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LARICHEV.-P.A. (Moskva.) The subject "powers and radica *le in class 8.P Mat.v shkole no.4:11-18 Jl-Ag 1569 (Algebra--4tudy and teaching) (MIRA 9:9) URIGM, Pavel Afans I i h, ILUMEKINA, N.I., redaktor; KAKHOVA, N.Y.. Us ow-TeEnnieneskly re%cwnk*- (A collection of problems in algebra] Sbornik sadach po algebra. Moskva. Goo. uchabno-podagog.izd-vo H-va proev. RSPSX, Pt.2. (For grades eight to ton of secondary schools] Blis 8-10 klassoy arednei shkoly. Izd. 8-oo. parer. 1957. 222 p. (HLRA 10:7) (Algebra--Problems, exercises, etc.) LARICHHV, P.A. (Hook-va). Problems in rearrangiW the teanhing of mathematics in secondary schools in connection with theintroducti,on of the new program. Mat. v shkole no.4:16-23 S-G!'57. (KLRA 10:8) (Hathematico-Study and teaching) L&R1CHZV..P:avel.Af p4alyevich-, ISMAINA, N.L. red.; MAKHOVA, U.N., V~~` no r (Handbook on problems In algebra; for classes 8 to 10 of secondary schools] Sbornik zadach po algebra; dlia 8-10 klaasov arednei shkoly, lzd. 9-e. Moskva, Goa. uchabno-.pedaggg. izd-vo M-va proev. RSVSR. Pt.2. 1958. 222 P, (14IRA 11-.4) (Algebra--Problemo. exercises, etc*) LARICHCV. P.A --- Methodical advice. Hat. v shko2e n0.3:5840 MY-Je 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Mathematice-Study and teaching) IARICIW, P.A. (14oskva) ~- ~', _z Study of arithmetic In the 5tb grade during the IV,9-1960 school year. Mat.v shkole no.4:15-17 JI-Ag '59. (1,111U, 12-.11) (Aritbmetic--Study and teaching) S/124/6o/boo/oo6/035/0,39 AOO5/AOOl Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, p. 17D, # 8025 AUTHOR: Larichev,,P.ya. TITLE: The Calculation of Extracentrally Compressed Thin-Walled Rods on the Base of the Deformati6n State __L~o PERIODICAL-, V sb.: 17 Nauchn. konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavat. sostava Leningr. inzh. stroit. in-ta, Sekts. matem., soprotivleniya materi- alov, teor. mekhan., fiz., khimil, elektrotekhn., Leningrad, 1959, PP. 79-82 TEXT: A thin-walled rod of open cross section with two axes of symmetry is considered. It is compressed by forces applied to the ends with eccentricities. Two coordinate systems are used: 1) a stationary system, 2) a mobile trihedron, the edges of which are directed along the tangent of the 'deformed rod.axis and along the main axes of the turned cross section. The expressions for the moments of the external forces with respect to the movable coordinate axes are set up for an arbitrary cross section: a) on the one hand, through the characteristics of the cross sections and the derivatives of deformations, whereat approximate Card 1/2 S/124/60/0(>O/006/035/039 A005/AOOI The Calculation of Extracentrally Compressed on the Base of the Deformation State formulae of the rod curvature are used, b) on the other hand through the moments and the longitudinal force at the rod ends. By equating the right-hand sides of the equations, a system of three nonlinear differential equations of equilibrium is obtained. 'It is assumed that the deflections vary according to a sinusoid. The equation system is reduced to one equation of seventh order with respect to one of the deflections. The general and particular solutions are found. The values of the four arbitrary constants in the particular solution are determined from the boundary conditions. Having found the solution for one of the deflec- tions, the expressions for an other deflection and for the torsion angle can be derived, and having found these, the stresses at an arbitrary point of the rod can be found. It is necessary to point out that the problem studied in the ar- ticle is a special case of the problem considered by S.P. Vyaz'menskiy, (Sb. nauchn. tr. Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-t, 1957, No. 26, pp. 270-313 - RZhMekh, 1958, No. 11, j 1)244)*and L.N. Vorob'yev (Tr. Novocherk. politekhn. In-ta. 1958, Vol. 69/83, PP. 3-48 - RZhMekh, 1960, No. 1, # 1232. G.M. Chuvikin Translator's note: Thisis the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 ~ LARICHMV, S. I Mo, mum - m moksof, Book sectiou for amataur photographers. Sov. f9to 17 ne.4:76-:77 Ap 157. (Bibliography-Photography) (MLEL 10:6) -at" -.DECEASED.,. v 1961/2 NIXITIN, Sargey Mikhaylovich; IAUOW--*, ;o, red.; VINOGRADOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Indices of industrial production in capitalist countries] Indaks7 prozVehlennoi, produktsii v kapitalistichakikh stranakh. Moskva, Goa. stat. izd-vo, 1958. 105 P. (Mm 1119) (Industrial Statistics) ISKRA, Viktor Maksimovich; LARICUT, V.I., red.; SHA RINA, N.D., [,Automation--abundanee or new calamities?] Avtomatizataiia - izo- bilie ili novye bedstviia? Moskva, Izd-vo VTaSPS Profizdat, 1959. 117 P. (HIU 13:7) (Automation) KISEIA, Krietat' [Misjo, Kristat]; LARICHEV, V*I., redo; RAKOV# Seleg (History of the trade-union movement in Albania] Istorlia profsoiusnogo dv12hmniia v Albanii. Moskva, Izd-vo VTsSPS. Frofizdat, 1960. 94 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Sakretarl TSentrallnogo Soveta profooyuzov Albanii (for Kisha). (Albania-Trade unions) SOUM, Prantishek [Soukup, IrantiYek], insh.-, LARICIMV, V.I.,. red.; S~MIKA# N.D. . [Electricity never accepts an excuse; 99 cases of violations of operating rules and safety rules with indications of their causes and conseqnsinceal Blektrichestvo ne proshchaet; 99 sluchaev narashenli pravil ekepluatataii i tekhniki bezopasnosti s ukaza- niam ikh prichin i pooledstvii. Koskva, Ind-vo VTsWS Profizdat, 1960. 156 p. Translated from the C28eh. (KM 14:2) (Electric engineering--Safety measures) - - - - .LARICHEV, Vo N. LARICHEV,, V. N. -- "The Investigation of the Electric and Photo- electric Properties of Transistors of the PbS Graup." Leningrad Physico- techni6al last of the Acad Sci USSR, Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in PHYSIMIATMUTICAL SCIENCES). SO: KNIZHNAYA LETOPIS' (Book Register)., No. 42, October 1956, Moscow. SOV/121-58-8-lo/29 AUTHORS.__Larf _V'-N._T 1-ind A.B. and Morozov I.K. TITLE: A Pnaummati% Devi,--e fo-c the Inspe~:t-ion and Sorting of the Housings of Live Centres (Pn--vmat-i(-,qeskiy pribor dlya kont-lolya i scz-%-1irDvk� korpusov vr,,-shc'-rLayusb.cb.4,-]!Cb-sya tseatrov) PERIODICLL: Stanki 1 lnstri-.zent, 19.1589 Nr 91 pp 27-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A p n e -amatic- device -is desc-.7ibad, developed by the Office for of the Standards, heasures and Measlil-inc Coimittee (Byu--rc 'Vzaimo--amenyayemosti komitet,a sta-nda-,~-tr)'-;r, mer J- iZMGritel'ryykh priborov) under -'-,he .:~esignatvion BIV-780 in order t-o i-nspe,::t the fitting dimensiors cf f;h-- ho-asings of live centz-es for lathes. Each of t'-Je two --'.nspe--,ted hole diameters is sorted within the allowable limi-ts into four dimensional groups~ thus ,~-Aeat-J,Dg 16 groupso The maximum -,alue of the wean dia- metei~ datsrninas tjiq group. The diameter and the deviation .-['roz. Vie (,y i. j.n"A~-i cal. form measL;.-zed '-~.-%y two pairs of nozzla:~. a--car.g-3d at right angles. Th3 ~il3tance betweell is at,,7a~, --5"fo -of the length of the bore. Fig 2 Card 1/2 n0z~ shows t~-s --iT--uit. 1he air is filteTed and SOV/121-58-8-10/29 A Pneumat-J*.-, Device for t--. TnSDe, .:t-on an~ Sortin- cf the of Live Centres stabilised. and then p-_,o,_,,eeds to thq distributor containing the intake nozzles with a diametez, so cthosen that the measu-_,i,,,Z pi-ass-are f-;)d to the pneumatic plug is half the wozr-king pressuz!e. The pneumatic plug is a two-step cylfndri-,_~:al plug and inspects simultaneously two fitting diameters and tha shape deviations (ovality and conicity). It is -ome.-tad to an 8 contac~t differential maxaury transmittez- operating 'b,,7 the counter--DreSSUre method. In cL-a of the t-_,,ansnji_ttqi- a pressure is Tile other cklhambs-,~ has its pressure varied depending cn the o!atflow from the pneumatic plug. Cali-t.ration is o-at with tha Inalp of a master c~omponpzy--,. Thai,a a_'t'-a 3 rigures Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Kolomiyets, B. T., Larichev.. V. N. TITLE: Investigation of the Photoelectric Properties of Sem-~.' conductors of the Group PbS by Means of the Condense.- Method (Issledovaniye fotoelektnj..nhesk_Jkb provodnikov gruppy PbS kondensatornym me-~,~.dcm) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tokhniolieskoy Finiki, 1958, V07. 28t N, 5: pp. 921-924 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As is known, lead-sulfide, -selenide and -tellurld-_ .~x- hibit a strong photosensitivity in the infrarel rang,~ o- 0 ly, if they are in shape Of Small polyaryS-~=114Tj~ layers, 'which were specially treated (activated) In ~.Xjgerl '~- il'~ air at temperatures of from 300 500"C. tni 4-hp activation conditions, the photo;ensit41-iiity ran change by the hundred- or thousand-fold. In order to understand the nature of the photoconductivity of sach activated iay?r~~; it is of interest to investigate the nor--F_i~tiirated subs-~;-_n- ces. This, however, is connected with great experjMC-LT~!_i. difficulties. The authors applied in their experiments Card 1/4 the condenser method for the investligation of the in-Lernal Investigation of the Photoelectric Properties of 57-25-5-V306 Semiconductors of the Group PbS by Means of the Condenser Method photoeffect in semiconductors (Referenoes 1 - 4). The results obtained on the basis of the examinat3.ons art., as followst The photo e. m. f. which was determined in lea:L. -sulfide, -Belenide and -telluride by means cf the conden~ ser method, and the photoconduntivity in the ar;tivat-ed- layers of these semiconduotora are of a completely dlfferent,, type and are caused by tro different processe_-~. lecording to data in publications it can be assumed, that the tilth of the forbidden zone equals 0,37, 0,25 and 0,3 eV at ro,~m temperature, corresponding to PbS, PbSe and PbTe- These values correspond to the activation energy; which ras con.- puted according to the long-wave limit" cf photocondu~~tlvj.-- ty. If, however, the activation energy is oomputed accor- ding to the red limit of the spectral distribution of the photo e. m. f., values are obtained exceeding by from 5-t8 times the width of the forbidden zone. Contrary to the photoconductivity the photoeffect exhibiting such a spe.~- Card 2/4 tral distribution cannot be explained by spatial pTo-esse.-:t. Investigation of the Photoelectric Properties of 57-28-5-1/36 Semiconductors of the Group PbS by Means of the Condenser Method Just as mu2h the great time constant of the photo e. m. f. (up to lo sec) cannot correspond to the mean life of the light carriers in the volume, nor to the period of diffu- sion equilibrium. In more pure monocrystals of PbSe and PbTe the mean life of the carriers, which are not in equilibrium, does not exceed 1o-7. The assumption seems to be most Dro- bable, that the hydrogen atoms adsorbed at the surface re- present very deep superficial level wells for the electrons. Therefore the photoeffect is caused by a liberation of elec- trons from these wells by the action of visible light. This assumption is also proved by the fact that the magnitude, the sign and the shape of the spectral distribution of the nhoto e. m. f. is markedly dependent upon the influence of ihe-atmospheric oxygen. From this assumption it also pro- ceeds, that the sign of the photo e. m. f. in the general 'base does not determine the sign of the photocurrent. Tlie results of this work cannot be regarded as final. Further Card 3/4 investigations are necessary. Investigation of the Photoelectric Properties of 57-26-5-1/36 Semiconductors of the Group PbS by Means of the Condenser Method There are 2 figures, 1 table and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCILTION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad (Phytic.o-technical. Inetitut6, AS USSRp-leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1957 1,*., Semiconductora-r-photoconductivity Card 4/4 !UTHORS: Kolomiyets, B. T., Larichov, V. 1% 57-28-6-33/34 V TITLE: On the Problem of the Mechanism of Conductivity and Photo- conductivity in Polycrystalline Layers of Semiconductors of the PbS Group (K voprosu. o mekhanizme provoaimosti i fotoprovo- dimosti v polikristallicheskikh sloyakh poluprovodnikov gruppy PbS) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikij 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, PP- 1358 - 1362 (USSR) ABSTIUCT: In the present paper some experimental results obtained by the investigation of the influence exercised by oxygen upon the electric and photoelectric properties of polycry3talline layers of PbS, PbSe and PbTe are described. On the basis of the work carried out the following conclusions may be drawn: The nort- linearity of the volt-amp6re characteristics of the photosensi- tive samples can be looked upon as proof of the fact that non- -ohmic transition resistances exist in the most active layers, and titat they play am important part in the mechanism of the conductivity and photoconductivity of the layers. For such samples Card 1/3 the barrier theory of p-n-p transitions is applicable. It was On the Froblem of the :iechan-ism of Conductivity and 57-25-6-33/34 Photoconductivity in Pola-crystall-ine Layers of Se=iconductors of the _F"DS 'Group worked out by Slater (Reference 7) and Petritz (Reference 8) .7ith respect to the layers of PbS. In photoresistances of PbSe and in -;)articular of FbTe the p-n-p transitions are of secon- dary inpertance. The oxy~;en, which is introduced into the layers at room temperature, is adsorbed at the edges of the microcry-- stals. The nonlinearity of the volt-amp6e characteristics of such samples do not prove, in the authors' opinion. that there is no negative surface charge, but solely that there are no poten- tial barriers on t~c edges of the microcrystals. Apparently the influence exercised by the opposite boundary of the microcrystals (Reference 0) makes itself felt. It follows herefrom that the barriers of the Schottky type do not exercise any considerable influence upon #the conductivity and photoconductivity of the polycrystalline layers of semiconductors of the PbB group and that the theory developed b..,- Smiih ancl Gibson (Reference i and 6) is not applicable in this case. The atirface states occuring as a rooult of oxygon adsorption apparently manifest themselves by the existence of the photoeffect (with a maximum of spectral di- Card 2/3 stribution in the visible part with a high degree of inertia), On the Problem of the Mechanism of Conductivity and 57-26-6-33/34 Photoconductivity in Polycrystalline Layers of Semiconductors of" the Pbs Group which is observed when measuring the photoelectromotive force by the condenser method (Reference lo). There are 3 figures and Io references, 2 of which are Soviet. SU13MITTED: July 22, 1957 1. Semiconducting films-Conductivity 2. Semiconducting films-Photoconductivity 3. Semiconducting films-Electron transitions I+. Oxygen-Electrical effects '5. Lead alloys- Properties Card 3/3 LhRICHBV, V.N.; LIM, A.B.; MOROZOV, I.K. Pneumatic instruments used for checking and sorting running-center bodies. Stan. i instr. 29 no. 8:27-28 Ag 158. (MLRA 11:8) (Engineering instruments) (Lathes--Testing) co in 0 'o %g 1104 0 It 0 C * e 0 0 0 0 10 f A -7 p a v 'a ng w a .0- H 0o as CL go . -. I -; '.- S, ='. :1 . . ~ . to~ C. *.tc. t 11,19: 094 VA vs. -0 -, - I - Xf to 0 W co RAMA) . .. . ..... 1 82991 S/181/60/002/008/010/'045 B006/BO7O AUTHORS:. Zolotarev, V. F., Larichev, V. N. .TITLE: p-n Junctions in Photosensitive PbS Films PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telaq 1960, Vol. 2, No. 89 pp. 1741-1750 TEXT: The aim of the authors was to investigate the volt-ampere characteristics of PbS.films and their temperature dependence, and to demonstrate the existence of p-n junctions. At present, there are two groups of*theories for photoconductivity..One of the theories assumes that, on illuminationp carriers are released where oxygen plays an important role as electron trap. The second.theory is based on the idea that the photosensitive film consists of a series ofp-n junctions. The minority carriers, liberated by light, diffuse to the junction and lower the-potential. barrier between p- and n-type regions, thus increasing the photocurrent. In order to find out the actual meehanismg an experiment suggested in Ref. 5 is used 'as the criterion. If potential barriers exist in the film, volt-ampere characteristics must be nonlinear. Card 1/3 82991 p-n Junctions in Photosensitive PbS Films S/181/60/002/008/010/045 Boo6/BO70 Therefore, the authors inVeBtUigated the volt-ampere characteristics of PbS films prepared in different ways. The electrical circuit of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. Typical characteristics (taken in light and darkness) are shown in Fig. 2. The form of the characteristics was found to be independent of the method of preparation of the film and to depend on the manner of activation. Some samples showed a photo,-emf that is directly related to the non-linearity of the characteristic. Chemi.- cally prepared films of PbS showed linear characteristics for low temperature activation in vacuo (Fig. 4). Fig. 5 shows ina (a - the conductivity) as function of 1/T for chemically prepared films for high temperature activation in air, taken in dark and in light of two intensities. The results are discussed in detail. Experiments proved that on high temperature activation in air PbS layers showed p-n-p junctions. Films, that were activated at low temperature or in vacuum, showed no potential barrier. The p-n junctions have shunts whose conductivity is independent of temperature and exposure of the sample. The magnitude of the shunt differs from film to film and also from junction to junction in the same film; -the photo-emf is a consequence of the latter. The Card 2/3 82991 p-n Junctions in Photosensitive PbS Films S/181/60/002/008/OiO/045 B006A070 surface-impurity conductivity~of an oxide film; or chains of free lead atoms can act as shunt. Three possible reactions, from which free lead may, arise on high temperature activation, are given~.The 0-- levels are traps for the photo electrons in p-type region; free lead atoms are traps for the photo holes in n-type region. The photoconductivity 6cr/a depends mainly on the trap concentration and only slightly on the magnitude of the shunts. There are 7 figures and 11 references; 3 Soviet, 7 US, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: February 28, 1959 (initially) and February 29, 1960 (after revision) Card 3/3 LARICHRV, V.N.; LIND, A.B. Pneumatic device for checking the plates of a gear pumps Stansi instr.' 34 no.5:31-32 My 163. (MIRA 16:5) -(Pumping machinery-Testixxg) FWT(I )'/FWT(m)- IJP(c) Aj/JD/JG NR_ SOME _tWE: W02 ,ACC 3/66/OD8/003/0958/0959- AUTHOR; Iaricbe v~ W ff. arinovay V. A Kazan state ia;er4~~sity im. _V. 1. Ullyanov-Lenin Xazanskiy gosudarotvenny sitet) Characteris ics of induced photo emf-in merc iodide -.RESOURCE. Fizika tverdogo telay Y. 81 no. 3, 1966, 958-959 TAGS: mercury compoun d., photo emf,, light absorption,, photosensitivity ~'ABSTRACT: The authors esent preliminary results of the investigation of induced pr ~.,, in.mercury iodide,, consisting in the fact that prior exposure of the semi-. Conductor to light in the region-of theintrinsic absorption in the impurity region _~causes 6 sharp incre4se in the photosensitivity* This is connected with the transfer _~of the carriers.-from the adhesion levels into one of the allowed bands. The induced dMf Was iWeStigated by a Capacitor method. of two monbehromators made it* possible to ill e-the samples simultaneously with two beams of different wave- -lengths...: The~samples were in the form of thin polycrystalline layers deposited on a substrate,, and also in the form of powder and thin layers obtained by precipi- -tation,,. - A plot of the spectrum shows that illumination with 438 = wavelength (re-' -gion of intrInsic.absqrption) increases the sensitivity in the impurity region. The sign or. the photo emf was determined by using.. a flash lamps and.was- found to be negative in the intrinsic-absorption regionj and positive in the impurity region& CaM IARICHEV, V.Ye.; KRYCHANOV, Ye.I. *The remote past of the Maritime Territory" by A.P.Okladnikov. Izv.Sib.otd.AN &SSR no.1:105--107 162. UMk 15 :3) (Maritime Territox7~--Ristory) GIBDINA, H.M.; KOGANDVA G.V qM O.H.; MRLKOVA. A.Ye.; POLYAKOVA, wi - M.G.; SKORNIK16, 1:F;.t prof. otvetstvenrLvy red. ROSHCHIIL~, L., red.izd-vB; IABEDSV, A., [State Bank of the U.S.S.R.; a brief account on the fortieth anniversary of the October Revolution) Goeudarstvennyi bank SSSR; kratkii ocberk k Borokaletiiu Oktiabria. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1957. 2.54 p. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Gosudarstveanyy bank, Moscow. (Banks and banking) LARICHEVA, 1. 1., Cand 1J.ed Set -- "Treatment of chron-le In- IU4 flammatory diseases ofAfemale 40W organs by 4=e mud- iontoDhoresis of the eol!~~ region under r conditions." Kiev, 1961. (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bo,];omol ets) (KL, 8-61, 262) 483 MILISHTEYN, G.I.; LARICHEVA, K.A. (Moskva) Effect of lysergic acid-.diethylamide an some aspects of the behavior of mice and rats. Farm. i toks. 26 no.6-.753-756 N-D 163 (MIRA 18:2) BABAYANTS, R.S.; BLAGOVESHCHENSKAYA, V.V.; VERGILESOVA, O.S.; VISSONOV, Yu.V.; VYALOVA, N.A.; GLAZUNOV, I.S.; DRUTMAN, R.D.: RIEMPRSKAYA, N.N.; KOTOVAJI E.S.; KURSHAKOV, N.A., prof.; IARICHEVA, L.P.; USKOVA, M.P.; KALYSHFVA, M.S.; PETUSHKOV, V.N.; RYNKOVA, N.N.; SOKOLOVA, !.I., STUDENIKINA, L.A.; CHUSOVA, V.N.; SHESTIKHINA, O.N.; SHULYATIKOVA, A.Ya.; SHTUKKENBERG, Yu.M.; BARANIOVA, Ye.F.,, red. [Acute radiation lesion in man] Ostraia radiatsionnaia travma u cheloveka. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965. 313 P. (MTRA 18:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Kurshakov). LARIGHEVA, I ~ '. ~. _, 16.8. - ( Bsaniaul) Limiting ac~luracy of the asymp-trAlo of a tir'W4 .,Ila.,,~Et of functionae Farlr 1. 77,,r. v7-4,, iv-beb. mat. u 63 (M.MA *17~,S'l I 1. LARICHEVA~ M. D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Rye 7o StUdyIxk9 fertility of rye seeds produced by wheat. Agrobiologiia No. 6 1952. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 1, LARICHEVA, He Do 2. USSR (600) 4. Hybridizationp Vegetable 7. Productivity of hybrids as a function of conditions under which parental forms were raised. Sei.iaem. 20 no. 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. IMSNIKOV, B,V., doktor sel~skokhozyaystvennykh nauk., A j kand.E;el-'skokloz5,ayst,vennykJi nauk Iate, fall sowing as a method for developing resistance to flower-stalk fox=ation in sugar beets grown for feed purposes in the non4hernozera zone. Agrobiologiia no.6-.791-795 11-D C61. (MERA 15:2) I. Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kormov imeni V.R. Vil~yamsa, st. Lugovaya, Moskovskayn oblast' 0 (Sugar beets) SHEBALINA, E.A.,.kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykb nauk; LARICHEVA, M.D., kand.sellskokbozyaystvennykh nauk - -- - "keets" by V.T. Krasochkin. Reviewed by M. A. Shebalina and H. D. Laricheva. Zemledelie 23 bo.11:92-93 N 161. (MIRA 14:12') (Beets) (Krasocbkin, V. T.) LARICHEVA 4.,D kand.sel'akokhozyaystvennykb nauk; SHNEYDER, YU.I., ,j kand.bilogicheskdkh nauk; KASHMNOVA, 0.1. Late fall sowing as a method for developing a comparatively disease resistant variety of sugar beets. Agrobiologiia no.3: 447-448 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut kormov, Moskovskaya oblast'. (YOSCOW PROVITICE-SUGAR BEETS-DISEASE AND PEST RESISTANCE) LARICHEVA, M.D., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Growth characteristics of the sugar 'wet in the non-lv'hemxzc-= zore. Agrobiologiia no-4094-598 Jl-A9 '64. (MIRA 17:12) 1. VoesoyuZnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut kormov, Moskovskaya oblast'. SPOTARENKO, S.S.; LARICHEVA, M.G. Some results of M40B use of gamma globulin In the proph-11fixis of infectious hepatitis in Moscow Province. no.9:419-424 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Iz Moskovskoy oblastnoy sanitarnc~epidemlologicheskoy stantsii. j,AaTrLjrvA. !, I" I:twnd # ved I _-~ok I ioz. nn,-Lk; Sj a IYu. 1. , kand. bic I, cg. . I r, auk Freserwation of turnip and sugar beet root--. Zaslich.nast. ot .1 vred. I bol. 9 no.10:24 25 164. ie:i) 1. Vseso:pi,.,-nyy Listitut kormov, Institut kartofeltnogro khozyaystva. VOSTOKOVA, Ye.A.; SHAVYRINA, A.V.; ~ ~.; VIKTOROV, S.V., doktor geogr. nauk, nauchnyy red.; FEDOROVA, L.N., red.izd- va; IYETWSLLIMSKMA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Handbook on indicator plants for ground waters and soils in southern deserts of the U.S.S.R.Ispravochnik po rasteniiam- indikatoram gruntovykh vod i pochvo-gruntov dlia iuzhxlykh pustyn' SSSR. Pod red. S.V.Viktorova. Moskva, Gosgeoltekh- izdat, 1962. 123 P. plates. (MIRA 15:12) (Russia, Southern-Indicator plants) (Russia, Southern-Desert flora) 11.-) (1 ) AUTHOR-. Larichevas V.V. _(Moscow) SOV/40-22-4-15/26 TITLEs The Non-Linear Damping of Eigen Oscillations in Sys-bems of Arbitrary Order (Felineynoye easheniye sobstvennykh kolebaniy sistem proizvollnogo poryadka) PERIODICALz Prikladnaya, matematika, i mekhanika,1958,Vol 22,Nr 4, PP 536 - 538 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The damping of eigen oscillations of a system of second order of the form (1) ~* +U9 2x is based on the fact that the damping function t~ as a function of the oscillation speed causes a dissipation of energy. In the present case the dissipation of energy is to take place by non-linear dampers which satisfy the equation: E = 102k2x where the magnitude k is to satisfy the following conditions 2 2 k = 0 for x~> 0 Card 1/2 O