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R.-- - I - - - -.,~ --- " - --,- - - - . . .- N . -. 1 - - ~ .1 .: '. --; A I..,.--7p------wfg' ;7~ Ni -~, T'A " 'g L 31172-66 EWT(1)/El-IT(m)/T/E'dP(t)/EWA(h) IJP(c) JDIAT ACC NR: AP6006824 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/0424/0427 AUTHOR: Vakulenko, 0. V.; Lisitsa, M. P. 'ORG- Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kievskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- _'T_ A* -versitet .TITIX: Absorption of thermally excited carriers in grermaniUM Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 424-427 AV. ;'TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor carrier, thermal excitation, germanium semiconductor, absorption spectrum JABSTRACT: The authors studied the absorption spectrum of natural germanium at 390, 1403, 490 and 5300K and that of heavily doped p-Ge at room temperature in the 1-10p I ;wavelength range. The doped specimen was a gallium-activated germanium plate i2.2-10-3 cm thick. Relatively pure natural specimens were selected in which there i !was no absorption by free carriers at room temperature. A comparison of theoretical iand experimental data shows satisfactory agreement for the absorption maximum in Ithe X13 band. The results indicate that the principal mechanism responsible for 1__!,d __1/2_ I L 31172-66 XC NR: AP6006824 ;hermal excitation of carriers in p-germanium is interband absorption. The theory of structural-labsorption by holes in germanium agrees with the experimental data for ioth purell%ffldoped specimens. This type of excitation is practically independent if in-Zl-re-ct transitions and consequently of the type of carrier scattering. Orig. krt. has: 3 figures, 1 table, 5 formulas. 1UB CODE: 20/ SUBN DATE: 12Jul65/ ORIG REF: DOI/ OTH*REF: 010 !Card 2/2 -L 29919-66 B1T(1)/EWT(m)/T/EV1P(t)/ETI IJP(c) g!~,ZJD ACC NRi AP1011011 SOURCE CODE: UR/0111/11/01i/~06/065-3/0657 ALITHOR: Vakulenko, 0. V-;,Lysytsya, M. P.-Lisitea, M. P.; Zayets', V. D,--Zayets,L V. D. ORG: Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kyyivalkyy derzhuniversytet of Semiconductors ANURSRKiyev (Instytut napivprovidnykiv.AN URSR) TITLE: Infrared spectrum of neutron-irradiated silicon SOURCE:. Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 6, 196 , 653-657 TOPIC TAGS: neutron irradiation, irradiation damage, irradiation effect, absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of' the Si absorption spectrum in the range of wavelengths from 1 to 25 p before and after irradiation with neutrons. A polished p-type Si specimen 2.13 mm thick with a specific resistance of p = 5 ohm-cm was irradiated with neutrons with an average energy of 2 Mev and an,integral flux in- ty of 1018 neutrons/CM2 tensi The temperature of the specimen in the reactor did not exceed 100C. The investigation showed that the absorption band at X = 1.8 v Is apparently not linked to residual impurities whose concentration does not exceed 10 5 cm-J. The concentration of centers responsible for this absorption, calculated using the Kravets integral, should be approximately 2 x 1017 cm-3. Numerous defects- Si vacancies caused by irradiation-play an important role in the creation of these centers. It is possible also that hydrogen or carbons whose concentration in the L 29919-66 ACC NR, AP6018038 specimen reaches 1019 cm-3, plB~m adefinite role in the creation of centers pro-J-11cing the band at X = 1.8 p. It is asi`Umed, however, that the band at X = 1.8 ji arises as a result of the transition of an electron from the valence band to the level of Ec-0. 140 ev. The absorption at X = 12 p is explained by the existence of Si-A-centeim Si-vacancies, created by neutron irradiation, even at room temperature cannot produce stable centers because of high mobility. The Si-A-centers are created when the Si- vacancies are attached to oxygen atoms. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 4 figures. [JAI SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 13Jul65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF-1 008/ ATD PRESS60/1 Card 2/2 -bj&00 66 '. '-.rTI ACC NRs AUTHOR: VakUlenk% 0. V.; ORG: Kiev State Universit Gitet) Idsitsa., M. im. T. G. SOURCE CODE: U f '/' e gosudaretvennyy univer- I P.; Kanonets, Ya. F. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy t-1 TITLE: Infrared absorption carriers ir% lead sulfide SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8., no. 6. 1966, Y398-17ol TOPIC TAGS: lead compoundy sulfide, ir absorption, electron density, Hall effect, absorption edge, carrier scattering ABSTRACT: The absorption spectrum of FbS was investigated in the range X - 3 - 15 at temperatures 293 and 100K. The measuremerrts were made on a small single crystal (0.22 mm thickness). The electron density necessary for comparison with theory was obtained from Hall-effect measurement and was found to be 2 X 1017 cm73 at room tem- perature# The spectra exhibit a characteristic shift of the absorption edge towards longer wavelengths with decreasing temperature,, and also a decrease in the absorption by the free carriers. The values of the absorption coefficient at the minimum of the absorption curve (- 18 cm--1) was found to be independent of the temperature. After illumination of this background, which is apparently connected with mechanical de- fectsy the coefficient of absorption by the free carriers is found to be proportional to %2*8:tO*2, accurate to within 20%. Arguments are presented to show that the ab- sorption by the free carriers in PbS is not due to the impurity'scattering mechanism, Card L h 16oo-66 TAKULENKO,,-;~,~!.! inzh. Workersaf railroad car runair shops in Taiga are rroducing In excess of set norre, Zhel.dor.transy). 42 no.1:70-73 ja 6o. (MIRt, 13-.5) 1. Machallnik vagonnogo dero, stantsiya Tayga. (Tayga-Railroads-Rerair shoms) ZYUZIN, Ivan Ivanovich; Y~KULI!21KO, Sergey Mikhaylovich; SARAETSETY Yu. S. . red. (Organization and technology of the repair of freight cars; work practices of the Taiga Station depot of the Western Siberia Railroad] Organizatsiia i tekhnologiia remonta gru- zovykh vagonov; oljyt raboty vagonnogo. depo ot. Taiga Zapadno- Sibirskoi dorogi. 14oskval Transport, 1964. 74 p. (MIRA 17:9) VAKUlYNKC1, GveralL mechanization ar. the bqse of advanced technolQgical proces~sea. Zhel. dor. transp. 46 no.4%7&8' Ap '64. (MIRA 17i6'! 1. Nachallnik vqgonnogo depo stanteii Taygn Zapadno-Zibirakcy dorogi. KOVALEV, M.M.; VAKULEITKO, S.N. 4 n Va r -,4 13 State of the blood coagulation apte Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.2:22-27 1.11--hp '0',;. 1. Kafedra gospttallnoy kh1rurgit (ZELV. Kiyevskogo medltsinkogo Iristit,uta I 3--Y,~- kill delenlye klinicheskoy bollnit3y lm. Oktyabrskoy vi2volut.3ii (glavnyy vrach V.F.Alekseyev). Ol R at T 1A cc 00 A(. to. 1 tools, 00 9 1911pedemlimw m"MOOD of read waru"S with ow 00 t- S. V. Vah"lenklF. -VI-mid'dw P-ot 4. No, a. 6 .7 01I o0 0 )j so Uw Wale bvqt Willi difielvalt 1141111t. of tva tow !mm Ma a nk d h l t t f N c ori . an s mi% a litor tattl. g asamm t aa o quwtj gravel cmagkmnvale aml ilitarts auhl. Tho :Awl 10 00 f -fl tat had the followi twup. 101. PIULM - d ifi I -04 4 w l ly 0 * cut" 43 14~owg. rmttw PUM X Wis. C 14.341%, ii~ l"I V.wl see Sri t led Oaly dier 3 Yom 4jul It is 00 Zee t s91 Is duo tafawly Cam"Twlion 44 tba ru" bed. Ila" SChi4dkr Ms 60 00 40 4 1*0 400 'A 0 too too lee ob. AT K) to a da a 3 4 "no -Nit Nit "a Via IT It 4 KO A 1 ~14 "Adi ii 0 410 * 0 0, a of 0 IMP 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 $A-* p 0 ***a 000 00 0 0 MINDLIN, N., inzh.; VAKULENKO, T.,, inzh.; YER124EYEVA, G., inzh. - The 6F4P triode-pentode. Radio no.9.-54-55 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) WA TAKUTZNKO Mamifacture of flat nibber sleeves for hydraulic propeller removing devices. Mor.flot 19 no.6:32 Je 159 jMIRA.12-.9) Ohibbnr goods) (Hydraulic moachinery) (Propellers) VAKU.M-.KO, V. --I.---",-I Flat collar on hydraulic tools for the removnl of Drovellers. Mor. flot 18 no-3:23 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Vedushchiy inzhener TSentrallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro sudoetroitellnoy promyehlennosti. (Ships-Maintenance And repair) zl IU Kov p A. I.; I yi: Separat-4cn of and lurani rn prikl. khim. 3F Y.-o.1:43-47 j& 'C'5. 1. Urallskiy politekiinictieskiy inptitut Fircva. VAKULENKOI V.-D. Machine cuts the sand ballast. Putt i put.khoz. 7 no.9:21 163. (MIRA 161l0) 1. Glavnyy inzh. putevoy mashinnoy stantaii. No.121, stantsiya Novograd-Volynskiy, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi. VAKVJINKOT V.D, Improving the technology for cutting out ballast sections in track overhauling. Pat' I put. khoz. 8 no.5:20..21 My 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Glavnyy inzh. putevoy mashinnoy stantsii No.121, stantsiya Novograd-Volynskiy 1, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi. VAKULENKO, V.I., nauchriyy rotruinik ~ u7a-iopl-acty. Prnbl. Methods of pIrl-gical thieraf7 followirij I Air, no.l-.80-82 16-5. ("41pi, 18:10) VAKULENW, V.I., nauchnyy Botrudnik Treatment of congenital cleft palate. Trudy Nauch.-issl.inst.stom. no.10:34-40 162. (MIRA 15:10) (PALATE, CLEFT) VAKULENKO, V.I.$ nauchnyy sotrudnik Preventing the formation of postoperative defects following uranoplasty in partial nonpenetrating cleft palate. Trudy Hauch.- issl.inst.stom. no.10:4.1-44 162. (MIRA 15:10) (PALATE-SURGERY) (PLATE, CLEFT) VAKULENKO, V.I. Treatment of congenital cleft palate. Vrach. delo no.10:145-147 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Otdel chelyustno-litsevoy khirargii (zav. - doktor med.nauk G.I. . Semenchenk.o) Odesskogo nauchno-isslodavateliskogo instituta stomatologii. (PAIATE, GIZFT) IOVA1WO, Yevgeniy Ivanevich; VAKULUKO, V.P., redaktor; KAKAROFA, A*N., tokhaichoskiy (Labor organization and discipline *a collective farms) Organizatella i distelpliza truda v kolkhose. Moskva, Goo.isd-ve iurid. lit-ry, 1935. 62 p. (Collective farm@) (KLIU 9:5) 1/il-I ~'-, -/~ - , - - - XAZANTSV, Mikolay Dmitriyevich; VAKULINKO, V.P., red.; SHCEMDRINA, N.L., [The charter of the agricultural artell Ob ustave sellskokhosiaist- vennol arteli. Isd.2-os, ispr.1 dop. Hookya, Gos.izd-vo lurid. lit-ry, 1957. 65 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Collective farts) PANMTOV, Ivan Terisanovich; TAKULENKO, V.P.. red.; XOSARSTA. U.N., I------ ___- - - I Ngal forms of the responsibility of collective-farm officials] Pravovye formy otvatstvannosti d*lzhnostnykh lit* kolkhozov. Moskva, Goo,ixd-ve iurid.lit-ry, 1959. 198 P. (KIRA 13:6) (Collective farms-Officials and employees) RABINOVICH, G. I. Da.mign of dies with grooved inserts. Kuz.-Bhtum. proizv. 3 no.8: 46-47 Ag 161. (HIRA 14:8) (Dies (Metalworking)) TIkIOFEYEVAi-L.S;, aspirantka; VAKULEENKO, V.V., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk-, nauchnyy red. [Biology and cultivation of tulips] Biologiia i kulltura tiullpanov. (Moskva] 1959. 5 p. (Akademiia kommunallnogo khoziaistva, Informatsionnoe pisImot no.5). (MIRA 16:8) 1. Sektor ozeleneniya Akademii kommunallnogo khozyaystva (for Timofeyeva). (Tulips) I- ----- VAXULZ=,r-*,V-~ State of the production of flower seeds and measures for its improvement in the R.S.F.S.R. Trudy Bot.inst.Ser.6 no.7:415-418 '59- (MIRA 13:10 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo kboayaystva RSISR im. X.D.Pamfilava. Moskva. (Floriculture) (Seed production) .Vl.=O. V.V kand sallskokhos.nauk; ALEYNIKOVA, T.M.; BALAKIN, T.M., red.; SATTANiLi, L.D,, tekhn,red. LAnnual flowers] Odnoletnie tovetochnve rasteniia. Sost.V.V. Vakulenko i T.M.Aleinikova. Moskva, Izd-vo K-va sellkhoz.RSFSR, 1961. 259 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khosyayetva. 2. Akademiya kpTA~insl'nogo khozyaystva (for Vakulenko, Aleynikova). (Flowers) VINOGRADOV, K.A.; ZEMLYANITSKIY, L.T.; NOVOZHILOVA, V.A.fdeceaaed]; LUNEVA, Z.S.; -VAKULENKO, V.V,$ GALAKTIONOV, I.I.; ALEKSEMKOP L-7-1- -HEROMOVA, M.D., red.; KHMKH, P.M., tekhn. red. (Care of urban plantings] Ukhod za gorodskimi naeazhdeni- iami. Moskva, Izd-vo Kommun. khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 89 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo, khozyaystva:. (landscape gardening) li -P I -A I - I .. ~ I .: - ~ ~ . . ~- a 117A x 1) .1 1 ;-~N- VA?,U 1,TN,_.A,.--N-.; 7ABROD1,11; ij~l. Study of the golvent, flon-dinp, proct?33, Izv. AN 5-SR. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk nc.2,,JO4--ll!- '65 ~ (1419A 19:6~ I' L?~ A XMIGk 5 C.18 V01.1/1 a 7 e C rdiovascular aan 5 279. VAKULEV A, N. 2nd Med. Inst., Moscow Indications and results o1 surgical treirthient tit 7051-ra-Tslenosis (Russian text Khirurgijal956,4(6--9) Data are given on 124 PCr enlargement of the left atrio-ventricular orifice, ana on 4 cases of ~xploratbry cardiotomy (in patients with mitral insuffi- ciency not recognized before surgig al intervention). The diagnosis of the defcct was carried out essentially by the usual clinical methods, the chief one being ausculta- tion. Attention is drawn to the fact that the application of all possible methods of investigation (including phonorar(liography) cannot exclude diagnostic mis'lakes in recognizing the character of the defect, the degree of stenosis and insufficiency of the mitral valve. Significance is attached to the method ot cardiohaemodynamo- graphy, proposed by E. B. Babski in 1951. In an analysis of the car(liollacmodyna- mogram, it is possible to determine the duration of the phases of the cardiac cycle and judge the effectiveness of the work of the heart. It is stressed that the cardio- haemodynamographic investigation gives considerably more information than the ballistocardiograph, the ECG and so on. The patients with mitral stenosis were divided into 5 groups according to the stage of the disease. Forty-one patients (33.1 %) Were placed in the 2nd group, 19 (15.3%) in the 3rd gr')u and 64 (51.6%) in the 4th group. No operation was performed on patients with thAirst stage of the disease. In the 2nd group mortality was 7.3% after operation, in the 3rd grou 2 t %. The highest mortality was produced by operation in the 4th group (31.2 OU and the operation rarely led to a significant improvement in the patients' condition. However, it was not considered possible to refuse these patients operation since :2- 7Y ON V the prognosis of the disease was bad. The presence of flutter and the marked enlarge- ment of the heart cavities and also active rheumatism were not absolute contra- indications to operation. The operations were performed under intratracheal anaesthesia or a local anaesthetic: The latter was applied in severe forms of the defect. From the end of 1954 a mechanical suture has been used to close the inci- sion of the valvotomy. Complications on the operating table are indicated by 5 cases of tearing of the valve and the wall of the atrium: 2 patients died from haernorrhage, in 3 the tear was quickly sewn up and recovery was uneventful. The other patients Were followed up for a period of 1 to 3 yr. after the operation in 50 patients. In the 2nd and 3rd stages of the disease a good or excellent result was observed in 24 out of 28 patients; in the 4th stage a considerable improvement was noted in 12 out of the 22 operated upon. Gadshiev - Leningrad - VAKYLIK, P.Ye. [Vakulyk, P.11.j Investigating the strain of the support frame of the 6-4 oblf- propelled combine by static tests with the electric strain guage. Naak. pratei Inst. lyv. vyrob. AN URSR 7:54-80 059. (MIRA 14:1) (Combinas (Agricultural machinery)) (Strains and stresses) - -.! 'K. P-Te-_.LY4~ulyk, ?.IN.] Investigating the dynamic strain of the support frame elements of the 8-4 self-propelled combine by electric strain gauging, lank, pratei Inst. lyv. vyrob. AN URSR 7:81-107 159. (MMA 14:1) (Gombines (Agricultural machinery)) (Strains and stresses) VAKULIK, P. Ye.: VAKULIK, P. Ye.: "Investigation of the forces and stresses in the bearing structure of the self-propelled S-4 grain-harvesting combine (using electrotensometry)." Min Higher Education USSR. Ukrainian Order of Inbor Red Banner Agricultural Academy. Kiev, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technic-al Sciences) Soi Knizhimp Letopiul, No. 18, 1956 VAKULITTj A. A. "Forest Growth Conditions o!, the Sards I', the Lowcr Cmirse of the Medvedista and Khopr vnd the Pirr., Crops on Them." Cand Agr ~A, Sr,--atcv Agricalti-,-ra-I ':I-i Orops U3iRp Sllratov, 1954. (U, ":o 7, Feb 55) SOs Swa. No. 631, ZI) Aug 55- 3urvey of SPcll.(mtif--Lu and Technical Dissertations Defended at U33R Higher Muc:iLional Institutions (114) VAKMIU, A.A.; VIMTOV, S.F.; GORIN, T.I.; IVASHCHENKO, P.S.; KOMOVA, A.G.; KORMIM, V.A.; KOROSTREOVA. K.Ya.; LOBACIMT, A.Ya.; LASMNOT, I.Ya.; MALYCHWO, V.T.,, MOROZOVA, A.M.; FAUSHIII, I.A.; FROSVIROV, A.S.; ROMOTA, H.T.; YUROTA, N.Y.; FMCRENKO, V.P.; TSEMI92RENKO, P.Ye.; SMCHENKO, I.S.; FXWROV, N.A., red.; IMOLDIRA, S.I., (Brief manual on the cultivation of fruits, berries, and grapes and the management of nurseries in Stalingrad Province) Kratkii spravochnik po plodovo-iogodnym kulituram, vinogradu i pitomnikam dlis Stalingradskoi oblasti. Stalingrad, Stalingradnkoe knizhnoe iod-vo, 1960. 215 P. (Hiu 14:3) 1. Stalingrad (Province) Upravleniye sellakogo khozyaystva. (Stalingrad Province--Fruit culture) IVANOV, A.Fe VAKULIN, A.A. , Main sar;lfixing plants in the deserts and nemidesete of Inner Mongolia (Chinese People's Republic). Bot,zhur. 47 no.Usl680- 1684 N 162. (FftRA 16:1) 1, Volgogradskiy sallskokhozyaystivennyy institut. (Mongoli"&eiA flora) FLYUSHCHP A.M.; VAKIJLIN, A.N. Experience in the use of solvents to increaso petroleum recovery, fiefteprom. delo no-4:36-39 163. (MM 17:8) ZABRODINJ, P.I.; PIUJSLIN, Ya.A.; VAKULIN, A,.N.. Lab:)ratory investigations of the flooding of unrecovered oil from a flooded reservoir with solvents. Trudy VNII no.42:143- 152 165. (MA 18:5) OOA 0* 0 it *OR Peoclius No I'llept 0 OTW- I T-F of 2 foum-of 011. zw~ Dfle 11, Cwrman Ifibistait toi-moss L. pmduced 331% and 21.77% of oa. =," !Ibg rdatrd vurktk!o IGMj~ commobions Nftd Abo 11(flandf save 17 19% A Chas. Plaw .66 so SLA LITER&TURC C%ASSWCATMN gly 04V got T--r ill K it X K It U It It 9 NO u w tv v it 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTIveseseeswe see*** 00 as 06 *04 0 -.,0e wee ceo 800 '00 bee !, 0 0 '00 -win, 131111 oxy ill - 0 it 0 do 4 3 o 01*" 0 10 vW u I 7 00 ~` t 90 oe to 00 -00 00 al -00 ed of towel. D. Vakuhn. MaA4-4*0 Zkil~ Faty t U119tel Wed- d th f a oun M , 614(IM5).-It was 1" l (Fo4sumisim ejksmak) afta extis. of rthtmal ad contain 00 im =1% of fatty oil bawd an the own-dry material. Blanc Chas . 60 a to 00 _-s0 1 '00 00 .00 00 00 -09 IWO IF ~ 00 0 69 goo -00 V60 60 Q A I a - I L A NITALLUP&OCAL WER4101 CL.110KA19. oo - . ., a-do, us AV go Is" g od nit 491 nun Ita 5~ 'A gon 1" X 4.4 o 0 0, 17 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 otOO000009000 0 0 0 0 0A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 * 0 0 0 & 0 0 2 It =1 G*A 7 r PSOCtSUS AOW ONOPOOI991 Wbtf - 6 A A iial 4 9-1 osu'n'W oU by a a~w vaMy of dragnbeed 6 1Drsc6c#pWuw Moldavia, L.. vat has I . D. Vakulha) from diflatost seed samplos: VITkuhn. ' - C rt d 1 " 6 ZMP! c - u . . $ . - .Tlw-- R. S. S. Is, 2m J. Y=tswn(W oil varies from 0 13i toU 82 f h d % . . # o t e ry wt. The hexagonal-stgramed variety alwayt gave a higher y-aeld of od than the common square-memmed type both in full flovmr &ad at the ta f l di oos s a sr o ng. B. C. A. 000 eow .41111 .00 .00 .09 '0e I-so see '00 Of too* . . . . . . . . . . . T--T 0 1 N to I a 48 3 4 -Us ii- -0 41 to It a It it al RIO n it to 600 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 fop 00600000000*6000*0 AICDVGOXL*N avast WRI va"3131 mum S36 us mrs 41 a a A I a t1_.4_L 0 a a a cm tit im L01111, J.v NO 41. UODORS "ovos r 4"1.04 .Ofg _of# 100 '60-1.7 09 1i is A 00 00!k see 0 PO PAAU!l JOI mcfellno am PUT C, iseft Alp q!0 av llv , wanIM 'WW- all .1.P Poll 51!() 1"13 NO("TIC-1 .La lumucta 1!0 An) . 111111:13 10 JLM plipalic Ujail Ulvia ano pul I*lq PUT 'V-~1-11 '7 It, sufuls UrwN -.4-Off'Of-rAl In 's, "Y 'd d". so -fdmmv~) ,U-110)1 PUS . ",V n go-Im P $am) vw4nA )a 14010101103 PO 00 00- 00--, Sj;4#jd*f4 *.v stilt 00 isoob" .10 0.1 OSO 8 00 8 w -T- I -I-,I A 4 1 T 1 5 -.1 'W 9 '1--T-r- W-'T F-7 4 1 1 .1 X, In 11. 1. .11 In n It a M It a of It PI a a It OF N is $1 % 91 h 11 4 6 1 j I I I I I 11 It ~..` 0 0 0 0 agi VAMIN, D. Ya. "Reaction of Lallemantia to Reduced Diurnal niumination at Various Development Periodsoll Dok. AN, 53, No. 4, 19,46 YAKULIN Ma., Prof. (Odessa) : - -~ . ..... I-- - Leaf fall. ?r'roda 1,54 nr.llzl2(,-1.27 165. (M-l!n 18,11) i AIRIENY37, V.A., kand.t,, VAPELT 1 1; - , -.'g. -, . .' p.1,. I n L str TareadEd packing of a mold ing vul ~arj.ze..r. u. - - -1 *1 ,. ~:Ik ~ r: -! - -- no.2240 F 1(5. i. M, '- Rlk 18 -- 4 ) VAUJWVO A.As . I I Measuring of fabricso Tekst. prom. 19 no.11:81-84 N '59 (MIRA i3:2) (Textile fabrics-Measurement) VAKULOV., X.V.; YEFREMOVA, A.$.; MIKHEYEKKO, N.K. Repair and reconstruction of semiacid refractory laying of com- partment oyens at the "Slantsy" combine. Trudy VNITT no.10%29-43 161. (ovens) (KM 15:3) VAKUWV, .!,,,,jnmh.; SERGEM., A... inzh. Maintenance of the motorship "Mamadysh." Rech. transp. 22 no.800 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Upravleniye Volzhakogo obl'yedinennogo rechnogo parokhodstva. (Ships-Maintenance and repair) VAY,IjLOV, N.., inzh. r - -rSf-Lra. ~hovt T~h!3 nec,2c;sIty 0- Eight navigation s6asans w-1'. (IMIRA 16:9) ReIll .45 313 1 ~',3 - raid rey ,. tranSP, 22 noe6 pair) (Shi r,5--lial nterlanl,'n TAVJWT, Nikolay.Fadorovich; XONOOMOT. P.Ta~, rad.,;..GATIWMOT,-T.M.# , T T , re 9enxenT-;VIXOMULDOTA, N.M., red.izd-va; TERKAXOTA - ., (Heat-power equipment of hoisting and conveying machinery] Teplosilovoe oborudovanis podIemno-transportnykh mashin. Moskva. I2d-vo ORechnoi transport,* 1959. 226 p. (KIRA 13:3) (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) (Heat engines) .---O-VvXikolay-Fedorovich; GAIDENKO, V.M., retsenzent; KOSULIVINOV, VAKUL - N.K.# retsenzent; MAKFX=IA, A.F.., red.izd-va; RIDNAYA, I.V., tekbn. red. [Diesel and electric crane operator's manual]Posobie kranov- shchiku dizellnogo i elektrichodkogo kram. Moskva, Izd-vo, "Rechnoi transport," 1961. 202 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) Li Lo 9 Ag 49 9.4 Al A I Tki j its I 811 vMMV, S. N.: v V, P.V.; GORCHAKOV, Ye.V.; LOGACHHV, Tu.I.; CHUDU107. Fr.V~kp BE Studying the soft component of cosmic rays beyond the atmo here -69 158~ "5 limit. lsk.sput.Zem. no.2:61 (MIRA 12:5 (Cosmic rays) (Artificial satellites) 2h( 7) 24 8) SOV/20-1 25-2-161 6j, AUTHORS: Vernov, S.N. , Corresponding Member, AS USSP_ , Chudakov, A.Ye., VakjlovP.V., Logachev, Yu..L. TITLE: Investigation of Terrestrial Corpuscular Radiation and of Cosmic Rays During t1w Flight of a Cosmic Rocket (Izucheniye zemnogo korpuskulyai-iogo iz-ucheniya i kosmicheskikh luchey Pri polete kosmicheskoy rakety) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademil' nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, PP 304 - 3o7 ABSTRACT: The rocket launched on January 2, 1959 in the direction of the moon had apparat--L9 for recording cosmic- and terrestrial corpuscular radiation on boa-rd. By the latter the authors mean the of fast charged particles in g---eat altitudes, for which the tcrrestr-ial magnetic field is P- a>- tall-d "magnetic traVl. The particles were recorded by 2 Geigez---.,)u-i'.ers and 2 scintillation-counters. The first apparatus, with scintillation counter, wraz a constructive further-development of the device ~diioh the authors had built into the third Soviet S-outnik. A cylindrical sodium-iodide crystal served as a detector. The authors, above all, described the results obtained by the. prel:Lminary evaluation of the data ascertained in altitudes of from &M to 150000 km (from the center of the eart-). Card 1/3 A schematical dra-wing shoyj-- the trajectory of the rocket vrith Investigation of Terrestrial CorpuBe'llar BOV/20-125-2-16/6L Radiation and of Cosmic Rays During the Flight of a Cosmic Rocket respect to the terrestrial magnetic field. The intensity maximum is -26000 km from the center of the earth. At a distance of 55000 km the intensity of terrestrial corpusoular radiation becomes practically equal to zero, and the remaining ionization in this distance is entirely due to cosmic raiiati,:~n. According to the authQrs' opinion the particles oscillate along the lines of force symmetrically to -the equatorial plan-3. The -inc--7epsa of intensity along a given line of force in the transiltion f,-om low to high altitudes serves as an experimental proof for thiz ni,omr)tion. The particle flux is directed not only tovrazr3n one sile, a~-O, in arky cane, the predominant part of the particles u-Oergoes com-pitte reflection when ipproaching the earth, and is t-herefor" s~AUu'~:--cted to oscillatioai from one hemisphere to the ot'hor. The t~;-ajt~ctory of the rocket nowhere intersects the so-called' irter.Al zone. . ."Lotually, the apparatus built into the cosmic rocket in no range of their trajectory record particles of high erergy which are characteristic of the inner zone. On the ot-her hPand, the composition of radiation is very similar to that 61bse--ved by mean!i of the third Sputnik in polar Card 2/3 regions. Next, the ccarpo%iftioa of radiation in the outer zone with SOV/20-1 25-2-16/64 Investigation of Terrestrial Corpuscular Radiation and of Cosmic Rays During the Flight of a Cosmic Rocket high intensity is dealt with. In the center of the outer zone, where particle density is the greatest, the effective energy of electrons is minimal. In conclusion, cosmic radiation is dealt with. Beginning with a distance of 66000 km, the intensity of all components remains constant. The strict constants of all components at distances of from 66000 to 150000 Ion indicates the existence of a radiation upon which the terrestrial magnetic field exercises no influence. Therefore, either the terrestrial magnetic field vanishes at a distance of 10 earth-radii, or there are no particles with momenta of 8 7 1.5-10 to 4.10 ev/c in interplanetary, space.The energy-fllix of the photons is very low and contributes partly nothing to ionization. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTED- February 25, 1959 Card 3/3 VERNOV) S. N. ; CHUDAKOV I A. Ye. ; V~ , ~LOV ~ ; LOCAC101, Y, 1. 1. ; Ni kolayev, A. G. LAssocInte Member, Academy of -Scionce, USS)H "Radiation Measurements During the Flight of the Second Soviet Space Rocket." report presented at the First Intl Space Science Symposium, Nice, France, Jan 1960. National Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow.' V P! all 7t VERNOV, S.N.; CHUDkKOV, A.Te.; VAKUWV, P.V.; IDG&CREV, Tu.I.-. NIKOLATEV, A. G. Measurement of radiation during the flight of the second cosxdc rocket. Isk.spat.Zem. no.5-024-29 160. (MM 13:5) (lunar probes) (Rmlation-Measurement) a. 9000 67908 3'.200o ,/60/130/03/009/065 29 (2), 29-W 8/020 LUTHORS: Vernov, So No, Corresponding BO14/B014 Kenber of the LS USSR, abudikov, A. Ye., ,Vakulov, P. ogacbevp Yu. I., Nikolayev, A. G. TITLE: Radiation leasurement During the Flight of the .5 econd Cosmic Rocket xy PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 3, PP 517 - 520 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equipment of the interplanetary rocket launched on September 12, 1959 was designed for measuring the anter radi&=- tion-belt of the Earth, for recording cosmic radiation on its flight ?rom the Ka.:W-to the Moon and a potential radiation belt of the X on.' he individual parts of the apparatusa which consisted of six gas-discharge and four scintillation~'~ounters, are described in detail. Furthermore$ this paper contarl-isre- sulto of the first evaluation of data obtained for the range of from 99000 to 1209000 km away from the center of the Earth and in the neighborhood of the *oon. Figure I illustrates the tra- jectories of the first and second interplanetary rockets re- Card 113 ferred to the terrestrial magnetic field. Ionization measure-,I 67908 Radiation Reaeursment During the Flight of the 3/020160/130/03/009/065 Second Cosmic Rocket B014/BO14 sent* are also graphically represented in figure 1. It is noted that the shift of the Ionization maximum between the two measurements was not caused by the slight difference of the trajectories of the two rockets. The radiation belt is most probably deformed by streams of solar corpuscles. This assumption seems to be confirmed by a comparison with the re- sults of measurements performed by the American rocket Pioneer III. The energy-flux density of electrons of more than 5 Nev or of protons of more than 30 Nev is said to be 2 1 particle/cm .see. Furthermorep a radiation was detected which consisted of electrons having an energy of the order of 10 6 ev, or of protons of an energy of about 10 Nev. The first possibili- ty is considered to be more probable. This electron flux is 5 / 2 'The existence of electron said to be 5-10 particles em aec. fluxes having an energy of between 20 and 50 kev (flux: 10 10 particlea/cm2 sec), which had already been detected by the first intercontinental rocketp were proven again. Thus, Card 2/3 two essential groups of particle fluxes were found: electrons,, 67908 Radiation Measurement During the Flight of the Second Cosmic Rocket SUBMITTED: 3/020/60/130/03/009/065 B014/BO14 of about 20 kov and 10 6 ev electrons. The energy of the first group is close to the mean energy of the solar corpuscular radiation and allows to assume the existence of a thermodynamic equilibrium between protons and electrons on their penetration into the terrestrial magnetic field. It is pointed out that the electron momenta of the second group are close to the pro- ton momenta of corpuscular radiation and to the momenta of the electrons arising from the decay of the reflected neutrons. The existence of a lunar radiation belt could not be proven. Constant radiation intensity was measured at a distance of 70,000 km from the Earth. There are 2 figures, I table, and 1 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. 11K November 20, 1959 Card 3/3 34 3 5, 0 C/1 /90 S/20 61/001/006/002/021 j,9 0 ~/o D055YD113 AUTHORS: Vernov, S.N.; Chudakov, A.Ye.; Vakulov, P.V.: Gorchakov, Ye.V.; Logachev, Yu.I. TITLE: Radiation measurements in the outer radiation belt on February 12, 1961, during the rocket flight towards Venus PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, vol 1, no 6, 1961, 872-874 TEXT: The article deals with data on the Earth's outer radiation belt collected when the Earth-Venus rocket launched on February 12, 1961, was 30,000 - 45,000 km from the Earth's center. The special equipment installed in the -hermetic container consisted of a scintillation counter and an M -5 (STS-5) gas-discharge counter. The distribution of matter around the lfaJ(Tl) crystal and the gas-discharge counter is shown in a table. By reducing the dimensions of the crystal and increasing the resolving power of the elec- tronic system of the counter, the radiation intensity in the belt was cor- rectly registered. Fig. I shows the overload characteristics for the counting channels of the scintillation (1) and gas-discharge (2) counters. Card l/# V 312031611001100610021021 Radiation measurements ... D055/D113 These channels could register up to 106 and 105 pulsations/sec. respectively. To penetrate the crystal of the scintillation counter and the working volume of the gas-discharge counter, electrons must have an energy of ';~P 3 Mev, protons - an energy of -> 32 Mev and the bremsstrablung quanta - an energy of > , 30 kev. Curves on fig.2 represent the counting speed of the scintil lation. counter (1), that of the gas-discharge counter after corrections wer; made according to the curves in fig. 1 (3) and the energy release in the crystal in relation to the distance from the Earth's center (2). As all three curves were more or less parallel, the mean energy release in the crystal for one reading of the scintillation counter was 130 kev and remained constant between 32,000 and 40,000 km and the mean energy of the brems- strahlung quanta did not vary with distance. The constancy of the mean- energj, release showed that no great changes occurred in the spectrum of elec- trons of the outer radiation belt. A diagram (fig. 3) shows the paths of the interplanetary rocket (curve 1) and those of another three Soviet rockets (curve 2). A comparison of radiation and ionization data concerning the interplaiietary rocket and the space rockets no. 1 and 2jshowed that the outer radiation belt was stable for a period of 2 years when no maGnetic perturbances were recorded. However, this period was not long enough to Card 20, S/203/61/ooi/006/00-7/02! Radiation measurements D035/DI13 evaluate solar effects on the outer belt, but could be taken as an indicatim of the absence of such an effect, The space rocket no 3 was launched during a moderate magnetic storm (the change in the vertical and horizontal 3ompc- nents of the terrestrial magnetic field was about 250 and 150Y resDecttivel,,~ The external side of the belt was not measured, but the total energy re- lease in the crystal during the entire fliCht coincided -aith that culcu- lated for the rocket no 1 and was 1.5 times less than that. of the rocket no 2, i.e, no changes occurred in the mean state of' the outer zone during the flight of the rocket no 3 during a moderate magnetic storm. Since measurements were started a few hours after the be-inning of a maGnetic storm, the radiation intensity in the belt had not yet decreased. On the other hand, it is also possible that not all magnetic storms cause the radiation intensity of !he Earth's outer radiation belt to decrease. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 non-Soviet references. The three English- language references are: W.H. Hess, J. Geophys. Res.,1960, 65, no 10, 31071 P. Rothwell, C.E. McIlwain. J. Geophyj. Res., 1960, 65, no. 3, 799; R.L. Arnoldy, R.A. Hoffman, J.R. 71inckler, J. Geophys-Res., 1960, 65, no 5, 1361. Card 3/9 S/-703,16 1/0O11("cA-1cc2,-,c-~ -- Radiation neasurements ... DoccVD113 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerzitet, Institut, yadernoy fiziki Ohloscovi State University, Institute of Nuclear Physi--,s) SUBTAITTED: September- 9, 1961 Gard 4/11 V 3 113 -1) 2 3/203/61/001/006/004/021 DOW "113 AUTHORS: Vakulov, P_V_1 Goryunov, N.N.- Logachev, Yu.I., and - -j I Sosnovets, E.N. TITLE: Radiation registered during the flights of Soviet artificial satellites and space rockets PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v.1 , no.6, 1961, 880-887 TEXT: Methods of registering radiation, based on the use of scintillation and gas-discharge counters and applied in Soviet artificial satellites and space rockets,are described. The registration of weak currents (up to lO-lCbj with the aid of a relaxation oscillator on a neon tube is described. The scintillation counters measured the number cf particles releasing more energy in the crystal than that determined by the thresholds of the counting devices. Ionization caused by radiation in the entire crystal was also measured. The gas-discharge counters registered charged particles and radiation to an accuracy of - 1%. The counters were located behind screens of various materials to facilitate the analysis of radiation according to Card 1/3 312031611001100610041021 Radiation registered ... DOWD113 penetration. The devices with the counters were located both inside and outside the container with scientific apparatus. For economy the photo- multipliers in the counters were fed without a divider by leads from a high- voltage battery direct to the electrodes. Ionization was determined from the currents of the anode and seventh dynodo. By using two channels, thes-_~, currents could be compared in order to estimate how much of the energy pro- duced in the crystal resulted from saturation of the anode current during intense scintillation in the crystal. By this means comparatively high- energy particles could be detected in the inner zone during tests with the third artificial Earth satellite. The use of a single scintillation :.counter to measure many parameters permitted the weight and size of the device to be reduced but required careful selection of photomultipliers, which had to satisfy the following requirements: (1) there must not be more than one sound impulse per 10 sec. corresponding to energyliberation of above 30 kev in an NaJ(Tl) crystal and there must be practically no impulses corres- ponding to energyliberation of > 300 kev; (2) leakage current of the seventh dynode < 1-10" a; (3) anode dark current 4 1.10-8 a; (4) leakage current of the other dynodes of the intervals < 1-10-7 a. TheP-T(!-5(STS-5') Card 2/3 S/20 61~001/006/004/021 Radiation registered ... D055YDll ~as-discharge counters used-were small and had a low operating voltage , 400 v) and a thin wall, which facilitated the recording of low-enercy particles. The electronic circuits operating on semi-conductor elements and the calibration method are described in detail. There are 9 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarsluvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonoso-~ra. Institut yadernoy fiziki (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov. Institute of Nuclear Physics). SUBMITTED: October 12, 1961 Card 3/3 89610 S102016011361002101 9,f130 (/041/ B019/BO56 .) AUTHORS: Vernov, S. N., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Chudakov, A. Ye., Vakulov, P. V.,_Gorchakov, Ye. V., Logachev, Yu. I., and Nikolayev, A. G. TITLE: Radiation Measurements During the Flight of the Third Cosmic Rocket 1W PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, -V)ft, Vol. 136, No.2, pp. 322-324 TEXT: The third cosmic rocket launched on October 4f 1959 contained a scintillation counter and three gas discharge counters. All gas discharge counters had a wall strength of 50 mg/CM2 steel sheets and were, in addi- tion, surrounded by several shields. Counter I had a shiel made from 3 mm lead + 1 mm aluminum with a counter window of 0 .28 cm which was closed by a 0.2 mm thick aluminum sheet. Counter II had the same shield, but without counter window, and counter III was in an aluminum container made from 2-5 mm thick aluminum. The scintillation counter recorded the ionization of the crystal (NaI) and the counting rate. Preliminary results of evaluation of the instrument readings are given from the time from 31/034 Card 1/2 89610 Radiation Measurements During the Flight of S/020/60/136/002/013/034 the Third Cosmic Rocket BO19/BO56 October 4, 1959, to October 18, 1959. The trajectory of the rocket was in practical agreement with that of the first and second cosmic rocket. From a comparison of the readings of the various counters, the authors conclude that the intensities of the particles recorded by the instruments depend on the absorption in the container walls. Measurements in the interplane- tary space showed that the cosmic radiation on the boundary of the terrestrial magnetic field is very strong; only individual small fluctua- tions were recorded. Finally, the agreement existing between the recorded intensities and those of a monitor are dealt with. From these considera- tions the authors draw the conclusion that the weak variations in the time from October 4 to October 18 are in connection with the variations of the magnetic fields in the solar system and the interactions among the latter are connected with cosmic radiations. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED; October 26, ig6o Card 2/2 -~ A ')', -f s/64'8'/62/026/006/013/020 B125/B1O2 AUTHORS: Vakulov. P. V., Vernov, S. 11.,Gorchakov, Ye. V., Logachev, Yu. I., Nesterov, V. Ye., Nikolayev, A. G., Pisarenko, N. F., Savenko, I. A., Chudakov, A. Ye., and Shavrin, P. I. TITLE: Radiation studies during the flights of satellites, spaceships and rockets P'~RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 6, 19062, 758-781 TEXT: This report deals with radiation measurements made by the second and the third Soviet spaceship, by the rocket launched toward the Venus on February 12, 1961, and by the third Soviet earth satellite (August 15, 1958). The spaceships were equipped with scintillation counters, gas discharge counters and elements for storing data through 24 hours. The northern and southern zones of increased radiation intensity are undoubtedly linked by the lines of force of the geomagnetic field. The increased radiation intensity is due to electrons of the outer radiation belt, slowed down in the jacket of the spaceship. The Card 1/3 S/048/62/026/006/dl3/020 Radiation studies during the flights ... B125/B102 boundaries of this belt mere determined more accurately by the lower orbiting Soviet spaceship. At 16 hours after the chromosphere flare of June 17, 1958 had vanished but still a few hourn before the magnetic storm, charged particle intensity increased. The electron spectrum of the outer radiation belt does not change much at an altitude*of 32,000-40,000 km, nor did the magnetic storm which occurred during the flight of the third Soviet spaceship have any substantial effect on the outer radiation belt. Except for a few percent, the proton intensity of the inner radiation belt remained constant during the three weeks, flight of the third Soviet satellite. The increased radiation intensity over the Brazilian anomaly, observed on board of the second spaceship at an altitude of 320 km, was due to the inner radiation belt. In this anomaly, the proton component of the inner radiation belt is predominant at zmall ,geomagnetic lalitudes. The'portion of X-rays increases with increasing latitude. A zone of lower bromestrahlung intensity separates the outer from the inner radiation belt. This zone is practically absent in the region of the Brazilian anomaly. T~e equato;~ of cosmic rays determined by the second and the third Soviet spaceship resembles remotely a sine curve running between 110 of northern and 110 of southern latitude. Card 2/3 S/048/62/026/006/013/020 Radiation studies during the flights B125/B102 Botwoun 600 wentorn ,tnl 600 oautern loni,itude tho equator of conmic radiation lies north of the theoretical sine curve. The general trend of the lines of equal cosmic radiation intensity corresponds in general to the distribution of magnetic rigidity. There are 16 figures .and 2 tables. AS'SOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki ?.loskovskogo gos. universiteta im. ". V. Lomonosova ~Scientific Research Institute of N"'uclear Physics of the Mloscovi-State University imeni 14. V. Lomonosov). Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physidif Institute imeni P. ff. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciencee.USSR) Card 3/3 U, VAKUWVB P-Ves VERNOVj, S.N,, OORCUMTI,, YE.V.j MMHEV., TU.J. CHARAMMs A.N.o CURAKWUANl T.I.j CMMMVq A. 73. Cosmic rays in'the stratosphere and their correlation with solar activity. Report to be submitted for Space Research Condttee on OOSPAR 6th plenary meting Warsaw, Poland n june 63- KOLESNIKOV, A.G.; FANTELEYEV, N.A.; PISAREV, V.D.; VAKULOV, P.V. Deepwater autonomous turbulence meter, An instrument for recording the turbulent velocity fluctuation and Ne temperature of the ocean. Okeanologiia 3 no.5:911-921 163. (MIRA 16:11) &re given Tileeauturnerit aboard *rtarg~l cofiffffitpL$ af two scintillatim L, G I L A C, C E !, 1; 1 f) 14 4 slow and smooth vortations In cogmic-ray intensity connected with chan-es ef the uiagnet [c 9 J tuat , ~-~n it, t),o 91' it, ql!;t en ip e rp~,-r T D R 7- r I SUB CGDEt AA, SV NO REF SOVi CIO OTH F R - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - T- th Iff" - - . -- I , t~. I sr I .".- t i , ~, t ; - )/ 1, . - - I -,I- - I . , - - - . - I I I .. I -~ I -) n 1, z a t I () " r., *-, a s u r e m P -, ' 1. 1 A " . - - , I ~ - I j :1 , e " I I . , ~ I , . r T Al i! 7* r I Q 0 u 1 0 1 Z 3 1 0 a r i cz 5HAM C at r .' ~ i 5 I - - --- - - . - - - - - - - - -- - InT rl 0 S-S-5 counter v Me v C 9 t a on i z a t 6 -Chreshold 4 5 kev 501) kev 80 kev 7 -1hresho:d, 16~') k,~v ~i 60~ < 2v 'iey 13 ,1, L .5 k e v L 3227-66 HCESHON HR: AT5023609 UR70T~OGOS/605W/0'00/000/0393/0394 AUTHORt Vakulov, P. V. TITLE: Radiation study by the "Kosmos-17" satellite SOURCEt Vses2yuznMa konforentsiya po fizike kosmichaskog proptRktj~t 1965. Issladavaniya Rosmicheskago prostranstva (Space research); Trudy konferentaii. ..."Roo-cow, Izd-vo Hauka, 1965, 393-394 TOPIC TAGS: primary cosmic r4yl,~'aatellite data analysis, radiation belt, gas dia- chargecounter, scintillation counter ABSTRACT: The "Koamos-1711 carried equipment for studying emission from this earth's radiation belts and primary cosmic radiation at altitudes up to 800 km. Two scin- tillation counters and a gas discharge counter were included in this equipment. Onrj' of the scintillation counters was mounted on the outer shell of the satellite for two-throohold r6cording of electrons with energies greater than 50 and 180 kev and 'protons with energies greater than 600 kev. This same counter was used for record- ing p r 0 t a n a', wfth energies greater than 5.4 and 8.5 Mev on two separate thresholds, The second scintillation counter as well as the gas discharge counter Card L 3227-M ACCESSION NR. ATS023609 were located under an aluminum shell with a thickness of approximately 1 &-cm-2, The data obtained by the satellite may be divided into two categoriesz 1) emission recorded in radiation belts and 2) emission'outside of radiation belts (cosmic rays and emission 'genetically associated with cosmic rays). Large electron flows due to the American'high-altitude Starfish explosion were recorded in the inner radiation belt. The average lifetimes of these electrons are determined for various magnetic shells. The absolute fluxes of these electrons are found as well as the energy spectrum of trapped protons and their intensities in the inner belt. The spatial zones are determined where the satellite recorded trapped radiation. It is shown that these regions coincide well with the regions calculated from B,b-maps. [141 ASSOCIATION1 nofte SUBMITTED: .02Sep66 NO REF SOV: -.000 Card 2/2 ENCL! 00 SUB CODE, ES, NP OTHERt 000 ATD PRESS: 1553-66 FSS-2/EW(1)/FS(V)-3/FCC/94A(d)/EWA(h) TTIGS/dW ACCESSION NR: AT502361o UR /0M 16 5 POO /000/0 3- g--4-'/ 0 -4, 0 5 AUTHOR: Chudakov. A. Ye.-..Vakulov. P. V.* Gorchakov, Ye. V.- Kuznetsoy S. N--"I;;~kachev, Yu I A J novets, E Y'*'V. G.; Elltekov~"r. A. Rubinshteyn, A.. Stolpovski I up tfs- TITLE: Geometric position and particle composition of the earthts radiation belts SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya Do fizike_k Igh k 9Q /!~Os cow 1965. Is~ledovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konferentsit,-. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 394-405 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, earth radiation, cosmic ray, Elektron 1, Elek- tron 2 ABSTRACT: An exhaustive study is made of data recorded by the'Elektrou-1 and -21(1 satellites, which were launched on 30 January 1964. Orbital data are given in Table 1 of the Enclosure. The first orbits were positioned so that the satellites 17- passed their apogee at about 3 o I clock a-ti. local 'tide, The outer boundary of the radiation belt was thus crossed at about midnight and again at about 7-8-0,6'ai. on the return branch of the orbit. The subsequent orbits vere shifted toward the sunsei t. I -.-- Elektron-1, by 8 min, and Elektron-29 by about 4 min in the 24-hr peFiod, E1ek--.'*1r -C-ard 1/4 L 1553-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023610 tron-1 and -2 were equipped with similar instrumentation. In some cases, however, there were differences -ixf ea~rgy thrvahoMaj A dimt.m-mailzbg all data shows the electron and proton fluxes'of different energies in the equatoridl plane and for comparison gives IMP-1 data. The following conclusions can be made from the chart: 1) A belt of artifically injected electrons exists at distances closest to the Earth's cente The maximum of the bdlt in February 1964 was at L = 1.35. The flux of electrons with energy above 2 Nev at the maximum was about 1 x 107 cg-2-sec-l-ster-l. 2) The average directed flux of protons with an enerV of 45-70 Mev at the maximum of thel inner belt (L = 1.45) was about 1.5 x 103 cm -see-1-ster-1. A change in the inte- gral spectrum at proton energies above 50 Mey was observed at L a 2.2; the spectrum of these energies is in the process of hardening, which could be explained by the theory of albedo neutrons. 3) The spatial distribution of protons with an energy of one to several Mev differs from that of the electrons. There is a definite reg- ularity in the distribution of protons according to their energies. The average directed flux of protons with an energy above 2 Mev was about 4.5 X 105 cj-2-sec-l- ster-1 in the equatorial plane at L a 2.8. It appears that the majority of the protons in this energy range are created by transverse drift with respect to the magnetic field linest 4) A belt of high-energy electrons was observed at L a 2.75. Its width at the equator -,was about 0. earth radii. The average directed flux of electrons above 6 14ev vas.'about 5) A'Iddbftm of distributio Card 2/4 L 1553-66. ACCESSION NR: AT502361o of electrons of above 150 kev energy was observed in the region between L 3and L 4. The altitude intensity shift is subject to large fluctuations in time and may drop at times to negligible magnitudes. 6) The maximum of the outer belt is positioned, on the average, at L = 4.8. The maximum altitude intensity shift in- dicator m = 0.5 +0.3/-0.2"vithid a wide range of L. There is a sharp intensity jump,on the night side-at L = 7 + 0.5. On the morning side, a slow monotonic drop of intensit y was observed. The average directed flux of electrons with an energy of over 70 kev at the maximum of the outer belt is about 5 x 106 cm-2.see-I.ster and can change by more than an order of magnitude. The electron energy spect lo served i g pax thb-dati Xev range pl-I e6trum, ~d 'Ift6tW above ~11K-evr.,iippea+0'to Iseareberso- electrcn,~-efiergi sp~ --Ang6~ I.-be softening, in comparison with measurements of earlier years. Orig. art. has: 1:~'figures`; (FP1 ASSOCIATION:--none SUBMITTED: O2Sep65 ENdf. 01 SUR CODtf-_-AA NO REF SOV: 007 W4 I= PMMS-//-V J' 4 L 1553-66 ACCMSIOX n-. AT502361.o .1 1;. I - -- - - - M- .- --:.-~r-'. . L 3281-66 T'XIQSIGW ACCESSION NRi AT5023614 UR/0000/65/000/000/0425/0433 AUTHOR: Vgrnov, S. N.; Chudakov, A. Ye. V LoRachev, Yu Sosumets, E St TITLE: Irregular flows of high energy electrons close to the boundary of V16' earth's,radiation belts SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po fizik-, kosmiche"ogo_prostr. -qtv4. MOSCOW 1965. Issledovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); Trudy konferentsii., Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 425-433 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetic field, satellite data analysis, radiation belt ABSTRACT: The authors analyze data obtained from "Elektron-l" and "Elektron-211 duz ing their first month of operation. The equipment used on the satellites is briefV described.. Analysis of data pertaining to the midnight meridian indicates that the intensity of thef electrons. at the boundary of the outer'belt decreases by two or three orders of magnitude within a narrow range of radial distances. It is estab- lished that the radiation belt on the night side of the earth terminates on quiet days at L 6,5-7.5; On the day side, the boundary of the belt extends on the Card l/ L3281-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023614 average to L9-10. Nere Lis the nominal McIlwain parameter calculated in the dipole approximation and expressed in earth radii.) It is found that irregular flows of electrons outside the boundary of the earth's radiation belts appear withI an increase in perturbation of the geomagnetic. field both at the surface of the earth and at distances of 100,000 km from the earth. A theoretical explanation is given for this phenomenon. The experimental data support the hypothesis of a close system of lines of force In the earth's magnetic field up to latitudes of 750 Orig. art. has: 9 figures..:and_~I- -table. 1141 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 02Sep65 _ENCL** 00 SUB CODE: ES)SY HO.REF SOV:' 002' NOTHER.I: 010 ATD PRESS: IN F R', gig EM-Na"Ifto .4n T-v~-5'gg g R0 Zwtiq L 3o96-66.. - TSS-21&IT(1-)IFS(O--31FGC4-WA,(Ai)--- -T-T/Gs/qw--- - AGMSSION NR: AT5023615 uR/booo/65/ooo/000/0433/043 JAUTHORS2 Vernov S. N..- Chudako!, Vakulovo P ~rp I Qgr.Q~M-~ snovets. E. N.; Y' so Logachev, Yu-0 1. 3iko ayev, As usi _~~i~ghtey-n W~. Ternovskaya-,,;'M#' V. TITLF,z pulilations of the earth's magnetic fields, from the measurements taken by the Elektroa-3 satellite V'isosoyuzn9,va .SOURCE., konferentsiya po Mike kosmicheskogo_prqqtz:Ar 4A-M-PAPPY.2- 1965. I~ lovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research)j trudy: Fkonforentsiio Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965,, 433-434 TOPIC TAGS-. satellite,, satellite data analysis, pulse counter, pulse amplifiers pulse amplitudes. earth magnetic field ~5r' I "L 01V ti 1515 ABSTRACT: The ikektron-3 satellite, launched on jully 11, 1964, carried a coil with a ferrite core. Signals from this coil wero transmitted to two amplifying circuits, one for the band of 1-10 cps, the other for 30-300 cps. Both circuits recorded pulses with amplitudes exc6eding -v 1,, --5~ -. 25,Y. The type and operation of the memory bank are briefly described. From a small amount of data processed it can be seen that no pulses with the amplitudes k 25'~ were recorded, that at L 3 096-64 6 S- AGMSION URt AT5023 1 the maximum sensitivity 1'y) the count exceeded seven pulses per 2 minutes, and that at the intermediate sensitivity (,'>5'-y) about 2-3 pulses were record6d i by the law-frequency circuit and about 1 by the high-frequency circuit, It is noted tnat the number of magnetic field pulses with the amplitude ~ 5 ~ is generally greater in the frequenoy region of 71-10 cpff than' in: the region 6f 30-300 cps and that the pulse intensity tends to increase in some geographical regions* Normally, this increase is recorded by the low-frequency circuit but not by the high-frequency one. (o4 ASSOGIATIONs SUBMITUDt Mep65t:, BWLt 00 SUB COM ES., BV NO REF SOY: 000 OTHERt --.000 ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 L 1552-66 FSS-2/Dn(l)/FS(v)-3/FCC/Z4A(d)/EWA(h) TT/GS/041 ACCESSION NR: AT5023628 UR/0000/65/000/000/0502/0506 AUTHOR: Vernov. S. 1_.; Vakulov, P. Y.; Zateepin, V. I ; LoStachev. Yu. I.,* Okholovkov, V. P 60 -i TITLE: Primary cosmic radiation investigations C fA I -SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya Do fizike kosgcbesko2Q prostranstv moscow,l 1965. Issledovaniya kosmicheakogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konferents 1~ Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 502-506 TOPIC TAGS., cosmic ray, cosmic radiation, primary-cosmic rity, primary cosmic radiation, Elektron 2, Elektron 4 ABSTRACT: Experimental data obtained by Elektron-2 and -4 on primary cosmic radiaL tion are presented and interpreted. The data, covering the period 30 January to 1 November 1964,. were obtained primarily by meane of. gas-dis charge cotmters with an average frequency of 20 pulseslsec. The apogee of the satellites was 68,000 km,-'- keeping them outside the 'earth's radiation belts most of the time. The higher count frequency as the thickness of the screens was.increasedo made it possible tol conclude that the primary radiation did not contain particle's within the 50 to 110 Hav range, Two types of radiation intensity variations wet* distinguished: ard. 113