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Use of ManGanes~'! Ore in the Scrap P~.,oceoo With Lpi-~,-ManCane~se Cast Iron SOVI-1 3~0-60-1,8/22 p-resence of manganese in the metal prior to deoxidation occasionally eliminates the need for fer-romanganese additions and generally decreases -i's consumption by '8. 6 (2) slag enrichment by manganese oxide in quantities of I to 1.5% in the total charge effectively activizes desulfurization; (3) in the conversion of low-manganese cast ii' ~on it is advisable to add more manganese ore during finishing. There is I table, ASSOCIATION: "Sarkanays Metalurgs" Metal lurgical. Plant in Lepaya (Liyepayskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod "Sarl~anays Meta lurgs Card 3/3 KAMNSKIY., YU.A.; TOIC, G.K. Ttidv'~iising tht strength of tho substructure vault of an open- hearth fuHadb. Biul.tekh.-el,,on.inform.Gos.neLuch.-issl,inst.nauch.i tekh.inforid. no.90-5 163. (KRA 16:10) k-- KAYIENSKIY, N.A.; PODOLISKAYAY G.A. - . Single-channel balkhead of mavit-heat4)d open-hearth furnaces. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nattrh.-issl.inst.nauch.i te'kh.inform. - no.9:5-7 163. (MMA 16:10) KAMR;SKII,,__Tj4.,A.; TOMS, G.K. Service of a braced and suspended basic roof over the lower part of an opm-hearth furnace. Matallurg 9 no.12224-26 Ja 164 (I MIRA 18 -.1) 1. Naclialtnik martenoys?,ogo tsekha Llyepayskogo metallurgin-hesko'go zavoda 118aekanays Metalurgal" (for Kamenskly). 2, "amestitel I na-- challnika martAxiovskogo tse-kha Li:~repayskogo zavoda "Saikanays metallurgs'O (for Toms). PRES14ANP A.S.'; KAbIRNSKIYP-Xu!~-!.*--- Apparatus for experimental study of the excitability of.a. nervo- =sole pwaparation during irradiation by microwaves. Biofizilat 6 no. 2s231-233 161. (MW 3.1,,:4) 1, GoaudArstvennyy institut kurortologii i'fizioterapiip Moskviko (MICROWAM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMCIT) (P M IOLOGICAL APPARATUS) PRESMup A.S.; WENSKIII Yu.I.; LEVITINA, INA. (Moskva) Biolog-4ca2 effect of mioramves. Usp. scvr. biol. 51 no.1:84-103 Ja-F 161. (MIRk 14:3) (MICROWAVES-PHYSIOLOGIGAL FTFECT) N .~-67 WW/JD/JG 'AP6027db6'_- (;IV) SOU RCE CODE U 11/0148/66/000/005/0073/0077 ~Yu. M~.; Sukhot B. N.; Y AUTHOR: Afanaslyev, Yu. 1. ORG: 'Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Mosk-ovskiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE: Certain problems of the orystallization,,of ingots of clectroslag-remelted metal. Report 1. 1~6 /4 SOURCE. IVUZ. Chernaya motallurgiya, no. 5, 1966, 73-77 TOPIC TAGS: metal crystallization, electroslag melting, metal melting, molten metal ABSTRACT: Oriented crystallization is one of the chief advantages of the electroslag re- melting process, but it r-WAres the observance of specified conditions. Thus, the optimal depth of the molten metal[ bath must be one-half of the diameter (side) of the crystallizer, for-ingots weighing up to 1000 kg. The optimal form of the molten.metal bath irk the case of a cone-shaped crystallizer is assured by maintaining a constant linear rate of ingrot build-up, which can be done by gradually reducing the electrode feed rate, on the basis of the equation: S 0 As the rate of Vb '-- Vr. b. L - where vb is the linear in- t build-up rate: vr. b. Ve =-2-= 0 or e rise in the level of the slag bath (for a constant height of slagr bath vb = Vr. b.); Ve is the linear Card _UDQ:.669.Q8V_532.11L_ L 04736-67 ACC NRt AP6027005 electrode feed rate; So is the cross sectional area of electrode (S. const); and, Ser is the cross sectional area of the crystallizer (decreasing with height). The consbincy of the optimal shape of the molten metal bath Is also assured by a definito ratio between the solidification rato vS and the build-up rate vb (Fig. 1.) , such that v. soniewhat caceeds vb. Further, an vi, Fig. 1. Ratio between linear rates of build-up vb'and- solidific.Ltion vs assuring constancy of opti- Mal shape of the molten metal bath. I-M melting stages; A v z: vs- v b 1 - AV 0; 1[ - AV < 0; M - J66V > 0 Tfine, min, 2/3 L OL736-67 Acc-"NR -' " - - ' - AP6027005 (r ! investigation of the pattern of variation in the intensity of heat transfer from the slag bath and ingot to the crystallizer walls, performed with the aid of a technical themometer, shows that the bath depth may be optimized by assuring dic completion of tho process of crystalli- zation at a given level prior to any marked. recession -- due to horizontal and vertical shriak- age -- of the ingot and ihe slag crust from the crystallizer walls and thu6 preserving contact with, and hence also the cooling effect of, the crystallizer walls and preventing distortions of ingot shape. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. PUB CODE: 13, V,' SUBM DATE: 190et65/ ORIG REIF: 003 ,C.:ard. 3/3 OL- mum 1 9 1 M V AQ. AP5026298 SUR CODHI Yu. H. er) Y-a"yo) I )-I t _ _ of tacluttf tkildeb) ORG": [Komenakiy, Sukhotinj HO6cOw SerP i Holot Plont (Hookovskiy ravod "Serp i Holat"); (Yavoyskly) liotICOV InOtItute oESteel anT-Wl-loys (Moskovoki.y Inetitut stall i Fplavov) TIT1.19: Use of single-phase transformers in electrovirg inelti installistions SOURCE: Avtoinaticbeekays evarka, no. 10, 1965, 69-71 14 TOPIC TAGS: electric tranaformer, electroplag melti-ig, voltage regiOntinn, clog EQM.single phlase tranoformer ATISTRAM The recontly developed E"-2000/)O single-phnne traiinfOTMern tiled for the clectroolog refining of metalo are superfor to the three-plumne trnni;formcro pre-- viously employed for this purpooe. They linve a Itirger niimber of vnltftRc atagen uhich, I moreover, can ba ovitched under load. In this connection, the atithorn prenent the re- oulto of an experimental inveotigation which iiho:- Lhait during the. inalting -die voltnA0 in the slag bath tends to ineveave somewhat (8-10 v), which leadp to a correaponding Lneritatie in power requiriment and in the temperature of slag and w"tal, no well " 9 a ICard _ 112 UDC.-621.79L.'9i62I.31/#.2 I fill I I In In I III] I I H I 11.411F.1 III I I I IV HIt I; I I 11H L M321-66 ACC NRi AP5026298 [ rive In melting rate, which resulLo in sn Itir-rease In the depth of thp t"n1t-P pool 1with all the adverse consequences that thin 'entails. To compensate [Pr tile rise it% volta-,e, ant In lo for instantaneous fluctuations in power-systev, volLnre. tile trnl,n- former stages are periodically switched at Lhe optimal time Instsiot divrinR tile neli!ng so as i m~,inta.n a fairly constant power level. Thl.ei is accompllighed with the old of an effic'ent c trrent regulator. As a corollary, a bnsic requirement for an effective electroslag multing: stability of the electric regimet, must be redefined- flow tills stability does not mean a fixed level of siich parameters as current Intennit;, voltsRol lor electrode feeding rate, throughout r,11a oolting process, WhInt in necer"Ory rather is a continuous, flexible control of the variation in these parametare during tho :melting process. The ingots thus produced are of a more uniform quality, Orig. art. I r 1has: 4 figuresp I table* SUB COOR 1 09t 11/ VJ&4 VATXV 20*64/ ORIG ROFt 001/ OM 1111V 000 4 2/2 C rd W'P b 'WIP a A 0502620,11 MB _CDDI: 0/0115/65A00/010/0069/0071 YOLTO no DU R. (Ungineer) Nth S 11 1 7. -Doottir COG: Ito '4~k4,i 0 *Sel* zftu I MOIAt, Flant Oloskovekiy stava "Serp A Ta 4i I etltuta~o Iteel and-Allple. (Makcreskiy institut istall sp U'VOW Ai,ft alectroslax malting inotallations TITLEi t6j~~I~Ohs' `xiA~Ofor"rsl s6 xm toza 4p qO ya! ~0,44rka, no. 10, It965, 09-71 TO] -melting, voltage reguls-tion, :slag 0 , Ld;~ sin le-phave transZormr-9 used 10f AMM Y ~ t , 4 the I *I* f `Ze '' li-6i~ ---tj %to the three-phaswtr f an$ orme S:Oroi, ~h pog t. ts supe or rg pre- Niiip- US-11710M Iye& t6i~ ks~j ~p'oxii Tho have a larger number of voltage stages which, Moreov~ri'-' 4A Ibe Oar ion-El''In this connection, the auth(ns precant the re- age sul expeTfinen, 91 14 ~stlg-~tion.vbich shows thmt duving the malting the volt in the sto ibath tends to,t9tresse so~isvhat.(8-10 v), which leads to a correspondin d, I' han , u the taiparature of slag and wittal, as well as a, Increade I, civet rq~~ 1/2 Card 7- 2/1 cc . -I .. isms= .39797 Z/041/62/000/001/001/002 2,00 El60/E135 AUTHORS: Vadovic', Fridrick, Engineer,'Candidate of Sciences, and.AkmAnskj. Antuu-,-Engineer TITLE: A contribution towards, photoelastometric separation of principal stresses PERIODICAL: Strojnicky" 6asopis no.1, 1962,'45-54 A TEXT: Some methods-of separation of principal stresses are based on,Laplace's differential equation, where the independent variable is the sum of the principal stresses. Since its solutioh'-,~- ,., 1 -4 is complicated, and-sometimes even impossible, approximate methods are employed and one of,them is described in -the present paper. With the help of Taylor's series the expression giving the 20 approximate value of the second derivative in the Laplace equation is obtained. The area formed by the harmonic function of the sum of the principal stresses is then replaced by a rosette of fibres, J, the number and concentration of which are chosen to suit each particular problem, The heights at the extremities of these .fibres,-i.e. where they cut the circumference, represent the values of the sum of the principal atresses. The height of the Card 1/3 Z/041/62/000/001/001/002 A contribution towards photo- E160/EI35 fibre in the contre of the rosette represents the first approximation to the value of a har 'monrie function,. The final value_' of the harmonic function, i.e. the, value of the sum of the principal stresses, is obtained aim a weighed average of values of the individual fibres. ThIs method gives a very good approximation to the solution of the Laplace equation and it is claimed that in many cases the results are very accurate. A correction factor is also supplied for the cases which include concentrated.loading. A worked out example, bending of the corner of a frame, is given and the results compare favourably with those obtained by means of an electrical analog. This method can also be used in the case of bodies of revolution, where the sum of the principal stresses in-a cross-section is obtained by successive approximations. Usually, two or three such successive approximations are sufficient. A worked out example is also included for this case a stepped circular bar subjected *to tension. There are 9 figures and 2 tables, Card 2/3 VADDVIC Pridrich, doc., inzo, G.So.,-, 4~ ~NSXY Ar4b)n, inze Now method for =*rical oolution of plane istress. Stroj cas 14 n40s219-229 163. 1. KdLtedra pru2nosti a povnoati, Slovenska -rjsoka ekola teoWcka,, BmUslava. XAMENSKY, FdIgar, Inz.; TOUFAR, JIrIj inz. Chemical cleaning of steam turbine condensers. Energetika Cz 12 no..2:87-88 F 162. 1. Organizace pro racionalizact energetickycb zavodus n.p.9 Brno. ulul,.-shy, 1. It few remarks on the measurement of pirallel combinations of R, C arid R. L couplinp by means of standard measur-ing Instruments.. (Strojnoelektrotechnicky CaBoPis, Vol. 8, No. 2. 1957, BratislAiva, Czechoslavaki.2) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vo3 5, No. 8, Aug 1957. -. C) Uncl. BUTOMA, B.Ye.; YEGOROV, M.Ye.; DERFVYANKO, Yu.G.; KHABAKHPASHEV, A.A.; BAKAYEV, V.G.; ISHKOV, A.A.; KOLESNICIENKO, N.S.; KAIT,_fggEY,-V-9.; GORSHKOV, S.G.; KASATONOV, M.A.; ISHCENKOV, N.V.; AFANASIYEV, S.A.; TITOV, G.A.; LARIONOV, M.F. Boris Evgenlevich Klopotov; obituary. Sudostroenie 30 no.1101 164. (MIRA 18:3) TkTAUKIY. V.,B,; FWW~YAHMSKIY, V.A,; BUMOVA, T.N.; NAMOV, Y.V.; PETROV, T.G.; KOIEDRATIMA, V.V.-, XAM'TSIIY, I.Te.; CHMMMA, V.Y.; ALIKS21MA, N.P.; ARTS7BASHETA, T.F., BARANOVSKAYA, N.I.; BUSSHN, I.T.; VBFIDWSKO, I.A,; GRIMM, M*'A.; GOY10, Ye.A.; KOHKOT, A,I,; KOTOVIGH, V,A,,; LITVINSK&YA,, G.P.; MIKHEYNA, I,Y,; HOXIMNSKIT, V*A*.; PXMVA, L.V.; :POPOV, G.H.; SAFRONOVA, G.P.; SOBOLIVA. V.V.; STUWV, N.N.; TUGARINOVA. V.G.; SHAFRANOVSKIY, I.I.; SHMMHN, A.A.; UNULOV, K.P. O.H. Ansheilon-, obitu"y. Yont. IOU 12 no,,ILM52-154 157.(XIRA llt_l) (Ansheles, 09ip Markovich, 1885-1957) Studying the interlocking of certain gilicates and apatites. 1xv. vyo. ucheb. zav.; geol. i rzity. I no.10:132-134 0 158. (MIRA 12:9) 1.1eningradekly gosuW9tvennyj, universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova. Kafedra kristallografii. (SiliCELtOO) (Apatite) KANSHTSIV, IsTe . Statistical investigation of regular patterns of intergrowth of tremolite &nd apatite from Slyudyanka calcite veins [with summary in Fmgliehl. Veet*LGU 13 no,18:27-33 '58. (MIRK 32:1) (5Iyud,-amks--CaIcIte) (Orygtals--Growth) t4l i P TNI SOV(70-41F3 AUTHORS: Afanaslyeva, N.A., Namentsev, I. c.. ,rZI2W,2)r.-,cretsjciy,V.A. LI TITLE: Oscillaticno In the Pa etarr, r'~tl a Unit Calls of SpooilnexW of Qllart4 of Various OrIgiIII) PERIODICAL: Eristallografiya, 1959, Vol It, Nr 3, P-p 362-3565+ 1 platc; MR) ABSTRACT: The unit cell dimensions of 10 specimens olf quartz frorn different localities were measured to + 0.0002 X with an RKE focuaiing back-reflexion X-ray came7a. The a-pararacters varied betwoon 4.9121 and 4-9137 X and the c-parameters ~j Cb between 5.4031 and 5-405' Par-aiae"ars were fou. d fr m -A 2 1 ~?" 6 (e lines, 235 (0 CuK 70'.80) and CuK 78,60). a A colourless quartz crystal from Kozhiia (N. Ural) was used as a standard with dimenslons at 2 15 . 10of a = 4.91265 + 0.00007 R and c =- 5.4041 + mooo5 The 622 1i -ne-of germanium uras used as a staTidard; the Cu wavelength used was X = 1.5373si6 kx wj-ti-, a COnV,,:-.r.,j4 03-1 Cardl/3 Oscillations in the Parameters of the n s a pecimens of Quartz of Various Origins factor of 1.00202., Results for the 10 specimens vary with Aa =1 0.0016 and A c = 0.0020 1 which can, to some extent, boa correlated with the impurity content. 2Si +4 may be replaced by 2A1 +3 +,R~2 where R = Ca , big or Fe in one series of points or Si +4 may be replac-2d by AI+3+ R+ where R =-Na or Li in another series (of three) points. Acknowledgments are made to A.I. Zaltharchanko, Y&,Yo. Kostyleva and A.F. lybvontsh. There are 02 figures, 2 tables and 12 references, ot which 3 are Soviet, 9 English. ASSOCIATION: Loningradski), gosudarstvennyy universitet imen-i A.A. Zhdanova Mcningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov) Card 2/3 HTAZI, N.I.; FRANC-KAHMMSKIY, V.A.; KAMENTSEV, X.Ye. '," " N. - Twinning of qDartz and pyrite* Zap.Vses.min.ob-va 88 no.4:-460-464 '59. (MIRA. 12:11) 1. Deystvitellun chlen Vaesoyuzuogo mineralogichaskogo obahchestva. (Quartz) (FYrites) KAMTSEV, I.Ye, _ Intergrowing of apatite and feldspar from pegmatite veins in northern Karelia. Veiat.LGU 15 w.12:15-22 160. (HIU 13:6) (Roxelia-4patite) (Xarelia-yeldspar) 30552 7 trOO ~131 /6 / r31 S/564/61/003/000/028/029 211 D D231/D304 AUTRORs Frank-Kamolketakiy, V, A., and Kamentseyp I* Yea TITLE: X-ray inventigation of synthetic quartz SOMCEt Akademiya nauk S88R. Institut kristallografil. Rost kristftllovl Y. 39 19619 468-474 TEXT: The present. state of the lilArature is discussed, and it is ahovu that there are considerable variations in the lattice constants of quartz crystals grown under different conditions. Similar variations are observed for samples of natural quartZ of different origin. The authorav thereforeq sought to establish the exact nature of fte effect of intro- ducing impurities into the lattice structure. The precision work was done in the 9H~Ari (VNIIP) Laboratory in Iloscov, some of the samples having been submitted to quantitative spectrographic: analysis at the Institute of Glass in Moscow by Semenov's method. The X-ray investigation was carried out with the PK)(MM) camera, by means of which five expo- sures could be made on a single plane cassette. Samples of quartz from Card 1/4 30552 S/564/61/003/000/028/029 X-ray investigation of... D231/.D3')4 the sub-polar Urals (the Rozhim deposits) were used as standardsi the valves at 18 0 of the lattice constants aret a w 4.90275 t 0.00007 kI c w 6.39352 � 0,00005 kX . Germanium was introduced into the quartz standard; it has a single intense line ( 9 022M 1 - Me) lying within the range of angles of in+A~rest to the authors. The values of the con- stanta of the 4 nuclei of the various quartzea studiod are given in two tables. The lattice constioLnts "all and "c," and also the volume of the elementary nucleus, were found to be somewhat higher iri the case of syn- thetic quartz than those of natural quartz. Crystals grown from solutions containing significant amounts of aluminum show the maximum values for "all and "c." Quartz of the rhombohedron growth pyramid type shows larger constants than quartz of the pinacoid growth pyramid type; i.e.9 it appears that impuritioa are taken into the rhombohedron-type nucleus in a different manner from that by the growth pyramid (0001). Quartz stained by impurities to a green or brown color shows appreciably higher values for "a" while "c" remains practically unchanged. On A. A. Card 2A S/564 61,M/000/028/029 X-ray investigation of.,.#. D231XDD304 Shternberg's suggestion, five specimens were studied which had cleavages in the primer and which had become curved during the growth process. These cleavages were observed in specimens which had larger quantities of aluminumt which is connected with the different values of the constants. If a certain difference is noted in the constants of the growing materialt internal tension may give rise to cracking or curving of the crystal. Structural chnracteriatice of synthetic quartz are compared with spectro- graphic analysis. The following conclusions are made: There is a definite relation between characteristics of the quartz lattice and the amount of impurities present. A very limited number of isomorphous transpositions take place within the synthetic quartz according to the I)l an i Si 4+ _ Al 3+ + e 1~ 2si 4+ _ 2Al 3+ + R++ Si 4+ _ Ge 4+ Card 3/4 30552 S/564/61/003/000/028/029 I-ray in-vestigation of.-o D231/D304 The rhombohedron growth pyramid trdces up a greater amount of impurities than does the pinacoidi. Some of the impurities are found in an extrane- ous phase not connected with the lattice. Structure changes indicate the nature of the growth and morphology (crackingg curving, staining) of quartz crystals. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 12 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc wid 6 non-Soviat-hloco The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as follovs3 A. I. Cohen, G. Sumner, Amer. Mineralogist, 43, 1-29 58-69, 1958; H. D. Keith, Amer. Mineralogist, 40, 5-6~ 530, 1055; M. L. Keith, 0. F. Tuttle, Amer. J. Sci., Bowen Volume, 2039 1952; H. D. I'Leith, Proc. Phys. Soc., 208~ B 63~ 1950. Card 4/4 MWXTSEVp I.Ye. Interesting scientific reports. Vest.LOGU 16 no.18:122-124 I a. (MIRA 14: 10) (oryata.Uography) e KAMTSEV Ilya. Effset oforyotallization on,the penetration of impurities into , quartz Uttices. Vest. LOU 17 no.18:109-132 162, (MIRA 15:10) ((h,artz-4ua1y0is) (Crystal lattices) UwTSBv?-J~P-- Intergrowth of quartz and aqw4ma ine. 163. (Siberia-Quartz) Zap.Viies.min.o$va 92 no.l.-93-94 (AIRA 1644) (Siberia-Beryl) XAW,NTSEV, I.Ye.; PRIYATKIN, A.A. ~-iv'lil%j~f, , Change of the parameters of a unit cell ir quartz depending on conditions governing its formation in various igneous rocks of the Greater Khingan. Rent.min.syr, no.3:44-54 '63. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Leningradakiy gosudarstyennyj universitet. KAMENTSEVp I.Ye. , Effect of crystallization temperature on the quantity of impuritiao in quartz structure and the jarameter change in the quartz elementary call. Geokhimiia no.61586-589 J's 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Department of Crystallography, State University, Leningrad. KMNTSEV9 Ije. Interesting reports by crystallographers. Vest. LGU 18 no.l8s 174-175 163. (MIRA 16:11) ACCESSION NR: AP4039413 S/0070/64/009/003/0448/0450 AUTHORS: Tainobers Le Ioj,Kamentsev,, Is Ye. concentration of smoky color centers and TITIZ; The effect of growth rate on on the parameters of the unit cell of synthetic quartz crystals SOURCE; KriBtanograriyap ve 9# no* 3P 1964p 448-450 TOPIC TAGSi color center. unit call# synthetic quartz, call parameter) crystal growth ABSTRACT: The concentration of some impurities increases with increase in saturation and growth rate the concentration of others declines* The authors call.' the first type of :bnpurity nonstructural, It includes foreign particless both macroscopic and microscopic (embracing colloidal pirticles)p and gaseous and liquid inclusions. The second type) called structural, impurity,$ may form by isomorphous growth in the crysUtl, Experimental data show that the parameter a increaseswith increase in growth ratej whereas c docreaseso The value of the latter may be ex- 01000024 + :pressed by c V *39324,p where v is the rate of growth in mm/day. It ~--,d-7, 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4039413 :was found also that vith decrease in rate of gf-ow-th of the principal rhombohedral ~face in quartz the ariount of Al as a structural Impurity in the crystal lattice ~increasesp and this leads to an increase in intensity of =4 coloration. Orig. ;art. hast 2 figures* ~ASSOCIATICNt VsssoyutW*j nauchno-isaledovatells' iv institui'sintoza minerallnogo k sy*rlya (All-Union Solontific Research Institute for the Syn#iesis of Minor" Raw I Materials); Leningradiskiy gosudarstvewW*y uuni4orsitot ime As As ZtLdanova ~(Leningrad State Unlyervity)' 'ISUEKlTTED% 030at63 ENCLt W SUB OODEt SS NO REF SOV: 006 OTHERt 0021 2/2 I TREY'Al S 1 ye, B 6 ; P;.I'2h.(') V , " . (; - - , Kil Vl~ "I,, I -J4 C-I,- "I ; , Ponvition ,d' divlln~iationB on the bo-undarleo of pyrami.',is of crystal grwth. KI~4 , -3:380-383 165. ~.Aallografila 10 no 1; (1-M-11. 18:7) 1. Laningradskiy gosudarstvonnyy universitet imeni A.1, Zhdanova. KPIA"'PIMEVS I.Ye. .. . : 1 .1 - I '. 11 Effect of tho hoat of cry.,italllmtion of alumimin admixttire entry into natural quartz structure. Geckh'.miia no.3066-368 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Hafedr-a k-ristallografii Leningradskogo gosudarstvamogo iiniversitata. KAWNTSEV, I.Yo. Distribution of impurities in the structure of quartz. Zap. Vses. min. ob-va 94 no.6t687-691 165. OMIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra kristallografii leningradskogo universiteta. Ye.M'.,, kand. med. nauk; G;11-,.Sff kand. loL --,-I State o.'.' vas~:ulzlr perv,;eability and rnechanismis of -At.s cl~ -c;rcie-n 2" no..6:11-6 11-D 163~ aciate c~,irebra cram"al injury. Op. no;-r-, 1. Laborut=dya klinici eskoy iT,,ul. Gra- sli-henkov) A1,24 SSSR~ 2. ol-len -fcjr Grashchen- kov) . VIP via. R, T p P v. no iEp R fat 31 rr A 'LitN * i al - If v v 4 17 a. -1 - El TALYFOV, G.B.1,KAMENTSEV, V.N. Investigating the yeild point and some other effects in case of combined sti~ss loading. Uch,z-,tp.LGU no.280: 113-131 160- (MIRA 13:7) (Strength of materials) MIENTSEVs, V.N.; TALYPOV,, G.B. Investigatimg the limits of yielding and breakdown under . combined loading, Isel,po upritgA plast. no.lt95-106 161. (KM 15t2) (Plasticity) (Strains and stresses) NAMMSEV, V.N.; TALYPOVI G.B. Failuro limit of low-wxbon steel under simple and combined loads. lssl#po uprug,i plast. no.W92-201 161. (MM 15:2) (Steel-Testing) P11 PII xaii~,f V. N. UT I ORS T AI)Tov G. B. VITL4: ii&:I~bri'W.Ahe: ~deld a~nd failure boundary;,'Under convoogite 104 S- Univerbitet. 'Mate ma tiko -.-n ekhaLche s kiy fakulltet. ti, i plas tichnos ti. no.l. 1961, 95-106. Is Wdova 0 Ya p Upru.90S H- d e AM evirr- ien 06 Ok loe 8ing and Ir a h ' yield boundary and the fail re (ict on t e; u boundary, is pjimarUy :iliten, ii,t t of the Bauschinger effeFt on the above-stated, id 8 tu ence of thtt microstresses engeriocring b~un( :ries: in entigates the influ I v flee B'~a~s6hin&!r:,Cffe, on, these boundaries in-the absence of internal Macrostlesses. The '#iodes:of1 n S n ity o C P. pl,e- tof i:t~nployed:i the,experiment en ure a total ide tit f thil higto~ Y of a C mt 11 u u ar-s i.ape specimens were made of 55-mm.dlam ~P: i eel 3 rod r. A h'in the anno%led state had cr M Z,300 kir/cm s so 0- - E 2.08-10~ kg/cM O.Z9. In-plane- stresses -Jvve 7 oi b ih n of a~d* I force and internal pressure. Tlie 4~hie~ed: 1 -16U* )aeous actio an a by e4ds'bf the 066i $,!*crew stoppered with threaded Cu plugs, one of which co~mined ai . i ! 11. . ;~ 1i ; a preissure-coodiiit nipple for the, internal-pres sure input. The present investtgation. cornpr4sels ai~, of previous experimental work reported in Uch. zap. L,.;-U, j. 1/ 4 N IIJI IIIIJIMILM11MVIDIUMVI Hill I fig UltWLlW;J I Ht~" I MIA I ri %ie S ilgatiOn of t e yi6la and failure boundary ... S/753161/000/001/OOZJ007 J fie: fundam 1 4ML in~ jito_rmatiqn~Bulletin no .1 on the subject -IScienti cn-~~_ taU 6P s trenji~l A Pp". 1i Oticit! Moscow, Izd. AN SSSR, 1960, with the introductioni 04 diOlqrent~loadi 'g,co ditions. 1~ First loadin mode: The specimens were sub- jelcteci- ko A-idal te siont6l.z Cr followed by unloading and reloading to fracture.. T e, results abiti, ned.Is h6w that the yield boundary conserves its shape, e)~pands, ai d ii Pispia~eas ~ th'Wclirection of the preliminary plastic deformation PPD), and t1l a t -(h. nominal ,aiiu~.,x4L,~boundary rentains practically ur-ichanged as compared with ape. Slollo,nd loadin mode: A 900 change in the direction of the PPD it~ initial r Sh w4s; i$.yesti~ateA~!;. Ea~.9~ of Te specin~e_ns was first exposed to an internal pressure ta Lz cr~ ~i : ivasl~~Iqmplete'y'unlciaded, and then was loaded up to failure Rbsulis obtained.kistiA-'the conclusion that in this loading mode the yield boundary a phase, and. that its center is displaced in a, direction which ei0anos and r e, n s 1 tt ; m4he.direction ol;-* the PPD. Itis also concluded d4fer6-butli 1~ iom that idenaca.1 P:~~D Steeil.3 'inla' longitudinal and t~ransverse direction leads to an identical dit;- pl~cei~nent And Ox Iloan of the Id'boundary. The failure boundary was practi- ian6ioa y2e cailly the same aV Lutboundary. Third loadin mode: All specimens were Stibje4fed to a'ni~4'. unloading, an inte rnalpre s sure iip to 10A to 9% ij, so ing. Then e; ch specimen was loaded to failure. Three a! Cr aunl~iid soil lned:il :(l) Both and a, 1.2 0, 1.2. 7 stlage4 wer.6 OXA~I (2) T ik so ij so, c ird 4 d l i~4ijt~gaiio~ d'i '~Jie IiA-U~aAei -faillurel boundary 41 S/753/61/0001001/002t'iOOT indO k (3) vj~,'tb a,.,. an T; 1.4 cr The re:sults of the tests~ rate ~.:ik so 66P!Jf_ 13 t~,;Lt~ ~Ije norniin;411 4dll~oundari' _iil: yie Os those instances are d1so free of corner -00"ints, Cr 0~46r:initlal sha.~pe. It is found that for cril, 9t ~nd~~hat they ~Lri so % 10torial '!reWeiaibe~~,Ik its'lprehistozy, but that it "forgets" it with Cr > 1.4 ik -di' n a rectio al shifts of the yield boiindary. -he directiap and 'rhis; is indicate 1 by, t 4 1 :A 4nagmitude di p acement of the yield boundary depend not only on the di~,~Ction t, . I ; :ri " blf t~~e~ antecodi~& PP,' .~ but also pn their magnitude and the sequence in whichl,they Werfb~ '.exPerieAcnW., 1~~e ailure boi;~ndaries are little affected or altered, excipt that ;~ ibLhd upon, 84-h,r aging at T= 700C, Yie nominal failure boi~,~dary ik )f the Oe -i 60t coAs4~rt%ie it''; initial shape and expands signific~_ntly in the directions,-) It ~sf an e'xposurE coon streisses. on~ikided. that' of Steel 3 to PPD in a given dire ~Vitl)` ~ubse~~Q ~agi-41 scan prod ice a significant increase in its trength in th~; on forLd direlcii of its isub4d4uent: operational loading. It is also noted that the bgiria," after J~ 10 vnpt only. to an expansion of the nominal failure boxinda:-,y in !6peWied air c ions ut also to a rotation of the nominal failure boundary as a ~whole, as a e fjkllt ich the nominal stresses in certain directions become !sm4llcr t a 1 WaVnorninal stresses. This leads to formation of "ears" and ~Ildepressio r to those noted by 4. Hill for dee drawing. The findings of p 'ect 1~~ iv i`o~ t khmi&* 1D. t he:effect of longitudinal stretching and its hardening off IiCa~.,4 3/4 WOUSEV, TALYFOV, G.B. Effect of Preliminary p3Atstic deformation and natural aging 11mit of fle)-i and ft.lure of low-oarbon steel, Issl.po uprwA p3.qit.. no 1486-191 1610. (MM 15.-2) iSt6ell-Zesting) - KWENTSEV V.F., kkAmd. tekhn. nauk; RUDENKO, M.S., laureat Leninskoy premii; --il-f .. ....., Ii. r YISHTEYN, I.S.; KHAZIN, I.A., laureat Gosudar:3tvenroy premi Dc-velopment of the construction of large and medium bridges. Avt. dor. 28 no.12:20-22 D 165. (MIRA 19:1) KAMENTSEV V.P.. 140YZHES, L.B., starshiy nauchnry sotrudnik; STEPAHOV, B.V. Effectiveness of using full-span and built-up beams in bridges. Transp. stroi. 13 no,,6.-59-61 A 163. (MMA 16:9) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii postroyki mostov Vsesoyiiznogo nauchno- issledovatollskogo instituta transportnogo stroitel'stva (for Kamentsev)* 2. Glavnyy inzh. mostostroitellnogo rayona No.2 Glavnogo upravleniya shosseynykh dorog pri Sovete Ministrov Belorusskoy SSR (for Stepanov). (Bridges) ARTAMONOV, Ye.A., inzh.; KAWNTISEV# V.P., inzh. *a Bridge building in Yugoslavia. Transp. stroi. 13 no.6:69-72 Je 163. (MA 16:9) 1. Longiprotran-most (for Artamonov). 2. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-ivile- dovateltakiy institut transportnogo stroitel'stva (for Kamentsev). (fugoslavia-Bridges, Concrete) IM,ILI, A.I., inzh..;j' IV-l--TSLV, V.P., inzh.; MOYZEE"S, L.B., inzin. I .. - --- ..... ..... ---- Caoti,w, prestreased ~;irdcrs in molds. Bet. i zhel.-bat. 0 no.1:12-14 Ja 161. (MM 14-2) (Girdors) KAMENTSEV inzh, , I ..- Ways to lower the labor input and cost of building - ecast pr reinforced concrete bridges. Transp.stroi. 12 no.10:30-33 0 ,62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii postroyki mostov Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isoledovateltskogo instituta trantiportnogo stroitel'stva Ministeretva transportnogg stroitel'stva. (Bridge construction) TPrecast concrete construction) v;awsxly, bl. practice.of an Industrial safety comissiOn. Say. profooluzy 2 no,164&49 A 154. (IMM 7:7) 1, I.Amebitell prod-sedatelys komiteta profsoMa, Goeudaret- venwgo yodshilmlkovogo zavoda (g.luybyehev) (4dustrial b7glaus) YASHCHEAKO, G.; KAMLOSKIT, N. Establishment of the Benelux Economic Union rwitb English sumwry in insert]. Vneeb.torg. 28 no.10:20-26 1 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Benelux sconomic Union) ICAP INMUY, Yu.1l.; POLYAND, D.7.; ZOTOV, G.H.; IVAHOV, I.D.; 3MGEYEV, Yu.A.; 14FUMHOSOY, Ye.A.; KOSTYUKHO, D.I.; DUDUKIN, A.H.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; ZAKHMATOV, H.I.; SOLODKIN, R.G.; DUSUNIKIN, V.N.; BOGDAHOV, O.S.; MMOVA, L.V.; GONCNAROY, A.N.; LTOSKIY, H.S.; PUCHIK, Ye.P. (deceased]; KAMENSKIY N N - SABTZ,INIKOV, L.V.; GMICHIKOVA, I.N.; YMOA6V, B.4--.-,"Z~WAUV, A.P.* KARPOV, L.N.; VARTURYAN, R.L.; SHIPOV, Yu.P.; ROGUf. V.V.; BRKNOV, I.I.; VLADIMIRSKIY, L.A.; LXBEDH7, B.I.; AlWiTlYEV, P.G.; TRINICH, F.A.; GGLOVIN, Yu.M.; MATYUM'N, I.S.; SEYFIZILIMULYUKOV, A.M.; Sl[rL'DKRTJT, V.A.; AUKSX'fEV, A.F.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; SaASTITKO, V.M.; GMUS, V.G.; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KMLINSKIY, Yn.N., red.: GORYUNOV, V.P., red. V redaktirovanii prinimali uchostiye: BIZOSWKIN, D.K., red.; G?,ORGInV, Ye.S., red.: KOSMV, Ye.A., red.; PANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; SBEAUNKOV, Yu.S., red.; MAKAROV, V,, red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; CRxPEMA' 0., [The economy of capitalistic countries In 1.9581 Ekonomika kapita- listicheskikh Btran v 1958 --odu. Pod red. 113.0r1ove, IU.N.Kape- linskogo, V.P.Goriunova. Moskva, Izd-vo Botsiallno-okon.lit-ry, 19~9. 609-p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy kon"ymkturnyy institut. (Economle conditions) PICHUGIN, B.H.; ISABBLINIKOV, L.V.; BODRIN, YJ.; SMODKIN, E.G.; XRUZUOV, V.I.; MMOVA, L.Y.; LYUBSKIT, M.S.; PUCHIK, Te.P. (deceanedh--UHNSUL N.H.; TASHCHM"O, G.I.; GERCHIKOTA, I.N.; FKDOROV, B.A.; KARAVAYBV, A.P.; VINOGRADOV. VA, red.; SMOSKAYA, ~,A., red.izd-va; VOLKOVA, Ye.D., [Commercial policy of European capitalist countries] politichaskii rezhim evropoisk:ikh kapitalisticheakikh Moskva, Yneshtorgizdat, ig6o. 234 p. 1. Moscow. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy (Surope, Western-Foreign trade regulation) Torgovo- stran. (miRA 14:2) inatitut. 11 KAREIISK UU44,~. YR -675 radio relay apparatus. glektrooviazl 10 no.11: 34-43 N 156. (MLRA 91l2) (FT&ncs--Radio relay systems) ~~'C '14 .4 KAMENSK %honer-. ZARYANOV, N.V., inzhener. ... T'" Some radio engineering news from France. Vast, eviazi 17 nc~5; 29-31 147 '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Irra'ace-Radio relay systems) 21330 S/106/60/000/010/005/006 0 1,055/AO33 AUTHORi Kamenskiyp No No TITLE: The P-6oo (R-600) radio relay system PERIODICALi Elektrosvyaztp no, 109 1960, 53 - 61 TEM The R-600 radio relay system is intended for the organization of one to six h-f wideband trunks for transmission over several t4ousands kilometers. Each wideband trunk has been designed so as to trans mit up to 600 telephone conversations or a black and white television pTogram with accom.panying sound. In the near future, the system will probably operate with three trunks (television, telephone and reverse trunk). The system will contain terminal, junction and intermediate centers or stations. In the terminal stations the input and discrimination of the communications transmitted through all the trunks will take place. The partial diBcri- mination of telephone channels and insertion of new channels will be possible at junction stations, as well as the discrimination or substitution of te- levision programs. The discrimination of the television and broadcast pro- Card 1/ 6 21330 The P-600 (R-600) radio relay system S/106/60/000/010/005/006 A055/AO33 gram will also be possible at intermediate stationsv which will be unattend- ed stations controlled from terminal or junction stations with the aid of a special teb-servioing system. For the transmission of tele-servioing sig- nals (and also for service communications), one or two special simplified narrow-band trunks are provided for in the R-600 system. Frequency distri- butiont The plan adopted for the R-600 system makes it possible to organize transmission along six trunks in the bank of 400 Me, six reception radio- -channels being grouped in one half of the bandt and six transmission radio- -channels in the other half (see Pigurs 1). To ensure a more effective do- coupling between neighboring trunks. it is intended to use a different po- larization for adjacent trunks, Operation according to the two-frequency system has been chosen; i.e., at every station, reception from different directions (for a given channel) will be effected on one frequency, and transmission on the second frequency; a different polarization will be used for different directions. Antennae: A parabolic horn antenna will be used in the R-6oo system. The gain with respect to the isotropic radiator will be 39 - 40 db. These antennae can operate either with horizontal or verti- cal polarization, or with both polarizations. nen the antennae are oper- Card 2/6 21330 S/106/60/000/010/005/006 The P-6oo (R-600) radio relay system A055 A033 ating with double polarizationt either two rectangular-ssction waveguides or one circular-seotion waveguide can be used as feeders. Design of the radio- -relay trunk for transmission of multichannel telephony signalst The funda- mental multiplexing equipment of the 11-600 system is the multiplexing equip- ment of the coaxial type K-1920 cable system. In the X-1920 system, the group spectrum begins at 312 kc. For forming the 600-route group, it is necessary to use the first ten 60-route groups of the K-1920 system. Such a 600-route group will cover the spectrum from 312 to 2,844 kc. Through linear amplifiers, the multichannel signal is led to the channeling bay, where the group spectrum to be transmitted through the radio relay line is formed. The multichannel signal is transmitted to the input of the termi- nal telephone bay, where they modulate (FM) the intermediate frequency sig- nal (70 Me), which is then amplified and its amplitude is limited. From the output of the terminal telephone bay, the PM-signal is forwarded, through a coaxial cable, to the transmitter of the h-f bay. At the intermediate stations, the received superhigh-frequency FM-signal is converted into in- termediate frequency (70 me), then amplified, limited in amplitude and appli- ed to the transmitterg where it is again transformed into a superhigh-fre.- Card 3/6 The P-600 (R-6oo) radio relay system 21330 S/106/60/000/010/005/oo6 A055/AO33 quency signal, amplified and radiated towards the next station. The demo- dulation of the signalg with subsequent modulation., is not effected at the intermediate stations. At the terminal station, the FM-signal is forwarded, from the receiver outlut and through a coaxial cable, to the input of the terminal telephone bay, where its amplificationgan additional amplitude-li- mitingf FM-discrimination and group-f-r-equency amplification is effected. From the telephone bay, the multichannel signal is sent, through a coaxial cable, to the channeling bay. Design of the radio relay trunk for televi- sion transmission: The transmission of video-signals is effected by the VM- -method, and that of the accompanying sound by the double-FM-method. From the studio, the vJdeo-signal and the sound signal are forwarded, through a coaxial and a symmetrical cable respectively, to the terminal television bay where the sound signal modulates (FM) the sound subcarrier, which is applied, together with the video-signal, to the modulator input. Here, the signals modulate (Fm) an oscillator operating at the intermediate frequency (70 Mc)- This signal is then amplified and limited in amplitude, and, finally, for- warded, through a coaxial cable, to the input of the transmitter of the HF-bay. From here the signal is transmitted as in the case of multichannel Card 4/ 6 0 ' 0 S/10 ooo/010/005/006 ' 4T X (R-6oo) r'adio The P-6oo ,"relay system A0 O 3 telephony. At the terminal station the 70 me signal is conductedfrom thel receiver output and through a ooexi;l cable, to the terminal television bay, where amplificatioxil limitation and demodulation take place. After the separation of the subcarrier and video signalo*t the vidoo-signal in transmitted through a coaxial cablep to the transmitter of the televi.sion broadelist station. The sound subcarrier ke amplified, limited and demodu- lated in its turnp and,after low-frequenoy amplification, the sound signal i s applied, through a symmetrical cable, to the input of the sound trans- , mitter. At the end'6f the article, the author gives some information on the reserve trunk and on the service-communications trunk. There are 10 figures. SUBIMITTIM: June 14, 1960. ard C 5/6 POLYANIN, D.V I ZOTOV, G.M.; GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSKIY, Ye.A.,- RUBININ, A.Ye:j CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.D.; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; OKUNEVA, L.P.; SIMLEV, V.V.; STULGVp A.A.; POKBOVSKIY, IL.N,; SHILIDKRUT, V.A.; IVANOV, A.S.; NABOROV, V.B.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; KURIYEROV, V.G.; KHRAMTSOV, B. A. ; BATYGIN, .'K. S. ; DOGDANOV, 0. S. ; DD11OV, 0. K. GONCHAROV, A.N.; KRM-TOV, B.D.; LYUBSKIY, M.S.; SOKOLINIKOV, G.0.j.KAW;N_SKIY N.N.. YASFCIENKO, G.I.; SABELINIKOV, L.V,; GERCHIKOVAOLN.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPAPOV, G.P.; 13DRODAYEVSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKOp S.K.; VARTUNYAN, E.L.; KAPELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.j MAYOROV, IV., red., NABDROV, V.B., red.; SOLODKIN, R.O.~ -V80LOVIYEVAII G1.1 r9d~,#:;DHDZD0V, A.G., red.,--ROO sUdshiy- red;; CHEPEIZVA-V, iedi - - [The economy of capitalist countries in 1961; economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheakikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pod red. IU.N.Kapelinskogo. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Economic history) .yevich; KAPELINSKIY, Yu.N., rod.; ZINCIIENKO, . ~~X Nikola -.0 v.s., reaJ"~~vT;-'Atovsiay, A.A., tekhn. red. [Belgium; econorW and foreign trade) Bellgiia; ekonomika i vneshniaia torgovlia. Moskvay Vneshtorgizdat, 1962. 160 p. (MIRA 17:3) AUTHOR: SOV/104-58-31=14/34 TITLEt On the Question of the Coincidence of the Metric and Affine Normal on a HyperBurface (K voproou sovpadeniya metricheskoy i affinnoy normali na giperpoverkhnosti) PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.Mftdmatika) 1958, Itr 3, PY IW-110 (V=) ABSTRACTs The author showesIn order that the metric and the affine normalm of a hypersurface 'Vn be idehtioal in E n+1 it is pecessary "" sufficient that the product of the main cur- vatures of the hypervurfaoe is constant. An example of a hypersurface with the above properties, differ- ent from the hypersphere, is given. There are 3 referencesp 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Kalugliskiy gosudar 'atirennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Kaluga State Pedagogical Inotitute) SUBMITTED; November 4P 1957 Card 1/1 KAWSKIYJ H.P. (yaluga) Generalization of a problem for a hypersurface in Kn+ 1 space. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.3:52-55 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Surfacos) Hit ~Iillulfl R M1111k I I k3 flit I It MI I I It I$ 11RAI, I it; rdl I] I HIMUMMEH A I RM -;ACC SR:~.! AM8481~:: OMCE CM: TIR/IW"/05/M/020/OD64/OD65 i 4~1 !Mffloptsr ~N. V.; Manedov, P. V. 1; Korollkov, Yu. A. A3 1 ORG s~ TIT19 t X.method for,; obtaining resin. clalle 39P No. 175647 sw~cz: ByaleteAlAsobpetenly i toyarny)di znakov# no. 20, 1965P 64-65 rvjyc NPENS'ArIvAl TOPIC, TXOS i rgaI34 furfurole, amino t "ABSMCTz:l Thisliithbr Cortif! 0 presentli a method for obtaining s, reqin,~x conAe6ation ctflfurr~rolett anine in .1 : 2 proportion. To broaden the assort- .Iment of ic used as the azines SO 'ODIM si, 07j ilV~SM-AM3 WM64 UDOI 678-683.21375, ROMANYUK, F.I.;~,KAL kN~KIY.. IL NL~QGNWA I N.Ye. Exclusion of bottom waters with synthetic tars, Trudy V14II no.35:68-80 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Oil fields-Production methods) III. YA. USSRpriedicine - Childron, Diseases Sep/Oct 48 Yedicine - Penicillin, Therapy "The Administration of Penicillin for Treating Somo Childhood Diveasee.," Prof P. 1. Ill inskiy, Docent K. V. Shalupen]co, 11. YA. Kamenskiy, Chair of Children's Diseases, Therapeutics Faculty, Crimean I-led Inst iineni I. V. STALINT, 3:1 pp I'Vop Ped i Okhran hiater i Dot" Vol XVI, No 5 Summarizes results of uAng penicillin in purulent,.- and septic infections in children. Material includes 125 cases. PA 34/49T97 `k---~5_-M'. N. Ya. "The Problem of the Treatment of Tulcerculjr z~~bnirv.-itis in Children "ith StreptonLycin and I111-s Clinical Course Under Various ~:ethods of Tri-atment." Cand Hed Sci, Crimean State A;~-,dical Inst imen! I. V. Stalin, Simferopol', 1955. (KL, No 12, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 SeP 55--survey of -Scientific and Technical -Oissertptions Defended at USSR lli,-her Fducational Institutions (15) KAMHNSKIT, N.Ta. (Kamenelkyi, MA-1 I I... - - Ili- 1 1, Some problems in the epidemiology of poliomyelitis in the Crimea in 1955. Pad., otkush. i gin. 19 no.4:21-23 157. (MIRA 1311) 1. Xafodra detskikh boletney lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. - dots. K.V., Shalupeuko) Krywskogo meditsiuskogo inctituta (direktor - dots. S.I. Goorgipvskijr). (ORIMIA--POLIOMMITIS) SOV; 112 -5 7 -9 -1848 3 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elelrtrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9, p 56 111J5,9R) AUTHOR: Kamenskiy, 0. V. I 14 TITLE: M6th6i[s!'Vf- 6'ci'-tn` -ih' i n of Reinforcement Rods in Prestressed g t e Tens o Reinforced C '6ncrete Members (0 metodakh kontrolys. n.atyazheniya armatury napryazhenn.6 armirovannykh zhelezobetonnykh elementov) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Vass. n.-i. in-t gidrotel:hn. i san.-tekhn. rabot, 1956, Nr 7, pp 59-64 ABSTRACT: To measure the tension of rod reinforcements (up to 5 tons), a dy-na- mometric TsNIPS key is used that has an error of :t7%. The key is not appli- cable, however, to group or bundle reinforcement. Mechanical tensometers are equally applicable to both single-rod and bundle reinforcement. TsNIIMF has developed an instrument that measures deformations in rod-type, smooth, or cold-flattened reinforcements 12-22 mm diameter. VNIIGF, has designed a similar device that permits measuring stresses in hot-rolled reinforcement rods having a periodic shape. Instruments for checking tensions are Card 1/2 I SOV/ 112-5-1-9 -1848 3 Methods of Checking the Tension of Reinforcement Rods in Prestressed . . . . cons1dered. two tensometers are described in detail, and method of their ap.- plication is in&cated- A. A. S. C.--Lrd 212 1 I KMGNSKIY, O.Y., inzh. Breakwaters built of tbin-walled reinforced concrete cylindrical shells. Tranap.stroi. 10 no.8:57 Ag 160- (MM 1328) ~v (Precast concrete construction) (Breakwaters) BOGDANOV., N.N., I-and. tokhn. nauk;,KAMKN~~E& SOLOVIYEVV G.P., inzh. inzh.; Testing models of continuously reinforced elements and units of precast reinforced concrete trusses. I~ransp.stroi. 13 no.10s 56-59 0 163. ()URA 1718) NARUSOV Yu.B., inah.; CHAYKOVSKIY, S.A., VP., kand. tekhn. nauk Sectional vibration tray for manufacturing blocks of spans for bridges. Transp. stroi.' 15 no.7:25-27 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Dmitrovskiy zavod zlieleznodorozhnykh konstruktsiy (for NArusov, Chaykavaldy). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno,-issledovatellskiy institut transport- nogo stroitellstva (for Kamentsev). ACC NRt Ar6owso A) SOURCE CODES M/0413/66/000/012/0043/0043 !INVENTORS: Vitkov, G. D.; Kamentsoy V V - selowev, P. N.; Zaytsev, V. K.; "' ON ' w IMorozov, P. P.; Yalcovlev, V.~~ ~.Ja ~sc ~e_v% P. Ao ORG: none TITLE: An induction furnace for heating blanks. Class 18, No. 182756 SOURCE: Izobroteniya, prcMehlennyye obraztsyp tovarWe zwkif no..3.2s 1966# 45 TOPIC TAGS: furnace, induction furnace.. refractory alloy ABSTRAM This Author Certificate presents an induction furnace for heating blanks of complex shapes,, made of refractory alloys,, in a nonoxidizing atmosphere. To save the refractory alloys and to produce proper heating, the furnace is provided with a hermetically closed casing.which contains two induction heating' elements. The two heating chambers formed are interconnected by transmitting timnels, A closed rec- tangle conducts push rods for a solf-dumping pan with blanks being heated* SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATES. llHhr63 UDO: ~ 1U)IOTSZV# Yo.M,, inzh First-and second-stage crushing mill departments of the Krivor Rog Central Or* Dressing Combine, From. stroi. 37 no.4:26-10 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) (Krivoy Rog Baoin-Ore dressing--Bquipment and supplies) M.DW, N. L. WMMUA, 1. To. ---------- j wHaat Resistance &W Cold Resistance of Cells of a leaf of Yellow Star-of-BethIshem at, Different Phanem of Development.* pp. 76 Institute of CyUlogy of the ko&MiW of Sciences USSR, Botanical Institute imed V. L. Komarov of the Academy of SciencesUSSR, 11 X8UChnWJO KOnfeY9nts1Y& Institoloilli AW SS-5H. Tezlsy Dokladoy (Second Scientific 6nfamce of the Institute of CYW16 of the Acad4my of Sciences isAit, Abatraote of Hieports)t lArAr4grods 19620 an pp6 j?qS 20,634 FELIDMANO H. L.; KAKEIMEVA, I. Ye. Heat and frost rest-stance of leaf cells of the 7ellow star-of Bethlehem at different stagm of development. Bot., zhur. 48 no.3:414-419 Mr 163. (MM -16:4) 1. Inatitut taitologii AN SSSR i Botanicheskiy iniititut imeni V. L. Komarova, AN SSSRP Leningrad. (Plants, Effect of temperature on) (Yellow atar-of-Bothlehem) .?~,I., ZAVADSKAYAj I.G.; FELIDMAN, N.L.; i~Ll~ ` I .Carbohydrate content and cold realetance in the or higher d I plants. DokI. AN SSSR 157 no.41995-J)97 Ag, 164 (WRA 17to, le Bntanioheskiy institut im. V.T,. Kom&rovu All S.%qft i Institut tsitol.ogli AN SSSR. Pmdstavleno aka-1vmtkan N.M. Sasakyanomo WNICUV.~,,. Complexonometric determinatica of iron in silicates. Inform. sbor. V6'NGE1 no.18:115-119 159. (MIR;L 13:111" (Iron--Analysis) (Silicates) STOLYAROVA, KAUWTSEVA, L.G. Complexonometric determination of calcium and magnesium in silicates. Inform. sbor. UNGNI no.18:107-113 159. (MIRL 13:11) (Calcium--Analysis) (Hagnesium--Analysis) (Silicates) HAMEWSEVA. L.G,j MYM., I.B.; STOLYAROVAP IA.; SHUVALOVA,, N.I. ~t:. Complexonometric analysis of siliceous rocks. Inform.sbor. VSMEI no.51:103-111. 161. (141RA 15.-8) (Rooks, SUiceous-Analysis) KAWNTSEVA, L.Q.; STOLYAROVA,. 1.A. Ph6tot ,~.tric method for the determination of beryllium with pre- ii~iA it-Ar,ac-tio'n in- the' form of acetylacatone. Trudy VSEGEI 117:41-44 164. (NIRA 17%9) NARIMANOV, ZJI.,- AGADZHAN)WI, G.I.; CHILINGARY&N., R.A.; DZHAIIZHUTOVA, R.S.; -YAMITSM.9 M.V.;-MKRTCHYANI ;G.Ke Profossor A.A.Akopian; obituary* Vop. kur.., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt, 26 no.1:94-95 161. NIRA 14'-5) 1. Ministr mdravookhraneniya Amyanskoy S-SR (for NarJmanov). 2. Direktor Instituta kurortologii i fizicheskikh metodov looheniya, Yerevan (for Agadzhanyan).. 3. Z.amestitell direktora Instituta, kux-ortologii'i Micheskikh metodov lecheniya po nauchnoy chasti,, Yerevan (for Chiligaryan). 4'. Rukovodite'll otdela issucheniya kurortnykh resursov Ihstituta kurortologii i fizicheskikh metodav lecheniya, Yerevan (for Dzhanzhutova). 5. Rukovoclitell lizioterapevticheskogo otclelenip Instituta kurortologii i fizicheskikh metWav lecheniya., Ye3,bvan (for Kamentseva). 6'0 Sekretarl Gbshcheotva 1-curortologov i fisioterapevtov Amenii (for Hkrtichyan). (AKOPIM, ARSHAK AIR.APETOVICH, 1886-1960) KAMENTSEVA, (M. Exeroine therapy in the treatment of myotonia. Vop.kurdizioter. i lech. fic.kallt. 21 no.3:65-67 Jl-S 156. (KMA 9: 10) 1, Iz kafedry lechabnoy fizicheskoy kulltury TSentrallnogo instituta usoverabenstyovantya, vrachey i otdaleniya lechebnoy fizi,chaskov kulltury (zav. - prof. H.V.Moohkov) TSentrallnogo instituta karorto- logii (dir. - kandidat maditsinskikh nau, G.N.Pospelova) (MROISR THM"Y) (MYOTONIA) WCOTSEVA, O.V. ......... .. Exercise therapy in the compound treatment of ne-jrasthenia, Vop. )mr.. fi2sioter. i lach. fiz. kul It. 26 no-4:297-306 TI-Ag 161. (~IIRA 15:1) 1. lm TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. N.P.Lebedeva) i TSentrallnogo instituta, kurortologii (dir. G.N. POOPOlova). (MRGISE TWUYI) (NEURMSTIMIA) LUTSEVICII, P.A.; MONGALEV, G.F.; HIKHAUVICH, N.G., ZINOVICH, E.F.; SAIPRONENKOp A.P.; KLINWOV, P.A.; GRDUKEVICH, N.M.; SILB, M.1111.; BRAZOVSKIY, P.V.;,KOVPAK, M.D.; MEIESHKEVICH, O.A.; WENTS .; KULIKOVgKIY, A.V.; TARAYKOVICH, P.I.; OV, G.A.; SHMULEVICH, Sh.S.;GRACHEVA, K.I.; NIKOIAYEVA, Yu.N.; VOWKHOV, M.A.; DOWHEVICH, 0., red.; KARKLINA, E., red.; ZUYXOVA, V., tskhn. red. [Manual for livestock reLisersl Spravochnik zhivotnovodeL. 2.$. dop. i perer. izd. Minsk,, Gos.izd-vo sellkho-,,.lit-ry BSSR, 1963. 462 p. (MRA. 16:8) 1. Glavnyy zootakhnik Upravleniya nauki Hinisterstva sel'skogo khosyaystva Belorusekoy SSR (for Safronenko). (Stock and stockbreedfiA) K&EITTSEVA) ZOPO Bauschin,,prls effect in low carbon steel in pretliminary alternatir,g plastic de--'l~r,,-e.-,,ior.,;. lool. po uprug. i plast. no.3:263-2(41 164. (MIRA 17:6) KAMENT,qVA, Yo.l.; WrITUGOV, N.V.j LIPXINA~ T.G., red. [Russian metrology] Russkaia metrologiia. Moskva'. Vysshaia ahkola, 1965. 254 P. (mIRA 18:4) h Ali~ N r~i- V4',/ 114 NBRMYAN, Mikhail Grigorlyevich; IMEWSU UkI _ Yladimirovna; POCHTA33Y, N.F., insh.-polkovnik, red.; OW vrI6J., [Armored tank equipment of the U.S., British, and French armies] Biontitankovaia tekhaika armii Ohl, Anglii i Frantaii. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo A-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 366 p. (14IRA 12:4) (Tanks (Military science)) KAMOITSEVA, Z,P. 1-1- o - 1! J~ ; 1. Bauschinger offect in low-carbon stsel rmbjo,~ted to prelimina:~j alternating plastic deformations. Iosl. po upvig, A plast. no.3: C~ 261-264 164. '.'RIRA 13-.4) , XAN1NTSKATA,,.D,.,P., insh.; ZEUMV, A.N. .1 , , f Ilffect of Inert gas pressure in smelting furnaces on the gas content in metals, Hatalloved. I obr. met. no.9:27-28 S '58- (MIRA 11:10) i l.TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskir institut cherno7 metallur- gii. Oases in metals) (Metallurgical furnaces-Protective atmospheres) KOMNMIY, A. Yo. -;4- I Upper Cretaooous deposits of the Crimean eteppe. Trud~r MOR no.12: 153-165 1 -'58. (MI'RA 120) (Crimea-Geolou. Stratigraphic)