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iiifi6ftyl e'll. .- A. .: & UK Mal A. I I X "Assembly Devices for the S-80 Tractor," LOSC017 1950, 1 COpj'. DOMBUCHAVA, Ye.P.; . KOZIOV, A.M.; KRICMCVSKIT, M.Te. LISTOVSaY, N.D.; MWOV,. M6A*;. KLNUWF9 W*Po; MICBRIat-,". POLUC A.T.; TIMYBM, N&A.; TSVZWOV, V.S.; CHISTMOV, V.D.; KOAMCW., P.A., iuzll,; red.; IMMKOV, VA., red.; KCBYLYAKOV, L6M. red - ZU&MW "-J-0.*~-tekhn. red. [Practices In tractor re'pairl Opyt remonta traktorov. Moskva, Gos. iza-vo sellkhos. lit-27s. 1958. 301 P. (MM 11:7) (Traotora-Maintenanag and repair) LAPITSKIT.,Mikhail Andreyevich; ASTVATSATUROV, Gayk Gareginovich; --retseni'ani; LOSU, V iO2i4V, A.H.0 A, insh., retsenzent; KOPAMIN' P*A.p inzh., red.; TIM 07, A.Ta.. l3quipment for dismounting, assembling. and adjusting diesel tractors] Oborudovanie dlia rasborki, sborki i regullrovki aiselinykh traktoroy. Moskva, Goa.nBuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashi- nostroit,lit-ry, 1960. 139 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Tractors--Maintenance and repair) ARTE41YEV, Yu.N.2 kand. t--khn. nauk; ASTVATSATUROV, G.G., in2h.; BARABIUIOV$ V.7s., inzh.; BAfffKQV, G.A., inzb.; B191OVATU, S.I.,, inzh.; GALAYEVA, L.M., inzh.; GAL177W11, A.S.., k-ard. teY=. muk; GALICMIKO, I.I., inzh.; GONCHAR, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; DEGTYAPM, I.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; DYADYUSHKO, V.P., inzh.; YERI=GV, I.N., inzh.; ZHOTMICH, T.S., inzb.; ZUSMPINOVIC11, G.G., inzh.; KAZAKOV, V.K., inzb.; KOZLOV, A.M.., inzh.; KOROIEV, N.A., TAXTYY inzh.; KRIVENKO, P.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; M.A., inzh.; LIVSHITS, L.G.., kand. 1EBEDEVj K.S., inzh.; LIBEiOM, A.11 inzh., tekhn. nauk; LOSEV, V.N.., inzh.; LUKANOV, M.A.., inzh.; LYUBCIMIKOI A.M., inzh.; MXEDOV, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MATTMEV, V.A., inzh.; OMISKIY, N.N., inzh.; POLYACHENKO, A.V., kand. takhn.nauk,- POPOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; FUSTOVALOV, I.I.,. inzh.; FYTCM4K0l P.I., inzh.; PYATIETSKIY, B.G., inzh.,- RABOCHIY, L.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROLIBIN, Ye.M., inzb.; SELIVANOV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; SaIENOV, V.M.,, 4nzh.; SKOROKHOD., I.I., inzh.; SLABODCHIKOV., V.I.,, inzh.; STORCHAK, I.M.,, inzh.,- STRAWMOV,, F.Ya., kand. teklm. nauk; SUKHINA, N.V.., in2h.; TINOFEYEV, N.D., inzh.,- FEDOSOV, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILATOV, A.G... inzh.; KHODOV, L.P., inzh.; KHROMETSKIY, P.A., in2h.; TSVETKOV, V.S., inzh.; TSEYTLIN, B.Ye., inzh.; SHWGIN,, A.M.0 inzh.; CHISTYAXOV~ V.D.,, inzh.; BUDIKO, V.A., red.; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; GUREVICH, M.M.) tekhns red. (Continued on next card) ARTEKIYEV, Yu.H.- (continued) Card 2. [Manual on the repair of machinery and tractors] Spravock-i po remontu mashinno-traktornogo parka. Pod red. A.I.Selivanova. Moskva, Sellklhozizdat. Vols.1-2. 1962. (MIRA 15t6) (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) (Tractors-Maintenance and repair) .~~~~KHODOV L.P. V Increase in the durability of transmission housings of DT-54 and T-7-1, tra6tors. Trakt. i sellkhozmash.. 31 no.12:34-35 D '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy tekhnologiahe- skiy institut. (Tractors--Transmission devices) POGOREIYY, I.P.; LAPITSKIY,.M.A.; LUKAIIOV, M.A.; ASTVATSATUIROV, G.G.; TSVETKOV, V.S.; LOSSEV, V.N.; CHUNIKHRI, V.N.; YOZLOV, A.M.; CfMKASOV, Yu.I.; KIIODOV, L.P.; KLBIEIIKO, A.K. [Technology of the dismantling, assembly and adjustment of the mechanisms of DT-54 and DT-54A tractors with technical charts for the repair of major parts] Tekhnologiia razborki, sborki i regulirovki mekhanimov traktorov DT-54 i DT-54A s tekhnologicheskimi hartami remonta vazbneishikh detalei. Mo- skva, Diuro tekhn. informatsii, 1963. 565 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Perovo. Gosudarstvonnyy Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy tekhnologicheskiy institut remonta i ekspluatatsii ma- shinno-traktornogo parka. LERNERI E.N.; BIBILEYSHVILI, Sh.I.; LAPITSKIY, M.A. Electric activity of the brain in eyperimental intracerebral hematomas and in thermocoagulation of cerebral vessels. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no. 12:1792-1798 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.S. Chetverikov) TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstvovani.ya vrachey, Moskva. LERNER, E.N.; LAPITSKIY, M.A. Effect of an-Inazine in experimental -;.n-, r, cs re 1, ra IT' t~ I electrophysiological study. Zhur.nevr. j p-,Jkh. 66 no.2:7(,- 77 166. 0-fint'.. lg..Ijl 1. Kafedra nL-rvnykh bol-amey (zaveduyusheldy - prof. N.S. Chetverikov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvcvaniva vrachey, Moskva. SubmItted April 28, 1964. I&PITSKIY.H.H., inzhener ~~ Dz7Ing weed for gas producers and stopping water reservoir Dol- lution with gasification waste products. Stall 15 no-5:471 W 155. (MLRA 53-6) 1. Omutninskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Gas producers) (Lumber-Drying) AWMYEV, Viktor Illarionovich; PSHOHIK, Lazar' Mikhaylovich; ZMCHIK, Vladimir Nikoleyevich,- .~~~Y NIkoloy ~Pelr~oviclh; KASOANOV, F.. red.; STEPANOTA. N., E-Manuol for'foremen and workers of mixed brigades operating on a business accounting basis] V pDmoshch' brigadiru i rabochim komplekanykh khorraschetnykh briged konschnol produktaii. Minsk. Goa.i2d-vo BSR. Red.proizvodstvennoi lit-ry, 1960. 130 P. (MM 14:3) (Construction industry-Finance) C; LAPITSKIY, N. Regulating structures without stone. Rech. transp. 21 no.10: 50 0 162. (MIRA 11;.-10) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Bobruyskogo tekhnicheskogo uchastka. (Rivers-Regulation) IAPITSM, F., inzh..g mokhaniZatsii Modernization of the floating crane made by the Riga 14achine Plant, Rech. transp. 20 no.11:13 N 161. (MIPJi 15:1) 1. Gomel'Bkiy port.. (Floating cranes) ., IA.PITSHTO Be j ~alle and whoole. lUn.takh. 3 no.2:54-56 F '59. I (MIRL 12:1) ;. (car-wheels) (Railroado--Railo) LhPITSKrY S I kandidat.pedagogicheakikh nauk. IZ ~ol technical clubs. Politekh.obuch. no.4:59-63 AP 157, (KIRk 10:7) (Technical education) UPITSKIY, S.I. M-I~ lee. 7is.v shkole 16 no-5:68-70 S-0 '56. OWA 9:11) 1. Pedagogichaskiy institut, Sverdlovsk. (Physice-Uperiments) LAPITSKIT - - R-. I " , - Shaping plastics by scrapers. Fiz. v sbkole 17 no-I! 69 J&-F '57. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Pedagogichookiy Inatitut, Sverdlovsk. (Plastics) ,?outside Class rk as a t -.",D -a D oskva 2 Feb SO: 3U-.-'; 19 1954 RMOZERSWIT, Leonid Konstantinovich; SHIRROV, Georgiy Pavlovich; I-LAPITSKIT, 'Sh.A., retsenzent; NE24MOVA, Te.N., red.; DORISHCENVA, _dHiCHIM, A.N., tek] *:ching and bookbinding machine; I sti 0 ]3roahlui-ovochno-parepletnyo I moahiny. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo *Iskus'stvo," 1960. 551 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Bookbinding-Equipment and supplies) LAPITSKIY, Sh.M., Inshener. Combining operations in printing panphlets for mass distribu- tion. Poligr.prolav. no.3:16-18 My-Je 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Printing industry) 1APITSKIL'00311t a . a_ up- Domestic combined notebook and ruling machine, Bam.proma 29 no.12:13-16 D 154. (MLVA 8:2) 1. Zaveduyushchly laboratoriyev Ieningradskogo filiala NIlpolisr 8h, (Printing machinery and supplies) LAPITSM, V.A.; LUNEV, L.V.; FRIDMAN, O.A.; YEKASEV, B.A. Slag plastics sand products made from them. Stroi. rrat. 10 no.1:9-10 Ja164. (MIRA 17-5) IAPITSKIY, V.A. [Lapytslkyi, V.A.]; KAWNSKIY, I.V. (Kamensfkyi, I.V.] Furan plqstics, a ne-a heat and chemically resistant material. Khim. prom. [Ukr. ] no-3:24-25 il-S t64. (141M 17:12-) ? A A-CC NRt AP60C6538 SOME CODE: UR/0191/65/000/011/0013/0016 AUTHORS: Kamenakiy, I. V.; Lapitskiy, V. A. ORG: none -ML-Kil-lifil '~olymora and ties based TITLE3 Synthesis and study of f-a fitr _rLuL41~ of plas on them SOURGEt Plasticheskiye massy, no. 11, 1965, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, thermoplastic material, thermosetting material, polymer chemistry, condensation reaction, furane resin ABSTRACT. This paper diBcusses the resultu of producing and studying t ermo- s-ettin&_p2lpwrs,,4rom. the thermal-condensation products of furfural in presence of furfuramide. Condensation is accelerated as the molar~ratios of the reagents approach 1:1 (see Fig. 1). The furfuramide polymer (FD)I~behaves as a thermoplastic product up to 300C, wILUa polymers FF-19ard FF-2 iie thermosetting (see Fig. 2). The optimum conditions for making iiold-ed articles are determined. A molding composition is h5 pts by wt polymer FF-1 (containing 5% benzosulfo acid), '3 pts by wt mineral filler.9 and 2 pts by wt of grease. Preheating at 200C for 60 Card. 1/2 Uxt 676. 625,375 -,g i3-----66 ACC NR: AP6006538 419 1 30 J 9 0- _J_ zo 0 A f,4 50 t4 10 (D 0 so -100 ISO 2L9L7 WC 2 4 8 10 Time, hrs Fig. 2. Thermomechanical curves of Fig. 11 Variation-in -f-ree-furfural FF-1 subjected to pref3im-i-inary heat content in reacting mass in conden- treatment-t 1 - at 16OG for 6o min; sation staget 1 - polymer FF-1; 2 - 200C for 30'min; 3 - 200C for 2 - polymer FF-2* 6o min. min was found to give the best results. The molded articles showed high stability: at 20C and at the boiling-point in weak and in concentrated solutions of potassium, !.hydroxide and hydrochloric acid&. Orig. art* has: 3 graphs 7'tablea. and SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REF3 007 IAPITSKIY, V.D. Si=ger7 In Ja '59. pyloric stenosis. Zdrav.Belor. 3 no.6--i5-i6 (MM 12:9) 1. Goopitallnaya khirurgicheakaya klinika Minskogo meditainekogo instituta (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - dotsent I.I.I.Stellmashonak) 1 1 klinichealmya bol'nitea g.Hinalm Qlavriyy vrach A.I.Shiiba). (PYLORUS--SURGERY) -- D;~" Characterlstics of the action,, depending on age, of aminazine, hexonium and tetamon, Zdrav. Ibl. 8 no.4:33-35 Ap 162. (MMA 15.6) 1. Otdeleniye detskoy khirurgii I-y klinicheskoy bollnitsy MinBka (glavnyy vrach A. I. Shuba) i kafedra fa=akologii Minskogo meditsinskogo.instituta (,zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - prot, K.S. Shadurskiy). (CHLORFROMAZIM) (MONMO (TETAMON) LAPITSElY, V. I., Docent Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Certain Problems of the Effoctivenens of Unifying the Power Supply i 5ystems.11 Moscow Inst of Ergineer-An'r, Fconomics J.i-..en,-. Seergo Ordzhonjkidze, 27 47. SO: Vochern-vaya Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Project //178,36) V.I., red.; VOROHIN, K.F.. tekha. red. PRUNER. Saul Llvovich,;-W [sconomics and organization of electric power productionJ Bkonomika i organizatslia energetichookogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo. 1958. 333 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Electric power production) 999904111 90 00000 0 R1 4 0 a it it l1w 1$41 01,11 "AP1132JIM11,0114- ApAl Off us so It Matto 41 Val 4461P 9 P 0. A I I ff~m a I I 1 .0 Iff -e !.k, P~Vjibj of,.% 0: SO 00 9 .00 0 00 a -0& Som rarALAU" In tb* "trlbu" at indulliColls in 00 -00 J111,011. V.A.J& tgkk and A. A. Gultubbs. P-ts I 1933. Not. -11-J9, ZT-A study Watt M24C of list diAlti- 00 bution at isoclusium In Cr-Ni $,feet japtol, cuttsed by the .00 or jam ' 4 tht channels through which the mollen so tothemolds, 7lie industions have no chance 'ffit:121 wo; in &O'a lo ri*r to I he top of I he ingot llecause of the rapid chilling 0 of the turtal. Sudwe inclusions arc ortmed. In file 00 lower 2/2 of the ingot and particularly in the. lower third. zoo 4 loternal irldusious sic much stnaller than thmw on the- 0 00 surface anti am auscol. at the bottom of the inSm. The 00 Wildles with distance of the mold 00, no. of Wusiom dim front the main channel. The iticluidorts serve As CrIlleff -0 0 0 0 13 for the deposition of ptoducts of m1dation In the ingot ¬ 0 of Nills. S. L. madortky &00 -zoo Sao 0 ;,90 JMETALLUP~GKAL LiTtR-ILINI t:O 0 Ato.$LA 0-0. At %Blasi .11 ~, -C 1 1 a --al'i J0 0 it a w 4 n Aft A I a Od 0 P1 0 1 w A. a a U a 1, so 41 ; , it It it 1111 no n114 9 0 a 0 411 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: -~1"00*9io 00000000 00600#089 *ISO SO 0 00000000 00060011~2 0 O'A a -.C-Aa 4 4 00 ic 00 00 ID ED !!TALLUIROCAL.LITIO &-b U w- 0 Ul; 0 0 41 0 a 0 0 ie 0 040 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0*0 0 , , . 4 I , o * 0 0 4c. I 'I a it 66 4~co . ( -1. t 0 T X w a 1'. 1300 - Solid 6AW-0 pildisc" by mW-ing liquW stetl_3:._ r -99 1. Lapitsk A. Garkmits. Domex 1935-No. 11 4 W'd ~ -14 -4 11 1 lapbir and IsetrWapbic itivrsligation of DmMelallic, iolkniorts in Slid, uso by 11tv qj'hutling -00 inflivd. Allowta that time ilwill'i'six, Came slmllly jrni Ibr tirf1woly linilis 44 Ow %iJAIIIII. lilt, ilxlu'iAAlv al., if i h d1 M (h i i i d vionun lat urm n %Anvcttsiv su t t f ntviao e tcl, sith the twnwriallic intintritici itt the stm I ditttittih Owl a mme ibettual)y stabid- lining in [tit m1plitm dcorawd ilk- junt. of inclitsic'ns in the cWtings. S. L. hladorkr 0 -.041 __O 0 RE CLAOMPOCATION 441 -' - T Ul ;' ~14 Al be 00 Ar of 5 430 3 1 0q se 0 00 4 90 0 0 41 000 0 0 4 go 6 00is, 00 141 0 00 go 00 0:0 0000 90 0* 90 090*# 0 96. WO 0 0 0 T I 0 2 1 v At to 1) is Is it I? is A1,11.0X25AVJI)v AD P v 11 it J5 x v IN P A ,. . I v, i I . cc, tr " M M V 1 I Y t 41 v 4) M a . C 0 " -A 10 : I i - - - - -- . ~ P im~ -7 t o 0 oo -00 00 j ;-0o go The diftbutice of Chwealum betwm the mtW &no 09 C blulk Ow i Pralit. Afti. No. a. 4" 7 j l r between the jdAlt i and the metal [Crl was studied from the following 8 : skg components, XFco, xeno, XWO. ZRO and MPA Th ti f C .-0 0 -0 0 o 4 - e ra o o r)/[Crl at the same C content g 04 Ar is higher for basic than for acid slass. It increataes with a der-Irvaselafliln The ratio (Z"I Ni O)J !-0o of . n I. nj isconsidergbly higher than (ZCr)/ICrl owing to the more enelgelic oxida- 11(m of hfn. (:Ct)/ICFI Increases Willi an increase of The relation between Crdisttibution and (ZFeO) can be expressed by (ILr)/ICrl - 03311 - - coo 3 V' (7.Fe OTI. No relation was found between Perce tap . -f Si and (ZCr)/[Cri. D. Z. Kamic go o 00 ;1 o 0 00 S wo 0 0& coo =99 too &:ILA &ITALLUROCAL LIT f CLAISOICATIC)" ;)-aw a.jnv Cv cat U %AVID 84 1 2 10 9 O T 0 t[ U it K so 0 0 4 KID It 1 : of 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 O: 10 i 00000 o 4 f of o e 0 0 0 . go ov Doe** 000000 11 IN It v R It Is V M N S, 41 e dl Ad d4 it $ cc liven I%s cl,ptal 0* vi QuAlty, of steel prvduced by the Baby Bessemer process. so 00 -it i Proki. Mil, 0. No. 11). 14 01W , -0 0 fid1r, . -till 31d 1111, ploki", N,allu- tile .11 IlIvIal fail 1w 0.1soll"I 1-14A 1% 0141111V41 tWill tile Wil Ittl4l, IfIVIO f~, IM 114K vtllot~ )wn old 1-, 90, (11-wim"ll 1A., 09 41HUN011 CODIVIII 11111lillYl, tile CA-11119 so I "Iterl. N dem. %h~,Wvtt vatiatiom twt%%tvn all,[ 40 .11111105~1, cormiminding to a ratige fx-tw(-tn itmri-luarill Sand seguLn U-sorr met21- M. W. I I. L410 0 so t WO 0 ti 'is too., Slil-414I.- :1 1&10!2 llit 04. 481 - mllslw "I 1~1 u Will, ft a ow o w a I v 14 5 1 1 w 14 I a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Its 0 0 0 00000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 al 0 0 *_0 0 0 *,RIO* iso 0 & 0 0 to Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # a 0 0 0 * of 0 1, 14 0 T1,.0 Tfoom! 7, A a I wire . W... I , ! 11 it Is p D )it A 36 9 X 30 4 A) 4 4) &1 at* 'A 1. or A-AL-" wilw' " ;p,; pitskil 4"d A. M. It V. 7,gvf- Playa a 0. 10-11,41 objet'l M feet 411 ht) His of the ellyttv. **,I in hrwt itljxhtly allo -terl with int. i00 Swerved mech. prop"Ilvi for pipes soloed I" deep drilling. i 00 t 10 devtk)p a nwthM fnr the firmluetion of thit; steel from the Kfallfiv calit Pe in an olwo-hearth fittfiacc. fit still Ingfift for 4-in. itrill follwot, ill livyclop a prolw? hrnl -111,81 - ~00 :ON nutni 1-4 lisp plivis and to 4"Islyre tile lliet-11. lools,1111 , .1 -00 tile 1,11" at difIrrent, itfilgrit of prvithirtiml, CA't jiml (COntg. C Si 0.39 ILA', to S 0.012-41.(1227. Cr anti Si (1.77- f).118%) MR), Wra(v fie 01110, Fe are (101. liint~loile 71k) And hausille k1r. were charged into a 111-lou qlvu- brarthfurrsave. Theirmp.nfilseblitialp itit] it ineltiul 0 *it Thelist luvi wait UNP-NN)": of I h(. final 4talle. 14.4141". so 0 00 ilatloifim aft requirementiL for deirp-dfillitu piltes. h. 0 -4.rdl. . -41-mo. $i 11AS- chests. comfors. fit C (1.44 Afor 11.51 neo 00,3 [U'' to O'n-21 11.(4, S "Lf)'.'4-1).0jp?. Cr 0.13-41.27, ant) Nj 0-32 4wAlee. In 6h. in'-relow lot Fr alli.11, *fill nw =00 lower Ilse in. it. of -1n94 either rich m jxww ill Cilt so, of A1,0, in Ilse 4&W to abow 7% had no effect (,it I tie tit. is. OOX of the 4ax. laosser-rinst the m. p. of -lax runts. Alil)~ JA if SiCll,. Feo. MnO anti Cao ist taLen It- (if the nim c 009 6 line I-) tire binding ,f Cast %ith A 0 inrivatic to( silica in Ifirdog hrorevett tile m. 1, x0o about 1W itecardle-44 oil the vionen. tit CrA sil Athbi pp 111 vilul 00 2:4.5 and KO + NaO 4.7k lowefed the in, It. ill the IjK hy filt-120". A 10-15% addn, Of bajjwi1C 1111AVICd 111C in. Is. of 0ap con%iderably. 'rho m. P. of Cr %tax, tnito 0 0 RIC ti lor frawded air the to. P. of the low-sitelling rus- which tsOO aloritain,o hard payticlesof Cv. ThisirmpArlsentindin Oit 141 rofflerst% M 80,, CaO. fFel) + WO) and AI,O.. A ts A 18. S E A AlI TALLUvOCA' IT! triangular diagram of tire system CaO-, FeL) t Mno) C-1 ~T' too 1 low, ~~.SiOr wals vonitrucled an the frainittof the exrofs. At[I sornairv .4 1 W. R. Ifenss "AIJI ON 0-1 "1 so Is All A I V fill 0 A w I IN as 0 a a 0 "t ; 5, ; U, ; it a no 15 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 & a 0 0 0 0 *0000900090006*00000 Ro~ 1411 ~O 0 0 0 060 00 0*000000 of 00 00000 0 00060 00 00 0 I LVITSM, V._ .; I-EDHIBOUSKIY, 14. Ya. Mbr., Dnepropetrovsk Yetallurgical Institute, c-l9b8-. Cand. Technical Sci, "Irregularities in the properties of slag in the vat of basic open hearth furnaces," Stall No. 6, 19h8. labomagenkilly of slaS composition In basic open balarths 'Ail .11.1 M. Vi. MetlAilao'di'kil. Slal a. thi, w,,-tj,:,jti,nj w,,i 111C (UM.See ith .1 A1111 va hich tile 'L.x I Iviveli, At lit,- ~inr little tritil). 11%111111g~ %avie 111A.Ir .1 Ow A.11t mul ittetal lurface, "kid the viethily (4 like 'LAK.41 tile ~Avll pled level, w4, dcl.l. Tilt- total thickise- it tile NIAS %A- a Incm 1411-11-11 an,,,. The btalk -if 10.1ing FeNlis When l1w C 11.1". hill addul. it.411114cit Wear I'Altril '41 Flom I"111'"Is 1.0 liflo. i r., fitim liar 111m.11 ~Ijj( tip lite Aig-.ur intetfave. tile Ile,($, kileir.k.0 J1141 Ill, '4`00 dOC17CASO(I mve'sively. lit tile '141ir 'filvviialt lite ,Aor ,I liar bar 'LuLclivil. the ruitill le I tile 'Lls deciva,vil. aml lite till dLetrawd. The ill Frio, k."licill .4 tile I"'Maill 'md w1p I.-VO. blefrawd Willi thr 1*4~1i'11V 14 tile 41.4% ' OfUtfAtY it. (114! ACITIftett VIVIA. tilt- 1AIr 44 C "itidalsolt Sliefr4w.1 %%fill flat- V.10 W). 1416. I'llo a, raiplaillrd lay file diffrivalm all Ca frivill. 0,11,11111. all I lie talill al Valiant, level-. i, V'will ial fakir I lie are - -it-tw- lit file iorial phae liceati-, mily -tiiai-ag 1%) liar Fr ,%i,lv Sp.64hrot fit ill, fAlf C-41i 41 11,1114 ille .411#l. la,1104.41v UP iTIS V. I. Docent Ilec- It Ci:'o 1" 0--t "Dr3cc." IS of T:orrL imeni Stalin. TC ~-cicncc, ani,'l PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 471 Zakharb-4, N.N., Kheyster, I.M.-, Lapitskiy, V. I , Murav'yev, M.S J- .''DenchenkoX.N., Vecherin, a. F., svefititski-y, M.A. Orgenizatsiya, planirovaniye i ekonomika vapomogatel-Inykh khozyaystv mashinbstroitellnogo zavoda (Organization, Planning, and .Economics of Auxiliary Services in the Machine Building Plant) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 328 p. 15,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Sate-V.EyA .; Eq-(inside book): Sirotin, M.A., Engipe6r; Revie.wers:'Borisov- G.S., Engineer (Part 1); ' Trekhov M.I., Engineer. (Fart ~); Berman, M.M., Engineer, (Part 3;; Malyutin, N.K., Economist (Part 4);. Shebalin, V.M., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Model', B.I.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Economics and Organization of Machine Building*. Saksaganskiy, T.D. PURPOSE.: This book is a textbook for undergraduates taking the "Organization and Planning of Machine-Building Industry" course in engineering economics institutes, as well as by engineering personnel of machine-building plants. Card 1/14 Organize tion,,irl Planning".: and. Economics (Cont.) 471' COVERAGE: This book is one in a series of textbooks prepared by the "Economics and Organization of the Machine-building Department" of the Moscow Institute of Engineering Economics, imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. Part I (Maintenance) is written by N.N. Zakharov, candidate of technical sciences, docent; Part II (Power), by I.M. Kheyster, candidate of technical s6iences, docent-Part III (Equipment),by M.S. Muravlyev, candidate of technical 'sciences, docent; Part IV (supply) by M.N. Demchenkb, dandidate of technical sciences, docent; Part V (!rransportation) by M.N. Demchenko, Ya. P. Vecherin, and'N-A Sventit5kiy. The following aspects are discussed: organization, planning, economics of mainteneance, power, eqiiipment, transportation, warehouses, and the question of sUpply-operations in a machine-building plant. 3 Card 2/14 IAPITPSKIYO 01 doktor tekhn. nauk, prof,; MRINOIV, A.I., inzh.; OYXS; G.I., o or tekhn. nauk, profe; OLMMIM, V*'Voe iwh,; 041"1 V'196 r kand. tekhii. nank; RMIGM, roP., inzh,'; SMAW, Role, kand, takhn, zWc, dots, Reduaing the inhomogeneity of large riming steel ingots (up to 1p to.). Izv. vve. ucheb. zav.; cherno met. no.2:'19-33 r 158. (MM 11:5) 1. Dnepropetruvekiy metallurgicheskiy institut,, MoukovskI7 institut stali i zavod "Zaporozhstait." (Steel ingots) ADT=: Gulymyev, S.B. sov/24-58-4-37/39 TITIN: Confaronce on Crystallisation of Net" (Soveshchanlye Do kristallizateli metallov) PUIODICAL- Isvestiya Akadvaii Nauk SSSR, Otdel*tLiya Tokhmicheakikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 4. pp 153 - 155 (USSR) ABSTRACTz This conference was hold at the Institut sashimovedenlya AN aSS1 (Institute of Mechanical Xngine*ring of the Ac.Se. VJ=) on June 28-32, 1958. About 400 people participated and the participants included specialists in the fields of fouzdry, metallurgy chaml.crystallography, physics. weldinG, heat, physical try, mathematical physics and other related subjects. In addition to Soviet participants. forwign visitors included Professor D. Czlitl (Bast Ger=aay) and N.I. Chyorizwv (Czechoslovakia). This conference on asystallisation tor metals was the fourth conference relating to the-ganeral roblen of the theory of foundry processes. ~gwr pro-- X.P. fh~A-be'. 0 &eye _11M I A.I~_UozJ42v - sCartain Methods of made Of V'11.0z.b_4un'fO=iZiG9 Of Large Casting* (up to 20 t) NoTitskiy, A.S. and T-V-J41VQ- * nf =0 of Internal Crystalligets On the btii'-t"Tie and Ptzpertisa of Steel Ingots... will- riaw (Cz*choalovahia) - 'on the Crysta.111-sation . ir.1V:f-A.P-3?.rojwv - 'Crygttllim&tlOn Of Continuously Cast Inot and Influence on it Of the properties of Card6/10 Liquid Steel'; L-1_Aqrozeuokiy and 0. D. -'TJ%fIu~=G of Movement of the Metal in the L4-quld Ccre on the Cllstallisaticn of Steel ingots and castlega-; X-N-Anliu, A.A. Novikcva and B.B. Gulyayev - =:1111&llis&tiOn ana-Ve---hanical Prcperttes of Steel, at Ijwcul:d max u0cre Of ti or--aZion of the Cru t and tbq VP*od of Bolidilzation of ingots*; G.p. xnajj,~ "normal Btromaes and Deformation in the Crust r4 Crystallising Icgot-; V-0. Gr-U;AA rA P.I. X&z.1tit, ye)Ec.=xa dealt With Problems of foreg-fion of the prImsr. . st.,,ctur. of structural steel and the influence on it of %kk. temperature of pouring. no features Of CrYstallisation of castings cads of with special properties and of austonit_-c at-els vozv dealt with in the following paler I.,. S u CUJUncir - 'Influence of Inoc ation. on the Strutt~e and On th~ Fb7~icO-A&ch,-1c&l Properties of Elt~h.allcy stools"; I.F. Kt" sphis, F V. Aksonov, N.Y. L*.:_Ikc n1 B.T&L. ROUDA '-Occurrence ;f Nobr-unifozziti"i3~ In HIgh.- t,"Mgzatur* alloys During Crystallisation and H#At Cazd7/10 Treataon;m and *ZxperimectaZ investigation of tbo Process of Crystallisation of Cast Blades Made of Rtfractor, Alloys*; A-9-1912rov considered the process of roe stallimati. IAPITSKIY, V.I.., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; STUPARI, N.I., dotsent; inzh.; TARAPAY, M.A., inzh.; TIYO"YBV, T.L., inzh.; uioi&~' YU.N.. inzh. Certain problems in the preparation of steel ingots for wheals. Izv. v3rs. ucheb. sav.; chern.met. no.5:21-28 14Y 158. (MIRA 11:7) l.Dnepropetrovskil, metallurgicheakir institut i zavod im. K. Idbknekhta. (Steel ingots) 180) AUTHORS: Baptizmanskiy, V. I., Dubrovskiy, Yu,Ao,SOV/163-59-1-6/50 w La , Poyarkov, A. MI., Rostovtsev, S. T., Ue-syuk, G. S., Ogryzkin, Ye. M. TITLE: Conversion of High-phosphorus PiG Iron in Oxygen-blast Con- verters (Peredel vysokofosforistogo chuguna v konvertere s kislorodnym dutlyem). Communication I. Conversion of High- phosphorus Fig Iron in a Converter With Combined Lateral Blast (Soobahcheniye I. Peredel vysokofoaforistogo chuguna v konver- tere s bokovym kombinirovannym dutlyem) PERIODICAL-. Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. I-Aetallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 25-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results obtained by the investigations carried out in the steel melting laboratory of the DMI from 1956-1957 are presen- ted. The collaborators of the IChM AS UkrSSR assisted in the recording of the case histories of the heats, and in the selection and analysis of metal and slag samples. In the IChM AS UkrSSR in collaboration with the DMI the converting of Kerch pig iron in the laboratory furnace was investigated. For this purpose the 0.9-1.0 t laboratory converter was adapted to Card 1/4 combined lateral blasting. The converter had a capacity of Conversion of High-phosphorus Pig Iron in Oxygen- SOV/163-59-1-6/50 .blast Converters. Communication I. Conversion of High-phosphorus PiE Iron in a Converter With Combined Lateral Blast 0-85 m3, the depth of the metal bath was 355 mm, Pig iron of the following composition was converted: 3.4 % C-3.8 % C, 1.3-1.8 % P, 1-0-1.3 % Mn, 1.10-0.5 % Si, 0.08-0.20 % S, 0.10-0.25 % V. The pig iron had been melted in a cupola fur- nace. Previous to converting it had a temperature of 1,140-1,2000. Limestone was added to a percentage of 13-15 of the charge weight. A special device permitted to add the fluxing agents at any moment without interruption of the con- verting process. In the experiments with combined blasting the air was supplied to the converter through 4 tuyeres with a diameter of 40 mm at a pressure of 0.15-0.25 atmospheres excess pressure by a centrifugal blower with a capacity of 50-60 m3/min. The oxygen was supplied through two special copper tubes mounted within the tuyeres under 6-10 atmospheres excess pressure. The flow rate of oxygen varied between 1.7-4.2 m3/min the oxygen consumption per ton being 15-25 In this investigation special interest was given to problems Card 2/4 of slag formation and of early dephosphorization. Several Conversion-of High-phosphorus Pig iron in Oxygen- BOV163-59-1-6/5o Alast Converters. Communication I. Conversion of High-phos:~horus Pie Iron in a Converter With Combined Lateral Blast Card 3/4 methods of blast arrangement were studied. The best results were obtained with the second test series where the inclination of the tuy~res was reduced to 0-50 (from the "' horizontal) and the flow rate was reduced by closing two tuyeres. These measures lead to quite respectable results. A comparison with information from publications (Refs 8-10) showed that the formation of slag with a high solution value and the oxidation of the phosphorus proceeds much faster in a converter with a combined air-oxygen blast than in a converter with only bottom or lateral air blast. In converters with combined blast it is possible to produce a slag with a P 205 content meeting the specifications and an ingot steel with a low nitrogen and phosphorus content (