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4 : : : : 00 0 of 0 00 90 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : W-0?0:0141-to 11 so 0 folve 0 0 0 Cla I I 1 4 1 Ila null jovam , 6 1 1 0 w it U it m is to it t$ Im )I it U it a to it a a 44 v4f math* A IL r-&-t 0 a at j . a t I -1-A-2 Ix w-U4 A-h 6 -4 6 j p F at- too,*$ I -a; A I/ PTL wo Xylent dyes. N A M J."nilk-ftevit Ulu$ ftu 8; - IM7. l'blvailitA I'v l k , - - "ah at in tit t~ftrnrdiwlfcmir atid voith'Miltij ik lwliAlly & I . and Itftm m1drusedlaith a icniary af.,inalic roe 90 'e Fi -zoo ASP.ILA U :AV 10 IU !0 0 0 :40 PITALLURrICAL LITIOATUSE CLASUMATION S41C., .41 ~. G", 6-7-7 In, V, fl o 0 o 0 0.900 090 : so 00000 a : :10 00 E 2 am 13.. IS, An I a ad 0 1 it 14 0 jj a 194 *"'a 600006 of** 0 0 & 0 00 660909 00*0 0 0 # No Go USSR/Chemistry - Organic Compounds ~Chemistry - Nitration -Apr 48 '.'oxide Nitration of Aromatic Ditrogen Compo-,jndv and ArylhydroVlamines," A'I. I- Titovj No - Go Laptev, FA1 Acad Imeni K. Yes Voroshilov and the Sci Res Inst of Org Products and Dyes imeni K, Ye. Voroshilov, 61 pp I'Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XVIn (LXKX), No 4 Shows that aromatic nitroso compounds and arylhydroxylamines, when subjected to the action of nit.-ic acid, can undergo a,.aried series of transformations. Describes compounds formed and suggests reaction mechanismp Submitted 14 Mar 19L,6. PA 8/49T49 P-rtv, N-,,.Y. m ArolusT com- %Ma'"tt.dr.2' ener"I cury ,J. Laptrv. J. Cr4. Chem. V.S.S.R. 19, IRMHO.-tmn%lation)-lim C. A. 43, ffjK)c. 1: 1. c .0 a- .4W _9L 'D 'A is so 0 CA In te', at 'ith NO - j*WWAS WW -00 at- l1r, .(~' (dewtv, b1' t: W tOM CA 63 aw'iai CJIAN to tat .00 at si- t" On I It.%0v of Way* vlaus "Vol to 5 6.1 IV, too coov" bkb 6rAS 1 15". .00 c CA jbilican Da.'tow Save aI "Iti, 2.clip") - "Som (I It-1 -'J"ij CA- 62 in as prs"T"T A. iZC.Awlinjo at 45 "'a' evtn is e - I days. th - ('1 ((h of i6iii,10-0-i .0 jr6j. (J. .4045 11160149 jakniescobwobj'w 60134.-It us lot ar"m " in - bktlwAsQ'1S6;.6,j*4, %ait 1 43 (d. 125 :%cit'N'Sof. 0 vc zoo., divs. $- it P 1w III d I j;g -CA t1w Matm!~ (A Mir], 43 14. e714 ( coo- i;iq)-cf-c-A-- a.-~cfiwoto 'Mf~rmw ocid. Jtt, 33 US, a -1, 03 51,0 r %-AV wMe- 'dUAUS jutm jda tivere (NCh btAting; I to,, 1hu, ;Jcf tit 20 - dtit - that go~ zoo in s Zam - roxil.011. in- Va. h in Aut 'c' l'4 u met )INC Pilb"111 1""fos cl 3 g- iiii121 ~Md lon'um b IW%teo zoo S. of 0;~' iog 03g.trIO17 tAosymd T&f'(0'S)S- 0 c mpdi-- c-opa'.). to 01. -) ."a diallD is (15 (1 o., gii 2'4~ junAo", Rind nitto t1w,"'oetbilk 1.1, bil. C.1t.91 11%01 )0j0-XcJt,1,(h ago 0.5 g. thr a G~w tbikut jo2bw pvc 11~7nsjst (0A Il' tion SSW ago a 'A 0.6 S. tO-Yo'uant with We Ir., ZtirTtA S3'j-.ILuw0 "Ps tbc frac I& 0, to. 1.4: o I live iduall full C.11,01MI NO, At Sow 'c' 01 " - ' its- c*0 I Wan 0.b Ill.. el.= 6Wal Ot. 41 ;Lnd 0-'. IL, 9. t_lt. _'J. St W. 48 IU I"', A the IINO Sod v.M MOOD I IINch J~ttl o at 9, CiANW. tolods. goo I-In P-swo, !lKtcd (do oh ur - tter st"M l_~ ju~' I on 40. JI- t,0 \ 116)1119 ~%00 00 w go, in the a , tram of and W Ch (d 5) f'1_ I& f'kluc' S. t 654 ykws in of 2 S As. :Jisme god It kne at a Addil. ;)J4 P.ONC I'l in the &poct Y &&In 01 it In. in TAO 0 .4 %01 Ian, I .00 to 150- and' pvt jura $4t Was dt"cum of 0.8 afte 111,114 9 0 *'J'c*I14' M 6 IIA. 00 bm) Pvc d6tl3 te W, b0. And coodoctel t'jyUU390o,'.c1,,,t. Irbe Me be ol 3 1: * tat 40 . A 't lw.2D' 2 comptis- wb1W Addn. a .1 .W. b-1 V11 the Im elpt- MA; - -t VIC by 'r I (in - W'j'. is cb- and 0.1 it 4A41 t (in 0 '0' W I ~ g 0 Cleo I'm 'n' be NO *99' liquidl t bjW above 60 11% 1 is, thedia ite 4"W"I to The W A %Wiring ..~4 sl*'Alt 5 ~r .1 vi'h." op 10 'Nw.11,1100 C 'j" 3 his, (1). to a 1?1.t. WOO in X St", DO A3 CLA -JaLLIA "TINOLAR 1.1 It 'S5.11LIk SCAL - --- - - 000 to so ." ,, Got It is in 0*00 Ve is is 0 IN 0oe 00 0 0 0 0 00 pnd a small sent. of ei-t~NCJIXI, in. V-31% wlwtt the 90 gig Mutton was run 3 hr$. sit 50', stearn distre. of the dild. 00 mixt. pre 22'7e P-O#NCJ16CI owl a little- L Alks well 46 1.3 *0 S. getived dinifte- AM which on 00 90 IV* M. In HgOAC to a Cjt 113-150 I A6b W k 00 oo . S. $ . * . t 00 so 4141. M,~ It,%(%, "Mrialing fit H.S* ovrl 41-A N., .11.1 411 *is ale fill$ It) Will' RAN-t It little d4itINC41114101 Will It. IN 9. 1. N1- OW 1.1 tgOAc (6.2 1.) added slowly to 14 tell It %0 1 d 00 . . , 1.37) and 0.3 it. triazymethellene at M' 4n1 kelit I hr. ' C' a A)% NC I CI of 9 nj- ve . m. 43-4 s h J 4 . and 2.41 ji. 4.6,ilinitro- 2-chlonnibenol, tu. I'h)IXOAc 13 K.). aihlrd 00 00 00' in I hr. at 00 t-, M ml. IINCh (%C 1.30) And 0.3 x. U6,,v- ltlvlhtlrlt4- ill 1111a1 wills 0 0 14 file 1 11 J 00 . . . ,1 it. ert 1 Cf. fl.Ave ', hr. 1)..5 X. '11141 11 4 l l 41 1 90 ul , . . 1. 11, 4 , IPPAsibly miLikVnes to such Imidwis obtained frillit Ph.VO, 00 no dUat-mitem -411 w" delecled. 7-1. Kilsilauva 00 00 00 00 - 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 4) 0 : 09.990 * **1) fee* 0 0 0 0. 0 0-0 0- a O_o~ AR_ 0 0 9 0 0 0 PTE V, CA Oxidati'l L nitration. atif I - and 2 - susphilayinsettwy nittairs. tchardarn Initration of napidludeve by nitrk acid* A. 1. Titov atid N. G. LtIttev. 11AWY Akad. ,v..k 06. 1161-anom-cr-C.A. 43. IiW.. I. And 2-c..111119N(la under tile ~Irtiorl of roucd. U.N(hill the prs-senceof N oxideg Are trAn.1vitairil into 2.4-iluntm-1- naphthol in ovrr (AIq yirld%: nitration it( CA6 by IIN(h, whirh procerd, via Intirrtne,hate reaction uith NO,. di" not go through a nitrmu dcriv. F'quhnk)[At lunN. I)( I-C,q11z11gC1 anti At\Lh in warin NiciCO-MO11 give the A."(Tv'ponding nitrate. tit. 137-A". Thk (2 g.) adifed Ill :11140' it% 11.5 111, to 13 std. 11NOI ill, 1.3) %%ith 41,2 K. Iii- "%vitirlilvirtle. Leill I Ill. 111 41) Nl'. and 41a,flej, gave IIA 0 it. crtuic Ipuir, tit. 1:14 It'). i.441e't ' Vaoll all, jeidificaffina, tile I"kjlljl by extil. "jib 51" , I Vill. gAvr (in Meaut distri. (1.8r:, (11.06 g.) 1-ChNCisilt. In. !J-V. Ill. shifillilly give Phkj`~- -4-dittitto-1-tiaphthol and no 08N'Cj*11t. The following feArtion surchanissa i% proixed IR - C,,11. Inicieu.): I-RMNO, + INA) - I-RNO + (it ')- I-R11\0 4- (110 - 1.41-ROIN011)(011) + (NOW':7 I't.RONO)- A OH + (N(h) - 1,41-R(NO0011 + ( ~.O') 1.2.4- RUN(YgOll; with the 2-11j;NO, iwmer the proms is sirnitAr and a 1,2-(N11O1DO)1 initrul0diAll' fortnA. Tito triulus "I'licate that 11illatioll 44 C~jl. 4xvilIN I,v Illi-all, i4 NO, Illoll"Itlel. 44. it takt,4 1.6v IvAddv at Itill' tit 11NO, 14 J. 1.2 at low Mh volicil. let. C.A. 42, if the active (min were ditneric NOv. tile dinitratualylithol Amuld hkvc 1KTtI dett-cled; thi% is Ilot the cant, rxLept ill Inuluic allaq. BOGOSLOVSKIY, Boris Mikhnylovich; LAPTEV, Njkojjq,Grlgqr,'yqy~i 4-_ BGRODKIN, V.F., rotoenzent; q~ re tsen zent Ci-3KALIN, M.A., retsenzent; VARSHAVSKAYA, L.S., red.; KOGAN, V.V., [The chemistry of dyes] Khimlia krasitelei. Moskva, Gos.naughno- teMn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl.. 1957. 433 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Dyes and dyeing--Chemistry) WM. N-G- t, ____ - Oxidizing nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons@ Reaktoeorge soed. 7:223-254 158. (KLU 12:5) (Aromatic compounds) (Nitration) TITOV., A . I LAPTIN K . Q Achicvevzentm and problem of tale investigation of Vie cyadizing, nitratim of arunatic compounds. Org. poluprod.,i kras. no.l:'7- 39 159. 04IRA 14:11) (Aromatic compounds) (Ilitration) BOGOSLOVSKIY, Boris Mikhaylovich [deceased];.LAPTMV. Nikoley Grigorlyevich; GEUM&INs '9.A. p retsenzent; TARBITSMITA, Te.K., red.; KR IN, X'T-09 [ChemiBtry of dyes] Xhimiia krasitelai. Mosk7a, Izd-vo nauchno- tekhn.lit-ry WSR, 1960. 279 P. (KM 14:1) (Dyes and dyeing) IAMV, N.G.; IARYUSHKINA, V.K. Powered Pigments sus-ended in oil and lakes for the rubber Industry. 1~aucb.i reg. 19 no.1:22-24 Ja 160. 04IRA 13:5) 1. Hauchno-issledovatellakiy inatitut rezinovykb I latekenykh IsdeliV. (Dyes and dyeing-Rubber goods) LAPXEVI N.G.; VYSOKOSOV,, A.N.,- 14MZHKGVA, I.A. 4"Carbamoylanilide of acetoa( Uc acid in connection with the synthesis of migration~-stable zonoazo pigments. Zhur.VKHO 7 no.I:LIO-13.1 162. OMA 15:3) 1, NauchnD-isaledovatellskly inotitut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Acetoacetic acid) (Azor;-ib-mpounds) (Dyes and dyeing) LAP7ZV, N.G.; VYSOKOSOV, A.N. ftTation-stable ye3-law monoazo pigwnta. Raw. VMO 7 n0.6:698-700 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-looledovateltakly institut organichookikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Azo dyes) N.M. Ways of increasing labor jxroductivitY at the Magnitogorsk Metmll~wgical Combine. Stall 21 no.10:%5-948 0 161. (MJjIA 14:10) (Magnitogorsk-Metallurgical plants) ' '~C l a T P ra w m (~radvqtes W , - ' ijefitz ~Iirm- ."trms d wtm .W _]~a '011 a given aruinarme the; OLDd the Ch;wzts in the bloo-4 nram ;pa" t l k f rurmt utn lc meth-rd o z tud by t T1* total b in proiein inr7mitij. At The thnne _ I Wfl 1 k A !; I IN3, ft-d PJ 13 11W Etrili;l ;IrOtelft In t1h ' direo.'U;iAl CIA' Ow X 1v wbkh Ivas a mqeCtifill of the jr'CTea_- In the ;3- and in- cm-3,4C in them (wo Typ'_~ 0! .-ghibu!ms wits a.L~D obt,,_rved ta Thein- Creast III the -sen-Lin &Amilhis foMjws j wavelike pattun. thr. fir5;, fluctuatk"11"Wawe , -nows a "'wtripg in Ole altiumin - "-: _ - - - - -_ ~ -- ~ 5'~ a sivpiltanecrtts int.Tedmg in -032 1 latt I -, - - - 01-4 - --t kN - -4 -~_C4LMJS pruFC_SSm%06ad ulte PS)TRic impro'. nt be to. I of-t1jebi6od -_;ixuin pro 6nevivith- -_iitntsi~tiiru- to normil, No rlear-"t rvrrdatiol: han !e'en .61aWi5_1iA fly h-wwt:tn il~e dt-gTerz of i1sictuatio-) in tbt -tituet;4_ ard Lim t_X_'V1t of tbc pa- blood semau prottin ow-i- B- S. Levine I ~ LAPTEVY N.N.., inzh.; SEDOV, L.N.., inzh. Prospects for improving bridge-type power amplifiers. Elektro- tekhnika 35 no.2:54,56 F 164- (MBU 17:3) ACCMION Mli AP50108M /0063/0063 AUTHOR: 14gtev, N. i~. VITLEtt A static tranbfor r. Class 21, No. 169659 izobreteni, v i tovaMkh znakov, no. ?, 1965,, 63 DPIC-'TAGS: transformer BSTMOT.i~T_hai_Au-thbr Certificate presents atransforwr -staticl direct ~UvrsnVto-. be-phase: or single-phase current -_on---the.T=losure)- (see Fig -J i~ltrAnsformr uses semiconductor triodes on the-basis af a bridge circuit with ACC NRi AP7000323 SOURCE CQDE: INVENTOR: Laptev,.N. N.; Smol'nikov, L.,Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Self-exciting inverter. Class 21, No. 18850,~ UR/0413/66/000/022/0061/006 SOURCE; Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966,.61 TOPIC TAGS: inverter, electronic.circuit, transistorized circuit ABSTRACT: 'An Author Certificate has been issued for a self-exciting inverter (see Fig. 1).based on thyristors either with feedback or with a tuned LC load circuit. To ------ Fig. 1. Inverter 1 - inverter thyristors; 2 tuned. + LC circuit; 3 - isolation diodes; ~4j h1+1 ~feedback ....4 -.saturation coil; 5 winding; 6.- output*transformer* 7 tank capacitor; -8 limiting resistor' M. UDC: 621014. 572 Card_ ACC NRs AP7000373 .;ncrease-reliability and operation speed, a feedback'winding is connected to the thyristor bases through isolation diodes and -a saturation coil. *The center top; of the feedback transformer is connected to the thyristor cathodes through a tank, ,capacitor and a limiting resistor. 'The feedback winding is fed by the output trans- former. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09, 10/ SUBM DATE: 28Jan64/ ATD-PRESS: 5108 -7 Carq 2/2 - -- -:J :I .. - 1-1. . . " ~, IUM; - 001 1..JL'#Z.Ut Z ~ ., - -LPMLY-X~ I I I , - -- - - . I i 7 - --,- ---:- : , - -- . .. ------- - ~- _, .:; ~-:~ - . , .)17, I , ;, - - ~ I I--- .~~ - : - e, 0 -/ / ", , -,!. , -.- .. I- ~ I -l.:--.,-.. ------ - ~~I P),rd .'2/2 7 NK,:AF6002684 SOURCE; CODE: UR/0212/66/000/001/0035/0038 AUTJ~PR:-. Laptevi N. N. (Engineer), Moin V. S. (Engineer) ORG:~_- o' ne inverter TITLE: Osseo in the SOURCE Elektrotekhnika, no. 1, 19660 35-38:- TOPMTAGS:~. nvetter, transiatorized inverter ABSTRACT.-.- A conventional 4-transistor inverter circuit in which the transistors are controlled square pulses is -considered. ~ A 2-term formula of dynamic losses in the. tr, ansistor is'-developed, in which the.first,term. represents the-loss associated with thetinductive'-re:aistive. load and the-'second term with the "overlap" effect. g--an~;idditional-c;tp;acitoi-~is-r-ecc;.'Vimended-f46i-reducing-the-fi rat Con4ejc anj component. :An;'additional diode-shunted reactor in the supply circuit (or nonsaturable gates) 20. rt-cornmended for reducing the second loss component;. the "overlap" may eliminated by delaying the: turn-on, signal with respect, to the turn-off signal; An experimental such a.delay permits excess carriers in the.'base to disappeare' rification'(6scillog mo supplied) shows the efficiency of a combined application of Ve ra the ib .ove tecl:ud ques. OrigI.,art..has: -5 figures and 28 formulas. S,UB_ C.ODE: 01 SU13M -DATE: none 1, ORIG REP: 002.1 OTH REP: 001 UDC.6 621.382.3.001.5 :-- ;,I., .-,, --. I - ~ I- ~~ ` ~ . ,~ I I I -. ~ I --- . -41 . - -a - , I I I- - - . . . .: :. ~ I . I- ., . - - - ". I .