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:'. Zeros 'Ierivations Of a -,a-,i:) al, IIU-:2ti0-.I. '). 131. Z!I(J!?;':]K i-JUWA, 13po!7rPti, %~O- 43, 1955. SO: Monthly List of ~-,sL European Accos-sions, LC, Vol. 4, w. 'Lk'-;, -jct. 1~,"~5, jncl. VAJW, Jar. Electron tube apparatus in watch manufacturing. Jer--I-q -,;--ch opt 5 no.2:48-54 F 160. 1. Chronotechna, n.p., zavod Nove niesto nad Metuji. VAJSAR, J. - ----- Electron tube apparatus for laboratory watch teots. Jemna moch opt 6 no.3:76-82 Mr 161. 1. Chronotechnap n.p.o Novo Mosto nad Metuji, --) A.!s ;'j t , '; , Tnchnology of zerl,'. -;' wri-:.1 , zn-- 1 .1 - , - ~ . 'r. :z zr,-2::h Opt 9 10j ~ ; * ~ - " '1,, !-'4 1 . Chr a notoc;hna N atil ~-,naL -'- r;- linve :.`I~sto 'nnd ii , sub-mit-tai nctol-Ar ` 1 -4 b ,, , ACC NRt AP6003539 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0030/65/000/001/0021/0028 AUTHOR .-i-Vaj ORG: Chronotechna n. p., Nove Mesto nad Metuji TITIE: Series production of wriet-watch pinions SOURCE: Jemna 'mechanika a optik0jj,:no.1, 1965,. 21-28 TOPIC TAGS: industrial production, timing device ABSTRACT: This article continues a series on typical industrial production of components of Czechoslovak wrist-watches made at the Chronotech:na plant. A brief description of the large-series production of small steel pinions is given. The text is supplemented by drawings of basic designs and of the equipment used in those operations. Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 1 table. LUFRIS SUB CODE: 13 / SUBH DATE: O3Oct64 / ORIG REF: 001 JM-IOWEVOVA, Z.V.; BIWDE, A.J.; VAZEIG, G.E.; RADIC, J.V.; SOBOf,,.,r V.R.; PURER, N.M. ~ 1. 1) flew antibiotics and other bicTogically active natural subst.'uices in the USSR. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.3.2:337-339 2 Ap 165. , ~j '), - , , - . ~,. . - , i , , - . "Characteristic figures." P. 3. (Borba Protiv Tuberl-ulo--e. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan/Feb. 1953. Beograd.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions Vol. 3, no. 3, Library of Congress, Ilarch 1954. Uncl. 7 GEBAUER, Darinka. Dr.; VAJS-STOSIC, Nada, dr.; JSVTIC, Milica, dr.; LXVI. Iva. &r. Bacteriological and parasitic flora in intestinal infections (enteroco'litia) and its significance in etiology of dysentery. Higijena. Beogr- 7 no.1-4:141-145 1955. 1. Hig1jenski institut NRS, Beograd. (AMMIASIS INTESTINAL, etiol. & pathogen. relation to intestinal bact. flora (Ser)) (INTESTINES, microbiol. bact. flora in relation to atiol. of intestinal ameblasis (Ser)) 496-,,9-66 SOURCE, CODE: litj/25()2/65/046/()04/0391/01,CP, AUTHOR: Vajta, Laszlo--Vayta, L. (Professor; Doctor; Budapest); Vaita-Kraliks Zsofia--Vayta-Kralik, Zh. (Doctor, Budapest) ...... ORG: Institute for Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest; Institute for Mineral-Oil Quality Control, Budapest TITLE: Effects of chemical structure on the usefulness of bitumen SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chimica, v. 46, no. 4, 1965, 391-408 TOPIC TAGS: coal, organic chemistry 'ABSTRACT: Bitumen samples were analyzed to determine the refraction of the fractions, the degree of dispersion, the softening point, the penetra- tion, the paraffin value, the asphalt content, saturated portion, cyclic portion, and other characteristics. The --indings were analyzed by tile method described by TRAXLER, R. N., (Asphalt.. Its Cqmposition,Frqpcrt~es and.Uses; New York, 1961) with the aim of esiabiishing ~ny relations between constitution, structure., and technological performance. The test results and the relationships indicated by these were presented and discussed in detail. The authors thank their co-viorkers for valuable a3sistince in ootaining the experimental results, which were arrived at at the Institute for Mineral-Oil Quality Control, Dudapest. 1JPRS- 34,1653 SUB COLE: 07, 08 / SUBM DATE,: 2911-,r65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF : 009 Card M ht 4T.'r,~',oc uWI in the Kif J~Wut detu, fluellv~ I he ItImIt a obt Aiuml. Met value% twill g.40 Aille.1 cup A 441 min diArn. thim In th a ru. ri rAngedfrom3io4*. 11cavvilures'o(Ithe A.~I'Jif cave W1,04c v.sturv. rwo ivr" a agents we" u-1! 111~ 14 a lial.h. lialcur lulw Wofltll.,w) woul lluw A the *I. flung,filoff tl?"o : 4.6 ltr "r1 llil.A 1.4 .glual 1.44t I"Aill 64 44.0a... 4,11. h-u I I'. J, I,- .4 f.. "It *. 1-11.41v ? a law a 11 0 U bi A L-A 0 A.0 10're.f.ts -41. so a V X P a 41 41 a 'orS, I -AL- SELECTM ADSORPTION NMTIGATI(M (W LUBRICATIMO OHJ. Kralik, Z. Yo and 1.0 YAMIA.-Le (Magyar Mon. Folyolrai. 1050, vat. 31, 38:U; abstr. In Chest. 587). A cotton disc 2 oe a. thick &W 360 go fuller, Abstre, 1961, vo1* 46, 31 ! 1-00 1050) (dried earth previously at were located on a porcelain filter 41so in glass tube of 5 ono dionter, 60 o*xe length* 1600 solo of 60/90 gasoline served && the solvent and sluout. The oolour of slueates varied from oolour- less to light yellow and red (with a greenish f2uoresasnoe)e A linear oorr- elation was observed between Index or refraction isad speeiric gravity; this can be utilized for the determination of the specific gravity of very ainuts amounts of eluates. A ~Wlar correlation sAists between refractive index and viscosity. By the us* of longer adsorption colums, the stability againsti- oxidizing effects of the single sluates of lubricating oil* can be axsaingdo a - S L A 94TALLUNCKAL torJO&IM CLAISWICATION L -.1 ' - - ____ ' - RIGNI Id -In. j T .09 90 =0 Q19 0 coo ose k 869 I-so U9 0 todl* !WO A I I Od 0 a W .1 0 0 5 a a 4: AV -0 As to VP to Or A, A. a At U K MW 11 1 go '0 : : :: 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : :1 0 9 0 Kam L L 9): G FCAW 103.. 45. 874 2T2- &bstr. in Chwo Abstr-q 1951o C.A. Lapj,. 1951 a furnaces of vertical COnstrac"On' Arovi*w describing tub TI ' .7- " T j,7 -FA, Come questions of 'he iiqlAd f-el econom 'v. P. L63. I(J'AlAR Tl-' li- Budapest', '!fungar~7), Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. SO: YontInly Lirt of Sart European Accef:~i ons, li--, -Vol. lh, No. 5, Lay 1955. Rh,. r e n u I, ~,JIP-M7-282, 12 fjgt;.,, I tab, T fileologic propertl" ut Cliff( rent. killds bituillem were invt-Algat%.A as it (InIctioll ::1, 'Ollemr veltwity an(] tellipmIture by Ilmm's (of it --jidpliltr type-comAistouicter. Other pro1wrilk-, tit Ow .danleffUc bitunien prodliced by differcut proct'.."Ses werc. investipted At tile same tinle (c. al"OlIg pliellolaulm. i1c.) and tile (legtee of conkpIcx flow wam dutt-rudned. It was fonnd that tile bitimsen odgillating, If fit an4 prolluced by distillation prm - s 1:4,41 pt re vwoll,4 -Ool tion cositabdu 111c. I.IXI)tizell -type snodifica %v" --~.;pwtlcles iq,the_ ure fill 20 to Inve-stigated tem r .0i `20"C-~-The bitumen originating-from agsle rgycl way i..,.bc_e_us1dcf~d all ~ sol-type bittuncu -rd'vrl ig (in the gel :$t4te. ill tile Illycatigated tem wrattire range. 11), 'increashig,the distillation temperalute these procincts Are oatiVerted with moderate velocity to it gel-ty!x- struettre witereas I)Iowillg Accelerates thk conversion c, -:--t c 1, i r,,,,n 1 e r. I Li~-;t ol' T f- -`~rop an 0i no. ,I -Incl. _Q-S7. --l---1------- ---- - - fi - W911PI'mir qll%g~.11~"q~p~,5~i~fi~~w~wl;i~!i'~at~r2r -- -- - - -- -. - -, - -. -, . -- - --- - - - -- , , , - . . I .~ ~ .:, I A I f i * - - - -- ---- -.- 11 VAJTA, L.; FRUEND, M. Recent achievements in the crude-oil pmessine industry at the 4th World Petrolem Congress in Roffie. (To be contd.) p. 132. KAGYAR KOMSOK IAPJA Budapest, Vol. .11, No. 5. May 1956. SOMCE: last European Accessions List, (EM) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8, Au&mst, 1956. VAJTn', L.; SZABO, Z. A report of our Kossuty-Prize-winning chemists ab,)ut their work. p. 41. (Magyar Kemikusok Lapja, Vol. 1?, No. 2, Feb 1957, Budapest, Hungary) 30; Monthly Liz5t of East Furopean Accessions (r-E;-T.) LC, Vol. 6. No., P, Aug 1957. Uncl. VAJ-, A. 1. 6Ti T. U, TEL SITF,"ITION IN lq~;-'ARD T.E P 117 ('40-YAR Y-E IIE112CCE lAPJA) PUDAFSST, HuN(Vi'lilY. VOL. 12 NO 4 Arr. 1,-,~57 :,0: MONTHLY INDEX f-T EAST --'U,-HOP N A'1~4SICJS (AZEI) VC.T 6 'TO. 11 NUIE-E-T, ER 1P57 Gf, '7. Distri 493d/hE2c(j) C 48, A petroleum experiment staflon for radlaffoa tests. ,LP "IN it Gentian) Gj-. Kiss, I . Va t, Y I I ip- i - V)Cr odirn Polyl ch"icis, ]It Iti~H -2, MR, No. 1, PP. 33-50, 5 figs., 2 tabs. W There are excellent pcmsibilitics for ptotnotiog tile known reactions In tile up-to-date teclumbigical (Illres etlifilay'41 fit tile 1)(Aroletint fildu-4try by Iligh. frequency raillation. The effect of radinting ctivrgy on It rocarbvns~c itires further extensive itivestigntimiq a n o 111(twittial tiF&. 111nns for it flot lifnitt )C ore Mt fig cit plojing untit-dally high strengths (if rad atifon, e.1" -thig, slich a10 kilocitTle radiation glin Buitnble fur Colidill . I.C.ItH, 11111,it Provitic for 81-tclal stritchiral and collstritc- tional features. it new type mechnnical equipmvift imist be iiqed for tile We trawsport, storage lind hamillng tif It enlillUjU vttiittitlg gatimin radintion. Safety ahove all clie nimst be Write in mind when desigillog till% ty-lic fit equiptnent consequently the watilptilitiors imist, rimsiA of Ample elenteuts with a mininittin number of sourccs 1 1 f i1 h 10 1l I i f l W l t l . n ti t% t (:ta si o ailtire ~ rcscr% . e w t 0 , y Health l3rotection and the (IcsK-ii of inedianical t:ejilijl- itient determine the '.onstructiont rcqtllmllv~llts ill phinultig. I'laws for a r1lot JAInt CrIll P w,I with a rmli- Won guit in lie hcd it the vIc ii ty of a IvArolf lAntit nre descrflictL 7 lie major m(lidreiiii-mts nre sim rized and detaiN nit till items of imiclibil:ry mid csjsi~ tioll are RivC11. VAJTA, L. ---------------- The one-hundred--ie-.-ir-old petroleum industrv. p-448. MAGYAR MIIKUSOK LAPJA. (Va-.yar Kemikusok ELr~,esulete) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EFAI) LG Vol. 9, no. 2. Feb. 10,60 Uncl. VA,TTA, Laoslo fbmgarian petrolei= Jndugtry. -CY 265-Z74 960 1. Budaposti MunmakI. &gyat --6k MZ, Ietvan;_YAJTAt-IM-z10p* KISS, Iistvan; MORAp Ferenc; RASZTOCZKY., Erno; DEKAN, Sandor Organizational questions of the gas induBtrY. Energia es atom 13 no.3417-121 Mr 960. 1. Fovarosi Gazmavek (for Kiss). 2. Budapeati Partbizottsag Ipari Oaztalya (for Dekan). VAJTA9 Laszlo~ dr. (Budapost) Investigation of lubricating oils of the two-stroke gaaoline engines. III. Acta chimica Hung 24 no.3:245-258 160. (EM 10:3) l.Itmngarian Petroleum Industry Tnist, Budapest. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Gas and oil engines) VAJTA, Lszloq dr. (Budapest V Szt. Istvan korut 11.) Investigation of lubricating oils of the two-stroke gasoline engines. IVJIV, Acta chimica Hung 24 no.4:371-384 160. (EEAI 10.4) 1. Hungarian Petroleum Industry Trust, Budapest. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Gas and oil engines) 4 S/061/62/000/017/060/102 B177/B186 AUTIM" azzlo', Pallay, Istvan 2 Vajta, L TITU: The composition of a lubricating oil to be added to the fuel for 2-stroke carburettor engines PET'IGDIJ.~L: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, n'o. 17, 1962, 485, abstract-i 17;,:260 (11un.-arian pa-tent 147966, January 31, 1961-) Tl',XT: T1-'e comi~ooition under reference consists of- 80 - 95,. naphthene- I ba,wd 11;10ricatin,; oil; 20 - 5,,, of an. oil-soluble amine whoi3e mol, wt. is! be-t-.-ie-;i 1/3 and 1/6 that of the oil (e. g. a~kylated aniline), and 0.5 - 1.0,.. (preforablY 3 - 41o) of a mixture of a'shleso additiies. This mixf.ure coiayri3eu an anti-oxidizine additive*oontaining sulfur or -3ulfur*! and pho-phorui, a detergent additive, an anti-corroeive additive and an anti-we:.r additive containinf; chlorine; also an organic phosphate or phoop~ito to prevent the deposition of Pb. Specimen composition (in purto by weiCht): 840 of a naphthene-based lubriciiting oil (viscosity 15-0 ~st/100 125 of mopomethylaniline and 35 of a mixture of ashless additive..z, consistink; of 1.0 parts dioctyldithio-phosphoric acid, 3 parts Card I V001/62/000/0 1 71G;,'(j 1102 The comvooition of a lubricating Oil ... B177/BI86 of a lictliylaxinootlijlmetliicryla~kle ;~nd laurylmethacrylate copolymer, 1 part o! isopropyiricinol~eate, 1'31 parto of monoc'nl'ornaphthalene and 2 parts of Vributylphospliite. Replacing the naphtliene-based oil in Lhe compoijitio~i by one based on paraffin adversely affeata the octane number. of the "a:;oline/oil mixture when the engine io running. [AbAtracter's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 Z_ Given Names countr(s Hungary Academic Degreess Z-not given,7 Affiliationt Sources Leipzig, lootopentschnik, No 5-60 may 1961, p. 173. Data: OInvestigations on the Carry-with Effect of Liquid Droplets in the Vacuum Distillation of Residual Oilo.N Authormi FODOR, J. Isotope Laboratory of the Central Material Testing Station of the Iron and Motal Works'Cocipel'; VARGho X. Isotope Laboratory-of the Central Material-Testing Station of the Iron and Metal Works "Caepal*; PECELI, B. Mineral Oil Plant "Gospel"; VAJTA, L. Association of the Mineral Oil Industries of the People's Republic of Hungary. Tno original language version of associations given-7 Gto 9616*3 S-1 *-g :3 ~73 24 V KRALIY,VAJTA, Zsofiaj, dr.;_VAJTA, Laszloldr.; (Budapest I.,Czako u.13) Rheological examination of Hungarian bitumens produced in - plants and in the laboratory. Acta chimica Hung 31 noJ/3-. 243-256. 162. 1. Qualitataprufungsinstitut fur Mineralole und Erdoltrost, Budapest. VAJTA., Lasz2o, a-kemiai tudomanyok doktora Hpgaryls patrols= industry and scientific research. MW tud 69 no.9:569-575 S 162. 1. Orazagoo Koolaj so Gazipari Troszt vezerigazgato helyet- tese, V=A, Lazolop dr., egyntemi tanart a kemiai tudomanyok, doktora; WZ&r,-rsofia,, dro.9 a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusai SI140)ljp Miklos., okleveles mernok Rubber bitumens in the Hungarian road construction; technological testa, Melyapitestud szemle 13 no.lt29-34 Ja 063o 1, Orszagos Koolaj as Gazipari Troazt vezerigazgato helyettesee (for Vajtal,& 2* Asvanyola Minosegellanorzo Intezet (for Kralik)o 3- Tudomanyos fomunkatarsp az UKI Aszfaltlaboratorium vezetoje (for Simon). ZAKARY Pal., okleveles vegyeszmernok; SIMON, Miklos, okleveles vegyeszmernok; VAJTANE KRALIK,, Z-1ofiaIdr., vegy~eszmernok; VAJTA, Laszlo, dr., egyetem-4 tanar (.Eudapest;'; CSAGOLY, Jozsef,-"6'klti*elea-vegyeazmernok i Road building bitumens. Melyepitestud szemle 14 no.121545- 547 D 164. 1. Division Chief, Hungarian Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Experimental Institute (for Zakar). 2. Head, Asphalt Laboratory of the Road Research Institute, Budapest (for Simon). 3.-Mineral Oil Quality Control Institntet Budapest (for Vajtane Kralik). 4. Concrete Road Building Enterprise, Budapest (for Coagoly). VAJTA, Laszlo; SZAVA, Nandor ....... .......... The petroleum refining industry in the light of the 6th World Petroleum Congress. 1-1agy kep lap 19 no. 4: 180-184 Ap 164. 1 1. Vational Petroleum and Gas Industry Trust. FREUND, Mihaly, akademikus; VAXrA, I.1o, a kemial tudomanyok. doktora; -As7 GW, Laszlo, a kemiAi'i.udomanyok kandidatusa; SZFFFSY, :.a:3z.'-), a kemiai tudomany(k kandidatusa Natural gas deposits of Hungary and their utilization from the point of view of petroleum chemistry, Kom tud kozl KrA 21 no. 1:19-31 164. 1. Hungarian Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Experimental Institute, Budapest-Jleszprom, and National Petroleum and Gas Industry Trust, 13iidape'st. 2. Editorial board member, "A Magyar Tudomanyos Akadem-ia Keimiai Tudomanyok Osztalynnak Kozlemanyeill (for Freund). VAJTA . Laszlo, a kemiai tudomanyok doktora Significance of petroleum In world economy. Kem tud kozl MTA 22 no.2:199-210 164. 1. Budapest Technical llniveroityo and National Petroleum and Gas Industry Trust, Budapest. VAJTA, Laszlo Development of the Hungarian oil refinery industry in t~p, past 20 years. Magy kem lap 20 no.4:190-196 Ap 165. 1. National Petroleum and Gas Industry Trust, Budapest, and Editorial Board 1~1ember' I'Magyar Kemikusok Lapja.11 L 45tS35-66 ACC-M,-AtO033880 SOURCE CODE: 0/2502/65/046/004/0391/0408~ AUTHOR- Va*ta Laszl*o--Vayta, L. (P~rofessor; Doctor; Budapest); Vajta-Fxaliky Zsofial-Vayta- a i , Zh. (Doctor; Budapest) ORG: Institute for Chemical Technologyo Technical University, Budapest; Institute for Mineral-Oil Quality Control, Budapest TITLE: Effects of chemical structure on the usefulness of bitumen SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chimica, v. 46, no. 4, 1965, 39' - TOPIC TAGS: coal, organic chemistry ABSTRACT: Bitumen samples were analyzed to determine the refraction of the fractions, the degree of dispersion, the softening point, the penetra- tion, the paraffin value, the asphalt content, saturated portion, cyclic portion, and other characteristics. The bindings were analyzed by the method described by TRAXLER, R. N., (Asphalt, its Com_position,Propert~es and Uses; New York, 1961) with the aim Of establishing any relations between constitution, structure, and technological performance. The test results and the relationships indicated by these were presented and discussed in detail. nip authorf; thank their co-workers for valuable arlaiataricc, in ootaining the experimental reaults, whIch were arrLved it at thO Inotitlite for Mineral-Oil Quality Control, Budapest. 1-11W: 34,1651 SUB CODZ: 07, 08 / SUBM DATE: 29Mar65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTIT W: 009 Card 1/1 a-IlAwc-1 cow to lishl "a"' V "% be~. Slto;~bvbt ,,jd by shoort, %jw. C4Mt1nU , 'I t3). only UvUr " 133.8. lastlO h "e~' te SmA ting ezv;~Mod tiel" a 'U~ Of the I'll, . con, A l9lueo tddtsvm 0% OW, homr short-,tiffa pfod,,&A by 10. in the bs At 44-WYO; loo. O'W'acw with ~OrAuctlo t", initial VI, 31-0% larks* taw of 1 (0), - bron I tinwnta ( Al tl xjjo:~ 0, IL lorfeen., (-, 51- f 0210 ",'o 1'.14 AnAt2 ditit- "i5.3ef. cebw I" )( dis- 10 3t). 90. I t)TCVI' se Wi= fur 2. At Agoy.*' atands" a I b 10 fian an beW "~ C. OV2,11'um co :1 days)*- Cu. Z;.J~ at dar.) At mo aar) ,fun.. Of moa WAS &Cfeo-"- C. ( 5 days C'O~ -lop as dl d7o sc~p-lw CVpew . djxs ;Z=r.. WVP-- a. the bsetAft Dol (Or -3 aiffefent 0( to C'.Ut. ~'4"Wm% of ow acobirAt X1. for jolf.,.wo. Of of modof C'.Omibie tcMV'- Steel- ;,Ow" 164 M, *Am downt . .0dio!r wm:r4:;~ be 0 fo, kola 0;~~ Ur*f~ 0,1101 Al ol d t tbl- 11 F_'(vWsriZ -WW OIA A ,Oan T. a." -f 0" oto -V'-4 fc4o7*-,. wnd'd - tomp.. -11 P, mmosoo, wt-molt""d I t I t f f f I 00 00 Oqj 001, 1 A4 is 1,00 '00 00 i"000 500 fto zoo w G?J: IWO 0 it It:oo !'too MA"OTMIKA Tel. 44. -]L951 so. 1-2, Jame Y616 A 'j, It V u VI AT-03 It"; 4 4 -T An a ,w '04 1 4a p el it or 09 IF it It aPCa n Is I 0 see 904046460e64096 0000000000 IT 100*00696*00*000 000 0*000000000000000061 27. Notwork modol for olortriCication - Hrtlozabi kinninta a fi?'(AF."ilatabun - by ',I_* Vajta. TE14atri al FneincorirC - MeLtrot!)chnlka Volf bh, No- 4, pp~'114TM.'Apr 7 figs-) il 1951, Owing to the ;ntorroftriootion of enorU, distribution syntoma thu CO.- cul,,~ttnn of voltare drapa and of ahort-circviit ctlrront~', hrw fxinoi~o ti V~dloun taek, if not almost impossible. llieraroiv, modals of networlw in which the ainr~ln elements are rodunad to a very. Pmall scaln. boing con3tIlUCtOd ror the purpose of aimplifyin,- an4 roduainf; the tipac; ra- qiiirod for calculations. The voltage drops and ftrt circuit ourrents aro ez+bnblishad bv ineana of measurements. The not-work model may also be wo! for invastirating the stability of power sta-Uons. 711io investigations ar:) OaTricid out ~)n tho basis of symn3trical component3j Fknd!tho individual com- ponentl ara detoi-miied separately. In order to nbtain ths final result, tho acmponent5 -thus daloulated are sumwd up. no netviork model is ocm- posed of three olem~nts (generator, line and load elements; wbioh can to int-F,,rconnacfx:1d acoording to the tiotwork diagram. The model can be fed with direct current or with Icr,7- rr high-frequency alternating current. The Min~arian rAodel is equipped for being fed with 50 oyale alternating t. curron V M. VAJTA. "Network problems of the 50-cycle singlephaBe main railwV system." p. 125 (ACTA T,ECWIICA ACADZMIAZ SC1611TIARIT4 IffPUGARICAie,, Vol 6, no. 112, 1953, Budap~-.3t, Huneary) SOz Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2 No. 7, Ju1Y 1)53, Uncl. bn the lncmLst of short circuit f= HUN G 'plolw~T~%lflfti""tUH"."O"9"Ailan powel system. - NJ, VsIta. ~ Elehlrolech Wke --vol. 47, 1954, INC). 9, Pp--2S-f=iW- fig') The conlinuviis tire in tho rhL7rt circ Diva of _U cui U i2d kv network 1) acca a g tile 1 111. 1 on the uit breakera Ili tile network. Invvtigation-i have led the nuthdr to conclude thilt there ui -I ncM for a superimpo-'ed z2o kv network. For reducing !-ingle~ .-x,e fhort cb~cu~t,earth currents the introduction of PC -c c, -1 - I ,cli% irths .3 rcmalmcn,le'l i.e. the urmtrat M t of riot ev~iy trari5farmer should be carthcd. In rhiin ow ' or, tile zero sertaente impedance . Case. h ev and mci.-,tance -inurit b,:! in ;I definite Mlation to ilm p,.r,.itivo sequ'~ce reactance, For limiting tile short circuit cur- rcntG In medvim trnFian networks, short circuit limitine reactors and heavy breaking capacity fu-s re rfxani- menrled. For the automation o[ the po%,,r systc,ms IN! STA .11, WnVltil~ thr iuVimatir. cutling-In of nnit:i, the bmd r0it,twit (1cpcodclit on frripwricy and the autoln-itie synOto,idr- JV at"'n 1,114 1, lWing of gemratarl aw 'MUM Mmmg VAJTA., M. Pal Kovacs K. and Istvan Raczf Valtakozo aramu gepek traziens folyamatai (Transient Phenomena of Alternating-Current Machines j a book review, p_.~1'7 - ACTA TEMITA7,JVyar Tudomanyos Akademia Budapest., Vol, 10., No. 3A, 1955 SWRCE: East-European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress., Vol,,C., No. 12., December 1955 AJT It VAJTP.) 14. Pal Kovacs K. and Istvbn Raczf Vs1tiko7.naranw pet--i-Ak trenzion.9 ftlyarpt;i! (Transient Processes of Alternrtingr Current); & tocl, revictw. P. 535. Vol. 15, No. 1/4, 191~5- YCZLE:--, ME! TECHNUM Euder,est, HunEary So: East European Accession, Vol.. 5, No. 'I, May 1956 VAM, M. Decrement of fault currents in interconnected networks fed from several power plants. In English. p. 217. AGTA TECHNICA. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akadamis) Budapesto Hungary, Vole 25, no, 3/4, 1959. Monthly List of East Furopean Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol* 89 No* Up November 1959, Uncl. VAJTA, Mikloo,.a musz-aki tudomanyok doktora Ma Zuglo short-circuit testing station of the Electric Power Research Institute. Elektrotechnika 53 no.2/3:110-111+ 160. I KARTOS, Jossef; VAJTA, Wki:)s, dr. The Bergamo m*ssion of.the No.17 Technioal Committee of the International Blectroteohnical. Comission. Elektrotachnika 57 no.9t430-436 8 164. ZAKAR, Pal, okleveles vegyeszmernok; SIMON, Miklos, okleveles vegyeszmernok; VAJTANE KRALIKY Z4ofla., ir.,, vegyeozmernok; VAJTA, Laszlo, dr., '--b&6Uif'tinar (Euiapest)~ CSAGOLY, Jozaef, oklerveles vegyeazaer-nok Road building bitumens. Melyepitestud azemle 14 no.12S545- 547 D 164. 1. Division Chief, Hungarian Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Experimental Institute (for Zakar). 2. Head, Asphalt Laboratory of the Road Research Institute, Budapest (for Simon). 3. Mineral Oil Quality Control Institute,, Budapest (for Vajtane Kralik). 4. Concrete Road Mlding Enterprise, Budapest (for Csagoly). V,4 J -7-19 /,/ y /"1 9 -1':- 2 A VALIM. Terenc, d',, uzemi foorvas; yMT Gesa, dr., V836tO usemorvos . Zffeet of electric tr&wna on the organism wA resuscitation procedure. NopegesseegyMr 35 no.9:240-246 Sept 54. (MCTRICITT, injurious effects electric inj. on organism, resuscitation procedure) GI : o lp o s 0 0 S ' a 1-L olutill 1316 LIN pff A-A-Z V =Slf All AA A OFF bttImi rest* an an kum M 6 q b c o mom w oeitics of Ow wrtw is The 6b bWb d -o sp e n w . p M bit Amd b Motaft of d k k Go end wbod a e m a san Mo y em be ampokil im 4r"to .a site. oniweve ad mdm boo%. A". lu.-- = 00 Avt~i e bwas no be wok by bmwW dw %Wn put 00 f t b to o 60 vw wv Ns k an e c t Ib " * c c ut r f e w s d w i m y = bt tw t he D o i w m mo s lo pc k o " w l t b e eb m cQ 4 p &Z . W. W. R. Wan w SOW the 00 w ;J, *Z- I A L- -A Ao '00 goo goo 000 '00 00 ;00 ct*' I'low &"Inv All 11 1 0 . IF I IF 1 10 1 *I V AA ou 0-1" 0 4*900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 # * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( VAIC, KA. Universal clamp for automatic pipettine and titration. Ifib.delo 6 no,2:52-53 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) (LOCRATORINS--APPARATUS AM SU rES) VA K p / PJO V I country Ysiology. Internal Humn and :a12 'al F9 category* Secretiua- r-,.:icrcr-s 1958) 88999 Abs JOU.r* 19) N. D. A ~ ,ncc society 1,ut1jor al Scie inst ~roat~wl 111sulin Sensitivity' Title VitaLlin C lirvatsko Pirod"" drustvoj .Ub. (;lag;nik biu). - p Be" * Orig F - 1953 (1955) 2 i~, 7, 375-376 coster.,11c -~cQtate desoxicOrt' " f r-_ts tc insu- act: Ascort tl,u sensitivi-Y " -.v, re t,bstr r-,ts (.,.R) b,.;C, and Nat luctonizCd OV but lin (11) &AIlisterLd D -, ill vhL:ll a I , DOC-% b;t de sensitivc t'3 ""I rcccivi-11" to not af tur 142-Cl) or I arc l(:ss 'ns'tive prived of W-C3- card 1/2 T-69 sddr6tit:oq. Paiiervas fibs icur: RzhBiol-. n- 19, 1958, 38999 II thail thusc rccQivinE, fcod with ni-rlal contents of NaCl. It is cvj.dent that I sti-aLl-Itus the seexe- tion of LdncxalLcorticcids and inhibits the secre- tion of C;lucocurticoids- Followin(; Vic a&dnistra- tion of I the concentration of corticc:iAs in the scrun of racts decreases, sodium rci.nins wichanged. Mental patiOIAB, resistant to insulin, bucome Liore sensitive to iiisulin following the admi-iij.stration of I. -- FroLl thc authors' summary. T Card 2/2 USSR /','Ulti-.-atqd Plams. Tachrdml, 31,eaceous.. '-w-r Bvaring m-6 &'Iants. Aba Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No- 58708 a base of VP 60 increased the yield of roots by 15 cwt/ha and of sugar by 2 cwt/ha, ccxpared with El. These field experiments took place at the Suny wicultural experimental station in 1954-1956. The action of kai-mite F3urpaesed that of all othDr potassium fertilizers thanks to Its considerable content of NaCl. Sulfate wad. sul--ate-napnesia farms of the new potassium fartilizers are lass etfective than Mi and their applica- tion for sugar beet =wt be limited,, -- A, M. Smirnov Card 2/2 V/9 e'9 L 4 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Foragc Crops. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-j ITO 17, 1958, M08- Author Inst :Sumy state pip-lcultural EKperirrent Station. Title :Non-Root Feeding with Doron of Seed Plants of Perennial Grasses. Orig Pub: Dyul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Sumsk. .goo. S.-kh. opytn. at., 1957, vyp 3, 59-60. Abstmct: In the experimental stations in 1951-1954, non-root feeding gave a significant addition of harvest of seeds of grasses; spraying was more effective than pollination. With spraying of boron-magnesium fertilizers in a dose of 0.15 kg/ha in the bui2Aing perioa -- atcat of bloasoming, - the harvest of M Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Forage Crops. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 777o8. clover seeds obtained in 1951 was 5.6 c/ha, 1.45 more than on the control, and fran pollination, in the same period with a dose of 0.5 kg/ha the increase consisted of 0.45 c; in 1953 from polli- nation with boron 0.5 1'9/ha a harvest of alfalfa seeds was obtained of 3.2 c/ha, with harvest on the control 2.47 c/ha- -- T. I. Karelln. Card 2/2 m 81 USSR/Cultivated Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orir, Pub Plants - Comercial. Oil-Bearina. Sugmr-BearinG. M : Ref Zh'jr Biol., No 12, 1958, 53738 : Vakal, __I,..S. : : The Effectiveness of New Forns of Potassiun Fertilizers in Basic Application under the Sugar Beet. : Sakharnaya svekla, 1957, No 10, 36-37 Abstract : In the field experinents conducted during 1954-1956 by the Sumsk experimental station on slightly leached out, medium clayey chernozem, kainite increased the yield of the sugar beet to a Lyeater degree than potassium chlo- ride or other potassiun fertilizers. The effectiveness of the sulphate and sulphate-magnesial form of potassiun (K~SOO schonite) Kinanag) is below that of potassitin cliforide. Their application in pure form is iiiexpedient, Kainite should be considered as the mat promising ferti- lizer for mu(pr beets. -- A.M. Srairnov Card 1/1 - 101 - DOTSYNKO, G.I. [Doteenko. H.I.1; TOYT, S.K.. kand.seliskokhoz.nauk; OZEROT. T.I.,,"kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; TIKHOHOT, K.I., imnd* eel 'skokhoz.usi*;jAXfiL L 3 nauchnyy sotrudnik; VISIOWSMA, T.G. Uyshnevalks, T.H.], nauchnyy sotrtxdnik; KRATYUK. T.I., nauchnyy sotradnik; TAKOTINKO, K.S., nouchnyy "otrudnik-, LIKIN, D.A., agronom; GALAT, B.P. [Helat, B.F.], zootakhnik; PZTROVSKIY. 0.M. Mtrovalkyi, O.K.Is red.; LIMANOTA. M.I.. [Konagement system on a oolloctive farm; the Dzerxhinakii Artel. SuiV Province] Systems vedeniia hospodaratva u kolhospi; artill imeni Dzerzhynalkoho Sumalkoi oblasti. Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ke knyzhkove vyd-vo, 1960. 77 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Nachallnik kolkhoza imeni. Dzerzhinskogo, Sumskogo rayons, Sunskoy oblesti (for Dotsenko). (Suny Provinoe-Farm management) 5/275/63/000/001/031/035 D413/D308 AUTHOR: Vakalov, 1. A. TITLE: The effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the electrical conductivity of thermoresistore PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektronika 1 yeye primeneniye, no'. 1, 1963, 17, abstract 1V 126 (In collection: Pri- meneni e ulltraakust, k iouled. veahchestva, no* 15, M.9 lglo 207-209) An investigation has been made into the effect of ultrasonic: '.~,~:,--..vibrations on the conductance of polycrystalline thermoresistors with resistance about 8 kdl. The ultrasonic treatment was carried out at frequendies of 2.85 and 1.8 Mc/s at fixed andvarying am- plitudes; a PCC-6 (GSS-6) standard signal generator was used as the ultrasonic oscil-L -lator. The resistances of the specimens before after ultrasonic treatment were measured by the potentiometric method. The temperature was registered by a differential thermo- couple. The measurement of resistances in the absence of an ultra- field was carried out at a temperature equal to that of the '_Card SBAKHPARONOV, Mikhail Ivanovich. Prinimali uchastiye: KASIMOV, R.M.; AKHADOV, Ya.Yu.; VAKALOV, I.A.; BERIDZE, D.K.; GUROV, K.P., kand. fiz.-matem.--na-Mr,-:~a."~'-'YERFAKOV M.S., tekln. red. .0 [Methods of studying the thermal motion of molecules and the structure of liquids) Yetody is3ledovaniia teplovogo dvizheniia nolekul i stroeniia zhidkostei. Moskva, Izd- vo Posk. univ. 1963. 280 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Dielectric constants) (Molecular structure) TITLEs Low-frequency dielectric permeability and the structure of acetorr - i nitrobenzene-solutions Pk=ODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya II, Khimiya, no. 2, 1963, 22 - 23 TEXT, The mean macroscopic dielectric permeability Ss measured in low -frequency fields has to be smaller than the mean local dielectric permeability else in solutions, where the vapor pressure shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law according to earlier papers of the author (Shakhparonov, ZhFKh, V. 32, 1958, 1,414; v. 34, 1960, 977, 1,478; v- 35, 1961, 1,177). Investigations by P.M. Skirrov (Z. Phys. Chem., v. 41, 1902, 139) and W. Graffunder and E. Hey- marm (Z. Phys., 1931, 744) indicate that the vapor pressure of acetone - nitro- benzene solutt ' (250C) obeys Raoult's law. This is in disagreement with re- ons sults obtained by X.M. Korchemskaya, axid M.I. Shakhparonov in a previous work (Vestn.,Mosk. un-ta, ser. khimii, no. 6, 1962, 76), i.e., considerable deviatiors Card 1/2 89/63/ooo/am/oWbio Low-frequenoy dielectric permeability and .... A0.157/026 from Raoult's law were observed, thus proving fine-structure fluctuations of the concentration. These experiments were repeated in the present work for an ap- proval. The measurements were carried out with 8 * 105 cps on a Czech "Tesla" EM-271 device based on the change of the reactive conductivity of the resonance circuit. The accuracy was 0-2 - 0.5% and the obtained results demonstrate devi- ations from linearity in correspondence with the equatioh for 79se - as. This deviation from linearity, which can be approximately deduced from the theory of Onsager, is apparently caused by the effect of fine-atruotural fluctuations of the concentration. It can be assumed, in relation to Onsager's theory, that in acetone - nitrobenzene solutions the mutual orientation of molecules is distri- buted chaotically, Hence, any mutual orientations of molecules of acetone and nitrobenzene can be considered with sufficient accuracy energetically equal in the temperature range of 10 to 40'C. There is 1 table. Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii (Department of Physcial Chemistry) July 4, 1962 GOREMYKINAS V.V.; VAKALOVI I.A.; SILUWARONOVy M.I. Dielectric constant and molecular structure oP rgridine- chloroform solutionne Vuste Mosk, un. Sero 2:Dim. 19 no.1; 33-34 Ja-F '64- (MIfU 17: 6) 1, Kafedra fizichaskoy khJird-i Mogkovskogo universiteta. VAULUIV, I.A.; SHWPAR~Vt',', M-1. Dielectric propertips and mclecu7llar 5fract-are of ace',,urje- n-he)m,ne solutims. Vest. lAosk. uri. E*er. 2 VIdm. 19 M r- -*Vp 164 U-!IRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra khlmli Mosk~.)-,rs-kngo VAhAlUV, i~il- 0 arid r Z, Y'lP-)33 Ag out: !IIRA grjqu6o.rit,v-.nny-,- unimraliet bacni C, . ~. TV, N-~ 'he 1 r fl,iolectric constant anl 1, I r. khim. 5 nc).4;~,- pyridine solutlons. Zhu (v-~ P.A 183 onosova. 1. gosularst-,,?nrlYY universIt Im Tli " ` ,41jll-~' - L, / VAKALYUK, P. M.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "rhe function of the stomach in ./ patients with epidemic goiter". Chernovtsy, 1958. 18 pp (Min Ilealth Ukr SSR, Chernovtsy State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 142) VAKALYUK, V.M., assistent Determination of the hydrophilic state of sub-cutaneous tissue and muscle in norma pregnancy, and in toxicoses during the second half of pregnant,,7o Ped.p akush. i gin. 25 no*ls6l-64 ,63o (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra almoherst7a i ginekologii zav.-prof. O.V.Anialmov) Stanimlavs1ko o m4iichnogo instituta, ~rakttor-dotsent G.A.Babej*o (11. A. Bal*rko ] 5. (PREGIA11GY) (WATER IN THE BODY) (TOMI4) ALYAKT-"TmSVTY I .., , V. V., And Vakar, A. A. lc?23, K klinike T ,ptrloalcheskoy an,,!tcrrli trikhiroza. flauchn. Izvest. Gos. smolenskogo un-ts, t. I, str. 200-212. VAKAR, A.A. , doteent; TSELITNIM, N.G.. B 'KAYA, M.I. Transfusion of the erythrocyte mass In complex therapy of leukemias. Torap.arkb.27 no.5:67-74 '55 (JUMA 8:12) 1. Iz geriatologichaskoy icliniki (sav.dotsent A.A.Vak") Klyevskogn nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts, perelivanlys, krovi. (LNJKMIA, therapy transfusion of erythrocytic mass witb other methods) (BWOD TRANSFUSION, in various diseases, leukemia, transfusion of erythrocytic mass with other methods) FFXO..ROVI 1.1.9 prof.; VAKAR9 A.A.-p dotserit Transfusion of a concentrated erythrocytic mass and an erythrocytic suspension in a blood substitute base. Vrach. delo no. 1:72-75 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kiyevskiy institut, perelivaniya krovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii. (BLOOD-TRUZFUSION) (ERWhROCYTES) YELIYASHKEVICH., E.S.; VAKAR, A.A.; SMUSHKO, R.Ya. -, - Changes Ln the oxigen content of the blood in chronIc leukemia. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-issI. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh. kh4r. 3;24-9-251 161. (MI ILS~ 17: 10) 1. Kiyevskiy inatitut perelivaniya krovi. YELIYASUKEVICI!, E.S.; VAKAR, A.A.; SHMUSHKO, R.Ya. - - - Protein and protein fractions of the blood sertur In chronic leukemia. Trudy Kiev, nauch.-iBsl. Inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh. khir. 3:258- 261 161. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kiyevskiy Institut perelivaniya krovi. boriz: Ariput~!-' 1,; -Iri, [r,,,Ide to I.! i4r. : c -..' '~ I" - : '~j , f:.' - - tell rasten-i-'. 'u ra,.~ (i, .2 , , 7 ' ~-,, , , - ,-J. ~ S r ed ne - I I r pa i o-- -. z-,~ k I I -* - *~~ T '. -, - I~ Z I - -.1 '-. ,I"; ' ," -' 1, 1, . - . . 1 .- , .. .. . ( I " I~ -~ 1 ~ 1 ~', :, 00 09 008 00 0042 sell 0 6a 004 000 000 09v -00 00"Iffil Am* Pfaff ;71114-91 -00 -00 -00 , 6 .00 00 .1". 24 At OR b tw "dimetion in 0 y ~; so Mmg.v abtft to ths htA= in b its its *0 ( Y K. 149. W. ssoo too 0*0 4roo 400 tloo :000 1000 WOO Islaw map 0mv 404 OR1 00 u-11--mv 40 is IF 01 9 a 0 0 v ff a of ig it at A of 4011, 1 00000000000.0000*000000000*000000*0000000**o "we 'is '071"Ov~lvtle- 0 "go ~l 0 0 * 0 010 a 0 0 0 *:a 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV 11 1 FI 4L . Q ) . - u1- L II iv u 4 00 40 Nb,,W FWsw &Wks se"Wiseks shrusovs A km V V . . d. C. A, I (led) " . 00 ~rp.-A Sjudy is amuk of tbt cb-" in The Protein o a 11, wow sub*Ied to drate subatsom o1 cu i" .00 r, qogct bcat (30 min. jkt 4o 1) or cM (2#-250 for u1 r go A 1-6 40YI). Ilot comillon 6 sbwa it dwWt4 In- 4 tra defftw In lbo di- Z , er"M ]n dw mWas SMI O(v r irs tb- prigoin %WkWW Cnotcas. No than, 0 0 T j alts. Ouly Aluten how$ an IkWMW Its 1k# the i i coo ncirraws Ill .0111ous sq It. P. tatk- engvmc, l dl HI . u actmty of peuteortic alu 00 i;j 00 ~100 300 3 qoo L"C"'HL01 CLASSWICATFOX .8a., 1 u 0 It ~ ' * 0 to a 09 9 4 It 19 n U tj If W KW n 11 4 t 4 044 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- o o 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 06000 00000000! 0640-006-0-06940004066 0-0 0 *-4 it 0 o o 0 o o a 0 a 0 0 * O, CP Various metbea at accalwatlem of WWR dw barve". N. 1. Sowdov. 6. drA.VVct%ovm, and L. S. Teumm. Hietkimsya P.&X*W. bed. AVauk S.S.S.R.. Atram, A Sbwwik 1, 111LI-7w 101).- --A temp. of 45* is brit for drying frahly harvested "beat Oulu fim, Acceleration of ripemps. Viability resebu normal levels in 3-4 weeks. The wrvat-t importaxwe is attached to the ra" of truww of moisture. &% Iscit of the latter does not lead to lwmaxc4 viability. - Activw venfilatkm lesdo to socoewhat shortened ripeaW PO . ciff. io vari'mS con"I. failed to xivw Pm. resulm bturing 6.5 n~th% at -2S* severely retan" ripening, and viability rome from 40 to 60%. 4L;. u. K-otapoil VAKAR, A.B.; ELI-MILIGI, A.K.; TOLCIIINSKAYA, U.S.; ZAHRODINA, T.M. Physicochemical properties of gluten determining its quality. Biokhim. zer. i khlebopech. no.7:3-62 164. ()URA 17:9) 1. Institut biokhimli imeni Bakha AN SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zerna. 17 VAKAR, A. B. 6- - VAKAR, A.B. -- "Forraa~&on of Gluten in R~.nening Wheat." Sub 21 Jun 1~2, Fosccr4 Technologi- cal Inst of Fio Industry. Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.) SO: VECHETMAYA MOSKVA, Januar7-December 1952 USSIVMoche:aistry Card 1/1 Author Vakar, A. B. Cand. of Chem, Sciences Title Valuablt textbook on biochemistry Periodical Priroda, 5, 3-18 - 119, Ma7 1954 Abstract Soviet literature became enriched by the publication of a highly valuabla book by Prof. V. L. Kretovlch entitled "The bases of plant biochemistry". This book will, tnidoutttdly, not only be a textbook -for students, but wIll also be used by scientific workers as a good modern handbook on the biochemistry of plants. Institution t 0.0. Submitted A. SOS M V, N.; FREYMAN, I.; VAUR, A. Areventive disinfection of grain with gas and conditions necessary for degasification. Muk.-oloy.pron. 20 no-7:6-8 Jl '54. (KLRA 7:8) 1. Ysesorusny7 nauchno-imeladavatellekLy inatitut same, i produktov ago pererabotki. (Grairt-Disinfection) SOSEDOV, N.I., knnd.biol unuk; VAKAR,-AJ.,-kand.khim,nnuk; PNIITBOVSKIT, Te.S., nauch"y ;ot7ru-Ai~fk; DIIOZDOVA, Z.B., nauchnyy notrudnik; TPLCHINSKATA, Tm.S.. sauchnyy notrudnik MffSCt Of 1ORIZing radiations on thm biochemical prnportims of wheat. [Trudy] VNIN lo-15:3-27 '58. (MRA 11:10) 1. Vansoyuzmyy Rauchno-Issledovatellskiy Institut zerna i produktov yego pernrabotki. (Radiation-Phyniological effect) (Wheat) VAKAR, A.B., klind.khim.nauk; KALOSIIIIIA, Z.M., anuchnyy isotrtidnik.- ARKHIPOVA, Ym.I., naucbny7 sotrudnik; TOLCHINSKATA. To.S,, mauchnyy notrudnik Effect of ionizing radiation% on wheat and cnrn seed. [Trudy] VNIN mo-35:43-54 158- (MIIIA 11:10) 1. Vsasoyuzny7 zauchno-lealedovatellskiy institut zarna i produktov vmgo parerabotki (for Vakar, Arkhipova, Tolchinakaya). 2. Mos- kovskayn ordena Lnnina sellgkokhozyaystvannayn akadnmiya im. K.A. Timirymnva (for KnInnhina). (Radiation-Phyalological effect) (Wheat) (Corn I'Mnizn)) V", A.W. kand.khim.nauk; ARKHIPOVA, Tm.I., aauehzqy sotrivinik tea in ripaning wheat keraslis. [Trudy) VVIIE n0-35:119-132 158. ("ou 11:10) 1. Vmamoyuzsy7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zmrna i produk- tov rego pererabotki. (Glixtmx) (Vhaat) VAKAR, A.B... kand.khimicheskikh nauk; TOLCHINSKAYA, Ye.S., nauchnyy ..r-- -795-TrRudnik Effect of gamma rays on the gluten and baking quality of wheat flour. Trudy VNIN no.38167-95 160. (MIRA 151l2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut zerna. (Wheat) (Gluten) (Gamma rays) VAKAR, Anatol~y Borisovich: KRETOVICH, V.L., prof., otv. red.; CHFMOV, G.N., red.izd-va; SHAFRMISKAYA, M.Z., red. izd-va; VOLKOVA, V.G.., tekhn. red. [Wheat gluten) Kleikovina pshenitsy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 249 p. (MM 14:1-1) (Gluten) (Wheat) VAXA3, A. B., 5033.DOY, N. I. (USSR). OEffect of ?-3ays on the Biochemical 11roperties of Wheat." Report presented at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 August 1961 KRETOVICII , V. L.; VAKAR, A. B. Effect of D20 on the physical propertils of wheat gluten. Dokl. AW SSSR 155 no. 2:465-467 Mr 164. (111RA 17:5) 1. Institut biokhlmii im. A. N. Balha.:AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespandent AN SSSR (for Kretovich). EL141ILIGI, A.K.; VAKAR, A.B.,- KRETOVICH, V.L. Effect of the growth conditions on the wheat gluten. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:702-704..&. 164. (MIRA 1735) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kretovich). ; WAR A.B.j FUMPYANSKJY, A.Ya.; SDIENOVA, L.V. . P - 1, Effect of D20 on physical properties of gluten and wheat dough. Prikl. biokhim. i mikrobiol. I no.11.5-24 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut biokhimii imeni. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva i Vsesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodstva, Leningrad. .V/3 a '~ 16, 6 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. M Kos Jour; Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1953, 77591- Author 1Try1cnr- TI_A,,- Title Experiment of Intra-Variety Crossbreeding of 3pring Wheat !Lsto Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute Experirent O-rig Pub: Tr- Sverdl. 9.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 1, 73-79- 1,bstract: Experiments begun in Cmsk and continued in Leningrad, Molotov and DSSR for Y~ years, from 1935 to 1947 (with interr-aptions). Three varie- ties of soft and 2 varieties of hard wheat were used. Single intra-variety pollination assurei an increase of harvest from the progeny of the wheat to the end of the experiment (9 years). Aver- age increase of harvest for 9 years comprised: Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17J 1952) 77591. in Lyutestsens 62 - 4.1, in Tsezium III and Mill turum 321-- 3.0, in Melyanopus 69 - 2.6 and in Gordeiforr, - 2.3 C/ha. In different years in some varieties the increase reached 5.4, 6.1 and 7.3 c/ha. Increase of absolute weight of seeds per varieties on the wierage reached 1-1.8 g; in seperate cases it reached 7.1 g. The increase of harvest toward the end of the experiment decreased someVilat; hcwever, there was no regularity to its decrease frcy. year to year. -- Yu. L. Guzhev. Card 2/2 M 17 USSR / General Biology. Cytology. B-2 Abs Jour : Pef Zhur - Riol., No 12.9 1958, No 52325 Author --VQ~a~ Inst : Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute Title :Studies on Reduction Division in Spore Forciation in Winter Wheat SKhI. Orig Pub :Tr. Sverdl. s.-kh. in-tc., 1957, !,, 81-84 Abstract :Studies of riciosia in the maternal cells of pollen of SIGil winter wheat obtained by conversion of Millt~lrm 321. spring wheat. It was shown that z3eiosis proceeds nomally. In diakinesis there are detected 21 bivalent, i.e. pure., chromosones characteristic of the original soft spring wheat and of soft wheat in general. -- B. F. Kozhenikov. Card 1/1 ("Ytolo!"Y. 95P2 --j th or valmr, -D-*. .-A* -~-Eltutp, of Agricllltur~~ Sver,31ols',- in 7-ae Sn,uctlarc of (",eliular of Its in ttae Stasc. of ~~-;rnancy a!'!,-; 1YU'j-T1C Cal-YO- k ine s J. S . 2ub. Tr . s, i; e 7, 1, -9' i-rac t By lnt,~,avitaz, nttl-ainillG ,,ji' l,r,- re.-d on a number of objoc~~sj tine aut..,or Na nucle1c. skeleton" nor a lVacic-0, -zaambrane durin(,, dor,,:vtnoyj and therefore ~~O- siders t*ne miclous to bo Oxistonce of ~i linin notwork is still ful; t~-.e 0-intence of R Condensed ,, 1-! f", m murroumding ttir, nucleus is morf-- ab!G. On thc b.-igi,3 of concept that nt~ru(;- I'Airos are absent In a don'.mant Tracle',13 anrl, r ~'l 1/3 rv 1,z- on.-~ ic ta.-iot- from nn o C 'r) Yo Z, he rri V r; -7 3.3 PATRUSHEV, V.I.; VAKAR.,.B.A... prof., otv, red. (A concise outline of the development and uEe of bir, logical knowledge; a manual for students of biology departments] Kratkii ocherk razvitiia i ispolizovaniia biologic!,.eskikh znanii; uchabnoe posobie dlia studentov biologicheskogo fakullteta. Sverdlovsk, Ural'skii gos. univ.p 1961. 159 P. (MI1U 17:9) VAKA,,-',, i , - -' 1 -7 i ~,- i.1;,-~'.~%TKCWA~, N,,, red. jjir~ r;f Qie Urals] Opredelitell rastenii 1~ . . Urala. Sverdl!-,v2V~- :!-Ierdlevslkoo k-nizhnoo izd-vo., .1961. 402 p. (14IRA IS: 5) vAKAP., D.A. o,~ej(,t3, -Y Iz. q durlsio T r "' I oul. '1:, .1 o, .1 Trit"'WU po n -W, - 4 I :;-. ',B I ", / ctj. VB,'j nr),,3~-L-- . I I - -, !!,(- .4 11. If, 11 I '!* 0 ~'ar" " ~ ~ (,- -8~2) % " ~ ~ i Pavel Aleksandroviah; KUDXIASHOV, Leonid Vasil'Yevich) GENKELI, ,B.A-, doktor biol. naukv prof., retsenzent; D-W . red. VIALASHENK&A, V-1 0 ] Botanika; poSoble dlia uchi- [Botany; a teachers' manual 14oskvap Pr telei. Izd.3-, perer. i dOP- osvesbchenlep 197E].. 694 P. (141RA 18; 6) K,~ " r, v VAKARI aI,K. (Korigands) (MMA 11:3) POWEEM"I'l -15 f 1580 wim ~ ti.n. Ngd. selitre 17 no.2:13 "I'll ~-- Aerial infec (AIR--BACTMOLOGY)