sewing machines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.4:13-20 162. (MIRA 15--10) 1. Leningradskiy tekstil.Inyy institut imeni S. M. Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii shveynogo, proizvodstva. (Sewing machines) (Clothing industry-Production standards) SHAN)GINA, V.F. (Leningnd) Changes in the dimensions of quilted lining occurring in quilting with parallel stittches. Shvein. prom. no.4.*21-24 Ji-Ag 162. (MIRA 16a6) (Tailoring) Serpeyevdch; VC~~v, rea. ~-ImJ-10,4cal processes in the Clo-,hing Factory in L-irgradl Yekhanizatsiia tel,'r,i~o!n,-4o-heskikn protsessov nl leninlgradskoj shveinoi fat).- "b--Ilchevic-I&a.f' Leij4-jigraicj) 196'-'~- 37 p. (MIYU 17:9) SEWTIGINA Y.F. (I.,e-ningrad); TVANOVA, T.M. "'ir-ning: - ... - - 1 .1 . C - _~ -ad) Particula- "aracterietic-s ef the cons triuu, tien of Clothin'a from I double fatrics. SlInvein,prom. no.2.,2(-- 1) Mr--Ap '65. (m-i-u *,~.S: 0") V;" karlu lKil, tekhn, ,,auk, -and. K . ariya .e rk7 red. f abr. cs .,Iu:,e ~f ne _a 'on and wooljIz-,futOvjenie verkla i odezhdy Illned with rotoc-, c,-,,rainyk,i i z - riv k'- ma -17 p. -,oninr-vad, / USSM/Gultivated Plants. Pot-citoes. Vegetables. Melons. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.., 110 5., 1958,20351. Author :_Z_Z_4Sh&a1Zj=__ Inst : Leningrad Agricultural Institute. Title :lbe Critical Period's Bearing on Light Intensity in Tomatoes. (Kriticheskiy period v otaosheaii k inteneivnosti sveta utomatov) Orig Pub: Zap. Leningr. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, vYP- 11, 30-36. Abstract: In the Leningrad Agricultural Institute a study was made of the effect of lessened light intensity (reduction of illumination by 4-5 times) after the light stage during various periods, beginning with the phase where the embry- onic protuberances of the anthers appear and through the formation of the first flowers of the cluster, in plant development. In all variations of the test, a delay was Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. Abs Jour: Ref -hur---,iol., No 5, 1958, 20351. noted in florescence and fruit formation. The gre---#,- est sensitivtt-y to reduced il-lUmin tion intensity was noted in the period of development of the tetrads in the anthers of the first cluster blossom (in 8 days). Various varieties displayed different sensitivities. The most sensitive in all Dhases studied was the Sta- lingradskiy 9-5/95 variety; the PolyarnyY 303 variety suffered less. Tone bibliography has 11 listings. Card 2/2 SHANIGINA, Z. I. Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "The Effect of tjM Intensity of Light 'in the Growth of Tomatoes." Len, 1957. 17 pp 20 cm. (Min of Agriculture USSR, Len Agricultural Inst), 100 copies (KL, 26 57, 107) - 37 - SHABIGINA, M. Causes of the depression of tomato plants under conditions of in- sufficient light during the fourth stage of development. Fiziol. rest. 8 no.3:325-329 T61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Leningradskiy sellsk6khozyaystvennyy institut. (Plants, Effect of light on) (Tomatoes) SffkNGIN--EEFC-ZOVSKIY, G.N. Frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations following ethylenimine treatment of second generation seeds of ."-irradiated barley. Izv. P11 SSSR. Ser. biol. no.6:859- 870 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:11.) 1. Institut genetiki AN SSSR. NUZOMP N.I.; PASTUSIIEI4K0-',TRR[ETS. N.A.; 'j ~7,0 ~;K] - N fl~INGIN-BERk, V Y G. Effect of ecolo ic conditions of cultJvafion and physiological state of s ~degree of maturity) on the radiosensitivity, frequency and naLure of hereditar, y ohangeB in gamia irradiated barley. Trudv Tnst. gen. no.32?,18-68 165, (KIRA 18110) AUTHOR: Shangin-Berezovskiy, G. N. ORG: institute of Genetics, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut genetiki, Akademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: The effect of* ethylenimine on the development and mutability of fast-neutron- irradiated barley sown. under various ecological conditions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut genetiki. Trudy, no. 32, 1965. Deystviye ioniziruyush- chikh izlucheniy na rastitellnyy i zhivotnyy organizmy (Effect of ionizing radiation on plant.and animal organism), 69-8o TOPIC TAGS: biologic mutation, plant genetics, plant growth, radiation plant effect, neutron irradiation, ethylenimine, barley~' ABSTRACT: Air-dried barley seeds were irradiated with fast neutrons (dose 300 rad) and then treated with a 0.01% solution of ethylenimine for 4 hr. Treated seeds were sown in Moscow (moderate continental climate) and Khibiny (modified arctic climate). Experimental results showed a different character of development and a different level- of variability depending on climatic conditions. When unirradiated seeds were treated with a small dose of ethylenimine, plant development in the first generation was im- proved in both locations, and namutagenic effect was noted. A small dose of the chemical*was found to have an essentially modifying effect on irradiated seedst.var7i with the sowing area. Ethylenimine intensified the radiation effect oil Moscow plants L_ 8237-66 --- __ - 11 ACC NR, AP502V21i_3 but weakened it with respect to the Khibiny planta. Furthermore, the second genera- tion of plants grown in Moscow had a decreased number of chlorophyl.1 mutations (after neutron irradiation and ethylenimine treatment), while the corresponding Xhibiny plants had an increased number. Orig. art. has: 8 tables. [.TS] BUB CODE: LS/ SUB-M DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 019/ OTH REP: 004 Z of -,,Z,-D on the flow of carbohydrates from Tom,1.0 leaves. Fi7iol.rast. 12 no. 1:1039-1044~ ;-~'-D '65. tV,,. J~ o '~Ijj (,,,p 1y., .1 V Sept--~,,fiber 6, 1~)63. Y-;-ILSLTKOIT, M.P. I SHANI ) s -S. 29778 Nov yy etap V Razvitii Kormoproizvodstva. Sov. zootyekhniyz, 1949, No. 5, S. 60-67 SO: LETOPSIS' NO. 40 KADZHAYA, D.I., kand. tekbn. nauk; SHANOZE, G.N., inzh. Erecting precast shells without supporting scaffolds. Prom. stroi. 41 no.6:22-24 Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) I ~: A.. 17 -1..,, t'-.! ~-.--orFd an "t -!r of Sci D,.Frt--e of Candidate 1 ~ A. -- "An. iinafo7ical i-.--3t ~~,; r.- c 'th,-- "~7iiIiiisi-ez; -:~st of botany. -b-ilisi, in ',-,,,'olo,-ical ociericesN. Af,,alyzis .-s by -cad, 1055. of' ilie '.'cf-etat-ive Organs of e1 "or r, d t- r s t an d i n L"C: r~--o r;7 -41 an E ') i: . Acar, (Diss!--rtation for the SCiTTCE I~nJzi,na:-a "o 1)56 USSR/Ci.,ltivated Plaxits - Subtropical and Tropical. 1.4-6 _~bs Juur Ref Zhur - P-iol-i 110 3., 1958, 11054 Author Shanidze, Inst Title The Red-Meat Orange, Korolek No 1, and the Early Tangeri- ne, Urishiu, Orig Pub Izv. Batumskogo botanich. sada, AN GruzSSR, 19505, No D", 157-159 Abstract 1--inong the frost-resi*stant, high-yield, and valuable forms developed by the Ba-i- Botanical Garden in the cE;v,.1rc .Umi 1949-1950 winter, the red-meat orange, Kbrolek No I, and the seedless tangerine, Unshiu, are deserving of pax-ti-LU.- lar attention. Korolek No 1 is especially frost-rasistant and capable of hibernation. It survived the severe 1950 winter alrzst without damage, The trees are loni with a co=act and evenly developed croum ancl with dense-1 y f veloped branches. The yields are ~;ood and regralz:r. Card 1/2 CHELIDZE. V.S., inzh.;_SHANIDZE, M.I., inzh. rS-l shoot cutter. Trak-t. i oollkhozmash. 30 no.11:34 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Sericulture-.-Fquipment and supplies) NAZARKVSKIY, S~I.; 14AUROV, S.N.;- PITAPEENYO, F S.: GFIRASlMOV, M.V.; IL'INSKAYA, M.L.; VEKSLER, A.I.Jdeceasedj; VASIL"'Y~,,V, I.M.; WINA, N.V~; SOKOLOV, S.Ya.; LOZI11A-LOZ111SYAYA, A,S~-, SAAKOV, S.G,-7&T SSYIY, D.M.; AVRCRIN, N.A. ;IVANOV, M.I., PRIKIADOV, N.V.; SOBOISEV~YAYA, K.A.; SAUMT07, M.N.; MALINOVSKIY, P.I.; LUCHNIK, A.I., EUVCHRITKO, O.A.; VEKHOV, N.K.; GROZDOV- 13.V.-, MASHKIN, S.; BOSSE, G.G.; MIN, P.S.i(g.Shuya, Ivanov- skoy oblasti); MATUKHIN; ZATIVARNITSKIY, G.F.; GRACHEV, N.G.; CHERUSOV, M.I.; KIRKOPULO, Ye.N.; LEVITSKAYA,A.M.; GRISHKO, N.H.; LIKHVARI, D.F. VlLICHINSKIY, N.M.; LYPA, A.L.; OREKHOV, M.V.; SHCHERBINA, A.A.; TSYGLUKOVA, V.Z.-; RAPW4CVSKIY, A.L.; GEORGIYEVSKIY, S.D.; STEPUNIN, G.A. OZOLIN, E.P.; LUKkYTM, M.K.; KOS, Yu.I.; VAIL'YEV.. A.V~; RUKBADZE, P.Ye.; VASHADZE, V.N,; SiAMDZE, V.M.; K&nZHAVIDZE, D.V.-, KORKESHKO, A.L.; KOLESNIKOV, A.I.,(g. Sochi); SERGEYEV, L.I.; VOLOSHIN, M.P.; RIBIN, V.A.; IVANOVA, B.I.; RYABOVA, T.I.; GAREYEV, E.Z. ;RUSANOV, P.N.; 30CHANT;8117A, Z.P., BLINOVSKIY, X.V.; XLYSH97, L.K.; KUSHEGYAN, A.M.; LEONOV, L.M. Talks given by participants in tte meeting. Biul.Glav.bo4.-.Bada n0.15: 85-182 '53. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Glavnyy botanicheekly sad Akademli nauk 556R (for MakarovPilipanko, Gerasimov, Illinskaya. Veksler); 2. Akademiya komunallnogo khozyay- stva imeni K.D. Famfilova for Vasillyev); 3. Veasoyuznaya sellskokho- zyaystvennaya vystavka (for Il'ina); 4. Botanichaskiy sad Botaniche- skogo instituta imenj V.L.Komarova Akadsmii nauk SSSR (for Sokolov, Lozina-Lozinskaya, Saakov); 5. Botanichaskiy sad Leningradakogo (continued on next card) NAZARZVSKIY, S.L.-(continued) Card 2. gosudarstvennogo ordene. Lenina universiltete, (for Zalessklly); 6. Poi yarno-Allpiyokly botanicheskiy sad Kollskogo filiala imeni S.M. Kirova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Avrorin); 7. Botanichaskiy sak pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universlteta (for Ivanov): 8. BotanicheskIly sad pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universiteta imeni V.V, Kuybysheva (for Prik- ladov); 9. TSentral'nyy Sibirskly botanichoskiy sad Zapadno-Sibirsko- go filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (for Salamatov, Sobolevskaya); 10. Bo- tanicheskiy sad Irkutsko goauclarstvennogo universiteta imeni A,A. Zhdanova (for Malinovskiy); 11. Altayskaya plodovo-yagodnaya opyt- nays, stantsiya (for Luchnik): 12. Bashkirskiy botanichaskiy sad (for Kravchenko); 13. Lesostepnaya selektsioanaya opytnaya stantsiya deko- rativnykh kulltur tresta Goszelenkhoz Ministerstva kommunal'nogo kho- zyaystva P-SFSR (for Vekho7), 14. Bryanskiy lasokhozyaystvannyy insti- tut (for Grozdov); 15. Botanicheskiy sad pri Voronezhskom gosudar- stvenaom universitete (for Mashkin); 16. Orekhovo-Zuyevskiy pedago- gicheskiy institut (for Bosse); 17. Botanicheskiy sad pri Rostovskom gosudarstvennom universit-ate imeni V.M. Molotova (for Matukhin); 18. Botanicheskly sad Kuvbyshevskogo gorodckogo otdela narodnogo obrazo- vaniya (for Zatvarnitskiy); 19. Zoobotanicheskiy sad pri Kazanskom universitete (for Grachev); 20. Gosudarstvenny7 respublikanskiy proektnyy Institut "Giprokommunstroy" (for Cherkasov); 21. Botani- cheskly sad Odeaskogo goaudarstvannogo universitets. imeni I.I. Mechni- kova (for Kirkopulo); 22. Botanicheskiy sad pri Dnepropetrovskom gosudarstvennom uni'versitete (for Levitakaya)-, 23. Botanichaskiy sad (continued on next card) NAZAR VSKIY, S.L ---- (continued) Card 3. Akademii nauk USSR (for Grishko, Likhvar', Villehinskiy); 24. Kiyevskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Lypa); 25. Botani- cheskiy sad Chernovitskogo gosudarstveanogo universiteta (for Orekhov); 26. Botanichookiy sad pri LIvovskom gosudarstvennom univarsitets ' imeni Iv. Franko (for Shcherbina); 27. Botanicheskiy sad KharIkov- skogo gosudarstvannogo universitsta imeni A.M. GorIkogo (for TSygan- kova); 28. Botanicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo sallskokhozyavetvennogo inotituta (for Baranovskiy); 29, Botanichoskly and Akademii nauk Belorusakoy SSR (for Georgiyevskiy); 30. Inatitut biologii Akademii nauk Belorasskoy SSR (for Stepunin); 31. Botanicheakiy sad Akademii Litovskoy SSR (for Lukaytens); 32. Botanicheakiy sad Latviyakogo go- sudarstvannogo universitets, (for Ozolin); 33. Kabardinskiy k-rayeved- cheskiy botanicheakiy sad (for Kos); 34. Sukhumakiy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vasillyev, Rukhadze); 35. Be- tumskiy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Shanidze): 36. Thilisskiy botanicheskiy sad Akademil nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Nandzhavidze); 37. Sochinskiy park Dendrariy (for Korkeshko); 38. Gosudarstvennyy Hikitakiy botanicheskiy sad imeni V.M. Nolotova (for Sergeyev, Voloshin); 39. Krymakiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Rybin); 40. Botanichaskiy sad Moldavskogo filiale, Akademil nauk SSSR (for Ivanova); 41. Botanicheskly Bad Botanicheskogo institute, Ake- demil nauk Tadzhikokoy SSR (for Ryabova); 42. Botanicheakiy sad Kir- gizskogo filiala Akademil nauk SSSR (for Gareyev); 43. Botanichaskiy (continued on next card) MAZ&MSKIY. S.L.---(Continued) Card 4. sad Akademii nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Rusanov. Bochantseva); 44. Botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SM (for Blinovskiy); 45. Respublikanskiy sad Akademii nauk Kazakhakay SSR (for nyshev, Mushegyan). (Botanical gardens) TATISHITILI, I.Ya.; DZPCR13RIADZE, A.V.; CHUBUIDZE, A.I.; DEKAITOSIDZE, T.I.; SHAI:IDZE, V.S. Vladimir Kaplanovich Zbgenti; on his 70th birthday. Arkh pat. no.3:93-94 162. iMMil 150) (ZHGEYTI, VLADIMIR KAPLJU)OVICH, 1891-) A , ,, . . '' I " ~ ; - ? 1 : ~m t f 1 . A I.' .. ~ . ~ I ! , , . , . j-.. v 1 - "I , ; f a!vl DI.A.MiUativals book "Manuad of medi-olegal 1 ~ , I ] ~ ~t- ". I` -T:i-~J. r'e',6p=-rt 3 AP-Je I-rj. (MIRA 19:6) SHANIKHIN, N.; TIMOFIM-, N., glavnyy makhanik. Continuously improve production. Zhil.-kom.khox. 4 no.4:20-22 154. 1. Direktor fabriki-prachachnoy No.4 Leningrad&. (Uningrad-Laundries, Public) (Laundriss,'Public-Loningrad) 9(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIT14 SOV/1231 Shanin, Aleksey Ivanovich Radiopriyemnyye ustroystva (Radio Receivers) Leningrad, Sudprcmglz, 1958- 387 p. 29,-000 copies printed Scientific Ed.: Telezhko, M.I.; Shaurak, Ye. N.; Tech. Ed.:Levochkina, L.I. PURPOSE: This book was approved by the USSR Ministry of Higher Education as a textbook for radio and electrical engineering tekhnikum8. COVERAGE: The author describeb the components of the RF section of a radio receiver, detection and aperiodic amplification. He discusses in detail questions relating to the theory and design of video amplifiers, IF amplifiers, control circuits in receivers, etc. No personalities are mentioned. There are 27 references, of which 24 are Soviet and 3 English. TABI2- -6-F-C 6itt-N-D-5: Frzn-the-Author- 6 Car&4719-1 IC _L( SIWIIN' r. Skin - Cancer Skin cancers. Novosti med.. no. 21, 1951. 9. M nthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1951. Unclassified. V 0- 2 SHAIIIII, A.P., professor. Btiol,)E_v. clinical aspects and therapy of primary tumors of the liver; from material In foreign periodical literature. Sovr.Drobl.onk. 153. (MLRA 6:8) (Liver-Tumors ) SRaIN, A.P., profeasor. Pancreatic tuinorB; from data of foreign periodical literature. Soyr.probl.onk. no.1:3-10 '54. (MI.RA 7-.4) (Pancreas-Tumors) SHANIN, A.P., professor. Maxillary tumors (review of foreign periodical literature). Sov.r.probl.onk. 6 no.6:3-9 '54. (MLU 7:7) (Jaws--Tumors) SHANIN, A.P., professor Tumors in newborn infants and children. Savr.probl.onk. 6 no.12: 3-9 '54. (MM 8:5) (NEOPLA8MS, in in'fant and 'Child) (INFANT, NEWBOIDT. diseases. tumors) SHAWN, A.P., professor-, IVANOV, G.G. Characteristics of gastric secr6tory-motor functions In pre- cancer and cancer of the stomach. Vop.onk.1 no.1:86-90 '55. 1. Iz Instituta onkologii A14N SSSR (direktor--chl.korr. AMN SSSR prof.A.I.Serebrov, rwilchnyy konsul'tant- chl-korr. AN SSSR, deystv.,chl. AMN SSSR, z.d.n., prof. N.N.Patrov) A.F.Shanina--g.-Laningrad, u1. Rubinshteyna, 6. kv.25; G.G. Ivanova--g.Laningrad, j1ptskarskiy per..4, kv.7. (STOMACH, neoplasms, gastric secretion & motor funct. In prepancer & cancer) (GASTRIC JUICE, secretion in precancer & cancer of stomach) "M I*%/GCiIQr~%I 11n)"Aciv; X y -,j. "ibs Jour Ref Zhur - Diol., N.) 2, 1959, 8921 Auth-jr Shanin, A. P. Inst Title PrDblems _)f Melari_)Zenesis, Clinic and Treatment -)f Pi~-77ented Tu_,_nrs (ACCDrdin. V.) Material :)f F)roi,~g, Periodical Literature). Ori:. Pub Swreri. ..r)bl. .,jnk3l. Sb. perev. :)bz. i ref. in perijil, Ut-, 1956, M) 1, 3-13 ,'J)stranct ND abstract. Card 1/1 - 57 - SRANIN. A.?. - - ~ ..", [Diagnosis and treatment of malignant skin tumors] Diagnostika lechenie zlokachestvennykh opukholei kozhi. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1957. 165 P. (MLRA 10:4) (SKIN--CAITCER) SHANIN. A.P.jprofessor -go Aga-ai_ ~ I. 1 1, V-,*-WO 11%.- *DIbe&i~a preceding cancer, early diagnosis and prevention of cancer" by I.T. Shavchenko. Reviewed by A.P. Shanin. Vop. onk. 3 no.1:118-121 157 (KLRA 10:4) (CANCER) (SE[EVCHNNKO, I.T.) SHANI A.?. (Leningrad, u1. Rubinahtayna. de6. kvo25) Role of neuro-endocrine factors In the appearance and development of melanoma [with sum ry in inglishl. Vop.onk. 3 no.3:319-323 157. (miaA 10:8) 1. Iz Iastituta onkologii AM SSSR (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. I.Serebrov) (MELANOMA role of hormones in appearance & develop. (Aus)) (HORMONES role in melanoma appearance & develop. (Rus)) E'XCERPTA nDICA Sec 13 Vol 13/8 DemAtology Aug 59 2131. LATE RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF MELANOMA. OF THE SKIN (Russian text) - Shan in A. P. Inst. of Oncol.. A MS. Leningrad - VOPR. ONKOL. 195B, 415 (573-578) Tables 4 During 1926-1952, a total of 254 patients with melanoma of the skin were treated. 217 cases were treated radically and 37 with palliative methods. In 121 cases surgical excision was used, in 56 cases clectrosurgical meihods. and in 40 cases combined methods (irradiation and surgery). Follow-up was done in 213 cases. The 5-year survival was 36.4% for patients treated surgically, 23.21to after electro- surgery, and 25% after combined treatment. The combined method is regarded the treatment of choice, consisting in irradiation according to Chaoul's method, fol- lowed by excision of the tumour remnants. It is advised to remove regional lymph nodes even if they are not enlarged. In the presence of obvious metastases pre- liminary deep roentgen therapy of the regional lymph nodes (up to 7,000-8,000 r. followed by excision is strongly advocated. (V. 13, 16) SHANIN, Aleksandr Protasovich (Pigmented tumors] Pigmentnye opukholi. Leningrad. Medgiz. 1959. 257 P. (MIRA 13:8) (TUMORS) SaNIN, A.P.; DEITIN, V.N.; CHAKLIN, A.V. "Tumors; diagnosis, treatment, and prevention" by L.M. Nisnevich. Reviewed by A.P. Shanin, V.N. Demin, A.V. Chaklin. Top.onk. 5 no.7:115-117 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (TUMORS) (NISITEVICH, L.M.) SHANIN, A.P., prof. Clinical Dicture and treatment of melanoma of the skin. Vest. derm. i ven. 33 no.1:3-10 JA-F '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iz Instituts, onkologii AMU SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR -Drof. A. I. Serebrov). (SKIN ITEOPIASMS melanoma, clin. Dicture & ther. (Ras)) (MAIANONA skin, clin. 'nict-u-re & ther. (Rus SMAIMI, A.P., Prof. Orbitall mela-nnmps. T--udy irist. onk. AYN WAR 1. &mestitelt direktor Instituta onkologii AMR SSSR po neauchnoy chasti. SHAINE, A.P., prof.; UGLOVA, V.11,1.,, mladshiy nauchny-y sotu-ludnik Report on the therapeutic work of the Institute of O-ncolog7 of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. for 1958. Trudy Inst. onk. ANN SSSR no.3:Z43-263 160 (MIRJAI 16:12) 1. 7,pmeatitell direktora po navlcfmoy chasti Instituta onkologii AMK.:WK- (.f'r Shanin). SHANIN, Aleksandr Protasovich; XOROVIN, A.S., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.1f., - ~' ~te~. red.; BUGROVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Retroperitoneal tumors] Zabriushinnye opuk-holi. Leningrad, Yled- giz, 1962. 175 p. (MIRA 15:7) (RETROPERITONEAL SPACE-TWORS) BABCHIN, I.S., prof.; BABANOVA, L.G., doktor med. nauk; BLOKHIN, N.N., prof.; BONDARCHUK, A.V., prof.; GALIPERIN, M.D., prof.; GOLIDSHTEYN, L.M., prof.(deceased]; DYMARSKIY, L.Yu., kand. med. nauk; KARPOV, N.A., prof.; KOYRO, M.A., nauchn. sotr.; LARICNOV, L.F., prof.; LITVINOVA, Ye.V., kand. med. nauk; MELINIKOV, R.A., kand. med. nauk; NECHAYEVA, ~.D., dvktor med. nauk; PETROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof.; PETROV, Yu.V., kand. med.nauk; RAKOV, A.I., prof.; ROGOVENKO, S.S., kand. med. nauk; SENDULISKIY, I.Ya., prof.; SEREBROV, A.I., prof.; SMIRNOVA, I.N., kand. med. nauk; TALIMAN, I.M., prof.; TOBILEVICH, V.P., prof.; TRUKRALEV, A.I., kand. med. nauk; KHOLDIN, Semen Abramovich, prof.; CHEKHARINA, Ye.A., kand. med. nauk; CHECHULIN, A.S., kand. med. nauk; SHAAK~ V.A., prof.[deceased]; S40IK,-A-F-, prof.; SHAPIRO, I.N., prof.[deceased]; SHEMYAKINA, T-.V., kand. med. nauk; SHERMANY S.I., prof.; ABRAKOV, L.V., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. (Malignant tumors]Zlokachest-vennye opukholi; klinicheskoe ruko- vodstvo. Leningrad, Medgiz. Vol.3. Pts.1-2. 1962. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Blokhin, Petrov, Serebrov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii me- ditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kholdin). (CANCER) , I I S Hl N, I N y . , . D-l'unosis md treatment. of malignant txLmnors of the 3~-'n; present statue of the problem and means of ita investigation. Vop. orik. 8 n0.9;45-52 v62. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Tns'itut onkologil ANN SS&R (dir.- deystvitellnyy chlen '.,14N "SE'R prof. A.'. Serebrov). Adrer, avtorR!- Lenirgrad, P-129, 2-ya 9i--i2ovaya alloya, 3, )nkolcj-lAl AMN SEW- t*.13RAFOV, L.V.; BAPANOVA, RABKOVA, L.M.; F~JOL.DTN, S.A.; N.Ya.; SHANIN, Reviews. Vop. A,G.: RAKOV, TSHL, A.P. onk. 11 DYMAPZKIY, L.Yu.; DYAD'KOVA, A K.; A.I..- SEREBROV, A.I.; SMIRNOVA, 1.N,; Ye,nl.; CHEKHARINA, Ye.A.; SHABA-SHOVA, no.'IM6-126 165. (MIRA 18;9') ~~ "t- / / /I , V, GLADKIY, M.I,[deceasedj;,SHANIN, G.4~j IODKO, Ye.K,; MANAYENKOV, S.D.; MIKHAYLOV, E.A.; GRIBOVA, Ye.N.; LUGOVSKIY,-P.P.; KULESHOV, S.M.; SHATOV, A.I.; SHNYREVA, N.N.; ISHKOVAI V,M,; LYKOV, A.I.; TYULYAYEV, A.N., otv. red.; SIDORDVA, T.S., red., SHEFER, G.I., tekhn. red..,-.. [Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system] Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi effektivno- sti novoi tekhniki. v khoziaistve sviazi; informatsionnyi sbor- nik. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Communication and traffic-Technological innovations) USSR/Telegraphy - Maintenance and Repair Oct 1946' Telegraphy, Two-tone C~ "Innovations of the Stavropol' Telegraph Station," G. G. Shanin, 2 pp "Vestnik Svyazi - Elektro Svyazl" No 10 (79) Discusses some of the innovations adopted by this station to overcome the difficulties resulting from damage inflicted by the Ge-mans. Recommends that some of these can beusedto advantage by some of the other stations. Discusses the restoration of the Bodo receiver selector, restoration of the spacing disc, of the Bodo receiver, system of operation of the ST-35 apparatus along tonal telegraph lines with. 1M3 USE9R/Telegraphy - Maintenance and Repair Oct 1946 Telegraphy, Two-tone (contd) out the adaption of a relay, and repair of the ink- well of the Morse apparatus. 19T93 -JJYjfk1UA/(,'ulL1 va Led 111r!n4u. Graina. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 20226. Author T. ~',Iitkov, -fordan Shanin I ne t Not given Title Several Problems in the Flite Seed Grow-Ing of Grain Crops. (0 nekotorykh voprosakh elitnogo semenovodstva zernovykh kulltur v Bolgarii). Orig Pub: Selskostop. mis"l, 1956, 1, iio- 8, 474-48o. Ab-stract: The introduction of new methods of seed growing is treated. Tests at the national institutes in Sofia and Knezh have established that not all varieties increase their yield through intervariety crossing. Card : 1/1 i . New kinds of sunflowers. p. 16. (Kooperatvino Zemedelie, Vol. (12), no. 2, Feb. 1957. Sofiia, Bul.garia) SO: ~Ionthly list ofF' East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. -S/!69/61/000/008/OWO53 AOO6/A1O1 AUTHORS- Shanin, L., Dyadin, N. N, T=~ Means of raising the accuracy of d^--termlning radlogenic argon -r-y the method of isotopic dilutiar, PER:,:ODICAT-- Referat'L-vn3rl zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 8, 1961, 4, abstract 8A36 ("Tr. 6-y sessil Komis. po opredelanlyu absol7-utn. vozrasta geol. formatsJy", 1957, Moscow, AN S83R, 1960, 244-252) TEXT- At a high accur acy of determining K 'of the order of + 1%), the k - main source of errors In evaluating the age by the K-argon method, is determining the radiogenic argon content. When determining argon by he meth9d of isotopic dilution the basic error is that of measuring the argog -4, 40 - Argen -, ratio. The authors, using argon enriched with up to 5 argo-Ti3 isotope,"and operating at high emission currents on the mass-spectrometer electromets-r, reduced the magnitude of error down to +0.3 - 0.5%. -11-h-is makes it possible to obtain +1% accuracy when measuring ra(fi-ogenic argon, T-o reduce the error In the -pori-ioning of standard argon down to + 0.25 - 0-30%, t-hc aut-hore propoz-a to use a special portioning devi2e instead of the Mac-Leod manometer. To reduce the consumption Card 1/2 0 OF 0 AM, a e 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0-6-6-0-0-9-0 0 0.0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 le 0 0 0 0 0 wele a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0- 0 IP A Lr _L__J - 6 -.A-- J_ K - L b r At I 1 6 v PAU Ltr' It, A. -4 -00 Oxidation of polydienes. 1. M ethods of dud* the oxidation with molecular ozygen. lind. 10, -00 kinetks of oxidation of rubber. A. S. Kuz'minskil, f. L. fleiting lAllybutmitt-eir , I) filni, in a high vacuum low"o 310 Sha in, T -00 I IF - G. Drgteva. and K. A. Lapteva. K-oUotd. their deirce of un-tfi.. N. by Inr,, within I hr. at 7Aur-9,374-W)W"_,i- -The rubber films were spread on a i(0)". %%'hen I is heated tit I). asidn. of 0 %Ltrts after a -00 zliss frame which then was suspended on a spring balance latent jwrii,ol I 10ich i, Altu-t inifeloemlent tA the 0 -00 mcordult 41.5 1139. ThC WAnCC hung in a tube which Ine-.sure P (IN, 7tiil nun lixi, but i~ tuAler the higher I -uld tic connected with At system Ali Ch circulating at a tile tortrip. (ti hus. -it '41', IV- th.111 I I to'). After t. inri%nre v) that tile defirce tit iWolation was detd. the rate Ali MillMima r iucr-e~ about loilice between 80 by 6.111 tile incle.Lse in wt. of the rubborrand the decrease, Lund 110" anti about I A tiniv, betotort-vi 111111 and 110', and ill v. 1. 4 the (0,. The volLatile reaction products present also -lightly incre-.Aw% with P, and then fAlls. when the th,- circul.vtinK (h were condencil in traps coulM with limit L of o0l.ttion k -w-,r; 1. i. Aumt ituIrpendent of 0 h-lind mr; the- trAps were diu-nnnecteil from the app.. trulp. (0.3g.Olwr I z. 1), At I(Wand 701nun. fig. r - ::,I lied, And again without interrupting the o.(XXP275 c'-6 (in millitutil. 0 I,Ar 51 g. I per hr.), , 6 thr 0 r,11111 stuni. After the expt. the peroxide 0, the degree of concn. of peroxide 0 in tuillimol. prr .11 g. 1. Addn. of 0 ;:n-tu.. tile no. 4,f from CO,11 grtups and the no. of cstcri- styrene to butadiene irictvac, i Anti L. The VA. inc"a- :Zoo ~~f c(MI 1(rutil" oterc detti. ill the oxidized rubbAm with ut Idurinaloxid.ttion i,cqtz.,t toth-mt. xnf Ocv,tA'. 1. met 0 ICI, fl.1 A -tic. NaOll in the cold. and 0.1 N Ic. but oxidation prixitt,%-, volmile uhst.iners which CAII be 0 N.tolf at 7,411'. ro~j?. Ftw detjr~ the it. of the rubber a i_~Lztcd when 0 throngh the reiction ve'scl and ~ItcotiAl Ifycutinicirr tia% constructed (illustrated). The a cold trap. The juil. of vol.itile sub.tano-s ii Ipprox -ArIling -1-61Y .." dirt(l. fly unmersing a sample in O."M x at Inw rand 1P.T! rat Lirge r. Tbr oxidized IxAv. am tw-elle for -ver-il lit ine-uring the xr~lual loss of t. mer contain% CMII group, who,o, tit). intrt,- with r I- Id tile %kull-IC In -F I'll t %Pring and "trapolAtins rapielly thin N d"r"w,- A part of it (r.jr.. 16"r) is -1 Itic 2nd Oinc-irl I-rtwu it[ the vurvc to) the twitin of the inCIICIj. 111. Change of physical properties of sodium. little .%%I,. Thc rrr,,r ill thi,l;ne, hod is ~ 5% or butaldiene rubber during oxidation with molecular 02 roe The rnbber A.- r%t.i ith C cl, ill tile ;tt)%ctjcc of Air. gem. A.S. KiWminshillandlL.L.ShAnin. N4.212-M 11% morch. prolmili" ilvt %Vre detil. Tile rubliff filin, -When 100 parts Na-butadieve rubber (1) took u'p I117 ,Coo too 0-:11, fllu%t Im thianct th.,11 0.111 cut. for S41 butarlicne pol 3pans 0. the d. lacremed fmm OAM to 1.109, When 21 tiFavdid tile clit-i 1141f Ooliflu,oiton in the film. 11. of the chemical properties of sodium -butadiene rubber a: A AA1fAtAuJALKAL LITtRA1681 CLA1,11FICATION r I- A J.- A,-- t z;. A' ...... At, to 9M a n r, tv IV Ovil Vitt RU tit it a N IF I .. 41 L I A ~61 0 0:1111 go 000060 **Gee 00 0 00 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Goo 0 0 go 0 0.00 00 40 & e 0 0 & 11110411111 0' G-W4.. 0-dalson of polydiamis. If. Changes in theinicAl 11,10polls" of siodiusis bulliallsents rubboc duting oxidation with molecular oxygen. A. S. Ku. miN~ki I %Svi, 1'. 1;. D) 4. 1 ~ 1.%. .1'.4 K. A. 1. %rif k . 1914. 10. 26 :12' [Cast- AI, ItOW. is it , It-l' Ibc ...... ka-l.'- al"I 1'. "s. Alid Miss - .11 41111viiiii pic-111%, and tclill-, 1.61111t, %,S~ .--Itulady. sit Ilse Il.v,s '18,111 .. . ... ....... l.sel"Ity .41 441 'It-1.111-11i"ll. O-Ims .... ..I Iml.olicist, JIM lyrrile I's 1-16 ..... .Is-, I I-I u ... let I$ ... 61 l1w I~ ",.I " I.-g- the ...... 11e, i, I I., 'bm- let. Ill Al C4,c" Ilse 64.,Iu,ll%c I.C11-1 m.-1 m ... ......... I'Jlt 'I-, J-t :LfIs1t 11" lulal ..%Ygvl . ...... ullml. It 6 jk-s. Ilut Ilse L.Ail.v ..I bill"'llelke 1141,6vr it, .1 1,11:1k .11 111110, ka,k I,- i iAl In it... 1l.,. ec'uh .I StluklulA X11 USSR/Chemistr~ - Rubber, Oxidaticn Of May/Jun 1948 Chemistry - Rubber, Properties of "Research in the Field of the OxIdation of PolydienA III, Variation in the Physical Properties of Na- Butadiene Rubber During Oxidation by Molecular Oxy- gen," A. S. KhzIminskiy, L. L. Shanin, MoscovInat of Fine Chem Tech imeni M. V. Lomonosov; Phvs,. Ch= Inst iemmi L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow, 6 pp "I~Dlloid Zhur" Vol X, No 3 Experimental data illustrate the changes of the mechanical and colloidochemical properties of Na- butadiene rubber during oxidation. Submitted 5 Fab 78T7 PA 78T7 I)iflusion of orlygrn sioal issitletion of trublover lo the forice of phionorl I nisjobtlivilinninov A '; kns'nit-kit. .,.I In't. Vivo.- Mkhl'. S S S It 1. ; I.-Illad I, . I Cod N,I.k N li-S R. 79. 40 -t!lk,lrr IN I'll ...... . N. Itic r.4tor Of illillAtiOll ollIC-94IMMI IIV lite I,itr to( A the a"ii.W.Wit n1 Won, of N't .1 ~m%lnjt -le 1.11A. I tie 1-1-1 tn--- tualivii 11"nAls, W (tic ~'J'.mvr 1-1 4 #)1, 't er ,.I 'Imooolved 0'. or Hic rate If 'm.1.411all te voted (he dillu-m "),IL 1) lot lite '11-Air"I 0, are relainj V1111 AjAc/ax') - kvii W) + ter. " 11cle x - dblall, .1 front the is It 11 In III,, .t,e to( itallibitell OxidAtion. 11 I It 11 it 41on't ."4411111111 0( lite Alon" IrMtiAl di(- 'j,",, 1,11" ,It 11- 111, tilght-fulnif Illendws, (to.. 11.1,A1 or'lloation IN0% -I-t, " Ith k, (links file eivenlithut 1111.1t (TIC 111111 oll she 11~11tAIIIIIIIIII Of the 4111.1,11t. rAte kre from lite actit.41 rate ki %/c In the eorturn. range from orrooro to e shoilld I~ trees. 1,1114 givo-4. let NW, be - MJIV X If)-* Ih, lonrier r.jol'stints givesessia fulorth"I 1'. a III I "to" thirk, with hoth Adorto roil"oveit Ill 'Ution-ve .11~llslmtjon of t1lov,eirth, t1owlittell,; I. at 1:241% in I I ties., &tell In a filter 41.1 volt. thick ill lo-15111111. Practi"Ilv, lots acccitent Wthor actual t1c;wIttleutior of the r.Atc oil , "'I (rmllef than oil r 1. stAticitlary thittiblet"I i% miamord ~mnrwlmt Imrs. It cm. however. be concluded 11141 All-i'letl uoildAtIvin oI tillust Int thicker thAn 1.0cm. takes I he co", A t 1, '1". .611.1 31) lf'. .1 J. it .,[I&. III I he I'll, I, I It- A.1:1 .,,I I be ., if I he fibit, .'( Ih, mi.xi"I proli'll, .0 file .16.1161"111 .... I 1 1. m diff-w "I if,, III 1-clit. hill. Ill.- 1.41, W "ItI.I.Ill'ol III OW lill'I'lle I,( the I 'V'-r k A.,lit Klt"~ If Ille ral, .41 Ihe mallace. I '. life o%ut$ lum i% very ticarlir millivolts t)vcr fill- iflaole thickness. I lit. 1, vali'l "'Ill, h" flilli, illhil'ated mWitioll. III file Al- M -11 it ...... sit , ham I fiml'. 11, 11.41. 1 1, ..1m ... fit.. A--m , M 1. ... I., ..I I ilm".111. 11-1. 1, 11 ..... zes'an 'rude Oils" Dokl. C.* Az "Lu-Iriorconc;~ nectral Analys is of Dai -S,SR, 10, ~~o. 11, 1954, 751-?5:7 1.uminescence snectra of 50 Dagestan ails were obtainedt by ,.hoto- r~rapldc nethod usijig ~-ercur.v-quartz la,-,m SVD-1,000 watt for excitation. The blaclcenif~F Jifference curve's i. S were plotted for all spectra tak-Lig the oil; Tenair I as standard. All tested oils were divi&d into three groups according '): the intensely glowing oils (origin Duzlak), medium glowing oils (Izber,,T') -L-id weakl-y glowing oils (Ternair and %~akhach]cala). WhIviz,No 11 1955), USSR/Chemistry - Physical chbmistry 'Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 44/63 Authors 3 Shanin, L. L, Title t Diffusion and solubility of oxygen and hydrogen In sodium-butadiene rub- ber during different stages of oxidation of the latter Periodical i Doi. AN SSR 99/6, lo53-lo56, Dec' 21, 1954 Abstract I The diffusion and solubility of oxygen and hydrogen vAs investigated Iri thin sodium-butadiene rubber layers at temVeratures of 40; 60; 80 and i0oo, The solubility of hydrogen in sodium-butadiene rubber during oxidation:of the latter was found unchanged and the solubility of oxygen change a some-. what; its solubility was found similar to that of nitrogen in natural rub-' bar vulcanizates with different sulfur content* The effect of Increased-. oxygen content on the diffusion coefficients of oxygen and hydrogen.i.s siM- ilar to the effect of increased S-content on the diffusion coefficient In. natural rubber vulcanizates. Six referencest 2-USA; l-English and 3.;.USSR 1920-1951 ). Tables; graphs. institutioa t Acadeqr of Sciences USSR, Dagestan Branc4* Presented by : Academician P. A. Babinder, Tune 24, 1954 SHANIN, L.L. Apparatus for studying the kinetics of processes accompanied by changes in gas volumeIor pressure. Zav.lab.21 no.10:126o-126i '55. (MLRA 9:1) 1,DPg,stanskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR. (Chemical apparatus) (Gases) Mus:; 'PactronleWc rucihod fnr men-minK tilt: liss"llfily of radloafgfus. ia fol'1111ttiOll S.1511PIV3 for 11 ti(ster- minatiots (it their ii =su u :ijte. Kil. 1. Ainirkhaniw, 1. 0- Ourvielt, L. L: "ilta"i Alld 8, S . S: -d frool, mincraki ' )' Iwathig its IHOO'. After q,n. of A from: i Ali : All natio was detd.. 11,0. C04, O~, N", CO, 112, tic. Ow ~by tbz j;otope,diln. method. With all Archuirzvic ninse-j- vite !;ample, the radituctive A cmst~ut:Ww; 0.89 dz 0,06 ' J:," ImI)IC. lllis- I Intla.4/g. for a K cuntent of OJINMIJ9. g-7 far tlleallh~ age of tit itL 1.0 X 101 Fra)?z It. a ~777 AYVAZOT, B.V.. kandidat khimichaskikh nauk; ROZDESTVENSKIY, Y.F., kandidat khimichaskikh nauk; SHAXIA6.,kS&%,,_kandidat khimicheBkikh nauk; SHUMSKIY, I.N.. kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; MOSIYATA, Z.V., mlsdahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik [Safety instructions and fire prevention measures for members of institutes, departments and workshops] Instruktsiia po takhnike bezopasnosii i protivopozharnym marop!riiatilam dlia sotrudnikpv inatitutov, otdelov I mesterskikh. Ufa, 1957. 70 P. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Bashkirskiy filial, Ufa. (7ire prevention) (Accidents--Prevention) SHANIN, L. L. Shanin, L. L. - 'Ways to Improve the Accuracy of Determining Radiogen Arc-on by Means of Isotopic Dissolution. The Sixth Session of the Corr-,ittee for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGG11) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957 AYVAZOV. B.R., red.; HASHKINA. A.Y.,red.; OBOLKNTSEV, R.D., red.; ROZHDESTVKtISKIY, V.P.,red.;..~HATILN, LL., red.; SUD.MINA, K.I.. red.; RAKHIMOV, R.Sh., tekha. red. [Chemistry of sulfur organic comoounds in petroleum and petroleum products; papers of the second scientific session] Rhiwiia sers- organicheskikh soedinanii, soda rzha shch ikhe im v neftiakh i nefteproduktakh; materialy II nauchnoi sesaii. Ufa, Yel. 1.,1958. 228 l. Akade-niya nauk SSSR. Bashkirski-y filial,ufs. (Sulfur organic compounds) (Petroleum) (Petroleum products) Ud va 2 t: A q ij~v j I v j A~. i~ A F ud 3i -Mj-~Irij oil Do In ail A v m A Ali it SLEPNEV, Yu.S.; SHAMM, L.L. Absolute age of rare-metal pegmatites from the Eastern Sayans. Geokhimiia no.lt56-59 t6l. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institute of Mineralogy, Geocb4mistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Academy of Sciences, U.5 S.R.1 Moscow. (Sayan Mountains-Pegm#ti~es) (Geological time) FARPINSWA, T.B.; OSTROVSKIY, I.k.;- SPANIN, L.L. Artificial inJecti-in of argon into mica at high pressure and temperatures. Izv. All SSSR. Ser.geol. 26 no,.8:99- 103 Ag 61. (YdRA 14' 1. Institut geologii rudnykh inestorozbdeniy, petrografii, minera- logii i geokhim,ii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Argon) (Mica) ADANAS'Y---V, G~D.; BORISEVICH, I.V.; SHAND, L.L. Geological interpretations of radiological data in connection with absolute age determinations, Izv. AIN SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.1:26- 40 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut geologli rudnykh mestorozbdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AB SSSR, Moskva. (Geological time) AFANASIEV, G.D. [kfanaslyev, G.D.1; BORISEVICI, I.V. [Borisevich, I.V.),- UNIN. L.L. [Shanin.. R.L.] .lip I . Geologic interpretati(;~ of ther'adiological data foP the determination of the absolute age of rocks. Analele geol geogr 1/+ no./+:56-71+ O-b Ips I AFANAS'YEVJ, G.D.; BORISEVICH, I.V.; SHANIN, L.L.; SHEINA, I.P. "WROMW Cases of Ar and K nonequilibrium relations in biotites in connection with the creation of geological time scale in the absolute chronology. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 28 no.1219-45 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geolchimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Potasaium-argun dating) AFAN'AS'YEV, G.D.; IVANOV, I.B.; SHAITIN, L.L. Potassium-argon dating of recent. granitic mag-ma, Isv. 9i SS&R. Ser.geol. 29 no.6:3-9 Je 164. (MI-RA 18:2) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimi4 All SSSR, Moskva. V; Pc,s--ibilJL,,r of the absoluLe age deterininatiori of manganF-e L r, tassl=. -zv. All SS6R. Ser. geol- 3D als containing FO no.;', :3-6 F t65. (MIRA 18:1,) 1. fn.';tAtLlt g-uologil rudnyk.h petrografft, mineralagil i gookhimii AN 8~*-';'H, MoAva. TUGARINOV, A.I.; SHANIN,_T!_,,L.; KAZAKOV, G.A.; ARAKELYANTS, M.M. Rock age of the Vindhyan system (India) according to glaucon-Ltes. Geokhimiia no.6:652-660 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) !. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. KARFT'NS,,,'~'AYA, T.B.;_SH IN, L.L.; BORRISEVICH, I.V. AY, Art-Lficial intrusion of -rgon in mica, ollyine, and pyroxene. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 30 no.11:14-16 9 165. (MIRA 18-12' 1. Tnstitut. geologii rudnykh mostorozhdeniy, petrografii, minE- ralogii i geokhimij AN SSSR, Moskva. SubmItted July 15, 1965. SITAKIN, N. Primary organizations are our support. NTO 2 no.3:4?-48 Hr (MIRA 13:6) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelva oblastnogo pravleniya Ilauchno- tekhnicheskogo obahchestva sellskogo i lesnogo khozyaystva, Saratov. (Saratov Province-Agricultural research) BABIN, YA.A., prof., doktor biol.nauk, red.;__q4gIN vyP a otv. za u k [Materials of the Saratov Scientific Conference on the 1xchange of Experience in Work mith Nicroelements] Kateria17 Saratovskei nauchnoi konforontsii po obmenu opytom raboty e mikroolementami. Pbd red. IA.A.Babina. Saratov, 196o. 168 p. (MIU 14:12) 1. Saratovskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya po dbmenu opytom raboty a mikroelementami. 2. Saratovskiy zoovatinatitut (for Babin). (Soil chemistry) KAZDOBIN, A.S.,. inzb.; SffkITIN, I.I.A., juzh.; VIZERIN, I.V., inzb. Floating KSP-2,7 mowing machine used ir obtaining read for ensilage. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.11:16-17 N '58. 01R.A. 11:11) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye b3ruro po sel'khozmasbi- nam pri Gosplane USSR. 046wing machines) (Reed (Botany)) MANIN, N. A. 0 sretsialln,.-kl rasshireniyakb tozologicheski-kh prostranstv. MAN, 38 (1943), 7-11. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosb, A.G., Markushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. ,Xoscow-Leningrad, 1948 Inst., Math, and Mach,, Leningrad State U. SHANIN, N. A. Ob otdelimosti v topolo.-icheskikh prostranstvakh. DAN. 38 (1943), Ile-122. SO: f4athematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, A.!., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 SHAVIII, N. A. K teorii bikompaktny kh rasshireniy topologicheskikh prostranstv. DA.NL.38 (1943), 166-169. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kin-osh, A,G., Markushevich, A..I., Rashevskiy, P.K. V Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 'oo~ n jnter Ot eta_ ~in the Shanin, Ni A. 6u 6k su~i 2 71 J ady) Awd. SPAC0 Sci. URSS (N,S.) 53, 40-501 (1946). The author is conemicti-with certain properties of Car- tesian products of t6po!ogical spaces.1 le defines thekernel 21* of a family ?1 of slibsebs of a given set A as, 41 subfilliffly - : i me cardinal number as ff and hav of ?I having the sa ng .,tll(-d it total iwer5ection nonvoid. A cardirtal,:number is c A caliber of a family Al of subsets of a set A if ever), sn , 1 family of Al having ca di i I n ill r Ili possesses a kernel. - r I a Ul )e W A cardinal filiniberitt is call(,([ a caliber of~ the toikilogival ' ~ space X if )it is a caliber (if tile! family of all no livoid Ppell subsets of X. Subsidiary cmicepts are also defitied. A ritim- ber of theorems art. stated tdiich exhibit relations among i C lil i f r lt. ea icr (i artus ari A s of farlor simcf-S, t tile Calibe product of spaces aill I tile cardimil 11 muk-rStif denst" slibsets of tilt! factor sparcs. A typiral- thri;r-All i~, tile followivg. It ' grea ter t I m it go smV It t ha . m is it i is a rcgular ca rt Ii i i: t I it it it tbtir a Caliber (if -ill the spaces Xx, whi-re JX., I XtA, is a ucliivoid family of tn1jologival sparcs, Own ill is a c; ljIwr of the Carti-siao produt't P.VAd1i`A. NO liroofs are gill"ll. (llrysi Mawr, I scritiect in ine, two papus reviewcu ~auovtl. ~ t ne autnor nere of familio tif-lo., -11 subst;ts considers the cardinal numix-rs Pe of a topological spaCC wh0i are complocli urderW by set. -'s, c', tht L ardinal inclusion. He nnnouncei P-latiotis betwEvit , i numbers and calibers of the I A11644intple results of , - ' i space.4 J~~ ile'A ( dense subseta of the feel" iare.' a to the property (N) of a t6pologleal sl 0610j"ical sixice' if, bi X h h d o l d X) if n enuin ra as t an every e property ( c. y family. of. dense open subs, ts of X completely ordereti by set-inclusion flits no"Yald it It-l'sCet.011. -It is Stated that the ' property(X) and other sintifiw proliertiesi are. prcs~rvedundcr the formation of Cartesian prtAticts (with ffilitable restriC- tions). The author finally siates three therenis concerning the possible cardinal numlm-s of famil airwise disjoint bse of spaces and Oirtmian =tsofspactls..No'~ open su ts 0. proofs are given. E" 11CU411 (B Mawr, Ia.). SOM-Cat.. Mathematical Reviews, V03. 8 NO. 6- SHAMN, N. A. h' ), 7P-5-7F8. 0 diadicheskikh bikompaktaki. DAN, 53 (10,46 SO: Mathematics in the USSR) 191?-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, A. I. I Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948