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LTP(c) JIVIIII ;0IM%4 CWI~. L.V. Suldlanovn' R.V. ;X'111, 3N. ; PYIIIICO' V.G. SiVICOV, N. 1. LIts', itut.o Of 11;iysics,' Siberian Section, Acadeny of Sciences, SSSR (Inatitut fiz ot d el a ni y aAlt idomiinaukSSsic); Kr asnoyarsk Pe dngogicInstituto U'rasnoyrysIdy padn.-ogicheskiy in5titut) icke''Xilm' /Report -notic structure of the domaiiw in iron -n All-Unioni Coa:orcrica on tho Physics of Ferro- and Antilorrmag ictism hold 2-7 July 196 in SO:U,ZZ--: ~"N' SSS11. lzvostiya. Scriya fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 1035-1037 -:321C TA,'~S: pormalloy, magnetic thin filn, magnotic structure, magnetic domain struc-' tUrO ArZ-ARACT: The mithors have employed an electron microscope to Investigate the fine structure o:C the domains (magnetization ripples) in films of nickol-iron :LC)-4 '11"oy vacutm. deposited at m I[(; onto rock salt substrates. A series of I i Lis contai;,,i:-ig- 607, Ni (iii the inilu-ial raix) woro doposited on substrates maintained during "0, oz4ticxi at d;'.A~Xoront. ton, poraturos between 50 and 2000 nnd a second series ot Ircm 40 to 907, Ni were deposited on substrates maintainod at 1000 C. -ina ra_7-~~.ctic structuro and mab-notization ripples were observed in both series of in 807. Ni :Ulmi doposited at 160o the crystallito size was 590 the wavelength o,,O )/api 1jI,(C 1)/I r,~i SGUiZE CC4);":U 010,8/66/030 IV0 (006/103VIC41--~, X*4111, S.V.; PY1111co, Y.G.; Komalov, A.S. of P:Iysics , Sibo,.,ian Section, Acndcmy of Sciences , SSSR (Institut ot,~olcniya Alcadoriii naulc SS511) ; Krasnoyarsk lloduGogic Institute ,:~~%Isnoyarskiy pcdagogichoskiy inBtitlit) .TIT=: V.Uio nn,,-notic stitictiwo of the doo-mains in iron, nickel, and cobalt Xilms Allopot, Al!-Miion. Con,',uronco on the Physica of rorro- and Antiforromnunotism hold in Svc rd AN SSS,11.. Izvostiya. Scriya Xizichovkaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 1038-1041 -TO.', 10 WGS: thin fil-ni, iron, cobalt, nickel, magnetic structure, magnatic struc-zura, magnotic courcivo forco.9 lw-r4l_ invosvi-nted he f ~c, m ,~MS 2ACT: Tlio au'Jiors have ir, tatio.structure of the domains xipplus) of iron;'nic_,,_,_,,4and lilms vnctz= deposited at 10-4 11- onto rock salt sWostratos maintained durin-- deposition at temperatures between j and ~-miol C. Fil-Ms woro obtained whose crystallites had average linear dimensions I- ran'-;ing 110 to 1200 11, and tho transition Xrom polyc;,ystalline to single-crystal it s-_,"c4,.uro was observed. Unlike the sinrlo-crystal films, the polycrystallino films always e~diibited fino magnetic structure of the domains. Linear relations were found Cord '0C, EWT(N)/LPWP(t)/ETI ~ 1JP(0 JD1HW I ACC We AP603i6if SOURCE CODEi UNIO126166102210031038010391 -AUTHOR so Kirenaki4, L. V.1 Pyhkko Y. G.; Sukh-anova, R. V.; SivkoV, N. I.; P~~ko G. ~K~s =.V. yrova ZZe:gintq_e_v7_A7 i. 0 - N. I't - - 0. .='ORG, Institute of Physics 60 AN SSBR .(Institut fizAT7SO AN SS8R)-,,*Xra9noYarek da- 1-r-In7a D-1 y pedinatitut) 0 _~tmte Kras arski _106 TITLE, &Vtaxial filmeFoy, ironylickel"Id cobalAreport presented at the Conference sics of Ferro- and Artiferr&iagnetism, liver lovsk, 5-7 July 19653 SOUTIM. Fizika.,metallov i metallovedeniye,* v. 22,* no. 3, 1966v 380~3~;l TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy, epitaxial growing, hysteresis loop, metal film QTRACT; The authors study the epitaxial growth of iron, nickel and cobalt films thermally vaporized onto ionic crystals split in air'and in a vacuum. , It is shown that when the substrates are heated in.a, Vacuum of 10-4*= Hg, the surface state'iB changed with a favorable effect on-epitaxy. The phas 'i composition of the film nay be control- led by proper selection of the substrate. The fields of anisotropy'6f-'the films are newiured and the effect which applicAtion of a magnetic field during yaporization bag vn the magnetic anisotropy of the films is studied. The domain siructure of thesfilas and its dynamics are analyzed and the resulto are used*as wbasis for explaining ihe J( shape of hysteresis loops. Ths.coercive force is measured In films pf various thick- neise. It Is shown that the coarcive'force of.the films is always such Is* than the field of anisotroff and is appminately inversely proportional-to the saturiLtion.mag- netization Origo art..bast 13 figures. I table, 5 foraulas. ~201 BUIN ""I L Wa65/ OREG RM 004/ ON R]W 1 007 not ME' UIFEAR ) P. [Melichar, F. ]; TUY, D.;., KAN., V. Diagnostic significance of the determination oi' transaminase activity in the blood serum of patients with epidemic hepa- titis. Sov. med. 28 no-4:?2-?5 Ap 164. (141RA 17:12) 1. 2-ya terapevticbeskava klinika, Brno, A Bollnitsa Am, Vlyetnamo-chekhoslovat.-~koy druzhby, Demokratichaskaya Res- pablika VIyetnam, Gayfonge VMIIER~ Yakov Vullfovich; DAS"UrAN, Martin Avetisovich; YA14POLISKIY. A.M.v Inzh.p retsenzent;~ EAU,-VIy-inzh... retsenzent; AGUF, I.A:j -Inzh.p red.; VARKOVETSMA, A.I., red. iod-va; CFYAS~ M.A., red. izd-va; PETERSON, M.M., tekbn. red. [Equipwnt, automation and mechanization in electrochemical coat- .ing sbops] Oborudovanie) avtomatizatsiia i makhr*aizatsiia tsekbov 9lektrokhixnIoh9okikb pokrytii. Moakva,, Mashgiz., 1961, 404 p# (Electroplating) WU 14,10) VAYNER,, Ya.V.; DASOYAN, M.A.; YAMPOLISKIY~ A.M.., kand. iekkin.nauk., retaenzent; KAN, V.I.- inzh.., retsenzent; LYZLOV, Yu.V.., kand~, kbim. n;aukp* red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A.I... red.izd-va; PETERSON, M.M.,, tekbn. red. (Technology of electrochemieo coatings]Tekhnologiia claktro- khimicheskikh pokrytii. Moskvap Mashgiz,, 1962. 468 p. (MIRA 15: U) (Electroplating) 6; IA ~jT50 Apr 1948 4ondeasera b%thematloof Applied Acoux-ate Solution of the Langtmir Problem for a arical Oondenser)" V. L. Kwi, Leningrad Poly- -beah'Inst ineni M. 1. Kalinin, 12 pp "Zhur Tekb.~Fiztt vol xvni.. No 4 03 i:'Oommints ca solution to langmulrls problem on the 11610tribution of potential in spherical condenser 1~ where the current is limited 'Djr large aischarge. ..k~evrate solution., using Bessel's f=ction, for bamdary cases and description of the operatims formlae. 8h possibilities Ovr3P'I=xAtIaMv-, ftImiltted 0v 1947. IMhWy AW. N44 S.V.V.K, so. I.W42(ION))-jjr IIIr"GI Ma-W01imp fit ONtorting 4411" rkvf..., ith CIVII 1,11k by 4 point ChArv. W%1 by 0 20411"Tt *11h dwIlT "d MUft1k, ummmmt wt,le"loped with 114nn's ILIVMinutim. Tmns conij. jwwt..-ts Of the Charcr Ali'l ITISVIrsk. It"" W"I MUIKWIIIS it, 11W ~,,11 ,, " *ArIlibf- "141hy. F. 11, M1114Y 4MIN MAMHUMIMRIAM-11MIll III mmul it; KELIZON. AjlatQliy Saulovich; VA., nouchnyy red.; POLTAKOV, I.I., N.Y.. red.;. XWTOVII [D,y=mic tasks of cybernetics] Dinamicheekle sadachi kiberne ,tlki. Leningrad, Gob.ooiusnoo lzd-vo oudostrait.promyehl.. 1939. 294 p. (KIRA 120) (CybernetLes) Ilrd)DIM. A.D.4 RAN, V.L. Increasirg the sensitivity of Rayleigb disks. Ism.tekb. 20 w.l: 56-57 A '59. - (MIRA 11:12) (Sound-Heasurement) BRODSKIY, .&-J-.,L-;-=TIGORSKIY, L.M., nauchnyy red.; KUZMSOYA, M.I., red. izd-va; KASURIN. A.G., tel-chn. red. Drief mikoal on mathemntical proessaing of measurement results] Kratkit spravoohnik po mtematichaskoi obrabotka reaulitatov ismeranii. Monkvii, Gom. ivd-vo stnndnrtov, 1560. 167 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Teepayumyy asuchno-issledovatal'skiv institut metro- logli im. B.I.Mandeleyeva (for Bkodekiy, Kan) (Probabilities) 10 67883 13. 1? 0 0 19 4" S1020160113010610121059 AUTHORS* Kan, V, Lop KelIzon, A. S. B013/BO07 TITLE3 The Stable and Unstable Trajectories of Proportional javiga- tion PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii, nauk sesR, ig6o, voi 130, Nr 6, pp 1220 - 1223 ('USSR) ABSTRILCT's The authors investigate the proportional navigation for arbitrary integral values of the navigation constant. The differential equations of the ideal motion of an axially 2 symmetric obj ect in the horizontal plane readt mv~ (T+cLV )a; o, Z.. -kl(v)p k2(v)j + k (v)al T 900 + a 3 v0coo Y coo ^1-1 a~ - v sin va sinn. From the system of the last four equations one obtains a closed solution for arbitrary integral values of the navigation con- stant. This system is then represented in the form a k7l ,[coo il - p v,F(j); Card 1/3 ai p -v,,f(-q), 67883 The Stable an(I Unstable Trajectories of Proportional S/02Y60/130/06/012/059 Navigation B013 B007 where p a V/v a 1 &0 - (bi?. - i~o)/(b - 1) hold. The subscript o denotes the initial valuos of the variables. By integration of the latter system of equations for b - 4 one obtains the trajectory equation sin a P sin 3(1-E6)+ sin 1 1/3 3 t9(-7 - Eb)-tg(,qi-%) -3 1 p -we Fo a sin 340-% )+ sin 1 11 tg(-qo-%)-tg(-qi-F-0) 0 iall where B P in turn, is again a rather complex function. This trajeotgry equation may be simplified for special values of F,O. The exact solution for various integral values of the navigation constant may be divided into two caseo3 odd b and even b. A formula is written down also for the curvature of the trajectory. The authors then investigate the behavior of the object near the target for the case in which the object moves more rapidly than the target. In such a case the stable and unstable roots alternate. To the stable and unstable roots Card 2/5 there correspond an approach and a withdrawal from the target 67883 The Stable and Unstable Trajectories of Proportional S1020160113010610121059 Navigation B013/BO07 respectively. The authors then deal with the motion of the object near the stable roots. In the corresponding expansions into series only the first terms are in each case retained. With b ;,>, 2n an interception (perekhvat) is possible with an arbitrary ratio of the velocities p, arbitrary initial con- ditionsp and from an arbitrary direction. With b 4 2n, the limit of stability may be determined for the corresponding variables. In a similar manner also a real motion may be investigated, and it is further possible to select the ampli- fication coefficients in the system of automatic control of the motion. There are 4 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIA,TIONt Lettingradakoye vyasheye inzhenernoye morakoye uchilishche im. adndtiiln Makarova (Leningrad Higher School of Naval Engineera imen.i Admiral Makar-Off)- - PRESEM'ED:____'Ju!y_ 5; 1959, by V=. Smirnov, Academician SUBMITTED: July T, 1959 Card 3/3 AUTHM-i TITLE: 34763 S/14o/62/000/001/004/011 C111/C444 Kan, V. L., Kellzon, A. S. .MMr--VVW--~ On strict solutions of the equations of proportional navigation PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavbdeniy. Matematika, no. 1, 1962, 50-56 TEXT; The differential equations of proportional navigation were integrated by Spitz (Ref. 1: Partial navigation courses for a guided missile attacking a constant velocity target. Naval Research Laboratory, USA 1946) for the navigation constwit b = 2. The autbors write these equations in the form Cos p (1.6) (IL .' Vs E- cos (b-l)(~ - to) VSF(~) a -V [ sin + p sin (b-l)(~ - v.,f(~) (1.7) and integrate them for arbitrary integers b. Here a is the distance is the inclination angle o -1 ; of the targot A from the object B, I? f B W is the inclination angle of the velocity v of B, where JvJ - const; > S/140/62/000/001/004/011 On strict solutions of the equations ... C111/C444 7? - ul; v is the velocity of A, constant with reepect to the %, s amount and to the direction (it forms the angle ~ with TA); p - V F'o is defined by vs (b-1) = b~o 0 0 (1-5) where Y axe tho initial values of the variables. One investigates ~ 0 0 the case p > 1. First of all it is stated that the equation f(T ) - sin 71 + p sin (b- 1 ) (~ -, %) = 0 (1.8) has exai.,tly 2(b-1) zeros on 0 -:=' ';? 6 ;?Jrpoints~ A zero is called stable if neighbored converge to it wi ''th ii.,icreasing time. It is proved that to stable zeros there oorresponds an approximation (A < 0) and to the instabil. ones there corresponds a divergence (A> 0). The integration of the system is done! by the following scheme. (1.6) is divided by (1-7), after integration of the quotients one obtains Care, 21G S/,40 62/000/ool/004/01' of t,,, equatiOns c1 jiyc 444 so],Utions or, StTict 1, sin (b - sin IQ in (b - (10 b - I P sin Cos b + sin 11 b-1 p sin (b - 1) M tiorl TO "It e6ratea for b W'th the Subst:LA re:zaj, integral is 12-4) The Qo- E o a Z ~ A, 9 0 ti; e.nd for b 4 t,,e substitut'on EO) - z e-o ), zo = tg _Fo:c ID one obte,5.ns C&Td- 316, S/14 62/000/001/004/011 on strict soiutions of the equations ... C111YC444 tg 11 r_j) sin 2 (1 to) + sin 2 7 tg -2 sin 2 to + sla'rc J Ig i4u: 1-8 -,Ig N - 60 2 2 where; Cos Soo2 2 C-2p oos 2(%- E 0)+cos TZJ (2.12) For arbitrary odd b 2m+1 one uses again (2.4) as well as the repre- sentation sin 2m( E sec 4m rq- Eo tg (2.27) - - Q4m-1 5 where 0s a polynomial2of (4m-l)-th( degree.)hen the integral 4m-1 i T attains the form Ca:rd 4/,1.-1,, M~i S11401621000100110041011 on stric-; solutions of the equations ... C111/C444 2[cos k 0 (1 -Z 2 sin E 02z] (1+z 2 )2m-.2 2 12) 2m- 1 2 2m-1 dz (2. 29) z P,4zim (Z)+(i-z )(l+z sin E 0 +2z(l+z Cos t- 0 o and is integrated by aid of decomposition into p4rtial fractions Ols in the case Of b = 3). If b - 2m + 2, then (2,18) and sin nn Y. . ~,(tg if (2-31) 00.15 rf is used, At the, ond it is stated that the curve is always convex with respect to the :3traight line which connects obJect and target. There a:re 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc references. The two references to English language publications read as follows; Card 5/6 S/140/62/000/001/004/011 On strict solutions of the equationa ... C11I/C444 If., Spitz: Partial navigation course8 for a guided utis8ile attacking a constant velocity target. Naval Research Laboratory, USA, 1946; A - locket Guidancelliew York, 1955. SUBMITTED: MaY 4, 1959 -t Card 6/6 IRAZHNICHENICO,, Nikolay Arson 'yovich; KAU,-Veniamin--Lipmanavlcb4___ MINTSBERG,, Beniamin Llvovich; HOROZOV, Valentin Ivanovich; BUTENINI N.V., doktor tekhn; nauk, prof.0 retsenzent; NIKITIN, N.11.# kand. fiz.-mat. naukp retsenzentj ZAKHMICH, A.F,p nauchrqy red.1 SHIMOV, Yu.I., red.; TSALj R.K., tekhn. red. [Problems on theoretioal mechamiesliSbornik zadach po teoreti- cheakai mekhanike. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962 559 p. iy.IU 16: 1) (Meohanics~ Analytic--Problemsy exercises,etc.) KAN V, I, Imillilm - waft. graluating errors of oompumd instrments (sets). Trudy inst. Kom. stand. mar i ism. prib. no.57217-9 162. (min 151 10j, 1, Vacoo3rusMy naxichno-iobledovateliskiy institut metrologii in. D. 14 Mendeleysia. (Measuring instrments) KAWI.L. 9A.,-I.- _(LenIngrAd) - "Some new problems of proportional navigation" reDort presented at the 2nd All-Union Congres on Theoretical and Applied Yleebanicss Nosccws 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. Alto Uri/ BOOK ExPlIMATIM 636.6 56 J5 5-- 6n` V4=Lamin Lif6wo-irich KWxonp UY Saulovich (Teorlyn proportailonallnoy navigataii) noi~ ~ot prooli~Uonal!!n 1965. 423 P- illus-v biblio. :IoaftiAgrad.. IjBDO i~!: ccntj~61 thg?gs. ivigation system, proportions.1navi DPIC: TAGS:- au gationg. tr~)Octo 4-!C;n- -a -%V space rAmucture., motion mechanics.. notion.stabi- lik~,, vo~4d IdmemaUlds COVjMIA(a-t':; lids took is a stxdy of the symetrical motion oj Tbkpo~E AND. r the a of a solid body converging with a moving poimt by zems . reiihtively lirikw i ii of prop6rtiowa convergence. Ahe boDk presents the theory of proportional ~dsent state based on data of Soviet and foreign science llavigati4t inIts P a s, dynamics as'imll iis i6n*litudUai made b~ the 'authors. Problems of kinematic BtOilit.~e of isjotio~ ~ ind of au tic control by proportional convergence are vietrede lh6: ~Octk 1~;reccimended tor imgineers and scientiats speclailizing in :the;.'IWd ot t4t~wm4o oontr*l of motion. Also it ifould be useful for studvnte 1: in: shi&WA:his a06'aviation institutiDs as well as for-students in riechanical- 914icmatioal, and pb` 1-meebarAcal dispartmcnts of corresponding urdverdties. M oil 4111MIMEARROMMOMM. MMIII V M. "'I'MIRRIM MI. I RIMINI. FOR HUJIMMMMER .... ...... ijp(,%~) M'T SL7D-_L9ZC k -2/IWA'.(d)/T- Miku J411AP Ooku YR6~2 SOUIVE CODS1 0/0373765W/66AQA~J55 AUTIMI MAN Vilol 4~30jt problem TIMES SolutiOh iDfl a P 3tiy&,,r Makhanik . AN SS IM SOUWBI~ Sh a, n00. 5s 1965~ 47 16, acking, differential TOPICe TAOSt ship.~ cracking systIMMS.- spacecraft tr eq ABS'AMOT4 lt~ is doOired;tc~ determine analytIcal expressions describing trajectories whidla A!Ooviit 6~*-t a-ship), can follow in order to intercept another objact Moving k1h jivim~luhifoz* i he method of proportional navigation (H vdod tyo~, Using 1, Spitit. ~Tartial~ n~4ikatioi courses: for a gWLded missile attacking a constant velocity tar6st. Waval Rebs4rch:iiaboratcry USA~, 1916), the problem is solved for general vaules Of,:thei navigAi0ma: constant, b (ioe.ji b ~ 2)9 Solutions of the differentW Oquldao6i' of , riotia"~ are ~ Oiscuesed with regmd to questions of stability and whether o t n : 'ot j ~ercepti 61 Ii idbieved fore. given set of initial parameters. Exact solu.- tiDrW &7'e' obt :141aber~vf examples., and the effect of the velocity ratio P Vilros who ro,*O in he velocity ot the umiformly moving object,, and v the 'd 1/9 Coi gi A~CIZM0606i3K M ~Ii G~11 /W 66712YSi/1243 /".11 & AUTHOR: Kan V KSIIA~A~S- ORG; :rione, TITLE: Qualitative, Inve 9 tigati on of the trajectory in proportional R~~ati~r_ SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, Y. 8, no. 6. 1965, 1229-1243 TOPIC TAGS: navigation, proportional navigation ABSTRACT: Suggested by 1-1. Spitz, the method of proportional navigation (Naval Res., Lab, USA Report, 1946) involves this set of equations for straight-line motion of point A: Here, a is the range (distance A-B), 9 is the angli of the line of eight, v/ is the angle of B velocity a =v, cos Yj - v cos T, vector, i is the lead angle, and b is the naviga- a~-v Mn T-% SIH I. tional constant; v, and v are the velocities of points A arid B, respectively. The problem is to find the relative trajectory of B ansuming that both velocities are constant. The closed solution of the above set of equations can be represented by the roots of f( however, such roots essentially depend on 1 112 UDC: 531.1:656.6 Ch Sci D J. i ,! r t,~ t il o. - Synt,',:~! tic -r on 30/11-1/50 Eoscot~, Textile Inst. tcCl Veeher-YaYa Wk4V'~ su m 71 KU,I L- V t--L. ~ Silk Yanufacture Method for salecting semplus of silk noils. Tekst. prorn. 12 No. 9, 1952. Flonth ~L_Uat of IbAs Ag%~ssjon2, Library of Conr-ress, Doeeml.-~er 1952. Unclassified. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. Redesign of the drawerbead on a roving machine for silk. Tokst. prom. 16 no.8:48-50 Ag 156. (wJLA 9110) (Silk mnufacture) (Spinning machiner7) IL&N, Ir.M., band. takh. nauk. . -.. .. 1, Using the ONR-TeNIKhBI device to test sliver evenness. Tekst. prom# 18 no.11:36 N '58. (NIRA 11:12) (Carding) (Testing rachines) UN, V.S. . inzh., Deriving the formula of the theoretic operative capacity of a gin save Sborenaucho-iool"rab.TTI no.1201-58 161. (MVU 15:11 ) (Cotton gins and gl~~quipnentto and suppliQs) ~iiu; ct' builderv in the davalcpmo~nl, e i--a'i and Lrnt,~~ria` -4,sJs fc-r farming. Proin.stroi. 42 ric.',7:2-416 5. I.I!Pk 18:8) 2.# Chlan lzollegli Goastroya SIFSR. MUR, Ya.R., inubener; KAN, Ma.,:jn2hener. - '2 Ivaluation of the various methods of concreting dova-apron blocks. Gidr.stroi. 23 no.8:4-9 154. (MLBA 8:1) Oydrosleatric power stations) (Reinforced concrete construction) lrok,watkm of toulls fist """r I of ~3*40111na litiae- 11448AWO, V4, 4. K-01. AW,~ 4 4, N't, I i'.,. M 4 001"), ~ A surth-ki WIMI"OffIbr-tulm the qvtL,3tutt ilik-Luts., of the Wgiug of tanks for Irmiqwnt of liquefir4l gam!,, enifuring ud=efmu)AIm without wame of -pace. The lank , d to pwt%s a ryfindriml slusim itith ,bm"I tud,,, W tmi--g carried out %epardtcly 'rhe thh-k- ~d sphrelcal lutrit. ot eirml 4()!',' of thr vui.We .4 '1" .j.4 it may be pamible to redum it to 16, It. A. Are JIM* 'WSW"" of 6 4101111 SO, 1. A, A. 11 i4wswiUwJrxp,-TsA. ko.. A5 1114~411gh-q& 0; Pa. rMw. ir" 10, siw7l . C, ?.A. 437S.-Oss 1J, I;, R, I otattileam 40#404 to ow fill, at it* r4l 410.10)60/014. In this "Oplity of 11,7 X., 8 O.M.Ow'. iliatu,t two, vatiallorts b7 *~-3)% rrinsaw to tho NWU*l vsshjv~= Ufa 0 fwl%,. Ots vM Slow oww. U nwvod in's a wim 41 11acluttim. 'Nre"Oftotasmawk 'a I ,f eiw~AWV &W It 1w9 f1kees, "d (NO IbM 40 kM ampUtud clualions 0 at T""MOU S. KTA lultoolit lk#4 axiied pwalki to tbv axis, ce ljjq wk*, M" is ltftl-~ld. "b level partlaft lawad JUN a trina Ibis parvow Into the to p- OM'Mn* I"11), htttvld at MOOW 111110. 46 A ~"Mik Wd perptudicular to~ the asths $I the W111V ilwipguki,iuld(besU"dhkppm.wWtbt*b*.N, ;;: *'WotIf 94-shawl. Sissalln : our"* am' fawad. withad IMOD"It &M, wish wirra stralved by 4 04 WM an , ja*kt. at t1w rLdwit W list rkv. rftwam are a* do 10 Awispatim d ON' timm'. "or 1.0 awkstkol 140"Umio" Ci tin tomb. Tr4w4tiqj J11to the supsrcisegurlift IsM, bSbw thmetisisap"I nwid *I 1b, asaptrowdaQ 'PhOm- cwkMfd Pwalki to list cwmt go tbu a W-whid 14H of dw Irke. I"Jitnum. J~a jwkw=I1 thit 1016P.. thetir thnsdo, tvWmtjy ompsigto. gly d Ti'm less NO 101141 ludkjal nwaptsk &W is, appm~mIliftwebaped to v In a In* 4juc to OuIPMV01114 tra'1111VIII'M 11914TINCtic 11*14k The sawohaped f. or I va;W of dw owpir. Vivo lbr r-10L CW11,0111 10% flliarj~e 4w it w"twOr ", 161010 1.4 VON#h tbr Ouperowdud phow rAn In told, Io a *00 ' %II.-itch. I.M, A..I. tki. Uil. B.&H .. X ill I WI., -The vrw, ty T M she I , -W) 0. CA - 41, 417tia, disgaweeprat J The bowsw1afy 1*t%vcn list "cW atul 1hr jq;tc:sdwtWj wates wzi, dttd, itt 2 ind(twndmt oak". mdbW consimtd In towillawrapby tA the voltap E at the of tin wmasilary ca of a traWarmff witha futxT- Ni-all cort; the E IndueW in the ccAl tiepeadi both qxi the rafto(CURP of this Luwwtk fic1d 11"doel 9. U111C. Swtorbodw of the =idudinj Ististe WSim at thr the twilus 0" then go d jj:)Mjiv v+11[at(ff r 1). wberoef r - trrquericy. v - dridl, am S - centse4ection arm of the Wnple, r is thus obtail" Ima tM Pak of the vishaffe vIgAlssed hs the proevas of the rhogm. The detiss. were made on samples of fig ajul k 8-10 cm. it", 0.4-1.0 mrss. In dism., coclosed in slam 4:111makmes 0.06 sittst. thkk. RW&. skiatil that && the in- I- - maut cd the parturbalsors S is wvcrsl I at in the wrewd Kate'. bewil. K/s, - I + (IM/1111r. It. Juld w>2.5XlO-IX1OM-1O1ctn./Mv. Outheothefshwo, from the lessad of the impW*c an the ummisdoo of own- the Q~Jtku Process. V " r/Ar pktt dislorts"M in 3 X 10-1/2 X 10-0 .0 2 X 10, cm/wv. Ine 4"h of penab*km a d dw disturbaom of the suparmd. 0 evi- d 11salpmarationolthe-s- rtic W%= d" the dw bw to JL vnw in the normal mate, cnvW probably to labMkas *Bseo @I dw bouw4ary betvreea the 2 xwm To est. k asa A.C. of amok ft"tacy was swat through 0 Coil womad WVAW &rinjol So go as to Create an addal. wagtwk. Wd pw&W to tba cturctit 4**W &Sms the wirface at the ri--- Tin sax. induaA current is 1. - 11.0 whom 11. - - Ae fiew. T . radko of the vtti;;;~Mdt, am. acd of Ow wAxpk- with the v%qwnvo&sdi state d6- tarw to a depth 0, at ctat t beconses I - W - w... sad bmw I con be detd. from I/It - I - (Vt,). Thr ("ALA-) e.g. Owlic ami, (4 her NO or 24110, Me 01*461we Ul hu- purilin favad"I dermal 1. kal PeCrA to Foo + CrA, at to Itarvolillois it wilal co C In Vt. 1%0 War Factor coot 04 the 1111sit, m6p Air by win csl,jn~*, WW Comae. &)o 1h0 symmilt Cltlk'ye eltcet otatstin. (8) For tim 2vad stev. CtA + 3C - 2cr + wo. an - an, -Yaw r - Mw x lo-s P-11.493MIPT". fly mil. lulwylb of ovwbbk data, 268,- the btat 4 lommiltan of CirtO, at 298T. b laken (010 ik 610 vsLAWc, 11roce, All' - IOIXM, and Ar - i9boo I Zo Tin r + yp x w-1 v 2.747 x 110 7, - IM.'" T. all'I Y1 lof KI - lostp-cl - (13,977/ -- O.p Italy I - wisv% ~ x a - T + x UP I'll + 12.1.1. Tbir qqitL ;wftsure 0 CO Aouki, rValse lly, be I Min, at h1hil 19. Actually, under I also.. 4?r^" ^ fa ev- durod at a ld?M!v ff*1"jj to formlyflota 4 Cr Carlaidrs. 14) Ftw 0* rathlaIr itaryuklitily CrA (wAkl) + I$/# C h CrXt (wIld) + 3CO ISAN611 a 110M - 0.03 T 3,413 X 10-0 P -3.87 (p T-1 bm* 4r* - 1700M -t(j,w r it, I' + 3.03 X 10-1 f, - iw x i(p r-, I 4."j*,(qljjIojK log P.- 0282 X 10'? T + 0.141 X 101 + 10.1. Expil. detal., jr1th pure CtA 09 Ville SMWte pire. at I' - I I KI, 11 W, 12.561. 1343, 1323 09., Pco - 0.026, COW. .11.2497. 0.3815 aim.; the twWuet wa* bleraill6l 1117"' '1 oil t~ %-my diffrulkan. The expli, data k-od to a on the lai6t term o(thilvakil. cil"Onva trivial 10, 1 it, 7141M INtisitt" !~Vk%hlt ia; the shnialer entiait"I rqust~m P(,b 12,000/7) + 9,14. M BY the maw [Iraq- Mrr, there is fouted Joir the carbide formation; CrA - 4 0/4 Cracs - "A CrrC,4 + 3CO, log pt". - ( - l4xwn: r) -3.v kj Y- + ty.p x in -1 r + i.v x tilp r-1 + 21 -ns; (of Ctloa + I,/, Cr,C, - ff/.C(,C +3CO, Ins pm - (- 10,N)k 7) -1.7 log r + 0,01H X 10-0 r + 0379 X 110' 1 1 4 14.21; an4l far Cril'as + 3Cr4C - 14Ct 4- SCO, 41 po 173M ~ 1) - 2.57 log T + 0.4-1 X 10 1 T + 0.23% Ills T- I ~ 16,5M. The ciam-simtrulitat %ittiplifirif tito-Irtrat entlairi-al equvikatt% fm thme 3 equilitnia. obtaitt"I by Whir averaging. are, r 10V~ I'm N' 1b.454/1) + NMI; stai (- 17,IW/n K-M), I (6) iiie reduction of C j(h 1vottrdt tfiffrrrmly in 0* iwt,. toce a Ad in I be xtw~nftyt;lf toy biair%. Ttw hilfarrit P~., wilr- spundii to the mflikfe CY,C,. tht lawto to Ct.C, sob ihc jam lor the reactleso CrA + 3C - "Cr 4 3CO I ing in l-r- physics Law-Tenperature Pbysics D Abs, Jour Ref 2iur No 1. 1958) 789 Author G&Wn, AOAO) Kan Y& S.., Lazarev, B.G. 4 iust Physital-Technical Institute, AcadwW of Sciences, Ukrai- nian, SMO Title Discontini" Attenuation of Otwrent in a Superconduc- ting Ring Orig 'Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki) 1957, 32, No 6, 1582 Abstract An inveatiption was made of the character of the appea- rance of,:,ie9istancpJn a superconducting lead ring car- ryxi inauced current under gmdual heating. A measu- r, coil'. iiith 806.turzi~ of copper wire vas placed insi- de 'a ring of radius. 1 cm nade of vire I am in diameter. Rotlatiot~~of the coil about an axis located in the plane of, thit ring made it possible to mftsure the total current rArd 1/2 S/1;31/62/004/003/031/045 S-60 B108/B104 AUTHORSt Ran, Ya. S., and Polyakov, L. M. TITL]h Method of determining the tangential stresses in a medium under high pressure PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 3, 1962, 810-011 TEXTii A method of.determining tangential stresses in a solid compressed by solids is described. It is based on determining these stresses for standard single crystals which at relatively low tangential stress show traces of residual deformation. From the stress - strain diagrams of the standards compressed under hydrostatic conditions one can then iind the tangential stresses in any specific case by determining the difference between the hydrostatic traces and those obtainel by compression between solids,, By this method it is also possible to determine the solidifica- tion point of a liquid. There are I figure and 1 table. -The English- langaage references ares J. T. Stevart. Phys. Rev-, 21, 578t 19551 C. A. Swenson. Phys. Rev.t 21t 423, 1955. Gard 1/2 8/181/62/004/003/037/045 Method of determining the tangential ... B108/B104 ASSOCIATIONt Finiko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR, Kharlkov (Physioo- technioal Institute AS UkrSSR, Khar1kov) SUBMITTEDi November 30#~1961 AV TH OW Grigorl~ow' VONG ' jan, 11a.S., Radenko, N.S., 56-3-4/59 Safronovj~ ?5,Gs TITLZ: Variation of Isotipio Composition of Evaporated Mercury. (Izmeneniye izotopiohaskogo sostava rtuti pri ispareaii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Hkoperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 33, Nr 3, pp. 576-580 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The variation of the isotopic ratio of the isotopes Hg-198 to 4-204 was determined in the most different evaporation para- meters (a-g-tfrom 70 to 2700 C) by meians of the mass spectrometers MC-2 and MC-4. It was determined that; a low evaporation velocity exercises a special influence on the evaporation kinetics. The relative vapor pressure difference between the isotopes lig-198 and Hg-204 can be given from the results: for t - -200 C A p/ 1, 2 10-3 for t a 2ooO 0 p7p 8:1o-4 There are 4 figures, 3 tableal and 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Physioal-Tachnioal Institute AN~df (Fizik6-tekhnioheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) SUBMITTED: Atarch 13, 1957 AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 1/1 777777 L200~66-; 02 -17 Al~ 621-3T4.398:53T.312.6- AhT61U. Kan is,~ 6indidste.~of physico-mmathematicall sciences),-Rakhubovskii , v;. A. TiTM Multiple;*indi4g cryotron a general-purpoille logic element i Pr;~borostrpyeniye, no. 3, 19651, 33-34 SOVRCE, Avtom, ]a :TAGS: n :TbPIC1 cr mgentd; circuit. cryotron logicaircuit. computer technolofy ~10 AM If dn:;o_xtva;:!, bins winding ia.adddd to a cryo ry with multiple Andings, the ~6i*.Ment. may. pqrform iiog*Cal Depending on the relative direction abd th~. magnit~d,0!6f th'e tzontrol and bias currents, the modified cryotron miky. per- orm 1~iE 0111i~~AHD,' NOR, NAND operations. The last tv are the rout f OR"EXCLUS o p'acti e.- ~ A! 4--bit: r cabl .~4der~using 3-vin.ding lead-tin crvotrons.wes,constructed and! th die' 6 hid titutet Acaqegr.* f Sciences Adder speed j 61 cal Ins 0 UkrSS] t6sted:at e yjjyA.Lc~t -con 13 itc fe.'ator h :4 reaved b~ in: TF ty r the normal,, The cryotrons used had time j! atanto'of 250 060'a atit Wi eaftent-temperature of 3.6K. The bias and ccntrol curren 9.~ wire,950 ma#, i !:has 3 figures. [BDI AJPBOOIATIOX:~ j,iiO~e ,T AIRTTMENKO, I.A.; KAN, Ya,s,; RABUMIN, L.B. Static characteristics of cryotrom. Mr. fiz. zhur/. 10 no,9tlO35-1036 S 165. (MIRA 1. Institut kiberne-tiki AN UkrSSR, Kiyevp i l,"Lziko-Altil-,h~,-~ichL,:3k'~y Institut All UlcrSSR, Kliarlkov. IHIHIII [maim 11MMARItalffill CC NRil ARMO IF: i: SOURCE CODE: tJR/0103/65/o26/()10/,1884/18N'~- 69V, AUTNRi 1 'Kan YB44 a ii~ Wwwk.0y);.RakhUbovskiy~ Vi A. (KharIkov) OEG'-. TIT~Z::I`The U06 6r.,14 tibn converters4n studies of cryotron circuits t0iiamelthi A' v. 26, no. 10, 1965, A84-iW SOURCE !Avtomatik~ all a yotron converter, cr, rotro n circuit, switching time TOP C TAW: volt~f a Cc' vqrtcr, cr. STRAM A c ryid;ti,dn cphvIerter:of constant low voltages of the order of 10-~5 V into A B variabIbivoltage Is" of th~!~~ order: of, 1&2 v is described. Basically, the converter con-- sis~s a c ' it lllato:~~ and a.cryotron connected in parallel to the input of~ ryo ron tosc; theios4llator ~(pe: g~4, i1.Y. The converter was'.used tD determine both 'the static AVV too ;q rt Fig. 1. Cryotron conve er (A) and. .rj cryotron circuit (B)~ 621 62- UDC- .374-328:537.-312. I- Co i : - ; ~ i AC( ~SOURCE CODE: UR AUTHO.&I Ksn~ so!,. RakhubovskiX.-V. A. 0' Itf-:1 ~Phys$ hnI4,al _165titute AN UkrSSR, Kharkov MZ06-takhn6~ u All''VArSSR) chaskiy ine.ti T1,TLr. CrjQt'o' r�xa3atlon ~peSil ator with frequency. oscillator Z5 SOURM Pribpry, ii:t6khnIka skoperimentik, no. 1, 1966, 221-222 TOPIC;TAGSI cr'j`ogo~,ic: circuit, ammeter, relaxation oscillator ABSTR~M. The~,tela,xation'oscillator shown in the figure is based on two-wl-Aing jpa'd-tio cryotrons, The nominal output frequency of the urrei,,kt .(terminals, 7) and-may- lie - 716hed~~bfzthe gate, ~~c FL -~b ihWii,~,P.lf atlon,ot,the' control cu:rrent (teratinal 14). Since va ad' the :control r, rrent f, ow ucting wires, the oacil- a through supercond la;tor'may P! an ammeter'for supercoitiducting circuits. The currs~i tal be;'I~easwred willchange the output frequency of the os:cillato,r.~ Am 4ount linearly related to the magnitude of the coiatr~ I (men i0o~~Orrenti. The cryotrons used in the circuit-have a 4 ::!s ~R 10- ofili iN4't'; :10-8 h.I The sensitivity of the circuit is 6rd 112 UDC: 537.312.62:621.373.43 I] M14111:511111tPallit fill 1. 3Z926-6~ H'07(d )ZEiff(l 9, lpf"t )/E- T I ACC NR, AP6022044 S 7, 2 29 26 -.10URCE CODE: UR10120/66/666/66,16 AUTHOR: Kan Ya. S.; RakhubovskV V, A, ORG: Physico-Technical Institute,, AN UkrWR. _h1w'3tov (Fiziko-tekhnichesk.1y institut AN UkrSSIR) TIME: 2gotron relaxation oscillator as a~ thermometer SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no- 3, 1966, 228-229 TOPIC TAGS: thermometerg cryotron, relaxation oscillator ABSTRACT: A possjbility,,~s demonstrated of using the cryotron relaxation oscillator as! a liquid-He thermometer.' As the frequency of a cryo-tron relaxation oscillator (such as described by M. L. Cohen et al., Proo.M% 1960., 9, 1575) operated at a constant current depends on the ambient temperature, the oscillator can serve as a low-temperature thermometer. The sensitivity of such a thermometer proved to be about 0.0003K/cps in the noighborhoo%orf 3,5K. A foi=la, is developed for calculating the liq!j~H~ temperature om the obseri,ed frequency of the relaxation I oscillator. Orig. art. hast Y figures, 1 formxtla, and I table. 0 3 1" SUB COM 20, 09 / SUBM D&TEi 03Jun65 / ORIG UY'. 000 / OTH REFs 001 UDC: 621-374-32Bs537.312.62:536.51 N .......... ACC NRz AV60299/46 SOURCI" CODE: LIR/0413/661'000/ 015/0111 /0 111 INVENTOR: Artemenko, I. A.; Voytovich, 1. D. Kan, Ya. S.; Rakhubovskiy A. 7 ORG: none TITLE: A counter based on cryotrons. Class 42, No. 184525 [announced by the Insti- tute of Cybernetics, AN SSSR (Institut kiber-netilti AN SSSR); Physicotechnical Institute, AN SSSR (Fizikote hnicheskiy institut AN SSSR)l SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 111 TOPIC TAGS: pulse counter, cryogenic circuit ABSTRACT: A gy2tron_Rulse counter consisting of a control, memory, starting, and an Input circuit is described. The memory circuit (see contains two cryotrons Fig. I. A cryotron counter I - Memory circuit; 2 - cryotron generator; 3-8 - cryotrons; 9-12 - terminals; 13 - control circuit. ACC Nits AP6029946 connected In parallel to the superconductinp CircUlL containing the cryotron genera- tor control coil and to the current source from the starter circuit. The control circuit has two parallel arms, each containing a control coil for the memory circuit cryotrons. One of these branches also includes a cryotron whose control coll is con- riected between it current source and the control circuit. The other branch consists of a group of cryotrons with a common control coil which serves as the counter input terminal. This arrangement achieves economy and assures thot tile counter is able to operate as an accumulator. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. 1BD] SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 25Mar64/ ATD PRESS: 5-0~O C_ A C NRt AP7004264 SOURCE CODE. UR/043 AUTHOR: _Kan,_yp (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Mikhaylov, 0. i~." ~Candidate of technical sciences); Rakhubovskly, V. A. ORO: none TITLE: A model of a cryotron digital computer with programmed control SOURCE: Mel(hanizatslya I avtomatizatsiya upravlenlya, no. 3, 1966) 19-23 TOPIC TAGS: cryogenic computer, computer design ABSTRACT: A small-scale model of a cryotron computer was built and tested at the Fhysico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR. The model contained only essential blocks such as the arith- metic unit, number memory unit, instruction memory with machine halt unit, control unit, and an 1/0 unit. The model could add, subtract, and multiply 4-bit (including sign bit) words In fixed-point notation. Instructions were of the three-address type, and th6 memory unit was random-access. The computer was built using 504 leaiL-tin wire cryo- trons mounted on micarta cards. Three teats lasting 11) 17, and 21 hours were made during which every 3 hourt~ the machine was stopped Ord I Lc /2 ACC NR, AP7006773 SOURCE CODE: UR/0102/66/000/OOG/0065/0069 AUTHOR*. Voytovych, 1. D. Voytovich, I. D. (Kiev-Khar'kov); Kan Ya. S. (Kiev- -Khar1kov); Rakhubovs'kyy, V. A. -- Rakhubovskiy, V. A. (Kiev- iarlkovl ORG: none TITIX: Analysis of a cryotron memory circuit with many stable states SOURCE: Avtomatyka, no. 6, 1966, 65-69 TOPIC TAGS: memory access technique, electromagnetic memory, digital system, digital analog converter, ABSTRACT: A cryotron memory cell which determines the number of pulses fed to its in- put by the value of the current persisting in it, was designed (see Fig. 1). In Fig. il, KI and X2 are working cryotrons; X3 is the indicating cryotron; Ll and L2 are indue 'tances of arms'abod.and aefd, respectively (it is set that Ll =L2 =L ); L3 is the ,,inductance of irm akU; R, and R2 are resistivities of cryotron tubes X1 and K2 in !normal state (it is set that RI = R2 = R). The transistory processes were analyzed, the dependence of the number of states from the mesh current 180), when 0 = 0.81, ii(l)= 150 ma, and r = 3.60K was calculated and tabulated; here, or .13 + L ACC -NR; AP7006773 The theoretical analysis of the cell's operatIon is in good agreement with the experimental data. a Ar One of the suggested applications is in a cryo- tronic pulse counter operating as a digital-to- e C4 -analog converter (converting the number of i I pulses into the resistivities.of the cryotror. IlAwr tube K3, Or its grid current'. Orig. art. has: 5 = L~,71/k ,,formulas, 3 figures, 2 tables. t T - Y.- Bloc~ _d iagr' SUB CODE: 09/ SMM DATE: 230ct65/ Card 2/2 am of the Fig. 1. basic cryotron call. ORIG REF: 001/- OTH REF;- 002 L MO-66 ACCESSION NR: AP60241$4~- SUMMED: Mints ;lj SNCL:. 01:, Tr SIM CODE NO ~Efl sovt 004:: OTHERI 000 it it Card 2 - ALADATOV, G,M,,- XAM, To I Now data an thelpological structure, and oil and gas potentials of the northern part of the Fergana Valley. Geol-neftl i gaza 3 n0-5:19-22 117 '59. (14MA 12: 7) 1. KraenoaaraHzy filial Voesoyuznogo naftegazovogo nauchno-iseledovatel'- sh.go instituta i NefteprooVolovoye upravloniye Kirgizneft', (Fargana--PetroleummologO (Fergana--Gas, Natural-Geology) UK, YO.K. ResultB of gas proapecting in northorn fergana (Kirghisintan). Gaz#prom. 4 no.10:1~-3 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Pergam-Gas, Natural-Geology) SOZOLOV. ROZLNOV, N.K.j SHNBIRV. I.A. Trends In further oil and gas prospecting in the Fergana Valley. Geol.nefti I gaza 3 no*12:13-16 D 159, (MIRA 13:4) 1. Ferganskiy neftyanay kombinat lirgisneft' I VeasoyuzW nauchno-iesledovatellskiy geologo-razvedoohnyy neftyanoy institut ONI(RU), (Fergana-Petroleum gaolo&v) (Yerganoo-Aae. Natural-Geo:Logy) VASILIYEV, Yu.14,; GIBSHMAN, . o;,_,KOPTf,L1TSEV, A.A.; LIP K.A.; CHARYGIN, M.M. Initial results of super-deep drilling in the Caspian Lowland. Trudy 1GNKHiGP no.43:213-217 163. (MIRA 17:4) ZLIZ.MAv A.G,; KAN, Ye.K. , . .1 . Outlook for finding oil and gas pools in i3ediments overlying salt deposits Im the Volga-Ural interfluve, Geol. nefti i gaza.7 no.6. 8-14 je 163. (J.= 16:9) 1. Trest Urallokneftegazrazvedka i Kazakhiskiy po3-itekhnicheakiy institute Y --r northern bc:rdarl d an Q,& Oacip~w,',,~; of A i; ga.; and oll content. nel-ld t no." (MIRA 18:3) Ye. L. "Date, Relating to the Audy of the Influence of the Nervous 3vs'uejr on the Comnosition of the Blood." Cand Iled Sci, Inst of Acad Sci U-38H. Loning-rad, 195 3 - (RZI'Bi-,-', 'No 1, Se!, 51) SO: Ima 4302, 20, Lar 55 Development of experimental anemia as a result of denarration of the spleen. Blul.eksp.biol.i mod. 37 no-3:29-33. * 1_54, Oa-RA 7:6) 1. Is laboratorii fiziologii reteeptorov (zav. chlen ANN SSSR VA.4hernigovskiy) Insituta fitiologii imeni I.P.Pavlova AN (AXIMLA, experimental. *6ff.'.of spleen denoxvation) (SPI M , physiology, Oeff..of denervation on exper. anemia) b Iffeot of stimulation of gastric mechanereceptors on erythrocyte an d leukocyte composition of the blood. Biul.elkep.biol. i med. 38 noAt.12-18 Ag 054. (NLRA 7:9) 1. Iz laboratorti fiziologii retseptorov (sav. deyetvitellw chlon AHN SBSR V.N.Chernigovskky) Instituta fisiolog:li Iment I.P.Pavlova (dir, akademik F-A.Bykov) AMR SSSR, Leningrad. (STOMACH, physiology, off. of stimulation, mechanical, on orythrocyte & loukocyte counts, (IRYTBROMISO count, off. of mechanical stimulation of stomach) (LINOGM COUNT.- eff. of mechanical stimulation of stcomach) Al, Ye - k" . USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T-3 Blood. Blood Diseases. Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16) 1958, 74690 Author : Kan, Ye.Le, Vavilin, G.I. Inst P. 3 Title On the Mechanism of the Development of Experimental jbiemia Which Appears in Connection vith Llenervation of the Spleen, Orig Pub Arldiiv patologii, 1957, 19, No 21 61-63. Abstract In chronic tests on 18 cats, denervation (D) of the spleen (S) was carried out. In all cases, ex 'pressed hypochromic normocyotic anemia developed, lasting IA-7 months- In 14 cats, the most expressed anemia was noted on the 5-24th day. luiemia was caused by strong hemolysis, since after D the content of bilirubin in the serun and hemosiderin in the S, bone marrow (BM), liver and kicineys did not change. In 50% of the cats anemia proceeded with peripheral Card 1/3 4P USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological), T-3 Blood, Blood Diseases, Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biole, No 16, 1958, 7469o peripheral blood, The number of leukoc3rtes after D increa- sed by 32-299%) and in one case by 488% (58,700 Per 1 mm3). In 21 tests on 5 cats with fistula of the stomach. and dener- vated S) the wale of the stomach vere stimulated by in- flation with a rubber balloon, D vas conducted in single animls resulting in the increase of the nwaber of E., in others to the decrease, and in some to tb~e decrease of the number of E following their temporary increase. Also in- significant fluctuations of the number of E vere observed., resembling "spontaneous ones" in intact animalso D of S has little bearing on the reactiveness of vhite blood. -- A.D. Beloborodova, 1. Iz grappy doystritellnogo cUem ANN SM prof. M. D. Tuchinskogo i iz labomtorii skqvriwntallnoy patologii (zav.-starahly nauaknV. sotradnik Ed. G. S. Nan) Leninaradakogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir.-prof. A. D. Semenow, nauabn" konsulltant - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof. V. N. Cheraigovskiy) Card -4/-A 43 - TUSHINSKIY, II.D., STAVS-KAYA, V.V., TAROSHBVSKIY, A.Ta., DAVIDENKOVA, Ye.F., SUaLATO, Te.S., KAN, Ys.L., SKRATABINA, Ye.A. (Leningrad) Clinical aspects of the pRndemia of influenza. in 1957. Klinmed. 36 no-5:43-48 My 158 (MIRA 11:7) (31?~UANZAp epidemiolog7 , in Ruesia, pandemin, (Rus)) W., Ye. L. Hemopoietic properties of the serum of healthy and anemic animals. BiuLeksp. biol. i mod. 49 no.2:55-61 F 160. (NIRA .14:5) 1. Iz gruppy deystvitA)Ilskogo ohlena ANN SSSR ';14.D.Tushinslcogo i laboratorli eksorimentallnoy patologii i'terapii (zav. G.S.Kan) IA3ningr&dskdgo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. A.D.Semenov. Predstavlana deystvitellnym chlencim AM SSSR M.D. TUshinsIcim, (ARMA) (HEMOPOiETIC SYSTFAM) TUSHIVMY, M.D.; STAVSKAYA, V,V.; BOGORODSKAYA~ T.A. KANj Ye. L.; LEMmInvo V.V. (leningrad) Some clinical and diagnostic problems in influenza,, no.1204-60 161. (MIM 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtichealcoy terapii (zava - prof* M*D. Tushinukiy) I laninUadekogo moditainskogo instituta imeni LP, Pavlova. (nnu=A) KAN, G.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;.KAN, I. - st&rshiy nauchnyy sotrudnikj POLKTAYEVA, K.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Experimental tuberculosis of the spleen and its interrelation with the nervous system. K izueh.roli nerv.sist.v pat., immunj lech. tub. no.2t46-62 161. (KM 15:10) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy patologii J terapii (zav. - G.S.Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. A.D.Semenov) i gruppy deystvitellnogo ohlena AMN SSSR prof. M.D.Tushinskogo. (SPLEEN--TUBERCULOSIS) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Effect of deafferentation of the extremity on the blood system and the development of a focus of specific inflammation in the skin of dogs. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v pat., immun i lech.tub, no.2:212-218 161. iMM 15:10) 1. Iz gruppy deystvitellnogo chlena AMN SSSR pr,Df. M.D.Tushinskogo i laboratorii eksperimentalinoy patologii i terap.1i (zav. - G.S.Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza. (SKIN--TUBERCULOSIS) (EXTREMITIES (ANA'ro4-INNERVATION) (HEMDPOIETIG SYSTEM) J~N,_ Ye.L.., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHKOLINIKOVA, M.D., starshiy '---fi7aiT6hnyy sotrudnik Study of the changes in the blood system during the formation of antibaberculosis immunity and following superini'.ection. K izueh. roh ner*v,sist.v pat., immun.i lech.tub. no.2:2.11-280 161. (MW 150-0) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy patologil i terapii (zav. - G.S.Kan) Liningradakogo nauchno-issledovatel skogo instituta tuberkuleza. (IMMUNOHEMAMLOGY) (TUBERCULOSIS) KANO Ye.L. Physiological mechanisms of imwnity to tuberculosis. Report No. is The affect of antituberculosis vaccination of lemeocytio reactions provoked by the parenteral administration of milk. biul.eksp. biol.i m'ed. 54 no.11t8O-83 N 162. (KMA 15-.12) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii (zav. G.S,Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel'sku-go instituta tuberkuleza dir. - prof. A.D.Semenov),Predstavlena akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (TUBERCULOSIS-PREVENTIV INOCULATION) (T-EUGOCYTFS) KAN, Ye,L, Complement fixation reaction in BCG-vaceinated rabbits. Biul.elisp, biol.i med. 57 no.5159-62 MY 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Laboratoriya akeparimentallnoy patologii i terapii (zav. G.S. YAn) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo institute tuber- kuloza (dlr. - prof. A.D.Semenov). Submitted February 4, 1963. KAN, G.S.1 KAN, Ye.L. Effect of antituberculous vaccination on post-transfusion shook. Biul. eksp, biol. i med. 57 no.6:64-69 Je 164, (MIRA 18:4) 2. Diboratoriya eksperi-mentallnoy patologii i terapii (zav. - G.S. Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts. tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. A.D.Semenov). I SOV/130-53--6-?/20 AUTHORS: Ful'makht, V.V.,.- Kan, Ye.M. and Chumichev, A.G., Engineers !'-MLE: The Largest Installla~dn the World for the Continuous Casting of Steel ~Samaya krupnaya v mire ustaaovka nepreryvnoy razlivki stali) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, i~r 6, PP 15 - 17 MOM) ABSTRACT : The authors describe a four-machine~c-,onti-nuous-easting installation designed jointly by the Giprostall and the Tsentrallnyy nauchno issledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metall- urgii ',Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy). This installation is being built in the melting, shop of the Stalino. Metallurgical Works for casting four billets or slabs simultaneously of carbon and low-alloy steels from 140-ton ladles. Thickness and width ranges are 120-250 and 600-1200 mra, respectively and casting speed is U-6-1.2 m/min. All units are in a 25-m dia. reinforced concrete-faced pit with its bottom 24 m below floor level; the pouring platforn, is 7 m. above it,, The platform has four 14-ton tundishes, two of which are in reserve. The tundishes can be quickly moved with the aid of rotary and lifting tables. The four moulds are of the independent-wall construction and each wall consists of an inner copper and an outer cast-iron plate with channels for coolin- 0 Cardl/3 water between them; the mould for a particular size of billet SOV130-58-6-~/20 'The Largest Installation in the World for the Continuous Cast-ine of Steel is assembled in a special holder. There is a special device for lubricating the inner walls when pourin.- starta. The, casting is started with the aid of three-part primer, 13.3 in long, with a swallow-tail top which forms a bottom for t'_ae mould. The primer is lowered by the machine roller system and is split into its component parts and stored. Each directing roller-section, with a total length of 10.5 m, consists of an .upper and a lower part, the rollers being 140 x 1 200 mm. The billet is spray-cooled as it passes down the section and then enters the drawing stand provided with hollow, water-cooler rollers, Under each drawing stand is a flame-cutting install- ation-which cuts the billet into lenGths of 4.2 - 5~2 m, The cutting system descends at the casting speed and can be raised at 0-3 m/sec. The cut billets are raised by 16-ton lifts (one for each pair of machines) to the floor level. Inst-rumentation is provided on panels at the pouring and intermediate levels, television is available for remote observation and a loudspe-alief system for intercommunication. A model of the installation is on exhibition at the Brussels fair. An annual saving of 9.4 Card 2/3 SOV/130-58-6-2/20 The Largest Installation in the World for the Continuous Gasti.Dc- of Steel 0 million roubles is expected from the use of the continuous instead of ordinary methods of casting. There are two figures. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'Wy nauchno-issledovatel'ski,y institut chernoy metallurgii kCentral Research Institute for iferrous Metallurgy) Card 3/3 1- Steel.-GAAW 2. Industrial plants -:Equipment SOV/133-513-11-6/25 AUTHORS: Boychenkc., M.S., Candidate of Technical. Sciences, Gavrilov, O.T., Kan, Yu.B. and Kononov, B.Z., Engineers TITLE: Semi-continuous Cas'~11-r,.7f-Staidess Steel (Poluneprer- yvmaya razlivka nerzhaveyushchey stali) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Ar 11, pp 983 - 98? (USS)R) ABSTRACT: Semi-continuous casting of steel lKhl81iM9T into slabs 1?5 x 300 mm for the production of col&-rolled sheets is described. Steel is smelted in a 20ton basic electric furiiace and after casting eight 4-tdn ingots the remaining steel is poured igto an intermediate capacity preheated to 1 100 -- 1 200 C of the semi-conzinuous casting machine. Yrom the intermediate capacity the me8al is passed intc a crystal.-Liser mould) through a 90 bend passage with a velocity of 1 100 - 1 200 mWmin and is cast into slabs 4 cOO mm long, weighing 1 700 kg. The initially used and subsequently modified casting equip- ment; is ahown in i~igaree 'A. and 2, respectively. The main diffioulty th obtaining quality sheets was the form-.nt-.I-cn of sk-&'.n on the surface of the metal in the crystalliser and its subsequent passage into the ingot. To prevent this. a wooden plank is placed on the level Cardl/4 of the metal of a somewhat smaller cross-section than SOV/133--58-11-6/25 Semi-continuous Casting of Stainless steel that of the slab. In the centre of the Plank an upening for the passage of -the stream of metai is made. Such plarAs protect the surface of the metal from oxidation, dezrease heat losses and form a good lubri- cation of the walls of the crystalliser during casting, as they evolve volat.'Iee condenaing on the walls. The above tonsiderably deareased the formation of skin. Cast slabs are weighed and cut into measured lengths using an alumini'um-magnesium Dowder (the width of the out 8-12 mm). From the head part about 250 lm (about 5.5% of the length) is -,u-t off in order to remove shrinkage cavity (Figure 3). The surface of the slabs is planed to a depti of about 5 mm. The mac=ostructure of the oust mlab is shown in Figare 4. Two main forms of non- metallila inclusions were observed: a) titanium nitrides, situated in groups in the underskin layer, in the a~:ial zone at a distance cf 1/4 of the slab thickness (Figure b) ve=-,y J"Jine inclusions i_n the form of thin, broken chainz which are probably earbo-nitrides (Figure 50. The -mioro struc ture of the netall was dendriti,i, more coarse in the middle than. at the surface Card2/4 of tb.-, 91~b (F-igure 6). Mechanical properties and SOV/133-58-11-6/25 ~emi-continuous Casting of Stainless Steel resistance to intor-crystalline corrosion of cold-rolled sheets fl-om ordinary and semi-continuously cast ingots was approximately the same and corresponded to require- ments of TU 3126-52. The surface quality of the sheets from the above two kinds of ingots was the same. The process of crystallisation of semi-continuouslY cast Blabs was investigated using radioactive phosphorus. Samples of radioactive phosphorus mixed with powdered iron and enclosed in a copper tube (about 100 mm. long) were fixed to a steel rod which was introduced into the slab immediately after the end of casting (casting velocity 1 000 mm/min). The results of the investigation (shown in Figure 7) indicated that permissible linear velocity of casting is within a range of 1 100 - 1 200 mm/min. During the development of the practice, altogether 130 tons of the steel were cast in this manner with a coefficient of utillsationof metal of 1.96 instead of 2.11 when producing cold.-rolled sheets from ingots. There are ? figures and 2 Soviet references. Card3/4 r4i-continuouz casting of Stainless Steel SOV/13:5-58-11-6/25 ASSOCIATIONS: TsNIIChM and Zavod "Krasny if y Oktyabr'" ("Krasnyy Oktyabrl Works) Card 4/4 S/133/6Q/001)/009/011/015 A054/AO29 AUTHORS: Xan, Yu.Ye., Matevosyan, Ye. P., Kononov, B.Z. TIM: Comparing the Quality of IX181M (M18N9T) ngots Produced by th~k Semi-Continuous an by the Conventional Methods PERIODICAL: Stal', 1960., No.19, pp. 846-849 TE(T.- From the ingots produced according to the conventionaJ. methods in. a basic are fu=aee a longitudinal template was made, while from the.ingots pro- duced according to the "semi-continuous" method longitudLnal and tr&nsve'rse ters- PI ates were mads In various arrangements. As to the maorostruoture, no basic) dif ference was found between the two kinds of specimens, in the %em.L-oontinuoun" specimins, however, an external approximately 7 mm thick case was observed; fuz- thermore, the crystallites in these specimens had a somewhat smaller cross-SDC, tion in the transcrystallization zone. The microEtrictura! tests conf irmed the as- sumption of several authors (Ref. 2) that the quantity of oc .-phase dezreases as the Mstallization rate Inoreases. In the border-zone of The "semi-continuous ingots the inclusions of the M -phase are smaller and are more evenly distrib ed over the basic austentte structure than in the conventional Ingot%,s. Chemleal ana- Card V2 22313 S/13 61/0013/004/002/015 A054YA127 AUTHORS: Rutes, V. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Katomin, B. N., Engineer; Kan, Yu. Ye.-A Engineer; Petrov, V. K., Engineer, and Lobano~_, V. V., Engineer TITLEt Adopting the process of the continuous casting of carbon steel at the Novo-Lipetsk metallurgicheskiy zavod (Novo.-Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant) PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 4, 1961t 311 - 317 TEXT: Two units for continuous casting of carbon steel have been in operation in the Novo-Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant since 1959 and 1960, re- spectively. The units.used for casting 150 x 620, 150 x 770 and 170 x 1020 mm slabs are arranged vertically (TsNIIChM-design), the pits a:re 16.5 m deep, while the 90-ton ladle is mounted 9 m above the workshop floor. ME!t- al is poured into the crystallizer via a 5 - 7-ton intermittent ladle. The unit consists of two independent maohinon, each containing a crystallizer, secondary system, pulling stands, gas cutters, discharge devices (Fig. 1). The intermittent ladle is provided with spouts, (28 - 30 mm in diameter), Card 1/~'i 22 13 S/133y661/000/004/002/'015 Adopting the process of the continuous casting... A054/A127 in accordance with the oomposition of the steel. The crystallizer consists of double-sheet walls, 1-5 m, long, the inner sheet is made of chromium- bronze (SpXpO.6 BrKhrO.6), the outer of steel. Cooling water is supplied at a rate of 150 250 ou m/h to flow between the sheets. The crystallizer reciprocates vertically over 20 mm, (downward) by means of a roller-system, synchronously with the slab, while its upward motion is 3-times faster thall that of the slab. The inoculator (9 m long) has a special groove on its upper part (in the crystallizer), ensuring strong bond with the slab. The dooling device, 6.5 m long, is provided with frames, connected with 120-1am diameter rolls. The frames can be adjusted to the slab size. The cooling area is divided into 3 zones, the water flow can be independently controllel on each side and for each zone. Water consumption as a function of slab seotion-size and type of metal varies between 30 and 75 cu m/h. The slabs are removed from the crystallizer by pulling equipment consisting of four 300-mm diameter guiding beams, which are pressed to the slabs by means of IL hydraulic system (40 - 60 atmospheres). Immediately after discharging the slabs are out to pieces 6 - 8 m long, by 2 oxy-acetylene cutters with 3-m stroke. The equipment is completed with a roll-over machine and conveying Card 2K 22313 S11 33/61/()00/004/002/015 Adopting the process of the continuous casting... A054/A127 faoilities. As this was the first continuous casting machino of such large size, literature gave no indications as to its operation. In the beginning 150 x 620 mm. slabs were cast and in the first month not one out of 12 ladles could be poured completely, while in the second month out of 18 ladles 6 could be poured. Operation had to be interrupted mostly due to the troubles with the intermittent ladle, some other parts of the equipment and the de- formation of slabs observed under the discharge device. Thia drawback could be eliminated by improving secondary cooling conditions. Also the faulty 4, operation of the spouts, rupture of the plugs could be eliminaved. A fre- quent cause of trouble was the tendency of the metal to break through under the crystallizer, mainly by the slag inclusions which are difficult to re- move from the narrow aide of slabs. The crystallizer operate; 'on was often affected by water-leakage through the sheets, due to their burning out. The greater the slabs, the simpler and easier the casting process, Since November 1959, 170 x 1020 mm slabs have been produced from killed carbon steel. The amount of faulty castings was reduced from 30-g1'. to 2.9i, in. 6 months. The temperature of the liquid metal in the 90-ton ladle was tested in the 15800 - 16400C range. The optimum temperatures are 11:5000 - 16300G~ Below 16000C there is the risk, of the metal clogging the spouts of the inter- Card 3/~ 22313 S11331611000100410021015 Adopting the process of the continuous casting... A054/A127 mittent ladle, whereas above 16300C rupture of the metal under the crystal- lizer and longitudinal fractures on the broad sides of the slab can be ex- pected. The optimum pouring speed for 150 x 620 mm. (A) slabs was 0.05 - 0 90 m/min, for 150 x 770 mm (B) slabs: 0.75 - 0.80 m/min and for 170 x 1;20 mm. (C slabst 0.50 - 0.60 m/min. The metal consumption in the same sequence - want A: 550 - 610 kg/min, Bt 690 - 740 and Ct NO 850 kg/min. When pouring under the lowest rate, the sPouts of the intermittend ladle tend to get ologged and due to the longer pouring time, the operat~;jn of the ladle-stoppers was affected. An increase of the pourinG rate above the max- imum (0.90 m/min) may result in rupture of the metal under the crystallizer. For cooling water consumption ~n the crystallizer) the following values were found (in cu m/h)t slabs A: 150 - 200; slabs B: 195 - 210; Blabs Ct 225 - 250. Water consumption for secondary cooling, (in cu m/h): slabs A: 31 -34, slabs B'- 37.5 - 41, slabs C: 44 - 52. Heat dissipation, (1 ')6 Cal/h): slabs A: 1.7; slabs B: 1.9; slabs 0: 2.0. In the early operation of the equip- ment waste was considerable: in November 1959 2646. The main defects are longitudinal cracks, leaks, beads, slag inclusions, etc. Longitudinal sur- face cracks appeared frequently which could be prevented by pouring the Card 4/'Z:S,-- Adoptin.g.the process of the continuous castinr ... S/13 61/000/004/002/015 YA127 A054 mot,al into the crystallizer vxcantricallr, at 25b MM from ~hc thi.-I Wall O'L the crystL allizer And by applying the optimum sulfur and carbon content of the metal. At a carbon content of 0-14','0 and a sulfur content below '0.020;; no cracks formed; at 0-17~o' carbon content the allowed sulfur conten t 4 S 0.0201ifo.' The othex types of defects could be eliminated' by improving the operation of the intermi.ttent ladled, stoppers, etc. Bead formation was prevented by maintaining the. kequired level of the metal in. the crystallizer~ by reducing the coating of the intermittent. ladle -and improving the removal of slag the amount of slag incluellons were reduced. in March 1960, the rate of flawless 170 x 1020 mm slabs from killed carbon steel -,,,,as as high as 94 - 96~1'), the maxinium wast7d: 1 .%6. The slabs wer.'a rolled into 2.5 - 3.0 mm and-10 - 25 = ohe-elts and it was found that sheets*of oast slabs have the same plasticity and surface-quality as those made of rolled slabs. Mechanical propartips, microstructure and macrostructure of' the cast slabs Meet the standard 41~3_rements. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIOR: TsNIIC and Novo-Lipetskiy fae-IV-allurGicheskiy'zaTod (Novo- Metallurgical Plant') Lipett Card 5/8, INW2 AUTHOR: Kg&, Engineer TITLU-. -11"oss-ibilities 0 Increasing Blooming Millgl1from Equipment PERIODICAL: Hutnicke' listy, Z/03'i/60/000/013/002/030 E073/E335 the Rate of Production of the Point of View of the Mechanical 1960, Nr 8, pp 596 - 597 ABSTRACT: This paper was presented at aponference on RollialL hold on March 9-10, 1960, in Prague. By calculation and actual measurements eit the WMG Works it was proved that a considerably higher performance can be achieved with existing equipment tban is being achieved at present. For this purpose it is n~:t:essary to eliminatev/ the existing bottlenecks in the soaking pits and to increase the power of the driving motors. Whilst in the USSR and USA increasing use is being made of pulling ingot trolleys by ropes, this has so far not been applied in Czechoslovakia for fear of high rates of rope failure and the necessity of stretching the ropes due to the considerable length. involved, which is about 270 m at NHKG. Various measures are recommended, namely, modifications in the design of the rolling stands (substituting AC driveB of the rollers card.1/2 Z/034/6o/ooo/o8/O02/ 030 Possibilities of Increasing the Rate JORAULon of Blooming Mills from the Point of View of the Mechanioal Equipment by individual DC drives), the manipulators, the shears (including the removal of the waste material cut off by j,-- the shearls)l substitution of mesh filters used at prosant by lamella filters, as was done in the blooming mill of VZKG, which was supplied to Russia. Furthermore, bearings from synthetic materials should be substituted by anti- friction bearings. ASSOCIATION: Hutni projekt, Ostrava (Metallurgical-project. Offic.-e, Ostrava) Card 2/2 WA) go- 1-~ - . ~ - - ~ - - - --- Business accounting used by a complex group of workers in housing con- struction, p. 324P POZEMNI STAVBY, (Ministerstvo stavebnict-vi) Praha, Vol. 3f No. 83 Aug. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Librnry of Congress, I Vol. 0,4, No. 120 December 1956 I ISDRICKY, Zop i=.; IKANAp Z,,p inz, Therml col&tjons of coking-ovon batteries. Paliva 41 no.1:14-19 A 'a- l. Nova hut )Llementa Gottwaldas koksovna. KANA., R. KW.p R. Using continual building methods carried out by complex (cyclic) warkersI unit in Blovald.a. p. 258. Vol h no. 7 July 1956 PMO d' STAVi& TECHNOU)aY Praha$ Czechoslovikia So: East European Accbgxion Vol. 6., no. 2., 1957 KANAq R. Use of assembly-line method of building in Slovakia. p. 742. POZEMNI ShVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnietvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 2, Februai-y 1955. SOURCE: Fast European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol.-A No. 12, December 1956. Kaim,q R. Kanap R. The rianufacture and conveyance of mortar in constructinj; a housing development in Prievidza. P. 83. Vol- 5, no. 2, Feb- 1957. POZEMNI STAVBY TECIRiOLOGY Czechoslovalda So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6., No. 5., May 1957 KANAI T. Electric power in industrial enterprises. p. 617, TECHNICKA FRACA. (Rada vedodWch technickych opoloenDati pri Slovemakej akademii vied) Bratislava, Czedhoslovakia* Vol, 11, no, 8. Aug* 1959a Monthly list of East European Accessions (EKAX),, W. Vol. 8, no. 10,, Oct. 1959, Unol. .1 MRIM19141 KANA, Tomas, inz. -.1. ...... For saTing of fuel and power in industries. Ehergetika Cz 11 no,ll: 562 N 161, (Fuel) (Power resources)