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00 (b) awptq )1MT(M)/SDS1BE .34--;:Pz_4 AT/J DINKC.) -7,;1 MlkON VIR POOP.. S/eS27/62/0~0/GW/0101/0105 wyogin um TiTai 1W craracteristic of Vermani p.-!n juncti (:~epok-t of t~e _Vnii~ii Coderance on SmAconductior Devices held In Tashkent I far!^ to 7: 0#4)1~tr IOL~] F kakh I =ellody* v poluprovodni Tashkent, lzd.-%,o AN Uz~~R,, le62;! ;~61-ib~: 70PIC TAGS:: iim! ixawivtA:&~ germanium transistor reverse current ;PSWCT: Thezip biranch 6.r the characteristic of induBtrial Vera Lie aodes C'san: 6! 6 ub v Ided: sections: (1) a low-voltage section where inlo Ine :reverse curr~ht gr66 with 'bias- (2) a section correspondir4, to the yoltiqg,~S Uj to! 9 0t t~he breelolova v'oltase where the reverse current sharp_ 1y (3) ~i~l i~ ~: ~ Jincr~~ses; Mpact;-ionization and breakdown see-tion. Reverse (~ILW40.teristtbd and 66ilecto,r_qn4fent increments were measured for various Qdttom c=T6n$sI in special Ge transistor. Effect of temperature' On t-he- col-Lectori eurri~nt~ for irarious collector voltages, was measured within -~160 i ran~gei,;J,at. h~eher col~Lector i;oltases, the collector current passes /~22C amimul L 0937~~J ~'NT(1) - 1JP(c)__AT_,._______. 9 'MR, AIW,2340 SOURCE CODE: uR/613~/66/oO6_/Oo3/OO29/OO34! ? AUT21011: gaman, V. I.; KalyZAn4 A afonnikov, V. F. lo V. M. A) (Sibirskiy fiziko- 1~~) 01-%G: Siberian Physicotechnical Institute im. V. D. Kuznetsov tekhnicheskiy institut) ITITLE: Determination of the effective lifetime of minority carriers from the plot of voltage buildup across a p-n junction SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 3, 1966, 29-34 TOPIC TAGS: minority carrier, carrier lifetime, pn junction, electron recombinationo junction diode, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier analysis (Izv. vuzov SSSR., Fizika, no. 1, 1965) of the transient arising in the voltage across a p-n junction in response to a jumplike change in current. The present article is aimed at determining the rate of surfac;eVrecombination at the diode base and the recombination rate on the non- rectitring contact by measuring the time development of this transient. The tests were made on a batch of diodes with thick and thin bases and with non-rectifying con- tact of small Iand large area.. The.diameters of the rectifying contacts,for the diodes with thick base were of the ordei of the diffusion length of the initial germanium. (1-3 - 1.6 mm). The n-germanium, diodes were. produced by a standard procedure.' The apparatus for the measurement consisted of a square-wave generator to apply the signal and a pulsed voltmeter (with or without amplifier). The time dependence of the volt- L 09371-67 X6C_ki,__ A age was plotted by using pulses of different duration (from tenths of a microsecond to hundreds of microseconds) and measuring the corresponding voltage drop. The same apparatus was also used to determine the temperature dependence of the effective life time of the carriers in the diode base. The procedure was essentially based on the transient produced when the diode is switched over from the neutral into the conduct- ing state by a current pulse. Tables of corresponding recombination rates and carrie lifetimes and a plot of the temperature dependence of the effective lifetime are pre- sented. The results are close to those obtained earlier by others, Orig, art. has; 4 figures,, 9 formulaso and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SMM DA%Z: OljulQ/ ORIG IW: 0061"' KAI.TWV, Te.P., gorn37 inzhener. Accelerating tb- ilakJ.4g of vertical shafts in the sixth five- yaar.plan. - ' trud. rab. 10 no.9:10-12 S 156. Mu 9: 10) (Shafts sinking) KALYMBEMV).B. species and particulary interesting forms of Ascomycetes found in the Kazakh S.S,R. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 14: 174-180 Ja'61. (MIRA 17:2) 1. VALYMMOV, Be ..-. MSR (600) 4. Paronosporales 7. Nev Peronospora on C.hartolome.platycarpum Bge. Bot. mat. Otd. spore rast, 8 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. XALTMETOV, B. RMW, Now species of Peronospora found in the Turkmen S.S.R. (Do speciabus novis Peronouporas in Turkmenia collectis). Bot.mat. Otd.spor.raot 9:115-117 My 153. (MLRA 7:2) (%rhenistan-Jungi) (Fungi--Turkmonistan) KALYKBETOV,B. I . Downy mildew found in Turkmania during 1951-1952 (Perono- sporaceae in Turcomania in 1951-1952 inventae). Bot.mat.Otd. opor.rast. 10:150-157 Ja 155- (MM 8:7) (Tukmanistan--Downy mildew) KALY14BETOV, B. New species of Imperfect fungi found In the Turkmen S.S.R. (Species novae fungorum imperfectorum in Turemenecaja RSS inventae). Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 10:222-230 A 155. (Turkmenistan--Fungi) (MLRA 8:7) ZLLYNBBTOV, B. Kyooflora of southwestern Turkmenia. Trudy Bot.InBt.Ber.2 no.11: 175-312 156. (HLU 10:2) (Turk=nietaA--Jimgi) wwBETOV.B. "Ji . Rycoflora of the Alma-Ata Botanical Garden. Trudy 3:95-101 1560' (MLRA 10:3) (Alua-Ata,--Pungi, Phvtopathogenic) KALTMIMTOY, B.K, Pumgal flora of Sciencea of the 159. the alma-Ata Botanical Garden of the Academy of Kazakh S.S.R. Trudy Alma-At. bot. sada 4-.1,24-141 (MIRA 12:12) (Alma-Ata-Pungil Phytopathogenic) ULTNBBTOV, B.K. Ascoryontee of the Trans-III Ala-Tau. Tru4 Ka7akb. SSR 7.*26f)-338 159t (MIRk 13:5) (Trans-111 Ala-Tau-4scomycetos) XALY~M.T6T.OV a, B.j. D%gnoses of now species of fungi [in Latin]. Bot. mat. Otd. upor. rast. 111246-249 160. MRA 13:7) (Soviet Central Ant&-DeuteromYcetes) -- ~4-ppETOVv B.K. Some cl-tta on lower fungi occurring in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. TrudY Inst. bot, A11 Kazakh. SSR 9:109-223 t6j, OMA .14-3) (TranS-Ili Ala-Tau-Funglv Phy-topathogenic) KAJ,Y14BETOVY B.K., kand,biologiclieskikh nauk Fungl of the Trans-111 Ala-Tau, Vest.AN Kazakh,SSR 18 no,,3:46-53 mr 962. WIRA 150) (Trane-11i Ala-Tau-Fungi, Phytopathogenic) EALYMBETOVt B. New Peronospora ceae of the trans-l-li Alatau. Trudy Inst, bot. AN Kazakh. SSR 11:203-209 161. (FIRA 15:3) (TranB-Ile Ala-Tau--Peronosporales) t'.). ~~ F- " Now opecies of imperfect fungi found in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. Trudy Inst. bot. AV Kazakh. SSR 31:274-284 162. (mm 15:12) (Tram-Ili Ale,-Tati-Fu~jj imperfacti) VEERTKINP 411%ri.s. SIMITUUI~01 V.G.; HALYNKOV, B.I., Mechanization of the charging of Petrashevokli-syetem iron-smelting furiiaces. 8bor.nauah,-tekh. Inform. Azerb, inst.nauoh.-tekh. inform. Ser,,Rhshin6strol. prom.. no.4153,-541 162. (MIRA. 18%8) M P(OMW -0) IJP(c). JD/W 5 020694': uR/oi85/65/0l0/008/09lT/OO19 --imoh Do F~ Kovens ')wy, L, L; Smolin, M. X 4 7y, T 3- Y'Y-J, J: _7=9t_~AMO on; ilf~* 1h,solidisolutions'of nickel in iron SOUF~E:! Ukrayins lk,! fizychnyy. thurnal, v. 10, no 1965 917-919 :TG11J-,C TIP$: nidke'!:~ conWhing alloy, metal diffusioh, solid solution ABSTRAMi - The diff both componentt of two nickel-iron alloys with a nickel cont~ent 'oP 2 and 4;!Lt. %~as Investigated. A previously described method (tlkr. fizychl zh. 8, 1020, 1510) vti~~ jised employing vires 0.05 mm in diamet r and about 70 mm loriel. A: thin layerA?--3:= long of the radioisotopes Fe55 and Vi93 were electroly- ticE~lly Aeposited,:.cai. the ;i~htra portion of' the samples. After sintering in anjne~t atMC61)heir~ at varj,6iiii t6i.peratwres the activity distribution of the togged atoms vaa metwurd.: Sirfce lih,~'~ nc~J~ylty is proportional to the radioisotope cor-~.,entration, the ratio of the actiiii-Hes measured at two different points of the sampie was equal to the :rL-tio- of the 6oii(!entftUon:9 at these points. The diffugion coefficients obtained by juroeas.aing theod6ta t3i: two procedurer, were averaged and tabulated.. The tempera- turd depiendence oi~ bhe diffusion coefficients has been found to follow the vsual law. .orig. art. has: 4*! Nrin,44'n and P. tables. ASISO 0- CIAT'I'DR: ins, bj)iem mderialoz-navotva Ali MOR (Institut problem material vedflllip~ Ali ukrSSRI Mairitils Research Inutitutej AN UkrSSR) Car v. .... . ...... ..... ... ...... .... ..... .......... . ....... SOV/124-57-4-4585 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 101 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kalynyak, N. I. TITLE: The Bending of Thin Isotropic Plates Containing Two Equal Circular Openings (Izgib tonkikh izotropnykh plit s dvumya ravnymi kruglymi otverstiyami) PERIODICAL: Nauch. zap. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Nr 30, /'% pp 52-64 ABSTRACT: The author investigates the stress distribution in the vicinity of two equal circular openings in a plate of thickness h.which is subjected to flexure under the action of moments and normal force,, applied at its edge. The plate is assumed to be infinite. The solution is given in terms of bipolar coordinates, which involves the transformation x + iy a coth i (A + ia) 2 where x and y arF. the rectangular coordinates, a is a real number, and a and P the b, polar coordinates. The method of solution consists in the following: The function of the deflections of the middle plane of Card 1/3 a thin isotropic plate is represented by SOV/124-57-4-4585 The Bending of Thin Isotropic Plates Containing Two Equal Circular Openings W (CL, P) = Wo (a, P) + W 1 (a, P) where Wo(a, is the known function of the deflections of a continuous plate and Wl( a, P ) represents the additional stress distribution produced in the plate as a result of the presence of the openings. The latter function is sought in the form W, 00 E [A n cosh(n+ I)a + Bn cosh(n- I)a ] cos np + K(cosh a - cos P) loge(cosha -cosp) n=l The unknown coefficients An, Bn- and K are determined from the contour condition MCL - m(s ) with a a and N(, = cosh a - cos akp = p(s a ap and from the condition prevailing at infinity E (An + Bn) = 0 n=1 'Card 2/3 SOV/124-57-4-4585 The Bending of Thin Isotropic Plates Containing Two Equal Circular Openings where MCL a H,p, and N are the bending moments, the torque, and the shear force, respectively, m(sp ) the%ending moments in terms of the unit length of the contour, and p(sp) the forces applied at the edge of the opening and acting in a plane normal to the middle plane of the plate. M. A. Savruk Card 3/3 y .ALyMK, I,.,. rKlynjak, 14.1.3 (L'vov) Solving problems in the theory of elasticity for areas with two. ties* 1'ryklomekh* 6 no.1:65-?5 16o. NIRA 13'6) 1. Livovskiy politakhnichookiy inatitut. (Elasticity) L 051116-bi EWE(! A ACC NR, AP6031135 SOURCE CODE:' UR/0438/66/028/004/0075/0077 AUTHOR.. Kalynyc~gWco, M. F. --Xalinichenko, N. F. ORG! Kharlkov Institute of Vaccines and Serums im, 1. 1. Mechnikov (Rharkivl - slkyy n-d institut vaksin i sirovatok) TITLE: Study of the antigenic structure of anatoxins of Cl. Perfrin ens Cl. oedematiens, Cl. dej!ticum nd Cl. tetsni by determination of their fixation properties klo SOURCE: Miltrobiolphichnyy zhurnal, v. 28, no. 4, 1966, 75-77 TOPIC TAGS: toxoid, fixation activity ABSTRACT: The author determined the fixation activity of Cl. perfringens, Cl. oedematiens.- Cl. septicurn and Cl. tetani toxoids by lethality, hemolysis (a] and -Lheta), necrotic, collagenase, gelatinase and hyaluronidase tests. Various toxoid series differed in fixation activity. [Based on author's abstract] [GCI Cw. A. 961 SUB CODE: 06/11SUBMI)ATE: 30Mar66/ Card -~l ' ',6-0 UNT (1 1' W, /J K 4 __ C--,/ -Z.% U ACC NR. --- ---- AP5031137 SOURCE CODE- UR/0438/66/028/004j0080/0083 AUT11011 Nechayevplka, M. R. Nechayevskaya, M. R.., Kal n chenko M, F, __ _ _. ....M.M.- A Kaliniehenkcri: N. F.; Bergolltseva, L. A. --Berholltsev Bi S. V. Berezhk1vsTka.,-L B6r_e_z_HRq_yskaya L. Ya. _qglkov Institute of VbLccines and Serums im. Mechnikov (Kharkivalkyy ORG institut vaktsih i s~rovatok) TITLE: Fillero for casein nutrient media used in the study of toxin formation by gas SOURCE: Mikrobiolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 28, no. 4, 1966, 80-83 TOPIC TAGS: toxin, anatoxin, gas gangrene, experimental nutrient media, toxin formation I porolon ABSTRACT: New standard fillers- -porolon, fibrin, and sawdust, proved them- selves good substitutes foi the ground meat and millet usually used in the culture and production of kas gangrene toxins. The toxins and toxoids of'CL oedeMatiens Cl. p6rfringe nd CL septicum showed a high degree of activity in casein hydrolysate nutrient media containing porolon, fibrin, or sawdust fillers. The Card 1/ 2 F! NP "dif fP~"v ACC Mi AP6031137 toxoids obtained were harmless to laboratory animals. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ,C.W-,4. c-o-7 JGCJ SUB CODE: 06/ 'SUBM PATE: 05Nov65/ 212 -KLLyHYU-Kj-&kt-~L'v*v, uj.KoMoznayg., d.:Llskv-4); PODILIC HA-K, M.D., kand. med.nauk Stratified aortic ansurysM. Nov. khir. arkh. no.1:99-102 Ja-F 160, (MIM 15:2) 14 Kafedra patologicheskoy anatamii (zav. dotsent N.S.Dotsenko) Llvovskogo mediteinsko instituta. 0 ' fAORTIC ANBUR)M) POIL'CnK, M.D.,, ULTNYUK, P.P. Influotee of prolonged use of synestrol on the thyroid gland. Vrach.delo no.4.'387-388 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Wedra gospitallnoy kh1rurgii (sav. - prof. L.W, Nusmenko) i kafedra patologichaskoy anatomii (ispoln.obyaz, zav. - doteent H.S. Doteanko) LIvovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta, (11MOORNS) (THTROID GUND) KALYPOV, I.M., prof. (Sofiya) Effect of the Great October Socialist Revollition on the expansion of veterinary, medicine in the Bulgarian People's Republic. Veterinariia 35 no-5:10-13 MY '58. (MIRA lza) (Bulgaria--Veterinary moaicine) USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U Metabolism. Abs Jouri Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102556. Author : Kalys', S, I. Inst :-L'-'Vov Medical Institutej Title On Disturbance of Carbohyd~ ate Function of the Liver in Malignant Neoplasms of Various Localiza- tion,,, Orig Pub: Sb. rabot nauchn, stud. o-va LIvovsk. med. in-ta, 1954, No 2, 49-53. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 KALYS', Selo Toxicity of the intestinal content in acute intestinal obstructiono Xhirurgiia 33 no.?179-81 J1 157. (MIRA 10i11) 1. Is kafedry fakul'totskoy khirurgii (zav."- prof. Y.T.Akimov) pedistricheskogo I sanitarno-gigiyanichaskogo fakul'tatov Livovskogo m9aitainskogd Institute (dire - prof. L.N.Kuzmenko) (INMTINAL COSTRUCTIONO -exper. foxiolty of into.stinIal content in guinea pigs) KALYSI, S&IO Now method of treating the surgeon's hands with a diocide solution before surger7o Alm, I mod, U0,10133-36 159. (MIRA. 13:2) 1. Ix kliniki obobehey khirurgit pedistrioheakogo I sanitarno-gigi- youlchookogo fakullteta (sav. tafedroy - Prof. V.I. Akimov) Llvov- skogo gosudaretvannogo maditainskogo iastituta (dir. - prof. L.N. lcuznonlco). (MTROIRY, AWTIC M ANTISYMIC) (DIOCIDS) F' IFAL IYU F. T. Tartu Univer-zit-~r 150 yearn of Tartu Vniver--,it-, Sov. Z,11',Rv- 12, 1,10. 1, 9. Monthlj List Rf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. 1,1;,_y .1953. Unclassified. KAL1Yd,J'. 1'. "The Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of N. I. Firogov in Tartu." Cand ~bd Soil, Aced )bd Sci USSR, 8 Dec 54- (VM. 25 Nov 54) Survey of Scientifis and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: 9um. No. 521, 2 Vim 55 .11 h,. A U, Y Ul~ dssf?/i~edicine History Card 1/2 Pub 102-15/15 FD-2195 Author Aleksandrov, 0. A. and Kallyu, P. I. Title Letter to the editor: Concerning one mistake in interpretation of history of creation of Russian scientific pedagogical cadres. Periodical Sov. zdrav., 3.- 62, May-June 1955 Abstract The authors of this letter state that Yu. N. Kvitnitskiy-Ryzhov ("From history of training of Russian medical cadres", Sov. zdrav. No 6, 1954) is in error in claiming that medical post-graauate work and clinical internship was first introduced in Russia when a Medical Institute was founded at Peterburg Medico-Surgical academy in 1858. They write that they examined various archives and other primary source material and discovered that the first school specializing in training medical scientists for pedagogical work was organized in 1828 at the Tartu (Dorpat) University. During 10 years of its existence this school graduated 2 classes: One in 1833 and the second in 1838. A total of 20 people were graduated; eight of that number had a degree of -Card-2/p_ FD-2195 Doctor of Medicine. It is indisputable that the Medical Institute of the Peterburg Medico-Surgical Academy played an important role in pre- paring native Russian medical scientists for pedagogical work, but it was not the first. Institution : - Submitted - Wjit VWX 'fill V 11111121 P ill I I I I liff I I II P II! I - 11111 i I I Ill I t I Uffll I I I l! .1 :1 ,11 t~ I I 1~- Im, 11-1 M P ir 1 Fz'nMcj lit i7ili I It'.43 XALJU P I Profesnors'Institute at the University of Tartu (Dorpat); history of the training of scientists and teachers in Russia. Sovilmed.19 no.8:87-91 Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. 1z Instituta organizateii zdravockhraneniya i istorly meditsiny imeni NA. Semas"hko Akademit maditainakikh nauk SSSR (clir.-kandidat maditainskikh nauk Te.D.Ashurkov) (IMUCATION, MEDICAL, history in Russia, university of Tartu institute for pre- paration of scientists & teachers) KALI;U, P.I., kandidat med.nam Fractical surgical activities of H.I. Pirogov at the University of Tartu (1836-1841)-Vest.khir-75 no.6:143-147 Jl '55.(MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz Institute. organizateii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsizW im. N.A. Semasbko MIN SSSR (dir.-Ye.D. Ashurkov) Koskva, ul. Baumam, d.28/5, kv.10) ('BIOGRAFMIM Pirogov, I.I.) (SURGM cintribution of N.I. Pirogov) KALIYU, P.I., rod.; 140ROZOT. N,N9. red. [Reorganization of the district level of the rural polic health service; a collection articles] Perestrolka rayo=ogo zv'en'a sell"go zdravlookhra~eiiia; ~bornik'statei. Pbd red. Pi,* zailin i X.N. Korozova. Moskva, 1957 3.13 p. (mm ntg) (PUBLI; MUT , RURAL) I I t.~411 ~ X&VATS Fjj,,,,j_A3OZOT, R.N.; MUMOT. IsTa., red.; ZAKHAROTA, A.I., tekhn. [Daerees of the CPSU amd. the Soviet Governmeni.o'u,ea--f'egu'ar'd-i'n'g the' health of the people] Pbstanoylenili KPS8 i Sovetskogo pmitellitva ob oldmus sdormlis sarods, Noskvao Goo, izd-vo mad. lit-r7q 1958. 336 P. (KM 11M 1. lomlydatioheisicaya Partiya Sovstskogo soyusa. (PUBLIC HXkWK) HOROZOV, Hikolay Hikolayevich; KALIYU, P.I., red.; Z~A, NpK*, [Reorganization of the district rural public health service unit) Perostrolka raionnogo zvens, sel'skOgO 2dravookhrane- niia. Moskma, GosAzd-vo med.lit-r7 Hadgiz, 1960. 95 p. WRA 14:2) (PUBLIC HINA H,RURAQ LLL I YU L.; LOGINOVA, Te.A.; WIN. S.Ye.-, KATSKO. B.M.; STILIMA09 T~P O.N.; BROIMIT, H.S.0 red.; ROXANOYA,'*Z.A., [Morbidity in the rural population: from date on visits to therapeutic and prophylactic institutions in ton rural districts] Zabolovasmout' sellskogo naseleniia; po materislam obrashchae- mosti v lechobno-profilaktichoskie -dehrethdaniia desiati seltakikh raionov. Pod red. P.I.Killiu. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Hedgiz, 196o. 236 p. (MT 14:2) (FMIQ HEA H, RURAL-STATISTICS) VUDIMIRSKIY, Mikkwil Yedorovich (1874-1951); BATKIS, G.A., prof. Edeceased]; SLOITIRSKATA, I.A.; KALIYU, P.I., red.; ZUYEVA, Y.X., [Problems in Soviet public health; articles and speeches) Voproey covatskogo zdravookhrananiia; Btat'i i rechi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo md.lit-ry Redgin, 1960. 314 p. (MIRA 13:12) (FMIC HULTH) GOLIDZILIBER, E.H.9 kand,med,nauk;A4L~q ~p kandmed.nauk (Moskva) Current problema in the organization of medical oervices for patiento withoardilwPoular diseues. Sovadrav. 19 no,12il2-16 160, (MIRA 34:3) 1, Iz Inatituta orgaziizatoii zdravookhrane4ya i istor"i meditsint imeni. N.A.Semashko (direktor Te,,D.Asburkov). (CADIOUSCULAR SYSTRL-DlUASES) IWINOVA, Ye.A.; MATSKO, B.M.; IWIN, S.Ye.; STELIMAn, O.N. Medical visito Of the rural population related to diseas" of the mapiratory organne Klinemed, 38 no,10154-59 0 160.. IkMA 13$U) lo Iz Institute. organi$atsii xdraviokhraneniya i istorii-meditsiny imeni N.A. Semashko (dir. - Ye.D. Ashurkov). (RWIUTORT ORGANS--DISFASES) (PUBLIC MaTH9 WM) KAL I YU F I I WINOVA, Ye.A.; IL1111, S.Ye.. XATSKO, B.I.I.; ST',RLIMAKII 0.1, Structure wid level of attendance of the rural population at medical and therapoutic institutions. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.7:17-22 161. itA (Ml' 15:1) 1. Tz Instituta organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni II.A.Semashk-o Ministerstva zdravookhranfiniya SSSR. (PUBLIC 1MhLTH, 4URAL) YALIYU, P.I.) red.,', KOLTBINA, O.D.# red.; POGOSKINA, M.V., 4. ]dM, .6 re , IMOdical service for workers in industrial enterprises) Me- ditisinskoe obsluzhivm-ie raboc)hikh Prowshlenma predpriiatij. 14oslcva.. Medgiz,, 196l. 124 P. (KRA 15:4) (MEDICINE, INDUSTRIAL) SAFONOV, Al-ekney Georgiyevich; KALIYU P I , red.; POGOSK A, M.V.0 1.- 0 Uh, tekhn. red.; MATVMVITF-.14.., tekhn. red. (Medical care in the R.S.F*S.R*] Moditsinskmia pomoshch' na- seleniiu v RSFSR. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961- 366 P. (MW 15:2) (MEDICAL CADE) GOLIMILIBEat, X.Mvj YAWYUp P.I, cw7ent blemo ip the organization of first aid. Zdrav, Ros. Feder. 5 ,no. 24 1044 F 1 14:2) 1. Is InOtItuta i iatorii meditsiny imeni W.A. Semaohko,, (FIRST AID IN ILLNESS AND INJURY) . - I ~.. 1 1. 1: -, PTIVIII fill TVVII I M111! 41,11fill I I T1,111 I; I A . I I , , I--LI -1. 1 --1' -1" KALIYU, F.L.,,nauk (Moskva) Elimination of differentials in medical care betwoen urban and rural areas in future planning. Sov. zdrav. 20 no,10:13-17 161. (14IIU 1439) 1, Direktor Instituta organizataii 2dravookhranoniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko. (MEDICAL CARE) KkL'YU, P.J.; 1XINOVA, Ya.A.; WIN, S.Ye.; MATSKOp B.M.; STELIMAKH# Incidence of circulatory diseases among the rural population as revealed by visits to therapeutic institutiona. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no. 4:22-28 Ap 161. (MIRA 14.4) 1. Iz Imitituta organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imoni N.A, Semaohkoe (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISEASES) KAL I YU P I ;-.aOL'DZIL1BLR, E.M. -^1 Itt, Ways and means of the most rational use of hospital beds and other resources. Zdrav. Roe. Fader. 5 no.10:13-19 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Iz Instituta org .anizataii zdr'avoo'chraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko (dir. (HOL :, ",,L fii~�) ARTAMONOVAy L.A.; KALIYU, P,.I. (Moskva) Outpatient and polyclinic service for the urban pop4ation. Sov. q&iaV, 20 161. (KM 14:5) (HOSPITALS~-OUTFATIENT SERVICES) -L !,*,.1] 1, 111 1 11 1 , 1'. ~ i MATSKO, Boriv Mitrofanovichi ROSTOTSKIY, I.B., red.; 14ATVEYEVly t~kIC--r4dt, [Work organization for medical personnel) Organizataiia truda reditsinskogo personala. Pod red. P.I.Kalliu. Moskva., Medgiz, Iq62. 86 p. (NEDICAL PERSONNEL) (MIRA 15:4) KALIYU, P. I. "Basic Principles of health protection in socialist countries" repoxt to be submitted for the United Nsticem Owfereuce on the APPUestion of S01013,ae &njL~Wecbnojoa for the Benefit of the Less D&Vel,4*d Ams - Onava.. evitterimA., 4-20 ftb 63. KA17ut. 11.11 11hisic, pri)-joApIcs of Sol-ric'. puMic befil-th st-lixJce civil-Iriv th'~ poriod of bui lAing of com uniora. Sort-'. zdravo- ok~a-. .1.2 na.1 a.Yj'_2.~ (MJRA 17z2) KAIIITUI F,1.0 reid.1 ZHUK, A.P., red. (Studies of lho history of Russian aoci&l medicine; on the contemial of temstvo juedicine] Ocherki istorii rus.- skoi obshchestvannoi meditsirqj k stoletliu zemskoi me- ditainy. Moskva, Meditsinap 1965. 4198 P. (ml " 19 ! I) 1. Direktor Inatituta organizatall zdravookhranordya I Istroli meditsiro, im. N.A.Semsohko (for Hallyu). SHILINIS~ Yu.A., kand.mod.nauk; KALIYU,_T.V. "Princeo Qf iiedloina," Reviewed by D.A.Shilinis, T. V.KaViu. Sovadrav. 20 nci.1:86-88 161. ' (MIRA .14:5) (MEDICII?t) ai ZINOVOIEV; I.A.; tALITUs T-.V,.l POLYAVSWAj T.G.; RABINOVICH) H.S.; 1. , - FOXINA, Y; 0-011-1,.. 1. t- .1 -MiAl N.K., tekhn. red.; [Significant and Jubilee dates In the history of medicine for 1962J Zna nateltnye i iubileirWe daty istorii meditsiny 1962 goda. Mookvaj, Medgiz., 1962. 71 p. (MIM 15 -.4) (MEDICINE) ZINUVIEV I A - K'611!R -",- FOLYANSKAYA, T.G.; RABINOVIC11, R.S.; FOKINAp YO.N. Significant and anniversary dates of the history of medicine during 2962, Sov. zdrav. 20 no,9:76-79 161, (nIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Instituta, organizatSii 2dravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni Semashko lUnisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (MEDICINE) ZINOVIlbv) I.A.- KiLLID, Mr.; 11OLYAliSUYA, -I.G.; z IINLYIGH, FOKIA, Significant and "niversary dates in t'.z: hiotory of medicino: (I;dljl 15 June. Scrv. zd-,,...v. 21. no.1.61-61 162. -2) 1. Inatitut organizatsii zdravooWnranenlya -i istarii moditsiny imeni N.A.Somanhko 14inisterstva zdravookhranoniFa SSSI,',, otdal istorii -meditainy. (I- DICIM~) ZINOVIYEV, I.A.; KALIYU T V - POLYANSKAYA, T.G.; RABINOVICH, R.S.; * i ~m ---N - I---- f W- �PV FOKINA, A N.D., tekhn. red. [Significant aqd aniversary dates in the history of medicine for 196*namenatellnye i iubileinye daty istorii meditsiny 1963 godh. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 61 p. (MIRA 15:11) (MEDICINE) ZINOVIYEV, I.A.; PMUVSKAYA, T.G.; RABITOVICH, FOKUA:, Ye.lq. Significant and anniversary dates in the history of medicine In 1963 - Pity. Sov.zdray. 22 no.2t67-68 163. (MMA 16i2) (MEDICINE) ZINCHFBKOI G.P.; KALYUGIN', A., student Hchinococcosis -f tho pericardiur. V ~i. 7.apo Stavr* gos* med* inst. 86.150-!-153 163 (MIRA 17:7) 1. Kafodra obaliaboy MiTure-IJ ( zav. - ksLfedroy, prof. YUsSe GilevIch) Starropolvakoga medJtsinskogo inatituta (raktor zaaluahermyy doyatelt nauki) prof's V.G. Bud-ylin)q i 2-7e khirurgicheakoye otdelemlye. Stavropoltakoy krayevoy klinicbes- koy bollnitsy (gltivnyy vrach lu.r.74tov). _91 V- TH 11-11 HIA L 37112-66 ~ACC NR: AT6006233 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0382/0386 AUTHOR- Kalyugin, B. A. ORG: None TITLE: Simple disjunctive decomposition of three-valued logic ftuictions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Instlt~t avtomattki I telemekhaniki. Teklinicheskaya k1bernetika (Technical cybernetics). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 382-386 TOPIC TAGS: computer logic, logic circuit, switching circuit, computer theory, switching theory ABSTRACT: The author studies the expansion of three-valued logic functions by the super- I position of much simpler functions ' It Is shown that in developing analysis methods for expanding three-valued logic functions, methods for the synthesis of functional circuits can be set up which realize these functions. The criteria for obtaining simple disjunctive decomposition of a three-valued logic function of n variables are considered. Every three- valued function can be given as a matrix, and the overall number of rows and columns de- pends on'the number of variables for the given function. If a function has n variables and the matrix which, represents the function consists of k rows and p columns then the relationshi between the rows, the columns and the variables is determined by the follow- P L_Card 'ACC NR- AT6006233 ing formulas Ink. + In~=,, in 3 In 3 The matrix configuration changes with the number of rows and columns in accordance with a constant logarithmic sum. The matrices representing the functions are called partition matrices. These are partitioned into two sets by a variable. An example is presented where a partition matrix Is set up representing a given function. It is shown that a function can have simple disjunctive decomposition if the partition matrix has three or more diff- erent columns. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. SUB CODE: 09p 12 SUBM DATE: 05Nov65 OTH REP: 002 Card 2/2 T - V ,I - - . - - - - - 1"All. 1. ;, A- . Nlash orr~t v.vravhch.~varviia vi',~okos,o uroihaia ~oziopli. (G-vir cr,-,periance ir. ., -ettinf.--. hi f,h y--', e1 _i s o I h emp) .Yosima, S-21 11-~Iozrriz, I 1,)"I ~-~ p. SO: I'onthl.y List of Russian Accezxdom~ Vol - 7, No. 7, U(,'t. W- I Mill H* H? I flillf - Irfill"11 ;1 Hill I M I Pw! h I I P. fl, I "', I ~! 1; Y 7 FPy i! ~ FFT! H. '0, 1 ACC NRs jv-7005680.1. I SOURCE CODE: LTR/o4l3fi6T/000/002/()155/0i~~;p INVENTOR. Smirnov, V. F.; Xhrenova, M. V.; Kalyukina, 0. A. Ono: Ilona A method of making folded smoke filters. Class 61, No. 19OT81 TITLE. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlenny-ye obraztey, tovarnyve znaki, no. 2, 196TS 155 TOPIC TAGS: gas filter, gas mask component, smoke, respirator ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of making folded smoke fi' ters for compact gas mfts~s (respirators) with a box of circular cross section by form- ing sheet material- into 4 conical shape vith subsequent folding. A cement-free air- tight joint is made by vinding a filtering material (a. g. made from., synthetic fibers type FPA, FPP-15, etc.) on a tapered mandrel into twolor more layers vhich averl4p at the joint. The resultant shape is pressed by placing a second hollov tapered man- drel over It and applying a pressure of 8-10 kg, SUB CODE: 13, 06/1 SUBM DATE: 2Wulft eard .1 A UDC.. 61.4.894 7 A, .......... .... .... 11104111101116 A-6 - K. p kand. teklm. nauk; KALIUMAE inzh. gidrotekhn.; KASK19 R., kand. sel'kF65-K-iauk; KATUS, A.., inzh. lesnogo kdioz.; KIIDINIAA, X.j, kand. geogr. nauk; KURKUS, J., agronom; LIPIMU,A., inzh. gidrotekhn.; PANT, R.j prepodavatell', agronom; RAIG, V., inzh. gidrotekhn.; REWIL, A., inzh.melior.; TALPSEPP,E., kand. sellkhoz. nau1c; SOOSAAR, V., inzh., lesnogo khoz.; SITMFELD,li., inzh. stroit.; TOMIINGAS, E., inzh. melior.; KARUS, G., red.; RAIJD, 14., red.; VAHTRE, I., tekhn. red. [Handbook for soil improvementl Maaparanduse kasiraamat. Tal- lim, Eesti riiklik kirjastus. Vol.l. (Fundamentals of soil improvement) Maaparanduse alused. 1962. 473 P. (I~URA 15.5) (Soils) d~ "4,41~Illym T- Kh]AJUIWIP V. Simple, cheap, and practical peat distributor. P. 356, (Sotsialistlik Pollwiiajandus) Vol. 12, no. 8., Aug. 1957., Tallinn, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 K.U."DINOV) VJI.; SOLT&OV, V.V. Methods of electrophysiological study of the rccartm function of the vegetative ganglia under perfusior. in vitro. -Cokl. JUT ESSR 9 no. 5:344-348 1,y 165 (m 11 FiA 19 : 7, ) 1. hist-Itul fizinlogil AN MSR. Sulmitted Ap-Al 24, 1904. 1 BJLYGIV, T.A.; NALTUNN, V.N. Afferent impulses from the receptors of vegetative ganglia following degeaieration of spinal fibers. Dokl. AN BSSR 0, no. 11:1761-764 N 165 (mlpk 19:1) 1. Thstitut. fiziologii VI BSSR. OUS, V. A. - IAIJ [Trichinoais 246 p. in mm] TrikhInellez cheloveka. Moskva, Medgiz. 1952. (KLRA 7:3) (Trichina and trichinosis) KILYUSH, A..,,_,slesar 1. Device for marking out sheet steel. Stroitell no.q: n -16. 04I~ 1313) (Marking devices) ~,7600 AUITHOR KalrazAh, A. V. 5 816- 1/600/008/032/044 The taking into acootnt of pl-osrra o.-,k ',~he galvdnomdgnetic properties of metals PERT TDTIAL i Referativnry zhurnal, Pizika, no, 8, 196), 2,62, 8E391 (Nwaohn.yozhegodnik za Ic,15'7 g. Chernovtoy, !958, 472-473) Tr%,)M I The Amilfoniar- of i sy2tsm of 4tnd -1 coated- Ina magnetio field It A:s prbaanW &e the swm of ths of individual, non- ~~ I r~;-,r-ballion potential due mamely, plasmons, TA,~ als,atrM pl~ to plasma 08011lat*onn Is Oomputed~ -~t is tO~-It- there is '10 Solution ~o the kinetla tqu'eion witch rslaxatior- t'Im-sr, lnatxuah a3 I"'...i.e tr&i-xition-proba- bilitcy d,!,pends ziotj only or, tne soattering azigle of -11'ht aiaz~-,-~cas but &Iso on .& angle between 4 e momerAum of an elti,tror and the Ih -Iskovich "666 [Abstr,aot-er's notei Complete transle,,~I Card 1/1 b317d S/056/60/039/002/015/044 'B006/B056 AUTHORS: Yakovlev, V. A., Kalyush, A.-V, TITLE- The Excitation tpectrum of a_System of Electrons and Ions Located in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8)t PP- 308-310 TEXT: The existing mathematical methods of taking collective Coulomb interactions in a multi-particle system into account are being more and more used also in solid-state physics. In the case of a metal, this system is approximated by an isotropic plasma, and in first approximation, the periodicity of ion distribution (in the lattice points) may be ignor- ed vhen calculating the physical properties of such a plasma, which are, of course, temperature-dependent, the ion motion-0must be taken into ac- count. V. P. Silin has already invesfigated the veakly,/excited states of electrons and ions by means of a quantum equation of motion in a self- consistent field. From an analysis of the disperbion equation it followed Card 1/3 83178 The Excitation Spectrum of a System of Eleotrons 3/056/60/039/002/015/044 and Ions Located in a Homogeneous Magnetic Boo6/BO56 Field that in the long-wave range, excitations were essentially of a collective character. By employing a method similar to that used by Silin, the authors of the present paper investigate the influence of a constant horfic- geneous magnetic field upon the spectrum of the longitudinal excitations of the system investigattdo Here, only the long-wave part of the spectrum is investigated, which plays-the most important part in many physical phenomena. The authors proceed from a relation for the electron (and ion) distribution function of weakly excited states. The dispersion rela- tions are given, and the authors go over to the Fourier components accord- ing to a method developed by L. D. Landau. In the absence of a magnetic field, the dispersion relations (1) furnish (in the case of small k, i,e,., long waves) two vibration branches: an acoustic and*an electronic one. The thermal motion in a notal excites only acoustic oscillations; for the ex- o.itation of electronic oscillations about jo4 0 X would be necessary. The acoustic branch of excitations is further investigated for T> 0 (0 - Debye temperature). Fermi distribution is assumed to hold for the degenerate electron gas, and Maxwell distribution for the ions, The effect of the magnotia field upon this branch is formulated, and several relations Card 2/5 83178 The Excitation Spectrum of a System of Electrons S/056/60/039/002/015/044 and Ions Located in a Homogeneou3 Magnetic B006/BO56 Field are given. If there In no field, one obtains the same results as Silin, There are 7 referencos: 6 Soviet and I US~ ASSOCIATION: -Stalingradikly pedagogicheskiy institut ,(Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute). Chernovitskiy gonadarstvannyy universitet (Chernoy-tay State University) SUBMITTEDs December 22, 1959 Card 3/3 -JKSA~ELYUS A.V. ~ Theory of galvanomagnetic phenomena, in metals. Fiz. met. i me-tallovod. 20 no-3033-338 S 165. (MIRA 18-11) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. L )41598-66 na (i ijp(c) AT ACC NRs A16018551 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: obs AcY. oin Cholovtoy State University (Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) ,I- TITLE: Contrioutionto the theory of.galvanomagnetic phenomena with anisatropic electr on ntrM gnetrum SOUR Fiziim tv'erdogo telaj ve 8j not 6p 1966) 1859-1865 TOPIC ZAGS: galvanomagnetic effects electron energy levels electron mobility,, Coulcmd interactions crystea lattice structure# Hall effects plasma charged particlep semi- conductor plasm ABSTRWTo, The purpose of the investigation was to determine the influence of aniso- tropy of the electron energy spectrum on the spectrum of the acoustic branch of ex- citations of a system of electrons and ions situated in a homogeneous (non-quantizing magnetic fields to calculate the fluctuations connected with the thermal motion of tbe-ions with allowance for the collective Coulomb interactions between the electrons and the ions, and then to calculate the galvanomagnetic phenomena. The periodic.fiel of the lattice Io accounted for by the efTective-maos methods and the lattice aniso- tropys by Introducing the dielectric tensor into the Coulomb-interaction potential. The fluctuations are.calculated by a method developed in an earlier paper by the author (FM v- 20., 333P 1965) - The concentration dependence of the anisotropy pare,- meterj, which plVo an ispoi-tant role in the anisatropic theory of galvanomagnetic Card L 10289-66 EWr (b)/EIVA (c) 13P (c) JD ACG 11fi: Ap!~~'531~ SOURCE COD91 UR/0126/65/020/003/03 33/0338 AwHoR: V. Ch6rho4itsk& Staie. UniLer-sity (chernovitakiy goranivers39t) TITLES -~-SIXUOLM*eticipbenomena in metals .- A!.,! q N SOURCS: T~*4~alg: lov i metiallovedenlys, v, 20, no. 3, 194r, 333-33% TOM TAGSI ;metalimagnetic fieldp electric re sistance, Hall effect, 5&j&v-W*j- sintid'fluctuations oe a local electric Aeld In the electron-ion ABSTR&'.T: Th'epot, plasma of met-,1s apd the changes in electrical resistance caused by scattering of electrons b~ca'use 6f these fluctuations.were calculated by P. S. Zyryanov (ZhETFJ, 1955) 29p 191)o '.R:te presentInvestigation consisted of calculating similar fluctuations sh.'external homogeneous magnetic field, determining the Hall effect, and calcul4ting the changes of resistance in a mapetic field* The formulas wers derived for determining the fluctuation in particle density, the :qd 1/2 UDCs 539.292:538.63,M F 1P I a- I W-1 111 1 N- H ........... I-- ...... ........... ....I NMI MAYBORODAO NX, kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykb nauk; CLU,311KOV, K,I.; KALYUSIjKly'l G.S. Krasnoyarsk phosphorites. Zemledelie 24 no-3:79-80 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) 1. MavMy igronom-inspektor Krasnoyarskogo kraysellkhozupravleniya (for Glushkov). 2. Nachallnik laboratorii Sibirskogo proyektnogo naucbno-issl,edovatel'skogo instituta tsvetnoy metallurgii (for Kalyushkiy,),, (Krasnoyarbk Territory-Phosphates) XALYUSKI 11-11-'--~-,D)Atths- Automation of telecormninication as a way to improve public service. Vest. aviazi 24 no.3:18 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya elektrosvyazi Ministerstva svyazi Kirgizskoy SSR. a---- mmmm-- Own -.-- -- - - - I--- - r- -t- -1 -, UT,YLISY'IY* Yp 1, Telecommunication - Kirghipintari Contributions of Communiration workers of Kirgiz S. S. R. Gov. oviaz. 3, 1;0. 3 1953. Monthly Li mulm, Library of Cong-ress, June 1953. Uncl. st of Rusaina Lu kWtSKIY Y L Conference of long-dietance telephone subscribero. Vest.aviazi 18 noel.-27 A 151). (MIRA 11:1) I.Nachallnik otdols elektroavyazi Ministerstva sv7azi Kirgizskoy SSR. (Telephone) ULYUSKIY,.Ye.L.,, inzh. The commieation workers of Kirghizistan are strivIag toward automation, Vest, sviazi 21 no,.11,.,10-n N 261. (MIRA n) (arg*zistan.-Telecommini ion) Cr)erats4_4 na zl-elu~Ut,~ !-is" :f-,. rnat~,,rialwnm 'Julnu-. Ot,!-,-Liy za Tnidy 'llav. I,ospdtalya Voonnh. Sill SS,'.R, X:al. nurlonnko. TLT. SO- Letopli.,;, Illo. 321, lo:lr, NAL I YUTA. A*A-,, "m Repairing slide ealipers, J9,7 '57. (nn lo.- 4) (Calipers) AUTHOR: Ralyuta, B.A. SOV-115-58-3-19/41 TITLE: On Determining the Pitch Diameter of Thread (K opredeleniyu srednego diametra rez1by.) PERIODICAL: lzmeritelinaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, P 52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The short note describes a new way of marking the wooden boxes containing thread-meanuring wires, practiced at the TsIL of the Buzulukakiy mashinostroitelinyy zavod (Buzuluk Machinebuilding Plant). 1. Gages 2. Containers--Marking Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Kalyutap B. A. SOV-115-58-4-10/45 TITLE: Measuring Double-ended Smooth Internal Gages (Izmereniya dvustoronnikh gladkikh kalibrov-probok) PERIODICAL: Izmaritallnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 22 (118SR) ABSTRACT: A special additional stage is described which can be screwed on to a. vertical optical length-gage type IZV-1. It is used for measuring double-ended internal gages with- out removing the plugs from the body. The stage was de- signed by the author and is usel at the Buzulukskiy mashi- nostroitellnyy zavod (Buzuluk Machinebuilding Plant). There is I photo. 1. Gages--Calibration Card 1/1 NALYUZHIN, G uzhnyn,, H.)., 6 _*.ill ~nyn , I -%NC" Pmumonla, Rab,i sial. 38 no.llj22 N f62. (MM 15sll) (mummu) ~PLYUZHIM. G.A. Dynamics of residual hencimens of epidemic meningitis in various mothods of treatment 1with summary in Anglish]. Pediatriia 36 no.2:65-71 V 158. (MIU 11:3) 1, 17. kafedry fakulltetskcy pediatrii (zav. - prof. P.A.Ponomareva) 11 Hookovokogo meditoinskogo institute imeni NeIsPirogove, (MH14INGITIS) VANCHUK, L. red Gelp red.; VANCHUK,L. red. .. AffBikhH, '."Z,tOek-M.rexl. (Aid to the young-mother] V pomoshchl molodoi materi. 2., ispr. i dop. izd. Minsk, Gos.isd-vo BSSR, 1962. 113 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Belorusakiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut okhrany materinstva i detstva. (INFANTS-CAM AND HYGIENE) (WOMEN-lWiL STITUS, LAWS, ETC.) , G.A., Cand %led -i -- lqteirtote observaLions of cnildren who have suffei-M t'rarl -i mening,ococc-as Aningitis." -os, 1.9~8, 16 vp (see ti, :. . . I tT',os A!iLf, "ed Dist irn N.I. PiroVov) 200 cm,~ies (FL, 21-5ti, 1.11) - 132 -