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On the Problem of the ~'onstruction of tne Hydrogr.phir- 307/6 - 5a -6 -, 2; Network on Topographic Ytipa that theae deficienciej re most'.j cauiel by the iick of clear and exact dotermi:-tions of t e elemL~rti of hjdrograph,y. Some qui;plementj to the exijti;,g sign. re aientiori,~(A. he uu'.nor.i dL:mLL:id - method for the tr'eneraliL-t-ri of the~representj4ti(nkf rivers As weli aj tne ela",,oz-ati,)n of exampl=s for the wenerulization Df the river i. Inland waterways-Properties 2. Mapping errors 3. Maps-Preptiratlon "ara 212 ynnoyo V.A.; VMS, v.j,; GLkMOV, AeAo; GZJDINSKIY, P.G.; PROBST, A.Ye.; PEMOTO G.M.; HUSSAXDVSKIYO Ye.A.; SHMMOV, S.Y.; TMSMo B.A. II~ momory of DDotor of Moonomice and Technology Professor S.A. Kukell-Kmovskil; on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his birth. Ifflektrichoetvo no.7:91-92 JI '58. (KIRA 11:8) (Kukel'-Xraevsk:ii, Sergei Andreevich, 1883-1941) PPtI'j"" D ~C r-al Sc-f- r-p_, Voltage Regulation of Transformers Under Load kt J., nap. ~-,JCDICIIi Vestnik Ele,,',i r);-,J i 1 c,,, c -~'t i ..-STRACT: Until now, -ilrAiin l-," for---.ers has not ~;ep!' s~Aisfrictoril.7 achieved ai-(~ ;'L !.I C- eoretical work i.,s irco=,lete. The authors, t.-e: o-,ed a more accuratc tl.t:-ory f3r ine such ty-- -)f t,, --f 9 scr,eaiatic c ; rcuit ~iia. riL -if c1. i~ lrei F:L.l. transformer tw,~ cl-r,~S, maL- ne t i c a-' 1., i-~ p ~, e nu` :-:. tb- receive auxiliary d. c. i,,! tijn f ro.. ~,. in '1-:- ere,-t numbers )f ti:-n--. Thp two r.ts :;f t! ( J.C. wi,,idinL. are so cor ec'.,,,~ ~.`..%t t,',e t.~!I-a- a0c. tI r ~,,,indini-s Ic; z(-,r,3. e tw ) co re s a re :. r- i :.".W '~'Iffprpllt r,-,. tios. 11ence, if tf.,- i I. a rvo 1 'n S I y s:. tD !, is v- i-ip- I ~!nd the auxili.,-ir -e T~ ex,t; i n- ~- t: tic-~' Cont, ctleE_ Voltage Regulation of Transformers (Cont. overn t"._ ~-3c. - '), VZ)I',,I;. c r. _~ ;1"'t i ~:I. The main ecuat~j:._ ~. ', ,~r r. tr-'.-SfDr": f-r f_., I- ived. A voctj.- ii.i II,.- is c,):,.itruct,-d F~ . discusSed. :-L,- iecori,'I-ir.~/ po-.,;Pr-Factor i!~ L -',,y, '~I,c vecto, ~11'i 1-1, S C0[kS'II,UcII-Cd ty f Ir."_ iqtive orientati),. D' ti-e ~IeCtjrb Of :'i,,j V,)I' c r i-c rit. This -ay and - Lv,-s Jiacrw, seen in Fi. T, p de,rer, )f -on iitios I ti,- t o tras'-.r;.c.- ,,i, -And tLe transfori-A- . - (~ V; r I - rr la ted. in Fi. t r,:- I a t ri 6 1. i.;~ 11 r- t V. r r 1~ voltae,e and auxiI4_.-,I..y Is , .:v-n r f:- Fit, - 5. The.-,(- e-~ nt.: ~, i,.,3 i:,j v(-.ct :- j I*F;., r~a~- .I T, a 1 " s i S 0 f t 1. 1:, ".0 c o f t I o. t f ~j 51if "icient1v accui ~~nrillerice O~ I_ 0 -. -I i . . ~.- (. ~ ~ I , ~I.p i t.9 of ro r. 1j I ;,I,! )n. T-LiLs v,,ere : ad(- c- I i e ri f r 7 i-i:.e r s ~ avi n r f _)/4 f-) r.,..- r vo 1t --,- c E~ r 11 il~'I C. _nr t i S', Si:ojth uontactlesE Voltage Regulation (Cont. even -Lr, F-~i .2. :.,,tmor-icai uevicition ~,,f t., f- e vector dia~ra-: fro:. t.'.e '-!-eoretical aTe die '-- LL .n the cores an~i tr.o ,r-so:xe 3f rt-s,.starice ~nd t..e :rimary and etc. A special fe.,tur( :)f t1;is method of voitat-,e control is the pos6ibility -)f t~,e~ierati-- ,L-- if,~her harmonics in tl-.t- voltaCse curves of both cores with Sinus- ..dal T)ri;:.ary volt~i,-e. Hov,,ev-r, if the degree ,~f sat,jr,-,ti,~n of e cor-s Li cz~ri-ct't.-/ c1.3sen, this effect is srall. E.,-, wa.y :~f exllk.,~.)le, Fi~-. Q C-ive3 secondar,-i voit&Ee oscilloCrp-rs -:-ith .J..'Xiliary maz~netisation. It .'s concluded that cond--ti-71,7S 7'111 he most favo,irable to t1.P use if these transformers ,~--en the dej--ree of voltriSe re~-ulation ~s n,)t Vxeater than 1.71):l. Alt I h t1-Ae article considers o,-.l,-l Lhe simplest regulated tran:3for7er, ot!',er arrangem, e nt 6, such as autotransformer con-rections, are n.~ssible. An -,ilvanta,-e of t`.is ,~ethcd of voltai e re.-ul~--tion ,7 1., w : -~DEsi ilit.,; Df er~z` :-I is its relativel . . speed and alsc tl:e , t ::nkint-, voltaf-e cortr-)l Ar, a,--endix ~ i V P ..n d 1%roce ure. T; a] fi~ and 1 A~-Criclin, I %d I -,ian refor-ence. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy instNof (Koscow rower Institute) SUBMITTED. October 1-+, 195-/ A ', ib r1l I I '-' '- re s,~ 'ry~W 1.Tr.n'ior-m'er-s "; 2. Vo 1tage- Stab R zation 3. Mathematioal analyaia PETIOV, G.H., kand.tekhn.nauk. doteent Sim.ultaneouB determination of the unbQlance in tvo planes. [Trudvj MM no.77:98-109 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Balancing of machinery) STUPISHIN, A.V.; PETROV, G.N. Hydrological conference in Kazan. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va Q5 no.6s565 N-D 163. (MIRA 1-1:1) IIFTF(OV, ?,anu. Iek.:.n. -ui~ik SjuP3 urgen* W 'e '--' :0- ' yhz 1-1 ~-P -,-, :- -5 l' --t:- - ;3 n , - , -- 1 - -, ~-~p !,. ment. Vest. A~l - "R I ~kl'~-A ',, . . " S07/1 1~)- 59-2-11/21 AUTHOR: Petrov G. eel Sciences, Profe!3F-r I 11.,__Drctsr rif Techni TITLE: Multi-Winding Transformers with Auto-Traniformer Interconnections (Mnogoobinotochnyyetransformatory s avtotransformatornymi svyazyami) PERIOD1,;A-L: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti,1959,Nr 2,PP 43-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is most. economic to use auto-transformers for inter- connection between high voltage transmission systems. A high voltage auto-transformer usually has two main windings connected in series per phase, the phases being connected in star with earthed neutral. A third winding connected in delta is then required to improve the conditions of magnetisation of the core and to compen3ate the zero phase sequence currents. Since large taree- phase auto-transformers are made either as a group of three single phase units or of the shell-type construction, if there is no winding connected in delta appreciable harmonics appear in the phase e.m.f.'s- 'The delta connected winding, which is in any case requ4 -red, is usually used as a further source cf voltage and auto-transformer3 used to interconnect electrical 3ySteMS Card 1/5 usually have three windings and sometimes four or even five. It is of considerable practical interest to Multi-Winding Transformers with Auto-Tran5former Interconne2t_-_,.3 establish the relationships between the load currents Ir, the individual windings and the voltages on their termInals in this case. The problem is considered in this article for both symmetrical and unsymmetrical loading conditions. In order to establish relationships between the voltages and current3 in the windings of multi-winding transfor- mers it is necessary to be given either the currents or the impedances of the load and then to find the 'voltages on the terminals of the windings. In the investigation of loading conditions it is more convenient to be given the load currents and in calculations on short circuits tG assume that the short circuit load Impedance Is zero. In the case of multi-winding transformers additional difficulties arise in the calculations because of the need to determine phase-d13placement between the load 7urrents in the different windings. A vector diagram of currents and voltages in one phase of a four winding transformeT J's given in Fig 1; it is assumed that the magnetising current is zero and that the currents and voltages in al! windings Card 2/5 are referred to a single number of turns. Because of the number of different voltage drops in the wIndIng5 tne SUV1110-5~-2-11121 Multi-Winding Tran_:f1'.r!f,er.: with Auto-Transformer Interconnecti3ns voltage vectors are not all of the same phase, but to a first approximation in calculating the current phajes this difference between the voltage phases may be neglected. A complex plane current vector diagram is t2er constructed in Fig 2 in which the voltage vectors are constructed along the real axis. A system of equations Is then written relating tho currents and voltages in a multi-winding auto-transformer. The formulae can be used to determine the voltage on the secondary winding of a multi-winding transformer given the primary voltage and the load currents in all the secondary windings. Examples of the U30 of the equations are then given. Tne first case 1.9 that of a Ste down auto- transf orme r with four windings on each leg, f-see Fig 3). Equations (9) and (13) are derived and are then used to construct a simple equivalent circuit for the four winding transformer which Is given In Fig 4. It Is then quite a simple matter to determine the necessary currents and voltages. The second example considered is a step-up auto-trans- Card 3/5 former with four windings, see Fig 5. As before. a simple equivalent circuit Is derived and Is given in SOV /_' 59-_-~- 11121 1-1ulti-Winding Transfcrmers with Autc-Transfcrmer !n-,er2,.n,-e_--._-n_~ Fig 6. The third example is a step-up four winding transformer, in which two of the secondary windings are of the auto-transformer type, see Fig 7. Again, an equivalent circuit is derived and is given in Fi,- c~ Finally, the transformer connected as shown in Fig 9 is considered and the equivalent circuit of Fig 10 ~s derived. The example3 considered cover the main cajes o' application of a four winding transformer incorporating auto-transformer connection of two windings with symmetrical loading. In calculating the externall characteristics of individual windings it is always possible to use quite simple complex equations or equivalent circuits derived from them. The InvestigatJrn of asymmetrical conditions on a three-phase multi-winding transformer with auto-transformer connections 13 be3t done by the method of symmetrical components. The positive and negative phase sequence currents are b(--t.h transformed in the same way anJ so for each phase their Card 4/5 sum may be considered simultaneously. If the zero phase current is zero the calculations are just the same as SOV/110-59-2-11/21 Multi-Winding Trar.3f,.rmers with Auto-Transformer Interconnections under symmetrical conditions. The changes that must be made when the zero phase sequence current is not zero are quite simple and are briefly described. A numerical example is worked out in an appendix. Card 5/5 There are 12 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: October 15~ 1958 ;~, - " . - . . . 'I- D 1, - -, - - I ;, ~ I r- , I I . , I. , ,j I.' -A~ v , -, -- . . . , " H t,7 1. '17 ~ , _ a. " - A : , - T, -, I., .; , 7 ~. ., - . -, , " 11 , - , . ,, ;.. . :,, .; . 'In. I l'-1. , . . . - :', . , . .~ 1 11 I - , 1 (.. " , ! ~ , t L .I - , : *I, , P', I: - , . :.. ~. - I I . -. . I .. . C -7 23321j /Cr/j ~* , ~'- .' , 'j-;2 2'j AUTHORS Kislyuk, F 1. Do--,c)r of a. Sclences-, Petrov, j N Som- merfel 114, 7. ?; , ',' ', , TIT'LE: Two -- riw,:.e I i-v. - -, f,, r v e r. uas' ar ~:-s r, - ,!or. a! -, , tr 1 ""'31 s t Aj,-e ol, PE-,16DICAL St ro I te 1 1 s f vc, %raooprovodov. e4 TEAT - On the existic,g kTCA(KTSA) '1r.s1.allat.or:s param~ r of tne welding conditior~ are regula-.ed by n&rA and tnere. is no guarantee that 1,,. mass production pipes are vielded in aecordai,-~ witri a prearrariged c' most favorable paramoeters The article describes a 4ev, - for automatic remote control of parameters .)f resistanc- weling. wr,,.-n ;~i-rrn.--- all welded joints te be verified. C~n the basis ef tne re-oried Allft~;r-&Ms a! tr.- any timoe lxe tatur,2 uf tz,'~ -1 welding condition it Is easy to detprmir.~,- a* tior. ai-I 'r.-ir i-vlat.lo,. ~r I . (J- r-arra.: in *re parameters of trie weljlzq~, 2o.,.111 e,J proerair. From tnesa 1-'&gr&ms aj,,! from t~.~ lata lt 's possiule to evaluate tne consequenrr~s of regarl ?rj ',%-t of eacn wc-lrje-i 1'01r't- `11'! Car,] 1/4 2 11211 12, lwo-rnarj.e. ,evi ;,ir ,electric lr,_qtrumert~ meastr1r,F ~ne rrl-~ na;,', fi-l- 1* 1.5 -as y to ovsoT-ve 1~rit- _' i;g."S U., * r.f~ :~V e DY r;Pedles arid the sirru; wit--us '_',s( rlpl'lor.~i or. a ;Barba c' titc- device ar- a S-11syr re,e-lvor a 1_~ mov"mt,w. of Ine pipe ,i tper r( I I I ar~kl pr I :i* '. q: rT)P(, I Ian Isms Fr wera-d uy r-mot,, _ot.lro, qlll, Lne al-i 0! *,rig, copliasal SeNqyli irstr-umel.,S provIlding 'or trarisformatloF. of -nechani-n.1 vnla~_-s lrito electric orips and v-- ve r i a 'Me Sellsyr. j~lfcxup Is mourite-1 or, rr,,- w,l 3~,-r,seE _i.. lnov~~merlts 0", Qlp MOV!,%t!, ;,'ar't J! w"th tficse transfor-mine ttiem !Iito -!,- llrl,- va'ueF Tt.e Sel'syr-i rf-relpqr mc,_Lntta~, uo-ly of tri,- lovice r"prociti. es oari, siill'! o1 rw Sel'syr. PI"KIll-, to Il., rwo,llo aji,l thr poii molv0-1 o1, liw nit.-OI o' I!.,. 'Ilk,, It! V 1 -j 0! ti,e two-chariliel -ievlce 1.9 3l'ovv, III Fl~rul- 2 ut*T-11, In Pd by the ammeter. nie movemert*. of` th- pnper !PiAes p,a-t- I, a-_Or`_IW,l~_- W.'(, 'I pr,~selected speed and is operated by a sy.-i-rr-orious slnglt- pnfts~ motor r,1.- Warren type. A prcvld,,s also f,.)r .it- ~,Pprlr,t or, t:i#? dlag.,wr, tn- 51'rial r.umber of the JolM.7n#. ~e o! ~.,_s *ricse ol the !-ed o, autorlAti RIA of "'.P l, ei,'so ;_jVeS a a r,t I e, 1124 Two-climme-1 device for verifying basic parameters ... A"', ".'ej ciples of Its op#~rn*!,.'r- Tnus, the devIce And t.'Ie corrirnut~'tl' matically started at 'w,e c,)tmnencemerit of weldir.~;; tap d(-'v,'--,-- of the current, the f ts (at fusi,,,g and shrine Ing) dt.;rInj ro- process, it prints o- tti,- d.-i,ran thw serial number of t1w . -1: a:lu' ievlce or) completion of eac"I 'O.Int. An alternative des.g.~.'sn;vides f r stitution of metall"zf--' barb(-' In place of paper, in whicl. ca.- wi*,h the alcicCitungsten eloctrol-- The devllc'~ -.-is sed a number of leboratory and practical tests. The article snc,.-is a number of characteristic diVrw:.s indicati,.6 various :Ief,2cts '-., wt-. become clearly visible by tiw form of diMravi. Trie aut.-.ors of t..r~ concluae that the two-cnwme-1 device Suarantees U.onatlc !Dd tne parameters of resistance wel,ling by re,-rding the b.-islc t:ell.'n6 condition for eacr. -,jelrjef; -,int. in ',Dr:n of -, 's Cause'l "Y cordint;s it is easy to ascertain !(.)w qua, ity trie parameters of the welciing ccnd-",i(-,n. 71riere is 1 2 t-rapiiz and I table. .*ard 3/ 4 ."Hops ? P M P Nr.-, A-1 T A Or. A, A. A Z. q94 8. .-c.4 .1 At. ..... .. 4 A. a .... "Pal Alto 11.0 .. J4 Di-, :Kith ...bin .1-11trIgho. ~42 ..At hi -AA, (91114'r7 rA,r At ...b., K. '?, - 4: .......... .. f., 'AAL. 1. 0 Sim BAAAAIIII A, th- BOMITOR. Th.r. C-d - P9TROV, G.N.; ROUNFICLID, T.Te.; KAGANOV, I.L.; PETROV, I.I.; STLROSKOLISKIY, N.A.; TAM, B.M. VaBllii Aleksandrovich 1zliurov. glalctric~,estvo no.?:93 JI 160. (MIRA 13,8) (Wilarov, Vasilii Alelcoandrovich, 1'~PS-) CHILIMI, M. G. ; IARIONGV , A. N. ; MIDUATIOV, K. A. ; V. V. ; IOIWJ14, !-.A.; ARYMPOV, Mi.; II-E-7ROV, G.N.; ~,FLAGIN, ~.M.; i'RIVEZE11TSEV, V.A.; TAIEYEV, B.M. Profeavor N.G. Drozdov. Eloktrichestvo no.IC:'fC) b 16C. (M I . J% 14 : 1.) (Drozdov, Nikolai Gavrilovich, 19((,-) F]"ROV, Georgiy Hikolayevich, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. H12tIviading witotransformero. Izv. v78-ucheb- zav.; elPktrovekh. 3 no.3:50-54 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Zaveduywhchly kafedro7 elektricheskikh mshin Moskavokogo ener,,eticheakogo institute. (Zlectric transformers) MELOT, G..H,, prof., doktor tekhn-nauk Parameters and short-circuit losses in triple-wound autotransfor- more. Vast. elektro rom. 31 no-5t32-)6 My 160. (KIRA 130) Nlectric transformers) PETROV, O.N., doktor tolchn.nank; BORODULIN. Tu.B.. Insh.: RABI90TTCH . S.I.. Autotransformer for h1ph-vnltVe electric netwo?kcs. Xlek.sta. 11 n0.7:47-53 JI 160. (KIRA 13-P) (Slactric transformerB) WRIN, Ynkov Semnnvinh,. KUROCHKIN, Mikhail Nikelayevich; PNROV. G.N.. prof~, red.; TIK(KHIblA. V.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., (Designing d.c. machlnnryl Proaktirovanie Mashin postolannogo toks. Pod obahchel red. G.B.Petrova. Moskva, Gos.anerg.lzd-vo. 1961. )50 p (MIRA 14:4) (zlec;ric machinery--Direct current) KISLYUK, F.I.; SIRIEIZVA, I.A., PMOV, G.N. Effect of compounding on the ch&racter-i.,;tics of a generator in a movable eiectric station for resist&nce ve:din~. Av-tom. avar. 14 no.5167-73 Itr 161. (MI -1 14' 5) 1. Veesoy-uzn3rf nauchno-iss1edovate1*,9kiy in-,tit-t po stroitelfstvu magiBtra.llny,kh truboprofodorv. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) A11'rikill I,et rov (_I Icil I's t I .[1 4) 11 I(T, .- tIlI i, -Ii irI I-I 11.1-1 It -0 1 (,A L ; if .-I t r-;i t i v n y y7 ti I I V~,t I I - k t v~ A. k ti ii I K I ri, ,.:-) , 1'0 q - 2.)-/, i I t t 21, t I Ir i-ta ri."0,I ') I I -, . ( - ) T E_ A T C.1 I1- 11 1.,1% 1 t I Y e pit r it ill 4- t e y s I I t rill sih t orm,~ r n ma v vi- ,- I t i(v, It ki I Il t loll )1 11 1, 1 's ill- pit I it I I p I it it .4 1 11 11 lior 111111"tr I ,I '11v 1, v Pi- 1 11141 1 y W I Ild 1 11 c o it !, Itie r e d itsco n Is t In )z f) ~,% i I -i I - t 4 - e I w. . I ) I fill BeCOJI(IRry 0 tI it I- t-4 1 0 , ttj e ts t i it, r ca c t a ri c I ( h p k - t w 1 Ild I I) K x k rv T r- (I It he nonit. e r o f t u j, ii s o I i v ent I I #- pr i i~a i Y w i n (I i n W w w I i tit- x k = k 3 x k 3 k5xk ) ' . k k2 x k k It x k', . . . . . . where k w /w '1110 Card I/ Ca I c u I nt 14) 1,LIII C t I vk, I v p W w k - -1, - . , U w 2 wL* "'t) "''' r k k U It I It' Here X. p r, t I. r j I I I nrn I or mu I a I Iti, A J f 1 1'. 1 m klim which dupenti, on the r#, it ct ) Ii,, ii T, , , I - i r 11 i n in a no n - m. in-ilic t-iii( P, ot t Iii i i i r- si i, i. di r calculate.] ttit, I ) r,oi j i x 2-lo W it f k 4 k 12 w 1`1 where 10 = 2 w (I is n e ii,p ei n t. it rn 1 4, ri..c t itVn,~ w w are mean gpompt r ica i ii s ta i k c f, f w i it (I i ?i g s v c t i u ris 1 it r1. it r () in Card 21/ 0 _~/ 19()/'(, P, 2 V' Otj/~ I C Ca I cu 1 at Ion ) f Intl ittI v f, a k a 7 e. - -~ i 'I I/ k, I themselves; a ri dA I, 1~,, t ~jf. invan veoinetr Ica I d I ~-l 111, 1t~#'t t lie two windings. IkC t I ji)wsttir t Ii(- I nt Div ii( I,- r)t ( fiv If i)n !~oi arid Is determined t, Ythe nieth.)d .)I 111pan geometrical 'llmtarlces 1(,I- mirror reflection ol windings ( -4 f, P I v . 2For case 'In" kC 9 Ij g1 9 a nd t or cas 4- C .1414 A" The mean geornetr I c a Id xstancp I) IN (- c t I I) ns o II r I- t t a n 4v I r,j tr, itself are very s I in 1, 1 pt. u -je t err, Ine a, p pre) x irrin t e I Y q . b )(- in KI h where h arid b tire thc- ien,~tris it t. tie, ~4 I d e -4 o Ithe t-ec tariv 1e in cent irnvtr(-s. The nie a nxeoru,- t rical distance between twcj is determined by more compl icate(i I i,urnix lae wrii ch can Lie redliced to a series of calculations of m*-an geometrical distances i-f sec t i(,ris Card 3/ 0 Calculat ion of i I isc t i ve i - ;t l~ 5 z u . -) / 1 1) 6/ t' '~ / - 1 )0 , / I , -1 " / ( r E, I 1j 'I / P, I ) -5 fro, m t hpnine I ve or t e c a s wti-, o t Ill- 4 1 oet, o t t lit- r41Ct1jIl'j If. fit v par a 1 14- 1. The Yi U wh e r e t I i e r v c t a ri f4 j v r t j w- ji , -yia to sect ion, )I t I a i v t- c t IT v 1 11 11 1 a W TI I T, t I If, t I, I f- and the ex;,-,riprit4, are it 'I Tli t- va I ii p o I t ti P mp i n I I I -I t io( o i t 13 1 d e s pa ra I 1 1, 1 bu t C)I I I I lit 11 Qt 11 in-1 It' 1, 1 Ct I r %I a r ra n g e III c r it r) I t I I ~ tw ,) I I T i j r I '. II t u , II , . -t11 4 , r- (jet ermina t it)n of I If o i v '% I I - - s 11 il ri if [lit- It r I C A I 'I I ' t .1 lic .. I t~u r e s w 1 t h a r a 1i t t t hl~ -I F& IT, P tl~ I Y,jj t iiIIII I ( I CA t r 1 ti " s a ni p I v v v .4 ;1 W. t tl#- Till ) ~st q P I I v ra ma v 1) f, Car(i 4/ 9 c a c a IL loll of (i I I Cf I V C t h f t 14 1 1 t I c .)r r 0. Ft I ri . .. , I I , I) .I 1 4 11 1 n0) r~ g 41ci Ine r 'I I form It w I I c r e C q tir ?I,, In v ~l ?I e 4 t me t I I c 't L'I e c t I (I Il -I rom v t' i, )I mu jJ II'l It w 4 a I wa y -, h av e ti I ) I A 11-1 C on) I a r rliz I, w - I% To 11 1 1*i'li1 .1 o- I I I ~' 'j 'k v v I o r w u I ( . v c a I I v viv re t I I, j a -( w s, j~ 11 w V c oc. I f I c I I, f% t , tI If. (4) 1 1 c 1 1 t c , ) I r f- ~- I i I I I w I Ild I n %I a F1 (1 2 1 lit' in I n r I c a .1 1 t a n r e 1, e t w v I, n w a 4L C t I oil s of t ti III Iv 11 1 AII I ~ 1 11 1"Iir'l '4 loll I w, r the c a -A 0 when It he j: r- 1 1110 t, " Ild s '. c o I I il 1, v W I lid I H V 3 ri Card 5/ f it t p , I It t r r i c r- I, c t I t I I I I ut I I -, %Ic I I I I v I I I %IcI I I I i tnose p~r It - , t it-- , 1 1, 1 in4 ii t tie- I,,i ndow t ii, I I i pa r s o c;A Iu ( I ti I I I " - - I f . ( I , ,. ,I.,- I II t I I, I 1) y p11 1t I v t I v I I I r, VI' I I 1 .4 ( i Ivm it N I I I x1 I fit t 0 F, e ttie u w It I t 11 F if 111 r ;t I I l fit, r)v it I I I of t h e w 1 11 .1 1 1 v . 1 4 1 , i,i, 'I tII. II fit I I V A V V kI I s C w I nd 1 11 g s , wtf I c 11 1 V 'I 4 Iif rIIAI i " L I Aure s . , " r , v s b s t rac t r I s ti(,t n , Card 6/ PETROV _g,&,,-doktor tf--khn.nn,i,, prof., Yq.S., knnd.taklin.nauk; ZHERVF, r,.K., kand.te~-hn.nk,ik; LINDORF, i(Ard.t#4hn.nau), New standards for electric maohlnery testing methods. VeSt. elek troprom. 34 nn./,-3')-41. Ap 163. (YJRA 16-10) PETROV, G.N. , dokt or tm~i.- . - ,L? , pr .11'. Current objactIv- -,- *.,,f !~us~lRr. e14~(,,*-ric transformer J,*riustr-j. Vest. Ple~troprom. -', 4n -4:1-" Ap 't, ~ . /MIRA It:10) AR KH lpOV 'C)1" 0 ". ~. I . - I p V"I'; ' ' 3 'Ol;S:!T -"f:, A. M. ; DROZDU~ , N. ~~. ; ;', - - - r_j, .. .. .- - y '1- 1. ; NA YAS ~ff OV Y I . S. ; I cv J, ' -;; - ; S :Y L 14. G. 0 .:.; Professor G.V. Hutkevich; on hIcs (~ th birthdiy. -I..;It.-i-hestvo no.10:92-43 0 1 ~~ 3. (KIRA 1, : 1d ) ALE K-", EY EV A PX hT7. no Al. i3rl l"'l;l A! X, A ioirld'. !Jtur. A rauk ;nzt i A. T""'., 'Y A eu.". k tir- t auk -;(j K LLV I A A,~Tv A N.A. A Z F. 71, A A -ID !t:. A ALEKSEYEVA. Mir, S&- A: PE -,P.C -,- , . s -, -. ~ '. '. 9 '... " .~ - ~ . - r. - - ., : - ~ . .. ~ . 11 * , . - - , .. * I- '~ .. f : e ~' ", T , 1 P I - *. 13 . . , - ; . .- I . 1. - - : . , - I . . 111. . N, - ~U . , : . - -sesc~ I - - : . -uzry,, , -9- , - , ? - , s k - -. - n 3 ~ , t,- t T 0 s , r,. : , ~ - , - , ..-- mag 1 9 t ra -. 'n -Yk~-. t r-- ~, -, ; -, -j --, IJ , -;. BERYUKOV, V.G.; BRrfCHTJX, V.V.; KCZHIJKBOV, V.K.; KRAYZ, A.G.; HATASHKOVP I.S.; HAZAREVSKITY, N.I.; PANOV, A.V.; HTRU, G.S.; RABINOVICH, S.I.; SAPOZHNIKGV, A.V. Emmanuil AbCramoviah Manlkin, 1905- 1 on h1s 60th birthday. Elektrichostvo no.1118&-87 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) L 2~Z19~66 __ Dp. (k)JOVP (h)I~Wr W/FdF (1) /Fie (y) ACC NRi AM013621 SOURCE COM UR/O1O5/65/ow/oo9/ooe8/6& W AUTHOR: Aleksenko -1 G. V.; Bir7ukov, V. G.; Borinenko, N. I.; Borushko, V. S.; Kovalev, 17.__N .; K013tenko, M. P.; Obolenskiy,_N.-X_.i Petrov, G. N.; Rozanov, Ao A,; 7MTdanenko, lo lo; Itmofeyev, P. V.; Chilikin, M. L; Sheremetlyevskiy, N. N. Z1 7~F ORG: none T:TLEi Honoring the 60th birthday of Professor Andronik Gev3ndovich-Ioniflyan SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 9, 1965, 88 TOPIC TAGS: academic personnel, scientific personnel , automition, electric engineerijig, servosystem, automatic control ABSTRACT: 21 July 1965 wag the 60th bIrthday of the eminent So- vict aclentlBt In the field of electrical mechanics and automa- tion, Dr. Techn. Sol., Professor, Member of the AS Armenl4n SSR, Aero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Statq Prize, As G. N\~oslf'yan. His scientific oontributions are numerous. During 1931-1934 he developed the theory of the combined synchronous con- trol circuit with AC commutator generator. Subsequently, he In- vented the oontaotless selsyn. He was the first Soviet scientist to publish studies of thYratron-based servosysteme for the con- trol of elootrioal maohinery. During 1940-1945 he made a major contribution to the theory of electrical machinery and automatic control by publishing studies on-the general theory of the also- 12 L 22739-66 F~cc -NR. __AF613921 tromechanleal amplifier (amplidyne) and power-drIven synchronous servosystems. In his 35 years of scientific actIvIty A. G. Iosiflyan has published more than 60 atudi on many problems of electrical mechanics and automatic oontrolind has been the author of 24 Inventions. A. G. Iosiflys-n-1-9-tFefounder and director of the All-UnIon Order of labor-Red Banner Scientific Research Insti- tutc of Eleetromechanlos, and-It was on ~_1e___1n__1tia_tIve that bran- ohes of thIs Inatit-ute- have been established In Leningrad, Tomsk, Yerevan, Frunze, Iskra, and Kudinovo. Between 1950 and 1955 he held the elective office of Vice Presidont of the Armenian Aca- demy of Sciences, and since 1955 he has been Editor-ln-Chlef of theburnal Elektrotekhnika (Eleetrioal Engineering). He Is also the bearer of many other honors. Among other things, he was elected delegate to the 22nd Congress of the CPSU. Orig. art. hasi 1 figure. '[JPRS] SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none '~b A. i Li :1-1 ?t;i L A. V. J, none A. -an'Kin, on n15 6Crtn oir~.~, i..,oktrichestvo, no. 11, 1, -17 -,A.-,:;: electric enFineerinp pers-rite 5-,.vnct,r,)t:-n Emmanull Abramovich who Rfter 35 years of ,~'Ientlflc-englneerlng work rank3 as one of the senior workers the transformer-building flel, 1,18,3 60 years old on 28 Vay After graduating In 1927 from the electrical machine build- ln4 instltute In Moscow he became an englne3r of the Moscow .r.nsformer factory (presently Moskovskly elektrozavod; Moscow E'Iectrlo Factory). He constructed and headed until 1934 t transfomeir_~Fe_st Ing station. During the 1935-1942 period he was head of the bureau for the design of special transformers. i~nd durln7, these years carried out nilmerou3 theoretical Inventl- zntlons concerning elpctromngnetic trRnsformer calc%alatlL)r,~i. 1;1n methods for the cQloulation of transfomer leaka6e e".-reu CO,d 1/2 U.')C: ~,-L . ; ~4 L 22432-66 ACC NR, A I ~,G' YP r 23 0 c co- i. ro t i u 171 5 to 195~ A. ::~':':1,1N 1'ea(led Lhe 6roup or de8l6ners workln~ all ti-.c 400 kV t rL'i, s ' o r m e'- -equipiaent of the Volgograd-Donbass power line. Since 1950 he has -)oratory of the Vseso7uznyy elektro- been head of the transformer la'L tekhnicheskly InstItut (All-Unlon ElectrotechnIcal Institute) Im. Lenin. In the same year he obtained the degred 6T-53-etor of-En--Z g1neering Sciences for his works "Electromagnetic design of trane- formers, reactors, and charged particle aoaelerstors." In the course of hia engineering and research activity he published more than 30 papers. Orig. art. has: I figure. [JPR53 SUB CODE: 09, 20 / SUBM DAM none Card - 212 - 1'~-G` L 2724544 :ACC WHi AF6007699 SOURCE CODEI M/0413/66/000/003/0079/0079 AUTHORSs PetrQy, G. ff.. Nikolayevekiy, Ye. V.; SqVetin, V. - Ustinov. A. P.* Kozly,,"ovt T. P. Kazakov, B. R. Aj ~ORG: none tA ITITLE: A device for balancing three-dimensional mechanisms with nonparallel irotation axes of the components. Class 42, No. 178542 Lrannounced by Moscow h !a2~~eerjag College imo N. E. Bauman (Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheakoye luchiliahchel/ SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronWohlennyye obraztsy, tovarrkyye znalr-i, no. 3, 1966, TOPIC TAGS: measuring instrument, static load teat, dynamic streaq I 79 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for balancing three-dimensional mechanisms with nonparallel rotation axes of the c onents. The device contains a,- m c 'O#n ,om esial ,platform with six degrees of freedom and a meaourin it (see Fig. 1.). The d 1provides simultaneous measuring of the static, o, and axial components of ;,unbalance in the mechanisms. The measurement unit of the device includes three ,unbalance sensing elements# The axis of sensitivity of one of the sensing elements ;P-- I Card 1/2 UDCt 620.1-05:531#24' L 27345-66 'ACC NRs AP6007699 Fig. 1. 1-3 - sensiag elements. ~ia parallel to the axes of sensitivity of the other two. Orig, art. has: 1 figure. 80 CODBI 14 t' 091 OUBM DATE, 16ft64 ICard 2/2 ! r AfT 7 - - * F f ~1. V . ; - , * 'M, 'I , '~ . . T. --n 11 ~- Go.,,L- rert,ct( .- r L,-Y, Zo-651-6 wnuv-- t, r. mic' . !bak. 1: mt. radlnvlo)-. ' r r. old-tr-r-nollhe rr~* 49t15..25 1 64. ("T*.,~ 1"l1) F-,7171-~Ov , ~.' . , asp ~ my t Ni te M. !,, ~ n,- d,/T am'. r! '. r,;id ' r i! )r. I, r.r- *.lur-r 'r. p j7oiir- , f a exci. v~ '-, r by - p ~ - -1 r ' I!- ','~ c:.1 strit, St! I's . ',;, -C:.. t.-'Ld-, !~rgx . ,r,.,3 '.. md' r.,- ~ P., . ' -,, r. e: e,, t- ~.. ~~ - 4r' Pt - - : 4 . 2t-3( I ~. I I.; , T.-A '. , : I 'AUMOR t Petrov, 0. N. ORGs none TITLEs Synthesis of vibratimlMetemPror balancing aqvipment 1~ I SOMCE: Uravnoveshivaniye mashin i priborov (Balancing of machinery and instruments). )Aoscowp Izd-vo Neshinostroyeniye,, 1965, 17-45 TOPIC TAGSs rotor balancingg balancing theoryl balancing machinery, vibration damping, mechanical vibration ABSTRACTs The methodology of synthesis of vibrating systems for balancing equipment is theoretically investigated. Since the problems of proper instrumentation and isolation of the balancing equipment from foundation disturbances are discussed elsewhere in this collection of papers by T. P. Kozlyaninov and V, A. ~Metina respectively, this paper is concerned prizarily with a synthesis of the mechanical vibrating systems of balancing machinery and their effective use. In general# the unbalance of & rotor (referred to the overall center of mass So of the systems see Fig. 1) can be expressed as '&M, 8S 6A t + 1); AM's, AM, sin (of + h); AMU 0 c,,d 1/6 ACC NRt AT6001702 Fig. 1. Mounted rotor. 0 and Aj.. -, AM,&Zmo; A1.1j, + AMSIZ &AMA where .611, vector of the etatic moment of the rotor mass w.r.t. the axis of rotation and A7.-' ; (NIX Using these parameters# the coordinates shown in Fig. 2, and the unbalance forces ;given by I 1)--Q; 11~;"WSAMU; ~2 Q, Card 2/6 L NRt AT6wl702 ;3) Q, 0; 4) Q. (AJ.. - A M,#Z.) - Jw wAj; .5) Q's (as (Alla + AM.Z.) + J'P. 6) Q., w' (AMA. - AMy..), - the equations of notion ofthe rotor are derived M Pigs 2, Coordinate system. L 15186-56 FACc mR, AT6001702 0 These are solved for the special cases of a horizontally and vertically supported rotor# giving the relationships between the displacements and rotor unbalances respectively as 1) Ax ='A AM, cos (09'. + L + 2) Ay = BAM, sin (W + A, + 3) Az = EAJ,, sin (ot + ej; 4) AO = FA I, cos (ot + ej; 6) AV = HAJ, sin (wi + to); 6) Aqp = PAM, sin ((*I + and Ax, = LAM, cos ((ot + )L + ej; .2) Axj = -MAJ,, sin (wt + ej; 3) Ay, - LAM, sin (wt +.% + 6j; 4) Ay# = MAJ,, cos (of + eO); 5) Az o; 6) Aot NAM, sin (wt +,X + e4j; .7) AO.P RAJU Cos (Wt + W; 8) AV, --VAM, C03 (Wt + j% + e1k); 9) AVa RAJ,, sin (of + 10) Aq? 0 COM 4/6 ACC UR, AT6001702 ~where A-P are constants. These reduce to 4) M.- "M - 1) Ax 2) AM- - 3)_ As 0; 6) Aqp and 1) ax W~ Ax~ Amui; 2) iM AM, 3) Az 0-, 4~ AO AO,# + AO; Ah's - A-41orrm 5). AV A% + A*, -Mjjv + Miss" 6) AT a . is - I'M 0 140 j, +j 7., T is,,# for the case of no elastic or viscous coupling. From these reaultop general equations ACC NRo AT6001702 for the position of any i-th point projected onto fixed coordinate axes are-derived as 1) ASU [AM,. (L + "' z) + M. 7W 12) As,, [Am,, Z) - AJ"' J_z') 0: M -J.-I go AM AM 3) Asi, ZITO + Y, XI) JI* X, where asu - AX + AVII - ATY,; by + AIPXJ - &Ozj; As,, AZ + Aeyj - A On the basis of these equations, meaningful choices of transducer locations in a balancing machine can be made as explained in detail and Whown graphically. Orig. art. has: 1 tableg 11 figures# and 63 formulas. SUB CODE2 13/' SM DATEs 045ep65/ ORIG REFs 001, ALEK.S HY :P~ N, -~7 -.7i 4 NEK K ( ' , ' . - . ; . . ., - . . " . : . . . F - r I s s , r % I r, k oa I f I I &n PEI' complex Catalysts). Kodcaw,~Izd-vo KhiM -ion ~ovganoaltmti va~adLus. TOPTO, -,TAGS f;L~~rd UC Cut, CMpIG,X,_CAt81yStj TIMS iAch ----------- 0 W67 EXCIMMC ig'. "lie tint lbC11 th brilln6alml I.Ii cout- wL do 4", f ~l , ~ "., i . ,~ boad .~ ~~12 SION NRi Ot t' 'i&6.;cf:9iAlCl res~lted_in iaitiot,iof b6hzene-insoluble polymerp At ~ an ~tiiddflie4,'S~tructure. : The, moit -active poxymerizAtion catalyst reaults fom. . ar iirtld': ion ad eqidm"ol. -to Polymerizat es of RjAl:: VOC13 -activity declLn with an L", 6reaii'6f the RjAlto VOCIj This. ls..due to a`.reductlon; In concentration of the Ing6luble"conolixes VMI-AIOR~R* rtd VClj'Al(OR)RZ,', both being isopreue~ 0 el poly- me 0v6$ 'Origga'. art ih t' :Tfiguresi as ASSOCIAMM..: none. SUBMIMDi, M(CD :.4 00. -gua. CODCC 240 No "Url: Gov I ;0 ~ COM 212 ea L: 60205,~W--=- 0196 AMS911M "J ATS , T thi~e.diffe' 'nee i, anistic-schemed das04,;,::,Qexplain re~ a in k neti6s t*io mech were h AhAt'up, to* a 20t e=ve I level the rate or polymer po~tuiabi&' lt,~,daa; a own re on AIM- ' tion, V confozis, to the:. equation: , We kPAm where' k2la the rate addition' of a moaomer~, unit.Ar to an,acti" 'polymer growth,c nter, W U Is catalyst: surface) acm- coo g to I 01M a 2 w IG a eq dIlh i t palyiwrIzatio'li-rea'at i~ PrW . Mst2t 6 .1 il,tLal, catilyst concentratic"n is th.ei. actual. r 'd ritfoh In thi vitent in Mol/t.-The appardnt energy of, activation, of the, ave 6 riiaiioit reacti V.-Ion, gures and rall p. an Is 13.8 kcal, as . 6~ ON# aft g: A ENCLI DEt j SMITMOt 240ct6k Mr , KOROTKOV, A.A.; PETROV, - G.N.; GAZINA, A.(;.; ANTIMIYEVA, L.A. Rcle o' soluble 3rganoal Lminum compounts In 'he proces-T of I rization of isopr9n.- by a com~-,!-x Dckl. AN 0 YM P SSSR 16-1 no.4:821-823 Je '05, (MIRA 1815) 1. Nauchno-19.91ndowitv'i '.,jkiy In.0.1 tut Lgintetir!heaki go kniirhuka Im. S.VJAbod,!va. 2. Chlpn-korr-~ipondpnt AN SSISR (for Kornt.kov). : , I-Rud, , - . ~ . , I ~- r , , '. e , . . . - , : If ; -I.- f-.i ~t . " - 11 ~'! , 'I r";% , , * , I ., .: , 1 1. . . rr,. , ',,)r, ): ri rij- r- !. ~, n . wr. w i I . n. ' -- ~, r- - - .' * - - ' . . . . Lh V . ; IMA 3' !7, ' r- . - r, . . : '- ~ I , . . I . .. I - . . PIETROW, G.N., prof'. Ir n.~. Pol.rov, r,.N. :' - n-trs. PrL , - r,. -r.n i.silclilatinn -,,, mitwnfst - .9~rayjng In * i a r..,i ! ) r. ej?' , ow 4(.) n(,. () tf,4. ~ . H,~ad , ~~ p 9: , rnp:~ *" Mft' '. r,.- -., , , rail . - :*. , " , . . -. -;~ P. -wer Ezigi n-, r, ng, Mf,s . p ~ "' 14 ") V , ~, . ?i . , I') k ~,') zI I ~ I I. -- '! . I . . 1 ". . 'I , W .- . - , !:~. '.,--. 7--, ~ rf; -~ , , ..) : .,. ; , , T.-nl(jy W] , . 'i - -1 ,, 2 ., . . ml:., PETItal, 1. N. Proateishle izyskanila d-lia transportnogo oevoeniia maly1ch rek. YRoutina explomtion of navigability of smaller rivers_/. (Rechnoi transport. 1947. ro. 9. p. 14-15)- DLG: TC60I.JR)4 SO: Soviet Transoortation and CoMunicatl2us-A. ~L BiograpU, Library of Gongrese. Reference DNnrtment, Washington, 1952. Unclassified. FEDC101KO, Ivan Kirillovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; PETROV) G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; NEMCHUNOVA, O.A., red. izd-va; PISAAENK0, M.G., inzh., red.izd-va; ROZLY., T. I., tekhn. red. [High-voltai-e engineering; specific problems] Tekhni-ka vy- sokikh napriazhenii; spetsvoprony. Kiev, Goslekhizdat U3SR, 1963. 319 P. (MIRA 17:3) FIWTP(Vl ". IN. 7he 4Rter Q-glrne r--* -,q- ;'.vPrl: Dirlnj~ M,ete~,rc,lcgj anti ., V -- - . .-- , . -_ ~ . -: *-*-* 9_n,,. jt~ , *,.,,..., Jo n Ir9 Pot.amology -7hp Coefficient of Roughness for Small T .,ayeled Flverq,' G. N. Petrov, Kazan Affiliate, S'- USSP, 4 PP 'T)nk Ak NauX SSSR'* Vol LX17V, No I Tnvestigation of sections of amll river beds In Tartarskly, Azarbaydzhan SSR, shoved that the coeffflclent of roughness, n, varied w1thin wile 111nits and vas substantially different from normB and classifications accepted for hyirnull:~ AssIgn of natural bode. Graphs shov A* 26/491435 U /Geology (Contd) Jen 49 varlebill'OQY and limItIng conditions. Submittewi 23 Sep 48. 26/49T55 V TA VSM/sydrology - Rivers 21 mar 50 "Determination of the Average 'Mld-Discharge' of Water in Any line of Direction of Small Rivers," G. 1. Petrov, Kazan Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SBSR" Vol LXXI, No 3) pp 469-472 Presents hydrological data on the Ulema, Sikines, Kamen)m, Sula, Kialmes', Serda, Ik, Izh, and Sviya&& rivers. Gives data on area of basin (260-900 9q m), right and left bank erosion (18-50 m), modulus of "mid-discharge" (0-2 I/sec - sq kn), with variation in discharge according to characteristic flow. Sub- mitted 23 Jan 50 by Acad A. I. Nekrasov. 165T26 U M /Hydrology - Hydroelectric Aug 51 Power Plants *Selection of Estimated Discharge Druring Design of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants," G. N. Petrcv, Engr *Gidrotekh i MelioraeNo 8, pp 63-71 Petrov studies variation in river level in re- lation to meteorological factors, as pptas, temps, etc. He concluded av water discharge cannot be taken as basis for design of hydro- elec plants, but rather the circumstancef USSR/Hydrology - Hydroelectric Aug 51 Power Plants (Contd) prevailing at the season vhen the hydroelec equipment is supposed to operate. Long obser- vations are required for the choice of the right season of operation. USSR/Geophysics - River Flow Variations 111 jun 52 "Cauz,es of the Variation In the Water Supply of Small Rivers During the Period of 'Mezhen' fAverage Flo-wT G. N. Petrov 'Dok A-k Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIV, No 5P PP 931-934 Purpose of tte current article is to show the insuf- ficiency of statistical methods for hydrological C&lcns, by using examples of rivers in Tatar SSR. Gives a graph shoving the var iat ions 14 flow of a dMen rivers over the period 1933-1949. Concludes that it is impossible to det the av discharge for CZgineering purposes by using entirc series of 223T61 Observations without clarifying their character for conditions of future operation. Extremum values of discharge must be detd from an analysis Of possible variation jr physicogeographical conditictr Submitted by Acad A. A. Grigor'yev 14 Apr 52. 223T61 PEVROV, ;.14. Disst!rtation: "Midsummer Runof of 3mall :tivers gation and Determinat! n of Ave:-a,-e Disc%arges livers of Tatar A330.11 --and Tftcri 3ci, Kazan Kazan', 1)53. (Referativnyy Zhurnal (Pr-,cejurt5 :'i,- t-le :n A;~; -,~rec,,- :-I, e."., *--"e. kffi~iate of Acad -irl ' 7:j j: mografiya, Moqcow, Au~ -)!) SC, iI'M 393, Web 1)5-. ]~~TROV G.11 ; TRUFANOV, A.A., dok-tor takhnicheakikh nauk,professor, =ovetatvenn,-r/ redaktor; VOUVIZHENSEATA, V-Vi., red&ktor; SHARAYUTDINOVA, M.Z., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Low-level summer period flow in rivers and its InvestigationJ Xezhennyi stok t ego izuehanie. Kazan' Tatknigoizd4t. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-r7 1956. 143 p. (Akademiia nauk ;SS"'.Kazanskil filiRl. Trid7.Seriia energe- t1ki. i vodnogo khoziaiBtva, no.1) (MLRA 10:3) (Hydrolop7) (Rivers) PETROV G M. - _- - - Rpmarks on a bnnk on an important subject (*Reservoirs and their ise in irrigation." I.P. Qribanov. IA.M. Pashankov. Reviewed by G.N. Petrov). Gidr. I mAl. 8 no.6:59-61 Je '56. (KLRA 9:9) (Reservoirs) (Gribanny. I.P.) (Pnehankov. IA.M.) (Water-supply engineering) PETROV, G.N.; MPOVA, R.S. Stud7ing tho silting, filtration, and evqp-ration rf tlio- Donuflh