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UWSKATAj S. A.; SMNOVp B. I.; TROITSKIY, V. S.; FLECHKOVj V. M. Results of precision measurements of lunar radio emission at a wavelength of 1.6 cm. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 3 no.5.* 882-884 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gorlk~vskcm universitete. (Moon-Observations) (Radio astronomy) Is ; - 'A f~ .. 4, ., t i- - p 1113 Om V: 01.1 1,-1641f)071003 '9535109515 Ac AUTHbl: lhlitra~lr~ PaMillta, -awalPm-ria-g Tmdliq am Ludirm~Trum ths ll~~ 'a, at IITL* Xt 1 o L M OVI Is v~ll s IlrUZ. R4dlolllzlkm, 7, nib. 3, V?J;-'4 i$13-5-56 a LU WIGI 1 .0 ABST Arl I 'Vith an L07ut Paral ei 116~4 G bilrd this lunar Thaus Lu tt u a,' bled v 1'6 en, The threabold of Tadion- 11~4~*UtPMVIUOVIT tIM-D ConD ta~Ut Of tli* stem mat im tin dof a pernbolic reflector MIT - C n .~;' or ik d.1; t- wtclker fior thm ramupti*n of 1wrinantally palaitzeld vaveO. the vtdth of the antemna i,,adiation paumr-rh v&a 49 minull--re alt ths,,1-4b lisvol, To , *Ompemallitin for the b2ckg"t'Ound signal, ;Itha w3cowd Input tit the radlomater wgis conn,Du1:!gJ to 5 boun radistor L 5 AUTRCJ~ I intme- 'I .1 An Tu J~; 2/Pi Val Ir 14): qt,-Y* 41. rak -;eau,,pte or:tbw rapon at idlMmeter vnelengtb qJ MUM IJ! ~,~ TOFF1311( i1.,- ~T.Atm il 117 e4 dvring the E ACT 'The *f Ivid j tbm-ibaon vas neamir e ll~~es 6f JWs. ailO - ~D: P~p.jj IA~ ;;~itkwe -it. vhtj~b $.be antenns vas pi_~rllbdf b~jly ConE;isttd of - the- difference. blelNjuor~)~ ~:tm 11 Alect bon of- L-he 6117 of IN_xed altlftAe and a mmmia 010.p~ WAUS t~)Imj~ of tjp3 Ijw-rmvraUvg ain 11he vork vas On-0 at 10' I-MgK~tI3 (3250 n) - cma 7 - 'ulY -snd P-. Usuruys ( k- r P,~ mer introdiotd 'to torreat for tze jj;~ oil RM Rill IIP lild T I mp, and I i2r, LL IF - - -A I i ipa Am A 1. 2642146 _EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) J-D ACC NR, AP6013070 SOUICE CCD;Ss UlVO048/66/030/004/0637/0643 AUTHOR: Bundell,A.A.,* Vishnyakov.A.V.; Galskt~onov.St~~.; Q4Ke ska ik&L vQ.V.11 KamenskayalS.A..,._Nraytser,K.A.; Oranovskaya,T.V.. Chashchin.V.A. ORG.- None TITLEt On the effect of the preparation conditions on the formation of traps in V-1 And ZnO base phosphors and the influence of predocomposition phenomena in solid solu- tions 04-940 in ZnS on their luminescence /Report, Fourteenth Conference on Luminon- conce Wld An Rlga-,16-23 September 19657 - SOME: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 637-643 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, crystal phosphor, zinc sulfide, current carrier, ABSTRACT: Introduction of new experimental method; has increased rather than reduced the disagreement among different investigators regLrding the structure of zin AkWulfid luminophors. On the basis of previous investigations of glow curves and the polarity of the photocurrent carriers the authors showed that for the most part the discrepan- cies are due to inadequate control of the aynthesis conditions, i.e., that the phos- phors studied by different groups differed an regards structure owing to uninten- tional variations of the preparation conditions. &rperiments show, for example, that truly self-activated Zid exhibits only me glow cuinre peak, but that it the ccmpound L_26491-66 ACC NRI AP6013070 0 is exposed to Gxygen, even at low pressure, during heating a second giow-curve peak -appears and this Is accompanied by change in the polarity of the photocurrent carrierai (from n to p). Various experiments were carried out with pure, self-activated and impurity-activated ZnS and ZnO (including surface oxidized specimors) and several series of glow curves are reproduced. Data on the polarity pf the current carriers In photoconductivity are also adduced. The curves and data demonstrate the effects of the synthesis conditions. A aeries of phospho R was prepared by heating different mixtures of ZnS with Cu2S without flux at 1000 C, followed by reheating with quartz powder (to prevent caking) iu sealed tubes at 1050o. These ZnS:Cu phosphors were studied immediately after preparation, after v3rious heat treatments and after storage for some months at 200. Their attributes differed considerably, again indicating the importance of synthesis and other conditions. It is pointed out that understanding-of the peculiarities of the complicated chemical system constituted by copper-activated zinc sulfide lusluophors requires further thorough investigation of the ZUS-%S-Cu systems Orige art, has% I formula and 6 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUBM DATS: 00/ ORIO REF: 008/ OM REF: 008 -KAKENSKAYA, 0,, A.[daceaaedl A,pproximata-zethod of calculating the developmant of ice. Trudy Lon, gidromet. last. no.119235--242 161. (MIRA 16:1) (Ice) (Approximate computation) V U IF IV a 9 8 10 9 0 0 IF 4D 19 8 6 Ill (V a 01701!111 jif jill 0 a 9) A a A a 9 a a a Ci a A 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 o 0 o i 0 i i * liil~ qp 1 0000000 t., it it U 11 14 V `A 11 itV 0 w 9 IS 11 0 rp Ap At c p I 0 1. 1 14 A ii, ~iJ 00,1 . . 00 00 00.g *,00 00 ic of viall alAuto in 'be 00 Kim" ot odymwwaun No S. Mts&edev. Ack Physiew4w~j- OS 4 is =w) (in Q!MU) --fw- datij , "V; tin vinyl &"te 10 Can=. bw I on this ;4~ 00 to 4 A in the pl--e of OjX to 0.40 Af bm&A Pero" gag. at temps. tr- 61 IF W and dw affect oll Oj :i, thef"m Of the surfwv are given In 11 tables and I fig. I reaction is furmation of a vinyl wetate. on 000' moictilml with the coo Itlates the cIivV centers. The god reaction Is completely I. The tratilly, of COO flatign is 26 6 41. fnction const. to Illren by 900 d All* - X,jA I/-. SIV, with X, X 10- - 22.8 at E r 748 at 75'. 1.4 at W', 0.423 at MI. The mv. 4tes f "Odik"m Quin Is the of Polymerization Coo an UN the assuct, beccaupt the tier dirpoends also upon twxtkO INVI 0 91 Vowing radicals and he wilveat mail.; Coo It VIA" "his the "v"to aw in a purti; thmTw rrwtjgg see is Whilaw"t of The dwiti keph. Brutuo pmnw in Wiliam me- posta wkb 4a camp of wivatigs 4100 of 204 Cd. In the polywerinflon ot vinyl smate this dm*", dm Dot obry ilig Afflitultio equation, The MiStION, %plif - AIA 11(t + CIA 11811/o) Is dMvid for 110 chup of the devat of ptJymcrllgtIolg vith the 3 COMM. 1100 Oftb9scip Wberek-2.4414-4-11. Thee S t L A &RIALlil.104CAL L1ItJ8 Well Mtiww boo the "Pti, W P. It O.LAt I.. ivr- Wo* 00 W-1 T pw 0 0 It 4 4 a it 01 9 R a a it @I K4 of I I ~, `6 '" I 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 6 8 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All, G 0:0 0 0) 0, * 0,0 0 00 0 a 40000 0 0 * 40 0 04 0 0 00 000.000 600 0 0 I zatit :111".1c, Kilictic.- o.!' Polyricriza,ioll of 'n irl a onzerif-, 0--olution", h'-In., Vol. V,~ !~'o. '12, USSR C~emi~tr Plastics, Polymers 11 Jan 53 ~'The Nature.of the Branching Reaction During %I.adical Polymerization of Dienes)" A. D. Abkin~ Q~ps.- N. Ycam vkayaO,,'b. S. Medvedev, Corr Mem Acad Sci VIM$ ~~gci-Rea Physicochem In3t ivieni L. Ya. DAN SSSR),Vol 88~ No 2, pp 269-271 A quant appraisal is made of the specific rater, .,of the reaction between the polybutadiene Yadical and polybutadiene particles at the mono- and di-substituted double bond. 255715 i~Oi' A4MIN tv me flit ou of hexn~tel'l and 111 n at VR"M YN 1o ;f p4 r~ t r - ' 7e.- ; ; 7M: VA4 45, 322 J - f; 'imiVity icf palyljl limila-* 126%.1tiou of 2 Obtallically thiluar 7 ;Aqvri; -,intj their was st Ili .,)n ,It h , it td x5i, " ibi Vic: ivittip rcw-rted, befare ~Jac yj Afe acir a -d purifitnt by. wa3hilig, drying, add ffl4rn. ;it ai-wt 46~ Mlv~ 119.1 Ether distd. from the zilartonier Trigg us"A in ationj doing away with the. hil timl p ti 1. ~~Ilcxlilcjzyl acryi6te min qypthesixed from hexadmitiol mid OWO arrylatt In thp pre'selive of neld. Tbe Wo's dit L. ~itp'r mcnil it) the pleiienuh. of 111c"ttillic cu';~ ;~ 6a tilt. nry--Ocio tract;oll at 1.4 iniu. fig, M.P. 1; O.;F50'.Was callected. Plitt BrA Nvas "fied as Ow ieaction,initiator. VOr COPOJYnICfl7,ltiGR, 1I t0JUC11C convii. irif 1.5 inMes/1. il., tz fbin'with tht~ manot -1c; used-, dilatorrit-trically, at, i " 0 :L 0.05 . ThcAip%w1c!cy1 ncryinate pislymer zAtiou raw I iind to bt, 2.3 tim(~; grcater thrin of Me acryNlv, aud thin, rate %van fctuito to bc,. the s-ullc at lower cfjiiimv~. (If 1110110. ipjn~i. ~ The uopolymt-rization rate xv:1.4 caled. by tisirg ttl~- , fl-eviously durived forlinfla, 10lich i1w.1i're'l tilt! of Olt putpiv-zinition riles uf the njonomens, ;-.nd the vetiiub elvit;tdorbreq th(-, ratio ot fliv ratio of tht.- Colt- !svints,of the hidt'iWil'al mottomen, polyinuiriGm initi:itimi, i ~Ile%irly tilt vgIlle fillill 111eav. I)[ 'v , h; ~1-' I- flit; i'alfw for the Me arry ;Bate v I ! (1, tilt jjc~(Ijj, el nj,, CA. 16, Cio Wllljp~' for KA-.4 Ka-'ft j7i)"'; i" 1-111 A. KAICNSKAYAJ, T.S. , t Principle of setting up a program for computing the structural amplitudes for all 230 symmetry groups. Kristallograftia 9 no.3035-337 MY-Je 164. (~M 17:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny)r univeraltet. Imeni M.V. Lomonosova. Kh M E- N~ h Y 0; 7- 11k POSPSLOV. G.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik-, LAPIN, S.S.; BELOUS, N.Kh.; MAR07-MIT, V.M.; KINE, O.G.; VAKWSFMV, V.A.; SHAPIRO~, I.S40 starehiy navehnyy sotrudnik; KALUGIN, A.S.; MUKHIN, A.S.; GAMMS, N.A.; WZYT, Tu.A.; SELIVISMOVA, M.I.-, RTJTKEVICH, T.G.;BYKOV, G.P.; NIKONOV, N.I.; SAKOVIGH, K.G.; MEDVMKOV, V.I.; ALADYSHKIN, I.S.; PAM# F.Ya.; :RUSANOV, M.G.; YAZBUTIS, B.A.; ROZHDESTVBNSKIT, Yu.V.; SAVITSKIT, G.Te.; PRODANCHUZ, A.D.; LYSENKO, P.A.; LEBEM, T.I.; MASLIMIKOV, A.I.; PIPAR, R.; DODIN, A.L.; KAMI 14 . .0 LUKIN, V.A.; ZIMIN, S.S.; KORMI, V.G.; 01 SK KI DUBXKOV, I.V.; BARDIN, I.P., al-c9damik, nauchnyy red.; GORBACHEVg, T.1%, nauchrqy red.; YEROFEYEV. N.A., nauchayy red.; NEKRASOV, N.N., nauchnn red.; SKOBNIKOV, M.L., nauchnvy red.; SMIRNOV-VRMN, S.S., nauchnyy red. Edeeeasedl.- SMUMILIN, S.G,., skademik, nauchrW red,; NIKOV, V.B., nauchnyy red.; CHINAKAL, N.A., nauchnyy red.; SLRDZYUK. P.76., red.toma; SOKOLOV, G.A., red.toma; BOLDYREV, G.P., red.; VOGIM, D.A,, red,; KASAMIN, P.P., red.; KUDASHKVA, I.G., red.iud-va; KUZIMIN, I.F., (Iron-ore deposits of the Altai-Sayan region] Zhelezorudnye mesto- roxhdoniia Altna-Saianskoi gormoi oblanti. Vol.l. Book 1. [Geology) (Continued on next card) POSPX'-OV. G,L,-- (Coat inued) Card 2. Geologile. Otvetstvannyl red, I.P. Bardin. Moskva. 1958. 330 P. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Mazhcluvadomstvonnsy~ po%toyannaya komissiya po shelazu. 2. Postoyannaya mezhduvedomstvannaya komiselya po thelezu' Akademli nauk SSSR (for Pospolov, Shapiro, Sokolov). 3. Zapadno- Sibirskiy filial Akademii nauk BSSR (for Vakhruahsyp'Pospelov.) 4,Zapadno- Sibirskoye geologicheakoye upravlaniye (for Sakovich). 5. Krasnoyarokoyo geologicheskoys upravlenlye (for Pon). 6. Zapadno-Sibirskiy geologo- ranvedoobny.y treat Charmtrazvedka (forproaanchuk). 7. Sibirskiy geo- fizio~4skiy treat (for Pipar). 8. Vaesoy-mmyy geologichaskiy nauchno- iosledovateltakiy Inatitut (for Dodin). 9. Gornaya ekspeditaiya (for Mitropollekly). 10. Gornoye upravleniye Kutnetakogo metallurg.kombinata (for Lukin). 11. Tomakly politekhnicheaki:r institut (for Zimin). 12. Si- birekly metallurg.inatitut (for Korel'). 13. Treat Sibneftegeofizika (for Derbikov). (Altai Mountaine-4ron ores) (Sayan Mountains--Iron ores) SooLld v ra7licbylkh Tela FrI. Forazlionil 'uIr.,ot-aja,.Uch(whe)y Oblast'", IPU4 In-ta F~,trdonko, T. iw 1948, a. So, Z?hiumti1:r'rI:',I 3tateY, 701- 7, 19V-') XAMMUU, Physiological function test of the cerebral cortex in remote seqnsls of cerebral injuries. Zh. nevropat. polkhlat., Moskva 52 no.2:11-20 Feb 52 (CUL 21!5) 1. Of the Iaboratory of the Pathapbysiology of H~gher Nervous Activity (Ela'ad-Prof. $*Do Uninekiy), Central Institute of Psyrhiatr7 of the Ministry of Public Health RSM (Director-Docent D.M. Helekhov). MOLICKHOV, D.Ye.;KA141CUSKATA, V.M Clinico-pathologle stndies on remote sequelae in closed cerebrocranial. injuries. Zh. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva 53 no.8-'595-606 AW, 1933. (GI,ML 25:4) 1. JAboratory of the Pathophysiology of Higher Nervous Activity and Border Forms of Neuro-Psychic Diseases and Medical Work Gartification of the State Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Public Health RS73R. WIEUISKATA, Y.M. '~;k;!-. ji, - Electropbysiological analysis of tha tonus of akeletal muacles in man. Fiziol.vjhur. 41 no.3.*351-356 My-Je '55. (HLRA 80) 1. Otdal fiziologii t patologil nervnoy sistemy Inatituta noyrolchirargit im. U.N. BurAenko All SSSR, Moskvv,. OWSOLIS. physiology, tonue. electrophysiol. anq.L--sl3 in man MML&HOV, D.Te.,; KAMSKAYA, V.M. Clinicophathophysiologic study of late seqaelae of closed care- brocranial injuries, Report no.2:Varioua forms of traumatic dementia. Zhur.neyr. i paikh. 55 no.9:641-649 155(MLRA 8:11) 1. Klinicheakoys otdaleniye pogranichafth form paikhichaskikh zabolevanty I Yrachabnotrudoyoy skepertizy ( T.A.Gayer) i patofisiologichaskaya laboratorlyn ( S.D. Kaminskiy) Gosudarstyannogo nauchno-tooledovatellskogo instituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya RSYSR, Moskva. NWAL DISOX)IRS, etiology and pathogenesis, head inj.) (VIAD, wounds and injuries, callsix6g dementia) (WOUNDS AND IRTURIES, head, causing dementia) MILUROV, D.Ye.; XANXNS1QYA,. V-M. MWOWWWW" --WWAVAlivowltwe- Clinical and pathophysiological studies in closed cerebrospinal injuries. Report NO-3: Subacute stage [with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. I paikh,57 no.10:1185-1194 157, (MIRA 10:12) 1.00audarstvennyy nauchno-iBaledovateliskiy inatitut psikhlatrii Hinioterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov) (MENTAL DISORDXRS, etiology and pathogenesis, cerebrocranial closed inj. (RUB)) (BRAIN, wounds and injuries, closed cerebrocranial inj. causing ment. diBord. (Rus)) p] Kfj - Y14) V. - C A'[ I R Y USSR v Phamaco'logy and Toxicology. Annleptic3 ALIS. JOUR. RZh3tol.1 No-5 1959, 14n, 23064 Au'riMi Tiganov, A. S.; Golub'y'kh., L. I.; Kamenskaya, I INS T.. F.-porlence in tho Use ot Mcrptmn and Prenquel in Pationt3 with a Paranoid Form of Schizophre 10 ORIM. PUB. Mi. novropatol. j 958, 58, 1 5 6co.-61.5 paranoid form of 3chizophre- A BS TMA C T In 1~ patienta -with a I nia, ndmi-rAitration o'f 6-10 mg a day of meratran dwring -12 clays caosed aggravation of psychosis, an increase of (-,~uiek rhy-thn. a on the EEG. rein- forcement of the ex,'-.1tation focus, generalizatiar Of t)10 PT-0005S, an increaso of uncon- ditioned reflex activity, and intensification of tho pathological chanjos in, protcq,n and nitrogen *V. M.; Landop L. 1. Card: 112 77 ATRLITSKIT, G.Ya.; YAMUSKATA, Y.M. Clinical aii(f-el;atroencephalographic studies of the paranoid form of schizopbrenia during remission. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 59 no.5-. 569-574 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Klinika T)ograniahnykh soatoyanly (Zav. - dotaent D.Te. MAlekhov) i la:borato~~va funktsionalinoy diagnoBtiki (zav. - doktor maditsinakikh nauk 1. S. Tolmsekaya) Hauchno-iseledovatel'skago institute. peik- hiatrii (dir. - Prof. Y.M. Banshchilcov) Ministeretva zdravookhraneniya 167SR, Moak-va. (IM7207-ROWORPRAWGRAPHY, in var. die. paranoid achisonhrenia during remitiaion (Ras)) (SCHIZOPMENIA, physiol. 33G of paranoid form during remission (Rus KAYSAKAYA. V.14. Electrical,activity of the brain in patients with the catatonic form schizophrenia in acute stages and during remissions. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 61 no-4:557-564 161. (MIRA 14-.7) 1. laboratoriya elektrofiziologii (z4v. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk B.B.Toll-masskay,a) Instituta p3ikhiatrii Ministerstva zaravookhraneniya RSFSR,, Moskya. (SCHIZOPHRENIA) (EUCTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) KAW-NSYAYA, V.M.; ALEKSANDROVSKIY, Yu.A. Clinical clectroencephalographic stuiy on tho effect of haloporldol in schitophrenia patients. Zhur. nevr. J. ps1kh. 64. no.6t896-902 ~64. (MW 17t12) 1. Otdel psikhofarmakologii (%&-,-iduyushchiy - kand. med. nauk G,Ya. Avrutskiy) i elektrofiziclogicheakaya laboratoriya (zaveduyuohchiy - prof. E.S. Tolmasskaya) Nauchno-isBledovatell- skogo instituta psikhiatrii (direktor - prof. D.D. Fedotov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, Moskva. SOV/139-58-4-5/30 AUTHORS: Tolstov, Yu. G,j -4!! enskaya, V. P. and Pirogova, N.V. T3:ME: Determination of the 0-p-e-r-al1mg-.ParEuneters of Germanium Power Rectifiers (Opredeleniye rabochikh paraluetrov silovykh germaniyevykh ventiley) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebn kh Zavedeniy, Fizika., 19581 Nr 41 pp 37-42 (USSR ABSTRACT: Paper read at the Inter-University ("onference on Dielectrics and Semi-conductors,, Tomsk, February, 1958. Generally, the limit value of the permissible cutrent and of the reverse voltage of a given rectifier in a rectifying circuit are determined purely experimentally. For germanium rectifiers, this method is not particular- 1-y suitable because it involves testing to destruction of a large number of rectifiers which is very -xpensive and, since the characteristics of germanium rect';ifiers show high degrees of scattering, such test results are uot reliable enough. Thereforel it is of interest to develop a non-destructive method of determIning the operating parameters of such rectifiers. In para.1 the authors deal with the temperature characteristics of Cardl/5 such rectifiers. The loading is 1:Wited by the SOII/139-58-4-5/30 Determination of the Operating Parameters of Germanium Power Rectifiers pn-transition temperature. The characteristics for the current flow in the reverse direction at various temperatures are graphed in Fig,l; for a given temperature the direct proportionality between the current and the voltage is disturbed from a certain voltage -inwards and the curves form a bend beyond. which operation is dangerous,,since the slightest increase in voltage leads to a sharp increase of the reverse current which in turn causes intensive heating. Thus, on each curve a limit point can be marked off which corresponds to the bend of the reverse characteristic,by means of a method which is described in the paper; the curve which joins all these points is referred to as the curve of limit voltages at various temperatures. During normal Dperation with a given cooling system, the reverse current can be measured and the reverse voltage corresponding -to this current. From ~ such measurements and the family cf curves ol" reverse current vs. reverse voltage for various temperatures, it is possible to determine the real temperature of the Card2/51 pn-transition and also to elucidate the dependence of this SOV/139-58-4-5/30 Determination of the Operating Parwaeters of Germanium Power 1~ iLectifiers obviously depend on the cooling temperature. There is reason to assume that the critigal current intensities at cooling temperatures above 0 C will be considerably higher than the fusion of the solder by means of which the current leads are soldered on arid, therefore, determination of the critical current intensity according to the derived formulae has no practical importance. The derived relations permit determininp, the limit parameters of the rectifier. These relations are correct for the static conditions of operation of the valves. The variations in the current intensity with the progress of ti-me is not taken into consideration and this is justified for very slowly varying currents aiid also for currents which change very rapidly when the average values have to be applied. If the speed of the thermal changes is commensurate with the speed cf the chanL~es of the current intensity, the time dependence of the current intensity has to be taken into consideration in the equat-ions and this will complicate the equations. In this case the Card L~15 conditions of (static) stability cannot be justified, since SOV/139-58-4-5/30 Determination of the Operating Parameters of Germanium Power Rectifiers the process of temperature rise may stop as a result of a rapid drop in the current intensity. In this case it will probably be necessary to introduce the con-c-ept of dynamic stability. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheski-y instit-at Jimeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo (Moscow Power Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovs-kiv) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1958 Card 5/5 SOV/1,39-58-5-7/35 AUTHORS:Tolstov', Yu. G., Pirogova N, V_, Kamenskalra, V. P. TITLE: Certain Problems of Technology i~id ~the Volt-Ampere Charac- teristics of Germanium Power Rectifiers (Nekotoryye voprosy tekhnologii i vol't-am ernyye kharakteris'-Viki silovykh g-ermaniyevykh ventiley3 PERIODICAL; Izvestjya v-ysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, fizika, 19 Nr 5.~ PP 35-40 (USSR) 58 ABSTRACT: This paper was presented at the Conference of Higher Educational Establishments on Dielectrics and Semiconductors, Tomsk, February, 1958. Preparation of germanium power diodes involves the foilowing operations: 1) cutting of germanium monocrystals and polishing of the resulting plates; 2,,- etch- ing and drying of the plates; 3) deposition of an indium, layer; 4) alloyjjig (production of a p-,n junction); 5) assembly end attachment of contacts; 6) final assembly. To out germ- emium monocrystals the authors used abrasive discs KZ-180 (dimensions 100 x 0.18 x 20 mm) prod-oced by the Leningrad Experimental Abrasive Works. Monocryptals were cut at 3100 rpm of the abrasive disc; water was used as the coolant. Card 1/5 7/35 Certain Problems of Technology and the Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Germanium Power Rectifiers The abrasive disc thickness was 0.18 mm ant.-~ the thickness of the cut was 0.2 mm. Surfaces of the resulting plates were so smooth that no polishing was necessary. This method of cutting made it possible to produce a plate of 20 mm, dia in 2-3 min, The plates were etched in boiling hydrogen peroxide which had a few drops of KOH added to it. After etching the plates were washed 3 times in boilir4g distilled water and then dried at 60-7000 for 30 min to 1 hour. An indium. layer was deposited in vacuo at 3 X 10-5 mm Hg (saturated vapour pressure of indium) Deposition took 2 hours and the indium temperature was 86060. The edge of each germanium plate was shielded from the indium so as to form a ring of clear sur- face. The p-n junction was produced, using the apparatus shown in Fig.l. A tin plate 0.3.5 mm. thick was placed at the bottom of a graphite cylinder. On top of the tin, a germanium plate (0-5 - 0.8 mm. thick) was pla-ced in such a way that its clear side (with no indium) was in direct contact with-tin. A second graphite cylinder was then placed on top of the germanium plate; the walls of this cylinder were of such a thickness as to cover exactly the clear ring referred to above. Card 2/5 Inside this second cylinder an indium plate was placed on top SOV/139-58-5-7/35 Certain Problems of Technology and the Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Germanium Power Rectifiers of the germanium plate and it was pressed down with a p as of stainless steel which produced a pressure of 10 g/cmr The whole assembly was placed in a vacuum chamber and heated by means of an electrical furnaee. The thermal tkeatment con- sisted of the following cycles: a) heating from 2000 to q50-5600C in 30 to 40 min, b) two minutes at 550-560 0C$ cooling from 550 OC to room tiemperature in about 6 hours. The next stage was the attachment of contacts and the assembly into a casing. This can be seen from Fig.2 which gives the cross-section of the complete rectifier. Base 3 and the iipper contact 7 had Kovar plates attached to them; these plates were covered outside with an Sn-Fb-Bi 19-31-50%-alloy which melts at 94.50C. The upper contact ? was connected with the upper terminal 1 by means of a spring 9 . The germanium rectifier plate was placed withits tinned side in CD contact with the base 3 The upper contact 7 was placed Card 3/5 V,f !57-7/35 Certain Problems of Technology and the Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Germanium Power Rectifiers on top of the germanium plate and pressed down by mean3 Of the spring 9 . The whole assembly was heated to 95-1000C for a short time in order to solder the contacts 3 and ? to the indium and tin electrodes of the rectifier. The. rectifier assembly was then dried, a glass cylinder 8 was placed round it and the interior was filled with a silicon oil. A cover 2 was screwed on and a cooling plate 4 was attached. The complete rectifier is shown in Fig-3. The quality of the indium-germanium contact was studied by etching away the indium and examining the junction surface under a microscope. It was found (Fig.4) that alloying was not uniform but consisted of separate patches with a consid- erable portion of the junction area not wetted by indium. The forward and reverse volt-ampere characteristics of the power germanium diodes so produced were typical semiconductor curves. To obtain reliable volt-ampere characteristics, the rectifier was placed in a thermostat and only short voltage pulses were applied in the measurements (the upper cu--ve in Fig-5). Application of a constant voltage even for a short time produced considerable amounts of heat inside the Card 4/5 'ectifier itself and this affected the results (the lower 3OV/139-58-5-7/35 Certain Problems of Technolog;y and the Volt.-Ampere Characteristics of Germanium Pcwer Rectifiers curve in Fig,,5). Figs.6 and ? are oscillograms from which the Nrolt-ampero oharaoteristics were derived. A family of volt.-ampere characteristics for rectifiers V-15. V-14 and V-13 is shown in Fig.8. There are 8 figures, ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy instvitut imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR (Power Institute imeni G. M, Krzhizhanovskiy, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1958. Card 5/5 E,A:A:-"N.S0YA V.V.; I-,IU,;SIIOV, V,A. .." , 4 Use or thermistors in biology and medicine. Izv.vys. ticheb. 7av.; ric. 2:84-89 164. (MIPJI 17:6) 1. liovosibirskiy meditsInsk-4y inotitut i S-4b-,r.,ikiy fiziko- tekdinicheskiy in5titu 1; pri Tomskom gosudarstliennom universitete imeni Kiybyaheva. I -ISKAYA, WU V.V.; BORODIN, Yn.l. Studying the transport function of lymphatic -vessels in animals. 1%v. 30 Ali SISSR no.4. Ser. biol.-mod. nauk no.1:90-91163. (IMI 16:6) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR i Novosibirskiy meditsinskiy inatitut. (Lympjinics) KAMENSKAYA, V.V.; 110RODRI, Yu.I.; MYSII, G.D.; KULIKOVA, L.A.; VOROPYIN, V,N. Methodology of determining the transport funcLion of the blood vessels and lymphatic system under experimental conditions. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.1:120-122 J'a 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra fiziki (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego V.V. Kamenskaya) nornallnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. K.V. Romodanov- skiy), fiziologii (zav. - dotsent Ya.D. Firikinshteyn), gospitall- noy khirurgii (zav. - dotsent B.A. Vitsin) Rovosibirskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom AI,% SSSR V.N. Ternovskim. KAFM,IISXAYA, Ye.A., kand.tekhn,naulr. - Dstermizimg the optimum ehape for levellers. Trudy MIIT no-97: 176-186 '58. (Rarthmoving machinery-) 1:8) KNORR, Ivan VaBillyevich; YXIEN� A, Xq.,A., red.; FOR1,ULIVA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Fishing with light,-'theory and practice) Lov ryby na svet; teoriia i praktika. Moskva,, Izd-vo "Rybnoe khoziaistvo.." 1963. 164 P. MRA 16:12) (Electricity in fishing) KAY saIENOV, German Yakovlevich; FAVLOV, K.L., opets.rod.; KAMS A,- Ye.A.. red.; PAWYEKBINA.. N.I., teklm. reel. [Fiphing trawlers; technique of catching and processing of fish] Rybolovnye traulery; tekhnika lova i obrabotka 1by. Moskva, Rybnoe khoziaistvo.. 1963. 133 p. (MIA 170 FEDOROV, Stanislav Sergeyevich; WfOSKAYA, Ye.A.,, red.; POLUYEKHINA, N.I., tekhrio-'red.- [Alantic and Scandinavian herring and its distribution] Atlanticheeko-skandinavokie selldi I. ikh rasprodelenie. Moskva, Izd-vo I'Rybnoe khoziaistvo, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 17:/+) MAIENSKAYA, Ye.A., red. (Review of the fltate of the mechrinization and automation of the catching ol' f1sh, whales, son an,'.mfil.; and other marizio objects; sea and ocean fisberies.1 Obzor sostoianila makhanizatsi:1 i avtomatizatsil dobp,-M rYby, kitov, runrokogo zveria i moreproduktov; morskoi i okeanlchaskii rjro.Vsel. Moskva, Pishchevaia. promyshl., 1964. 6,2 p. (MIRA 18-3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy proizvodstven- nyy komitet po rybnomu kho,-,yaystvu. VINOKUROVt D.Ta.; SHIRDTSXIY, I.P.; FROLOV, VA; KOGAN, A.S.0 spats. red.; KAMSNSKAYA. Ye.A.. red.; POLUYEKHINA, N.I., (Brief manual fo'r the ship repair worker]Kratkoe posobie dlia rabochago-sudoremontaLka. Moskva, Rybnoe khoz., 1962. 121 p. (miRA 16:4) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) PRIKSWTIS, 14ikhail Nikoleyevich; MENSKAYA " Ye A red. (Using VAS-59 tables for navigation in oceans; from practices of the Lithuanina fishing fleet of the Main AdministratioaAr, "Zapryba."] IspolIzovaiiie tablits VLS-58 pri plavanii v As-' anakh; po opytu Litovskogo rybopromyslovogo flota Glavnogo upravleniia "Zapryba.n Moskva, Piahchevaia promyshlennost', 1964. 58 P. (MIIU 17:11) ,, Vladimir Alekseyevich; KgWSKAYA, Ye.A.p red. SHENTYAKOV L (Freshwater a.c.-powered trawling] Presnovodnyi elektrotralovyi lov ryby s primeneniem peremennogo toka. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pishchevaia promyshlennost'," 1964. 80 p. (MIRA 17:7) OSIFOV, V.G.; RlZ9'VEl'1'FR, I.V.; ZURIAVIEV, A.V.; SUCHKOV, A.I., spets. ied.; KORZIJOVA, Yu.A., spets. red.; IKAMENSKAYA, le,A,, redo '__ - ___ _ . [Tuna fish and swordfish of thEl Pacific and Indian Oceans] Tunt-,y i 2nacheobraznye Tikhogo i Indiiskogo okeanov. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Pishchevala prom.3--shlemost'," 1964. 72 p. (MIRA 17; 8) TMENTIYEIV, Alokz:u), VaoillyevA:Aq SIICIIEI,:~)UNTA, K.M., rut:;ori7ont; CHEIMSHEV, I.G., rotsenzent; XLNOE;jfi-AYA, Ye.A., red. (ways for automation in fish procensing]Putl avtomatizatsii ob- rauotla ryby. riowsv-, rishche-v...- --iW-. , -,,,-)4. 191 P. (MIRA 17:9) i,~ , I&- eir R Or Fj A-fall Li t3 f K U-H F F R, UP i a Fi - MAZANETS, X.; KAMENSKAYA, Ye. Measurement of the surface tension on austenite grain boundaries. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.1:91-96 J1 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel"skiy institut Vitkovitskogo metallurgi- cheskogo kombinata imeni Klementa Gotvallda, Ostrava. (Surface tension) N-M 10mirb') F'-fl - -,~P(,,)A mW j f 31 C AdCEE~KON 11 A. ii7'4 s/ o o[I I/ fi,~I/ oo o,/ o 13/ 1< o v K 0 02 All TIVAR: Slivarts, G. I., ivanov,Yu. -N-11 a -Ce-d t-i -tc. L'I'l- TITLE. Corrosiqn.yeBi4 iUlr. ~LILIO.-,'Ei SOUMIE: Red. ZhAtinikya, Abs. .13K9 t.E [!,::L_I-~0)strukt. in- L khim naasl-Lin-os-q. %,N 'p. 45, 1963, CIT' D 3OUTICE: 1-r. 43- ~4 -rfhT:Irri 'I-AP-~Z. hvrirnphini-ir neirl fni-niv. acid, L;I'L~(emnenlaatibnz~:uuto-10%b) :and it boiling 10=10--.; 4dr," t1f[IrM ,C I 6:~ 0%), IC y-ILb TA 120k, Ta) as well " with INI) (30% I,'Tb) sbcm, satis-faclory corrositm re.918tance to bolling t3olutions 4 FICI !at '-)w cnn( ertratons (to 51%) alid 'c) [ormic ac ki vto 5W All ovi tig Pi -,vi t h r~,, ~; I ~ ~. - , -i;, - ', - I " lit m-sisumce in H Cl (u) 10 k-4 and EeQI. Ailoying 1', i~ i[_-, ---,ppei- ja-mi fr1j) lnuraaseo its corrosion rcslislmnce In organic a6ids. All the expertmental Tl-bas-ad lallmrs wore urimtable in exccpt for the 01m, tviih V`,~ Mo which gave nt-onw4istent revult;S. The alloys of 1) with Pd and ~R) gave uu5RllsI;it-t(,rv re-st i-mi &-ing work in f nctloi4 pairs in 2% HCI oad 65% 11 so, A u, Lb v rs ' 44 U I I I r I I t L F car'd I/r,I 2 i, litT, A~50091174 OUT I mg ~m: -050 0-119'11"t ! 6. A IM Jn'tb6 *ialdi 'INVAUT a id-Oarbe-grain structur-i of the mrtai. i~j7 GUREVMI, S.M., doktor telft. nauk; YAGUPOLISKAYA, L.N., kand. khim. nauk; KAMENSKAYA Ye.A.; inzh.; NEFEDOVA, I.D., inzh. Corror,ion resioteuice of weldea jointo in titwiium alloys contaning 0.1 and 0o2% of palladium. Avtom. svar. 17 no.11: 92-93 N 164 (MIRA 18:1) lkr .0 mash. 10 (KIIIA ACC NRt A?6035753 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/019/0124/0124 INVENTOR: Sliebeko, N. G.; Laghko, S. V.: Svetlovidov,_A._ Kamenakaya. Ye. A., Ivanov,,Yu. Tik-Fonova, Ye. 6--1- -Shiih, R. B. ORG: none Vb TITLE: Alloy for ~ra n refractory materials.2, lass 49, No. 186837 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966, 124 TOPIC TAGS: refractory metal,---1=vf= metal brazing, brazing alloy ABSTRACT- This Author Certificate int!roduces a niobium-base brazing alloy, containing titanium.-%nd vanadium,j)1for refractory materials. To improve the quality of a brazed joint, the composition of the alloy is set as follows: 20% vanadium, 10-20% titanium and the balance niobium. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DAM 290ct64/ ATD PRESS: 5106 TORBANO S.S.; TYUKTYAYFV, I.Sh.; KAMENSKAYAt Ye.A.p rod. [Coastal self-propelled vehicle for hauling wings of seaboach seines) Beregovaia samokhodnaia mashina diia vyborki k-rillev morskikh zakidrjykh nevodov. Moskva, Fishcbevaia promyshlennost', 1964. 37 P. (MIRA 17:12) LAGUNOV, Lev Llvovich; REKIIINA, Nadezhda Ivanovna; KkTNSKAYA, Ye.L., red. (WIiat can be propared from shi-Jnp, mussel, oyster, sefillopp squid and trepang, avid how to do it] Chto i kak mozhno pri- gotovit' iz krevetki, midii, ustritsy, morskogo grebeshka, kallmara i trepimp. Moskva, Pishchavaia promyshlennost', 1964. 42 p. (MIRA 17:12) RAMENSKAYA, Yu., in-h.; 1~., P11 television cunverter. R;~Q-u no.2:18-24' F ' ".2 4(I-L-I'LA Iil-:i) Uelevi&ion--Recelvers 2nd reception) KAMENSKI, G. SP. Account of Non-Fulfillng of Production by Making Inventories. In the Bulfarian Heavy Industry,, 11 Jan 55 MaTI, Ya; WOUTSKI. P. Nitrates in drinking water and their role in the etiology of toxic cyanosis in infants. Gig. i aan. 24 no.8-.65-67 Ag 159. (HIR& 12: 11) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny meditsinakogo faknallteta Univeroiteta Komenakogo v Bratiolave i II pediatrichoskoy kliniki v Bratialave. OGTMDIOGLOBINHIA, in infancy & childhood) (NITRATES, effects, injurious) (VATIOR SMIPLY) KAMSKI, R, .1 Effect of chemical characteristics on the microstructure, and strength characterintica of ohilled caot iron. Lit*j3rOi2W, no,UW-28 N 162. (Mn:Lk 15112) (Wt Iron) KAjuppjSKI, W., PUCHALKk, K., and DOLIMSKI, Z. "Using an Antimony Microelectrode for the Potentiometric Chromatography of Gasoline-Alchol-Water Solutions," Byull, Pollsk Akad. Wauk, Otd. 3, Vol 1, No 7, pp 297-303, 1953 The antimony electrode can be nuccestsfully used for the potentio- metric titration of dilute solutions of low acidity of the following non- electrolytes: methyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, and ethyl alcohols and in a mixture of "; ethyl alco6l, 50% gasoline, and 2% trater. When uping this mixture, the Jump in potential at the equivalence p61nt is especially great. (RZhXhl&, No 20j 1931+) SO: Suj4,.No. 606, 5 Aug 55 ~WOSKIKRI A.A. fl-.-.------------..----.-- Operating model of -a, lime kiln, MxLm, v shkole 1.8 no.1:6?-69 Ja-F 163. (KLU 16s/,) (Limekilns-4bdels) "K I I ~ I ~ L f x VIROVETS, A*M*, professor; BARVEM, Ye.I., inzhener; BENDOVsKjjr, M.K., in- inzhener; ZJW- ImIATSKATA, E.M., zhener; GORELKIN, L.F., inzhener; CHEVKO, L.Bo, inthener; IVANOV, V.F., inzhner; KANENSKIKH, I.Go, in- zhener; KOSI]MV, M.Ya., inzhener; LARIN, D.A., ini_MVV,-XWEM# V, Q* Inzhener; N~MTSHV, S.V., inzhener; SOLOVIYEVA, M.V., inzhener; FISHKIN, V.F.; RTTOV, A.V., redaktor; SHLENSKIY, I.A., tekIrmicheskiy redaktor. (Tables of tho rectangular coordinates of map frame angles and of map frame an& area dimensions of trapezoids 8f topographic surveys, using the scale 1:5000; for latitudes 360- 68 . Krasovskii's ellipsoid] Tablitsy priamougolinykh koordinat uglov ramok, razmerov ramok i plosh- chadei; trapetaii topograficheskikh s"emok masshtaba 1:5000. Dlia shirot ot 360- 680. Ellipsoid Krasovskogo. Moskva, Izd-vo geodezi- cheskoi lit-r7, 1953. 909 p (MLRA 8:4) (Surveying--Tables, 6;c.) (Coordinates) (Trigonometry-Tablegg etc.) Vl".L~TARSKIYP I,, KAYFNS-KIKHY L. " , : I' - ~ __ ~ . P-narratif, feed of the fil,ting Duatcrial tming, the laying of the briobiork of a blast fumvj~c shaft. Metallurg 7-0 no.2.- 6-7 F 165. (MTRA 1833) 1. Zhdancvskoyt spetsiaIizi-,ovtrn.-)ye s'LrAIe1'no-montd-zhncye upr&v1epdyr., 'Tonbassdomaremont". F VUfA)DAq')(,IY A.V.j LMHIIIL ".I.; 11,~~ ~IKI _ Replacing a hot blast alroular air line. Metallurg 10 no.4j8-9 Ap 165. ()URA 18%7) 137-58-4-7449 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 158 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kamenskikh-M. 1. , Koshelev, V. S. TITLE: Modernizing the ATA-40 Spot Welder (Modernizatsiya tochech- noy svarochnoy mashiny ATA-40) PERIODICAL: Tekhnol. transp. mashinostroyeniya, 1957, Nr 8, pp 55-56 ABSTRACT: In order to permit welding of a reaper canopy on the series- welding ATA-40 spot welder, the bottom holder of the machine is replaced by a support having a plate fastened to the floor of its base. To the base there is fastened an electrode holder to which a bus is connected. The sheets to be welded are mounted on a block. The design of the modernizing modification of the machine is presented. Machine welding of the canopy is more productive and economical than the manual arc welding operation now in use. 0.S. 1~. Spot welding--Equipment 2. Spot welding--Applications Card 1 /1 SKIYuYEV, P.. V.-, K~ mr,.~' I.;,nmj"' -.V,., 'N. Steel Cooling speed and machining properties of KhN2M, KhNlM2, and KhN3Y2 steels. Vest.mash. 31, No. 11, 1.951 Monthly 14-A of- Russian A"easions, Library of Congress, September 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. 81540 SOV/137-59-5-114oi Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 274 (USSR) .AUTHORS.- Kwmrnskikh, V.N./ Slaywev, P.V. TIMEt Heat TreatmenAnd Properties of Large-Size Parts PERIODICAL% Sb. sta.tey, Ural'skiy z-d tyazh. mashinostr. im. S. Or-dzhoni- kidze.,. 1958, Nr 5, PP 73 - 89 heai sfie 34KhN2M -steel forging of rotors for 50, 000 kw turbo- generators whi-r-equie"E'o- ardening and tempering was replac&I by normalization and tempering, The author analyzes defecta of heat treatment and their causes revealed by ultrasonio checking. Prevalent defects aret short-intermittent cracks or'pores located in the "bright" spots and revealed in macro- etching of the forgings. The "bright" spots represent segre- gational areas, deformed during forging, enriched with P, S and probably also with C and H. On the basis Df experimental. Card 2/2 investigations and industr1al tests the heat treatm,,P~nt technology treatment conditions of large- ABSTRACT: Information is given on T-db-kV% obrobotk. I -Yet- kmP-YV-' (11--t ?*"tm't -d ftrV'rt'- Of Twu** forglzas), lfoaccw# Kuhr%%, 1959. 2953 P. 4,- --2i*s Print-4. Raviever: K.M. Sokolov, C..Udats Of X~t~mcxj E--.- P.V. sxlyuy- Cmdidt. of Tth.1cal S.Ieb.cs; T.~h. Ed.- Z=-. DI-isic-, M"h4t)- A.Y. W.tiu., Engine.r. PgFJK=: This book Is i.t..dd for UeL.Iel par~l mrkIng In th- Lab*rstcries, azi deal C" oMces of jils~.ts -~acturing hoary ~hlM-.7 WA Uctric.X qdp-.t. It my also be of uOa ju-,-t W retvatch COVIMAGE' This collection of articles dewcrib~ orthods *upl"*d by Ural~b'2-4 (Ural rwary V~41~srj ?1--t. Svterdl~vrk) for ba%-tr*^tIr.9 bear forelAes. Ro"amb co-diwtrd at tb-- p1snt U a2az dls=ast4~ Dats for coupating cocllrZ Mt.. 1. the qusmhIng wA wromUziM or tauu forging* 61v g1ven. A con- sldrbl. yLertion of th. book is devoid t~ ir-formatloO On the wcba~Acal - stes-tt~rbl- le" =4 - . ,"v p Worertle. of rotors for boary t~rtc4~" mtors at ~-I~ paimte slorz the boa,- - --k or tb-" parta. TT'he nAln - c=- ZhE2 d it 6 2 -ser 0 dvf~tm occurrirg in rotars of tbe&e tyre. itz- , ~axyzad' &r.% ms.=" or - ir4 V--,bl ~_ a,s Results Or & 9t=4y cf bdITY fcrV!ngs made Of st.-I a- given. So par- c 2ILL-0 are ~nti~wd. Rgrars- ~-;amy scat or the artIcle.. c&'-,d-ti-g tb- cogung itts or itary 6.-rl ForclAm (P.T. axlyL~'-) 5 X"t Trvatmq Of Notcr rorgings (P.7. Sk2yuynv, L.I. X"ter, 11-srovs) 13 t r,*-r-d.-tI*u Or Ms-d..l qt_sjt~ I- K-jr F-r~W.- by U. Sole-Prilli.4 Ywt',4 (O.S. Hj~)_-y,_, V.IK_ of Strv.. r'.1-ti.- -- tb- 0-Ifl"AZ 5'--U- sal Cho-dcma CcaVu*Ltian of Sttj (P.V. StLjrcy,,* w.A, r1r,a-s) 61 yA= 11. M-A.-TAL M'Pr~-= C? jjMVR3 YM G-YA-t rJFM--- A171- test Tmatwt3- -.d K_rc~..I'al P-;-t... f"', of C "--ty (F.V. 51 tf Or F-h-n1-1 P-;.r-.'- ~f _,d Ptcrs of n__ rt.1 F~t- Y-i, rf S".1 (P.V. sklr~p-' V-'. A..1. Mf7 1.11. Mic"" TV Tl=. vll!:. ni=" or C=ZL F--~! MtY ~r rlt- I (P Y. r-!' F.T. ft_~y-, * -- --- __.. - 1~1 L.7 - t f U,' i ~1 (P.T' 5 ':'ra;-' r r f:, V Yt. F.Y. L.F. _a r :.f-urir~, "P.V. FAn TV. FW-11- f- Tm-,~---,- ~Ji. r_ fi"'t 15- F-Y 1'r 'F.V. KAMONS An exhibitioa of the trade imions of the U.S.S.R. SoNy. profsoiuzy 17 no.23:26-27 D ~61. I (MIRA 14:12) (Moscow-Exhibitions) (Trade unions) BELOV) V.P. [deceaGadl,- PROMONENROVI V.1%; KAICTSKIY, A.B. Reactions of' compounds with a labile halogen. Reaction of 3-chloro- cyclopentene with isoprene and dimethylbutadiene. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3432-3435 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologi.cheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mende- leyeva. PROMONENKOV, V.K.1 SKVORTSOVA, N,I.; BELOV V,,N. [decoased]; KAMRISKlY, A.B.; RODIONOVA, N.V. 9 Some transformations of 3-mettiyl-4,(cyclopenten-21-yl)buten- 2-al. Zhur. org. kbim. 1 no.Elsl431-1434 Ag 165. (MIRA 18t11) 1. Hookovskiy khimiko-tekhnolcigicheskiy intstitut Imeni Mendsleyeva. Jo zkhsta .3 72" DPj-t s.--V'lln -1. ru&y r-laurnim. -~os. Zapo-.r-a-dnj.'-..", -,ibliogr: M 2) lla-v SO: Leto-Ast Zharnallivkh Statey, '01. 7, KAYENSKIY, A.F.; III,TJGACIY,,V, V.K. Conversion of closed municipal power distribution networks to operation with grounded neutral, Trudy LIM no. 49s169- 174 163. (PaRA 17,6) SIROTA, I.M., kand. toklin. nauk (Kiye'vj'; NAUKIVSKIY, L.D., inzh. (Lenlnp-ad); TSMEL, Ya.A T (Lconingiad); KLEBANOV. Z.I. (Bobruysk) A.F: (Bob'rayak), BOYCRUK, S.I. (Bo'bruysk); _I KAMETSKIY I '- " '-k2tr. JOZFY.AVICW,' --(-Kaliningrad), SHULOV, B.S., inzh. (Riga) Neutral operat'ing xcde in olectrio pcr4or dietribution systems. Elektrichostvo no.1:84-91 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:6) PLYUGACHEV, V.K., kand.tekhn.nauk;-ZAWNSKIY,_A.F., inzh. Unipolar short-circuit and choiav of wire in electrical networks with distributed grounding of the neutral line. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.3:26-32 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut makhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva nechernozemnoy zony SSSRI KA*:NSKTY A~F. (Krasnoarmeyok); NIKITIN, V.I. (Krasnoarmeyvik) Equ#ment for bydrostatic pressing. Porosh. met. 4 no.63 98-100 N-D 164. (MIRA 1893) AUTHORS* Kandler, N.V., Kamenskiy, A.G. TITM: Heat-insulating shells of inflated pearlite PERIODICALs Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1963, 4 5 S/128/63/000/001/001/098 A004/A127 TEXT: Investigations were carried out at the TsZL Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metalLurgicheskogo oborudovaniya (Dnepropetrovsk ~Iet;allurgical Equipment Plant) to study the possibility of using inflated pearlite for heat-insulating shells in- stead of the exothermic heating of risers. The pearlite sand used ensured high heat-insulating properties because of its low volurrg?tric weight - 120 - 200 k - and low coefficient of heat conduction - 0.04 - 0.05 kcal/m - h. The insulat- ing mixture contained (in volume %)% 92% inflated pearlite, E~ refractory clay'. 7% water glass of 1.48 - 1.52 density. The mixture had a gas permeability of 200 - 500, a compressive strength of 0.4 - 0.8 kg/cm2 at 14 - 19% humidity and a ten- sile strength of 2 - 6 kg/cm2. The physico-mechanical properties of this mixture are given in a table. Good technological propertieii are obtained only if a first- -grade pearlite is used. The test results of producing some 500 tons of castings. Card 1/2 S/128/63/000/CO1/001/008 Heat-insulating shella of inflatbd4pearlite A004/A127 r varying in weight from 50 to 3,751) kg showed that, asA6 efficiency, shells of inflated pearlitG are equal to Carbon-thermite exothermic mixtures, permitting to cut the weight of risers by a fictor of 2 compared tolthe weight of ordinary ris- ers. In addition to this,,the authors enumerate a nuAiber of other advantages and present some technological details. They point out that the economic efficiency of using heat-insulating shells,'a~ounts to 25% in producing steel castings, 15% in case of bronze castings and 20% n the production of high-strength cast iron ~relative to the cost.of the liquid metal). There is 1 table. Card 2/2 N.Vjj K022MYL A.G. Heat insulating shells of expanded perlite. Lit. P--oizv. no,l-.4-5 A 163, (MIRA 16- 3) (Foundries-Equipment and supplied) UnOulation (Heat)) (Parlite) DAVYDOVA, K.X.; -"ONNY1 TUSHINSKIT, G.K.; VASILOYEVA, O.S0, redaktorl UJIMMI11, redalctor lart; HAKBOVA, H.N., tekhniche- skiy redaktor [Pbystoul geography of the U.S.S.R.; practical exercie-jel lizicbe- skaii geografita' SSSR; praktichaskle raboty. Xoskvas Goss uchabno- '"gog, 'izd-vo Ministerstva proeveshchaniia RSFSR. 1956. 162 p. s I p 20141d4vaps, (KLRA 10:2) Ohyaical geography) VI,SILIYNVA, I.V., doto,; DAYnOVA, M.I., dota.; XAHMI';Kkx,,A.j,j dote.; KOTELIVIKOV, Y.L., dots,; TUSHOSKIY.- YATS11KO, A.A., dots.; MI'j, I.G.,; SHCHEPTEVA, TdA., tekhn.reds [Programs of pedagogical institutes; physical geograpby of the U.S.S.R.] Programmy pedagogicheskikh inatitutav; fizicheeksia geograftia SSSR. [Hoskyaj Ucbpedgit, 1957. 22 pe (MIRA 110) I- Ihisoia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upreivleniye vysehikh i aredailch pedagogichookikh uchabnykh zavedenii,. (Physical geography-Study and teaching) 4 22(l) SOW-59-5-24/34 AUTHOFS: Davydova, M.I., and Kamenskiyjkj., Candidates of Geographical Sciences; Do-c-ents; Tushinskiy, G.K. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor. TITLEP: Practical Field Training in Physical Geography PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 5, PP 78 - 79 (USSR) ABSTM~CT: The basic purpose of practical field training is to assimilate the methods of thoroughly conducted geographical research and to estimatd 'he natural resources and possibilities of their utilization on a opecific territory. Tho natural-geoGraphical rond geographical departments of podagoGica, ir-lAmbo caidwt -ractical field training in physical geoL;rayii~ the first 4 years. The author des- cribes the task given to studento of the J: years which results in viorkinr~ out a detailed geographic characteristic of the specific territory, draring Card 1/3 up a landscape chart with a detailed explanation. SO'T/3-59-5-2-4/34 Practical Field Training in Physical Geography In 1955, the Mihisterstvo prosveshcheniya RSFSR (Ministry of Education RSFSR) approved a pro- gram of Dractical field training in summer for third year students which is carried out by the various pedagogical institutes in a different way for lack of information on the content and methods to be adopted. The Geographical Department of the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute has been con- vinced by experience that it is best to conduct practical field training on a comparatively small territory. It should,.however, visually demonstrate the most important regularities of structure of the geographical surrouridinG and the intercommunication between the individual elements of nature and eco- nomy. The Geographical and biologic-geographical stations of vuzes comply with these demands. The author outlines how :, vesearch coul 'd be developed Card 2/3 if the stations are well equipped, stating that SOV/3-59-5-24/34 Practical i~ield Training in Physical GeograpkT. a concluding scientific-methodological conference should be the final stage of a practical field Lraining. ASSOCIATION,: Moskovskiy gorodskoy ~,edaGogicheskiy institut imeni V.P. Potemkina 'iloscow City Pedagogical Institute imoni V.P. Potemkin) Card 313 DAVIMOVA, Marina Ivanovna, dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk;~'~QPKIXA- Alskmadr Iosifovich, dotsent, kand.geograf.imiuk; HACLYUKOVA, Ina -FeVr-o-v-n-a,--d-oVi-39-n-t-, kand.geograf.nauk; TumaNsKly, georgiy Kazimirovich, prof., doktor geograt.nimk; VASIL'YEVA, O.S., red.; RODIONOVAO ?.A., red.; CHUVALDIN, A.M., zed.kart; KORUBMA, V.I., [Physical geography of the U.S.S.R.; textbook for students of geoFraphy and natural geography faculties of pedagogical institute4 Fizichaskaia geografiia SSSR; posobie dlia stu- dentov geograftobeekikh-i eatestvanno-geografichaskinh fakullte- tov pedagogichaskikh institutov. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagug. izd-vo Wva proev.RSPSR, 1960. 679 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Physical geography) DOYDAW, Marlya Ivanowal TUSHINSHY, Georgiy Kazimirovich; FISHCHEU, T.V., red.; ZAYTSEVA, X.F., red. kart; KORNEYEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. [General-fielA practl" in physical geography] Komplekanaia polevaia praktika po, fizicheskoi geografi:L; posotda dlia studentov III i IV kursov geografo-biologicheskill fakullte- A. Uov pedagogicheakikh in3titutov, Moskva.. Uchpedgiz, 1962. 147 p. (HIRA 16:7) (Physical geography-,Otudy and teaching) Mill 11101,11111AP1111 urn MWIMLIUMM N?Pa~ Profenvor, L-ANNSMY, 41.14. (Simferopol') Mechaniama d the regulation -:T gastric juicei acidity in man. Trach.dolo no.9:991-993 S IS7. (YLRA 10:9) 1. Kafedrq rofipital'noy terapli (zav. - prof. P-A.Tevver) Krym- gkogn maditatuskogo institute (GASTRIC JUICE) KAMENSKIY, A. N., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Effect of some ganglion- blocking and -anesthetizing agents on the secretory and motor act- ivity of the stomach in ulcerous disease and chronic gastritis. (Clinico-experimental investigation)." Simferopol', 1960. 17 pp; (Krymskiy State Medical Inst im I. V. Stalin); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, 139) IMIPERO P.A., prof.1 SHAKENAZAROV, A.B., prof nauk; LAKISOVA, O.V. Hexonium in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Terap.arkh. 33 no.8: 15r22 161. 4~ (MIRA 15:1) le 1z pspitallnoy terapevtichoskoy klinik-L (2aV. - prof. P.A. Tepper) i kliniki obshchey terapli (zav. - prod. A.D. Shakhazarov) Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PEPTIC ULCHR) (HM14IUM) B004YB064 AUTHORS: Gull, V.-Ye., Kovriga, V. V. and Kamenskiy, A~ N, TITLE: Study of the Spontaneous Contraction of Polymers With Fully Developed Spatial Structure in the Course of Tearing PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, ro. 6, pp. 1364-1367 TEXT: The authors wanted to determine the relaxation properties of samples subject to tearing on the basis of the velocity of their spontaneous cantrAction. The tearing of non-filled vulcanizates from r-hH-.18 (SKN-18) CkH-26 (SKN-26), and CKH-40 (SKIT-40) rubber with di-rferent percentage of nitrile groups, but the oame degree of interlacing was studied with a time-lapse camera CKC-1 (SKS-1). Two kinds of samples were used: Samples No. I had the dimensions 609 50X 1 mm, and had a I or 2.5 mm deep groove on the longer side. Samples No. 2 were small stripes (60xioxi mm). In samples No. 1 the rate of contraction was measured of the rest being torn only at the and of the experiment, whereas in samples No. 2 the entire sample was torn after a certain S/02 60/!53/006/010/016 Card 1/3