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BLWOV, Igor' Samellovloh, kand.takhn.nank. Prinimal uchantiye: KADUSHKIN, A.B., Inrho; KALYUZIWYYt gj~,p insh.; DANUXIVSKIY, V*Vo, reO.; MXCSHKIN, N.Up, RMO N.I., red.izd-va; TIHONOVA, Ye.A., [HandLbook of a tachnioian in a shipfitting shop of a ship repair plant3 Spravochnik teldmologm melcham-aborochnogo tBekha sudo- remoutnogo savoda. lsd*3*, parer# i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo *Moralmi transport,* 1960. 607 Po (Mm 13:6) (Ships-Maintenanoe and repair) (Marine engineering) W" ...... VU-S'NK, P. ZAKHARChU, P.; IL4LYUZHNyy V . p3RFSypKjjj, V. Seventieth birthday of Mikhail Mikhallovich Godlin. Pochvovedenie no.3:117-118 Mr 1.57. (RUA 10:7) (Godlin, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 1886-) 1--l-1,13, "' " q Ijf:; T'jqlNqp IIIIIIII-Z i I Py.11M V It III IN I I C MOE IP k I! I J, KAMMIM, V. A. PA 51T66 21. 160 -NaTio3alU ln~ South. TlMnp V. A. MLIJU&bW) lX*!iAkM.-l=k0=jp Nova - Bar" Val LIX) NO9 .-Of -'aspoiffilt, nvenits loatted In pocket of dund . Mirface, ahd in *ldbi~ the Yaregi River, 'trl utery eadvatm of, b fter,' i A~ascr bes ths'physical and I (if t~li aftkml, shd the M-9, propert t* ta'rned. Submitted by P,;:odml UZ *16h 1+ &-:;5*4anklnj -,.31. Jan 1948. 51ya Yjaywo-lYT, V. A. 1111ultiphane Inclucions In Minerals (Methods for the Study of Composition, and Individual rroblems of Application)." Cand Geol-Min Sci, L'vov State U imeni Ivan Franko, Min Hit-her Sducation USSR, Llvov, 1954. M 110 3, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific Find Technical Dispertations, Defonded at USSR Eigher FAucational Institutions (12) SO! Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KALTUZHNYY, V.A. Liquid inclusions in minerals its a geological barometer. 155. (mw 9:9) 1.Llvov. Gosudarstvomw usivervitet imeni IvAna Frank*. (Migeralea) 1 -7 1 Y', USSR/Optics K gos Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 105C3 Author Ka1yuzhnyy, V.A. Inst Not Given Title Practical Verification of the Accuracy of the Method of Measuring the Light Refraction of Substances Included in Minerals on a Fedoroy Table. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Llvovsk. un-ta, 1955, 35, 187-193 Abstract: Report of the results of the practical verification of the pre- viously proposed (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1956, 239,,6) method for measuring the light refraction of substances on a universal Fedoroy table. The measurements of the light ~%efr&ction of air when a plane layer of its air assumes various positions relative to the horizontal and vertical axis of rotation of the table shovE -1y simple preliminary settings of t e posit' that sufficient th iong are quite satisfactory. The accuracy of the measurements was Card 1/2 U85R/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hycrochemistry. D. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o345 Author AKAall ~zhnyy ~Vl.AA~- Inst Lvov Geological Society at the University Title New Observations of Phase Transformations in Liquid Inclusions. Orig Pub Min eralog. sb. Llvovsk. geolog. o-va pri un-te, 1956; No 10, 77-80 Abst Incongruent decomposition was observed on slow heating of ''captive' minerals in one of the multiphase inclu- sions, of topaze from Volynian pegmatite. From elpaso- lite arose.. In the interval of 135-170'' three different minerals (apparently fluorides) of lower refractivity. At 250-2601, as another crystal of elpasolite underwent dissolution) the formation of an acicular, highly refrac- tive mineral was observed; the same minerals were for- med also in other portions of the inclusion. In a crys- tal Card 1/2 USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hycrochemistry. D. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30345 of morion, from Volynia, a liquation of a solution of inclusions was observed. At 230' stratification of 11- quid phase occured, vith segregation of highly refrac- tory liquid. In a somilar morion crystal vas noted the sublimation of matter in essentially gaseous inclusions. At 70-120' the fine film disappeared from the vall sur- face of the inclusion, and on cooling it vas formed anew, but in a different location. This fact incidates a considerable concentration of gaseous, mineral-for- ming solutions containing readily sublimated substances. Card 2/2 YnKmv,. H.r.; XALyuzmny, Vl.A. Possibility of establishing the true temperatures of mineralogenstic solutions. Trudy VNIIP 1 no.2:41-51 157. (MIRA 12:3) Oeochemistry) YERMOV, N.P.; KALTUZ=, TLA.; MYAZI, N.I. Results of mineralothermometric investigation of some morion crystals from Volhynia. Trudy VNIIP 1 no.2:117-127 157. OGRA 12:3) (Volyul Provincq--Morion) 2o-6-37/48 kb'THORS.- Bobriyevich, A.P., Yalyuzhnyj, Vl.A., TITLE: Moissanite in the Kimberlites of the EILSt-Siberian Platfor2i Oluassanit v kimberlitakh Vostochno-Sibirskoy platformy) PERIODICALt Doklady All SSSR, 1/057, Vol- 115, Nr 0, Pj)- 118() - 1192 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The authors 6-ivc a historical survey beginnin- with the disco- very of the above,montioned mineral abro.-Aand in the USSR and enumerate the concomitant mineralst olivine, pyrope, chrome dioside, ilmenite, pyroxeno and magnotitc. In other layers olivine is absent, ilmenite predoininatc-s C-L-nd almandine is met with. In almost all layers occurt stiLurolita, rutile, distone, spinel, chromite, tourmaline, lciikoxenc, j.,iore rarely hornblende, epidote, corundum, chloritoid, moriazzite, spherie, apatite, anaa- lusitet anatase and t;old. The fact that moissanite is bound to the at3sociation with kimberlite-minerals, such as pyrope and chrome diopside, gave rise to the assumption that there exists one common source for them all. Such a souce was found for some places of discovery. Finally the first aizthor found a roiindi!jh xenolith of porphyry-peridotite with a marked content of mois- Card 1/3 sanite. It was macrooropieiLlly and mino-ralo-ically investiL-ated C, 2o-6-3T/48 Moionanito in the Kimberliteri of the Ertat-Siberitin Platf("rfl and described. The indiceq of refraction almost exantly ai-reu with those found in handbooks for moissanite. It was not pos- sible to irivestigate the cr.vstals 1,onjorzietrically. Spectro- scupical investigations showed the preoonc(l of 91, Fc, Al, and a slightly narkod carbon-line. Pj-om. the results of the z U in- ventigationa follow:j that Lhe ninoritl foiind i,'3 line. of the cry- stallographi cal moo If J cations of .-11 liv'ori ell rldda .. I-aoi '913ani to occurring in nature. After thio mineral had been discovered by Moissan in a meteor, it van never found ;tgain. In the years 1931 - 32 it was discovered among the sediiTunto in the Miocene Jime-concretions. This was, however, considered a find of a fossil meteorite. Thus the authors have Good realt3ons for think- ing that the silicon-carbide found in the layers -and parent rocks of the East-Siberian Tlatform i5 thr, first reliable find of moissanite of tcllurian It can bo ii3od as a guide in the search for kimberlite bodic-3 ;arid a!) it coi:ipaniozi of dia- monds. There are 3 fifurcs, rnd 3 t~lavic roferenceo. Card 2/3 Moissanite in the Kiiaberlite:i of the E~.-,3t-Sibe-ian Plitf(,.,: 2j-o-')?7/!18 ASSOCIATIONs In,stitute for the Mineral Geology AN ukrainian SBR) L I VOT ~, I.- (Inatitut gooloaii pu1r-.nYkh Akadoi-Ji naul, USSR G. L'vov) FRESENTEDi by D.S. Korzhin,3kiy, Academician , March 20, 1957 SUBMITTEDs March 18, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 KALYUZHHYY, VLA, Studying the cOmPOBition of minerals of multiphase incluaions. Min.sbor. no.12:116-128 158. AMIEL 13:2)- 1. Institut geologii polesnykh iskopayerVkh ILN USSR, L'vov. (Mineralogy) MILYUL'I"Jilyyy U. A. ...... Optical and ther-mometric Investifration,,3 ,,,! g1lass inc-hisions in hyalodacite plionocrysts. Dokl. All SSSIR 160 no.2:438-441 Ja 165. ~,'-JRA 18:2) 1 Institut geologii i geokhiirdi gor~nichikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. Submitted September 4, 1964. 5) AUTHOR: Kal~-uzbxiyy~ V.A~ Cv/!. 53 - r. 157 TITLE: L Imciont Metamorphic Str~lta and Features of Timan PERIODICAL: lzvostiya Ahademi, i n~uk SSSR, I-)'criya ,-oolo~-ic.hosklaya, 1959t Nr 6, pp 62-33 (UISSR) ABSTRACT; The metamorphic rocks of th-1, _Rus0i~,n Platocau f uuinda- tion outcrop in the 1111imar. rcr_-ion and f r d a c ha i r, of se-rarate block,.-, strc',-,c_hin-- frci-i D-hezhim-Pari-m LD in thc sout'.1--ca-st to the Chcch_-ku~a Guba (Bay) in the north-aest. Deep drillings in that roGion lnhowcd -that the metanorphic strata were non -c onf orm-ingly and transgrossively covered by the Palcozoic- sedimen- tary strata. Vic author cormiles ---',-he rcc.ultS of pro- specting drillinG operations and, g-;v--s ,_ dotallod doscription of motai-,iorp-1,ic strata in fivc di-L-foront parts of tho Timan reCion. The comparison o'L the cr03S- tions of thece five parts and the study of denudatod s ecu Card 1/5 outcroppdnU, block's, showed that ill I,Ah-o metzamor I ' pnic Ancient Liet-amorphic S~rata and Y-,,-,-,.uroS of lZIaL 4-110 :.-tr--t-- fo-m-n. f -od, I on of L, -a at -La~~ Russian Plz)t Qu f,)U!' _3i!J_LtCS I'It[Lble 3) beta could be divided lasakaya, Dzbezh!ws'IrayN:, a~ljr-fvmkaya. BystTukhIr-_ska.Ya.,, -~he Cippk~r-- or Cambrian timc,.- T f! CXLC.7, a,-,c .,C;-u_V no's, C) C fix--d, Ovdw~, to tho Iacl: I C"ent c. foz si I c, The ChetImsk-ays, Suito I- of micaccous shists... containinf- rem-,,.-,.nS c-l" biot-iL~L-,_~s transformod into ch!Gra-Les, %vit-IF: -r:,;n~, a s vi e a s z i r c o n, t t i r i d r i I i i i mi to[_,onous interbcddirj;~-s a~nd 31~_ h U's TI-I!-1 D,7 C', ma lkp-va SuiuO, non.-conformingly and -the ChotllasEksya, is coz, osod ol" mul-1--icolored a-:-.- kosic , feldspar anu quartz. analyses (table 11 hit~,~h of zi_n,-.~n and stron-Imui. The &-br~ivskayu 611~i:.L' i.~ COI d oL quartz-micaccous :--Td in'l-erbed-dinG argil- u - laccous schists. TFa,-es of lCul-m-,~-lin, Spherle, hcmatit,os am'A CaTd 215 BystrukhinAa ~;uito is comj,-2r;,I-ed rf dolo- Ya S 001 / 11 9 -;S - 5/ 15 Ancient 10letamorphic 31ti-ta anl I,'(_-;a4-UZjCS of Tim-ul mites ,vith interboddim- ~3cllli;-,Iks o. I 1'~Iarls 1-11 U t. " -nd I t - lower T)art. The thiclmcss of [.1-n.-,Ze ,tr:,,-ta varies con- siderably in d.iffc!r,-nt part-, of the region, tho d,- groe of metamorphism also 11,oinij This -s due, according to the author, tc. a long distance from the plutonic maUiatic hearths,. All four SUites are betbor Prcrorved in those cA rvhe reGion %vhich were not involvcd in an ciciration movc-ment. Intru- sive rocks vei~e also foumd in diffe-1-cmt pa~-ts of the Ti::l.a-n reGion ropresented. by Cranit-,id. quartz sycnites. and, monzonites, diaba,ler-., ctc. According to tho author, theic we,.e Lwo so-dimentation cycles and two foldin- -,-,hases ac.,,C):-~,,andcd ltr,- int--ru~iorl of magmatic rocks. The was formed durim~; the first, bcforc boinq,~ imroivcd in an. orogoni-c process durimr which thf-, ill'urusion of thc gabbro ~u.d ncphe;.in.--- syoni.,~cs oc(~urred. The ot-hc!r 1hree suites werc~ formod du-rin- the sec:Dnd sed~iaen- IL-'alaon cyclo mad forn L,, sin-lic C~rd 71/5 plex~ The second folldin[.-, o,-~currod tl~ Ona SOV/ Ancient- Metamorphic Strul;a anJ PciLztarc, of TJ mali of flic! jx-xi~d. with Lllr,~ in.:r,usioii of jramito ajid ,,ilit-o Tho -~ul-hor cone'udes t-lc of c-rc-sOL c-uc-'-s 1-ht-, schlol;,clso) b-id- ir~~i, of re sed:~mtm Lit -:-on o T-- c Con-titam.lum orcz-- s vle in in er a I s, , as,3o,-,i a -u-cd -17i th a I lmil i-ic,S rouS carbom.tes. Tho followini- -colc-~11.1. whJi- 4 took part he opera in tiomd b,,; tho auuthor- DS . B.V. L' , --* J~ 0 r!, - dovich., K.K. Vollosovich, A.G. VoloTJin, E,A. Kall ... - L berg, D.P. Serdyuc. hen'l:o, O.A.-Sullritsc~v, N.N. 'Rost-cy- 1 11 tsc,vl Yc.V. Vladimirsim-Ya, anL cl-)~;rnuv. -,tll c are, 9" tabios, 4 photogra-:ns, I rirl'! I 1-111-101111c, I Card LI-15 of dcsigns and 17 Sov:'~ec Ancient Metamorphic .3tiiata, a-n,:. Feat-arcs, of Timan ASSOCIATIO11: Institut r;-(-,ologii rudnykh p0trografii, mincralogii i ,cohhimi-i AIJ 3.3303R (The InstiUute or Geology of MAineral DcT)osi Potrography, 2 craloi--,y and Geochemistry of thc- AS U0,303R), I'l."OSCOW. SU-')].';'-'TTED April 5, 195? C'~rd 5/5 KALTUZMIYY, V.A. Genesis of Devonian hydrocarbons. Trudy VNIGRI no-133:69-80 '59. (MMA 13: 1) (Timan Ridge--Hydrocarbone) KALTLrZMIYY, V. A. Characteristics of sediments in the Izhma-Omra complex and associated oil and gas occurrences. Trudy, VIIIGRI no,133:19-31 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Timan Ridge.-Petroleum geolog7) (Timan Ridge--Gas, Natural--Geology) KALYIJZHNff, V.A. IYANDVA, K.P. Middle and upper Devonian producing sediments in the southern Timan Ridge Trudy VMGRI no.133:32-60 159, (MIRA 13:1) iTiman Ridge--Petroleum geology) ALY=HNM4J-laA4Lr_Al.tMyIWIL-,WBOLSV, V.S., alcademik,; CHMOVICH, N.Ta., red.izd-va; LISOMS, O.M. [Lysovdtsl, O.H.J. [Methods for studying multiple inclusions in minerals) Ketody vyvchannia bahatofazovykh vkliuchen' u mineralakh. Xyiv,.Vyd-vo Akad.nauk MSR, 1960. 167 P. (KLRA 13:8) (Minerals) .- XALYMMM". V.A.. Genesis of oil and gas in the Timan-Pechora oil- and gas-bearing provinceo Bov.geol. 2 no.11:80-95 N 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Pechora Vallev--Petroleum Geology) (Pechora Valley-Gas, Natural-4reology) (Timan Ridge--Petroleum geology) (Timan Ridge-Gas, Natural-Geology) 11 ZAL'YUZHM, V.A. Burried weathered surf ca oi diabases and tuffites in the effusive- sedimentary horizon (R) of the southern Timan Ridge and its importance for the accumulation of iron and bauxite ores, Kora vyvetr. no. 3:246-272 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenty, petrografii, mineralogil i vranlrniln~i Aq SSSR. (Timan'Ridg--Geology, economic) KALYUZHNYY, V. A. Cand. Geol-Min. Sci (diss) "Geology, origin, and principles of the translocation of deposits of several group,, of useful minerals of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Mountainous Altai, and the Komi ASSR." Moscow, 1961. 66 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, inst of Geological of Ore Deposits, PetroFrnphy, Mineral- ogy, and Geo(flieu, iBtry); 1.80 copies; price not f7iven; list of author's viorlm on pp 64-66; (Kt, 5-61 sup, 179~ KALYUZfiNYY, V-1,.A.; LYAKHOV, Yu.V. Caositerite and fluorite inclusions in crystals of pegmatites from Volyn' Province. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no-5:1182-1185 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayem)rkh AN USSR. Predstavlano skademikom V.S.Sobalevym. (Volyn' Province-Pagmatites) MYUZHNYYt V.A. (Yialiuzhnyi, V.A.]; SHCHIRITSA, A.S. [Shchyrytsia, O.S.1 11~ ---------- Physicochemical characteristics of H20 - C02 fluids, a medium for the mineral formation of complex metal veins of the NagolInyy Ridge (Donets Basin). Geol.zhur. 22 no.2:29-41 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh AN USSR i Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSRQ (Nagollnyy Ridge (Donets Basin)-Mineralogy) KUXUZHM~ V.A.; PMOVA., N.G. ....... I Recent data on the lithological and mineral composition and arrangement of Middle Devonian deposite in the Ukbtd region of the southern Timan, DAL AN SSSA 146 noji662-665 S 162. (MWA 15:10) 1, Predstavleno akademikom D.I.Shcherbakovym. (Timan ridge-Geology, Stratigraphic) KALYUZRNYY, VasiUY Avk0entlyevichj AFANASIYEV, L.M. ' kand.geol.-mineral.- redi%d-vf$ GUSKCVA,,tOJL, re I I (Petrography of granitaids-and the me-tallogeny of the eastern part of the Katun' Alps in the Gornyy Altai) Petrografiia granitoidov'i voprosy metallogenii vostochnol chasti Katunakikh Allp Gornogo. A."Itala. Hoskvai IsC-vo Akad.-nauk SSSR,, 1963. 131 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. -Insti-tut geologi-i rudnykh mostorozhdenil, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy, no.85)o (Km 16:5) (Altai Yountaina--Grani (Altai Mountains--Ore dep%S) DANILOVICH, lUudmila Grigorlyevna[Danylavych, V.A.[KaliuzhxWi, V.A.), st. nauchn. sotr., otv. red.; '-T~ft'BANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Geological and petrographic characteristics of the volcanic complex of the Oash Range (Transcarpathia)) Geologo- petro, rafichna kharaktoryst ka vulkanichnoho kompleksu khrebta Oash ~Zakarpattia). Kyiv) ~yd-vo AN URSU, 1963. 92 p. (MIRA 17:2) Z.1. .,ALYUZHNYY, VlAL,; IORYSHY X-ray analysis of microquantities of minerals. Min. abor. no.16:403-407 162. (~M 16:10) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh isko~ayeuykh AN UkrSSR, LIvov. (X-ray crystallography) VUL I CHIN) Yevgeniy Ivanovicb[Vul'cbynp JE.I.); RALYMBirY, V.A. [Kaliuzhrjy:i, V.A. ], kand. geol.-mirier. ralik,, otv. red.: MELINIK, G.F.[MeI'nykO B.F.], red. [Traee elements in the rocks of the iiphean formation of the western .9lope of the Ukrainian Cry.-talline Shield] NJI.roclemonty v porodakh ryfeislkoi Lovshchi zakhidnolio skbylu UkrainnIkobo kiiys tali eN ioho sholkyl.a. Y,.Vivp Naukova duraka, 1964. 117 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1,U;YAK, V.F - KAlt V.A., katij. geol..-rrinor. nauk, otv. red.; '0 PYRE I # Fulell " ' I -- - - ' .&I - . v re [Rmdamntals of tho analy-3-1,9 of tho physicochomica.1 proper- Lies of minsral-forming oolutions according to inclusions In minerals] Osnov-.v analiza fizilo-khimicheskikh svoistv minera- loobramiuahchikh rastvorov po vkliuchenil&m v mineralakh. Llvov, Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ., 1964. 218 p. (~MRA 18:5) KALYUZIUIAYA, KAI KALYUZHNYY, V.A. ...... Paragenesis of accesoory beryl., phenacits, and euclass in topaz- morion pegmatites. Min, abor, no,173136-147 163. (NIRA 17:11) 1. Gosudarstvenvy universitat imeni Franko, LIvov i Institut geologii i geokhimii goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN UkrSSR. Proizvodstvo dereviannykh agregatov Bamolotov. (Moskva)t Vsesoiuznala aviatsionnaia. promkademiia, NKAP, 1940. Title tr.: Production of airaraft wooden parts, WGF SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 868 Andreyev, N.V., Kalyuzhnyy, V.G., Kornstantinov, A.S., Livshits, M.P., Mftzhos, Uspasakiy, P.P., Feygina, A.Ya., Cheboterivsk.i;, V.V., Sheydeman, I.Yu. Nowtallicheakiye materialy, ikh obrabotka i primeneniye (Nonmetallic Materials, Their Processing and Use) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1949. 535 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Kalyuzhnyy, V.G,,; Ed. (inside book): Ponomareva,,~X,A.; Tech. Ed.: Ziadakin, I.M. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of aviation institutes and other institutes and it may, also be useful to engineering technicians dialing with nonmetal materials. COVERAGE: The book consists of two parts and deals with various nonmetallic materials used in the aircraft industry. The first Card 1/28 Acennical Sciences Nonmetallic Materials (Cont.) 868 V.V. Chebotare#skiy, and chapter XV.I by Engineer M.P. Livshits and Candidate of Technical Sciences-N.V. Andreyev. The authors thank Professor A.V. Shepelyavyy, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences I.P. Losev,, Engineers A.A. Babichev, V.S. Bondarev for their assistance in supplying data and reviewing the book, and they also thank Engineer V.P. Leont'yev for his assistance in preparing chapter X, Paper Materials. There are 60 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction PART I. WOOD MATERIALS, THEIR PROCESSING AND USE 3 7 Card 3/28 FALYUZHNYY, Viktor,1vanovichl LAPTER, Yakub Isaakovich; DUMASHOV, : I -- , "Y' u.F., red.; ISERVA, R.Kh., red.izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A.y tekhn. red. [Lightweight precast reinforced conorete elements for major repair of buildings] Oblegahewqe sborrWe zhelezobetonrqe konstruktsii dlia kapitallnogo remonta zdanii. Moskva, Izd- vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 139 p. (MM 17:2) ----KALYUZMYYI V.I.; NEMTSOVI B.B.; DUMASHOV, Yu.F.j red.; SMIRNOVA) H.N.) rect. lw--w; MWOKHO E.M., tekhn. red. (Industrial enterprises of repair and construction organizations] Proizvodetvenriye predpriiatiia remontno-stroitellnykh organizatsii. Moskva, Izd-vo M.-va komun.khoz.RSFSRs 1961. 164 p iMIRA 15:6) (Building materials industr7) YEVGEVIYEV, YU.Ye.; =UZ 'H'M, V.I.; KORAK, N.B., red.; ZOR1NA, V.A., tekhn, r- S -- ' (Labor and distribution under socialiem; for the aid of social science students) Trud i raspredelenie pri sotsia- li=e v pomoshchl iz-achaiushchim obshchost-vovedenie. In.p.i Rosvuzizdat, 1963. 40 p. (MIRA 17:2) BORISOV, Ye.F., dots.; BREGELI, E.Ya., prof.; BUKH, YeX... dots.; VASHENTSEVA, V.M., dots.; GOLEVA, Yu.P., kand. ekon. nauk; GOIRVA, A.P.,, kand. ekon. nauk; DEMOCHKIN, G.V., dots.; DONABEDOV, G.T., kand. ekon. nauk; YERMOLOVICH, I.I., dots.; KALYUZHNYY,,V.M., dots.; KORNEYEVA, K.G., dots.; KU2NETSOVA, A."s.p pro'if..'; WROSHNICHENKO, V.S., dots.; MYASNIKOV, I.Ya.., kud, ekon. nauk; PIKIN, A.S., dots.; SIDOROV, V.A.j- SHIRNOV, A.D., dots.; SOLOVIYEVA, K.F... dots.; SOROKINA, I.F., dots.; TARUNIN, A.F.,, kand. ekon. nauk; KHARAKHASHIYAN, G.M... prof.; MENDELISON, A.S., red.; SHVEYTSER, Ye.K., red.; ROTOVA, R.S.., red.; GARINA, T.D.) tekhn. red. (Economics of socialism) Politicheskaia ekonomiia sotsializ- ma. Moskva, Gos,izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola." 1963. 476 p. (MIRA 17:2) 5.31100 77538 SOV/80-33-1-47/119 AUTHOR: Lutugina, N. V., Tavait,-Aierna., K. S., KalyuzhiiyY, V. M TITIE; Brief Communications. Investigation of Triple Systern Mothyl Acetate -Chlorof orni-Water by.11ecti.CIcatlon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimil, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 1, pp 248-251 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the previous work the isotherm-isobars of the above triple system were investigated. In the present work the process of rectification of 10 solutions was investigated and changes of components of distillate and of the liquid In still were studied. Card 1/3 Brief Communications. 77538 sov/8o-33-1-47/49 Course of rectification in the system methyl acetate- A, led /, 1 d1l - I/- A-,T;~: 1 10.7 48.7 40.6 56 0.3 83.8 15.9 60 35.2 45.2 19.6 10.9 111 77. 0 2 16.7. OU 22.2 56 0.6 $4.0 15.4 Go 35,7 45.3 111.0 28.4 37.11 3:1. 7 3 ?5.5 24.6 49.9 1513 90.1 1.5 8.4 60 35,1 45.8 10.1 - - - 100 4 40.3 20.1; 39.1 56 90.7 OX 8.7 60 L5. 0 44.1) 111.11 C3.2 I 1. 8 72A) 5 W33 02.9 13.8 51; 0.8 84.0 15.2 60 15. 1 45.4 111.5 35.S 6 1 J9 6 7 IV. 0 49 2 158.0 0 4 12.0 56 (", 83.5 16.4 60 35.7 44.4 19.9 35.7 - 6 1.3 - . 4 . 10A1 M 9() ( ) , K7 GO 36.0 44.4 111.6 36.3 CO. 7 8 50.7 311.0 10.,1 go ' 89: 1 t): 7 10.4 60 35.7 44 6 *' 197 'it' 0 t; LO ' 9 12.9 81.8 5.3 56 1.0 MS 15.21 61 - -IW 55 :0 64.4 Z 10 89.8 5.0 5.2 1 50 90.7 0.0 8.7 5 7 100.. l a Number of solution, b starting solution; C Content (in mole/%I; d me thl! acetate; e chloroform; f water; g = I-st fraction; h temperature; I 2-nd f ract ion; j liquid reside In still Card 2/3 Brief Cormniunicatioms. Investigation of Triple System Methyl Avotato- Chloroforin-Wate.r by Rectification ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 77538 SOV/80-33-.1 There Is 1 figure; I table; and 4 Soviet references. Lenlrigvzad State UnIverL;1ty (Leningradskly gosudarst- vennyy unIversitet) January 29, 1959 Card 3/3 BAGRYANSKIY$ )(.V.;- LAVRIKp P.P.; KALI,YANOV, VA I I -, Ceramic fluxes with an iron powder. Avtom. svar. 16 no.10: 43-46 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Zhdanovskiy metallurgichaskiy institut. xnyu2llNyy, V. ..v. PA 2.75T91 V. V. WMWuels Coal Coking Jun 50 "Speed of Separation of Volatile Substances in Thermal Decomposition of Organic Fuel hasses," Ye. A. Shapatina, V. V. Kalyuzhnyy, Z. F. Chukhanov, Coor Mom, Acad Sei. USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol MR, No 5~ pp 869-872 Demonstrates theoretical possibility and technical desirability of separating in tine and space the processes of heating and of physicochamical decomposition which influence semicoking, medium-temperature processing, and coking of solid fuels. Describes experiments on speed of removal of volatiles and determination of degree of fuel decomposition. Plots percentages (0 - 70%) of escaping volatilea and maximum quantity of volatiles yielded at 8500 C vs temperature (200-6000 C) of "coking" coalp for various reaction times (0.8 - 30 see; 2 hr) and for various coals (Moscow, Cheremkovsk), also versus reactlion time, etc. Submitted 23 Har 50 PA 163T10 n't Y hl MY USSR,,Chemical TechnoluL-,y. Chaw1cal Products aii(. Their 1-13 App lie ation- -Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, Do 31 1957, 9215 Author and Nalrdicb, 1. M, l Inst, z S311 es Kirgi Title The High-Speed Gasification or Coal Dust from the Dzhere;alan aiid Kok -Yan-alc Beds Orig Pub: Tr. io'-ta vod. Ich-va i enorg. AN KirgSSR, 1956, No 3 M, 13c-,'-151. Abstract'. With a view towar6s the ioveqti(;atIon of the suit- ability of Kirtviz-coals for high-speeC, thermal treatment by new fluiuized bed methods as well as for the purpose of obtaining data for the design C.D of indUstrial poi--icir plants, exper"ments have been l: carried out on the rapid Gasification of coals in apparatus permItt-Inge the heating of the coal dust in a scream of pr6lieate(, steam at termperatures of 520-6280 and contact tipies of' less than 0.01 Card 1/2 IG K IL F IT lpf SUPATINA. YO.A.; -KALYUZMM,.V-V- Study of the thermal decomposition of Moscow Basin coal subjected to a high -rate heating. Energotekbaispol!.topl. no-1:53-59 16M (MIRA 13:10) (coal research) KALYUZHM, V.V. High-apeed. somicoking of solid fuelu. Energotelffi.ispoll.toplo no.1:68-81 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Fuel research) (Coal-Carbonizabion) KALYUZHNYY, V. V. Behavior of sulfur in the thermal decomposition of Savellyevka oi shale subjected to A high-rate heating, lnergotekhiopoll. topl. no.l:-121-130 160* (MMA 13:10) (Oil shale) (sulfur) EALYUZHNYY, V.V.; PIMIKINA, MIKI Study of gan formation in a high-temperature flame. Energotekh.ispoll. 163. (KRA 16.5) (Smelting furnaces) (Flame) (Gaaes) GEUKHANOVI Z.F.1 KONDAKOV, V.V.; KALYUZf]NYY,,.V.,V.; WNHOITKOV, D.I.,- SPHKTOR, A.N.; STROKOVSKTY",'-L.'*"~K--h,..KHORZIfEMBO, -L.; YARKHO, Ye.N. KUNAKOV, N. Ye. Pilot plant for the study and ap lication of the hear regenerating direct prooess of cast iron and steel production. Ispoll. tverd. topl., ser. maz. i gaza no. 5tl82-192 164 (MIRA 19:2) NALIVKINY D.V., glav. red.; BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A., zam. glav. red.; TIKHOMIROV, V.V., zam. glav. red.; ASSOVSKIY, A.N., red.; MELINIKOV, O.D., red.; PEYVE, A.V.,.red.; YANSHIN, A.L., red.; VOSKRESENSKAYA, N.A., red.; KALYUZHNYY, VI.A., otv. red. vyp.; NATOCHIY, P.A., red. v~p.; Mt A.F.-,''red.izd-val LISOVETS, A.M., tekhn. red. [Study of the geology ofethe U.S.S.R.] Geologicheakaia izu- chennost' SSSR. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr.4SR. Vol.31. (Ukrainjan S.S.R. (western provinces); period 1951-1955) Ukrainskaia SSR (zapadnye oblasti); period 1951-1955. No.l. (Published studies and reviews] Opublikovannye raboty i obzornye glavy. 1963. 178 p. Vol.32. (Central and eastern provinces df the Ukrainian SSR; period lq5l-19551 Ukrainskaia SSR (tsentrallnye t vostoehnye obl.aati period 1951-1955. No.l. [Published studies] Opublikovan- nye raboty. 1963. 326 p. (Ukraine--Gaology) (MIRA 16:10) Ft fW111M I F1111:011V Hfil IN 1119 t [till! i", IfilIj M-1 f, V-- ACC NR' AP6030276 rl*N) SOURC-9 COM., UR/0394/66iOO4/008/0023/0025 AUTHOR: Peresypkin, V. _.F. Kalyuzhn Yu. V. ORG: Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection (Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zashchity rasteniy) TITLE: New fungicides to fight against parasitic fungus of apples SOURCE: Khtmiya v sellskom khozyaystve, v. 4, no. 8, 1966, 23-25 TOPIC TAGS: fungicide, apple tree, parasitic fungus, chemical compound, ,-/MG 1143, MC 1053 compound ABSTRACT: In 1966, tests were made in Zaporozhiye Oblast USSR to find fungicides effective:against a parasitic fungus growing on apple trees. Studies were made of self-moistening powders containing 2516 karathane and 250,fo MC1143, * 2516 concentrate of MC 1053 emulsion, a 5076 concentrate of dynacap emulsion, * colloidal sulphur paste (as a standard) and also new, untested fungicides: morocide, morestan and captan (on a colloidal sulphur base). There were consecu- tive series of spraying. It '%~as found that the duration of the protection given by the fungicides varies and depends on the concentration of the compound. Morocide, 1/2 - UDC: 632. 952:634. 11 L 05124-67 ACC NR- AP6030276 morestan, and captafi on a colloidal sulphur base were found to be highly effective against the parasitic funfr,is; theirjt2oExjicj~tX lasted for 7 to 13 days if -optimal concentrations were'used. The follow ing%onc entrations of compounds were also found to be effective: karathane: 0. 1 and 0. 216; dynocap: 0. 1 and 0. 1576; MC 1053: 0. 1 and 0. 2%; and MC 1143.-'0. 376. The fungicides retarded the appearance of the disease for 7-11days, and were no less effective than colloidal sulphur paste. A combination of spraying of fungicides and cutting away of contaminated shoots decreases the seriousness of re-infection to a greater extent than the use of chemi- cal compounds alone. Orig.' airt. has: 2 tables. Lrw-,4.-5-c>.J [GC] SUB CODE: 02J. 06, 07/ SUBM DATE: 01Feb65/ ORIG RE, F: 002/ KALYUZIINYY, Yu.V.; SHISHKOVA, M.1. .4 A i;WUM VO PW~V-Ui I , Effectiveness of fungicides in controlling apple powdery mildew. Trudy VIZR no.2005-38 pt.4 164. (MIRA M12) VOLOVICH, N. I.; PEDENKO, -4.I.; SNFIMSKAYA, A.V.; GOIDDYUK, L.F.; KA I AA,-.- Epidemiological significnnee of carriers of avirulent CorynebActerium diphtherine. Zhur.mikrobiol.eoid. i immun.28 no.12:29-33 3) 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz lrhnrlkovskogo institute, vaktain I ayvorotok im. Mechniakova. (CORYNNVACTERIUM DIPHTHHRIJAE, avirulent strains, apidemicnl, aspects of cnrringe (Run) KOGANt ILLI KALIZIIANOITA Ye.G,; SALITINA, L.V.,- SOLODOV, N.A.; DMITERE ~W, 3.,-'~~rinimali uchastiye: UKHANOVA, N.I.; PERVUKHIHA, A.Ye.-p KAZANTSEVA, V.G.; ULkNOVSKAYk, V.D.; VLASOVp K.A., glav. red.; LIZUNOV, N.V., otv. red.; PYATENKO, Yu.A., otv. red.; SALTYKOVA, V.S., otv. red.; ISLEPNEVf YU.S., otv. red.; FABRIKOVA, le.A., otv. red. PODOSEK, V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., tekhn. red, [Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their economics]Redkis shcholochnye metally (litii, rubidii i tsezii); bibliografiia po gookhImii, mineralogii, kristallokhImii, geologii, analiticheskim metodam opreieleniia i ekonomike. Soot. B.I.Kogan i dr. Moskva., Izd-vo Akad. uk SSSRp 1962. 327 p. - 6 (MIRA 16: ) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kri- stallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlanov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) K -9 FA','7l*!7KOV T. K, -l'ya'ain of ct-,j-.pcuA antltiibtcc-i'!ar --snur-6s. VI,-',. ~li ~lc " 11*11 -.1 nc.A~68-77 0 165. 1. C106n-korrespondept !MIN i A XALZHILASHVILI, G. Inflaimmble properties of tea. Pozh.delo 9 no.IW5 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) l:-kLMSXlf.-YA. A 25177 Ka.Lzhf;',ciy. Ya. A. Teoreticheakie Denovy Ulmtki Dorozhnykh Pokrytiy. Trudy Avtomob-Dor. Tor. In-tn. VYP. 8, 1914Q 0". 55-73 Bibliogr: 13 JIFtzv SO: Letapts' No. 11, 1949 MACHO. Ruben Ruis [Camachoj, R.R.] People who live in the past. Mauka i zhiznl 29 no.6:86-87 Je 162. 011RA 15'-10) (Chipaya Indians). , L 32212-66 EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c)- JD : . . . .- .. . . -1,P6020809 SORCE CODEs BU/001176-3/018/006/0521/b524 AUT11ORt Kamadlien P, 141adJovs LA fnz, 7nFHUtii-6r-PRYiicB, BMI TITLE'_rr_Owth of gLinniuM epitaxial layers with-closed iodide cycle, 49 C~C'Vitci: Nalgarska akademiyalha naukite. Doklady;, y. 18, n6. 6v 1965-,""521-5'24 T)PIC TAGSt apitaxial growingt semiconductor carriers iodine# simple cryrtal growths germanium single crystal# crystal property 0~1"MW. Epitaxial growth'is a now technique for. the production of novel and intri-' cate Eicaiconductor devices with precisely controlled properties6 It is being used on an. ever wider scale. The present article describes the equipments proceduresp and results nX growth of epitaxial germanium layer using chemical transport reactions within a closely spaced system with'iodine as carrier. The authors chose this particular system since 1) it precludee'the use of an inert gas--carriers thus eliminating the problems of its purification and of thd control of its rate and temperature; 2) the temperature gradient between source and substrate Is Bmallp so that thermodynamically optimum conditions are created for the growth of high-grade single crystal layers; 3) all condition'a of'purity can be observed strictly during the preparation-and carrying out of the.pirocess; 4) simple starting materials may be used; and 5) the prooess occurs at a re.litively low temperature practically precluding the diffusion of impurities. Further work is in progress inVestigating the elecl~rical and structural properties of the newly obtained epitaxl&1.layers. This paper was presented by Academician G. Nadjakov on 23 February 1965* The authors thank N. Velchev for his participation in the early stages of the experiments and D. Genchev and P. Batev for rienting, _'~.e substrates %nd x-raying the layers. OriC._iR. ha. : 5 HjUe-s. - ~Orig. art. in _j F 7 ZjPR 'ng, SUB CODE- 2 SuBm DATE.- 23Fe 65. / OTH. REF 10031 SOV Ws 004 Card ih J_ V ACC NR ' AP'7005142 SOURCE CODE: 13U/0011/G6/019/009/0779/0782 AUTHOR: Kamadjiev, P. R.; Mladjov, L. K.; Velchev, N. B. ORG: Institute of Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences TITLE: Gxrowing of germanium whiskers SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 19, no. 9, 1966, 779- 782 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, germanium, germanium crystal, fiber crystal, semiconductor, filament, whisker, photoresistor, transport reaction ABSTRA(' T: Growing Ge whiskers and the vapor-solid -liquid (VLS) mechanism for Ge have been investigated. Transport reaction with a closed iodide cycle in apparatus producing Ge epitaxial layers was used. For the experiment, the 3 I density o-A the iodine was changed from 0. 5 to 3 mg/cm and the temperature.,vas varied. Ge whiskers with impurities of Au, Te, Bi, and Pt were obtained, but none were obtained with impurities of In, Zn, Sn, Ga, and Al. Conditions for obtaining filaments of Ge with gold impurities were studied ir, detail. Whiskers Card 1/2 ACC NR' * AP7005142 were grown on oriented Ge substrates as well as on glass and quartz Whisklers were not obtained when the lowest temperature of tho was below the Ge-Au eutectic temperature. Some clata on their con(1,11,--tivity and resistivity are presented. The effective resistivity in the whisl~crs is below 10,,j~_sec, No freezing eutectic droplets at the growing whiskers were observed. 2i The use of Ge whiskers in tensoelectric semiconductor devices itich as photo- rusistors in the IR range and in microelectronics is aaticipat(!d, The paper was presented by Academician G. Nadjakov, 21 June 1966. Aiithors ti-lank V. Laskova for participation in some of the experimental works, Orig. art. has: 5 diagrams, and 2 tables. [KPI I SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 2lJun66/ORIG REF: 001/SOV REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003/ Card 2/2 i';I 1: - -1 ' !-T .7 , 11 LKA-D - h 11 ,1. . Xai;v-vhQdev, P. ',,'lectric conductivity and themloilecl~-ric of -whito t-'Ln. I p. 4.24. cAsopis P-qO -MR-U. 111raha. Vol. 4, no. '~, Sept. 1954. SO: I-Ionthly List of 3ast European Accessions, (REAL), LC, Vol. 4, ]To. 11, ITO--.--. 1955, Uncl- ~ie UIC4, conductl i and thermal diettronotive 6 -Ainth F of jy (Ph q , y __ Piet d tid Ale fci . i 113 kth 61 o C~ nicastr;ments were I)rLpd. lum and G va ml Q pn tim pond, wAil the thcm:)j e-M I. 41-ute rncw~- . 410 oUt 1"ht thernial exi.f. ha-, a max. 'IOAthln~ calod. fl b it MIMME 11901 C2;ECHOSLOVAKIA/Cryst als. B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18356 Author Petko R. Kamadziev. Inst Title Temperature Dependence of Thermo-EMF of Gray Sn with Admixtures of Cd, Orig Pub Ceskosl. casop. fys., 1956, 6, No 4, 426-43o; Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1956, 6, No 5, 453-457 Abstract The conductivity and the the9mo-emf of Vay Sn contai- ning 2.8 x lobo to 4.9 x 101 atoms of Cd in 1 were measured in the range from -183 to +100. Card 1/1 - 114 - 5 (4) AUTHORS: Yelistratov, A. M., Kamadzhiyev, P. R. SOV/20-125-3-20/65 TITLE: An X-ray Investi,-ation of the DeCOMDOSitiOn Of Supersaturnted Solid Solutions of Low Solubiliti, (Rentgenovskoye issledovaniye raspadr percsyshchennykh tverdykh rastvorov s maloy rastvorimostlyu). The Decomposition of a Supersaturated Solid Solution of Copper in Germanium (Raspad peresyshchennogo tverdogo rastvora medi v germanii) PEFUODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, 1"Ir 3, PP 538-541,(USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives tvh-7~ preliminary results of the investigation specified in the title. The -Z-3gions of anor.FJous scattering which aro causod by a breach in "Che matricea (matritsa) can be observed on]--- in the surroandings of the knots of the inverse lattic,~ of th-L, matrix. Tho suthors, thereforep investigate 'only these They t3cd Ge sa-aDles which were srt-n out of -;;,ic- large mor-o--rystals of the p- and n-type. Mechanic-~! of G-_ causes interise diffraction effects on th-- r~,!i.,gr;--,)1-.3 (bel-ause ,)I, disturbrace of the structur:1 Df tha lpyer of Card 1/4 germanium). The supers aturF~ ted &~)iid solu'lon of Cu in An X-ray Investigation of the Decompositi,)n of 2t Super 'saturated Solid Solutions of Low Solubility. The Decomposition of a Supersaturated Solid Solution of Copper in prepared by diffusing Cu int.-, thc tempc--t-Ore of 1 e'3 S maximum solubility. rihe furth-'.- ~".-.-atum;_lnt of the samil i discussed in short. The author.3 ed + 1- c. G :' h :a 1 decomposition of a supers ti tu_-:~ t,-~,! sol'..tJ 3~.Iuti:)r a, th~~ tompe'raturel, 550, 625, and 3-iO~' ln cn-,irDTIMent of tae knots (111), (220), (311) of-the -Lnve-"se lattice of Ge. The diffraction pictures tire chanige" in the following wny: The radiographs of the hardened a7loyed samples have Laue spots and thermal diffusion maxima. Exactl.,,, the same diffusion maxima were observed also on the radiographs of the initial (non-alloyed) samples. If the concentrations of copper are lower than the saturation valu-.,, the effects of two- dimensional diffraction are by far less intense, and they appeptr after a more protracted temperin(z. The following conclusions may be drawn from the experimental rosults: 1) The effects of two-dimensional diffraction and th,--._!r subsequent development 6uring the tempering at low temperature-s a-re caused by structure varip.tions in the crystal of a super- Card 2/4 saturated solid solution.of Cu in* Ge durinz the decom.-nosition. An X-ray Investigation of the Decomposition of e?07;/2'0-1,25-3-20/67 Supersaturated Solid Solutions of Low Solubility. The Decomposition of a Supersaturated Solid Solution of Copper in Germanium Card 3/4 2) The effects of two-dimensioii:-ii !Uffrpction cannot bo explained by a scattering from the Guiftiei-P~-eston zones or from the "germs" of the removed phase because of the extremely low concentration of Cu in the solid solution. 3) It'is not probable that these effects are caused by irregularities of the "packing" of the layer. 4) Consequently, it may be assumei that the extra-spots observed (effects of two-dimensiosal diffraction) are caused by the shape of the submicrocracks. 5) The formation of little bows and the splitting of the effects of two-dimensional diffraction in the later SVIgeS of decomposition are caused by the formation of disordered -blocks in a germanium crystal ir. the intericr of which the submicrocracks are conserved. Dzspitc ltno extremely small concentration of Cu in Ge, the stllruct-L~re changes which are growing in the matrix during the decor.-Position are so great that they exert well observable diffraction cffect-s on the radiographs. 7) As to the decompositic-i of a supe~-saturateu'_ solid s.olution of Cu in Ge ~~ormstion c~_' subin'cracrak~ks an'- subsequent development of a block st"r-acture), the Ir H" " 1 11 -1 A! I I ' I ri 11, 114 T I V EWA I W!. I PIii An X-ray Investigation of the Decomposition of ~rj- V/20_1 2 5 - ~..20/0' 3 Su-nersaturated Solid Solutions of Low Solubility. The Decomposition of a 3-'~i;~:)rsaturated Solid Solution of Copr:,er in Geri,,ianiu,111 character of the observable sti-iictu- Changes is quite 6.1-11ilar to the deformation phenomena which ooeur during thp of the solid solution CuBe. Th~~ thanks R. .4. Zvin~..,iuk for his help and useful discus,;ionc. Thore are 4 figures tn6 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk ~333;j (T.-iLlUtUte of Semiconductors of the Academy of Scionces USSR P RE') F 'N'T ~: DJuly 9, 1958, by A. P. Ioffe, Academician SUBMITTU: July 26, 1958 Cara 4/4 I I , 1r I ~ ;I I j: I I I 1~ j I ~,J! ", : ~ !If -If I I II I . I I , 111 1 1 : . - KAMADZIIIYEV, P.R., Cand. Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "X-ray structure re- search into disturbances arising in the decomposition of super-latura- ted solid Golutions of Ou in Ge and of Nli in Ge, and the correlation of these disturbances to the electrical properties of the solutions." Leningrad., 10,60. 114 pp; (Leningrad State Order of Lenin Univ im A. A. Zhdanov5; 200 copies; free; (KL, 28-60, 157) w ILISTRATOV, A-Me; XAMAD L-F-.R. - JL.MWH-m- I Imv4fjtI&%4Ion of the decay of a supersaturated solid solution of Ou in Ge-lize. tvero tela, 2 no-ID2950-2960 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) lo Institut poluprovodaikov, AN SSSE6 (copper) (Germanium) (Solutions. Solid) WIF 'ITI I' RII I i M", I I I ;I I I I" 8/16 ' 2/004/012/020/052 BI 04YB1102 AUTHORS: Yelistratov, As Mop and Kamadzhiyev, P. R., TITLE: An X-ray examination of the decomposition of a supersaturated solidsolution of Ni in Ge PERIODICAL: 'Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4P no- 12, 19621 3492-3495 TEXT: The specimens were cut 'from five different p and n-type Ge single crystals having resistivities of 32-35p 33-34, 42-54 and 50-60 ohm-cm (n-type) and 40-45 ohm-cm (p-type)) with dislocation densities of 4 cm-2. 10 The specimens were supersaturated with Ni by diffusion annealing at - 9000C and subsequent rapid quenbhing. In all cases a liquid outectic (Ge + GeNi) formed on the surface, from which Ni diffused into the specimens. After the samples had cooled down the solidified eutectic drops were ground away. At room temperature) the resi6tivities of the .....specimens saturated with Ni varied between 1.3 and 1.6 ohm-cm, and the nickel concentration between 2*1 and 5-5-101; cm-3. Ln X-ray method described in previous papers (DAN SSSR, 125, 5389'.19591 FTTj 2t 29501 Card 1/2 B/181/62/004/012/020/052 An X-ray examination of the ... B104/B102 1960) was used to investigate the isothermal decomposition of the supersaturated solutions at 500, 550, 600 and 650 OC. In spite of the low Ni concentration it was possible to detect diffraction effects which are rolated with the decomposition of the solid fiolution of Ni in Ge. Analogously to the decomposition of Cu solutions in Get the diffraction effects are the result of the scattering from eubmicro cracks in the matrix. The estimated dimensions of these oracks*are d < 40 a and 14~t600 L The solid solution decomposes in two stages$ the matrix of the crystal nuclei being deformed in the second stage. There are :3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov.AN SSSR, Leningrad.(Institute of Semiconductors AS USSRp Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 7P 1962 Card 2/2 KLH=HIEV, fttko Petr.Hilolayevich Labodev, 1866-1912. Piz mat spisanie BAN 5 no,3:190-198 162. YEL15TRATDVp A.M.; 4MkWaUU9-,Z.R. X-ray study of the breakdown of a saturated solid solution of Hi in Go. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.12:3492-3495 D 162. (KIRA 15:12) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SGSR, Leningrad. (X rays-Diffraetion) (Nickel) (Germanium) - - - . - -- -I I.... - ~ I - .1 1. 1: 11- 1 ~-."I", j I'll . : r 1: .11 1!I --,- MOIN, A.K.; DUBOVSKIJ, B.G.j DOIIMC Md.; MATALIN, L.A.; KA14AJE-V A.V.t - N,:~ LAWGOV., M.N.; M-ITOCHVIL., Go$ ilos (translator] Examimtion of physical propertiou of a nuclear reactor of an electric power p1mit, Jaderna onergio 3 no.2:33-38 F 157. GAYEVSKAYA, I.S.; XAMAKHIN, L.G. [deceased) Results of the introduction of flowering plants in Ashkhabad. Trudy Turk. bot. sada no.4slO5-180 162. MRA 15:7) I(A.shkhabad--Plant introduction) (Ashkhabad--Plants, Ornamental) ~ - -1 I USSR/Cherdstry - Adsorption 21 Feb 51 Ulves-'L,igation of the Structure of an Adsorbent by Several Independent "Lethodq)II N. Avgull, C.L. Dzhidt, 11.1& Kamaldn, A.V. Kiselev, V.L. LWOyanovich, I.Ye. Iie~inark, R. Uy. Sheynfayn, Loscow State U imeni L.V. Lomonosov, In5t I'hys Chem, Acad Sci Mwanian SM, Ims-ID Phys Chem, Acad Sci USM,, Groznyy Sci Res Petroleum Inst "DoIc Ak Illauh SSSR" Vol LXXVI, No 6, pp 855,858 Adsorption. isotherms of benrene, heptane, and I:eOH were taken on unifcm roughly porous silica gel (structural tyl.,;a 2). Found surface of adsorbed fiDr, to be equal to surface of adsorbent and not to depend on nature of vapor. Detd distribution of vol of pores by structure-adsorption method, method of pressing lig into the pores, and electronic rAcroscope nethod. Results obtained by the 3 methods checked. 185T3 pa Magi qill?;Iw IN P.M IGIVIER I! M-Aml YMCPHIHIMMIPIAVI lwk-- so 0 ct .t-d 0 kt fA cir, P, 4p P 00(l "a 40 n 1-1 Ulu ct p 0l 0 OV4 v 0 0%A 0 ct to a t t 60 P.- i KAWKIN, N. V1 i, it -T ,USSR/chetistry Adsorption 1 Apr 52 -"3Y.t;teresis in Forcing Mercury Into Porous Msterialt,," 1N. 14. Kamakin, A, V. Kiselev, Groznenskiy Petroleum Sci Res Inst 'Tok Ak Nauk SM"' Vol 83, iTo 4, PP 589-592 11~atereals curves vere prepd for 2 samples of alumina o"11-aa gal using mercury under pre!iaure. The results. abow tW, this wthod of studying the structure of ~poroIusIWterials gives reoults that agree with those ottained~by the method of capillary condensation of 234T13 PA 234T13 K-,,/ '), 4 A~ /,I") -I) I 00LOLINA, L.I., YJIL'NiKOVSDYA, W.V.; KAMAKIN. Nome Determination of minute quantities of tatraothyllead in benzene nolvento. KhIm, I tekh. topl. i masel no.ll.*72-3 of cover N 157, (MIRA lIjl) 1. Grossnenskly nauchno-iosledovatellskiy neftyanoy Institut. (Gasoline--Analysis) (Iead--Analysis) 3 QV 65-58-11-14/15 A73THORS: M-i- and Og" oblina, Romank-.Yva, L K,1_3a TITIZ,- A, Simple Method -.f D.-terWmixg the A3-bi'Aty . of an Aluminbrh Bead Catalyst'(Prostoy metod -predelaniya aktivnosti sharikovo alyumosilikatnogo katalizatora) PERIODICAL: KhImiya I Tekhnologlya Topliv I Masel, 1958,:) Nr 11- .4 A . pp 66 - 68 (UHR) . ABSTRACT: The control of the aoti-~Uty of acatalyst is of impor- tan-a as the aoitivy determimBits quality. The cata- lysics activity can either be directly determined by oracking of a standard raw material in laboratory reac- tors (P-afs. .1.1 - 13) or indireotly with the aid of their physioo-chemiaAl charaoteristics (Refs. 8 .24 10). The' described method belongs to the second group of deter- mirAtions. It is based on the dependence of the cata- 17st,s activity on its capacity of Interchanging the cations contained in the same with the salt cations. Lhe method desaribed by Viyesserov (Refs. 6 and 7) was 4ppliad and the exchange capaoity of a number of alu- minlum'silloate bead ciatalysts determined (a fresh oata- lyst prepared under industrial conditions; a catalyst used dlirlrg ~-raoking processesp and a eata- Card 1/2 lyst which was treated with water -vapour at high tem-* SOV/65-58-11-14/15 A Simple Method 'of T;wtera-1!0,zg the katf%VLty of an A-Luminjum Bead Catalyst paratures (750-4) i.e. a stabilised oatalyst). At the eame AZ -P me th6 a,-ttrity index was determined according te WOO' Reaults of experiments on more than 50 samples are gli-ier, In the form. cif a graph. Variations in the revalta obtainad by t1he two methods did not exceed i 5 and L 0 - very se'dem 2%. T!-,e desoribed method can b a astsd In faCtorigs produ--ing catalystss, for quality . if .0 r,ontr,~I, and ala%) In- ca"alltio oracking plants. The IDTIC-leas reqi.~IrsB ,;nly three 1,-ours and one person can kiarry out two slmultan6ous experiments; the VTU method 6 Mu ciil Lr, o i, a t Inie -ocaamming and requires s eve r a 1 perab, z;. -rr Tho)re are, I Talble, 1 Figure and 13 Referen- ces% 8 Mczlish. ands 5 ASSOCIATION.-Grc,zNII Card 9/2 ~IKIWAKINI N. 1-1.1 TOPCHIYEWA, K. V., KAHKO, N. A., PIGIT?(-,VA, L. I., AGAPONIOV, A. V., PAIMnIOV, G. Y., KIRSKIYY Y. S. "Studying the 4ature of-,. Activity of Aljjmosilica-ftl~e Cntalysts." Report submitted at tbe Fifth World Petroleum Congress, 30 I:aY - 5 June 1959. New York. E o A He Nu 0 oi-Hil.-H oc~ 0 0 -21 .3, ":, ~ " ? ~ s 41 Sul: I.A.. 0 4 1'.4"3 goo "or 50~64- 0 0 0 to to ud Z. .0 lu -.g 0. . -~ al -o-. Reft- S.-.1 o i a -2 o 1!74 4 8-3 dlt'd. :1 --.10 OP -'o. 23 9.5 'o, Sol too t gt I U, '04 .11 Koo r '. , a - i ills I o4 .4 ? r" I U I ua vie cont-al-ris --ric civiricteriatzes a., 111.1.1crttj! petroleum products OtT~ proceszlng unl1a. pltvt plants and ;etrocheicr.: rcrinory sections. Fach artlclw :.a Accompanled by referencea. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Dorogoahinx'k.-Y, A.=. C.t11b.t1);. or the Oro the D4vslO;m'6Qt OC -he Petraleum"ustry 5 11. DMOVEPOOM XX TIM FG9L PRQVUCIXO LINE OF R-A.. JJL_X1j&=aM. and A-A- pAshiiov. Plan far 3mg the Fuel Pro4ucin& Lima of the GroznYY Refineries I !;!ZA ~!hk7~VoFr, B-K. Amerlic, ?.I. Kmchst*vs, LEE, "Porl- menta with Destructive Distillation of HazOut 48 d I.G. Priern". WAY44bo-, im =rat-.C= of CatalTtle Cracking units or tra 43-402-yr-Pi, and a1blUtLes of InOreaming Their Yields 60 ~Z&JUL,jc~&. Same Regular Recurrences in tha Catalytic Cracking of 31"V7 Dlstl22*taa 72 AwmanuIlova To x :.I. 31-a--can xezhlu- Prepiratron-of il~t-rM Catalyst. from taw A.Xua GLay cy ..14 Activation 82 Chemistry and ftabnology, (cant.) SUV/2213 R&A ~0210-~tMLASY911,17ro-" Mason Why AU-~ eats C&ta 22ti tion capacity go Amerik B K X.A-AMM "I and t5r-*---J~ ~=' tact Coking Reactor 101 9*-o-Uo-n-Zper&t1ng Under Post Severe Conditions ,M,IL, and.Zr~. Granulated Coke Produced by POWT-9OKUM and U&04 " RAW material in the zlectxod* manufacturing Industry and 1A Gas Production 113 As Gas Vjom~ Conditions In the Granulated Cake MV-113-A-Mest Carrier 1.20 Y_r_SVLd%&nOV, A,A. Bashilc , and F.K. PrOlOv-- X30 W-MM -c"Oftr2t-glYield or-tntermadiats DistlIL&T-0 FractfOns D.I. S"tozaro", V.V. Zhdan0va, :n mediate U150"a't Tra"Lons Produced by Thermal Cracking ChlkmLlatr7 and Teahnaingy (Cant.) SOV12213 IMOVEXU= 339 TIM LUM OIL AND PARAFFIX WAX PRODMM it= or ft"ry"M Possibilities Of Further Der*lopmont and Lub* Oil and ftraff In Wax Production in the GrOzm77 R*flntrles 25T H-G-- a- jA-UM%'1-n0-T- Rational ?low Scheme . at, turing Lmbr acting 011, Pik a frin sndCer~min~ Wax Obtained From Sulfurous Crudes of therRoftsahkino Type 163 n1tratam-A.G., Y-V,.-*erOw. and K.V. XTRohnin. 16perlmental Treatment of Sulfurous Petroleum Residuo(GaUdr-5KI With TOw-component Selective Solvent. am Applied in the RerIVIn Industry 166 AEIZD- 'LJ.- O.A--&r a' A KItraranow and A.G~ Pl-rty- '**ftkO- POfim1b1l1ti.!1-.j1Y*YzTar' v OPmF&V1!4-fr;P*rt1Q5 Or -9-0-a'aual oil. ITI card 7/9 namrcur, ! ~-- ~-.. ~x cx,&rn~trrotIcs _.- pe tro Isum products oL~t:,'twe 'rom rtflr*ry procea3tr,,E 4v0trt, j~J~L,,t plants and patronhotticr-1 refinery sections. Eact. article Is accompanied by references. TABLE OF COMNTS: Foreword 3 ftrogoohlnskly, A.Z. Contribution of trio Oroznyy Oilmen to the Development of the Petroleum Ind%stry 5 1. SMY OF CRUtW AND TMIR PRr=A-.PMCT Bortmova, X.P P.D. Gamayunova, A.D. Poplavakays, and JLZ- -qhnlchko:l Choice or Deaulsifiers for Crudes Processed at the OfE`an" Refineries I-, LeTchanko. 'Yo.S., le.N. Bobicova. Q. ~.Artem.fyeva, and TO SmTy--or-Cr-udea troa-tl~~vragulak-Acraluki -~%Aarazbo - Izz 1EM Choohon-lng~h ASSR Z7 cart? 4/9 C1301018tr7 and Technology (Cont.) SOV/2213 Pktrofanow X a O%E~~r # a- and rroEo MI.-FIbe, From IAlgobskskaya, ZW- - Ut -zov 'U skoya, and An"tastyermicaya Crudes 183 f.2 'r Proven, Xj&,~Soro vz~ and an 1, me rom "If"; none 0: RM;.1 'a so rom roletas rroanoss or using the Alumo-ollicato Adsorbent In a Progam Solution 289 t, fanov X.G., and ?_!,4:fftyuk. Re.-Lining Petr*Lavm Muo ft--04v-xU6;:I7Ing E-jectFlea Separation 10 17. MULOPME" OF TIM FMOCIDDaCAL MUSTRY 13 GROUry LTMWAkn. A.Z. Prospects for Further Derolopawnt of Healoal industry in Groanry 203 Le 0 Ife, cjO0_Yo1a r1a,tand Y4.A~(?*Ildshtmyn. 7, in ra. 1friciant We" of Orga nZ he Production ofVishing Agents of the AlkYlaryl Sulforjote Type 218 Ca" 8/9 CbeaUtry and Technology (Cent-) p L&_p"MLtqyM_ )I_A__-L?-,rLko, and on the oxidation of Hard Pars.TfIn Wax In tbs Presence some %a and Mangaoic Carbonates 22k of Pormangansto, Naphthensts. Aj,jgZAX2jL~p,j, On the question of Extracting Al"'Ibenzend CS and Ortb*xYlOnt From the Petroleum Products Produced at ~36 ar"nyr V. AMORATION OF pROCZSSZS AND DMLOMMNT OF CCWMOL AND NZASURINO 116VICES ftOkht'n JAZ-~X"o"'"," N Me-n.-Ta ce, i4BIZ.1 Ind cators as Applied for Contra, Ing Camsscutive p1ping of Various Petroleum Products 7brough Trunk Tl;mll-n*s 253 Vqt"q"In Now Instruments DevvLoped by the Orc==U7 ScIOD- .1'.. .., B,z institute for ControlllAg and flogulat1=6 Conditions aran of fttroleum Refining Processes 265 AVATLARTAl Library of Congress T"d Card 9/9 KAHAKIN, N.M.; ROMANKOVA, I.K.., causee of the aging of no.4:90-101 '59. (Catalysis) 001,0'BLINA, L.I.; NESMYANOVA, T.S. aluminum silieate catalyet. Trudy Gro%N I I OuRA 32i9) (Aluminum sillestOO) GUIYRYA, V.S.0 glav. red.; KLIMMWO, A.P., zam. gl4v. red.; GALICH, P.N.p red.; Ugt i J-.,M.p red.; MANIKOVSKAY-A, N.K., red.; u" Q~,O MASMAN, VIT., 'r6a.;'4'SERDYUK, O.P.,, red. (Petroleum chemistry; paraffin petroleum hydrocarbons] Neftek.himiia; parafinovye uglevodorody nefti, ikh vydelenie i pererabotka. Kiev, Naukova, dumka, 1964. 138 p. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Institut khimii vysokomole- kulyarnykh soyedineniy. KOZOR ON, Yu.I.;iW4AUN, N.N.; K('ZTYI,H'VIL, MOKHOROV, G.V. Dbtairdng oxygen-containing compounds from technical C3-C5 hydrocarbon mixtures. Neftekhimiia 4 no.2:2190-293 Mr-Ap'64 Ollfu 17:8) 1. institut khimii wiimerov i itonomerov M UkrEISR, Kiyev. B --- Z t - El,'~ p T . F; , ; (", 3 -7 1 Y r, I 1 0 ; yl~, ~ " Td *. , El . " . A * -' ~ ! , - , " . I? . . I . I Pyro--'yt.ic clexivage of sulfolanes. Ukr. kh',r,.. zhur. 30 no.9: 948-950 '64. 17:10) I I ') R. .L~ InstAtut, .rysolomoAalmlyurnyk,',r soyed-inen y AN Llkr"S-- BEZMEMA, T.E.; GUITRYA, V.S.; EAMAKIN, N.M. Oxidation of sulfolanes. Ukr.khim.zhur. 30 no.1-1:1183-1186 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institut khimii vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly AN UkrSSR.