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L - 21456-66 x/Pip W JD/bi AC C NR,~ AP60119-0'! SOURCE CODE: CZ/()057/65/000/0(-~3/0127/*0132' AUTHOR:~ Kaza6nsk~i, Robel"t (Engineer; Candidato of sciences); Stepanek. Hadim (Engin ORG: Metal al. Retioarch Institute, TZKG, Ostraira (Vyzl=my ustav metalurgIcky V-LKr,) TITLE: Evaluation~~ of experiments with casting of cast iron SyLindeFs vd,tb precast for,ms SOUHCE:*~ Hutnikp 'no. 31 1965j, 127-132 TOPIC TAGS: metal: castirkp, cast iron ABSTRAC .T; P oui, ~nethdlda of precasting of cast iron cylinders are deaciib6d, sillis ~vind f r,rms w1W -masnive coolers, smooth forms . 9 Vith in~serted~ep.oleji-s, into length-wise split profile forms., and into srdooth' fornis with preformed shapes., using, cooled form mi.:Ctul"es. The.e,,cperiMe,nts indicate that best results are obtained usingTorms with inserted circular coolers; where the production i&iAarge, it. isf;,pooslible to use split shape-adjusted forms, Cylin~ de a requirin$ I_Imitbd hardness can be cast. into forms with in- :01c:11,7ted ciroulsw: coolbra, after the forms were lubricateCX Cylin- ders for hlghor~harclnesa should be oust into fo,*F0.F_V)*_-ffrr-ias9ive codlers, Orig. art. hatil. 7 figures. [JFRS1 SUB CODE.: 13 ~UEO ATE-. none ORIG REF: 002 SOV REF-. 001 ccr~ Invit, (Yukutak) 1.1 latEr boat Ic. e;-s on starting 'up L pllpallne. Vod. I ttLh. D (I-IfRA l8al;l) 163 low h4Aor embarkment desiAm. Xer.floto-16 no*9218-22 3 .156. I I . (XM 9 110) liU.choiVy msk;ri~tsrv otdolonlya~ lauaMe taftalchoskogo obohAostyA 11rampo rbaIsWimorprpyokta (for Xm~nmkIyY*.2#8tavhIy Ips ToMseveta NJAIstentya morskep f Iota . (for Miderikov), = MEDOVINOV, I.; YAMNSKIT, S. Planning the housing projects for the z3arine tranBportation employees, Mor. flot 18 to.4:20-22 Ap 158. (MIRA 12:12) loStarshly ekspert Tekhricheekogo soveta Ministerstva morskogo flota (for Medovikov). 2.Ucheny7 sakretarl Ilauchno-takhnicheakogo o'behohestva vodnogo transports. Soyuzmorproyekta (for KamenBkiy') (Apartment houses) KAMMKIY, S. 0- . . In the local organization of the Scientific Technological Society for Water Transportation in the State Listitute for River Transportation Planning and Research. Rech,trans 21 no.11:54 N 162. ~~IIIRA 15:11) (Inland water transportation) .NIKOLAYEVj, V- I 49MUL-61 New diagram for the control of strip cutting. Metal-lurg 8 no,2:32-33 F 163, (MIRA 16:2) 1. Zavod bueni Il I icha. (Rolling mills-Squipment and oupplies) (Automatic*control) KANENSKIY, S. Fruit of croative work. Mor. flot. 25 no. 12:6-7 D 165- (MM 18:12) 1. Obahchoistvannyy instruktor TSentr&llnogo pravleniya Nauclino-teklmioheskogo obahchestva vodnogo tramporta. KAM 51 NSKIYI Make the achievements of science and technology available tuo the national econonW. Rech. transp. ?2 no.1008 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Obahchestvennyy instruktor TSentr-allnogo pravleniya Nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obshchestva vodnogo transporti'ab ]COIRSHY, 31 On a voluntary basis, Rech. transp. 21 no.8:19-20 Ag 162. (MIRA 18t9) 1. Obshr--hestvennyy instruktor TSentrallnogo pravleniya Naucbno-t,ekhnicheskogo obahchestva vodnogo transporta. lonsfulyp S. All-Ifnion Yolimteer inspection. Rech. transp. 24 no.S-.51 t65. (MIIIA 18:9) 1. Obahcheatvennyy inataWw TSentrallnogo pravlanlyn Nauchno-tekhnl- cheskogo otmhchestva vodnogo transporta, KAITNSKIY, S. Work Zthe institute of Innovators. Rech. transp. 24 n0.7; 54 165. (MMA 18:8) 1, Obsbahestvennyy instruktor TSentrallnogo pravleniya nau6hno-tek.hnicheskogo obshchestva vodnogo transporta. KAMN.SpKIlYfj Rawards to the best. Mor.flot 25 no.6:43 Jl 165. (MIRA 19:1) PRCSF_~Kh-,~"E- and KAFushw Itogi vypolneriiia plana pervoi poloviny naviantsii 1934 g. (Sum- mary of the fulfilment of the plan for the first half of the 1974 nnvigs.tion campaign). (Vodnyi transport, 1934, no. 9, p. 4-5). DLC: HE561.Re ,9011 Soviet Trsnsr)ortntion and Gommunientions, L 13ibliogral=) LibrFiry of Congress, Reference Departmont, Washington, 1952, Unclsssified. FOLTUSHKINt V.; XAMISny# S. The growth. MO no.10:46-47 0 '59. (WRA 13:2) 1.4mestitell predmodatOya 80veta Pervichnoy organizateii "Soywmor- proyekta" (for Polyuohkin). 2.Chlen soveta Pervichnoy organzat-Isii "Soywmorproyaktam (for lamenskir). (Naval research) Idp)it alloys ahotild be uw!~ J..- shipbuilding. INIO 3 no.11:38 1: 161, 2./,:.10) 1. Chlen Ilookovalcogo I=aseynovogo pravlenlya n,-.uc!--no- t-21'alichookooo oloshchoutva vodno,- ,o transporta. 1 1. .. t WIN ALEKSANDrM, S.N. , Inzh-, KBLIMAII, L.Ya., inzh; PLISAII, I.G., inzh; KARMISKlY, S.K., inzh; RUVIICKIY, I.M., Inzh Improving the feed-water tubing circuit. Blek.sta 29 no.9:58-64 s 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Pridneprovskaya gosudaretvannaya rayonnaya. elektricheskaya stantstya. (BOILBRS) UH112TSKIY. S.K., inzh. Device for grinding the PaWng rings of boiler locking bars. lnergokhozaa rube no.3:47 Itr-Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Boilers) S.F..,_ inzh. Connection for the return of vapor from deaeratorn operating at 6 atmosphorns. Blek.Bta. .11 no.1:130-81 Ja 160. (141RA. 13:5) (Feed-water purification) KAMENSKIT, S.K., tnzb. Rvidence of leakage of condenser pipes. Mlek.sta. 31 no-7:87 ji 6o. (MIRA 13-8) (Turbogenerators) - --KAM LISKIYt 3 K ~.Jmzh. Componsnts~of the 500 Mv. unit at the widow's creek electric power plant. Energokhoz. sa rub. no.4:5-9 JI-Ag 160. OXM 13:10) (Tennessee Vallay~-Rlec'tric power plants) KAMENSKIrv S.K.r Imah. Use of supercharger fed furnaceD with liquid slag removal intDiler systems in the United States. Ebergokhoz. za rub. no.6:44-/+5 V-D 160. (MIRA 14;3) (United States-Purnaces) KAMENSKIT t S. K. c::,- - -I-''---,--"---,..- --, Decting leako in piping. Priborostroonie no.3:20-21 Mr 161, (MIM 14:3) (Pipe-Testing) KAMEASKU S.K, inzh. Concerning the oelection of feeding pumps forq%liud,20DAr units. Klek.sta. 32 no.6:21-23 Je 161. 1 (;;A 14:8) (Steam power plants-Equipment and supplies) (Pumping machinery) i KAMENSKIY, S.N., inzh.; BELYAM , V.I., inzh. Basic trends in the development of turbomachine construction in the U.S.A. during the period from 1950-1960, and some of' its prospects. Toploonergetika 8 no.12:81-82 D 161. (141PJt 14:12) (United States--Turbomachines--Design and construction) BEIYAYEV, V.I., inzh.; RAMENSKIY, S.R., inzh. ----- - Basic trends in the development of boiler design and construction in the U.S.A. from 1950 to 1960, and its immediate prospects. Energomashinostroenie 7 no.12:43-45 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Uniuvi States-Boilev9-Design and construction) K Y) iY1 j: tYy V, AID P - 18o8 Subject USSR/Aeronautics card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 3/18 Author Kamenskiy, V., Capt. Title Interception of air targets at low altitudes Periodical:',; Vest. voz. flota, 3, 14-21, -Mr 1955 Abstract The author discusses various methods of intercep- tion at low altitudes, cites their difficulties, and gives practical advice. Some names are mentioned. Photo, formulae, diagrams Institution; None Submitted No date V. Not one of the wate,-. VO-.n- zran. 40 no. '*. An 164. ", V, I iU; 1" . ~ ) 1. Nachallnik otdela spasatellnoy sluzhby T.~,'entrallriogc komLtetk Vsuaoyuznoro dobrovollnogo ollt;hchestva qodev s -,vlk va ariallivqvlatsti i r1ritu sssit. KAMEMKIY., V. , starshiy raekbaW k - Design characteristics of certain engine parts on the motorship "Admiral Ushakov.11 Mor. flot 22 no.11:96-30 N IQ. (MbIA 15:12) 1. Teplokhod "Admiral Ushakov". (Marine engines) ~ wallsKly, V. Improve the lifesaving service. Voen. snan. 36 no-9:34 S 160. (MIRA 13:9' 1, Nachallnik o'udela spaBatellnoy sluzhby TSentrallnogo komiteta Dotro- vollnogo obahchestywoodoystviya armii, aviataii i flotu. (Lif esaving) M-ENSKIY 31 V. Improve rescue service. Voen. znan. 38 no.301-32 14r 162. (MIRA .15:2) I* Nachal2nik otdala spanatellnoy sluzhby TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnbgo obshchostva oodeystviya armii,,aviatsii i flotti, (Rescue work) _IJM4~qjt_Y~! ... Give large--panel housing construction free play. Zhil. stroi. no.9.-2-6 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Doystvitollnyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR, glaw~vv wrkhitektor Leningrada. (Pi- -c. .: ! ;-rrorotc construction) k - (DDW -,-, i.,!~ '.,,)v_rtmnt hounes) 'V.; POPOV, V. KAWNSKIY, City planning and building development in Leningrad. Na stroi. Ros. no.11:10-12 N 161. (KRA l6v7I) 1. GlfLvnyy arkhitaktor Leningrada, deystvitellnyy ch6n Akademii stroitel'st,va i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kamenskiy). 2. Glavnvy inzh. otdola generalinogo plana goroda Arkhitekturno-plamirovochnogo upri~ylsniya Leningrqdskogo gorodskogo Ispolnitellnogo komitsta (for POP*) (Leningrad-City planning) KAMENSKIY, V.) kand.tokhn.nauk .., ... - ,Insulating properties of exterior walls of large-panel build"r-ge. J6 Zhil. stroi. no.6t23-25 163. (NIRA l6slO) DERIDOV) F.; KAWNSKIY., V. 'i.l.iltil~.-~~;::I~ii.;~:-~"~~~~l--.. A duty, high'and noble. Voen. Znan. 41 no-5:43 My 165. (MIRA 18.5) MIE11SKY, V. A., Emgr. t, and. Tech. Sc~i. Dissertation: nInvest-iCation of the Phenomenon of Ejection in Locomotive Kast Pipes by- Means of Air Model." Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Electromechanical Inst of Railroad Ikginc::rs imeni F. B. Dzerjhinskiy, 26 MaY 47. SO; Vechernya-ira MorIDM, May, 3.91+7 (Project #17836) 'ka-p' 'C 0 &.J.' ~ ( V" 4, SMIMMIL N*&, V.A.. doteent; X&MMUT, V.A., inzhoner. .. Determining the magnitude of allowable unbalance in traction motor armatures. Tmdy MIIT no.63:195-218 '53. (MM 7:12) (Armatures) (Blectrio railway motors) Y,Ay,-r!,SY,IY, V.A. 367 Belanslyovochnyye stanki tipa Y,48 i rabota na nikh. Posobiye p3,va yabotnikov depo i zavodov. M., Transzheldorizdat, 1954- 21s 9. S ill. 22 sm. (Mosk. in-t inzhenerov zh.-d Transporta Im. I.V. stalins), 1,000 ekz. bespl.-(54-55438) p 621-755 621.828 SO: Knizhaya. Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 B Car ru Aut hora hW 41~~Ov V" A &merwkiyj V. A, 0.476r and Titie j~c atent. Ine tb0as for'balanoins rotore.on non-automatio r-whinse witha 4- Umi~ r Ps4o~di' Mai Dec 1954 AbsiracV, is presented'ooncerning the aliping of varim, type ' bly'lzeAns of.s. nomograph and a phase-xeter~ andadescription is ki~6~ Iof Wancing otboda. Draidnp; diagram. InsUtut jon i.; "o, 4,Q4.~ ~ SuU4~+, oa !~j KAMSKIY V.A. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Two plane balancing machine. Trudy MIT no.82/83:294-309 155. (KLHA 9-8) (Balanning of'aachinery) SHCHUSTILINIKOV, V.A.; DJMRSKIY. V.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. - ~ - ~' . Investigation of the operation of an electromagnetic phase indica- tor. Trudy MIT no.82/83:310-330 '35. (HLBA 9:8) (Balancing of machinery) LOMNSXIT, V.A., kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk. Kinematics of the steam distribution mechanism of locomotives. Trudy MIT no.82/831351-3651$5. (KLRL 9:8) (LoAmotives) SHMMPSULININOVO Y-Ast doktor tekhn.nank; KA)MSXIr, V.A., kand.tekhn. WWk Iffect of car wheel unbalance on the motion of the car truck. Trudy MIT no*128:66-76 160, (MIRA 13:7) (Car wheels) (Balancing of machinery) KOENSKIY )mnd.tekhn.nauk dotsent -.. . p Balancing of flat lin.kage mechanisms. Tiudy MIN no.15W2946 162. (Min fta), (Balancing of machinery) WENSKIY, V.A., dots.; 811CREPETUINIKOV, V.A., red. - ...... [Static-dynamic balancing of rod mechanisms; text- book for a course of lecturesl Statiko-dinamicheskoe uravn-oveshivanie sterzhnevykh mekhanizmov; uchebnoe posobie k kursu lektsii. 14o8kva* Mosk. in-t inzhenerov zbel-dor. tranop., 1964. 72 p. WIRA 17:12) SHCHEPETILINIHOV, V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KAIT,'NISKIY~ V,A., dctsent, band. t0khn. nauk; MIAKSMOV, Cauies of Uie deterioration of the elastic eleiments of the type RK-1A drive of generators mounted under passen er cars, Trudy MIIT no.195t2O-33 164. IMIRA 18:9) U4ENSHY, V.A. (lots. (Kinet-ostatics of plane mechanisms; manual for a course on the theory of machines and mechanisms] Kinetostatika ploskikh inekbanizmov; uchebnoe posobile po kursu TIM i M. Moskva, Mosk. in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp., 1962. 61 p. (MIRA 18:9) XA*:NSKlYt V.B. ~ '114 MAt=A1 1-4 i J,-i " - , 11, Use of cranes for the laying of switches. Put2 i put. khoz. 8 no.7s6 164. (MIRA 17sIO) 1. Starshiy dorozhnyy master, stantaiya Moskva-Yaroslavokaya. LAMYSMY, V., rodaktor; TRUKWOVA, J,., tekbaicheakiy radaktor. [Heahanized finishing of buildings with decorative stucco] Mekhani- zirovannsia otdelka zdanil, dekorativnymi shtukaturkaml. Minsk. Goo. izd-vo, IMR, Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1954. 86 P. OGMA 8:2) 1. White Russia. 'A'inisteretvo shilishohno-grashdanskogo stroitel'stva. (st-acco) 6'qA + eo L)q 0,04 KAMENSKIY, V. G. Cand,Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the Heat- I j I 4A-4-4- Protecting and Moisture Qualities of Lightweight Wall Partitions Satisfying the Requirements of Abe Industrialization XXXKNKM)UM Assembling)and Mechanization of Construction." Minsk, 1957. 1:~ pp 22 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Belorussian Polytechnic Inst im I. V. Stalin, Chair of "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation"), 100 copies (KL, 27-57, 107) - 34 - EMNSKIY, V.G.11 inshener. Study of heat and moisture insulating properties of light-weigh~ brick walls. Vestei AN BSSR. Ser. fis.-tekh. nav. no.ltll5-138 '57- (Insulation (Heat))-. (Walla) (KLU IOW .. KAHINSIIY, V. - --- - i Strengthened base for industrial construction. Stroi.mat.3 no.9:7-11 S '57. (UM 10-10) 1. Zatestitell Predeedatelya Soveta Ministrov BSSR. (White Russia--Building materials industry) KmxSKIT,._,4;'1 *~ - ~i, Housing construction in White Russia. Zhil. stroi. no.2:2-6 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1.Zamestitall predsedatelya Soveta Ministrev BSSR. (White Russia-City planning) .1 Aron IonAkovioh;, ~AWBXITj"__VJadlMir ATAYSVO Sorgoy Sergoyevich; ZTSHANj qp2rf _vqv -_hL MOROGOYSKIT, Benteian Moisoyevich; SAGALOVIGHP _ I Ag \1 Iosif Aronoviah; GAN.0ZHUNTSIr, I.K, nauchnyy red.; STRATILAT07A, K.I., red.; NISMYSI(PrA. 1A,; DCRODNCVA, L.A., [New developments in the construction of apartment houses in White Russia] Novoe v zhiliabchuom stroitalletve Belorusaii. Moskva, Vaeufuchebno--psdagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1961. 58 P. (MIRA 15t2) (White Russia--Apartment houses) KAMENSKIYj V. On the way to the technical progressAN241. stroi. no.7:1-2 ii 161. (MIRA 14-8) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Soveta Ministrov BSSR. (White Russia--Apartment houses) kAIISR 31.,-.VLqdimir,,-Georgiy-ev~ch,,.,-kand.tekhn.nauk; ODELISKIY, E.Kh., prof.j doktor tekhn ...uauk, red.; VANGHUK, L., red.izd-va; YERMOLENKOI V.p (Lightweight wall elements in housing construction] Oblephenrye stenovye konstruktaii v zhilishchnom stroitellstve. Minskp Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1962. 123 Pe (MIRA 15:4) (Concrete walls--Testing) KAMENSKIT, V.G. I Development and diotr4~ution of the supply of building , materials and equipme tor construction in the White RtAooian S,8,R, Beto ~Aoel.-bet. 8 no.10;433-437 o 162. 6 ~ (MIRA 15:11) 1. Zamestitell predsodatelya Soveta Ministrov BSSR. (White Russia-4onstruction industry) AID P - 3361 Subject U33R/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 19/27 Authors Kamenskly, V. I., Shtukov, N. V., and Voloahin, I.S., Title Drying of insulation of cables of the KSRB mark Periodical Energetik,,3 9,, 29-30; 8 1955 6 Abstract The authors describe a case where a considerable and dangerous decline in insulation of a control cable of the KSRB mark w4s found after a short period of operation. The cable was laid directly in the ground and rain water seeped under its defective lead sheathing. The authors developed their own method to dry-out the cable. This method is described. Three drawings. Institution None Submitted No date XAMSKIT Y. Be carful on lee. Voork.saaa. 31 no.12:24 D '55. (WaL 9 15) (lee) (Lifesaving) KWNSKIY v Got well prepared for spring high-waters. Voen.znan. Vol.[321 no.3: 6 Mr 156. (KM 9:7) 1.2s.mectitell nachallniks. Upravleniyn spasatellnoy sluzhby TSentrall- nogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodeystviya armii, aviataii i 14,10tu. (Floods) -=-W ~~~ .4- Lifesaving apparatus. Toon. znan, 33 no-3:30 Mr 157. (KIBA IMO (Lifesaving apparatus) BLINOVA# V.A.; PIA)T,141KOVA. 11.V.; VOLKOV. N.M.; SYSOMA, A.V.; AYDEM, P.P.; NATUYNAN# Kh.A.; RODINA. P.M.; GUSEVA, L.L.; XAMSK1Y, V.I., red.; BYKOV, A.Y., [Economy of Tambov Province: a statistical manual] Neroanoe khoziai- stvo Tambovskol oblaoti; Btatisticheskii sbornik. [Tambov] Izd-vo "Tambovskaia pravda," 1957. 187 P. (MIRA 11.3) 1. Tabmovskaya oblast'. Statiatichaskoye upravleniye. 2. Statieti- cheekcTe upravleniye Tambovekoy oblasti (for all except lamenakiy, Bykov). 3. Nachallnik Statisticheekogo upravleniya (for Kamenakiy) (Tambov Province--8tatiatice) MAKSIMENKO, Vasiliy Pavlovich. Prinimali uchastiye:_WBLSKIY, Y.K.; MMOVIKIN, V.D., vrach-fisiolog-, SHIWTELI, M.A., vi~-c-h-T-MWMIN, V.H., vodolBzrqy spet#Ulist; KU2N&SOV, I.I., vodolsznyy apetsialiat; GHT01011' VA, vodolaznyy Bpetsialist; IGOSHIN, H.G.9 red.; KARYAKINA, M.S., (Manual for divers engaged in rescue work] Posobte dlia vodolaza- spasatelia. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSW , 1957. 158 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Diving, Submarine) PLOHATINg A.A., inzh.; BRIFIX0, M.P.; KODWSKIY, V.K.; KARTASREV, R.D,; SUTYRIN, M.A.: FADITW, V.G., red.: IGOSHIV, M.G., red.: MUKIRA, H.S., (Manual for helmsmen for lifesaving cutters) Posobie motoristu- rulavoma spasatellnogo )mters. Moskva, 1957. 188 P. WRL 11:5) 1. Vaesoyuznoye dobrovollnoytobahchostvo sodeyatviya armiki, aviataii i flotu. (Navigation) (Motorboa ta) IWMNSKiyt VA,t ~ - , I , - ~ Physical conditioning of lifesavers, Toon. znan. 34 n0-2:32 7 158. (Mysical fitziese) (MIRA 110) KMMNSKIY~ V.V. Secondary crushing methods in mining mineralse Trudy Inst. gq, dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:3-19 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Ore dressing) AKUIOV,, Ye,F.; KPX~NSKIY, _V.V. Using the'EO-7 oscillograph'in recording single rapidly moving ~rocessev* Trudy Inst. gor, dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no,6:95-W 61, (MIRA 15:9) (Oscillograph) (Mining machinery6-Testing) I RODI01MV, G.V.,- IEDUIDVP A.I.; KAMENSKIY, V.V.; VIKffLYAYEV,, A.A. ---------- Secondary crushing of rocks by the breaking mrithod. Trudy Inst. gor, dela Sib& otd. AN SSSR no,6:115-121 161. (KIRA 15:9) (Ore dressing) FEDULOV, A.I.; Ka,'IE1~1SMY V.V -_NOSIKOV, G.M. Some layouts of units for crushing oversized ores under mine conditions. Trudy Inat. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:123-230 161. ~(Ore dressing-Equipment and supplies) (KIRA 15:9) rEDULOV, A.I.; ~~.~VL-SKIY V.Vj TAGIN, G.F.; NOSIIKOV) G.M. j_ Susponden unit for crushing oversized ores in open-pit mines# Trudy Inst, gor, dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:3,31-1.A."61. (MIRA 15:9) (Ore dressing-Equipment and supplies) IARIISKIT, V.V. P6rcuesion method of excavating, frozen ground* Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR M044;94-99 158. (Min 11:9) 1,Zapadno-Sibirokly filial AN SSSR. (Prosen ground) (Inavating mchinery) F=WV, ii.l.; KAJUNSKIT, V.V. Selection of specifications for an excavator bucket with impact tooth. l9v.Sib.ota.Av SSSR no.6:17-29 160. (RDA 13:9) 1. Institut Cornogo dela Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. (Ixoavating machinery) FUMV) A.I.; KAJZNSKIYj_ V.-V.; SERPENIVOV, B.N. j AKUIDV, Ye.F. laboratory testing machine for studying the breaking of rocks with an impaot load. Trudy Inst. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN MR no.6:63-77 '61. (MIU 15:9) (Rooks-Testing) FEDULOVJ, A.I.; KPd-.iENSKIY, V.V.; SERPENINOV, B.N. Unit for studying strains caused by a blow. Trudy Inst. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:79-89 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Rocks-Testing) (Strains and stresses) FEDULOV, A.1.1 ~ ~,WSK~IYV.~Y.; SERPENINOV, B.N. I Measuring forces in Impact loads. Trudy Inst. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN.SSSR no.6:99-A4 161. (MIM 15:9) (cathode ray oscil;og-raph) (Rocks-Testing) ------- 7---,- , /) /., /'~ , >. " ~ , t, , A /) f , :1 USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic RegUation. Abs rour : Ref Zhur - nimiya, No 2, 1957, 7005 Author : Kamenj~~.~. Inst -. -NbvV-sibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering Title : Automation of Electric Heating of Cincrete Orig Pub : Tr. Vovosibir. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, 1955, 5, 87-95 Abst : No abstract. Card 1/1 3 SOV-2. 9- 58-4- 3 8/5 2 3 AUTHORS: Fedulov, A.I.; Rodionov, G.V.; Lost ley A..Lf V.V. and Mikhirev, P,A. TITLE: A Percussion Device for the Underground Crushing of Over- sized Rocks (Ustroystvo udarnogo deystviya d1ya drobleniya negabaritnykh kuskov gornykh porod v podzemnykh usloviya,*e-.h)' PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobretaniy, 1955, Nr 4, p 12 (LISSR) ABSTRACT: Class 5b, 34. Pr 111590 (574073, 3 Jun 1957), Subm~'~`erl to the Committee,for Inventions and Discoveries at thl.,5 USSR Council of Ministers. The device consists of a suppcrting structure, a pneumatic crushing machine, and controls., Th4~ crushing machine is automatically switched on as Boon sFj the pneumat-1c olamps obtain siffficient grip or, thp o'~rsr- size rock, After cructhing the rook, tho machine '.,, auto- matioally switched off. Card 1/1 WIN, G.7., KAMBINIT, V.V. Making motion studies of equipment using the SES-IX high-8pped motion-pleture camera. Izv.SIb.otd.AN SSSR no.1:137-118 16o. MU 13:7) 1. Institnt gornogo dela Sibirskogo otdoloulya AN SSSR. (Pneumatic tools-Vibration) (Notion-picture photography-Scientific applications) red, M',RCERj Don Iosifoviohl KLM I [This is how our volunteer economists work) Tak rabotalut naahi ekonomisty-oobshchestvanniki. Dnepropetrovsks Dnepro- petrovskoe knizhnos izd-vo, 1964. 38 p. (MIRA 18:7) FETELIN, S.M., prof.; VOLKOVA, O.Yu., prof.; VL31ihTVSKIY, A.S., prof.; PISLEGIN, A.K., prof-; KAMENS Kry.._)a.A._, kard. zed . nauk; MOLCHANOV, S.N.,,nauk; PAPIOV; ~B-N.,; ZASORINA, T.A., In memory of Professor Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Lozinskii; obitlfwy. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz.kalit. 27 no.21l88-189 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 151l1) (LOZINSKIIp ALEKSANDR ALEMANDROVICH, 1868-1961) KMSKIY, Yo.A.; DROZDOVp S.S., red.j STEBLYANKO, T.V., tekhn. Semen Alekseevich Smirnov. Stavropol', Knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 39 p. (MIRA 16M (SMIRNOVP SEMEN ALEKSHEVICH, 1818-1911) (CAUCASUSp NORTURN-HEALTH RESORTSp WATERING PLACF.9, ETC.) KAMEN,qKM,-Zak.A.,, kand. med. nauk, red. [Materials of' the Seventh Scientific Session of the Pyatigorsk Scietitific Research Institute of Health Resorts and Physiotherapy; abstracts of the reports] Materialy VII nauchnoi sesaii Piatigorskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii J. fizio- terapil; referaty dokladov. Piatigorskp 1963. 333 p. (MIRA 17t.10) 1. Pyatigorsk. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ku- rortologii i fizioterapii. KArENSKI-til Yeo 10 - "Communications without Search or Tuning in Mass-Produced Radio Stitiont-4,11 Gosenergoizdat, Moscow, 19V. Central Bureau of Tech. Information, lq~. of Corrunications Equipment Indwtry F , " -Iv , USSR/Electronics FD 2'30 Card 1/1 Author Yevtyanov, S. I., Kamenskiy, Ye. I., and Yesin, V. A. Title Investigation of a quartz self-excited oscillator according to the Shembell circuit Periodical : Hadiotekhnika 9, 36-46, Mar/Apr, 1954 Abstract ; Presents methods for calculating a quartz self-excited oscillator according to the Shembell circuit and methods for analyzing a self- excited oscillator at a partially linear idealization of static characteristics of vacuum tubes. Comparison is made of results derived by calculation and experimentation. Appearance of oscillatory hysteresis was discovered. Polir references: 3'USSR., I USA. Institution : Submitted : December 6, 1952 Category :USSR/Radiophysicti Generation and conversion of radio-frequency 1-4 oscillations Abs Joar :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 1836 Author KAmens Title ew Quartz Crystal Paxameters and an Engineering Method for the Design of Crystal Self-Excited Oscillators Orig Fmb Izv. AN 88BR, ser. fiz., 1956, 20, No 2, 237-250 Abstract New, more suitable "oparating" parameters for crystals, called the fre- quency, the cut coefficient, the quality of the quartz, and the capacitance, are proposed. The parameters are measured in a special standard oscillator circuit. The general relationships are obtained for the calculation of the frequency and of the operating mode of a quartz oscillator, taking into ac- count the grid current and cathode and grid self bias. A sdaple procedure is developed for the engineering calculation of the mode, of the frequency, and of the frequency instability of quartz self-excited oscillators. Plots are included for the temperature dependence of the self-heating on the-disslipated power of certain types of crystals, andan equation is derived for the value of this power. A design is in progress on a set of measuring instrumel4s ford rapid measurem'ents of the operatilig' pars~neters of quartz resonator@ in t9e fre- quency range from 1.5 kc to 15 Me with a frequency accuracy of 10--"--10- , a Card 1/2 Category : USSR/Radiophysics - Generation and conversion of radio-frequency i-A oscillations Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 1836 cut-coefficient accuracy of 2--5%. a quality accU~'rau of 3-10%, and a. capacity accuracy of 2--5%. Bibliography, 7 -titles. Card : 2/2 81046160/0061021031019 B014/ "014 AUTHORS: Alsksandrov, K. B.,-Gurovito, L. Sop Xamenskiy. Ye. 1. (Moscow): TITM Effect of an Intermediate Layer on the Frequency Character- istion of Ultrasonio Delay Lines PERIODICALt ~Akqatiobeekiy zhurnal, 1960) Vol. 6, No. 21 pp. 171-179 TEM In the prese.0 paper, the authors derive general formulas for the- coefficients of:Piezoelectric conversionl\taking account of the effect of intermediats.'laypr&for t 9 ease of unilateral and symmetric loading of-tbe converter. Pr6ceedin*g from the general form of A. A. Kharkevich's theory of piez -oeleetric converters (Refs. i and 2) the'authors derive formulas (3) and,(4) for the coefficients of unilateral and symmetric loading, respoetively. The equivalent-oircuit diagram of a converter shown in Pi 2;in the form of a four-terminal. network is used for this purpose. Mllindftoateg that the conversiofi longes at resonance froquency under symmetric loading are four times higher than under unilateral loading. An analysis of the formulas derived and calculations of a large Glard.1/2 ................ DIOMDOV, Moll*, inthol KAMMKIT, TeiVob inch, All-Union technical conference on the expansion nf the fishing fleet in ic?59-1965. Sudontroenie 25 no.12:70-71 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Trawls and trawling-Congreases) AUTHOR: None Giv n 25-10-35/41 TITLEi "Shipbuilding" (Sudostroyeniye) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 10, p 60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief note about the article "A now type of fishing trawlers" published in the journal "Sudostroyeniyell, 1957, # 7, by Engineer Ye. V. Kamenskiy where he describes the construction of big fi-eUn-gtrail-ers of which the USSR acquired 22 from the "Howald Shipyard" in Kiel, Germany, during the past two years* AVAILABLEt Library of Congroaa Card 1/1 KAMENSKII, Ye.V., inzh.; MURAGINv F.P., inzl*.,i. 1. ~ -. The fishing trawler *Ioiskov." Sudostroonie 27 no.2:1-5 F '61. (MM 16t7) - (Trawls and trawling) (Shipbuilding) DUAN, Power equipment of modern to.9tl9-24 S160. (Irlshing boats) fishing trawlers. Sudostroenio 26 (Ship propulsion) (MIRA 13:10) TER--'! T I 7T. 9 (: k!m I. r,-~hn, nw., . Y, '! , , ,.I - I I fhl - i .- . . p.1 , .inzh. I'Sfr~;',r;7-ator ship Ka--'A'. Linnei fcr fdsh t.-hnsportation. Sudostro-eenie 3C, m,*LI;1-6 N 164. (MJRA 18~3~ Ifni mmmu mitimia im IMM 1111,1111111 Iliful;f] :1 IMA W, EM.raw"M KAWMI'llyp YO~7.p Inlih.; TM,,NTIYFIfl G.B., kand, 'tt-Win. muk 113kazoehnik Andersen." Sudostroenio 10 no.8.1-8 Ag 164~ (MRA 18M MIA PIN MEN K*TENSKlY, 'Ye.V.P i.n.-,h.; TERENVYIEV, 'rhe twia-fish.-Ing mother ship "Laninshii Luch." Sudostroenie no,6:3-9 Ja 165. ZAYCHIK, Kop~?21 irizh,,: TERENITIM, GeorgJy Bor'iovich, kaul-A'. tell1m. muk; ROKOV, kand. tekhn. nauk. retsenzenti SLUGHAK, L.V., retsenzent;, j -N.AMETSK~L _q,y,.p nwichn. red.~, BMW, A.I.t rt:d. j [seagoing fishing boats] ryboproiVshlennye suda. Leningrad., Sudoi3troeiile., 1.965., .3111. F. (MIRA 18-10) OGIYCIIMC, 0.; LYSOVI A., slesarl (Vologda); SINITSIll, N.; TROFLICIVO A., tokarl; KA1,019M9 Yu.t master. Dur reader3l comnonts on wor%s noninated for LenLi'3 prizc3. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no-4:33-34 Z 161.. (IMU 14-12) 1. Zaveduyualiohaya bibliotelcoy Drsovprofa (for Ogiychd.-,). 2. Kontrolor zavoda imoni Vladimira Illicha (for Sinitsina). 3. Zavod !.-alolitrazli-.Vch avtomobiley ~for 46 Zavod("S(,rp i Nolot" (for ii,miansIdy). (Rus:51an literaturo~ Thoater) - . III 11199MM091 it ~--Jm,um .~! I J, - "I , 7 - - , - . . r ;~ --, 1 _i 11 - . , ; VIKIFOROV 0 -4'.V. , inzl-.-.; , KIT, Yu.A.,, inzh. - ~ -, Remote control of marine steam engines. Izobr,v SSSR 2 no.10:21-22 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Marine engines) (Remote control) 18-3200 77425 sov/i~.zo-6o-1-8/22 A IUTTHOR Kamenskiy, Yu. A. (Deputy Chief of Open-Hearth Shop) TITLE: We of Mariganese Oro In the Scrap Process With Low- Manganese Cast Iron PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, Nr 1, pp 16-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Among the steel produced according to State Standards (GOST 380-50) at the Metallurgical Plant "Sarkanays Metalurgs" (zavod "Sarkanays Metalurgs") in Lepaya kLatvian USSR), thefollowing types of rimmed steel 1. figu:ve prominently:i3t. 1 (composition, %): C, 0.07 t-o 0.12; Mn 0.35 to 0-50, Si, traces; S, 0.055; P, 0.050. St. 2 (composition, 957). C, 0.09 to 0.15; Mn, 0-35 to 0.50; Si, traces; S, 0.055; P, 0.050. St. 3 (composition, %): C, 0.14 to 0.22; Mn, 0.35 to 0.65; Si, traces; 13, 0.055; P, 0.050. Ingots are rolled into small shapes and vilre. Furnaces are fired by producer gas (coa-1 hauled from the Silesian Coal Basin, Polish People's Repub,'tic). From 1957 to 1958 the manganese content of the cast, Card 1/-' iron supplied to the open-hearth shop has been gradually Use of ManganeSE! Ore in the Scrap Process '77425 With Low-Manganese Cast Iran SOV/130-6o-i-8/22 decreasing from an original of 0.90 to 0.11--0.20%. ~n converting low-manganese cast iron the manganese con- tent, iji the hot metal ranj,,,ed between 0.09 and 0.12% with to 7% MnO in slag. Larger amounts of ferromanganese additions had to be v.sed and, at IL"he same timc, sulfur content, in hot metal increazed considerably. (The author assumes that producer gas serves as the source of sulfur.) In qvantities exceeding 0.010 to 0.015%, sulfur is not readily removable. The beneficial effect of manganese on desulfurization during rimming was noted. Therefore, manganese ore (4o to 63-4 MnO, 14.6 to 20% SiO ) in quantities of 0.3 to 0.5 ton was added to the cha~lge together with limestone. With 0.15 to 0.18% Mn and 0.068 to O-O7Q9 S in the hot metal, 100 to 200 lcg,manganese ore were used Instead of iron ore. As a r6sult the manganese content in the netal increased., drastically decreasing the sulfur content. The total consumption of manganese ore is 15 kg per ton of cast steel. On the basis of the above working experience Card 2/3 the author draws the following conclusions: (1) the