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S/057j6O/O3O/OO8/O17/019 B019/BO60 AUTHORt Lapin, Yu. V. Friction and Heat Exchange in a Compressed Turbulent TITLE: Boundary Lay=er -on a Plate in the Presence of a Led-in Substance PERIODICAL:, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960t Vol-30, No-89 pp-984-993 TEXT: In the introduction, the author refers, among other thingsp to simi- lar experimentsmade with incompressible gases by L.-Ye. Kalikhman (Ref- 7). The present paper deals with the study of friction and heat exchange of a turbulent compressed boundary layer on a porous plate with a led-in foreign substance..The analysis is made on the basis of boundary layer equations in two-component gas mixtures, on the assumption of the leading-in rate of the foreign substance being sufficiently low so as to secure a persist- ent turbulent boundary layer# while no chemical reaction is allowed to occur, and the specific heat of the gas mixture can be regarded as being constant Moreovert the.Prandtl- and the Schmidt number are assumed to be equal to unity. The author proceeds from differential equations (1) to (3), Card 1/2 8033 S/057/60/030/010/013/019 B013/BO63 AUTHORi L_ spin, Yu. V. TITLEi Friction and Heat Exchange in a Compressible, Turbulent Boundary Layer in the Presence of Chemical Reactions Caused by the Introduction of a Foreign Substance PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No,. 10, pp. 1227 - 1237 TEXT: The present paper deals with friction and heat exchange in a com- pressible, turbulent boundary layer on a plate in the presence of chemical reactions. It is assumed that the rate of the chemical reactions caused by the admixture of a foreign substance is infinitely high compared to the diffusion rate, i.e., v r >>vd (1). This assumption makes it possible to consider the reaction zone (front of the flame) in the boundary layer to be a surface whose diameter is approximately infinitely small compared to the thickness of the boundary layer. A reaction of the type (1) has only one plane. The laminar and turbulent Prandtl and Lewis numbers are assumed to be equal to one. For the calculation of integral characteristics of the Card 1/3 84733 Friction and Heat Exchange in a Compressible, S/057/60/030/010/013/019 Turbulent Boundary Layer in the Presence of B013/BO63 Chemical Reactions Caused by the Introduction of a Foreign Substance boundary layer it is sufficient to know the relationship of the concen- tration and the temperatures with the longitudinal velocity in the boundary layers The foregoing conditions make it possible to extend the relationship between concentration and velocity established in Ref. 1 for a laminar boundary layer to the case of a turbulent boundary layer. Nextj the author suggests a method for the caleplation of the relationship between temperature and velocity in the boundary layer, and for the derivation of equations for the state of the gas mixture and for the density distribution in the boundary layers (53) was obtained from the solution of the pulse equation. It may be used to calculate the friction on a plate located in a compressible gas, in the presence of chemical reactions caused by the admixture of foreign substances on the porous surface. The quantity G contained in (53) can be calculated only if the ~Vl viscosity of the gas mixture is known. Formulas for this calculation have been suggested by several authors, The most exact formulas were published by Hirschfeld (Ref. 8), which, however, require extensive aalculations~ In many cases it is more convenient to use simpler relations for this purpose, one of which (56) was suggested by G.. Yu, Stepanov in Ref, 9. Card 2/3 84733 Friction and Heat Exchange in a Compressible, S/05 60/030/010/013/019 Turbulent Boundary Layer in the Presence of B013YB063 Chemical Reactions Caused by the Introduction of a Foreign Substance The dynamic viscosity of a pure gas may be calculated from Sutherland's well-known formula (58). The heat current is calculated from relation (59) which was derived in Ref. 1. According to the Reynolds analogy, the heat transfer coefficient Chmaybe expressed in terms of the friction coefficient Ch = Cf/2 (60) which is determined by (53). The author thanks Professor L. G. LoZtsyanskiy for his assistance in the work. There are 10 references; 9 Soviet. ASSOCUTIONs Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im, M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polyteohnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) SUBMITTEDt May 27, 196o Card 3/3 tA PIN 01 110 - 20a 9 Lit.1 Jc> S/5 611/000/000/004/011 3( D2344 rD303 AUTUOR: ~apin~,Yu.~V_ TITLE: I-lass and heat exchange in a turbulent flow of com- pressed gas in case of supply of a heterogeneous substance SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po teplo- i massoobmanu. Minsk, 1961, tezisy dokladov i soobshcheniy (Dopolneiiiye , 34-35 TW: The author considers the problem of friction, mass and heat exchange in a turbulent gas-dynamical boundary layer at a plane plate with porous surface in the presence of supply of a het- erogeneous substance. In constructing the solution, a two-layer scheme of the boundary layer is taken (laminar sublayer - turbulent core). The solution is obtained for arbitrary llran,ltl and Schmidt numbers. However, owing to the -h-io-layer scheme taken here , the LA/ application of the solution obtained should be restricted to the interval of Frandtl numbers not excessively different from 1. The Card 1/3 S/93 6 61/000/000/004/011 Mass and heat exchange... D234~1)303 substance introduced is supposed to be inert with reopect to the gas of the main stream. Gas in the boundary layer is considered as a binary mixture of air and the gas which is introduced. SjXci- fic heats of each gas are supposed to be constant and independent of temperature. The equations of the boundary layer are formulated in Crocco's variables, and the analysis is made supposing the pres- ence of "quasi -stabilized' I motion, ie. motion in -,,Thich the profiles of complete e-tithalpies and concentrations in every section depend on the velocity only. The relation between the profile of the con- cc-ntrations and that of velocities in the laminar sublayer is fourd by direct integration of the equation of substance transport. The VK relation between the profile of complete enthalpies and that of velocities in the laminar sublayer is looked for in the form of a series of powers of the longitudinal velocity; the coefficients of the series are determined from boundary conditions. In constructing the solution a process is used which allows one to avoid the formu- lation of the I'law of resistance". The coefficierit of heat transfer is determined on the basis of Reynolds' analogy. An ex-pression for Card 2/3 29916 S/594/61/000/000/004/011 Hass and heat exchange... D234/D303 the friction coefficient is obtained in closed form. i~.ccording to the methods exposed, calculations have been made for different Prandtl and Schmidt numbers; the results are compared with experi- mental data. Z-Abstracter's note: Essentially a complete tra-iisla- tion-7 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy iTtStitUt (Leningrad j Polytechnic Institute) Card 3/3 AUTHOR: TITLE; 30104 S/057/61/031/011/019*/Olg 13125/B102 Mass and heat exchange in a turbulent flow of a compressible gas with supply of foreign substance PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnichcskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 11, 1961, 1395-1406 TEXTt Unlike in a previous paper of the same author (ZhTF, XXXI 8, 984, 1960), the author discusses here the laminar flow near the surface at Pr / Sc X 1 which is of special importance for mixtures with light gases. Each component of the gas at the boundary layer is assumed to be constant and independent of temperature. If the turbulent analogies of the Prandtl number and the Schmidt number are set equal to unity, one obtains a similarity of the velocity fields and the fields of total enthalpies and concentrations in the turbulent core. Thermodiffusion and barodiffusion are neglected when calculating the diffusion rate. The differential equations (equations of cordnuity, momentum, mass and energy conservations) for the averaged steady plane motion of a two-component gas zitha turbulent boundary layer read: Card 1/6 30104 S/057/61/031/011/oig/oig JAass and heoA exchange ... B125/B102 (PU) -1- 4- (PV) = 0, (1) ay PU Td2 -4- PV �Rt-t-ps) dy (2) x dy dy I PU ~H _4_ Pv aH -l- PS 4- ax dy dy ) 'dY F'y IS-) T Z- (3) -4-pD12 Pr PIS _t -4- = � -L-- (4) dx r "Y d-q E(S. OY] - Here, x, y coordinates, u. v = velocity components, Q - gas density, coefficient of laminar viscosity, F,- exchange coefficient for 0 turbulent motion, H - total enthalpy, T - absolute temperature, T = fric- tion stress, D 12 ~- coefficient of mutual diffusion, z - mass concentration of the substance introduced. The subscript 1 marks the quantities of the principal flow, the subscript 2 the quantities referrin'- to the substance Card 216 30104 S/057/61/031/011/019'/019 Blass and heat exchange... B120102 introduced. Quantities without subscripts refer to the mixture. For the quasisteady flow in the laminar sublayer, J-z dH � (_ F_L d1l (I du Pr W - -PLr S'C du and d2c = (Se 1z dz -WU-2 du du (9) fd1ow after transition to the Crocco variables and u. In this case, the profiles of total enthalpies and concentrations are always independent of L. ". The boundary conditions are discussed; they are u 0, v vw9 Z = ZW1 H = HW P Q = QW with y = 0 for the wall, and u - U OD , z 0, H 11 001 Q = Q 00 with y = oo for the outer boundary of the boundary layer. The friction s tress in the boundary layer is written as usual: i - i w + Q WYW U6 For Pr = Se = 1, the viscosity of the laminar gas mixture is calculated by ~11 M2 -Z 1-Z ~~-M2, the formula p= m m, (18), and the analogous formula - 2 t1 Card 3/6 S/857N1/031/011/019/019 Diass and heat exchange... B125/B102 of Reynolds reads: c f/(cf),.O - Ch/(Ch)v ' 0 (20). Here, m molecular weight, and c h heat transfer coefficient. Further, CA 210-123-1-0.820 Ig SN -4- S-4-G2 2 (22) -4- -#- L0.123 -t- o.82o (19-22 and 2 arcsin---~-arcsin- (23) W2 hold for Pr Be 1. For Pr Sc 1, the conduction coefficient in the boundary layer must be determined when calculating the heat release, and the coupling between friction and heat release (Reynolds's formula of analogy) has to be established. The following is calculated3 relationship between the profiles of concentrations and retardation enthalpy and the velocity profile at the laminar sublayers z - 1 - (I-z (1 + 1~-U) So , for the relationship of velocities and profiles Card 4/6 30104 S/05 61/031/011/015/019 Mass and.heat exchange... B125YB102 of total enthalpies in the laminar sublayer -Pr 2n-+- (I - Pr) (rq. Pr B12 Ho 2, Pr B SC Bev (37~ 2A for the relationship betreen the profile of concen*ti-it-ibns' and the velocity profile z z for the same relationship in a turbiilent layer z D(I-U)/(1+B), for the relation between the profile of total enthalpies and the velocity profile in the turbulent core H HOD +5x(1--U), for the relationship between density and velocity profile in the turbulent core PC* T. (53) T- T- (1 (53a)) 2 Card 5/6 T)67 S/057/62/032/004/()13/017 B111/3102 10.1,300 AUTHOR: Lapin, Yu. V. TITLE: Turbulent boundary layer in a dissociating gas PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 4, 1962, 473-479 TEXT: The effect of equilibrium dissociation on friction and heat exchange in a turbulent boundary layer on a plane plate ia investigated. A laminar zone and a turbulent core are distinguished in the boundary layer. The problem is solved for irbitrary values of the Prandtl and Lewis numbers (not differing too much from unity, however), neglecting thermal and barodiffusion. Tho dissociating gas is approximated by an "ideally dissociating gas" (Ref. 4: M. Dzh. Laytkhill. Voprosy raketnoy tekbniki (Problems in rocket engineering), nos.5 and 6, 1957). The latter is determined by the characteristic values TV Qdy and D (D being the specific dissociation energy), a-ad obeys the equation p - QRT(1 + z), where z is the mass concentration of atoms in the mixture, and R - R,/m2 (m. being the molecular mass). Neglecting the lose of mass due to convection and C a r d S/057/62/032/004/013/017 Turbulent boundary layer BI1I/B1O2 2 diffusiont one finds z The equations of Al z) Qd/Q.ex-P(-Td/T) momentum and energy are transformed for Crocco's variables U) on simplifying assumptions. Then, + u(Pr. - 1) + (Le - 1)D 0 (9)9 TU- du Ldu d 7-1 where H a enthalpy, Pr - Prandtl number, Le a Lewis numbers The boundary conditions. read u - 0, V = 0) Z 0, H a Hw, Q - Q. for y 0, and u - UOD , 2 a Of H 0 H f Q = Q , for y co, where u and v are the tangential and CD OD norma.L velocities, respeotivelyp and H. and Q. are constants. The coeffi- oient of friction in the turbulent boundary layer is calculated from a formula earlier obtained by the author (Ref. 6: ZhTFp JO, vyp. 10, 196o). By integrating (9) twice and after a few transformations, the relationship between the total enthalpy and the velocity profile can be expressed by the following formulas: (a) for the laminar zone: (16); Card 2/4 There is S/057/62/032/004/013/017 Turbulent boundary layer ... Bill/3102 1 figure. The English-language reference reads as follows; S. 1. Kosterint Yu. A. Koshmarov, Intern. J.-of the mass-beat transfer, no. 1, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M. 1. Kalinins, (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) SUBMITTED: May 5t 1961 Card 4/4. q V S/1 24/62 0900050/007/015/027 D234/DU8~ jOGTHORIS: Loytsyanskiy, L. G. and Lapin, Yu. V. TITLE: Use of Karman's method for calculating the turbulent boundary layer on a plate in a gas stream PL,,11LIODICAI: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 7, 1962, 74, ab- stract 7B497 (Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1961, no. 217, 7-16) TE-XT: Using 111'~_armanls formula for turbulent tangential friction stress and assuming the friction stress and the heat flow across the boundary layer to be constant, the authozrs calculate the friction coe~"Licient on the plate, situated in a stream of compressible gas ,.then Prandtl's number,is eQual to 1. It was found 4- at the ratio th of the.coeff-icients of friction of compressible and incompressible stream depends weakly on Reynolds' number R for large values of R and Mach numbers 114 larger than 10. Calculation is ccm~ared with ex- nerimentij. / Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 3/563/61/000/217/001/012 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Lap -Yu.. X~ TITL]~:- Turbulent boundary layer in a gas stream in presence of heat exchange,.PjMndtl's number being different from I SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. no. 217. 1961. Tekhnicheskaya gidromekhdnika, ~27-36 ~TEXT: The author'obtains.a solution for a,gas flow'.'Vrith moder- ate pressure gradient and arbitrary distribution of temperature at the wall, using Kerman's semi-empirical theory. The,tempera- ture- range considered is that in which Prandtl's number and speci- fie heat can be regarded as constant. An analytical expression for H-displacement thickness divided by momentum loss thickness is derived. It is found that, with a high degree of accuracy, Pard 1/2. W~ IAPINSj-U-f-Y---- Turbulent boundary layer in a dissociating gas. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 32 no./+.,-1+72-479 Ap 162. (MM 15:5) 1. Leningradakiy politekbn4cheskiy institut imeni Kalinina. (Boundary layer control) (Aerodynamics) UPINI YUO V. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Phyzicomathematical Sciences-at the Technical Physics Institute imen-t A. F. Ioffe in 1962: "Several Problems of Aerothermodynamics of the Turbulent Boundary Layer." No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 . LAPIN,-Y-d.V. (Leningrad) .. "The turbulent boundary layer in the flow of reacting gas mixture". . . report presented to the 2nd All-Union Congrss on Theoretical and Applied . Machalnics., Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. iACCESSION NRz AT4041815, S/2563/64/000/23010098/0106 AUTHOR:' Lapint Yu.-V.;*Sergeyevo. G. P. TITLE:. Effect'of dissociation-on skin fr:rction.and heat-trat)sfer in a turbulent boundary layer SOURCE: Leningrad. Poll-tekhnicheskiy insti'tut. Trudy*, no. 230, [ 1964. Takhnichaskaya gidromekhanika (Techni'cal hydroifiechan1ics)', 198-106 ITOPIC TAGS: dissociating boundary layer,* turbulent boundary layer, dissociation effect. hypersonic flow, a .kin friction, heat transfer ABSTRAM A study of the' ef fect of dissoci.ation on t-he heat transfer: and iakin f-riction of a turbul6nt boundary layer is presen*ted.' A frpik ~Urbulent'boundary la~er'on.a flat plate is considered, with the assumption of'an ideal dissociaeing gas c ,orresponding t4),%the model defined by Ligb'thill, in which the energy of vibiraitional degrees ,of freedom of taken into account. The basic equations of !momentumo mass, and energy are-derived, taking into account terms 11 2 c0 _E0j 'JACCESS11ON NR: AT4041815 1contributed by turbulent fluctuations and assuming a sublayer-turbulent ilayer model with arbitrary,(though not varying significantly from 1). .:Prandtl and Lewis numbers.'.Rel'ations'hips are established between total enthalpy and concentration profiles and-the velocity profile in~ "amin4r 11 ublayer and turbulant'layer, and also between densi the ty i,;d velocity. in the"boundafy layer. E:k*ressions were ob'tained for i. P skin friction and heat'transfe.r,,coefficients and for equilibrium enthalpy. Results of the numerical calculations are given, and. variations in theskin friction and heat transfer coefficients with dis'soclating'oiygen at Me - 2# 4, and 10,.;Are Reynolds number for ipresented in graphs,, t 0gather with curves calculated by W. Dorrance r e p ~and-experimentally ob.tained"by.~.`R.,Rosef Orig, art*' has: 5 figures a d n 'and 34 formulas. n d 'ASSOCIATI ON: none S S 'ATD PRESS: 3055 ENCLt 00 SUBMITTED: 00, SUB 1 !SUB. CODE,. KE .NO REP SOVt 002 OTHER: 003 ~iS UB /2 C ~LOIN, Yu.V. (Leningrad) Method of sealing macroscopic preparations. Arkh. pat. 26 no.22:74- 75 164- (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra. patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - Prof. M.A.Zakharl- yevskaya) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pavlova. ACCESSION Nn: AP4035706 8/0057/64/034/005/0913/0925 AMIOR: Lapin, Yu.V. TITLE: Turbulent heat and mass exchange at a porous wall with sublimation and in- jection of various gases SOURCE: Zhurnal toldinicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.5, 19G4, 913-925 :.TOPIC TAGS: turbulent heat exchange,'turbulent boundary friction, turbulent bound- !ary gas Injection, turbulent boundary sublimation, Prqndtl number, Schmidt number ABSTRACT: This paper is a continuation of earlier work of the author (Yu.V.Iipin, 1~.ZhTF 30,1960; 30,1960;31,1961)* concerning turbulent heat and mass exchange and fric~. at the plane porous boundary of a gas stream when a second gas is injected T through the boundary wall. n the earlier work methods were developed for taking account of chemical reactions between the flowing; and injected material, and of do-. ,viations from unity of the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers. Sublimation of material ('from the boundary wall is treated in the present paper. The case of sublimation dif- fers from that of injection only in the boundary condition; the flux of foreign gas from the boundary wall is not a disposable parameterp but is determined by the wall ACCESSION KR: AP4035706 temperature. Regarded as a cooling mechanism, the sublimation process is self-regu-* lating, since thelate of sublimation increases with the wall temperature. A number of special cases were solved numoricnllysand the results are presented grarAiicnlly. These include: heat flux versus injection rate with the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers assumed to be unity; friction with sublimation of carbon from the wall and oxidation to carbon monoxide; friction and heat exchange versus injection rate for hydrogen injected into an air stream, both with and without oxidation and with and without the assumption that the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers are unity. Calculations of heat flux are compared with experimental data of E.R.Bartle and D.M.Leadon (JASS 27, No. 1,1960) and B.M.Leadon and C.J.Scott (JASS 23, No.8,1956). and reasonable agreement is Sound. From the results of the particular calculations reported, the gonera). con- clusion is drawn thatchemical reactions and deviations of the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers from unity have very little effect on friction and need not be taken into acccunt In calculations of friction# but that both factors are important and should.. be taken into account in calculations of beat transfer* Orig.artshas: 45 formulas and 7 figuros, 'Card 3 ACCESSION KR: AP4035706 ASSOCIATION: none SEM1417TEDt 25Jun63 -ATD PRUSS: 3079 UNCL: .00 StID CODE: HEt TD NR REP SOV: 012 GIMR: 008 , -V.-.(Lpningrad) LAPIN _Xg, Methodology for the determination of calcimm depos.41.ts in arf.eric~- sclerotic arterial walls. Arkh. pat. 26 no.4:81-82 1064. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. M.A.Zakharlyevskaya I Leningradskogo mpditsinskogo in- stituta imeni Pavlova. P, S910 t -ivftbz_' b% d-'-- si~diid -~P* sly -by-: the -A U-thor en.:, d 'M ----23 G 2 -S. y: _0` 196 "-pp:'98407) And V. '7u. 4 p ni; 4- 1 ergeyev, . j no,,. ".I i, X "Vop ,r -o8 y,.~raketnoy tekbiAki (j~rAlems of:xjo61cet'tecbnolo8y), H., Izd. ;~--Anostr ?--lit., 1961, no. 12,, Vp 39-67) without, hoveveT, talting into account the _~~-~-catalytic pr erties of the talls. Consequently, In the present paper, the author op the:tesults -of.his earlier vork to a "frozen!' turbulent layer near a cata"11 'b ne- or 4r itrary r6c.-ftbination rates. The-study is based on the strati- f ii,4 boundary -layer containing a laminar baisri and a tuirbulent core. . Ordin I _~Ientl chraidt numbers are assumed different from zero vhile their turb ,~aasumed equ41,,to zero; the six0lified model of an ideally dis- ~o ~ros:~ raketnoy tekhniki (Problems oi 'is -due to M. LighthIll logy),' M...Izd. Inostr. lit., 19572 no. 3, pp 66-76 and no, 6, pp The presentution of the basic equations and boundary conditions is by the derivations of the ielationabips between the total enthalpy and -~,_:,concentratton and the velocity profile, and the calculation of the heat transfer. -~_-Figo I of the Enclosure presents some of the results# Drig, art. has: 28 1 f or-Aulas and I figure. _6~ Art J. ------ ----- - - -- oj:$ SWURF z, 7::~, 49 44 * .-- 0 rvn Oxi4es~ n,- ---l Bbu n-d.4ry* heat trans er as a,- 4actio 'of'flight-velocity. The 2.5 SPIC curve is below the 3 Imi/see curve because nitrogen starts dissociating., onl after all the oxygen within the outer current is fully dissociated. 4i 4 CcIrd LAPT14, Yu. Ye. LAPIN,. Yu. Ye. -- *The Smelt of the Rybinskoye Reservoir." Aced Sci USSR, Inst of the Morphology of Animals imeni A. 11. Severtsov, Moscow, 1955* (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Sciences) SD: KnizhnM letoLsl, No- 37, 3 September 1955 * For the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences LAPIN, Yu.Ye.; YUROVITSKIYO Yu.G. Intraspecific regularities of maturation and fecundity dynamics in fishes. Zhur.ob.biol. 20 no.6:439-446 N-D 159. (MM 13:4) 1. Institute of Animal Morphology. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.0 Moscov. (FIMES--PHYSIOIDGY) LAPIN, Yu. Ye. f Characteristics of population dynamics of fishes with a short life cycle based on studies of the Baropean smelt. Zool, zhur. 39 no.9: 1371-1383 5 16o. (MIRA 130) 1. Labortory of Ichthyology, Institute of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (smelts) IAPIN YU.YeO factors determining changes in the population structure of fishes with a short life cycle. Trudy sov. Mt. kom. ho.13:203-204 1,61. (MMA 14:8) 1, Institut morfologii zhivotnykh AN SSSR. (Fish populations) IAPIN.0 Yusyeo T7PSs of spawning popalations and some methodological problems in stidying the dynami!-s of tldabimdanee of co=ercial fishes. Vop. ikht. I no.4-.666-680 t61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut mcrfologii zhi-,rotuykh imen-I A.N.Sever-tsova al SSSR, Moskva. (Fish populations) KAqZINKINP G.S.j LAPIN, Yu.Ye, "Oceanological principles relating to the fishery productivity of seas" by G.K.Izhavskii. Reviewed by G.S.Karzinkin and W.E. Lapin. Vop. ikht. 2 no.2:375-379 162. (MM 15:11) - . (Marine biology) (Izhevskii, G.K.) uPINO TU.Ye. Characteriotico of the dynamics of barring population in the Dvina Baj of the White Sea. Zool.zhur. 41 -notUtl681-1692 N t62o (MM 3.6i1) 1. Institute of Ani-mal Morphology, Acadeny of Sciences of the U.S.S..R.' MOSPOW. (Dvina Bay-Herring) LAPIN, YU.Ye. Age and population dynamics of the Pacific pink. salmon (Oneorhynchus gorbusha (Walb.). Vop. ikht. ~3' no.2:243-255 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Laboratoriya ikhtiologii Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh AN SSSR, Moskva. (Pink salmon) LAPIN, Review of the book ISMosium on pink salmon. i0p. ikht. 3 no.~g; 424-427 163. (MGU 16 ,(Pink salmon) LAPIN) Yu.Ye. -1-1-1- -. ''. Differences in the number of netameres in the larvae of the ~Ihite Sea herring. Dokl. All SSSR 165 no.5.1204-1207 D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Inst--tut morfolo.-ii zhivotnykh im. A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR. Submitted February 5, 1965. LAPIN-FADNINTL Yaeiliy Ivanovich; TWIN, M.N., red.; PULIN, Lola# [Chemistry in the service of industry] Xhimiia sluzhit proizvodetva. Tula, Tul'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 23 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Nachalinik smeny metallokeramicheskogo tsekha laptevskogo zavoda OUglemashO (for Lapin-Padeyev). (Bearings (Kachinery)) (Ceramic metals) GRIBANOV, P G,--LAPINA, A.A. METELITSYN, G.T.; MORARI, I.M.4, NIiji'JNKO,-T-.A-.;--RY-BNjKOV, N.N.; SELIMAROVICH, L.V*; WIYANOV, A.P., red.; BARANOV, I.A., tekpn. red. - (Aid to the study of the economics of the trawler fleet] V pomoshch' izuchaiushchim ekonomiku tralovogo flota. Murmansk, Murnenskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1966. 76 p. I (MIRA 16:5) (Trawls and trawling-Accounting) (Index num rs (Economics)) LAPINA, A. A. PA76T62 upIRA, A. A. 33537 50 Let Vrachebnoy Deyatellnosti Zasluzhennogo Vracha F. A. Merlyemsona. (Ftizistr- laringolog). Vestnik Otor:Lnolaringolcgii, 1949, No 5, c. 85, s. Portz. SO: Letopis' Zhurnalinykh Statey, Vol. 45., Maakva, 1949 LAPINA, A.A. 37631. Rentgenoterapiya pri tuberkaezno-,a porazherc--ii polosti rta I gortani. Vestnik atorinolaringologii, 1949, No. 6, S. 4751. Bibliogr. 13 Nazv. SO: Letopis, Zhurnallnykli Statev-, Vol- 37, 1949 LOINA., A. A. "Comparison of the Effect of Vitamin A and Carotin on the Sensitivity to Light of Dark Adapted Eyes," Fiziol. Zhur., SSSR, 35, No,4, 1949. -State Control Vitamin S+ation, Ministry of Publick Health USSR. IAMU* A. A. .r~ M=Wrobtuntion aM eanditim of tubercuUm eavm. Probl. tube*.o Roakva No. 3s IM74me 50. p. 59-61 1, Of IllowowMWApal Salantifta-Rommh Tubmulods InatituW (Director-.Pmfl V* Le E6*de)4r CUIL 191, 50 NOV.0 1950 LILPINA A, A. P$sasanqli,i pr Aivopokazaniia dl".a trakhao-bron1dioskopii u bol.' legocb-iym tuberkulozom, jndications and contra- indications for trachso-broaahosca')py in pulmonW tuberaulo3i-s7 Prof, tub(-,rk,, ?.%skva No* 2 Vlar-Apr 51 p. 29-33* U Of Morcow 1,11micipal Sciantllfi;~-Revaixch Taberculwis DMU- tute (Dim ~or--Pzof. V. L. F~~s),, CLHL Vol. ..--0, No. 10 Oct 1?51 LOIN, S,L; SIDOROVA, Te. P.; UPINA, As A, Significance of bronchial pathology in surgery of palmonar7 tuberculosis. Probl. tuberk., Moskva no.4:59-64 July-Aug 1951. (CLML 21:1) 1. Of Moscow Municipal Scientific-Research Taborculosis Institute (Director - Prof. V. L. Eynis; Head of Pulmonary Surgical Division - Prof. S. I. Lapin). LAMA, A, A. -2. 'USM (600) 4- Bronchi - Foreign Bodies 7. Diagnosis of foreign bodies in large bronchi. Sov. med. 17, no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1487 -1953. Unclassified. LAPIRL, A.A.. professor Problem of recurrence of laryngeal tuberculosis treated with streptozWcino Probl. tub, no.4:24-29 Jl-Ag 154. (MIRA 7:11) 1. 1z Hookovskogo gorodskogonauchno-teeledovatellskogo tubarkuleznogo Instituta (dir. prof. V.D.3yals) (TUBERCULOSIS, LARYNGRAL# therapy, streptomyclu, recur.) (STREPTOMYCIN, therapeutic use, Wbere., laryngeal, recur.) IAPINA, A.A.,professor Bronchoscopy in the treatment of atelectaois in pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 34 no.1:14-19 Ja-F 156 (MLRA 9:5) 1. Iz MoBkovskogo gorodskogo nauchno-inaledovatellakogo tuberkuleznogo instituts, (dir.Y.F. Chernyshev, nauchnyy rukovoditell- prof. T.L. 3nis) (TUBXROULOSIS, RIMONMY. compl. atelectasis, ther.. 'brouchoscopy in (ATEIROTASIS. etiol. and pathogen. tuberc.,pulm., ther., bronchoscopy in) (13RONCHOSCOPY.-in various die. atelectasts, caused by pulm. tubera.) LAPINA. li.A. (Moskva) 21bd7 requirements of vitanin BI in relation to its Periodic intake. [wit.h summary in English). Vap.pit. 16 no.2:35-36 Mr-Ap 157. (HLRA 10-10) 1. Iz A., D i A vitaminnego otdola (zev. - prof. B-II.Matako) Goswisrstvennogo instituta vitaminologii MiniBterstva 2dravo- oUiraneniyq SSSR. Hoal-va. (VITAMIN Bi requirements. relation. to periodicity of admin. in rats (Rus)~ L-AaIA,, of essor Clinical aspect-. and t~jeraV Of tuberculosis of the 1-n-ge bronc'!-A fwith summary in French]. Probl.tub. 35 no.3:41-46 IS7. (VIURi 10:10) ,,or,)d-,kogo neuchno-issledovatel'sko-o tuber'culezn0go 1. Iz Moskovskogo v I - institute (dlr. V.F.Cher~-*rshnv, zam. dir. po nauc.inoy c-hast - prof. V. I-Avai a) (TUB&CUDDUIS, PUD-10NARY, bronchi. alin. aspactn & ther. (Rus)) LAPIIIA. tlookva Comparative activity, of carotene and vitamin A in dark adaptation in msn~. [with summary in 3aglishl. Vopr.pit. 17 no.1:24-27 Ja-F 158- (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz A- i D-vitaminnogo otdola (zav. - prof. S.N.Matsko) Nauchno- isoledovatel*skogo instituta vitaminologii Mini8teretva zdravo- okhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. (CAROTHIIN. effects, in dark adaptation in man, comparison with vitamin A (Itua)) (VITAMIN A, effects, in dark adaptation in man, comparison with carotene (RUBD (ADAPTATIOV, OCULAR, dark eff. of vitamin A & carotene, comparison in man (RU65) LAPINA, A.A., prof. Association of Dulmonaz7 and bronchial tuberculosis. 22 no-5:13-18 1~1 '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. In Moskovskoy gorodskoy tsentrallnoy klinicheakoy tuborkuleznoy ljollnitny (glnvnyy vrRch - prof. V.L. Eynis)-o (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY, compl. bronchial involvements (Rua)) LAPIITA, A.A., prof. ------ Bronchial adenoma. Xhirurglia 34 no-3:111-3-13 Mr 158. (XIHA 32:1) 1. I,z Moskovskoy gorodskoy teentralluoy klinicheskoy tuberkaloznoy bollnituy i iz terapevticheskogo otdoleniya (zav. - prof. V.L. Synis) Instituta tuberkuleza (dir. Z.A. Lebedeva) AMN SSSR. (BRONGHI-TUY.DM) LAPINA, A.A TheJ9ffect of periodic administration of vitrmin B on the body's requirement of vitamin B2 [with summary in Englishi. Biul.eksT) biol. i med. 45 No.4:36-38 AP '58 - (MIRA ll:~i 1. lz otdela itaminov A,D#Eo (zave - prof. S.K. Matsko) Nnuctino-iseledovatellskogo instituts vitaminologii (dir. - deyetvitell nyy chlen AMN SSSR B.A. Lavrov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlana deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR B.A. Lavrovym. (VITAMIN B2- metAboliam requirements in rats, eff. of -periodic admin. of vitamin B2 (Rue)) ALI* G.E., doktor med.nank; AMOSOY, N.M., prof.; ANTEUYA, N.Y.. prof.; BOGUSH, L.K., prof.; TOZVEMSKIT.- A.N,. prof.; VILINTANSKIT, L.I., kand.maci.nauk.,,W33iA....A..A.p prof.; MASSINO, S.Y., doktor med.nauk; KM'HAU-DT, F.A., prof.; RABUKMN, AsTeop prof.; MMUSHCHOVA. T.N.. prof.;-MLUWju, I,A., prof.; TABLCKOV, D.D., prof.; ITHIS, V.L., prof., zusluzhennyy*deyatell muki,; KOMM, P.G., prof., red.; KUMTATTSUA, A.I., prof., red. (deceased]; LAPINA, A.I.j red.; LHI~~A, %.A.,, redo; MMOV, A.1e, prof.i red.; SMANOY, F.Y., prof., zaslu- zhennyy deyatell nauki, rodotoma; GRINSHMIT, TeA, red.; LTUD- KOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn.rod. [Naltivolume manual on tuberculosis] Knogotomnoe rukovodstvo po tuberkalezu. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol.2. [Tuber- culosis of the respiratory organs] Tubarkules organov dykhaniia. Red.tow A.E.Rabukhin i F.T.Shobanov'. Book 2. 1959. 408 p. (MIRA 13:5) Chleny-korrespondenty ANN SSWt (for Antelave, Bogush, Tablokov, Strukov). 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Kornev). (TUBERGULOSIS) LVIIIA, A.A., prof. Bronchial perforation In tuberculosis ina(bilts. Probl.tub. 37 no-5:59-64 '59- (MIRA 12,-10) 1. Is Instituta tuberkuleza A14H SSSR (dir. Z.A.Lebedeva) I Moskavakoy gorodskoy tsentrallnoy klinichOBkoy tuberk-uleznoy bollnitsy ( la nyy vrach - prof.V.L.Hynis). f%lGICRCULOSIS, PULMONARY - complications) IAMA, Ashkhen Abgarovna,, prof.; AVEPJIM, M.11.,, red.; ariEvA, N.K., fe~. r a ~d. ~ [Tuberculosis of the bronchi; diagnosis, clinical aspects, treatment] Tuberkulez bronkhov; diagnostika., k3.inika,. leche- nie. Moskva., Medgiz,, 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 15:2) (EHOZICHI-TUEERCUIDSIS) ~WPAv.-Av),- -, Simplified biological method for determining vitwain D. Vop. (MTI?,, pit. 21 no.6.62-64 R-D 162. 1 _ 3.7-5) 1. Iz otdela vitaminor AAE (zav. - prof. S.N. Matsko) Nauchno- issledovateltskago instituta vAtaminologi-i Ministerstva zdravookhraneniy,-- SSSR, Mcskva. UPINAp A. 1. -7 --' '- " " -' - j ' ' ". ~~*"A,---,~.,e- -,-/ -1 -, I -, - ~; C- " , t-, , / '. , 23540. 'czz~- ZhIDKAYa Siti~ V TMOII chESOTKI Ovms. SBORNIK NAUCh. TRUDOV ( LENINGR. M. IN-T), VYP. 10, 19493 c* 41-47o SO: LETCPISI NO. 31S 1949. LAPINA, A. I. Therapeutics, Surgical Organization of surgical aid for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis., Probl. tub., no. 6.7 1951. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952- UNCLASSIFIED. LAMA, A.I. WSR/MediciDe Public Health MftylJun 52 "Outstanding Problems'In Fight,Against Tuberculosis, USSR," A.,I. Lapina, Chief of Admin of Anti-. tuberculosis Aidj Min of Pub Health USSR "Prob Tuber" No 3) pp 3-13 Outlines,a nation wide campaign of tuberculosis con- :.trol,'including mass.protective inoculation of child- -!-~ren in 1952- and 19531. Deplore's the. shortage of quali- fied medical and'hursing personnel In some rural and urban areas, and negligence-in complying with Order. No 123 of 32 Feb 52 issued by the.Pub Health Min USSR, ordering an exaustive survey and application of surgi- -cal-interference as indicated, in every-tuberculosis institution of the Soviet Union. 224T57 JAPINA, A.I. 11 Future problems of public health branches in control of tuberculosis. Sovet. mad. 16 no. 9:33-37 Sept 1952. (01KL 23:3) L Read of the Administration for Anti-Tuberculosis Aid of the Ministry o; Public Health USSR. Excerpta Medic4 1/5 see 17 MaY 55 Pub. Health, Social )%acine 2000. LAPINA A. I. * Die Organisation der TuberkulosebekAmpfung im Dorf. I INI V-IM-LO zation of tuberculosis control in villages PROBL.TUBERK. 1954, 1(3-9) The network of prophylaxis and treatment has been extended to the village in the last 5 yr. (clinics, outpatient clinics). The medical staff and personnel of the ad- visory centres have been increased. Hygienic conditions at schools, kindergartens, etc. have been given special attention. Vaccination and revaccination of infants, pre-school and schoolchildren is widely practised. Early diagnosis of the disease by screening of the population has been extended, therapeutic possibilities have been improved (dispensaries with beds), and propaganda has been brought to the rural districts. Frey - Berlin (XV, 17) etc Excerpta Medic4 115 sec 17 MaY 55 Pub. Healtht Social Medicine & etc. 1999, LAPINA A.I. * ruberkulftis elleni int6zked6sek szervez6se falun. Rural _61Ms, campaign N9PEGtSZSEGOGY 1954, 35/6 (146-150) Based upon experience of the fight against tb in the villages, combined with BCG vaccination in certain parts of the Ukraine, a similar working programme is sug- gested for the rest of the USSR. Nikolich - Novi Sad (XVII, 15*) /,gp//,Y/" , _27 AUTHOR: None given 25-8-37/42 TITLE: The VIth All-Union Meeting of Phthisiologists (VI Vsesoyuznyy sllyezd ftiziatrov) PERIODICALt Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 89 PP 59-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: More than 1,000 delegates of the USSR and foreign countries took part in the VIth All-Union Meeting of Fhthieiologists in Moscow in June 1957. One of the main problems to be dis- cussed was "The development of control of tuberculosis in the USSR and the tasks to bring about a further reduction in the number of tuberculosis cases! The two lecturers on this topic, M.V. Khomutov, Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR, and A.I. LqjAna, Main Inspector for the Control of Tubercu- los57-of the-Ministry of Health of the USSR, dealt with the progress achieved in this field during the past few years. In 1948, only 894,000 newborn children and 115,000 older children were inoculated against tuberculosis. 1': 1956, the number had already-increased to 6-3 million children and in 1957 about 12.6 million children were treated. Moreover, medical examinations of the population are carried out in order to discover the disease at the very beginning. In Card 1/2 comparison with 1949, the mortality rate was reduced by 70% The VIth All-Union Meeting of Phthisiologists 25-8-37/42 and the number of cases by 43%- Candidate of Medical Scien- ces, A.S. Mamolat, spoke about his experiences gained in controlling t,6berculosis in villages. Professor, A.I. KudryavtBev, dealt with the prophylactic effect of the vaccine against tuberculosis. Professors, R.O. Drabkin, M.A. Kle- banov, V.L. Eynis, A.Ye. Rabukhin, Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Akademiya meditsin8kikh nauk SSSR)' N.A. Shmelev, and others, dealt with chemo- therapy of tuberculosis. The final meetings of the delegates were devoted to the problem of surgical treatment of tuber- culosis. L.K. Bogush, Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professors, N.M. Amosov (Kiyev), I.S. Koleanikov (Leningrad), F. Kovach (Hungary), Doctor O.T. Iliyesku (Rumania) and otherst lectured on this subject. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1-7,2 LAPINA, A. I. Spidemiologic pr i t ulosis in the U.S.S.R. [with oress a uberc u ary in Fre . Probl,tub. 35 no.5.3-13 157- (KIRA 10:11) :. Glavnyy inspektor po tuberkulezu Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya SSR. (TUBJMGULOSIS, statist. in Russia) LAPINA. Antonina Ivenovns, red.; LIPKIN . Ye.A., red. ----------- [Problems in the control of oitooorticular tuberculosis] Voprosy bor'bt s kostno-sust!Ivnym tuborkulezom; trudy. Moskva, Hadeiz, 1958. 196 p. (NM 14:2) 1. V88soyuznoye soveshchaniye po kostno-oustevnomm tubarkulazu. Moscow. 1955. (BOIMS--TUMMCULOSIS) A.I. v-, -,- Measures in aid of further progress in the control of tuber- culoslo. Probl.tub. 36 no.7:3-11 '38. (HM 22:8) 1. Glavnyy inspektor po tuberkulezu HinisterBtva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TUBIRCULOSIS--PREVENTION) J119 G.E., doktor med.nauk; AMOSOV, N.Mo, prof.; ANTELAVA, N.V.. prof.; BOGUSH, L.K., prof.; VOZNESENSKIT,' A.H., prof.; VILINTANSKIT. L.I.,; LAPINA, A.A0, prof.; MASSIYO, S.V., doktor med.neuk; HIMU.0Y, F.A., prof.; RABUEM, A.Te., prof.; KHRUSHCHOVA, T.N., prof.;.SRAMIN, I.A., prof.-, TABLCKOV, D.D., prof.;'ZINIS, V.L., prof., zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki,; KORM, P.G., prof., red.; KUMTAYTS3VA,'A.I., prof., red. [deceased]; LAPDA, A..I.i red.; L~1, Z.A.,, red.; SMUKOV.-A.I.", .prof.i red.; SMANOV, F.V., prof., zaalu- zhennyy deyatell nauki, red.toma; GRINSRMiT, Te.H., red.; LTUD- KOVSKATA, N.I., [Maltivolum manual on tuberculosis] Hnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po tubarkulazu. MoBkva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol.2. [Tuber- culosiB of the respiratory organs] Taberkulez organov dykhaniia. Red.toma A.R.Rabukhin i F.T.Shebanov. Book 2o 1959. 408 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AMU SSSR (for Antelava, Bogush, Tablokov, Strukov). 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen. AMN SSSR (for Kornev). (TUBERCULOSIS) BUNINA, B.Z., prof.; IRPMINA,R.O., "r f.- KLXWOVA, A.A., kana. biolog.nauk; KOSROIUiMIANSKIY,- V. 19 prof.; MOIMI, L.M.. prof.; RABUKHIN, A.Te., prof,; SMILOV, A.I., prof.; STUKALO, I.T., prof.; TBUSMA, Te.D.,; CHISTOVICH, A.N., prof.; SOUMU, N,A., prof.; EYNIS, V.L,, prof., zasluzhennyy daystell nauki. otv. red., red.tome; KORNEV, F.G., prof.. red.; KUDRTAVTSUA, A.I., prof. [deceased]~ red.; LRBEINVA, %.I.. kand.mad.nauk. red.; IAPIIU, A. L., rea.; MASSINO. S.V., doktor mad.nauk, red.; '210 MAI OV, F.Y., prof-.-,zas1:uzhennyy devatell nauki, red.; =NCHILO, K.K., (Multivolume handbook on tuberculosis] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po tuberkulazu. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol.l. [General problems in tuberculosis] Obahchie problemy tubarkaleza. Red. tome: V.L.Rinis, A.I.Strukov. 1959. 672 p. WRA 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMU SSSR (for Strukov, Shmelev). 2. Deystvi- telinyy chlen AMU SSSR (for Kornev). (TUMGMSIS) LAPINA, A.I. Organization of tuberculosis control measures in IV-he U.S.S.R. Yed. estra 18 no.1013-7 0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) : . Glavn" spetsialist po tubarkalezy Ministerstva zdravockhraueniya SSSR. (TUBERMMSIS-PREVIETIOW) UPINA, A.I. First Congress of Phthysiologists of the Lithuanian S.S.R. Yrobl. tub. 37 no.6:109-113 '59. (MM 13:2) (TUBMC=SIS--CONGRISSES) LAPINA,, A. I. Vl~a'vrures for further Improvement in medical services and in the protection of the public health, Probltub, 38 n0-4:3-12 - I .- 160, (TUBERCULOSIS-PREWTION) (MMA 14:5) LAPINA, A.I. (Moskva:) New era in the control of tuberculosis. Sovadrav. 20 no.2;59-64 161.4 14- 5) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist po tuberkulezu Minioterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TUBERCULOSIS) unn, A. I. Nev stage in tuberculosis control. Probl. tub. no.7:3-9 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Glavn" spetsiallat po tuberkulezu Ministerstva zdravookhraneriya SSSR. (TUBERCULOSIS-PREVENTION) ARMPOVA, O.P.,, kand. biol. nauk; BEtUD", pju... prof.; VOROBIYEV, S.I., kand. med. nauk; ZASLAVSKIY, I.D.., kand. med. nauk; KUDfffAVTSEVA, A.I.., prof. [deceased]; IAP32;A, A.I.. MARKUZON, V.D., prof.; MASSING, S.V,.. prof.; NE21IN, S.Ye., ~ro ~.;*OYFEBAU, M.I., prof.; POFM-TSOV, K.V., prof.; RABUKHIN, A.Ye., zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR, prov.; ROL"YE, Z.Yu... zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR) prof.- SORKINA. Z.Z.p doktor med. nauk;FILD40NOV, N.I., kand, med. naui Ldeceased]; YUSKOVETS, M.K.2 zasl. deyatell nauki Belorusskoy SSR, prof.,akademik; EYNIS, V.L.., zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR, prof., otv. red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekbn. red. [Multivolume manual on tuberculosis] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po tuberkulezu. V.L.Einis. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.4- [Epidemiology and the organization of the control of tuberculosis] Epidemiologiia i organizatsiia bor'by s tuberkulezom. Red. toma. A.I.Lapina i S.V.1-lassino. 1962. 524 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya nauk Be loru sskoy SSSR i Akademiya sel I skokho zyay stven- nykh nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Yuskovets). (TUBERCULOSIS) LAPINA, A.I. r------ Tuberculosis will be conquered. Med.sestra 21 no.8:3-6 Ag 162. (KIRA 15-9) 1. Glavnyy spetsialiat po tuberkulezu Ydnisterstva zdravookhra- e.. neniya 35SR. * (TUBERCULOSIS-PREVENTION) - LAPIFA, A.I. Vaccination against- tuberculosis in the U.S.S.R. Probl.tub. no.l: 18-25 162. (11MA 15:8) 1. Glav,-.yy spetsialist po tuberkulezy Ministerstva zdravookhra- neniya SSSR. (BSG VACCIPATION) Bavic problem in the control of tubarculoais in children. Pediatriia 41-- [1 F 963. (Mm 16SO 1. d1avW spetsialist po tuberkulezu Hinisterstva zdravookh- raneniya SSSR. (CHILDREN-DISMFZ) (TUBERCMOSIS--FREVENTION) LAPINA, A. I. International Day of Yealth dedice-qd to the int4roification of tuberculosis control., -Probli tub, 42 no6333-8 1646 (MIRA 18ij) I, GlAvnyy svetBlalist po tubarkulezu Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. TARASOVA, L*Po; inzh.; KALASHMIKOV, A.G., inzh.; DOLINENKO, O.V., inzh.; NAZARE 0, Ye.T., inzh.; BULISKIY, M.T., inzh. [deceased]; SVIftI'DENNO, F.F., itah,; Priniml-i uc4astiye: LAPINA, A.M. I i-nzh.; ~~ORNIYEVKO, D.I.,, inzh. Nonmetallic inclusions in rail steel. Stall 23 no.8:738~440 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Railroads-Rails) (Steel-Inclusions) 83916 S/051/60/009/OOV01VO3)+ E201/E191 AUTHORS:, Adrianova,..I.I.t Popovj Yu.V.v and LaDina, A.V. TITLR:.~ Amplitude and Phase Characteristics of an Interference Modulator-of Lightt PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya 19~0, Vol 9, No 1+, pp 501-501+ TM:.:- The authors.describe an interfdrence modulator shown ~schematically in Fig 1. It is based on the Michelson interferometer., -Light from asource 8 passesthrough a. lens Ll and is split by a.cube X into two beamsj one of which proceeds undeflected towards'a. mirror q., while-the other is deviated towards.a mirror M. Both beams are reflected by their respective mirrors.and interfere in the middle of X. The mirror Q is mounted on a vibrating piezbblectric plate; vibrations of this plate modulate the light beam which passe's.through a. lens L2 before leaving the modulator, Such an interference modulator has s.ome advantages compared with,the usual Kerr cell and diffraction modulators. -Among these'advantages are small light losses (not greater than 45%), high lumJ-nosityg and cheapness. Card 1/2 _14W 8,3918 S/051/60/009/00VO1)+/034 E201/E191 AUTHORS: kdrianova, I.I., POPOV-) Yu.v,, and Lapina, A.V. TITLE: Amplitude and Phase Characteristics of an Interference Modulator of Light i\ PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 19609 Vol 9, No 4, pp 501-504 TEXT:. The authors.describe an interference modulator shown schematically in Fig 1. It is based on the Michelson interferometer. Light from a.source 8 passes.through a. lens L and is split by a-cube K into two beams; one of which proceeds undeflected towards a mirror Q, while the other is deviated towards a mirror M. Both beams are reflected by their respective mirrors and interfere in the middle of K. the mirror Q is mounted on a vibrating piezoelectric plate; vibrations of this plate modulate the light beam which passes.through a lens L2 before leaving the modulator. Such an interference modulator has some advantages compared with the usual Kerr cell and diffraction modulators. -Among these advantages are small light losses (not greater than 45%), high luminosity, and cheapness. Card 1/2 Vil 83916 slo 5116olo0916041014103 4 E20VE191 Amplitude and Phase Characteristics of an Interference Modulator of Light Its disadvantage is its fixed working frequency governed by the resonant frequency of the piezoelectric mirror (haimonlos of th1s frequency can be used as well). The authors found that the amplitude characteristics obtained experimentally agreed well with the theoretical ones (Figs 2 and 3). The phase characteristics of the interference modulator were more uniform than those of other types of modulator (Fig 4). There are 1+ figures and 4 Soviet references.. SUBMITTED; January 8 ~ 1960 Card 2/2 GCRWV,,A,N.; LAPINA, Z.A. - DIOMIDOVA, T.G. I Reproducing the international temperature scale for a 2one of 10630C. and higher. TruO VNIM n0.5:42-65 1490 (xinnai) MTometry) LAPIR.A. B.A. Optical color pyromoter equipped with a dichromatio wedge. Trudy VITIM, noi5:121-125 149. (MIRA 11:11) (Pyrometers) IAPIXA, N.A. Reproduction of the international temperature scale up to 4,0000 C. Trudy VNIIX no.9:87-101 150. (MIRA 11:6) (Thermometers) (Calibration) IAPIVA~ E. A. Dissertation: "Re*roduction of an International Ternperature Scale 1-Y Means of a P Spectrum Pyrometer." Cand Tech Sci, "Ill-Union Sci '-*'es Inst of Metrolo[y, Tenin--radi, 1953. Referativnyy Zhurnal-Khimiyal 1,bscow, No 8. j~pr 54. SO: SW 284, 26 flov 1954 -- L- n P~.! P, j -:~,11 - - - -- --- --- - - --- - - --- -- - GCRDOV,A.N.; KIREEK(N,I.I.; L&PIU,B.A. Methods of checking optical pyrometer readings. Izm. tekh. no.2:46-" Hr-Ap 155. (MLRA 8:9) (Pyrometers) GORDOY, AN.; KIRMMN. I,I.- LILPINA 3 Now methods for ch eking optical pyrometers. TrvAy VNIIM no.23.- 70-74 1550- (KIRA n:6) (Pyrometers-Teetlng)~